#criminal billy
panickedpenguin · 1 year
@shieldofiron gifted us with a list of soulmate ideas, here is my expansion on one.
Soulmates are rare but have matching fingerprints. Doctors obtain fingerprints at one year of age, where they are government regulated and cross-checked between countries. If a print match is found, the parents will be notified. No further information is revealed until the younger match is eighteen. In the event you have a soulmate who is a criminal, you are monitored by the government for public safety.
Steve had known he had a soulmate for as long as he could remember. His mom would hug him tight and say "oh your soulmate will love you so much" and his dad would say, "be good, still have a soulmate to meet" and Steve would just beam. He couldn't help but to be ecstatic. He was the only kid in his entire school to have a soulmate until the fifth grade when some kindergartener came. But everyone in his grade was jealous, and that felt good, he felt so cool. Girls would giggle about how he is destined for someone and then they would suck him off at parties to prove they are better than any ol soulmate. Boys would tease and laugh about what Steve's perfect soulmate must be like, the size of her boobs and forehead and teeth. Steve gobbled it up, basked in the attention, the popularity.
When Steve's eighteenth birthday came around, he was ready to receive the official letter of soulmate introduction, to learn who his soulmate was. He wanted to know if they liked scary movies or comedies, if they failed any of their high school classes too, if they were sweet or stubborn or smart. He wanted to know if they would be on top during sex and kiss him softly at night. But the letter didn't arrive on the day of his birthday, or the next day, or the day after that.
His mom said "you know she is probably just younger than you. you won't get to meet her until after her eighteenth" and his dad said "hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer son, you're pacing a hole in the grass to the mailbox"
So Steve got a job while he waited, figured he could save up some money of his own to set up a future for him and his soulmate. He spent much of his day thinking about who it could be, what kind of house they would want, how many kids they will have. Steve smiled and smiled just thinking about it.
Finally, many months later, Steve got the letter he'd been waiting for. He got home from work and his mom was right at the door, holding out the thick envelope with his name on it. Steve yelped and cheered and ran to his room to open it. He kicked off his shoes and threw himself onto his bed, ripped open the envelope and skimmed past all the jargon to reach his goal. The name of his perfect soulmate! His soulmate--
William "Billy" Hargrove
Born to Neil and Sarah Hargrove in Santa Cruz, California
Wanted for the murder of Neil Hargrove
Steve continued to read, re-reading again, confused and then horrified and then firmly denying every word in front of him and then reading it again. His soulmate, Billy, had been arrested for breaking and entering, theft and destruction of private property on multiple occasions. He has a skull tattoo on his shoulder and two long scars across his back. He has blue eyes. He is wanted for the murder of his father, killed four months ago with a gun. Three shots to the body, dead.
Steve didn't come out of his room for a long time. He closed the door and cried and fought with the letter in his hand, trying to reason with its atrocities, it's lies. When he showed it to his mom three days later, she cried too. His dad said "that isn't your soulmate son" and went away to make phone calls.
It was awful. But Steve still thought to himself, they're my soulmate, I was made for them. I was made for Billy. Maybe-- maybe-- one day, I can visit him in prison and we can--
He didn't know. He didn't have time to figure it out. Not even a week after receiving his soulmate letter, he stopped at a gas station just out of town, ready to drive and drive and hopefully clear his head, when he met a boy. A boy with blond curls cut short and ocean blue eyes and a skull tattoo just under the sleeve of his ratty tshirt, asking for a ride to anywhere.
Anywhere is just where Steve was going.
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ml080504 · 4 months
somebody: what do you like about men twice your age?
me: where do i start?
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lillyrob · 13 days
Actual footage of me patently waiting for my favorite author to upload😫😫😫
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lezzzstargirl · 2 months
Bangboo on the Road: Event Wallpapers
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moronicromantic · 2 years
“english isn’t my first language sorry for any mistakes” —proceeds to write the most beautiful work of art ever created with grammar ten times better than an english professor
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harringroveera · 7 months
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They never put Billy on speaker ever again
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marilynthornhilllover · 3 months
I know that you love me, you don't need to remind me,
Emily. P x Jennifer. J x Fem!Reader
Warning: talk of drug consumption, reader is high, mood swings, use of guns (weed) , bad flirting, mommy kink, praise kink, teasing, cringe kiss etc .
