#certifed kitchen designer
curlyrps · 2 years
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Kitchen - Transitional Kitchen With a triple-bowl sink, raised-panel cabinets, white cabinets, granite countertops, a beige backsplash, a porcelain backsplash, stainless steel appliances, and a peninsula, this mid-sized transitional galley kitchen has porcelain tile and a beige floor.
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davidstortebeker · 2 years
The Permaculture Spiral Garden - A Great Starting Point
There is probably no other structure as popular for illustrating Permaculture in practice as the Herb Spiral. Okay, I guess I could mention the lasagna sheetmulching method or also the cob oven that tends to be the first hands-on project at a typical Permie intro session. But when it comes to showing how landscape design, zones and sectors, stacking functions, and efficient use of space and water come together in one unique structure, the Spiral Garden is unbeatable.
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Turning Theory into Practice
In typical Permaculture Designer Certificate courses, but even in brief intro weekends to Permaculture, there tends to be a lot of theoretical discussions. Since the numerous design principles can be applied to any climatic region, from the tropical to the subarctic, and on any scale from the humongous to the tiny, the practical aspects of the ideas can easily get lost. That's where a good hands-on application comes, where the participants get to move around rocks and dirt, while realizing how much it ties in to the concepts they've just discussed. This way the apparent "main purpose" of "building something to grow all your kitchen herbs on", becomes a neat side feature.
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Adjust Your Landscape!
The first thing to realize that landscape is welcome to be modified and adjusted to bring out the best in it. Clearly, while it is important to work with what's there already, it doesn't hurt think about mounds and valleys. And before you bring out the excavators for your large-scale farm, it makes sense to start small… say on a circle of 2-5 meters (6-16 feet) diameter. In other words, the Spiral Garden is a hill with a spiral shaped surface, leading down to ground level, or further down into a water hole. It can be made out of rocks, bricks, concrete debris, or anything else you have lying around that can hold your soil.
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Design According to Your Scale
Looking around for existing Herb Spirals it's easy to get confused. Some are so big you can actually climb on them (that is, you have to in order to reach what's growing on top). Others are so tiny that you may not even want to step on them. The question is: which size is the right one for you? Since this is something you will have to decide almost daily in Permaculture, it doesn't hurt starting out with this important question.
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Organizing Your Spiral Garden
While there are seemingly endless types of Spiral Gardens, there are a few things they all have in common: They all start out with a region on the top, where water is bound to run off right away, leaving the soil relatively dry. This area is also the most exposed to the wind. Keep this in mind when choosing the plants that are going to live here. Ideally, the spiral should start sloping toward the East from here. Delicate plants that benefit greatly from the morning sun will appreciate this region. As the slope continues toward the South and West, it becomes more suitable for sun loving species. Finally, as the spiral reaches the ground level in the shady Northern part, it will be perfect for herbs that prefer less sun, more shade and more water, since the soil tends to be wetter here. (Note: This is for the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere North and South are reversed.) To make full use of the runoff water, many people add a small pond at the base of the spiral, where additional aquatic plants, such as watercress, can be grown.
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The given illustration offers a good number of herbs for a nicely diverse kitchen. Depending on what else you want in your Herb Spiral, you can add it in the most suitable region. Mint and lemon balm love the cooler, shady part with more water. Lemongrass is great in the sunny area, and tarragon and estragon prefer the dry top of the spiral. Of course, the idea is not limited to kitchen herbs. For maximalists, the same theory can work with a mountain you might want to terraform into a spiral farm. But right now I'd prefer to stay small scale.
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Plenty of Benefits (That's Why It's Permaculture)
As explained above, the main purpose of the Spiral Garden is not only to increase your gardening area by making use of the vertical, but also to create diverse climatic conditions, which do make a difference on the smallest scale. But as Permaculture tends to be, there are many other benefits to it. The structure itself offers great habitat for numerous animals, such as frogs, salamanders, lizards, but also pollinating insects, and of course others that may not directly benefit us, but by feeding on others they all add to the stability of our ecosystem. The structure itself will suppress weeds and make use of material that you're not likely to use elsewhere. Finally, depending on the size and location, it will be an ideal place to grow all your kitchen herbs right where you can access them most easily.
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Some Things to Keep in Mind
When building the structure, make sure it will contain the soil in a nice trough, slanting slightly inward. That way bits and pieces that fall off will roll towards the center, until contained by the main mound.
Make sure the slope is always nice and gradual, avoiding sudden drops where the water can rush down quickly, eroding the soil.
If you're going to walk on your spiral, include a separate walkway that won't compress good soil. Most importantly, it should be sturdy enough to provide stability and make access safe.
Don't forget that while the structure is important to keep the soil in place, it is the soil that you'll be growing plants in. So it should have a good depth of 20-50 cm (8-20 inches) throughout the entire spiral. This can be the trickiest part!
Apply your own observation to which plants do better in which parts of the spiral. Also, with time you will find many other plants growing in it that you didn't plant. Before removing them, consider how much they actually bother your herbs, and whether their benefits may not outweigh their drawbacks.
Go Out and Build Your Own!
I hope this brief overview got you inspired to go out and try building an Herb Spiral yourself! I would love to hear your experiences with it!
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4
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the-cooler-newton · 10 months
Unpacking is very cute and I admire the type of narrative it's able to pull off just through the gameplay of moving into spaces. the intimacy of everyday objects, still life, environmental storytelling, etc etc etc
But i have Got to talk about 2010. Unpacking is a game where all you do is take stuff out of boxes and find spaces for it, and for the most part it gives you quite a lot of freedom about where you can put stuff. There are some rules - most things cant go on the floor, stuff generally has to be in the right room, the soap has to be near the sink, etc etc, but apart from that there's no wrong place to put things.
Moving into this fucking guy's house in 2010 felt like putting everything in the wrong place. It felt like I wasn't supposed to be there, a square peg into a round hole. His entire house is pristine when I get there, everything organised perfectly, evenly spaced, colour-matched, sterile. Throughout the level I'm shoving everything around on his bookcase to fit my hoard of knickknacks, putting my red plastic colander in the cupboard above his cool green matching set of plates and bowls, my bright purple toothbrush cup, hairbrush, and straightening iron clutter his pristine bathroom counter. My family of stuffed chickens is made to look silly next to his fancy mixology set and miniature sand garden.
I end up putting my laptop and drawing tablet out on the kitchen island because there isn't a desk anywhere I can use. My markers and hoard of sketchbooks are crammed into my bedside table. I'm not allowed to move his posters in the living room, so my university certificate goes under the bed.
I won't pretend that I, playing Unpacking in 2023, didn't know how the game ended. I knew already that the protagonist would move on from this guy, but even if I didn't, I would have been able to tell. It was not fun moving into his house, it was not easy or charming to meld our lives together, I did not feel welcome there. Moving in with him felt like a transgression, an imposition. Moving in with him felt like a wrong decision in a game where I couldn't really make wrong decisions.
An incredible magic trick of game design, in my opinion.
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miyuhpapayuh · 7 months
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Rolling over to grab her ringing phone, she blindly slides her finger across her screen and groggily says hello.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Leon chuckles on the other end, making her join in with her own tired laugh.
“Shut up,” she mumbles back. “Always been a morning person.”
“I thought it woulda rubbed off on you by now!”
“Maybe one day, but not today!” She quips.
“Happy Valentine's Day, anyway babe. I was gonna wait until you were already up, but I couldn't wait anymore.” He says, and she can see his smile from where she was laying.
“Aww, you are so cute! Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I can't wait to see you later and give you your gifts.” She gushes.
“Aw, you got me something??”
“Of course I did! One of them you can wear on our date tonight– but the rest are surprises!”
“Oh shit, there's more!” He exclaims, making her laugh. “Well, your first gift is sitting on your kitchen counter, when you do get outta bed.”
“Alright, I'm getting up now.” She says, sliding from underneath the covers to head out of her room, into her kitchen. A big orange bag sits, awaiting her.
“Aw, it's orange!” She frowns, walking over to it and looking inside, gasping at the potted plant— her very own poppy plant! It was also orange.
“A poppy plant?! Wait, I'm gonna cry!”
“Oh, don't cry!”
“No, no it's okay! They're happy tears!” She laughs, wiping her face, as she puts him on speaker, sitting her phone on the counter.
“Okay… you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah,” she whimpers. “Ugh, there's a card! More tears!”
Pulling that and the pot from the bag, she giggles at the bright bubble-lettered Zora that's painted on both sides.
“Aw, did you paint this??”
“Of course I did, baby. You like it?”
“It's the cutest thing I've ever seen, Leon. I love it. Nobody's ever bought me a plant before.”
“Well, I've never bought anybody one before, either. Look at us, being each other's firsts.” He exclaims, making her laugh and wipe away another tear.
“Shut up,”
“Ah— open your card, please dear.”
“Okay,” she grabs it off the counter, pulling it from its envelope, “you have to go soon?”
“Yeah, it's been nonstop since I got here, but the moment my supervisor gave me a break, I came straight back to call you. He’ll be looking for me soon.”
“Okay, I won't hold you up too much longer.” She says, looking at the pretty pink card with the holiday name emblazoned on the front in gold calligraphy, opening it up to read what's inside.
“Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest woman in the world, I love you and cannot wait to see you later tonight. 
In the meanwhile, I've decided to send you on a scavenger hunt— what?! That's so cool!!” She yells.
“I thought you'd say that!” He yells back.
“Once you get to work, there'll be three things for you to find; something big, something tall and something small— all orange, of course.”
“Linda let you hide presents in her restaurant?? Wow, she must love me for real.” She snorts.
“She loves me too, ya know? Told you, we're besties.”
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The first gift she found was her “something tall”– a lava lamp. Not just any lava lamp, the specific one she had been eyeing from one of her favorite online shops.
Orange and black. A curvy designed frame that stands at about two feet. She was in love, already having a place to put it in her mind.
Putting it in her car for safe keeping, she begins looking around for the other two.
