#cooking without a plan or recipe and washing dishes are nothing to me I can just do that and it’s fine
birdingbasics · 1 year
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Hello Nat! It's me! The same anon who sent the Househusband Risotto asks a few weeks ago. Could I request a fic of Risotto with no.21(a Househusband au) and some pregnancy fluff? Congrats on 5k (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
brand new - risotto x reader
you have something to tell your husband. 
warnings: soft fluff, sfw. afab reader, no pronouns. pregnancy, talk of children, brief allusions to risotto’s past life. 
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You’re surprised by just how easily Risotto falls into a domestic life.
You’d thought that his past would haunt him more; the fallen comrades, the Mafia business, the blood on his hands – but he’s surprisingly pragmatic about it, when you hesitantly bring it up.
“It happened,” he says. “I miss them. But I’ve been given a chance that they didn’t get, and I intend to take it.”
It’s more than your stoic, quiet husband usually says at once, and you feel it pierce your heart like an arrow. Your hand brushes over his broad shoulder in as much comfort as you can give him, and Risotto looks at you with the lightest smile on his lips that makes you feel like the luckiest person in the whole universe.
Risotto becomes the house-husband as if he’s been waiting to be able to do it for his whole life.
Oh, he makes some mistakes – some little things, like washing a pair of your red underwear in with some shirts that you wear for work. Planting the wrong kind of seedlings at the wrong time of year – trying to fix the plumbing himself instead of calling a plumber.
You two muddle along, but as a whole Risotto seems to be thriving, and that makes your heart leap in your chest like a prima ballerina.
Your heart thumps double when you come home after a long day of work and he already has dinner simmering on the stove, an apron wrapped around his broad frame – it’s emblazoned with the legend; “Hot Stuff Coming Through (and I don’t mean the food)”. You breathe in the scent of his cooking; something deep and rich.
You come up behind him and wrap your arms about him, resting your cheek on the centre of his back.
His muscle has gone a little soft now that he’s not working out so often or in as many life-or-death situations, but he’s still broad and amazing and perfect for holding onto.
“Smells great,” you say, sighing, kicking off your heels in kitchen to be put away later. Risotto’s eyes stray to them all higgledy-piggledy on the floor, and he frowns;
“Nonna’s recipe,” he says. “Aren’t you going to put those in the shoe rack?”
“I’ve only just gotten home,” you pout at him, but your pout quickly breaks into a smile as you see the exhaustedly fond expression on his face.
Now that he’s not an assassin – now that he doesn’t need to hide everything he’s feeling under the guise of being cool and cold and collected – Risotto’s face seems to move more. He finds it easier to express his emotions. It’s still little things; twitches and furrows, instead of his entire face transforming – but it’s more than before.
He’s comfortable. He’s happy.
You, and him, and the little world that you’ve build all around you two.
You bend over to pick up your heels, opening your mouth to say something over-dramatic about his newfound house pride – but you’re stopped by an ache that shoots down to the centre of your back, a noise of pain escaping you before Risotto can turn lightning quick and wrap a strong arm around you.
“Are you alright?” He’s asking, brow creasing slightly in concern. Panic flares in your stomach – you don’t want to tell him like this.
“Y-yeah,” you laugh it off, straightening up with your shoes in your hand, the other going to massage your back where you can reach. “Guess I was just sat in the wrong position at work for too long, huh?”
Risotto looks sceptical, but he can’t leave his boiling pots for too long. With a searching look at you, he returns to the stove, murmuring low;
“I’ll give you a massage later.”
You smile at his back as you walk towards the shoe rack in the hallway. You know that saying that will have made him blush; despite how long the two of you have been married now, he’s still nervous about things like that. His hands still shake a little when he goes to hold you. He still licks his lips before he kisses you, murmuring in a deep voice;
“Is it really alright?”
You always wind your arms around his neck and pull him in as your way of reassuring him that it’s perfectly fine. It’s hard, you think, for him to accept that he deserves all of this – but you’re eternally glad that the two of you get to share it together.
Little reminders of your shared home and life are scattered all about your home. A picture of you and Risotto at your wedding, framed and hung in the hallway; his suit is a little too tight, because he left it too long and it couldn’t be tailored properly to address the fact that he’s built like a superhero.
A bookshelf that has your romantic novels next to his own gothic horrors; a skull candle that burns red from its eyes as it melts perched on top. Also perched on top is a trinket dish that he made and painted for you at a pottery class he attended to try and get him out of the house whilst you were at work – you use it to dump your keys in.
It’s supposed to be a heart shape, but it’s more of a very uneven kidney.
The carpet you two had chosen together; you’d wanted something cheaper, but Risotto had insisted you could afford this one – he’d been right, and it’s soft beneath your stockinged feet.
You love him so much.
Your hand cups your stomach protectively now that you’re out of Risotto’s sight. You think of the tiny life inside of you; half Risotto, half you, already loved more than they’ll ever know even without Risotto knowing that it’s there. You can’t wait to tell him.
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His hands are gentle on your shoulders, big and warm and softer than they once were. They’re still a little calloused from the garden work he enjoys doing, but he no longer handles weapons and you buy him sandalwood-scented hand cream instead.
They feel so good as they slide down your shoulder blades, brushing the notches of your spine, soothing circles pressed into your skin with his thumb. You sigh, relaxing into him. The feel of the palm flat against the small of your back – where the ache is the most pronounced – makes you relax even further into him, toes curling, a sigh escaping your mouth of relief.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He asks you, his voice measured. Your eyes flicker open from where they’ve closed in comfort.
“W-what’s wrong?” You ask him, nervously, and Risotto makes an ‘mm’ noise in the back of his throat. His hands do not stop the massage as he goes.
“You’ve been out of it for days,” he tells you.
(He’s right. You’ve been out of it since Monday, and it’s now Thursday; Monday is the day you’d woken up with your stomach heaving, remembered how long it had been since your last period, and bought a pregnancy test on your way to work. You’ve done three more since then, and all of them have showed the exact same result.)
“Have I?”
His hands move to your shoulders, gently twisting you around.
“You have,” he says, his red-and-dark eyes fixed firmly on you. “If there’s something wrong, I’d like to fix it.”
“It’s nothing you’ve done!” You say, all in a rush, but Risotto has successfully caught you nonetheless; his eyes narrow.
“So it is something?”
Heat rushes to your face. You forget, sometimes, because he cooks dinner and does the gardening and goes to his pottery class, that he was a battle-hardened mafia assassin who has done more interrogations than you will probably ever know (you never bring up his former employ unless he brings it up first). He’s an expert at gently needling the truth out of people.
“It’s not something that’s wrong,” you say, weakly, but his eyes are still pinning you in place.
“Tell me,” is all he says.
You think, in the back of your head, you’d had some kind of grand plans to reveal your secret – maybe involving balloons, and a cake, and a little party hat perched on top of Risotto’s silvery pale hair. You think you wanted to make a big deal out of it; one more reminder that the world he left behind is well and truly in his past now. But now you’re on the bed with him and he’s looking at you so tenderly in a soft grey shirt for sleeping and a pair of loose boxer shorts, all ruffled and sleepy and domestic . . . Now feels like a good time too.
“I’m pregnant,” you tell him.
You swear that you could hear a pin drop.
He blinks at you, as if he can’t properly process the statement.
“We’re having a baby.”
“Oh my God.” His voice is very small. He reaches out, hesitantly, eyes wide – big hand hovering over your stomach. “Can I . . .?”
“Yes,” you say, breathless as his hand rests on it. It’s not curving, yet; the fancy test you’d bought today and done in the bathroom at work had said it thought you were well past three weeks, but that’s still early days. Your eyes stare down at Risotto’s scarred, huge fingers – so careful with you, despite what he’s had to do to survive.
“I can’t believe it,” he tells you, and your throat feels tight.
“Me neither,” you admit. “But . . . I’m happy.”
He meets your eyes. There are tears brimming in his – you have never seen Risotto Nero cry. You’ve seen him sad, of course (a sad downturn to his mouth when a dog dies in a movie, or when the rosebush he’d been carefully cultivating had failed to achieve a single bloom) – but there’s an actual tear rolling down his cheek, sparkling in the bedroom light.
“Me too,” he says, and it seems entirely natural. Entirely true. Your heart aches with how much you love him.
You two don’t say anything for a few minutes, content to just look at each other, the warm knowledge of what you’re sharing making the air seem hazy and unreal.
You think about the pitter patter of little feet. The spare room you can turn into a nursery. Going to pre-natal classes with Risotto, choosing baby clothes, seeing him out and about pushing a fancy perambulator (you’ve always wanted one of those tacky, over the top ones that look like a Victorian nanny’s contraption, and you know that Risotto will agree to it--).
You think about him in the delivery room, your nails making crescent moon cuts in his palm. You think about his encouraging tone; you think about the hand-grown flowers he’ll no doubt bring you.
You imagine him cradling a little bundle of joy; tiny in his huge arms. His lips leaving gentle kisses on tiny foreheads. Him reading to your baby, him tending to scrapes, him and you and your child and the life that neither of you ever thought you’d get to live together.
His face is shining, fully transformed. He sees you looking at him with droplets shimmering in your tear ducts and he wipes them away with one big, warm thumb.
“I know,” he says. “It’s not just for me. It’s for all of them, too.”
“Yes,” you say to him. Your voice breaks, pitches, as you manage to get out: “I’m so happy we get to spend the rest of our lives together.”
He looks at you, so tender you feel like you’ll come apart under his gaze.
This moment is going to shimmer in your memory forever, you think. You’re glad that this was how the reveal went. This is much more like the two of you than any fancy reveal or ribbon or cake (you might still get a cake, anyway – Risotto has a sweet tooth).
“I love you,” he says, like warmth that wraps about your heart. And then; “What about naming it Formaggio?”
There’s a beat. You stare at him.
Both of your mouths stretch into a smile, a soft huff of laughter escaping his lips that makes you feel like you’re listening to a symphony.
“Maybe we should workshop names a bit more,” you tell him.
He agrees.
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zhanyes · 3 years
Tianshan dating headcannons because i also love these two dumbasses too
Also dedicated to @el-mundo-real who requested tianshan headcannons 🖤
. . .
- Literally no one knows whether they’re dating or not. Not even themselves because they don’t talk about it
- Jian yi thinks they’re dating already and Zhengxi says they’re still getting there (somehow they’re both right) and they make a bet
- He tian likes staying over at Mo’s and he’s gotten pretty close to mama Mo
- Mama Mo teaches him how to knit !! He tried to knit a scarf for Mo but it came out a little messy and tangled. Mo still wears it anyway saying it’s a waste of yarn if not used (He’s actually really touched)
- He eats dinner there about 5 times a week and sleeps over thrice a week. He’s a permanent fixture in the house now, he has his own plate and mug, utensils, toothbrush, a spare key, and more than half of his closet migrated to Mo’s closet
- Sometimes Mo “accidentally” wears He tian’s sweaters and He tian dies a little bit every time
- Sometimes He tian deliberately wears Mo’s clothes and it’s always tighter and a bit shorter on his body so when he moves his arms the shirt rides up. Mo guanshan shouts at him to change and to stop contaminating his clothes but his ears are red anyway
- They bicker A LOT. Over the smallest things because He tian loves riling him up and Mo gets riled up too easily
He tian, for the 7th time in 5 minutes: “What does this thing do?”
- There are times when homicide is the best option
Mo Guanshan: “I acknowledge that I can be mean sometimes-”
He tian, in the bathtub: “Sometimes?”
Mo Guanshan: “Shut the fuck up. So I brought you a bath bomb as a peace offering.”
He tian: “That’s a fucking toaster.”
Mo guanshan: “Exactly. A bath bomb.”
- Contrary to what his actions say, Mo guanshan is actually relieved that He tian spends most of his time in their apartment. He tian never told him but he can see how lonely the other teenager is
- Mo guanshan tries to teach He tian chores because He tian knows nothing about cleaning or doing everyday things
Mo guanshan: “How the fuck do you not know how to wash dishes where the hell do you eat?!”
He tian, drinking milk straight out the carton: “Obviously on plates, Momo. I just throw them away after.”
Mo guanshan, sputtering: “WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THROW OUT PLATES?!”
- The first and only recipe that He tian managed to cook successfully is instant noodles with boiled egg that’s not quite cooked enough. Sometimes he brings Mo noodles as breakfast in bed and he looks so proud of it Mo has a hard time saying that the noodles are overcooked and that noodles aren’t exactly breakfast food (he eats it anyway)
- Mo sometimes, only sometimes, brings He tian grocery shopping because he needs to learn how to buy food for himself. Somehow He tian always ends up in the miscellaneous section where he has a pack of ballpens he’ll never use, 2 journals he’ll also never use, a couple of scented candles, various dog clothes and leashes for the dog he doesn’t have, a couple’s mug, and a vase in his cart
- He tian stopped trying to barge into Mo guanshan’s bed and sleeps on the futon on the floor beside it. It’s not the most comfortable and he had a hard time sleeping on it at first but he likes being in Mo’s company even while sleeping
- Sometimes Mo would move in his sleep and leave his arm dangling on the side of the bed, He tian grabs it of course and Mo wakes up to sweaty palms. He still leaves it for a few moments before harshly slapping away He tian’s hand
- Mo’s hands aren’t smooth at all because of working all the time and practicing the guitar but He tian loves them all the same. He likes to feel the contrast in textures with his slightly smoother hands
- He tian has a thousand pictures of Mo guanshan sleeping in various angles and poses. He has his favorites framed and keeps it on his bedside table in his apartment so when he’s sleeping there he still feels like they’re sleeping together
- Mo guanshan has a few of He tian sleeping but he swears up and down that he'll never do anything as disgusting as that. He makes one of them his wallpaper.
- Sometimes when they don’t feel like sleeping yet they stay up talking and arguing about random things
Mo guanshan: “Why would aliens be in space? The ocean is definitely the way to go.”
He tian: “But why would they be in the ocean? They’ll drown.”
Mo guanshan: “They’re aliens maybe they have gills or some shit.”
He tian: “I’m telling you they’re not in the ocean, Mo.”
Mo guanshan: “And I’m telling you you’re wrong, bastard.”
- On rare days they would stay up talking about their pasts and about life in general, with the lights closed and the only source of light is the moonlights from the window
- One of these nights, Mo told He tian about what happened to his dad and their restaurant, why they’re in so much debt over it and He tian holds Mo’s hand tightly throughout
- He knew better than to say that he could pay for that debt so Mo doesn’t need to worry anymore (He still says it anyway and Mo blew a fuse) but he swore to help Mo through other means
- The next day he orders a whole carton of mangoes, apples and peaches in his apartment and learns how to peel properly through youtube and Zhengxi
- He goes to Mo’s part time job in the grocery and helps him peel fruits, Mo guanshan doesn’t mention anything when he notices the bandaids on the other’s hands but he does cook him beef stew for dinner
- As expected He tian’s presence brings more customers and the manager asks if he wants to work there permanently but he said he’s only working for Mo so the manager can give Mo a raise instead
- Once, Mo got sick so he missed his part time job for the day (He was supposed to give away flyers on the streets) and got extra pissy because He tian didn’t visit him and wouldn’t answer his phone 
- Apparently He tian took over his job for the day and he only finds out when he goes to the manager and the manager asks when his ‘boyfriend’ can come back to work again because the customers love him
- He tian almost never talks about himself but once he talked about the puppy who disappeared after he saves it and then found out that it’s still alive after all these years
- Mo keeps quiet about it the whole time he was talking and the next few days he takes time to knit a small dog plushie and leaves it on He tian’s futon
- He tian didn’t cry, he didn’t (he did), but he hugged Mo and whispered a sincere thank you. For once, Mo lets it happen
- Mo quickly regrets his decision when He tian names the plushie “Chicken sandwich”
- He tian brings Mo in a lot of not-dates (according to Mo) like arcades, ocean parks, festivals, and fairs because he didn’t get to go as a kid and he wants to experience it for the first time with Mo
- They get crazy competitive in every game. Every. Single. One. If it’s a co-op shooting game they would compete on who kills the most enemies, if it’s a harmless crane game it becomes a competition of who can get the most plushies
- They both each have a photobooth strip. Mo keeps his as a bookmarker in a journal, and He tian has his in the back of his phone.
- They go on a double not-date with Jian yi and Zhengxi and it ends up in almost getting chased by a police car at 2 am in pokemon onesies and holding a bag of chips 
- Sometimes Mo would visit his dad in prison and just rant to him about He tian
Mo guanshan: “The nerve of that guy to do something like that in front of a teacher urgh.”
Papa Mo: “Your boyfriend sounds like a fun guy, son. I want to meet him soon.”
Mo guanshan: “BO-BOYFRIEND?!”
Papa Mo: “Yes???”
Mo guanshan: “No??? That bastard isn’t my boyfriend??”
Papa Mo: “Are you sure about that?”
Mo guanshan: “...Yes?”
- Enter gay panique because he doesn’t actually know whether He tian is his boyfriend or not
- They don’t call each other boyfriends and they never talked about it so no??? But they’re also not just friends so maybe??? Do they go on dates?? Can grocery trips be considered dates??
- He rings up Jian yi and the blonde just laughed for 5 minutes straight without stopping and he wonders how he’s still breathing
Mo Guanshan, after hearing Jian yi laughing for 5 minutes: “Are you fucking done?”
Jian yi, trying to catch his breath: “Man this is some top-tier entertainment.”
Mo guanshan: “WELL?!”
Jian yi: “Look bro literally no one knows whether you’re dating, fucking, planning each other’s murder OR planning a murder together.”
Mo guanshan: “What if it’s all of the above?”
Jian yi: “Then congratulations…? Please don’t murder me?”
Mo guanshan: “Urgh you’re fucking useless I should have called Zhengxi.”
Jian yi: “Wait don’t, I don’t wanna lose the bet. How about this, there’s a festival upcoming for couples and families, if He tian asks you then you’re probably, maybe, dating?”
Mo guanshan: “That’s stupid. AND WHAT BET?!”
Jian yi: “Ah woops gotta water my dog.”
- Mo tells himself that it’s stupid and there’s no way he’s falling for that...but he feels disappointed anyway when He tian doesn’t ask him the following days
- He tian asks on the last day before the festival, but he asks mama Mo first and Mo guanshan second cuz he wants to celebrate with both of them. He confessed that he’s never actually went to a festival with a family before so he was trying to build up courage to ask
- Mo guanshan is an absolute goner after that
- On the day of the festival, they find Zhanyi there on a date but decide to leave them alone. While they were leaving Jian yi kept throwing Mo guanshan so much winks that Zhengxi thought he got something in his eye
- The festival was fun but Mo couldn’t take his eyes off how happy and content He tian looks
- Queue cliche fireworks scene but it’s He tian being amazed by the fireworks and Mo looking mesmerized at him thinking, “Ah, I want him to look at me like that.”
- The next day, he drags He tian to visit his dad in jail
Papa mo: “Oh this is a surprise, you’ve never brought someone before?”
He tian, trying to introduce himself: “Hello, sir. I’m He tian, Mo guanshan’s fri-”
Mo guanshan, cuts him off: “Boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend, dad.”
He tian:
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
A Not-So-Bad Deal
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Babysitting Childe has its ups and downs. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Swearing, Injury, Physical Intimacy, Mild Spice, PDA, Not Beta Read, Barely Proof Read.
{ Notes } Reader is implied to have commitment issues. Accidental flirting, because intentional flirting is awkward and hard. Didn't explicitly state what each breakfast item was, but they're based on popular Russian breakfast foods. Ahah, not me setting myself up for yet another part?? Masterlist
{ Word Count } 2,955
The sentiment of spending Childe's recovery with him being a simple endeavor was quickly thrown into the garbage when you were awakened before the sun had even begun to peek over the horizon to the sound of what you were sure was a break-in. Rolling out of the bed with your sword materializing in your hand was done entirely on instinct, you were still too groggy to have any proper thought. Stealthily exiting the room, you made your way to the source of the noise, the kitchen.
Needless to say, you were more than annoyed to find that the 'break in' was actually a familiar Harbinger making breakfast, tearing apart the kitchen in the process. Your sword dematerialized as you brought a hand up to massage your temples to ward off a headache. Childe was humming cheerily in the middle of the mess of ingredients and cookware, some of which you were certain had not been necessary to whatever it was he was making. There was no way that many bowls were necessary for any recipe.
The Snezhnayan flashed a bright grin when he saw you, but the gesture did nothing to ease the scowl that had settled onto your features. That didn't seem to dampen his mood in the least, he merrily continued preparing what appeared to be enough food to feed a lot more people than were currently occupying his apartment. Was he expecting a lot of company this morning?
"I thought we made a deal that involved you resting and not cooking enough to feed a small army at ass in the morning," you remarked, the sarcasm laid on thick enough to be dripping from each word. Much to your frustration, this only made him laugh as he turned the stove on.
"Well, I usually wake up early but this morning I had nothing to do since someone broke my bones. So, I decided to make a nice breakfast for my guest to enjoy with me," he responded with faux innocence, though there was laughter in his voice that easily gave him away. His words were still effective in making you feel a little guilty, so you wordlessly brought the dishes you were fairly certain he was done with to the sink and began washing them.
The two of you fell into a comfortable quiet after that, you were busy cleaning a mountain of dishes and Childe's focus was on frying a few eggs and cutting up a bowl of strawberries. You were mindful to stay out of the way as Childe cooked and he made an effort to set the cookware he was finished with beside the sink for you. The rhythm you two had quickly settled into felt startlingly domestic, something you reminded yourself not to like, and certainly not to get used to.
"Maybe I did make a little too much," the Harbinger muses somewhat sheepishly as he looks at the table he had just finished setting. It was without a doubt too much food for only two people, the table at risk of collapsing under the weight of it all. You could only nod in agreement.
"Your guard might appreciate a plate," you offered, as though one more person would make much of a difference against the mountain of food. You had to admit, everything did look delicious. The table was laid out with fried eggs, some porridge, a few sandwiches with sausage on them, what appeared to you to be some kind of crêpes, pancakes of some sort, the bowl of cut strawberries, and a kettle of tea. It would be no trouble finding people willing to eat the excess food.
"I suppose my subordinates deserve a nice breakfast," the redhead sighs dramatically, "They're lucky they have such a nice boss."
"Mhm, and if you ever fall out with the Fatui you could certainly find a job as a cook," you reply after sampling a forkful of his work. Living in Liyue had you more accustomed to chopsticks, but it was evident after going through Childe's kitchen that he did not own a pair. As a witness to his attempts at using them, you weren't very surprised by this finding. A fork was easy enough to figure out, anyway.
"I'm glad you like it," the redhead responds with a grin, quickly busying himself with his own plate. As he eats, he begins to talk about having similar breakfasts with his family in Snezhnaya. This turns into him recounting learning how to make these dishes with his mother and you quietly listen along, making the occasional comment and smiling fondly at his memories and the way he became more animated as he spoke about his family.
The sun had emerged by the time each of you had eaten what you could, and you cleared the plates while Childe ordered his guard to distribute the remaining food to his subordinates stationed in Liyue. You were halfway through cleaning the dishes when the Snezhnayan waltzed into the kitchen, leaning against the counter. He contented himself with watching, not bothering to even offer his assistance.
"I was thinking we should do something. I've been cooped up for too long. Maybe a casual hike up Mt. Aozang?" he suggested, causing you to pause in your ministrations and glance back at him with a raised brow. No hike up Mt. Aozang would be a casual one considering the terrain and potential enemies of the area.
"It's been less than a full day," you pointed out, "And, hm, what was it? Oh yeah, and you have a few broken ribs."
"What are a few broken ribs to a Fatui Harbinger?"
"It's a no, Childe," you firmly insisted, causing him to groan and mumble about you being a 'spoil sport'. It was easy enough to ignore him as you finished up with your small chore.
"I'm using your shower," you informed him once you turned away from the sink. He only hummed in response, still pouting against the counter. It was all you could do to not roll your eyes at his childish behavior.
"What am I even supposed to do for six weeks if I can't go out and fight things?" he whined, and this time you did roll your eyes.
"Well, maybe you can still improve your fighting," you mused, "Have you ever tried working on your strategy? Because that could definitely use some improvement."
The Harbinger huffed indignantly at your words, taking the mature route and sticking his tongue out at you as you left the kitchen to take a shower. He could pout to himself in the kitchen while you had a relaxing shower.
The apartment's bathroom was on the smaller side, but it was still easily workable and didn't feel at all cramped. You had brought with you your own toiletries, but that didn't stop you from poking around Childe's well-organized things out of curiosity. There wasn't anything of particular interest so you decided to just get cleaned up and figure out what to do for the day.
Leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel and feeling refreshed, you made your way to the guest room to pull out something to wear for the day. You decided on something comfortable, it didn't seem like you'd be going out today anyways and if you did you could always change into something more suitable. After getting dressed and taking care of a few more things, you left the guest room in search of Childe.
It was a simple task finding the Harbinger, he was seated at the table flipping through the pages of a book. You were more than surprised to see it was a book on battle strategy, although you noted it was one focused on group tactics to be used in war organization. You supposed it shouldn't have been any great shock to find he had such books, considering his position as a Fatui Harbinger who was known for his knack for combat. But to actually find him taking your advice was not something you had expected.
