#i think they just collectively manifested this one tbh
trashbaget · 2 years
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maulfucker · 1 month
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a handful of oc concepts
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thebuttsmcgee · 1 year
god I can't get over how fucking amazing of a trailer the Arkham Trilogy had for the Nintendo Direct.
THE Arkham City revamped theme song, syncing in with the strikes and explosions in the background, with characters giving their lines in between, showing most of the Rouges Gallery, and that's not even mentioning how they, somehow by a miracle, got ALL 3 games to look actually really fucking good on switch!!!!!
Like Asylum and City, were somewhat a given, they were originally 360/PS3 and even City was on the Wii U, but considering this Miiiight be the Return to Arkham remasters and possibly not the OG 360/PS3 ports (which would be a bit unfortunate, the OG ports actually look better due to the team making their limits their advantage) which is a bit more demanding,
AND THEN, ARKHAM KNIGHT LOOKS GOOD !!!!! LIKE HOLY SHIT??!?? I know the gameplay footage isn't final, but a good amount of gameplay was show and none of it looked really choppy or too bad?? Seriously holy fucking shit this is astronomically batshit nuts
The studio behind this port is Turn Me Up studios, they were behind the switch ports of the Borderlands games, It Take Two, Brothers:A Tale of Two Sons, and the Tony Hawk Pro Skater remakes. And what's SOOOO shocking above all,(as far we know) like seriously surprising, is that Knight isn't Cloud! Not a Cloud service game, it's native to switch. LIKE. HUH. HOW. THIS ISN'T IMPOSSIBLE BUT DAMN NEAR CLOSE YKNOW
god I'm so fucking excited to play this saga again! Plus look at this rad as fuck render for this port, it'll be great hopefully!!!
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....now, ahem, where's the Origins port also? It was on Wii U as well and is actually in fair demand. /lh
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Hi Maya! my name is Claire and I got into the void state, shifted and manifested my dream life using your lucid dreaming guide, and your recommended subliminals!
I think lucid dreaming is the easiest way to do anything spiritual related because dreams are the link of reality to the subconscious. I have now entered the void, shifted, and practice manifesting while using lucid dreaming. I had been trying for 3 years and your guide really gave me clarity I needed to complete my journey. This was a couple of months ago when I first read your post that I got my dream life so I just want to share my experiences in case it could help others!
Sooo….I first restarted my journey after downloading tumblr. I knew I wanted to do lucid dreaming so I did my research and found your guide and the rest is history. I started small, and after using FILD I combined that with your intention method and your recommended subliminals and it sped up my journey. I crawled before I walked and I first started with having small manifestations using lucid dreaming
In my lucid dreams
*I practiced driving in lucid dreaming and manifested my license
*I practiced my public speaking and manifested less anxiety
*i talked to my guardian Angel. It took form of an owl, which is the first spiritual experience I ever had.
Then I went bigger and tried shifting. After a week of practice I got lucid dreaming down and could become lucid every night.
Then I shifted. Best day of my life and I had no plans so I ended up shifting to a reality where no men exist 😭 it was honestly so fun and I spent a week of dr time telling women about what men are, what they do, and the oppression women in this reality faced. It was in a futuristic yet renaissancey type like reality. Anyways as I explored this new society I discovered something miraculous: the disappearance of men has actually created harmony. Women are now able to focus on themselves and the things that matter most to them without worrying about the men.This newfound bliss didn’t last long however as I soon realized that a new problem had emerged. With the absence of men many essential tasks were left undone. And so, the women of our society had formed a collective economy in order to fill this void.One of the most peculiar duties that the women had assumed was to take care of the sheep. With no shepherds to take care of them, women used their skills to care for these animals and protect them from the elements. They have become so adept at this task that they have perfected it. The lack of men may have been a dramatic adjustment, but it has made for a joyful and empowering society.
