#complete thyroid test
fmdiagnostics · 2 years
The Functional Medicine Diagnostic Centre is a state-of-the-art facility that offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic services.
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skipping class for the first time in my life bc my professor has covid and he sent out an email saying we’re having class and he’s asymptomatic and will wear a mask per cdc guidelines even tho he’s past the 5 day required isolation period. like. great whatevs but have you actually tested negative
update: the answer was no he had not
#stressed as FUCK#it’s fine we have a textbook and he doesn’t take roll#hoping he doesn’t do an extra credit activity but if i miss it for the sake of my health so be it#i have to go home afterwards anyway bc i have an appointment the next day with my thyroid dr#stressed abt that too bc my mum has dropped all precautions as if she isn’t in her 60s and didn’t lose her husband to covid#and idk what my sibling is doing but i know they’ve stopped masking at their practices and i wouldn’t be surprised if they stopped masking#all together. they also only wear cloth masks but at least it was something#idk i just feel like im the only one not ignoring it. like. when my dad got sick i asked him early on if he could smell and he was like#‘I’m just congested’ and my mum was like ‘no he’s just sick it’s not covid’ and then we waited until it was too late#like. i tell my mum that there’s nothing we could have done bc i don’t want her to feel guilty but like#idk. part of me thinks that if people had just listened to me and gotten him tested earlier and not lived in denial that maybe he’d still be#here. and my mum is pretty healthy but again she’s in her 60s. i don’t want to lose another parent to covid. or if she gets it and has it#bad or ends up with long covid then im gonna have to come home to take care of her or. idek. like i don’t live at home anymore so i can’t#pick up the slack if something happens to her. and my sibling definitely can’t#it’s so stressful. did we not watch the same process of my dad rapidly deteriorating. by the time we took him to the hospital he looked like#a corpse. he was completely grey and his eyes were glazed and he couldn’t even sit up or wave goodbye. has she just forgotten that happened#am i the only one who remembers watching my dad deteriorate in front of us#vent tw#covid tw
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wanderingsoul6261 · 4 months
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Credit for gif goes to creator, cinevettel
A Hint of Green
James Beaufort x Reader
Synopsis: Reader promised to support the Beaufort twins no matter what, having been friends with them for years. Reader adores Lydia, but loves James. But what happens when a certain scholarship student gets in the way?
Warning: only some swear words
P.S, a little self reflective because I've been dealing with thyroid and iron issues. Also, to the person that requested this, I'm sorry if this isn't particularly what you wanted. I'm a tad sick and so grammar and spelling might not also be the greatest.
(Y/N) was a creature of habit and instinct. She did things as they appeared normal for her, doing them in ways that she was used to, as if any other way would stress her out and be too overwhelming to complete. And she has made it work.
One of these such habits? Hanging out with the Beaufort twins. Who are often arrogant but not enigmatic as many thought them to be. Or at least, that's what (Y/N) thought.
But it was also surprising to many because (Y/N) was plenty different from most heirs and children of millionaires. She wasn't arrogant. She didn't use her parents' money as an advantage. And maybe that was why the twins were so drawn to her. She was real. (Y/N) was herself. They could be themselves around her. No trying to please or live up to the expectations held by their fellow classmates, the professors, or even their parents. They could just be, and that was enough.
When it was just Lydia and (Y/N), they did typical girl stuff. It was actually more Lydia doing the girl stuff and (Y/N) reading a book. Lydia appreciated her company nonetheless. She allowed Lydia to talk about Mr. Sutton when she knew she couldn't talk to anyone else.(Y/N) had created a safe place for Lydia. And it was something that both Lydia and James were grateful for.
When it was James and (Y/N), things might have been a tad different. They were agreeably closer. They went for walks together. Studied for the Oxford interviews. Sat in silence listening to music, often resulting in (Y/N) gazing softly at James as he closed his eyes, basking in the moment.
She allowed them to be them.
The three studied together. They went to parties together, even if parties weren’t much of (Y/N)’s thing. But it didn't matter, because James or Lydia was always right there. And they were there for her when she started having health issues and finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and iron deficiency anemia. They were there for her when she got frustrated with the constant testing and the changing of meds. They knew that it was affecting her hormones and understood it would take time to balance back out. And she was thankful for them. That they never took her snappy comments and fatigued laiden excuses to heart.
(Y/N) knew it before, but when the Twins understood her health issues just as much as her parents did, when no one else would, it had only strengthened her want to support them and be there for them in every way that they were there for her.
And she did just that.
As much as it was wrong and someone should have been told, she saw how happy Lydia was with Mr. Sutton. Although, (Y/N) was certain that she could never look at him in the same way ever again.
She ultimately supported James when he started spending time with Elaine. Even if it hurt and it pained her, because deep down, her heart held a place for him, just waiting for him to come and take it. But she knew he was doing it for Mortimer, being the golden child of the twins. Although she didn't like Mortimer nor the way he treated either one of his children, she supported James wanting to please his father. Didn't mean that she didn't stress to James about being his own person.
And then Ruby Bell came into the picture.
(Y/N) was there for Lydia when she walked up to the group of them at the poolside of their home. James caught (Y/N)’s gaze from where he sat in the pool, her stomach doing a flip before the two went to Lydia, where they found out that Ruby Bell had walked in on her and Mr. Sutton. She was also there for her when ultimately, Lydia would tell her that she was pregnant.
(Y/N) didn't necessarily support James' way of trying to buy Bell out, regardless if it worked or not, but she stood behind him, supporting him regardless. She stood with him and the other boys when the Welcome party was destroyed by the strippers. Lexington was beyond pissed with him, but she supported James regardless for wanting to protect his sister. She wanted to do the same.
And now, here she was, supporting James, although very poorly, as he spent time with Ruby Bell on the planning committee. It was his punishment for the stunt pulled at the welcome party. She understood that. But it didn't mean she liked it.
She watched as over the weeks, the two had spent more and more time together. And although James and (Y/N) still texted plenty throughout the day, the time in which she saw him lessened and lessened as hours moved by. And she understood why, but she knew who he was with, and although she could tolerate Elaine, she couldn't tolerate Ruby Bell.
So (Y/N) did whatever she could to take her mind off of him and Bell. She didn't want to face a heartbreak if he became a couple with her. So she did what she thought was best. Love someone before James loved Bell.