"Finally done with your shower?" Childe asked, looking up from his reading, "Good, you were stinky."
His tone made it clear he was joking, and you gasped in mock offense. You both laughed at this, his cerulean eyes shining with amusement. You weren't sure you'd ever seen eyes more beautiful than his.
"Anyways, I was thinking we should go for a walk around the harbor and have a late lunch a Wanmin. Then we can just wander looking for stuff to do, or we could go out to that one boat. Or maybe Zhongli will be at the market and invite us for tea," Childe suggested, setting the book down on the table. You raised your brows at his 'plan'.
"It's been a long time since I've had any time off and I don't know what to do," he justified, crossing his arms over his chest. You only shook your head, smiling softly at his pout.
"Alright, I wouldn't mind a walk around the harbor, at least. Lunch at Wanmin sounds good too. We'll see what happens afterward," you conceded, watching his expression immediately brighten. Just a walk shouldn't be too strenuous, so you weren't terribly worried about his bones. Plus, you wouldn't be able to keep him in bed all day and this was a much better alternative to him going out and finding a fight.
"Let me just get changed into something more presentable."
It wasn't long before you were walking along the docks of the harbor with Childe. You were hand in hand with him, the redhead had grabbed your hand early on, intertwining your fingers with a cheeky grin. You didn't resist when he did this, comfortable with showing the small amount of affection even in public.
Looking out across the calm waters of the harbor, you couldn't help but think it matched the blue of the Harbinger's eyes. While he had an excellent poker face when necessary, Childe's eyes were often very expressive, allowing an easy read of his mood at a glance. Smiling fondly at the thought, you squeezed his hand gently before moving on.
The rest of the day progressed just as pleasantly, both you and Childe enjoying the sights of Liyue before getting lunch at Wanmin as he'd planned. After eating, you browsed the various stalls of Liyue's busy market, admiring the vast array of goods on display.
As the Snezhnayan had earlier predicted, you did meet Zhongli at the market and he did invite you two for tea. You wondered if he had planned it with Childe, but the polite man seemed entirely surprised to have encountered the both of you.
Tea with Zhongli turned out to be quite a lengthy endeavor, and you were rather exhausted by the end of it. He had recounted the history of Liyue well into the evening, in a way that reminded you of a professor during a lecture. It was Childe who was finally able to excuse the both of you, after several hours of education on the historic importance of Silk Flowers.
"Well, I did make a promise that I would rest, so I'm afraid we must be going."
"Ah, yes. It is always good to keep your promises," Zhongli agreed sagely, his words carrying a strange gravity. With polite goodbyes, you left with Childe to return to his apartment. The walk back was through darkness thanks to the hour, but the streets of Liyue were lit and there was still plenty of activity.
It was no surprise that both you and Childe were ready for bed by the time you made it through the door. He mumbled out a mostly unintelligible apology for how long tea with Zhongli had lasted before kissing the top of your forehead and disappearing into his room.
You stood in the hallways shocked by the affectionate gesture for a few seconds before deciding it would be best to just go to bed and forget about it. Surely the action was purely the result of exhaustion.
This time when you woke up the sun had already risen. Silently, you thanked Morax for not having to wake up to Childe's noisy breakfast-making. Even if his cooking was really good, without sleep you'd eventually become rather cranky, to put it lightly.
Exiting the spare bedroom, you found the Harbinger sprawled out on the couch looking through a stack of papers. You assumed it was Fatui business, something which you wanted nothing to do with at the moment. Maybe at another time, you would be interested in their secrets, but as of right now, they weren't really your problem.
"How are you feeling? In any pain?" you asked casually, making your way to the kitchen to retrieve some ice. Regardless of his answer, it was still advised to ice his side regularly.
"Mm, I'm fine. Took some of the medication earlier," he replied, most of his focus still on the documents in his hands. You briefly wondered how often it was that the Eleventh Harbinger did paperwork as opposed to fieldwork. You would have assumed he had a secretary or something for this kind of thing, though you supposed it made some sense for him to do it if he wasn't out in the field.
Leaving the kitchen with another makeshift icepack, you noticed he had set the papers down on the coffee table and draped an arm over his eyes. You raised a brow at this but didn't say anything as you placed the icepack on his side and sat on the couch where there was space beside his legs.
"I don't think I can last six weeks like this. I'm already dying of boredom," he confessed, raising his arm to see your response.
"I'm not sure I can last six weeks either," you replied snarkily. It seemed lost on him as he nodded in agreement before furrowing his brows and scowling at you. Realization.
"Hey, wait! What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, sitting up quickly and wincing at the resulting pain. You picked up the icepack that had slid down and pressed it against his side until one of his hands came up to hold it in place.
"It means I think sometimes you're a bit much," you laughed in response, ruffling his hair and causing his scowl to deepen. He swatted your hand away from his hair using his free hand, and you only smiled in amusement.
"I'll have you know I'm a fucking delight and you adore me," he asserted, staring you dead in the eyes with a challenging look. Now that he was closer, your eyes were drawn to the light smattering of freckles that crossed his nose and dusted both cheeks. From a distance, they weren't really visible, but now you could clearly see them.
"Mhm," you agreed absently, bringing a hand up to lightly cradle his jaw, swiping your thumb slowly across his cheek. It was only when he started leaning in that it dawned on you exactly what you were doing and how intimate it seemed. By the time his lips were pressed against yours, heat had risen to your cheeks and you were certain your face was a brilliant shade of scarlet. Luckily his eyes were closed so he couldn't see you in such a state, but you had a feeling he was able to feel the heat radiating off your cheeks.
Despite your flirtations having been unintentional, you didn't push Childe away. Instead, you wrapped your arms loosely around his shoulders and fell into the slow rhythm he had set. You heard the soft thump of something being tossed onto the coffee table, but you were distracted from that when his hands found your sides and he pulled you into his lap.
A soft breath left you when his lips moved down to your neck to place gentle kisses there. The featherlight touch had goosebumps raising across your skin and you were almost embarrassed by your body's reactions.
"Alright, maybe six weeks won't be too bad," Childe murmured against your neck and you could feel his smile. It made your heart flutter, you weren't sure you liked that.
"Oh, what made you change your mind?" you asked innocently, a hint of laughter in your voice.
"Mm, I wonder." His lips began trailing back up your neck and over your jaw until he sealed them over yours again. The drag of his tongue across your bottom lip had you opening your mouth for him without a thought. In response, he pulled you closer to him, one hand reaching up to tangle in your hair.
When he finally pulled away, he smirked at your flushed appearance and the fact you were a bit breathless. The way he looked at you made butterflies flutter in your stomach and when his ocean eyes dropped to gaze at your lips you felt the overwhelming urge to flee.
"I need to go. I want to get you some proper icepacks from Baizhu and I should probably do some grocery shopping for you," you blurted, standing up. His arms fell easily away from you, but he looked up at you with a surprised and what you thought might be a slightly hurt expression.
"Um, okay," was all he could say as you retreated to the guest room to get dressed in something more appropriate for going out in public. Changing didn't take very long and you made sure to bring Mora along as you fled the apartment with barely so much as a 'goodbye'. Childe was still sitting stunned on the couch as you breezed out the door.
Running away was always a good way to deal with your problems.
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sweetberrysmooch · 3 years
HC: Call This The ‘Can This Man Cook’ Section
(….. I don’t think these men can cook 😔)
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First post pog :D I wrote a majority of these super late at night, so please forgive and let me know of any mistakes you find <3 Also, it’s a little long lol
Characters: Dream, George, SapNap, Badboyhalo, Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza, Quackity, Fundy, Schlatt.
Warnings: None, except for a kinda risqué comment in Philza’s. Oh and I guess there’s mentions of eating meat in case someone wants the warning :3
Song Recommendation: I Love You So- The Walters
Hella fluffy! Hope you enjoy <3
From best to worst:
#1: BadBoyHalo-
Bad is the best at cooking on the server. He is the creme of the crop, absolute top one percent, king shit at cooking.
He can cook, bake, and temper chocolate perfectly, what more could you want?
His favorite to-go recipes are cheesy garlic bread and a special spicy chicken and rice recipe which he typically makes when the boys are over at his house for the night. When he’s with you he goes for something a little smoother, some mulled sweet berry cider with a smoked cod fillet, eaten under the light of candles while you quietly chat about life and your fellow friends. It’s always one of Bad’s most anticipated hangouts, and he’s very careful about planning when it comes to those days.
While he appreciates being complimented on his food or his skills, deep down he wants to have someone to cook and share his knowledge with so the cooking process becomes much richer. He’s cooked for so long and learned so much, but it means nothing if he can’t share it with another person. The moment you come to him and ask him for help on any kind of recipe, he’ll drop almost everything to help you.
Side note; he absolutely carried lunch and dinner for his fellow DTeam members. While Sapnap would mostly take over breakfast, Bad would be hounded by begging puppy looks from these adult men who couldn’t cook and kind of just sigh and get the ‘kiss the cook’ apron ready. It’s not like he hates it or anything, but the endearing factor kinda slips off after a few years of adult men groveling.
(Bad’s hands rest over yours, dwarfing them entirely as he helps you cut the pasta sheet straightly. “There you go!” He encourages, squeezing your hand gently and stepping away, moving back to dice the vegetables on the cutting board next to you. A comfortable silence falls, and with it comes something in Bad’s heart softening. The worries and exhaustion in his mind ease, and he slips into a contented routine of finely chopping and slicing. It’s been a while since he’s felt so calm. There’s nothing that can ruin this- 
The front door slams open. Footsteps walk in and approach the kitchen and you both hear it, 
“Baaaaaaaaad.” Bad cringes, taking a step back.
“Baaaaaaaaaaad, we’re hungry.” Sapnap. 
“Yeah Bad, feeeeeeeed uuuuuuus.” George. 
And then, from around the door frame, a white mask peeks in. Nobody says a word, but you can feel Bad deflate next to you like let go balloon. 
“It’s alright, big guy.” You laugh, grabbing his forearm and leaning up against him. His sad puppy eyes make you smile a little, and you try to reassure him. “We can hang out alone another time. Let’s keep working on the pasta.” He sighs, but still returns your smile. “Yeah, another time.”)
#2: Philza 
Sigh…. he can cook. Not quite as good as Bad can, but better than Quackity. A solid second place. It stems mainly from being so knowledgeable that he just knows and has tried so many different foods, but since he doesn't actually do much cooking, I'm making him a flaky second place.
Doesn’t mind cooking, but doesn’t love doing it either. He’s always focused on so many different things that he’ll forgo eating to keep working on what he’s doing. He mostly cooks for Techno and Ranboo or the few guests (you) they seem to receive. Makes great stew, and even better roasted chicken, is absolutely immaculate when it comes to cooking bird.
He didn’t teach Wilbur or Techno shit! I wish I could say it’s because he wanted to but just couldn’t, but he was literally like “hmm. Im a little busy now, maybe next year” every year!! But, this being said, if you ask him to make something with you or teach you how to cook a particular dish, he will agree to help you. Old age has really mellowed him out, and after certain events, he realizes he needs to stay a bit closer to those he cares about from now on.
He likes sweets well enough, and will always thank you for any gifts you make for him. Along with growing older, he’s had time to lose his pickiness he had in his youth. If he does end up cooking with you, he’ll prefer doing the harder recipes over easy ones. He will lose it laughing if it turns out bad, so don’t worry about any disappointment (his children make up enough of that ^^).
(“Now,” Phil starts, washing his hands quickly as you wait for him next to the cutting board. “Pufferfish needs to be prepared perfectly, or we will die when we eat it. But I don’t need to explain to you how a pufferfish works, now do I?” 
When you shake your head no, he comes up behind you, tarnished wings bound and hair pulled up in a pony tail. 
“The meat of a pufferfish is very delectable, and much better with a glass of wine.” He grins cheekily, “ If this works out well, which I’m sure it will, dinner will be delicious.” 
It falls quiet for a second, and as your hesitantly looking over the fish that may be your last, you gasp when you feel him press up against you back and rest his chin on your shoulder. “Maybe there’ll be other delicious things to eat as well,” He murmurs into you ear, before leaning back and busting out laughing. Your face feels stupidly hot. Dilfza quest activated.)
#3: Quackity-
Quackity can cook. I know!! I’d say he’s like the third best cooker on the list. And he’s not half bad at baking either.
He likes making up stupid bad recipes and trying them out with you, even if at the end of it the one of you up chucks your damned creations the hour after. Despite his reigning need for chaos though, he knows how to make a decent amount of recipes and strives for praise when he’s actually putting forward effort. He’ll arrange little dinner dates (“A handsome man and his very pretty friend, good food made by yours truly, and La Chona, what do you say, baby?”) and will sit there with a 🥺 look on his face until you tell him if you liked it or not.
He tries to act like he’s unaffected by your words, but even a small, “That was really good.” will make him turn red and giggle like a schoolgirl. He tries to play it off, but it’s easy to tell he loves the complements. Will also never tell you anything you make is bad. You are a deity descended upon  minecraft Earth and he is but your prettiest disciple who will uphold your honor and treat you like you should be treated!!!! But he’ll then promptly choose to help you with and guide you into cooking/baking better ^^; He loves you!
As for baking, he really likes making cakes because of how simple they can be. It helps calm him down when he can just slip into bake mode and follow a recipe and make something nice at the end of it. Speaking of, he also has a sweet tooth, but not quite as bad as Techno does. Any sweets or food you make for him is always eaten, and always held in high regard. Will try to entice you into feeding him 👀👀 so watch out.
(He’s doing it again. You try to avoid looking directly at the dopey lovesick smile Quackity has on his face at the moment, but as you lift the fork up, you get a better idea. 
You look at him (to which he seems to melt a little under your gaze), look at the fork, and then back to him, raising the piece of cake up to his lips. His expression turns flabbergasted and his blush deepens. 
He doesn’t seem to believe you for a second, until you nudge the cake close and flash him a smile. Then it’s like a switch has been flicked; he giggles, blushing, and eats the cake right off the fork. He’s gone back to smiling that silly smile again, this time even brighter, but it’s okay. You try to ignore the way your heart speeds up in your chest when he begs you for another piece.)
#4: Schlatt-
Another cooker~! He specializes with formal dinners more than anything else, and adores a good steak.
During his presidency, he didn’t cook very often. Quackity and you had to keep him fed through most of it, and the memory of watching you cook in his kitchen while he looked over work papers at his dining table leaves a mark on him, sealing a new crave for domesticity that he hadn’t ever wanted before.
Sometimes he would cook though. You, Quackity, and Tubbo would all gather around and eat together every once in a blue moon, when Schlatt was sober and calm. It feels tense at the table but also not in a way? Schlatt always seems to be chillest during dinner, a mix of the alcohol wearing off and the emphatic family feel that comes with Tubbo, Quackity, and you surrounding him.
He loves cake! It’s one of the few desserts he’ll eat, but you have to watch him closely or he’ll gorge himself of the treat. Indulge him and invite him to make a cake with you, and it will be one of the most interesting bakes of your life. How Schlatt got three eggs to stick to the ceiling is beyond you, but the look in his eyes tells you he’s completely fucking sober and hamming up his own cluelessness. You probably wouldn’t have even noticed if it weren’t for him hiding all the other eggs around your kitchen as well. How did he get one on the top of your door without it falling when you opened it? That’s between him and god.
Overall, a good 4th place on the list.
(“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Schlatt says, deadpanned, looking you right in the fucking eyes with an undisturbed egg sitting perfectly straight on his head. 
“Where are the eggs, Schlatt.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
The container you kept them in is completely empty on your kitchen counter, once full of eggs but now reduced to a desolate husk of its former glory. Speaking of former glories, your president turns around, arms crossed and stands there silently. 
You look around. Theres one in the door handle of in the pantry, another wedged between two slices of bread in your bread box, and- oh god. On the fucking ceiling. Three, stuck to the ceiling, unmovable. After a full minute of dead silence you manage a “What the fuck have you done?”, and Schlatt turns to look. 
“Oh hey. There they are.” Your mind turns into a rock, shatters, and crumbles into dust.)
#5: Dream-
Honestly if you’re looking for edible food that tastes range from ok to good Dream is your man. 5th place.
He knows a lot of ‘depression era’ type recipes just because he’s pretty homeless and his man hunts don’t allow him much time to hone his skills. Stuff like bread or mushroom stew comes easy to him after so many times of having to do it on the run. Bread is the only baking he won’t screw up.
Can cook meat well enough too, but doesn’t really do anything special to it (besides his sauces).
To elaborate: Over the unknown span of his life, he’s acquired these recipes for forgotten and questionable sauces that he’ll store in little jars and leave at your house for you to use. They’re odd, and the ingredients aren’t ever what you think might be edible, but they’re surprisingly tasty none the less. He likes to show you a new one every month or so to keep things fresh.
Pretty general about sweets, but has a severe love for chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Has never had one, but dreams about chocolate cake. It’s high on his bucket list and written another four times over.
One of his favorite things to do with you is bake, mainly because of how ruinous it always turns out. No matter your skill, Dream’s vibes decimates any luck the two of you will have while baking. It’s scientifically proven. You left the cupcakes in for a minute-JUST a minute over what they should’ve been and they came out rock solid. Dream tried to eat one anyway. Best part was watching him try to bite through the shell.)
(He thinks he’s over selling it, half-gnawing on the brown cupcake (it was supposed to be vanilla, he thought) and making stupid growls when his teeth barely break through the surface, but the feeling he gets when you start laughing hysterically next to him wipes away any negative thought he had and fills him with utter joy. 
It's very late into the night, and you’re both a little loopy, but all the while you still lean against him as you giggle, the spot tingling where your hand rests on his arm. 
His heart thumps crazily, before sinking. Oh god. He’s in love with you.)
#6: Technoblade-
Knows a lot, but very little. He can cook the meat perfectly fine, but there’s a difference between being cooked and tasting good. He doesn’t know how to season them. Salt is the bare minimum you get.
6th place ^^; sorry king.
He’s good with potatoes though. I like to think that the countless hours spent potato farming had to account for something. He likes having cheese and butter on them every once in a while, but for the most part just eats them salted like an animal. It’s practically a show to watch him eat a cooked potato in three bites without anything but salt on it.
Big man loves food though, even if he doesn’t eat like it. Steak and cooked fish are high on his list of foods, but only if it’s cooked by Philza. And eventually you fall into his “I trust to eat this from you” category as well, but he has a special place in his heart for Phil’s cooking. Rabbit stew is at the very top.
He also eats a lot, being 6’10 and 200 something pounds of muscle, gotta consume quite a bit to keep him moving.
As for the sweeter variety of food, he’s got a massive sweet tooth. The moment you make him an apple pie or honey candy or anything of the like, he’s immediately enamored with you. Sweet things are hard to come by on the smp, especially with how far out he lives, but it’s a secret weakness of his that is very easily exploitable.
(You’ll be the death of him, he thinks, watching you closely as you trudge your way through the freshly fallen snow towards his house. Your normal pack is lighter than it usually looks, and he worries that you may slip and hurt yourself on the ice before you make it to the door. But still, you keep walking until you're standing at his doorstep, fist raised to knock when he opens it for you. 
You look surprised for a second, and then a grin splits your face and his heart races. 
“I can’t stay for long,” you say, having spent at least 30 minutes to get there. “But I wanted to drop this off for you before you went out to hunt again.” 
Out of the bag, you pull another smaller leather bag and hand it to him gently. It rests heavy in his palm, and for a moment he’s sure it’s ender pearls that you’ve brought him. But still he opens it, and he’s immediately taken aback by the smooth golden candies you brought him. 
“They’re honey candies.” At this point you’re practically grinning. “I thought you might like some while I was making them last night.” 
He doesn’t have to see his own face to feel the deep blush setting in on his cheeks and ears. You…. you’re so…… sweet. You are very…. sweet, he admits to himself, and he is very not attached to you. Not at all.)
#7: Fundy and Sapnap tie.
Has his old man's cluelessness but is a fast learner. He doesn’t have much time to expand his food repertoire so it’s pretty much the basic stuff that he’s eaten during the war or before that when he was younger.
He really likes cooking though, and will invite you to come cook with him for dinner or lunch if he wants to hang out. When they were together, Dream had given him an old dusty cookbook that had several recipes he hadn’t ever heard of before, so that’s where most of what he tries to make comes from. His favorite to date was a special mutton dish that he asked you to try with him on his last birthday. It was just the two of you, but he had never had so much fun before.
Doesn’t like eating fish however, there’s just some bad vibe he gets when he thinks about cooking one or catching one. (Desperately ignores the fish fucker. Desperately ignores the fish fucker. Despera-)
Loves sweet berries as treats, seeing as that’s the only sweet thing he grew up with. Not too big on other sweet flavors. Likes honey in his tea though.
7th place cooker, will get higher as he learns more dishes.
(He raises his wine high with a laugh, clinking your glass with it as you both giggle drunkenly. 
The lamb you had cooked together turned out amazing, juicy and tender and flavored with crimson fungus juice. The recipe was from an old cookbook he had, he faintly remembers telling you, hiding the fact that it was Dream’s cookbook that he was given after a particularly nasty argument. 
He doesn’t want to think about him, especially not while he’s with you. Especially not when it’s his birthday. 
So instead he ponders the trip through the nether he took with you to harvest some of the fungi, how the juice was tangy and slightly bitter, but how it had done wonders when basted onto the meat while frying. 
You had looked so happy when you two plated the dish, so proud of him, all in a way that Dream never was. 
Even now, as you tiredly smile at him from across the table, cheeks pink and eyes focused solely on the moment you were sharing, he feels at peace for once. This is what contentment felt like. Oh, how he loves you so.)
Shame the shit cooker. Ok ok, he’s not as bad as some of the others on this list, but that’s just because he can make a half decent breakfast. It’s not much competition.
Bad has desperately tried to teach this boy some cooking besides eggs and toast, but the only things that seem to have stuck are mashed potatoes and grilled pork chops. Neither of which he even likes enough to make often.
He prefers fish to meat, and would eat any kind of cod you offered to him. Likes smoked salmon a lot, it’s something Bad made for him a lot when he was younger. He tries to recreate the dish, but comes up short and feels disheartened when it isn’t like Bad’s. He’d appreciate any time you took with him to learn how to make the dish, and it wholly sticks to his mind afterwards. He never forgets the experience, and treasures it very closely.
Likes not-sweet sweets. Not bitter per say, but just not very sweet. He likes chewy taffy in particular, but the old lady kind that lasts 60 years but gets hard in 6 minutes after being exposed to open air. Gotta be polite about it too, or he’ll end up embarrassed and pout for an hour.
(He’s eaten 6 of those fucking taffies since you sat down on the couch, completely straight-faced as the two of you of you listen to Dream and George talking. 
At this point you’re completely checked out of their conversation, solely focused on the taffy Sapnap keeps eating. Where does he even get those? How many does he have?? You’ve been friends with him long enough to have seen him pop a taffy every other second of the day. He seems to have a stash on him at all times tucked away, filled with paper-wrapped pastel covered sweets. 
“Want one?” Sapnap asks, holding out a light blue taffy with a little star drawn in yellow dye on the wrapper. 
“What?” Startled, you lean back a bit and realize you had been staring him down as he ate, and flush with how rude that probably seemed. 
“Want a taffy? I don’t mind sharing with you, cutie.” He winks and offers the taffy again. “....” You gaze at the taffy curiously. You’ve never seen him offer another person one of his precious taffies before. Hmm. “...Yes, thanks.” 
You take it delicately, unwrapping the wrapper and taking a bite of it experimentally. It’s very lightly sweet, soft and chewy and surprisingly pleasant. 
Sapnap watches you from the corner of his eye, softly smiling when he sees you eat the rest of it. Glad to see someone else has good tastes around here.)
#8. George-
Meager man makes a meager meal. I said what I said!!! This flatbread boy knows diddly squat, and the only things he can cook successfully are bread and mushroom soup. Which he will make. And that’s all he’ll make. Any food that isn’t that is cooked by either Bad or Dream, and he’s still picky about it.
He’ll make you the soup and bread ladies and gents. I’m not saying they’ll taste great together, but he will definitely make them for you. Anything else he’s pretty critical about, and he doesn’t care much for treats or dessert. He does occasionally like dark chocolate though, which he and Dream will beg Bad to make for them. Soon he begs you to make it for him, and then you have to go ask Bad how he makes it so George won’t complain about how it tastes different from Bads. It’s a weird situation. You make a lot of chocolate. Dream and George linger at your house for weeks on end until you get fed up and shoo them away with a broom.
To his credit, even though he can’t cook much, he’s really proud of his mushroom stew. Any time you let him cook, his go-to is his mushroom stew. He likes to feed you and know that you’re not hungry somewhere, and to top it off he gets to show you his prized dish; not Bad’s or Dream’s stew, but his. He’s cute or whateva…
(George places the bowl down in front you, stepping back and turning to grab his own, before sitting down next to you. He immediately begins to eat, and you give him a half glance as you bring the soup up to smell it. 