“Hmm..” She roams around the dining area, until she sees an orange piece of paper sticking out of a napkin dispenser.
Pulling it out, she begins to read it before squealing. She quickly covers her mouth and looks around, thankfully going unnoticed.
“I'm gonna kick his ass,” she laughs to herself, before reading the card once more. “Happy love day, angel face. There is a certificate attached for a one of a kind bouquet from your favorite flower shoppe. I know you jumped for joy cause you love your flowers! I love you and I cannot wait to see the look on your face. I worked so hard on  this. My fingers hurt. I love you, again. Bye.”
She giggles again, loving the neon orange paper clip that's holding the certificate to the card, how the certificate has poppies and cosmos on it, also wishing her a very happy Valentine's day.
“Goodness, there's one more thing! I might just die in here.”
A small group of customers coming in had her stuffing the card into the front of her apron and moving back behind the counter.
Once everyone was settled, she started to move away from the counter, until something told her to look to her left.
A flat black box is tucked by some papers. She pulls it out and stares at it, her brain mulling over what it could be.
“Hm. It's a lil heavy,” she playfully shakes it, before reading the note taped to the right corner, telling her to open it after work.
Which was a great idea, cause once she pulled the top off the box and found the burnt orange scrapbook Leon made her, all types of screams and expletives flew from her lips.
“Is he fucking serious?!” She screams, again, flipping through the pictures he'd candidly taken over the course of their relationship, so far. The food, the flowers, the dates, many moons and sunsets, baby ducks in ponds, the two of them in their element, and so many more special moments.
“He is so cute,” she tearfully laughs, wiping her face as she hears a knock at her door.
Opening it up to reveal her man, she jumps up in his arms as he laughs and walks inside, closing the door behind himself.
“Heyyy, baby!”
“Damn, girl! You missed me?”
Many kisses are exchanged.
“Absolutely! Been waiting to see you all day!” She exclaims, looking up at him with doe eyes as he pecks her nose.
“Why you think I got here so fast?! Did the mad dash for ya.” He says with a wink.
“I'll let it slide, today,” she snickers as he lets her down. “But, this right here! Best gift I've gotten today, so far.”
“Really? I had so much fun putting it together, too!”
“It looks like it, babe. And yes, you had me in here ugly crying! The pictures of the ducks took me outta here!”
“They were good models that day, for sure,” he laughs, running his hand over her hair, pulling her back to him.
“You're so cute,” she frowns.
“I'm about to get cuter, I fear.”
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Soon, they're at her favorite place on earth, getting ready to unveil the bouquet Leon handcrafted for her.
“Okay, close your eyes, sweet girl!” The owner, Inara, says.
“Okay, they're closed!” Zora squeals back.
“Hold out your hands.” Leon says, placing the bouquet in her trembling hands.
“Okay, open!”
Her wide eyes land on the most beautiful bouquet she'd ever seen.
“Wow, you love me a whole lot!” She whispers, watching as her vision gets super blurry with tears. He's right there to wipe them away.
Oranges and pinks and purples. Peonies, cosmos, poppies, a couple white roses in the mix. It was beautiful!
“I love you so much.” He says, wiping her wet eyes, once more.
“He's such a sweetheart,” the owner exclaims. “Made sure he got your favorites and some extras— lord, you taught him well about these flowers!”
Zora giggles, wiping her own eyes, this time.
“He did such an amazing job,” she frowns up at him, those sweet kisses he places on her makes her frown deeper.
“Anything for you, baby.” He cheeses. “Speaking of, I got one more thing for ya.”
She looks up at him in disbelief. “Really??”
He chuckles, an mhm leaving him before they wave to Inara and head towards the exit.
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She gasps. “You got me a kitty???”
“I sure did, baby. Meet Coco.” He says, carefully handing over the tiny orange kitty, smiling at the way she immediately curled up in Zora’s arms.
“Oh, this is what love feels like.” She frowns, rocking herself as she pets her head, snickering at the way her ears flicker.
“Hey sweet baby angel!” She coos.
He smiles, taking a picture with his phone. “Nothing but love, baby.”
“Nah, this is a new level! I don't think we've had too many conversations about cats or dogs, or any of that type of stuff.”
“Cause we're not that kind of couple. I trust my gut when it comes to you. I pay attention to you, and you've never struck me as a dog person.”
“I'm not, no.” She shakes her head, nuzzling her face against Coco's, making Leon laugh at the sight.
“I mean don't get me wrong, dogs are cool! But cats are so independent and I like that. Plus, look at this face!”
She turns her around to face him, those big green eyes looking up at him. He frowns and reaches out to pet her.
“She's adorable! The cutest out of the litter, too. Had to scoop ‘er up.”
“Aw, the cutest of the bunch?! Go you!” She coos, earning tiny squeaks back that make her heart swell.
“How old is she?”
“About a month old? I've got her papers back at the crib.” He says.
“Aw, can we take her home now?!” She asks excitedly.
“Yeah, let's get her signed out and she's all yours, babe.”
With her free hand, she pulls him into a hug, thank you falling from her lips about a thousand times. He kisses her hair, a smile stuck on his face.
“Anything for you, my love.”
Back in her apartment now, she sits Coco down in the fluffy cat bed she'd bought on their way back, loving the way she curls up in it.
“Ugh, she's so cute! I can't believe she's mine.”
“Imagine if I had missed the mark on this,” he snorts, making her laugh too.
“Nah, you nailed it without me even having to say it! I also wanna rename her.”
“To what?”
“Okay, now don't think I'm corny.. but, Valentine.”
“Aw! That's actually really precious.”
“Right?! The sweetest valentine present I've ever gotten from the sweetest valentine I've ever had!”
She squeals as they share a sweet kiss.
“You think she'll respond to it well?”
“Well, let's see..” She looks over at her, her little tail wagging slowly as she looks up at them.
“C'mere Valentine.. c'mere baby girl!” She coos, cupping her hands as she slowly moves away from the fluffy bed.
“Look at her trottin’ over,” he comments, “takin’ her sweet time.”
“It's okay, I'm new!” She whispers, still cooing and calling her by her new name, getting more and more excited as she gets closer to her fingertips.
The minute she hopped into her palms, she had to stop herself from screaming for joy all over again, as the baby kitten peers up at her.
“She's so cute, I cannot take it!” She squeals, watching her roll around and lay on her back, inside her palms. Leon pokes her exposed belly, earning squeaks that resemble laughter.
“Awww!” They coo in unison.
“I've heard that orange cats are sassy,” he notes, and she nods.
“Yeah, one of my aunts used to have one. She was something else. Jumped out the window one day and never came back.” She sighs, looking down at Valentine.
“You are not jumping out of windows okay? No jumping off walls and up onto high surfaces. Mama don't play that, mmkay?” She scoots her into one palm and holds the other up, snickering as her paw connects.
“Like she understands you, for real.”
“Just you wait, we're gonna have our little system up and runnin’ in no time!”
Soon having to get ready for their date, Zora drops Valentine off at auntie Nique’s, who might've been a tinge more excited than Zora once she saw those big green eyes.
“Oh my goodness, look at this sweet baby!” She coos, scooping her up.
“Right?! The most precious kitten I've ever seen!”
“I'm almost shocked she's not gray,” Nique laughs.
“Or black! I love the witchy kitties, too! Maybe she can get a sister later on.”
“Aw, not a slew of em! Lean on me is so in love with you, it's crazy!”
Zora's face scrunches up at the nickname she'd given Leon.
“Lean on me?”
“When you're not strong, yes.” Nique nods, before snickering.
“Anyway, dawg. I'm glad you could watch her for me tonight. God knows I won't be any good after he gets through with me.” She whispers the last part.
“Daaamn, you gettin’ strung up by the ceiling or sumn??”
“Girl, no! I just know ima get put through the mattress once I put this new lingerie on, though!” She whispers again, cackling as they slap hands.
“Just freaky frogs! I love it!”
“So do I! Now, tell Darnell we said hey and he better put his whole foot in whatever he's making you tonight!”
“Either that or my foot's goin’ up his a—” her sentence cuts off as he comes around the corner with a spatula in hand, squinting at her with a sly grin.
“You talkin’ shit, huh? You know I gets down in here for you.”
“I was just playing, babe.”
“Mmmmhm. Hey Zora.” He flashes a smile.
“Hey, boyfriend!” She mocks, making him laugh, before cutting his eyes back at Nique.
Zora snorts, looking between the two of them.
“Should I take Valentine to ma’s?” She jokingly asks.
“Bye, Zora Jean!” Nique laughs, pushing her towards the door.
“Okay, okay! You girls, be good, tonight! Don't give uncle Darnell too much trouble, okay?”
“We gon’ give him hell, girl!” Nique looks at Valentine, before smiling at Zora.
“If you find Nique strung over the balcony, I didn't do it!” He yells from the kitchen, making them laugh.
“And that's my cue!”
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Reservations at the Mimosa Grill were made in advance, which gave the couple ample time to get all dolled up for love day.
Smoothing her hands over her black, floor length dress, Zora gives herself a once over in the mirror. Nude lip. Smokey eye. Minimal jewelry besides the citrine earrings Leon had also gifted her. And nothing goes with a dress like that, but big hair!
Voluminous curls sit pretty on her head as she tousles them, loving each way they fall.
She felt so pretty.
Leon is across the hall in her bathroom, fastening the belt to his pants and cuffing the jacket of his all black ensemble, making sure the world sees the icy chain she'd gifted him. The light reflecting off the diamonds had him periodically letting out a “woo!”, making her giggle.
Low fade Leon had come out tonight, and Zora was more than a happy camper. Those waves were a dangerous tide pulling her under, and she already knew neither her nor her panties would survive the night.
Crossing the threshold, they both let out a whistle of appreciation, sizing each other up.
“Damn girl, this is sexy,” Leon says, running his finger along the curved and plunging neckline of her dress, watching the smirk on Zora’s face grow.
“Anifa does it again, I fear.” She laughs, touching the diamonds of his chain. “You iced out!”