Although it would have been best to talk to him, she did not. She knew this, but refused, because if James being with Ruby would make him happy, she didn't want to get in the way. Even if it tore her slowly apart.
And as the days since the enactment of his punishment grew in number, he spent more time Ruby. Less time with (Y/N). But it gave (Y/N) more time to go on dates to fill that questionable hole of the future. A future that she would prefer with James, but a future nonetheless. Unfortunately, it also left less time to spend with Lydia.
And over time, texts with James became small and quick. They often left (Y/N) staring at her phone in sadness before putting it away. Something had to be done, but she wasn't sure what.
If James cared enough, he would reach out to her. But she was also smart enough to know that it went both ways. But it was just as much her responsibility as it was his to mend things. But nothing had even happened to break things. So why was she acting like this?
And so (Y/N) spent the next few weeks going on dates. Most never made it past the second one. They were not James. And she knew that, yet she still continued to slowly break her own heart without even noticing.
Whenever she saw James with Ruby, she avoided the two, even if James noticed her or not. She kept herself at a distance because she knew in the end she would potentially be safer. But was she really? Was she only doing more damage?
Whenever she moved away and avoided him, she could see the hurt evident in his eyes. Lydia was also confused as to what happened as (Y/N) slowly became quiet to the both of them. The Beaufort twins began to wonder if they did anything.
Neither of them technically did anything wrong.
It was all (Y/N). And she realized that.
News eventually spread that (Y/N) started dating, after for the longest time, she swore it off. She didn't think he would find out. (Y/N) wouldn't think that James would care. But secretly he did, and she was soon to find that out.
The Beaufort twin was jealous. Jealous of the ones that had (Y/N), even if he only had himself to blame. And she Would get her wish for James to do something.
(Y/N) was walking down the hallway, her bag slung around her shoulder and her face in a book. It was enough to distract her from who also was in the hallway with her, and it wasn't until she collided with another body that she refocused herself with her surroundings. Especially the person currently standing in front of her.
James Mortimer Beaufort.
She opened her mouth to say his name, but only closed it when her body wouldn't let her, even if her brain screamed for it.
(Y/N)’s eyes danced across his face, taking in his appearance, and in the spur of the moment, quickly turned on her heel, hoping for an escape.
She was quickly stopped, his right arm stretched out, his hand wrapped around her wrist. She now realized she had dropped her book.
“What are you doing?” He asked. (Y/N) stared at him in silence for several moments, before finally turning fully to face him and straightened her posture.
“What am I doing?” She asked. James gave her a hardened stare, almost similar to the one she heard he had given Ruby Bell after hearing what happened.
And both of them knew at this moment that it would be their first actual fight in the several years that they have been friends. Will they make it or break it?
James matched her stare and stance, his hand still wrapped her wrist and she basked in it,loved it, and then hated herself when she pulled it away from him to further prove her point.
“You are going to have to elaborate because I don't know what you're talking about James.” He let out an angry huff through his nose, and (Y/N) had barely missed the look of jealousy that flashed across his face.
“The dating, (Y/N). What are you doing?”
“Oh. I didn't know that you suddenly took on the role of my father, James. What is wrong with me dating?” She asked. (Y/N) was being genuine. What was the issue?
“You swore it off. So why start now, all of a sudden?” At this point in time, (Y/N) could almost feel the jealousy seeping off of James in waves.
“And what happened to hating Ruby Bell?” She asked. “You've been hanging around her so much.”
“What does she have to do with this?” James argued.
“What doesn't she have to do with this, James!” (Y/N) cried out. She threw her hands up in the air, tears threatening to spill. He noticed the tears, wondering really how bad things were. “You came to Maxton Hall after that day Lydia came to us with a sickening hatred for her.”
“Things change, (Y/N).”
“Yea. I guess they do.” She turned to leave again when James stopped her once more. “Let go of me.” (Y/N) snapped. James hesitated, knowing she’d probably leave, but was surprised when she didn't. Dare he say pleasantly surprised.
It was several minutes before one of them spoke.
“When was the last time we hung out James? The last time we were together as friends and not some acquaintances that would be forgotten weeks later? Or how about when was the last time we went over stuff for Oxford? Preparing for the interviews. Talking about the campus and what we'd do once we got there? When was the last time we were just “us” together?” She stared at him for several minutes before he finally spoke.
“And you thought the best way to fix that was by avoiding me? Not only me, but also Lydia?” He asked.
“Oh my goodness! What don't you understand James?”
“I don't know (Y/N). You might have to explain it to me. Because what does me being with Ruby Bell have anything to do with you and me and my sister?” She stared at him, realizing that the conversation had gone off topic. They were no longer talking about her dating. They were talking about them.
“I admit, it had nothing to do with Lydia and I feel like an ass for abandoning her-”
“Understatement.” He huffed out. (Y/N) stared at James, at a loss for words. What was she doing? She was willing to support the twins no matter what. And right now she is failing to do that.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stammered and she turned to leave once more, only to be stopped once again. James tugged her against him, his hands coming up to cup her face as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall. She missed this. She missed him. And she was blaming herself because she might lose it all.
“(Y/N). Look at me.” She hesitated, but slowly opened them. James stared at her, and the jealousy and anger was gone and in was a look of comfort and apologies.
“You want to know why I questioned you about why you were dating?” James asked. A tear rolled down her cheek and he was quick to brush it away.
“Because a crazy rabid squirrel in your head told you too?” She asked, trying to make humor of the situation. He gave her a small smile, a huff of laughter escaping from him.
“Jealousy.” He answered. (Y/N) snorted and James frowned. “What's so funny?”
“Because that's the same reason I started trying to date. I got jealous that you started to spend more time with Bell and not me and I took the irrational way out. And now I feel like arse because I wasn't supporting You guys. I blamed you and it wasn't your fault.”
“But it was my fault. I should have devoted equal time to you as well.” He explained. the two stared at each other for several moments. James gently brushed her cheeks as one of her hands played with the strap of his bag.
It was several more moments of silence before (Y/N) spoke again.
“So are we just going to avoid the elephant In the room?” She asked.
“what's that?”