It… doesn’t smell that bad, actually. Not burnt, at least. You spoon some of the soup into your mouth. 
Despite all you’ve seen of George’s cooking, this is pretty well made. It’s nice and warm, and the flavors are rich and the mushrooms soft. You choose to ignore the small smile of his face next to you, and keep eating your soup quietly together.)
#9: Wilbur
Wilbur can’t cook for shit. Literally nothing. This man knows apples grow from trees and that animals are made of meat and that’s it.
You think Wilbur made any of his food when he was president or exiled or ever? Not a chance. He ate anything given to him, Tubbo and Tommy absolutely brought this man all the food they could find so he wouldn’t get eat straight trash or starve throughout the presidency. Techno slid him bare cooked potatoes in Pogtopia and he thought “oh this slaps….. this is the pinnacle of food”
Which I know, not really sexy. But! This means that the moment you feed him something a step up from a bare cooked potato he is in food heaven. He especially loves saucier kinds of foods with lots of flavor and spice to them, it’s just so fucking good. Food becomes his kryptonite after you feed this silly man.
With sweets, however, he isn’t that much of a fan. He does like those small lemon creme crackers, and you and da boys are the only ppl he’ll share them with.
(You hear him before you see him. The familiar clambering at your window draws your attention away from the pork you were dicing, and one look over your shoulder shows a disheveled but grinning Wilbur. 
“I hope I’m not too late for dinner.” He jokes, brushing off his pants before approaching you to press a kiss to your temple. Soon after that you hear another set of clambering, and two pairs of stomps reveals one Tommy and one Tubbo respectively. 
“What’s for dinner tonight, mate?” 
“Hope you don’t mind if we join in!” 
You sigh, turning back to hide your smile before they can see it.)
// Hope you enjoyed! I might write a pt2 of this later with some other ppl in it lol we’ll see :3
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bakugohoex · 3 years
I saw that you wanted haikyuu requests, so I am here!! also I read the rules and there wasn’t mention about “cheating” so hopefully it’s fine. Anyway angst to fluff for OSAMU!! Reader isn’t a very good cook, so she decides to go to cooking classes in secret to surprise Osamu, but since she’s been avoiding him and acting like she’s hiding something he suspects that she’s cheating. It all breaks down when he see’s reader and atsumu together, he just goes off on reader and says like “get out” or “I trusted you” Finally Atsumu says it’s just a misunderstanding and he’s taste testing the practice food, so Osamu goes to apologize and fluffy ending where reader and him cook together! Hopefully that wasn’t too long and too many details😅💛
“i was just trying to get better”
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paring: osamu miya x female reader
cw: fluff, angst, language
word count: 2700+
a/n: hey sorry if this took long to come out and it wasnt long at all, the more the merrier i say with detail, thanks love
summary: in which being a terrible cook and dating a man with exceptional talent, you decide to go and get some cooking lessons, the hidden secrets and a misunderstanding leads to a lot more than you had ever expected
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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The smell of Osamu’s cooking filled the air, you loved the way the air always had a sense of his love alongside the food. You admired his cooking, the way he ran a business, the whole lot. His world may have revolved around cooking but in the middle would always be you. You had emailed about attending a cooking class every Wednesday night and knew the first class was starting in a couple days.
He happily hummed along to the music that played on the radio. He turned to face you, your eyes staring and admiring the boy. He smiled as he continued to make dinner, he always loved how even without the two of you communicating together you could both just stay in the same room. Watching the other with whatever they were doing, he brought a spoon into the pan, before moving to you, “open wide.”
Your mouth moved open as he put the spoon into your mouth, your mind went wild with the taste. Every flavour being perfect, you couldn't wait to finally learn yourself, properly and surprise him with it all. “It’s amazing ‘Samu,” he smiled back kissing your forehead before plating up the food. 
Having already told the boy of your plans on Wednesday night, he was glad you had something to do when he came home late. He offered to pick you up, but your straight rejection left him to not think anymore of the issue. Well that’s what he thought, when Wednesday night had finally occurred a couple days later, he had ended up coming home earlier than usual.
“Hey Atsumu, you outside?” The first thing he heard when he walked inside, he was confused on why Atsumu was hanging out with you. Even if the two of you were friends, it had been odd of you not to tell him that your friend was Atsumu. “Oh, hey, you’re early.” You looked hesitant.
Osamu saw your normal clothes, as he smiled at you, “you hanging out with Atsumu?”
“No.” You knew he heard you, thinking of a lie with ease, “he offered to drop me off at my friend's place.”
“Oh, do you want me to come with you?” Osamu spoke softly, you smiled at the boy knowing you’d have to reject him.
Shaking your head, “it’s fine, ‘Tsumu’s already here?”
“Okay, have fun then.” Osamu muttered watching how you left him with a kiss on the cheek. Meeting his twin and stepping inside the car, he had been left alone without any word on who your friend even was and what time you’d be back. He trusted you, of course he did but not letting him at least send you off safely worried him. 
He knew Atsumu, knew how once Atsumu saw something he liked he’d go for it, without even a care for anybody's feelings. He trusted you though and that’s what kept him going for the rest of the night.
“When do you plan on telling ‘Samu then?” Atsumu spoke taking the spare parking spot, after overhearing about your plans he had had to come and help you. He wanted the best for his brother and helping you in these classes was the least he could do for making his brother happier. 
“I don’t know, I've got 4 lessons and then hopefully I can prepare dinner.” You weren't a terrible cook, but you were nowhere near Osamu’s standards. He just always seemed to have this magical touch that you never had when you cooked. 
Atsumu opened the door for you as you stepped out, feeling the wind hit your body, “you better hope you learn quick then.” 
You took a sharp breath smiling at the boy before you both walked inside the building. The sight of others already being inside was surprising not having expected that many. But here you were, apron on both you and Atsumu as you began the lessons. There was nothing really bad about it, both you and Atsumu would joke for an hour, learn the recipes and try to cook it. 
In the end, you both were able to cook basic foods and learn new techniques on how to cook. You had to admit it, but the classes were fun, and you thought it’d be fun to join one of those couple cooking classes with Osamu. Giving your dish to Atsumu, he smiled knowing he was getting extra food before dropping you back to your apartment. 
“Hey baby.” You spoke walking inside, sweat had formed from being in a humid kitchen and the smell of oil lingered on your clothes but you didn't care only wanting to see your boyfriend. 
Osamu laid on the couch switching between channels, his head popped out as he saw you walk towards him. “Hey baby, how was your night?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, head on his shoulders as you kissed his neck. “Tiring, we tried to make cookies.” It wasn't a lie, but it definitely wasn't true at all, Osamu smiled turning to meet your gaze. He gave a long look into your eyes before bringing his lips to peck your own, he could taste other foods, nothing being the taste of anything savoury. But maybe it was just his paranoia, he ignored it continuing to kiss you softly, he let you come and cuddle beside him. Your head on his chest as you both dozed off in front of the television.
Your Wednesday nights continued like this, Atsumu picking you up and Osamu not questioning it or working late. That was until your 4th and final lesson had occurred, Osamu had been turning the corner to the apartment parking when he saw you get into Atsumu’s car. He could notice that car from a mile away, always knowing it to be his twins, he just couldn’t understand what was going on between the two of you to hang out this much.
Going against his better judgement he texted Atsumu, ‘You got plans tonight?’, it was blunt but how most siblings talked when in a hurry or in general. 
Osamu received a message quickly; he had seen the car drive away with you and whatever the answer was going to be. He wasn't going to be happy about it, ‘yeah, hanging out with Hinata and Bokuto’, a rage filled through Osamu, the blatant lie of it. He couldn't follow the car, he just couldn’t but if Atsumu was going to lie about it then Osamu needed proof. 
Texting Bokuto and Hinata he asked to meet them, he knew you had been distant, tetchy even. You’d hide your phone in fear of something, it had been weird to see, normally being able to go on your phone just to google something. But you got protective, protective where you carried your phone everywhere with you. 
Osamu left the car park going to where he asked to meet the two boys. Just as his own meeting was occurring a relief had washed over you. “I’m so happy this is nearly over; I just want to make dinner tonight.” 
The last session was more to just make some desserts, you planned to make it and save it for later on tonight. And with the help of Atsumu’s eyes go to your apartment and make dinner for both you and Osamu. You had worked hard these weeks, practicing and texting other members of the session for advice on how to perfect the dish. Always being helpful in praising your new found skill and helping you along the way. It was sweet and you’d miss seeing these people. 
With ease the hour passed by, Atsumu had made a terrible dessert. Having burnt it which made the whole group shake their head in acknowledgement that Atsumu could make some good food, but desserts would never be his forte. He watched you bring the cake out with a happy smile, “say cheese.” He would send the picture to Osamu once the confession was out, you looked so joyful, flour on your face but you showed the cake proudly to the camera. 
“He’s going to love it Y/n, stop worrying.” Atsumu spoke after the farewells occurred between the group, all being in a group chat wishing to hear how the night will go with your boyfriend. 
“Me? Worry? Never.” You were nervous, you were scared your food was never going to compare to Osamu’s. His was always just amazing and yours just seemed below par, Atsumu tried to comfort you with a reassuring hug but your nerves were still going haywire. 
You just wanted to get home and quickly start cooking the meal, you knew Osamu was working late. Having taken a glimpse of the schedule so you knew you had time, but it all felt daunting that everything you had worked for had come down to this.
Osamu never got pissed about you, you were his love, his future but after being with both Bokuto and Hinata who spoke about Atsumu always leaving in a rush on Wednesdays. How could he not get pissed, the fact that you’d go behind his back and lie about being with friends to sleep with his twin infuriated him. He hated how you chose Atsumu, how you went this far to hide a relationship with Atsumu from him. If you truly cared about him then you wouldn’t have let him find out from Atsumu’s friends.
He didn't ever want to see your face again, the vulgar thoughts he had to you and actions he had towards his brother seared through him as he walked towards the door of the apartment. 
That’s when he heard it through the door, the giggling, your laugh. The laugh he had loved so much but, in this moment, he hated it. He stepped quietly inside, listening to the conversation. 
“We should do it again sometime?” Atsumu spoke leaning against the counter, watching you stir the food. 
You gave a murmur back, “what? Spend even more Wednesdays wiping crap off of our faces.” Maybe your phrasing had been misinterpreted but Osamu was pissed at how you had brought his own twin back to his home. 
“Yeah, even ask ‘Samu to join.” A horrific face stayed on Osamu’s face at his brother's comment. How Atsumu could easily speak of something as disgusting as that.
You chuckled with a smile, “yeah, we can make him do everything and just sit back and enjoy the show.”
He hated your words, how you and Atsumu were laughing at him, was this how you truly felt about Osamu? The next words seemed to flip something in him, “give it a taste.”
“Mm, Y/n.” The sound of Atsumu almost moaning in love at your food had been taken wrongly with Osamu storming inside the kitchen. “‘Samu, fuck how long have you been here?” Atsumu spoke with a spoon still in mouth, your nerves had gotten the better of you. You stood in front of the pan, the heat off as you looked down at your fingers.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing in my apartment?” Osamu shouted at the two of you.
“Ugh, Y/n…” Atsumu was interrupted by the sound of Osamu’s hand hitting the marble top of the counter. 
“I wasn’t talking to you Atsumu, so what, you bring your little fuck home, make fun of me, fuck Y/n, I thought we had a future together. But no you’ve been sucking Atsumu’s dick for the past month.”
Realising it had been a whole misunderstanding you were about to speak, “i was just trying to get better.” It was the only thing you could babble out through your erupting tears.
Osamu disregarded your words, interrupting you, “I fucking trusted you Y/n, I can’t even look at you, get the fuck out of my face.”
Tears had welled up in your eyes, Atsumu tried to comfort you but knew it’d make the situation worse. You ran past Osamu, trying to not cry as much but found yourself going into your shared bedroom. Sobbing into the sheets, you should’ve realised how it looked, sneaking off with Atsumu to cooking classes, hiding your phone and now those prior words, how could you have bene so stupid. 
“‘Samu.” Atsumu muttered to his brother.
Osamu was ready to punch his brother but Atsumu stayed firm, “you really can’t let me have anything can…”
Atsumu interrupted his brother in seconds, “Y/n and I haven't been sleeping together. We were taking cooking classes.”
“You must really think I’m stupid for believing that.” Osamu laughed sadistically.
“You want proof, Y/n was cooking this.” Atsumu was being careful with his words, he needed you two to remain together. He knew just how much both of you were just perfect together and refused to let that die away from a false accusation. 
Osamu walked towards the pan, Atsumu’s spoon being on the side, he recognised the truth but even then, how could he believe this. Atsumu sensing this brought out his phone, “look at this, dumbass.”
The photo of you and a cake, flour on your face and hair. He recognised the cake to be the one that was on the side and the timestamp being from an hour ago. He felt relieved that you haven't been sleeping with Atsumu, but it had dawned on him his previous words. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Atsumu shook his head, putting a pat on his brother's shoulder, “talk to her, she’ll understand.” Atsumu watched his twin walk away, deciding to plate up the food for a candle light dinner for the two of you. Already knowing that everything would work out for the two of you.
A knock on your bedroom door came and the sound of shuffling, “Y/n.” Osamu’s voice came through, “baby.”
He saw how you were curled up on the bed, messy hair and tears streaming down your face. Bringing his back against your own, he wrapped an arm around your waist feeling how tense you were. “I’m so sorry Y/n, ‘Tsumu, explained it all and I don’t know how to start earning your forgiveness baby, I regret what I said, I should've asked first, before shouting, Y/n, I just can’t lose you, you’re my world and future and I’m just so sorry and I understand if you want nothing to do with me, I’ll let you have the apartment and I’ll move…”
You turned to meet the boy, his words getting to you. He was apologising and it was an understandable assumption for him to make, but nevertheless you accepted it, “it’s okay, and I'm sorry for benign weird this past month.”
He saw how your arms wrapped his own waist, your chest to his chest and his arms holding you secure. You both stayed like this for a couple minutes, before you looked up to his lips, giving him a soft kiss. He wiped the tears away before kissing back, a warm sensation filled him filled with comfort and his future. He peppered soft kisses across your jaw before getting up, taking your hand in his own. 
Once you both were back in the kitchen, you saw how two plates had been set out, a wine bottle bought two glasses and a single long candle in the middle. Knowing it was Atsumu you both were thankful for the boy. Osamu brought your chair out, letting you sit down, his arms stayed on your shoulders. As his lips moved to your giving you a soft kiss, “I can’t wait to try it”
“Be warned it might be shit.” You spoke, watching him begin to dish out the two portions. You refused to even try it before he had, watching him eat a mouthful, a loud moan coming from his lips.
“Fuck baby, should I be worried I have competition now?” You chuckled at his remark waiting for more, “it’s amazing baby, better than my own.”
“Really?” You gleamed out ready to take a biteful. 
“It tastes amazing, baby.” He repeats eating more to indicate just how much he loved the food. 
You smiled back at the boy; he truly loved your food. You were so thankful and even with the earlier occurrence you wouldn't have changed anything. Glad you had gone to learn how to cook and the face on Osamu’s face truly brought you everything you loved. Your future happily eating something you made, with all your heart and warmth, and enjoying it just as you enjoyed his. 
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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fayemarvels · 3 years
Changed my mind
Loki x fem!reader
Hey guys so, this is my first Loki fic I really hope you like it. I have a part two planned so if you would like to read it please, let me know.
Summary: Thor is sick and he asked Loki to get him some Midgardian food. He went down to New York, where he met a girl and she helped him to cook food for his brother. Maybe Midgard isn't so bad after all.
! please don't repost my work anywhere without my permission. Thank you.!
Warnings: none, bad writing
Word count: 1.9k
Loki has always hated Midgard and everything that comes with it. People, traditions, clothes, food, you name it. He always thought Midgardians were below him, less than him and he was sure nothing could change his mind. He never understood what Thor saw in them and their planet.
His brother was also the reason why Loki was here. You see, Thor had the worst type of Asgardian flu and he persuaded Loki to get him some Midgardian food. There was just one problem. Loki didn’t know any Midgardian food and he didn’t have any books about the planets’ food.
That was why he was in New York, to get a recipe book. He wandered around the New York streets and people were looking at him very weary. To be honest, he did understand why. He tried to take over their planet after all. After about 40 minutes of walking around, he finally found a bookstore tucked away in a quiet alleyway. Loki swung the door open and the bell above his head rang.
After a few moments of silence, he heard a soft
“Coming, wait a moment please.” from the back of the store. In a few seconds, a girl came from the back looking around the store for the new customer.
“Hello welcome!” she greeted cheerfully.
“How can I help you?” when she looked at Loki she froze, but then just shook her head. He looked around and informed her.
“I need a recipe book with some of the best Midgardian foods.” She nodded quietly and walked from behind the counter. The girl hurried to the shelves full of books and ran her finger across the spines. She stopped and took out a thick book with a picture of pancakes with chocolate and some fruit on the cover.
“This is what you are looking for.“ she informed him and handed him the book. He took it from her hands and flipped through a few pages. Loki silently informed.
”I will take it.” She smiled and walked toward the cash register. She rang him up and he paid for it. But couldn’t help herself.
“Excuse me but, can I ask you something?” she asked and he turned around with an annoyed look on his face.
“Why do you want to cook our food? Didn’t you hate our planet?” he rolled his eyes and decided to answer. He had all the time in the galaxy.
“My brother is sick and he asked me to get some Midgardian food that isn’t fast food.” He took a breath and decided to continue.
“I never ate Midgardian food so I needed some references. I will conjure them up with my magic.”
“I don’t think it will taste really good if you conjure it up with your magic.” She confessed and he looked very offended.
“It’s not that I don’t think you are incapable I just think it would be better if you cooked it with your hands.” He looked at her confused and shook his head.
“And why would I do that hmm? Tell me, little mortal.” She looked really nervous but managed to get out some words.
“I think it will make him feel better if it would be made with love.” He scoffed and looked at her.
“What love? There isn’t any.“ She shook her head.
”If there wasn’t any, you wouldn’t be here.” he looked to the side with a weird look on his face.
“If you want I can help you help to cook it.” She tried to sound confident but he could hear she was nervous.
"Why would you want to help me?” he asked and she replied.
“I don’t have anything to do and I really love cooking.” She smiled at him and he narrowed his eyes.
“Fine, you can help me.” He decided and she laughed.
“Ok, my shift ends in about 2 hours so you can come then. Pick some meals to cook in the meanwhile. Now go!”
“Wait! I don’t know what to call you.” He said and she replied quickly.
“It’s (Y/N). go before I change my mind about helping you.” He just shook his head and walked out of the store. ===== When (Y/N) turned off the lights in the shop, Loki was just coming into the ally way.
“So you ready to learn to cook?” she questioned and he nodded.
“Let’s get this done with so I can go back to Asgard and never come back here again.” She rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist and started to pull him towards her home.
“So my apartment is extremely messy and I’m sorry for that.” She confessed and Loki only grumbled.
“You midgardians, so fucking messy.” She glared at him and slowed down a little bit. They walked in silence and (Y/N) decided to spark up a conversation.
“What did you pick?” he looked at her confused.
”To cook. You were supposed to pick some meals to cook.” He opened his mouth in realization and spoke up.
“Well, I picked something for beginners so we wouldn’t have to spend hours in the kitchen.” She nodded and he continued.
“Some vegetable soup and pancakes with whipped whip cream, chocolate, and fruit.”
“Ok, I have everything for these things so we successfully avoided going into the supermarket.” He looked at her puzzled and she just continued.
“The seniors in this area are crazy. If their life depended on it, they will fight with you until death just to get the things that are on sale.” He chuckled and she smiled in his direction. ‘He has a pretty smile’ she thought but then shook her head. When they came into her apartment she kicked her shoes off and tossed her keys into the bowl on the dresser in her hallway. She shrugged off her coat and walked into her kitchen.
“Nox baby? Where are you?” she shouted into her apartment and Loki looked at her weirdly. In about a minute he could hear a quiet sound of legs scratching on the wooden floor.
“Hope you like cats.” She turned around to look at Loki and he smiled awkwardly. When Nox came into the kitchen he rubbed against (Y/N)’s feet and she crouched down.
Before she could pet him he ran towards Loki to inspect the man he has never seen before. He sniffed at his legs a little before Loki crouched down and put his finger out for the cat to sniff. (Y/N) just watched the interaction in awe.
When Loki looked up he saw her looking at him and he quickly said. “He’s not that bad.” But (Y/N) knew he secretly already had a soft spot for him.
“Okay I’m going to change into more comfortable clothes and we can start.” She left the room and came back in a couple of minutes wearing a tank top and black sweatpants.
“You want some clothes as well? I have some from when my friend was sleeping over.” He nodded and she went to pick them up.
“They will probably be a bit small because he isn’t as giant as you are.” She explained and he took her from her hands and went to change into the bathroom. When he came out she was already taking out all the utensils they will need. He tossed his clothes onto the couch and walked over to her in the kitchen.
“You have something I can tie my hair with?” he asked and she gave him the hair tie from her wrist.
”I always keep one on my wrist at all times, in case anyone needs one.” She informed him and he smiled. He put his hair in a bun and waited for her instructions.
“First cut the vegetables in cubes and put them into the pot. We are doing the healthier version so we won’t use flour.” He tried to keep up but was already failing miserably. When he cut up the carrots and potatoes and stirred them in the pot for a while, they put the water into it, and let it cook.
“Ok, now take out a plastic bowl from that cabinet and I’ll take out our ingredients.” She pointed to the cabinet and Loki complied. He never would’ve thought he would be taking orders from a Midgardian. He came back with a bowl and they put some eggs, flour, milk, and sugar into it. She handed him the whisk and he looked at her confused.
“Stir it I will be right back.” She went into a cabinet to take out some sunflower oil and a pan and put it on the stove to heat it up.
“You want to flip them?” she asked and he shook his head yes.
“I will flip the first one because it’s always messed up, no matter what you do.” She informed him and he looked very interested in all of the new information about cooking. She showed him how to flip pancakes and when to flip them and she went to check up on the soup.
She was washing the dishes from the cooking and their dinner when she heard a quiet snore. She went to look into her living room and she saw Loki and Nox sleeping on the armchair. She took a blanket and covered both of them with it and went back into the kitchen.
When she was done cleaning up, she put the newly cooked food into some containers and went to sleep in her bed. Before she did that, she checked up on Loki one more time and turned on a light on the other side of her living room in case he woke up and didn’t know where he was.
She woke up to the sound of quiet cursing. She rushed out of her bedroom to see Loki standing in the middle of the kitchen looking through cabinets.
“Good morning, what are you looking for?” she asked and he turned around looking alarmed.
“I was looking for some tea bags.” He informed her and she just shook her head and walked towards a shelf that contained her collection of tea.
”Here what kind do you want. I have fruit tea, green tea. Maybe black tea?” they both decided on black tea and went to sit in the living room.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” he asked and she just shrugged.
“My cat was sleeping on you. Didn’t want him to wake up.” She said casually and he looked at the cat, who was fast asleep on the window.
“I… I wanted to thank you.” He started nervously.
“You helped me so much and it was really nice of you.” She looked to the ground and replied.
“It was no big deal. Honestly.” Loki stood up, looked around, and (Y/N) could read from his expression it was time for him to go.
“I’m going to heat up the food and prepare it so you can go.” He nodded and they both walked into the kitchen. =====
When she prepared everything she put the boxes on top of each other and waited for him to come out of the bathroom. He came out, handed her the borrowed clothes, and looked at her.
“Thank you again. For your help.” She waved her hand.
“It was no big deal, really.”
“You know, maybe your planet isn’t so bad after all.” He confessed and she put a hand on his shoulder.
“If you want to come and visit earth you can always come here and sleep over.” He smiled and nodded. He walked out of her apartment onto the street, looked into her window, waved at her, and just like that, he was gone.
He always thought that nothing could change his mind about Midgard but, maybe he found a reason he will learn to like the planet.
She changed his mind.
so, thanks for reading my work, hope you enjoyed reading it. if you think I could improve something about my work, please share it with me. Also if you think I can make my writing more inclusive, please share that with me as well.
-Faye xxx
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
Not Alone
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Title Not Alone
Pairing Yoongi x OC
Summary University is kicking your ass so you always make sure to dedicate a day for yourself and take time to pamper your body and soul. However, you’re cautious around Yoongi your roommate and double-check the d-day to prevent accidents. You're not a fan of revealing any skin because of your insecurities but it’s just happening to be the day when you are - not so alone.
Genre university au, roommate au, romance and fluff, smut
Warning(s) smut (body worshipping, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, messy sex, first time, virgin reader, dirty talk, vanilla sex, yoongi has a virgin kink but not explicitly mentioned) implication of insecure reader, shy and curvy reader
Word count: 9k
This universe is related to my other fic I wrote recently ’one time boy space friend’ you can read that one here.
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Washing the excess shaving cream off of my hand I grab my phone I previously placed on the toilet’s folded lid lightly humming the outline of the song currently playing. The new playlist Yoongi recommended is full of bangers as always I have no doubt his fate was eventually to end up as a music major. I take a glance at my reflection when I was able to secure the new position for my phone on the laundry basket with the top slightly open reminding me that I need to do laundry if I want to have clothes to wear.
