#congratulations to the Villainous team!
lord-squiggletits · 2 years
Barber is actually a genius
You see, when Barber wrote the reveal into IDW1 that Onyx Prime was actually Shockwave sent back in time orchestrating all of Cybertronian history, it was really a brilliant moment of in-universe plot events and metatextuality intersecting.
You see, in-universe, Shockwave’s goal for becoming Onyx Prime was to make all things ‘meaningless’ and to ‘destroy hope’ and to ‘serve as an agent of chaos’ by making all of Cybertronian history purely arising by his design.
And in the META sense, this is perfectly mirrored by the fact that the “Onyx Prime = Shockwave” reveal made Shockwave’s death in Dark Cybertron and even the entire story of IDW1 meaningless, destroyed my hope that exRID/OP would ever have emotionally satisfying writing, AND was a completely chaotic choice that came out of nowhere and completely blindsided me thinking that Shockwave logically died after being shot by Megatron and Optimus at once and then sucked into a black hole.
Truly John Barber is the absolute pinnacle of Transformers writing. Such a brilliant mixing of in-universe plot with meta themes that the readers feel directly is such AMAZING writing. A plot twist that you could NEVER see coming and that makes the story SO MEANINGFUL. A plot twist that gives characters AGENCY and that DEFINITELY makes a ton of sense. Such quality writing must be exactly why SO MANY PEOPLE talk about exRID/OP and how BRILLIANT the storytelling is ^w^
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Could you make a fic where Miguel gets the female reader pregnant and they're happy but he's worried about her safety? Maybe have a villain find out? Cause some angst?
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Risk Something (You're Losing Me)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara (Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Language. Spoilers (Miguel's backstory is mentioned). Angst! Alert!, Unplanned pregnancy!Alert.
Word count: 4.3K
A/N: Since I had already established some background and emotional intimacy, I thought I could write this as a sort-of-sequel to my previous one-shot Host of a Ghost. I was so excited to write this, especially because I don't usually write angst but I like to push my boundaries and leave my confort zone. Hope that it pays off and, of course dear anon, that you like it <3
Part III
You’d never really believed in long-distance relationships. After being witness to so many unsuccessful ones, you’d cataloged the entire concept into a box labeled “certain failure” and tucked it away in the back of your head. And yet, with an inconsistency worthy of your friend Hobie, you’d gone and gotten yourself involved in no less than an interdimensional relationship.
How? Well, that was a good question.
All it took was five simple steps:
Step one: Live a regular life. Go to school, graduate, and try to go for a Ph.D. that gets you working near genetically modified insects for just the right amount of time for you to become careless enough to let one crawl onto your backpack, take it to your apartment, and let it sting you. Throw in some negligence, forfeit going to the hospital, and go on about your afternoon. Warning, some side effects like loss of consciousness or intense headaches can be expected.
Step two: Congratulations! You’ve now become a super-powered person with abilities that range from climbing walls and performing gravity-challenging parkour to creating a sticky web-like element that helped you swing from one building to another. Toy around with your new talents, and grow comfortable with them before realizing that you can actually use them to be the much-needed help your city needs.
Step three: Turns out you’re not the only one with this kind of ability out there. There’s a whole Spider-Society full of similarly enhanced people who try and do their best to keep their own dimensions safe, and you’ve not only caught their eye but have actually been invited to join them. Let your new guide Jess Drews show you around, and explain all the benefits that come from joining a team such as theirs. If you decline, you can go back home and that’ll be all.
If you’re interested, it’ll be necessary to convince the leader but they could use some extra help so it shouldn’t be particularly hard. It sounds like an amazing chance. Information you wouldn’t have access to otherwise, mind-blowing facilities where you can polish your newly acquired abilities, possible new friends that actually know what you’re going through…Say you’ll think about it. Right as you’re about to leave, the most fucking gorgeous man you’ve ever seen in your entire life walks past without paying either of you any mind, busy while speaking to another Spider-Person. You ask who that is, turns out he’s the aforementioned leader, “will I ever have to work with him?”, you ask. “Probably, eventually” Replies Jess. Ask when you can start.
Step four: Do your best to earn your place in this elite group. Successfully improve your fighting skills, read everything available on interdimensional traveling and the multiverse. Understand it almost instantly because that’s how smart you are, kudos to you. Realize that for some reason, despite never actually interacting with you, Spider-Society leader Miguel O’Hara tends to stare. A lot. Is it because you’re progressing as fast as Jessica says or because she’s a complete liar and you’re actually doing it all wrong? No idea. All you know is that even during mundane scenarios like laughing in the hall with all the newest additions to the team or in line at the cafeteria, you feel a certain tingle in the back of your head that makes you turn around. Of course, the moment your eyes meet, he turns around and leaves. An odd one, yes. But you’ve also heard things. Rumors, here and there about his life before creating the Society. Whispers about a lost family and some video archives being the only evidence that they even existed in the first place. And, of course, the fault he had in the destruction of their dimension. You sympathize with him, despite his apathetic attitude towards you. You’ve seen him interact with those he’s closer to, and you know there’s more to him than he lets on. You’d be elated if he ever let you take just one look at the smidge of his old self that sometimes peeked out from behind the iron curtain. Well, not really. One look wouldn’t be enough. If anything, it would only cement your feelings for the man.
Step five: Curiosity killed the cat. We all know that. You know that. And yet, you decided to go snooping around Miguel O’Hara’s computer and personal files until you accidentally switch his computer on for long enough to let the videos he’s always watching start playing. He…his daughter…an entire lost life gone before his eyes. Then, before you could do the right thing and turn the computer off, an eerily familiar voice called at him from behind the camera. So, of course, you had to keep watching. Long story short? All those oddly constant stares, that coldness towards you, unwillingness to look you in the eye, was because of two reasons: first, you were a nearly identical interdimensional variant of the wife he’d lost in the dimension he unwittingly erased from existence. Two, as he’d confessed after realizing you’d found out about the truth, Miguel had come to terms with the fact that he was in love with you, not as a replacement for somebody from his past but as a new presence in his life that he’d been struggling to watch from afar, unwilling to let all his repressed feelings spill out like water from a broken dam. Until that night, of course.
Now, eight months later, you’d come to realize there was actually a sixth step you’d never actually considered until now that you were in this…situationship.
Step six: Uncomfortably avoid every and all circumstances in which interdimensional disparities and canon consistency regarding your relationship could come up. Don’t say anything like “Well, it’s been nice but I’ve got to go back to my own dimension” because that would remind him that his dimension was not yours too. That you were after all still a stranger in a strange land. Which of course also meant never inviting him to stay in your dimension.
Deep inside, you knew that all those details would eventually cause problems, especially regarding the inner conflict Miguel was always dealing with knowing what he was doing…what you were both doing, went against his strongest principle. But by God he was happy. Happier than he’d thought he could ever feel again. More than he deserved. So he just ignored those intrusive thoughts and focused on whatever task was at hand. And you were too. Even after just eight months, life without him already seemed unimaginable. He was your first thought in the morning and your last before you went to sleep, and more than once his presence beside you had been not just a figment of your imagination, but a part of your reality as you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer whenever you strayed too far from him in bed as he groggily whispered, “¿Y a dónde crees que vas, preciosa?”, Or when he buried his nose in the crook of your neck, lining it up with soft kisses that sometimes ended up in both of you being late for your assigned tasks. With so much on the line, you were more than happy to avoid those spiky subjects. It seemed like such a small price to pay with all you were getting in return.  
You weren’t sure of where all this was going, but none of that mattered. Right now, you were together. Inside the Spider-Society you were a great team and each one was a valuable asset. Outside, every second spent in your arms was enough to make him forget Spider-Man. To you, he was Miguel and nothing more. And that was all you needed.
Life was good. You were happy with the way things were. Until, as it usually happens, a necessary disruption came quite literally crashing into your life in the shape of a fifteen-year-old that carelessly swung around a corner and crashed into you after you’d been chasing him like the rest of the Spider-People after receiving Miguel’s message.
“Miles?” You asked, recalling his name, which you’d actually been hearing for quite some time since the circumstances of his existence started being a problem for your boyfriend. The boy didn’t answer. He just looked at you, his eyes filled with confusion and fear until you hesitantly took a step aside to leave the escape route open for him. If anything he looked even more baffled, but when the noise of his pursuers reached your ears he rushed down the hall and you lost him after he took a sharp turn.
Before you could be spotted, you ran in the opposite direction and hid around a corner as you tried to call Miguel on your watch. Of course, it was in vain. Well, Plan B. Fortunately, this time you did get a reply.
“Peter! Yes, it’s me! Where are you?”
“Where do you think? I’m going after him like everybody else. I need to get to him before…sweetie, please just get back in there, Daddy’s on the phone right now…I need to get to him before- “
“He’s already left the headquarters,” You informed him.
“Wait, you saw him?”
“About a minute ago. He was on his way to the North exit.”
“(Y/N), are you sure you should be a part of this chase right now?”
“Why not? Jessica is there, isn’t she?” You replied, smiling to yourself. Good old Peter B., looking out for you like some sort of self-appointed brother figure.
“Well yeah, but she’s not running, kid. Although I don’t think she should be on one of those death machines either, I don’t what she’s…”
While he kept on rambling for a bit, you looked around and wondered if you’d ever seen the building this empty.
Your eyes slowly ran along the pearly white walls until they landed on the hallway that led to the room where the Go Home Machine was kept. Practically unchecked, if Spider-Byte had joined the pursuit.
“P.B., I’ll talk to you later,” You absent-mindedly replied, hanging up on him without waiting for an answer as you dashed down the hallway.
You kept thinking about that poor kid’s eyes. After having all that information unloaded onto him, instead being given enough time to somewhat process everything he now had to escape from the very people he was supposed to feel safe amongst. When he sat on the floor right in front of you right after the crash, he was sure you would immediately hand him over. Maybe a few months ago you would’ve done it without hesitation but now…things had changed.
There it was. The Go-Home Machine. You thought you saw a purple blast inside that let you know Byte was still there. However, if your theory was correct, Miles would have to go through that hall and therefore, you. A few minutes later, a sudden voice booming from your watch startled you.
“Miguel? Where are you? I’ve been trying to…”
“(Y/N), listen to me! Miles lured everybody out on purpose, he’s trying to get to the machine. I can see your location back at the headquarters and he should be coming your way in less than a minute!”
“Alright. I’ll handle it.” You replied, ending the call before he could ask you to elaborate on that.
Sure enough, light footsteps came in your direction shortly after. Right as Miles entered your field of view, an alert issued by your watch made your stomach drop and a dreadful feeling fill your chest. However, you’d made up your mind. There was no going back now.
Mile spotted you at the end of the hall and stopped in his tracks. His eyes were determined, not as afraid as a few moments earlier. If he was there that meant he’d somehow gotten past Miguel. You fought back a smile when you wondered how pissed he’d be about it. Having his ass kicked by a teenager was something that, maybe under different circumstances, you could tease him about.
“He’s a delight, isn’t he?” You finally spoke, trying to somewhat lighten the mood while taking a step toward the kid. However, he got in a defensive stance, furrowing his eyebrows in distrust.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to talk.” You assured, showing him both your hands, “Miles, listen very carefully. This is exactly what Miguel was talking about a while ago. At this very moment. Right now, I’m supposed to stop you from getting to that machine and handing you over,”
Of course, he took another step back.
“Miles I’m not going to do that,” You assured him.
“Why not?” He immediately asked, constantly looking behind him, wondering if this was just you trying to stall him like, unbeknownst to you, he thought Peter had tried to do a while ago.
“Because I’m sure there’s a better way to go about all this. I love him so much, I do, but he’s so afraid that I don’t think he’s willing to see other possibilities and by the time he does, it might be too late for you. Now go before anybody else gets here.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. Miles darted past you as soon as you finished talking, taking a second to look back before reaching the dimly lit room where his ticket home was. His eyes scanned your face and darted down for one second before he looked up at you, a new worry in his eyes that had you wondering whether his spider-sense was strong enough to perceive something you’d just found out yourself.  
“Are you going to be okay?” Miles asked, his eyes looking down for a moment once again. Did he know? Did he mean “you” as in just you or as in…?
“Yes, don’t worry. Now get out of here.” You insisted. With one last hasty “thanks”, he ran into the room as your left in the opposite direction. You weren’t worried about Spider-Byte. She was a good kid, and she’d do the right thing.
The right thing. What did that even mean anymore?
You’d deal with the moral implications later. For now, as you found yourself on the other side of the headquarters, your mind was set on finding Miguel. Maybe you could try and talk some sense into him, make him reconsider whether this was…
“What the hell was that?”
By now you’d gotten used to Miguel’s habit of sneaking up on you. Usually, hearing his voice coming out of nowhere brought a smile to your face. This time, you closed your eyes and winced as you felt his presence behind you.
“Don’t even try lying. I know that voice you used in the call. The one for when you’re about to ignore whatever order I’m about to give you, so I checked the cameras.”
“Miguel, I…” You began to explain yourself just to be harshly cut off.
“(Y/N), what were you thinking? Do you realize what you just did? Do you have the slightest idea of the consequences…?”
“I do realize that you just asked a fifteen-year-old child to stand by and let his father get killed right before calling his existence a mistake, Miguel. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking of our safety, and that includes Miles’. You’re right, he’s a kid and that means he’s selfish and immature enough to endanger everything we’ve all been risking our lives to protect for years.”
“Miguel, listen to me,” You insisted, “You’re scared. I know. I am, too, but have you ever considered that maybe there’s another solution? Do we even know for sure that allowing the kid to go and try to save his father is going to cause any real damage?”
“What if it does? Are you just going to tell me “Sorry, Miguel, you were right” and that’s all? (Y/N), Dios mío, piensa. Gwen said the same thing but we couldn’t trust her with being objective because he’s her friend,”
“Wait, what do you mean couldn’t?” You asked. Miguel clenched his jaw and turned away, unable or unwilling to look at you.
“Miguel, please tell me you didn’t send her back. Not with how she left things back there,”
His absolute silence told you everything. Shaken, you took a step back.
“What is wrong with you?” You hissed the disappointed look in your eyes hurting like a sharp dagger to his chest.
“(Y/N), mi amor, I’m just trying to…”
“You’re such a hypocrite,” You angrily spat out, “You go around preaching about how important sticking to your stupid canon is and the delicate balance of the multiverse when you know damn well that what we’re doing goes against every single one of those things,”
“No, no, that’s very different,” Miguel disputed,
“How is it different?” You argued back, boldly moving closer to him wishing you were taller so you could face him, “I’m from another dimension, there is no way that we were supposed to meet from the beginning. You had your world, this world, and when you tried to live another life in a different one, an entire dimension was destroyed. I had my world, and for all I know maybe there was somebody there that I was supposed to meet but thankfully I ended up here first so I could meet you. But you know what? My universe is fine, yours is too and I swear I had never been happier in my entire life.”
“You’re right.” He muttered in deep thought.
“Yes, I am. And maybe…” You started to say, a relieved smile tugging at the edges of your mouth until he looked up and the expression in his eyes made your throat dry up.
“We’ve been messing with fire all this time. There is probably somebody you can be with without endangering your entire dimension. And this…this is the hand I was dealt and I should just accept it and live with it. You’re right. Maybe this was all a mistake from the beginning.”
“No. No, come on, you don’t mean that.” You shook your head in denial, lifting both your hands to cup his face in your hands, to bring him close like he had done the night you finally could let all the love you felt for him escape its confinement in your chest.
Miguel grabbed your hands before you could touch him and moved away from you before releasing them as he finally built up the courage to look you in the eye.
“Are you serious?” You asked, your voice quivering with anger as you felt tears begin to dwell in your eyes, “So that’s it? You’d rather sacrifice us than find a different way to solve this?”
“Well, what did you think was going to happen, (Y/N)? That this would go on forever and we’d keep pretending everything is fine and that you don’t have to wear a fucking machine on your wrist every time you come to see me because even the cells in your body know you were never supposed to be here?”  
“Oh, right, so you expect me to believe that you always knew this was going to be temporary? Then what was this? Something to take the edge off after a rough day until you decided it was time to stop fooling around and just be done with it?”
Deep inside, you knew what his response was going to be, but every inch of your heart silently pleaded for you to be wrong. To pull you into his arms and apologize for trying to send you away and promise that you’d get through this because you loved each other and that was all that mattered.
