#classics podcast
ibenology · 5 months
A reminder to all Dracula Daily enjoyers!
There is a podcast!!
The team over at Bloody FM graced us all with their amazing audio drama last year, and for this year they have removed all plot episodes and are releasing them in time with Dracula Daily again.
With incredible soundscaping and voice acting (some of which you might recognize from other podcasts;) It is a must listen!
Here is the spotify link, or check them out here at @re-dracula <3
Happy reading and listening! Surely everything will go well with our good friend Jonathan this year, right?
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I love the idea of the Master getting hold of the Brigadier's direct line and just calling him to talk shit.
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samwise1548 · 4 months
Feeling nostalgic for early podcast days
Share which ones if any, or if I misses some (range is some ambiguous time between 2015 and 2020)
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Thinking of the the time my phone died mid-listening to new ep of malevolent and my hungry ass was so desperate to finish it that I downloaded the podcast app on my laptop but didn't want anyone else to hear the trademark Suspicious Pain Noises so I just sat there in bed volume low holding it up to my ear like this
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malev · 1 month
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I’m sure someone has done this before.
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paris-in-space · 4 months
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The comparison has been made a million times before but I thought it would be funny to draw.
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mintmentos · 5 months
Things in Sherlock and co that make me get weird looks on the tube because I can’t contain myself
Lots of love, Sherlock Holmes
Who is called Jonk??
No shit Sherlock
The bag for life debacle
“Lestrade has very kindly sent these on. What she lacks in intelligence and any discernable talent required to be an officer, she’d makes up for in kindness” “She sent these to you for your birthday” “I suspect for two reasons. First, the case makes very little sense to Scotland Yard which isn’t surprising, and second, yes, for my birthday”
John losing it over the cardboard box title
The horse is the fucking masked singer!
According to Watson’s geographical breakdown I live in the bumcheeks of the uk
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thefleshyougoveggie · 2 months
john: arthur pls don’t get too close to this guy, for my sake… don’t form a close connection to him…
arthur, out loud, to said guy: yeah so i have this voice in my head, a fraction of an entity who describes everything i see bc i’m blind
john: arthur wtf
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lady-bee-holmes · 2 months
I will always imagine various podcast characters as being either completely average or scruffy, but not Arthur. This man is a pretty boy, straight out of a Leyendecker painting. Pure charm, pure refinement, pure elegance, you look at him and expect a “how do you do” as he leans back in pinstripe pants and a well tailored shirt and some nice oxfords
But he is also very much a creature in human form. Just take that Leyedecker man and smear him in some mud and filth and call it enrichment. That refined elegance gets a glint of danger and more than some slight insanity as he begs for a chance to aim for the eyes.
Sure, he’ll still say “how do you do,” but he’ll also end that sentence calling you a fuckface
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happylittleghost · 4 months
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Rodina Lafkova inspirovaná řeckými bustami. Palamédes, Apollón, Apollovo dítě (v mém headcanonu jsem ho pojmenoval Orfeus po mém oblíbeném Apollově dítěti) a v neposlední řadě Atanáš (inspirován bustou Dia)
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pretzlforpresident · 2 months
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Cooldown doodles
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Tegan, Adric, and Nyssa watching as Five plays on this.
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kens-ramblings · 17 days
so ik i’ve seen a lot of hcs for what the batfam would listen to in the bat mobile and for tim a lot of people say that he listens to podcasts. which like yes i can see that but i also think if he is like podcasted out(bc i get that way so i think he does too) he listens to like cunty, trashy music in it. like they are on their way to a drug bust and tim is on aux and all the sudden you hear like ayesha erotica playing. and the goons are like “oh shit it’s spoiler!!! ,,,,, is that red robin????” so here is a list of artists/songs i think tim fucks w/ hard core when he is on patrol.(to preface he avoids pop-punk on patrol if he knows people will hear his music bc tim drake-wayne is known for enjoying it in my head so red robin is when he lets out the more suprising side of his music taste)
ayesha erotica(as stated)
mindless self indulgence
conceited by flo milli
tia tamara by doja cat
lady gaga
kim petras
it girl- sped up ver by aliyah’s interlude
charlie xcx
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pollherepollthere · 4 months
If you listen to something to get to sleep, what do you listen to?
Music (Classical)
Music (Not classical)
White noise/ambiance/rain noises
A Youtuber/streamer
Something else
See results/I don't listen to stuff for sleep
Me personally I can't get to sleep without rain noises
Thanks Anon!
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lingthusiasm · 8 months
Lingthusiasm Episode 88: No such thing as the oldest language
It's easy to find claims that certain languages are old or even the oldest, but which one is actually true? Fortunately, there's an easy (though unsatisfying) answer: none of them! Like how humans are all descended from other humans, even though some of us may have longer or shorter family trees found in written records, all human languages are shaped by contact with other languages. We don't even know whether the oldest language(s) was/were spoken or signed, or even whether there was a singular common ancestor language or several.
In this episode, your hosts Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne get enthusiastic about what people mean when we talk about a language as being old. We talk about how classifying languages as old or classical is often a political or cultural decision, how the materials that are used to write a language influence whether it gets preserved (from clay to bark), and how people talk about creoles and signed languages in terms of oldness and newness. And finally, how a language doesn't need to be justified in terms of its age for whether it's interesting or worthy of respect.
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
Here are the links mentioned in the episode:
Lingthusiasm episode 'Tracing languages back before recorded history'
'My Big Fat Greek Wedding- Give me any word and I show you the Greek root' on YouTube
Glottolog entry for 'classical'
Wikipedia entry for 'Complaint tablet to Ea-nāṣir'
Wikipedia entry for 'Bath curse tablets'
Wikipedia entry for 'Cuneiform'
Wikipedia entry for 'Mesopotamian writing systems'
Wikipedia entry for 'Home Sign'
Lingthusiasm episode 'Villages, gifs, and children: Researching signed languages in real-world contexts with Lynn Hou'
Wikipedia entry for 'Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language'
Wikipedia entry for 'Kata Kolok' (also known as Benkala Sign Language)
True Biz by Sara Nović on Goodreads
Gretchen's thread about reading True Biz
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening.
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Lingthusiasm is on Bluesky, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon, and Tumblr. Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com
Gretchen is on Bluesky as @GretchenMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Bluesky as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, our production assistant is Martha Tsutsui Billins, and our editorial assistant is Jon Kruk. Our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles.
This episode of Lingthusiasm is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license (CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA).
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