I take a glance at my reflection removing the fog that made the lines of my face blurry with a towel hanging next to the sink on a hook realising later that I used Yoongi’s looking back at the sheepish smile that greets me in the mirror I placed the fabric back hoping that Yoongi won’t mind.
An unknown rap song’s first beats suddenly interrupted by an incoming call that the familiar piano version of my favourite song signalled. I smile seeing the callers ID, placing the toner back to its dust-filled spot next to Yoongi’s shaving cream I make sure to use the right towel this time to dry my hands with before swiping right on the call.
”Hey, What’s the matter?” I answer it with a huge grin plastered on my face making my cheeks ride up into a chipmunk-like smile.
Our class was cancelled at the last minute so I wasn’t expecting a call from her she told me while we were waiting for the instructor to arrive that she has plans with his boyfriend Jimin. Only having calculus that day after an exchanged heated curses for our lazy professor for not e-mailing about the reschedule I happily took a sweet nap and made an easy breakfast I normally don’t have time to consume or even make in the morning I was able to get my relaxing time to start earlier so it meant more time for me since Yoongi supposedly took the afternoon shift.
This piece of information I remembered while chewing on my sandwich as I thanked the gods that I overheard his conversation about the shift change last night when I went to get my late-night snack but seeing the date expired on the comfort food I had to engage in a yoghurt instead.
”Y/N. Are you home?” She asked matching my good mood in the background I heard clinking noises of a pan she must be cooking. I insert my head through the large black t-shirt’s hole as I started to freeze standing here only in my undergarments the effect of the hot shower faded leaving me in the significantly colder bathroom.
”Of course. I started my pamper routine. I cannot tell you how good it feels to be hairless. If only my hair would grow this fast.” She chuckles hearing my banter the faint sounds of crepitation usually the hot oil makes overpowering her giggle for a few seconds. I remember the sandwich I ate this morning around ten-ish that did not prove to be enough. I get sidetracked with what should I make for lunch.
”Oh, so Yoongi is working?” Knowing about my only one rule regarding this d-day I like to call it is that no man should be around when I’m wearing this revealing clothing. He only saw me wearing jeans and yoga pants before these jelly-like legs cannot make a debut in front of eyes outside of mine.
”Yep.” I confirm. I take a look at the time I still have lots of time to relax before I should start that assignment I postponed.
I have everything planned out since Yoongi usually comes home from work in a grumpy state he likes to shower first and then he retreats into his room to do his assignments and sometimes he writes a song or the song even could be the assignment itself I honestly don’t know how’s everyday life as a music major. Yoongi is not exactly the talkative type.
My silent activity is helping his concentration and the best thing is that I have the apartment by myself to do what I please and leave the comfort of my room wearing what I please without worrying.
The best would be if I could rent out my own apartment but I know I wouldn’t be able to pay it by myself and the fact that Yoongi and I share the expenses of the bill makes things so much more easier.
”Why did you call though? I’m sure it’s not because you already miss me.” Tired of holding the phone up I place it back where it was before leaving the call on speakers so I can rub the cocoa scented lotion into the skin on my legs.
”Right. I almost forgot. Jin taught you that Mexican dish that I don’t know how to pronounce its name, right?” Her voice fades a little mid-sentence probably changed ears hearing the cooking noises seeping through the background she seemed very busy.
”What about it?” I question closing the lid of the lotion after I rub the remaining cream on my hand onto my neck so nothing goes to waste.
”I need the recipe.” She demands. I laugh how desperate she sounds through the phone. I make my way out of the bathroom I need my notebook since I didn’t memorise the dish I only made it once and as it was previously stated with the help of Jin.
”Hold on I don’t remember where I left the notes.” I arrive at the kitchen area placing the phone on the counter I begin rummaging through the drawers bending down to peek at the content of each. Spoons and forks. The second one where Yoongi placed the aprons and towels my notebook must be in the last one. ”So, what are the plans for today?” I ask while still searching for the black shiny cover of my notebook.
”Well, I wanted to cook something Italian since Jimin told me once he wanted to try it out but a crucial ingredient is missing so I thought about making that one you told me about a few weeks ago at Jin’s birthday party. After I’m finally done with this shit I’m going to sneak into his room to give him the blowjob of his life while he’s playing some shit games boys do and tell him lunch is ready.” The huge breath she took before starting the word vomiting makes me praise her lung capacity.
Finally. The book was under the aprons what a hassle. I straighten up turning the pages when I hear the front door opening and shut soon after. I turn to see the face of the intruder as I’m still standing in the middle of the kitchen with my hair evidently wet from the shower I took earlier only in my panties and a huge ass shirt to cover myself with.
Yoongi drops his coffee-stained shirt by the foot of the couch the angle is letting me see the living room area without a problem but he can’t clearly see the kitchen from there but my relief is not long-lasting as my friend decides to choose that moment to speak drawing Yoongi’s attention to where I’m standing.
”Y/N are you still there? Shit. I burnt my finger.” Grabbing the phone off the counter I switch off the speaker option and push the device against my ear.
”Yeah, um, I’ll send you the recipe via message. Good luck. Bye.” I aggressively push the red phone button at the bottom left side of the screen until the call ends. Hearing my voice Yoongi walks through the door separating the living room and the kitchen to halt his steps when he takes the image in.
It’s not one of those best times to ponder over how good looking he’s after finishing work and how he always smells like freshly brewed coffee which is not a surprise knowing the fact that he works at a coffee shop near our rented place.
He doesn’t wear the shirt uniform it must be the one he got rid of because of the stains today he wears a simple white t-shirt with washed-out blue jeans. Focusing on his face again I see that his eyes no longer studying my face instead his gaze dipped lower and I swear he's not so subtle about ogling at my exposed legs. My legs!
”You’re … early.” I talk first considering my options. A, I can still make a run for it but the damage is already done. He saw me. Or B, I can try to make small talk pretending that nothing is embarrassing at all just to later enter my room and dig a hole with all of my self-pity and scream into my pillow.
”Um, there was a shift change but I finished 2 hours early in return.” He explains this time his gaze was on my face the entire time no more strayed glimpses. Fuck. I should have paid attention to the whole conversation. ”Don’t you .. have class normally this time around?” He trails off a faint trace of blush appears on his porcelain skin. I use the notebook to hide my panty line that peeks out of the shirt.
”Class cancelled.” I’m horrified how my voice sounds so high pitched the embarrassment paints my cheeks bright red. ”Um, I have something to do in my room so I’ll be there.” I use the lame excuse to escape from Yoongi when I close the door behind me I close my eyes as well because of the extreme humiliation I had to go through.
My phone buzzes in hand I suddenly remember the recipe I promised. I write a quick message to her attaching the picture of the ingredients and notes to help her with the preparations. Now since I’m done with the responsibilities I can swim in my tears for the time being.
I can’t believe after months of caution fate decided to take away from me the deserved me time days. Yoongi is probably weirded out by me too I don’t know how to look him in the eye from now on and it’s a serious problem. For lords heaven, we live together! There’s no way I can avoid him without being obvious about it.
I mean maybe I’m just overreacting. It’s Yoongi we are talking about. He most of the time doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything he certainly won’t mention it and for obvious reasons I won’t either so I can just leave things like that. Just acting as usual like he didn’t saw my legs and my black underwear not to mention he is the very first one to see it I mean outside of my family of course. He’s a boy. No. A man. And he saw me underdressed like that.
It’s okay Y/N, let’s see the bright side at least he saw me when I was shaved. Well, that doesn’t help. Not at all.
”Shit. I’m hungry.”
I waited an hour and forty minutes to be exact despite the rumble of my stomach I sat down to start the book one of my friends lent me to read and I’m over a quarter of the pages when I decided enough is enough.
I waited long enough so he must be cooped up in his room slash studio for the rest of the day. But to be extra cautious I peeked out before fully leaving the safety of my room. I stop once I step into the corridor listening for any noises that might indicate Yoongi has indeed occupied his nest the soft sounds of the synthesizer helps me to relax I leisurely make my way then in the direction of the kitchen.
As I flip the switch the room is enveloped in light. My favourite mug is sitting on top of the counter even though I don’t remember leaving it there. I walk to take a closer look the mug is filled with coffee it’s in a light brown colour so it must a latte. It smells like latte indeed.
My favourite drink. There’s a note glued to the bottom of the mug it’s a messy handwriting and I don’t have to guess to know to whom this belongs to. How did he know my favourite coffee order?
”Sorry for startling you earlier. - myg”
The simple worded note even had his initials at the end. Realising that I never tried out his coffee made me curious about the taste. He works as a barista so It cannot be bad. I’m always late for class so I never had the chance before going into the shop when he’s on duty and order a drink from him.
Most of the time I’m saving on it and just use the shared coffee machine. Don’t blame me I’m just a broke university student.
But if I drink this I won’t be able to sleep it’s pretty late. Fuck it. I’m going to drink it. Not that the unholy time for coffee consumption deterred me before and picked up on some of Yoongi’s personal characteristics I think I can confidently say he doesn’t care either.
I bite into my lip while carefully straightening the lines out on the sticky note. After I was convinced the note won’t come off of his door I leave to go to bed.
”Thanks for the coffee. I liked it. – Y/N.”
”Can you guys stop shovelling food into your mouths for a millisecond. I’m serious!” Hitting the table for further emphasis.
Rori and F/N digging through a pile of food before our morning class is something I got used to first as I befriended them and it doesn’t bother me any other time but I wanted some serious advice for once and they don’t even stop digging to say well that’s was awkward. Or shit that sucks.
Not that I don’t know that without them telling me. I appreciated the note and the subtle apology he didn’t phrase it like hey dummy I’m sorry for seeing your sausage legs my bad. Also, it would be unlikely, too wordy for him he’s tight-lipped even in messages. I don’t remember he ever told me like a two full sentence in one go.
”Serious for what Y/N? He saw your underwear and legs. Tell us if you display your boobs or something. Now, I would be interested.” Rolling my eyes at the sarcastic remark I steal one of her favourite apple pie sticks for good measures.
”Hey! I was going to eat that.” She pouts but I take another big bite out of it. It’s too sweet for my liking but everything for the even sweeter revenge. If there’s one thing I learned about these two throughout the years of knowing them is that they take their food very seriously. ”Look. We love you, that’s why I’m going to tell you this. It’s not a big deal.” She pats my cheek before picking up her fork again.
”So what happened F/N. Did you gave Jimin the blowjob of his life?” I used a quote mark at the end of the sentence just how she phrased it yesterday. Rori is more interested in that, of course, there’s nothing more important than sex.
”Let me say the food was cold once we were finished.” She chuckled bashfully. Do I have the right set of friends? Maybe I should be pickier about who I call as a friend.
”So he’s big?” Rori asked with a smirk and I almost spitted out the diet coke onto the dining table. We are in a fucking coffee shop for god damn good. Thankfully not the one Yoongi works for but I think he has morning class so he won’t be working either way.
”Please don’t go into details.” I plea and Rori presents me with a devilish grin while picking the chicken breasts out of my salad.
”It’s fine Y/N. I was a virgin too before Jimin. Your time will come, not that it’s a choice.” F/N tries to console me.
”It’s a choice just not mine.” I murmur it under my nose stabbing my salad with the fork before chewing on it without the meat it’s quite sour.
”Yeah. It’s because you and F/N are both have big sticks up your asses.” Used to her blunt remarks I’m not even hurt or surprised for that matter. The busy cafe drowns out the voices of their inappropriate talk at least.
”It’s not our fault that you fuck every man with a pulse.” F/N retorts back with a giggle satisfied with the remark we exchange high fives.
”How do you know it’s a requirement?” Rori lifts one of her brows making us do gagging motions.
”Ugh, That’s disgusting.” I abandon the food on my plate that was a bit too much and we are in the middle of breakfast.
”A person cannot even joke here? I wasn’t serious. Duh.” I should really search for those new friends.
”That’s something I can believe.” The insult wasn’t even spoken out too loud but she heard me all the same and it earned a kick under the table from Rori with his high heels, I returned the glare she sent my way.
”Oh, hi.” I step aside to let Yoongi enter, he furrows his brows in concentration if I wasn’t running late I would ponder over the fact how he measures my body by centimetres. I fidget with my earrings but without a mirror, it’s a difficult task to carry out.
”I thought we’re going to meet with the guys at 8.” Realising the motive behind his stare I nod furiously.
”Yeah. But Rori accepted that guy’s offer to taste wines and she’s afraid she’s going to be abducted so me and F/N will accompany her.” I tell him and he doesn’t seem pleased I wasn’t either at first but I hope he won’t do anything with three girls there.
”Be careful. Anyone else knows about this?” He asks with evident worry lacing his voice he steps closer helping to finally get that chape snap into place.
”Jimin knows and I think Jungkook knows too.” Once he’s done he restores the distance between the two of us. ”Also you know F/N she’s apt to be violent.” Yoongi nods.
”Fuck. I’m late.” I swear as I look at the time. With hurried steps, I pick up my boots and size up my keys ready to leave.
”See you later.” Hearing his voice calling out to me I look back smiling a little managing to whisper back a ’see you later’ of my own. I think this was the longest conversation I held with him so far, what a shame I couldn’t stay to talk more.
The wine tasting went better than I expected. That guy is filthy rich he gave us a little tour around the house before letting us each pick out 5 wines of our liking. We learned that he’s a sports major he’s a swimmer and he told us stories about his practises with the swimming team and talked awfully long about his wins and trophies. To be honest he seemed like a bit eccentric and pompous for me but Rori liked him.
We were late because our taxi on its way to the bar got into a little traffic jam. I got a text from Yoongi at the same time F/N got one from Jimin they were curious about where we are and how we are. We wrote back a short text that we’re almost there.
”So? Whose’s the guy?” Jin asked once we are seated down. F/N took her place next to Jimin and Rori beside her leaving me with the only option of sitting down next to Yoongi at the other side of the table.
Once I’m comfortably seated I look around the table I catch in the corner of my eye Namjoon and Jungkook taking shots. Yoongi grabs his alcoholic beverage before him from the table our shoulders brush against each other due to the motion. I bite the inside of my cheeks don’t want to fidget in place.  
”He’s a sports major.” Rori told Jin she told him about our little tour but she conveniently left out the offer about a threesome that I politely declined.
”Oh Y/N you remember that guy who wanted to get your phone number?” Scrunching my nose as the scene flashed before my eyes, of course, I remember. That was one of my most awkward moments and believe me when I say there’s a lot of option to choose from on my list and it’s still the worst. As far as I know, that guy was a sports major too and he was very persistent.
”Yes, what about him?” I nod. I try to shoo the pictures out of head but a forming blush creeping up my neck quicker than I realise.
”Well he’s here. And he’s coming this way.” F/N tells without looking my way her eyes trained behind my form probably to report back his every move. I physically have to hold myself back from whimpering and its not the good kind.
”Shit.” I bite my lower lip don’t want to make things more obvious I don’t turn around to confirm it.
”Oh. I remember. You gave him Rori’s number, don’t you?” Jungkook, you traitor. He was with me when it happened I was flustered enough that he asked Jungkook is my boyfriend or not that I didn’t want to expand my suffering so I gave him my friend's number. She told me if someone I don’t want tries to get into my pants and bothers me I can use her number as a bait knowing her even though my pants were not on the line I still did that. Well, she did more than that after.
”Then what’s the problem?” Jin asks so invested in our conversation that I want to smack him on the neck.
”I was sexting with him and we fucked.” She shrugs. That was what I tried to say. I really don’t want to face that guy.
I stand up with so much vehemency that I almost knock down a glass from the table it’s Yoongi’s empty glass at the bottom of it there’s a thin line of whiskey left. Yoongi grabs my thighs to stabilise me. Looking over his shoulder I saw that said guy indeed walking into this direction.
”Uh, please dance with me?” I grab Yoongi’s hand surprising him for a moment or two but lets me pull him up.
”You have a habit of running away, huh?” I look back to get a grip at the situation. I led Yoongi into the dance floor even though I don’t even know how to dance. He sees the panic settling in my face so he starts guiding me with his hand flat against my lower back. There’s a lot of bodies to avoid so Yoongi is extremely close.
”I don’t like confrontation.” I subtly hide behind his broad shoulders I can see it on him how he tries to stop himself from laughing. I like the sound of his laugh.
”I’m aware.” He purrs into my ear pulling me closer by a hand wrapped around my waist the sweet scent of his cologne hits me like a tone of bricks. I’m painfully aware how his body touches mine my breast pushed against his flat ribcage I can feel him inhaling and exhaling the used oxygen.
”Y-your hand Yoongi.” His hand is dangerously low on my back I’m sure he feels the curve of my ass under his fingers. The bar is dimly lit so my blush remains subtle in a certain extent seeing me blush so many times I wouldn’t be surprised if he would recognise it before it fully blooms on my face.
”What about it?” He clearly wants me to say it but there’s no way I’m going to bluntly say that his hand touches my ass. Rather die.
”What are you doing? Are you drunk?” I defensively ask answering the question with my own questions. He openly finds my antics amusing because this time he laughs. That gummy smile makes my knees weak for him he strengthens his hold on my waist like he knows it.
”My car is here. I’m as sober as I can be.” The hand I placed on his chest when he suddenly pulled me closer itched. He’s touching me and he’s sober. Heaving a sigh he replaces them around his neck I can’t relish in the feeling as his hand on my ass beyond doubt gone since he places it back soon after even lower. The grin he shows me makes me want to give him my fist instead of my virginity.
”Then why are you touching me?” My confidence wavered significantly as he lowered his head his lips closer than ever but instead of kissing me, he blows air into my ear riling me up with the gesture.
”This makes you uncomfortable?” I wanted to say yes, but the full truth would be it’s undeniably uncomfortable and exciting it makes my blood boil under my skin and it scares me how much I want him to touch me tossing aside my insecurities just to feel him like this. At least he knows his boundaries. I don’t know what would I do if his hand suddenly moved.
”No. I’m just embarrassed.” I nervously twist a hair at the nape of his neck didn’t realise the act just when I did it.
”You ran away because you were embarrassed yesterday too?” I stop toying with his hair once the words register in my head. Is he talking about the kitchen incident? And here I thought that there’s nothing more that could make the situation more awkward.
”Y-yes.” The confidence I felt before left me I shy away from his eyes the way he sized me up that day still vivid in my head.
”Why?” A perfect arch of his eyebrows indicating that he wants his answer this time and I am about to give him.
”Because you were staring at me.” I tell him oh so matter of factly. He practically beams at the offered answer the glint in his eyes telling me that’s the answer he seeks in the first place and he has his own set of words in return.
”Wanna know what I thought about while staring at you?” His eyes pinning me to my spot I wouldn’t dare to move away even if I wanted to he seemed determined to get under my skin and maybe under my clothes too.
”No.” I challenge drunk by the boldness maybe the gin tonic I consumed earlier and the wines finally appearing be to be the liquid courage I needed. Reading between the lines Yoongi tells me despite the answer.
”I imagined how you would look like wearing my shirt. It would cover you below your knees since you are tiny. Tell me you’re wearing one of those black panties I saw before?” I don’t answer but I let him pat my knee I can feel his warm palm under the fabric of my jeans he continues with more words even bolder than the first.
”I imagined how you would look like under me on my bed wrapping those long legs around my waist.” Affected by his words I mirror his hungry expression. He’s normally not a man of so many words and hearing him talk this much makes me feel special that he’s talking to me because he feels the need to let me know what’s plaguing his mind. I entertain the idea that maybe he wasn’t sure how to convey the message since I’m so shy he didn’t have a lot of opportunity cornering me before the kitchen incident. Perhaps it was the undo he needed.
”Tell me Y/N. Do you find me attractive?” His fingers stroke the flesh of my jaw he’s getting confident as I don’t push him away.
”You are attractive.” I tell him honestly and he grins but not in a malice kind of way his grin more like a boyish grin that boys wear after hearing that their high school crush likes them back. The happy kind of grin.
”Have you thought about me too? Like I did.” The next question hits differently it’s not so innocent and I wasn’t in the illusion he is.
”Yes.” Holding onto the boldness I agree.
”Tell me.” He urges. He’s sober I remember. Avoiding his stare I let my shyness getting to the best of me he brushes a strand of hair behind my ears coaxing out the reply. It feels nice to be touched by him.
”It’s embarrassing.”
”I told you mine. You have to tell me your fantasies so I can make them come true.” He trails a finger following the line of my collarbone my outfit leaves literally everything to the imagination the only skin he can feel is on my arms.
”You’re unfair.” I whine the words out Yoongi stops his movements to see the emotions behind my eyes. He seems confused by my conflicted expression. His eyes were always expressive and I loved staring at them. Those rare moments shared, eating together at the weekends letting me hear one of his song he proudly introduces.
”How so?”
I take a deep breath cupping his cheeks. ”You look good with dyed hair but I prefer it black. You look the best when you come home from work all sweaty because the air conditioner still not gotten repaired in your workplace so you always take a shower before doing anything else.” There’s glint catching the light in his orbs watching me closely while I tell him the things I locked away in my memories. He caresses my wrist with a raised hand the other directly resting upon mine as it's his face still trapped between the heels of my palms.
”I like your voice.” I let the words flow out like a river caught up in a thunderstorm. ”I always wanted to know how it would sound like moaning my name. I like your hands too.”
”What about them?” A big smile stretches his face knowing too well he won. I don’t feel the frustration of losing I’d gladly accept this fate again and again if it will give me the same results at the end of this.
”Yoongi.” I whine.
”Did you imagined this? Or this?” His hands leaving their position fondling the flesh on my hip hiding me behind his body he walks a hand up my decolletage.
”Stop, we are in public.” I hiss.
”No one pays attention Y/N. But I’ll gladly take this to the bedroom.” The offer temps me but I remember the boys.
”We can’t. You are the only sober one and the guys need their ride home.” I reason and Yoongi groans in frustration. He forgot about them already. He looks at the booth the others are drinking and laughing.
”If I tell Namjoon to stop drinking he would be sober enough to drive them back.”
I shake my head it would be too dangerous and considering he competed with Jungkook about who can take more shots I bet he’s drunk like a donkey alongside with the younger boy. ”I’m drunk too.” I tell him when he tries to come up with more solution.
”Fine.” Yoongi hugs me close probably to hide his displeased face doesn’t want to sound so desperate maybe he’s embarrassed.
”Don’t be like that. I promise if in the morning when I sobered up you still want to do it I’ll let you.”
He perks up gently pushing me away to look into my eyes. ”Let me do what?”
”Let you take me.”
I feel something warm tickling my sides a sudden wave of cold air hits my stomach but the cold soon replaced with a warm and wet feel against my skin. My eyes narrowly open I try to fidget away wrapping my fingers around the comforter when I feel that wet and warm feeling on my thighs.
Hands and tongue. The fog in front of my eyes clears I don’t remember when did I fell asleep or how did I end up here. Where am I? I spot the synthesizer in the corner Yoongi’s synthesizer. Yoongi’s room.
”Yoongi, what .. ah” My voice raspy from sleep the way he rubbed his nose into my neck just to deliver a long kiss to it after halted my question before I was able to voice it out.
”Did I wake you up. My bad.” He smiled into my skin loving the way my heart beats erratically with his every touch, his hand above my breast feeling the movements of it.
”You don’t sound so sorry about it.”
”Do you have a headache?” He caresses the side of my face helping to curl the locks behind my ear that interfered with my vision. The thoughtful gesture made me smile up at his face mirroring his expression of tenderness.
”No I’m good. I didn’t drink that much.” My fingers itch to touch his face maybe it’s because of the dreamy state I’m currently in that I have the confidence in doing so. I brush my hands through his bangs his eyes closing the caress urges a smile he grabs my hands once I’m about to pull away to move it against his mouth giving a small kiss onto my palm before intertwining them with his much larger ones.
I could get used to this. The image of him looking so raw and so vulnerable his eyes puffy with sleep lazy motions of his fingertip exploring my body under the duvet. My shirt is rolled up just below my breasts the shirt’s neck hangs around my shoulder in a loose coverage it smells like Yoongi just like the covers. Looking down I realise it’s not my shirt. It’s his.
”Glad to hear that. I want you to repeat your promise to me.” Yoongi burrows his face into my neck again his hair brushing against my bare skin the hand that’s not holding mine drops under the covers finding my hip guiding me to drape my right leg over his waist facing each other sideways.
”Promise? Can you be more specific?” I boldly move my hand caressing with feather-light touches his side I can feel his bare torso and hips under my fingers he shivers and not because of the cold. He’s shivering because I touched him and he’s not wearing a shirt. The thought crosses my mind that the shirt I’m wearing is the one he did wear the whole day but not now. Every other day I would be embarrassed but I quite liked the idea of wearing his clothes in his bed.
”A tease I see.” He recovered quicker than I would like he gave a quick peck onto my shoulder where his shirt didn’t cover that much skin. He cupped my breast above the fabric of my bra the sudden feel of him squeezing me there I whined a little bit too loudly. I pulled my hand away shielding my face due to embarrassment.
