#chanting that line like a war cry
catradoraism · 2 years
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and i hope you die. i hope we both die
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queenofthedisneyverse · 2 months
Story Idea! (Yeah...these are the things I think about when I'm bored)
WHAT IF (and hear me out here) Eurylochus had a lover that was ON the ship. Hence why he cares about the crew so much is because his lover is also on the ship/apart of that crew.
AND BEFORE YOU COME AT ME, I'm aware of Ctimene and I LOVE that ship but I kind of find it odd that he doesn't mention her. So, for story's sake, take this as an au where he and Ctimene aren't married.
First version of this "Au"
Let's call Eury's bf/husband "Evander". Evander grew up alongside Eurylochus, Polites, and Polites. Friends to lover's sort of thing. Let's say Evander and Eury got married shortly after Odypen did.
MLM marriages are accepted in Ithica because I said so.
During the more wholesome moments (Let's say, before Polites' death) both men get on Ody's nerves because both of them are so mushy and lovey dovey while he has to wait to get to his wife.
Yes, Ody would be the micro-hater who says "GET A ROOM" when they just glance at each other.
Evander fought alongside all three of his best friends in war and continued to travel with them. During moments where the crew would sleep, he would be there to comfort Eury (Especially after Polite's death...and the windbag situation.)
The line in Mutiny, "Don't make me fight you brother, you know you would have done the same"
Ody would have been referring to Evander in this situation in roles were switched. And he's not wrong, but Eury would burn the world down for Evvy.
BUT Ody told Eury to light six torches and one of those torches were handed to Evvy. And if Eury didn't think fast enough, Evvy would've actually been killed.
And you know how Eurylochus had his name chanted in the song? What if that was Evvy trying to get his husband's attention? Because all Evvy wanted right at that moment was comfort after watching more men get killed.
Once they reached Helio's cow Island, Eury would've killed a cow for solely him and Evander to share. There are tons of others the rest of the crew can pick but THAT one? It belongs to Evander.
And of course, because of this situation, he dies with Eury.
2. Second version
Everything is basically the same except Eurymene (Eury + Ctimene) and Evander are all married to each other.
(I HC Eury as Demisexual + romantic so he is in love with Ctimene. As far as Evander and Ctimene go, I'm not sure whether to put them in a platonic marriage or a romantic one.)
At first I thought this wouldn't work because I would think both husbands leaving would be a shitty move. Especially if a bunch of assholes would be shooting their shot when both men are gone, which means no one protecting her from sleezbags.
But then I remembered that Evander and Eurylochus both have families and hopefully upstanding men (Uncles, brothers. cousins) who would protect her if need be.
Now, here comes the sad part, what if Evander was given a torch? A torch given to him by Eury no less.
Imagine Eury seeing his lover getting brutally killed and the only thing that's left of him is his sandal.
He just saw a creature take his husband in one bite like it was nothing. Everything was like slow motion for him.
And you know what's worse?
Eury knew what was going on with the torches after two or three men had been eaten and before he could make it to Evvy he was already dead. He only saw his face one last time as they made eye contact.
At that moment, Eury couldn't think. He couldn't move. His breathing was quick as that sight kept flashing before his eyes over and over and over again.
The muscular man, as a final act of mobility, picked up his lover's sandal and fell to his knees. Eury didn't fully register that he was crying. He couldn't fully register anything after what happened.
His sobs, amongst the rest of the crew mates, were heard. Heavy loud ones. That sandal he held was tightly clutched to his chest, more like his heart.
You want to know what's funny? That sandal would always find some way off of Evvy's foot. Either when he walked too fast or ran, it would always find some way to slip off of his foot.
It was laughable back then, Irritating for Evvy, but laughable for everyone else.
But Eury couldn't find it in him to laugh or do much of anything besides cry his heart out.
Odysseus felt sick to his stomach at all the cries he heard, especially Eurylochus's. Tears and sobs from a man that would rarely cry at anything.
So, without even looking, he knew what happened. Some part of him hoped Eurylochus didn't hand Evander the torch. But six sacrifices had to be made, if Evander was one of them then so be it.
It hurt him, all of their cries did, he tried so hard to drown it out, but it wasn't working.
Soon, the men's sobs, Including Eury's, had died down. But that's only because they were all hoarse and exhausted. Ody knew Eury wouldn't have been strong enough to be second in command anymore, so he left him be.
They made it Helio's Island but no cows were eaten, the grass was. But surprisingly, most men didn't even feel like eating at all. They only did to keep whatever strength the had left to get back home.
Eury wouldn't eat at all, hell he couldn't even register Ody's voice when he told him to eat. All he did was stare at his lover's sandal. His death circling Eurylochus' mind to no end.
No one could talk him into eating or doing much of anything. Eury was too far gone and after too many tries, they all began to notice that.
He stayed in the far corner of the ship for the remainder of the trip. No talking, no thinking, just some quiet whimpers here and there and some tears if you looked.
By some miracle, they made it back to Ithica but all men on board were forever changed. The last few men that were on board got off the ship so fast you would've thought they had the gift of super speed.
The only one left was Eurylochus. He didn't know they were in Ithica. He stopped caring about his surroundings a long time ago. Odysseus couldn't bring himself to even attempt to talk to Eury, so the next best thing would be some family members of Eurylochus and Ctimene, his wife.
And oh boy did was that shattering. Eury's family loved Evander; he was a good guy. Ctimene loved him very much too (Like I said before, I can't decide between platonic or romantic love.) Now you mean to tell them he's dead? How on earth is HIS family going to take this.
After some coaxing from his wife and mother, he stood up and very very very slowly walked off the ship to his home. He didn't have the energy or will power to be quick on his feet anymore.
Once they made it home, Ctimene helped him into a bath. She tried to take the sandal, just so it wouldn't get wet, but Eury wouldn't let it go.
Not that she blamed him or was made at him for clutching it so tightly. That was the last thing he had from Evander.
After some good bath and some food Eurylochus was laid to finally rest. But he couldn't sleep. Every time he tried he just saw that creature clasp its mouth of Evander.
Safe to say, Eurylochus barely spoke from then on, and due to certain incident, was often left on su!cide watch. Over time he does open up but the grief and depression is still there.
It takes a lot to make him laugh, hell it takes a lot to even make him smile but it happens if you play your cards rights.
He never stops thinking about Evvy...and never will
Should I make a fic out of this, would you guys want to read it?
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mysticstarlightduck · 1 month
Character Aesthetic Deep Dive Tag!
I created this tag in this post, and I want to do it again for another Scrapyard Boys OC of mine so here we go!
Rules: Make a moodboard with your character's aesthetic, a playlist that fits their vibe, "badly summarize them" (like, talk about their personality, but funnily), etc. It absolutely does not need to be super detailed!!!!!
✦ Character Aesthetic: Maxwell Cymbelline, WIP -Scrapyard Boys
♡ Moodboard ♡
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♡ Playlist ♡
Not All Heroes Wear Capes - Owl City
He doesn't fight crime Or wear a cape He doesn't read minds Or levitate But every time my world needs saving He's my Superman Some folks don't believe in heroes 'Cause they haven't met my dad He loves his workshop And rock 'n roll He's got a hot rod And a heart of gold And you could say he's a man of few words But he talks a lot within And even though I'm a little taller I still look up to him
Could Have Been Me - The Struts
Don't wanna live as an untold story Rather go out in a blaze of glory I can't hear you, I don't fear you I'll live now 'cause the bad die last Dodging bullets with your broken past Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now Wrapped in your regret What a waste of blood and sweat Oh oh-oh I wanna taste love and pain Wanna feel pride and shame I don't wanna take my time Don't wanna waste one line I wanna live better days Never look back and say It could have been me It could have been me, yeah
Burn The House Down - AJR
Used to keep it cool Used to be a fool All about the bounce in my step Watch it on the news Whatcha gonna do? I could hit refresh and forget Used to keep it cool Should I keep it light? Stay out of the fight? No one's gonna listen to me If I write a song Preaching what is wrong Will they let me sing on TV? Should I keep it light? Is that right? Way up way up we go Been up and down that road Way up way up, oh no We gon' burn the whole house down
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - Taylor Swift
'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die He said he'd love me all his life But that life was too short Breaking down, I hit the floor All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "More" I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart (one, two, three, four) I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art You know you're good when you can even do it With a broken heart
Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
When life leaves you high and dry I'll be at your door tonight If you need help, if you need help I'll shut down the city lights I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe To make you well, to make you well When enemies are at your door I'll carry you way from war If you need help, if you need help Your hope dangling by a string I'll share in your suffering To make you well, to make you well Give me reasons to believe That you would do the same for me And I would do it for you, for you Baby, I'm not moving on I'll love you long after you're gone For you, for you You will never sleep alone I'll love you long after you're gone And long after you're gone, gone, gone
♡ Badly Summarized OC ♡
Seemingly delicate, polite teenager who loves vintage stuff but can actually pack a punch and is not afraid of a fight - in fact... she rather likes a good bit of chaos
Certified Daddy's Little Girl
That one friend that strangers think is the "Responsible One" but is actually a main Source Of Chaos in the friend group
Feral gremlin of a girl and unashamed, will watch the goriest and intense horror movies while having a girl's night with her friends and painting her nails different colors
Enabler of Bad Decisions who never thinks things through and then gets like "well, went horrifyingly out of control.... LET'S DO IT AGAIN!"
Worst driver in the history of drivers but is trying her best <3
Human embodiment of both an orange cat and a hyperactive border collie in one body
Would practically collect stray puppies and kittens like Pokémons if her current doggo wasn't jealous of every other animal in the world
Likes cereal without the milk. This has nothing to do with anything, but I think its a relevant fact of her personality lol
Tagging (gently): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@topazadine, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes
Taglist for Scrapyard Boys below the cut 🧪
Scrapyard Boys Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@thecomfywriter, @the-letterbox-archives, @differentnighttale
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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sandraharissa · 3 months
I need to talk about the song cos it made the trailer. Specifically this
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The song is children chanting a battle cry but there’s also this part where a young adult woman sings.
