#crush them if he isn’t actually lmaoo
trashbaget · 2 years
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callixton · 3 months
bro why can’t anyone ever just want to fuck around w me
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lucvly · 7 months
i loved your chris x latina gf hc’s. could you please do one for us matt girls 🙏
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— matt with a latina girlfriend hcs! ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, not proofread.
a/n: the amount of reqs i got for this omg??? also i feel the need to say i’m latina but i’m not mexican LMAO sorry to disappoint ☹️
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— this isn’t matthew anymore this is mateo LMAO.
— my man was nervous about meeting your family. he kind of got freaked out hearing about the amount of people that were gonna be at the gathering.
— he asked you to help him practice greeting your family LMAOO it’s so cute. (“so, no handshakes?” “not unless you wanna get kicked out, mi vida.”)
— the family’s favorite gringo boyfriend !!
— sorry to burst some of your bubbles but this man cannot dance. sorry Not sorry !!! him dancing merengue or salsa would be sooo goofy. you tried teaching him but he just ends up stepping on you.
— your tías always try to dance with him unknowingly and he always steps on them LMFAOOAOA.
— at family gatherings he’s in the kitchen helping your mom cook and serve the food.
— you get a good laugh out of it because when your mom lets him try a spoonful of whatever she’s making his ass always has to drink at least two glasses of water because my god this man can’t tolerate spice.
— he’s always wanting to learn something new about your culture. he thinks the traditions and celebrations are super interesting.
— the fact that you’re incredibly family oriented is so attractive to him help??? he loves it. seeing you interact with your little cousins is so cute to him.
— ++ your little cousins always leech onto him at the gatherings. you’re convinced one of your baby cousins has a crush on him it’s hilarious.
— the first time you called him gringo he was like Huh??? you had to explain what it meant LMAO, your family calls him gringo a lot in a very loving way but it’s still Really funny.
— he’s such a kid bye? he’s exactly like one of those primos who’s absolutely wiped out by 10 pm. you always end up making those makeshift beds with two chairs and a blanket for him so he can take a nap.
— “y el novio?” except now your family just teases you because they know wherever you are, matt’s right there with you.
— your dad loves telling him embarrassing stories about you from back when you were a kid. it’s so bad ugh.
— surprisingly, he’s actually a really good cook. he’ll secretly ask your mom for your favorite recipes and make them for you. you think it’s the cutest thing ever. (he’s not very precise with the spices but he’s getting there.)
— takes spanish lessons without telling you so when you hear him talk to one of your tíos in spanish you’re like ?????
— he can’t roll his r’s SORRY!! you tease him for it all the time, so does your family. he thinks it’s funny because you’ve tried to help him pronounce “carro” or “burrito” over a thousand times and he still can’t do it.
— when he’s not driving, he sits in one of those plastic chairs in the backyard and drinks ice cold beer with your tíos.
— i feel like he’d be terrible at alcohol management so he’d be drunk with around three beers. your tíos get along so well with drunk matt, trust.
— spanish pet names?? he’s all for it. (“cariño”, “corazón”, “querido”.)
— + right before hanging up a call, he goes “te amo.” it’s SOO cute you’re gushing ugh.
— he definitely can’t dance but he loves listening to spanish music. i feel like he’d be a huge romeo santos and ozuna fan. argue w the wall !!
— he was so confused when you told him to take a bite of his cake and then pushed his face onto it. chris and nick were rolling on the floor laughing (he ended up doing it to them as well.)
— he asks if you can get some tres leches for his birthday because he loves it LMAOO. your dad introduced him to tres leches and it’s all he thinks about on a daily basis.
— he’s tried learning the cumpleaños feliz song– and yeah, he knows half of it, but he hasn’t managed to learn it all LMAO.
— if you grew up somewhere else, he desperately wants to go to your hometown just to get to know you better. when you do, he does everything to indulge in your culture. (going to festivals, meeting the people you grew up with, etc.)
— he loves obleas and arroz con leche. he thought arroz con leche was hella odd at first glance but once you convinced him to try it he was addicted HELP??
— ^ your mom gave him some arroz con leche to take back home because of the amount he ate throughout the whole night.
— when your family facetimes you and you’re with him it’s always: “bueno, y la boda cuándo es?” and once they say hello to you, they ask about matt and end up talking to him over the phone for like an hour.
— when you yell at him in spanish he’ll just wait until you stop and then asks you what that meant because he genuinely wants to know. his head is all: “wtf does maldito mean????”
— trying traditional candy from wherever you’re from is sooo funny. he’d be so obsessed with dulce de leche and arroz con leche, but make that man try any sort of candy with coconut in it (cocadas perhaps) and he’s fucking throwing up.
— his personal youtube channel would be active as fuck, at this point it became a vlog for the two of you with videos like: “trying traditional snacks with my gf!”, “cooking competition with y/n (she won)”, “traveling with my girlfriend.”
— he loves how many photo albums your family has. he especially loves your quinceañera album LMFAOO. you think it’s hella embarrassing because you were literally fifteen but he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.
— when you cook, matt always takes some food back home and his brothers end up eating it. he gets so pissed because he strictly tells them not to touch that and since they know you cooked it, they steal it LMAO.
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abbyslev · 10 months
A/N: HEY BABIES i’ve been working on this lmao i’m currently in my jjk obsession era i fear 😋 I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS THIS HAHA I HAD SM FUN WRITING IT!! ESP GOJOS LMAOO lmk if you guys want PARENT GOJO HCS BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY CUTE IDEAS LMAOO
WARNINGS: not proofread i fear 💔
yuuji bsfs hcs here!
prepare yourself 
he’s very shy at first, never had friends really so when he saw how cool you were he was very shy to talk to you
ofc you initiated conversation !! 
he noticed how maki was very close to you, yet you were less tense and way nicer 
you showed him around and he noticed everyone knew you which kind of intimidated him 
he started opening up about his interest and you two traded numbers after a while 
after a month or so you two started hanging outside of class and training 
late night dinners!! 
you randomly buy each other stuff from the convenience store !! 
gojo started sending him on missions with you and you had so much patience with him
you were very sweet and walked him through everything 
of course in the middle of a battle he’d stay and watch over you, yet watching intently to make sure nothing went wrong 
late night calls 
always always always helping him study!! 
you could tell maki was holding back a crush and yuuta DEFINITELY had a crush on her 
you were trying to get them to date 
he holds your bags when you guys shop!! 
training together, he asks you don’t hold back on him 
sharing food. you put on his plate whatever you don’t like and he will gladly eat it up!! 
you like to mess with his hair a lot, especially since it’s already pretty ruffled 
once he opened up to you completely, you know when he’s upset 
you know how to comfort him best 
showing up at his door with takeout late at night (you had to beg gojo to get it for you) 
staying in his dorm while y’all eat and play street fighter 
you teach him more about your power and your energy, to which he looks more into !! 
takes interest in your interest, you do the same !!
matching outfits on non-school days on accident
panda laughs at you both btw 
you guys are inseparable basically, if one’s not there, neither will the other!! 
a lot of people think megumi is this cold, hard kid with no emotion 
you grew up with him, basically being raised by gojo too
he took a liking more to you than gojo i fear 
as kids, you two would fall asleep against each other while his divine dogs protected you both 
gojo ofc had to have a photoshoot 
megumi genuinely respects you as a sorcerer, seeing the endless nights you’d spend in your room training 
he claims he uses full force on you when you two train, but he’s obviously lying 
meg can be a picky eater sometimes, so he puts it on your plate 
he appreciates when you slide your soup to him without a word though 
he likes his space, and he greatly appreciates that you know that!! 
sometimes he wants to sit with you in silence, and sometimes he wants to be alone, and somehow you can read his mood perfectly 
he will tease you sometimes when you guys are alone
if you’re sitting on his bedroom floor, he will ruffle your hair or even crack some jokes 
he actually does play some video games, whichever ones you get him as presents 
he’s not on his phone much, but he does text you back fairly quickly 
doesn’t like you going on missions alone, and if you do, he may send a divine dog with you sometimes 
genuinely doesn’t understand how you can stand gojo sometimes 
which by the way, he uses to make you two match as kids 
gojo literally tried to put meg in a dress and got kicked in the face 
how do you get kicked by a seven year old? don’t ask 
very very supportive, but also very honest 
you call him before you go on dates and ask his opinions on your outfits 
“isn’t that a bit much skin? what if she’s like…i don’t know…not into that? Is that how it works?” poor him he doesn’t know 
if he finds a cute girl and he tells you about it, YOU WILL TALK TO HER ABOUT HIM 
he gets all shyyyyy 
meg still gets shy telling you things 
pretty much trusts you though
“lemme see em hehehe” as he gets his divine dogs out for you so you can play fetch w them :((
his doggies also comfort you a lot so since he’s not very emotionally available he’ll let you vent while petting the dogs
only lets you call him megs. one time panda tried it and got the death stare from megumi 
“why can only they call you megs” “cause i’m his favorite :D”
doesn’t let anyone be mean to you, HE WON'T BE ACCEPTING THAT BEHAVIOR 
pls take care of bb megs HES THE BEST OK 
it was kind of a rough start
you didn’t understand his cursed speech and you definitely got stressed with “bonito flakes” and “kelp” 
you would ask him things but you couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t reply 
shorty after you met panda and maki and they explained 
which right after, that night you bought a notebook so you could communicate 
toge thought this was the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for him 
you guys ended up trading numbers and stayed up LATE sending each other videos and gushing about video games 
toge actually is pretty interesting, he hates not being able to talk about stuff with you
you finally got around to understanding his language !! 
that made everything much easier 
one time you were cold and he wrapped his scarf around you </33
don’t let his lack of speaking abilities fool you, this man WILL BE YOUR WINGMAN
you see a cute girl across the street, he’s chasing them down 
you two are an unbeatable duo, which is why you complete harder missions together 
training is ok, he can’t really use his voice so it’s just you two wrestling 
on missions you keep throat medicine on you for him
you help him study a lot, he’s actually very smart 
study sessions usually end up with you two on his bed, junk food everywhere and controllers in your hands,  hushed arguments between the two
you usually buy his lunch and bring it to him, but if y’all are out together, he pays for everything like the gentleman he is 
your biggest supporter!! if you fail at a move or can’t perfect something, he text you words of encouragement 
pls protect toge he deserves the world 
dear god hold on 
how you survived high school gojo is beyond anyone’s comprehension 
you basically rasied meg too 
hiding things from you all the time
if you are texting your situationship or something gojo WILL take your phone and read everything outloud 
if you fall on your ass or something embarrassing happens, instead of helping you he will record to humiliate you in front of his kids 
which btw they are your kids too !!
esp megs, you raised him and (though he’ll never admit it) he sees you as a mom
you submit to nobara’s shopping addiction i fear 
you’ll be in the middle of a lesson and HERE COMES GOJO BARGING IN 
the students stare at him in fear as he lift up one side of his blindfold to show you a funny video he found 
also don’t worry about having to pay for anything, he’s got it covered 
you try and deny him but he’s like “we all know you need it” annoying ass 
you also swear to never take him to family gatherings again 
but you do every single time 
the one time you took him your cousins fawned over him and your aunties asked if that was your husband and you had to explain he was your best friend 
gojo waved at your cousins and even fucking posed ???? 
you yelled at him on the way home but all he did was smile 
you used to tuck in megumi in bed and gojo would be like “don’t let the curses bite” and you would stare him down
gojo sends you on wild missions, yet still makes sure they’re safe enough for you 
he takes a liking to yuuji, meg, and nobara so he sends you to watch over them 
he knows your parental instincts are STRONG so he knows you will protect the kids with your life
one time megumi was being very open and honest with you about a problem and gojo interrupted you guys 
megumi never talked about his emotions again i fear 
if you ever get seriously injured he will joke around and take you to Shoko, but he’s really worried and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
keeps you out of his battles, and will even fight yours
see a girl you like? he’s on his way to let her know and maybe even get her number for you! 
will literally bring you food at two in the morning 
it's just who he is 
knows he seriously fucked up when you pull his hair, lift his blindfold up and see your face like “>:(”
you usually call him saturo so when you say “gojo SATURO!” he knows he fucked up
he loves his kids…yet he leaves them with you and now you have to deal with their bickering 
on your off days he loves to take you to shopping and out to eat! it’s his favorite
“max out my card” as an apology but all you want is a real explanation to why he blew up your room and why his kids were laughing 
you flick his forehead a lot 
you and utahime gang up on him a lot i fear 
though she’s very serious and you just like to tag along 
he buys you cool little trinkets 
“what’s this?” “a special something” and its literally just a snow globe 
not very emotionally available either so he just jokes around and tries his best to help you 
you understand he can get upset and refuse to show it, so you just sit beside him and draw shapes on his knees until he says something 
his phone is full of you throwing fits and angry photos 
occasionally cute ones of you guys together 
he sends you thousands of photos of either him, scenery, his kids or strangers 
you do the same obviously 
one time you and shoko hung out and sent gojo a pic and he screenshotted shokos smeared lipstick and sent it with a “??”