“Thanks to my stylist and stunna girl,” he compliments, twirling her about, unable to resist smacking her on the ass.
“Ooh! You better be glad we've got reservations, sir.” She playfully warns as he dips down to kiss her, making her giggle.
“Don't tempt me, girl, I'll bend you ov—” she presses her finger to his lips, shushing him.
“Before you seriously get me started, we better go.”
“Yeah, you right,” he chuckles, releasing his hold on her to grab his keys and lead the way.
For the occasion of love, the restaurant was decorated to the nines! Strings of pink and red hearts swayed from the ceiling between the open spaces, vanilla candles sat in the center of each table, along with a single rose wrapped away from the silverware.
“Did you pull strings and make sure this rose was orange?” Zora asks, a smirk covering her lips at his sly smile.
“You know I do my best for ya, poppy.” He winks, making her duck her head down and giggle. He laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
“I knew that was the right moment to use that on ya,” he adds.
“You are ridiculous, Leon. And I love it.” She says with a grin, reaching for his hand across the table.
“And, I love you, Jean.” He uses his height to his advantage and leans across the table for a kiss.
Taking a sip of her own drink, she briefly squeezes her eyes shut at the bite from the moonshine.
“What did you order again?”
“The mooshine sangria,” she laughs to herself. “I knew it would be strong but damn.”
“Is it good, though?”
“Yeah, yeah it's delicious! Just strong,” she smiles, skimming over the menu.
He stares at her a second longer, before doing the same.
Soon their waitress returns to put their orders in, and they're alone again, twiddling each other's fingers.
“Happy love day, as you call it,” Leon says, clinking their glasses together for the second time.
“Yes, happy love day! It's been so overwhelming in the best ways possible.” Zora sighs, chin in palm, staring at her man.
“Had to make our first one memorable, ya know?”
“In true Leon fashion, indeed!”
Their sweet conversation turns from the special occasion to Zora wanting to finally get back into her art world, Leon couldn't be more ecstatic. Even more so as their food finally arrived at the table.
“That's great, babe! When does all of this get set into motion?”
“Well, I still have to talk to Linda about quitting, hopefully she understands. I mean, either way, I'm leaving, but ya know what I mean.”
“Yeah, totally. If she tries anything funny, I'll be on standby.” He says with a couple pats to his chest.
“Stand down, please,” she laughs, continuing to sip her drink. “I'm sure it'll all be fine.”
“Yeah, you heard what I said, though.”
“Yes, father. I'll call if I need ya,” she salutes, as they both laugh.
“But, seriously. What's the next step after that?” He asks, chin in palm like she.
“That's actually a surprise,” she sweetly smiles, “but it'll be so worth it, I promise!”
“Aw, no fair!” He playfully whines as she laughs.
“Aw, come on! Be a good sport!”
“Fine, fine.” He playfully sighs. “But, I will let you know that I'm quitting my job soon, too.”
“Really??” She asks. “And doing what??”
“It's a surprise,” he mocks with a smile.
“You better be glad it's a lovely evening, Leon.” She snorts, sipping her drink as he snickers at her expression.
“Not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot, huh?”
“Keep it up,” she nods, unable to stop the laugh from coming out.
“Okay, okay! But, I do have one more surprise I can share with you.”
“What is it?”
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Zora stomps excitedly in her heels as Leon guides her into their hotel room.
“This blindfold is killing me!” She squeals, making him laugh.
“Okay, okay,” he fiddles with the knot, making her stomp again, her giggles filling his ears.
“Happy Valentine's Day!”
Her wide eyes stare at every girl's dream. The decorated hotel room. And boy was it decked out for his favorite lady.
Oranges of every hue in the room, from the arrangement of cosmos and poppies, many balloons littering the ceiling, homemade cake all the way down to champagne flutes.
“Oh my god…” is all she's able to get out as she takes it all in.
“You l-like it?” He asks, feeling his nerves kick in.
“I love it, babe!” She throws her hands up, turning to face him with glossy eyes, to which he smiles brightly.
“Oh, come here, my big baby,” he chuckles, pulling her into his arms, careful not to smear her makeup.
“I'm glad I didn't do a full face now!” She laughs, the sound muffled by his chest. He joins in the laughter.
Pulling away a bit, they stare back at each other, bursting into more laughter.
“You're goofy,” he pokes fun at her.
“You're goofy,” she pokes back, actually poking him in his side.
“You started it,”
“What are we, fifteen?” She laughs, again.
“No, of course not. We're newly legal, apparently.” He playfully scoffs. “Haven't had that many shots since my college days, honestly.”
“Me, either. I'm praying we don't have hangovers in the morning.”
“You know I'm stocked up on aspirin and water, don't worry your pretty little head!” He places a kiss on the crown of her curly mane.
She felt precious all day long. Those butterflies just kept on multiplying, and now she felt like she was gonna explode.
Unwrapping her arms from him, she grabs his face to pull him down to her level, kissing him deeply.
His long arms completely cage her in, holding her up as he slightly dips them, getting drunk on her lips now, too.
Tongues tangling together, the promise of a night of bliss being spoken between them.
Pulling away, Zora’s chest heaves up and down as she stares up at Leon, who's just as breathless.
“I've got a surprise for you,” she lowly speaks, trailing a finger down the middle of his button-up shirt.
“Yeah? I must need to sit down for this.”
“Unless you wanna fall to your knees.” She quips, making him raise his eyebrows.
With that, she grabs her bag from the counter by the door and disappears into the room to change.
Carefully stepping out of the prettiest dress ever, she shimmies into the orange lingerie she'd fallen in love with, fighting the urge to squeal at how sexy she felt and looked!
Leon was gonna freak!
Adjusting her garters, she grabs the matching satin robe to hide such a set, and heads back out to where her beau is patiently waiting.
His smirk makes her insides clench. She strides over to him, stopping right in front, reaching out to rest her shaky hands on his broad shoulders.
“What's up under here, huh?” He asks, his long fingers fiddling with the knot on her robe.
“Untie it and find out.” She winks.
Doing just that and letting it fall open, he blows out a breath that makes her clench all over again.
“Mmm… all this for me?” He asks, reaching out to touch her anyway, gripping her thick hips, his sweet lips peck her belly and make her giggle.
“Yes, all for you, baby.”
“What a lucky man I am.”
Reaching up to push the silk away from her body, his hands roam back over her curves, kneading and groping as she bites into her lip.
“All for me.”
Standing to his feet, he picks her up and carries her into her their room, kicking the door closed. He drops her on the bed before climbing on top of her.
Her laughter fills his ears as he kisses all over her face, big hands tickling her sides.
“Stop” at different octaves came out of her as she flailed underneath him, slapping at his hands.
“Babe!” She squeals as he finally lets up the tickling, but not the kissing.
Laughter melts into moans, his kisses getting wetter the lower they get, traveling over to her thighs for a nibble in between.
Her garters are pulled at with his teeth before he spreads her legs wider, running a finger over her damp panties.
He watches as she bites her lip in anticipation. He smirks, continuing to tease her.
“You look so good like this,” his finger presses harder, earning a moan from her, “there it is, baby. Don't be shy.”
Her head falls back against the bed, and his free hand finds her neck, another moan leaving her.
Pulling her panties to the side, he whistles at the string of arousal clinging to them. Her head lifts back up and the look on his face makes her clench.
“So fucking wet,” his tongue swipes up her slit, sending her eyes back, her hands coming up to cradle his face as he continues the action.
“Oh my.. oh— oh my,”
His teasing humming puts a smile on her stuttering lips as he starts pulling that first nut to the surface.
“I'm gonna cum!” She pulls his hair, smushing his face against her, losing her mind when he wags it.
Not letting her recover, he makes her cum once again, her thighs beginning to shake in his hold.
“Baby, please..” she moans, softly rolling her hips against his face.
“Mmmm,” his humming sends shocks through her, his hands rubbing her sides.
In a flash, he's right where she needs him, deep inside, rocking against that spot so nicely.
“Look at that,” he mumbles, making their heavy gazes move down to where they join and rejoin again, those gushy noises are music to their ears.
“Feels so good,” she whispers.
His eyes dance back up her face and stay, as his heavy strokes land right into her spot.
“Say it again,” he says.
Like clockwork, she looks up at him, further melting and quaking as his brown eyes stare back.
“Mmmm, so fucking good!” She moans a little louder, earning a smirk from him.
Her pouty lips mouthing such sweet filth, as the man of her very dreams rocks her world.
“Fuck, baby,” her grip on him was beginning to loosen as he continued to fuck her into the mattress.
“Mmhm,” he moans, placing his hand at her chin and his thumb right at her bottom lip.
A faded smile appears on their faces as his thumb makes its way between her lips, coming in contact with her warm tongue and making his eyes roll like they did when he first slid inside.
“Mmmfuhh,” she whimpers around his thumb, feeling her thighs begin to burn.
“You cummin’,” he mumbles, removing his thumb to rub her clit, “let it out, baby.”
Her hands find his face, cupping his cheeks as her mouth drops open at the feeling brewing in her gut.
“Oh my god,” she gasps harshly, losing the rest of her oxygen as he swallows it in a kiss.
Pulling away, their lips retouch as he gets closer and closer to tossing her off the deep end.
“Just like that,” she nods fervently, “don’t stop.. don’t fucking stop.”
“Gimme that shit, babe..”
His hand slides to her throat, gripping tight. His other gripping into the sheets, as he’s close to the edge himself.
“Oh shit,” she moans, immediately feeling the air get sucked out of her lungs as her orgasm rocks through her like a heavy wave.
“I love you,” he groans, his own peak crashing toward him, sending him collapsing on top of her. Her giggles tickle his skin.
“I love you too, baby,” she sighs, her body twitching underneath his own.
“Catch your breath, cause I'm not done.” She whispers, kissing every inch of skin in her reach.
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too-many-rooks · 5 months
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42 Reverdy Road, The Rider Household.