A/n: I saw that new jennifer and emily episode where Emily was high and they were so cute! Had to make a fic😌
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It was that quite long awaited time of the year where criminal agents are given two weeks off from work. You were beyond exhausted but nevertheless was very happy to finally be able to take off your FBI vest and feeling relieved that you won't have to be picking it up for another week or so.
You soon realized that you literally didn't have plans arranged for the upcoming two weeks ahead, or even tonight. Everyone was pairing up as they packed up their office stuff and headed out. Spencer and Derek laughed and gave eachother a high five as they made their way downstairs to sign out while Emily and jj were already giggling about some random joke as they continued to pack up.
You nervously decided to walk up to them standing in the corridor like a shadow making sure not to seem creepy— but maybe you were doing the opposite. Ever since you joined the team, yes you did make friends but no one ever went the extra mile to offer to hang out with you. Only Emily would now and then eat lunch with you at her desk.
Jennifer wasn't bad either, she did offer to help you with a case file once, you went over to her house which you complimented her for the cozy interior, and yes the boys were also good to you but on a employee holiday like this no one was paying any attention whatsoever to you. They already plans of their own.
You on the other hand, had none, all you were gonna do was shower, eat, sleep and repeat for the next week or so. Nothing productive, not as if you had anything to do either. Prentiss and Mantegna had insisted that someone help you with case files so its not as if you have a major cade to crack over the holiday.
You were as free as a bird and your energetic self needed something to reinforce that energy into. If you could have went on a cruise for two weeks you definitely would have.
Emily scoffed at Jennifer's joke before turning around and spotting you cuddled up in the corner like a little mouse. She tilted her head to the side before approaching you with a warm smile.
" hey hon, you got any plans for the holiday?" She asked chewing a piece of gum that she had been for the entire day — somtimes you wonder if any flavour at all is still existence in it.
" uhh nope, but I'll sure my couch has plans for me though" you said sarcastically and of course she laughed, because Emily laughs at anything and everything which you did find cute. Emily always made sure that she kept everyone at a level where they felt at their absolute best when around her.
She was never mean to anyone really. Always funny, ambitious, smart and talented she was everything. Sometimes her aura was just too high, but she was always still approachable and not prideful.
Emily was like one of those drugs that you couldn't stop using because it feels too good, and when you do take it, it altars with your entire brain function and chemistry.
And speaking of chemistry, that was something you and Emily had alot of. Everytime her eyes made contact with yours, you felt as if your body was thrown into the deepest pits of hell. You'd get shivers everytime she passed you or called you a pet name. You'd go completely weak in your knees when she made the littlest amount of psychical contact with your skin — it was absolutely ridiculous just how easily she could get under your skin.
Or the time when you were making coffee in the kitchen and she needed to grab something from the top shelf and she moved you by putting her hands on your hips, with her chest pressed so closely against your back with face by your neck.
Emily made you question things. You knew you always had a thing for older women, always, since highschool and it never seemed to go away. And Emily was exactly your type, you just weren't sure if she felt the same way in return and you didn't wanna ruin the amazing friendship you both had by letting your stupid emotions and hormones get the best of yourself.
" well I'm sure you'll find something to entertain yourself, JJ and I are hooking up at her place tonight for snacks and a movie" she placed hands on her hips are she turned to look at jj who was texting away on her phone before turning back to you. You gaved her a akward smile, before a breathy nervous laugh escaped your mouth.
" hooking up huh" you saw as her eye brows quirked before a sly smile came into evidence on her face and quickly glanced at Jennifer who was now angrily texting before taking a step closer towards you, closing the the last gap space that was there. Her body heat and perfume over took your senses making your breath hitch.
You pressed your palm against her chest sneaking a quick glance at jj and the camera above. Emily was looking at you with a teasing smirk, she leaned down besides your ear and whispered.
" do wanna hook up with me as well?" She pulled back to see the reaction on your face and just as she imagined it was absolutely priceless. She chuckled before pulling away completely.
" oh my God emily would you leave poor y/n alone, let's go already" Jennifer said with a tint of exhaustion and annoyance her voice. Emily chuckled before gently caressing your cheek. The both women waved you goodbye before departing and going their way.
You sighed before picking up your bag and leaving, you locked your office door and went home. You did decided to walk with a few case files home and evidence objects to keep yourself busy during the holiday to stop yourself from going insane from the intense boredom you were prone to have.