“We both said our actions were because we were jealous.” It took James a moment to process what she meant. And when he finally did, he glanced down at her lips and then back at her eyes before harshly pulling her in for a kiss. A tiny gasp left her, before she quickly followed suit. A small thud could be heard as her bag fell of her shoulder and onto the floor and her hands found refuge in his hair. She met the ferocity of the kiss equally, letting out a small huff as he pressed her flushed against the wall. One of his hands moved from her face to her waist, pulling her flush against him.
They savored the moment. After so long of nothing, they were going to savor this.
At least that was until they remembered they needed to breathe. Oxygen was a fundamental after all.
“So you don't love her?” (Y/N) asked. James gave her an incredulous look.
“We are both out of breath after just kissing and you ask that? Am I in love with her?” (Y/N) only stared at him in silence, but a small smirk pulled at her lips. She was fucking with him. “Oh darling. You are truly something.” Her smirk softened into a tiny smile as it was now her turn to press a hand to his cheek. James turned his head softly, pressing a kiss to her palm, never breaking eye contact. (Y/N) swore her legs turned to jello just then.
“I missed you.” She finally spoke. “And I'm sorry for being so stubborn.”
“I missed you too, darling. and if anyone has to apologize, it's me.” James’ stare hardened, telling her that he was going to win this apology battle. And she gave it to him. “Oh. And one more thing.” (Y/N) stared at him, waiting.
He paused for several seconds.
“I'll give you the world, sweetheart. Don't forget that.”
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@lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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fatliberation · 3 months
Did u have a post abt how ozempic doesnt work somewhere on here? Tryna find it rn.
I don't post a whole lot about o/zempic or w/egovy in depth because it's a (somewhat) triggering topic for me. my dad is a lobbyist for n/ovo n/ordisk and he has continued to try to get me to take his drug because I have a "disease" that needs to be "treated." we've gotten into countless fights over it. I'm not in a place where I have the emotional energy to post about it, but here are some podcasts on the subject I have listened to and trust:
but yes, in short: it doesn't work, not for weight loss at least. it's prescribed with a diet and exercise (when their marketing relies on the fact that diets don't work. funny.) it doesn't make fat people thin, but it does make you lose a small percentage of your body weight (about 5 percent) because it's an appetite supressant. supposedly you would have to be on the drug for the rest of your life to keep that 5% off, and it's only been tested for a few years so we really have no clue of the long-term effects, and capitalism loves dependance! the side effects are horrible and are often too unbearable for folks to continue the drug. complete loss of interest and joy in eating, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach pain, headache, dizziness, fatigue, even gallbladder and pancreas problems, gastroparesis, and blocked intestines. and there could be a risk of thyroid cancer.
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scretladyspider · 9 months
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please don’t scroll; I really need your help to reach my gofundme goal of $3500 and not become homeless.
Im Elle, a queer, ace, disabled person with ADHD, depression, and two cats. In November, I lost my job without warning. I have no savings as the job already had me living to the last dollar of every paycheck. I was denied unemployment and food stamps. I cannot work away from home, a physical job, or something with strict hours due to some yet-to-be-diagnosed illness.
this is my story — what’s going on & how I got here. (Smaller text used because it’s a lot of information/a long post.)
In early 2018, I was doing regular walk/runs. In 2019, I stopped being able to run, so I went on walks. Running took hours, then days, to recover from. My body couldn’t produce energy to do it consistently, so, walks. In 2020, I kept going on walks and tried to do aerobics. I was not able to keep doing aerobics. My body took hours upon hours to recover, where before it hadn’t, I was alone for almost all of 2020, and never developed COVID symptoms; it was what happened with running all over again. In 2021, it started to take more time to recover from walks. Then I started to need to take a nap immediately after I clocked out from work— and it was a work from home job. In 2022, I began to go from my sitting desk job straight to my bed most days, laying down exhausted right after work, even sleeping through lunch to get some rest.
On New Year's Eve 2023, I spent 30 minutes cleaning, including vacuuming my living room. I had to rest the rest of the day.
In the last five years, I've gone from running to being exhausted for hours by taking my garbage to the curb.
Imagine you were someone who enjoyed recreational exercise. Now imagine doing 1/100th of that and feeling sick for days. Thats me.
There are other symptoms also. More vulnerability to infection and more trouble fighting infection. Shooting, sharp muscle pains in large muscles such as the thigh or forearm, like a pinched nerve, that come and go at random. Pulse rate that skyrockets upon standing, to go back to normal soon after. Stomach inflammation. Inflammation without major swelling. Headaches. Complete inability to tolerate heat, leading to excruciating migraines that only go away with things like cold showers, electrolytes, and hours of rest in the dark with ice. Muscles that literally don't feel like they're getting oxygen. Random rashes. Face flushing. Being much more easily out of breath, yawning over and over, like I can't get air correctly. Weight gain, no matter what I eat or don't eat.
And just being so, so tired.
In summer of 2018, something… stopped working in my body. I felt sick all the time. I had a low, unexplainable fever nearly every day. Shooting nerve pain would wake me up at night. The doctor said I had a cold. But months went by and I didn’t get better. When my blood work and thyroid hormone level was normal, I was referred to a rheumatologist.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after he made me wait 45 minutes, came in and asked “are you tired?", poked me hard, said I was tender, and left without running tests. This sort of “uhm the standard blood work came back normal, have you tried exercising more? I know you’re here because your body can’t recover from it but have you tried more of that? Also going to sleep at night?” has been the response over and over and over for five years. It got to the point where I even started to wonder if I was somehow making it up. I see a psych nurse. She thinks there's more than just depression, ADHD, and other things - though we both agree that managing those is vital too. She used to be a cardiologist, so this is reassuring. But when I have tried to see other doctors, it goes differently. Most of the time they see I have ADHD, a long history of depression, and hypermobile joints, and say that explains everything. I can't count how many times I've been told "well, you have depression” when the labs, if they even agreed to run them, came back normal. My standard blood work sometimes comes back with anemia, but I take an iron supplement. No improvement had come of it. I’ve had my thyroid hormone levels tested over and over, but never the antibodies. No imaging or referrals have happened, outside of one to a second rheumatologist. He ran no tests either; he just saw my joints are hypermobile and I was “sure taking a lot of mental health medications” (two at the time), and… that was that.
I had given up on actually even getting help until my SIL recommended a doctor she knew. For the first time in five years, when the standard blood work and TSH tests were normal, she told me we would keep looking. I actually cried with relief at that. It’s amazing to be believed after all this time.