That song, the woman and children chanting, and the mural are the same picture. The mural is a visualization of the whole war chant song and when I saw it in the trailer my jaw dropped.
It’d tie nicely into my observation/interpretation that all s1 non-diegetic songs are essentially supposed to be the characters singing.
If the line at the beginning is from the same song “You walk along the edge of danger” then that’d also tie together nicely cos to me that sounds like the Guns for Hire singer who functioned a bit like a narrator in that song addressing Silco, and here he’d be addressing Vi? Jinx? that they ‘walk along the edge of danger’ with later in the song us hearing ‘Jinx’ and ‘children of Zaun’ chanting, calling to war. With the ‘Jinx’ part reminding me of Dirty Little Animals and Get Jinxed.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from Audubon:
The night of June 10 was warm, but not too much so. After days of rain, Concord, Massachusetts, wrung itself dry. The moon edged toward fullness. Rarely in need of an excuse to wander, Henry David Thoreau took it anyway. He followed Concord’s train tracks out of town and into a moonlit meadow. There, he encountered an iconic bird of the United States: the Eastern Whip-poor-will.
With their cryptic plumage and nocturnal habits, Eastern Whip-poor-wills are rarely seen, but the male’s loud, rhythmic songis hard to miss. Thoreau heard them that evening—five or six at once. A few nights later, when the moon was full, he encountered a dozen or more. “Perhaps this is the Whip-poor-will’s Moon,” he wrote in his journal in 1851.
Into the early 20th century, whip-poor-wills were sheer magic to those who inhabited their breeding range and awaited the species’ return each April and May. An important seasonal sign, the first whip-poor-will’s call signaled an end to frosts and marked the moment to plant sensitive crops, like corns and beans. Farmers let cattle out to pasture. Children knew they could play outside barefoot.
Quirkier and more personal rituals developed around their appearance. One could make a wish on his song, roll on the ground three times for a year without backpain, or shake a pocket full of coins for a year of financial success. Some people believed the repetitions of his name, which he can sing for many hours, predicted how many years they would live or, if they were unmarried, how many until they’d wed. In an article that circulated widely in 1941 and 1942, the United Press reported that an Alabama man—known to friends and family as “Uncle Rip”—waited to have one of his two annual haircuts until whip-poor-wills returned.
The whip-poor-wills’ tune was also part of the nation’s emotional landscape. To 19th century poets, whip-poor-wills might sound mournful, plaintive, and grieving. To John James Audubon, the “cheering voice” of the whip-poor-will was his “only companion” on nights alone in the woods. Others heard the sound of loneliness. When Hank Williams wanted to convey that emotion, he sang of a whip-poor-will who “sounds too blue to fly” in his often-covered 1949 classic, “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.”
Yet in the decades since Williams belted those classic opening lines, much has changed for the whip-poor-will—and for our own relationship with the species.
While many kinds of birds are experiencing population declines, whip-poor-wills are especially vulnerable to habitat loss, pesticide use, loss of prey, car strikes, and predation. Ornithologists estimate that the Eastern Whip-poor-will population decreased by nearly 70 percent between 1970 and 2014. But their decline may have begun sooner. After World War II, agricultural and suburban development swallowed great swaths of woodlands. As early as the 1950s, writers like Knoxville News-Sentinel’s Lucy Templeton, whose “A Country Calendar” often included reports and lore about whip-poor-wills, worried over their disappearance from local landscapes.
We’ve changed, too. Many people moved away from the rural towns where they grew up amid birdsong. In the suburbs that replaced bird habitats, we homogenized landscapes with decorative plants unwelcoming to whip-poor-wills. If whip-poor-wills seemed to abandon our world, we also abandoned theirs.
To describe the human consequences of species decline, the lepidopterist Robert Michael Pyle coined the term “extinction of experience,” an ecological insight gained through his own moments of loss. 
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arbitrarystrawberry · 2 months
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So yesterday my brother and I got to go to New York and see Hadestown on Broadway, and it was absolutely wonderful, I cried several times. My brother convinced me to spring for good seats (just a few rows back on the right side) and I'm /so/ glad. Here are a few highlights:
one of the Fates made eye contact and grinned at me in the opening song when she and the others were dancing near the front of the stage
when Persephone first asked "Anybody want a drink?" she asked the audience on our side of the stage and my hand shot up
and in Our Lady of the Underground when Persephone sang "C'mere, brother; let me guess: it's the little things you miss" she looked at and sang straight to my brother
I really liked the female Hermes; at one point near the end she called Orpheus "baby" in a very affectionate, grandmotherly way and I thought it was so sweet
when Orpheus first made it to the underworld he came through the audience and he stopped /right by my chair/ before jumping on stage to go to Eurydice
when Hades first looks at Eurydice in Way Down Hadestown, instead of very obviously jumping in front of her with his arms out to block his view like Reeve's Orpheus did, Jordan Fisher kind of edged in between them and took her hand without looking directly at Hades, which was much more subtle, and I liked that acting choice
in I think the Chant reprise Eurydice and Persephone were standing back to back in the center while everything else was going on around them and Persephone laced her fingers through Eurydice's, and I thought it was a really cool sign of solidarity (instead of Persephone being jealous or upset with Eurydice for what her husband did)
the swinging lights in Wait For Me!! GAH!!!!!
it was interesting being close to the ground and not being able to actually see the spinning stage, so it looked like they were just gliding or walking in place
They Danced always makes me cry 😭
still so impressed with how quickly they manage to smear makeup on Orpheus's face while he's being beat up /on stage/ so when he comes back to the front it looks like he has a scraped cheek and a bloody nose
Jordan Fisher's acting was so good, there were a couple times when I could /see/ the shine of tears in his eyes
they changed some of the lines in Epic III, the bit before "where is the treasure inside of your chest?"-- I was going to say I can't remember what the changes were now, but I just found them in a reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hadestown/comments/1biusui/epic_iii_lyric_change_on_broadway/ "I know how it is because he is like me / I know how it is to be left all alone / There’s a hole in his arms where the world used to be / When Persephone’s gone / His work never done, his war never won / Will go on forever, whatever the cost / Cause the thing that he’s building his wall around / Is already lost"
I was dead tired by the end of the day (on the train home I was so exhausted I started to feel a little nauseous), but I'm so glad we got to see the show, it was such an incredible experience
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "The Mystery of Chopper Base"
Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders.
So first off, it's hilarious and adorable that they named it "Chopper Base". Did Chopper claim dibs on the name since he's the one who found it or did they name it after him to be all, "Okay, yeah, you did really good this time." as a nice little way to honor him?
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*chants* At-ol-lon, At-ol-lon, At-ol-lon, At-ol-lon. :D
Ahhh haven't heard the mellow variation of the Main Titles theme in a while.
Actually I think this is the same cue that opened "Path of the Jedi" I recognize these little string ditties.
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Kanan and Ezra have been sparring in the cargo hold for hours, it's implied, and Sabine has been watching. You can already hear from the modified buzzing that the sabers are in training mode, and Kanan is performing a lot of basic strikes, reminding Ezra of the fundamentals maybe?
In light of his internal decision in "Shroud of Darkness" Kanan has apparently resolved to cram in as much last-minute lightsaber practice as possible before they have to go off and possibly confront Vader and the Inquisitors. He's pushing Ezra a little bit hard, and you can hear Ezra's frustration.
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Something interesting I notice during this sparring session is that Kanan seems to be particularly focusing on getting Ezra to get out of situations where he's pinned against a wall.
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HOO BOY all the little tiny things that wound up being horrible portents of things to come this episode.
"You win by surviving." Kanan already trying to correct Ezra in a "how we choose to fight" fashion.
Ezra's particularly snippy after all that, normally Sabine complimenting him would make him beam and try to say something cute or clever back but here he's just huffy and irritated.
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"But since when are you my enemy?" *CRIES IN SIX MONTH GAP BETWEEN SEASON 2 AND SEASON 3 FEELS*
Hera's expression turns somber and downcast (which Sabine notices) riiiiight in time for us to have a fanfareless titlecard.
A very broken-down variation of the "Shenanigans" cue, with precise military-drum percussion accompanying it.
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Hera unamused by Kanan's "excited face" lolol.
"So I can expect them to be late all the time then." Lol, yep, sorry AP, you picked a very disorganized scrappy band of underdogs.
Ha ha spoke too soon, Rex. Spoke too soon.
I feel so bad for Dicer, she didn't deserve to be spider chow. :(
Some clever foreshadowing with the dokma crouching under the sensor though.
"Everything you need." "...Except you and Ezra." :((((( Ugh the way Kanan and Hera's thread this episode feels vaguely like a messy divorce/separation in places.
Just because Hera understands and accepts that Kanan and Ezra have to leave to keep the rest of the base safe doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, doesn't make her any less worried and anxious.
Lol Chopper running straight into Ezra while chasing the dokma that got in.
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Ah frick this scene.
This whole episode has this melancholy feel of the calm before the storm. Building up an anticipation of major narrative shake-ups, giving us a breather before things get really crazy.
"The deep breath before the plunge", as it were, since I know the nerds working on this show adore the Lord of the Rings films.
It permeates the whole story, infused in every small sad expression, every innocuous line of dialogue that hurts so much more afterwards.
Catch me crying forever about Ezra and Zeb's friendship and how close they've gotten and how sweet it is.
Ahhh I see we brought back the Fyrnock cue, once again signaling something dangerous and hungry lurking in the dark.