“I don’t know why you thought it was anything else,”
For a minute, you wondered if this was all actually happening. Maybe this was all a nightmare fueled by all the training simulations you’d gone over lately, and you’d wake up crying just to find Miguel asleep next to you, his wide back slowly rising and sinking with every calm breath he took. Your crying would wake him up and he’d furrow his eyebrows and ask what had happened.
“I had a nightmare, that’s all,” You’d say, wiping your tears off and trying to downplay it. But he knew better. He always knew better. He would pull you close and bury your head in his chest, placing a kiss on top of your head while warning you that he was the only one allowed to have nightmares because otherwise he’d have to start comforting you too and neither would get a full night of rest. And you would laugh softly as you drifted off, lulled by the warmth of his chest and his smell of sage lotion and cheap fabric softener.
But no. You were very much awake, and instead of comforting you with promises and reassurances, he was walking away from you after delivering the final blow to your heart.
Since he had his back turned to you, you felt free to let the repressed tears freely fall down your face as you helplessly watch him go until he disappeared around a corner. All of a sudden, you felt as if the walls of the headquarters had begun to close around you to asphyxiate you, and the sound of the returning Spider-People made you realize you didn’t want to be there for one more second.
Thanks to your watch, you were back “home” in a few seconds.
“Home”. Your empty apartment where you’d lived alone for years. Where he’d never set foot, and at least in that way it was free of his memory. Or so you thought until you looked over your shoulder at the ajar bathroom door. Inside, atop the porcelain sink, still rested the positive pregnancy test you’d left there before having to rush over to the headquarters to help with the latest anomaly.
That memory felt so distant now. As if it had happened years ago, in a different life. You suppose in a way, it did belong to another life. A life that was over now.
Numbly, you made your way toward the ragged sofa, collapsing on top of it as soon as you were close enough. It was only then that the full weight of the last day and a half sank in and, as you gently wrapped your arms around your stomach, you let the tears fall until your throat burned, the dusty cushions muffling your broken sobs.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard correctly, you did what?”
The seriousness of the situation was enough for Peter to fasten a small strap in Mayday’s baby carrier to make sure she won’t go anywhere for a few minutes as he waited for his friend’s platform to reach ground level. He couldn’t be chasing his toddler around and ripping Miguel a new one at the same time.
“I did what I had to do. It’s for her own good,”
“Right, because you’re such an arrogant…” He paused to carefully place his hands over Mayday’s tiny ears, “…such an arrogant dick that you think you know what’s best for everyone, including a fully grown, intelligent, woman like (Y/N)”
“Shit, Parker, do you think it was easy for me?” Miguel uttered, pinching the bridge of his nose before resting his face against the palm of his hand, “What I said about this being the hand I was dealt…I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with that. Hell, I don’t even know how I’m going to keep myself from showing up at her dimension to try and get her back here the first chance I get.”
“And why would you have to keep yourself from doing that?” Peter asked patiently. It sounded like a better alternative to “Miguel, I love you man but I swear you’ve got the emotional availability of a tree stump. Beats me how (Y/N) was able to get you to admit your feelings without prying your chest open with a jigsaw to see your pounding heart for herself.”
“She was right. We were never supposed to meet in the first place. Not like this. It’s not…”
“Miguel, I swear if I hear the word ‘canon’ even once in this conversation I’m going to drive my head through a wall,”
“Just because you don’t take anything seriously doesn’t mean everybody’s the same,” Miguel hissed back.
“That’s where you’re wrong. Last time I didn’t take something seriously, I ended up just like you will unless you get your priorities sorted out. Alone, and regretting not focusing on what was important,”
“This is important,” Miguel stubbornly argued.
“More important than what you had? Look at yourself. Just forty-eight hours ago you were as happy with (Y/N) as you’d been for the past eight months. And as happy as I’ve been with Mayday and my wife who, by the way, wouldn’t even be with me if it wasn’t for that kid you just called a mistake. And do you see my dimension going up in flames? Or yours? Or hers?”
Unable to find an argument against that, Miguel remained silent, his eyes fixed on an empty spot on the wall in front of him.
“Listen, I know you’re afraid. You don’t want her to get hurt, but if you love her as much as you claim to, then you’re taking the choice of a coward right now. And you can’t afford to be one, especially now.”
“Especially now?” Miguel inquired, turning to look at his friend who, much to his surprise, pressed his lips together as if he’d made a mistake and instead focused on getting Mayday’s hair out of her face.
“My point is; I know you well enough to know you worship that woman. And she thinks you’re pretty decent too. And I can tell you from experience that you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life if you let this come between you.”
Not knowing what else to add, Peter gently patted Miguel’s shoulder before leaving the room, hoping he’d given him enough to think about. Hopefully, enough to make him change his mind.
Meanwhile, Miguel hadn’t moved since Peter left the room, mulling his words over.
Two, particularly, had stuck with him for some reason.
Especially now.
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37sommz · 1 month
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NOW PLAYING: michaela's grid dynamics. ✼. view:⠀masterlist⠀⸻⠀join the taglist⠀⸻⠀request.
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Bonding over their mutual dry sarcasm, Alex and Michaela are another underrated pairing on the grid. Though not exceptionally close when compared to their other grid friendships, there is a lighthearted respect for one another that underscores all of their interactions. Michaela regularly voiced her missing Alex’s presence on the grid during his brief hiatus from the track and Alex claims Michaela was the first driver to congratulate him upon his return. As regulars on each other’s personal Instagram profiles, they’ve subtly played into fans’ expectations of a monthly Albon dump on Michaela’s secondary page.
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Fernando is admittedly one of Michaela’s racing heroes. Aside from his clear talent, Michaela has been vocally in support of his “villain” approach to racing, though she admits she doesn’t have half the courage needed to pull off some of his stunts. On Fernando’s end, he has always identified Michaela as a blossoming force on the grid who would be capable of domination if given the right team behind her. 
It’s a little-known fact that Michaela’s signing with Aston Martin was actively encouraged by Alonso who insisted the team allow the two drivers to compete against each other for points. In his view, the two would flourish in an environment where they were encouraged to outplace each other. To Fernando’s credit, his approach has worked pretty well for the team in its development of a more competitive reputation on the grid, for which Michaela has repeatedly thanked him.
As teammates, the two spend a considerable amount of time together having grown quite comfortable in each other's presence. From the occasional humorous quip during press conferences to their iconic tiktoks, Fernando and Michaela's partnership has been her most successful at the Formula One level.
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Of all the drivers on the grid, Michaela shares the most extensive history with the Frenchman. As her first teammate after joining Prema to race in the GP2 series in 2016, Michaela has not been shy about expressing how thankful she was for Pierre’s consistent inclusion of her in a sport that had been continuously unwelcoming. Though their beginnings were an awkward mix of pubescent introversion, by the end of their season together Michaela was a regular guest with Pierre’s family when her own family could not make the flight from Australia. Accordingly, Michaela is quite close with Pierre’s mother, Pascale, who is never seen without a #37 pin on race weekends. 
The next three years of their friendship would be strained by Pierre’s move to Super Formula in 2017 while Michaela remained at the Formula Two level. Their friendship would recover, however, after Michaela was selected for the 2019 grid as a driver for Alfa Romeo. Since then, Pierre has continued to be one of Michaela’s most vocal supporters, regularly extending cheers her way through passive comments during press conferences. 
However, their close comfort with one another is often mistaken for a bitter rivalry. especially after a particularly tense moment at the 2022 Monaco GP where Pierre pulled off a choppy overtake with Michaela calling him a “cunt” over the radio. The swirl of rivalry rumors never seems to fully go away with their limited interactions on race weekends, but their dual-family dinners tell the full story.
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As the two black drivers on the grid, the two have always been silently protective of one another. In a similar vein to her admiration of Fernando, Lewis has always been Michaela’s greatest motivation in believing that she was capable of reaching Formula One despite the matters of her race and gender. Accordingly, Lewis was the first of the senior drivers to pass his personal number to the driver in her rookie season. 
To this day, the two conduct quiet check-ins with each other whether grabbing a gourmet lunch in Monaco or sitting front row at Fashion Week. One of the more underrated pairings, the other drivers recognize the unique bond the two have and marvel at Michaela’s ability to chip away at Lewis’ guarded exterior.
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Another set of former teammates, Michaela and Charles were admittedly not very close during their time at Prema in Formula Two. The running joke of “Sommers falls just short behind Leclerc” rings uncomfortably true for the Australian who first experienced a taste of Il Predestinato’s reign after finishing 2nd in the Formula Two Championship. Though that simple fact never bothered her much, the media storm that continues to cloud over any semblance of tension between the two bothers her to no end.
As the two have matured past that tense 2017 season, they’ve found common ground in the issues that frustrate them within their careers. Similar to the sense of pressure she shares with Max, Michaela shares a passionate frustration with Charles in the face of a less-than-beneficial strategy. In particular, Michaela’s second season at McLaren and Charles’ 2022 season with Ferrari brought the two almost infinitely closer as they bonded over not the nicest words vented about their respective teams. In fact, Charles was the one to convince Michaela to take a risk in signing with Aston Martin after the 2022 season, a decision he never lets her forget turned out quite nicely for her driving style.
Aside from their shared tempers, Michaela and Charles spend quite a bit of time together privately, frequently attending tennis matches alongside their partners—and Pierre. Their friendship is a fan favorite though the two rarely publicly outside of Instagram comment sections and press conference giggling.
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Though Lando and Michaela have known each other since 2014 when they both competed in the Ginetta Junior Championships, it wasn’t until their rookie Formula One season that the two exchanged their first words. While Lando fervently claims that Michaela was quite removed from the other drivers in the championship, they both know the hidden truth of Lando’s bashful shyness in the face of the then taller, more competitive Australian. Despite the rocky start to their friendship, their first two seasons in Formula One were marked by a noticeable growth in recurring bits and shared inside jokes. 
That growth was initially spelled out to be a dream pairing for McLaren after they signed Michaela to a two-year contract in 2021. Placing two extraordinarily talented drivers with a rare competitive respect for one another seemed to be the right choice for the papaya team until the two actually began racing during the 2021 season. Disaster for the two drivers quietly drew closer throughout the bulk of their first season as teammates with glimpses of the future lying in terse shoulder checks after particularly competitive races. 
The discord between the two McLaren drivers became clearer in 2022 after Michaela publicly voiced her frustration with their overwhelming support of Lando despite her outperformance of the British driver in all but two races in those two long years. The tension between Michaela and the rest of the team came to a head in Sao Paulo when she was ordered to give way for Lando to pass her into 3rd place so she could defend against Carlos in 5th. Despite begrudgingly following the orders, Lando would collide with Leclerc to receive a penalty and be forced to retire later on with gearbox failure. With a new order to compete for points, Michaela would win the race but be left to celebrate on her own with the rest of the team retiring early to discuss adjustments with Lando. 
After the season closer in Abu Dhabi, Michaela would sign a joint statement with McLaren stating she would not be pursuing another contract with them and would instead be joining Aston Martin. The disastrous season for the Australian only stifled her friendship with Lando who found himself less than happy with the grudge she would hold against him for their entire tenure as teammates. In the two seasons since then, the two have spoken on short occasions in attempts to repair their friendship. Though they seem to be on less bitter terms with one another, their interactions are kept brief in public between tight-lipped smiles and the very rare return of an old joke.
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As the only Australians on the grid until Oscar’s promotion in 2023, Michaela and Daniel bonded over their mutual distaste for English cuisine and endless homesickness. Admittedly a bad influence, Daniel brings out Michaela’s wild side often dragging her along into his X-rated jokes and late-night adventures in the cities they visit.
Though their vibrant friendship is frequently exploited for PR purposes on Drive to Survive and Formula One promotional content on YouTube, the two prefer being matched up together due to their similar energies. Michaela’s image, carefully crafted by her Press Officer Beata, always comes tumbling down as she giggles at Daniel’s shenanigans, letting out the off-color expression with the ease of a wide smile adorning her face. 
The normal tense in her shoulders naturally relaxes whenever Daniel enters the room who is more than aware of his calming effect on the younger Australian. Most recently, the two have attempted to indoctrinate Oscar in their more extroverted ways. Michaela in particular has taken Oscar under her wing at press conferences in her own way of simulating the state of ease Daniel places her in.
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Before 2023, the extent of Carlos and Michaela’s interactions was limited to shared eye rolls across the press conference room and a rare Sommers-faulted crash at the 2021 Canadian Grand Prix. Though fans mourned the lack of interaction between the two favorites, their friendship suddenly burst onto the public radar after Michaela appeared in one of Carlos’ vlogs in early 2024. 
Since that surprise appearance, they’ve been somewhat unsuccessful at hiding their shared camaraderie in the public eye. Giving into the public demand for their interactions, Carlos and Michaela have slowly opened up about their friendship, giving the occasional insight through seemingly empty comments. Though not much is known about just how close the two are, it’s frequently pointed out that Michaela was a guest at Carlos’ sister’s wedding despite not being publicly announced as one. 
Privately, Carlos is possibly Michaela’s closest friend on the grid with Carlos Sr. even musing that he had hoped the two would get together, much to their mutual genuine distaste for the idea. In Michaela’s own words, Carlos is the only driver she trusts with her precious puppy Tilly. Carlos has casually echoed that sentiment claiming that the two push each other to continue to be at the top of their performance, encouraging each other through the roughest of times in both their career and personal lives.
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When Yuki first entered Formula One, there was an unspoken expectation that he would get on quite well with Michaela. Paradoxically, the two bring out the absolute worst in each other. Amongst the glaring jabs thrown at each other in press conferences, there lies an animosity that both intrigues and bewilders everyone in and around the Formula One world.
The discord between the two shortest drivers was placed center-stage through a screaming match in the pits after Yuki spun out of a turn, taking Michaela with him and handing them both a DNF in a critical race for the Australian. Since then, the two racers have done their best to exchange as few words as possible, keeping the strife cold for the sake of their teams’ best interests.
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If you asked the other drivers if they thought Max and Michaela would have gotten along, they all would have responded with resounding dissent. Despite the odds, however, the two have only become parters-in-crime through their time competing against each other. As two naturally ultra-competitive people Michaela and Max have bonded over the pressure they both feel to deliver—admittedly in different ways—every weekend. Though most of that pressure is relieved in late-night rants over the phone, they do find levity in making fun of the press every chance they get. As such, the two are rarely placed next to each other in press conferences unless they’ve finished with a very familiar Verstappen-Sommers podium. 
Max is another driver who’s particularly vocal about his support of Michaela’s “trailblazing”. Though the media frequently attempts to bait him into forced high praise of the Australian driver, he makes it a point to call out journalists who center her gender in a less than well-meaning way. One of the more iconic Mickey and Maxie moments came after Max shut down a reporter fishing for an unflattering story while ignoring her glorious winning finish. 
Off duty, the two spend quite a bit of time together whenever Michaela finds herself in Monaco. Joining him for simulation streams and being pictured spilling their secrets over drinks has led to an abundance of deranged shippers and secret romance rumors. The two find the fun in the rumors, playing up their dynamics when they become aware of fan presence during their private outings. However, they’ve both been more than clear that their friendship is nothing more than that, leaving no room for their partners to be harassed by crazed fans.
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leggerefiore · 8 months
Hey, I saw that your requests are open so I wanted to ask how Maxie, Archie, Cyrus and maybe some other characters of your choice would be like as dads, if you want to write about that ^^;
anon don't let me make more pokemen dilfs.
uhhh took this as a /reader thing since that's how my blog is.
cw: afab reader, light mentions of pregnancy and birth, mostly focused on villains being dads, mentions of termination for a second in cyrus's part,
characters: Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Volo
🪨 When you first told the Magma Leader the news, he had nearly fainted. He was certain he had been careful, but his mind instantly drew a few times such a thing could have occurred. Maxie actually needs to be supported by how limp his limbs go. Truly, he did not know how to handle the idea he was going to be a father. For some reason, his brain recalled the child who had opposed his team as he debated his next move. Being a dad did not sound awful to him. He just was completely unsure as to what to do.
🪨 Somehow, he managed to get over his immediate hesitations and considered the positives. The redhead was not getting any younger, after all. He had felt a strange uncle-like care for the child who had stopped him. It was not so bad having a child to look out for, he thought. Plus, he had beaten Archie in something again. He soon found himself pouring countless hours into guides and information related to parenthood and fatherhood. Being well-informed was the first step he felt.