Because of …. All of this, I'm trying to figure out how to either work for myself or find a work from home job that has flexible hours I can choose. I literally wouldn't be able to work a retail gig where I have to stand for eight hours, or even a 9-5 where I have to be there for those exact hours, because my body cannot do that right now. I want to get better but it's a long way off. First I need to know what's even wrong. I'm praying for a diagnosis soon. And treatment. At the least, management.
I have heard of EDS and I have been evaluated. I apparently don’t meet enough criteria, hence the diagnosis of JHS instead. It’s in the same family. I have also heard of POTS. I am pursuing testing. Same with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MCAS, fibromyalgia… yeah. The thing is nothing outside of the standard blood count and thyroid hormone level test, no other lab tests have been done. There are so many things this could be that have never been checked. Lyme disease, for example, is extremely common where I live (it’s actually just extremely common worldwide) and matches much of my experience, but 1) in the USA the initial Lyme test relies on a strain of bacteria cultured in the 80s 2) there are over 100 strains of Lyme disease in the USA 3) in spite of decades of research there are doctors who don’t believe chronic Lyme exists 4) no doctor has ever checked and I only recently learned anything about it so I never asked. But… there are a lot of things to check that I’ve never had checked is my point. Fingers crossed someone can help me get there.
I do not have a partner who can try to support me through this, and my family already supports me however they can. My severance (which was low as I found out I was being paid much less than the rest of the team later) paid only my January rent.
Since my ability to work is severely limited right now, and I've been denied unemployment and food stamps, and I would need a diagnosis and to be awarded disability benefits in court (which can take YEARS that I don’t have), I have nothing in savings because of years of underpaying jobs the cost of living and being disabled and going through prior periods of unemployment due to this and other factors, I am left in a tough spot without help. Without this help, this gofundme... I have nothing.
So... here I am. A queer nonbinary disabled neurodivergent writer, trying my best, living with some undiagnosed illness that's severely impacted my ability to function, who got fired without real reasons (in America they can just do that to you without even telling you why), asking for your help to pay my February rent and January bills so I don’t repeat the trauma of being homeless. Or for you to reblog this.
Thank you for reading all of this.
It’s been on my chest for a long time. Even if it wasn’t for the gofundme, it feels good to talk about and be honest about my health. It reminds me you’re not supposed to feel like this all the time when I tell other people and they tell me I should get help and deserve answers. It’s reassuring to see competent doctors who finally believe me. I hope we figure it out.
no donation is too small— they add up. If just 100 people gave $35, the goal would be met. Sharing is also giving— it means someone who can help is more likely to see it.
You can also help via my venmo — secretladyspider
CashApp — secretladyspider
or find PayPal in my tip jar in my linktree
Goal is $3500 or over. Funds needed ASAP. If it goes over, that’ll help with February.
Thank you for anything and everything.
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 27th of September, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 27th of September, 2023
Question: How is Princess Catherine's health right now?
Note: This reading was done with all upright cards (no reversals)
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Interpretation: She is healing and recovering.
Card One: The Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords is the thief card, a card of deceit, lies, trickery etc. With respect to health, it indicates a medical issue that is hidden, something that creeps up on you. The condition may need multiple series of tests to discover what it is. You can feel like the good health you have previously enjoyed has been stolen from you.
The energy of this card is of something insidious that creeps into the body and hides from being discovered, stealing your energy until it is uncovered and treated.
Swords is the suit of thoughts, so it may be that Princess Catherine is suffering from conditions brought on by stress, or that her condition is exacerbated by stress.
Swords cut flesh, so there is a possibility that some sort of surgery may be required to deal with this health issue, either now or in the future.
Card Two: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is the card of institutions and marriage. It usually appears in my readings as the BRF. For health purposes, it indicates doctors, professionals, counsellors, psychologists, and science-based medicine.
This card tells me that Princess Catherine has the best medical care that she can receive as a member of the BRF. She is under the care of doctors and they are treating whatever condition she has that is stealing her health and energy. Alternatively, she is seeing a counsellor or psychologist to deal with her mental stress. She has all the tests and medicine she needs and is being very well looked after. The card also indicates that whatever is wrong with her, it can be treated at home.
The Hierophant is the card of Taurus, and medically Taurus rules the throat and the voice. Catherine may be having issues connected to her throat, her vocal chords, or to the glands that are in the throat, such as the thyroid.
Card Three: The World
The World as a card indicates the end of a cycle and the beginning of another cycle. In terms of health, it indicates a complete recovery from whatever is troubling you. Whatever is wrong with Princess Catherine, this card indicates that she will make a complete recovery from it in the future. If it is a condition that stays with you for life, then it will respond to treatment and remain managed and under control.
Underlying Energy: The Star
The Star is a card of healing. It is one of the best cards you can have for health. As the underlying energy, it says that whatever is wrong with Princess Catherine, she is healing from it and her hopes for a return of good health will be fulfilled.
Princess Catherine may be suffering from stress or from a stress related disease. She may have some condition that worsens over time and needs a lot of tests to diagnose it properly. It may be concerned with her vocal chords or her neck, or part of her neck such as the thyroid gland. It is likely that this condition came on gradually and it has only recently become severe enough for her to seek medical advice.
She has the best doctors and medicines on hand to treat her. If the condition is due to mental stress, she has access to the best counsellors and psychologists etc to help her. It is likely that the condition can be treated at home. Treatment will be successful. She is currently healing and recovering, and she will make a full recovery over time.
The overall message from the cards is of healing and recovery. You can see that the cards start off dark and end up light and open, with the Star card of hope and healing shining underneath the reading. Whatever is wrong with Princess Catherine, she is healing from it right now and she is going to be absolutely fine.