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"Aim for the eyes." Right and it turns out to be actually very hard to hit the eyes so that helps only slightly.
Cheeky Ezra with his lightsaber flashlight lol.
"We've got to get used to not having them around." :((((( No one knew at the time how long Kanan and Ezra were going to be separated from the rest so this hit a lot sadder back then. Still ouch tho.
Sabine so worried about Hera. :(
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He's so excited to try and connect with it aww.
Hints to the strained tension between Kanan and Ezra, they immediately fall to bickering once the threat is dealt with.
I... don't even wanna think about what they were going to use Rex for, probably storing him for food after they ate Dicer.
People complained about the fact that shots kept missing the eyes but I appreciate this little bit of realism about shot accuracy. Even trained marksmen will have trouble with a small moving target like that, they won't always hit the eyes every single time first try.
Lightsabers be more effective. :)
See, this is what I'm talking about, Zeb has great clustering, but the eyes are a four-inch round bullet hole on a moving hungry target with long legs.
Ezra's nervous little, "Well, we're safe in here, right?" and Hera's inability to confirm it.
These things even shrug off turret blasts ghgshkjh.
AND Hera's trick with the electrified hull that worked on the Fyrnocks.
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The tense situation is fraying Ezra's already raw nerves. Love Sabine rolling her eyes all, "Okay chill for a minute drama queen."
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"What am I doing on the ramp?"
Lol Ezra's idea is "Hurl girlfriend at problem to make it go away."
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That panic in Kanan and Ezra's faces when they think they've flung her too far. <3
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Badass family shot.
Sabine glancing from Hera to Kanan all, "Soooooo either of you gonna talk about the issues? No?"
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Sabine sounds so sad here. :(
That palm to her forehead all, "My gosh this idiot." There's this hurt in her eyes and voice when tells Kanan, "[...]you're still walking out... and taking Ezra with you." A very loaded phrase and an interesting one. Sabine's choice of words here, "walking out" feels like a bit of a call forward to her backstory reveal, and also possibly more how she feels about the situation, rather than Hera.
Mayhap there be a niggling negative voice in her head that's saying, You're abandoning me and you're taking away my best friend too.
"We're gonna be okay" wow the layers in that one. We as in him and Hera, relationship-wise, we as in him and Ezra, physical safety-wise.
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Frick they really know how to pull the Harsher In Hindsight on us.
Ezra still trying to connect with the krykna. :(((( That was the one talent he was better at than Kanan, that made Kanan so proud of him just a few episodes ago, and now it doesn't work.
Imperial March sliding into the strings there, as the convor heralds Ahsoka's arrival.
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Wide-shot, pan up, Ezra walking towards the camera as the pan drops him out of frame, THAT WAS DELIBERATE WASN'T IT???!!???
Ezra's theme plays haltingly one last time, the last note souring and the ominous Imperial March taking its place.
And boy if my levels of dread had not been sky high before lol.
As I said before, this episode is permeated with a sense of impending change, portents of doom hanging over us. It was very effective at setting the stage for "Twilight of the Apprentice", mentally preparing us for that crowbar piledrive into our kneecaps.
This is NOT filler it is NECESSARY connective tissue between the finale and the rest of the season and I will hear no slander about it.
It's just good writing.
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tuningknight · 7 months
i love VWP
God, it's been 2 years since I've gotten into VWP. Before I knew it, they became a part of my everyday life and a major inspiration to me.
I'm trying to walk the same path as VWP, or rather, I'm following the path they're trailblazing. They inspire me so much.
When I first heard their songs as a group, I really did fall in love. The guitars and strings were such an ethereal combination. Also, the beautiful vocals creating a blend I've never heard before, I loved that blend so much it was ethereal.
And the story they tell is so compelling to me too. To fight against fate in the face of the world's end, it moves me so much. Also, their live performances are just incredibly moving and exciting. At the first Genshou/Phenomenon live, I couldn't articulate just how excited I was, just how much I teared up, how moved I was by emotions. VWP makes such exciting and compelling music, it's hard for me to articulate exactly why it's so special and why it's set apart from the rest of the industry.
Kyoumei/Resonance. That is one of the most important VWP songs to me. It was a happy, hopeful song that contrasted most of VWP's darker yet enchanting songs. That's what added to its impact, for me anyways. When I first heard it in Genshou, I was so excited to tears, feeling so hyped they were saying their own names – five Witches coming together as one to form VWP. And the fact they reference their own songs in the song itself, adds to that strong feeling of unity. It's also a song about love and connections in the virtual world. For me, I'm a resident of the virtual world. I grew up here and found happiness here. I'm gonna continue to find happiness and my true self in the virtual world. VWP reaffirms that and connects us virtual citizens. They're like leading icons in the virtual world, showing a side of the virtual world that has profound artistry and emotion. Kyoumei/Resonance truly resonated with me, everytime I hear it I feel like crying.
Not quite VWP, but along the same lines of those who fight and sing in the "virtual world." Sinsekai Kakumei Virtual Reality – a song by KAF and VALIS. It's such an epic arrangement of Kakumei Virtual Reality, and crossing over the virtual singers of KAF from Kamitsubaki and VALIS from Sinsekai. It's a song about the virtual world; although we cannot touch or feel physically, we have emotions and that's what matters. It's a similar message to Kyoumei. So the version crossing over with KAF makes it an even stronger song for living in the virtual world, for fighting for our existence in the virtual world, that it's an existence that matters just as much as the real world. That's the Kakumei/Revolution. I truly belong here in the virtual world, I always have, these lyrics resonate with me.
The live concert Genshou 2 made me even more excited. More emotional and overwhelmed with love for VWP. I was already tearing up before the concert even started. I was so excited to hear all the songs I came to love. Seeing the "battles" as part of the "Yoyogi Wars" gimmick, that were crossovers of various Kamitsubaki-affiliated artists performing with VWP. And then, their amazing new outfits "Yatagarasu" with new songs. Kamitsubaki has crafted such a beautiful virtual world that I feel like I belong in. I felt so blessed to be able to see VWP grow up until that moment and that I'd only continue to see them grow. VWP music really fuels this spirit within me.
Two songs about Genshou 2 that are remarkable to me. First, "The Voice of AI." This is a beautiful and amazing composition that shows the peak of the virtual musicians coming together – With VWP and VIP singing together, and VALIS dancing as well. Absolutely amazing performance – 15 performers onstage, might be one of the most incredibly overwhelming performances.
Second, is Doumei/Alliance. In the Genshou 2 performance of it, I was so excited to hear a song with them chanting "Virtual Witch Phenomenon!!" It truly felt so hype and I loved Koko's stage presence leading the song and the audience. "Virtual Witch Phenomenon Time" feels like an incantation of sorts. It's a song they were having so much fun and excitement with, rousing the audience to be part of the "Alliance." It was so fun to experience that and see VWP performing in such an incredible way as always.
But what really cements this song as amazing for me is its studio/music video version. The music video is incredibly fierce, and the music for it is also much more intense, feeling less of a hype song and more of a climactic final boss song. I think I'm partial to exciting songs like that, making you feel like you're fighting against something, and you're gonna win. I was extremely glad and excited to see a VWP music video where they really went all-out – it cements this song as the defining song of this new era of VWP. It also definitely feels like a successor to Kyoumei/Resonance – if Kyoumei defined the previous era, Doumei defines this era. And I feel like it invokes the same "I want to cry, there's so much love and conviction and unity" of Kyoumei, with the usual serious, exciting, and beautiful tone of VWP music in general. It is the perfect VWP song showing their strength and growth as singers and artists.
What really gets me is the word "Doumei/Alliance" itself. It's also translated as Unity, or Union. What the point is, is that their hearts are as one, they've come to trust in each other so much, and us as the audience – as Observers, we're a part of that unity and alliance too. VWP isn't just "starting out" anymore. They're fighting on. They're growing and it makes my heart so hopeful and full. And to think I was with them near the start of their journey as VWP too – when I found them in early 2022, all their songs were published in 2021, and they hadn't even had their first liveshow yet. Now VWP is ascending to new heights, and I'm so excited to see where they'll go from here.
With Kamitsubaki City Ensemble and Regenerate on the horizon, I feel like the story there will reflect the music and MVs of VWP's new conviction.
I felt so lost lately, but I really just realized how much VWP has been such an integral and inspiring part of my life. They remind me where I belong, how I want to forge my artistry, how admirable it is that they exist and create music for the virtual world. They've been my "happy place" for all this time. Their music, their expressions, their art… everything is just amazing.
Thank you VWP. Let's continue to rise against fate together. It doesn't matter if the world is against us, we can continue to persevere and make our existences known. We won't die.
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dustedmagazine · 6 months
IMustBe Leonardo — Not To Be Scared of Weekend (Self-Release)
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“Why should you need gods when you have John Peel or PJ Harvey or Meryl Streep and Stan Kubrick and Kim Gordon, fallible, fantastic, inspiring people but just people like you trying to create and share beauty?”
That’s a small part of a monologue that ushers in IMustBe Leonardo’s “Kim Gordon,” a meditation on humanism, the power of creativity and the emptiness of organized religion. It’s an odd, intoxicating little glimpse into an idiosyncratic mind, spoken in uninflected tones by the Google reader, but even so, deeply, fundamentally human. When the spoken word fades, the music enters, a wispy, whispery voice asking repeatedly, “Why should...you need god…when you have Kim Gordon?” against a minimalist frame of acoustic strumming, which is just a bit later submerged in a most satisfying swell of amp feedback and dissonance. It’s a poem, a philosophy, a lo-fi acoustic lament and a blast of rock-and-roll mayhem all in one, and while certainly one of the most arresting tracks, not even the best thing on this eccentric album.