Follow up from This post
Can be found on the gallery under '42 Reverdy Road' ID: rebecca707
Some things about the house that occurred to me whilst building this, under a read more to restrain my ramblings.
General background first;
This is the end of a row of pretty classic English Victorian terrace houses, these are the sort of buildings I've lived in most of my adult life in the UK, and if you ever take the Thameslink south of the river in London you'll see tons of houses like this; especially with the modern extension with skylights and large sliding doors on the back.
They film Alex's neighbourhood in Bermondsey, which is not quite as affluent an area as Chelsea, (because, honestly, would be wild if Alex actually lived in Chelsea) but is still definitely quite wealthy, houses like this one in this neighbourhood would sell for upwards of a £1M in the current market.
Onto design choices for the build;
The downstairs is fairly open plan, and In the show we see several scenes that more or less show the whole thing, so I tried to replicate it as accurately as I could. In the lounge, it looks like there's a desk in the back corner, and since we see Ian has an office, and Alex has a desk in his room, I thought maybe this was for Jack to study, so in the build I added some case files for her to be reading. Also, I added bikes for Ian and Alex and put them under the stairs.
I found the upstairs really tricky - we only see Alex's room, and a brief look at the hallway outside his room, which seemed to lead to more rooms, and the stairs. This made me think he was at the back of the house, as most terraces taper at the back for access to the garden. Also, the window seems to line up with a window we see on the upstairs floor in an exterior shot of the kitchen. I feel especially proud of Alex's room - I think it gets the vibe of slightly messy but active high achiever - there's a certificate by his front door in Hebrew (presumably a Krav Maga thing), so I added lots of rosettes and medals and certificates. He's also got a row of hooks above his bed with like a snorkel, and climbing rope, so I used some of the snowboarding stuff to replicate that, and gave him a desk full of hobby items for boy scout spy crafting.
Jack's room was total conjecture, and also a bit of a challenge, since I don't feel I have a sense for her aesthetic taste in furniture, I tried to think what her room would be like considering she's lived there for presumably most of her early twenties, but this also being not her house/not her family/not permanent. I definitely think it would be nice, and comfortable, and personalised to a certain extent. So I gave her some kinda Ikea-ish furniture, and decorated it with small, movable clutter, and posters, pictures, and tapestries, tapped and blue tacked to the wall rather than nailed in.
Ian's bit was also a challenge, despite being the other room upstairs that we see. His office is categorically in the wrong place, the entry door should be on a different wall. Conceivably, it should be where I put Ian's en-suite, and there's a little corridor leading there, but I couldn't make that work without squishing everything together too much. So I put it in the modern bit, thinking that Ian might have built in some extra protection when doing the extension to add more security to what might be like the 'spy hub' in the house. We also see that there's another door inside Ian's study - for the level of privacy that room would need, it only really made sense to me for that door to lead to his bedroom, which also shows how he never really gets away from his work, when he sleeps right next to his study. So I gave him this kind of self-contained suite of rooms, which makes him somewhat shut off and isolated from the others. Considering how immediately Jack complies with a request for a moment of privacy when Ian is in his office, I imagine there's some pretty deeply ingrained house rules about disturbing Ian's office for 'confidential banking reasons', which makes him harder to access when he's in his bedroom. Also, Jack and Alex share a bathroom, but Ian has an en-suite. His bedroom is nice but bland, with a few souvenirs of his travels and a rack of monochrome clothing for his grey casual wear, and his bathroom is modern and dark, with some medical supplies by the sink for patching himself up after a mission.
The garden, on reflection, is a bit chaotic - I think it should actually be larger, and have a little shed. But what we see of it in Season 3 is different to season 1, it's smaller, more enclosed, and has some pretty high walls all around. I wasn't sure which way to go so left it fairly blank, with space for the wheelie bins round the side, a little patio, some grass, a drying line, and a football. The chaotic bit comes from the bbq I gave them in the corner which, looking at the photos, my Rider Sims must have managed to set on fire and burn immediately. Oh and also to make Ian Alex's uncle in CAS I had to make a John to be Ian's brother and Alex's father, so I Immediately killed him and put his headstone in a corner of the garden, so they can all be haunted by John's ghost. Neato!
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bubblegum-glitch · 22 days
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The Catalyst: Life working in retail and the moment I finally said "fuck it, I'm doing porn."
I've been working in Customer Service off and on since early 2005, only ever being unemployed for short periods of time between job searches. I've worked in various retail establishments, with shipping companies, call centres, door-to-door sales, and even in kitchens & cafes. The only industry I have ever refused to work in has been fast food, and I'm sure those of you who have worked a drive through or two in your lives can understand my reasoning. I began in my first year of high school working at a Dollar Store that was next to an extremely seedy strip club (it eventually burned down and it was discovered that the owner had done it to try and cash in on the insurance). From customers verbally and physically abusing me, to an elderly man jerking his cock in front of me, my first romp in retail was merely a taste of what was to come for the next 20 years.
Some jobs were certainly better than others. I worked at a bookstore and a Halloween shop, both of which would have been fine if not for the politics of the company bleeding into the staff and making us all miserable. Bad management teams, abusive coworkers, bullying and drama akin to that which we experience in High School - it becomes exhausting after awhile. For minimum wage, which doesn't even come close to a living wage, it's just not worth the headaches. I rarely lasted longer than two years with any of my employers. When you're handed a penny raise after working your ass off for an entire year you tend to lose faith in the company that you've been breaking your back (and sanity) for. I promise, there was no lack of trying on my part to escape the clutches of the customer service industry. I have my BA in English, I have a certificate in photography, and I have some training in IT Web design (which proved to be far too much for my little brain to handle) and Audio Engineering. Unfortunately the job market for all of these industries in my part of the world is pretty much non existent. I'm pretty sure a BA in English is worth less than toilet paper even after the great pandemic shortage of 2020. Unfortunately, to make money in this world you gotta do what you gotta do. So to pay off my crippling debt and be able to afford an occasional package of ramen noodles so I don't starve to death, I have to continue working these soul crushing, mindless jobs.
It was in 2016 when I started working in donation rooms at thrift stores and, I will be completely honest with you - I fucking love it. Granted, it has it's downsides. I've sorted through more than a couple bags with mould, human feces, needles, and used sex toys, but the satisfaction of the treasure hunt it's absolutely worth the nasty shit that you sometimes encounter. But once again, the politics of the industry got in the way of finding my work enjoyable and rewarding. Nasty upper management was the downfall of all three thrift locations I've worked at. The first store the CEO shut us down without warning (I also later learned he was a sexual predator and was being sued by some of his employees for harassment, so that was gross). The second location had a violent customer base (we were robbed repeatedly), a bully assistant manager who would scream in your face when HE made a mistake, and a regional manager who loved to throw her staff under the bus.
So that leads us to my third romp in thrift, my absolute favourite job I've ever had, and the devastation brought upon me when everything came crumbling down.
My husband and I came into a little bit of money in 2021 and I decided to take a break from the world of customer service bullshit and return to school (This was my IT and Audio Engineering training). That summer I got a student job at a thrift store where 100% of the proceeds go into helping rescue animals. It was entirely volunteer based other than the management team and the summer students (who were there on a government grant). I had such an enjoyable experience working there as the volunteer coordinator than I returned the following summer, and they were so impressed with me they ended up hiring me on permanently part time to help with their rapidly growing business. At this point, due to some mental health struggles, I am not currently able to work full time hours, and they were more than happy to work around my disability...
Until the new regional manager was hired.
The store closed for renovations and I was brought in to help rebuild and re-brand the store.
Sure. No problem. It's more hours than I'm available for, but I don't mind just for a couple of weeks. It's also more physical work than my body is really equipped for but, just this once, I'll suffer through with a smile on my face.
Then I'm handed a key and I'm told "You're a staff supervisor now". Oh... okay? No one talked to me or asked me if I wanted the promotion, it's more hours than I can handle, and I don't really want the responsibilities that come with a supervisor position because of my disability, but since my old position has been dissolved I guess I'll have to suck it up. At least it comes with a raise, right?
Nope. Still minimum wage. Which is currently sitting about $15 under a livable wage. Also, we won't be training you and just expect you to know how to do the assistant manager's job.
Okay... Gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
You also have to work more shifts than you're available for.
Oh... yeah, okay. That could start to prove difficult as I'm dealing with a depressive episode right now but... sure?
Then suddenly I'm responsible for everything that goes wrong. A volunteer makes a mistake? Blame Billie - even on days she isn't working. The cash or pricing machines break? Billie. Shoes, purses, dresses, and coats priced to low? Blame Billie and make sure she's the only person who prices these things from now on. Need 30 things done at once right this second, tell Billie and don't let her delegate the tasks to anyone else. If she does, yell at her! Have Billie open and close the store for the next two weekends, but don't train her how to do it and expect her not to make any mistakes. Customer has an issue? That's right, it's also somehow Billie's fault! Even when she's at home sleeping!
Blame, blame, blame, blame, blame, blame, blame.
Yeah. This was the breaking point for me.
In July of 2023 I had started up an OnlyFans account to bring in a couple extra dollars. I'll discuss why this was a challenging decision for me in a future post, but originally I was just planning to post some tasteful nudes to earn myself a little spending money. By May of 2024, as all this bullshit had begun happening at work, that mindset had officially gone from a couple tasteful nudes to "Fuck it, I'm quitting retail and making porn." By August I had amassed enough of a following to put in my notice.
I am finished with retail as of October 15th, 2024 and turning to creating adult content full time.
Honestly, this is a terrifying leap of faith as I know content creation can be a fickle beast. Some months will be more lucrative than others, while an inability to keep people invested could have everything all come crashing down on top of me.
But I'm done with working for people who take advantage of me and pay me pennies. I know my value and I'm worth more than what I'm being given. I'm not a number who is easily replaceable, I am a strong capable woman who is in charge of her own destiny.
So fuck you workforce,
I quit!