🪨 He had his ups and downs throughout the pregnancy before finally having a full-on breakdown during labour. His practised stern expression gone with his sanity. They had to give him a bag for his frantic breathing, and he had to be removed from the room. He would later apologise for his behaviour, but it was all too surreal for him. But, in the end, he stares in wonder at the newborn. The small boy's weight in his arms was so light, yet so heavy. Tufts of red hair decorated his head as Maxie took in another shaky breath.
🪨 It was a struggle actually adjusting to parenthood. Reading was one thing, a screaming baby at one in the morning was another. Still, he powered through it all. There was something enchanting to watch as the baby grew more and more aware. His son seemed to grow an affinity for grabbing at his hair or trying to take his glasses while making interesting coos and gurgles at him. He was not sure just what kind of person they would grow into, but he was determined to help try to raise them into a person who would be mindful of the environment and kind.
🪨 As they grew, Maxie found himself seeing too much of himself in his son. They could be just as stubborn and unyielding as he was, while being oddly fascinated with geology as he was. He even had to stop his son from eating dirt at one point, which stirred unfortunate youthful memories out of the Magma Leader. Despite how they would butt heads, Maxie felt strangely in tune with him. He loved letting his son read his reports and explaining the different meanings held within.
🪨 He felt especially cocky when he introduced Archie to his boy, smirking at how the pirate seemingly was lost as to how the redhead actually reproduced. Before he could rub his life achievement in his face, Archie knelt down and ruffled the boy's head with a friendly grin. He bit his tongue. The Aqua Leader congratulated his counterpart genuinely and told the boy to keep an eye out for his old man. All Maxie could do was grumble in return.
🪨 He tries to be fair, but he knows boundaries are important and healthy for children. The effects of being too permissive with children often led to the creation of troublesome people, after all. Though he does not want his son to feel rejected and like Maxie does not care for him, he makes sure to have actual discussions with his son about why and how with things. He does feel like his child has a good understanding of these things in the end but feels like he accidentally imposed many of his mannerisms onto his son.
🪨 Team Magma ends up talking about the so-named mini Maxie frequently. The obvious resemblance between their leader and his son is just so fascinating. Even Courtney wishes to coo over an almost perfect clone of her leader. Tabitha just nervously laughs whenever the boy follows his dad in to watch the Magma scientists work. He is very well accepted, no matter his age. Grunts even nervously act as properly as they do when their leader strolls in.
🪨 Overall, Maxie ends up as a slightly overbearing parent who tries to understand his kid and have them understand him back. He goes from being nervous about parenthood to being deeply grateful for the change. His son brought an odd new purpose into his life after everything that had happened with Groudon. He truly enjoys every moment spent with his family.
💧 When you told Archie about the news, he scooped you up like you weighed nothing and spun you around excitedly. The Aqua Leader had been feeling like something was missing from his life, and he feels like you just answered it. There is no hesitation or doubt from the man — No, this must be his destiny. The little scamp that had been his odd rival while he tried to awaken Kyogre made him realise how nice being a dad could be. He instantly begins to ramble off assorted ideas and plans while you can only stare at him.
💧 Honestly, he probably had been unconsciously trying for a child. Archie thought back on his own youth with both happy and confused feelings. Having a kid could be really difficult, he realised. Shelly came in to save him by gifting him a bunch of parenting books and reminding him that it was a genuinely serious change in his life. He suddenly felt more grounded, for lack of a better word, in his thoughts. Plus, he had beaten Maxie in something! Not that he really thought his rival wanted a kid, though.
💧 He does simply everything for you during your pregnancy. Archie proves just how dedicated he can be to a goal with his attentiveness to you. Even during the birth, he stood at your side with a bright grin and endless support. Though, internally, he would admit he was panicking just a bit. This was still a dangerous process, even if he treated the doctors and whatever else. Though, when everything calmed down and a small infant was laid in your arms, his heart just felt full. A little girl was now the newest and most important member of his crew.
💧 His adjustment to life with a baby is something amazing. It seemed he really took all the advice in those books to heart, as he just accepted his sleep schedule was going to be ruined until the poor girl found a schedule. Archie did not mind, simply happy to see more and more of the little thing. He even found a good nickname for her when she held a small death grip on his beard. His little Clamperl. She was quite fond of laughing and giggling, too, which made his heart feel even warmer. However, sadly, everyone around him stuck down him wanting to try infant swimming classes.
💧 As she grew, Archie was a bit amazed about how she seemed to be just like him. A strong affinity for water and loving to just be around people. Both of them could just spend all day on the beach and in the water playing around, making Archie think back to his own youth. He had loved the ocean then as much as he loved it now and is glad to pass his love on to his daughter. The Aqua Leader adored teaching her all about marine life and the many creatures that lurked in the waiting waves. She seemed to absorb the information like a sponge.
💧 He felt smug when Maxie saw him and his daughter in Slateport. The redhead stood stunned at the little girl holding his rival's hand tightly. The Magma Leader approached with careful steps. The girl just beamed up at him. Maxie actually smiled back at her. He shot a glance at Archie. He carefully listened to the little girl excitedly telling him about the Chinchou she saw. The Aqua Leader's feelings changed. Maxie almost seemed proud of him. Before Maxie departed, he congratulated Archie and told the girl to keep her dad in line. She just grinned up at him.
💧 He is a bit too lenient with his daughter, he knows. The girl simply deserves everything he feels, and he struggles to tell her no. Of course, he does know the importance of setting up boundaries for kids so they do not get all out of control. Though, he absolutely struggles with punishments, sadly. His softness, thankfully, is not taken advantage of because his daughter is just as oddly good-natured as he is.
💧 His team is just eager to have his daughter around. She loves playing around with the grunts, even when it ends with her horribly beating them in a pokemon battle. Everyone just sees her like another Archie, almost. She is just less likely to give out orders. Shelly simply adores the girl and loves dressing her up or just hanging out with her while Archie is too busy to be with her. Matt, on the other hand, is overly protective over her. The poor guy is terrified that his bro's daughter is in danger because of how small she is. Granted, she is very safe because the entirety of Team Aqua would hunt whoever hurt her down.
💧 In the end, he is quite excited to be a father and eager to do everything he possibly can for his child. He struggles a bit when it comes to pushing back on her and is probably too permissive for it to be good, but his example of bring redeeming himself from his past actions and genuinely caring for pokemon and the sea sets a good example for her. She quickly adopts many of his interests in protecting the environment, and he feels certain that his change of heart after Kyogre was all for good with that.
☄️ When you told Cyrus of the news, he froze. His entire world seemingly paused, and the only thing he could hear was the sound of his heart racing. Father… Him? No, he could not. What a terrifying thought. His own childhood creeping up his back as he debated how to most kindly ask for a possible termination. Your immediate refusal shook him even more. Losing you was not something that he believed he could bear in this world, so sickeningly consumed by spirit. Could you not just wait for his perfect world to start a family?
☄️ He relents after his initial panic. Your joy is apparent with how you speak to the unborn child and loving place a hand over where they should be. Was twenty-seven an appropriate age to start a family? He supposed there was little time to consider. Immediately, he found himself drowning in guides upon guides upon books and informational videos until he felt somewhat confident in what being a parent entailed. He absolutely dreaded every coming minute of it, but he refused to make that apparent to his future child. Cyrus would not dare even imitate his parents.
☄️ Amazingly, he managed to stay by your side during the stages of labour. While he almost constantly wanted to leave the room, horrified but what he could only blame on spirit, he remained and forced his feelings down to support you and advocate when you were unable to. You seemed grateful for his unfaltering support in the end, smiling as you held the infant girl in your arms. Cyrus felt amazed by her very existence. Soft blue tufts were on her head, while her face seemed frozen in a familiar expression. You called her a mini Cyrus. He could only feel awestruck.
☄️ He struggled immensely in the shift after bringing her home. Thankfully, it was less due to the constant awakenings (as his insomnia made that easy enough to deal with) but more so how she simply existed in his space. Her cries broke his heart, making him fear he was already falling into the ways of his parents. Yet, he found that she was straightforward to comfort, simply craving to be held and softly spoken to. Her eyes, the same colour as his, adoringly stared up at him, and he suddenly felt warm inside.
☄️ Her growing up was both a relief and torment to him. She proved herself just as reclusive as he could be and not interested in any other kids for the most part. Cyrus felt strange seeing his daughter hidden in her room and burying herself in whatever hobby she had decided to indulge in. It was like staring into a mirror that reflected one's younger days. He found himself being someone she could talk to about her hobbies, happy to listen at any time. Cyrus felt even more stunned whenever she followed him to his office and watched how he worked on his machines. It slowly turned into him explaining everything to her and her wishing to help him.
☄️ He flinched at how Cynthia caught him out at the Veilstone department store with his daughter one day. The champion stared in silence at them for a moment before falling into her unusual polite grin and waving at the small girl. Cyrus knew that the blonde would not do anything to her yet still felt strangely nervous about how she had gazed at him specifically. The babbled quietly to Cynthia about her interests, and she could only smile more at the girl. When the woman finally left, her final glance back at him spoke too many words. “You accepted this world, didn't you?” Had he? Cyrus forced those thoughts away.
☄️ He, truthfully, is quite soft as a parent. What he has been through has made him terrified of ever inflicting such pain onto a child. Cyrus is much too weak when it comes to his daughter and folds into himself for what she asks for. He strangely finds her already perfect. In fact, he dared to even say her spirit was somehow complete. He does make sure she understands social norms and boundaries, still, but she seems to come to understand on her own all the same. The only downside is that he struggles to be affectionate with her, only allowing himself the rare hug and mostly relying on petting her head.
☄️ Team Galactic is oddly obsessed with their boss's mysterious child. How she just showed up one day after Cyrus took an unexpected few weeks off. They all found themselves engaged in watching how she mimicked her father unknowingly. Mars and Jupiter love playing with the little girl, seeing a need for a more feminine touch in her life and finding her fun to dress up. While Saturn seemingly finds himself on babysitting duty whenever Cyrus gets busy. He secretly enjoys these moments and shows her games on his computer. The grunts are constantly getting jumpscared by her accidental glare.
☄️ Overall, he struggles quite a bit with his own childhood, but desperately does not want his beloved child to ever go through what he had. Cyrus leans probably strict in some ways, yet extremely permissive and passive in other ways. At first, the idea of parenthood nearly makes him ill, but he somehow moves past it into deeply enjoying the connection he has with his daughter. While he still has not accepted this painfully incomplete world, he feels his daughter is leading him to another possible answer to his inquiries and wishes to see what she thinks when she is at an age to understand. Perhaps he would even dare let her make the new world herself.
⭐️ When you told him the news, he sincerely debated fleeing and hiding again. Being a parent was a terrifying concept to him. He simply was not someone who had much interest in establishing a family line. After all, he had made very obvious his intentions to continue pursuing Hisui's myths to one day finish his goals. While he may have relented to whatever kind of relationship this was, he was not sure a child was something he needed. Then you mentioned that his child would come from one chosen by Arceus, and he suddenly gave in.
⭐️ He supposes that a child from both his blood of the ancient Sinnoh people and yours from that of one chosen by Arceus sounded too good. Besides, he had begun to wonder what should happen if he failed in his endeavours. A descendant could carry on where he left off, even possibly creating the world he so desired and bringing him back should he die. His acceptance is quiet and subtle. He finds himself listening to men and women about their experiences of being parents as he wanders around Hisui. Bravely, he even questions Cogita about what is entailed, intriguing her.
⭐️ He could not be at your side for any process of the delivery since he was very much wanted for his crimes in Jubilife, but he was somewhat doting during the pregnancy. He attempted to get whatever you requested, though he felt like he was going a bit mad when you sent him out hunting for seemingly endless leeks out in the wilds. Volo was mostly following Cogita's instructions here. It was about a week after the birth when you finally managed to sneak out of the village with the infant for him to finally greet the child. He could only stare at the sleeping face of his daughter in mild bewilderment. Soft golden tufts were across her head as she nuzzled into his warmth. His heart felt oddly heavy.
⭐️ When you finally escaped back to his home, he felt distressed by how needy the child was. Crying nearly relentlessly and needing attention more than he expected, yet before he could complain, he realised how he felt about those thoughts. Quickly, he shut them down and took to intently caring for the child. How could he have even thought such a thing about his child? He felt ill. Her confused coos and giggles at lease forced the pain out of his heart. She always seemed so entranced with his hair and desperately tried to grab it. Her grey eyes held pure adoration as she turned her head to find him whenever he was not holding her.
⭐️ As she grew, he became worried. His own youth was extremely difficult and lonely. The only person he felt he could turn to was rarely around, so he always found himself alone and ruminating on his complicated feelings. It all seemed pointless with how easily she spoke with other people. A bit like him, he supposed. Her intrigue with his investigations of ruins and myths drew her in, too. The girl listening to her father go on and on about history and stories of myths. Volo felt oddly eager. It seemed his legacy would inherit his interests. She began joining him to look over ruins and learn the culture of the ancient Sinnoh people.
⭐️ Cogita seemed smitten with his daughter, he had noticed. The older woman had often been there for him in his youth, and now it appeared her intentions remained the same for the girl. If his partner was busy while he was, too, he found her more than willing to babysit. She shared just as many myths to the girl as he had. The girl seemed utterly fascinated with everything, just as he had been. Though, he could feel the slight glare Cogita would give him when he listened in. It seemed she was more than aware of his darker plans.
⭐️ Volo is not really sure how to parent. He tries to be supportive towards his daughter, but struggles to understand if what he is doing is right or wrong. His parents were not exactly around him enough to help him even now by an example. He almost ends up treating her like a pokemon. Firm boundaries and obvious things you do and do not do. She has many moments of frustration towards the blond, which he entirely understands. Though, he does find himself overly protective of her. He feels she is in danger as the hero of Hisui's child alongside being his own, not mentioning the general danger of Hisui alone.
⭐️ From what he hears, the Galaxy Team simply adores her. Laventon cannot stop himself from going on and on about pokemon behaviours to the girl, and even bravely offering her another one of the pokemon he brought from his home region. Cyllene seems to fret over her wellbeing whenever you take her out of the village to his home, claiming she is too young to explore the harsh wilderness even while being monitored. Even Kamado has a strange soft spot for the kid, probably trying to make up for what he did to you. Volo can only sigh at all that.
⭐️ Ultimately, he has many shortcomings as a parent. It is a difficult change for him, but he forces himself to be at least more supportive and caring than his own parents were towards him. He honestly can be a little too harsh with his words, but somehow, his daughter seems to get he is trying his best. Her love for history and mythology makes him feel confident she will pick up where he left off should anything ever happen to him. After all, he plans to take her to the Temple of Sinnoh and explain to her his ultimate goals. She is already being trained in battling as a wielder by him. But, somehow, he wonders if she really will. The look in her eyes is much like his own yet different.
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tinydeskwriter · 2 years
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summary: he took everything from you, so you are taking something from him. or, Harry is your ex, who left you for another woman after eight years of dating, your feeling revengeful and it's the Grammy’s night 2021.
word count: 3567
warning: angsty
A/n: THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING HARRY. Niall make’s a appearance, Zayn is mentioned, let’s remember that this is fiction and it doesn’t reflect my personal opinions, but, like in every cheating story, we need villains… reader is in no way perfect, she is revengeful, she’s not meek, I decided to write her because I am tired of the nice, understanding, good girl, forgiving and moving on trope, I want someone who will be revengeful and mean and make him pay and regret for her broken heart…even if she still loves him. English is not my first language, so please be kind.
Grammy Night- 2021, March 14
Her skin is glowing and she is more beautiful than ever.
Her hair shines under the lights, loose in waves to her hips with a diamond star tiara adorning it borrowed from Fred Leighton. Her dress is entirely hidden under a cloak embroidered in silver threads and small crystals, which she has no intention of taking off before her performance.
It's the first time the pop icon has been seen in public since the end of her more than eight-year long relationship was announced by her ex's representatives back in December.
Her team had remained silent, even when they were approached by members of the press for comment after Harry was photographed with his new love less than a month later. Her only comment to the whole debacle was a post on Twitter: {I guess I won our ‘I love you more’ game}, that fans took as a admission that Harry had left her for his director.
