#cloud x cid
andrewwtca · 5 months
I've been having Thoughts about Cloud Strife in a dress all day and this is my silly self-indulgent corner of the internet, so here we go! a silly scenario.
takes place between Kalm and the Temple of the Ancients. for some reason (post Cait Sith, Cid, and Vincent joining) - probably to gain info - the party has to infiltrate a party in some filthy rich mansion. Cloud needs to go inside to make sure the info is helpful, but he's wanted. he can't just show up.
and he specifically needs to go inside... the party is brainstorming when Tifa and Aerith lock eyes. Cloud groans. he knows exactly what they're thinking, but c'mon Cloud! isn't this the best way to sneak in?
Cloud is adamantly against it, but he can't openly protest it, because that would be suspicious and then they'd know. so Cloud finally huffs and agrees to it. the girls giggle and lock arms with him, looking at the others.
Aerith: hmm... he'll need someone to go in.
Tifa: it can't be us since we're wanted... can't be Barret either...
Aerith: and can't be Cait Sith either - sorry!
Tifa: that just leaves Vincent and Cid...
Cloud: ...do I get a say in this
Aerith: hush. which one of you would be better at a party?
Cid points to himself and Vincent looks off to the side. Aerith would clap her hands in delight and Tifa points to Barret.
Tifa: please get him in a suit! we'll be back in an hour?
Barret: a suit? Tifa, what are you- Tifa!
the girls giggle and drag Cloud off.
they're in the middle of the mart, and they break it up into three sections: hair, make-up, a dress. the hair and make-up is easy, but the dress? do they even have the gil for that?
so, regrettably, they can't get Cloud into an elaborate dress. it's probably for the best, anyway, because his goal is to fit in. after lots of dragging him around, lots of him protesting and whining, they finally have completed the look: a black form-fitting dress reaching down to his ankles; sheer black gloves reaching up to his forearm; black pumps; light lip-gloss; mascara; and an extension braid wrapped around the back of his head. so safe to say, Cloud is a fucking vision.
Aerith: wait, wait! we can't go yet! we need to come up with a name for him
Cloud, speaking in near mumbles, brain still reeling: why? girls are named Cloud...
Tifa: Aerith's got a point, Cloud. if someone finds you familiar, hearing your name could get you in trouble. we'll have to come up with something-
Aerith: Blue.
Tifa, Cloud: blue?
Aerith: yes, I've thought of this a lot! his eyes! or, well, her eyes. her mother saw those baby blues and just knew she had to name her Blue.
Cloud: Blue Strife?
Aerith: no, silly! you're not keeping your last name either.
Cloud: it feels like you're shipping me off for marriage...
Tifa: hmm... how about... Woolf?
Cloud: ...wolf.
Aerith: oh! I love it! because he's such a lone wolf, right?
the girls giggle while Cloud crosses his arms, looking absolutely stunning and absolutely annoyed.
Cloud: you want my name to be Blue Woolf.
Tifa: c'mon, Ms. Woolf, let's go see if your date is ready!
Cloud: kill me...
they drag him to where the rest of the party is. they managed to find Cid some really cheap suit, it's just well-put enough that no one would give Cid a second glance, especially not with his charming attitude.
Tifa: we're back!
Cait Sith: we were about to get worried! er, where did Cloud wonder off to?
Aerith, biting back a smile: he's right here!
Tifa and Aerith step aside to do a dramatic reveal of Cloud. he's not posing and refuses to look up at the shocked expressions of his friends. burning, he stomps forward, grabs Cid's wrist with as much rage as he can manage, and begins to yank him towards the party.
Barret: so that's how he helped Tifa out...
Aerith: bye Cid! bye Ms. Blue Woolf!
Cid: blue? wolf?
Cloud keeps mumbling under his breath for someone to kill him.
and of course, Cloud gets hit on a lot at the party <3
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agrinsosardonic · 2 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/5OU9pkK0wkHJMCOBVYafye?si=6MSV2qpjSoGXnNOqq4k3tg)
STCMT: Chapter 13
“Truth or dare Cloud?”
Read at A03 
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canned-pears · 2 months
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ACC Cloud and Tifa!
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Yuffie: I am the ultimate third wheel.