Now. If you'll excuse me, I'm off to live life how it's meant to be lived,
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toasttt11 · 7 months
introducing maleah
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Maleah Elise Barzal was born July 31, 1999, the second born of her parents Mike and Nadia. She has an older brother Matthew and a younger sister Liana.
Maleah has always been extremely smart from a young age and she seemed to just pick up knowledge easily, she got accepted into Harvard University at the age of 15.
She joined her first year of college in 2016 where she met her absolute best friend in the whole world, John Marino. He was a few years older than her but they hit it off completely.
Maleah has loves anything to do with fashion, since she could hold up a crayon she was drawing out outfit ideas, she got a sewing machine at a young age and would always make her own clothes.
She started her own fashion business and it blew up right away, she had hundreds of modeling agency’s wanting her to be their designer and many fashion companies reaching out wanting her on their design teams, but she denied all of them and continued to have her business grow.
Her business grew extremely large and became one of the biggest companies in the world within just a few years.
She started her own modeling agency connected to her fashion business and many models left their old agency’s to join Maleah’s. After she got her degree from Harvard she decided it was time to invest in large building for her business, she had many smaller shops across the county but she chose New York and bought a skyline building and that is the city she moved to after College with her son.
Maleah growing up had always played hockey and she loved playing and she was an insanely good hockey player but during the end of high school her business started to get bigger and she didn’t have time to keep playing hockey so she stopped playing but will still get on the ice to play with family.
Maleah had met John in 2016 and Mat had met Anthony in 2015, Maleah and Mat had both met their best friends and of course they introduced them to each other, and then most vacations or summer plans the four of them spent together.
Maleah feels like she has three brothers not just one. Anthony quickly adored Maleah and told everyone he adopted her as his little sister and Maleah didn’t have anyone she wanted to be the godmother of her son besides her sister so Anthony was her son’s other godfather.
She had been in a relationship for a few months in 2018 before she found out she was pregnant and her ex immediately signed off all of his parental rights and was never on her son’s birth certificate.
Malakai Jules Barzal was born July 13, 2019 to his mother Maleah Barzal, He joined her for her last year in College before they moved and lived permanently in a penthouse in New York.
John was the one who was by her side for the whole birth and took care of her throughout the pregnancy and let her almost break his hand while she was giving birth, he was without a doubt the one she named her sons godfather.
Malakai looks exactly like his mother and their is nothing about him that looks like Maleah’s Ex, Maleah loves her sons blonde curls as it reminds her of her own.
Malakai has always been on the shyer side and doesn’t like being around a lot of people unless it’s to play hockey, he seems to picked up his hockey and art skills from his mother.
Malakai really likes to cook in the kitchen with his mom, which helps her out a lot because she hates cooking but cooking with her son makes it enjoyable.
Nico saw Malakai for the first time in 2017 when the Devils were playing at the Islanders and he thought he just saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, when he went to try and find her she had disappeared from where he saw. From them he always looked extra in the crowd when playing the Islanders hoping to see her again.
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[CN] Victor’s Sea-circle Event (Chapter 4)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✧ mum’s smile || little gentleman || art and love || mum’s companionship || endearing thoughts
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【Mum’s Companionship】
A journal recording Victor’s growth during the study tour program in France.
What she hid in here is not only memories but also her regrets for not being able to be there to constantly care for him and nag him during the time he was growing up.
[Note: Victor’s mum used to call him ���Yan Yan,” which as always, I’ve translated as Vic-Vic~]
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✧ DATE: 05/21
He safely arrived in France at noon today. Following the teacher’s instructions, I was waiting at the designated meeting point when I saw him getting off the bus with a big bouquet of carnations in his hands. The teacher said that when they were passing by a florist, Vic-Vic requested to stop briefly and wait for him; he then especially picked out those flowers for me. This adorable little gentleman… did he watch some French romantic movies!
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✧ DATE: 05/21
Vic-Vic’s dad said he packed his luggage all by himself for this trip. And sure enough, Vic-Vic immediately opened his suitcase in the living room after we returned home today. Although this little grown-up didn’t say anything, I knew he was probably trying to attract my attention. So, I thought of teasing him a little and deliberately pretended to not see, going about my business as usual.
But to my surprise, Vic–Vic was extremely patient. He just sat there on the sofa and waited quietly. Before long, I couldn’t resist anymore and succumbed in my heart, promptly making up for it by rewarding him with the recognition he deserved. Vic-Vic took out a certificate from his suitcase and presented it to me, saying that he would bring an even better trophy next time. I knew he was trying to tell me through this gesture that he was studying diligently and growing up well. So I hugged him and told him he was truly amazing. But what I didn’t tell him was– “Actually, you are already outstanding in your mum’s heart, and you don’t need these awards as validation.”
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✧ DATE: 05/25
We visited a vinyl record store, and I initially thought that at Vic-Vic’s age, he might find this type of music medium too old-fashioned. But he listened attentively to the teacher’s explanations throughout the visit. I asked him if he wanted to buy a vinyl record as a souvenir for himself, and he quickly nodded. Eventually, with the curator’s recommendation, we selected a collection of Miles Davis’ famous tracks.
Sticky Note:
As soon as we got home in the evening, Vic-Vic couldn’t wait to play the vinyl record. I was curious about why he was so interested, and he explained that the unique sound of vinyl records made him feel like he was traveling through time.
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✧ DATE: 05/31
To my surprise, Vic-Vic helped me secure the tickets to the music concert that I had missed out on earlier through a knowledge quiz.
My son is truly amazing~
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✧ DATE: 06/05
I still remember the first time I made pudding for Vic-Vic. With a frown on his little face, he peered at the kitchen countertop and asked me in an earnest tone if we needed to hire a professional cleaner to tidy it up? Just the thought of his deadly serious expression makes me somewhat unable to contain my laughter. I wonder if he will ask the same question again when he sees the kitchen in its current state after waking up?
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✧ DATE: 06/05
…in the blink of an eye, you are already leaving for home today. There are many things Mum doesn’t know how to say to you face-to-face, so I’ll just write them down here silently.
As the person dearest to you, I’m truly sorry that Mum can’t always be by your side and witness you growing up. Seeing how sensible you are, Mum feels gratified, but my heart also aches at the same time. If I had been by your side all the time, perhaps you would have been able to be like the other kids, often acting coquettishly and being stubborn with Mum, wouldn’t you…
Regardless of anything, I hope that one day you will understand that no matter where you are, I will always be blessing you, watching over you, and loving you. And also, remember to smile a lot more. Mum absolutely loves the way that smile lights up your face~
P.S. The teacher said that this record needs to be submitted to the school, but Mum is really unwilling to part with these precious memories and give them to someone else. So I lied to the teacher and told them that I accidentally lost the journal…
After you leave, I’ll secretly hide it away. You can revisit these memories at your own pace when you grow up.
✧ next stop: endearing thoughts
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babamiasworld · 2 years
Something About Him || Part 1
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Human!Bully!Ao’nung x Fem!Reader (Highschool AU)
Summary: you and your younger brother had recently transferred to a new school after your dad got a job in another state. your brother is trying to be positive abt this change but you weren’t a big fan of change, and your family new that this move was going to be really tough on you, but they new better than to confront your newfound attitude, but how long will it last?
Content Warnings: angst, slow burn, (light)bullying, enemies to lovers, (y/n) is kinda a bitch in this LMAOO bc me too🤭, random capitalisation bc m’lazy, a lot of swearing
Additional Character Glossary:
Tirotay = ur younger brother
A/N: this fic is heavily inspired by @yunaloona‘s highschool AU fic series but i really need some of that angst and drama so i’m doing my own version 😫😜- but def go check their one out if ya want something short and sweet xx. ➥ also i’m writing this as someone who is aroace, so i HATE when the deal is sealed, so i ain’t gonna give y’all closure easy mk🤭
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The sound of a muffled voice pulled me out of my dream before i could even recall it, my eyes groggily opening to a painfully bright light, my eyes tracing the worn wallpaper and towards the figure standing in the doorway; Tirotay.
“(y/n), c’mon, mom said to get up now or you’ll have to catch the bus to school.” he spouted firmly, before sauntering down the hall…leaving the door wide open.
“uugGHHH- close my damn door bro!” I yelled, while knowing full well he wasn’t gonna come back to close it, so i shot up from my bed, already pissed off and slammed my door, tuning around i was able to take a look at my new room. besides a few unpacked boxes here and there, my room was pretty much the way i wanted, which made this place a little less bad. my favourite of course being my tall bed, with a disheveled display of a soft quilt, decorated with an embroidery design, topped with a modest amount of silk covered pillows piled at the headboard; undeniably being the centrepiece of the room, i would GLADLY stay in that bed all day if that was a choice.
I lazily through on some clothes, more concerned with comfortability rather than style; it’s not like i was trying to dress to impress, i don’t care about what these people think of me to be honest, and im only going to school so i can get my graduation certificate and that’s it. i don’t need friends, i already have plenty from back home, so i don’t need anymore.
after brushing my teeth and hair i head downstairs to the kitchen to grab the lunch mom made for us, shoving it in my bag.
“(y/n)! are you ready yet babe? we gotta go!” mom shouted from the living room.
“yup- im ready now! i’ll be waiting in the car!”
you and your brother had both already done orientation day and just headed towards the office to get our schedule, both silently praying we still knew how to get there from memory. reaching the principals office we we greeted with two happy faces.
the principal slightly perked up at our presence, “(y/n), Tirotay, it’s nice to see you again.” after we exchanged pleasantries, she handed us our timetables and gestured to the sweet looking girl standing next to her and continued. “this is Tsireya, she will be your guide.”
“Hello! it’s nice to meet you both!” Tsireya chirped, followed by a short wave and a smile.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.” i quietly replied with a nod. looking over at my brother who was avoiding her gaze entirely, rolling my eyes I turned my attention back to Tsireya, who giggled in response.
“Ok, let’s get you two to your homeroom class.” Tsireya gestured to follow her.