When I came back I made a list of realities, like self created ones, tv shows, books, etc that I wanted to shift my awareness to and historic past places I wanted to visit. I spent a lot of time doing that, I was barely ever in this cr tbh and I enjoyed it throughly. I decided then that I was going to one day permanent shift and explore the infinite vast world for eternity. When I came back to this reality after having the first initial exploring crave I realized I hated my life lmfaooo. But I knew about the void and started reading stories about that and then I decided I wanted to change my life here too.
I mean.. I have the multiverse to my will so might as well fix this life here too. I hated coming back to this reality after my shifts because my parents were abusive, I was kind of ugly, and my life had gone to shit. I didn’t really care to change it because I was barely here anyways but after reading Neville and the law and understanding that “clones” really don’t exist and I’m just switching states I decided up stop being such a loser and realize it’s all me and only me. Anyways I manifested a complete change in my life in every aspect. I don’t really care to make a list but I am gorgeous, my family is revised to be old money rich, loving,and taken care of, my house is 30,000 sq feet,revised my name to Claire (it’s so pretty I love it) I have a loving boyfriend who is into shifting and spirituality as well, and so much more. I still do plan to permanent shift one day and I reserve to sundays for exploring the multiverse but I want to enjoy this reality now.
I thought being here was an accident after shifting, but nope everything happens bc you intended to and it’s so goddamn beautiful. This came out super ranty and lame but I just wanted to share in case I motivated anyone! I still sometimes come on tumblr so can I be your 🎐 anon. I love seeing all the success stories and everyone living their best life ! Anyways the best tips I can give you as a stranger who has been through all this is be kind to yourself and never give up. You found it all for a reason and you deserve to have everything and you will.
The first reality you shifted to reminds me of a very vivid dream I had four months ago. Regardless anyways your entire experience is so beautiful and I relate a lot to your experience I’m glad you have found happiness in every reality including this one beloved :)! Thank you for sharing 🎐 anon
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adambja · 9 months
You asked for my void success story? And my void journey? well I am sharing it bestie!!
But again I won't share any personal stuff some people here are obsessive pls lmao
I typed it when I was on the discord server because someone who is in my experiment asked me so I answered and I asked myself like why not sharing it here after all that time and all these things I am doing (coaching - the experiment - more....) and I am so excited to share the results of my experiment after exactly 6 days and actually 2 people joined the experiment but they were late!
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• let's begin with my void journey!
Okay basically I am sure no one actually knows this except for like 3 people on Tumblr and like 20 people in my experiment (cuz they asked me) my life before entering was actually great I already had everything I wanted my mom and dad are literally my role models and my self-concept was perfect and I am not saying it as an affirmation it's just me and I was always finding something from time to time related to the void state and I worked more on my self-concept using my tape I made it in early - mid 2022 (actually the same tape I sell now) then I started collecting information about the void from literally everywhere back in late 2022 then I started applying in early 2023 I entered in January but didn't really plan to manifest anything because I had the same manifesting abilities in my daily life then I thought about it more than once so I made a list full of everything I can think of at that time and I entered in early 2023 again
• How I entered?
It was just normal i was in the USA specifically NY at that time I was listening to my self-concept tape it was almost 10pm and I felt like I will actually enter today and manifest everything I wasn't even planning to do it but I knew I will experience it's just a feeling I felt at that time and I was feeling a lot of love at that time too so I meditated I didn't affirm I didn't do anything it was fully my subconscious mind but it wasn't that deep to me it was normal EVEN THO IT WAS NORMAL all these days when I entered affirmed the affirmation that's connected to my void list then got out and found everything that was on my void list in my apartment IT WAS SO SURPRISING TO ME but I didn't get overwhelmed nor confused! It was a great surprise!
Also the time it was like 2am when I got out of my void state as I remember and I was sitting at the same place for almost 15 mins just realizing what happened with me and why my head feels like this it was a weird feeling I still can't find a name to it or a word that explains it! i thought about the word "dizzy" BUT it's not just dizzy and it's not really dizzy - it's just a different feeling!