Aerith: *cuddling with Tifa* You shouldn’t think that way.
Barret: *holding hand with Vincent* Yes, what makes you say that?
Cloud: *sitting on Zack’s lap* Completely untrue.
Cid: *with Shera arm in arm* Just like they say.
Yuffie: Wow. I have leveled up to nineth wheel. I am truly powerful.
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demialwrites · 3 months
FF7 Sex-Related Mishaps
Once was so quiet during the deed the other person assumed he didn't enjoy himself and ghosted him in embarrassment
VP Rufus Shinra
Is a biter. Once during a drunken one-night stand, he bit them way too hard, and had to stay home with a slap mark on his cheek or get scolded by dad
Once was so loud that it disturbed his neighbours and several of them complained. He just as loudly told them to their faces to fuck off
Same scenario as Reno, except she died of embarrassment behind her door after shutting it
Sometimes tries out adventurous positions that take advantage of his height. Once, they both fell and hit their heads
Once was so enthusiastic, he hit his forehead on the headboard, backed up holding his head, then fell on the floor
While still learning how to say no, she tried out several things she didn't want to and refuses to speak about it to this day
Once told politely that he talks too much. This is because his dirty talk is so tame that it's a distraction
Pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth
Once pushed the other person's stamina too far and they passed out, making him panic
Once left in the middle of night, leaving the other person assuming that he didn't enjoy himself and changed his mind about being into them
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sleepsentry · 21 days
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Context: cid doing the whole patriarchy thing "reminds me of me at that age + he doesn't have a dad that's sad (cloud doesn't care) + should I be the dad figure?"
Then he sees barret and cloud interacting amicably and misinterprets
I wish I could make this more of a finished thing with actual set up for the punchline, but I'm not doing that too tired
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 4 months
I’m surprised it took me this long to do one of these for these two but here we are! A list of head canons and random thoughts I’ve had of them, with maybe a couple on other characters sprinkled throughout.
- Surprisingly enough, Cloud’s the more emotionally intelligent one between him and Zack. His social awkwardness just gets in the way and he struggles to show it to anyone other than Zack
- Zack and Cloud both know how to cook. Cloud having grown up with just his mother learned to help her out and Zack’s mother refused to let her son go off to Midgar without at least basic knowledge in cooking
- Despite Zack being the chronically flirty one, Cloud gets hit on more when they go to clubs and bars
- Zack hogs all the blankets like his life depends on it the second the temperature drops more than 10 degrees
- Cloud sleeps in boxers and nothing else. Unless it’s winter then you’ll catch him in a shirt as well
- Zack fucking hates doing the dishes. He will quite literally bribe Cloud to do them when it’s his night cause of how much he hates them 😂
- Kids absolutely adore Cloud and the blond never understands why despite going all soft on them and playing along with their dumb games when asked
- Zack once tried to convince Cloud it was a fantastic idea to get a dog for their tiny ass apartment but got shut down cause he got so excited over the idea he broke their dining table
- Zack came out of the closet after Cloud only because Aerith dragged him out by the ear and shoved him onto the blond
- Aerith and Tifa had an argument (not really it was more playful and halfhearted) over who would get Cloud as a best man/bride of honour cause they both wanted to put him in a dress
- Cloud wore a suit to Aerith’s and Tifa’s wedding and Zack was but hurt that neither of them wanted to see him in a dress
- Zack drinks his coffee black and Cloud puts enough sugar and milk in it your teeth would itch at the sight
- Cloud consumes salt like Zack does spice and neither of them can handle the others preference for them. Zack’s face screws up like he swallowed sea water and Cloud starts sweating at the mere whiff of spice
- Zack was so thrown off guard about all those people in sector 5, 6 and 7 knowing Cloud that he thought it was some massive, elaborate joke that everyone was in on
- Tifa was in mad denial about her feelings for Aerith but the second Cloud tried to ease her into the idea she caved pretty quick (she couldn’t stand the idea of Mr. Discovered Narnia himself giving her that talk)
- In Shinra days Zack most definitely used Kunsel to sabotage one of Cloud’s dates, only to discover the blond had never even gone on the date cause he thought it was a joke from his squad mate