— — — —
Emily and Jennifer had just sat down and were about to enjoy their late afternoon with wine and salt and vinegar chips when a continuation of loud knocking could be heard on jj's front door. Both women looked at eachother with utter confusion on their faces — the weren't expecting anyone. Jennifer decided to get up and go check the door, Emily following closely behind with her hand placed tightly on her gun.
The door bell soon started ringing along with the knocks which triggered Jennifer even more. Unlocking the door Jennifer threw it open, not caring what stood on the opposite side of it, after all emily was ready to protect her best friend at all cost, even if it meant shooting someone in their foor.
" if I had my way I swear I would—" as soon as she saw you she stopped talking, her eye brows quirked as she squinted her eyes to make a better appearance of your face in the dim moon light. Emily let out a soft sigh when she saw you but quickly went back into a state of worry at the same time.
Now you had both women wondering what you were doing at their house.
" y/n? I didn't know you were coming over, did Emily invite you?" Jennifer turned around hoping to get a confirmation nod from Emily but she shook her head and pursed her lips, letting her know she was just as confused as her.
" Well aren't you guys a bit rude, aren't you gonna invite me in?" You muttered but before they could react you let yourself in. You carefully walked down the long fancy corridor switching off some lights on your way because they made your eyes burn, making your way to the living room area, having knowing your way around jj's house since the last two times you were there.
You stumbled over the coffee table and landed right onto the sofa, face first with a soft groan. You dropped the ziplock bag of cheese puffs you had brought onto the floor.
She walked up to you and you and sat beside you on the couch, she picked you up by both your forearms and made you look at her.
Both women side eyed eachother, both in desperate need to know what on God's green earth was going on. Jennifer leaned against the wall to further scrutinize you. Emily on the other hand was just worried how you got here on your own with no car or phone.
" hey y/n sweetie are you..... drunk?" Her voice sounded like when water got into a phone speaker and you tried to play a song— you couldn't understand it. You rubbed your eyes and glanced at the table to which your face instantly lit up when you saw the salt and vinegar lays chips.
You grabbed them ferociously then took out some chopsticks you had stuffed in the back pocket of your jeans and started eating the chips. At this point both women were flabbergasted, mouths open, jaws dropped. Jennifer took a deep breath before she turned around and went to her fridge to grab you a drink to help you sober up because it was crystal clear that you were beyond drunk, drunk was an understatement.
" what time is it?" You suddenly asked putting the chips down and dusting off your hands.
" time for some hydration, here you go" Jennifer said as she passed you a bottle of cold cranberry juice. Once again your face lit up like a child on Christmas day.
" ohhhh, it's got what plants crave!" You exclaimed. The look on Jennifer's face when you said that was priceless as Emily silently continued to look at you with a completely blanket stare.
You placed the bottle of juice at the side of your head as if it was an ice pack and burped. You cleared your throat before speaking up again.
" have you guys seen that movie! Idiot city!.... wait city Idiot... wait... yeah" it's like your body was replaced with a child's and this called for huge concern. Emily sighed heavily and took the bottle from your hand.
" Idiocracy?" Jennifer whispered and you nodded.
" I knew I liked you! Ohhh, I and on my way here I saw a cat jumping off your house roof then it turned into a dog and flew away as a mosquito" you said before the loudest laugh took you over that you almost started crying.
Emily whispered " oh good lord" before she shook her head, Jennifer was still completely and totally lost for words. Jennifer had a feeling that being drunk would not cause someone to behave like this— well of course she knew, she's a profiler. She had a feeling you were high, but she didn't want you to act out and she would need proof for Emily because knowing her she wouldn't believe for a minute you would do drugs.
" umm y/n what's in the bag?" Jennifer asked and your eyebrows quirked, you placed your finger at you ear urging her to repeat even though she was so damn close to you.
" What's in the bag" she repeated as she dragged her words this time. You shrugged.
" I don't know what time the supermarket closes" emily stood up and walked towards to kitchen to grab her phone, you had the agent stressed. Jennifer just took it upon herself to grab the bag of " cheese puffs" before she walked towards emily.
" look I know you may not believe but I have a pretty good feeling that, that girl right there is literally the profound definition of what we call high" emily scoffed.
