#chaotic household…
hibiscuslynx · 9 months
i have this hc/au in which the wttt/miss counterparts of the state r siblings (so like. miss pa and wttt pa r siblings ) but then i remember the dating games ep and im like. oh. but then i get to completely erase that out of the (head)canon so its all good
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x3nshit · 1 year
“you can’t heal in the same environment that made you sick”
i didn’t get this until someone put it into words. i’d never understand why i always felt better when i locked myself alone in my room rather than spending time with my toxic family. i never understood why i was bubbly and outgoing when i was with my friends but my energy was immediately drained the second i got home. i didn’t understand why regardless of the effort i put into healing i would keep getting triggered by people in my family. i never understood it until i read that sentence and it all just clicked. i can’t heal in an environment where the people are benefiting from my suffering. where the people don’t want to change the behaviour which affects me negatively.
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bunnithechubs · 4 months
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Nadia really is an icon.
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My brothers just went after Kade Burns lmao
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Nobody else got it but me. I understood that reference
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chaoticlava101 · 2 months
The world would be a better place if Hollywood cast Dev Patel in as many movies as they cast Chris Pratt in
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cinamun · 7 months
So basically, I went way off that little posting schedule I was trying out so while things marinate a little bit and I back up these files and update this game, I thought I would show y'all WHY CPS ALMOST SHOWED UP TO THE CRIB WHILE JAY WAS DROPPING BOOKS IN CLASS TO WAKE UP Ms. cOlTrAnE cYcLe
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So I'm just like okay, she said she was going to make her husband some pizza with the new pizza oven. She knows her man likes pizza. Bet. So after the little lecture scene or whatever I go back to the lot so Hope can go on ahead and make the pizza.
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I load up the lot and she's downstairs watching TV in Jay's office. So we do what one does and instruct her to go where she needs to be. But then it hits me that the babies aren't in the swings... So I start zooming around and Jayde is minding her business.
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Now that she can scoot around she getting into all kindsa shit! Forget them high poly AGK toys back there, let's play and chew on this low poly remote. I don't even know how she got that, or if its a hazard like.... what if one of the buttons pops off? Anyway...
Tell me why I went looking for Jackson and ....
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This boy on the porch IN THE RAIN AND NOW THUNDER ATP
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I mean he is WORRIED and I am too like??? HOW? Who told you to go outside? Where is your mother? How did you get the door open?? Like I have so many questions y'all istg.
Every time I load this lot there's a baby somewhere they are NOT supposed to be.
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
waking up next to aaron when he finally gets to sleep in on his day off 🥰🥰 i’m imagining a very slow morning w/ bacon and eggs and lots of kisses
omg i'm gonna put a lil father's day take on this bc i'm yearning sooo badly for aaron today 🥹
UGH just being so so happy and content waking up next to aaron 🥹 it's something you definitely don't take for granted - you know the opposite veryyy well. no matter how many nights you spend apart due to him being away on cases, it doesn't get easier at all :( and it impacts your day overall too. waking up alone, your day starts off on more of a sad note, because more than anything you just want to be in aaron's arms, waking him up with so many kisses, and delaying starting the day as much as possible, just to spend those extra moments with him. just 🥺 those sparkly brown eyes of his being the very first thing you see in the morning, there's nothing better 🥺 it makes everything in the world just make sense and feel right.
so when you had the confirmation aaron was going to be home!!!! on father's day of all days!!!!!!! you are determined to spoil him the entire day, and that definitelyyyyy starts off by letting him sleep in as much as you can, iffff possible. hehe you sneakily get out of bed, not without giving him a soft kiss on the forehead first 🥹 before you hurry down the hall to get jack, and any other kiddos you may have 🤭 you wake them up gently, and they're yawning and dead to the world as little kids are when you first wake up them from deep sleep <333, but once you remind them it's father's day!!!! and you get to love on daddy!!! all day!!!! they're immediately wide awake and hurrying out of bed because there's so much!!!! to do!!!! hehe also, the original plan was for all of you to make breakfast while aaron slept in, and surprsie him, but the kiddos are so so excited they can't help but rush into aaron and your's room, pouncing on him to wake up him 🤭🤭🤭 all squealing "happy father's day!!!" and throwing themselves at him <3 hehe and aaron loves every single second of it!!!! he's tickling them back and peppering them with kisses and he's so so happy 🥹 all of you snuggle up in bed together before getting up, and aaron ends up helping with breakfast <333 he's helping the babies measure ingredients for pancakes, dumping and stirring such in the mixing bowl, showing them how he makes his daily coffee <333 it's a whole family affair <3333 and besides, aaron would sooo much rather spend time with all his loves instead of sleeping in 🥰 and after breakfast, (although, the littles did try to do so during breakfast BUT aaron was like "🤨🫵🏻 eat your food first", because they were so excited and talking so fast with their mouths full of pancake and there's no choking on his watch🫵🏻) the kiddos give him alllll the handmade gifts and coloring pages they worked their very hardest on, and all of which will end up on aaron's desk in his office <3 hehe he'll proudly display all of them 🥰
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lonestardust · 1 year
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Reyes side-eyeing Strand. S4E14.
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royalapocalypse · 1 year
how it feels like talking to my dad
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rebouks · 11 months
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Everyone and everything stinks..
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deesi-academia · 2 years
feminine urge this masculine urge that.
what about the desi urge to gravitate towards the chaat stall at every mela??
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sanegreen · 2 years
from crying in pre school for wanting to go home to finding colleges as far away from home as possible
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zmemily · 6 months
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And then the cat had kittens 🙃 it must've happened during the pet adoption drive
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bunnithechubs · 4 months
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Enzo's appendix just randomly bursted the night before Jaylen's birthday but no fear- mama is here!
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lunebordeauxpoetry · 9 months
and remember
you'll come into my life
and I'll accept you as you are
because nobody accepted me as I was
and you can tell me whatever story you want to tell me
and I'll believe you
because nobody believed me
and I hope you'll like glitter and laughters
like I do
so you won't call me superficial
when I'll obsess over my makeup and my smile
and if you'll hit me
don't worry, I won't get mad
because that's how people showed me love
and if you'll caress me
I won't understand
and please, don't expect anything from me
they said I'm selfish so I must be
that means I want everything and I can't give
and I'll show you only smiles
because I don't want to be a burden to you
but you can come crying to me
and I won't complain
you can tell me that you love me
and that you admire me
that'll boost my ego for a while
I will admit that
but don't touch my shoulder
and don't call me friend
because I'm just waiting
for the next knife planted in my back.
– I'll understand.
lunebordeaux, 08/06/23.
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chaoticlava101 · 2 months
I watched monkey man for the plot
The plot : - Dev Patel cutting open that evil guy’s neck with a knife while holding it in his mouth
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