”Yoongi.” I shyly call his name. He let his hand stay there but he remained motionless giving my hands each a kiss just where my eyes would be if I didn’t hide behind my limbs. His hand felt warm against me where my bra wasn’t covering his two fingers rested directly on the skin of my breast.
”Do I have your consent baby?” I gulp my shy personality says no but my body says yes for me.
”You can have anything.” I place my palm against his that lays on my body my eyes still closed but I don’t shield my face anymore. The words came out as whispers even though I wanted him to hear me say it. I wanted him to go on.
”Love. Answer me.” I open my eyes again when I feel his hand leave my boobs to cup my face with it instead.
”You can have me. You can fuck me. Did it answer your question or should I be more specific?” I wet my lips poking my tongue against the inside of my cheeks trying to calm down the rapid movement of my heart my hands shook as I grip his hair moving my mouth against his to not just say but show my consent. I want this. I want him.
”No. I think it was explicit enough, I like seeing you blush.” Hearing him say that makes me blush harder and he gifts me with a gummy smile basking in the responsive reactions. I would be more embarrassed if I wouldn’t feel the sticky substance dampening my underwear.
”Do you have something in mind? A preference? Or can I surprise you.” The way he explicitly asks about my sexual preferences makes him appear hotter a new wave of arousal hits me making me grind my thighs together forgetting that Yoongi’s leg is between them. I know he felt the wetness but doesn’t comment on it he instead pushes his knees further up parting my legs.
”You d-decide.” I moan when his knee brushes against my crotch. He hummed delighted by my answer. Placing back his hand once more squeezing my breasts before undoing the clasps behind my back. He slowly lets the material fall he strictly looks into my eyes not wandering downwards seeking out my every reaction. I gave him a little nod he takes it as the permission he needed he moves the cover so he can take a look.
”So pretty.” He sighs into my skin he turns my body to be flat against the bed the cold sheets meeting with my back goosebumps travelling up my spine. ”So soft.” He mumbles the endless of praises dragging his fingers over a nipple before licking it with his tongue a choked moan leaves my parted lips his hair gently caressing the skin. He circles the nipple with his poked out tongue kneading the other neglected one with his free hand. Mewls and sighs, in turn, filling the room trying to keep my voice quiet but it’s hard since the only thing I can concentrate on is his mouth on me and his hands those long fingers as he drags them down on my body a finger slides under the waistband of my panty he stretches the material out before letting it snap back into place. The uncomfortable feeling of it sticking to my folds gets frustrating by every passing minute.
”You smell good.” His raspy voice helps me return from my sudden astonishment I scrape his scalp with my long nails as I weave my fingers through his hair he lets out a low growl my skin covering up the noise the vibration he sends up my body by it makes me tighten my legs around his waist my underwear covered cunt pressed against his firm chest forces a not so silent whine out.
”It’s m-my lotion.” I reply absentmindedly. He hums into my collarbone not sure my answer registered truly in his brain I feel him taking a big inhale before pulling away he pushes himself up with the help of his hands planted beside my head looking with heavily lidded eyes taking in my hazed eyes and swollen lips before connecting our mouths. I almost forgot how good of a kisser Yoongi is.  
The light touch against my inner thigh makes my hip jolt up in surprise Yoongi’s eager mouth swallows all the sounds and whimpers. ”Relax.” He purrs aiming for my hips soothing circles into my skin. I take a few deep breaths Yoongi waits patiently for me to calm down a little the way his eyes sizing me up like I’m some kind of goddess eases some of my nerves. Once he’s positive I’m not going to run away he lets his palm touch me the barrier that’s my underwear stays in place as he drags his fingers directly onto my heat. I feel it throb under his ministrations having confidence after a few moans I let out he gets bolder using more pressure to dip between my folds the underwear’s silky touch lets him move smoothly. ”Can I feel it? I want to make sure you’re wet enough before I do anything else.” Nodding even before the question was fully out I anticipate a laugh or something to tease me about my eagerness. I don’t think I wanted someone this bad before to touch me. But he doesn’t laugh he seems as eager as I feel. He slides a finger under the damp material but he retreats too soon. ”Please, can I take it off?” To persuade me further if his plea wasn’t enough he rubs his fingers where my clit is over my panty. The plea was enough but I’m not complaining. I manage to signal him with a breathy yes. Don’t have to tell him twice he slides the ruined material down my legs his big warm hands gripping my inner thighs preventing my legs from closing before he can take a look.
”Look at that. So pink and swollen for me.” Previously he was careful with every move waiting for approval before doing anything bold but like he’s lost all the continence in him Yoongi drags two fingers up my folds coating his fingers with my arousal letting just the tip of his fingers penetrating just to pull back. I let out the loudest moan blushing as I realise just how loud I sounded but Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind, not at all. He wanted to coax more of those sounds as he bent down parting the lips with his tongue letting out his own moans while tasting me and if it’s even possible at this point I feel more turned on than ever.
”Warm too. Sorry, my love, my hands are a little cold but I hope you don’t mind.” He finally slips a finger in my eyes slightly open he watches me with a grin loving the way I squirm wanting it chuckles deep and I don’t mind at all. The stretch his one digit means feels familiar reminding me when I was chasing relief on my own but his fingers are so so much better longer and thicker. I can’t wait to feel the second one.
”I want to make you cum on my tongue.” Delivering a kittenish lick sucking on my clit for the demonstration before he goes on. ”Just to bring you another orgasm with my fingers.” Yoongi curls the one finger in me rubbing it into my throbbing walls ”Lastly let you cum around my cock.” He throws his head back moaning sinfully just thinking he’s about to make everything he said come true. ”You deserve at least three orgasms but I shouldn’t be greedy your virgin cunt can’t handle three.” He eases another finger in this time the stretch is a bit more uncomfortable.
”Let’s start with two.” He says settled with the idea he places a wet kiss onto my hip before finding my abused clit again sucking and rolling it around his tongue my walls contacts around his two digits I feel the sticky substance coating my inner thighs and dripping onto the sheets the mess, the way Yoongi’s hair tickle my thighs, the way he moves his fingers inside me, the pleasure gets overwhelming something starts to build up promising a relief I never had the chance of feeling before.
”Yoongi fuck, Yoongi” His name spills from my mouth and it seems to encourage him to be faster.
”It’s fine.” He tells before sucking harshly on my clit. ”Cum for me.” The proud grin he forms still buried between my legs and the vibration of his hum makes my legs shake I let my head fall back into the pillows closing my eyes until I see literal stars.
He stops lapping my juices once I’m finished the proud smile still plastered on his face licking his lips capturing the remaining of my pleasure. He looks so hot. I never knew I’m capable of coming this hard.
”Good?” Placing a kiss onto my nose he caresses my arms I didn’t realise I was grabbing onto the sheets this tight I let Yoongi place my hands onto his shoulder blades he moves to get between my legs once more.
Instead of answering, I can’t help but impatiently point out. ”You’re still wearing clothes.” I grab his hips pulling on his sweatpants playfully.
”Wanna take it off?” He asks smirking. I roll my eyes at his cockiness not that he’s all talk when it comes to his skills but he has more ego than he can manage and I’m not going to increase it for him.
”So what? Don’t tell me you are not eager even more than me to bury your dick into my virgin pussy.” His eyes grow bigger for a split second before it regains its original state, so he can be startled too. I’m surprised by my boldness, but god, it’s worth it seeing him so fucked up by those words.
”You’re playing a dangerous game Y/N. I need my self-control right now.” Something shifted in his eyes he looks like he’s about to devour me. Yoongi shifts onto his knees to get rid of the final barriers between us. I close my eyes my shyness returns too soon but Yoongi doesn’t mind it I open my eyes again as he positions myself above me placing a firm kiss onto my lips he senses I’m anxious.
”Do you trust me?” Seeing the open vulnerability in his shiny orbs, not entirely clouded by lust makes my head swim with a lot of suppressed emotion. I feel the urge to smile lifting my head from the pillows beneath me I give him a peck.
”Of course I am.” I kinda like you. I bite into my lips before the next sentence could slip through we’ll talk about this another time. Right, the only thing I want to focus on is Yoongi. Only Yoongi. His tip brushes against my stomach, shit, I haven’t seen how big he is. His lip pressed to mine swallows the tiny moan leaving my lips as he pushes the first inch inside parting my walls in a painful stretch. Fuck. He’s big.
”Tight.” Yoongi moans, more in pleasure than I am currently in but it’s ok. He made me cum I want to see him cum too. ”Relax for me angel I won’t hurt you I promise.” Relishing in the way he caresses my side I try to relax my body he pushes another inch in slowly his tip must be fully buried by now.
”That’s right. You’re doing so well.” He praises his eyebrows knit together in concentration he’s holding himself back because of me. Touched by the gesture I move my hip to meet his advances he slips in deeper than he intended his groan significantly louder by the sudden pleasure.
”Does it hurt?” He pulls himself together to keep the eye contact he caresses the skin under my eye I nod before answering.
”A little.”
”Let’s try a few more thrusts if it still hurts after that I’ll stop and eat you out again. Shit. Maybe I should have made you cum again for the extra lubrication.” Yoongi regretfully gazes at my face.
”It’s fine. Just go slow.” I say the burning is bearable I’m getting used to the feeling slowly but not sure if I can cum again.
”My baby is so tight.” I’m definitely a sucker for those pet names. It helps me focus on his words instead of his slow thrusts. ”I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. Feeling you wrapped around me a dream come true.” I experimentally squeeze around him and he lets out a loud moan his head nestled into my neck groaning and moaning between filthy words his pace got quicker but I don’t stop him even though it’s not feeling as good as him eating me out. I want to please him though and by the sounds, he seems very pleased.
”Are you alright?” He stops after hearing a louder whiny moan on my part but I don’t let him I circle my hips in place dragging out moans from him but he forces himself to reset his previous slower pace. I’m not having any of it. I want him to cum and want it soon.
”Yoongi” I whine out his name an idea foggily forming at the back of my head. ”Yoongi, I wanna ride you.”
”Are y-you sure?” He stills inside of me waiting for the confirmation and I nod inviting him into a kiss that turns slopy by time. I feel his hands grabbing at my waist to change position this way he sinks in deeper.
Holy shit it feels so much better.
”Fuck. Do you like this?” He grips my hips dragging his cock touching every sensitive part in me as my walls swallow his shaft he pulls me up just to let me sink down with a needy moan I’m starting to feel the appeal.
”Yes. I-ah-think.” I can almost picture the way my eyes roll back behind my skull right now. What was I saying? ”Go faster.” I choke out and Yoongi with a following set of groans obligates I’m too far gone to pay attention to how Yoongi watches with hungry eyes that I ruin the bedsheets.
”I like that you are so messy.” He places a stray hair behind my ears our chests pressed together so he can thrust up faster and harder. Yoongi holds me in place taking control the way his eyes shuts involuntarily and his member twitching inside of me signals that he’s close.
He’s breathtakingly beautiful as he reaches his high he’s so lost in the pleasure my walls provide so tight around him that he doesn’t have the mind to kiss me back so I just press them together for a minute longer. My legs ache because of the exercise but I let him use me to ride out his high the pretty sounds and satisfied look he gives me once seated firmly inside me with our mixed cum spilling out he looks down where our body connects rubbing the skin of my hip lovingly while watching me ruin his sheets. He likes that I’m messy.
”I hope you like me back because I don’t think I could fuck anyone else from now on.” I end up in a pit of laughter leaning my head on his shoulder he feels my body shake with the motion Yoongi whines in overstimulation when I accidentally squeeze his spent member. I peck the skin where my head previously rested before searching for Yoongi’s eyes.
”I do like you back.” I admit it shyly even though there’s nothing to be shy about his dick is still inside for fuck’s sake.
”Glad to hear that.” His grin returns faster than the speed of light. ”I thought I fucked your brains out when you suddenly started laughing. I was concerned for a minute.” I try to hit his shoulder but he’s faster grabbing my hand by the wrist and gives the flesh an attentive kiss the gesture is sweet and melts my heart.
”How are you feeling?” It’s cute how he seeks my reassurance. He lets me move away careful when pulling out so I can finally take the previous position lying down.
”Hm, sore but good. I just need .. some time. I don’t think I can stand up just yet.” I offer my honest reply burying my nose into the duvet that got tossed aside. He leaves the room making me confused but once he’s back with a towel in hand I pierce two and two together. It’s his towel. The thought is enough to make me blush furiously.
”Spread your legs for me.” I take the request as an order shyly spreading my legs so he can clean me up. ”There. All cleaned up.” The bed squeaks under the weight of his one knee pushing me further into the sheets. Yoongi bows down to kiss me his tongue teases my lips as we kiss asking for permission that I eagerly permit.
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
prompt request: JMart angst/hurt/comfort "you're not broken" + "i love you, no matter what your brain tells you"
Hey there friend! As requested, here is your prompt. I made it into a sort of season one/two au where Jon and Martin have already been dating. Hope you like! It can be a stand alone piece, but it is also the second in a series, the first of which is here: The Art of Conversation
“I was thinking…”
“As you do.”
Jon fixed Martin with a scowl. “Perhaps we could- that is, if you want-wouldyouliketospendthenightatmine?” 
“You’ll have to try again, love. Didn’t quite catch that.”
Jon sighed in the face of Martin’s open fondness as they strolled down the street, making their way back from lunch. Martin brought a happiness to his life that he never thought possible- a companionship built on mutual respect and love. He enjoyed every night he spent in Martin’s cozy flat, curled up on the couch drinking tea and talking about everything and nothing at all. That’s not to say they didn’t have their troubles- Martin was rather inexperienced with intimate relationships, and Jon didn’t have the greatest track record when it came to communication. But Martin held his hand the night he stuttered out his asexuality, patient and loving and kind. Jon wasn’t ashamed of who he was, never had been- but he knew that for others it was considered a deal breaker. He’d heard stories. But Martin nodded, thanked him for trusting him with his boundaries, and let him curl back into his side, as if it changed nothing.
If he could handle that, than why, for fuck’s sake, was he so worried about having Martin over?
His flat wasn’t that bad. In actuality, it was quite a bit bigger than Martin’s. He wasn’t dirty, he usually kept up with chores, kept it relatively tidy.
But there was something so intimate about it- there was a reason he never hosted any events. Martin saw glimpses of it when he picked him up for things, but he’d never actually been inside. It was just so...barren. Void of anything Jon-like. Sure, it housed his possessions, his favorite books, his grandmother’s salvageable furniture. But it was a peek into his mind that he didn’t like others seeing. What if the way he lived was wrong? What if he didn’t have the right things? Like the little things that Martin had- a proper strainer for loose-leaf tea, little jars of spices for cooking, a towel-rack instead of a plastic hook on the wall. A nice bed frame and headboard, a worn but cozy duvet. In comparison, Jon lived like a freshly-graduated college student. He should have his shit together by now, right?
But every time he thought of making it a bit more homey and lived-in, his mind blanked. Where were the lists of all the things you need to make a home yours? What would look best on the walls? And what if he bought all of those things and it just looked awkward, like puzzle pieces forced in the wrong place? So he kept his mismatched furniture and odd little piles of books. It’s easier to stick with what you know.
But it was about time he had Martin over- the man had accepted him in every possible way, this couldn’t be the thing that would make or break their relationship. That didn’t make it any easier, though.
“Would you like,” he started again, taking a deeper breath. “To spend the night at mine on Saturday?” That would give him enough time to prepare, it was only Wednesday. “I could- I dunno, fix dinner, we could watch that movie you wanted to see? Or whatever, really. I don’t mind.”
Martin beamed a bright, shining smile that always made Jon’s heart flutter when it was aimed his way. “I’d love that, Jon! I’ll bring over some wine, we’ll make a night of it.” His arm wound around Jon’s waist, bringing him closer. “Fix you an omelette in the morning.”
“With the green peppers?”
“Of course. Oh! We could go for a morning stroll; you’ve got that lovely park by your house, yeah?”
“Mhm.” It was nice seeing Martin so excited. His anxiety eased, though he still felt the need to qualify. “It’s- well, it’s not the nicest place, but I keep it clean and-”
“Jon,” Martin’s elbow nudged his side, and he bent down to give him a quick peck on the cheek. “Any place is nice if it’s got you in it.”
“Sap,” Jon rolled his eyes even as his face flushed red. 
He could probably do this. Right?
Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.
Jon was twitchy and nervous the rest of the week, his mind spiraling as he considered every situation, even the most ridiculous. Martin’s not going to care if your flat is ugly. Martin’s going to take one look inside and suggest going back to his. Martin will like your cooking. It’s perfectly serviceable. Martin’s going to spit it out and-
“You alright there, boss?”
Jon jumped at the sound of Tim’s voice, almost dropping the mug he’d been preparing to wash. “Christ, Tim! Announce yourself next time, please.”
“That was me announcing myself,” he hopped up on the counter, giving him an easy smile. “What’s going on? You’ve been in your head all week.”
“I have not.”
“You asked me about the Ling statement twice today. It’s Friday. I finished researching it on Monday.”
Well then.
Jon sighed, putting the mug in the sink and turning to face Tim’s friendly concern. “It’s- hm. I’m having Martin at mine tomorrow, and- well, I’m a bit nervous.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.” Jon dodged the condescending pat to the back. “Seriously, that’s adorable. What’s there to be nervous about? You’ve been dating for three months, and pining for much more besides that.”
Jon’s hands gripped the counter with a renewed force. “I just want everything to be okay. I want him to think I’m a fully-functional human being, not someone who panics over having his boyfriend over. We’re always at his place, he’s always cooking for me. He deserves- he deserves everything.”
Tim hopped off the counter, face suddenly serious. “Jon, you’re quite literally Martin’s everything. It’s sickening with you two, honestly. You’ll be fine.” He threw an arm around his shoulder and Jon allowed it, just this once. “Now, what’re you cooking?”
“Well, there’s this pasta dish he loves at the Italian place on Third,” Jon began, his hands fidgeting nervously. “But it’s a bit...difficult to cook. I found a few recipes and I think I can recreate it, it’s just going to take some time and I’ve never worked with some of the ingredients and I might not have the right dishes for it and I don’t want to just substitute things-”
Tim cut off his rant. “That all sounds really lovely, but why don’t you just stick with something you know? That penne you brought to Sasha’s potluck last year- now that was good. And Martin liked it, right?”
“Well, yes,” Jon bristled. “But you think I can’t do it? It’s just a recipe, I should be able to follow basic instructions, I’m not stupid-”
“I didn’t say that, Jon,” Tim grabbed his shoulders and steered him into a seat. “I just think if you’re already this nervous about having him over, maybe you should minimize the stress, yeah? Lighten the load.”
“I can’t,” Jon argued. “I already bought all of the ingredients- I can’t just let them go to waste. I can do this.”
“Well, that’s the spirit!” Tim put a hand on his shoulder as Jon slumped over, leaning into the table. “Look, it’ll go over fine. Stop worrying. Martin will love whatever you make because you made it, alright? And if you need help, just give me a call. I’m not so bad in the kitchen myself, y’know.”
“Tim, you once set the toaster oven on fire because you left a cheese toastie in there for two hours.”
“Fuck’s sake, you set an oven on fire one time and no one lets you forget it-” 
The day arrives without much fanfare, besides a text from both Sasha and Tim declaring that “he had this!” and to “relax, it’ll go great!” Tim wasn’t very good at keeping secrets.
And of course, a text from Martin.
Looking forward to tonight :) Love you!
He straightens up his apartment and then un-straightens it when it looks too clean. He moves furniture to make it more centered, he studies the recipe a couple more times so when four o’clock hits he’ll be ready to start cooking. It’ll be on the table by six, right when Martin’s supposed to arrive. And everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.
But his books look wrong today. Messy, ugly, no sort of order. There are little piles and big piles. Even the ones on the bookshelf look bad somehow. He’s got authors and genres all mixed up. It looks stupid, laughable. Jon’s got to fix this.
He starts unloading them one by one, first in alphabetical order then later by genre, because that makes more sense, right? He switches them back to alphabetical after much consideration- that’s the easier one, of course. But then he gets online, sees all of these nice color-coded displays and wouldn’t that look nice on his bookshelf? He grabs the older, leather-bound books he keeps in his bedroom and brings them out to the sitting area. Now these should be displayed, these look nice. But then there’s no room left over and he’s surrounded by paperbacks he couldn’t find room for and Christ the place is a mess-
And then the doorbell rings.
Fuck. Fuck!
Of course Martin would get here early. Martin always shows up at least fifteen minutes early, but two hours is kind of pushing it. Maybe he wanted to surprise Jon with something, Martin’s very kind like that. Jon opens the door, hands shaking.
Martin’s standing there, looking flustered and harried. “Sorry I’m late!” he begins, giving Jon a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug. Late? “The trains were running slow again and I practically sprinted down the street- hope I didn’t mess up your plans, love!”
Jon looks down at his phone, dumbfounded. It’s six thirty. 
It���s six thirty and there’s no dinner on the table. It’s six thirty and his living room’s a mess, books everywhere. It’s six thirty and Martin’s going to be so, so disappointed.
“Jon? Is everything alright?” He can barely make out Martin’s voice as his head swims; his arms wrap around his torso and dig into his body and all he can mumble is apologies.
“Sorry- I’m- fuck, I’m so stupid, I’m-”
“Hey, hey,” Martin’s voice immediately goes into that low, soothing tone that he uses whenever Jon’s upset. Whenever Jon makes everything about him when it should be about Martin for once. “None of that, now. Let’s go sit down, yeah?’ Martin immediately sets down his bag and his- oh God, he’s brought flowers and now Jon’s crying and everything’s wrong.
Martin’s steering him over to the couch with infinite care sits beside him, putting a hand on his knee and the other on his cheek, wiping his tears. It’s a gesture Jon loves but doesn’t deserve today. “It’s alright love, don’t cry. I’m here.”
“You’re- you’re here and I didn’t - I didn’t fix anything and nothing’s right, I’m so sorry-” Jon is well aware his words are barely intelligible, but that hardly matters now. Not five seconds in and he’s already ruined the night with his stupid, broken brain that just can’t fucking focus.
“You’re not broken, Jon,” He must have said the words aloud because now Martin’s got his face in his hands and is trying to make eye contact with him. “Don’t say that about yourself. You know it’s not true.”
“But it is,” Martin has to see that. What grown man can’t keep a schedule? What kind of adult loses three hours to a failed attempt at organizing books? Martin’s going to realize how messed up he is and he’s going to leave and Jon’s going to be alone again. “You- you deserve so much more than someone who can’t e-even make you dinner, can’t do one simple thing-”
“Jon, don’t- don’t say things like that. I know what I deserve, alright?” Martin pulls Jon to his chest and the pressure is good, stabilizing. “I love you, no matter what that brain of yours tells you. Okay?” He can only nod as the words bring on a fresh round of tears and he buries his face in Martin’s jumper.
It feels like hours before he calms down under Martin’s soothing hands and warm voice. He reluctantly pulls away to look the man in the eye. He deserves an apology that isn’t a breakdown. “I’m- I’m really sorry, though,” he sniffs, trying to keep his emotions in check. “It’s just- you’re always cooking for me and doing nice things and I wanted to pay you back.”
Martin’s brow furrows and Jon’s afraid he’s said the wrong words. “It’s not about paying me back, Jon. I cook for you because I want to, not because I have to. I like- well, it’s nice to finally have someone who appreciates it.”
Jon’s aware of Martin’s tempestuous relationship with his mother- he’s never brought Jon along on his visits, though he says that’s more to spare Jon than it is any judgment on their relationship. “She’s absolutely horrid sometimes, Jon. You don’t deserve that,” he said.
“Well, neither do you, Martin.” Jon never liked seeing Martin cry, though he insisted these were happy tears.
“You’ve got a lot of ingredients over there,” Martin murmurs, casting an appreciative eye over at the counter. “What were you planning on making?”
He pulls up the recipe on his phone, reluctantly handing it over to Martin. “I don’t think it would’ve turned out well, but I know how much you loved it when we-”
“When we went there on our first date,” Martin finishes. His eyes are watering- is he crying? “I’m sorry, it’s just- that’s so thoughtful, I think that might be the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
“Martin,” Jon says incredulously as he winds his arms around the man’s neck. “I didn’t even make it.”
“It’s the thought that counts, Jon!” His voice is nasally and tight. 
“Don’t- don’t cry Martin-”
“I can’t help it!”
“You’re going to make me cry again-” Martin chuckles at this and leans back on the couch, taking Jon with him in a mess of tears and laughter.  “What a pair we make.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, love. Maybe we can make it together, yeah? Bond n’ all that.”
“That sounds nice,” Jon’s response is muffled by Martin’s jumper. “Would require getting up, though.”
“We’ve got some time. This couch is heavenly- you’ve been holding out on me, Sims.”
Later that night, after a few mishaps but an all-around good dinner, he’s back on the couch and back in Martin’s arms. He runs his fingers through Jon’s hair, a touch that quiets his brain for the first time all week. 