" Oh come on, she probably had too much wine I mean weren't we just about to drink wine as well?" She restated trying to convince Jennifer, but honestly to this rate she just couldn't, Jennifer was already convinced from her own opinion.
" emily elizabeth prentiss which wine do you know makes someone this drunk?" Jennifer asked, emphasizing on the last two words of her sentence. Emily shrugged before looking back at you, who was now sniffing the air every two seconds like a curious dog. Jennifer rolled her eyes before opening the bag of cheese puffs and taking a sniff.
She gaged before pulling away quickly.
" this smells like straight up weed!" She swiftly turned to let Emily have a sniff, to which Emily pulled away as well. Jennifer closed the bag and turned it around where there was writing in black. " DO NOT OPEN, CONTAINS CASE 101 EVIDENCE".
" you ate the case evidence! Oh my god!" Jennifer looked like she was going to erupt like a volcano and her high pitched tone of voice was making your head hurt and ears ring.
" I was hungry, and I didn't know that they were edibles" you whispered as you squinted your eyes since it was getting harder to see. Jennifer looked at you in disbelief as she turned to Emily for back up. Before Emily could utter a word Jennifer was already furious.
" Emily, don't even! She basically ate the entire bag!" She shouted. She saided pacing the room with her fingers gently massaging her temple to calm her.
" what are we gonna tell hotch, or even worst David" Jennifer covered her face with her both her hands before leaning over the kitchen counter.
" Well I mean, she probably just ate the backup stash, it should be fine, we should really be worrying about is her health" emily muttered scratching her head. Jennifer looked up at emily as her jaw dropped.
" your defending her?!" Emily raised her hands in defense but before she could reply Jennifer took the chance.
" I seriously cannot believe you right now!" Jennifer once again, started pacing the room, this time even more quicker.
" Oh come on jj, what are the odds that people make silly mistakes like these?" Jennifer stopped, and looked at emily with wide eyes.
" Well with the odds as high as her I'd say zero!" She said angrily before picking up her phone.
Emily sighed before looking over at you who was now eating the chips and gnawing your teeth wildly making crumbs fall all over the place. In a way Emily felt bad for you, mostly pity because she knew what you did was down right stupid but Jennifer was being a tadbit too harsh on you in your current position — knowing you couldn't properly comprehend the situation or what was going on.
" ok I'll take her home and we can speak to the team about this tomorrow when y/n is a better state of mind, ok?" Emily said in a reassuring voice. Jennifer sighed in frustration before biting her lip and nodding approvingly.
Emily carefully picked you up off the couch and wrapped her arm around your waist as she insisted to take you home safely. Her body warmth was comforting and her perfume was like a lullaby putting you to sleep this time. You melted in her embrace as she took you outside.
Your vision was blurred and the cold air on your skin — although you had a jacket on, was making you shiver. Seeing this emily hugged you tighter. She opened the door to her wagon and assisted you into the passenger seat and putting on your seat belt for you. You looked at her, she looked like one of those ancient paintings,the ones you can't withdraw your eyes from, the Renaissance ones.
You weren't sure if maybe it was the drugs or the hormones that came after taking the drugs but you felt the need to kiss emily, your eyes flicked down to her lips that were slightly parted as she concentrated on getting the seatbelt to adjust to your liking. Her smooth skin and wrinkled lines that ran across her forehead and eye line area, her little cute eye bags from all the hard work she does.
You couldn't resist the urge, she was a drug, she was your drug. You licked your lips and leaned in. Your lips connected with hers in a slow soft kiss. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy the moment. Emily didn't pull away, she was surprised yes, but she didn't pull away. Emily couldn't cover up the feeling she felt for you but she also didn't want to take advantage of your drunken state.
Taking it that she was enjoying it as much as you, you tried to force your tongue into her mouth but that's when she pulled away. Your brows furrowed and for a moment the drugs may have returned your common sense and you realized what you did — what you were trying to do. And soon the embarrassment and cringe settled in.
" sorry, oh God I'm so stupid!" You whispered as you fought back tears, you covered your face with both hands and started sobbing. Emily sprinted around to the drivers seat to comfort you. She gently peeled your hands away from your face, holding your palms in hers she caressed them with her knuckles softly. You sniffed and shook your head in denial before looking out the window.
