#creations {mc edits}
lowcallyfruity · 6 months
Twst incorrect quotes 😨?!
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faustinio27 · 1 month
BONNIE HUTCHINSON - Character profile (HL OC)
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Full name: Bonifacia Wilhelmina Hutchinson
Nicknames: Bonnie, Bonnie Minnie
Age: 15 (5th year)
Gender: Female
House: Hufflepuff
MBTI: ISFJ (Defender)
Blood status: Pure-blood
Social status: Aristocrat
Wand: Unicorn heart
Patronus: Bat : "The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person."
Animagus: Swallowtail butterfly (non-registered)
Boggart: Her disappointed mother
Amortentia: Vanilla, petrichor, gardenia
Favorite class: Herbology
Favorite teacher: Professor Garlick
Least favorite teacher: Professor Howin
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Old Disney princess energy
Hair: Type 4a, black
Eyes: Droopy, black
Skin tone: Deep dark
Height: 1m72 (5'6)
Distinguishing features: Teeth gap, mole under her right eye, thick eyebrows
Clothing style: Classy, Princess, Cottagecore aesthetic
Elegant and always clean-cut. She doesn't wear the robe of her house, just the puffy shirt and long black skirt, with the characteristic yellow Hufflepuff ribbon. With the uniform, she always has a pair of earrings that can vary, and her frizzy hair is tied back with a pastel-colored ribbon. She wears almost nothing but dresses or skirts. Outside school, she wears luxurious outfits. Although she likes to dress in pastel colors, most often yellow, green and white, she sometimes wears gloomy black and purple outfits, the colors of her family. She loves to wear clothes with plant, flower or butterfly motifs, and has a soft spot for ribbons. She has a lot of body hair and shaves regularly.
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Bonnie is a very gentle and sweet person, like a calm sun. She lights up the surroundings with her smile and optimism. Pacific by nature, she always chooses kindness and belief in others, which can make her seem naive. But she remains strong for her ability to choose peace when she has the capacity to hurt. Very popular for her beauty and gentleness, everyone has a crush on her. She's very sociable and is friends with everyone, but has few close friends. Only they know about her teasing side, which she hides, because it tends to bewilder others. You'll never see her get angry, unless she catches you mistreating plants or other harmless creatures. Coming from a good family, she's well-bred, polite and courteous. She can also be "appreciated" for her beauty and status alone, and faces many hyporcrites.
Bonnie is passionate about herbology, and confident in her abilities. Plants are her whole life, and she cherishes them as if they were her own children. She doesn't like when people see them only as tools, whereas she treats them as living beings. Many people think she's only good at looking after flowers and other pretty but useless plants, but what she prefers are dangerous and venomous ones, which tend to surprise people when they find out. Moreover, she has an attraction for all things normally repulsive and frightening: spiders, Sombrals, trolls, toads… Which makes her open-minded and not judge people by their appearance. But she tends to hide it, so as not to be linked to her family's dangerousness and to be feared. It's hard to scare her, as she keeps her composure, and she may appear reckless in dangerous situations. The Hufflepuff spends most of her time in the school greenhouse taking care of her plants, or can be found in the forest.
We might think that Bonnie lacks of ambition, because she doesn’t aspire to much. If she has to take over the family business and become a ruthless businesswoman, she dreams of a simple life, where she would live with her wife and children, and would take care of her plants in a small cottage. She has resigned herself to such a life and blindly follows the orders of her family, but still hopes to find the strength to break free from them. A certain Slytherin could help her…
Traits: kind, patient, romantic, calm, sociable, sensible, empathic, peaceful, naive, passive, idealist but tend to be fatalistic
Likes: plants (Tentacula venenosa are her favorite), tea parties, picnic, sweet fruits, wake up with the sun, Sombrals, spiders
Dislikes: gossip, close-mind and hateful people, dark arts, being seen as a fragile and defendless things
Good at: herbology, potions, singing, dancing, playing a harp
Bad at: defending herself, Quidditch, not being pretty
Hobbies: taking care of her plants, flying with Imelda, walk in the wild
Fears: losing Imelda, disappointing her parents, fire
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Imelda Reyes: The two students didn't get along at first. Imelda saw Bonnie as a silly girl, living only in her haughty little artistocrat world, and Bonnie saw her as cruel and contemptuous for her own pleasure. They spoke little to each other, had no friends in common, no shared passions, and tolerated each other for classes. Still, Imelda was stung in her ego that the Hufflepuff who liked everyone didn't like her, and Bonnie was vexed that she didn't reciprocate the kindness she showed. And so the years went by, Bonnie ignoring her and Imelda sparring, until Imelda came to her with a request for a potion to help her improve her Quidditch performance. From there, an exchange of favors between the two teenagers led to them spending more time together, learning more about each other, and growing fonder of each other. Until they fell in love.
Bonnie is the calm sunshine and Imelda the grumpy storm. Despite appearances, Bonnie loves to tease her girlfriend by flirting with her without warning, even though she knows it's unladylike. They support each other in their respective passions, even if they know nothing about them. Imelda appreciates her gentleness and optimism, while Bonnie appreciates her honesty, bravery and admires most of all her self-confidence. Both have learned to see beyond appearances: Imelda learns that kindness is an act of courage and use her strong personality to help her girlfriend, and Bonnie learns to stand up for herself and not let others do it to her while keeping her convictions. Bonnie confided to Imelda her secret of being an animagus, encouraged by the latter to show her true strength. Imelda gives her the confidence to assume who she is. The Slytherin loves her for who she is, not for how rich she is or what she's asked to be.
Ominis Gaunt: Ominis and Bonnie were engaged as children. The Huntchinsons want to mingle with the Gaunts to rise socially, and because it's an honor to link up with such a powerful and noble family. Especially because of their shared pure-blood ideology and hatred for the Muggles. Fortunately, the two children get along well and have become friends, and Bonnie's mother is counting on this alliance to rebuild her daughter's reputation. The children support each other through the difficult times caused by the toxicity of their respective families.
Now teenagers, the two don't talk about their union at school, which no one (except Sebastian) knows about. Although friends, they suspect that neither is in love. But they don't think they can escape an arranged marriage, and prefer to get married with a friend, rather than separate and risk having to marry someone they don't like. Until Bonnie fell in love with Imelda. Ominis found out, and encouraged her to follow her heart and defy her family, giving him the courage to do the same. They remained on good terms for the rest of their lives.
Adelaide Oakes: One of her roomates. They hit it off right away, with their calm, warm personalities. It was when Bonnie saw Adelaide persisting in her studies and her hobbies that she realized the gap in wealth that separated them: Bonnie's future was assured (if she decided to follow the path set out for her), but her friend had to fight to be able to have a decent life. Nevertheless, there's no jealousy between the girls, and they enjoy gardening together.
Samantha Dale: She and Bonnie got on well together, thanks to their passion for botany and their qualifications for potions. Samantha is a great talker when they're together, and likes to discuss anything and everything - classes, boys, fashion, etc.- when it's not about herbology. Bonnie wishes her friend were a Hufflepuff so they could spend even more time with together. They regularly form a trio with Adelaide around their passion for plants, and are known to be Professor Garlick's favorite students.
Natsai Onai: Bonnie is the first student that Natsai went to see when she arrived at Hogwarts, thinking she was also an African student. Although this was not the case, they became friends and she helped him quickly integrate into school and Scottish society. In return, Bonnie often asks her to tell stories about her home country, where she has lost its customs. Natsai tells her everything with pleasure, and wants to help her learn their language, as well as handle magic without a wand. Bonnie admires her bravery and determination, which she lacks of. She would like to be able to tell her that she is an animagus to fly with her, but hasn't told her. Bonnie is worried that some members of her family are taking a little too close interest in Natsai, being a pure-blood witch with her father killed from a muggle hunter, and to corrupt her with their anti-Muggles ideas.
Leander Prewett: Like her other friends, Bonnie and Leander have bonded over their shared passion for botany. He enjoys her company, not least because she's not stingy with compliments, and he finds himself invigorated after spending time with her. He also has a crush on the Hufflepuff that everyone seems to see except her (or she deliberately ignores him, because it's not mutual). Even if Bonnie is often asked why a girl as popular as she is spending time with such a loser, she simply replies that she enjoys his company, which is true. She doesn't regard him as a nobody nor with pity and defends his honor with composure, resenting anyone putting down her friend, even more if it's supposed to "compliment" her.
Mother Wilhelmina (animagus: black widow): Wilhelmina is a cold woman who could easily be nicknamed "Lady of Steel". She never smiles, and keeps her family under her thumb. Nothing is more important to her than the honor of the Hutchinsons and keeping her daughter in line with tradition. Wilhelmina has often been envied by those around her, especially her younger brother Augustus who envies her position as heiress, and who has passed this resentment to his sons. When Bonnie was born, she decided to not have another child, to avoid the same jealousy as her brother. But this puts even more pressure on Bonnie to live up to her expectations, as she is the only direct descendant. Wilhelmina loves her deeply as a child, especially as she had difficulty getting pregnant, and wants to keep her away from the toxicity of her relatives. Nevertheless, she fears her daughter's recklessness and raises her firmly to force her to toughen up. She's stingy with her compliments, but reminds her that she's doing all this because she loves her, and to protect her from their family of vultures. Unfortunately, Bonnie seems to prefer empathy to severity.
Their relationship has worsened with each passing year, first after the discovery of her daughter's butterfly animagus, then her entry into the Hufflepuff house, which has brought her ridicule among her own kind. Seeing that the situation is not improving, and that the whole family is beginning to think that her daughter is not fit to lead them and does not deserve her status as heiress, Wilhelmina is torn between her duty as family leader and her love for her daughter. Unfortunately, it's the former that takes precedence over the latter, and their relationship deteriorates to the point of toxicity.
Bonnie loves her mother deeply but is dependent on her and her opinion, finds it hard to assert herself and is afraid of disappointing her more than anything else in the world. She'd like to find a situation where she can live the life she wants, without it causing a rift between them. She would later talk about her relationship with Imelda, naively hoping that her mother would accept her daughter's pure love. All she received was anger and disappointment. Two main problems: Imelda is half-blood with a pure-blood mother and a muggle-blood father, and she couldn't have biological children with her (not to mention that the Reyes were neither wealthy nor influential). Wilhelmina tried to work out an arrangement, such as letting Bonnie take Imelda as her lover as long as she married Ominis, but her daughter remained adamant about a love marriage, causing an even greater rift between the two.
Father Lawrence: Bonnie doesn't have much of a relationship with her father. While her mother looks after their manor house and family business in the surrounding area, her father is busy expanding their market to Scotland and even the world, leaving them little time to see each other. Lawrence is a quiet, serious man, as is Wilhelmina. Both know that their marriage is about business, not love, and that he was chosen because of his pure-blood status, his disdain for the Muggles, and his business acumen. It was his wife who decided to take charge of their daughter's education, and he relies entirely on her. He hopes that Bonne will follow the path that seems so clear to her.