As it turns out, the only thing his flat was missing was someone to share it with.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27354958
Next in Series:
My Dearest
The Weight of Love
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Until the End of the World - 7
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Until the End of the World: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  1571
Rating:  E
Warnings: pregnancy, light angst
Synopsis: Four years after Steve and Bucky got to the bottom of the HYDRA conspiracy that had led to you and your son being hunted for the first three years of his life, you, Bucky, and Steve have carved out a nice life together.  Things are calm and you feel like a family unit.  When Geo starts calling Bucky and Steve ‘dad’, a decision is made to try and add to your family.
Things aren’t as calm as they seem.  When your pregnancy hits the papers, HYDRA rears its head once again, and Steve and Bucky need to track you down to protect the family they had created.
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Chapter 7
The logistics of holding a dinner party for all the Avengers and their families was a little daunting and Bucky sat at the kitchen table looking at recipes that would work for such a large group of people, but would also cater to the different dietary restrictions people had.  Wanda was vegetarian for example and so either she’d need to be catered for specifically or everything would need to be vegetarian.  He considered the options for either scenario.  He also realized there was absolutely no way that everyone would be able to fit in their apartment, and he’d have to use the party deck and have it set up for a banquet.
As he scrolled through a list of suggested recipes for vegetarian dishes at a large dinner party and bookmarked the pages for spinach and ricotta Rotolo, chestnut, spinach and blue cheese en croûte, and onion, walnut and mushroom tarte tatin, the door to the apartment opened and you and Steve came in with Geo.  Geo threw his backpack on the ground and you picked it up and took out his lunchbox as the boy beelined for his tablet.
“Welcome home, Geo,” FRIDAY announced.
“Hey, FRIDAY,” he said.  “Did you have a nice day?”
“It’s been busy,” the AI replied.  “How about you?”
Bucky chuckled as FRIDAY and Geo had their usual post-school chat.  You went into the kitchen and washed out his lunch boxes as you let him settle in for the day and Steve came over to Bucky, looking over his shoulder at the computer screen and kissing him on the top of the head.  “Planning a menu?”  He asked.
Bucky nodded.  “Yeah.  There’s a lot of people to cook for.”
There was a break in the conversation between FRIDAY and Geo and Bucky looked over at the boy as he turned on his tablet.  “Hey G, not going to say hello to me?”
“Hey, dad,” Geo said, without looking up.
“Geo, can you put that down for a minute and come here,” Steve said.  “We’ve got something to tell you.”
Geo looked up at Steve with an expression of a boy who thinks he was in trouble and is trying to work out exactly which of his infractions had gotten him here.  He got up slowly and came over, looking from Steve to Bucky suspiciously.
“You can relax, Geo.  It’s not bad news,” Steve said.
“Then what is it?”  Geo asked.
You came out of the kitchen and took a seat at the table.  “So,” you said, rubbing his arm.  “It turns out, you’re going to be a big brother?”
“Really?”  He said, blinking at you.  “Is it going to be a brother or a sister?”
“It’s too early to say,” Steve said.  “But as soon as we know we’ll tell you.”
Geo looked at Steve and Bucky and frowned.
“What’s up, buddy?”  You asked.  “You can tell us anything.”
“It’s nothing,” he said.  “Can I go to my room?”
You looked at Bucky and Steve looked at each other confused.  “Sure, if that’s what you want,” Steve said.  “You don’t want to talk about it?”
Geo shook his head and pushed his chair away from the table and went to his room quietly.  Bucky looked at Steve and furrowed his brow.  “What was that about?”
“I don’t know,” Steve said.  “Maybe we should have talked to him about having another baby before we started trying.  I mean, it affects him too.”
You frowned and tapped your thumbs on the table.  “You don’t think he’s worried that you’re not going to love him as much do you?”
“Would he?  He was so young when we met him,” Steve said as Bucky felt himself shrinking down into the chair.  He’d never even considered that Geo might think something like that.  He wanted more kids because of how much he loved both you and Geo and he wanted more of that.  “I would have thought he’d just see it as another kid.  The way he took to Morgan so fast too.”
“Maybe we should go talk to him,” Bucky said.
“Okay, but if he doesn't want to talk, don't push him,” you said.  “Let him process and make sure he knows he can come to you when he's ready.”
Steve nodded and the two men got up, heading to Geo’s room.  Steve knocked lightly on the door, and when they heard Geo’s small voice saying come in, they let themselves in.
Geo was sitting in his closet with his tablet.  He wouldn't look up at Steve or Bucky, and while he wasn't crying, his eyes were rimmed in red.
“Geo,” Steve said gently, crouching down.  “You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but we just came in to check on you.  We -” He looked over at Bucky for help and Bucky let out a breath and took a seat on the ground, cross-legged next to the closet.
“Do you think when the baby comes we will forget about you?”  Bucky finished.
Geo scrunched up his face and turned away from them so he was facing the wall.  “You aren't really my dads.”
The words felt like a cold dagger to Bucky’s heart.  He knew Geo hadn’t meant them to hurt.  He was hurting and that was how the little boy thought Steve and Bucky saw him.  That didn't change the fact that it hurt that Geo felt like that at all.  Not after all this time.  He put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and rubbed it in soothing circles.  “Yes, we are.”
“Of course we are,” Steve agreed.  “Don't we do all the things dads do?”
Geo shrugged and didn't answer.
“We love you buddy.  The new baby isn't going to change that.  It will just mean you're gonna have a little brother or sister to look up to you,” Bucky said.
“What if you love them more?” Geo asked.
“Geo,” Steve said.  “I know that sometimes you can love one thing more than another thing.  I love painting more than reading.  You love FRIDAY more than you love the traffic lights.  But most of the time that's not how it works.  It's not like a bag of candy you can run out of.  A person has an endless amount of love to give and it's just different for different people or things.”
Bucky smiled and took Steve’s hand.  Steve always did have a way with words when he stopped for a moment to use them.  “Yeah, buddy,” Bucky agreed.  “You've got two dads right here.  Do you love one of us more than the other?”
Geo shook his head.
“That’s the same with us,” Steve said.  “I love your dad Bucky, and your mom, and you.  I love you all so much, it’s just different for each person.”
“And pal,” Bucky added.  “We wanted another kid because we love you so much.  We wanted more of that - not to replace you.  We’d never replace you.”
Geo turned around and practically flopped over both men, one arm holding each.  He started to sob and Steve rubbed his back.  “That’s alright.  You cry it out, bud.  We’ve got you and we’re not going anywhere,” Steve said.
“And when they get here, you’re going to have one more person in your life that loves you and you’ll know will always be there for you,” Bucky added.  “I had a little sister growing up.  She was one of my best friends.”
Geo looked up at Bucky.  “Really?”
“Yeah. She could be annoying sometimes, but we used to do so many things together,” Bucky said.  One of the hardest things Bucky had had to come to terms with when he’d broken free of his HYDRA programming was how many people he’d lost and never gotten to say goodbye to.  There were now people out there in the world that didn’t know who he was that he wished he knew.  His sister had had children and they had had children and they’d started having children too, and more likely than not, they didn’t even know who he was.
Geo seemed to sit and think things over for a moment.  “Okay.”
“We’re going to have dinner with everyone to tell them the news,”  Bucky said.  “You wanna help get ready for it?  You can help me decide what to cook and decorate the table.”
“When?”  Geo asked.
“Tomorrow, up on the party deck,” Bucky said.
“Okay,” Geo said.  “I’ll help.”
“Do you want to be the one to tell everyone?”  Steve asked.
Geo looked up at him with big eyes.  “Can I?”
“Sure,” Steve said, ruffling his hair.  “We’ll say ‘Geo has some news’, and then you can tell everyone.”
Geo got up excitedly.  “I’m gonna make table decorations,” he said before running to his craft box and digging around in it.
Steve looked at Bucky and chuckled.  “That seemed to do it,” Bucky said.
Steve nodded.  “Might need to make the extra effort to make sure he feels important.”
“We can do that,” Bucky said, getting up.
Steve nodded and went over to where Geo was pulling out things from his craft box and the two started to talk about what he had planned for the table decorations.  Bucky watched them for a moment before heading out, ruffling each of their hair as he went.  This whole parenting thing was tricky, but Bucky realized, he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Perfect (Happy Birthday Bree!!)
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 1500 words
Warning: None, this is just a load of fluff 
Author’s note: Happy birthday @jamespotterthefirst​, the most talented and amazing writer🎂🎂 Hope you have a great day and keep rocking babe❤
I have taken part in @wackydrabbles so the prompt will be in bold 
Title inspiration: Perfect by Ed Sheeran 
Forgive me if i make any mistakes 🥺
"Happy birthday, doctor!" A cheerful nurse greeted as Ethan stood at the nurses' station, signing charts at a break-neck speed.
"Hrm." He answered absent-mindedly, not even bothering to look up from the file and continued to look down at it as of it were the most interesting case but the fact is that Ethan did not care to celebrate his birthday.
But if Leah were to hear that, she would have him by his balls.
And Ethan wasn't one to go against a woman with a mission. She had said that they would do something in the evening and Ethan was low key looking forward to it, which is quite the growth from a year ago.
According to Ethan, birthdays were irrational. He couldn't figure out the entire hype to celebrate the day which is just a marker that you are one year closer to death. Sure it's a pessimistic way to see it but Ethan never promised to have a positive outlook on life.
No wonder Leah calls me the human equivalent of a robot.
The thought just whispered into his head which had him halting what he was doing and a small smile made its way on his lips.
Just her very name has his face splitting into a wide grin. Her very presence has this flux of endorphins in his system that he feels as if his heart is going to burst or a blush would sear through his cheeks.
She was his Kryptonite. Yes, Leah had taught him that reference when they watched that Super-boy movie.
Coming back to his birthday, Leah had wished him in the morning itself which comprises of affectionate kisses with a side of old man jokes.
Or you could say it was the other way around.
She then proceeded to give him a hand-knitted scarf which she made along with this gold plated bar set which he had been eyeing for a couple of months but never had the chance to buy it.
"I hope you like it?" She had asked in a tiny voice, watching his every expression.
"Leah, you are the best gift I could ever have. You didn't have to go all the way out for me."
And it was true. Leah just wishing him was the only thing that mattered to him. Nothing could compare to it. Just like the shine of glitters can't compare to the radiance of the sun. But Leah just pressed her lips in a soft kiss and said that he deserved the best of everything.
I am so lucky to have a partner like her.
He shut the file and submitted the last chart to the nurse. He lifted his left wrist to check the time and he noticed that there was only an hour of work left before he could head back to their home.
With a sudden burst of motivation, he turned down the hallway to visit his next patient.
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It would be an understatement to say that Leah was nervous.
The pressure of this entire evening being perfect weighed down on her like a pile of bricks. She paced in the living room, digging tracks from her walking back and forth so that she could work off the nervous energy settling into the pit of her stomach. The posh, classical music did nothing to calm her racing heart down.
Will he like it? The doubt filtered through her head which had her gulping and smoothening the little black dress which Ethan liked a lot.
Jenner whined, sensing her distress. She trotted towards the stressed intern and nuzzled against her leg, stopping Leah in her tracks.
"Hey, girl... Guess I'm just overthinking huh?" Leah ran her fingers through Jenner's silky ears and scratched behind her ears which earned her a happy bark.
The sound of the door unlocking had the duo looking up. Jenner cocked her head before running to greet her dad. His familiar baritone voice echoed through the hallway leading to the living room. Leah ran her eyes around the apartment, just running a final check to see if anything was out of sight.
She had lit candles all around the house and turned the lights down low, to set the relaxed ambience of the place.
But that wasn't the main event.
She had come home early so that she could cook an entire extravagant meal for him. From butter garlic shrimps and stir fry vegetables as appetizers to Pastelon which is Puerto Rican version of traditional Italian lasagna as the entrée. She had used her grandma's recipe which has been passed down for generations on her Father's side of the family. Last but not the least, she had baked him a coffee cake which was the only flavour he liked.
She had set the table out on the balcony because it was a wonderful weather and nothing beats a candlelit dinner under a starry night.
"Leah?" His voice called out and she turned to face him with an incandescent smile which beautifully complimented against the dancing shadows of the lit candles. She walked towards his open arms and embraced him.
Hugging Ethan was something she thoroughly enjoyed, The way this man was all hard and soft at the same time often blew her mind away. The way his arms would tighten around her waist and the way he would tuck her head under his chin was her personal heaven. His cologne mixed with his manly essence was intoxicating, which blanketed her senses, making her feel safe and at peace.
Placing a soft affectionate kiss on her forehead, they pulled back just enough to see each other's face.
"Hey yourself, E."
"So what is this surprise you have planned for me?"
Leah chuckled, her hands looping around his neck. Her fingers played with the short hairs on his nape as she looked at him adoringly. "Eager are we?"
"If it comes to you? Always." He pecked her lips.
"Good. Go get fresh and meet me at the balcony."
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Ethan and Leah were having fun.
They had popped open the champagne bottle which Ethan had stored for a special occasion and poured copious amounts into the sparkly glasses. And the food was amazing.
The way Ethan devoured the food and gave compliments every now and then made Leah smile with pride.
"Sunshine, you have to feed me more Puerto Rican dishes because this is delicious," Ethan said as he sipped on his champagne.
"I am not as good as my dad. He can make so many more yummy dishes than me. He actually hosts a cookout Sunday for the boys working at his security firm. I have only been to a few but they are super fun."
"You have already met my dad so I think it is about time I have to meet yours."
A rosiness settled on her cheeks as she smiled back at him. "Of course. I know he will like you."
Giving a smile which has his eyes glimmering like the stars, they went back to their meal. After a while, with their stomachs full and plates wiped clean, Leah rose from her seat. Ethan shot her a questioning look but she just kissed his cheek.
"I baked a cake for you. Just getting it out so that we can cut it, old man."
Ethan groaned as Leah chuckled. "I am not that old, okay? I'm a millennial!"
"Whatever you say, gramps."
She went indoors to take the cake out of the fridge, where she had placed it after icing it. A sudden thunder resounded throughout the penthouse, which had her raising her eyebrow.
Rain? But the weather forecast said it won't...
She placed the cake on the counter and headed out only to find Ethan standing there, with his eyes closed and enjoying the raindrops washing his face. The water seeped through his black shirt, making it cling to the hard planes of his chest. A small smile played on his lips.
"Ethan? Come in, you will fall sick." She said as she stood at the threshold. To be honest, there was a reservation in her voice because it had been so long since she has seen him so peaceful.
"No, I will be fine. Come, join me." His eyes smoldered as they fell on Leah and it felt as if she was hypnotized by his brilliant blue eyes.
She walked towards him and instantly Ethan settled his hands on her waist. Placing her hands on his chest they just swayed to a rhythm of their own.
"Are we really dancing without music?" She whispered as she looked up at him.
"What can I say sunshine... you make me want to dance even when the music stops."
The cool raindrops fell on her flushed face while Ethan smiled down at her gently.
"I hope you liked your birthday, Ethan."
She wrapped her arms around him and placed her face on his chest, this heartbeat lulling her into her own safe haven.
"I won't forget this. Ever. This was by far the best so thank you, Leah. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
I would have attached pictures but a bitch is lazy 😔✊
Taglist: Tagging separately because that seems so effective
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100 questions and answers
Who is your hero? Probably future me, i want to be able to grow up and be the better person that i hope they are, and the only way of knowing that is by making it happen.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? New Zealand, Canada or USA. I lived in TX for 3 months and loved it there and I have family in NZ and Canada.
What is your biggest fear? Wasps, 100%. Not being stung but the way they look scares me.
What is your favorite family vacation? When we went to Krakow in Poland.
What would you change about yourself if you could? My skin color. I hate it so much.
What really makes you angry? People hating others or stopping others from being themselves.
What motivates you to work hard? To make future me happier than I am now.
What is your favorite thing about your career? I want to be in cabin crew, so probably the traveling.
What is your biggest complaint about your job? Being away from family.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Getting through the shit 2020 brought me without killing myself.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment? No kids rn.
What is your favorite book to read? Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
What makes you laugh the most? My boyfriend.
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Freaks. I was a bad movie, a little like the scary movies franchise. My friend was scared at parts which was super funny to watch
What did you want to be when you were small? An actor. Typical Leo ;)
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? They can be anything they want to be.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Visit Edinburgh alone.
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? To watch, American Football. To play, archery.
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Drive a car, it's peaceful and warm. I would blast music.
What would you sing at Karaoke night? no idea.
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? Heart and Capital
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Dishes or vacuum.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Yard work!!!
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Tandoori Prawn curry.
Who is your favorite author? Jacqueline Wilson or JK Rowling (only her books, not her)
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Just Em. But id like to be called Millie.
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Depends on the surprise tbh, I like to plan a lot.
In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Watch a movie.
Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii. I was meant to go this year but covid and leaving the US fucked it up.
Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Work the perfect job, id get bored sitting around all day.
Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? my boyfriend.
If money was no object, what would you do all day? Travel and see the world.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 2012. To see my Nana again.
How would your friends describe you? Stupid.
What are your hobbies? Traveling, photography, music and shopping.
What is the best gift you have been given? Forgiveness from myself.
What is the worst gift you have received? Sixe XXL jacket when im an XS
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? My macbook.
List two pet peeves. - Breaking trust - Bad table manners
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully working my dream job, maybe moved to a different country and traveling the world.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? too many, roughly 16
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Invisibility or teleportation.
What would you do if you won the lottery? build my own house
What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) Train, its so relaxing. Then planes.
What's your favorite zoo animal? Lions or tigers.
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? My time in America.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? - My nana - my bf - Princess Diana - Obama
How many pillows do you sleep with? 4, two on each side.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? 26 hours, traveling to Texarkana from Edinburgh.
What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? Idk tbh
Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? looks for intelligence because then you can earn enough for plastic surgery.
How often do you buy clothes? 1/2 a month
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Idk I guess so.
What's your favorite holiday? Summer vacation Christmas for an actual holiday
What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Moved half way across the world and lived with strangers.
What was the last thing you recorded on TV? Nothing
What was the last book you read? 1984
What's your favorite type of foreign food? Indian
Are you a clean or messy person? Both, but relatively clean
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Millie Bobbie Brown probably
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 1 hour
What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Kettle
What's your favorite fast food chain? Chick fil A (i know, i cant buy it now tho)
What's your favorite family recipe? Nana's bacon and egg pie
Do you love or hate rollercoasters? LOVE
What's your favorite family tradition? Opening gifts on Christmas Eve
What is your favorite childhood memory? I dunno really, Ive forgotten a lot of my childhood.
What's your favorite movie? Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Beautiful Boy
How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? Probably 7/8 but I dont remember.
Is your glass half full or half empty? Half empty.
What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? Said i'd come back one day.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? A boat and food. Yes i am that person.
What was your favorite subject in school? Scottish school, geography. US school, government.
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Haggis
Do you collect anything? Foreign coins
Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? Skinny jeans, my ass looks gooood in them
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert that likes being sociable
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? hearing
Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) nope
Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? my dad is well know in the whisky business. Has his own prime tv show
What do you do to keep fit? Walk a lot and swim.
Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken? nope
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? everyone is equal.
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? Scottish School, my geo teacher. US school, my english teacher.
What three things do you think of the most each day? My bf, my mum and America
If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Sad, angry and anxious
What song would you say best sums you up? 17 again
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Timothee Chalamet or Tom Holland
Who was your first crush? a boy called Finlay who i rode the bus with
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? sheep or cows very often
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 5
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? kids, married, settled down and happy. moved countries 100%
What was your first job? never had one
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? 5sos
How many languages do you speak? 1 - english
What is your favorite family holiday tradition? opening gifts on Christmas Eve
Who is the most intelligent person you know? my mum
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? a cat probably or a tiger
What is one thing you will never do again? trust people fully
Who knows you the best? my bf.
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settersprouts · 3 years
꠵ look at me : chapter six ꠵
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"Oomph." Oikawa sighed, inhaling the crisp, freshly washed scent of the plain grey bedsheets that covered Iwaizumi's mattress. He grabbed a fistful of the fabric, just breathing in the fumes. He heard the faint pitter patter of rain splashing the windows. The sun had long since hidden behind the clouds, no longer illuminating the planet, instead casting a greyish hue over Japan. It cast sort of a miserable feeling; Iwaizumi and Oikawa were planning on hanging out with Matsukawa and Hanamaki after watching the matches, but the plans were cancelled due to the shitty weather. "Shit. Shit. Shit, shit, shit." Oikawa grumbled, grabbing one of Iwaizumi's pillows and screaming into it. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!"
"That's, what, your ninety-seventh shit today?" A muffled voice wafted its' way through to the chocolate-haired boy's ears, as they were currently covered tightly with the soft pillow. Oikawa sat up on his elbows, blinked, and let his face contort into a pout.
Wiping the tears from his eyes, which hadn't streamed down his cheeks yet, he turned away from the latter, huffing. "Yeah, well. You swear all the time. Why can't I?"
"It's not that you're not allowed to. It's just that you don't." Oikawa felt the bed dip as Iwaizumi sat opposite from him, letting out another puff of air as the green-eyed third year leaned onto his back. Bara arms snaked their way around his somewhat thin waist, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything, except for the milk bread Hanamaki had bought him earlier today. To prove his point, his stomach growled. Iwaizumi leaned over, propping himself up on one elbow, an eyebrow raised as he looked at his best friend.
Oikawa sighed, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry. Forgot." He already knew what the other was thinking. Iwaizumi's way of communicating with Oikawa was mainly with his eyes. Those little green orbs that stood out in contrast against caramel skin, connected with honey-brown ones, a wavelength passing through. Unspoken words made a conversation.
Breaking eye-contact, Iwaizumi rolled off the bed, hopping to his feet. "I'll get you something to eat. What'd ya want?"
"Milk bread?"
"You're addicted. I'm cooking you some curry." The door clicked as Iwaizumi closed it behind him. Oikawa groaned, flipping the latter off once the door had shut.
Iwaizumi knelt down by the cabinets, opening the oak doors and peering inside to look for a pot. A hand reached past Iwaizumi's, grabbing the pot that the latter couldn't find. "Here." Oikawa handed him the pot, and went to sit on a stool at the island counter.
"Huh. I thought you were gonna take a nap." Iwaizumi started, grabbing the curry powder from the top cabinet above the marbled counters. Oikawa shrugged, stretching his arms out and resting his head on the counter.
"I wanted to watch you make my food. I can't have you poisoning me now, can I?" Iwaizumi scoffed at this, his smile decreasing slowly as he heard Oikawa mutter under his breath, "That and I can't sleep without you there with me, nowadays." A blush slowly rose to his cheeks, and the ace slapped himself with both hands, internally groaning. "What, can't find something?"
Iwaizumi quickly shook his head, grabbing the rest of the ingredients. "No, I got it. Don't mind."
Oikawa nodded, pulling out his phone to pass the time. A finger hovered over the photo album app he had on his phone, and he clicked it, scrolling through the countless of photos so he could start looking at them at the very beginning. The first picture was the one his teacher took of him holding his award from Kitagawa Daiichi, with Iwaizumi standing behind him, a smile on both of their faces. Oikawa snorted, he never noticed Iwaizumi's smile in the photo before.
"What's so funny?" Iwaizumi asked, while stirring the curry together in a bowl. Padding over to the other side of the kitchen, he leaned over the counter to look at Oikawa's phone. The latter turned it so it was facing Iwaizumi, showing him the iconic memory of their younger selves. "Oh, I remember that. You actually smiled."
"What do you mean? I always smile."
"Not sincerely." Iwaizumi deadpanned, walking over to the stove and turning the knobs. "I said that back in Kitagawa, right?"
Oikawa pondered over this for a moment, before smiling and giving him a kurt nod. "Yeah, you did."
"Anyways." Iwaizumi poured the contents into the pot on the stove, taking out a wooden spoon to scrape out any remaining ingredients. "I've been meaning to ask you."
"How long have your parents been hitting you?"
Oikawa stiffened, unable to give him an answer. Iwaizumi turned the knob to low-heat, so the curry wouldn't burn as he gave his full attention to the setter sitting before him. "I'm not stupid. This has been going on for a while, hasn't it?"
"Iwa, it's nothing like that."
"Oikawa." Iwaizumi looked into the brown pools of color, giving him a little smile. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me just yet, but I need to know eventually. I want to help you in any way I can." Oikawa looked down at his slippers, unable to meet his friend's gaze. All he could do was helplessly listen as Iwaizumi assured him he wasn't angry with Oikawa for not being able to tell him, and that everything was alright.
He didn't look up from his slippers until he heard the knob turn, and the familiar sound of a spoon scraping the side of a pot. Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Oikawa watched the muscles in Iwaizumi's back flex as he stirred the curry into a bowl, slicing up some bread to go along with it. "Hey, do you want some lemon as well?"
Oikawa nodded. "I can make it." He padded over to the fridge, pulling out a lemon. Iwaizumi nodded, passing him a bowl and a knife.
"Don't cut yourself."