IMustBe Leonardo is a Berlin-based songwriter who has been making his oddball songs since around 2016. He gets a little radio play here and there, and a handful of people are ardent supporters, but you could spend a whole lifetime listening to music and not run across his work. That would be a shame. His outsider-y poetry is slow to light but catches fire on repeat plays. About half the tracks are hand-made rock songs, bolstered by clicky drum tracks and ravaged guitar tones. The other half are the maddest, most surreal campfire songs you ever heard, gently strummed but extremely odd.
Out of these, perhaps, consider “All the Poets Here” a murmured litany of wry observations about all the things that the poets are getting up to. The line lifts gently at the end of phrases, not so much a question implied as these evanescent thoughts blowing away on a slight breeze, and every sentence is a little koan. “Oh the poets here are naked and they feel like war/oh the poets here they say they’re crying when it rains/Oh the poets here don’t wash for days and weeks and months” and so on.
Other cuts are more taut and rhythmic, as for instance, “Government Press Office’s New Rattle,” with its staccato Young Marble Giants-ish guitar riff and punching drums. The cut might remind you of Lewsberg in its mordant chant that takes brief flights into melody, in its quiet tensions that erupt into noisy crescendos of guitar. There’s a song in there, a well-shaped melody, swamped almost entirely by ennui and static.
And indeed, the artist seems aware of his tenuous but legitimate claim on pop music. His song “Perfect Pop Song” rattles on like a wind-up toy, with its sharp hedges of guitar picking, its nonchalant chatter of verse. And yet, it is sort of a pop song. You can sing along after a bit. It creates an economical amalgam of melody and meaning, a unitary sort of structure that is exactly what it is, and then blows out that structure in a profusion of harmonies and vocal counterpoints.
This is a wonderful album, absolutely original and striking and unpremeditated. Listen to it a few times, and you might find yourself asking questions, like: Why do we need gods when we have human beings making beautiful little songs out of sticks and string and imagination? Why do we need forgiveness when art swaddles us in solace and connection and meaning? Why do we need religion at all when we have IMustBe Leonardo? 
Jennifer Kelly
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afaramir · 6 months
hiiii denethor anon here!! wow you’re really IN IT now (denethorposting). not to add more fuel to your anger but last week i saw someone say they hated denethor. and i just realised god they don’t get him even on tumblr do they. since then i’ve been silently fuming in rage. anyway… i am very Very Intrigued by both your faramir-goes-to-rivendell-au and denethor-thorongil relationship (if you ever want to write another 800 words about this, i am here for it 👀) and this line “each of them sharpens himself upon the whetstone of the other…” fuck. fucking insane actually.
unfortunately i won’t be replying for several days (i’ve had to keep my phone in another room to keep myself from getting distracted) . my exams have started AND i’m going through some shit irl :( it’s alright tho i’ll have more Faramir and Denethor Hours soon <- chanting this constantly haha. but i am with you when denethorposting IN SPIRIT okay. oh and can we please please please have denethor december? 🙏 bye will be here soon after my exams (that will be after the 23rd march i’m afraid)
hiii denethor anon <333 i am SO sorry this is so late truly attempting to figure out how to write AND see my friends AND do things like clean my apartment and go to the grocery store while working The Job...it has eaten my life. and this week my regular coffee shop switched their hours bc i live in my old college town and they are on spring break and it has sent me directly to hell. the death of My Routine…i have coped by INCESSANTLY denethorposting on tumblr dot com. i am somehow EVEN MORE in it than i was when you sent this ask. i hope you enjoy me being truly crazyinsane whenever you get a chance to look at all those posts lol. would love 2 hear your thoughts on them. but ANYWAY as always it is so lovely to see you, i'm sorry things have been tough but truly with my whole heart i bestow upon you the strength of denethor's sixty-year psychic war (with none of the associated madness) to make it through. looking at the date i hope you are free now.
here is the mandated readmore because i have never met brevity in my whole life. u said write another 800 words and i took that as a challenge um this post is like 2000 words. well...back on my bullshit
i mean this with all the love and joy in my heart but i laughed so much. no my dear friend they do not get him on tumblr. they have not gotten him on tumblr from the beginning. if you have been spared the incessant tomato jokes i truly…[crying] I Wish I Were You So Bad. this guy doesnt even know about the tumblr denethor slander (POSITIVE) (YEARNING). its the trenches out here for real. i just live in my little bubble with me and you and like four other mutuals/Denethor Understanders and that is it.
speaking of denethor and the rivendell au. i miss the days when i was working on the faramir-in-gondor scenes. emotionally it felt like dying but i kind of knew what was going on. now i am in rivendell taking and failing this history of middle earth exam. and i am so very….the next time we see denethor for real is in return of the king. now girl…how will i survive another 80k words. i miss my boy my dear darling my tortured victim of the narrative. and according to the paragraph i just wrote faramir does too but is Refusing to admit it to himself<3
im also RIDICULOUSLY torn on how i want to resolve his arc. now just between you and me. and anyone who bothers to click that read more. I DONT WANT TO KILL HIM I WANT HIM TO LIVE. GOD I WANT HIM TO LIVE. I WILL WRITE YOU A THOUSAND HAPPY ENDINGS. except its not a happy ending its a you are not allowed to die you are forced to contend with your choices you must keep living ending. because he will always be tragic no matter what. but its ALSO a you can rest now you can be at peace son of gondor you have won your war. all you sacrificed has been worth it. you have given your all when that's what duty asked you for and it has been enough. and that makes my poor heart weep.
like on one hand the idea of resolving his storyline with faramir.......the opportunity for some kind of reconciliation, some kind of understanding between them...god. delicious. i know in my heart that faramir comes home and IS the lord that denethor once dreamed of being. not playing at it...he is high and lordly and gentle and the world bends around his will and he knows exactly what to bow to and when to stand his ground and his powers are honed to a keen edge that he uses with the utmost care and. AUGH. he walks into the citadel the IMAGE of his father. it makes me feel FERAL. and how would denethor react to that. man.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND HOW DO I END THE STORY. like. LOL. do u know what i mean. likelihood of me being able to just have a triumphant coronation and tie it all up with a bow is soooo small. the narrative contortions i would have to go through. to have denethor accept that and still be in character. Girl....no thank u <3 so we havent worked THAT out yet. like how much of the madness and despair do i want to put into the narrative. We Shall See. IM not politically savvy enough to get real into the weeds with it all so im kind of rotating just. a beautiful set of reunions with the fellowship. eowyn and faramir get engaged. boromir and faramir see all their dreams of a gondor restored come true. we skate over the political minefield and deeply navigate the beginnings of denethor and faramir's relationship in this new world. and among it all, within it all, is hope, and a new dawn. and curtain.
i got distracted but re: we are in rivendell. it IS kind of fun to think about the themes and narratives. i am pushing my Let Faramir (And Denethor) Be Numenorean + Let Numenoreans Be Weird agendas so so sooo hard and i am having the time of my life with that specifically. birds follow him around and pick up the tunes he sings. he hears the voices of the people he loves in his head. he falls into a river and after having a breakdown about it promptly decides that The River Is Testing Him And He Has Passed. he gets to rivendell and INSTANTLY knows that there is someone Very Like Him Here (its elrond. the elrond-elros-faramir connection has me FROTHING at the mouth. faramir looks at elrond and sees his father and sees every statue of elros in minas tirith and Knows that this here is the son of earendil, gil-estel, his brightest north star. elrond looks at faramir and sees his brother, his dear dead doomed brother, and every numenorean descended from him and all their sins and all their glories and yet, kind as summer, sees beauty and knowledge and a strange quiet man who carries all the weight of his country on his shoulders and yet knows him, knows the legends; perhaps the blood of numenor is not yet spent in the south)
i just think that Every Elf that meets faramir along the way is like woah...hold up. there's something up with THIS guy! men ARENT supposed to do that! not anymore anyway! galadriel is Lowkey Threatened by him. and isnt that beautiful. woman who could be queen of the earth sees god's special chosen boy and goes hang on a minute. Fuck. i think they work out their shit by the time the company leaves lothlorien but like...just thinking about how faramir lowkey blamed her for boromir's death in rotk! idk how their dynamic is exaclty gonna manifest but there's definitely some sort of similar mindreader2mindreader tension!
AND. um the idea of faramir travelling with the fellowship discovering that maybe...well. he has never wanted to be a warrior but he has been honed into a blade anyway. by his father and by necessity. and perhaps for the first time in his life...outside of gondor he does not need to be all that. he can be mithrandir's pupil without censure he can be scholarly and witty and cunning - he is all these things, in gondor. but there he has to be them, and now he can discover that yes, this is what he wants to be. and he has never let his father and the expectations of his position STOP him but there is always a weight, there is always the knowledge that your actions are disapproved of, and being away from that for a while is i just think. really good for him. see above re: he comes home the image of his father in a gentler time. keep honking im sitting in my car crying about denethor ii twenty sixth steward of gondor.jpg (<- my greatest creation PLEASE click the link lol)
ALSO IM THRILLED YOU LIKED THAT WHETSTONE LINE LOL i kind of blacked out when i typed it on the page. i think truly the crazy thing about denethor and faramir is that they SHOULD understand each other. they know so much about each other and yet are so incompetent at actually putting it to any good use towards, you know, improving their relationship. faramir is incredibly emotionally intelligent AND can read minds AND has taken so many of what he probably views as denethor's worst traits and turned them to gentler uses. (im talking about his powers but im ALSO talking about that thing he does when he encounters frodo and sam where he plays woe is me my brother is dead and i miss him sooo much to get on their good sides. yes of course he misses boromir more than anything else in the world. no he is not above using it to his advantage. and we see the SAME THING when gandalf and pippin come to minas tirith. hey isn't it crazy that both of them use boromir as a. manipulation chip. even after he's dead. hey thats kind of fucked up actually!) and denethor is…well denethor is denethor. ok im mostly messing around and thought that sentence was funny. i think he Knows most everything that goes on in faramir's head and yet Wilfully Chooses to interpret it in the worst ways because its just soo....very I Thought I Raised You Better Than That/I Honed You To Be My Blade Stop Defying Me. and despite all that the Problem is that they understand each other right up until they don't. they know how THEY feel about each other (incredible love that they can only express in the worst ways/think they're expressing only to be spurned by the other) but cannot POSSIBLY imagine that the other feels the same way.