Uncle Augustus (animagus: onychocerus beetle): Augustus is Wilhelmina's youngest and first brother. He's charming and charismatic, serious and implacable. Augustus has always been jealous of his older sister, believing himself to be better than her in every way, and more capable of leading their family to better days. He thinks it's unfair that she should be the heiress only because she's the eldest, whereas he thinks he's more competent than her. He works with her in their family business despite their tensions. He only wants one thing: to see his sister and daughter fall so he can take over the family business and make his sons the heirs of the Hutchinsons.
Aunt Ahutiare: Ahutiare was a gentle, kind and cheerful Tahithian by nature. She had fallen head over heels in love with Augustus during their time together at Hogwarts, as he was a popular, wealthy, charming and gentlemanly student who promised her the world. Ahutiare had little confidence in herself, coming from a wealthy family of purebloods fresh to London, and that was exactly what interested her lover: a docile, submissive woman of pure blood like his own. They married soon after graduation, and she became pregnant not long after her husband insisted on having children as soon as possible. Little did she know that his sole motivation was to have heirs before his sister did. Year after year, the mask crumbled and Ahutiare caught a glimpse of the narcissistic pervert she had married. He took her children away from her and raised them with the help of a wet nurse. Ahutiare became a shadow of her former self, receiving no affection from her husband after giving birth, only luxurious jewels and fine clothes to show her like a trophy to his relatives. She blindly follows her husband and agrees with everything he does and says. She spends most of her time at home, and only goes out if he forces her to. Her zest for life died a long time ago.
Cousins Ambrose and Archibald (animagus: bullet ant / harvesting ant) : The Hutchinson twins take after their father, who taught them and instilled his values. They are two years Bonnie's senior, and will soon have completed their studies at Hogwarts, during which they have given their cousin a hard time. Despite being the oldest of their generation, they think it's unfair that Bonnie should be the heiress. To say they despise her would be an understatement. Ambrose and Archibald are brilliant, charismatic boys who are cold, ambitious and ruthless. They're very popular, especially among the Slytherins, who rally to their cause rather than to the Hutchinson heiress, not to mention the support of their own family. The twins are never without each other, but their friendship hangs by a thread, as they would be ready to kill each other to define who would take over the family. One of them seems to have a particular interest in Natsai…
Uncle Hugh (animagus: scolopendra millipede): Hugh is the youngest of his siblings. When he entered Hogwarts, he was to have been sent to Ravenclaw, but begged the Sorting Hat to send him to his family house, even though he didn't have the values. Being the youngest, he knew he'd never have a high position in the family and didn't seek it, fleeing the rivalry of his elders. Hugh is a coward, a man who prefers to run away from conflict to be safe and go with the flow. Nevertheless, he's an inquisitive scholar who thrives on science and books, although no one has ever had anything to do with his shyness. Lacking business acumen, he is relegated to the background of the family business, but has an equally important role: inventing new formulas for their potions and poisons.
Aunt Vera: Vera is the daughter of a bourgeois family who married Hugh for no other reason than to rise socially in the sphere of nobility. She loves him only for his status, and would have preferred to marry his older brother Augustus, whom she finds more charming, more ambitious, and closer to becoming heir to the Hutchinsons. Vera is eager for power, not to rule, but to take it easy and find a comfortable situation where she has nothing to do but flaunt her wealth and gossip.
Cousin Eugenia (animagus: giant silk glass caterpillar) : Eugenia was born a few months after Bonnie, and they're both in the same class. Eugenia is terribly envious of her older cousin: she envies her position, her talent for potions and herbology, her beauty… Although Eugenia has nothing to be ashamed of, she does her best to be noticed, but she lives in the shadow of her cousin, who is the heiress to their family. As a real pest, she doesn't hesitate to slander and gossip about Bonnie, finding comfort only in putting her down. She's shallow and hopes to find a good match, as her father is only the youngest of his siblings, so she knows she can't hope for a better position in their family.
Cousin Basil (animagus: bee) : Basil is an 8-year-old boy who loves his cousin Bonnie. He's not interested in his family's stories, and prefers to concoct a new prank to play on them. Energetic and mischievous, a future Slytherin with a big heart, he's tireless and loves to involve Bonnie in his games. His big sister Eugenia often chases him away because "she's too old for these pranks", and they spend their time bickering. Basil is the fresh air Bonnie needs in her toxic family, and she cherishes him with all her heart.
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The Hutchinson crest. The apple for freedom, the castle for wealth, the sun for their superiority, and the scorpio for their ancestor's animagus.
The family's most distant recognized ancestor was called Ousmane. He was an African wizard who was captured and sold as a slave to a wealthy white master in Scotland in 1675, to work on a tobacco plantation. Like all slaves of the time, he was mistreated and lived in atrocious conditions, which marked him forever. He refused to use magic, terrified of being discovered as a wizard and killed. But as the years passed, his anger only increased, and he decided to devise a plan of escape. One night, he entered his master's home as a thick-tailed scorpion, his animagus, and stung him. His deadly venom killed him, and Ousmane took the opportunity to steal his fortune and escape before dawn. As a runaway black slave, he hurried to the Scottish wizarding world to seek refuge, unconcerned about the fate of the slaves left behind.
From that day on, he rebuilt his life. He decided to stay in Scotland and used his former master's fortune to live a comfortable life, raising himself to the rank of aristocrat. He specialized in poisons and venoms of all kinds, and was particularly appreciated by the dark wizards for this. By frequenting them, he came to share their anti-Muggles ideas, to whom he dedicated a hatred without name. He accused them all of being slavers, not only against the Blacks but also against the wizards they hunted and burned. He never returned to the Muggle world because he didn't belong there due to his skin color and magic, and his descendants would never mix with them or with wizards of Muggle or mixed blood. They'll all become Slytherins, and it's frowned upon to come from another Hogwarts house.
The Hutchinson family became known for being a refuge for Black wizards who wanted to settle in Scotland, but they had to submit to their conditions and ode of thought, such as muggle hatred. She is also known to free all the house elves she buys, due to her trauma of slavery. Thus, all house elves are free servants, paid and treated well, who can stay and work for them or leave if they wish. The family is criticized for this, especially by dark wizards, but the Hutchinsons remain faithful to this rule. Denying one's Black roots is frowned upon, such as straightening one's hair for girls.
Nevertheless, to better integrate into Scottish life and aristocracy, Ousmane abandoned his African surname, native language and traditions, except for one that has become the family mainstay: becoming an animagus. All direct descendants are known to be venomous insects, the most distant being deadly (but not venomous) insects or venomous animals (not insects). The business of poisons and venoms is passed down from generation to generation. The eldest child becomes head of the family, regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl. Spouses are not required to be animagus or Slytherin (or to be Black), but it's always appreciated. They must, however, take the name of their husband or wife to keep the family heritage, whether they are men or women.
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Bonnie came into the world with one goal: to be the heiress to the Hutchinson family, and to take over as head of the family when the time came, with the duties that go with it. Despite these demands and a strict upbringing worthy of a young noblewoman, her early years were quite peaceful. She took part in all her chores without complaint, and her particular interest in herbology delighted her parents. If her peaceful nature didn't worry them more than that, everything changed at the animagus ceremony when she turned 7. The family gathered to celebrate the animagus of a new child in the family -and here, being the heiress, the interest was more than special. Only her parents could witness her first transformation, before it was revealed to the rest of the family. Bonnie knew she came from a line of animagus insects, so when she transformed into a beautiful yellow butterfly, she was delighted. Until she became human again and found her parents astonished. Not only was she not a venomous insect, like all the direct descendants of their distant ancestor, she was just... a harmless insect. With the animagus representing the personality of the wizard, she would be directly labeled pretty, but useless. It was such a shame that her parents preferred to reveal that she hadn't succeeded in her transformation, hoping to gain time to help her become another animal. Even so, it was a laughing stock for her family, who already saw her as unfit to rule them if she wasn't able to reveal her animagus. Since then, Bonnie has been strictly forbidden to speak to anyone about this event, and to transform herself, making her feel as if she were being restrained not fully herself. Her parents were convinced that they had been too gentle with her and that this had an impact on her animagus.
From then on, although they were already strict, they became nothing but cold to their daughter. They tried their best to instill hatred, ambition and firmness in her, but Bonnie only thrived on empathy and love. Despite her efforts to compensate for her perceived weak personality, she redoubled her efforts to appear perfect in their eyes: she studied poisons with more interest, took her lessons in good behavior to be a respectable girl, maintained her relationship with Ominis and the Gaunts, but could not adhere to her parents' hateful ideas. When she was taken out to Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin, she ended up sobbing, knowing that she had disappointed them yet again. Which she did: it was yet another reason to prove to the rest of her family that she wasn't worthy of being the Hutchinson heiress. Her parents wanted to take her through the Sorting Hat ceremony again, but it refused.
Bonnie finally found a place that accepted her for who she was. Although she had difficulty making friends at first due to her status and to the Hutchinsons' ruthless reputation, her sociability and kindness helped make her popular, especially as she grew older. The people around her at school reinforced her peaceful values, but she felt torn between her morals and her duties. She had accepted her destiny as an heiress, until she fell in love with a half-blood and found a reason to fight for what she wanted.
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At a family dinner near the end of her fifth year, Bonnie's mother was given a choice: leave her place as heiress to her brother and sons, or use any means to force her daughter to take her role seriously. Bonnie was unaware of this deal, and announced the breakup of her engagement to Ominis (absent that evening). With a heavy heart, Wilhelmina tried to cast an Impero spell on her daughter, but Basil narrowly warned her, and she could dodge it. Bonnie fled, her whole family on her heels to catch her, some to hurt her, others to prevent her from leaving. It was then that she was able to jump from the 4th-floor window. Her family exclaimed in terror, thinking she was going to kill herself, but she transformed into a butterfly and flew off, making everyone aware of her previously hidden animagus.
Bonnie fled to Imelda, who took her in with her parents. Her parents already knew her and welcomed her happily. Unfortunately, Wilhelmina tried to force her daughter to return home by getting Headmaster Black on her side, and threatening to remove her from Hogwarts. Bonnie took her aside and threatened her in turn, encouraged by Imelda, to reveal all the darkest secrets of their dark wizard family to the Ministry of Magic. Indeed, some time after running away, Bonnie secretly returned to their home to retrieve some of her belongings, as well as compromising documents, with the help of a house elf. Her horrified mother left her alone and disinherited her, and Bonnie was able to live with the Reyes in a warm cocoon. For although Bonnie lost her inheritance and her wealth, she found true love. She felt infinitely indebted to the Reyes, yet worried that her family would try anything against them. Fortunately, they were happy for her to disappear, leaving them free to designate a more worthy heir.