For all intents and purposes, Y/n seemed to have disappeared from the face of the Earth after their break-up.
Emails went unanswered, messages went unread and calls ignored. No one had found her in their London home, the penthouse in Tribecca, the mansion in Los Angeles or the Villa in Italy that the couple had acquired together during their years of relationship,— another thing they had to sort out— despite never having married, they had acquired assets together, properties, cars, works of art, Harry's lawyers were already starting to lose patience with Y/n's team not knowing the singer's whereabouts. He wanted to solve everything as quickly as possible to start the new chapter of his life.
Y/n posed for some photos on the red carpet—she looked more beautiful than ever, yes, but fans would comment on the photos afterwards, she didn't look radiant as usual, her smile was small and forced, and her eyes lacked the usual sparkle— she refused to do interviews or answer questions, soon being escorted by her manager into the event.
The singer had seven nominations, and after the critical success that her album had been, it was certain that at least some of the awards she would take home— to join the twelve she already had from her previous albums—, after her dramatic four-month disappearance, her performance was also highly anticipated, as was the reunion between her and Harry—after all, he had also received nominations and was expected to perform that night—.
Y/n walked around the event hall being escorted to her table at the front of the stage, stopping from moment to moment to be greeted and congratulated on the nominations, one person or another regretted the end of the relationship, 'you two made such a beautiful couple' she listened more than once that night.
Their table was between Billie Eilish and Dua Lipa’s table, and she had a perfect view of Harry’s a little further back. He was the opening performance, so she wouldn't see him for a while.
Y/n would only perform in the middle of the show, she was the artist who had received the most stage time— long enough to sing a three-song medley, never heard before music that would be released on EP that night—, it was her way of correcting the narrative and to let people know her side of the story. For far too long she allowed his team to control the narrative, control the damage to his image.
After all, TPWK is kind of hypocritical when you cheat on your girlfriend of almost a decade and leave her for another woman.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” her manager and friend questioned when they were both sitting away from the hearing field of the people around them. “You can keep the cloak on during the performance…”
“But then it wouldn't be revenge...” Y/n said back. “He took everything from me, I want him to suffer a little, I want to make it difficult, I want him to see wha I am taking from him...”
They were supposed to be planning a wedding.
The beginning of the rest of their lives together.
They had been together since she was sixteen years old, she had practically 'grown up' with him, H was as much a part of her identity as she was his. They knew each other better than anyone, all the secrets, the personality traits. They were one of those couples that didn't even need words to communicate, that was the level that they knew each other.
He took her happiness away from her.
And why? Because he was lonely? Because he couldn’t be by himself for two months?
They usually planned their schedules around each other so they could be together, the longest period they had away was when he was still in the band, and Y/n embarked on her first solo tour. But now they were getting into acting, and Covid got in the way of filming schedules, her movie was pushed, and then they are filming at the same time in two different countries.
There was also some sourness over the fact that she got the role in the Elvis biopic and he didn’t.
The ceremony began. Y/n barely paid attention until Harry walked onto the stage, handsome in a black leather suit, shirtless and with a green boa. She smiled slightly, knowing there would be cameras on her, and held back the urge to cry—in vain, as her eyes were watering, and by the end of the performance when she gracefully clapped, tears had run down her face—.
How could she not cry when he was on stage, singing a song about her, as if it didn’t affected him after he'd broken her heart?
She had already won Video of the Year at the premiere ceremony, beating Beyonce, Harry and Drake, and lost Best Duo to Ariana and Lady Gaga.
Y/n was ushered backstage to prepare for her performance just as Harry took the stage to receive his first-ever Grammy—her second loss that night—.
As she walked, an assistant helped her remove her tiara and replace it with a more over the top headdress, a large halo with flowers and a delicate red veil that fell over her eyes.
The singer dropped the cape, showing off the dress she would wear in the performance.
A masterpiece in fabric. Sheer so you could see her skin through the fabric, the delicate tattoos accumulated over the years, the delicate crystal flowery embroidery covering all the necessary parts, and the colorful embroidery of a bleeding red heart between her breasts.
Her belly of almost six months of pregnancy delicately accentuated and proudly showing for the word to see.
Y/n truly looked half a goddess.
The woman smiled when she saw her longtime friend waiting for her near the stage stairs, guitar in hand.
“Thank you for agreeing to this.” She greeted him with kisses on the cheeks as the stagehands prepared her.
“And miss my chance to perform at the Grammys?” Niall joked with a smile, then got serious. “He's my friend but you're a sister to me, and he hurt you, of course I'll stand by your side.” Y/n never had a big family, her whole life had been her and her mother, and her mother had passed away in 2019 after two years of battling cancer. When Harry left her, she lost the last family she had left. Hearing Niall call her sister made her emotional, no matter how many times she heard it.
She didn't know what would become of her if it wasn't for Niall and Zayn in the last few months. Zayn, Gigi and Khai had been her support system when everything seemed to fall apart. It was Zayn who called Niall, who dropped everything to be with her.
Niall and Zayn had helped her write her heartbroken songs, her version of the breakup that still generated tabloid gossip. The songs were more acoustic than her usual, and normally she would play the guitar herself, but her belly wouldn't allow it, so she asked Niall, who knew the compositions as well as she did. She needed the emotional support of his presence to keep from falling apart—other than that she knew the internet would go crazy seeing her accompanied by another member of her ex's former band—.
“Thank you so much Ni.” She thanked him with a sincere smile, squeezing his hand. “You and Z, I don't know what I would do without you two.”
He gave her an understanding smile and helped her onto the stage.
Y/n's stage was simpler than Taylor's cabin in the woods had been, but her intention was to keep things simple and delicate so as not to distract from the songs.
The stage was covered in flowers, a garden of wilted sunflowers, there was a high stool for Niall to sit on, and a white grand piano, the backing singers and her band were already in place. Niall sat in his place, while Y/n positioned herself behind the door she would enter through.
She heard Noah Trevor announce her performance on the main stage, and the voice in the earpiece cued the band to start playing the chords of I Burned LA Down.
Y/n opened the door just before singing, the spotlight focused on her, she walked through the stage in between the flowers as the background changed to the Positano summer sunset.
The same sunset under which Harry had proposed her in 2019.
She hooked the microphone to the stand, eyes closed as she sang to try to contain the emotion, one hand on her stomach where the only good things left of their relationship was kicking her hard on the ribs.
You can’t make a God of somebody, 
Who isn’t even half of a half decent man
Her band started to transition to Traitor, she took a deep breath, knowing she probably wouldn't be able to hold back the tears now, the next two songs in the medley are deeply emotional ones to her.
Green guilty eyes and little white lies Yeah, 
I played dumb but I always knew 
That you'd talk to her, maybe did even worse 
I kept quiet so I could keep you
She was accusing him in every way except calling out his name, everyone knew who she meant, and she imagined everyone's shock.
There was no need for a guessing game as in the songs of so many other singers.
Y/n had only dated Harry since she was 16, he had green eyes, the timeline of his new relationship was already suspicious to many fans, but so far Y/n hadn't spoken about it and everyone accepted the version given by the team of the new couple.
The dancers entered through the same door that she had entered, during the chorus, they danced among themselves and around the singer, interacting with her at one time or another as she could not properly dance.
The background was slowly changing to the starry sky of Palm Springs, the same beautiful winter night sky from the day that he broke up with her—because he was starting to grow feelings for the director ten years older than he was, and he wanted to explore those feelings—.
It took you two days 
To go off and date her 
Guess you didn't cheat 
But you're still a traitor
Y/n didn't even realize when she started crying.
Her voice expressed all the pain and suffering she felt at that moment, and there, present and at home watching, thousands of hearts broke alongside with hers.
The more observant would notice that she still had her engagement ring on her finger, as well as Harry's 'S' ring —which he had given her a few years ago, representing the fact that he intended to one day make her his wife— and she played with the rings over her bulging belly.
When she's sleeping in the bed we made 
Don't you dare forget about the way 
You betrayed me 
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry 
For the way I hurt, yeah
Dramatically, Y/n intended to return the rings to him during the ceremony, the famous 17-carats engagement ring and his gold ‘S’ ring would be delivered to his table as soon as she was called on stage to receive an award—because everyone knew she would receive it— her latest album had broken all records, and she was the female artist with the longest-running song on the Billboard 100 for 78 weeks, the same song that had won Video of the Year for.
The lights dimmed as the song transitioned to Enough for You, the dancers left the stage, followed by the background singers and part of the band. Under the spotlight were just Y/n, Niall and Jay, her guitarist.
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave 
You found someone more exciting 
The next second, you were gone 
And you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong
Y/n looked off into nothing while singing, it wasn't like there was an audience, the only people watching was Taylor Swift, who had performed shortly before and was returning to the main stage, and Dua Lipa, who would perform later, and was on the way to her stage.
She had learned of the closeness between Harry and Olivia through Glenne Azoff back in November, but chose to believe Harry when he visited her in Australia and said there was nothing between them. How foolish she was. The next time she saw him, she was excited to inform him about the possibility pregnancy they'd been dreaming of, but before she could say anything, he broke up with her.
He said all his reasons. And Y/n had never felt so worthless before, so not good enough.
And maybe I'm just not as interesting 
As the girls you had before 
But God, you couldn't have cared less 
About someone who loved you more 
I'd say you broke my heart 
But you broke much more than that 
Now I don't want your sympathy 
I just want myself back
She'd given herself 100% in a relationship for nearly nine years, she'd loved him with every bit of her broken heart, only for him to dump her for a woman he'd met in two months.
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? 
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
Her voice failed amidst the tears, though she kept singing the song until the end, it was safe to say there weren't many dry eyes.
You say I'm never satisfied 
But that's not me, it's you 
'Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough 
But I don't think anything could ever be enough 
For you, enough for you, oh-oh 
No, nothing's enough for you
The stage lights dimmed with the last chords played by Niall, and the camera turned to Noah Travor, as stagehands approached to help the singer with the equipment strapped to the back of her dress. Niall dropped the guitar leaning it against the bench he had been sitting on, and approached his friend hugging her while she finished crying in his arms.
“You were fantastic.” Niall praised her stroking her back. “Breathtaking, I don't think I've ever seen such an emotional performance.”
“I'll never be able to thank you enough for everything...” She said against his shoulder.
They were interrupted by Y/n's assistant warning her that she had to change clothes and get back to her table, she only had twenty minutes until the next category she was nominated for was announced. She said goodbye to Niall with kisses on the cheek, promising to see him later at the after party in her house.
The assistant helped her change her hair ornaments on the way to the dressing room, her dress zip was already halfway down when she reached the door, and her support staff made quick work of helping her get dressed. Her second dress was worthy of a movie star, with crystal embroidery, and fringe, tight, again showing off the shapes that Y/n had gained with pregnancy —she was one of those lucky women who had only grown in her belly, from the back she didn't even look pregnant—. She glowed under the artificial lights, the crystals shimmering rainbow colors whenever she moved.
“Y/n...” Lisa, Y/n's assistant for over five years called her. The singer turned, her eyes quickly falling on the jewelry box the older woman had in her hand. The young woman sighed, taking one last look at the rings she had worn more than any other piece of jewelry in her life, she had put them on for the first time in months that night, and it was as if she had never taken them off. She slipped them through her fingers for the last time, depositing them inside the box offered by Lisa. “I'll deliver it myself, as soon as you're on stage.”
The singer just nodded, following the stage assistant back to her table. She was greeted by Taylor Swift on the way back, who praised her performance, the two briefly took off their masks to speak, and Y/n was sure there would be photos online of the moment "Harry Styles' two famous exes hug at the Grammys. After Y/n Y/l/n debut songs about the breakup with the British singer."
Y/n had barely sat down when the night's second General Category was announced. The video with the Song of the Year nominees played on the screen, and then Noah opened the envelope with the winner's name.
“Wow, this is tense...” He said into the microphone, holding up the open envelope. “And the Grammy Award Winner for Song of the Year is... Boys Will Be Boys* by Y/n Y/l/n.”
Y/n stood up to the applause, hugging her manager, and walking to the stage in calm steps concentrating on not falling off her high heels, her music playing in the background as Noah offered her his hand on the steps.
“Thank you.” She thanked him before going to the microphone, and taking the award in her hands, feeling the weight in both hands. She looked at the people seated and smiled. “Golly, I honestly didn't prepare a speech, my manager, I love you Lia, said and I quote: You're against Queen Bey, Billie, HER, TS, Dua and Julia...don't even bother...” Y/n waited for the affectionate laughter to subside before continuing. “I would like to dedicate this award to all of my fantastic team, to the fans, without you I wouldn't be here today, to my fellow nominees, just being nominated alongside you would have already been an immense honor, I would also like to dedicate this award to all the artists who wrote and released spectacular songs in the year gone by and weren't nominated tonight, an award, a nomination, doesn't diminish your worth. Thank you.”
Y/n was hugged by Lia and Lisa as soon as she left the stage.
“He looked like a kicked puppy when I handed him de box.” Lisa commented in the singer's ear when the two hugged. “He's completely stunned, and Jeff looked stressed.”
Knowing Jeff as she did, he was probably thinking of ways to reverse the negative publicity they were getting.
Lia showed the cell phone to the singer.
By all estimates, Y/n's EP could break the record for most streams in the first 24 hours held by Taylor Swift's 'Foklore', while 'Traitor' and 'Good Enough' were competing against each other for the song with the most number of streams in the first 24 hrs. People were listening and commenting, sharing their reactions on Tik Tok and Instagram.
It was all trending on Twitter, the Harries were disappointed in their idol, and Y/n's fans had even started a boycott campaign on Twitter canceling Holivia and their movie. If until now things were contained with their blurry narrative, after the release of the EP and the singer's performance at the Grammys, it had turned into a truly shit show. Her pregnancy had also blindsided the world, most agreed that the baby was Harry’s, with only a few questioning the paternity.
She gave Lisa her phone back.
They went back to their table, Y/n still had three more nominations.
“Jeffrey texted me.” Lia commented, already typing a reply. “They want a meeting.” The older woman didn’t take her eyes off her cell phone, typing furiously on the device. They knew lawyers would be included in the meeting, Lia was used to Jeff's more aggressive MO.
Y/n had never had to deal with any of that, because until that moment she had been Harry's ‘Lovie’, and they were in same team, now she would be on the opposite side of the table.
“We’re ready.” Y/n said without taking her eyes off the stage, clapping at the right moments. “The lawyers have already prepared all the documents.”
Y/n intended to make him pay for her broken heart.
She glanced quickly at Lia. “Just make sure the meeting is after the interview airs.” Her manager just nodded.
The singer ended the night with three more awards, beating Harry’s Fine Line for Best Vocal Pop Album, and taking the other two awards in the General category, being the biggest winner of the night.
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Yandere V+H: Tamaki Amajiki
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Henchman material all the way 
“Th-that’s the perfect plan, (Y/n)! You always think of the best things.”
he tends to have issues with his self-esteem
Easily idolizing those he feels shine brighter than he
Or in this condition create a darker shadow
He sees you as the best villain 
Shakily smiling after you when you praise him for doing his part
He watches how you so effortlessly take down the superheroes with their powerful abilities
All while discovering your powers
But he’ll deny it when he’s teased by the villain’s guild
But he loves your words of encouragement 
“Tamaki, you should definitely go pro!”
“No no, I don’t think I would want to could…”
But you’re not the only one to notice his efforts 
And on a deeper level, Tamaki isn’t all that concerned with anyone outside of his comfortable bubble
The comfortable bubble that only includes you
So he doesn’t mind all that much when he feels compelled to destroy anything outside of it:
“Congratulations Amajiki you’ve been promoted to professional status! Your new lair will be provided to you after you receive your letter of performance from your former employer. If you want to–”
Tamaki hung up the landline, it didn’t mean all that much when his world was crumbling around him. Promotion? From you? What was better than fighting alongside you? Nothing, he knew that much. His frazzled mind began to swim with what actions might have led to the travesty of this ‘promotion’. Was it his defense during the tech heist? Or the role he played in the destruction of the elite team? Or was it–
*Knock Knock* “Hey, you done in there? We’re on a time crunch y’know? Hahaha, crunch. Get it? Cause your name’s Suneater?”