ive gone on for SO SO LONG ALREADY LOL but. what do i have to say about denethor and thorongil. not enough and too much all at once. they're so toxic and awful for each other they're MADE for each other they're beautiful narrative parallels they're homoerotic besties they're bitter rivals they're pawns in a proxy war they're locked at all times in a psychic psychosexual situationship. um the enemy of my enemy is kissing me with tongue. idk i have more symbolism and actual analysis especially of the denethor-ecthelion-thorongil Issue. but we are just getting into it. so i will start with the situations bc i have two angles for this. on one hand i do think it is very fun if they constantly homoerotically circle each other for years and years and never do a THING about it. like...this is a stitching up wounds wiping blood off each others faces battle couple/situationship situation that THEN turns into a ridiculously high functioning political rival partnership bent together over books long into the night catching each others eye in council meetings using their very real disdain for each other for Manipulation Purposes and getting uh. SO hot over it. like.....Do You Know What I Mean. just. truly unresolved sexual tension THROUGH THE ROOF. it DELIGHTS me. they are always putting themselves in situations. and then NOT making out about it. AND THEY CAN READ EACH OTHERS MINDS!! THE WHOLE TIME!! SO THEY KNOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH THEY WANT EACH OTHER AND STILL ARENT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!! like thats just really good. but on the other hand.......the idea of just an absolutely terrible beautiful toxic rivals with benefits codependent situationship. i hate you so much and you know what we DO need to make out about it. every time they fuck it is a power play and they are having SO much fun with it. they will both start arguments with each other (AND IN PUBLIC TOO) just so they can fight and make up. the mind reading...Oh You Know What I Mean. taylor swift voice we had this big white city all to ourselves we blocked the noise with the sound of i need you and for the first time i had something to lose! logically thorongil is not yet in his grubby ranger era but the idea of him being dirt smeared all the time and hanging out with prim proper polished denethor. in the fic (which does exist and DOES follow the second model) theres a scene where hes just chilling with his head in denethor's lap and denethor is actually rather delighted and devoting ALL of his copious braincells to pretending not to be. Man. well never say im not a slut for contrast. and now the rest of what i could say is simply straight up redacted for indecency so it is time for this post to be over. the last thing i have to say is that it absolutely ruins denethor's life forever when thorongil up and leaves. sometimes a situationship....anyway. MUCH LOVE TO YOU AS ALWAYS yes we will have denethor december i already have an url saved.
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his-saiko · 1 year
The Summoning
— You Got Me
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"You got my body, flesh and bone. The sky above, the earth below."
You weren't supposed to be anywhere near this man's path. But there was something about you that seems so compelling. Curiosity? Lust? Threat? He just has to know. Whatever it is, there's one thing he is definitely set on. He wants you and he's not so easily distracted from that goal.
— Dabi x f!oc/reader. Enemies to friends?
C/Tw. themes of harm, intrusive thoughts [All possible triggering content will be enclosed in !'s]
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He's not exactly blind. He sees you. You just don't see him. His chest tightens as he watches you interact with the hero. What is he planning? He never trusted the person but this feels like a line is getting crossed.
"Holding your own recruitment, hero?"
He follows you at a far distance. As much as he wants to watch you closely, you're clearly capable of pushing him away. That's the last thing he wants.
You walk around almost aimlessly stopping at any crossroad you end up on. You don't know where to go yourself and this is why you don't go out without an objective but you don't want to go home right now either in addition to that you don't exactly remember how to go back. With all your twist and turns, you lost your bearing. You huff. "Fucking dammit. How the hell am I supposed to come home?"
You continue to walk and end up on the top side of the bridge. "Oh." "If I go down from this I can get home." You look around and look for the end of the bridge. "Left. Right. Left..." You chant as you try to figure out the way. You look over the railing and see the drop. !"Jump."! "Okay. I gotta get off this bridge." You just pick a direction and start walking. You consciously watch how you breathe to keep yourself calm.
You duck into a corner to get some needed solitude. You curse to yourself. "I shouldn't have left home today." You knew it was too early to go out but you convinced yourself it was worth a try. So is it? Is it worth it? "Don't cry now. Don't cry now. Don't cry now." You repeat in your head as you sob. But you feel like you're back to that moment again, where you felt like no one will care, where you felt like you're always alone in this. "I'm sorry." You unconsciously say as if there are people there who hear you.
"You look pathetic."
"The fuck?" You jump and see Dabi standing before you. "I told you to leave me alone!"
"Relax." He puts his hand up to surrender. "You just look like you needed help."
"Help? Help?! I didn't ask for help. And I'm sure as hell not gonna ask shit from you."
"Alright, fine. I just thought you needed company." He slowly backs up. That shit he got from you was a pain for days.
"Have you been following me? Why are you here?"
"I was... checking on something." It wasn't a lie. Not even a denial.
You stand up and walk away. He always seems to catch you in your most vulnerable moments and it's the worst feeling to have to be seen like this but aren't you supposed to be showing vulnerability towards the hero? Was all that a lie then?
"Have you been busy being friendly with that hero still?"
I stop. "Why are you so fixated on my business!?"
"Look, I'm just trying to be friendly and you're making it awfully hard on me." He walks towards you. "Why? 'Cuz I'm a villain?"
You are taken aback by his question. Of course, the answer is obvious. But something feels so wrong about it. "I just don't want to get caught up in all the 'war' you guys are in. I'm already uncomfortable enough that I have a hero just checking up on me every now and then. And you—" you eye him in an accusatory manner— "are a danger in itself."
He scoffs. "That is only if you give me a reason to. Now, I'm just trying to weed out the fakes from the real ones. What are the heroes doing?"
His question makes you think. What do the heroes do after they caught the villain? The prisons, Tartarus. Your shoulders drop. He has a point. Humans seemed to have evolved physically but as a collective nothing really changed. It was almost like everything is repeating.
"Why do you care what I think? I don't think you need me to validate your own interests?"
"Oh, this isn't about my interests. This is about yours." He leans in so you could see eye to eye. "If I have to guess, the hero meddling in your own life is telling you you could help people with your quirk. But is that what you want?"
"I—" You choke. "What else is there to want? You'd have purpose."
Dabi throws his head back as he laughs. "There's more to life than just purpose, wildflower."
The words hit you like a car. You are like a deer in the headlights. He isn't wrong. You knew there was something more but it just feels so impossible to reach. For him to say those words, he must have some sort of proof.
"Like what?" I mutter.
Dabi grins. "I think it's better to just show you."
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"You'll probably want an apology for wearing a blindfold," Dabi says but his tone sounds playful he seems to be enjoying this.
"I honestly don't want to know where everything lies... I don't mind."
"You don't mind being at the mercy of a person who blindfolded you?" He teases.
You let out an exasperated sigh.
"Relax, as I've said before I'm not gonna hurt you."
"I won't promise you the same thing."
"Right. Well—" He took off the blindfold— "here we are."
It's one of the biggest mansions you've ever come across. "Wow."
"Eeh... That's not what I want to show you exactly." He put his arm on your shoulder and lead you in. It was a very spacious building and people are all around it.
You are led into a room where a few others are staying in. All of them you recognise. You turn to face Dabi and glare. "If this is some other sick joke—"
"It's not." He turns you to face the others.
"Is this the person you've been stalking?" Toga smiles.
"Stalking?" You look at Dabi again but this time he is avoiding your gaze. Though he has a faint smile on your lips.
"Here, this is the one I told you with a good quirk." Dabi puts his hand on the small of your back and gently pushes you forward.
"What is it?" A raspy voice catches your attention.
"I— I call it Hysteria. It only activates based on my emotions." You avoid making eye contact with Tomura.
"You mean like Re-Destro?"
"Ah. You might know him as Yotsubashi Rikiya, the president of Detnerat." The man in a yellow coat mentions as he gracefully eats sushi.
You think for a second. You're not updated much on a lot of things but the information does pass you by as you lurk on the net from time to time. "I think I've heard of it." You cup your chin. "Support..."
You feel a presence creeping up on you. You swing your arm and see Toga's gadget broken on the floor.
"Aww, that's mean..." The girl pouts. "I just wanted a bit of your blood."
You freeze on the spot. You feel your body getting heavier.
You feel vulnerable with their eyes on you. You want to leave but you couldn't move. You close your eyes and calm yourself to deactivate your quirk.
Toga giggles. "I like her." She says as she leans and tilts her head to look at you.
You feel your cheeks heat up. You take a step back but you bump into Dabi who's been standing behind you all along. "Wait, why am I here? You said you'd show me something. I don't see how this helps."
"Look around you. You think anyone in this room is living for a 'purpose'?"
I shake my head in disbelief. "Isn't that why you guys are working together? For a dream of some kind?"
"It's not really a dream when it's a reality hidden in a lie." Tomura starts. "Hero society isn't exactly what people think it is."
You stay quiet. If there's one thing you accept from this side it's that they have suffered like you did. Maybe, even more.
"Okay. Say you do succeed what happens then what does your 'bright future' look like?"
"That's where a new life starts."
You stay quiet again for a moment. You take a deep breath. "I'm leaving. Thank you." You walk past Dabi and open the door.