" hey, sweetheart look at me please" her voice was as soft as an angel and so gentle as if you were something valuable that could be broken, that's something you loved about emily, she was so comforting in all circumstances, no matter what. She placed her hand under your jaw and turned you to look at her. She stared at you with her cute Bambi eyes so filled of love, and she so badly wanted to say " I love you" but she knew you wouldn't be able to comprehend them.
" look y/n, i wanna— kiss you back but I can't. That doesn't mean I don't want to, I just want you to be able to give me your full sober concent." She spoke as slowly and clearly as possible so you won't misinterpret anything.
" and your not stupid, we all make mistakes my love. Once I accidentally— well I got drunk the morning of my Law exams and failed them, and that did set me at a disadvantage for my career but I still made it into this job" she continued to rub your knuckles and wip every tear that fell from your eyes.
" and this joke takes y/n, but it also gives.... it gave—" she took a deep breath before exhaling heavily. " it gave me you." Hearing these words made your heart flutter souly. Your little smile came across your face which emily mirrored.
" now, my sweet girl, my I take you home?" She spoke in a old French accent waving her hand a fancy motion, You both laughed until you were out of air. after the laughter died down She chuckled and placed a hand on your thigh squeezing the tender flesh which made your breath hitch.
The drive home was long but certainly not quiet at all, you and Emily blasted high 2000s music all the way until she arrived at your home. You knew there was gonna be alot to discuss the next day but you should be fine once you have emily by your side.
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scarlettjemily · 2 months
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'tastes like she might be the one'
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fizzigigsimmer · 2 months
Y'all remember when Joe & Dacre were just so professionally into each other - in a super serious homerotic but totally platonic TM sort of way - that everyone talked about it and whole articles were written about how gay Billy was for Steve and how open to that Joe was?
Cause I do. I was there.
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kisinthehouse · 8 months
Thinking about being in a secret relationship with him. Quickies in the closets at parties, music blasting outside the door. Fast fucks against a bathroom mirror, or quickly rushing to get dressed when there is a knock on your dorm door. Silent and secret kisses shared just between the two of you. Knowing how bad you want people to know that he’s yours but knowing he isn’t ready to share you to the world yet. Until you watch even more girls continue to throw themselves at him at a party. You, in your intoxicated state, walk over to him and push through the girl clinging to him and say a sharp “move” and lean up to kiss him deeply. You’ve decided to take matters into your own hands, and you were planning on showing him how much he was yours later.
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wolfsbanesparks · 6 months
Billy Batson as a radio host is an amazing voice actor and uses this talent in the most hilarious and evil way possible
For example-
Highjacking buildings intercom system and telling villains inside in the most happy and chipper commercial announcer voice that if you're an individual that values their appendages please kept your hands and feet to yourself and may your God have mercy on your soul because the 3000 year old cures your about to experience sure as hell WILL NOT
And you know he's going to have a field day with scam calls
I love this so much!
He can say the most wild and terrifying things in that perfectly measured newscaster voice that has people doing a double take if they aren't listening carefully. His cheerful warnings would terrify people (particularly the villains unlucky enough to hear it twice).
Like he is generally responsible and usually uses his talents for good, but sometimes a situation presents itself...
And like once he's a relatively well known radio host, his voice becomes recognizable to the people in Fawcett and him using his voice acting talents takes on a whole new surreal experience for whoever he's messing with because suddenly that friendly boy reporter from the radio is threatening you with ancient curses and violence with the same cadence as when he was told the story of saving a cat from a tree.