you post him on your insta and all ur friends slide up asking for his @ 
yes his ego gets bigger 
your favorite thing to do is grab the back of his head and yank off his blindfold and curse at him 
use to shove megumi in your arms and scream into his hands 
megumi gladly ate the veggies you fed him 
rivalry fr
“EW PUT SHOES ON” as he wiggles his bare feet in your face
will teleport to your room randomly 
you also steal his glasses randomly 
he KNOWSSSS when theres a woman in room
will start spam texting you for details 
he is part of the sassy man apocalypse i fear 
you and shoko shoo him away for some “girl time” and he goes “i AM one of the girls” with a little sassy eye roll
i could write about this man forever LMAOO
its not a spoken title but trust everyone knows your nanamis best friend 
i mean why else would he allow you in his office just so you can gossip ?? 
gojo complains about being mistreated 
whenever he buys books he buys two, one for you one for him 
buys you lunch! 
since he does love food, friday and saturday night dinners are a must 
you guys like to try different foods from different countries! 
every once in a while he will drink wine with you 
you guys are pretty much a deadly duo 
will give you flowers! it’s sweet
he’s not big on social media but he will go on there to like your newest post 
gojo complains again i fear 
you planned a super big vacation for you both for his birthday and even got some days off for him
that was the only vacation he’s ever been on, and he couldn’t thank you enough
though you wanted to pay, he ended up paying for everything you wanted at the trip
you spent so much money on reservations and plane tickets, he was worried 
he refuses to let you pay for anything! 
he’s not a pro at dates, but he will help you plan out a date 
also buys you a new outfit and helps you get ready 
“Did you get her flowers? should we get her anything else, or is this fine?” 
biggest supporter, but also does not enable bad actions like fear 
“well you’re not my dad” “fine then, go and get butthurt” 
he’s very sarcastic and straightforward with you, you love it 
he’s very organized about his outfits, so you’ll mess with him by saying his shirt is untucked or something 
when he carries you on his back because you’re super drunk you’ll be like “you loveeeee mee” 
“you keep telling yourself that.” but he indeed loves you so much 
opens doors for you, car doors, keeps hygiene products for you in his car, never lets you pay, always has a jacket ready for you, carries your bags, gets you dinner, this man is THE gentleman 
“NNAAAAAAANAMIIIII” “oh god, what now?”
you bust into his office anytime 
you guys like reading the morning paper and sharing your thoughts on it 
you got eachother thin little matching bracelets 
he does wear his :(( all the time :(( he never takes it off :(( 
tags: @saenora
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also wanted to take a moment to answer some questions from @eye-cri againn quite honestly reading these made me so happy^^
ughrgh kajal my girl🩵
(note: this is quite a long post so yk just fyi^^)
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yes indeed the skirt was a nightmare to render but was it worth it? absolutely. and yeee the earrings are such an important part of her design (shes hardly ever seen w/ out them :>>) and yes, they do ring!! (trust zeus teases her for it when they’re initially meeting) the glove is actually tied to her story, she uses it to cover a symbol on her hand linked to her powers (ill go into detail about that in a bit). also kajal is of fae descent, (hence the pointed ears, i think i also meant to add a tail to her design but we’ll see abt that). as for how she got in to the academy, she just applied to the academy for fun (fae court stuff bored her- i have so much fae lore for this universe i.) and got accepted into the night class- she wanted to get away from home for a bit and thought some fancy boarding school/ academy in gedonelune would be interesting (i honestly forgot how getting into the academy works and haven’t gone back to check in a while so. i hope that works TT). she’s close friends with caesar, leslie and hiro. (i personally like that hiro and kajal both have special unique skills- ill touch on it later.)
ALSO YES. ZEUS. KAJAL. ZEJAL. IM. THEY- 💕🥺🩵✨❤️ zeus nationnnnn YES. hes just so🥺🩵🩵.
i truly cannot put into words how much they mean to me. zeus as a character is just so so wonderful and i. cannot. describe. how much i love him :>> anyways zejal (the ship name :PP) has been my precious lil thing for YEARS now im. (i’ll try to keep this brief so i dont go on forever)- zeus and kajal are very much rivals to lovers. they start out as classmates and spend most of their first year trying to one up one another. they do eventually start to begrudgingly respect one another and before he knows it, zeus is whipped for her. she too forms her own budding crush but isn’t really sure what to do about it because she doesn’t think zeus would ever feel the same way sooo she bottles it down and ignores it- subsequently (and perhaps inadvertently) ignoring him too. he doesn’t take that too well and it stays pretty tense between them for a bit until everything boils over and zeus ends up confessing followed almost immediately by kajal. thats just a ridiculously brief summary lmaoo- theres a lot to their story TT.
as for styling her uniform, i think she keeps it pretty simple just a regular night class uniform- she will however sometimes be spotted with a large floofy orange scarf (she borrows zeus’s- she likes how soft it is and he honestly loves to see her wear it)
the type of magic she specializes in are ancient curses and incantations. girl has LOADS of ancient grimoires she could spend hours translating and decoding the spells described in them. In fact she ends up using her knowledge of ancient magic to formulate her own unique spell (a concept i might have borrowed from twst in all honesty). she calls it, “evil eye” and its basically a magic circle w/ an evil eye design in the middle - it defends her from malicious intent however, considering that shes supposed to be rather powerful i took it a step further and made it so that using it, kajal can temporarily shut down people’s magic if they intend to do her any harm. she has the symbol marked on her right palm so she can activate it faster. (smthn smthn hiro and kajal bonding over having unique abilities- hiro would actually approach her bc she knows a lot about sealing magic away + she tries her best to help him research his own curse and whatnot) i also just love how both she and zeus work with magic circles i. ugh💕.
—> also the thought of her, caesar and leslie having get togethers where they gossip about random things while drinking chai she prepares hasn’t left my mind.
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TOTAL DRAMA OC POSTING NO WAAAY Hello this is Chip he is a dumb little scrungle i came up with because i thought i’d be funny if someone with the name of chip was there when Lindsay called Chris “Chip” and got confused. Info dump on him is under the cut cos I feel like it lmaoo
- Was in Total Drama Island and Total Drama World Tour - Became friends with Cody and Noah (because they need more recognition (especially Cody)), and in extension, Owen  - He was like… the chill one of the two - y’know like that one meme  - Noah = No energy, Cody = Too much energy, Chip = Calm energy  - He’d probably get kicked off the show through a loophole/just because Chris said so (example: DJ in Island and Action [kicked off because he got scared without chef even being there in Island, literally quit in Action because he didn’t wanna lie anymore] - Was the only one actively trying to get Noah to play in a kind manner cos he knew he’d get voted off if they lost - He failed obv - Probably would get kicked off some time after Cody in S1 (probably after Beth) - As I said before, he’d always get confused whenever Lindsay would say “Chip” instead of “Chris” - Heather attempted to get him to join the alliance, but he immediately denied her - Everyone at first pegged him for the athletic type but hey were, in fact, wrong LMAO - In World Tour, he was in Team Amazon along with Cody. They’re the only two guys in the team - He’d get kicked off before Sierra was technically booted - Sierra never really liked him because Cody payed more attention to him than he did her (i think that’s one of the reasons why she didn’t like Gwen ether) - After Gwen got kicked, Sierra’s hate focus was on Chip, which highkey scared him - He was to Cody how Noah was to Owen (telling Cody to get Sierra to go away no matter what cos she was crazy (Noah did the same with Owen and Izzy)) - He never actually sang when it was a big group of them singing. instead he just mouthed the words to convince Chris that he was actually singing - that i think is how he got kicked; Chris found out he’s been pretending and was like “u sly bitch. leave” KSHDKB - Had a good singing voice, but much like Cody, he was shy to sing (obv his singing isn’t NEARLY as good as Cody’s)
(ok enough with just show things, personality stuff time KSJDKBS) - Like I said before, he’s a chill and easygoing guy, easy to get along with - Wasn’t really looking to get into a relationship (understandable considering all the other relationships in the show the only healthy one in S1-S3 was Lindsay + Tyler) - Really wanted to talk to DJ (cos this guy had/has a crush) more but 1. opposite teams and 2. he was simply Shy - Probably talks to DJ outside of the show more and obv hangs out with Cody, Noah, and Owen - Despite Heather and Courtney getting on his nerves often, he’d still treat them with dignity and respect even if it wasn’t given back to him - Would probably lose his mind if he lost his hair tie (luckily LeShawna always helped him out if he did lose it LMAO) - Wasn’t affected by Justin/Alejandro’s “hotness” - Shorter than Noah, but taller than Cody probably (idk their heights give me a break) - Questioning his sexuality tbh. He’s had crushes before but he’s never felt horny™️ which kinda concerns him because he’s 16 where are my primal instincts to Get Bitches wtf (most likely Biromantic Asexual) - The only thing he and Sierra could agree on probably is being upset with Gwen when she Gotted herself with Cody’s epipen in World Tour cos he was worried Cody would go into anaphylactic shock and DIE - knows a surprising amount of medical stuff - Wants to be a doctor - If he had won the million (or however much was on stake during TDWT), he would’ve used it to pay for his college and, if he had any left, help any of his friends pay for theirs as much as he could - Has a little brother (who he’s very protective over) and a cat  - Mom and Dad are divorced, lives with his Mom - probably one of the only first gen cast to not be from Canada (except for Alejandro and Courtney) - He’s from off brand Canada (Michigan (more specifically the lower peninsula) - Sometimes when he’d say “sorry” one of the other contestants who have that slight accent would be like “why tf u say it like that” and he’d be like “-._-. BOI-“ KSHJDBS
is he cringe? maybe. do i love him? yes
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riverstardis · 1 year
not in holby anymore:
oh this is the wizard of oz one skdjjfgj that opening’s so weird
charlie and duffy are treating a patient dressed as dorothy and then standing playing snog marry avoid and jacob tells them off for chatting SJDKFJJ duffy would snog louise, marry ethan, and avoid jacob
lmaoo charlie tells jacob he doesn’t have to go round shouting at everyone because of how bad the inspection report was and he bets him he can improve things in a different way and they come up with a plan
sdjkfkg jacob tells the nurses and noel the trust have come up with a new team building exercise where they have to work on their weaknesses and tells louise to “be kind”, noel to “engage your brain”, and david to “grow a pair” hmmm remind you of anything?
some people parking directly in front of a fire exit… there is no way this could end badly is there
lmao max and jez stole alicia’s tablet and posted on her social media and apparently her mum now thinks she’s a pregnant white supremacist💀💀💀
was this a special for a specific occasion or something???
ohh this scene with cal and ethan at their lockers!! with ethan looking at his dating profile and cal’s like “had any nibbles, nibbles?” skskkfkg
cal steals ethan’s phone to look but there’s no one there and ethan says he’s waiting for the right girl and cal says “come on there’s loads of talent on here” and starts looking through them
“oh look, that’s the fit f1 on keller” jasmine burrows. she was an actual holby character right? rather than someone they just made up? her name and face do ring a bell.
he keeps looking through them like “oh hang on- i’ve had her” and ethan’s like “unfortunately there isn’t a filter for girls my brother has slept with” SJDKFKF
cal starts editing his about me bit and ethan tries to protest but he’s like “trust me on this one bro, give it an hour… or two, and they’ll be ethan out the palm of your hand” THATS SO BAD😭😭😭
ethan tries to get his phone back but cal says he’ll hang on to it and leaves skdkfk
fun fact when i last rewatched this episode last year i posted a clip of that scene on twitter and RICHARD WINSOR QUOTE TWEETED IT ! he follows one of my mutuals and she’d rted it so i assume that’s how he saw it bc otherwise??? that was a wild day because on top of that i posted sahdor fanart on insta and both arin smethurst and milo clarke saw it, commented, and shared on their stories and milo followed me and then arin followed me the next day!! i was like what on earth is going on today?!?!
yup someone sets the fire alarm off and now people are getting crushed at that blocked exit
david being a hero jumping down from an upper floor to move the car!!
wait a second… a crush… like the wicked witch being crushed by a house?? i never realised that before😭😭
charlie going “somebody please pass me an oil can, i think she’s rusting up!” lmaooo. louise says why’s he acting weird skskfkjf just you wait louise
aw no one believes david that he jumped off a three story building
big mac mention!
sjdjjfjg there’s a drunk frequent flyer and neither ethan or cal want to take him but cal’s like “tell you what, you take him and you get your phone back” and ethan goes “that’s not how it works! … apparently it is” bc cal’s walked off already😭
charlie going “we don’t need you to be a cowardly lion, david. we need you to roar.” and then making him repeat it and making him roar and he does a massive roar in the middle of resus SJDKFKGKKG
david impressing jacob finally
cal gives ethan his phone back and he has 8 messages but only because cal changed his bio to say ‘easy going doctor💲💲💲 …looking for some fun. NSA’ 😭😭😭 also i think one of those messages is from the f1 on keller judging by the profile pic
aww his likes section lists literature and french films yep that sounds about right. also his age is 30 according to his profile which means this episode is not set when it aired because it aired on the 26th november when he would’ve still been 29.
he asks what nsa means right as alicia walks in and she answers “no strings attached. didn’t think that was your sort of thing?” and he’s like “no! it was cal’s idea. i’m certainly not looking for an… nsa”
she says there’s nothing wrong with a bit of online dating and asks to see and he gives her his phone and she rewrites his bio “keep it brief but meaningful. who’s that physicist that you like again?” and ethan looks a bit shocked but goes to answer but she remembers so they say it at the same time and then she types out a full quote/poem by his favourite physicist FROM MEMORY and then smiles at him and cal is just completely oblivious… mate your brother and your girlfriend are having an emotional affair right in front of your eyes WAKE UP MAN
anyways scibblesssss🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
and here we see ethan falling in love😭 in s33 he tells alicia that that was his favourite quote and this was the moment he realised he “loved being around [her]”🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 actually after this i may go screen record those two moments and post them side by side because THEYRE SO CUTE
lmaooo louise david and noel are all remarking on how well they did to jacob and then louise mentions the name of the person in HR who supposedly came up with the team building exercise and david recognises it as the name of dorothy’s uncle and that makes them all realise it’s a stitch up SKDKKFKGKG
loll the flashbacks to earlier with charlie betting jacob he can get better results out of people only using the wizard of oz references than shouting at them
then another flashback showing that duffy promised to buy charlie breakfast if he could stop jacob shouting at everyone sjskdkkf and now jacob’s just as mad as the others
this is such a wild episode, who came up with the idea of doing a wizard of oz based episode like?????