After Hogwarts, Bonnie and Imelda married. They live in a cottage in the middle of the forest, surrounded by nature. Bonnie works as a seller of plants of all kinds, spending her time pampering them and selling them to enthusiasts. She encourages Imelda in her career as a professional Quidditch player and is her greatest supporter. The wives adopted two children:
The first, a young disabled witch and future Gryffindor, is forced to stay in a walking (not rolling) chair because she can't use her legs. She has a strong personality and dreams of becoming a Quidditch player like Imelda, who encourages her to do so, and inherits more of her traits. Turbulent and hyperactive, she thrives only on sport and sweat, and hates magic theory. After Hogwarts, she was refused entry to all teams because of her disability. Not content to take it lying down, she went on to create the highly successful Parasports Quidditch, helped by Imelda.
The second one is a young werewolf whom Bonnie finds wounded near their home in the forest. He has been disowned by his pack of werewolves who live apart from the wizards because of the lack of wildness in him. The boy is physically imposing, but very shy and has trouble with social relationships. He will be homeschooled and Bonnie will take care of his education. Although his sister and mother encourage him to take advantage of his body to play Quidditch, he will thrive on quiet activities and prefers to spend time in Bonnie's garden. She will accompany him to the forest every full moon as a butterfly, and tries her best to make his situation as pleasant as possible.
Bonnie may have cut ties with her family, but her cousin Basil, now grown up (whom she hasn't seen since she finished her studies at Hogwarts), found her and they renewed contact. He tells her that since she left, Ambrose and Archibald have been fighting a mortal battle day after day to see who will become the leader of their family, splitting it into two distant clans in the process. He keeps his distance from the toxicity of their family, and is happy to meet Bonnie Reyes' new family. He will always be welcome and will visit them regularly.
The modest family will live happily ever after.
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torunka · 2 months
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matching kotone and shinjiro graphics .. unfortunately i cant credit the original poster of the fanart used because there has been so many re-uploads of it …. very sorry t_t
feel free to tag as ship , but no f/o tags for shinjiro please && thank you <3
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liaromancewriter · 10 months
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A Valentine Engagement
Premise: Cassie and Ethan's big news makes for front page headlines in the society papers.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Format: Edit/Manip + News
I've been wanting to do an engagement photoshoot for Ethan & Cassie for ages (her family insisted). I originally thought I'd commission artwork, but decided to make a manip instead and write a society news story.
Text can be hard to read on images, so the copy is included below the cut along with the original photo.
Published in Newport Société:
The Valentine Clan is expanding by one and it’s a Rhode Island affair.
Newport royalty, Asher and Myra Valentine, announced the engagement of their granddaughter, Dr. Cassandra (Cassie) Elizabeth Valentine (31) — daughter of Robert and Olivia Valentine — to Providence-born Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey (39), son of Mr. Alan Ramsey.
The couple met four years ago while working at Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital, where Dr. Valentine is currently Head of Diagnostics and Dr. Ramsey is Chief of Medicine.
By all accounts it was a fairytale romance and now a whirlwind wedding. The couple plans to wed in an intimate ceremony with close family and friends on the grounds of the Valentine Estate on Oceanside in July.
Even though their permanent residence is in Arlington, VA along with The Hudson Group global headquarters, the Valentines have been part of the Newport establishment since the 1800s, owning one of the few legacy homes still in the original family’s care.
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All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 years
Meet My MC: Xiomara Isabel Calloway
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I summarized the main details above but I'll also write them here just in case
FC: Adria Arjona
Book: Wake The Dead (feat. My Carmen Sandiego 2019 AU)
Nickname(s): Xi, Mara, Genius
Age: 25
Birthday: September 21
Birth Town (Only in WTD Universe): Reno, Nevada
Race/Ethnicity: Half Argentinian & Half Australian
Love Interest: Troy Hassan
Trivia: has a photographic memory, is an avid sketcher and is an inventor with advanced combat/weaponry skills
Personality: logical – organized – detail oriented – helpful – kind – calm – supportive – intellectual – resourceful – hardworking – reliable – punctual – patient – critical thinker – responsible – humble – people pleaser – perfectionist – self-destructive – high standards – stubborn – anxious – kinda sarcastic
Backstory: Xiomara's (and her older sister Scarlett's) biological parents were Carmen Sandiego and Graham Calloway. They got married in their early twenties after meeting at college (along with their other three close friends Sheena Turner, Antonio Cruz, and Jean-Paul). After finishing school, Sheena ran off without saying goodbye, and the rest of the four got married and had a double wedding! Antonio and Jean-Paul adopted two kids (Marisa and Marzel) and became a large family, especially the latter family insisting that they were to be called uncles or cousins. They were happy until the drones started spreading. Carmen, Gray, Marisa, and Marzel died saving their family/community or in the process of escaping, and requested that Antonio and Jean-Paul raised Scarlett and Xiomara. They happily obliged as they were the only family they had left, and moved to Reno focusing more on combat training. The rest of the story stayed the same: Jean-Paul getting bit, and Antonio refusing to kill him which didn't end well... 10-year-old Scarlett took 4-year-old Xiomara and ended up in The Tower, etc.
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moiraimyths · 18 days
Demo Update: New MC/Daonna Sprites!
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Good morning, fateful friends!
We have an exciting update for The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) today! Specifically, the demo now officially boasts three new sprites for MC and Daonna!!! (Read more below 👇)
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If you remember from our Kickstarter, one of our stretch goals was the ability to fully customize the appearance of MC and their mysterious doppelganger, Daonna. Sadly, we weren't able to reach this goal at the time - which meant that for the foreseeable future, MC and Daonna would be functionally represented by a single sprite. This was obviously not ideal, since this limits players to a single skin tone, hair colour, eye colour, etc., so after our Kickstarter ended we decided to go back to the drawing board and come up with a middle ground solution that was more realistic/feasible for us. Hence: Daonna now has three distinct designs, which players can use as a basis for their MCs if they want to. (Examples: Maybe your MC styles their hair differently, or never goes without rouge!) Ultimately though, if you still prefer your own headcanon to our sprites, feel free to consider them simply interpretations of MC/Daonna's many possible appearances! Mythology is often full of contradictions, after all ;)
In addition to MC/Daonna, there are a few other new things in this version of the demo (which will update automatically on Steam, but needs to be fully redownloaded from Itch):
Bug fixes (missing audio for Milesian, added entry for Finn, some typos, missing credit names)
A new, fabulous sprite for the lady shopkeeper (with another for the shopkeeper man on the way!)
A new sprite for Maeve's crows
A new animation for Maeve's crows
Minor UI updates
That's all for now! Slán go foill!
- Clotho
EDIT: There appears to be a bit of confusion surrounding the nature of this update, so I want to clarify: These sprites will only appear in the character creation menu and when Daonna (who already had a sprite prior to now regardless) makes appearances in-game. Otherwise, the gameplay is the same as before. This sprite will not be visible when your MC speaks, so you are still free to imagine your MC in any fashion of your choosing.
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cleapallea · 2 months
Astro Edition: 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗲
Which signs are giving me dark feminine energy?
Ok, let's face the truth. I know some of you have this kind of thinking why some women tends to look better with makeup or, can change their aura with the use of makeup? Well, because makeup doesn't suit for everyone—especially if it's about emphasizing the look or features of a woman because you reject the power of makeup. In a sense that makeup depends on how you carry yourself (subconsious, conscious, and unconsciously), Your inner potential and how other perceived you based on the knowledge you share, talents and etc. Makeup is an art. An expression of your personality, your mood, and your creativity. It's on your mood—based upon it!
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Here are the Zodiac Placements who's giving me a dark feminine energy (in order)
A. Big 6 or have more influence
Leo (high royale/power )
Aries (bold and fiery)
Gemini (Trickster)
Scorpio (creation/creativity )
Sag (exploration and enhancing)
Libra (balance it out)
Aquarius (go with the flow)
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B. With Housing placements / with example (look for my given zodiac signs) then applied it to planets I mentioned here.
Keywords: sextile, conjunctions, trine, semi-sextile
Planets: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune
For asteroid: Lilith, Chiron, love asteroids and beauty (make sure that they are placed in signs I mentioned)
Neptune sextile Pluto (Libra/Sag/Scorpio)
Moon Trine Neptune (esp if moon is Aries then Neptune is Sagi)
Mercury Sextile Mars (Example: if Virgo then Mars is Scorpio)
Venus with good aspect in Pluto since Pluto ruled by Scorpio (main)
Mars conjunct/sextile/ trine on Jupiter
Jupiter good aspects with Uranus
Pluto sextile Mc
Asc —Mc/Rising/Moon/Neptune/
Sun—Asc/moon/Venus/Jupiter/ Uranus /Neptune/Jupiter
Notes: sag degree, or any other signs I mentioned plays on, placement of house. Example: 1st house, 8th, 7th, and so on.
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c. Possible Makeup
Witch makeup, Thailand makeup, Dark Feminine Makeup, Glam makeup, Dark romantic, Latina, Douyin (if asian), edgy, emo, grunge makeup, 90s, Gothic and so fourth. But these are what I recommend :) Happy exploring 🤝!
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—𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗶𝘀 𝗔 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲—
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
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This month marks five years since Shepherds of Haven has been on Tumblr! That's five years of fun, fandom, and the mutual blossoming of the Shepherds of Haven world through your asks, fanworks, jokes, memes, theories, and inspiring details about your personal Brightburners!
To celebrate, I thought I would share this stunning MC template I commissioned from the incredibly skilled and creative @lemondaydream! It's a gorgeous one-stop shop for all of the details about your MCs, so please enjoy and share! I wanted to share this template with all of you as thanks for your support, so nothing would make me happier than to see you use it for your own Brightburners and share what you've made with the community! 💖 If you post your creations, please tag them with #shoh or #Shepherds of Haven, or directly @ me so I can see them! 🥰💖
Terms of Use: ✦ Please don't remove the credit or logo ✦ Don't pass the work off as your own ✦ Don't use the images included in this template elsewhere
This template is quite simple to edit and use, but there are some tutorials below the cut if you need them!
How to Use:
Open the link -> Select File -> Select Make a Copy
How to Change Pictures:
Click on the image until it's surrounded by a blue box and a floating toolbar appears beneath it
Select the Edit button with the pencil icon in the toolbar (or double-click on the blue-boxed image). This will open a Drawing window.
Click on the image that you want to change until it's surrounded by the blue box again.
Select Replace Image near the top-right hand corner of the window.