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skippyv20 · 6 months
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thought for our friend’s friend who has been diagnosed with cancer, and now will need to have her thyroid removed. Mar 28
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s oldest daughter. Her kidneys are not functioning and they don’t know why. She has been transferred to a different hospital. Mar 27
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who lives a distance from her elderly parents who are not well. Prayers for her and for her parents. Mar 25
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is trying to find the right maintenance dose of medication. Without it she is susceptible to many different illnesses. We pray this appt brings good results. Also, prayers for her mother who is still recovering from surgery. Mar 24
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s grandmother who has passed away. Prayers for our friend and her family as they mourn the loss of their beloved grandmother. Prayers and good thought for our friend’s neighbor who has been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She is having surgery on Tuesday ( Mar 19) to remove part of her bowel. Mar 17
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend Paul. He passed away today and we pray for him, his family and his friends. Mar 16
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew Emmett (11 yrs old) who had open heart surgery. Surgery was successful and now in recovery. Also, praying for a quick recovery for him. Mar 11 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s FIL who has been diagnosed with cancer. Still waiting on results as to what type of cancer. Mar 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s treasured son-in-law. He has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes throughout his abdomen. He has a very poor prognosis - less than a year, probably just a few months. He is only 48 years old. Our friend is heartbroken, her son-in-law has been in the family for 17 yrs, and he is so very loved. He is scheduled for a PET scan next week. Mar 05
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother. She has had brain cancer, bladder cancer and the cancer had already grown into the muscle layer and also the uterus so what they planned is a cyctectomy and hysterectomy combined with a chemotherapy afterwards. Mar 24 UPDATED
Prayers and good thought for our friend’s sister who was burned badly and must be under nurses care for the next two months. Mar 01
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who is feeling poorly and is suffering from pain and struggling. Please pray also for our friend who is his caregiver and is under much stress. Feb 29
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who will be having surgery. The waiting list is one month long. Also prayers for our friend to feel God’s loving presence during this trial she and her husband are facing. Feb 26
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is awaiting results from test. Feb 24
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend and her family who are mourning the loss of their beloved SIL who battled so hard after surgeries. Feb 15
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s beloved husband. Due to a recent bout of illness he has been having investigations. He had his Prostrate removed due to cancer and all has been well for 5 years. The investigations have shown some abnormal blood results and it has been suggested he be referred back to the Urology department. He also has raised liver enzymes too. So obviously he is not 100% health wise and the obvious concern is that the cancer may be back. Also, prayers and good thoughts for our friend to feel peace and God’s loving presence. Feb 13
Prayers and good thoughts for our friends in New Zealand. It’s the one year ago today, their region was struck by cyclone Gabrielle and almost completely destroyed. So many people are still waiting for the insurance companies ( and the local authorities) to release funds in order for them to rebuild. Some areas are still covered in silt. Feb 13 Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is feeling anxious. Feb 13
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is struggling. Feb 11
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who must have surgery on her foot once again. Also, she is having heart issues. Feb 6
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who needs to have re-surgery to repair her broken femur bone, which has not fused. She was told that it was surgery failure the first time, and she would have to travel to back to Singapore to have the re-surgery done. Feb 5
Prayers and good thoughts for our King Charles III as he battles cancer. We pray also for his family. Feb 5 (Princess of Wales prayers scroll down to Jan 17)
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Feb 3
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who has a benign autonomous nodule which produces the T3 hormone nonstop. She is scheduled for surgery on March 21. Also, her grandson contracted mono and developed an enlarged spleen - which means he has to be careful with lifting things, etc. and is 19yrs old and thinks he is invincible. And also our friend who hurt her knee and dental surgery. Feb 01
We pray for all children who are being bullied. We pray for them to be kept safe and out of harm’s way physically and mentally. Jan 19
We pray for our friend who for 36 years has suffered from a progressive, painful, debilitating neurological illness that has her housebound, and she is tired.  Jan 19
We pray for Princess of Wales as she recovers after major surgery. We pray for her recovery to be quick and without any issues. We pray for Prince of Wales and children as they go through this trial as a family. Jan 17
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend who again is facing struggles, that don’t seem to end Jan 11
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend and her daughter who is going through some things. Jan9
We pray and send good thoughts for Jenna. She has just lost her dad to cancer and it’s hitting her hard.Jan8
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend who is struggling with family issues and is looking for answers as to how to resolve them. She is very hurt by it all. Jan8
We pray and send good thoughts for our friend’s two daughters.One has multiple health issues and is feeling overwhelmed. She has appointments with two specialists in January and I am praying for some positive outcomes. Her other daughter is an addict and has been in hospital since New Years eve with a serious blood infection. Once she is discharged she plans to return to a very unhealthy living situation, even though her brother offered to take her in. Even after discharge she will require home care for the picc line. Jan7
We pray and send good thoughts for one of our Tumblr friends who has stepped away and we await her return. Jan6
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Ig it was closer to 7 years ago? 8 years ago? if I check the actual timeline.
They were like oh shit it looks like you have graves disease really bad we gotta run all these tests, you could die!... For symptoms I had been having on and off since my 20's and telling them about only to be ignored.
Then they were like, no haha it's just the first stages of your immune system tearing your thyroid to shreds and letting it spill all the hormone at once. At this rate there's no need to remove your thyroid because it will die completely within 5 months and fully atrophy.
Are we going to try to stop my immune system from doing that?
No. haha.
What happens when my thyroid dies?
Oh you'll need to be on hormones for life or you'll slowly get so hyperthyroid you can slip into a coma and not wake up. haha, but it's like having and managing diabetes, people live full lives with it.
I'm having severe cardiac symptoms and etc from the obscene thyroid levels, and am unable to sleep for up to 72 hours at a time, can we check back in before 5 months? Maybe do something about the heart symptoms that isn't just knocking me unconscious for 3 days at a time with this blood pressure medication since my blood pressure is still somehow dropping to 60/45 despite the high adrenaline and cortisol and thyroid levels? [my resting heart rate was 120 at the time]
No haha, not necessary, prommy :)
So I took that for the news it was. Within 5 months my continued survival depended on the whims of whether someone would want to give me my meds or not, someone who probably didn't fully understand the severity of the issue, and like many people who rely on insulin, I could be killed by medical neglect at any time. I only had 5 months to live for sure and those 5 months were going to be hell.
I kept having the grave's disease-like symptoms until I figured out on my own to restrict b vitamins and iodine... Off the back of them telling me to slat load for the low blood pressure WITHOUT telling me to avoid iodized salt...
I tried to tell them this had been happening on and off since my early 20's, they told me that "wasn't possible" and "doesn't happen"...
I had one hope and it was that I was right and this had been happening on and off since my 20's and getting better in between.
5 months went by.
Your thyroid is doing fine actually :)
You said it was being torn to shreds. You said I had 5 months.
Yeah but it's fine and your levels are too.