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perseephoneee · 5 months
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↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
last updated: 04/15/2024
↳ as a writer, i'm always consuming things about my favs, and i thought it was time to share some of my favorites. every story here has likely been reread by moi a million times. also-- my psyche can be easily viewed by how many stories are under one individuals *cries*
every headcanon from @via-l0ve
her boys @octoberclidan. (tfw)
dances with team free will @octoberclidan
cruel summer (18+) @waynes-multiverse
ladies with experience (18+) @hintsofhoney
dean reads you wrong @zepskies
she's my siren (18+) @fatecantstopme
smoke eater (series) @zepskies
a taste of summer @impala-dreamer
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ CASTIEL
dreaming (18+) @impala-dreamer
beautiful to me @impala-dreamer
angel alpha (18+) @crashdevlin
i'll watch over you @octoberclidan
if you will have me, i'm yours (18+) @gilverrwrites
neckties @supernaturalfreewill
love, by any other name @zepskies
peculiar @supernaturalfreewill
because of books @supernaturalfreewill
last night on earth (18+) @hollybell51
don't bet on it (18+) @hollybell51
his charge (18+) @impala-dreamer
sharing is caring (III) @zepskies
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ ISAAC LAHEY
sick reader @smellslikemultifandomimagines
aftercare @smellslikemultifandomimagines
hidden with isaac @scoopsahoy
mutual losing (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
facesitting (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
cruel summer @hotdogwillex
come back to me @hotdogwillex
cold feet, warm bodies (18+) @scoopsahoy
i'm gonna kiss you now @sourwulf
drunken confessions @teenwolffan-with-nolife
dream @rogershoe
fratboy!isaac (18+) (all time fav) @mermaidenisaacs
teaches you to kiss (18+) @mermaidenisaacs
prove me wrong (18+) @twjournals
dating the mikaelsons @wholoveseggs
hold (18+) @wholoveseggs
extra-extraordinary (18+) @wholoveseggs
blood bath (18+) @wholoveseggs
warmth (18+) @wholoveseggs
the result of naps @fitzs-trained-monkey
she knew better (18+) @klausysworld
distracted @theeoriginals
you bring me home @theeoriginals
sharp (18+) @theeoriginals
christmas khaos @wholoveseggs
goodnight kisses @kmikaelsonimagines
frustrations (18+) @madhatterbri
thigh socks (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
proposal @kmikaelsonimagines
Christmas in dixie @fitzs-trained-monkey
bruised and battered @fitzs-trained-monkey
shots @so-long-soldier-writes
little favors @fitzs-trained-monkey
of ice skates and sugar cookies @fitzs-trained-monkey
ten minute blood stain removal @fitzs-trained-monkey
like a box of chocolates @fitzs-trained-monkey
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ KAI PARKER
for my valentine (18+) @babeydollx
lace (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
game on (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
kisses @socio-kai-path1972
why? @socio-kai-path1972
affinity romance (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
is it hot in here? (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
party crasher (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
sex tea (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
say it again (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the red means (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the price of hatred (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
spoiled (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
birthday girl (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JIM KIRK/BONES
a well documented debacle @mybullshitsensesaretingling
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ PAVEL CHEKOV
sweatpants @youre-on-a-starship
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ LOKI
reformed villain squad @give-me-a-moose
overtime (18+) @cleo-fox
loki's happy ending @gingerwritess
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ BUCKY BARNES
graveyard @wkemeup
red flags (18+) @astroboots
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ FINNICK O'DAIR
oral headcanon (18+) @lucilleslore
darling and the virgin (18+) @wife-of-all-dilfs
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JAMIE TARTT
chilly cheeks @veryberryjelly
about you @buckychristwrites
saved you a seat @benedictscanvas
operation: tartt's heart @theowritesstuff
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ TENTH DOCTOR
family christmas @writerlyhabits
gestures and evasion @doctenwho
before you go @doctorslove
falling in love again @doctorslove
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ SPENCER REID
virgin!spence (18+) @fortheloveofwonderland
i'd bottle the feelings you gave me @spencersfunkysocks
all the women he's loved before @fortheloveofwonderland
a helping hand (18+) @sinfulspencer
second date @samuel-de-champagne-problems
preciously pure (18+) @foxy-eva
two ships passing in the night @hairringtonsteve
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i've been having big Billy emotions lately ... please join me in having big Billy emotions
+ one more for the road
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reidvrmore · 8 days
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doctor who series two was aired from november 2005 to july 2006.
criminal minds season one debuted on september 2005.
we know in canon spencer watched doctor who and since he and elle were close maybe she watched it with him, they watched series two together as it was coming out.
maybe spencer saw himself and elle as ten and rose and once she left he rewatched this particular season when he missed her.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 9 months
Don't Waste A Second
Summary: Billy the Kid x Fe!Reader -> You and Billy have been close for a while now, but what happens when your life is put in danger and he has to bargain for your life?
Disclaimer: MDNI: Criminal Minds level (16+ subjects mentioned although not all are carried out, just (kind of) talked about. ANGST, self-deprecation though Billy won't stand for it. Talks of death, blood, gore and gunfire. Fluff splattered around. Not proof read.
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First came the sound of gun fire. 