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catcze · 2 years
Getting inspiration from "shipping your moots with character" anon who got inspiration from "shipping your anons with characters anons", which characters do you think would ship themselves with your moots and or anons
HMMMM okay okay this is actually really interesting, and i actually had to work my brain a little bit to decide on this one bc whoaa i never thought abt this before... I decided to interpret it more as 'crush' rather than 'ship themselves w/' bc I dunno why but it felt easier for me to do decide on it if i worded it that way HAHA ALSO !! I tried to mix it up a bit instead of giving people their usual pairs, you know ??? So that it's more fun, too !!
Again, just going off who I think of first ! Nothing personal to the people I didn't include <3 ALSO LMAOO I laughed when I read the 'getting inspiration from... who got inspiration from...' line haskdnaj
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I think that GOROU would have a crush on @bluexiao !! Because, like, Blue is super rational and hard working, and super good at what she does, right? Blue gets results babeyyy, but ae is also super fun and chill and easy to converse with when she wants to be, which I think are both things that Gorou would find totally crush-worthy in a person.
I also think that THOMA would have a crush on @awlumii !! Similar to Thoma, Mars is very easy to get along with, as I'm sure anyone who's ever interacted with faer can agree ♡ And and and Mars is super chill and funny, too, which I think would make conversations very enjoyable for both of them !!
Okay okay this one took some thinking, but I think that TIGHNARI would have a crush on my LUCID ANON. Listen !! Luce is super sweet, okay. Very sweet, makes super easy conversation, and is good at both listening to people talk while also still participating in the conversation, so that it’s obvi that Luce is listening to what you say! I really think that Tighnari would enjoy having someone around who likes to listen to him, and who genuinely makes conversation with him because they enjoy it, so he’s gonna be superrrr smitten with Luce 
Imo, BEIDOU would deffo have a crush on @sohyuki !! ! dunno how to describe it, but Mint give off a specific 'super sweet and nice but will go for ur kneecaps if anyone talks shit' kind of energy? And Mint is, like super cool and level-headed usually, so I totally think that Beidou would take such a shine to her.
MAN Okay okay Honestly speaking? I think that NINGGUANG might have a thing for my Beans anon 😳 LISTEN hear me out okay–– Beans’s personality is soooo super duper explosive in the best way. Goes fuckin feral whenever they feel like, but at the same time they can also be cool as fuck and totally a bad bitch, yk? Not to mention Beans isn’t scared to have opinions and to be honest, which is right up Nigguang’s alley.
HEIZOU would have a crush on @yonaraee change !! my !! mind !! Yona is super nice and fun, but she's also got the kind of personality that is so easy to get along with, and is always down for fun and hijinks! She's super endearing, and just very generally is good at keeping fun moods going, so I can 100% see heizou making heart eyes bro.
Dude !! I can 100% see KOKOMI having a crush on @kazeyu !! Listen listen, as the resident Kokomi whisperer, ik what she likes, okay? And Listen, Yoi is so incredible and sweet and caring and she's always so understanding :( Yoi is an absolute darling and is so good for helping people who are feeling down or low on energy to feel better and cared for, which is why I think that Kokomi would be smitten.
And lastly, listen listen listen I know i said I would switch things up and wouldn't name an obvious pair, but bro I have to say that hands down AYATO would have a crush on @seelestia . LISTEN OKAY Lia is very chill and easygoing, but is an absolute dear to hold a conversation with. She’s interesting and respectful, but also makes some fun banter and jokes that you literally cannot help but enjoy !! I genuinely think that afternoon walks between her and Ayato would have that man head over heels ASAP.
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pistachorlito · 1 year
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Could it be that I'm aro?
I visited this site cause I realized (3 months in my first serious relationship. I'm 20yo btw) that being in a relationship makes me anxious and uncomfortable. I thought I could have commitment issues (and I'm going to start going to therapy this monday, can I hear a wahoo?) but suddenly I thought that maybe I'm aromantic.
Here are my responses to every item of the list that site has of common experiences of aro people.
Imagining your future
Marriage/a long term romantic relationship feels more like an obligation rather than something you want and are excited for. ✅
Feeling like your ideal future involves living with friends (or alone) with no romantic partner in sight. ✅ (Imagining myself married feels so off lmao)
You imagine what it would be like to have someone be in love with you, but never what it would be like for you to feel that way for that person.✅ (I thought this one was a maybe but yeah, i did that lmao)
Your “fantasies” of future romantic relationships, if you have them, aren’t really fleshed out or detailed at all.✅
You assume you will be in a romantic relationship someday but aren’t excited for it.✅
If you imagine a future partner, you struggle to picture details about them.✅
Friends with benefits seems like the ideal relationship to you.❔(maybe? Idk because since i'm demisexual... but I've definitely fantasized about being fwb with my actual partner)
You hated romantic subplots in children cartoons/stories.❔(not hated them, just didn't care about it)
You loved friendship arcs in children cartoons/stories.✅
You’re favorite characters growing up never had romance as a major aspect of their character.✅
You love reading romantic stories/fan-fiction, but have no interest in actively pursuing one yourself.✅
You’re generally disinterested in romance stories. ❔(Idk because I like them but I definitely prefer erotic stories)
You assumed that crushes and romantic drama were made up for soap operas and romcoms. ✅ (until I saw real relationships full of drama and I thought they were being stupid but turns out it DOES happen irl lmao)
Being in romantic relationships
You’ve been in romantic relationships, but you’ve always felt like you were acting or playing a role in them.✅ (I agreed to a relationship with my prev ”boyfriend” out of spite lmao)
You’ve felt uncomfortable and suffocated in romantic relationships even though those relationships were seemingly healthy and happy. ✅ (He's just like me fr)
You accidentally said yes to a date because you thought your friend was asking to hang out.❌ (Not really because since people seem to think I'm flirting when I'm just being nice, I started thinking that people being nice to me were hitting on me too so I avoided them LMAOO)
Understanding others crushes and romance
You’ve looked up what a crush is supposed to feel like.✅ (So confused about what I'm feeling lmao)
Once you learnt about asexuals who are romantic you got super confused thinking “isn’t romance just friendship + sex?”.✅
Once you learn about polyamory you got confused because you thought romance was defined by some sort of exclusivity.✅
Romantic relationships seem constructed of arbitrary rules you could never understand.✅
You’ve never understood the difference between a best friend and a romantic partner.✅
Celebrity crushes make no sense to you.✅ (But that could be my demisexual side speaking lmao)
When you realized people actually want to act on their crushes you were shocked.✅ (YES-- I wasn't going to tell my partner I liked him, I just didn't want to regret doing nothing but now I regret doing it LMAO)
Whenever people described a crush it sounded like discomfort or a panic attack to you.✅
You never understood people being sad about unrequited feelings. After all, couldn’t they just flip their crush feelings off? ❌(No, what I don't understand is people that NEED to be in relationships)
You never understood the trope of friends with benefits vowing not to develop feelings and then the drama when one of them seemingly inevitably does. ❔ (I don't really read that kind of stories, but I do get it, I've talked about jealousy and love with a lot of people, but Idk)
Your ‘crushes’
You think you’ve had a crush on every single one of your friends.✅ (SO TRUE)
You frequently thought you might have crushes on people you actually were uncomfortable around. ❔
You *theoretically* wanted a romantic partner but anytime anyone showed interest in you you would avoid them.✅ (SO TRUE HOLY FUCK)
You’ve only ever had feelings for someone if they showed interest in you first.✅(THIS ONE IS SO TRUE )
You’ve only ever had crushes on celebrities, fictional characters or otherwise unattainable people that you knew could never actually turn into relationships.✅
When asked about your crush you would randomly and arbitrarily pick a person.❌ (I just said no lmao)
You came up with a list of things you would probably like in a partner and then found someone who fit those criteria and decided to have a crush on them. ❌(Not at all, I don't even have a type, but I've decided to be in a relationship with my actual partner because we've been friends for years and he seemed to be the perfect match for me so I thought “I don't have to waste an opportunity”).
You’re oblivious to people flirting with you. ❌ (Sometimes yeah, but most of the time I confuse them being nice with them flirting with me because of the next item in the list...)
You’ve been told you were flirting with someone when you thought you were just being friendly.✅ (All the damn time, for a couple of months I stopped being nice because of THIS reason)
Understanding and explaining yourself
You thought you were bisexual/pansexual because there was no difference in how you felt about people, so you assume you’re romantically feeling the same for everyone.✅ (Pan and demi)
When someone asks you why you don’t date, you reply that you have more important things to concentrate on.✅
You thought the reason you’ve never had a crush or fallen in love was because you had super high standards.✅(no one seemed to make me feel in love like everyone describes what it feels like)
You thought you were a late bloomer and that eventually you’d experience some inkling romance long after most of your peers have started dating.✅
So that's the list. Now I'm asking aro folks if you're so nice to tell me, do you relate? Could it be that I'm aro, or could it be that I just have commitment issues? LMAO either way i'm talking about this with my therapist, but I'd love to hear your opinions.
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allkinds-oftrash · 2 years
The Crown S5E7 Commentary
Non Spoiler Gist: Brilliant brilliant Diana centric episode - I loved every single minute of it! It was also interwoven well with Bashir prepping and manipulating Di into the interview, Diana’s romance with Dr. Hasnat Khan and a secondary  C-plot of Lizzie having lunches with William and Margot. 
Spoilers Under The Cut: 
The Bashir Interview episode Let's gooo
We love a Diana-centric episode Gosh she sounds so much like her I'm getting emotional I just love her so much??? This monologue on being separated is on point
Oooh we're getting Tween William this should be interesting Is that Dominic's actual son?? Nepotism at it's finest I wonder what he thinks of his dad's irl cheating and if he finds him being Charles as ironically meta as I do
Awww Harry my babeyyyy
Also gosh the press really were everywhere and invading every aspect of their lives huh This is so taunting he's like a spectacle Not them fighting at his school too LMAO THE SPITE HUG YES SHOW HIM THE LOVE DIANA
Bashir is KNEE deep in his research era huh Honestly all the scenes of him so far is just me being old enough to love Diana on my own and just watch every available clip and read every article on her. I was in the trenches with my Diana phase as a tween
Why does the actor look like this Tamil actor I know I'm shook they look very similar and like they could be related Okay I googled him no they do not only in this get up for some reason hsjjsjs Damnnn he's an ambitious one isn't he What are they doing with these bank statements???