Because I haven't eaten a food with iodine since 5 months ago other then a splash of cream in the morning and have stopped having b vitamins, but my neurologist says I really should be taking extra b vitamins, so just avoiding them in all foods to avoid going hyperthyroid isn't sustainable, so can we maybe entertain removing part of my thyroid so I can have some b vitamins in my diet and don't have to keep myself on the very edge of developing goiter to function?
No. haha. If your immune system keeps attacking your thyroid, it'll just die. You'll notice the symptoms and we'll put you on hormones. If it doesn't keep attacking your thyroid, you'll be fine :)
7+ years and my thyroid just keeps healing itself and taking beatings from my immune system so I have to live on the very edge of having goiter so I don't develop the symptoms of advanced grave's disease at any given time. ... And I had been living that way untreated for gods know how long because the hyperthyroid phases kept getting "diagnosed" as "maybe some kind of mania?" by doctors who don't seem to know what mania even -is- since my teens.
[hint: people who are manic or manic depressive don't generally -stay- manic for 2-6 months at a time without crashing, and aren't as psychologically stable as I was about it all, I was going hyperthyroid periodically and they were brushing it off as a mental health issue, which they also weren't treating because the treatments didn't help... because I wasn't 'manic' I was being flooded with adrenaline, cortisol and unregulated thyroid hormone, and it was getting slightly worse every time]
They have it diagnosed as "hashimotos thyroiditis" because -by mechanism, if not result- that's what it is. I haven't heard of anyone else that doesn't progress to the hypothyroid stage of that and stays stuck in the initial storm of thyroid hormones... But here we are. Hyperthyroid at all times because of *checks notes* aggressively recovering from the hypothyroid disorder, while it's still happening, in perpetuity. [there are two forces inside me]
They effectively gave my 5 months to live independent from care and that was when I was in my mid-late 20's. I am about to be 37.
Every time they catch a level of something actually acting up they go "holy shit more tests that organ seems to be dying!!!" And then when it doesn't and I get better they grasp for an explanation that doesn't -require- they do anything about it, like "you must just have gilbert's, haha" or blaming my personal habits for causing a 'temporary problem'.
I'm like the guy with the liver and the eagle, but the eagle is my immune system and all my tissues take turns.
Did I steal fire from the gods?
The pattern is that my immune system seems to just take turns attacking every system and tissue I have, and in doing so gives each a break long enough to heal in between. But it also means I have this rotating roster of autoimmune symptoms that's ever changing and an ever changing "hey I might qualify as having a kidney disorder this week and I won't know unless I do something to upset it" cycle of trying to figure out what tissue or organ needs my support the most at any given time.
Mostly it means doctors won't believe me, because the symptoms and tests results that were there even two weeks ago are gone now. And when they do believe me, how do you even treat that? Suppress my immune system when doing so will cause 1 of nine specific viruses to re-activate if it's already in my body and near immediately kill me?
I haven't met a doctor willing to acknowledge the genetic lack of proper immune response I have to specific viruses and offer to put me on an anti-viral -like other people with that condition are- at the same time as the immune suppressant. So I won't take the immune suppressant because I don't want to die suddenly and horribly of meningitis or encephalitis the way my mother almost did the moment covid crashed her immune response.
So I just live with it. Legitimately getting very dangerously sick with one autoimmune condition or organ failure problem after another and then bouncing back.
No fucking -clue- what this is doing to the cell lines in my body. Super curious really.
I know the perpetually high bilirubin plays some role in protecting me from aging, tumors and damage because it's an antioxidant. So there's that?
That's kind of why I'm not worried. This has been my reality since my 20s and beyond, and it hasn't killed me yet. Also no doctor has managed to do something useful about it yet other than run tests and give me the results. When they do find something concerning they always end up coming to the conclusion that their best course of action is to do nothing anyway. Especially since the fast metabolism and an additional mutation that makes me process some meds super fast and some super slow makes it kind of challenging to medicate me for anything at all.
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thefakerachelray · 8 months
February is Turner Syndrome Awareness Month!
So, I rarely talk about this on here, but February definitely feels like the right time to do it. I was born with a condition called Turner Syndrome (TS), and since February is both my birth month and Turner Syndrome Awareness Month, I thought it would be a good time to spread some information about this condition that a lot of people don’t know much about!
Turner Syndrome is a condition where a person is born with only a single X chromosome in each cell, and the second sex chromosome partially or completely missing.
There is also a “mosaic” form where the second sex chromosome is only missing in some cells. TS can take a lot of different forms!
It’s more common than you might think! Approximately 1 in 2500 AFAB individuals in the US have TS according to Cleveland Clinic.
One common symptom is short stature (which is why TS Awareness Month is the shortest month!)
Heart issues are more common in people with TS than in the general population, as are thyroid and kidney problems. There is also an increased risk of scoliosis, osteoporosis, nearsightedness or farsightedness, and hearing loss.
TS can affect cognitive function as well, especially in the areas of executive function, attention, and social skills. It’s not uncommon for people with TS to also be diagnosed with ADHD or autism.
Kind of a funny note on the social skills thing: my experience has been that in social situations people with TS are usually kinda quiet, but if you get a bunch of us together we WILL NOT STOP TALKING.
You often see a LOT of different symptoms of TS listed, but the reality is that it presents differently for pretty much everyone, so it’s important for people with TS and their doctors to know their own personal concerns.
While most people with TS that I know (myself included) identify as female, there are people with TS all across the gender spectrum!
That being said, you may see TS referred to as a “female condition” in a lot of places, including medical sources. Just keep in mind that a lot of people no longer consider that to be universally true, and there has definitely been pushback against that language in recent years.
TS is typically diagnosed either at birth with genetic testing or at the normal age of puberty due to a lack of typical physical development.
Treatments often include growth hormone replacement during childhood and other hormone replacement therapies later in life. Care is usually managed by an endocrinologist, and most people will be followed by a cardiologist as well.
Butterflies are used as symbol for TS! The idea of going through hardship and coming out stronger (like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly) is something that resonates with a lot of people with TS. I actually have a butterfly tattoo!
If you want to learn more…
Here’s the Cleveland Clinic’s page on Turner Syndrome
And here’s Mayo Clinic’s
Here’s the homepage of the Turner Syndrome Society of the US! They have a lot of good information, although their website is a little confusing and probably needs updating.