Your heart leaped from your chest and you could feel every morsel of your being being pumped with adrenaline by the minute. 
The head of the rival gang in town sat beside you until he heard the second gun shot before he himself stood and brought you with him. 
“You’re my leverage for my life, woman. Say a word and I will kill you myself.”
It wasn't long until the owner of the gunshots appeared by the door. 
“Well, if it isn’t the Kid himself?”
“Let her go.”
He pulled you higher to his head. Even with a shot like Billy’s, this could pose a danger if he wasn’t careful. 
“Ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“Let her go.”
“Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?”
“Didn’t your mother teach you not to kidnap women?” You spoke before you even thought. 
“I thought I told you to shut up!”
“Hey!” Billy had the man’s attention once more. “You don’t talk to her. You talk to me. I’m the one you have a problem with.”
“Which makes it all the more fun having her here, right by my side.”
Billy raised his gun a little higher.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. One wrong move and the bullet goes straight through her skull.”
That made Billy falter a little.
“Now, I know better than anyone that you have a little soft spot for her, so how about we cut a deal?”
“It’s not worth it, Billy.”
“Shut up!”
“I’m not worth it, Billy. Don’t do it. No matter what he says.”
“I thought I told you to shut it!”
The man’s hands dragged roughly around your neck, forcing you to look at the rotting ceiling. 
“Please, Billy. Don’t do it.”
“How much is she worth to you, Billy? Huh? Lookin at her, I’d only give a couple bucks but I have a feeling she means more to you than just a few crummy dollars. What do you say, Kid?”
Whilst the man was talking, you were able to move your hands just enough to remove the silver knife from his pocket. The one he had been spinning in his hands just moments before Billy’s gunshot rang through the house. 
“You got it?”
The man thought he was talking to him, but then you replied.
In less than 3 seconds, the man felt a sharp stab go into his thigh causing his grip to loosen allowing you a swift escape. However, not before you took the opportunity to drag the blade down his leg, opening the wound further allowing Billy a clear shot of the man’s head if he wanted to take it.
And he did.
Moments later, the body dropped in front of you and you scrambled back on all fours until you got to your knees and found Billy level with you in height. 
He pushed your dirty hair from your face, and checked you over for any visible wounds. There was none yet, that he could see.
“Let’s go home.”
Hours later, you found yourself washed and dressed whilst Billy tended to some of your larger wounds. 
When you had been getting washed, you hadn’t noticed Billy sneak a glance through the gap in the clothing divider. He saw the blood. He saw the brides. He saw the scars. 
Then he heard your voice, trying to be quiet in its pain as you lowered yourself into the tub and tried to clean yourself off. 
He had asked if you needed any help, but you were stubborn. He knew your answer before you even gave it. 
But he gave you no choice afterwards. He would tend to your woods and that was final. 
So, sitting beside him on the worn sofa whilst the fire crackled to keep you both warm. Billy pressed some ointment to the scars that littered the side of your body.
He had called for the town doctor to come and see you. Of course, he came right away and saw to you- at least, what you would show him. He gave you a small prescription for the pain and some cream that would help keep the wounds clean until they finally healed. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not particularly.”
“Did they…did they do anything to you?”
“Billy. You are applying ointment to my scars and my body is covered in bruises. You’re seriously-“
“Did they touch you?”
You sighed, and moved a little to lift your shirt back up. “No. Not in that way. Though I doubt it would have been long before they did.”
A silence fell over you both once more, Billy breaking it a few minutes later.
“What did you mean before?”
“Before what?”
Billy sighed and replaced the lid on the tin of ointment. Resting his arms on his knees, he leaned forwards and pressed his hands together. You lowered your shirt and looked at him.
“Before, when he had you…he tried to make a bargain for your life. You said it wasn’t worth it. That you weren’t worth it. Why did you say that?”
“Because it’s true. Because I’m not.”
“But you are.”
Billy took your hand in his as he spoke to you. 
“Billy,” you chuckled a little. “ I teach five days a week at the local school. I serve people drinks on the weekends. People come and go and I am still always asked about who I am. I am…me. I’m nobody important.”
“You’re important to me.”
You paused when Billy looked you in the eyes. His hands still held yours. 