Upload the image you want to use instead.
Select Save and Close.
How to Change the Stat Meters:
Highlight the amount of suns you want to change, click Font Color, select the blue (#253348) or gray (#786A5F) colors found at the bottom of the box as part of the Custom colors.
Tips on Changing Text:
Things will get shifted around and may break the format if you try to put a lot of text in one spot, but highlighting the text and changing it to a smaller size helps preserve things!
How to Share Screenshots:
Change the mode (underneath the Share button) from Editing to Viewing.
Turn your window fullscreen (F11 on Windows, Control + Command + F on Mac).
Take a screenshot of the page and crop it to your liking.
Post and share!
I hope you enjoy! ✨
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 6 months
The Sims 4 Mods/Custom Content I Use
See my Simsnatural posts here! (Warning: May contain actual or references to Wincest, CGI and animated nudity and sex, kinky shit, and other absolute nonsense.)
I've decided to make a masterpost of the mods and custom content I use to play TS4, so that I can just link back here instead of listing them every time on every post I make of my Winchester Sims. I'll list all of my mods, but I'll only list CC if it's visible in a screenshot I share or mentioned in a post. Otherwise things would get unmanageable.
For reference, I play The Sims 4 with all expansions and stuff packs. EA can bite the big one.
Better Exceptions
Bouncing Sim Boobies
Child Birth Mod
Ding & Ditch Smart Doorbell
Education Overhaul
FlirtyFetishes: BDSiM
MC Command Center
Mood Pack
More Columns in CAS
Pose Player
Selectable Pets Always
Smarter Pie Menu: Searchable Interactions
Teleport Any Sim
Unlock/Lock Doors for chosen sims
Wicked Whims
Wicked Whims Inappropriate Unlock
XML Injector
Custom Content:
Dimples by PralineSims
Eye colours by PralineSims
Eyebrows by PralineSims
Penis Meshes by Supern4tural
Pierced Penis by Khlas
Boxer-briefs with side mesh by Joliebean
Lace boyshorts by Joliebean & Imvikai
Layered autumn plaid by SimmieV
Pentacle sweater by SimmieV
Sarcasm Inc t-shirt by PralineSims
Pregnancy Pose Pack by Katverse
Wicked Whims sex animations (shown in posts so far: Anarcis, Artista De Bastardo, FausTTerM, Khlas, MOTHERLODESIMS)
BDSM Easel by YrSa
Beer bottles by Around the Sims 4
Glass of vodka by Around the Sims 4
Glock handgun – original by XanKriegor, TS4 edit by SG5150, found here
Naughty TV by Reitanna
Sex toys by 0zzzy: ball gag
Sex toys by asketo: anal beads, dildo with handle, hanging chain, tentacle dildo
Sex toys by chisami: Lovehoney g-spot dildo and wall dildo
Sex toys by Julie J: collar and leash
Sex toys by Khlas: fleshlight
Sex toys by Kodenu: hanging belt and bull whip
Sex toys by Noir and Dark / scaled by wild_guy: chrome dildo, metallic plug, realistic dildo, wand massager
Sex toys by Supern4tural: horse dildo
Whiskey bottle by leosims
Wine cellar by Kaydazzle420 (in-game gallery)
Supernatural-themed Custom Content:
1967 Chevrolet Impala – original by Fresh-Prince Creations, TS4 edit by SG5150, found here
Anti-Possession Tattoo by plumbobfae
Dean's Amulet by BAkalia
Devil's Trap Rugs by WWOM_KittyKatt
Mark of Cain by Nys!k
Men of Letters Bunker by xogerardine
Winchester Bros t-shirt by simmi98x
Sincere apologies if I forget to list anything at any stage. I'm always open to being reminded. And if any links break, do let me know.
Also, please note that I cannot guarantee the security of each link indefinitely. Use your own discretion as well as protective software the way you would/should at any other time.
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unsanctioned-if · 10 months
Snippet #3
As promised, here's a small snippet from chapter 1. Please note that it's not completely edited and that wording and content might change in the final draft.
There are three different flavor-text options here depending on the background you've chosen for your MC at the beginning. These are going to pop up a lot throughout chapter one. I decided to include all three of them in this excerpt to give a small look at how they differ from one another.
Aristocrat = A noble upbringing in the capital.
Nomad = A childhood spent with a community that moves from place to place.
Scavenger = The MC was the only child in a ragtag group who search for discarded items to sell.
“You must be famished,” Cirern stated, not bothering to phrase his words as an inquiry. “Allow me.”
With one swift motion, he gave a quick and quiet snap of his fingers. You waited silently, expecting something to happen. Seconds passed, but the man did not stir again. Though hunger gnawed at your stomach, rendering you tired and weak, you couldn’t help but to wonder whether he was somehow testing you.
You didn’t take note of the faint whirring at first. It wasn’t until it grew into a discernible noise that you turned your head to the side, perplexedly regarding your surroundings. Unable to hold yourself back, you let out a gasp as your eyes found the source of the odd, intrusive sound.
A figure had appeared by one of the room’s openings, though it was no being of flesh and bone. Matted gold clad the figure, reminiscent of armour rather than skin. Cogwheels turned inside of its exposed chest, methodically and cooperatively. The face resembled that of a human, but where a person would have eyes, two hallowed holes stared back. A straight nose and curved, metallic lips completed the face, but you weren’t certain whether the attempt at making it pass as something humanoid made the sight more or less unnerving.
Aristocrat: You knew of these creations, though you had never laid eyes on one other than the drawings included in books. "Automatons" they were called, artificial life created from clockwork, originally hailing from Ciralor to the south.
Scavenger: You had witnessed these types of creations in the past, though never one made in the image of a person and never one that hadn’t long since stopped operating. Scraps of metal here and there, most commonly. If your memory served you correctly, they originated from Ciralor to the south.
Nomad: You swallowed, mesmerized by – or struck with fear of – the strange creature.
“An automaton,” said the man to you in an explanatory fashion. “A machine built to serve mortal men. It will cause us no harm.”
The automaton’s movements were stale and jerking, lacking the natural grace that organic beings possessed. Yet it advanced across the room, towards you, without noticeable difficulty."
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Obey Me zombie apocalypse AU except everyone is human and nobody dies because I'm not good at writing character death. Less focused on MC/you and more about world building and random ideas
Literally did this in class on a time limit so it's not edited </3
"Demons" and "angels" aren't real, they're just the names of the two most major survivor groups for good reason; demons are ruthless and unforgiving, rough on the outside and ridged on the edges towards outsiders. Generally it's very hard to join their group, if not flat out impossible past a certain point.
Angels on the other hand, while just as hard to become, tend to be kinder to people not in their group. They're more willing to house someone they can see the good intentions of, more willing to help someone out of a sticky situation with no strings attached.
Of course, "reapers" exist, but they're less of a group and more of a web of mercenaries willing to take long lasting missions to hunt down other survivors or clean out large zombie infested areas on their own.
A town around the beginning of the apocalypse had been overtaken by them, more specifically, by Diavolo's father and made into a highly fortified base with the help of many people over the course of a long period of time. Eventually one day he went missing on a serious hunt and everything was left to his son. The city was named Devildom to play into the whole demon theme going on.
Leader + second in command: Diavolo, Barbatos
Overseers: Lucifer (general manager), Mammon (scavenging + look out), Leviathan (weaponry/arsenal), Satan (archivist), Asmodeus (hygiene), Beelzebub (food storage + production), Belphegor (defense/strategist)
Honorable mention: Mephistopheles
Role meanings:
General management — does whatever is needed, helps keep other overseers on track and in line, reports weekly agenda and past week's events directly to Diavolo
Scavenger + look out — organizes groups to go out scavenging for material that cannot otherwise be grown or made, also keeps people on the lookout around Devildom in case of any hoards in the area or survivors with bad intentions
Weaponry/arsenal — keeps track of the creation and distribution of weapons, including but not limited to things such as guns, explosives, melee, and chemical warfare
Archivist — writes down and keeps a library of information regarding the apocalypse, types for zombies, people in the Devildom, and any important information on other survivor groups and natural phenomenon
Hygienist — creates and distributes items of hygienic need, such as clothes, soap, feminine products, razors, and helps to manage the clean water
Food storage and production — despite the name, the role keeps track of rations and oversees the agricultural parts for the town
Defense/strategist — keeps a general eye on the surrounding area and infrastructure of the Devildom in the event of an emergency, and helps plot out the best means of evacuation and the best places for guards
Ages of lest to youngest:
Barbatos — 33
Lucifer — 30
Diavolo — 29
Mephistopheles — 28
Mammon — 26
Leviathan — 24
Asmodeus — 22
Beelzebub & Belphegor — 20
Satan — 17
The upper class part of a city was overtaken sometime around when the Devildom was created, nicknamed Celeste, it mainly consists of several tall buildings, the lower levels left clean but vacant as most angels are in the higher floors to allow for ensured safety during the night. It was created by a man named Father, who nowadays is very rarely seen and uses Michael to speak to his followers.
Leader + second in command: Father, Michael
Known overseers and honorable mentions: Simeon (ex overseer, what his job was remains unknown), Luke (a young angel), Raphael (overseer for defense/strategy)
Role meanings:
Defense/strategy — keeps a general eye on surrounding area and infrastructure of Celeste in the event of an emergency, helps to plot out the best means of evacuation, often getting his hands dirty for the safety of other angels
Ages oldest to youngest:
Father — unknown, last seen appearing to be in his kid 60s 8 years ago
Michael — 33
Simeon — 30
Raphael — 23
Luke — 10
Simeon nowadays bounces from job to job as needed, but typically is seen helping with managing things on a lesser level with Luke planted right by his side. It's unknown if Luke is biologically related to Simeon, however, they treat each other as father and son.
Reapers and honorable mentions:
Reapers are less of a group and more an interconnected web of people, labeled based on their ability to survive with a ruthlessness very few could muster. Many still count to the dies that other survivors meant safety, that despite the ten years since the start of the apocalypse, that a cure could be made. Reapers were typically the first to suck up the situation and accept that humanity was no longer an option.
While not a reaper, Solomon was a known menace among survivors. He was a force to be reckoned with, and not many were very fond of the man despite him having extensive knowledge on so many things and having connections to the reapers, angels, demons, and many other survivor groups.
MC is a survivor with little known about their last, though their reputation is high after managing to befriend several different groups of survivors, including demons, angels, and reapers.