Holy fuck the Earl Spencer's casting is EERIE they look THE SAME
What the fuckkkk I knew how he got the interview was unethical BUT NOT THIS UNETHICAL This is so shady omg omg This man I swear to God like he didn't waver ONCE
Lmao Diana saw this man ONCE and is a goner for him. She's just staring hshahh I really thought we'd get her and Dodi around this time but Hasnat Khan is pretty cute too I'll give her that She's adorable omggg
DIANA YOUR FRIEND'S HUSBAND MIGHT BE DYING AND YOU'RE THIRSTING OVER A MAN I cannot this is too funny pls Diana babes please read the room
Not William being short with his mother Goddd her phones being tapped is so scary
Oh dear god not the guys trying to take a pic of her WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK HER BRAKES AREN'T WORKING What the fuckkkkk I had a heart attack that was terrifying
Lmaoo this interaction with the Spencers - PEAK siblings Her paranoia was really preyed upon huh Poor her Patrick would notttt Bashir is lyinggg This is so painful to watch Danggg the way Elizabeth's face went red so fast damn girl she turned it ON
Oooh Willy is having lunch with Lizzie this ought to be fun Damn this boy has got the voice down we love to see it I really like their dynamic it's really sweet and kinda humanises them for me despite my issues with the two of them
Awwee Diana in the hospital I love her so much she was really the sweetest soul wasn't she Lmaooo Di's like Oh??? My crush has noticed mee!!! She's so into him this is so cute I'm so invested in this sldhddjd
Ohmygod she called him sexy hskdjsk Dianaaaa A HUSBAND I LOVE HER BEING FLIRTY This Diana is SUCH A VIBEEEE "I'm constitutionally single" Lmaoo I'm using that They are ADORABLE why did it end 😭😭
Boooo Bashir leave her aloneee Holy shit mans is really laying it thick and telling her everything she wants to hear
Not Oprah being name dropped as an alternate for an interviewer Imagine if she had gotten the Di interview and also the H&M one - that would have been a TRIP
Damnnn the duality of the two Pakistani men in her life during this time. It's a very interesting parallel to see. One manipulating and exploiting her and the other offering her safety, privacy and kindness
Lmaooo Bashir did not say "I think she has a thing for me" Okay but thank god he didn't mean it like That That 1991 tour meant a lot to her didn't it? Lowkey wish we saw it instead of the Russian ep  We all have that special country away from home we fell in love with so I get it. I'm just glad they didn't make it out to be a exotic country or fetishise it in her eyes
Ohmygod she looks like Sophie Turner in that getup I got shook AWWE THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS I LOVE THEM OHMYGOD WHAT IS THIS FOREPLAY Their flirting is on point He keeps asking for consent it's so sexy
DR KHAN NO HSJDJJSJ Girlie was trying to be deep about her broken, neglected heart and this man goes "No your heart is fine. Quite a strong pulse actually." God he's SO endearing GJSHSJC DIANA I SWEAR She's sooo into him Bro she likes youuu and you like herr She did not call him a frog I'm screaming djdkdkd
Jesus Christ Lizzie we get it stop name calling and just say her name Yall are awful
Jesus Bashir are you trying to isolate her from EVERYONE Mans really using his mother tongue to his advantage I do sympathise with his struggles as an MOC in a very white industry  Gosh this is all so complex Like yeah he was REAL shady about it but he also did let her feel understood and allowed her that platform to lay it all on the line
"You can trust me" K Bashir K 🤡🤡
Oh dip this isn't the actual interview ep. Aights gonna take a short break before I watch the next one!
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atopearth · 2 years
Cupid Parasite Part 1 - Common Route
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I loveeeee how colourful this game is! Lynette is a really beautiful heroine, I love her hair and style, I can't stop looking at her haha! In terms of who out of the LIs catches my interest the most...I have to say from first impression/look, Allan and Shelby appeal to me the most👌 Lynette being a marriage matchmaker is cool, modern day cupid~ Also just wanted to say Claris is so beautiful!! Ooh, so Lynette is actually the Goddess Cupid! She looks so stunning!! Lmao at her literally shooting her bow at compatible couples to make them fall in love. Omggg Lord Jupiter is hot!! Minerva's eccentric look is pretty cool. I feel sorry for Cupid though, her father sounds so overbearing when it's not even her fault that people aren't getting married as much. Although I guess it might help if she knew more about love since she might not view people as simple "colours" that match or don't match. I totally support Cupid's decision to show her stubborn dad that she can be the best bridal advisor as a human and show that humans are capable. Like honestly, even without the human thing, Mars really needs to stop "living in the past" and think it's his way or the highway. It's about time Cupid rebelled against him, glad that Minerva is supportive. Awww Cupid's romcom look is so adorable and sweet!! I love it, she looks good in everything!
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Lmaoo at Gill's profile, is he an obsessed lover? He sounds crazy lmao😂 I can't wait to do Shelby's route but I'll be patient and start with Ryuki I think. I am dyingg at Shelby getting his secretary to represent him😂 I guess it would be pretty embarrassing for the president of Cupid Corporation to be single and be a part of the famous Parasite 5 that everyone has given up on trying to find a partner for them loll. Glad to see Lynette pick up that it seemed to be Shelby but she just couldn't push it since he adamantly stated he's married lol. Btw I'm surprised Shelby's VA is KENN, mainly because I've been playing Brothers Conflict and thinking of Fuuto and Shelby as the same VA is just interesting hahaha. Oh and Limbo from Bustafellows too! I definitely prefer his voice as Shelby👌 I'm not sure what to think of Raul right now besides being a mythological geek? Worst part is that he actually has no intention of getting married and is just here for "research" on how to love lol. Gill seems smitten with Lynette though lol. LOL when Ryuki sprayed Lynette with a moisturising spray and said he doesn't recognise you as human if you don't take care of your looks😂 I am dead, Ryuki needs a S-rank face in order to see them as a potential partner😂 Excuse me?!?!! Lynette is only C??? She's freakingg hott!! It's the dehydrated face isn't it😂 Ryuki is definitely someone I would want to strangle in real life, but I am excited to see Lynette handle him and how much of a wreck he'll be on dates🥲 Allan working for a high-end pillow store is the most unexpected job for him, I can't imagine him selling pillows to people🤣 HAHAHA freaking hell, Allan is a riot, he only wants women who have partners already?! Ooh he wants to share partners with someone, okay that's better as long as they all want it lol. Nice to know he likes Lynette enough that he wants her to hurry up and date one of the other four guys at he can be with her lolll.
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It's kinda sad to see that Shelby actually seriously wants to find a partner but he's being held back from the repercussions to the company if it were to be discovered that he's actually single. Ooh Allan is a god or something?!! How exciting!! Honestly, it was expected that I would get Agape for the love test, I mean I'm not as obsessed as Gill (hopefully lmao) but I do have crushes that lasts for yearsss so knowing Gill has been in love with Lynette since at least two years ago, he's definitely the obsessed type lol. I'm positive Gill wouldn't be my type of LI though, but we'll see haha. Ooh Allan is some sort of incubus and that's why he needs them to be in love with someone else? Oh and omg I didn't realise Jupiter is the Roman name for Zeus! Cupid aka Eros definitely has a different feel to the respective names. Allan basically doing a kabedon on Lynette was hot, more pls👌 except Lynette's right, he was basically demonstrating to the guys on how to see if a girl is okay with having a one night stand or something lol. LOL at Gill just telling his matchmaking partners how much he basically loves Lynette and how he's willing to do everything for her😂 He's a lost cause, at least the others might possibly like them, but Gill would never like them so it's crazy for him to even be here lolll. Shelby telling his potential partner to basically talk through his representative, and Owen reporting and relaying every question and answer between them kills me🤣 LMAO at Raul telling the girl "mythical facts" about how many times the gods made love in Greek myths, I died when he said he tried counting it😂😂😂 I feel sorry for the poor lady, her image of Raul is definitely ruined, how will she watch his movies now🤣 HAHAHA when Allan asked the girl with a boyfriend if she wanted to go to his place to try out his pillow😂😂 
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A sharehouse matchmaking show with the Parasite 5? I'm innnn!! I live for the destruction they'll cause😂 LMAO at Raul bringing a statue of Neptune when he moved in to the sharehouse, legit dead😂 Excuse me, Peter the assistant director is so hot?! Why is he not an LI?! It was honestly expected that it would be impossible to do a sharehouse considering their personalities, but it was funny how they put the whole segment with the girls fighting over Allan into the show intro😂😂 Allan and Shelby half-naked is so beautiful, I love it👌👌 Omgggg Allan getting the perfect pillow for Lynette was the sweetest thing ever! It's obvious he likes her and thinks that he can only "be with her" if she's in love with someone else and that's why he keeps telling her to sleep with one of the Parasite 5 but yeah, totally understand why Lynette would be annoyed and turned off by the things he says.
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Aww Gill is so devoted to cooking Lynette's favourites for her. Considering how stressed and stuff she is, Gill would be great for her. I'm glad we kinda got to know more about the guys through their own words. The most enlightening was probably Ryuki since he never talks about himself, so finding out that he actually signed up because his sister signed him up and his grandmother told him that he'll never be a great designer without getting married and knowing love was interesting. It was also nice to see Allan a bit more honest and tell Lynette that he does want to get married but his problem of only wanting women who are in love with other men is what it is I guess. I am DEAD, lmao at Raul asking the teacher if he can take the girl to an excavation site for a first date😂😂😂 Ooh so if a god falls in love with a human, they turn into a human? Is that what Allan wants? Even though Ryuki says a lot of crap, I do appreciate how seriously he takes "beauty", and how he even massaged Lynette because he knew the beautician wasn't good enough lol. He really excels in every area to fulfilling his perfect vision of beauty instead of just the "outside" fashion and I think that's really cool! It's actually really cute how Ryuki recognises their practice date as a date and says he'll pay for everything haha, can I please have someone pay for my beauty treatment, makeup and clothes for a dayyy too🥲🥲 I loveee how Lynette's portrait changed after the makeover, she looks niceee! LMAO that Ryuki literally can't see people whose "face grade" is too low for him, he just sees a black haze, I am dead😂😂😂 HAHAHA, I love how Lynette is realising how big of a problem this can be, and how if Ryuki were to date a girl that barely passes his grade, she might disappear from his sight if she were to take off her makeup😂😂😂
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Omggg I love the guys all dressed up!! As usual, Allan takes my heart, Shelby looks good like usual, Ryuki looks glamorous and beautiful, Gill looks cool instead of cute, Raul looks less playboy-ish so a bit cooler, and Owen is just Owen lmao. Ohh wow, Cupid Corporation has an entire floor for couples to hold weddings? Dangg. Lmaooo when Lynette called Gill mother because he was taking care of everyone😂 I can't with Allan btw, I love how Furukawa Makoto voices him, his laugh at Gill being called mum was so lovely🥰 LOL at both Shelby and Owen thinking they could put a jelly drink on a plate and call it their "cooking"😂😂 I actually find it hilarious how Allan is the one with the most common sense when it comes to women, but I guess since he's a "player", he knows how to handle them much better. I'm really glad he's laying it out to Gill that every girl is different and that you can't force her to accept his "goodwill" aka him doing all the house chores without considering whether that's what she wants. LMAO at them all stripping to compare their sizes😂😂😂 I love Peter, he's like a parasite too considering how weird he is😂😂 I thought it was really sweet how they resolved the fight, and how honestly Gill wanted to properly rectify his mistake. It's nice how all the guys are getting along better after getting to see more of each other and their values even if it's different to theirs.
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LMAO, glad to see that the Parasite 5 have finally attracted weird enough women to be okay with their "traits". I love the girl who asked if marrying Monsieur Esse means she'll be basically married to Owen because I 100% agree!! I love Owen and if he comes along with Shelby, it's definitely the best deal😂 LOL at the weirdoes who were okay with Ryuki misting them and saying they love how Ryuki looks at them like they're trash😂😂 Did all the degenerates sign up for this😂😂 LOL when Peter ran away saying he doesn't know how to talk to women. Shelby so honestly appreciating Lynette's passion for her work and praising her was so heartwarmingly beautiful! It made me feel so touched😭 Ryuki blushing whilst giving Lynette an expensive face mask, and telling her how he respects people who take their work seriously was so sweet! Lmao when Ryuki said Owen is such a quiet sleeper, there were times he thought he was dead😂😂 Awwww, all the guys getting Lynette a flower bouquet and telling her how much they like her as their advisor and how much they appreciate how hard she works for them and tries to understand them is so heartwarming🥺🥺🥺 Raul giving Lynette a kiss omggg!! I didn't expect that but I liked it! I miss Parasite House already���
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I guess it's understandable for the guys to leave Cupid Corp considering their objectives, and it is true that I don't think they're really ready to find a marriage partner lol, but I guess the best thing is now that Lynette can fall in love with them and it won't be unprofessional hahaha, I was really worried! Anyway, it seems that they've all matured a bit after the reality show considering the messages they sent to Lynette and I'm glad for that. Can't wait to see how everything goes! On to Ryuki route!
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Overall, I've been really enjoying Cupid Parasite and I loved the Common Route! It was so funny!! I kept laughing out loud at how silly they all were. Allan constantly looking for a partner who loves someone else never gets old especially when he flirts with every woman he sees lol. Ryuki spraying mist on every girl because her face is dry kills me too haha. I love how quirky they all are, and I love how the guys got the chance to bond together. It's been a while since I was so interested and invested in an LI so I legit can't wait for Shelby and Allan but I'll hold myself (and my thirst) back and see how Ryuki's route is🥲 Oh and I loveee the colours and music in this game, it has such a great vibe and I can't get enough of it hahaha. Oh, and I wish Jupiter and Peter had a route, they're both so hot🥺🥺
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sopfr3 · 2 years
Hi, i hope doing good. Can i have an AoT and MHA match please 💐 First of all, I apologize for my English. I'm still practicing. I'm 18. I'm genderfluid, bisexual with male preference. I have long black wavy hair. I have thick black eyebrows, brown eyes. I always have rosy cheeks. My body is curvy with very big chest and little tummy. Also i'm 172 cm. I'm Libra, a infp. I always have poker face. Those who know me for the first time describe me as cold, quiet, and distant. I'm only close to two or three people. They describe me as cold, soft inside, calm, resourceful and knowledgeable. They say I make clever jokes and I'm the mom-friend. And i hate phsyical touch. My love language is words of affirmation. If I talk about myself, I've always been on my own. I have family problems, I was never close with my father. Even though we are side by side with my mother, we are distant. I'm just my own mom and dad. That's why I've always focused on academic achievement for salvation. And I'm very good at it. My hobbies are drawing, sewing, writing and researching, especially about mythology, cultures, history, fashion. I always wear my headphones and listen to music. I like silence, soft colors, being alone, indie/rock music flowers (especially honeysuckle), spring and breeze. I don't like crowds, noise, children, loud talkers and shiny things. I always wear colorful clothes with floral prints.Also i wear interesting earrings and different printed socks. I don't really have an ideal type. I love every person. I like the fact that there are different people.
hey man! your english is really good so there’s nothing to worry about :) also sorry it took a little bit for me to do this! i didn’t check my inbox lmaoo. tysm for requesting as well :D without further ado, i present to you.. your matches !!
‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞˚。*.𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞˚。*.𓆝·˙‧̍̊
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞˚。*.𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞˚。*.𓆝·˙‧̍̊
ugh this man is so freaking cool. he was drawn in by your cleverness at first, and then when he got to know you his feeling blossomed. he would definitely admire your drawings, would even let you draw on him if you asked🤭 LOVES your music. when he listens to music he will hand you one of his earbuds offering you to listen with him🥹 i need someone like this asap. greatly appreciates that you love silence as much as him.
would def make a playlist for the both of you guys while you’re on a date. you guys just chilling at either of your houses, doing your own thing with some soft music playing. the window slightly cracked with the breeze flowing in just slightly, the smell of spring in the air<3
he knows what it’s like to be on his own, especially due to his quirk. he hates that you feel that way. he’s do anything to prevent you from feeling like that :((
loves your different earrings. wonders what kind of earrings you’ll match with your outfit. always a fun guessing game :]
i don’t even know where to start with this nervous nelly. he would think you’re so badass from far away. smart, stoic, he’d be at a loss of words. everyone saw your guys’ crushes on each other before you guys, making bets and such(jean had to give eren his bread roll due to a bet). adores your silly socks<3 makes his day seeing what new pair you have on, same with the earrings too!! he notices the little things, like how you parent yourself. he always hopes that you know you can lean on him for support.
it’s all thanks to reiner and annie that he made the first move. well, more so annie. reiner isn’t the most skilled with romance. “just play hard to get. chicks dig that.” cue annie rolling her eyes and giving bertholdt actual good advice. he had to write down his confession on paper because he was getting extremely anxious.
would actually die if you started talking about mythology. he finds it so attractive when people talk about their passions.
would pick honeysuckles during the spring for you because he knows you love them. and they never fail to remind him of you.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ༓☾  ☽༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
runner ups !! :
erwin smith - would love to talk to you about history , doesn’t mind that you’re a tough nut to crack , admires your knowledge and acknowledges your advice before his decisions.
kyouka jirou - would play your fav songs on the guitar , loves that you’re prepared for any and every situation , adores the fact that you love different types of people, no matter what.
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 years
Omg dude, I lowkey don’t like Turtles in Time all that much either LMAOO
something about the episode just never sat right with me ever since it aired and I couldn’t figure it out until recently, which is it’s handling of Mikey’s character.
I totally love the idea that Mikey is a huge flirt and stuff, especially when he has interest in someone, but the way it was handled in Turtles in Time was just a little too much. His character is just too morphed for my liking because crushing on Renet becomes his entire personality for the whole episode and it’s so draining to sit through.
And it becomes more frustrating in retrospect when the Monster’s vs Mutants arc handles Mikey’s character so well and has his crush on Renet being more passively in the background. I don’t get why Turtles in Time couldn’t do that too.
i rewatched this episode so i could better respond to this lol
i’ll be honest, mikey’s character has never been super interesting to me compared to his other brothers, but i see what you mean. it was just him flirting and a few comments about pizza the entire time.
and his interactions with renet didn’t seem to be consistent. at some points she wasn’t interested in his advances, and at some points she acted like she was interested.
my main issue with the episode is how boring it is most of the time.
actually i was writing my thoughts as i watched it and here they are:
it’s understandable that leo is caught up about karai bc of what she’s going through. but then mikey had to make it weird and compare it to donnie’s crush on april. and their situations aren’t even similar. april is in their team. they know she’s safe. karai’s whereabouts are unknown, but it’s possible she’s with the shredder who isn’t exactly kind to her.
plus i’d like to go through one conversation about karai without someone implying feelings between her and leo.
the scene with raphael spraying his brothers with a hose was very cute.
yeah it’s weird to me that renet didn’t really respond much to mikey’s crush. you’d think that if a historical figure you admire crushed on you, you’d have more of a reaction. and does she know about his future personal life? and if she starts dating him, does she know how their relationship will go based on her time’s history records?
time travel romances are really weird
the costumes were literally just a chance for the studio to reuse those models. the episode could’ve gone without them.
when i watched this with my brother, he freaked out over the medieval stuff being inaccurate. i’m no expert myself, but i don’t think that armor would have been around in england in the 900s.
the time loop was weird
bro it was kinda ooc for donnie to just hug renet like that. he’s not exactly the most affectionate of his brothers, and he had no real reason to. “wow you can stop time loops?? HUG ME” makes no sense.
why was leo annoyed at raph not knowing how to ride a horse lol
if mikey and renet are endgame, why’d renet put him down by mentioning their “age gap”.
ughhh time travel romances are so weird.
and like,,, at the end of the episode, she’s like yeah i’ll go out with you. make it consistent ahhh
the fight scenes were all boring imo. nothing to say about them.
leo’s baby blanket my beloved
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and i never noticed until this episode but he tried to make his sword look like a longsword lol he taped a cross guard on it.
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yeah that’s all the thoughts i have about this episode really. it’s not an episode where i think it’s a trashfire. it’s just uninteresting to me.
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1tarot1with1k1o · 8 months
Hello klo! How are u doing?? I wanna participate in your newer k-pop game please! I hope it's still open!
1 I think you are similar to joohoney from MX cause I think you have strength to you but also soft!
2. Get along well with -Johnny idk maybe someone who is very social but doesn't try to take control in social settings would go well with you.
3. Do you like Shinee? I literally channeled them and then their song started to play. is Minho from the group your bias by any chance?
These are all I got for you, I got a lot even though your said to choose one! And I'm asking for Kihyun from MX for me please!
Hii 💕 I’m doing alright, thank you very much! I hope you’re doing well yourself 🫶 of course you can still participate!!
Omg joohoney 🥺 it’s so cute to be associated with him! Fun fact…his aegyo is the only one I actually melt over lol. Usually it’s quite cringe to me, but he’s just so adorable 😭. I’m honored to give you similar vibes to him. He’s really cool!!!
Yes you’re so on point! I either need someone as calm as me, or someone who takes the lead in the conversation but that isn’t overwhelming to be around. Johnny seems really fun to hang out with (plus he’s tall so I could finally wear heels around him and not feel self conscious lol). I’d love to do fun activities and chill with him!
Omg girllll!!! (gender neutral lol) hahahahahahha I swear I used to have the biggest celebrity crush on Minho years ago!!!! Lmaoo. He’s just such an interesting and strong person! How can you not like him…not you exposing me like that 👀. But it’s so funny you channeled that hahha, great job 🤣
Such cute energies from you two 🥹 aww. I got the feeling that he would be very protective towards you (not in an overbearing way. He would simply be extra attentive and worry about your well being). He would definitely look out for you, and make sure that you’re having the best time when you’re around him. I could literally see him looking at you while smiling with an endeared expression on his face. He would be so whipped, and he would find you very cute and lovely. Not even necessarily in a romantic way, but he would really like you! He would find you interesting, and think of you as a very precious person. I feel the energy of a big brother caring for the younger sibling. Not to siblingzone you lol; it’s just the kind of vibe I get hahah. He would really like to cook for you I heard? He would try his best. He would really want to do something for you, so feeding you homemade food is one of the things he would really want to do. He’d always ask you to update him, and he would attentively listen to you, and then give you words of encouragement or advice. Depending on what you would need in that moment. I feel like he would try to help you as much as he can, but when he won’t be able to actually help you, he will do his best to still offer you support. The kind of person that would give you his jacket or sweater if you’re cold, or that would buy you a comfortable pair of shoes if your feet are hurting. He would go to the extra mile in order to be of service to you, and make your day better. You might have an age gap, and that’s why he’d feel extra endeared by you, or he would simply see you as someone very precious because of the way you are/present yourself. He might also be physically affectionate with you! I saw him patting your head, and even holding your hand or waist as to not make you get separated in a crowd. He would do anything to comfort you. He’d definitely drive you wherever you need him to, and he would totally be the type of person to get in the car and go pick you up if you’re out late at night, or if you had something to drink; regardless of the hour. It’s giving kdrama boyfriend. You’d activate his dad friend side. It’s truly such a sweet energy omg I love it so much 😭😭😭
I hope you enjoyed the reading!! I really liked your ask, as you can probably tell hahah. Have an amazing day! 🥰🩷
0 notes
shoichee · 2 years
Hello! First of all I wanna say that I really love your writing! It has me excited every time!!
I had this idea for a while and it always makes me go SOFT!
Haizaki, Imayoshi and Hanamiya (Separately) X f!reader. Like Reader would have a massive crush but it's basic friendship between them so they're really close friends/best friends. And since reader is friends with those baddies Reader usually keeps a tough front so one day Reader can't really hold it no more and Goes "Shut up and Just Hug me" while bawling her eyes out? Like I bet those baddies wouldn't know how to react but I think it would be really cute!!
Anyways Have a Good Day/Night Hun!! All the Love!!
ANON THE WAY THIS PROMPT HAS BEEN ON MY MIND THE ENTIRE 6 MONTH HIATUS, IM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY BE ABLE TO WRITE THIS BLESS UR GENIUS MIND, but wow this prompt is so damn challenging because these 3 are assholes in their own ways—
Also Note: these headcanons are hella long (this entire thing is collectively 19 pages long), like each feels like a whole anime arc LMAO because these three characters having a “favorable” reaction to the reader crying would need a ton of context, which includes: how they met, their relationship dynamics, and such… and these three also have their own definitions of what a “tough” reader is to them… so without further ado, I guess I’m beginning my active status with a big bang…
I would like to tag: @takatul @mihangry @nadav-ii @roppongiperfume @carinacassiopeiae @seijurosempress @kkeke99 @4kominato @bunny-girl-lia (@dust-of-fandoms | edit: it finally me tag you, and I cackled at your reblog hashtag LMAOO) and I would love to tag more people who stuck by me when I was active before, but I can’t find them/tag them! This longest headcanon yet is dedicated to you all and everyone else reading this... mess~
[Tough front f!reader]
Imayoshi Shoichi
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you guys probably first met as classmates
sure, there could be a possible scenario where you guys met through basketball, but even so, Imayoshi isn’t the type to take note of people unless they’re in teams Touou has faced before/has a huge reputation… so the chance of him actually wanting to get to know you beyond your face and name is near zero
but on the other hand, as classmates… 1.) he’s pretty much forced to see you around every day and familiarize himself with your presence and habits regardless of what he does 2.) sharing the same class means that you both are smart smart (and someone who shares the same intellectual capacity as him is a MUST to get close to him)
good rule of thumb: the more classes you share with him (throughout the years, because the Japanese school system is quite the opposite of the American system), the faster you become closer together, because that naturally translates to more opportunities for Imayoshi to annoy you more
but half of the friendship development also requires your personality/reactions/things of that nature that might hold his intrigue for a long time
he’s met his fair share of people who have similar wit and irritability as himself, so if he met another Imayoshi-like individual… sure, it’s fun and entertaining as hell, but somewhat predictable in its own right since they’re, well… himself—and he’d like to think he knows himself very well (like Aomine being able to predict Kise even when he copied his basketball style of playing, for example)
imagine if there was a person out there who’s so stone-faced, so blank and unflinching at nearly everything, yet cold and spartan
spoiler alert: it’s you
and wow, holy shit—whenever you’re in the room, the temperature just drops several degrees celsius
everyone’s at least wary of you, and you didn’t even do anything wrong—your presence just elicits that impression out of everyone
Imayoshi couldn’t help but blow a slow whistle the first time he witnessed this with his own eyes
who would’ve thought he found a Kuroko and an Akashi (...before he lost at the Winter Cup) in one individual… let alone a girl (not that he cares about gender, but he’s amused that you’re an oddity in the average Japanese societal norm of a woman)
he had to do some probing, he can’t help it: the opportunity was too good to pass up
“Yo!” he calls out, approaching your desk on the first day of class. “Looks like we’re seated next to each other for the year. It’s nice to meet you, (l/n)-san.” (his polite Kansai accent never fails to stick out in the room)
you merely look at him before you went back to reading whatever book you had in your hand; he looks closer to note that you’re already getting started on the assigned book for the upcoming lessons
so what if he didn’t get a welcoming reply back? that’s fine with him; not everyone’s friendly on the first encounter
either way, he makes himself too comfortable on his seat, stretching out his limbs before he pulled out his usual pen to twirl around out of boredom
and that’s what happened every time he entered class, always making an over-friendly remark or two before you looked at him in silence momentarily
pretty soon, you’ve stopped giving him attention completely, blatantly ignoring him when he calls out for you early in the morning
a slow grin snaked its way onto his face the first time this happened
“How cruel, (l/n)-san! You hurt my feelings every time you don’t reply to me, you know? Really now, to think my efforts for friendship get constantly snuffed mercilessly. You’re really gonna make me cry.”