- The only time Cloud ever showed an ounce of curiosity at gossip was when Vince had casually kissed Cid on the cheek before leaving and the latter had done nothing more than smile fondly after him
- Zack definitely mourns not having his mentor at his and Cloud’s wedding
- Cloud and Zack hung out so much in Shinra days that not only did Cloud get a fan club of his own, but a sub fan club that shipped the two of them together was created (and people lost their fucking minds when they spotted the two of them years down the track holding hands out in public)
- Genesis would have taken a liking to Cloud purely because he wanted to have a little protege like Angeal and the blond had enough of a spine to sass back and glare when Genesis had threatened him
- If Sephiroth hadn’t lost his mind to Jenova and all he would have been all too ready to go against Shinra and help take them down. Not because of his own feelings on any of the matters but because his friends had turned and he cared about them more
- Zack definitely got mildly jealous when he found out Cloud had been an avid member of Sephiroth’s fan club but had absolutely preened for weeks on end when he found out that he’d also been in Zack’s fan club
- Aerith proposed to Tifa and enlisted the help of Cloud cause he knew Tifa better and Zack unfortunately couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. But Zack did help keep Tifa distracted while Aerith made her preparations
- Barret is the unwilling dad of the group, Cid and Vince are the tired uncles that don’t actually know how they got there in the first place and literally everyone else are the chaotic children that only pull it together for eco terrorism and organised crime
- When Cloud gets sick he basically hibernates for like a week and only eats and drinks just enough so he doesn’t die. Zack freaked the fuck out the first time it happened and took him to the hospital after the first 24 hours of near constant sleep
- Zack becomes a big, whiny, clingy, cuddly mess when he’s sick and always tries to insist he’s all better the second he feels anything more than on the brink of death. Cloud almost spiked his food with sleeping pills so he’d just lie down and finally go to sleep and allow himself to heal somewhat
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eschercaine · 4 months
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Aerith tries to snatch the Black Materia from Sephiroth but fails.
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phantomyre · 6 months
I harassed his little ass for a whole hour but it was worth it. But now he's locked in my room forever, muahaha.
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firstknightvulion · 7 months
More unhinged shipper Aerith.
Cloud and Tifa stand in the threshold of Tifa’s hotel room at Gold Saucer. Awkwardly. They fidget and glance at each other, happy but with a cloud (lol) of nervousness hanging over their heads.
Cloud: I…I had really good time.
Tifa: Me too! It was, um, really nice!
Cloud: *smiling earnestly* It was. Um, good night. *turns to walk away*
Tifa: *a little desperately* Wait, Cloud!
Cloud instantly turns to Tifa but moves too fast and collides with her. She stumbles back but his arms shoot out like lightning, stopping her fall and pull her into an embrace. Time stills. The world recedes. The two stand in each other’s arms, only the sensations of one another existing in this moment.
And sound of someone going “yes, yes, yes” excitedly from another room.
Tifa slowly looks up at Cloud. Her eyes yearning, her cheeks red, her breath quick and shallow. Cloud looks into her eyes, the same emotions churning across his face. Their lips inched closer.
Then reality flooded back into their space like the ocean rushing into a sinking ship.
Tifa: *quickly pushing herself away* I wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful time.
Cloud: *staring at her helplessly* Of course. *shuffling from side to side* Night.
Tifa: *sadly* Good night.
The door of the hotel room next to Tifa’s is kicked open. Into the hallway steps a VERY irate Aerith, glaring daggers at the both of them.
Aerith: That moment was fucking perfect! You don’t just walk away from that! You need to kiss, you fucking virgins!
Cloud and Tifa stare in stunned silence as Barret and Cid burst out of the same room Aerith came out of. They attempt to restrain her and to everyone’s (except Aerith’s) shock, she easily fights them off. She kicks Barrett back into hotel room and slams Cid’s head through a wall.
Aerith: You ruined it with your weak ass crap! You should be in pound town right now!
Yuffie appears in cloud of smoke behind Aerith, while Vincent materializes out of the shadows in front of her. In an instant it was over. With an almost casual backhand, the flower girl knocks Yuffie to the floor. Vincent attempts to reach out to her but before anyone could blink, Aerith was behind him, arms around his waist. The German Suplex that followed was truly epic.