“You are everything to me, you hear? Everything. I haven’t been in the same spot since I was a kid. The reason and the only reason behind that is you. You are the reason I stayed. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and make sure everyone is safe in this town because even if just one of them isn’t, then that puts you in danger. I never wanted to see your life be put in danger because of me. You are everything to me, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I mean it, Y/N. You have my whole life. You are my whole life.”
In that moment, a whole other silence took over and you found Billy moving  closer to you and found yourself doing the same to him. 
He paused for a moment, your noses brushing. He questioned you with his eyes. He needed to know if he was about to be kissed back or punched. 
Instead, he saw you nod slightly and he moved in, pressing a kiss to your lips before his hand came to the side of your face to draw you in closer.
Of course, you had been fond of Billy since the moment you met him. But you didn’t realise you loved him until just a few moments before you found yourself being towed away by a stranger, who had first told you he was one of the children’s uncles - a child who you taught at school and helped out with after class when he couldn’t just quite find the confidence to read out in class, causing his stutter to worsen. 
Billy knew the moment he stepped foot on the school grounds something was wrong. Like it was in the air, or something. 
He held a freshly picked bunch of wild flowers he’d found riding through the hills on his way to meet you. He did this every time, and everytime the pick would be different. He knew you didn’t like gifts - he had heard as much from the town’s local gossip woman when he stopped by her store to pick up some fresh dressings. 
At the time, you had just walked past the store. All Billy had to do was turn around to see when the woman was staring at and found you, with your head buried against a pile of papers and a pencil in your hand, scribbling away as you managed to avoid almost everything that stood in your way. 
“I heard she was engaged once to some fella outside of New York.”
“You hear right.” the woman told the people in the store. “Apparently he broke her heart and she came out here to teach our kids.”
“What did she do back in New York?”
“Governess from what I heard. But the kids grew up, that was just before her engagement.”
Billy would come to learn that the ‘fella’ you were engaged to did break your heart, but not due to his own failings. He had been on a city inspection job when, during his inspection of one of the machines, a water pipe that ran directly under the building exploded. 
Even if the shrapnel hadn't cut through his skin and caused him to bleed out, the weight of the machine that he fell into probably would have crushed him. He died later on in the hospital, but not before dictating very slowly to one of the nurses what he wished he could say to you first. 
You had been given the letter by the nurse shortly after she found you in the waiting room after you had seen his body. 
“Did she ever find anybody else?”
“A couple tried. Hell, some rich railway fella practically tossed diamonds at her feet, but she didn’t want them. She smiled, kissed them on the cheek and made her way back through town. All she does is work and sleep.”
Over some more comments made through the gossip fueled conversation, Billy came to learn that you didn’t like grand gifts or gestures. But rather, subtlety. Subtlety and truth. 
On the weekends when you served multiple drinks, he got to know you and before both of you knew it, he was showing up outside of school when you finished teaching and one day, whilst on a ride back into town, he brought with him a bunch of flowers, just because. 
A few hours later when he rode past your house, he found them in a vase in your kitchen window. 
So, after months of being friends with one another, and having a yearning for more, it came to your realisation that, even just the thought of Billy not turning up or not seeing him every day, knocked you sick. 
There wasn’t a world where you didn’t want to be with him. 
But, on your way out of the school gates, you were met with an ‘Uncle’. 
Pulling back from the kiss, you kept your head against Billy’s. “Wait.”
“I’m sorry, we shouldn’t- I shouldn’t have-”
“No, Billy. It’s not that. I just…”
You pulled back but kept your eyes fixed on Billy, only tearing them away for a moment as you looked to his hand that you took in yours. 
“I need to know that you’re being truthful with me and not just saying all of this because of what happened today. Because, if it’s true, then there are more than just your feelings in this. I just…I don’t want to be hurt, Billy.”
“Darlin’, look at me?”
You looked up and Billy cupped one of your cheeks in his hand. “Everything I have just told you…it’s all true. Even if today hadn't happened, I would have told you. I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long, but I was being a coward. I love you.”
The next moment felt like an eternity for Billy, until finally, he found the light at the end of the tunnel. 
“I love you, too, Billy.”
He didn’t have to think about what to do next. Pulling you in, he kissed you like he had waited a thousand years just to see you one last time. 
And neither of you were going to waste a second. 
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Omg I posted begging for someone to do this and I finally found it on TikTok today, I’m crying 🙏
“JJ likes boys but she knows I’d hit it”
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