• What was my void state like?
I will say everything that's on my mind
The first time I entered it was pitch black
Then I typed on my void list that it's full of stars it's like outer space because I chose it to be like that (you can choose how your void state looks like too)
It looked exactly like this and everytime I wake up there since that day because I didn't change it! 🫶🏻
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Entering was so intense not emotionally but physically even tho I didn't feel my body 😭 it was as if my soul is getting out of my body it was so unexplainable and special to me my body was tired after it and I was feeling too much in my head after getting out and back to my physical body I don't have words for what I experienced the first time and the second time 😭 but now I have no symptoms because it was so annoying so I manifested it away when I woke up in my void state the second day (this was on my void list tho like waking up in my void state everyday and being in my void state everytime I take a nap) - that feeling in my head was so bad like as if I was so high and can't even focus for 15 mins non-stop! That's why I manifested not experiencing any symptoms at all.
• What did you manifest?
I manifested a lot of things I wanted but tbh having these things wasn't that far from me like I already could do it without entering my void state at all and I won't be specific about what I manifested cause they are a bit personal but they were friendships/relationships + businesses + apartments/homes + money/more investments..... and way more
Also I already had many investments before I entered my void state hope this clears everything too
cause many people were asking me about how do I have tips for entering without sharing my story the tips are here tho they are very helpful - it was because I don't like these people who come to your DMs and ask you to help them once and twice and 3 times with their trauma dump message or ask pls like no it was just too much for me when I posted once that I entered then deleted it but here we are again if it happens just don't blame me I will just block people.....
• About the experiment's results
I am not sure if I should post it day by day?
So I am gonna make a poll and see what y'all think!
(self-concept - void state - shifting - subconscious mind....more) (personalized and unpersonalized) • (discounts for students and specific clients depending on their problems and their situations i am dealing with) - message me
(self-concept - void state - shifting....more) • (discounts for students and specific clients depending on their problems and their situations i am dealing with) - message me
And now that's it! 💋💋
Have a good day/night cuties🫶🏻!
That's the post! 💋
You can send me a message too if you wanna suggest any idea for a post or something specific I will give you credits if you want credits + If you have any questions related to my void journey or self-concept even coaching you can ask me babes 💋🫶🏻
I would really be thankful because gurl I am so busy with (my life, coaching, the experiment and more...) rn I can't even keep up with posting here so I scheduled this post lmao thanks to Tumblr for adding this feature for real!
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prince-kallisto · 8 months
YES ABOUT CROWLEY... Its really a shame hes not included isnt he😭😭😭 The whole vibe of the event screams his personality too KDJAKFJSJ suffer from waiting for GrimYuu Lore and Crowley Lore... The Ramshackle stan suffering.....😭😭😭
BUT AAAA speaking of the event... isnt Crowley also act like the villains of Pinocchio ??? Main part of his humor is that he uses the students' excellence to boost Night Raven's supremacy after all like how the villains in Pinocchio tries to profit off of his 'unique trait of being a puppet'👀👀
Additionally, the Pinocchio movie is about Pinocchio finally becoming "a real boy" by following The Fairy's conditions 👀 I think Idia and Ortho are the obvious parallels of this but I believe its Yuu/Grim and Crowley because I'm desperate for Ramshackle 😂
Yuu's circumstances revolves around conditions after all--
Theres also this intriguing fanart of Crowley treating Yuu's coffin as just a toy to gift his son Malleus with (if Crowley is Levan) 😭😭✨
The theme of Pinocchio is about child-rearing and growing up too 😳 and you know how Crowley sees the students as like young birds...