"I know, Iwa-chan. I'm not completely helpless in the kitchen, you brute." Oikawa rolled his eyes, slicing the lemon in half and squeezing the juice into the two bowls. He reached up to grab the salt in one of the cabinets, swishing the bowls around once he had added the substance in. He set them next to the curry that now rested on the island counter, the juice inside settling as it stilled. "Ooh, it looks really good."
Iwaizumi nodded. "Yeah, whatever." He shoveled a couple spoonfuls in his mouth as he watched Oikawa clasp his hands together, thanking Iwaizumi for the food before actually taking a bite himself. Oikawa winced as the sudden motion of him opening his still bruised jaw sent waves of pain through his nerves, but the curry sitting in his mouth and sliding down his throat made up for that.
"Whoa. What did you put in this? It's almost like it's healing me." Oikawa smiled with his eyes closed, clearly in euphoria. Iwaizumi shrugged, lopping another spoonful of curry into his mouth.
"It's a recipe my mother made. It has some herbs and spices that are supposed to relieve pain and stress, so I added some extra into it. It's not too spicy, is it?"
Oikawa shook his head, breaking off a piece of bread and dipping it into the lemon sauce, then into the curry. "Nope, tastes amazing."
The two sat in silence as they ate, finishing the curry in under fifteen minutes. Oikawa had offered to wash the dishes, but Iwaizumi sent him a glare before grabbing the bowls out of the latter's hands and started to rinse them himself. As he washed the curry off the bowls, Oikawa collapsed onto the couch, mindlessly scrolling through TV channels. He tuned in to an extra-terrestrial documentary, watching profusely as Iwaizumi continued washing the dishes. Once the latter had finished, he dried his hands and plopped down next to Oikawa, grabbing a fluffy off-white blanket and flinging it over them. Both boys subconsciously snuggled closer to each other, their body heat combining.
Iwaizumi looked over at Oikawa a couple times as the documentary played. Occasionally, when an especially interesting moment popped up on the television, the setter would let out a small gasp between his pursed lips. He did that a couple times, and Iwaizumi couldn't help but grow fond of the facial expression the latter made in that moment. The sheer excitement vibrating off of Oikawa's face brightened Iwaizumi's mood, making the corners of his lips tilt upwards slightly.
⊱ ─ ‧̥̥͙⋅. ♔ .⋅‧̥̥͙ ─ ⊰
"Mattsun, I just don't know what's going on." Iwaizumi pinched the bridge of his nose, Oikawa sound asleep beside him as he conversed on the phone with the other third-year. "I- just- what the hell?"
Matsukawa let out a breath, lips pursed. Iwaizumi could almost see the smirk forming on the latter's face, even if he was about a couple neighborhoods away from him. "Yeah, man, you're completely and utterly whipped."
chapter 7 !
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rheawritessometimes · 3 years
A Terrible Deal
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Babysitting Childe has its ups and downs. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Swearing, Mention of Injury, Medication, Mention of Violence, Physical Intimacy.
{ Notes } The second part of Let's Make a Deal with minor edits. Masterlist
{ Word Count } 3,076
{ Prev || Next }
It didn’t take very long for the sentiment of Childe’s recovery being a simple one to be thrown in the garbage. Long before the sun had even begun to peek over the horizon you were awakened by the sound of a break-in.
Rolling out of bed, your feet silently met the floor. Your sword materialized in your hand as you crept out of your room, briefly wishing you had a shorter blade. Something small would be nicer in the limited space of the apartment, but anything was better than nothing.
Any grogginess you had felt faded as you neared the source of the sound, whatever intruder was in the apartment was not stealthy as they searched cupboards and drawers in the kitchen. You didn’t even need to sneak around, the loud banging of things being thrown around the kitchen was cover enough. Adjusting your grip on the sword, you prepared to face the intruder.
Needless to say, you were more than annoyed to find that the ‘break in’ was actually a familiar Harbinger making breakfast, tearing apart the kitchen in the process. Your sword dematerialized as you brought a hand up to massage your temples to ward off a headache. Childe wore a cheery expression in the middle of a mess of ingredients and cookware, some of which you were certain had not been necessary to whatever it was he was making. There was no way that many bowls were necessary for any recipe.
The Snezhnayan flashed a bright grin when he saw you, but the gesture did nothing to ease the scowl that had settled onto your features. That didn’t seem to dampen his mood in the least, he merrily continued preparing what appeared to be enough food to feed a lot more people than were currently occupying his apartment. Was he expecting a lot of company this morning?
“I thought we made a deal that involved you resting and not cooking enough to feed a small army at ass in the morning,” you remarked, the sarcasm laid on thick enough to be dripping from each word. Much to your frustration, this only made him laugh as he turned the stove on.
“Well, I usually wake up early but this morning I had nothing to do since someone broke my bones. So, I decided to make a nice breakfast for my guest to enjoy on their first day staying with me,” he responded with faux innocence, though there was laughter in his voice that easily gave him away. His words were still effective in making you feel a little guilty, so you wordlessly brought the dishes you were fairly certain he was done with to the sink and began washing them.
The two of you fell into a comfortable quiet after that, you were busy cleaning a mountain of dishes and Childe’s focus was on frying a few eggs and cutting up a bowl of strawberries. You were mindful to stay out of the way as Childe cooked and he made an effort to set the cookware he was finished with beside the sink for you. The rhythm you two had quickly settled into felt startlingly domestic, something you reminded yourself not to like, and certainly not to get used to.
“Maybe I did make a little too much,” the Harbinger muses somewhat sheepishly as he looks at the table he had just finished setting. It was without a doubt too much food for only two people, the table at risk of collapsing under the weight of it all. You could only nod in agreement.
“Your guard might appreciate a plate,” you suggested, as though one more person would make much of a difference against the mountain of food. You had to admit, everything did look delicious. The table was laid out with fried eggs, some porridge, a few sandwiches with sausage on them, what appeared to you to be a form of crêpes, pancakes of some sort, the bowl of cut strawberries, and a kettle of tea. But you had to admit, everything looked delicious, it would be no trouble finding people willing to eat the excess food.
“I suppose my subordinates deserve a nice breakfast,” the redhead sighs dramatically, “They’re lucky they have such a nice boss.”
“Mhm, and if you ever fall out with the Fatui you could certainly find a job as a cook,” you reply after sampling a forkful of his work. You weren’t even sure if it was possible to leave the Fatui once you were a Harbinger. A simple retirement might be out of the question for Childe.
Living in Liyue had you more accustomed to chopsticks, but it was evident after going through Childe’s kitchen that he did not own a pair. As a witness to his attempts at using them, you weren’t very surprised by this finding. A fork was easy enough to figure out, anyway.
“I’m glad you like it,” the redhead responds with a grin, quickly busying himself with his own plate. As he eats, he begins to talk about having similar breakfasts with his family in Snezhnaya. This turns into him recounting learning how to make these dishes with his mother and you quietly listen along, making the occasional comment and smiling fondly at his memories and the way he became more animated as he spoke about his family.
The sun had emerged by the time each of you had eaten what you could, and you cleared the plates while Childe ordered his guard to distribute the remaining food to his subordinates stationed in Liyue. You were halfway through cleaning the dishes when the Snezhnayan waltzed into the kitchen, leaning against the counter. He contented himself with watching, not bothering to even offer his assistance.
“I was thinking we should do something. I’ve been cooped up for too long. Maybe a casual hike up Mt. Aozang?” he suggested, causing you to pause in your ministrations and glance back at him with a raised brow. No hike up Mt. Aozang would be a casual one considering the terrain and potential enemies of the area.
“It’s been less than a full day,” you pointed out, “And, hm, what was it? Oh yeah, and you have a few broken ribs.”
“What are a few broken ribs to a Fatui Harbinger?”
“It’s a no, Childe,” you firmly insisted, causing him to groan and mumble about you being a 'spoil sport’. It was easy enough to ignore him as you finished up with your small chore.
“I’m using your shower,” you informed him once you turned away from the sink. He only hummed in response, still pouting against the counter. It was all you could do to not roll your eyes at his childish behavior.
“What am I even supposed to do for six weeks if I can’t go out and fight things?” he whined, and this time you did roll your eyes.
“Well, maybe you can still improve your fighting,” you mused, “Have you ever tried working on your strategy? Because that could definitely use some improvement.”
The Harbinger huffed indignantly at your words, taking the mature route and sticking his tongue out at you as you left the kitchen to take a shower. He could pout to himself in the kitchen while you had a relaxing shower.
The apartment’s bathroom was on the smaller side, but it was still easily workable and didn’t feel cramped. You had brought with you your own toiletries, but that didn’t stop you from poking around Childe’s well-organized things out of curiosity. There wasn’t anything of particular interest so you decided to just get cleaned up and figure out what to do for the day.
Leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel and feeling refreshed, you made your way to the guest room to pull out something to wear for the day. You decided on something comfortable, it didn’t seem like you’d be going out today anyways and if you did you could always change into something more suitable. After getting dressed and taking care of a few more things, you left the guest room in search of Childe.
It was a simple task finding the Harbinger, he was seated at the table flipping through the pages of a book. You were more than surprised to see it was a book on battle strategy, although you noted it was one focused on group tactics to be used in war organization. You supposed it shouldn’t have been any great shock to find he had such books, considering his position as a Fatui Harbinger who was known for his knack for combat. But to actually find him taking your advice was not something you had expected. If you had observed for a moment longer you might have noticed Childe was only pretending to read, the books around the apartment were mostly just decoration.
“Finally done with your shower?” Childe asked, looking up from his reading, “Good, you were stinky.”
His tone made it clear he was joking, and you gasped in mock offense. You both laughed at this, his cerulean eyes shining with amusement. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen eyes more beautiful than his.
“Anyways, I was thinking we should go for a walk around the harbor and have a late lunch a Wanmin. Then we can just wander looking for stuff to do, or we could go out to that one boat. Or maybe Zhongli will be at the market and invite us for tea,” Childe suggested, setting the book down on the table. You raised your brows at his 'plan’.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had any time off and I don’t know what to do,” he justified, crossing his arms over his chest. You only shook your head, smiling softly at his pout.
“Alright, I wouldn’t mind a walk around the harbor, at least. Lunch at Wanmin sounds good too. We’ll see what happens afterward,” you conceded, watching his expression immediately brighten. Just a walk shouldn’t be too strenuous, so you weren’t terribly worried about his bones. Plus, you wouldn’t be able to keep him in bed all day and this was a much better alternative to him going out and finding a fight.
“Let me just get changed into something more presentable.”
It wasn’t long before you were walking along the docks of the harbor with Childe, hand in hand. The redhead had grabbed your hand early on, intertwining your fingers with a cheeky grin. You didn’t resist when he did this, comfortable with showing a small amount of affection, even in public.
Looking out across the calm waters of the harbor, you couldn’t help but think it matched the blue of the Harbinger’s eyes. While he had an excellent poker face when necessary, Childe’s eyes were often very expressive, allowing an easy read of his mood at a glance. Smiling fondly at the thought, you squeezed his hand gently before moving on.
The rest of the day progressed just as pleasantly, both you and Childe enjoying the sights of Liyue before getting lunch at Wanmin as he’d planned. After eating, you browsed the various stalls of Liyue’s busy market, admiring the vast array of goods on display.
As the Snezhnayan had earlier predicted, you did meet Zhongli at the market and he did invite you two for tea. You wondered if he had planned it with Childe, but the polite man seemed entirely surprised to have encountered the both of you.
Tea with Zhongli turned out to be quite a lengthy endeavor, and you were rather exhausted by the end of it. He had recounted the history of Liyue well into the evening, in a way that reminded you of a professor during a lecture. It was Childe who was finally able to excuse the both of you, after several hours of education on the historic importance of Silk Flowers.
“Well, I did make a promise that I would rest, so I’m afraid we must be going.”
“Ah, yes. It is always good to keep your promises,” Zhongli agreed sagely, his words carrying a strange gravity. With polite goodbyes, you left with Childe to return to his apartment. The walk back was through darkness thanks to the hour, but the streets of Liyue were lit and there was still plenty of activity.
It was no surprise that both you and Childe were ready for bed by the time you made it through the door. He mumbled out a mostly unintelligible apology for how long tea with Zhongli had lasted before kissing the top of your forehead and disappearing into his room.
You stood in the hallways shocked by the affectionate gesture for a few seconds before deciding it would be best to just go to bed and forget about it. Surely the action was purely the result of exhaustion.
This time when you woke up the sun had already risen. Silently, you thanked Rex Lapis for not having to wake up to a break-in Childe’s noisy breakfast-making. Even if his cooking was really good, without sleep you’d eventually become rather cranky, to put it lightly.
Exiting the spare bedroom, you found the Harbinger sprawled out on the couch looking through a stack of papers. You assumed it was Fatui business, something which you wanted nothing to do with at the moment. Maybe at another time you would be interested in their secrets, but as of right now, they weren’t really your problem.
“How are you feeling? In any pain?” you asked casually, making your way to the kitchen to retrieve some ice. Regardless of his answer, it was still advised to ice his side regularly.
“Mm, I’m fine. Took some painkillers earlier,” he replied, most of his focus still on the documents in his hands. You briefly wondered how often it was that the Eleventh Harbinger did paperwork as opposed to fieldwork. You would have assumed he had a secretary or something for this kind of thing, though you supposed it made some sense for him to do it if he wasn’t out in the field.
Leaving the kitchen with another makeshift icepack, you noticed he had set the papers down on the coffee table and draped an arm over his eyes. You raised a brow at this, wondering how long he had been reviewing the documents, but didn’t say anything as you placed the icepack on his side and sat on the couch where there was space beside his legs.
“I don’t think I can last six weeks like this. I’m already dying of boredom,” he confessed, raising his arm to peek at your expression.
“I’m not sure I can last six weeks either,” you replied snarkily. It seemed lost on him as he nodded in agreement before furrowing his brows and scowling at you. Realization.
“Hey, wait! What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, sitting up quickly and wincing at the resulting pain. You picked up the icepack that had slid down and pressed it against his side until one of his hands came up to hold it in place.
“It means I think sometimes you’re a bit much,” you laughed in response, ruffling his hair and causing his scowl to deepen. In retaliation he used his free arm to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him, resulting in you sitting on his lap. The movement must have hurt his ribs, but he didn’t show any outward signs of pain.
“I’ll have you know I’m a fucking delight and you adore me,” he asserted, staring you dead in the eyes with a challenging look. Now that he was closer, your eyes were drawn to the light smattering of freckles that crossed his nose and dusted both cheeks. From a distance, they weren’t really visible, but now you could clearly see them.
“Mhm,” you agreed absently, bringing a hand up to lightly cradle his jaw, swiping your thumb slowly across his cheek. It was only when he started leaning in that it dawned on you exactly what you were doing and how intimate it seemed. By the time his lips were pressed against yours, heat had risen to your cheeks and you were certain your face was a brilliant shade of scarlet. Luckily his eyes were closed so he couldn’t see you in such a state, but you had a nagging worry that he was able to feel the heat radiating off your cheeks.
Despite your flirtations having been unintentional, you didn’t push Childe away. Instead, you wrapped your arms loosely around his shoulders and fell into the slow rhythm he had set. You heard the soft thump of something being tossed onto the coffee table, but you were distracted from that when his hands found your sides and gripped firmly.
A soft breath left you when his lips moved down to your neck to place gentle kisses there. The featherlight touch had goosebumps raising across your skin and you were almost embarrassed by your body’s reactions.
“Alright, maybe six weeks won’t be too bad,” Childe murmured against your neck and you could feel his smile. It made your heart flutter, you weren’t sure you liked that.
“Oh, what made you change your mind?” you asked innocently, a hint of laughter in your voice.
“Mm, I wonder.” His lips began trailing back up your neck and over your jaw until he sealed them over yours again. The drag of his tongue across your bottom lip had you opening your mouth for him without a thought. In response, he pulled you closer to him, one hand reaching up to tangle in your hair.
When he finally pulled away, he smirked at your flushed appearance and the fact you were a bit breathless. The way he looked at you made butterflies flutter in your stomach and when his ocean eyes dropped to gaze at your lips you placed a hand on his chest.
“I need to go. I want to get you some proper icepacks from Baizhu and I should probably do some grocery shopping for you,” you told him, standing up. His arms fell easily away from you, but he looked up at you with a surprised and what you thought might be a slightly hurt expression.
“Maybe we can continue this conversation when I get back,” you said before retreating to the guest room to change into something more presentable. You smiled at his excited utterance of “oh!” as you left.
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excusemin · 4 years
New Recipe - KSJ
-Part One of Quarantine with Bangtan
Pairing: Seokjin x female reader
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluffy fluff with a pinch of crack
Warnings: Just a really soft Seokjin and one or two bad puns. 
Word count: 3.3k 
Summary: Getting used to the idea of being home all day brings new ideas to Seokjin’s quick mind.
A/N: Needed the little kick of inspiration for this little mini series. Quarantine has made me feel so blue lately that I wanted to write something to ease my mind. I hope people will love this as much as I do. Huge thank you to everyone who helped me out with this. Remember to send in an ask if you’d like to be tagged in the following parts to Quarantine with Bangtan. Enjoy. 💜
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Life was pretty fun and carefree until quarantine time came around. Many plans of going to explore the world and eat new things were immediately thrown down the gutter. That did not stop Seokjin from brightening up every single day for Y/n. 
He once saw an idea off of the internet that included many date ideas written on popsicle sticks. Of course, things were limited but just because they were limited did not mean that they were not possible. During the first week of quarantine, it was full of cuddles and sweet "I love you's". It would be shown in forms of waking up early to cook breakfast for their dearest to falling asleep in the warm embrace of each other.  
The morning sun shined into the little opening of their curtains, falling into Seokjin's face. Stirring out of his peaceful slumber, he felt a small weight on his bare chest. Letting his eyes adjust to the morning light, he took the time to look at his sleeping girlfriend that was covered by her bed hair. Softly bringing his hand to brush off the hair from her face, he cooed at the sight of her slightly parted lips. If she was not peacefully sleeping, he would have kissed her so many times. Although he wanted nothing more to wake Y/n up by placing soft kisses on her face, he let her sleep.
"How did I get so lucky?"
Not wanting to be bored at home, Seokjin decided he needed to bring that idea to life. If he needed to eat hundreds of popsicles to get to see his beloved happy, then he shall do that. Although he wanted nothing more to wake Y/n up by placing soft kisses on her face, he let her sleep. He softly rolled out of the bed and placed Y/n over his pillow. Carefully tucking her in, he placed a soft kiss on her temple.
After completing his morning routine, Seokjin returned back to their shared bedroom to find Y/n still sound asleep. He moved to the nightstand by his side of the bed and pulled out a notepad along with a pen to write a note. Once he finished writing the note, he placed it on his side of the bed where he knows she'll reach out to.
Racing out of their bedroom door, he quickly gathered his needed items. 
Puzzled, he felt as if he was forgetting something. Scratching the top of his head as if he mentally dug through the list of must have's before stepping out the door. Pacing around in the kitchen, he tried to look for some form of realization of what he needed. He couldn't recall what it was he needed until he looked up forward at the refrigerator before him. Reading the beautiful writing of his girlfriend on the small whiteboard placed on the metal door, he chuckled realizing what that missing item was.
"Don't forget your mask silly!"
Seokjin felt his insides warm up thinking of the time Y/n scolded him for already stepping outside the door without the face mask. Y/n had playfully told him that she would write a reminder on the fridge if needed while hopping into the car for a grocery store run. 
She sure did.
The ride to the grocery store was not long but it was indeed peaceful, passing by blooming jacaranda trees. The jacaranda flowers painting the lonely streets with a peaceful hue of purple. When he does these solo trips to the grocery store, he feels his heart sting in guilt knowing that Y/n's eyes get to miss the beauty that these trees have to offer. Without thinking twice, he immediately takes advantage of being at a red light and takes some pictures to show his girlfriend. 
Once the light turns green again, he places his phone down and continues the small journey to his destination. Arriving at the store, he fixes the mask and gets out of his car, making sure his keys were still with him. Once he had that settled, he went straight to the ice cream section in search of those popsicle sticks. Luckily, he was able to find a small pack of twenty popsicle sticks. Since he was already there and had kept in mind that he might just have to sacrifice himself to eat popsicles for this little idea, he grabbed her favorite flavored popsicles. Also, taking advantage that he was already there, he grabbed the needed items for home and headed to the cashier. 
Back at home, Y/n sleepily searches for the source of warmth that was no longer there. Her hand pats the bed to capture Seokjin's warmth on his side of the bed but was instead met with a cold empty spot. Slightly sitting up to rub the sleep out of her eyes, she feels a paper by her elbow. 
Reaching out to grasp the piece of paper, she sees her boyfriend's writing on it.
"Good morning baby, I hope you were able to sleep well. If not, please go back to sleep princess. I stepped out for a small errand run. Do not worry about cooking breakfast, I'll wake you up with breakfast in bed. I love you. - Your absolutely handsome boyfriend! "
Chuckling at his note, she pressed the note to her chest and let her body fall onto the bed. Heart fluttering as she reads the note again, Y/n decides she would go back to sleep in hopes of  Seokjin cuddling with her when he arrives. Hugging his pillow close to her body, she brought herself to sleep with the faint smell of his shampoo. 
Arriving home, Seokjin placed everything near the sink, ready to clean them thoroughly. Once he decided everything was clean enough, including himself, he decided that he should start making an easy breakfast for the both of them. He decided to make a quick avocado toast with a cup of fruits and oatmeal. Something he knew his sleeping beauty of a girlfriend would love. 
Once he had both of their meals on a tray, he walked into their room to find Y/n still asleep. Placing the tray on top of the nightstand by his side of the bed, he carefully laid beside Y/n and wrapped his arms around her in the process.
Not holding back anymore, he started peppering her face with soft kisses. Instead of being met with groans or a pillow to the face, he was met with sleepy giggles. Another thing that Y/n does added to the reasons on why he loves her.
"Good morning princess."
"Good morning Jinnie."
"How did you sleep baby?"
He was met with a pouty Y/n and it made his heart skip a beat at the sight. He presses a kiss on her nose knowing well that she will scrunch her nose but he didn't mind at all because she looked so adorable. She could be wearing a trashbag and Seokjin will still think she is the most beautiful human being in the universe.
“We can spend breakfast in bed and then I kind of have a surprise to show you.”
“Jinnie you know I don’t like surprises. What is it?”
“Eat your breakfast and then you’ll know baby.”
Curiosity was one of Y/n's traits but so was patience. They ended up eating breakfast peacefully in each other's calm presence. Once they finished, Seokjin gathered the dishes on the tray and told Y/n to prepare herself for what he had planned for the day. Being excited for what was to come, she rushed to the restroom and left Seokjin chuckling at her actions. 
Before he headed out to wash the dishes and prepare the rest of the popsicle sticks, he fixed the bed so his princess won't have to do anything for the day. Now it was his time to rush, he quickly washed the dishes and dried his hands so he would not mess up the writing on the popsicle sticks.
A few minutes later, Y/n walked out their bedroom to be met with the sight of Seokjin eating popsicles while writing something on the clean ones. When Seokjin noticed Y/n, he quickly extended his hand out to grab a hold of Y/n and spun her around. His heart melted at the sight of Y/n in his shirt. It wasn’t his shirt anymore but he didn’t mind. She could take all of his shirts and he would not be mad if it meant that he was able to see her wear them.
Settling back down on his seat along with Y/n now on his lap, he explains that every popsicle in the jar has a quarantine date idea that either of them could randomly pick one and they would somehow try to follow through that idea. 
Excited for the first pick, Seokjin lets Y/n choose the popsicle stick from the jar. Y/n chooses the popsicle and raises up so they can both read it out together.
“Learn and cook a new recipe.”
“Sounds interesting but what exactly do we cook?”
“We can randomly flip through that one cookbook Yoongi sent over. We can just put our fingers into whichever page without looking and that’s what we cook. How does that sound, princess?”
“Let’s get flipping!” Y/n giggled while getting up to get the cookbook from the nearby counter. Handing the cookbook to her boyfriend that immediately starts flipping the book to get their recipe out. 
Using both of their pointer fingers, they stopped at a page that had pies, blueberry pies. Puzzled, they looked at each other and shrugged. Neither of them had tried blueberry pies but they liked blueberries.
“How hard can this be?”
“Well depends on how well we can follow instructions, which I hope we can do this right.”
“Princess, can you read me the ingredients so I can check to see if we have all the ingredients.” He says as he crouches to check in the bottom cabinets.
“Sure thing dear. Okay so we need two sticks of butter, all-purpose flour, granulated sugar, kosher salt, apple cider vinegar, eggs, brown sugar, a lemon, nutmeg, cornstarch and most importantly water.” Y/n finishes out of breath and swipes non-existent sweat from her forehead causing Seokjin to laugh. He gets up from crouching to gently grab Y/n’s face to place kisses all over her face.
“Yeahhh. Baby, I love your kisses but we won’t be able to cook any sweets if you keep this going.” 
“One more kiss?” He asks while pouting his lips at Y/n. Giggling, she meets his puckered lips and places a sweet kiss on them. 
“You can get all the kisses you want when this pie is in the oven.” Y/n says as she tiptoes to place a small kiss on his nose.