Aerith: *standing up, her shoulders slumped* Kiss…*turning around to face a terrified Cloud and Tifa* KIIIIISSSSS!!!
Red XIII jumps from the shadows but Aerith shadow steps behind and grabs him by the tail. Cait Sith appears to help only to get taken out but the large, furry, red bullet hurled his way.
Aerith: Do you turbo virgins need a demonstration?! I’ll get a strap! I’ll show you how it’s fucking done! I’ll—
Barret, Cid, Yuffie and Vincent dog pile Aerith, each taking a limb.
Aerith: You can’t stop this! They need to love each other! I’m just trying to make them happy!
The clusterfuck moves its way back into the other hotel room.
Barret: Get the Chocobo Tranquilizer!!!
Cid: How much?!
Barret: ALL OF IT!
Yuffie: She’s biting me! SHE’S BITING ME!!! Get her off, get her off!
Red XIII and Cait Sith run past Cloud and Tifa. Red XIII offers them a pained smile.
Red XIII: I hope you had a pleasant evening. *closes the door behind him*
I might be slightly projecting and using Aerith as a mouthpiece. This was fun to write.
Edit: Visual representation of Aerith fighting off the party.
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Edit: Edit: So imagine my surprise when part of my fanfiction actually happened during the game. Just involving Cait Sith and Yuffie in Gongaga.
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getvalentined · 1 year
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This piece has been affectionately titled My Man's a Noodle since it was just a rough concept sketch, which I feel like is important to know for the overall vibe.
A piece of spot art drawn for @vinvalenzine! Although the version used in the zine is cropped down and edited so dramatically that it's almost a different picture...I did that a lot. For some reason.
(This one goes with Control or The Lack Thereof by @vinjaryou!)
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Cid: Look, you and Zack are totally welcome to stay at my place, just don't do anything on my bed.
Cloud: Oh, we won't... you know. We just like to work in the same place, and then we talk and hold hands.
Cid: Yuck, that's somehow worse.
Cloud: Yeah, it sounded bad when I said it.
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maxthedrawingperson · 3 months
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databaze · 10 months
we have a new key art visual for cid, i will bark for this man if he asks me. he is so fine
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howlingday · 2 years
(Jaune Strife AU) Uncle Vincent decided to stop by and he terrifies everyone. Everyone except the Arcs, even little Adrian is chill with the half-vampire adopted relative. Terra just thinks her in-laws are weird like that.
"Sorry I'm late." Jaune huffed as he passed through the doors.
"About time you got here, kid." Uncle Barret chuckled. "Any later, and he would have grown up on ya!"
"Oh, be nice!" Tifa slugged Barret in the arm. "Jaune, we're glad you made it."
"Yeah!" Aunt Yuffie nodded. "Besides, it's not like the little guy was going anywhere."
"Especially not with how tall, dark, and creepy is holding him." Cid gruffed.
Jaune looked to where his sister and her wife sat at a booth, with his Uncle Vincent sitting between them. In his arms lay a chubby baby who seemed to be watching the pale male with interest.
"Coochie-coo." Uncle Vincent cooed, wiggling his clawed finger at the babe.
"Be careful, Uncle Vincent." Saphron worried.
"He's fine, Saph." Terra waved. "I'm sure your uncle know how to hold a baby."
"When will it be my turn?" Red XIII asked from the other side of the table.
"Uh, well..." Terra scratched her cheek, unsure of how to answer the question.
"So, how's it feel to a grandpa, Cloud?" Uncle Reeves asked, holding a stuffed toy in his arms.
"Not bad." Cloud replied. "Never really thought I'd make it this far, though, having my own kids with their own kids."
Jaune walked up to the table, where his sister and sister-in-law looked to him. He smiled and waved at them, and they all gasped at what happened. The baby reached out with his tiny hands and waved back.
"H-Hi there, uh..." Jaune continued to wave as his face flushed. "What's his name?"
"Adrian." Tifa answered behind her son. "Adrian Cotta-Arc-Strife."
"Kind of a mouthful." Jaune chuckled. "I'll just call him Adrian."
"Well, that is his name." Terra giggled.
Adrian giggled, too, and Jaune felt his heart melt.
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