Its perfect for him 😭😭 manifesting for crowley event... its possible for trein in masquerade... never lose hope 🙏🙏🙏😭😭✨✨✨
YOU ARE SO REAL FOR THIS I LOVE YOU RAYROSEU 💐💐💐💐 tbh I should probably pause and collect my thoughts about this event BUT I have theories to make 🫡🫡🫡
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The parallels between Crowley and Honest John are legitimately driving me insane. They even share a similar type of “swindler” character, with Crowley being very obvious about his greed and tricks. And with recently in the Glorious Masquerade event, he goes as far to consider himself the one that “raised” Malleus into a powerful mage
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I definitely have to rewatch Pinocchio, or at least the scenes with Honest John. And no, you are so right about Yuu and Grim because they are LITERALLY the puppets to Crowley- it’s not even funny. Ever since Yuu arrived to Twisted Wonderland, they’ve been forced to bend to Crowley’s will- and because of him, they’ve been involved in every single Overblot/disaster. And the Overblots boys and their Phantoms feel a lot like a puppet and a puppeteers relationship, don’t you think? The Overblotters are simply the means for their Phantoms to gain strength and blot. The boys have succumbed to and are controlled by their emotions. And if it is true that the Overblots are purposefully caused by someone…👀
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redactedgender · 21 days
redacted audio headcanons: elliott & sunshine edition
im in my elliott & sunshine era rn it seems. i cant stop thinking abt them. so heres some of my hc for them! the sunshine hc’s are specifically for my oc (charlie, he/they), but im keeping it neutral so others can apply it to their oc’s/sunshine hc’s maybe :0
; t4t elliott & sunshine. i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them
; following that thought, sunshine, geordi & guy were all elliott’s caretakers after he got top surgery
; elliott & aaron’s last name is hawkins, but elliott is technically elliott lewis-hawkins. his last name is hyphenated because ‘lewis’ was the name of his first foster family (they were the best one he had had at that point, but when the mom got pregnant they realized they couldn’t support two kids), so he uses their name to remember them by
; sunshine has a prosthetic leg from their accident. they walk with a cane or sometimes use a wheelchair during extra bad pain days, or when it rains. their prosthetic starts under their knee. they also have lots of small scars from the glass across their body, mostly arms
; elliott has called sunshine “sunshine” since they first met basically. but, when guy heard sunshine call elliott “dreamboat” one random day, he made the joke that their ship name would be “daydream”. since then, whenever guy talks about the two of them, he refers to them as “daydream” (ex: “yeah i’m just in a call with geordi and daydream, what’s up?”)
; they have matching yellow lego charms that make a heart when you put them together (like this but yellow)
; (18+) they both have horrible oral fixations (canon but still). they both could live between each others thighs. the 69 position is one of their favorites because of that
; sunshine and cutie used to go to school together, but after cutie’s powers manifested they kinda stopped hanging out. sunshine never really liked cutie tbh. they aren’t aware that cutie is empowered
; sunshine and treasure are cousins, and treasure was the first person sunshine told about their (completely obvious) crush on eli when they realized they liked him
; eli’s favorite color is lavender, and also loves lavender scented things (he has the lavender & iris spray from bath & body works and practically douses his bed in it. it smells divine btw)
; elliott had a wattpad account. what he read on that site is between him and god
; elliott is a lord of the rings nerd. you mean to tell me the guy who made a whole-ass fantasy d&d session dreamscape with his partner featuring a full-ass dragon isn’t a tolkien nerd??