If you’re on Facebook, here’s a post with some general information from the TSSUS page you can read and share!
These are definitely not the only sources out there, so feel free to do your own research.
Since I live in the US, I’m not really familiar with resources in other countries, but if anyone knows of some non-US based sources feel free to add them in a reblog!
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lesbxdyke · 4 months
Hi there, congratulations on your reunion with your kitty! Such an amazing and heartwarming story. Couldn't help but be caught by the little comment at the end of the post about you being worried about his legs until he started jumping up on things. From the photos it did strike me that out looked like his hock was dropped a bit, though there's no perfectly clear angle and that could of course be situational based on how he was moving his body or sitting in that moment. But it's just a thing to consider because that can be a sign of diabetes, which is also commonly occurring in cats with thyroid issues. Also to the lovely ask recommending Archie put on weight and you free feed a lot, I would also gently point out that more than just weight (body condition score) it's muscle condition that is really important. Weight gain is most protective when it's increased muscle mass. Lastly, this is a long shot but might be worth mentioning since you've put up a gofundme, but depending on where you live if you/your family are on any income-based benefits there are charity vet practices that (based on which benefits and postcode) could potentially provide vet care. Good luck with managing his health! He's a lucky kitty and you seem a very proactive and caring owner.
Hi, thank you so much for your message!!!
I took him to my vet yesterday for a standard checkup and to register him with them and they agreed with what the Rescue Vets said. I'm seeing them again in June for his Vaccinations and a blood test so I'm going to talk to them about his legs if I'm still worried.
With his food, he's fed 4/5 times a day, small amounts but often, as he made himself sick gorging himself when I fed him as I feed my other cat (she's on biscuits only because she turns her nose up at wet food, so always has food available to her) and I'm trying to find the balance with enough to help him gain weight but not make him sick or give him diarrhoea.
While not a vet, I've mentioned before I've a friend who's qualified in Cat Behaviour Therapy and other various cat related skills, so between her advice and then the vets from the rescue when I first brought him home and my own vets yesterday, I have Artie as covered as I possibly can short of turning my bathroom into a vets clinic! (Which, ngl, I have been tempted!)
In regards to charities, it is on my list to reach out to local charities to help out too. With so much going on around him, along with actually caring for him, Carmilla, and trying to get her used to the idea that she'll need to share her space (she's currently still not happy if she catches his scent on me), I've been completely out of spoons, so quite a few things have been pushed down the list, like calling those charities. But hopefully I'll get a lull on Monday where I can actually make the necessary phone calls.
Again, thank you so much for caring about Artie enough to reach out to me with your knowledge, I absolutely appreciate it!
& here's a gif of him grooming himself for the first time since he came home as further thanks!
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detentiontrack · 2 months
what is PANDAS? /gq
This is a very long infodump but here’s my story!
It stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections! Basically when I was 10, I got a normal case of strep throat. The same kind that every kid gets in childhood. I got on antibiotics and felt better, but overnight (literally overnight. I was completely fine the night before and then it started February 22nd 2016) I started having SEVERE. OCD and anxiety symptoms. It was debilitating. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or function. I was having panic attacks, constant obsessions and compulsions, terrifying intrusive thoughts, and hallucinations. I also started developing tics. I was 10 and it happened overnight, so it wasn’t likely obsessive compulsive disorder or Tourette’s, especially because I didn’t have a family history of those things.
After multiple doctors, a nurse practitioner finally thought to test me for strep antibodies and it was positive. I got started on high dose antibiotics that destroyed my teeth and digestive system, but after 11 months I was still getting strep throat every other week, which would cause me to flare.
At 11, I got my tonsils out, and it helped a bit, but then I started losing function in other areas. At that point, it had spread to my entire brain and it turned into severe encephalitis. I had constant violent tics, debilitating mental illness symptoms, and I was losing the ability to walk and talk. The right side of my body was completely useless and the left side wasn’t much better. I couldn’t talk without a stutter, aphasia, and forgetting how to speak.
At age 12, I got my first bought of IVIG, which helped a little bit, but unfortunately we had shitty health insurance at the time and they wouldn’t cover any more even though I was getting worse by the day. At this point we didn’t know I had encephalitis, we thought I only had PANDAS and PANDAS wouldn’t cause that severe of a reaction on its own. So it was extremely scary. They were testing me for everything they knew, but encephalitis, especially in kids that young, wasn’t super well researched at the time. I had countless tests and everything was coming back “clean”.
Eventually, my mom and I went to every doctor in California that would see us. Even the ones not covered by insurance. At 12, since we saw every neurologist and rheumatologist that would see me in our state, we went to Arizona to see a PANDAS specialist. She recommended me a lot of herbal medications that kept me alive and helped a lot, but since she was in a different state, she couldn’t prescribe any actual medication. But those herbal medications kept me going long enough. That’s when we found out I also had fibromyalgia and my thyroid had failed as a side effect of the encephalitis.
When I was 13, I saw a doctor who diagnosed me with POTS, prescribed me POTS medication, and did a lot of tests to try and find out WHY I was losing the ability to walk and talk. She did a nerve conduction test, MRIs, CTs, and a test where they removed huge chunks of my flesh and tested the nerves (idk what it was called?) however there was no baseline for someone my age for any of the things she was testing for, so we only had a set baseline for if things got worse.
When I was 13, almost 14, I couldn’t walk or stand without a cane, even with a cane I couldn’t walk for very long, and I was very nearly at the point where I needed a wheelchair full time. My speech and tics were terrible, I remember barely even being able to think or process what was happening because the brain inflammation was so severe. I FINALLY got in with a rheumatologist at UCLA who specialized in PANDAS, and he finally was able to get insurance to pay for a years worth of IVIG.
I was on high dose IVIG for a year, and it saved my life. Very slowly, I got better. My OCD stopped, I could talk again, my tics stopped, and I very slowly got back feeling in my body. I couldn’t afford speech therapy or physical therapy at the time, so I had to teach myself how to walk and talk again. 5 years later, I have 100% feeling and function in my right arm, and I can feel most of my right leg, except for my foot and random patches on my thigh and calf. I talk fine most of the time, but if I’m tired, I’ll start slurring my words and occasionally words for things will just. Slip out of my brain and I can’t remember them so I have to improvise. (Yesterday the word for pencil disappeared from my brain so I asked my sister for “the thing that’s like a pen but is gray and you can erase it”)
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intersex-support · 2 months
I've been recording symptoms of lack of estrogens in my body. I started puberty when I was 11 and i am now 15, yet my body seems to be giving big signs of not producing estrogens enough: missed periods, little blood loss, painful periods, lack of curves in my body, lack of breasts, androgynous face and voice. I started to consider having a hormonal imbalance and so what I found was PCOS, but there's a problem: I don't see many signs in my body that might indicate a high production of androgens. I don't have lots of body hair* and I don't have acne at all.