He slowly slugged out of the phone booth letting a wobbly smile curl on his face as you giggled at your own joke. He couldn’t ask for a better sight. Even in your civilian disguise, you glowed like no other and he wanted nothing more than to power that light. 
“I-I’m done.”
“Good, ‘cause my phones blowing up because our partners are calling us!”  
Hearing the emphasis on partners, immediately put him back in the working mind. Letting himself hide his blush in the hat as you pulled him along by your hand. The warmth of your fingers in his threatened to activate his tentacles he had sprouted after his takoyaki brunch. He refrained, instead taking stock of the dingy building the crowd gathered in. 
“Hey hey!” You released his hand to hug your friend who happened to be invisible jumping up and down which you immediately began to catch up. Leaving Tamaki to internally curse out the invisible fiend that took your attention from him.
“Suneater, congratulations on your promotion you’ll be topping the charts in no time once you get started!”
He shuddered with surprise looking worriedly at you, only to find you were beaming with pride. A far cry from the dejected expression you should have made since your henchman was making a departure from your jurisdiction. 
“Yup, that’s my boy! All the calls to the big ones on top really paid off!”
Your jovial confession answered the stabbing question for Tamaki. In the most beautiful, horrible way your encouraging actions sabotaged the future he’s hoped you two would share together. 
“Awww are ya sad, Tamaki? Well, you shouldn’t worry as long as (Y/n) stays in the top fifteen you can always be their partner!”
Like a light at the end of the tunnel, Tamaki had a new outlook on his circumstances. At this revelation, he’d never have to leave your side. Nothing had to be changed! It would be perfect he couldn’t help the smile that twitched on his face. You turned to him chuckling behind your hand.
“Was that what you’ve been worrying about today? Of course, I’d love to be partners with you if you don’t mind me.”
“I-I’d love to!”
Exclaiming louder than he meant to he tried to shrink into the collar of his coat as you and your friend laughed before continuing on into the crowd. 
The rest of the day was draining, speaking to many different villains both new and old faces. Attending seminars and putting petitions down for different inventors; the day was long and all Tamaki wanted to do was to return home with you. Which would have been the fate of you both if it weren’t for the professional rankings. When the announcer called out your name it wasn’t automatically with his…it was with another. 
“In 14th place is a new villain duo: noteworthy ReaderYourName and Hassai Eight Bullets!”
Again the eruption of cheers and hollers as your best headlines were put on the screen along with the other villain’s displayed on the screen. He could feel your worried gaze as an embarrassed huff left your mouth.
“T-Tamaki…I…I’ll be right back..I’m just going to sort this out.”
Leaving your seat he watched as you disappeared behind a wall followed by the villain previously on the screen. His eyes narrowed before following behind. 
“Hassai what’s the meaning of this!?”
“Oh please, I told you I’d send in the request. You’re little sidekick got promoted, didn’t he? It shouldn’t be an issue then.”
“That’s not the point!”
Tamaki watched as you went back and forth about the logistics of pulling this off without your consent before it came to a head. Face to face, closer than he would have liked, your face was contorted with anger while Hassai’s was spread with a devious smirk. Outstretching his hand a hum of electrical crystals sparked in your face making you flinch away backing yourself into a corner, letting yourself be caged by the villain.
“It’s not so bad, don’t you think babe? Where you’re weak,” crackling the crystals in your face he leaned closer into you. “I’m strong! We’ll complement each other perfectly!” 
Ending on the vowel his mouth stayed open letting his breath fan against your cheek. You worried it would have escalated and so did Tamaki. 
“Hey! You’re the lil’ sidekick we’ve been talking about, right? Aww don’t be sad we’ll save it for when they’re back at my lair! Hahaha!” 
He leaves joining the crowd as you slowly walked to your henchman with a sorrowful look on your face. 
“Tamaki…I’m so sorry.”
Your shame and sorrow came off of you in waves as you kept your eyes lowered but Tamaki took the step forward. Pulling you into a hug he bowed your head into his shoulder as he let himself curl around you, tentacles and all.
In the weeks following the official rankings, you and Tamaki had not separated. Not long after the convention Hassai failed to follow up on their duties as the villain in the 14th rank leaving the position open for the runner-up. 
“Suneater you take the left flank and I’ll take the right! Don’t let that one with the muscles anywhere near here!”
“Got it.”
You both easily fell into your old routine easily evading the heroes and accomplishing your mission. Having finally put the obstacles on your side out of commission you twirled the Transmitter in your hands before hopping back to Tamaki’s location. Coming from across multiple rooftops you landed on the chimney watching as he dominated his opponents sending some crashing to the ground and others suffocating to death. But one stood out to you–stabbed by a crystal that spasmed electrical shocks over the body the method reminded you of someone.
You stood alert as your partner landed next to you prepared to swing you and himself across the rooftops. He was crouched, already in position before looking back to you; more precisely where you were staring. 
“Oh, it's nothing! By the way, got the transmitter in one piece!”
For Tamaki some change was good. But nothing too drastic…he wouldn’t be able to live otherwise.
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hunieday · 30 days
Re:vale - Dengeki Girl's Style February 2018 interview
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
This is an interview from 2018, which means it's been released before part 4!
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your hard work with the shooting and outfit change!
Interviewer: Without further ado, let's start the interview right away in this room. Pleased to work with you.
Momo: Yes! Pleased to work with you too!
Yuki: Likewise.
Interviewer: Congratulations on the release of your new single!
Momo: Thank you very much! Have you guys listened to our CD yet!?
Yuki: I don’t think so? I heard that it comes out at the same time as this magazine.
Momo: Hng! I can’t wait for everyone to listen to it soon!
Yuki: I’m sure they’ll be buying it along with "DENGEKI Girl'sStyle". Right, everyone?
Yuki: Oh, am I not allowed to ask like this?
Momo: Those kinda lines from you excite Momo-chan greatly.
Yuki: I know.
Momo: You know~~!
Yuki: And anyways, I’m sure whoever’s reading this interview right now is already our fan.
Momo: That would be awesome! After all, the cover of the February issue of "DENGEKI Girl'sStyle" is...
Yuki: The cover is...?
Momo: We, Re:vale, were in charge of it!
Yuki: It's an honor to be chosen for the first cover of the new year.
Interviewer: The honor is ours to be able to work with Re:vale! Thank you very much.
Interviewer: How was the photoshoot for the cover?
Momo: The shoot used props that had New year’s vibes! Especially Yuki's fan!
Yuki: That's true.
Momo: The outfits we wore were cool, but Yuki holding the fan looked like a timeless hunk, which was awesome!
Yuki: Thank you... But isn’t “timeless” a bit of an exaggeration?
Momo: Really? You were in a good mood, talking like a lord during the shoot!
Yuki: Well, I might have said stuff like "approach at once" because of the fan.
Momo: And then I said "I shall approach immediately~!" and moved closer!
Yuki: I feel like I looked more evil than usual on the cover, but that's probably because I was getting into the role of an evil dictator.
Momo: Ahaha! Don’t worry, Yuki is handsome even as a villain!
Yuki: Thank you.
Momo: But if someone was intrigued by the cover with us on it and picked it up, won’t we startle them!?
Momo: Re:vale is always full of surprises!
Yuki: Just don't step on the gas too hard.
Momo: I'll make sure to hit the brakes!
Interviewer: I think your interactions would be an enjoyable read!
Momo: I’m glad!
Yuki: Then let's continue with our usual selves.
Momo: Yup!
Interviewer: Please carry on!
Interviewer: Now, please tell us about the songs you recorded for the album and what we can look forward to in it.
Momo: The lead song "NO DOUBT" is the theme song for the "Mission" movie Yuki’s starring in, so many of you might’ve heard it in commercials or something?
Yuki: We approached the song with a high level of production, including the music video. Please listen to it.
Momo: You should definitely watch it if you haven’t yet! The MV was crafted with the world of "Mission" in mind.
Momo: Yuki's role as a detective is super handsome!
Yuki: My role as a detective is directly carried from the drama so it's not that fresh. Momo's role as a mischievous criminal is probably more refreshing, right?
Momo: Ehehe! As Yuki mentioned, Momo-chan also appears as a mischievous criminal!
Yuki: Because it’s a Re:vale MV, it has to be Momo and I.
Momo: Thanks, it was nerve-wracking though~! I didn’t want to ruin the “Mission” world Yuki had built!
Yuki: You say that, but I wasn't worried. In fact everyone in the production team praised the MV when they saw it.
Momo: Really!? That's a relief!
Yuki: The B-Side track "Taiyo no Esperanza" is a passionate song with a bit of a Latin flavor, which I think will give the listener a fresh feeling.
Momo: The outfits are also styled based on the image of a bullfighter, with red and black as the main colors!
Yuki: Yeah. The instrumentals, lyrics, and outfits are provocative and unusual for Re:vale.
Momo: At the risk of sounding conceited, I think listening to it will greatly motivate you!
Yuki: Indeed. I'd be happy if it could inspire you to do your best.
Momo: Everyone, please support Re:vale's new single~!
Interviewer: I'm looking forward to listening to it even more now! Thank you very much!
Interviewer: Now, let me ask the next question. As the cold days stretch on, could you please tell us your recommended way to spend them?
Momo: He-he-he! Let Momo-chan give you a direct answer!
Momo: My recommendation is to have Yuki make a delicious hot pot and eat it together, warming both your heart and body!
Yuki: That's an experience only Momo can have.
Momo: Oh right… I recommend it, but only I can experience this precious feeling…
Yuki: So you want me to do it for someone other than you?
Momo: Ugh...
Momo: I want to say there's no way, but while Yuki’s mine you are also everyone else's... I can’t be greedy...ughhh…
Yuki: Are you seriously struggling with this?
Momo: Umm, everyone should have hot pot with their loved ones! That's all!
Yuki: Haha, you sure put an end to that question.
Momo: Momo-chan will make you cook it again today!
Yuki: I didn't know that.
Interviewer: So you’re eating Yuki-san’s hot pot tonight...! I’m jealous of you.
Interviewer: Finally, please give a message to all the readers!
Momo: Yes, yes! Thank you for always supporting Re:vale! We were featured on the cover of a magazine so early in the New Year and released a new CD thanks to you!
Momo: ...But, since it’s still December right now as we speak, they haven't been released yet! Um, I believe it's been released by now without trouble!
Momo: We'll do our best together this year too, so please continue supporting Re:vale!
Yuki: Momo said everything, so I'll keep it short. I hope you’ll listen to a lot of Re:vale's music this year as well.
Interviewer: Thank you both very much!
The End.
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pokenk · 4 months
Villain Blake is not the leader of the white fang. She’s a horny shit poster..
Alternate Weiss: congratulations on joining our new evil team unfortunately, you will not be able to use the Internet while you’re here
Alternate Oscar: why
Alternate Weiss: Blake’s been horny on main too many times.. 
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poraphia · 9 months
hello! Idk if you’re still doing siren requests but could you do a siren x reader where reader is a hero but a more captain puffy type hero than dream team hero and they were best friends at school, but completely oblivious to each others’ identities? I’m not sure, this is a more vague one. But just an idea, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want :)
"Just A Hero and a Villain Catching Up"
pairing • siren x hero!reader 1967 words • 9.25.23 containing • reader and wilbur are long term besties, reader doesn't really like being a hero, tommy teasing wilbs and reader my masterlist ~! ღ mrs. mania ღ on Tumblr
"You're my best friend, but I've been keeping a secret from you. Little did I know, you've been keeping a secret from me."
“Alright, team, I think we did amazing work here!” Dream exclaimed as he held the once stolen artifact in his hand with pride. I breathed a sigh of exhaustion as the other heroes cheered. Dream looked at me, held tilted with his beady stare through his mask. As the other heroes congratulated and supported one another, he approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“We’re doing a good thing here, Nymph. We protected an ancient piece of art, and we should be proud of the work we did.” He reassured, rubbing my shoulder. I let out a small grumble as I fiddled with my sleeves.
“Yeah, but didn’t Eastside’s museum get robbed too last week? Only two heroes showed up, and that was including me who volunteered to go.” I questioned. I looked up at him, staring at his smiling mask. He returned the gaze blankly without saying a word.
Dream broke the silence before letting a loud sigh that sounded almost annoyed. My eyebrows furrowed under my mask. “We both know that the headquarters aren’t exactly on our side sometimes,” He said. “but that isn’t necessarily in our control.” I didn’t say anything in response. Instead I brushed his hand off of my shoulder and checked my watch.
“Oh, shit,” I mumbled. Dream tilted his head curiously. I turned to him, pointing at my watch. “I have to go, but I’ll check in at HQ before midnight. See you, Dream.” Before I could hear or see his farewell goodbye, I formed a cloud so that I could fly away from the scene. As I glided through the city from West End to Eastside, I stared at the sky, thinking to myself.
I feel like I haven’t been the best friend to Wil.
And it’s not because we’ve been barely seeing each other, or we don’t joke around like how we used to when we were in high school, but it’s because I’ve been keeping this huge secret.
It’s not something I can just confess and get over with. No, no. I trust and love Wil with all my heart, but if he ever figured out my identity, that would put him in grave danger. I could never live with myself if I knew something happened to him all because I couldn’t keep one little detail about me.
So I kept my mouth shut.
It’s been months since we sat down and talked to each other because of how busy we were. The moment I’m free is the moment he has to go to an important meeting. The moment he’s free I’m searching through the whole city looking for runaway villains. But after months of planning in advance, we were finally able to schedule a whole afternoon to ourselves at the local cafe in Eastside.
I go to the Cloudy Cafe every so often to catch up with my past mentor, Puffy. She taught me in her final years of being a hero before retiring. My cloud slowly evaporated away as I landed safely behind the cafe building. Using a spare key she gave me, I unlocked the door and retrieved my backpack that was hidden into some storage shelves. I changed into some casual fitted clothes before stuffing my mask and costume into my bag , leaving the backroom, and locking the door behind me. Before I turned the corner, I noticed a familiar bright yellow sweater and mess of brown hair running into the cafe, followed by a blonde boy wearing a red and white shirt. With a raised eyebrow, I let them run into the cafe first before following in a minute later.
I was welcomed to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. The blonde boy I saw run in earlier was talking to Puffy, who was sat at a circular table in the corner of the cafe. Deciding that I’ll just talk to her later, I scanned the cafe, finally finding Wilbur sitting at a two person table with his laptop out. He was panting with his face a little red from exhaustion. Pushing my curiousity aside, I walked up to his table while smiling.
“Wilbur!” I exclaimed. Immediately his head perked up and a huge smile formed on his face.
“(y/n)!” He beamed. Wilbur stumbled up. His tall figure nearly towered over mine as he engulfed me in his long, lengthy limbs. Giggling, I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried myself into his chest. after a moment of us snuggled into each other’s warmth, I pulled away, looking at his face.
“I haven’t seen your face in literally so long! Did you get handsomer?” I joked. Wilbur flushed, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“Eh, you could say that.” He said bashfully. We both took our seats at our table. Wil closed his laptop and placed it in his bag. I placed my backpack under the table to leave us with more room on the table. He sat across from me with his hands folded onto the surface. “Seriously, how have you been, (y/n)? Has work been treating you well?” He asked.
I bit my tongue from letting out a tired huff. A bit of me wanted to unravel all my stress onto him, raving about how tiring this workforce is and how I feel as if this system isn’t as innocent as we’re made to believe. But instead, I just shook my head.
“It’s… Alright.” I managed out. Instantly, Wil saw right through me.
“Oh? I know that tone, y’know. C’mon, spit it out.” He teased. His hand trailed around to where my hands were sprawled out. I sighed, a little annoyed that he still knows how to decipher pieces of me.
“It’s just… It’s not exactly what I signed up for, y’know? I thought it would be about doing good for the world, but if anything, I think we’re doing worse.” I ranted, using my hands a little to convey my words. He sat and stared at me; eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated. “I don’t know. Sometimes I want to leave, but the other times I feel like I could make a change. Lately, it’s been feeling hopeless though, y’know?”
My fingers quickly pressed against my lips, realizing that I was probably saying too much. Wil, in turn, nodded, as if understanding my words. “Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. Where did you say you work at again?” He asked.
“I— Uh— Just some human services organization that helps aid people and things like that.” I said, waving my hand off. I watched his expression soften, as if he was relieved to hear my words. I smiled reassuringly at him.
