#child death mention in tags
the-meme-monarch · 5 months
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hey. what if i got really normal about (my designs for) the fallen kids. i promise.
my prev drawings of them here :]
also scrapped doodles involving flowey bc I forgot flowey probably didn’t exist for a while until at least most of them were dead, what with alphys’ dt experiments. i just wanted kris and flowey to meet :( they grew up together in another universe
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mrkida-art · 1 year
Been showing some of this on discord today, some of you may be interested so here's some of my own tolkien dwarf world building/hc notes (there is a lot so these are snippets). Beware, it's personal notes of mine so there may be grammatical errors as well as typos haha.
cw for pregnancy, and death (and child death) mentions, as well as other darker themes such as child soldiers
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st-dionysus · 1 year
Note from an angry trans man.
Of course, I’m angry. Who wouldn’t be. Dead children, dead teachers, a trans man to blame and the world ready to blame every single one of us instead of a single person -- instead of mental illness -- instead of guns -- instead of all the horrors that surround us. Eager to blame our HRT, our transitioning, our existence. Trans sisters who should be standing up against the abuse and shame put on their brothers – who instead decide to reject us, to blame us for anti-trans legislation, to group us all with Aiden Hale. To further stigmatize testosterone and trans-manhood. To act as though we are the harbinger of doom.
Of course, I’m angry. Dead trans people fill the news and wiki articles. Trans men among the corpses, but we don’t say their names. The bodies of FTM children left on the road, genitals mutilated, and newspapers printed with the wrong name and pronouns. Misgendered in death. Misgendered in rape, assault, and murder statistics. Misgendered in the publication of his horrific crime.
Of course, I’m angry. One of my brothers killed six people – three children and three adults. “Police then killed 28-year-old shooter Audrey Aiden Hale, who investigators said left behind a manifesto and detailed maps about how to carry out the attack. Law enforcement officials have not shared details about a suspected motive.”
Of course, I’m angry. The Nashville shooting was the 128th US mass shooting this year. There were 127 other mass shootings this year (and it’s only the end of March), most of which we did not talk about, most of which we did not address. More than 348,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine. There has been 89 school shooting incidents in the USA so far in 2023.
I want to rip something apart with my hands. I want to scream. I want to bleed. There is rage in my body, and it’s locked away behind tears and prayers. I consider cutting for the first time in over a year. I think about drinking myself to death or blowing my brains out in protest, but I don’t want to leave my cat alone, I don’t want my friends to cry about me, or to leave my lover heart-broken. I don’t want to be another dead trans man. I don’t want to be another name on the list of FTMs that have killed themselves. I’m already a part of the 50% of the FTM population who has tried at least once, I don’t want to try again. More than that, I don’t want my deadname to be the name I die with. I don't want to be seen as a dead woman.
I watch people die every day. I fear the deaths of my grade-school siblings. I fear the death of my loved ones. I fear walking into a gay bar and being carried out in a body bag.
Of course, I’m angry. It must be the testosterone.
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psychic-waffles · 2 months
Cw: child death, racism (particularly islamophobia)
The last couple of days have seen multiple full blown fascist riots in the UK and we're likely to see more over the weekend.
On Monday there was a horrific incident where a 17 year old attacked a dance school in Southport, killing three children and injuring many more. Because of the attacker's age his name has not been released, however the far right quickly started circulating a made up name and said the attacker was Muslim and an immigrant.
On Tuesday, when a vigil was being held in the town for the victims, fascists travelled to Southport and started a riot, centering around attacking a mosque. I really don't have words for how disgusting it is to use the death of children to further their violently racist agenda and take all of this out on a grieving town.
Following this there were multiple fascist riots on Wednesday, the largest of which being in London and Hartlepool. These involved further attacks on mosques, surrounding hotels where asylum seekers were being housed, and attacking brown and black people on the street and in their homes.
There are plans by the far right to hold multiple further rallies over the next few days, I've seen particular mention of Liverpool tomorrow (Friday) and Middlesbrough on Sunday, but I think it's likely we'll see violence across the UK.