; elliott also loves d&d. he hasn’t played a lot, but has enjoyed it when he did; he once dm’ed a one shot for his friend group and it was a crazy ass story. he likes worldbuilding and character backstories the most
; sunshine collects cds from thrift stores. even from artists they don’t know anything about
; besides their house, elliott and sunshine have also discussed getting animals together. they decided on a dog named thor and a cat named mercury
; honey is elliott and aaron’s cousin. they don’t know elliott is empowered. honey and aaron are the two cousins who would disappear when they both got overwhelmed at a party
; elliott loves watching competition shows like “blown away”, he eats that shit up
; (18+) sunshine is a big reader, and absolutely eats up all different kinds of genres. sometimes elliott likes to “punish” them for not paying attention to him by using him mouth on them while they read erotica & edge them until they finish a specific number of chapters
; elliott hates tuna. like, haaaaates tuna. can't stand the smell, taste, texture, anything about it. the only thing he can handle about it is when its alive and intact; he can't even handle it in sushi
; in pjo, sunshine would be a child of apollo, and elliott would be a child of hypnos
; sunshine didn’t tell the group about the accident until they had a panic attack over a car crash in a movie. they had told elliott bits and pieces before that (and obviously he had seen their nightmares), but they felt as though they didn’t want to burden elliott and the rest of the group with their trauma
; OK SO. elliott and sunshine’s favorite movie collectively is “tangled”. i mean its their absolute fave. they watched it together on their first official date, it’s their comfort movie, they have matching jewelry of the sun symbol, theyve cosplayed/gone as flynn and rapunzel a bunch of times for halloween, etc. like these guys LOVE tangled. and apparently there’s a new disney ride of the lantern festival in disneyland tokyo. so, in a world where the balance didnt separate them, and theyre together and happy and healing, i like to imagine they decide to visit a disney and go on the ride if they have it there. and id like to imagine that when theyre in the lantern section, they both reach into their pockets and pull out boxes. and, with tears streaming down their faces and the biggest fucking grins imaginable, they propose to each other (and ofc they both say yes) <3
; the couple that are stoners together stay together <3 elliott likes to shotgun sunshine
; elliott is always the big spoon. he likes knowing hes protecting sunshine in both their dreams and in real life
im so normal and regular about these two i promise (<- lying). i will add more as i see fit. also i might have a fic idea based on one of these headcanons, hehe :3c
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good-to-drive · 1 month
Do you think that George and John would have fixed their relationship had John lived past 1980? Because I don't.
I'm probably the wrong person to ask about this because in general I'm not a fan of speculating about what a person would or wouldn't have done had they lived. One of my favorite pieces of advice I ever got was when I was tutoring disadvantaged students during college (the best job I've ever had) and my supervisor told me potential is unknowable by definition. Meaning it's just as misguided and counterproductive to say someone has a lot of potential as to say they have no potential, because that's just not how that word works. Partly because people are dynamic and changeable but also because there are recesses of our character that no one, including ourselves, can be aware of.
So I truly don't know what would have happened between them, and I don't think you know either if I'm being totally honest. But, to throw all that out the window and speculate anyways, I think the most realistic answer is: Possibly.
I think it's fair to say that John and George were both highly mutable individuals, and that of the four beatles they spent the most time and energy trying to understand the self and achieve some kind of self awareness and personal growth (even if those attempts were sometimes misguided -- I'm looking at you, primal therapy). And I think in this case their mutability is both a complicating factor and an indication that reconciliation really was a true possibility for them. 
John was making enormous strides in his mental and emotional health at the time of his death, and it's entirely possible that might have led him to feel differently about George over time, or to simply decide he didn't want to put energy towards being angry at him anymore. (Not to equate letting go of anger with being adapted/self-aware – just that that’s one way growth can manifest, it’s definitely not the only one or the best one.) 
For his part, George was very vocal both musically and irl about all the ways he felt he needed to change/grow, though of course whether he ever got there is a difficult question to answer. His views on forgiveness are really interesting here (and sometimes a little magnanimous, tbh) but one thing that initially surprised me is that Paul credits George with convincing him to forgive Yoko.
(Which I guess just surprised me because I always believed the conventional wisdom that Paul is the sweetie and George is the cranky guy, but obviously that's a very limited snapshot of both of them.)
Anyways, to me the fact that George was putting time and energy towards learning to love Yoko implies that he may have been hoping or wanting to relearn his love for John as well (if he hadn't already.)