As some sick twist of fate, you see another familiar villain walking alongside someone you never expected to see. "Hero..."
Hawks freezes in place when he saw you. Something stirs up inside him when he saw Dabi behind you with a condescending grin.
"Oh, hey! You must be the person Dabi's been looking for." Twice comes to you and shakes your hand enthusiastically. "So why do you think he likes you, huh?" Twice starts taking measurements from you but you couldn't react because your mind's focus was on the shock of seeing the people's hero in a villain's headquarters.
"Uh— uh, mister Twice." You stutter as you keep yourself cool. "Sorry, but I think I need... Some fresh air."
"Sure, come back anytime!" — "Unless you're gonna be trouble! Which don't!"
You just turn and run away. You got to a spot where you see no one and drop to the ground. You hold your chest and make a serious effort to keep yourself calm. "If you let lose now, you'll die." "Fuck it. I might as well be dead if I have to deal with another lie..." "Bastards... Bastards all of you." You grip your hair and try to make yourself scarce by curling up.
"Can you at least try not to include me in that?"
You hear Dabi's voice but you have nothing to give to anyone at all at the moment. You just want everything to end. "Reality hidden in a lie..."
You feel Dabi sit down beside you. "Guess you didn't know your friend is here with us as well."
"You knew?" You ask in your own head. Of course he would, you just didn't ask. You didn't suspect anything from Hawks. You're starting to feel faint.
That's the downfall of your quirk. Whenever you feel overwhelmed your body starts to process the emotions as usual but it's so much that it just turns against you instead. The shutdown.
You wake up on a couch. You jump up and immediately your head starts to spin. "Fuck..." You do your best to slowly bring yourself back down.
"Where am I? Hello?" You cradle your head with both hands.
"You're still in the mansion." Dabi's voice comes through. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." You answer with no hesitation. "I don't want to talk about it."
Dabi laughs.
"Why am I still here? You could have easily left me anywhere to get lost or die." You look around to try and look for the flame user. He was just sitting on the floor in a corner where you couldn't see much of you but he can see you fully. "Fuck, I never had a shutdown in so long." You groan.
"And how many times do I have to tell you that I don't have any intent to hurt you?"
"You'll probably need to remind me every time I question it."
Dabi hums. "Fair enough."
"What..." You start and give him a glance. The way Dabi looks at you as he waited makes you feel flushed. "What do you want—" you try not to choke up from the reality crashing over you again— "from me?"
"That I don't know myself." He leans his head back. "You just seem like someone I want to be around."
"Bullshit..." You retort.
"Yeah, right?" He agrees and you both chuckle. "Is that a chuckle I hear? Are you actually capable of laughing?"
"Don't... let it get to your head..." You relax and gauge yourself. "Just take me home." You tell Dabi.
You roll your eyes. "I wanna go home, but I don't know how to. You're gonna have to take me home."
"What you're not afraid that I might hurt you?" He smirks.
"Oh. Relax, I still don't trust you. You're gonna have to prove yourself to me every single time that you're not gonna hurt me."
Dabi is a villain. Society knows that. He accepts the fact. What he doesn't accept is that he feels bad for putting you through this. You didn't even question him or lashed out at him like he expected you to. What was it all for then?
He unconsciously walks you to your door. His eyes land on your hand it was so dainty compared to his. He almost reached out for it. "Hey..."
"What?" You ask but it wasn't snappy.
Your voice and tone may be a little cold but someone like Dabi would be used to such temperament but when he looks at you he sees your words differently. It almost feels like he wasn't a villain. Just a person.
"If you ever get bored again, you can always just call me."
You snicker. "Mm— I don't think it's a good idea to have an outsider be in contact with you."
"Oh, fucking— come on..." He ruffles his hair. "Have this." He gives a phone to you. "I asked someone to put a tracker in it. You can only reach me through here."
"Wow is this how people get into dates now?" You tease but maintain your tone and a straight face.
"What?" Dabi's facial expression isn't what you expected. It also made you feel embarrassed.
You play it off with a laugh. "I guess even you would ask that. Try not to expect much from me." You do your best to bump your fist into his shoulder. "Thanks, Dabi." You say honestly and walk into your own home.
"Well, that's fucking unbelievable." He mutters to himself as he walks away.
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© Alfi 2023. Do not replicate.
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observeowl · 2 years
Premiere S.J
Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: R accompanies Scarlett for Endgame premiere and R leaves early during the party after the screening
Scarlett POV It was the premiere of Avengers: Endgame and I had invited Y/N to join me. She had participated in these kinds of events before so I wasn’t too worried for her. She knew how to act in front of the cameras and usually left me to do all the talking, saying if she didn’t say anything, nothing could go wrong. Gosh, what did I do to get such a considerate girlfriend.
After all the mini interviews while walking the carpet, we are finally in the theatre watching Endgame. It slipped my mind that Natasha was going to, well, jump off and Y/N wasn’t going to take it too well. Natasha is her comfort character, being a human and part of the team fighting against all the aliens motivated her. 
It reached the part of the time heist and I kept seeking glances at her every few seconds. Despite not being an actress, she can hide her feelings very well and bring out another emotion, I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. When the time heist ended, I took another glance at her and she was okay? I had expected her to let a few tears out even though I knew she doesn’t cry much, but her face did not change from the beginning. Did it really not affect her? 
The movie ended with Robert’s big scene and everyone started to move to the after party. (idk if there is) I asked Y/N if she was alright but she smiled at me and said she was fine and there was nothing to worry about. 
Your POVWhen the scene moved to Vormir, I had already guessed what was going to happen. I could sense Scarlett glancing at me even though I didn’t look back. When Clint and Natasha were fighting over who was going to jump, I had already shut myself off. I keep telling myself, think of something else, think of something else, think of your work other than this. My eyes were still facing the screen but I was not watching. The hardest part was trying to cut out the hearing, it’s not like I could just cover my ears. 
I had done this many times when watching movies at home with Scarlett but never in this crowd. Suddenly, there was applause coming from everyone and I finally stopped chanting to myself. With Scarlett’s waist in my arms, we went to the after party and I got the same drink as her. I was really tired from all the constant state of mind I was in and I wanted to get away. Scarlett kept asking if I was okay and I told her I was fine and there was nothing to worry about. 
After finishing my first drink I told Scarlett that I’d head home first.
“I can leave with you now.” Scarlett replied. 
“No. This is a big movie. People would want you here. You need to mingle with them, you can’t just leave.” 
“You know I don’t care about what they think.”
“For me. Stay.” I said with a serious voice and I could see Scarlett was taken aback by my tone. “I’ll be fine.” I gave her a quick kiss before leaving the venue.
Both of us didn’t drive because we knew we were going to drink. I flagged a cab and went back home. I sat on the couch without changing. My mind went back to Vormir, even though I didn’t see her touch the ground, I knew she did. It’s not like she could have jumped up. 
I lightly slapped my face to psych myself up. I knew I was not my normal self. I was always conscious of I am acting so I knew I was off. I need to be back to normal before Scarlett comes back.
I need to stop thinking of her. I need to draw a line before Infinity War or even Civil War for god sake. 
Scarlett POV I was still worried for Y/N. My mind was not at the party, but with her. “Scarlett!” Elizabeth waved her hand in front of me. 
I snapped back to reality. “Sorry.”
“Are you okay? You never drift off in times like this.”
“Y/N left early so I was thinking about her.” I knew I could be truthful to Lizzie. 
“You know you can leave early.” 
“I know, but she asked me to stay.”
“I’m sure enough time has passed to allow her to think whatever she needed to.” Lizzie took my drink off my hand. “Now go.” I thanked Lizzie and gave her a hug before making my way home. 
As I got back home, the lights were not on and I saw Y/N sleeping on the couch without changing her clothes. I went round her to give her a kiss but I saw tears streaming down her face. “Y/N! Y/N.” I tapped on her shoulders.
She opened her eyes “You died.” She said softly.
“What? No, I’m here.” I held her hands as she sat up.
“Not you, Natasha.” 
I sighed, I should have known she was not going to be fine. “She did it for the world, for the universe.” I pulled her in for a hug. “She died, but I’m here and I’m her. I’m going to protect you.” I put my hand on her back and did soothing rubs for her. “I love you and I’m never going to leave you.” 
“I love you too.” She said as she tried to calm down from her crying. 
It is a huge couch so there is space for the both of us to lie together but we were hugging so close together that we only occupied half of it. I continued to rub her back as she slept. I should have known she was putting a brave front for me. She never liked anyone seeing her being vulnerable. 
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m-1-jb · 2 years
Pardon me miss for my dirty looks.
I was fighting to protect the mountain,
which they have wanted to take from us.
We were on a line. Shoulder to shoulder.
Stomping our foots down.
And beating the sticks, the harvest rape, the rakes and the brooms in the dirt.
As we had always done.
We chanted together.
Defying their terrible faces.
Defying their killing frenzy.
They too stomped the ground by the marching ahead with their shinning breastplates and their bloodied steel.
Blunt now it'd been by war.
As they had done the neighbour mountain.
But at us they stopped.
We were but villagers, farmers. Women, men, elders and even children and babies on hands and breasts.
No we will not pity ourselves for our motherland.
We will not pity our children and our wise elders.
From this mountain our generations were brought up.
On these mountains we will spill back our blood.
For the curse; the great and black barren curse that knows no weapon, and calls no man her ruler, to take effect.
That will return the plunderers crawling to the plains for dog bones and rain water water, empty handed.
Who have wanted to spoil our women.
Who traveled far to desecrate the peace.
For they will cry, and the strangers that sojourn from that day, for mercy towards our bones.
For what has been done to the giving mountain.
But we will not pity ourselves over our mother mountain today.