What could it be? I doubt that my puberty is just "late", as I already said. Or at least, at this point its a bit... suspicious...
* I do have body hair , but it's in a regular amount (at least compared to my friend it seems...)
Hi anon!
So as always, we cannot diagnose or give medical advice.
I can see why you might be wondering if there's any intersex variations that might cause some of the effects on your body that you're seeing during puberty. If you don't think you have any signs of high production of androgens, that rules out several intersex variations. Having a period also rules out some other intersex variations. There also can be a lot of causes for irregular and missed periods that aren't intersex variations, so that might also be important to look into.
I can list out a few variations that might possibly be a place to start looking more into, and the first step would probably be to see if you have any other symptoms and traits listed. All of these are pretty rare, and would require medical tests such as blood tests and genetic tests to diagnose.
FSH Insensitvity. People with this variation have a vulva, vagina, and ovaries, but their bodies do not respond to FSH, and their ovaries produce less estrogen. They might not get a period, and might not go through most parts of an estrogen based puberty.
Turner Syndrome. People with Turner's syndrome have a 45XO chromosome pattern instead of 46 XX. There is also mosaic Turner's, where some cells have 45XO and 46 XX. Turner's syndrome would probably only be relevant to you if you have other symptoms like a short height, congenital heart defects, being HoH/deaf, extra skin on the neck, wide chest, inability to straighten elbow joints, and low hairline. People with Turner's don't usually have a period without HRT, but sometimes people with mosaic Turner's do get a period.
Rarer and less likely, but Kallmann Syndrome is a form of hypogonadism where your body produces lower levels of hormones. Another key symptom is just completely missing a sense of smell, so if you don't have a sense of smell, that would be a sign.
Other causes of irregular periods that are not intersex but might be useful to look into are endometriosis and thyroid issues.
Overall, I think it would probably helpful to do some more research and figure out if you have another symptoms if this is something you're interested in exploring. If you don't have many other traits, it might be helpful to look into non-intersex causes of the things you're experiencing.
Truly wishing you the best of luck, anon!
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alfalfaaarya · 1 year
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26June 2023 // Monday
Hola !
I got late for college today :') first time ever.
Attended all my lectures , took down notes and attended practical, we had revision of Hematology Experiments today.
Came home and studied
>Anatomy - Pernieum , Perineal membrane , Perineal body .
> Biochemistry - Thyroid Function Tests
> Completed Anat logbook
> Completed physio journal
> Anat - studied Duodenum.
I have a Biochem test on 4th July , Anat viva on Abdomen on 11th July and Physiology test on Cardiovascular System on 13th July and my exams are starting next month .
Oh joy.
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sillymeter · 24 days
completely fucking hopeless my body hurts so bad and my migraine is killing me. i dont know how i can work on this project but i need to and if i cant do THIS i dont know how ill be able to do anything. they still havent tested my blood (thyroid level) its been weeks. Im so angry
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drmamtamehta1 · 2 months
Female infertility
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If you have been unable to conceive within an acceptable time frame, consult your doctor for an examination and treatment of infertility. You and your spouse should be assessed. Your doctor will obtain a complete medical history and do a physical examination.
Fertility testing may include:
Ovulation tests: An at-home, over-the-counter ovulation prediction test detects the rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) that happens before to ovulation. A blood test for progesterone, a hormone generated during ovulation, can also confirm if you’re ovulating. Other hormone levels, such as prolactin, may be tested.
Hysterosalpingography: Hysterosalpingography (his-tur-o-sal-ping-GOG-ruh-fee) involves injecting X-ray contrast into your uterus and taking an X-ray to look for issues within the uterus. The test also determines if the fluid exits the uterus and pours out of your fallopian tubes. If any issues are discovered, you will most certainly require additional assessment.
Ovarian reserve testing: This test helps to assess the quality and amount of eggs accessible for ovulation. Women who are at risk of having a decreased egg supply, especially those over the age of 35, may undergo this battery of blood and imaging tests.
Other hormone tests: Other hormone tests measure levels of ovulatory hormones, as well as thyroid and pituitary hormones, which regulate reproductive processes. If you’re seeking expert infertility treatment in Jaipur, Dr. Mamta Mehta is a leading specialist renowned for her compassionate care and advanced techniques. Her clinic offers state-of-the-art solutions tailored to each patient’s unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Imaging testing: A pelvic ultrasound detects uterine or fallopian tube illness. A sonohysterogram, also known as a saline infusion sonogram or hysteroscopy, may be used to reveal things inside the uterus that a standard ultrasound cannot.
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poliesther · 9 months
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A bit of back story behind this pic (CW a ton of bad health issues)
I've recently had a ton of incredibly complex problems with health. From having to be at inpatient behavioral health (psych ward) not knowing when I will leave, to having my blood drawn multiple times a day and veins on both my arms being bursted.
Still I've been pushing through, but two things happened that completely floored me. One is that I have to get an ultrasound and other blood tests on suspicion of cancerous nodules on my thyroid (there's a lot of family history with thyroid cancer) and over that the hospitals (yeah, beautiful US healthcare means that only CERTAIN things are covered, I've had to hop between two states to get my care at each of the two hospitals) seem to have screwed up my meds and I ran out of them for a day, a very bad day at work I had to leave not even one hour in.
One of my best friends drew this for me knowing that Doom is my favourite character (along with Barry), and I am always thankful for his support @hypnopompicfool <3
Also, today I got some of the blood tests done to search certain antibodies and measure some thyroid hormones and managed another week of my meds before my next appointment this 4th, the ultrasound has to wait till February though, but hopefully it will be ok.
This isn't any kind of help me post btw. It just felt like I needed someone else to say at least a bit of everything that has been going on. But over all of it, I am just thankful for my friend and his support, love you man. Good luck with everything, and keep being an awesome artist <333
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