#covid-19 mention
anti-ao3 · 4 months
i went to the hospital for an exam and the medical staff said "you can take off your mask if you want :)"
it's LITERALLY flu season where i live, covid is still out there, not to mention several other respiratory diseases (we're having more and more whooping cough/pertussis cases too, which affects children the most). do not even ENCOURAGE me to take off my mask, thank you very much.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
Summary: A "Virtual Museum Tour" by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, focusing on the one of the tapestries in The Hunt of the Unicorn series, talking about the gallery where it's displayed, the Early 15th Century culture when it was made, the symbolism of the plants and animals depicted, the craft employed in making it, and a bit of evidence of who the master weaver was. Explained by a few of the curators at the museum, who are especially fond of this piece.
Premiered 1 August, 2020. Proper closed captions. Some eye contact (small part of the screen). ~30 minutes.
I don't usually post videos this long, but this is in my Top 5 favorite works of art, ever. And I had to share the squee.
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goodluckdetective · 2 years
It’s finally happened: I caught the plague (COVID-19).
I’m fine relatively speaking and my cat is now parked on my lap and refuses to move.
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novastrae · 8 months
*thinks abt deci(redacted) again* i hauve covid
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sayruq · 10 months
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bpdstevenuniverse · 1 year
// TRIGGER WARNING - discussions of religion, death (including from COVID-19) and suicide
I honestly hate it when my mom claims that everything is predestined, especially death. I know everyone has different beliefs and religions, but this way of thinking is pretty fucking biased. I remember my mom saying that all the deaths caused by COVID-19 were destined. I got really angry with her about that, and I also questioned her if victims of racism, fascism, lgbtphobia, antisemitism etc. also deserved to die, because that's essentially what my mom preaches. I don't remember now what she said, but she probably either ignored me or gave a flimsy excuse. I don't even try to argue with her about it anymore.
However, something she also told me these days was, roughly speaking, that outside energies (or your past lives?) will become angry with you if you try to take your own life. My mom was using this to encourage me to give a chance to a syncretic African religion she got into, but honestly, this is NOT encouraging. Suicidal thoughts aren't a crime. You shouldn't be punished for feeling suicidal. You deserve HELP, not punishment. It's worse even that my mom had attempted suicide, so she's ALSO punishing herself for it.
She is an ignorant person in nature, but I guess this is why I'm so aggressively agnostic. My beef is mostly with christianity (catholicism specifically) because of my mostly conservative family AND country. Disclaimer, I don't hold anything against the core values of christianity, which is to love the other and embrace the oppressed groups, nor do I believe that all religions should stop existing. But the way people use them to justify their bigotry is disgusting. The whole "predestination" bullshit has been criticized for CENTURIES, but somehow people like my mom love guilt-tripping those who are in pain or who have died.
Death isn't something planned. Death is unexpected, random, and above all UNFAIR. That's why it hurts so much.
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artsekey · 25 days
Reminder to get your COVID booster when they're available. I kept putting off my next dose because of my schedule, and I've been out with COVID for eight days now.
Posting the symptoms I had to inform others as COVID is constantly evolving:
Day 1 (3 or 4 days after exposure): started as a feeling of "imminent sickness" in the back of my throat. I otherwise felt 100%.
Day 2: Extremely tired. Congestion. Limited all contact.
Day 3: 101 Fever. Congestion. Extremely tired. Couldn't make it through lecturing my class (remotely). Began medicating with Theraflu (acetaminophen). Tested positive for COVID with the fastest and clearest positive test I've ever seen.
Day 4: Fever between 99 and 101.5. Cancelled all activity. Spent all day in bed. Extreme congestion. Extreme aches & chills at night. This day was absolutely miserable. My friend brought me soup. I cried about it. Continued with Theraflu. Considered going to the ER due to severity of symptoms.
Day 5: Intermittent low-grade fever at 99.8. Congestion continued, coughing and sneezing began.
Day 6: Fever cleared. Coughing & sneezing intensified. Tested again as per CDC recommendations: still a strong positive. Began taking Robitussin (cough syrup only, no acetaminophen).
Day 7: Coughing worsened significantly. Lots of liquids, lots of Robitussin.
Day 8: Today! No fever, no cough, some slight congestion remains. Once again tested positive for COVID-- with a weaker positive this time! I expect I'll be back to normal by day 10, but... trust me, if you're going to get your "booster" through a needle or ten days of this, choose the booster! As a reminder, you can order up to 4 free COVID tests at the end of September through HHS.gov!
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onlytiktoks · 1 month
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opalsiren · 2 months
the hse's advice on covid self-isolation is such dogshit. 'you can come out of isolation after 5 days but don't interact with anyone high risk for 10 days' cool how do i know the person sitting next to me on the bus isn't high risk. the person in line behind me getting groceries, the person i make small talk with in the pharmacy queue. literally eugenics-adjacent advice
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disabled-pixie · 1 year
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Covid isn't over! We're now going into an endemic! It will continue to evolve and make new variants, each more deadly than the last. I know people will say, "It will only kill the already disabled and elderly." Thanks for condemning my life and thousands of others to death because you wanted to go back to "normal life" and didn't do the bare minimum of getting vaccinated!
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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Its the long sleeves that does it for me
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phoenixonwheels · 1 year
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[ID: Tweet by bubblewrath.bsky.social @wrath_776 on 9/10/23 “People that I know do not wear masks making "suicide prevention" posts about how every life matters are baffling lmao how do you not see the dissonance”]
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fretbored34 · 2 years
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All thanks to the plague 👍
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chocolatepyrusart · 1 year
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what do u mean i’m late for gentaro’s birthday, i can’t quite hear you
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anti-ao3 · 2 months
having to read people online experiencing "covid lockdown nostalgia" is fucking crazy to me
the lockdown gave me anxiety attacks, a more severe depression than i've ever had and suicidal thoughts, so i do not fucking miss being terrified of dying and becoming paranoid over hygiene. fuck you
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autumnalhalcyon · 1 year
Not to diminish anyone's actual 9/11 related trauma, but the way this fucking hell country treats this event compared to other, comparitively more deadly and ongoing crises really really pisses me the fuck off.
Every news outlet and wannabe fasc- i mean, patriot bleats out the "never forget" line, but like, people are still actively dying from COVID and its related complications, but when it comes to that little chesnut, everyone wants to pretend the pandemic is over.
I was like, freshly five years old and more concerned with a video game crocodile at the time of 9/11, but here we are in the middle of a pandemic that's still killing people, still making more variants, and yet me and my partner often feel like the only ones in this entire fucking world still concerned about it sometimes. We wade through crowds of unmasked mouth-breathers, flinching at every cough or sneeze, get verbally abused or condescended to about wearing masks as the entire world attempts to gaslight us about the nature of COVID and try to convince us that WE'RE the crazy ones.
Though i guess it's a bit more difficult to cultivate an us-vs-them fascist/imperial/nationalist ideology by caring about your fellow man, vaccinating, masking and avoiding crowds than it is by shoving an attack by foreign (read: brown) extremists down the throats of a populace increasingly too young to even remember it lol
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