You will not drive us out.
Hear the pounding of our feet like a heartbeat you trespasser?
Know therefore that when you cause us to cease, this land is left without a heartbeat. Forever.
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syso-aegis · 2 years
Yesterday's halloween was wild. I was not far from a large police line holding back an active shooting. My makeup was some black oil like motor oil or something just hastily smeared across my face. My prop was an axe I brought from the workshop. Saw a dude who was exactly as lazy as me, his prop was a bat. Thought to myself. "THAT GUY HAS BATTLE STICK TOO" I yelled over at him across the mainsquare a few times. Looked at me and and continued "WHO WHO WHO WHO"ing raising my battle stick to show off. He joins the primal chant raising his battle stick in unison. We continue waving our battle sticks giving each other our war crys. then we went on our merry nights. I felt and still feel very satisfied by this encounter.
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pygmyocto · 2 years
for me to love you
§pairing: morax | zhongli x fem!reader § summary: how is it possible for him to love you? a god and a mortal soul, one forced to relive the death of their lover for eternity, the other forced to be cursed with a shortened life. § tags/cw: angst, angst no comfort, death, funeral-planning, implied nsfw activities, reincarnation, mortality § notes: not proofread, we die like rex lapis, low-key wrote this for a class originally and had to rewrite it to turn into a fanfic, so if there’s some weird pov changes that’s why. also first fanfic i’ve published in five years woo! § word count: 2.6k
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Planning your own funeral is something you should never have to think about. It’s something that should be left to your next of kin, or the ones you leave behind. But what happens when you have no one you’re leaving behind? That’s where a funeral consultant comes in. That’s why Morax is currently pouring over the letter he just received from the courier. Dear Mr. Zhongli, I deeply apologize for my behavior about the arrangements for the funeral. I did not mean to cause you undue stress. This funeral however is extremely important to me, and it’s imperative that it goes off without a hitch. You only die once, right? Apologies again, if I don’t laugh I suppose I’ll cry. But, in any case please do write back to me if you are still comfortable helping me plan the rites of passing. If I do not hear a response from you within the next week, I will go ahead with my plan to pursue another funeral consultant. Best regards, Planning your own lover’s funeral is something you should never have to think about. Which is why he stared at the signature on the line with a slowly cracking heart. That’s why Morax wasn’t able to get out of bed for the past three days. For centuries, eons even, he’d spent his time trying to keep you on this earth with him for as long as possible. Yet here you was as this new vessel at twenty-six, seeking him out to ask for his advice on planning your own funeral. Lying on his back, staring up a blank ceiling, he covered his eyes in the crook of his arm and laughed. What a cruel mistress fate was. His head chanted back the words in the letter to him. “You only die once, right?” No, Morax had witnessed the deaths of your various vessels many-a-times. “I did not mean to cause you undue stress” Darling, you’ve done that since the moment your soul was breathed into existence by Celestia and sent to torment his soul. Perhaps this was his divine punishment for all of the things he had done in the Archon War. “If I do not hear a response from you within the next week, I will go ahead with my plan to pursue another funeral consultant.” One week. That’s all he had to say goodbye. This was all his fault; he knew that it had to be. He was the reason that your soul was fading. While each time your vessel died, you would come back and be the same kind soul, ignorant of your shared lifetimes until something sparked. Then suddenly you remembered everything. This latest vessel he knew—be it godly intuition or otherwise—would be your last. One week. The door to his quaint little mortal home flew open and he took a briefcase with him. The idea that someone else would plan what very possibly could be the last funeral you would ever had rubbed him in all of the wrong ways. Nearly five millennia, give or take, of knowing your soul all for your last lifetime to amount in you not even remembering him… The thought was too much to bear. Maybe there was still time. Still time for him to try to get your memories back. To keep you awake and away from eternal slumber. ੈ✩‧₊˚  Standing in the doorway, you looked much weaker than you had been three days ago when you came into the funeral parlor a sobbing mess. Despite having the happy glow back, your general attitude felt more… tired. Like you’d run a marathon and was ready to go home and relax. Morax supposed that in a bit of an abstract way, you had. “Oh! Mr. Zhongli. I didn’t expect you to be here…” you said, the awkwardness was evident. Unavoidable. Morax had always prided himself on being able to keep a professional manner towards clients but… “Yes, I came to apologize… the way I acted was completely out of character for me. I do wish to assist you in--” “Planning my own funeral… yeah…” “Precisely.” “Well, uh… I guess we can get to work? Let me go clean myself up and you can tell me the plan?” “That sounds like a good idea to me.” You stepped to the side a bit like a deer just learning to walk. “Well, uh, come in and make yourself at home. I’ll only be a moment. Would you like a cup of tea?” “I’m alright, thank you.” “Wine?” you laughed, and Morax found himself cracking a smile. “You may want to save that for the viewing.” “Ah, of course, how could I forget,” you giggled. It sounded like a wind chime. Morax’s eyes watched your form disappear into another room. Yet it felt like your presence lingered. The old couch he found himself perched upon appeared to have been from a hand-me-down store. In fact, most of the furniture appear to be second-hand. He stared at a stain on the couch that had appeared to have been through the wringer of cleaning supplies. His finger traced it. It was an old stain. In previous lifetimes, Morax made sure to always find your vessel and ensure you lived a comfortable life. In a way, he felt like he was still able to love you, without actually having to put you through the pain of remembering all of the previous lifetimes—and with the pain of knowing you would never live to see the age of forty with those memories of your shared lives together. Yet it seemed that for the past few lifetimes, he was unable to find your vessel. There was no exact way to calculate how many reincarnations he’d missed—it could be decades before your soul found a vessel, sometimes it was mere months. Then there was the issue of vessels being mortal. Despite not being cursed to die at forty, the vessel still very much could succumb to mortal diseases, injuries, and the like. All of these variables made it near impossible to calculate exactly how many iterations of you had to live in anything less than luxury Thinking of his lover living in anything less than luxury made his heart feel heavy. How many lifetimes had it been you were forced to live without knowing the comforts of a soft bed? Of not having to worry about where the next meal came from? “I’m ready—“ Morax snapped out of his daze. “—Ah uh… sorry. I know it’s all a bit of a mess. I’ve tried so dang hard to get that thing out of that couch but nothing works.” “I see.” Now you seemed embarrassed now. “Uh—well—do you want to sit outside?” “Wherever you are most comfortable.” “Right—then um… this way,” you motioned. Just up the hill was a small tea kiosk. The old man smiled with a sense of familiarity and wordlessly served two cups of a sweet smelling tea. You tapped the table with your index and middle finger twice and the man reached across, patting you on the head. The man retreated away to a small stove away from the kiosk, where a few tables had been set up and other patrons laughed merrily. “So… there are three rites that I want to make sure happen, I guess. The Rite of Peace, the Rite of Release… and the Rite of Apology…” “Apology? I don’t think you have anything to apologize for…” “Yes… it’s just… um. I don’t know. I feel like I need to. For dying so young before I could contribute anything to Liyue.” “I see…” said Morax, but he really didn’t. Plenty of people died young. Usually they would participate in the Rite of Love, in order to inspire the others around them to live a life filled with love to compensate for the love they were not able to give. Rite of Apology usually only occurred for the criminal who had done much wrong in their life and wanted to set things right with their Archon before they passed. Morax inwardly reveled at the irony. The Rite of Apology was an apology of the dying to him, as he was the Archon of Liyue, yet in this one situation, the offending party was him. He’d make sure that he set things right. He’d reconnect your soul to your vessel and if his theory was correct, it would fortify your soul and allow it to keep living on until he could love you the way he should’ve been this whole time He’d do it right this time.