“alright aaand this is your homeroom (y/n)! you have Mr. Samual, so you’re definitely one of the lucky ones- hes really nice.” she whispered the last part, “and hey if you need someone to hang out with at lunch, you’re more than welcome to come sit with me!” she offered.
“thanks- appreciate the offer.” I gave a simple nod and then walked into my classroom. ‘so much for not making friends…’ i thought to myself, but she was so nice, and that made it really difficult to not reciprocate.
The bell rang pulling me out of my dazed thoughts, civil war history was never really my favourite. the teacher was saying something about homework, though i really couldn’t care less, packing my stuff away in my bag and making my way out of the classroom, swinging my bag over my shoulder.
walking into the cafeteria was a little daunting, but thankfully i didn’t draw too much attention. i saw Tsireya eating next to a few of her friends, but i decided against going up to them, I was more comfortable by myself anyway. Scanning over the cafeteria once again, I noticed a side door leading outside, so i tried my best to not be seen sneaking out.
outside wasn’t anything breathtaking, but it was empty, which was all i needed. i leisurely, walked up to a tree in the distance, setting myself down and grabbing my lunch from my bag. pulling my phone from my pocket, i leaned it against my bag, putting my headphones in and choosing a random youtube video that looked entertaining enough.
a few minutes passed as i mindlessly ate my food, though my thoughts were interrupted by laughing, i look up to see a collective group of boys holding their stomachs. at first i didn’t give a fuck, but then i saw someone amongst the group who didn’t look too happy; a girl. i paused my video to hear what they were saying.
“Leave me alone!” she shouted, though falling on deaf ears, as their smug demeanours didn’t falter.
“Awww the little freak wants us to stop..” one of the boys taunted, getting up in her face, “If you don’t like the way we’re treating you, why don’t you just call your big brother to come save you~ orrr you could just run off and cry like you did last time.” his words causing the girl to grimace, as the rest of the boys laughed.
i had seen enough- already stopping off towards them, a scowl painting my features. the boys kept circling her like vaulters, the boy who insulted her before clearly was the main perpetrator, the other boys looking like nothing other than his “minions”.
“HA-! look! the freak’s starting to cry again!” he scoffed, expressing fake sympathy towards the girl. “I’m sorry we hurt your wittle feelin-”
he was cut off after i shoved him away from the girl. “what the hell is wrong with you? Do you seriously have nothing better to do?” i scolded, a disgusted look taking over my features. he looked at me up-and-down, clearly offended that i had ruined his fun.
“who the hell are you?” he spat, looking at me, as if I was the scum of the earth.
“who am i? who the fuck are you? honestly, you think with all that forehead you got you’d have a big enough brain to comprehend common decency, but i suppose i can’t be surprised, since in seems your skull is so fucking thick, it makes sense that you never had a lot of brain growth.” i spat, the boy in front of me now seething.
one of the other boys stepped towards me but was halted by his leader. “c’mon ao’nung, these bitches aren’t worth it.” another boy spoke, causing the boy he was talking to to scoff, staring you down before turning around and walking away, his little followers tagging along behind him.
ao’nung…that was a name you wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
after they had left i immediately turned around to check on the girl. “Hey, are you ok?” i asked, slight worry crossing my face. the girl looked at the concrete, blinking away frustrated tears.
“yeah i’m fine,” she meakly spoke, looking up at me, “thank you…for that.”
“of course.” i smiled, given her a nod of acknowledgement. my eyes trailed down to the girls bag, a green crocheted tote bag with a flower in the centre. “I like your bag. It’s very pretty.” gesturing to it.
she gave a shy smile, eyes focused on it as her grip on the strap tightened. “thank you, i made it myself.” her eyes meeting mine again. “my name’s kiri by the way.” she said with a smile, which i immediately returned.
“name’s (y/n). nice to meet you.”
—————————-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-—————————
Part 2
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1880 Victorian in Royersford, Pennsylvania is a fixer-upper bargain for $339,900. It has 6bds. 1.5ba. Royersford is 32mi. Northwest of Philadelphia &  has become highly popular and the place to call home. The certificate is from the Millworker Brothers that once owned it.
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Unfortunately, someone replaced the wainscoting with 1970s paneling, but that can come down easily. The baseboards are still there and so is the inlaid floor. But, the star is that curved door.
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Entrance hall. I like the way they did the carpeting to expose the inlaid. 
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Closeup of the intricate carving on the newel post.
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You can see that it still has the crown molding, wainscoting on the left, and the original fireplace. I don’t know if the pocket doors are still intact b/c of the curtains.
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The beautiful fireplace surround is here, and I would definitely remove that board and the fake bricks. 
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The railing is an unusual design. 
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The floors look like they can be definitely be redone. More fake brick that has to come down. 
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There’s a nice built-in cabinet, so this must be the dining room. It needs to be stripped and refinished, though. The current stain and finish is rough.
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The sunporch has lots of potential.
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The kitchen is large and needs some updating, but look at that beautiful window.
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Wonderful ornate original hardware.
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Wish they hadn’t painted the molding up here black, but there’s a great linen closet on the left.
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Bright bedroom.
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I wish they would’ve shown more of the 3rd floor interior b/c it looks so fabulous.
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It has 2 widow watches, but it looks like the doors were replaced by windows.
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Why didn’t they show the interior of the turret room?
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Nice deck and a patio on the back that needs some power washing. 
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This garden can definitely be revived.
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Good-sized yard.
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The front gate and fence need some sanding and Rust-O-Leum. 
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This could be a great house. 
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The area is supported by a revitalized business district with quaint shops, restaurants, a popular ice cream shop (Handels) and a historic fire house recently converted to a brew pub (Lost Planet) and plans for redevelopment of the nearby river front (some of which has already been completed...drop your Kayak in the river) all these amenities are within a 2-7 block walk.
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Luxurious Living Options near Chembur: 1 & 2 BHK Homes
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Chembur, a vibrant suburb nestled in the heart of Mumbai, has emerged as a coveted residential destination blending modernity with historical charm. This article explores the allure of living in this dynamic locality, particularly focusing on the luxurious 1 & 2 BHK homes that define its real estate landscape.
Overview of Chembur as a Residential Destination
Chembur's journey from a quaint village to a bustling suburb mirrors Mumbai's rapid urbanization. Originally known for its greenery and tranquil ambiance, Chembur has transformed into a sought-after residential hub. Today, it strikes a delicate balance between serene residential pockets and bustling commercial zones.
Demographic Profile and Community Dynamics
Chembur boasts a diverse demographic profile, attracting professionals, families, and retirees alike. The community is characterized by its cosmopolitan nature, fostering a blend of cultures and lifestyles. This diversity enriches the social fabric, creating a vibrant and inclusive neighborhood environment.
Significance of Location in Real Estate
Chembur's strategic location enhances its appeal in the real estate market. Situated in eastern Mumbai, it enjoys seamless connectivity to major business districts like Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC) and South Mumbai. Proximity to the Eastern Freeway and Santa Cruz-Chembur Link Road ensures swift access to other parts of the city, making it a preferred choice for commuters.
Accessibility to Major Transportation Hubs
One of Chembur's standout features is its exceptional connectivity. The presence of Chembur railway station, a key suburban rail junction, facilitates convenient travel within Mumbai and beyond. Residents benefit from frequent suburban train services and direct routes to Mumbai's commercial centers, reducing commute times and enhancing accessibility.
Proximity to Essential Amenities and Facilities
Living in Chembur offers residents a plethora of amenities essential for modern urban living. From reputed educational institutions and healthcare facilities to shopping malls and recreational centers, Chembur ensures that every necessity and luxury is within easy reach. This comprehensive infrastructure contributes to a high standard of living and convenience for its residents.
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Luxury Features of 1 & 2 BHK Homes
Architectural Design and Building Features
Modern 1 & 2 BHK homes in Chembur epitomize contemporary architectural trends. Designed with a blend of aesthetics and functionality, these residences showcase innovative building practices and premium materials. Emphasis is placed on sustainable construction techniques, integrating eco-friendly elements to minimize environmental impact.
Integration of Sustainable Building Practices
In response to global environmental concerns, Chembur's real estate developers prioritize sustainability. Green building certifications and energy-efficient designs are hallmarks of new residential projects. Features like rainwater harvesting, solar panels, and waste management systems not only reduce ecological footprint but also enhance the overall living experience.
Interior Layout and Space Utilization
The layout of 1 & 2 BHK homes in Chembur is meticulously planned to optimize space utilization. Compact yet ergonomic designs ensure that every square foot is efficiently utilized. Open floor plans, modular kitchens, and multifunctional living spaces cater to the diverse needs of residents, promoting a clutter-free and comfortable living environment.
In conclusion, Chembur stands out as a dynamic residential destination offering luxurious 1 & 2 BHK homes that blend modernity with convenience. Its historical evolution, coupled with strategic location and sustainable development practices, underscores its appeal among homebuyers seeking an upscale living experience in Mumbai's bustling landscape.
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The Essential Guide to Choosing an Interior Designer for Your Home Renovation
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Embarking on a home renovation project can be exhilarating yet daunting, particularly when it comes to selecting the right interior designer to bring your vision to life. The choice of designer is pivotal, as this professional will not only influence the aesthetic outcome but also dictate the functionality and comfort of your living space. This guide is designed to navigate you through the process of selecting an interior designer who aligns perfectly with your renovation goals, ensuring a seamless and satisfying renovation journey.
1. Define Your Style
Before you can choose the right interior designer, you need a clear understanding of your personal style. Do you gravitate towards minimalist designs, or are eclectic interiors more your taste? Collecting images from magazines or creating a mood board on platforms like Pinterest can help articulate your visual preferences. This initial step is not just about aesthetics but also about functionality—think about what each space is used for and how you want those functions to feel.
Once you have a firm grasp of your style preferences, you'll be better equipped to find a designer whose aesthetic complements your own. Designers often have a signature style, so reviewing their portfolios can give you insights into whether their past projects resonate with what you're envisioning for your space.