There is also a huge demo for Palestine organised for Saturday which involves action across the country and with a march in London, and quite frankly I will be shocked if the fash don't try to disrupt that in any way, so just be prepared that there is a heightened risk of violence.
Overall in response to the riots there's been a lot of talk about the spread of misinformation and how that needs to be tackled, and while this is true it doesn't address the fact that the majority of these fascists really don't care. Even if the attacker had been Muslim or had been an immigrant, that doesn't give anyone the right to try and attack every Muslim and immigrant in the country. This couldn't have and hasn't been stopped by correcting a bit of misinformation, this is about decades of deeply racist islamophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric baked into the core of the UK and reinforced constantly by the media and politicians across the spectrum as ""legitimate concerns"".
Right now we need community support more than ever. Organise, protect your local Muslim communities, and of course stay safe.
Edit: while I was writing this post the name of the attacker was released as Axel Rudakubana. As I have already said the fash do not care, and islamaphobic and anti-immigrant violence will almost definitely continue, however there will now likely also be an increase in anti-black violence and we need to be prepared for that.
2nd edit: check my reblogs for more info on specific places they're planning to target
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trans-formers-n-stuff · 6 months
i am sooo soft for grieving mother soundwave you don't get it. especially tfp soundwave.
cradling whatever he could gather of his minicons' bodies, whatever is even left of them; an optic, a big of a lip plate, a little servo or two… pressing them close to his frame, trying not to start wailing. i will forever be in love with grieving mother soundwave. those were his babies. how dare you, autobot, claim to stand for peace, and then blow apart defenseless little ones? how dare you, how dare…
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justaz · 3 months
yknow what…..im thinking about it. (american) gen z grew up surrounded by talk of climate change and actual school shootings where peers and friends literally die at age 11 and that was just like our norm. the economy is shit so we cant buy houses and can barely afford food, our schools were a war zone, and our planet is dying. that was our youth, death at every turn. a lot of gen z (i think i can go global here, not just america) will tell you like “yeah i didn’t ever see myself living past fifteen much less eighteen. i thought i’d be dead by now” and so now we have like no idea wtf we’re doing and we’re just trying to make the best out of our shitty lives.
anyways merlin also kinda grew up like that as in his very existence was a death sentence and if the wrong person found out he’d be dead. growing up hearing from your mother that you cant tell anyone the truth bc what you are, how you were born, is wrong in this world and that many people would cheer to see you die….yeah what if he had the same thought process and was like “yeah fuck guess my death is inevitable” and just stopped giving a fuck. he’s confrontational and picks fights without regard for his opponents strength or numbers bc hey if he goes out this way then at least he was doing something good and standing up for what he believed in, if he doesn’t die then cool he made a difference. that’s why he goes toe to toe with arthur even after finding out he’s the prince of the most powerful kingdom in albion that started the whole campaign calling for his head.
just merlin being kind of like a medieval gen z lmao like taking no shit and taking all these risks bc hey he never thought he’d make it to twenty so wtf else is he meant to do?? live a life of paranoia and wariness? no. he’s gonna die in the end no matter what, if it happens sooner rather than later….well…he never thought he’d make it this far so he did better than he originally expected. this is why he gets on with gwaine so well bc they both have like passive suicidal tendencies where they take all these risks and make all these choices that put their lives at risk bc they don’t particularly care one way or the other how it turns out. real recognizes real.
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xenosaurus · 28 days
listen listen listen. i need to know everything about this disabled Big Lad and the badass wife please and thank u
Their names are Ami (human) and Beezle (u’rahm)! Ami was adopted by a u’rahm family when she was a small child and raised entirely separate from other humans, Beezle was her childhood best friend.
Beezle’s disability is genetic, but also recessive and varying in presentation. It’s a growth hormone insensitivity that prevents some systems from responding appropriately to periods of rapid growth. Most individuals with the condition due within a few days of birth, as the cartilage supporting their organs fails to grow fast enough and inevitably blocks their intestines.