Ages oldest to youngest:
Thirteen — 27
Solomon — 25
MC — unknown, wears a constant goat skull as a mask and rarely speaks, speculation on their age ranges and very few know how old they truly are
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Imagine an mc that crochets and makes things for the brothers! Cute emo-style gloves made of the sparkly kind of yarn in pink for Asmo, a coffee mug cozy for Lucifer, a set of little kitten plushies for Satan, a wallet for Mammon, a duffel bag for Beel to put his sports things in, a granny square cow print blanket for Belphie made out of that velvet baby yarn, a plushie version/replica of a limited edition ruri-chan figurine that sold out before Levi could get to it, a crocheted version of Diavolo’s red jacket they give to him for his birthday (which barb and luci have to constantly chastise him from wearing to RAD), a set of crocheted oven mitts for Barbatos, a wand holder for Solomon, a pair of earmuffs that have a halo attached via a wire for Simeon which MC said was a joke but he still wears regularly in the winter, and a metric ton of plushies they make nearly every day for little Luke (he carries at least one of them with him at all times and will start sobbing if he loses it; Solomon had to add charms to all of them to keep them from going missing). These are just a few examples; all of the dorms, including the royal palace, are essentially covered in their crocheted creation; you can essentially watch their crochet skills improve as you walk down the hallways of The House of Lamentation! Anyway, here’s some pics of what I’m envisioning (as Pinterest links bc it’d take way to much room to do pictures 😬, and also bc most of these are from Etsy shops and I want to credit the creators!):
Asmo’s gloves: https://pin.it/56YIWUE
Lucifer’s mug cozy: https://pin.it/4bwK8Xh
Satan’s kitten plushies: https://pin.it/7gaWvfh
Mammon’s wallet: https://pin.it/7G4bjwO
Beel’s bag: https://pin.it/2xA4fLk
Belphie’s blanket: https://pin.it/2onYyvi
Levi’s Plushie: https://pin.it/3PLnOWv (I know it isn’t ruri-chan, but bc that’s not an irl anime I just picked a character from a random anime as a visual example)
Diavolo’s Coat: https://pin.it/3w4qd9H
Barb’s oven mitts: https://pin.it/3FXqI5K
Simeon’s Ear muffs: https://pin.it/5crXKoq (imagine something like this, but it’s attached to a pair of ear muffs like this: https://pin.it/1oI4vK1)
Solomon’s wand holder: https://pin.it/25HpzRg
(some of) Luke’s plushies: https://pin.it/2qWpOsL , https://pin.it/5thNBkZ , https://pin.it/7iLKsQ8
I can’t crochet to save my life- but I can knit so this is just adorable!!! Ahhh-
Like all of it idk where to start and the pics too!!
The wand holder sjajkaja 
The ear muffs for Simeon are too fuckin’ cute, I can’t!!
Luke’s whole bed is practically filled with the little stuffies MC made him!! and his absolute favorite is a little Chihuahua tho he’ll never admit lol
And for Lucifer ‘wine bottle snuggies’ are another thing MC could make!!
Diavolo and the coat just- hestoosweetahhh-
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liaromancewriter · 10 months
Giving Thanks
Premise: Two Picta moments from this year's Thanksgiving.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); Sienna Trinh x M!OC (Max Valentine) Format: Edits
A/N: Using @choicesflashfics week 59, prompt 1 in 2nd edit. Also submitting for @choicesholidays Thanksgiving. Posting early because I might forget on Thursday lol
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All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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theharrowing · 6 months
Collateral 🗡️ POV: Hoseok
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Hoseok lets Seokjin break him a little before he picks of the pieces between the family men. Handling everyone's bullshit is a full-time job, but Hoseok does it well.
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if you do not wish to perceive any POV that is not the main character, please feel free to skip this one!
🗡️Seokjin x Hoseok
🗡️ word count: 6.8k
🗡️ mafia au, established relationship, smut, angst, fluff, nsfw, explicit, 21+
🗡️ warnings: bottom & submissive Hoseok, top & dominant Seokjin; i don't know if i need to include "bathing one's lover" but idk it feels like a warning bc it's somewhat erotic and feels a little like body worship; shower sex (hair tugging; rough blowjob; use of the word "whore"; using anal toys to stretch oneself; rough anal sex against the wall; cum getting everywhere; mention of safeword; Seokjin's dirty talk is kind of nuts; ass eating; cum eating; a touch of aftercare); mention of drug running activities, creation of weapons, and the acquisition of firearms. some poolside making out.
🗡️ notes: mc is referred to in 3rd person (she/her) pronouns for this chapter! more slice of life, mafia style! this takes place so long ago, it feels cute revisiting this point of the story. enjoy!
🗡️ early draft beta read by @blog-name-idk - with minor unbeta’d edits done since.
🗡️ posted april 2024 - originally may 2023 | read on ao3
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Hoseok's morning begins the way they often do: waking up moments before Seokjin's alarm blares. He blinks awake slowly and stretches his arms over his head, rolling away from the body over which his arm and leg had been draped, and onto his back, tugging their blood-red comforter as he moves. 
A small whine escapes Hoseok's lips as his muscles tug through the stretch—a gentle hint of discomfort blending with sweet release—and as he lets out a slow, peaceful huff of air, the shrill sound of an alarm screams, making Hoseok wince. 
With a grumble, Seokjin reaches and shuts the alarm off, then he rolls onto his back and quickly onto his side, wrapping all his limbs around Hoseok with his eyes barely open. Hoseok feels a warm, deep affection as Seokjin's naked body engulfs his, and he buries his face into Hoseok's neck. The hot breath that wafts from Seokjin's lips tickles enough to make Hoseok grumble and attempt to shove away despite not wanting to leave the tight warmth of his embrace. 
"Ho-wah," Seokjin mutters, a familiar nickname that is hardly passable as a word, and Hoseok hums in response. "What are you doing today?"
Now that Seokjin is settled, Hoseok hooks his legs around an ankle and a hip, and he relaxes with his eyes closed while he hums once more, a long pensive sound as he considers all that he has to do today. It is not much, but events and meetings within the family rarely go as planned.
"Gotta meet Ggukie," Hoseok responds through a yawn, making Seokjin yawn, as well. "And then Namjoon. Yoongi and the cub are taking the terror twins to the gun range, so the only person unaccounted for is Jimin."
"Ah, Jiminah," Seokjin grumbles, "what has he been up to?"
"Working," Hoseok responds, though he is not entirely certain. Jimin tends to be the outlier within the family, pursuing his own goals and staying out of trouble as best as he can. It is rare that he requests assistance from any of them. "Perhaps playing. Who knows."
"I miss him," Seokjin says after a few silent seconds. "We should have him back here soon."
"You miss him, or you miss his ass?" Hoseok asks playfully.
Seokjin chuckles as he mutters, "Same thing," with a shrug. 
Hoseok supposes he misses Jimin, too. The thought had not occurred before, but now that he is faced with it, he concedes. Jimin is good company, and the way his body melts in tandem with his and Seokjin's really is something special. Not to mention, his pain tolerance is impressive. 
"What about you?" Hoseok asks, using his leg to pull Seokjin's leg impossibly closer. "Anything not too unspeakable on the docket?"
"Meeting with Yoongi later," Seokjin says simply, and Hoseok nods in understanding, knowing that more information likely will not come. He adds, "A brief meeting. He might have to go to Hong Kong to chat with The Tigers, so we are finalizing some details."
Hoseok is only somewhat aware of the goings on in Hong Kong with the new guys, having been given the same information as everyone else, which is that Yoongi is going to be using another crew to handle some of the tasks he is no longer interested in being in charge of. Chiefly, drug running, which Hoseok is tasked with having a conversation with Jeongguk about later. If there is one thing the youngest hates, it is change.
"Shall we?" Seokjin grumbles as he begins an attempt to roll away, but Hoseok pulls him close and hugs him tighter. 
"We shall not," he whines, taking his turn burying his face in Seokjin's neck to breathe in the faintly soft musk of his skin and hair. "I still have an hour, and you evidently have nothing for a while. Stay here a bit longer."
With a burst of mocking laughter, Seokjin says, "If you want me to fuck you, just say so," and although it was not necessarily what Hoseok had in mind, the idea does excite him. 
"Gotta be quick," Hoseok warns; Seokjin loves to take his time and, frankly, an hour is nowhere near long enough.
"Are you being bossy, puppy?" Seokjin responds in a sharp tone, sending a chill through Hoseok that makes his breath fall ragged. 
"No, sir," Hoseok responds automatically, body relaxing as Seokjin begins to pull away from their embrace.
"How about we fuck in the shower?" Seokjin offers, voice soft and sweet, giving Hoseok's heart whiplash. "That way we can take care of both activities at once."
Hoseok likes the idea—thrilled at the prospect of having his cheek pressed against cold, hard tile as Seokjin knocks every last bit of air from his lungs. 
"Yes, please," he mutters, thrilled when Seokjin sits up and pushes the blanket from the two of them, making Hoseok shiver from the air on his bare skin.
Seokjin swings his legs over the edge of the mattress and lifts his phone briefly from the bedside table, presumably to check for notifications, then he gets up and walks past the length of the bed and around the end toward the ensuite. Hoseok stretches once more before following behind, feet touching down onto a soft burgundy rug over which he wiggles his toes before quickly joining Seokjin. 
He shivers when he reaches the en suite and his toes hit cold, white tile, and he quickly prances to the shower stall where Seokjin is busying himself with turning on the various overhead nozzles. 
With his toes on another soft red rug, Hoseok stands and crosses his hands in front of him, arms hanging relaxed, waiting to be instructed. He loves handing over control even before they have begun to do anything. It excites him. 
"Puppy?" Seokjin calls as water sprays from above and steam fills the pristine white-tiled room.
"Yes, sir," Hoseok responds softly. 
Seokjin reaches for a pale pink exfoliating cloth that hangs just to his right, then holds it below a bottle that sits on a waist-high shelf set into the tiled wall and pumps a dollop of clear soap onto it.
"Come," Seokjin says.
Hoseok obeys, stepping into the steamy room to join Seokjin, standing behind him. He takes the towel and begins to wash Seokjin's neck and throat—slowly but thoroughly—before working his way down to Seokjin's shoulders. He washes the right arm first, then the left, making sure to get in between each finger and use his thumbnail to clean under each of Seokjin's fingernails. 
Something about bathing his love always feels so ritualistic and calming, and it brings him comfort knowing that Seokjin enjoys it, too. 
Where Seokjin stands, there is a small pad that is suctioned to the floor, and as Hoseok makes his way down Seokjin's back and torso, to his legs, he slowly sinks to his knees. He tends to the right leg and then the left, lathering soap and getting lower and lower until Seokjin lifts each foot one at a time for him to wash. 
Hoseok stays on his knees as Seokjin steps away to rinse off, and when he returns stroking his pretty, thick length, Hoseok tosses the rag aside, clasps his hands behind his back, and sits up tall to open his mouth like the obedient puppy he is. Without a word, Seokjin takes Hoseok by the back of the head, gripping firmly to his hair, and slides his cock into his mouth. 