“Order for Wilby and his lovely, oh so loved partner!” The blonde barista called out from behind the counter. With an audible groan, Wilbur got up from his seat and trotted over to the counter. He quietly lectured the blonde boy as he just smiled cheekily. Once he was finished, he returned to our table with one iced coffee and one hot coffee.
“Sorry about that,” he chuckled. He slid the ice coffee order to me, in which I happily took a sip from. He took his seat in front of me, placing his cup on the table. “That’s my brother, Tom. He’s an odd one honestly.” I titled my head curiously.
“You have another brother? I thought it was just you, Techno, and Phil.” I noted.
“Ah, well,” he took a sip of his coffee before speaking again. “He was a new addition only like a couple months ago. It’s been a crazy year honestly.” He laughed. “Speaking of family, you should come by our house sometime soon to say hi.”
“Oh, absolutely!” I grinned. “I would love to spar with Techno again, or even just hearing stories from Phil.”
“Great!” He replied. “Oh, you just came from West End, right?”
I hummed in response, curious as to where this was going. “Yeah, why?” I asked.
He hesitated a bit, his lips briefly thinning before speaking. “I was wondering if you caught a glimpse of the fight near the museum. I heard it was kinda big.”
Oh, you mean the fight I was just in fifteen minutes ago that nearly led to some building collapsing and dozens of people injured?
“Oh, yeah!” I fiddled with the ends of my sleeve. “I saw a glimpse of it, but not much. If anything it was just the cause of my traffic.” I chuckled. My leg rapidly shook from under the table. Wilbur I beg, please be oblivious just this once.
Wil smiled before looking out the window. “Yeah, I caught a little bit of it too as we were headed here. Nymph really was causing a huge storm! Nearly scared the crap out of me from all that thunder.” My heart stopped at the mere mention of my superhero name. The identity I didn’t want him knowing.
“Ah, yeah, it was a giant.” I smiled. “I heard she was causing such a storm to muffle out Siren’s commands.” I commented, which wasn’t a lie. Siren was about to unleash a load of commands to brainwash all of the heroes fighting, so in an act of quick thinking, I summoned a huge storm with thunder so that no one could hear his voice.
“Well, Siren is pretty cool like that,” Wil laughed. Though something about it seemed… Fake in a way. His shoulders were tensed up and he refused to make eye contact. But maybe I was just looking too into it. “What do you think of the Syndicate? If you don’t mind me asking.” He turned to me now with his head resting in his palm. I leaned back in my chair, thinking about what to say.
“I think the Syndicate gets more exaggerated than they really are on media.” I said blankly. Wil raised an eyebrow, as if asking me to continue on. I took a sip from my drink before speaking again. My eyes glued onto my hands as I rubbed my own knuckles. “Well, nobody really stops and interviews the Syndicate about why they do their crimes, now do they? Maybe it’s just the little conspiracy theorist in me, but I feel like media hides the truth behind the rivalry of the Syndicate and Heroes Society.” I shrugged. When I looked up, Wil had the expression of a sweet puppy tilting his head out of curiosity. If I didn’t have any self-control, I would’ve expressed my admiration for such an adorable sight. Instead, I returned the tilted head gesture.
“Pff, what?” I chuckled as my hair cascaded down my shoulder. Wil hummed before returning his head posture back to normal.
“Nothing. It’s just you don’t really hear about people trying to understand the Syndicate. It’s really interesting.” He smiled. He has this glossy look in his eyes that almost sparkled.
“Ah, well,” I reached over the table, shaking my near empty drink. “it looks like my coffee is almost done. Let’s say we get out of here and walk along the pier or something?” I suggested.
Wil looked at me before turning his gaze to the blonde boy behind the counter. In the least subtle way possible, the barista was pointing at the back of his throat while making gagging noises. He scoffed at the sight before returning that beautiful gaze of his to me.
“I would love to, but first, let me go beat up Tom over there.
a / n ~ sleepy mania over here. hope you guys enjoyed. thank you sososo much for the support! sorry i havent updated my masterlists though. trying to get more organized. reblogs, replies, even likes are super duper appreciated!
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
A Notice on Our Junior Heroes:
A Sponsored Message from the Federation of Heroes - "Smile in the face of danger!"
The Federation of Heroes is pleased to announce the debut of its most recent Ability Management Program for Gifted Children graduates! Congratulations, children! Without further ado, welcome to our newest Junior Heroes! Protect the city, do your best, and don't forget to smile in the face of danger!
Thorn - Junior Hero Squad Seven Team Captain, this little hero will show villains the real meaning of flower power!
Deadshot - Junior Hero Squad Seven Second In Command, this little hero has a straight shot to victory!
Wyvern - This little hero is on fire! Keep at it, Wyvern!
Kaleidoscope - This little hero sure is a colorful character! Keep at it, Kaleidoscope!
Congratulations to our graduates! Make us proud! The FoH would like to remind the public that there is a $600,000 reward at large for any credible information on the dangerous "vigilante" Spider-Man's identity, and that the reward for information on the villain Enigma has been increased to $550,000. Do not approach these dangerous individuals if they are spotted. Notify the nearest FoH office, and a hero will be dispatched to get rid of the problem. And don't forget to smile in the face of danger!
This has been a Sponsored Message from the Federation of Heroes.
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draphrawrites · 9 months
Dabihawks Domestic Doofuses Pt 2
Twitter Threads Pt 3 || Prev Next
Originally posted June 3rd, 2021
Keigo wouldn’t actually yeet Dabi’s first aid stuff for his cologne collection, but Dabi seems to have this weird idea that Keigo is vain and self-centered.
So, Keigo plays into it a bit.
“And you need your wings preened daily... why?” Dabi asks, running his warm fingers through Keigo’s feathers in firm, smooth strokes. Keigo’s eyes roll back, but he keeps his voice even despite his chin being smushed into a pillow.
“Commission standards,” he gets out.
“And those standards entail..?” Dabi pries, actually sounding curious.
They’re laid out on the bed with Keigo’s left wing draped like a blanket across Dabi’s lap. The villain is sitting cross-legged, his long fingers combing through Keigo’s wings for the third time this week.
It’s only Monday.
Dabi doesn’t seem to mind. It’s almost like it’s as relaxing to him as it is to Keigo. 
‘Almost’ being the operative word here. Keigo’s bones feel melted and his muscles have unbound from years of clinging to each other in stress-induced desperation.
In short, Keigo’s never been a puddle before, but he’s pretty sure he’s on his way. 
“Pretty for the public,” he eventually replies to Dabi’s query. “That’s the standard. Beat up is acceptable too, but only after a fight. And only if I won the fight.”
Full sentences are getting harder for Keigo the more Dabi warms his hands. Then he notices them getting a bit TOO warm. 
“Dabi?” He asks, peeking over his shoulder to look at the villain. Dabi’s expression is stony. 
“Only pretty or in pain,” he repeats. “That’s fucked up.”
Keigo grimaces. He hadn’t meant for it to sound that way, even if it was true. Mostly he’d wanted an excuse for Dabi to preen him more often because it felt amazing. If Dabi thought it was for pretty privilege reasons, he could bitch about it.
If he thought it was a manipulation or abuse on the Commission’s end, though... that could spell trouble. For both the Commission and Keigo’s daily preening sessions. 
“It’s nothing outside the norm, you know...” he mutters quietly. “Lots of celebrities are required to keep certain standards.”
“Who told you being beat to shit was an acceptable standard?” Dabi growls low in his chest. Keigo can feel the anger practically vibrating through his feathers. Oddly, he feels touched. Dabi getting protective of him is... kinda hot.
New, too. Their arrangement thus far has been moving into scarily domestic territory, wherein affection and teasing are more the norm than aggression and sarcasm. Actual protective instincts though? That’s new. Normal Dabi would tell him ‘you’re the one with a thousand knives strapped to your back. You can handle yourself.’
So, call Keigo a little curious about this new turn of events. He arches an eyebrow at Dabi and contemplates how he wants to answer.
“It’s not like anyone told me it was ‘okay’ or anything,” he says slowly.
“More like I was congratulated for good work by my media relations team after a hard fight. If I was looking less than my best without a fight involved, I’d usually get a politely-worded email reminding me of public perception.”
Dabi absorbs that for a moment, idly stroking Keigo’s feathers. “No looking tired or pissed?” He muses. “I really would’ve made a shitty hero then.”
Keigo’s not sure he was meant to hear that last bit, but he does and it makes him blink.
“I think you would have made a good hero,” he counters, surprised to realize he means it. Dabi looks down at him in disbelief.
“Why the fuck would you think that?” he asks, voice sounding almost strangled. Keigo winces, hoping he hasn’t just poked a nerve.
“You’re passionate about taking down false heroes,” he says delicately. “Unwavering, really. And you fight even when the odds are stacked against you.” Before he can stop himself, he’s sitting up so he can face Dabi - more examples spilling from his lips unchecked.
“You pretend not to care for the League, but they all look to you when their own convictions waver. And they come to you when they need help.” Dabi tries to protest, but Keigo isn’t finished.
“You’re also really good with your quirk, even if it hurts you. Not many people have both power and control while knowing their limits, but I’ve seen you fight. You know exactly how much you can do before you have fall back. I know a lot of heroes who could use a little less ego and a little more sense like that.”
Dabi stares at him with wide eyes, mouth hanging slightly open. Then he forces himself to laugh.
“That ‘control’ was learned the hard way, in case you hadn’t noticed,” he says wryly, gesturing to himself. “Unless they’re giving out awards for not wanting any more fucking burns.”
Keigo tilts his head thoughtfully. “That’s fair. It doesn’t mean that knowing your limits and following them isn’t a rare trait, though.” He shrugs when Dabi looks at him. “Forty-two percent of hero fatalities come from heroes biting off more than they can chew.”
Dabi is quiet for a moment longer before he jerks his chin, indicating Keigo to lay back down. He does, hoping that the surprisingly serious talk hasn’t killed the laid-back mood. But Dabi just resumes stroking through his feathers, smoothing out the vanes as he goes.
The silence stretches for so long, in fact, that Keigo is almost dozing by the time Dabi speaks again.“And how long before you bite off more than you can chew?”
Keigo blinks, heart beating harder inside his chest, not wanting to think about it. Not wanting to acknowledge that he’d already done so when he decided to play house with a villain, knowing it could only end in some kind of betrayal. Either of his career or the guy he bullies into making pancakes for him.
“Well, I’ll just have to trust that you and your common sense will set me straight, I guess,” he says, snuggling deeper into Dabi’s lap. The villain hums in response, his fingers simply playing with Keigo’s feathers now, seemingly lost in thought. 
Keigo lets Dabi drift, his own thoughts returning to how much easier this would be if Dabi were a hero. And how much he meant it when he said Dabi had the potential. It niggles at him. The realization that Dabi could have been in the same boat as Keigo. The standard of ‘pretty or pained’ combined by virtue of his appearance. 
It bothers him, he realizes. To have those standards applied to Dabi. To think of him getting those stupid emails because he looked tired.
Maybe, Keigo thinks, leaning further into Dabi’s warmth. Maybe Dabi’s right.
Maybe it is fucked up.
Twitter Threads Pt 3 || Prev Next
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youngeritoshi · 11 months
Imagine you're an athlete, figure skating is your sport and you're goot at it, good enough for nationals and hopefully to qualify for junior team for Olympics.
You'd just finish your set and took a break where you lead yourself to the food court. "I heard that he got into Japan's U20 for world cup just because of Blue lock, isn't that crazy?" you heard girls mumbling, it wasn't that shocking, you've heard alot of people going to Olympics in a young age but World Cup? Out of curiosity you decided to watch this sport. You were not a fan of soccer but since you had spare time why not walk around the arena. Leaning into the railings, you covered your ears because of the fangirls beside you. "wow Number 10 is world cup worthy" Staring at the 6 foot striker, it's like you began to admire him. Heck you don't know a thing about soccer but it's clear that in that field he's the best. He owns that field.
"Congratulations YN! A gold! And you even forgot to warm up cause you were watching a soccer match" your coach adddd giggle to her statement "so who was the inspiration?", "what"
I can't believe she's doing this. I can't believe she's doing this. I can't believe she's doing this. I can't believe she's doing this.
"c'mon yn, you won gold atleast say you thought about him" you hated the way that you caught you watching that soccer game, eyeing on itoshi. "this is so unnecessary and embarrassing" her grip was stronger than yours, she was literally pulling you to Itoshi's whereabouts. She happens to be good friends with Itoshi's coach. "Aha!" oh shit. You were facing the confused athlete with this deathly glaze. You gulped and shivers ran down your spine 'why is he so fcking scary for a 16 year old, probably has a villain arc' your thoughts. You continued to stare at him, he probably noticed how you were shaking and looked at you in a confused face like really confused but it looked like a disgusted face for you! You were about to cry. Poor itoshi he doesn't mean to scare a pretty girl. "yes?" Girl I swear you were about to tear up, his presence scared you or was it a Marinette and Adrien situation. Were you in love? "o-oh uhm I just wanted to say congratulations hehe" that made the boy more confused and now you're Hella confused. "we actually lost" one of his teammates broke the silence between you. Shitshitshit get me out of this hellhole please. "what she actually wanted to say was she saw your match and she got really inspired by your play and she thought of you and and won first place" your coach went up to the two of you. "congrats I guess" eyeing on your medal "and stop shaking, I don't bite",
"can she get your number?" you wished you got a different training coach. The one who doesn't fucking care about love matching but if you really did you wouldn't be in this giant baby's arms, wouldn't I? He would be down in one knee proposing to another girl.
"did you seriously thought about me back then?" you looked at Rin who was holding your sleeping 5 month old baby boy. "Rin quiet down please, he might wake up" you shushed your husband completely forgotting about his question "yn, did you really thought of me while performing your routine?" You glanced at him and your memory flashed 13 years back, you hummed. "Rin please don't bring up the most embarrassing moment in my teenage years" you both laughed, but unfortunately it was too loud that the Lil baby boy in your lover's hands eventually woke up.
your first nationals might be the most embarrassing moment of your life but that's also the day where you found your husband and the father of your child.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 11 months
My thoughts on Resident Evil Death Island: spoilers ahead!!!!
I made a spoiler-free post on my page talking about my opinions on Death island, but here’s my spoiler-filled summary and thoughts on the whole movie!!!!!! This isn’t a one-to-one summary/explanation of what happens in the movie, if that’s what you want, you can find it on @highball66 ‘s page!!!!
Spoilers ahead under cut!!!
When people said this was Jills movie and she was THE main character i didint really believe them. But they were RIGHT. She IS THE MOMENT. SHES THE REAL STAR OF THIS MOVIE. She goes off H A R D
Ok first off. THE BEGINNING????????? I went absolutely F E R A L when I saw we were seeing the POV of umbrella soldiers during the initial Racoon City Outbreak oh my GOD IT WAS SO STRESSFUL. The harsh cut from the two dudes talking in the car, fighting back against civilians to having to isolate their friends after they got infected inside of a meat fridge(???) it was SO INTENSE I WAS GOING ABSOLUTELY FERAL. Basically the main villain was an Umbrella solider named Dylan and was working alongside his best friend JJ, and they were sent to Raccoon City to deal with people trying to break out, but it cuts to all their team members hiding in a meat fridge all having been infected while him and his best friend are the only ones who’re ok, and when they asked for backup to figure out what to do with their infected teammates, the comms come back telling them to lock them in a room and kill them all. The main villain is BEGGING his friend not to and all hell breaks loose as his friend kills all of them, because once they turn into zombies they manage to break out of the room and attack him, and Dylan is literally on the ground screaming for his friend not to and for all of it to stop and it’s PAINFULL. HES LITERALLY CURLED UP CRYING BEHIND A TABLE BEGGING HIS FRIEND TO STOP. T H E N his FRIEND (who is TOTALLY HIS GAY LOVER BY THE WAY. THEY WERE D E F I N I T E L Y GAY) gets infected and he’s FORCED TO KILL HIM OH MY GOD IT WAS SO AHANDHDNXHXNX IT WAS SO GENUIENLY TENSE
Also the Villains motivations were actually really decent??????? It wasn’t his intention to kill random innocent people like Glenn Arias, he specifically made T-Virus filled mosquitos he able to be controlled by his command so he could pick out and specify who to kill, and he wanted to kill SPECIFICALLY people in power or in governments or the BSAA/Terrasave etc etc etc, and he even bought up a few REALLY good points, like how they in the end don’t actually help innocent civilians and how it’s just a big money-making venture for them. Of all the RE villains, this guy was actually really compelling and interesting and genuinely intimidating
He has this repeated thing he does throughout the movie where he’ll get his gun, unload the bullets, point it to his head and pull the trigger just to get that feeling cuz he feels so guilty for killing his “””best friend””” (Totally his boyfriend) and it was s o unnerving to watch.