2. Experience and Specialization
Experience matters in interior design, especially when it pertains to specific renovation projects like kitchens or bathrooms. Look for a designer who has a robust portfolio and testimonials that back up their expertise. It's also crucial to consider their specialization—some designers might excel in commercial spaces, while others are more attuned to residential homes.
Additionally, check if the designer holds any certifications or memberships in professional organizations such as the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). These affiliations often mean the designer adheres to a high standard of work and is committed to continuing education within their field.
3. Budget Compatibility
Discussing budget early on is crucial to ensure your project does not stall mid-way due to financial disagreements. A good designer will be able to provide you with a realistic estimate of total costs based on your requirements. They should also be able to adapt their designs to your budget, offering various options that accommodate both your financial constraints and design desires.
Transparency about costs from the outset will prevent unpleasant surprises later and will help in maintaining a healthy, professional relationship with your designer. Remember, the cheapest option may not always be the best—quality, durability, and design integrity can often justify a higher spend.
4. Communication and Compatibility
Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful design project. During your initial meetings, assess how well the designer understands your ideas and whether they can communicate their own suggestions clearly. It’s important that you feel comfortable speaking openly with them, as this will be crucial throughout the renovation process.
Also, gauge whether their response time and availability align with your expectations. A designer who is responsive and proactive in communication can significantly enhance the renovation experience, ensuring that your project stays on track and modifications are handled swiftly.
5. The Design Process
Understanding a designer's process can give you insights into how your project will be managed from start to finish. A structured process typically includes an initial consultation, concept development, sourcing materials, and actual implementation. Some designers may also offer project management services, coordinating with contractors and suppliers, which can alleviate a lot of stress from the renovation process.
Ask potential designers about their project management style and what systems they use to keep everything on schedule and budget. A designer who employs modern project management tools and technologies may provide smoother and more efficient project flow.
6. Client Testimonials and Portfolios
Finally, a designer’s portfolio and client testimonials can be invaluable in your decision-making process. Portfolios showcase the designer’s best work and can highlight their versatility across various projects. When looking at a portfolio, pay attention to the details and the challenges of each project, especially those similar to your renovation.
Client testimonials, on the other hand, offer a glimpse into the working relationship you might expect with the designer. Positive feedback about their professionalism, adherence to budget, and handling of project challenges should weigh heavily in your decision. If possible, speak directly to past clients to get a clearer understanding of their experience.
Choosing the right interior designer like Lara Michelle Interiors Inc. is a critical step in ensuring that your home renovation is both a rewarding and enjoyable process. With the right approach and considerations, you can select a designer who not only matches your style and budget but also brings expertise and a professional eye to your project, ultimately transforming your space into your dream home.
Contact Us
Lara Michelle Interiors Inc. Westchester, NY10573 (914) 939 5777 https://laramichelle.com
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scifigeneration · 9 months
AI could improve your life by removing bottlenecks between what you want and what you get
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by Bruce Schneier, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Artificial intelligence is poised to upend much of society, removing human limitations inherent in many systems. One such limitation is information and logistical bottlenecks in decision-making.
Traditionally, people have been forced to reduce complex choices to a small handful of options that don’t do justice to their true desires. Artificial intelligence has the potential to remove that limitation. And it has the potential to drastically change how democracy functions.
AI researcher Tantum Collins and I, a public-interest technology scholar, call this AI overcoming “lossy bottlenecks.” Lossy is a term from information theory that refers to imperfect communications channels – that is, channels that lose information.
Multiple-choice practicality
Imagine your next sit-down dinner and being able to have a long conversation with a chef about your meal. You could end up with a bespoke dinner based on your desires, the chef’s abilities and the available ingredients. This is possible if you are cooking at home or hosted by accommodating friends.
But it is infeasible at your average restaurant: The limitations of the kitchen, the way supplies have to be ordered and the realities of restaurant cooking make this kind of rich interaction between diner and chef impossible. You get a menu of a few dozen standardized options, with the possibility of some modifications around the edges.
That’s a lossy bottleneck. Your wants and desires are rich and multifaceted. The array of culinary outcomes are equally rich and multifaceted. But there’s no scalable way to connect the two. People are forced to use multiple-choice systems like menus to simplify decision-making, and they lose so much information in the process.
People are so used to these bottlenecks that we don’t even notice them. And when we do, we tend to assume they are the inevitable cost of scale and efficiency. And they are. Or, at least, they were.
The possibilities
Artificial intelligence has the potential to overcome this limitation. By storing rich representations of people’s preferences and histories on the demand side, along with equally rich representations of capabilities, costs and creative possibilities on the supply side, AI systems enable complex customization at scale and low cost. Imagine walking into a restaurant and knowing that the kitchen has already started work on a meal optimized for your tastes, or being presented with a personalized list of choices.
There have been some early attempts at this. People have used ChatGPT to design meals based on dietary restrictions and what they have in the fridge. It’s still early days for these technologies, but once they get working, the possibilities are nearly endless. Lossy bottlenecks are everywhere.Imagine a future AI that knows your dietary wants and needs so well that you wouldn’t need to use detail prompts for meal plans, let alone iterate on them as the nutrition coach in this video does with ChatGPT.
Take labor markets. Employers look to grades, diplomas and certifications to gauge candidates’ suitability for roles. These are a very coarse representation of a job candidate’s abilities. An AI system with access to, for example, a student’s coursework, exams and teacher feedback as well as detailed information about possible jobs could provide much richer assessments of which employment matches do and don’t make sense.
Or apparel. People with money for tailors and time for fittings can get clothes made from scratch, but most of us are limited to mass-produced options. AI could hugely reduce the costs of customization by learning your style, taking measurements based on photos, generating designs that match your taste and using available materials. It would then convert your selections into a series of production instructions and place an order to an AI-enabled robotic production line.
Or software. Today’s computer programs typically use one-size-fits-all interfaces, with only minor room for modification, but individuals have widely varying needs and working styles. AI systems that observe each user’s interaction styles and know what that person wants out of a given piece of software could take this personalization far deeper, completely redesigning interfaces to suit individual needs.
Removing democracy’s bottleneck
These examples are all transformative, but the lossy bottleneck that has the largest effect on society is in politics. It’s the same problem as the restaurant. As a complicated citizen, your policy positions are probably nuanced, trading off between different options and their effects. You care about some issues more than others and some implementations more than others.
If you had the knowledge and time, you could engage in the deliberative process and help create better laws than exist today. But you don’t. And, anyway, society can’t hold policy debates involving hundreds of millions of people. So you go to the ballot box and choose between two – or if you are lucky, four or five – individual representatives or political parties.
Imagine a system where AI removes this lossy bottleneck. Instead of trying to cram your preferences to fit into the available options, imagine conveying your political preferences in detail to an AI system that would directly advocate for specific policies on your behalf. This could revolutionize democracy.Ballots are bottlenecks that funnel a voter’s diverse views into a few options. AI representations of individual voters’ desires overcome this bottleneck, promising enacted policies that better align with voters’ wishes. Tantum Collins, CC BY-ND
One way is by enhancing voter representation. By capturing the nuances of each individual’s political preferences in a way that traditional voting systems can’t, this system could lead to policies that better reflect the desires of the electorate. For example, you could have an AI device in your pocket – your future phone, for instance – that knows your views and wishes and continually votes in your name on an otherwise overwhelming number of issues large and small.
Combined with AI systems that personalize political education, it could encourage more people to participate in the democratic process and increase political engagement. And it could eliminate the problems stemming from elected representatives who reflect only the views of the majority that elected them – and sometimes not even them.
On the other hand, the privacy concerns resulting from allowing an AI such intimate access to personal data are considerable. And it’s important to avoid the pitfall of just allowing the AIs to figure out what to do: Human deliberation is crucial to a functioning democracy.
Also, there is no clear transition path from the representative democracies of today to these AI-enhanced direct democracies of tomorrow. And, of course, this is still science fiction.
First steps
These technologies are likely to be used first in other, less politically charged, domains. Recommendation systems for digital media have steadily reduced their reliance on traditional intermediaries. Radio stations are like menu items: Regardless of how nuanced your taste in music is, you have to pick from a handful of options. Early digital platforms were only a little better: “This person likes jazz, so we’ll suggest more jazz.”
Today’s streaming platforms use listener histories and a broad set of features describing each track to provide each user with personalized music recommendations. Similar systems suggest academic papers with far greater granularity than a subscription to a given journal, and movies based on more nuanced analysis than simply deferring to genres.
A world without artificial bottlenecks comes with risks – loss of jobs in the bottlenecks, for example – but it also has the potential to free people from the straightjackets that have long constrained large-scale human decision-making. In some cases – restaurants, for example – the impact on most people might be minor. But in others, like politics and hiring, the effects could be profound.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The recipe sold itself as “unique.” Toward the end of March, an anonymous blonde woman appeared on the TikTok page @foodfuns3 and committed a culinary crime. First, she poured an entire box of angel hair pasta into a blender, then she blitzed it into dust, added a couple of eggs, and rolled the resulting dough into new pasta strips. Gamely, she took a bite of the thick, grainy Frakenpasta after cooking it; unconvincingly, she ended the video with the words, “Mmm! It’s like the perfect consistency.”
Despite this onscreen bite, it’s probably safe to assume this pasta dish ended up in the bin.
It’s no longer news that disgusting food videos on TikTok are intentional rage bait, designed to rile up viewers and gain comments, shares, and views for creators. Yet while no one eats the food in these ridiculous recipe videos, they do feed an entire online ecosystem.
Shortly after the blonde woman blended her pasta, The Washington Post tested her recipe on its own social media channels, while the British newspaper Metro made its own video about the “dish.” On TikTok itself, multiple creators responded, superimposing themselves over the video and adding their own commentary. Thanks to the sheer number of hideous recipes that now populate TikTok, a new job has emerged: Recipe Reactor.