So I do think it’s possible that at some point in the last 40 years they’d both have been in a mental space to want to interact positively with one another again. It's not something that was guaranteed to happen, and I don't think we can even fairly say it was probable or improbable because that implies a level of knowledge of their souls that no one has or has ever had, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
On a related note, another thing I've found kind of profound in analyzing the beatles (or anyone) is the line “The wounds of childhood do not heal” (Maryse Condé, Crossing the Mangrove.) Which is to say that the pain we experience as children shapes us so profoundly that every experience we have as adults is seen through the lens of that pain, and we reenact our childhood and our childhood family systems again and again without healing.
Now, in the case of the beatles, I think it’s a little blurry what constitutes childhood and what constitutes a family system (“family” system being a misnomer because every close collection of people has the tendency to form a system). Because they found each other as adolescents, and went through a life changing and arguably traumatic experience at a very young age that no one else could ever understand, the system they formed shaped them very powerfully and the wounds it instilled probably never healed, either. 
I guess that's my way of saying that the four of them had kind of an extended adolescence, and they continued to reenact the system they built as adolescents in order to survive the insanity they were living in well into adulthood.
Since George was something akin to a forgotten child in this system, and Paul was something akin to a golden child, (both of which are miserable, horrible ways to live, btw – this trend of using golden child to mean “spoiled” is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen and also incredibly destructive to people who have actually experienced that trauma) those two really did have a tendency to be at odds with one another throughout their entire adult lives.
(Obligatory reminder that this is wild speculation and I'm not their therapist, or indeed any kind of therapist at all.)
But I think it’s that (and the fact that we tend to analyze anyone who touched Paul’s life purely through the lens of Paul) which tends to make people think George was fundamentally opposed to forgiving people who’d hurt him or allowing systems to adapt over time, even if that assumption doesn't really bear out in any of his other relationships. And, obviously, it's a little tricky to try to transplant the Paul/George relationship onto the John/George relationship and equate or even compare the two, because John played a very different role in the system and was a very different person from Paul.
Also, the fact that the wounds of childhood do not heal absolutely does not imply that we'll always be a slave to them. Crossing the Mangrove is an amazing book about decolonization and intergenerational trauma but one of its most powerful themes was the idea that we can continue to build ourselves and build our world in the shadow of enormous pain. And we'll always be informed by that pain, but being informed isn't the same as being defined.
All this is just to say it's very hard to anticipate what kind of changes John and George would have undergone in the last 20-40 years and whether those changes would have brought them closer together (or, if not closer together, would have encouraged a sense of acceptance towards one another.)
I also think there’s a conversation to be had about whether rebuilding that friendship would have actually been for the best for their mental and emotional wellbeing (a LOT of children from toxic family systems ultimately come to find that sorting through the pain isn’t worth it for the chance of reconciliation and that’s okay), but this is already way too long lol. 
Anyways, thanks for the ask and sorry this turned into such a novel!
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months
do u think there is a possibility more characters will join up with cross guild? im manifesting the current amazon lily residents because it feeds into my remaining roger pirates reunion wish (and would also be a way for the narrative to force both Crocodile and Mihawk to be more civil to Buggy without either of them having to grow fond or tolerant of him. they just can't beat him up anymore cause his super strong pirate dad is here). Also Boa and Buggy together would be hilarious.
hmm. i don't know, i honestly hadn't thought about it! that group seems pretty crowded with strong personalities as it stands, adding more could make things kinda messy.
it would be funny if cross guild ended up collecting all of the former warlords who aren't, yknow. in jail, or already aligned with other factions, or what have you. and there's a simple enough way to pull one of them in: perona! if she manages to get moria away from blackbeard's island alive, i don't think either of them are gonna be in great shape, and who else would she go to for help but her old roommate?
the amazons, though… i don't know. buggy's crew is something like 90% male ex-felons, and the one woman we definitely know about (alvida) is very protective of her position as Most Beautiful Woman You've Ever Met. i don't think anyone comes out of an attempted union of these groups happy.