The weight of Seokjin on his tongue, stretching the corners of his lips, feels like home, and Hoseok sighs happily, fighting the urge to let his eyelids flutter closed. Seokjin likes it when Hoseok keeps his gaze wide on him, and as mist from the shower gets into his eyes, he blinks it away, letting it blend with his building tears. 
Seokjin fucks Hoseok's mouth, hitting his throat so rhythmically, Hoseok does his best to swallow around him to build his pleasure as quickly as he can. And it does the trick, making Seokjin squeeze and tug at his hair. Under enough pressure, Hoseok can make Seokjin cum in under five minutes—sometimes even three—and he does his best to press his luck, forgoing breathing until it makes him gag.
With a deep, needy groan, Seokjin pulls out, gripping Hoseok's hair enough to hurt, and Hoseok smirks as best as he can with his mouth hanging open and his tongue lolled out. Anger and arousal burn in Seokjin's gaze, which is precisely what Hoseok wants. 
"Trying to make me cum already?" Seokjin groans, yanking on Hoseok's head, making him gasp and grin as he nods. 
"Yes, sir."
"Such a greedy little whore."
"Yes, sir."
Without warning, Seokjin shoves his cock back into Hoseok's mouth and slams it deep, causing his throat to constrict and attempt to gag. Hoseok lurches as he breathes through it, doing his best to let the air pass through his nose while his eyes pool with tears. His hands clench and flex behind his back, and he blinks, keeping his eyes as wide as he can manage while Seokjin leers down at him. 
"If you're so eager to make me cum, then do it. Let's see how fast you are."
Seokjin pulls out, giving Hoseok a chance to heave in air, and then slides himself back into his throat, setting a quick pace of fucking as deep as he can. Hoseok relaxes his jaw and attempts to swallow around him, fluttering his muscles somewhat frantically. It is not his best work, but it is honest work, causing Seokjin to squeeze his hair and rut unevenly against his face. 
It takes no time at all for Seokjin to unravel, and Hoseok hums and moans to vibrate his throat around him, causing Seokjin's own hums and moans to grow louder and more desperate. 
"So good," Seokjin whimpers, "fuck, I'm gonna cum."
Hoseok loves these tiny moments of hearing Seokjin becoming completely gone. His voice cracks and breaks, and his body spasms, handing full control for a few glorious seconds over to Hoseok, who takes over, eagerly sucking him off until his hair is being squeezed so hard, the pain in his scalp is white-hot.
Without another word, Seokjin cums, trembling as spurt after spurt of release hits Hoseok's tongue and trickles down his throat. He does his best to swallow in order to avoid the sensation tickling too much, and he continues to suck until Seokjin is overstimulated and muttering for him to stop. 
"Up," Seokjin commands, voice fucked up and weak as he tugs roughly at Hoseok's hair. "Stretch yourself for me. I want to watch."
Hoseok gets up with a groan, knees having grown accustomed to being bent against the cushion, then he takes his place against the wall, face pressed into cold tile as he uses both hands to spread himself wide and prod at his hole for Seokjin's amusement. There is a shelf to his right dedicated to Hoseok's stretching ritual, and he wastes no time squirting lube onto a metal toy and working himself open with it, hissing and moaning from the stretch. 
Seokjin rubs his hands up and down Hoseok's thighs all the while, squeezing at the soft flesh and cooing at him for being so pretty and perfect, all for him. 
Once Hoseok is stretched around the toy—legs trembling fiercely—Seokjin stands and takes his place behind him, cock hard once more and ready for him. Hoseok loves days like these, when they do not have time to fully, properly prep him before they fuck. He loves the intense, blinding sting of Seokjin working him open, forcing him to accommodate his size. 
The pain is so intense Hoseok holds his breath, quickly becoming lightheaded from the steam that wafts around him, frantically placing the toy back onto the shelf where it lives. He could die just like this and be the happiest man in hell. 
"Too fucking tight," Seokjin groans against Hoseok's neck, shoving him against the tile wall as he trusts into him way too soon for it to feel good. 
Hoseok lets out a weak, "Ah!" dragging his lips against the wall, which is streaked with droplets of condensation from their forgotten shower. 
"No matter how much I fuck this little hole, you are always so god damn tight."
Hoseok's hands slide up to rest against the wall beside his ribs, and he digs his fingertips against the grout between tiles, desperate for purchase of any kind. But it is senseless; there is nothing to get a grip of once Seokjin sets a pace and begins using him properly; all Hoseok can do is chase his own high and hope he does not fall.
He has never fallen, yet; Seokjin would never let him. 
With a slam of his hips, Seokjin knocks what is left of the air from Hoseok's lungs, forcing Hoseok's cock to uncomfortably hit the wall. The squeeze between his body and cold tile is painful—just as he likes it. 
Seokjin sets a punishing pace working Hoseok open, making his screams and sobs echo loudly through the room. The white noise from the shower running behind him causes Hoseok to zone out and fall pliant for Seokjin, who allows him to rest his head back against his shoulder. 
Seokjin is merciless with the way he fucks, sending waves of pleasure-pain rocking through Hoseok's body, from the base of his neck down through his fingertips and toes. Hoseok's sobs become voiceless gasps and hisses, and he closes his eyes, letting all the world fade away, leaving only himself and the ruthless, wet slam of Seokjin's hips. 
Without warning, Seokjin reaches around and begins to tug at Hoseok's cock, making him scream—ripped from his warm, floaty euphoric place back to reality far too soon. It only takes a few strokes to send Hoseok to the edge, forcing him to paint the tile with his release, and then Seokjin shoves him against the tile to slide against his own goopy cum while he continues. 
It is absolutely disgusting the way Hoseok's torso becomes covered in sticky release. How he manages to shoot it so high up is beyond him, but he can feel the cum against his chest, causing him to slide up and down the wall. 
The painful squeeze of overstimulation takes over suddenly, and Hoseok begins to claw once more at the thin strips of grout, desperate for relief. But relief does not come—not yet. Seokjin uses him past the point of overstimulation, mocking and cooing while Hoseok begs him to finish. 
"Please," Hoseok squeals as Seokjin's cock drills him painfully hard and deep, "please, it's too much. I can't—sir, I can't! Cum for me, please, please!"
Sir, I can't is not Hoseok's safeword, and his pleas go ignored, falling on deaf ears.
Rather, Seokjin just encourages him to keep screaming. 
"Fuck, listen to your desperation, baby. That is gonna make me cum. Keep begging me to stop. You sound so fucking good."  
The urge to revolt and become petulant rises despite the pleasure that courses through him, and the heightened emotions assist with causing his cock to expand once more. At this rate, if Seokjin manages to pull a second and third orgasm from him, Hoseok will surely be lost to the world for the rest of the day, and he needs to be coherent to meet with Jeongguk. 
But reasoning with the man while he is balls-deep and mocking him is impossible. And Hoseok would be unable to find the words, anyway, already having used up his last few working brain cells to attempt to beg his lover to cum. 
"Sir," he mutters mindlessly between loud sobs, instead, "please. Pleasepleaseplease."
"Sounds so pretty when you cry," Seokjin coos gently as his hips rut hard and fast. 
Seokjin's fingers hold tightly to Hoseok's hips, undoubtedly adding to the dots of bruises already there. If Hoseok had more wits about him, it may even hurt a little to have Seokjin dig into past marks, but instead, the area is hot and tingling, feeling a bit numb. 
"You're lucky we don't have all morning," Seokjin groans against Hoseok's neck, dragging his lips and teeth over the skin, sending a shiver down his back. "You're lucky I can't use you until you really are begging me to stop. I would gladly fuck this tight little asshole until you are inside out and falling a-fucking-part."
God, Hoseok loves it when Seokjin becomes sadistic, saying the most deranged shit while buried deep inside him. He practically changes his tune and begs him to fuck him until he is completely broken, never to be used again. He feels exhilarated and incapable of being reasoned with. 
Seokjin yanks Hoseok's ass back, pulling him off the wall, and ruts impossibly faster, causing Hoseok's back to arc, frozen in pleasure while he trembles from the pain. Hoseok does his best to stay in place, feet planted on a little mat below so that he does not slide, and Seokjin uses him until his hips become uneven and he fills him with his release. 
The sound of Seokjin moaning echoes loudly off the walls, voice pitchy and ripped to shreds. Hands caress Hoseok's sides and back, over his shoulders and down his arms, and affection blooms throughout him as Seokjin's hips quake and he pulls out. 
As the hands slide down to Hoseok's hips and ass, Hoseok widens his stance and presses his chest once more into the wall, shivering as his skin hits the cold, hard surface. Seokjin spreads him wide and begins eating him out, licking, sucking, and prodding at his hole, pushing Hoseok close to his second orgasm. 
Seokjin is loud as he devours him, slurping and humming as if his own cum is the most delicious meal he has ever had. And when Seokjin is finished, he takes Hoseok by the hips and spins him around, making Hoseok giggle as he stumbles until his ass hits tile and his cock is swallowed whole.
The sensation makes Hoseok double over, placing his hands on Seokjin's shoulders for stability. Seokjin wastes no time sucking like his life depends on it, squeezing his cheeks tight and pushing Hoseok deep into his throat. Hoseok is unable to find the words of warning, voice breaking on scrambled vowels and consonants as he shoots his cum into his boyfriend's throat. 
When Seokjin releases his spent cock and sits back on his knees, Hoseok finally lets out a large gust of breath he had been holding onto. He feels exhausted and used in all the best ways, hole achingly empty. 
Seokjin gets onto his feet, grabs a blue cloth from the wall, and lathers it with soap, then begins to wash Hoseok much the same way Hoseok had washed him earlier. His movements are a bit rushed, but he is thorough, and for that, Hoseok is grateful. He really could stand in this shower all day and bask in the attention of his lover. What a shame he has to meet with Jeongguk so early. 
* * *
Dressed in his standard blacks, Hoseok makes his way to Jeongguk’s front step, taking the steel door knocker in his fist and firmly slamming it into the door three times. He is six minutes behind schedule, but only Seokjin and Yoongi care about tardiness. And anyway, he sent Jeongguk a text when he left to let him know he was on his way. 
Jeongguk opens the door just enough to unlock it, and Hoseok places a palm over the dark wood and presses forward, letting himself in. 
“Sorry, hyung,” Jeongguk grumbles as he walks quickly from the door toward the kitchen. He wears a long black tee and black joggers, and his hair is a wild, dark mess. 
Hoseok snickers and kicks from his shoes, curious whether Taehyung is lurking somewhere. Then he makes his way through the mostly empty space, past a couch that is shoved too close to the television for anyone to actually sit at, and the punching bag that takes up the center of the room. He finds the youngest at the stove, stirring something. 