Chef Reactions is not the name recorded on Chef Reactions’ birth certificate. Despite the fact that he has more than 3 million TikTok followers, Chef Reactions closely guards his real name and identity because, he says, “I get death threats every single day.” Fiercely protective of his family and a carer for his 88-year-old grandmother, he’s only been recognized three times in public since he exploded on social media a year ago, and he wants to keep it that way. “I’ve worked in kitchens my whole life,” he says. “I didn’t start this with the intention of becoming famous.”
What provokes the death threats? Multiple times a week, Chef Reactions picks an online recipe video and—it’s in the name—reacts to it. He is known for his deadpan delivery, liberal use of swear words, and very evident culinary knowledge. (He really is a chef with almost 20 years’ experience.) The 40-year-old creator reacts to everything from genuinely delicious-looking chocolate sculptures to people cooking inside their toilet bowls.
Some have accused him of bullying, “which I didn’t understand, because most of the videos that I talk about are purposely made for shock value.” (Some recipe videos are also fetish content.) The chef’s angry reactions are unscripted and authentic: “I come from a background of not wasting food, both in my professional life and my personal life. When I was a kid, I was forced to sit at the kitchen table until I finished everything on my plate, so wasting food is a pet peeve of mine.”
Chef Reactions created his TikTok account in May 2022 because, he says, “a dishwasher that worked for me had a video go viral … and it was really stupid, it was maybe the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Deciding that if she could do it, he could do it too, the chef created his first video, a silly three-second clip in which he makes eyes at some butt-shaped dough.
The Chef Reactions channel grew quickly. He recently quit his job; brand deals, merchandise sales, and Patreon supporters enable him to recipe-react full time. “I’ve been a chef for so long that it’s hard for me to think of what I do now as work, because I worked so very hard before,” he says. He notes that while he is by no means rich or “set for life,” he could afford a year off to be with his family if he stopped making videos right now. “This has changed my life in ways that I never thought were possible,” he says.
Yet in the year Chef Reactions has been creating his videos, he says the number of rage bait (and fetish) recipes on TikTok has grown. “These accounts are multiplying like gremlins,” he says, “And now people say that I’m partially responsible for that.” Some viewers believe that gross food creators are making videos specifically for the chef to react to, meaning he’s taking the bait and feeding the baiters. While he says it would be “egotistical” for him to believe that videos are made specifically for him, he does acknowledge his part in this strange new ecosystem.
“Without them, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today, so it’s kind of a double-edged sword,” he says. Equally: “I’m not the only person that does food reactions.”
Tanara Mallory is perhaps currently the most famous and quotable recipe reactor on TikTok; her catchphrase “Everybody’s so creative!” now regularly pops up in the comment section of food videos. The 47-year-old, Philadelphia-based production cook is—as Chef Reactions himself puts it —“hilarious”; her faux-enthusiastic response videos have earned her 3.4 million followers.
Unlike Chef Reactions, however, Mallory has found it hard to profit from her fame. She told The Philadelphia Inquirer earlier this month that the money she has earned so far only covers “gas and groceries,” even though the hashtag #everybodysocreative now has 486 million views. It’s a problem as old as social media itself: the ability of any creator to monetize their content often depends on their race. “Mallory’s situation,” journalist Beatrice Forman wrote in her profile of the TikTok star, “is all too common for Black social media creators, who have shaped internet culture for decades.” (Mallory didn’t respond to interview requests for this story.)
Yet while recipe reactions may not always be profitable, they do remain popular. Beyond comedy value, why do people like to watch?
Zoë Glatt, a digital anthropologist and postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft’s Social Media Collective, argues that “​​what makes bad recipe videos so perfect for reactions is the ambiguity around whether the original content is made sincerely.” Numerous disturbing recipes have been reported as real trends over the years, and therefore it is undoubtedly satisfying for audiences to hear a straight-talker “reflecting on just how bad these recipes are.”
Glatt says that “reaction videos have always existed as a sort of meta-economy that feeds off of and into the genres of content.” While some reactors do “the bare minimum,” riding the coattails of an original video’s popularity, the best reactions, she says, “offer meaningful or entertaining commentary, reflecting and reifying the feelings that audiences have toward the video and helping to create a sense of community and shared understanding.” Arguably, shared understanding is crucial when you’ve just watched someone blend angel hair and you have to decide if the world’s lost the plot or you have.
It’s unclear how long recipe reactions will continue to be popular. Chef Reactions says, “I think of myself always as on my 14th of 15 minutes of fame.” He is branching out onto YouTube because of rumors of a TikTok ban, and he hopes the world will continue to have an appetite for his content. But being uncertain about the future doesn’t trouble him too much. “If you were to ask me a year ago what my retirement plan was, I would have said, ‘Having a heart attack hovering over an empty deep fryer.’ I didn’t have a retirement plan,” he says. He still doesn’t, but he does now have a flourishing online career. “If it all goes away tomorrow, I can always fall back onto my skill set and continue being a chef.”
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rmhashauthor · 1 year
hey! this is chance & here’s the prompt for week 6. what are your oc's bedrooms like? messy? neat? carefully designed? or a collection of their favorite things? you can verbally describe or use photos, whatever you think is best.
Sorry this took so long - it's festival season 😅
At this point, my ocs Valen and Fang share a room. It's actually an entire suite, because he's, you know, royalty.
For context, it's important to remember that the Drassian palace is actually a compound inside of a mountain. Because dragons. So, the actual design of the palace leans heavily on natural caverns and old lava tubes that have been cleared out and carved into more serviceable spaces like apartments, libraries, ballrooms and kitchens.
Valen's apartment is in a somewhat older wing of the palace, so his rooms are a little smaller. This is fine, because he and Fang don't take up as much room as the rest of the family. They don't need the extra room for kids, so they make do with a main chamber that serves as their living room/parlour and Valen's working space, the bedroom, and a bathroom that is essentially a hot spring cavern.
In my mind the hearth-room is very similar in design to the drawing room in an old European castle or mansion - there's a hearth big enough for a couple of people to stand in, bookshelves carved into the walls, and neat amenities like a cooling cabinet (refrigerator) and light fixtures. There are thick rugs and drapes to keep the chill under control, though the fire in the hearth and the hot spring in the bathroom keep the place reasonably warm. When I think about the furniture I think of a sturdier variety of Chinese wood furniture, with intricate carving and detailed embroidery. Valen keeps his educational certificates and things in frames attached to the walls, which is a subtle reminder to himself that he does have some things to be proud of.
The bedroom is the picture of luxury - a huge bed blanketed in silk comforters and quilts, soft lighting, more rugs and now it holds Fang's dressing-table as well as a chest of drawers for Valen's things. They both keep trays for jewelry and accessories, though Fang has a lot more as well as makeup, combs, perfumes and other ladies' things. Fang has a little bench to sit on and a huge mirror on the wall so she can do her makeup and hair, though Valen hired a maid to do that so really she can just watch as she's transformed from a reasonably attractive woman to basically a princess. Lots of red and gold in this room, along with the grey and white marble floor, walls and ceiling.
The marble continues into the bathroom, which like I described earlier is a hot spring cavern that's been carved and polished into a luxury bath with steam- and shower-stalls, adjustable lights, a giant basin that functions as the tub, and gold fixtures all around. The spring is heated by the lava tubes that run all over the mountain, so there's always hot water for bathing, showering, steaming or just soaking. Drass love their hot springs and they love to soak, and while a room like this isn't uncommon on Anun it's definitely something Fang sees as nothing short of miraculous.
And of course, since Valen is a Dragon Prince there is always a bevy of maids and cleaners who sneak in and tidy up, so no matter what kind of wild honeymoon nonsense Fang and Valen get up to, his desk is always clean and the sheets are always freshly laundered. There are stacks of fluffy towels in the bathroom, Fang's dressing table is always neat, and Valen's socks are always folded and put away. Valen likes to keep a few sandwiches in his hearth-room and some drinks handy, so even though the lifestyle is alien to Fang it's amazingly convenient and not difficult to get used to.
I hope this was detailed enough - I can't draw to save my life anymore, so I've had to make do with words.
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voidedpixel · 2 years
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October Roundtree for @blarffy ‘s Bachelorette Challenge
As a Sulani-native, October is extremely free-spirited and outgoing. Despite being a natural flirt, she hasn’t been in many relationships as she’s constantly seeking someone who can match her energy and spark for life. She loves sunny days, clear night skies, fun music, being mischievous, and hate-watching reality TV. 
She has the eco innovator aspiration + collector bonus trait and she’s outgoing, adventurous, and a music lover. She’s also left handed, heatproof, has the outdoorsy lifestyle, and she has a mixology certificate.
She likes blues and alt music, green, purple, black, cooking, fitness, singing, photography, and mischief. She dislikes new age and romance music, gray, yellow, fishing, gardening, and writing.
Fun Facts about her:
Despite what her name would suggest, October was born during spring.
She has a habit to ramble on if you let her. She also gets fidgety when she has to stay quiet for too long.
She LOVES talking to the wildlife. Even though she dislikes the hard labor of gardening, she loves talking to the plants and bonding with her insects. 
She chews off her acrylics after she’s had them for too long. The only reason she gets her nails done is to prevent herself from biting her natural nails. 
Although she seems super high energy, most of her days are spent relaxing in the setting Sulani sun, playing in the sand on the beach, or dozing off in her tiny living room watching movie reruns on TV.
She can’t sleep without the windows open and her peak bedding situation involves a ton of extra fluffy pillows and blankets. 
Literally cannot sit like a normal person. You’ll more often than not find her with her legs in some impossible position, swung over the side of whatever piece of furniture she’s sitting on. She’s also the type to sit on the counter as she waits for whatever she happens to be making in the kitchen to be done. 
Super cuddly drunk
Always brings up the most random fun facts or tangents in a conversation. Easily forgets the original topic and her friends often have to direct her back to what they were talking about before she got sidetracked.
She works as a civil designer, but she often takes odd jobs either judging sandcastle contests on the beach or beachcombing to find items for the lazier Sulani residents. 
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