However, there is a separate, much less severe genetic condition that is fairly common among u’rahm that affects the supportive and connective tissues— in most people, it leads to hypermobile joints and chronic digestive discomfort. If you have both, though, it drastically reduces the chance of a fatal organ blockage, as the too-small cartilage is flexible enough to allow food to pass through.
Those that survive early childhood usually go undiagnosed until their first adolescent growth spurt, when the particular growth hormone becomes a primary signaler in development. They almost always die.
Beezle is the youngest of five children, and has a particularly severe case of the aforementioned joint problem. The comorbidity got him to adulthood, but two of his siblings died young. His mother, mourning and firmly in denial about how sick her youngest is now that he’s relatively stable, put a lot of pressure on him to live a “normal” life. There is a dangerous lack of respect for limitations and accommodation.
Ami, small and fragile as a child, and Beezle, sick and fragile in general, were the bottom of the social pecking order in a situation where roughhousing is used to define relationships. Bullied kid besties, basically— they imprinted on each other young. They were ‘snare kids’, a particular low social ranking defined not by losing fights, but by skipping them and relying on tricks and cleverness. Hunting with traps.
Beezle is patient, maintains an impressive poker face, and is depressingly used to making compromises on his comfort and safety (lose the battle, win the war). He’s calculating and deceptively gentle, willing to let you walk all over him riiight until the last second. Ami, on the other hand, is often outright mean and happy to fight dirty. She’s so small her anger is easily brushed off, so she doesn’t bother to hide it.
They’re incredibly protective of each other, with the well-earned trust and vulnerability of two people who have repeatedly proved themselves willing to make sacrifices for the other.
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Re: many of the various about the Gorn or listing SNW's handling of the Gorn as one of its major problems.
Perception not matching reality, what is/is not a monster is a huge theme throughout SNW.
Ghost of Illyria – Those light monsters didn’t murder the Illyrians, they are the Illyrians and were trying to save Pike and Spock all along. Everyone (except Una ofc) learns a lesson that Illyrians can’t be lumped in with the Augments and need greater understanding Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach – Turns out that nice lovely civilization is literally torturing children. The terrorists are actually trying to save those children. The Serene Squall – Surprise the counselor is a pirate Ad Astra Per Aspera – Continues with the Illyrians deserve understanding theme. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow – That helpful reporter is actually a Romulan. Even notorious tyrant and mass murderer Khan Noonien Singh was once a scared child. Lost in Translation – Starfleet is the monster, accidentally torturing and killing a life form they didn't know existed. Under the Clock of War – Turns out the lovely ship’s doctor is actually the Butcher of J’Gal and capable of murdering someone in cold blood. War can make a monster of anyone.
Yet so many people seem to think they’re not going to pull something similar with the Gorn? Even though the show has taken time to establish that the Gorn are intelligent and have a religion?
The thing about the Gorn is that people have died - La’an’s family, Hemmer, some other members of the Enterprise crew, nearly the entire crew of the Cayuga, multiple colonies - and possibly Marie will be added to that list before the two-parter is done. That creates an environment where it’s understandable that the SNW characters would not want to have their perception that the Gorn are monsters challenged, because the harm they have caused is so personal.
It creates a really interesting conflict for the crew, because how do you find understanding, how to you fight the will for revenge, when there’s been so much pain?
I could be wrong about this being the route the SNW writers are going down, but I’m really excited to see if they do.
Posting this as a response to several earlier confessions.
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just-antithings · 5 months
An anti hates a scaramouche fan/gimmick twitter account so much that they send an anon message that read:
"pretty sure the only reason you don't want children to be killed in gaza is so you can touch them!"
Dude, ACTUAL CHILDREN ARE DYING and you pull this bullshit because someone like a 500 y/o puppet?