A week had passed. A week of trying to get you to remember. And finally, here. Now. It was paying off. In the warmth of his home, his room, with you so close to his heart there was no way you wouldn’t remember your shared past. The two of you lie bare before each other, you curled into his pale chest as he held his arms protectively around you. A thin sheen of sweat remained on your forehead, and the thin sheet did little to protect the curving form of your body from Morax’s loving gaze. Trailing that curve with his fingers, Morax once more buried his face in the duvet between your neck and shoulder, whispering your name—your true name—like a prayer, “I’ve missed you so much,” he muttered, teeth grazing over the soft parts of your shoulder, the tip of his tongue experimentally darting out every now and again. As it clicked, however, you were tense. You said your true name like a question and sat frozen as a statue, pushing against his shoulders to get him off your body. “Is that… your wife?” If you listened hard enough, you could hear the sound of Morax’s heart shattering into a million pieces. Together in the moonlight, your hair, which was in a clean bun before, fell around your shoulders and protected your quickly tear-staining cheeks from Morax’s prying eyes. He couldn’t help himself. He truly thought that this would’ve fixed it. It should’ve fixed it. It should’ve been fine. You would’ve have spent this last week together and you would remember. Your soul would be strong enough to pass onto another vessel, at least once. Then he’d love you as he was duty-bound to do. Like he should’ve been for the last several centuries. “Who is she?” You didn’t remember. He was too late… “Zhongli?” “Morax.” “Morax?” “My name is Morax. The Geo Archon. God of Contracts” “That’s a new one. Not many men who get caught cheating pull the ‘I’m actually a god’ card.” “It’s the truth.” “I don’t believe you.” Morax’s eyes narrowed and he allowed himself to take on his original form. The horns of a qilin and the dragon’s tail sprouted out of his human form. Suddenly, he felt vulnerable again. He was once more neither fully Rex Lapis, the untouchable Geo Archon of Liyue, nor was he Zhongli, the oddly wise funeral consultant of Wangsheng Parlor. He was the god who fell in love with a mortal soul, who was destined to haunt his existence for eternity. The reckless young god only recently awakened and sent to Teyvat. “You are her. Your soul is at least.” “I don’t understand.” “Your soul has been in many vessels. This form… it is your most recent,” Morax explained, and his heart cracked a bit more as you pulled away from him. “So… this isn’t the first time I’ve known you?” “No… but… I fear it may very well be the last.” “What do you mean?” “You’ve been growing weaker. It’s… my own fault. For many millennia, there has been two constants in Liyue. One, is my presence here. Two, was your soul reincarnating into different vessels. Cursed to live a life cut short at the age of forty, before coming back and doing it all over again…” “So… when you said that it was you… that should’ve been doing the Rite of Apology instead of me… what you really meant was—“ “—that I was sorry… because it is my fault you’re dying.” “But there’s no way you could’ve—“ “I knew. I was purposefully avoiding falling in love with you for the last few lifetimes because I… I suppose I was scared. Like you said in your letter. I was scared of loving someone knowing that they would have to leave me.” You were quiet, and even the creaking house grew still at the shared silence. “So… you just… decided to try to stop loving me?” “In order to ensure you lived happy lifetimes? To stop having to go through the pain of losing you over and over? Yes.” He admitted and saw the glassy tears in your eyes, “But… I see now that decision might’ve not been the best course of action. Because now I’m going to lose you forever.” You were quiet again, processing. He could see the gears turning. Trying to connect wires and fill in the blank spaces. But it’s impossible to fill in the blank spaces of memories when the memories themselves are not even accessible. Finally, you spoke. “Do you love me?” “More than anything.” “Then… if this is the last time I’ll see you… I’d like to ask a favor.” “Anything.” “Could… could you just hold me? For these last few moments?” Morax didn’t say anything, but simply wrapped you up in his arms. The end was in sight. The light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel was beginning to shine through. Your body grew weaker by the minute, and in turn, so did your soul. Yet as he lie next to you in the comfort of his home, in his bed, he didn’t feel the grief he had in previous iterations of you. In nearly five millennia of existence with each other, it was this last week that ended up meaning the most. “Do you think there’s an afterlife?” “For you? Yes… your soul will be able to go on and finally rest in Finality… I however… will remain here until Celestia calls me back to rejoin their ranks. There I will lie dormant until I am needed again,” Morax said, tracing patterns on your skin. “Why is that?” “Because I am of the race of gods. And you are are the race of men.” You turned onto your side, looking into Morax’s deep amber eyes. Morax wondered what you found there. “You say that I’m… this woman, your wife, but I don’t have any memories of these past lives. You said that past vessels of me would remember, right?” “Yes, but I believe since your soul is so weak from the lifetimes of my neglect… it is too late,” Morax responded, “—it was my own fault that I let you slip through my fingers again. It’s always the same story. I love you, and then I lose you.” “But this time…” Morax nodded, “This time it will be permanent.” You shifted onto your back once more. Looking up at the ceiling blankly. Morax could only stare at the soft outline of your features, memorizing each soft curve of your cheek, the angular jut of your nose. The way one side of your lips tugged up asymmetrically when you smiled. He tried to commit each feature to memory. To engrave the scene before him on his heart. “…I’m glad you found me again.” “I am too.” “I think I’m ready to go to sleep… I’ll—” a yawn, your eyes closed slowly as your breathing stilled, “—I’ll see you… when I wake up…” “…I’ll be right here when you do.” You smiled again before eyes shutting your completely. Your chest rose once more, before collapsing gently, never to take another breath. Morax closed his eyes, and the last thing you felt was droplets of sorrow from the god’s eyes. “Sleep well, my love… I love you... and--I’m sorry…”
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glowstick-cafe · 3 years
Abandoned||SBI x hybrid!reader
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SBIx hybrid!reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Violence, Swearing, implied injury??
I use the Doomsday war to my advantage, that just feels right.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
"Dad! Help me, I'm scared!" Tears rolled down my face as I clung to the tree branch, "Y/n, it's ok! Keep your eyes on me and jump." Philza yelled. You were playing hide and seek with your brothers and managed to get stuck in a tree, which is why you're in this situation. "W-What if I fall?!" I yelled back, my tears blurred my vision, the only thing recognizable to me was Phil's white and green bucket hat. "I'll catch catch you. I promise." He said, his calming voice relaxing me. You took his word of it and jumped from the branch, you expecting to hit the ground or Phil's arm at least but with a small peak you saw that you were flying. "D-Dad....I'm flying!" You yelled excitedly while Philza was clutching his chest as if his heart was about to collapse on itself. If you were to ask him about it today, he would say that it was the most stressful day of his life.
"Tech, c'mon!" You whined, as your brother payed not mind to the fact that you were bothering or well at least trying to bother him. "Y/n, for chirst sake stop annoying your brother." Philza said, he just wanted some peace and quiet in the house for once and you were the only thing keeping it from that. "Y/n, I've already told you that you can't go outside with me a night, you're going to get hurt." The pink haired piglin murmured, "I can protect myself, you know this." "No, is no." He said in a stern tone making you huff in annoyance.
"Go with him, I won't tell a soul." Wilbur's voice cheered, his red beanie rested lazily on his head as he leaned on the couch. "Thank you, I'll do your chores for 3 days." "Make it a week." "Fine." After that little exchange you ran out the door to find Techno.
Deep into the forest you silently trail behind your brother while hiding behind trees and bushes, upon hearing a sudden noise that surprised you, you turned around to see your brother nowhere in sight. Your breath quicken as you looked around the forest in panick, where the hell is he?, while walking through the forest you bumped into someone, "Techno! I'm so glad to see yo-AAAA!" You cut yourself off to find out that instead stood a zombie, you backed yourself into a tree which left you nowhere to go, as much as you wanted to use your wings it was useless since the zombie could just grab you. "I can't believe I'm going to die to a zombie-" You managed to say, your terror was short lived because Techno stabbed the zombie through the heart. "Techno, I'm so sorry for following you. I almost got killed and-" Your rambling was cut short due to the sudden hug from the piglin, "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt." He whispered, all you could do was cry into his never as he carried you home.
"Dad, I'm not six anymore, I take care of myself. Techno gets to move out, what about me?!" You yelled, it was anthor fight between you and Phil, it's been getting more worse everytime. "The difference between you and Techno is that he proved that he can take care of himself." Phil argued back making you more annoyed. "When did it become about proving something? All I'm asking you to do is trust me, when did the become so hard to do?!" You screamed, you were at your limit, you ran out of the house and flew up to sit on the roof.
You were left to your thought until you heard a familiar voice, "It's rough in there haha..." Wilbur said, he was trying to make you feel better but he mentally cursed himself for even saying that. "You know he's trying his best right?" He sighed, Wilbur took a seat next to you and stared at the sky. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and you used to sit on the roof and talk about the weirdest of things while watching the sunset, but not that Techno left to love on his on it doesn't feel the same. "Yeah, but I wish he'd do the bare minimum and treat me like I'm seventeen." I mumbled letting out a deep sigh, "Well, just know that I have your back no matter what, ok?" Wilbur reassured, he put out his pinky finger and you did the same, "Ok..." You gave the brunette a small smile then turning your attention back to the sunset.
"Now you've done it ya lil shit!" You jokingly yelled, you chase Tommy around the living room while Phil was making dinner and Wilbur was writing a song in his book. "Dad help! Y/n is brutally murdering me!" Tommy yelled while Phil hummed, not paying any attention to the blonde. "Imbeciles! Everyone of you in this house, imbeciles!" The blonde chanted while everyone laughed at you piled your entire weight on the boy.
Later in the night you heard a knock on your door, you utter a gentle come in to see Tommy. "What's up bud?" You ask, you sat up to look at him, "You know how Phil is finally letting you go live on your own?" You hummed and watced the boy try to find his word. "I...I don't want you to go-" He said, his voice sounding shakes which alarmed you.
"Is that was this is about? C'mon, sit." You sighed and patted a spot on you bed signaling for him to sit. "I know that you're going to miss me but just know that you'll have to get used to not having me around, I'm sure Wilbur feels the same. I believe in you, big man." I said while ruffling his hair, his expression seemed like he still wasn't read to let go. "But what about when you wake me up when I don't want to get up? What about you kicking me under the table during dinner, what about when I need you to tell me that everything is find? What about-" He paused to collect his thoughts. "Y/n, what am I without you?" His words made me halt, "Yourself..."
"You chose your side Y/n, Techno and I chose ours." Phil spoke, his tone cold and devoid of care."But, I thought- I thought we were a family." I say, Philza only wince at my words. I look up at him, Techno, and Dream as they set off the TNT dropper, with little time I tried to fly away I kept missing the TNT only by a kiss and a prayer until, "Y/n look out!" Tommy yelled, I quickly look behind me see TNT about to explode, out of instinct I use my wing to shield me.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
Why is no one there?
Dad-No, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy.....where are you?
My body felt like it was about the give out, I was losing a lot of blood. "I guess this is how I die...Techno can't save me this time." I chuckled to myself, "I wonder how one of Wilbur's songs go... Jubilee Line, was it?" I paused.
"Wasting your time
You're wasting mine
I hate to see you leaving
A fate worse than dying
Your city gave me asthma
So that's why I'm fucking leaving."
While I was singing a voice called out to me, it seems like I was buried under a pile of rocks...cool I guess. A hand reached and pulled me out of the dark creavis, surprising me completely.
I didn't realize how relieved I was to not die until I stole a hug from the person that saved me, he smelled of blueberries and heaven he was wear a colorful hoodie and a sea foam green swirl on the front. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Even his soft voice resembled an angel, I cried into his hoodie an. The man hugging me whispered small reassurances as my tears stain his hoodie, in that moment I've never been this scared to let someone go.
I hoped you liked this because I sure did, I shall go pass out now. It's 3:06am rn.
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