“Have you eaten?” Jeongguk asks without glancing over his shoulder. 
Hoseok grabbed a bite of a blueberry muffin that Seokjin had been enjoying before leaving, but otherwise, he had not found the time to have breakfast. 
“I have not.”
“Good,” Jeongguk responds, continuing to stir. 
The smell of peppers, onions, and butter wafts into his senses as he slowly and carefully has a seat at Jeongguk’s dining table. His stomach growls loudly. 
“I wanted to have it done before you got here, but I was…uh…distracted.”
“Is your distraction still here?” Hoseok teases, curious because he is unsure whether Taehyung has clearance to overhear their conversation. 
“He went home,” Jeongguk simply responds as he begins plating the food.
Hoseok sits back in the wooden chair and watches as Jeongguk takes out two glasses for water and one for coffee. He fills the coffee cup, leaving it black the way Hoseok likes it, and brings it over while cradling two water glasses in his other hand. 
“I can help you,” Hoseok offers, knowing Jeongguk does not accept help but eager to be polite. 
“You relax, hyung,” Jeongguk insists as the drinks are set down, and he returns to the counter where the plates have been left, carrying one in each hand. 
Jeongguk has made omelets with a scoop of rice and kimchi on the side, and Hoseok watches with bated breath as the plate is set before him, picking up utensils, eager to dig in. 
“Eat well,” Jeongguk says as he rounds the table and takes the seat in front of him. 
Once Jeongguk is settled down, Hoseok digs in. He wonders if, in another life, Jeongguk would have taken up cooking as a profession. Everything is seasoned perfectly and cooked just right, as always. 
“This is amazing, Ggukah,” Hoseok mutters with a mouthful of food, chasing it back with a gulp of perfectly brewed coffee. “Thank you.” 
Jeongguk hums in response, eating quickly, as if his life depends on it. It is always this way with Jeongguk—he always seems in some great rush to finish his food. 
Hoseok, on the other hand, takes his time, savoring each bite while waiting for Jeongguk to be ready to talk. When the youngest finally does shove his plate away with a satisfied groan, Hoseok pats at the sides of his mouth with his white cloth napkin and places it gently beside his half-empty plate. 
“About this transition of duties,” Hoseok begins, winning him a petulant whine from across the table that makes him chuckle softly. He decides to tease the guy, instead. “Are you really this sour about giving up drug running?”  
“It’s not about the drugs,” Jeongguk insists for what he clearly believes to be the hundredth time, based on the dramatic look of exasperation that he pulls. “It’s about—“
“The principle of the thing,” Hoseok interrupts, taking the words from Jeongguk’s lips. “You will have more responsibilities as one of Yoongi’s right hands.”
“I'm sure he needs more right hands since his current one is busy fucking his fiancée,” Jeongguk grumbles, not missing a beat. 
Hoseok cannot hold back the laughter that bursts from his chest, winning him a glare from across the table. Jeongguk's audacity never fails to crack Hoseok up. 
“His fake fiancée,” Hoseok corrects as he lifts his coffee to his lips and savors a warm, bittersweet gulp. 
Jeongguk rolls his eyes, clearly already fed up with this conversation. And Hoseok cannot blame him; things seemed fine before Yoongi set his sights on the cub. Why he decided to complicate their lives and hers is still beyond him. The money her ex owes him is hardly enough to be concerned over—certainly less than they usually shake a man down for. 
“Namjoon still performs all his duties,” Hoseok continues, feeling a sudden urge to defend his friend. 
He really does feel for Namjoon—the man is so desperately in love with Yoongi, and he did struggle at first with feelings of being replaced when their little darling moved in, especially when he had to start sleeping in his own bed again. “Yoongi is simply tired of being a drug lord. He makes enough to afford a middle man, and The Tigers are a good fit.”
The Tigers are a group currently operating out of Hong Kong. Should they accept the responsibilities of Yoongi’s drug operations, they would have income flooding in. Two of their associates are stationed in Taiwan, tripling their efforts. All of this has been explained to Jeongguk, of course, yet he refuses to listen. 
“I could use a hand with weapons,” Hoseok says, trying a new tactic of swaying him. Truth be told, he really could use some help with both the acquisition of firearms, the building of incendiaries, and other pleasure projects. Ryujin has been a bit too quiet these days, and if she gets word about Hyunjin, they may need to be prepared for anything. 
Jeongguk hums, nodding once while avoiding eye contact, the way he does when there is something on his mind. Hoseok has an idea of what may be bothering him, but he waits to see if he will spit it out while he has a couple more bites of his cold breakfast. 
When he does not, Hoseok chases the food with water and asks, “What is it?” before shoveling more food into his mouth. Jeongguk really is a phenomenal cook. 
“I just…” Jeongguk begins. 
Then he finally lifts his face, and Hoseok sees all essence of the man stripped away, leaving behind the wide-eyed boy he knew back when he joined the family. The look in Jeongguk's eye is one of worry, making Hoseok’s heart ache, and he sets his utensils down and places his hands in his lap. 
“Nobody is replacing you, Jeonggukah.”
Jeongguk frowns. “That’s not—“
“Are you sure?”
With a sigh, Jeongguk shakes his head. Then he points his gaze, squinting at Hoseok. 
“Has Seokjin hyung told you something?”
This makes Hoseok chuckle, further furrowing Jeongguk’s brow. 
“Jeonggukah, Seokjin is not conspiring anything. I know you tend to be wary of him, but although there are plenty of things only he knows, he is not hiding anything.”
“Hmm,” Jeongguk responds, folding his arms over his chest. “We’ll see.”
With that, Jeongguk leaves the room, and Hoseok cracks a smile before finishing his plate of food. The sound of velcro adjusting cuts through the silence of the room, and Hoseok savors the final bites of omelet and kimchi. Then he drinks back the rest of the coffee and leaves the dining space to join Jeongguk. 
He hears the sounds of glove-clad fists hitting a punching bag before he sees Jeongguk boxing—hopping lightly from foot to foot and pretending to dodge between punches. 
“I meant it when I said I could use help,” Hoseok calls loud enough to be heard over Jeongguk’s fists striking leather.
Jeongguk says nothing, but Hoseok can see in his eyes that he is considering the offer. The man is smart and having someone like him on his team would be invaluable. 
And, perhaps with his closeness in proximity, Hoseok can help the guy cope a little better with his demons. He thinks no longer having first dibs on all of the best cocaine in Seoul will be good for Jeongguk.
Hoseok stands a while longer and watches Jeongguk box. Everything from his stance to his strikes is calculated and precise; showmanship at its finest. Really, everything Jeongguk does amazes Hoseok, when he thinks about it.
Finally, Jeongguk stops. Even though not much time has passed, he is panting and glistening with a sheen of sweat. He rolls his shoulders back and nods to Hoseok as he speaks.  
"What have you been building?"
Hoseok perks up and considers this a win, smiling to himself as he runs through a mental list of all the latest gadgets and weapons he has been in the process of manufacturing. 
"One of my latest toys is a hubcap with blades that extend out, so you can ram the car next to you and slash their tires."
Jeongguk's mouth and eyes widen comically, then he blinks from his thoughts and shakes his head, laughing as he asks, "You're joking, right?"
"Nah," Hoseok responds, also laughing because Jeongguk is absolutely precious. "We've been working on them for several months."
With another shake of his head, Jeongguk mutters, "That's some James Bond shit," and Hoseok laughs even harder, bending at the waist and placing his hands on his knees for stability. 
"You have no idea," he says, thinking of all the other James Bond-type contraptions and weapons he has been working on, making Jeongguk laugh harder. 
Moments pass, the laughter dies, and Jeongguk nibbles on his bottom lip while his eyes trail around the room. He screws up his face the way he does whenever faced with a choice, then nods his head and says, "Alright. I'll consider joining you."
This makes Hoseok's heart soar, and he claps his hands while shouting, "Oh, good!" and making Jeongguk laugh some more. 
* * *
Jinnie Might have to head to Busan and oversee Hyunjin's escape. Care to join me?
Hoseok As exciting as that sounds, I think I would rather stay home and enjoy a nice warm bubble bath. 
Jinnie Preemptively scheduling a bath without knowing which day I have to leave?
Hoseok You know me, always prepared for anything!
Jinnie Suit yourself.  I expect pics, baby.
Hoseok Of course, sir. ;) How was the meeting?
Jinnie Brief. Yoongi and company came back from the range drunk, and they all convened in the pool. Could hardly capture his attention for ten minutes. 
Hoseok  Did he forget about the meeting?
Jinnie Likely, but that's fine. I just needed the green light to start pulling Hyunjin out. I have a feeling he doesn't actually care how I do it as long as it gets done. 
Hoseok Anything involving Busan is a sore spot. 
Jinnie It's ridiculous, honestly. How many years will it take for him to move on?
Hoseok I wanted to speak with him, but I guess it can wait. Coming back home?
Jinnie Walking up the path right now, baby.
Hoseok  Movie night?
Jinnie Sounds perfect. 
* * *
Hours earlier, after his meeting with Jeongguk, Hoseok sent a text to Yoongi asking when a good time to meet up and have a little chat might be. He is surprised to find Yoongi responding, given that Seokjin said he was drunk earlier. He wonders if it would be wise to check in with his friend at a time like this. 
Credits roll on The Matrix, and Hoseok sighs as he leans forward to place the empty metal popcorn dish onto the table, careful not to stir Seokjin, whose head lies in his lap; as soon as the film began, it had taken approximately twenty minutes for him to fall fast asleep. 
Despite his efforts, however, Seokjin grumbles and rolls onto his back, stretching as best as he can, given he is lying on a long mauve velvet couch with his head resting on a thigh. Hoseok gently runs his fingers through Seokjin's hair, smiling at the man who blinks away sleep with a lazy smile. 
"Yoongi messaged a bit ago saying I could stop by for a chat, so I think I may."
With a sound somewhere between a hum and a yawn, Seokjin asks, "Mmm—what time is it?" while curling onto his side toward the back of the couch with his face buried against Hoseok's stomach. 
"A little after seven," Hoseok guesses, given it was around five when they started the film.
"What are you gonna talk about?" Seokjin mutters, voice muffled in Hoseok's black t-shirt, huffing warmth through the fabric and onto his skin.
"Just gonna touch base and let him know how my talk with Jeongguk went. I have a feeling Gguk hasn't said anything about it."
"Likely not," Seokjin grumbles. 
"We've also gotten some offers from a Russian contact for some machine guns, and I am curious whether that is something he may want."
Seokjin nods and rolls onto his back before sitting up with a groan, seeming reluctant to lose the lap that so dutifully acts as a pillow. He yawns again as he asks, "Kalashnikova? Vityaz?"