“Then cry.”
(cue everyone near you two slightly scooching their desks away in fear for their safety)
Imayoshi dropped his grin in hearing you reply for the first time
“No one’s stopping you,” you continued, yet your eyes were still on your own table, minding your own business, as if Imayoshi wasn’t worth your attention to begin with
“Yikes, you’re actually really evil,” he dryly remarked
“Cry about it.”
the worst thing was, Imayoshi couldn’t get a read from you one bit; normally he can “read minds” based on analyzing any body reaction or facial expression changes… but you exhibit nothing to base anything off of
Imayoshi has truly met an equal opponent for his wit, because you confirmed his assumption that you had much to say about things even if you never chose to indulge in social interactions, and it’s not like you’re bad at conversations—you just choose not to participate
pretty soon, he goes from giving daily “morning greetings” to pestering you at EVERY given moment throughout the day in the classroom
the teacher’s busy setting up a new lesson? you’re gonna hear some comment. it’s break time? you’re enduring comments for at least 10 minutes. you’re assigned to work with your “desk partner” for a class activity? you do your share of the work before giving the paper to him wordlessly… all while hearing his comments
“Honestly, with how much you run your mouth, I’m very much surprised your lips haven’t grown wings and flapped off of your face yet.”
you’re… a little impressed with his tenacity, thinking that he’d give up talking to you after realizing how fruitless his efforts would be… and mind you, Imayoshi was talking to a wall for nearly a damn month now, almost a month and a half
he’s a bit too patient for the wrong things, you think
“I’m flattered,” he easily shoots back with that infuriating grin. “But they say my charm lies in my linguistic abilities. I’m afraid I can’t afford to lose them just yet.”
“That is creepy,” you blankly deadpan at his smirk, before you return your gaze to the board… but you can easily feel his intense scrutiny in your peripheral vision
a day never goes by without multiple interactions like the ones described above happen
it slowly went from you ignoring him to you giving one-word responses like: “Great.” // “How nice.” // “Right.” // “That’s cool.”
you’re somewhat similar to him, he notices; you’re always polite with everyone, yet there’s always a clipped, frosty edge to your words that unsettles them
like how his politeness drips with a bit of jabs and arrogance that never truly puts anyone at ease
when Touou lost the first round at the Winter Cup, he was surprised to see you approach him the day after, and the first thing that comes out of your mouth was:
“Congratulations, Imayoshi-kun,” you said. “That loss was a spectacular show to witness.”
“You wound me,” he languidly sighs with his hands up in the air. “Must you rub salt in the fresh wound? Dear me, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were checking on my well-being.”
you finally give a slow blink to indicate some type of… reaction, though that’s not much at all
“Yes,” was all you said. “You are correct. Take this.”
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… wow
the nerve
he’s… speechless
how the hell did you know of his drawing habits, and how the hell did you imitate it exactly?
and since when did you ever pay attention to basketball??
he’s processing a lot of things right now, but he first notices the “Congratulations on losing” and “101-100,” which was the final score of yesterday’s game
… you were watching them play?
“... My, my…” he coos. “I have many questions. Let’s start with the one about how much you’ve been actually staring at me in order to figure out that I drew in class, let alone how I draw.”
he looks up to anticipate an answer, but all you simply do is stare at him more intensely before you tilt your head slightly… as if you had no idea what he was talking about
his grin only grows wider, taking your silence as a challenge, and he puts your sketch on the table and gets up to step closer towards you and lean his body forward, hands in his pockets
of course, your expression never changes, simply moving your head back from the tilted position
“... It helps to open your eyes more, Imayoshi-kun. Maybe you’ll notice things you haven’t been privy to before. Your pen scribbles are irritating to hear on the regular, so my poor eyes witnessing such grotesque imagery was an unfortunate inevitability.”
“Ah-ha!~” he chimes, cracking his eyes open for the first time to you. “Is that so?”
you widen your own eyes slightly in response to making eye contact with his gaze for the first time, and damn Imayoshi for noticing it, because he immediately pulled away in extreme satisfaction and sat at his desk
and yet another day of school started soon after, but this time, Imayoshi was giving off the smuggest aura
. . .
after Touou gets eliminated from the Winter Cup, Imayoshi takes this free time as an opportunity to study for college entrance exams… while also bothering you on the pretense of “study buddies” since you two were in the same grade
though you were still as cold and collected as ever, you were WAYY more talkative with him at this point, though most of the dialogues exchanged were nothing more than him trying to ruffle your feathers up and you deflecting his attempts
and the entire 3rd year was just you two “bantering” (if you can even call it that), but no one would ever see either of you without the other
still, neither of you could deny that both of you guys are really efficient in terms of working together to get things done, where both of you turn serious and start analyzing the objective at hand
these times are when you guys have the more genuine conversations on more personal topics and such:
“I didn’t take you as someone who has a sister.”
“How mean! She’s raised very well as a respectable lady, y’know?”
“We seem to have two different definitions of ‘respectable,’ because have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Another female you sounds like an incoming migraine.”
“I can reassure you that she’s the considerate type of girl.”
“If you insist.”
or maybe another convo like:
“(l/n)-san, do you always have your face stuck in cement?”
“... Pardon?”
“You remind me of a few people who always have their faces as blank as a sheet—it’s kind of terrifying.”
“Always been like this. It’s more convenient this way to scare away nuisances, don’t you think Evil Glasses-san?”
“Clearly it’s not working.” (dryly replied, as always)
everyone’s terrified of you two and would clear the way every time they saw you guys walking by, let’s make that clear
both of you are clearly very polite and proper, always taking rules and responsibilities into consideration… but what the fuck, y’all are way too menacing—seriously, Sakurai wants to RUN to the opposite direction whenever you’re in his field of vision
you’ve been down lately though—and increasingly more somber as spring was coming closer that year—though, it’s more of the air you give off that would indicate this, rather than your facial expressions
in truth, you knew that your time with Imayoshi would most likely end once you two graduated, because he only interacted with you out of curiosity and convenience
but even though you guys were done with taking the exam, Imayoshi still comes to annoy you and hang out with you, so you were secretly relieved that you guys were still “close” in that sense
you become acquainted with Susa, the one who was unfortunate enough to be Imayoshi’s good friend and study partner before you came along; both of you share a mutual understanding and common ground of dealing with Imayoshi’s shit 24/7
. . .
alas, it’s a couple days before the 3rd years graduated, but you aren’t overjoyed at the fact that you are going to move onto a new chapter of your life
quite the contrary, you didn’t like what you were going to leave behind after your last day of being at Touou (yeah, it’s Imayoshi, but you didn’t want to admit it to avoid making this inevitability all the more tangible)
you were alone for once in one of the courtyards, having those moments of quiet contemplation, but for the first time in a long time, you felt tears streaming down your face, you heart feeling a painful squeeze at coming to terms about your inner emotions
your head raises up at the sound of leaves crunching, and lo and behold, it’s almost as if your thoughts summoned him to you
unlike his usual infuriating grin, his face was one of seriousness as he gauges your face… you’re crying
and you’re just staring at him silently even with the tears streaming
he’s a bit unnerved, but he’s a practical one, his mind racing thousands of miles an hour to crack down what you currently need and what the cause of your tears was
he’s an asshole, but he’s not heartless, and lately, he’d been feeling a soft spot for you
“... Do you want solace, silence, or solutions?”
you wordlessly walk to him before tightly hugging him
his eyes are cracked open, trying to figure out what the hell is going on
“... shut up and just hug me.”
he chuckles a bit before gingerly reciprocating, musing, “To think you would want all of the above—didn’t take you as a greedy person, (l/n)-san.”
you both share a comforting silence before you separate yourself from him… you didn’t dare raise your gaze to look at his face, knowing fully well that he was gonna hold this over your head for a long time
“... You never stop running your mouth, do you?”
“But you like me all the same, yes?”
you say nothing, but you stared up at him, your eyes slightly wide and mouth parted from what he was presuming as your way of being shocked… but what’s this?
he can’t tell if there’s a smidge of a flush on your skin or if his eyes are finally playing a trick on him
with the last of your tears still on your lashes, he might dare to call you beautiful
“I told you that my linguistic abilities are crucial to my charm.”
and you immediately went back to your default expression of indifference at his antics
“… You’re annoying.”
“You really can’t afford to be nice for a moment…!” he exclaims in mock-hurt. “But we both know that’s not what you’re really thinking.”
you finally give a sign of defeat—a long resigned sigh—before you opted to walk past him
that is, until Imayoshi stops you by putting his two hands on your shoulders and pulling you back a bit towards him
“Whoa there! You’re really going to leave me up in the air like that? Aren’t you curious enough to stay and let me finish?” you didn’t even have to turn around to know that he had a scheme in his mind
“Letting you finish has never been a good idea,” you dryly reply, and Imayoshi can’t help but genuinely laugh at you inheriting some of his own mannerisms at this point
he brings you even closer, his hands going from on your shoulders to slowly snaking them around your clavicles as he settles his head atop your left shoulder
“Even if I told you that I, too, find you too amusing to let go?”
“Who said I found you amusing as well?” you finally turn your head to his face
“Ah, but you didn’t deny that you didn’t want to let me go either,” he smirks, but it turns slightly more affectionate as he leans closer. “Say, I have a proposal that would be a solution to your current ‘predicament.’ Say that we both graduate, yes? There will be new challenges to tackle as an adult, no doubt. I can graciously offer you my indisposable intelligence for years to come in exchange…” his thumb brushes over your lips, his own lips curling up more when he feels how you got warmer from his touch “... for this?... How about it, (y/n)?”
Haizaki Shōgo
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were you guys childhood friends? were you friends during middle school when he used to hang out with some of the Teiko kids? did you somehow worm your way to have connections with people he knew in some shape or form? friends with one of the starters in the Fukuda Sōgō team before you met Haizaki? classmates or ex-classmates/partners through coincidental circumstances led you to hang around even outside of school? did he once hit on you but you vehemently rejected his offer for a one-night stand?
the mystery of the beginnings of this strange friendship was always a subject of gossip and speculation (rightfully so)
but most likely, he probably tried to hit on you like any other girl, but you were the first to not only openly defy him and cuss him out, but also fend off his physical violence successfully through self-defense techniques by yourself
that HELLA surprised him… and also pissed him off
but he left you alone… until he came back to annoy you again a few days later after his pride recovered enough to face you again
“feisty” was what he often likes to call you nowadays
yes, this combative nature of yours always got you into less-than-ideal situations, even if you always meant well, and that aspect of yours always drew him back to you, even if you both hated each other’s guts
it was after the Winter Cup, when Fukuda Sōgō was eliminated, that you two interacted considerably more
“I hope that game taught you a valuable lesson or two, Haizaki.”
“Shut the fuck up, yeah?”
“Or what? Not like you can do anything to me anyways, you fucking clown—”
he immediately goes to throw a fast punch right for your neck, but you immediately dodged it, grabbed his forearm to twist it behind him
“Jesus Christ, you really do never fucking learn.”
he easily shakes off your grip and pulls away with a crazed look that never revealed what he was truly thinking
“I’m a pretty simple guy, yeah?” he sneers. “Just can’t help myself. Whatever, I got places to be at.”
and he never fails to finish his sentence with a lick to his thumb before strolling away
a simple guy, huh, you thought. yeah right
you picked up the fact that he licks his thumb when something is going his way, but recently he’s been licking his thumb before ending his interactions with you… which makes you suspicious as hell
nah, you’re overthinking it
it really does suck that you go to the same school as him, and as such, you are bound to meet each other outside of school too
these encounters always happen when you want to kill time in the local arcades or eat at the nearest fast food restaurants
“Ohhhhh, if it isn’t (y/n)...”
“Goddamn it, why does this always happen to me?” you openly facepalmed yourself before you sourly turn to the source of the voice. “Whatever you want with me, make it quick. I’m tired of seeing your ass around.”
“A quick fuck sounds up my alley righ’ now,” he says quitely loudly to attract surrounding passerbys’ attention in an attempt to humiliate you
he didn’t want to fuck you, not at all, you knew, but those were simply fighting words to piss you off
your face scrunches up in disgust at his words, before a slow smirk spread across your face… which Haizaki doesn’t fail to notice
“A qUiCk FuCk SoUnDs Up My aLLeY rIgHt NoW,” you mimic equally loudly, and you make it a point to pull your arms into chicken wings and walk in a circle around him to mock him
at this point this was when you ran while laughing your ass off… whether he tried chasing you down in contempt or not, you didn’t know, but you knew he was going to get his revenge
another day, you’re sitting at a table outside to eat your lunch when Haizaki casually strolls from behind to snatch a kebab stick out of your bento, which you weren’t quick enough to stop the basketball player
“Haizaki, what the fuck?”