Also, Dr Taylor’s back!!! And there’s this one REALLY genuinely tense scene where he’s being forced to finish making the weird mosquito thingies, and as the villain (his named Dylan) is congratulating him he’s also pointing a gun to his head and it’s set up in such a way that’s so tense my friend next to me was audibly holding her breath in fright chsnxhsnxjns
Anyways,, LEON ON HIS MOTORCYCLE!!!!!! AND HUNNIGAN IS THERE!!! We never see her face but we hear her voice heaps!!!!!!! He chases after Glenn Arias’ daughter Maria but in classic Leon fashion, he is DESTROYED by her choke-slamming him with her thighs and he crashes the bike. Classic silly goose Leon
Also when Claire goes onto the beach to investigate the orcas, the locals are hesitant of her once she tells them she’s from Terrasave which is a reoccurring theme in the movie
There’s this REALLY AWESOME super tense scene that’s probably the only truly scary scene in the movie where Jills investigating a house for survivors after a zombie attack, and a zombie jumpscares her and she smashed it into a table (which is where the scene from the trailer comes from,) and Chris breaks in with us team and tries to tell her off for going in on her own and being reckless
Later on, Chris is talking with Rebecca and he’s like “I’m making Jill do the mission report for this mission cuz she went in recklessly >:((“ and Rebecca was like “oooooh. Punishment :)” and Chris was like “huh??? Whuh?? No!!” Which made me crack up laughing HCNDHDNDISN but then Rebecca tries to explain that she’s probably struggling with what happened when Wesker brainwashed her, and how she was probably taking that anger out on herself. Chris obviously goes to comfort her at the shooting range, and there’s this cute moment where he walks in covering his ears going 🥺 cuz she’s shooting, and he tries to comfort her and tell her about how he was planning for PIERS NIVANS TO TAKE OVER AND HOW HE FEELS GUILTY FOR HIS DEATH WAAAHHHHH and he tries to tell her that in their line of work death is inevitable, and that it’s worth it to keep going, and Jill opens up about how awful it was to be under Weskers control, and that she felt like she wanted nothing more than to kill them all. She opened up about how all she wanted to do was save innocent lives but now after everything she’s seen she just feels numb, which was SUCH an impactful scene for her, and Chris tried to tell her it’s not worth becoming numb because that’s how you loose your humanity, but she ignores him to keep shooting.
Spoilers, her trauma is never really truly resolved by the end of the movie, which is a real shame; but it’s nice to see it being acknowledged at all, and the scene was really sweet (also while Chris watches her wistfully shooting while ignoring him this time he d o e s n t cover his ears??? You’re gonna go deaf old man!!)
Next, Chris, Claire and Jill are all hanging out in Rebecca’s office talking about life and how boring having to beat up bad guys is over coffee and it’s SO CUTE AND DOMESTIC RAGH and then they all go to meet up with Claire and talk about how the T-Virus is infecting people only on Alcatraz and how more cases are spreading blah blah blah plot stuff but next scene they arrive on a boat to Alcatraz DISGUISED AS TOURISTS AND CHRIS HAS THE FULL HAWAIIAN SHIRT GOIN ON ITS SO CUTE AAAAAAA and Jill has this cute lil cardigan on meanwhile Claire didint even bother trying to disguise herself???
There’s this scene where this YouTuber dude is being recorded and he’s being all loud and annoying and it FEELS like an obvious dig at Mr Beast and it was SO FUNNY my friend and I were SHITTING ourself laughing the whole time, and then booyah everyone gets infected from mosquitoes and turns into zombies except for the three main guys, and they CLIMB AROUND THE PRISON LIKE FUCKING MONKEYS????? IT WAS S O SILLY AND FUNNY I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD and as Chris and Claire are mowing down the zombies Jill gets seperated from them and falls into the sewers, where she gets lost and runs into Leon- she thinks he’s a zombie at first so they have this really cool mini fight-scene before they finally meet eye-to-eye and she’s like “:00 Leon??” And he responds “Well whaddya know. It’s Jill Valentine!” And it was SO CUTE WAH and he tells her that he’s been looking for the one and only Doctor Taylor and in his words says “he’s wanted by the US-Of-A” oh my god I love this man so much he’s so goofy and these weird marine lickers come out of the water and they have to stay quiet and there’s this one moment where the lickers tongue slides up Jill’s body and my friend and I were looking at each other like 😀 the whole time HCNSHDNSUD before Leon eventually shoots it and summons more.
Their dynamic is S O GOOD I CANT EXPRESS ENOUGH HOW GREAT THEIR DYNAMIC IS Leon asks if Jill has a gun and she says she lost it, so he does this funky lil gun trip and twirls it before giving it to her and she’s like “thanks :)” and as more Lickers arrive she immediately tells him to DUCK and he just leaps in the opposite y direction, and as they’re running away from them Jill asks;
“How many are there?!”
And Leon responds
“I ain’t stoppin’ to count em’!”
And my friend and I were S H I T T I N G OURSELVES LAUGJING and when they FINALLY manage to blow them up Leon goes
“You asked how many there were. Zero, now :)” HES SO GOOFY I WANNA MARRY HIM
Their dynamic is SO GOOD
Then, Chris and Claire find Dr Taylor hiding in a little box, who introduces himself with a fake name and is CLEARLY pretending to be a good guy. Claire tells him she’s with Terrasave and his first reaction IS TO CALL HER A TERRORIST AND SAY TERRASAVE WAS BEHIND HARVARDVILLE?????? Claire obviously CHEWS HIM OUT and Chris stops them but goddamn I think homegirl deserved to destroy him. Claire tends to his wounds anyways, and she and Chris tells him they’d help him even if he was one of the bad guys and in that moment my friend turned to me and I’m a really goofy voice said “I am the bad guy” and I shit myself laughing
Then Chris and Claire are bit by the T-Virus mosquitoes, and they’re officially out of service for a good portion of the movie. One of my only VERY VERY FEW negatives abt this movie is that Claire and Chris were thrown away for the better part of the middle half, but it’s ABSOLUTELY made up for by the fact that we get to see Jill kick ass and the fact that we get to see Claire and Chris on seen hanging out together just in general
Jill and Leon are still stuck in the sewers and Leon uses his air bender powers to feel a draft, pushes a brick and reveals a secret passageway oooooOOoOoOoo, but Jill is hesitant to go inside and Leon’s like “Hey don’t worry, it’ll be just like a prison break :)” AND I WAS JUST AGAGSGDHXUSH
As they’re crawling on their hands and knees through the passageway Jill says something sarcastic that made me laugh (I don’t remember what it was grrrr) and Leon does this little half giggle and a smile and just :))) ARGAGAGAGAGAH
Then the two of them find the big main Lab, and Leon’s like “this must be where they’re making the virus” and Jill in THE MOST SARCASTIC VOICE EVER goes “Woah, really? You think??” IT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD and Jill IMMEDIATELY suggests that they simply just. Blow it up. And Leon agrees. God I love them. Then Dylan talks over the speaker teasing them to come rescue their friends like Teehehehe Hohoho :)))) it was so silly
Then. Hooooooooo boy. It was THE ship scene of ALL TIME.
Claire and Chris are in seperate cells and find out their are slowly mutating, Claire quicker than Chris, and Dr Taylor is stuck inside with her. Jill immediately runs to Chris’ bars to hold his hand aaaawwwee and Leon isn’t far behind her, and Dylan reveals his evil secret plan to unleash the Mosquitoes ro specifically kill people he wants to turn into zombies. Dylan infects Leon, but spares Jill from it. Dylan then teases her, talking about how he wants her to experience the same pain he felt during Raccoon City and he SPECIFICALLY teases her need to save innocent people by tRYING TO FORCE HER TO KILL CLAIRE AND SAVE DR TAYLOR and she’s getting flashbacks to when she was brainwashed by Wesker and was gonna kill everyone and UGH IT WAS SO GOOD JILLS TRAUMA IS ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT but ofc Jill refuses (because they’re lesbian girlfriends and in love actually) so Dylan kills Dr Taylor and Claire’s heartstrings are ALSO played on when he thanks her for showing him mercy, and says that she is actually helping people and that she needs to keep doing what she’s doing ARGH IT WAS SO SWEET WAH. And the whole thing with Jill not killing Claire?????? Gay. Gay gay gay
T H E N Leon and Chris have this LONG HEART-TO-HEART WHILE SITTING BACK TO BACK about how the world is fucked, but Chris reassures Leon that they’re doing the right thing, and Leon says that they can’t save the world by killing it, and it’s SUCH a sweet wholesome call back to Leon’s state in Vendetta and he’s clearly doing a lot better now :))
THEN as Dr Taylor’s dying and Claire is having her own emotional scene, he asks them all how they’re staying so positive, and Leon responds;
“We’ve got Jill :)”
Dylan then explains how he wants to force the group to experience the same pain of having to kill his best friend (gay lover) in Raccoon City like he did, and he specifically makes snide comments to Claire about how Terrasave just puts a bandage over the metaphorical wound and doesn’t actually help innocent people, how Leon just works for corrupt government officials- and Leon just replies with “Yeah just makin’ a livin’ out of it sarcastically while literally dying LEON YOU'RE SO GOOFY STOP BEING SO UNSERIOUS- and then Dylan goes off at Chris for how he throws his teammates into danger and how so many of them die and he still keeps going which OUCH?????? HELLO??? RIP PIERS AND ETHAN IG
Dylan ACTUALLY HAD GOOD POINTS and was a really compelling villain!!!!!! Like his motivations made sense!!!!!!!!!! His sense of vengeance and feeling that the group were a bunch of hypocrites was understandable and compelling!! Especially with his backstory in RC!!!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!
Dylan also goes specifically teases them about how they’re all Pawns for their respective organisations, and hones in on Leon specifically about how he’s a weapon, and them all being ‘Pawns’ is repeated quite a bit throughout the beginning of the movie and the credits which makes me think that may come into play in the future more???? People have theorised that Leon being treated as a government weapon will come back as a plot point in a future game, but with Dylan making actually decent arguments about their respective organisations and the emphasis on all of them being pawns makes me wonder if it’s intentional and will be a big plot point in a future game or something
Also, Leon tries to ask how he’s connected to Glenn Arias, and Dylan just says he was “good friends with him” and that’s how Maria’s there?????? Ok random plot hole but whatever I’m gonna assume they were also gay lovers. Leon then throws a flash Grenade at Maria so Jill has time to escape and kick ass
Meanwhile, Rebecca gets a call from Hunnigan explaining what’s been going on and Rebecca picks up the vaccine and travels to Alcatraz with a squad, but they ALL somehow get killed by the big marine lickers?????? And Rebecca just,,, somehow survives???????? Again, my only negative with this movie is that AGAIN Rebecca has almost no role. I’m S O glad she was there so the whole gang could be in a movie together but it was like her role was reversed from Vendetta but not in a good way. She just,, randomly shows up to save the day, give them the virus, and do nothing else. Capcom WHY do you butcher my baby so badly WHY
Rebecca arrives with her vaccine and heals everybody in a very cute scene and Leon is immediately gone- like bro just teleports- and Chris, Claire and Rebecca have this little shot that screams “Besties…… attack !!!!!!!”
Then Leon runs into Maria, and it’s THAT SCENE. They have a fight and Maria is dodging around like she’s Albert Wesker or something and she CHOKES LEON WITH HER THIGHS AND LEON RESPONDS BY SHOVING HIS NOSE IN HER PUSSY. EVERYONES SEEN THAT SCENE and when she’s like “You killed my father. Prepare to die” he’s like “yeah well,,,,, your dad was kind of a dick” Leon said absolutely Z E R O serious lines in this movie. I genuinely think that all of his lines in this film had at least ONE quippy little quote it’s so good. Then he kills her by stabbing her with a pole lawl
Jill and Dylan then have a stand off at the main entrance, and Dylan does the callback to that reoccurring thing he’s been doing the whole movie where he points his own gun to his head, but this time he shouts himself and he falls into the water in slo-mo in a shot that’s actually really cool, and then a BIG MARINE LICKER CREATURE JUST COMES UP AND EATS HIM????? IT WAS SO GOOFY MY FRIEND AND I WERE LAIGHING SO HARD and then he turns INTO A GIANT FUCKING BOW.
He had this human face with these horse hoof hands and everytime there was a closeup of his weirdly human teeth I could help but shit myself laighing it was way too funny
Then the whole group gangs up together, and they have an avengers endgame moment where they all team up to take down the beast in a big group shot. Claire and Rebecca go back fo the lab to stop the mosquitoes from escaping, Leon rams a car into the beast, Jill and Chris run away and Chris says “that is one tough cookie” while handing Jill a giant bazooka to kill it with, and Leon hangs upside down from the ceiling like a monkey for a lil bit before leaping off of his car, then Jill and Claire get seperated cuz they get FLUNG ACROSS THE ROOM AND SOMEHOW SURVIVE and Leon teams up with Chris to make an EXTRA LARGE BAZOOKA THAT NEEDS TWO SETS OF HANDS AND THEYRE STANDING BACK TO BACK WHILE FIRING IT AND AGSGXHSSB SO GAY
Jill then distracts the beast by grabbing a lighter as a VERY obvious reference to Jurassic park and yells “COME HERE UGLY COME CATCH ME” and runs away for it to follow her, again, VERY obvious Jurassic park reference, while Leon drives a car with Chris and his GIANT BAZOOKA on top (that looks SUSPICIOUSLY like the one Carlos uses in re3) and Leon says “definitely going on vacation after this” WHILE YOU CAN J U S T BARELY SEE HIS TINY LIL HEAD OVER THE STEERING WHEEL AGSHDHSHDHXU and then JILL gets a GIANT ELECTRIC ROCKET LAUNCHED, A G A IN JUST LIKE IN RE3 (pleasently suprised by all the re3 and re2 references in this movie!!) and it’s not enough to kill it BUT it does fall into the water, dragging Jill in with it in this REALLY goofy scene where you can see a closeup of its teeth, and the gang shuts the Alcatraz doors on it to finally kill it. Rebecca and Claire even have this cute little high-five moment in the lab :)))
The movie ends with the gang all standing outside Alcatraz, watching as rescue helicopters come in, and Leon says “after this, I definitely hate prison tours” WHICH,, KING STOP BEING SO SILLY CHSNSJDN and Chris and Jill have this one last sweet moment where he says “I’m glad you’re back :)” and gives her a fist bump which made me CRY.
Also, completely forgot to mention, but when Dylan inevitably has to kill JJ, JJ first tries to pry his own gun to kill himself out of Dylan’s hands, but Dylan fights him back refusing to kill him until he fully turns into a zombie and Dylan has to SMASH HIS SKULL OPEN WITH HIS HEAVY MEDICAL BAG. IT IS S O BRUTAL OH MY G O D
My overall thoughts;
I’ve said this already but again, I wish Rebecca had a more active role. It felt exactly like what happened with her in Vendetta, but in reverse where she just randomly showed up to save everybody. She was barely in this movie for all the important bits
Also, again, the Redfield siblings kinda dissapeared during the middle of the movie but so does Leon I guess.
Jill was truly the star of this movie, it felt like it was her moment to shine and it was GREAT. She popped off like crazy and I couldn’t ask for any more
Also, as awesome and really cool as it was to see everyone’s traumas being directly addressed, it never gets resolved; Jill’s kinda does, as her final words to Dylan are “GET OVER IT” (referring to how he projects his issues onto everybody) and she has that neat fist bump with Chris (But I think they’re saving that fully fleshed out trauma exploration for a future game)
Again, Dylan was also really the star of the movie. He’s easily one of the best villains in RE, and his backstory in Raccoon City was SUCH a cool callback and a realistic motivation. All the references to the games was just cool in general. And he was SCARY, too. Like all the stuff with his guns and the threatening??? It was spooky!!!!