Hoseok lifts his legs straight and stretches, then slides to the edge of the couch and stands, feeling the tired ache of limbs that have sat unmoving for far too long. 
"My, aren't we a nosey one," Hoseok teases, avoiding the question because he does not like discussing firearms in the comfort of his home.
Stepping in front of Seokjin, Hoseok takes his face in both hands and plants quick, sloppy kisses against his cheeks and forehead until Seokjin gets frustrated and attempts to push him away. 
"Excuse me for taking an interest in your work," he pouts.
Hoseok smiles and concedes, giving Seokjin space and letting him breathe. Then he walks over to the entrance, grabs a black bomber jacket from the rack beside the front door, and slides his feet into a pair of black leather loafers. 
"See you soon, Jinnie," Hoseok calls, glancing back to the couch to find no sign of Seokjin—he must have laid back down. 
A grumble from the couch confirms his suspicions, and Hoseok smiles as he makes his way out the door, into the cool evening air. Just to be sure that Yoongi is still available to meet, Hoseok gives him a call, making his way down the path that leads to the back gardens of the main mansion. He enjoys taking the long way. 
"Ah, there he is!" Yoongi announces, bypassing any greeting, and Hoseok can already tell that Yoongi is definitely still drunk. He thinks he can hear the terror twins shouting in the background and wonders if they are all still at the pool.
"Here I am," Hoseok responds, eyes on the gravel and dirt path ahead. "I'm heading over now, assuming this is still a good time."
"Ah, I would have told you to wear a bathing suit!" 
Hoseok chuckles and shakes his head despite there being nobody to see him. "I'm not in the mood for a swim, but I appreciate the gesture. Who is with you?"
The longer of the two paths that connects the two properties opens into the shrub maze in the back of Yoongi's gardens, and Hoseok walks around it, taking the shortcut along a path between the outermost hedges and the wall of trees that enclose the property. From this distance, he can see lights shining above the pool area.
"Joonie, Tae, and Ggukie," Yoongi mutters. 
"You sure your hands aren't too full?" Hoseok teases as he passes through an archway, into the larger garden, walking past the Greek statues and fountains. 
"Never too full," Yoongi responds with a chuckle. "You know I love to be overwhelmed at all times."
Hoseok knows all too well that this is the case; it is part of what worries him.
"Is the pool entrance open?" Hoseok asks as he approaches; there is a gate that leads directly into the pool from the garden, making it easier to get to than walking through the mansion.
"Joonie!" Yoongi yells, muffled slightly as if his hand is over the microphone of his device. "Be a dear and let Seokie in through the gate!" 
Hoseok approaches in time for the large wooden door to swing open, and he stops in his tracks when he is greeted by Namjoon glistening wet with a dopey smile, wearing black swim trunks that cling to what little they manage to cover.
He has all but forgotten about his call with Yoongi, and he glances at his phone to find that the call has already been ended. With a chuckle, he slides the device into his pocket, bows his head at Namjoon, and mutters, "Thanks, Joon," as he enters the pool area.  
Something sexy and downtempo plays over the speakers, and there are champagne bottles scattered from the diving boards to the pool beds that are tucked away under awnings. Hoseok finds Taehyung and Jeongguk making out in the deep end by the diving boards, with Jeongguk pressed against the wall and Taehyung looming over him. It takes a moment to notice that on the far end of the space, Yoongi is reclined in the hot tub.
"Right this way, sir," Namjoon says in a mock butler voice, guiding Hoseok toward Yoongi with a stiff, open palm, making Hoseok laugh. They walk side by side, Namjoon with a bit of a sway in his step.
"Where's the sweetheart?" Hoseok asks, noticing her absence.
"She ran off a while ago," Namjoon responds, and Hoseok notices the little grin that blooms on his face. "Got overwhelmed by too much attention, I imagine."
Oh, this is interesting, indeed. "Attention, hmm?"
Namjoon chuckles and softly mutters, "Taehyung made some offhand comment about her and Jeongguk hooking up, and I don't think she has recovered."
"Is that wise?" Hoseok asks before he can stop himself. And although Namjoon seems unaffected by the question, he adds, "Sharing with Taehyung, I mean?"
With a shrug, Namjoon mutters, "Come on, hyung; you and I have both been there before," and he breaks off to round the hot tub from the opposite side where a set of steps are, to wade over to Yoongi.
"Champagne?" Yoongi asks, and Namjoon's eyes widen as if he had forgotten something. 
"Ah, right!" Namjoon responds, "I got distracted and brought you something else."
Hoseok grabs a pool bed and pulls it over to where Yoongi is reclining, dragging it until he can sit within his eye-line, then he has a seat and leans with his elbows on his knees. 
"Hoseokah!" Yoongi shouts with a similarly dopey grin as he sits up, and Hoseok laughs. 
"You're drunk, boss. Should we talk another time?"
Yoongi shakes his head and frowns. "More tired than drunk. But you have my attention."
Although he expects that they will be having this conversation again at some point, Hoseok begins anyway. 
"Jeonggukah doesn't quite seem sold on The Tigers yet, but he has agreed to help with my team if that is something you are interested in allowing."
Yoongi hums and nods, and Namjoon says, "Seokjin has also recommended him for House of Cards, and Jimin has asked about him working the brothels. But I feel like your team could use his brainpower more than the others."
Hoseok is not surprised that Seokjin has jumped on the chance to ask for him, but he is a bit taken aback by Jimin asking for help. Jimin likes his things to be his and only his; he has rejected plenty of offers by the family men and Changbin's security crew to help in the past. 
"I agree that Hoseok's team could use him the most," Yoongi says, voice sounding surprisingly clear considering how tired and inebriated he seems. "But I like the idea of him being sought after. I will find out what the others may need from him, and we can see about having him become a floater."
"I think that's best," Namjoon agrees. 
Hoseok hums and nods his head; the more people are chomping at the bit to have Jeongguk around, the more distracted he may be from whatever plagues him. And he will be less inclined to let his abandonment trauma seep in and make him feel like The Tigers are stepping in to replace him. 
"Alright," Yoongi says with a sigh as he begins to sit up. "I need to get out of here before I become any more lightheaded. Let's run the idea by Jeongguk, and then I am going to get some sleep."
"Sounds good, boss," Hoseok says, standing from the pool bed. All of this could have been negotiated as a phone call, but at least he got plenty of fresh air today. 
Hoseok drags the pool bed back to its rightful spot and joins the others to run the plan by Jeongguk. Taehyung reluctantly stops pressing the youngest into the pool wall, and when Jeongguk turns to face Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok, his gaze is fucked out, and hickeys cover his neck. Hoseok laughs, watching as the poor guy's face turns beet red, and then, after some berating from Yoongi and Namjoon, they begin their conversation.
This is nice, Hoseok thinks. 
The nights are becoming cooler but still temperate enough to handle without bundling up—although Namjoon and Yoongi are shivering into towels that they have draped over their shoulders. 
Despite light pollution, a few bright stars are visible as the sun continues to fully set, and everything seems…calm. Peaceful. Happy. 
Hoseok holds onto this moment and tucks it away. He hopes that everything within the family can stay this good for a while. 
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thank you for reading!!! and for your patience! 💜💜💜
tag lists will be on separate reblogs! they’ve gotten too big to contain as one! if you would like to be tagged in this fic, please let me know!!! 💜💜💜
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Collateral is copyright 2022 - 2024 theharrowing, all rights reserved. no translations or reposts allowed!
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cadybear420 · 7 months
Choices Secret Pal February 2024, edits by me
Here's my creation for the Choices Secret Pal event by @choicesfandomappreciation! This is my second time participating in this sort of event and I seriously love doing it.
For @hydn-jpg, I've made some edits of Cas Harlow and their ID MC Jiwon Kim doing an outfit swap, inspired by this artwork of his!
One morning, after a sleepover...
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At school...
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Later that day...
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Blank versions:
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TYSM for giving me the chance to do this, and also once again for this commission of Evie and Aiden! I love how neat and polished and cute your artstyle is, and so I loved seeing my blorbos in that style! <3 <3 <3
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Today was indeed a wonderful start to Day 1 of HLAW 2024 so far!! We got little bursts of nostalgia through some very beautiful pieces from the past, as well as some incredible new work!! We hope you keep them coming because Day 1 isn't over yet 🩷🩷 What we have got so far is so amazing and we can't wait to see what you all have in store for us!
Tomorrow is Day 2, and we have two themes ready for it as well!
Our first theme is, of course, flowers! A representation of her maternal home, something she has always had a real fascination for. Remember how she would excitedly show us a moonflower in bloom at night and tell us the meanings of flowers? Many of us practically associate Hana with flowers, spring and new life 🩷🩷🩷
The next theme is Fashion Design! This is a skill that Hana often exhibits for the people she loves. There have been so many instances where we have been treated to her handmade creations, like the black cheongsam that holds so many memories of her grandmother, or the gorgeous red outfit she made for the MC (appropriately titled "Hana's Heart!") or even the lovely blue dress she creates for her fianceé's engagement photoshoot!! This would be a perfect opportunity to explore that skill and how she expresses her emotions for those she loves through it!!
Any content is welcome!! Fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive, media, headcanons, screenshots, playlists, meta...even screenshots of your favourite scenes would be great!! Our only requirement is that the content is centered on Hana, and that the depiction of her is positive. You can also send in WIPs in case you don't complete a work!
You can also send in a work on the days following a particular theme - this is no pressure for it to be put up exactly that day! We will also have an extra week for anyone who still needs time 💕 May 4th will be our final official date for entries (to incorporate into our video!) but HLAW will still be open for entries for the rest of the year until the next event!
You can find our full list of prompts here!
Be sure to do the following when you make your posts:
1. Use the tags #hanaleeappreciationweek and #HLAW in the tags (along with the day you made the post for - #HLAW Day 1, #HLAW Day 2 etc)
2. Tag @hanaleeappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your work!
FAN CONTENT BLOGS are instrumental in keeping the fandom alive - with events and fun activities that encourage us all to contribute and create. They have also been amazing in their support towards our character events. Do check them out to see all the new incredible events and prompts coming up!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic and fanart (no AI allowed). Check out their rules and roster of events!
@choicesmonthlychallenge & @choicesaprilchallenge24 - Any and all content welcome (No AI content)! They have a collection of prompts you can use for the month of April!
@choicespride - Any and all content is welcome, as long as it is centered around queer characters and/or themes.
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fanfic under a 2500 word count. Every week they use new dialogue prompts. The prompts for the coming week will be out soon!
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it is centered around one of the holidays listed! Currently, they are hosting Spring Fling!
@choicesprompts - Mostly fanfic preferred! You can check out their current Round Robin event here!
Happy Hana Lee Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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