“Oh? Was this yours? Oops… my hand must have slipped,” he drawls… again while licking his thumb
“Damn, I should’ve put snot on them or something before you stopped by. Maybe it’ll teach you to not take people’s food.”
“Hehh?” he gives a mirthless chuckle before he spits loudly on the half-eaten kebab on his hand. “Like this, eh?”
“I—” you gape at him incredulously. “That is the most unattractive thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on in my entire damn life—” you slam your own head on the table. “... Take the rest of my food. You damn ruined my appetite for the rest of this week.”
“Hell no, wench.”
“I insist,” you look up to hiss at him, throwing the closed bento box to him. “Keep the box too, sicko. You can spit your shit in there alllll you want.”
“Ya make me sound like I’m some bug,” he says. “Don’tcha know that the girl I had last night kept screaming to keep my tongue in her—”
you immediately dash away with your hands to your ears, singing loudly “lalalalala~” to yourself to drown out any profanities and filth that came straight from Haizaki himself… without any regard to the students giving you annoyed or concerned looks
for some reason though, Haizaki can’t bring himself to throw away the bento box you unceremoniously threw at him…
… you weren’t that half-bad of a cook (he’d rather burn at a stake than admit that ever)
. . .
another evening, you decided to unwind at an arcade hall, making yourself comfortable at a shooting game machine booth
you got yourself a decent score for the first run, and you make a noise of happy triumph before a rude scoff interrupted your fun time
“You fucking suck.”
you immediately knew who it was
“I do not, you manwhore,” you whip your head to Haizaki, disliking his narrowed gaze of annoyance and disapproval of your playstyle. “There are 3 other booths next to me. Go put a token and play by yourself.”
to make your point, you slot in one of your own tokens to start a 2nd round and readjusted your grip on the gun to point at the screen
“Gimme that,” he jeers, pushing you to the side while snatching the booth-attached rifle off your hands
you harshly slapped his arm in a feeble attempt to make him listen to you, but to your surprise, he completely lets your violence slide and looks at you what that piercing gaze
“Since you’re so shit at this game, lemme give you a few pointers so ya don’t look like a royal dumbass next time.”
“Maybe you should give it back to me because maybe I want to look like a royal dumbass. That’d be a win in your books anyways—”
you’re interrupted by the booth’s loud intro music to indicate that the game was starting, so you have no choice but to observe Haizaki and his gameplay
and the entire time, he’d make a condescending comment every time he progressed further into the game map
… and you hate to admit it, but he was way better in technique of the gun and precision in aiming (your scowl only grows harsher the more points he racked up in the round)
his final score tripled of your own
“So whaddya think, hmm?” he muses lowly while grabbing your chin to look at him, to which you bat away his hand immediately
“I think you oughta give me back the damn gun, that’s what.”
“Hah? Now why don’t ya use one of the three machines next to me instead, like a good girl.”
“Eurgh, ew, ew, ew—ugh! You’re so—that was my spot—!”
you growl under your breath before you roughly snatch your small bucket of tokens and stalk your way to the machine booth next to his, angrily shoving a token down the slot before you hoisted the gun
(cue you out-scoring him in your fury)
(cue him beating your score again)
(cue you beating his score again)
and for the rest of the evening and night, you both kept at the shooting game, both of your prides refusing to concede defeat, all the while Haizaki taunting and goading you
that night you stormed out of the arcade hall when it was time for the establishment to close, with Haizaki’s gleeful cackling echoing down the streets to further mock you of the multiple L’s you took earlier
. . .
you’re sitting in a cheap eatery, lucky enough to grab a table by the window, and you grab your first burger, ready to chow down
that is, until Haizaki slid in the seat in front of you, and you literally snarled at him to go away
“Ya make me sound like I’m such bad company,” he slyly smirks, immediately snatching your other burger on the tray as if it was his to begin with
you don’t even give him the satisfaction of replying because all you do is aggressively bite into the burger while glaring at him, not even bothering to try to get the burger back anymore
so here you two were, eating your burgers in tense silence, before Haizaki finishes his first and leaves without a word… until he comes back with his own order to sit at the same spot in front of you
you merely raise a brow before you take the opportunity to steal his burger from his tray and feast on it
he merely clicks his tongue and glares at you but opts to not say anything
. . .
the more you “hang” around Haizaki, the more likely you’d accidentally encounter him while he’s having a tryst with another girl… and even more unfortunately for you, you accidentally encountered him while they were both heavily petting each other… when you just wanted to take a shortcut to your home from school
“Oh my fucking god?? Can y’all at least NOT DO THIS IN THE ALLEYWAY? There’s hotels for a reason!” and then you ran out so fast
. . .
these types of encounters and shenanigans would go on for almost 2 years; I would think that Haizaki would need some time to somewhat “mellow” out or at least tolerate your presence to be considered a constant in his life, so much so that he wouldn’t utilize physical violence as much as he did before
having you in his life, whether he liked to admit it or not, taught him to not have as fragile of an ego and pride, and he slowly learned to have some level of patience with you
otherwise you two would be going for each other’s necks beyond just aggressive words and gestures
and wow, you don’t even realize you had this stupid guy in your life for two whole years
you even have each other’s phone numbers
you’ve done a lot of reflecting, especially if being around Haizaki for so long somehow made you a worse person, but when you asked every person who knew you, they simply told you that you were always the same to them (in a pretty confused way, because what a strange question)
speak of the devil, Haizaki’s contact pops up on your screen as an incoming call; you sigh before answering it, knowing fully well that he would spam even more calls just to spite you if you didn’t answer
you cringe when you hear a woman’s voice on his end of the line, but that feeling disappears once Haizaki starts talking
“Whaddya know? I’m starving after that session. Usual place, yeah?”
“Huh? What if I was busy, dumbass—”
“I know you ain’t.” and he ends the call as quickly as he started it
irk marks only multiply on your head when you stare at his contact screen before you started heading to your “usual spot”
“Tch, that bitch was hella annoying. Chick yapped her mouth as much as ya do when she shoulda been kissin’ and doin’ what we planned to do.”
“Gee, thanks,” you mumble, rolling your eyes and holding your temples with your fingers.
it became this weird thing for him to talk to you about his escapades and complaints about the women he’s recently been with; it started a year ago when he first did it to mortify you, but now it’s become something of habit… as terrible as it sounds
at… least he trusts you with this type of info? though you mentally chided yourself for having such low standards like this
on rare occasions, when you do share your own complaints/rants of your life to him, he somewhat listens, though he’s yawning half the time or eating something while you’re talking
on even rarer occasions, he talks about basketball
still, it’s somewhat cathartic in a way to have this routine between the two of you
hearing about him talk about women after women doesn’t feel good though; you wonder when you began to feel this way
you certainly didn’t feel like this a year ago
“Fucking damnit,” you mumble to yourself into your pillow
were you… possibly… no… in love with—
“Arfgghyrgfhurfhhhh!!!!” you screech into your pillow at the horrible thought that crept into your mind
. . .
you’ve been reevaluating your life and having an existential crisis at the horrifying realization of your poor choices that led up to this unwanted predicament in your love life
you didn’t come up with any solutions, let alone accepted the fact that you fell for this problematic man… who you may have thought about a lot more frequently than you would like to
no, you do not like Haizaki Shōgo.
… was what you kept telling yourself for the next 3 months of enduring him talking about his usual topics of video games and women without snapping and strangling him right there and then
you finally had enough when Haizaki called you once again, demanding that you two meet up at a fast food driveway for a bite, but soon after, you heard a different woman with an urgent voice: “Hurry up, can’t we go for another round before you go?”
you were just trying to have a peaceful moment in the park alone in the evening, too… looks like that’s ruined
you bit your bottom lip before you abruptly ended the call without giving an answer and threw your phone away on the grass, before you curled yourself up into a ball and let your tears fall unrestrained
why did you do this to yourself? this was what you deserved for liking someone like him.
who knows how long you’ve bawled your eyes out in the dark against a basketball hoop pole, but after being in the frigid air for so long that your fingers feel numb, it must’ve been hours
“You look so damn pitiful there, I almost mistaken’d ya for a lost dog.”
you still had your legs pulled up to your chest, your head tucked in to hide your tears
you pulled your arms tighter against yourself when you heard his unmistakable voice, and he was the last person you wanted to see right now
you immediately pulled your head up when you heard him strutting towards you though
it’s cold—you could see the wisps of air coming from his lips, and he was breathing really hard… which is weird considering he’s extremely athletic, and physical activity was a breeze for him
and he has the harshest look on his face for a while, his eyes narrowing further at the sight of your face
you immediately stand up from your sitting position
“Urgh, go the fuck away! Take a hint already, would ya?!”
he stands there in shock, the same type of shock he felt when he lost to Kise years ago… only worse
you’re in hysterics, crying and yelling at him, and he feels really troubled for some reason—like he feels a slight stir in his heart that he can’t put his finger on, and that makes him more pissed
“What the fuck is wrong with you? I swear, you women are too complicated—!”
“Everything is fucking wrong with me!” you scream at him, and fresh tears escape down your face. “Why do you even stick around me—just, stop—stop giving me hope that…urgh—shut the fuck up and just… (whispers) hug me—never mind…”
you didn’t even finish the sentence, your voice trailing off, and you look at him to see that he’s just… standing there
he doesn’t even say anything, he doesn’t even move
because he knew… anything he would say or do would upset you more, and for the first time, he realizes that his entire time with you all these years was spent pissing you off to no end instead of building any real bond with you
here he was, running around for hours to find you after that abrupt call (in all the restaurants, the arcades, hell—even all of the buildings and areas on campus, and even damn worse—all of the local neighborhood), ditching the woman instantly to look for you and yell at you for leaving him hanging, but the deepest part of him was worried—terrified—that something might have happened to you
women like gentle touches… right? maybe if he tried to hold you, restrain himself from any rough handling, you’d be pacified right? and go back to the same dumb, infuriating person you always were, right?
and what the hell were you muttering about a hug? where was the “you” he knew?
at this point, you’re just watching him, too scared to actually leave and turn your back on him… you still didn’t want to ruin whatever… “friendship” you guys had after building it for so long
the frigid air dried up your tears long before Haizaki decided to take a few sauntering steps towards you… and then a few careful steps before he’s in front of you—the you who’s still staring at him with furrowed brows
he tentatively reaches out an arm to touch your side, and when you don’t flinch (only raise a brow at his action), he fully grabs one side of your waist
“... I don’t know what the hell’s going on with you, but you made me fucking starve and miss dinner.”
your curious gaze turns into one of anger, and you swatted his arm off of you
“Oh piss off then, yeah? Get your damn burger yourself and get your filthy hand off of me when you literally just fucked someone hours earlier.”
“Ohhhh,” Haizaki is immediately relieved, the tension leaving his body when he knows he’s re-entered familiar territory. He leans towards you, head cocked to one side with a bit of a crazed, gleeful look. “Jealous, aren’t ya?”
you give a gasp of indignation and mortification before you reel your arm back to punch him; he deftly dodges you before he hugs your waist from behind, his lips to your ear
“Well if that’s the case… I can also give ya a good time.” and he licks your ear for good measure—
“Y-You… you!!” you’ve now gone on an endless barrage of kicks and punches, and Haizaki, knowing you for quite a while now, knows nearly every practical move you’ve thrown at him
and it goes on for nearly an hour, but Haizaki doesn’t care when you’re back to your normal self again
from then on, instead of going to different women for casual flings, he’s found new entertainment in flustering you and trying to push your buttons in terms of sexual innuendos and gestures
“Haizaki, that’s fucking harrassment—What the hell are you doing?!”
“Hehh? You’re more than free to punch me right now, go on… I can be a patient guy sometimes… unless you actually… like this?”
“Urgh, stop putting words in my mouth—!”
karma will actually kick him in the ass when he takes the next few weeks to figure out his real feelings about you
Hanamiya Makoto
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who even knows how you two came together and saw eye-to-eye, but it’s quite a contrasting image to see Hanamiya sauntering down the hallway with you by his side looking quite unbothered and natural… as if you were always meant to be by his side
but the first time you two met… oh boy
the principal finally had enough: all these written complaints from these basketball teams from other schools, asking to shut down the Kirisaki Daiichi basketball team due to foul play allegations… it was time to get to the bottom of this issue, a thorn on the school’s side in terms of reputation
no matter how many times Hanamiya was given a warning, nothing changed
and no one wanted to be coach of the infamous team, all knowing the unsaid horrors if anyone tries to to tame and reel in the starters
the solution? a student disciplinary committee. usually the student council holds the responsibility of reporting and administering proper discipline within school code, but the new proposal suggests that there be a separate student body with leadership separate from the student council to focus on cracking down anything harmful to the “learning environment” (a.k.a. the basketball team)
enter you; you were nominated by many faculty members and students alike, agreeing that you should be the one to spearhead this discipline campaign… always kind, gentle, and sweet—you always seemed to know how to resolve conflicts efficiently and safely
and you accepted the role with a smile and modest thanks
your “priority job” (as strongly urged by the principal) was to deal with the basketball team, especially since rumors of what happened in the Seirin match began circulating around campus
it was one day after practice—when the team was done practicing rough play drills and enacting various scenarios to carry them out—and the starters were strolling out the gym
Hanamiya was the last to exit the doorway but once he slammed the doors unceremoniously and turned around, you magically appeared in front of him with a welcoming smile… and it looked like the other starter players walked ahead enough to not notice you
“Hey there! Super sorry to bother you! I know you guys just finished practice right now, but I would like to introduce myself as the president of the new student disciplinary committee^^” you write something on a clipboard you brought with you before looking at him again
“Ohhhh,” he widens his eyes in mock sincerity, putting a hand to his chin. “So that’s what the fuss in the office was about. My apologies for only realizing now.” There was a coo to his voice that if anyone else heard it, they would’ve known to book it right there and then… so why were you not affected at all?
are you fucking stupid?