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portkill · 2 years
a merry postal christmas
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ogachukwu-the-freak · 6 months
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Validating to actually experience this utter shitfuck take with my own two eyes, add it to the list. Someone @ rainystudios or one of their mutuals so if they want they can add this one to the archives cause this is literally exactly what they had been talking about.
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soullessduck13 · 1 year
That was so incredible. WARNING!!! THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG APPRECIATION POST WITH A FEW GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MISTAKES BECAUSE IT IS LATE BUT SOOO MANY THOUGHTS!!! Also kind of a few character studies?? I guess?? YEah. I just need to get it out while it's still fresh.
I'm so impressed with all of them and the way Cellbit described stuff and all the different sounds he made?? absolutely nerve wrecking. The deaths were so like.. made my heart beat so so fast and the monster chases??? All the different npcs with different vibes to them he captured them so well. I love all the little references to the qsmp. I love the fact he included fitmc and his egg child. I'm so sad that he killed fitmc and his egg child.
They way Baghera roleplayed Lucie and how Lucie changed from hating this little brat and calling her that, and then changing it from a mean nickname to one of endearment, saying that Emi is the best for bringing the keycard but she needs to shut up. The way she gave her life for Emi, and she probably would've even if Carol didn't sabotage Emi. When she was dragged away and dying, all she could think about is that she was alone. That she was a failure. Her very last thoughts before she died were its not fair, but this is it. And it wasn't fair. She died alone. She was killed just for the thrill of it.
It was so cool the way Quackity laughed when Lucie died. The roleplaying was just so.. Chef's kiss. It changed Benito. It changed the way he saw Emi and yeah, he said he would help kill that child but seeing someone else doing that, it made him change his mindset. He never liked Carol, and seein her wanting this CHILD Lucie sacrificed herself for dead made him utterly pissed off, and he made sure that he would protect Emi. In the end, he says to himself that he started as an angry and cynical person who cared for no one. He said to himself that he will continue to be like that, but he has someone he needs to care for now and protect, because he will not let Lucie die in vain.
And the way Bagi roleplayed too?? I did NOT like Carol or trust her, she was so sus but oh my god Bagi is incredible. She was so in character, and Carol was so sure what she was doing was the right thing. She knew all of them were infected, and that meant they would need to die because if she lets them live she won't protect the world. But she wasn't there from the start. She wasn't there to form a bond with these people, and she focused her energy on killing a child, and in the end that's what got her killed. I almost wish she had lived longer, just to see what more there was to her. She was interesting narrivately, and I love that.
AND GOD. PAC. Pac was absolutely gut wrenching to look at after Diego heard about Lucie's death, just moment's before laughing with Jeffrey and being healed by him, only to hear that his best friend, likely for years, had been dragged away and killed by a beast, and it was to save a child he didn't even like. His first reaction was to deny it, even if the beast was right above them and he was so loud that it just.. GOIUGH. Pac's expression for the most part after that was zoned out, empty and like there was nothing to live for anymore. After Benito's speech about Lucie living on in Emi, he probably decided that Emi needs to live on. For Lucie. Like Benito said. Diego offers his everything for the people he loves. And he loved Lucie, it doesn't matter what KIND of love, but it was so important. And Pac captured that so incredibly well. ALSO LIKE. THE WAY HE SAID "She must've been terrified" MY HEART.
OUGH FOOLISH. His expressions. His noises. All the little things. He was soo in character. Jeffrey is a coward, and maybe it's more of an unknown trauma response to what happened to him before. Needing to run because he won't survive otherwise. His pep talk to Diego was that he [Diego] needs to bottle up his feelings for now, because otherwise he won't survive, but when they get out of this he can cry and they can get therapy. He's not telling Diego to keep it bottled up, but to seek out help. He throws a bunch of stuff, and in the end that's what saved them. He kept his phone and that moment!! That moment when Foolish said that he throws his phone at Mikael, I reacted the same way as Cellbit. Gasping, mouth open, jaw ON. THE. FLOOR. It was incredible.