“Let’s get this bread or should I say crust?” Laughing at his own pun, he starts to hand Y/n the needed ingredients as she facepalmed. Placing the ingredients on the kitchen counter, she started to read the first part of the instructions. 
“It says to whisk three cups of flour, two tablespoons of sugar and one half of a tablespoon of salt in a large bowl. Jinnie, can you hand me the whisk while I put the ingredients in the bowl?”
“I’m on it, here you go princess.” He hands the whisk to Y/n but he moves to stand right behind her just towering over her body as she continues to pour out the remaining tablespoon of salt. Pouting at the fact that Y/n paid little to no attention to him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder.
Instinctively, Y/n tilted her head to tap his head while gently lifting her hand to gently caress his cheek to let him know that she is aware of his presence. 
“Jinnie baby, can you hand me the butter from the refrigerator? You can help out with this part, if you want.” Nodding his head, he let go to retrieve the butter from the refrigerator and made his way behind Y/n again.
“So how do we do this?”
“From what I read from the cookbook, it says to add in the butter with our hands and just mix it until we get pea-sized pieces.”
“Princess, let’s remake that one pottery scene from Ghost.” The look Y/n gave Seokjin was one of disbelief at the words that came out of his mouth. 
“I might just go to sleep after this along with no kisses for the rest of the night.”
“No reenactment, got ya!” Laughing at his comments, they continued to mix the butter along with the other ingredients in the bowl. Y/n asked Seokjin to place one tablespoon of vinegar and nearly eight tablespoons of cold water while she continued to mix the ingredients.
Once that was done, Seokjin poured just about enough flour on the kitchen counter to place the dough on. In the process of pouring the flour on the counter, he could not contain his need to sprinkle some above Y/n’s head. Too distracted by laughing at her surprised expression, he failed to notice her hand grab some of the flour and return the action. 
Now, it being her turn to laugh, Seokjin took the time to look at her with such softness and pride to be able to call her his girlfriend. Smiling, he grabbed a bit of flour to put on the top of his nose and grabbed Y/n’s face to press their noses together.
With wide smiles, they continued with the forming of the dough. Once they finished that step, they set the dough in the refrigerator meanwhile they prepared the blueberry filling.
The making of the blueberry filling was divided into two parts, Y/n was in charge of cooking two cups of blueberries with lemon juice, zest, sugar, salt and nutmeg for about five minutes. Meanwhile, Seokjin whisks together cornstarch and water in a small bowl to pour in when needed. 
After letting cook for around a minute longer, Seokjin insisted on removing the pan from the heat because he didn’t want his princess to get burned in the process. Laughing at his actions, Y/n took out the dough from the refrigerator to start rolling it while Seokjin poured the last three cups of blueberries into the cooling pan.
Sighing in relief when the door to the oven closed to show their creation in the last step, they decided to clean up after themselves to fully enjoy the deliciousness to come. Setting a timer to forty-five minutes to not overcook it as they started to gather all the dishes. 
“Let me help you with the dishes Jinnie.”
“No, princess. You can go sit down, I’ll clean.” 
“We are a team, Seokjin. We do things together. Let me at least help you with the dishes.” Knowing he lost when she said his name, he sighed and placed a tender kiss on her top of her head.
Forty five minutes seemed too long when they left the kitchen spotless. With almost thirty minutes to spare, Seokjin picked up Y/n and sprinted to the living room to spend the remaining minutes in each other's embrace. Giggles were heard coming from both of them.
Laying Y/n first, he gently laid himself above her body to not crush her with his weight. His arms immediately wrapped around her waist while her hands went to his head to play with his hair just how he likes it. The giggles turned into little sighs of content. Seokjin’s head rested above Y/n’s chest, listening to his favorite sound, her heartbeat. It was something he liked to listen to when his days were hard and even when they weren’t hard, listening to the heartbeat of the person you love the most is one of the most beautiful things that life has to offer. 
Y/n cooed at the sight of her boyfriend in such a  peaceful state, it brought her so much happiness that he heard her heartbeat pick up. Shifting his head to look up at her, he giggled at the soft smile on Y/n’s face. Feeling the heat rush to her cheeks, she covered her face. 
“Princess, you know I love you with all my heart right?” He gently removed her hands from her face, intertwining their hands as he placed his forehead on hers.   
“You tell me every single day Jinnie but I’ll never get tired of hearing it. I love you just as much. Maybe even more.”
“How did I get so lucky?” He closes the space between them and kisses her. Pouring out all the love and adoration for her in the kiss, making sure she felt it. 
She did. 
The sound of the timer going off interrupted their display of love. He started pulling away but Y/n grabbed his face to give him more sweet kisses, refusing to let him go. 
“Baby, stay here while I take the pie out of the oven so it can cool down before we get to taste it.” Pouting, she let go but let him know that she would miss him every second. Chuckling at her silliness, he kissed her forehead before heading to go take out the pie from the oven. Once he successfully took the blueberry pie out to cool down, he sprinted right back to Y/n. 
“Miss me baby?” He said as he jumped on top of her, attacking her with kisses as he tickled her. Laughing uncontrollably, she tried to get away from his hold and ended up dragging both of them on the floor with Seokjin falling first. 
After their laughter died down, they did not bother to get back on the couch. Seokjin brought his arms to Y/n’s back and pulled her closer to have her lay down on him. Folding her arms on top of his chest, she makes herself comfortable enough to place her head on top them.
 Placing one arm behind his head to grant himself a better sight of his girlfriend looking right back at him. He offers her a smile while his other hand travels gingerly up and down from her face to the tips of her fingers. 
Waiting for the cool down was not as long as they expected but Y/n did not let Seokjin get up this time. They both helped each other get up from the floor but Y/n ended up pushing Seokjin to the couch. She ran to the kitchen before he could even react. Y/n cut out two slices of the blueberry pie for the both of them and placed them on a plate. Before she headed back, she grabbed two forks so they could taste their creation together. 
The smell of the freshly baked pie followed her into the living room. Seokjin extended his hands out to take the plate from Y/n so she could get comfortable before they dug in. 
“It smells so good.”
“Let’s just hope it’s as good as it smells.”
“Shall we?” Picking up their forks with a bite size piece of the pie, they brought it up to each other's mouth.
“On the count of three!”
They took in the piece of blueberry pie into their mouths and closed their eyes as the flavor of deliciously sweet blueberries along with the buttery crust hit their tongues. Immediately, opening their eyes to grin at each other and high five each other for the success. Leaning against each other, they continued to eat the pie as soft music played in the background.
 “I love you so much princess.” 
“I love you so much too Jinnie. Thank you for always making me the happiest girl in the universe.”
Learning something new turned out to be deliciously positive. Seokjin sighed contently knowing that he was able to brighten the day of the person he loved the most. 
“Anything for you princess.” He said as he placed one of many sweet kisses on the top of her head.
“Here’s to more quarantine dates!”
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Taglist: @dontaskshhhhh​
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atths--twice · 3 years
Chapter Four 
Mid June 1996
Fox took off his suit jacket and tossed it, not caring where it landed. His tie was next and he dropped it as he unbuttoned the top buttons on his shirt. Walking into the kitchen, he paused as he saw a note on the dining room table.
There are some casseroles in the fridge. Mrs. Puckett made you one of her famous apple pies and insisted I buy some vanilla ice cream when I brought it over, so there’s some in the freezer. I hope your day wasn’t too stressful, although I know it most likely was.
Love, Dana
It was the love that kept him rooted to the spot, ignoring the growling of his stomach. He stared at the word and despite the horrible day he had, he could not help but smile.
Two weeks after Samantha had let her in, he had waited outside the shop until everyone left the knitting group. Knocking on the door, she had silently allowed him inside, her hand grazing his arm. As they drank their tea, he had pushed a key with a teal ribbon looped through it, across the table to her.
“What is this?” she had asked, staring at him.
“I… I know it’s forward-”
“Incredibly so. Two months we’ve known each other. We’re not… we don’t…” She had shaken her head and he had sighed with a nod.
“I know. And I’m not asking anything from you. I just…” He had sighed again and ran a hand across his mouth. “I’m not usually a trusting person, but I trust you.” He had stared at her, trying to tell her so much, but the words getting caught in his throat. “I can’t explain it, but I trust you.” She had stared at him and slowly nodded, her hand covering his and he had grasped her fingers like a lifeline.
So, for the past few months she had come into his apartment like a fairy ninja- small but mighty. She had left him encouraging notes, items she had knitted- her mind obviously needing to shut off for a while, and food. So much food, that sometimes he had to take it to his neighbors as he would never eat it all before it spoiled.
As the preparation for the trial began to consume him, she had become his saving grace, showing up when even he had not known he needed her.
Bringing over a movie, popcorn, and candy one night, they had sat silently in the dark, her hand in his, her thumb stroking in slow circles.
One afternoon, after a long night of insomnia, he had woken to find a small bouquet of daffodils in a vase on his dining room table.
To brighten even the darkest day, the accompanying note had said and he had smiled, his fingers tracing over her words. 
One night he had gotten up, once more unable to sleep and intended to take a drive to help clear his head. When he opened the door however, he had found a brown paper bag. Inside there had been two boxes of tea and a black tea kettle in a box. One box of tea had been flavored and the other only chamomile.
To help you sleep, she had written on the box and he had shaken his head as he brought the items inside, wondering when she had been there and why she had not brought it inside.
He had unboxed and washed the tea kettle, filled it with water and took two bags of chamomile from the box. Pacing as he waited for the water to boil, he had thought about calling her, but decided to wait until morning.
He drank his tea slowly after it had cooled slightly. Taking out the needles and yarn, hoping the combination of the two would help, he had knitted a few rows before his eyes had begun to grow heavy. Drinking the last swallow of tea, he had set his knitting down and put the mug in the sink. He made his way to the bedroom and fell into bed with a sigh, finally able to sleep.
During all of the stress and worry, she had been there, helping to keep him sane.
Shaking his head as he set her note down, he walked into the kitchen to get a piece of the apple pie Mrs. Puckett had made. She was an amazing cook and when he had the time again, he wanted to ask her for some recipes.
Opening the fridge, it sat front and center, causing his mouth to water. Taking it out, he placed it on the counter and took out a knife, setting it on the counter to grab a plate, foregoing dinner for a slice of something sweet.
“Really? Without me?”
“Jesus Christ!” he yelled, not having heard the door opening.
“Sorry,” Dana said with a smirk and he shook his head, his heart pounding.
“I didn’t hear you come in. Maybe I should rethink that key I gave you.” He narrowed his eyes at her and she hummed.
“I don’t think you really mean that.” She opened the freezer and took out the vanilla bean ice cream, placing it beside the pie. He smiled at her choice, as she always chose the most decadent of brands, insisting that ice cream was not the place where one should save money.
“I don’t mean it. You’ve got me there.” She hummed again as she took out the silverware and ice cream scooper.
“Come on, I’ve been waiting for you to come home so I could have some of this pie.”
“Oh… you’ve been waiting for me?” She stared at him and he knew she had, knowing what today had been. “Right.”
He nodded and lightly rubbed her back before he took down two bowls and cut the pie. She added two scoops of ice cream for each of them, placed spoons inside the bowls, and took them to the table. He poured them each a glass of milk, put the ice cream back in the freezer, and joined her.
They ate and drank in silence, aside from their occasional hums of pleasure. When it was down to the last bit of ice cream, she looked at him and he sighed. Setting his spoon down, he nodded.
“It was hard,” he said quietly. “Hearing my partner talk about that day, hearing her version of events… Even though we were both there, what we saw and experienced was similar, but also different. Our stories line up, but what I remember is slightly altered from hers.”
“What did she say? You can talk about it now as she’s already had her time in the stand?”
“Yeah. I’m up tomorrow. So…”
“I understand.”
“She told them that that day we had been called out, following a lead on a case. We didn’t know there was anyone in the empty building, weren’t sure anyway.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “We had our weapons out, just in case, sweeping the rooms as we cleared them. I didn’t see him. Didn’t…”
And then suddenly he was back there, in that room, hearing the sound of footsteps as everything seemed to slow down. The kid walked in front of him and stopped, a gun in his hand.
Yelling for him to drop it, his partner Eve Lansing, appeared beside him. They both yelled for him to put the gun down but he did not, holding it on them, his eyes scared. His arm swung towards Eve and Fox saw his finger squeezing the trigger.
He stepped in front of her, shielding her and aiming his weapon at the kid. They shot at the same time, the kid’s shot hitting his shoulder and his own hitting the kid’s chest, dropping him to the ground.
“After that moment… it’s a bit hazy. I remember hearing Eve screaming my name, heard her calling in our location, and then the pressure of her hands on me. I don’t remember anything after that until I woke up the next day.” He opened his eyes and looked at her.
Tears were running down her cheeks and her hands were covering her mouth. His leg began to bounce nervously, not knowing what to say. She wiped her eyes and reached for his hand. He grasped it and she shook her head.
“I had no idea,” she whispered. “Why… why did you step in front of her? You… you nearly died.”
“Eve has a husband and a little girl, not even two years old. I couldn’t… she couldn’t grow up without her mom.”
“Oh, Fox.” She reached forward and wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her, closing his eyes once again. “I’m so sorry that happened. So sorry.”
“I didn’t mean to kill him. I would never want that.” He shook his head, tears pricking at his eyes. “But I had to protect her and her family.”
He felt her nod and he held her tighter as they sat in silence, finding comfort in being held.
He stood on the large porch of his family’s lake house, the September air warm, and took a deep breath as he looked out at the water.
“So... how long are you planning on staying out here?” Samantha asked, setting down a bag of groceries. He turned around and smiled at her.
“I don’t know. Maybe a month?”
“Or as long as you can stand being away from Dana,” she teased and he shrugged, knowing she was right.
“The trial is over and even though it went as I had thought it would, I quit my job. I just couldn’t go back there. These past few months have been hard, despite the positive aspects of it-”
“Like Dana?” She grinned and he nodded with a smile.
“Especially Dana.”
“Ooooo, Fox and Dana sitting in a tree,” she sang and he tried to grab her. She escaped his grasp, laughing as she did.
“How old are you?” he asked and she stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed.
“So when is she coming up?” She started to empty the bags of groceries and he joined her.
“What makes you think she is?” She gave him a look and he laughed.
“Wine, chocolates, these cookies which I know Dana likes… yeah you’re not the only detective. Oh... you know what I mean.” She shook her head and he nodded, taking the cookies from her.
“Friday after work and she’s staying for the weekend.”
“Reeeeeeally?” she drawled with a grin and he shook his head.
“Nothing like that. Stop.”
“What? Really?”
“We’re taking things slow. It’s what I need right now. I don’t want to mess this up. She means a lot to me.”
“I know she does. I can see it.” She smiled and patted his face. “You deserve a woman like her.” He smiled and they continued putting away the groceries.
“I can’t believe you made this yourself. It’s so good,” Dana said, dipping her bread in the remaining tomato sauce on her plate and putting it in her mouth.
“Are you suggesting I can’t make a meal?” he teased and she smiled.
“I wasn’t directly, but…” He laughed and picked up their plates, taking them to the kitchen. She followed with the other dishes and they quickly cleaned the kitchen.
“How about a glass of wine on the porch?” he asked and she smiled.
“That sounds great. I’m just gonna use the bathroom real quick.”
Pouring them each another glass of wine, he brought them onto the porch and went back inside for a couple of blankets. It was warm during the day, but the nights were sometimes chilly.
When she came out, she was wearing the gray cardigan he knew she loved. The pockets were deep and she had often expressed how all clothes should have similar pockets.
He handed her her glass and a blanket as they sat in the porch chairs. They were quiet as they listened to the water lapping against the dock and the crickets singing around them.
“I wanted to thank you for these past few months.”
“No. Please let me say this,” he said, setting his glass down and turning towards her. “I didn’t… I knew I was angry and I knew I was taking it out on people who didn’t deserve it, but it’s as if I didn’t know how much until we spoke. Until you shared your story and it seemed okay that I was feeling the way I had been. My therapist told me, but…” He smiled at her and she reached out her hand to him. He took it and stared at her fingers as he ran his thumb over them.
“You saved me, as corny as you may think that sounds, you did. Your kindness and acceptance when others had judged me for what happened, it meant everything to me. You didn’t have to do that, you could have asked me to leave and I would have understood.” He shook his head as he raised her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles as he stared at her. “Thank you, Dana. For seeing me. For saving me.”
“Fox…” She pushed up from the chair and sat on his knee, her arms around his neck. He held her, his heart beginning to repair as she whispered his name, her fingers rubbing his neck.
The first time he kissed her, a bullfrog croaked very close and extremely loud, causing him to jump, and she laughed against his lips.
“So you think I can do this?” he asked Mrs. Scully quietly as they stood at the food table decorated with witches and ghosts. They were taking a break from the usual knitting and he was adding his latest baking endeavor- peanut butter and marshmallow squares.
“Yum!” Emilia said, grabbing one and running away. He laughed and looked at Mrs. Scully.
“Seriously? You think I can.”
“I do. And I’ll help with anything you need.”
“Thank you.”
And so a secret project began, one that was incredibly difficult to hide from Dana as she was always with him, but he would not have it any other way.
He took two weeks away from her, telling her he had a vacation planned with his mom and sister. But, there was no vacation planned and instead he went to Mrs. Scully’s home and she showed him how to knit and purl, use different needles, and knit in the round. He was overwhelmed at first, but as he became more sure of himself, he found he could do it.
He knitted until late in the night, finally finding his insomnia good for something. It was not a perfect job, but for his first attempt, he was quite proud of how well he did. Mrs. Scully did have to step in sometimes when he simply could not figure it out. The needles fairly flew, as though enchanted, when they were held in her capable fingers.
He smiled as he watched it taking shape, excited for the moment when he would be able to show Dana what he had accomplished.
He had asked what her favorite color was, which yarn she would pick if she were to give a gift to someone she really cared about. She had smiled and walked to the wall of yarn, taking down the periwinkle.
“This one. I always think I’d like to make something for myself in this color, but…”
“Why haven’t you?”
“I don’t know. It seems too… nice to use on me. Like it should be a special occasion or I don’t know. But I would definitely make someone else a gift with it.” She had smiled and he nodded, touching the soft yarn.
Someone had called to her and when Mrs. Scully had walked by, he asked her to get as many as he would need to make Dana a sweater, because she deserved to have something made for her with that yarn.
It was finished just before Christmas and he was nervous with excitement on Christmas Eve when she came over to spend the evening with him.  
Snow covered her gray knitted cap and her coat when he opened the door, surprised she had not let herself in.
“I couldn’t get to my keys,” she laughed, her hands full of bags of gifts. He took them from her, but still she stood in the doorway.
“Have you become a vampire? Do I need to invite you in?” he teased and she laughed, shaking her head. “Then what…” She pulled something from her pocket and he laughed when she handed it to him.
“No bullfrogs tonight,” he whispered as he held the mistletoe over her head and leaned in to kiss her. She laughed, grabbing handfuls of his shirt, and kissed him back.
Lifting her slightly, he brought her inside, spinning her around and setting her back down. She giggled as she took off her hat and unbuttoned her coat.
“God, it smells good in here,” she said as she took off her coat and he smiled at her dark green sensible sweater.
“I’m glad you think so, I’ve made everything from scratch.”
“Have you really? You’re becoming quite the chef.” He smiled and she kissed him again before walking into the kitchen and sniffing loudly.
They had a delicious meal of ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls he had made that were nearly lighter than air. She ate three of them and had two helpings of ham before she groaned and leaned back, rubbing at her stomach.
“Seriously, that was delicious.”
“Thank you.” He smiled and she grinned. “Should we open gifts?”
“Yes!” She jumped up and he laughed, watching her take out the gifts from her bags.
Soon there was a little pile before him where he sat cross legged on the floor. A stocking was laid on top and his eyes widened.
“I uh… I wasn’t expecting this.”
“You’re dealing with the Scully women now. You’re lucky I didn’t show up with a tree and decorations. Next year that might be different, so be prepared.”
“Next year?” he asked hopefully and she stared at him.
“I hope so,” she whispered and he nodded happily. “Okay! Stocking first!”
“Then you should get yours too,” he said, nodding to the green stocking hanging from the fireplace. She jumped up excitedly and he laughed. Coming back to join him, they sat staring at each other as they held their stockings.
“Same time?”
“Okay!” She smiled and they dumped out their stockings.
He laughed at the things she had placed inside. A little magnet shaped like a ball of yarn, chocolate kisses, a Rubik’s cube, and two spatulas. She laughed at hers: a bullfrog figurine at full croak, dark chocolate bars, a pack of sticky notes for all the notes she liked to leave, and a lapel pin that said You keep me in stitches with a ball of yarn in the background.
“Thank you,” she said, putting on her pin with a smile.
“And thank you!” He pretended to mix stuff with the spatulas and she laughed.
The other gifts were from her and her mother. Mrs. Scully gave him a cookbook and new plastic mixing bowls. Dana had made him a dark gray scarf and a cap to match. He put them on right away, pulling her close for a kiss when she adjusted the scarf.
“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her again. She hummed and kissed him before pulling back.
Standing up, he left the room to get her gift, his heart racing. Sitting down in front of her, he handed her the square package wrapped in snowman paper and tied with a green ribbon.
She smiled as she untied the ribbon and slid it off the package. Ripping the paper, he let out a breath, swallowing hard. She lifted the lid and set it down beside her. Peeling back the red tissue paper, she gasped, her eyes lifting to his.
“What? Oh, Fox.” She took the sweater out of the box, shaking her head as she looked at it. “You made this?”
“I did.” He swallowed again and she looked at him with tears in her eyes.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It’s not exactly perfect.”
“It is.”
“You haven’t even seen it all.” He laughed and she shook her head.
“You made it. And it has pockets. I love it.” She stood up and he did too, watching her taking off her sweater, and putting the new one on over her camisole. “You’re sneaky, asking me which yarn I would use for someone else and getting it for me.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, looking at the way it fit her perfectly. “Turn around, let me see.” She did and when she turned back around, her hands were in the pockets and she smiled happily.
“This is so beautiful. I can’t believe you did this.”
“Your mom helped.”
“Sneaky, the both of you.” She smiled and took her hands from her pockets and placed them on his face. “I love it. I… I love you.” He grinned and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“God, Dana. I love you too. So much.”
“Hey! What did I tell you about using the wooden spoons?”
“To use the scorched ones.”
“Right! Let’s switch!”
“Dad! Where’s the chocolate sauce?”
“Top shelf, love! The stepstool is in the pantry if you need it.”
“I can reach it, I’m tall enough!”
“My love!”
“Whose idea was it to have this many children?” Fox laughed as he turned to look at his wife and she shook her head with a smile.
“I believe it was you, my dear,” he said, pulling her close and kissing her as their oldest daughter made a disgusted sound.
“I don’t remember the last one being part of the deal,” she teased quietly and he remembered how the last one had come to be.
“Blame the bottles of wine and the fact that your mother volunteered to give us a weekend away.” He grinned and she smiled, tracing a heart with her finger, right over the one tattooed on his chest.
“You wear your heart on your sleeve,” Dana had said to him the night after he had asked her to marry him, her fingers tracing the scar from the bullet wound that had led them to one another. “Or outside your chest. I love that about you so much.”
The next day, they had gone to a tattoo shop at her insistence, and he had a heart tattooed over his old scar, asking for it to be teal, like the walls in the yarn shop.
“The color of happiness,” he had said and she had smiled as she watched the teal heart cover the puckered skin.
Every one of their children had asked why he had a blue heart instead of a red one, their small fingers tracing it as they were held in his arms.
“Blue doesn’t always mean sadness, my loves, sometimes blue can be the happiest color in the world.”
“Like Mommy’s part of the shop?” they had asked and he had nodded with a smile.
The little shop had grown over the years as they bought the building next door and turned it into a cafe. The name had changed as well, and was now known as Knit Knacks and Snacks. People came in to eat and then join in on a knitting lesson, taught by Dana’s mother, Dana, or their oldest daughter.
And every night, when the shops were closed, the little family would turn on music and get the Knacks side of the shops ready for the next day. The Snacks side… Well, many new recipes were created after hours with many willing tasters ready to try anything with chocolate.
“Dad! The biscuits!”
“Oof!” He stepped away from Dana and ran to the oven, opening it to find they were the perfect color. “Crisis averted!”
He took the biscuits out and everyone came together to the counter. Six plates were laid down, a biscuit placed on each one and cut in half. Cut strawberries in a sugary liquid were scooped onto the biscuits, soaking it in deliciousness. Freshly made whipped cream was placed on top and the plates were distributed.
They all sat down and ate their special Friday night treat, the youngest getting it all over his shirt, his grin red and happy.
Fox looked at all of them, this family of his and he shook his head. Dana took a tissue from the pocket of her periwinkle sweater and wiped their son’s face, with a shake of her head.
“See how handy these pockets have been?” she asked with a smile and he laughed.
His heart was full and he felt happier than he ever imagined was possible. "I love you, Mulder clan." 
"Wuv you too, Bab.” Came their responses, all of their mouths full of strawberry shortcake, and he laughed once more.
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