I do wish that this movie ended on a cliffanger and we got to see a sequel, though. I would’ve LOVED to see what would’ve happened if the mosquitoes got out and infected the BSAA, Terrasave and the Governemt like Dylan wanted (again, he actually had a good point in hating all those organisations)
Also, speaking of, the whole reoccurring thing of the gang being called ‘Pawns’ was REALLY interesting??? Like Leon was called the governments secret weapon a lot, Claire was often berated for being apart of Terrasave, etc etc, which makes me think that that might be an important plot point in a future game???? Like maybe they all realise their respective originations are also evil somehow and they’ve all been pawns in a big game????? I’m REALLY excited to see if that goes anywhere
Lastly, man, this movie lived up to its expectations with all the cool character interactions. Ranging from domestic to heartfelt to gay to awesome, it was so neat- Jill and Leon had amazing back-and-fourth chemistry that was SO FUNNY, Chris and Claire FINALLY had some screen time together, Jill + Claire and Leon + Chris had their own adorable gay moments, EVERYTHING with Chris and Jill was PERFECT, Rebecca absolutely teasing everybody and anybody in their little gang- chefs kiss. Mwuah. Couldn’t ask for anything better. Capcom PLEASE put all of your characters together like this again this movie was SO GOOD I LOVED seeing them all interact so much
Also, Dylan and JJ were absolutely gay lovers. That is a hill I will unironically die on
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nishayuro · 5 months
I have an ask! Supervillain Sukuna + UA Student Child!
It’s hard to be a hero in an evil household……and keep your dear old dad’s “career” as secret.
Supervillain! Sukuna with UA Student! Reader who is his child
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A/N: Thank you so much for this request! This is an interesting prompt! I really love MHA x JJK crossover series LMAOO Also I’m so sorry for not answering this sooner, I was really conflicted with how I wanted this to go lmao
Genre: Angst-ish
GN!Reader (Your hero name is Cleave)
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Since you were small, you’ve always dreamt of becoming a hero. You found out about it from seeing heroes such as All Might on TV.
You had a strong quirk, so your chances of becoming a hero is strong
What’s stopping you, you ask? Well…
Your father, Ryomen Sukuna, is a well known supervillain in Japan… Although no one really knows what he looks like nor his real name. 
He goes by the name “king of curses” and has never shown his face
Ironic, isn’t it? It’s not your fault that you don’t know that your beloved dad is one of Japan’s most wanted. He never told you and you never found out, all you know is that he is a normal father with a normal job.
And with a dream of being a hero, asking your dad to let you go to UA highschool
At first he refused, you don’t know why, he only said for your safety
But then he allowed you because he thought it would benefit him.
When you got into UA, Sukuna congratulated you!
After the USJ attack happened, when your father found out, he was pissed. 
He might be a villain, but you are still his child and no one dares hurt his child
Let's just say the League of Villains was greeted by your father’s wrath for a while.  
You began to suspect your dad after a few encounters with villains, memories of when you were a child and he’d have to leave late at night and the conversations he’s been having on the phone have started making sense. 
You decided to do a little digging, and to your luck, your hero work had a meeting about an important mission, and got like, a good chunk of Japan’s heroes in a conference along with their student interns. 
It turns out they have information on the “King of curses”, and a debriefing was in order for the next move.
The hero in front started with a recap about the villains involved, and finally, they revealed that they got a photo of the king of curses.
They flashed a slightly blurred, yet still recognizable photo…
To your horror, a side profile photo of you dad was on the screen, you can’t mistake it. You’ve known this man all your life to know him even if it was just his back. 
You stared at the photo in horror. Is your father… really the king of curses? One of Japan’s most wanted villains who has escaped even All Might himself? You thought about all the stories you’ve told your dad about U.A. About the teachers, your friends, the staff. To think that he could potentially use them against your peers. You spaced out during the meeting, inner turmoil eating at you. 
“Cleave, you alright?” You were pulled out of your trance by Edgeshot, the hero you were interning with. “Oh, yeah, sorry. It was just too much information I got mentally blocked.” You lied. “We’ll definitely have to work on your concentration then” He commented. 
The briefing lasted another hour, with the heroes planning what action to take. They also revealed that they were aware of one of the King of curses’ hideouts, which they found by spying on him. They decided for an ambush next week. You knew your father will be on a “business trip” next week, so the dates check out. You knew, you knew information. You knew some things and a few from whenever you’d overhear your dad in calls. Suddenly all his gibberish made sense in context. 
And yet even when you knew, you still kept quiet. Feigning ignorance, unable to provide the team with crucial evidence that could help this whole mission ten fold. 
You’re conflicted, your moral values are in shambles. And as the meeting ended, and you were dismissed to go home, with the promise of no information getting out. You arrived home, where your father greeted you. Asking about your day.
‘Family… or the citizen’s safety…?’ you thought, eyes cast downwards, unable to look your dad in the eyes. However, you’ve already made your choice on the way home. 
“It was okay, just did some patrolling and handled a few robberies. Nothing special today” 
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sshbpodcast · 15 days
Character Spotlight: Gul Dukat
By Ames
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Last week we expanded our spotlight series to include villains, and like our focus character Kai Winn, this week’s villain is so compelling he deserves his own post. It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Dukat (both my favorite Cardassian and my favorite DS9 villain), but what is it about him that’s just so entrancing? Is it the swaggering charisma he exudes? Is it all the justifications he makes for his clearly villainous actions? Clearly it’s the mile-long neck, right? Well A Star to Steer Her By is going to get to the bottom of how such a bad man makes such a great character.
Did Dukat do nothing wrong? Of course not; he’s a monster, after all. But as a character, he gets so much right, and his performance by Marc Alaimo is so devoted that, every so often, you let your guard slip and root for the guy. He has the sheer audacity to pull off some of the schemes we’ve highlighted below, so scroll on down, listen to us whispering in your ear on this week’s podcast (jump to 1:15:10), and swagger up the place.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Favorite moments
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Won’t someone please think of the children? One of the most impressive things about Cardassians is their ability to scheme for the long term. And Dukat is particularly skilled at scheming. His war orphans plot in “Cardassians” to undermine Gul Pa’dar sat dormant for eight years before it emerged! How many other schemes is he sitting on, waiting for them to hatch into something nefarious?
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I spent the last few years building up an immunity to mind melds When Sarkonna tries to mind meld Dukat to extract information, she learns the hard way that Dukat’s mental discipline somehow surpasses hers. And she’s a freakin’ Vulcan! And then Dukat spends the rest of the scene in “The Maquis” sassing at his Maquis captors about how terrible they are at handling their prisoners and how the Cardassians are so much better at it.
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Attention Bajoran workers It is downright badass for Dukat to beam in during “Civil Defense” and snark at the crew in Ops about how naive they were to set off the counterinsurgency program… all while standing in front of a ball shooting lasers! We also see more layers of trademark Cardassian scheming when even Dukat’s program is supplanted by yet another directive from Central Command!
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I thought the Obsidian Order didn’t have any ships I find it amusing that, while normal Romulans acquiesce to the Tal Shiar in “Face of the Enemy,” the Cardassian Central Command and the Obsidian Order seem to loathe each other. In “Defiant,” Dukat has teamed up with Sisko to get the Defiant back from Tom Riker, and he manages to gleefully expose the Obsidian Order’s illegal ship-building plans on the way!
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Cue the fireworks! Cardassians are nothing if not petty. When the Siskos have proven it possible for Bajoran lightships to have traveled to Cardassian space in “Explorers,” Dukat is there to congratulate them. Turns out the Cardassians have beaten Sisko the punch by “discovering” wreckage of a Bajoran lightship right before Sisko arrived. Coincidence? I think not.
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You’re my number one dad, give or take Okay, so Dukat was fully planning on killing Ziyal in “Indiscretion,” and it’s the lowest bar for a man to not murder his progeny, but he manages to clear it! Leaving his bastard daughter alive ends up ruining his position and his marriage, but Dukat can’t bring himself to harm his daughter when he finally confronts her. And damn does he look good in a Breen uniform.
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The first Klingon Bird-of-Prey ever to be captured by Cardassia Marauding Dukat may be my favorite Dukat. Sure, he lost his status after the news about Ziyal spread, but in “Return to Grace,” he just goes with it! He uses his dinky little freighter the Groumall to actually capture a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, which is all kinds of impressive. And he even has a good rapport with Kira this episode, trying to tempt her over to the privateer life.
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Remember to rate your Uber driver While Sisko, Odo, and O’Brien are dressing up like Klingons to infiltrate the Order of the Bat’leth ceremony in “Apocalypse Rising,” Dukat is flying around with his stolen Klingon Bird-of-Prey. He’s even magnanimous enough to bring our DS9 friends to the ceremony, likely as an excuse to show off his spoils and how damn great he looks in a Klingon baldric.
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The enemy of my enemy, twice removed If there’s a theme to many of these favorite Dukat moments, it’s the sheer audacity he displays. If nothing else, he always picks the ballsiest moves, which makes for the most entertaining developments. And it’s nothing short of audacious when he reveals that he has allied Cardassia with the Dominion in “By Inferno’s Light” while the DS9 crew picks their jaws up off the deck.
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A graveyard the likes of which the galaxy had never seen! Just everything about “Waltz” is spellbinding, which is a testament to Dukat’s character because a majority of the episode is watching him go slowly (and then quickly) absolutely insane. He reveals to Sisko with relish how he believes he was right in how he treated the Bajorans and how he deplores that they never so much as said “thank you.” Ingrates.
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Yo Momma jokes, Bajoran edition Is it contrived that “Wrongs Darker than Death or Night” establishes that Gul Dukat took Kira’s mom as a comfort woman during the Occupation? Yeah, a little. And I’ve already given both Sisko and Kira guff for their actions this episode. But you’ve got to appreciate the gall of Dukat, ringing Kira in the middle of the night to drop this bombshell on her for no damn reason.
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How do you fight a god? Dukat turns a new leaf when he gets really into Bajoran religion. And sure, all his leaves are evil, but this one is still new! In “Tears of the Prophets” he lets himself get possessed by Kosst Amojen so he could take on the Prophets, and subsequently hit the Bajoran people where it hurts: right in the religion. Sadly it results in Jadzia’s death, but Dukat was just that committed.
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Don’t drink the Kool-Aid Another “Oh the audacity” moment from Dukat comes in “Covenant” when he establishes the Cult of the Pah-wraiths. Rather successfully too, I might add! He’s got a decent and devoted little cult going, so brainwashed that they don’t bat an eye when he knocks up [at least] one woman, and even convinces them to go full Jonestown to cover his ass.
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A little more than a neck lift If other Cardassians thought it was audacious to jump feet first into bed with the Dominion in “By Inferno’s Light” or watch a Pah-wraith possess him for reasons in “Tears of the Prophets,” imagine how Damar feels when he finds Dukat has gotten cosmetic surgery to try to infiltrate the Bajorans’ ranks in “Penumbra.” This guy. Always upping the ante, he is.
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I’m just a simple man of the land By the top of the next episode, “‘Til Death Do Us Part,” Dukat has weaseled his way into the good graces of Kai Winn. And an episode after that in “Strange Bedfellows,” he’s weaseled into her bed. We covered all this in the Winn Adami spotlight, but Dukat’s skill at deception and persuasion are rivaled by none. He plays Winn like a fiddle and she loves it!
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Feel our love: the love of the Pah-wraiths Okay, the Prophet stuff at the end of the series treads too far into fantasy for me, but what’s perfectly on the nose is both Dukat’s and Winn’s characterization. Dukat so seamlessly plays Winn into the hands of the Pah-wraiths by “Strange Bedfellows” that it is a work of art. And he gets her to read from the Book of the Kosst Amojen in “The Changing Face of Evil,” sealing their fates and bringing the whole series toward its conclusion. Praise be!
What a truly audacious journey! That’s everyone from Deep Space Nine I felt like covering in these spotlights, so next week we start revisiting some of our friends from Voyager! Boy, are we missing them during our watchthrough of Enterprise, for which I hope you’re humoring us by following along on SoundCloud, or wherever you get your podcasts. Summon the Pah-wraiths with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and see what schemes transpire!
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kenandeliza · 6 months
More movie Billy Baston/ Freddy Freeman and Golden Age Comic Billy Batson/ Freddy Freeman shenanigans
Golden Age Comic is shortened to GAC
Sequel to this dialogue comic:
“Interesting adventures”
(post shazam 2 movie, GAC characters are in the 1970s instead of the 1940s)
GAC Freddy: “it’s been a while since we met, so what’s sort of adventures do you have over at your world? “
Movie Billy: “Oh man it was so cool, We explore the doors at the rock of eternity, some of them lead to zombie apocalypses and others fantasy lands, we met Super-man, met Wonder-woman and I’m an official member of the Justice Society of America! “
Movie Billy: “oh and Freddy has a Goddess for a girlfriend now.”
Movie Freddy: “HEY! i’m supposed to tell them! “
GAC Billy: “Congratulations Freddy! We also had some adventures too! Speaking of Superman, I fought Lex Luthor when he teamed up with Mr Mind! Although I wondered how Mr Mind managed to bring a comic book Villain to life.. then I fought superman, Mary fought supergirl before we worked together…still couldn’t wrap the fact that I fought Comic Book Characters..”
Movie Billy: “Hold on. ‘Comic book characters’!? Don’t you have a superman in this world!? “
Billy: “He’s a comic book character in here, don’t know if he’s a real person in your dimension, so is this wonder woman.”
Movie Freddy: “huh..that’s interesting.. “
GAC Freddy: “As for me..Nothing much interesting happened for me, this week alone I was just selling newspapers peacefully!”
GAC Billy chuckles: “yeah..nothing much happened except for getting Captain Marvel Jr in the electric chair for the 5th time now..”
Movie Billy and Freddy: “Excuse me!?”
GAC Freddy: “Don’t ask me how I got accused of murder and getting the death penalty for the 5th time, it happened more than once in the 40s, i’m still trying to figure it out myself..”
GAC Freddy laughs awkwardly
Movie Billy: “ you’re telling me that this Fawcett City with its Talking Tigers, Mystical fairytale creatures, AND A SUPER-POWERED PINK BUNNY, HAS A DEATH PENALTY!?”
GAC Billy: “well yeah..?”
Movie Freddy: “to be fair the executing a clinically insane person is unconstitutional. Most of Batman’s rogues are mentally ill. As they were captured extrajudicially, they were not properly mirandized. This is why they go to a psychiatric facility, and not a prison.”
Movie Billy:”…fair..”
GAC Billy: “I think aside from that, We met Freddy’s long lost Brother!”
Movie Freddy: “Brother?”
Kid Eternity popped up behind movie Freddy: “you called?”
Movie Freddy was startled: “GAH!”
Kid Eternity:” Wow you’re more sensitive than my Freddy”
GAC Freddy: “Kit, you can’t just randomly pop up behind people and expect them to stay calm!”
Kid Eternity:”sheesh party pooper, also, hello!”
Kit waves at movie Freddy and Billy, “name’s Christopher Freeman, but you can call me kit”
Movie Freddy and Billy waved at him, not sure what to think.
Movie Freddy whispering to Billy:” does this mean that I have a brother like him?”
Movie Billy:” Who knows, maybe not in our universe..”
GAC Freddy: “Freddy, He reread the books you gave me more than I read them myself”
Kid eternity: “yep! I like the Mangos you brought to my brother he last time you two met, although they were pretty weird reading from right to left..”
Movie Billy: “you mean mangas?”
Kit snapped his finger:” yeah those! Do you have more of them? I finished the ones you gave to my Freddy!”
Movie Freddy fist bumps the air:” Finally! Someone who I can introduce JoJo!”
Movie Billy: “Freddy no-“
Movie Freddy dragging Kid eternity to his manga collection:”YES YES YES YES”
GAC Billy: “is that a reference I’m supposed to get?”
Movie Billy:”Trust me, be grateful you don’t get the reference..”
Movie Freddy:” So..what are your powers? Are they similar to the ones captain marvel and jr have?”
Kid eternity:” Nope! Technically I’m a ghost who can summon any fictional and Historical characters!”
Kit demonstrated his power and summoned sherlock
Movie Freddy:” wait.. you’re basically an overpowered stand user!”
Movie Billy:”No he isn’t”
Movie Freddy:” well yeah he is-“
Movie Billy:”not everything is a JoJo reference!”
That’s all of them i could think up for now, hope you like them :D!
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