AND EMI. She was broken. She saw her dad's infected body and she promised she would find a cure for him. She stayed with Lucie, held her hand until they had to split up and she was forced to stay with this boring guy that the only adult she liked didn't trust, and they were saying they didn't want her to stay there, but she would be safe if she did. Then, she finds this keycard, and her first instinct is to leave this boring guy and find Lucie. She does. And Lucie calls her the best for finding the keycard. And then, even if she doesn't realize it, she alerted the creature who chased her and Lucie, and this stupid doctor and new person who she does not know at all, down. This new stranger tries to offer her to the beast and Lucie sacrifices herself for Emi. Emi's only response was "She was the one I liked" I know some people were saying that she didn't act like a teenage girl (or like a 11/12 year old?) but she did!! I was talking to someone in dms and we were freaking out and he works with kids and I know teenagers. They are that sassy. They swear, and they absolutely swear a lot if they learned english from youtube or the internet, and being Brazilian I am simply assuming that's where Emi learnt it from. Cellbit did so well, and Emi also went through a LOT of traumatic events in such a short span of time. After Lucie died, she immidately latched onto Benito and never let go of his hand. And I don't think she will for a while.
Mikael sucked but also I kinda understood him in the end, but it also turned out he was wrong. That creature wasn't one of a kind, but he never got to know that. I don't have much to say about him because he was so sketch and just like. fuck that guy
i want more of this. so much more.
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mistergreatbones · 4 months
Jason thinks bruce is so cold to him because he hates him when in reality his death shook bruce so bad it fundamentally changed his personality
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
A really sinister aspect into how people view children and parents is the idea of children being a replaceable commodity.
I've seen this in the way people talk about parents who have lost children but have surviving children... "Oh, at least you have other children," as though a child is just an interchangeable tool, a machine that dispenses what you want from it without it being sentient, whole, and feeling. The fact that people say that in order to comfort somebody shows, to me, how deep this mindset is engraved in people's brains: children are interchangeable items, and they do not fundamentally matter.
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transmasccofee · 1 year
the time loop chapter is so fucked up i think about it every day and reading the manga its worse because there’s certain dialogue that was cut out of the anime (presumably to make it acceptable for kids)
Like ok. im gonna give a play by play from Saiki’s POV. so you can For a second imagine how much stress Saiki had to be under.
Imagine walking home from school and out of nowhere you get trapped in a time loop, already bad, but you can get out of it easy- except uh oh! now you are in ANOTHER time loop. ok, fine, get out of that. It goes on so long that you eventually stop being able to process anything around you but whatever, its fine. EXCEPT UH OH! A THIRD TIME LOOP! This time you are trapped in a loop of watching your best friend run into traffic to protect a small child, and the only one able to save them from dying brutally is you. You save the day, great, Unfortunately this is a time loop and now you’re trapped in this hell, watching your best friend dive in front of a moving truck. You need to have an empty mind to leave this, but thats hard because you also have to keep them from getting flattened. You’re getting more and more exhausted, but thats fine. You watch them get brutally killed in various ways thousands of times, over and over and over and over again, but thats fine. it’s still looping. you keep failing to save them. it’s still looping.
Rather than emptying your mind, Eventually you just disassociate, its gone on so long that your body is moving on its own. You are so tired, and you’ve seen your best friends organs on the road now probably a couple hundred times at this point (seriously Wtf Asou) and so it’s all just blended into the background.
You disassociate so hard your mind is empty. Your body moves on its own to save them. The Time Loop is finally over. You went through this 16,785 times.
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mmyashas · 1 year
qroier not being as close to the eggs + keeping a safe distance has absolutely killed me btw. intentional or not.
like he's only really close to leo and richas because they're his family but even then he refuses to take care of them .. But i get it . everytime hes taken care of an egg they die on his watch -> tilin died because roier let them go w slime & juana . juana died while they were doing missions together . aand well . bobby. yknwo.
but i do really like how even after all that he still takes time to talk to leo like his little sibling and making sure richas is safe
AGHHHHHH i love roier cubito my boy
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