“Great! Just wanted to let you know I’ll have to do mandatory check-ins with you every couple days or whenever conflicts arise. Sorry for taking your time, and have a good evening!”
you couldn’t be this oblivious. there was no way. everyone knew who he was and the reputation he brought wherever he went
he gritted his teeth at the fact that you weren’t cowering in his presence, and when you spun around to leave, he deftly grabbed your forearm to pull you back to the closed gym doors behind you
and he made sure that your back felt the doors as he cornered you closer like an agitated predator
“Listen here,” he lowly sneers, all traces of his nice facade gone, replaced by a dangerous glint in his usual gleeful expression. “I’ll let you in on something, president. I run how my team works. You can crawl back to your precious principal and kindly tell him to fuck off and mind his own business. You can also tell him that we don’t need a nosy bitch snooping around like she owns the place. The goody-president can see that this is all in the interest of the student… which is what you student council parasites always preach about…” he leans in closer, caging your body with two arms by the side of your head, and he’s a breath away from your own face. “... Right, (y/n)?”
“O-Oh…” you started, and Hanamiya’s wicked grin grows wider at your predictable reaction
now that’s more like it.
now that he REALLY gets a good, close look at you, you’re not half-bad; there’s just something about that innocence–the naivete–that really turns his gears and has him entertained (this man really has a “stupid girl” as his canon type of girl, I CAN’T—)
“... to think that I have to repeat myself.”
you abruptly move your face even closer to his, your noses touching… your own closed-eye smile taking on a more sinister quality for the first time
“For someone with the supposed 160 IQ, you’re as daft as the dirt I step on, captain. I can easily shut this entire gym if it’s in the interest of the student body. Should I ban you guys from entering? Should I report your behavior to dispel the team completely? Your team’s fate is in my hands. You don’t run this show, dear. I’ll say it one more time: I’ll be checking in 2 days. Keep up the ‘good boy’ act until then, hm?” ( ◠‿◠ )
you take your clipboard to smack one of his arms out of the way to clear a way out for yourself before you hum to yourself and walk onwards
cue Hanamiya cussing and kicking the gym doors
now for the next few weeks Hanamiya has been noticing how TWO-FACED YOU WERE WITH EVERYONE ELSE… he’s so irritated, he’s SO ANNOYED that he’s been biting the inside of his cheek and gritting his teeth constantly while thinking about you
look at you smiling at everyone so kindly when you’re the most awful, sadistic person inside… yeah, he embodies all of that, but only he alone can have this pleasure of terrorizing everyone
they don’t even know your real side, look at you socializing with everyone like you own the hallways—
every comment he makes to you has been reciprocated with a “good-natured” response that makes it obvious that you weren’t scared of him one bit
you’re like… the female version of the rotten, evil Imayoshi
god he fucking hates it here
definitely has made plenty comments about the fact that you’re not his type—that you’re one of those types of girls that irritate him to no end… even still, he doesn’t know why he tolerated you
recently, when he makes those customary remarks though, you widen your eyes a bit or avert your gaze before you shoot back your retorts, though he knows those are things you do to feign reactions to mock him (little did he know that those were not feigned)
you’ve been successfully putting a leash on the team starters, but to be fair, the other starters don’t care because there’s finally someone who can put Hanamiya in his place and it’s the FUNNIEST thing in the world
in other words, you’re good in their books; dare I say, they consider you as a friend // Hara’s been known to give you spare chewing gum every so often recently
you’ve went from checking in on their practices every couple days to tailing behind Hanamiya every chance you get (because you realized the team can just fool you and pretend they’re playing honestly when you do check-ins)... and then it eventually developed into you two always walking side by side (but not because you two enjoy each other’s company, though! don’t get the wrong idea now)
he expected you to tell him to completely change how the team played like any other person has done, but surprisingly, you haven’t really said it out loud… sure, he noticed that you frown a bit when they practice foul play on the courts, but you never made a serious attempt to stop it
“I get what your strategy is…” you give him that knowing look and genial smile one day, and INSTANTLY Hanamiya’s day is ruined once again; he only scowls and walks on, knowing that responding would fuel your sadism further… that was how he dealt with Imayoshi in middle school, after all
you lay out the strategies, describing the rough play as a prerequisite to the “spider’s web” setup, and you finally note that these starters aren’t playing their true positions, but just arranging themselves to create that formation to begin with
“Congratulations,” he praises with that mocking saccharine voice. “Want a cookie for your hard work, Ms. President?”
“Oho–I actually do~ You know, we should try out that pastry shop near the block—”
“Fucking dream on, dumbass.”
he reallllyyyyy hates the fact that no one’s as scared of him walking by them anymore, mostly because you’re there with him… and for some reason, their minds have the audacity to think that you’re taming him in some way or that you’d protect them if he tried anything
give him a year to really get used to your presence, trust me
but recently, your attitude with him has gotten more reactive with him… snappier; you haven’t lost your edge, but you’re not completely mentally there with him 100% sometimes and you sometimes drop the Imayoshi-smile with him completely + show an actual reaction to his words and actions
so now he has a new reason to be pissed—because someone’s making a fool of him enough to somewhat ignore his existence and go daydreaming on him as if he was completely harmless to you… but he’s also smug that he’s visibly riling you up
but one day, you weren’t tailing behind him—in fact, he hadn’t seen you around at ALL
he’s not gonna go look for you, what kinda idiot would damn do that
but it feels… so wrong without you near… not like he’d ever admit that
he didn’t see you for a week straight
he’s sauntering down the hallways so casually but his eyes scan for your figure without him even realizing
he looks out of the window from a high floor, and (finally) there you are, sitting on a bench outside alone, and he feels that familiar twitch curving up his lips at the anticipation of getting under your nerves again
so he walks downstairs, goes outside to look for you, but before he can open his mouth to announce himself to you, he sees you wiping your face with your sleeve with a sniffle
you were crying
he’s shocked out of his damn wits, if we’re gonna be honest, but he quickly recovers before he starts processing this entire situation
he’s now pissed, because:
1.) who’s capable of making you cry to begin with?
2.) how dare someone make his (y/n) cry
3.) NO ONE is allowed to make you cry except him and him only
4.) he doesn’t like how shaken he feels when he sees you so different from how you normally are, and he can’t have that shit—he needs to be in control of everything… but now, he has no idea what to do… this type of scenario never crossed his mind and now he feels like a lost little boy
“Oy.” it’s a rough line, hardly comforting at all—scary even, but if anyone knew Hanamiya well, those deep furrowed brows with a harsh scowl meant that he was bothered by what he was seeing
“Urgh,” you sniffed. “... I’m… (sniff) not in the mood for your shit right now…just, go away—can it, (sniff) will you?”
“And miss seeing this ugly ass mug of yours? Hah, I’ll make myself comfortable rigggghht here. They say the misfortunes of others taste like honey, and yours is a bit too delectable to pass up.”
he’s standing right in front of your seated figure, but before he moves to take a seat next to you and plop down, you wail out:
“... Shut the hell up and just hug me already, damn it…”
he stiffens momentarily, but his body is going on autopilot, as if it was following your command, and before he knows it, your face is pressed against his midriff, your arms wrapped around his torso… and he’s aghast to see HIS one arm against the back of your neck and the other (that’s also attached to him!) on your back
and to save face, he puts the fakest “loving” tone into his voice, as if mocking you that you’re touching him like this and he’s just playing along:
“Look at our president, hugging the Bad Boy like I’m the most precious thing in your life. Hah! Is this in the best interest of the student body, too?”
you tighten the hug around him before mumbling, “... No… it’s in my best interest.”
“... get off of me—your snot is disgusting.” (to which you gripped his torso even harder to spite him in response)
he’s using this hug as blackmail (he FINALLY has dirt on you to use against you)
. . .
imagine the school uproar of everyone when they found out you two are an official thing later on
the principal is gonna faint and die from a heart attack at the news
“You know,” you muse, “you should actually stop beating basketball players up and just keep the ‘spider’s web’ part of the strategy. The latter actually has some intellectual merit behind it.”
“And why should I, my dear (y/n)?” Hanamiya goads, looking up from a magazine to glance at you but holds his scrutiny of you when you lean your lips to his ear
“I’m sure a genius like you can find a way to piss players off while still playing by the rules. Don’t you think that’s the most infuriating thing of all? The way you’ve glared at me in the hallways for the past year tells me that you agree with my sentiment. I’ve always noticed.”
he merely scoffs at your face, “Roughing ‘em up gives me the most satisfying reactions. Playing by these damn rules makes me no different than those starry-eyed try-hards.”
“So that 160-plus IQ thing was all just you blowing smoke on some admission papers to make you feel better about yourself? You poor, poor thing… Maybe that intellect could do better with a team that can actually utilize it…? Perhaps Seirin—”
Hanamiya snarls at you and moves to grab your arm closer to him, but you swiftly dodged his grasp like it was the easiest thing in the world
“Nu~uh,” you chided, walking away from him. “Grabbing another student is Code 0129 violation of an attempt of physical assault on campus! We can’t have your team disbanded now, right?” ( ◠‿◠ )
he’s gonna make you eat your own words later though, trust me… after all, he’s still holding the blackmail (that you cried over liking him a while back while begging him for a hug) over you
you’re the one winning though, you completed your objective in convincing the Kirisaki Daiichi team in playing more fairly… and it all took a bit of conniving maneuvers on your end
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unnerving-presence · 3 years
ok so I had this idea that's been in my mind.......michael, danny and frank with s/o who simps over fictional characters or celebrities
not sure if you still wanted me to write this since you already requested this on another blog, but i’ll do it anyways lol
Michael Myers:
Yeah no. He’s the only person you’re supposed to like. Nobody else.
Michael doesn’t know exactly who this ‘Levi’ is, but he doesn’t like that you’re interested in him. He doesn’t care if he’s fictional. If anything, it’s stupid that you’d even take an interest in something that’s not even real. He couldn’t be with you like Michael is now. He wouldn’t be too worried about someone that doesn’t even exist, but he’s still a bit jealous. Michael doesn’t call it jealous of course. He is never jealous in his book.
Might be a bit more aggressive. He’s already on edge thinking you’ll leave him for anybody else as is. Now that you have a specific person in mind that you like? Yeah, just don’t mention them around him. One way to make him feel ‘better’ is to actually show him. Words won’t do. If he’s warmed up to your affection, give him a kiss on the forehead after he comes back from a trial. Or if you want to do something simpler, just place a hand on his shoulder when you’re walking past him or talking to him. A lot of contact isn’t something Michael is too fond of, so if you show him that you respect his boundaries and show love in little ways it makes him feel more important than the person you seemed to be interested in before.
Danny Johnson:
Honestly? Danny doesn’t care that much. I mean, the person isn’t real, so they won’t be able to take you from him or anything. He jokingly may start simping too like “God damn, can I see their ass??” He’s not worried, as long as you don’t make it known that you like them more than him. If it’s a celebrity? He’s not too worried about that either. You’re in a different realm, and it’s very unlikely that the person will be sent here. Just don’t make liking them you’re whole personality. He will get jealous and a jealous Danny is both scary and hot.
Like I said, Danny is never too worried about that stuff if they aren’t real. If you ever show too much interest in anybody else, Danny won’t have a problem showing you just how much more he can please you can simple arts of fiction.
Frank Morrison:
He has sort of mixed feelings. He doesn’t care much, but then again it’s someone that’s not him. Frank isn’t the type of person to be too possessive, but if you start talking a bit too much about the character you like, he’ll be a little grumpy. He’s not gonna be furious or anything, but he’ll doubt himself a bit and think that you’re looking for another person that has your crush’s qualities.
Might warm up to it after a while though. He know that in reality you won’t try to leave him or anything, and that the character is infact not real. He probably feels kinda stupid for feeling that way ngl LMAOO. Don’t worry though, he stops worrying if you don’t have a whole obsession over them. Like Danny he will also probably tease you about it, especially if the character you like is a monster of some kind. He just thinks it’s kinda funny but he won’t be rude or anything.
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