(except maybe rayleigh, since he gets to see buggy and is probably not super concerned about petty personality clashes after the life he's lived.)
if it's not a willing union, but more of the "needs must" chaos that's driven cross guild so far… i think that could be very, very funny. especially hancock and buggy! because one, yes, that's a man, grr argh; two, i would be very surprised if her petrification powers did anything to him; three, her second favorite man on the planet raised him! surely that counts for something!
& while i would love a roger pirates reunion at cross guild or literally anywhere, oda p l e a s e, i can't decide whether i think buggy would actually want rayleigh interfering on his behalf.
on one hand: i have my pride, damn it! 😤 i'm forty fucking years old, i can take care of myself! 😤
on the other: …no i can't 🥺 please make the mean boys stop hurting me mr rayleigh 🥺
i flip-flop on this, and tbh i think so would buggy.
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cosmicdream222 · 9 months
I’ve adapted this post from an incredibly wise shifter named Love/Vanilla, an amino user who seems to have permashifted out of this reality by now. I have found her explanations of shifting and the quantum multiverse to be incredibly enlightening, and want to share them with others. I have edited for grammar and spelling, but full credit goes to this lovely soul. The original post.
Shifting is a law - so treat it like one
Shifting = manifestation
Definition: customizing the 3D by changing the 4D.
It's not just a law tbh. It's not just something everyone does all the time. No, it's the very foundation of the multiverse, the reason it exists.
The multiverse is a vast collection of infinite realities. It's not just realities like "Harry Potter," "Twilight," or "Miraculous." Instead, it's more like tiny everyday things, such as "someone blinks while breathing" or "your surroundings change while you're thinking."
We all shift every single moment of our lives. It happens when you blink, breathe, feel, think, or move. It also occurs when someone around you does any of these things, which is pretty often. This means we're constantly shifting, and everyone does it.
It's a fundamental concept of the multiverse. Whether you blink and shift or consciously change something in the 4D and shift, the exact same process happens, and it's equally easy.
Remember, shifting is a law – it's THE law of the multiverse, and there's nothing you can do to change it. This is the one exception on the physical plane that cannot be altered. You don't need to enter the void, you don't have to use telepathy, or any other method.
As long as you're in the 3D world, you have no other choice but to shift. There's no need to make such a huge deal about it. Your entire existence as awareness is about enjoying the physical world around you. If you don't like it, change it. It's that simple. You have the power to decide everything, and nothing can affect that.
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roseamongroses · 1 year
something about the history of spider-byte's name (and intial lack therefore of a last name) is calling to me. like even now that margo has a last name, ppl still don't recognize her civilian identity bc of how little screentime she had and the brevity of the comic appearance.
hmmmm ok i've marinated. idk much about tech so take the terms with a grain of salt and just focus on the emotional story. think i have some headcanons:
margo lives in a society where it's common to use virtual reality to escape/ experience life but margo is actually one of the more extreme cases of this escapism
she's friendly with others, something doesn't seem to be wrong, but her peersknow she's always connected to the vr/always online. they don't notice how little they know about her home life or about her, despite her being familiar with everyone else.
and this disconnect only becomes worst once she takes on the mask of spider-byte. helping people in the way she's always desired to be helped is fufilling, but it doesn't take long for margo to become lost in her online persona.
the longer she spends as spider-byte, the more the two worlds blur. and once she gains the ability to physically manifest her avatar, her spider abilities begin to transfer into her irl body
at first margo was excited about this change. she could finally be the hero she wanted to be inside and outside of her vr- headset, but she quickly discovers that her bodily automony is being manipulated.
sometimes her skin glitches, changing into a rainbow of colors without her say-so (she'd have to fake sick to avoid questions from her peers/parents) . sometimes when she splits her avatar her body doesn't immediately return and if it does it never feels the same. as if data is missing.
but most obvious is that her understanding of humanity--of herself changes. not in a cruel way, but she feels an alienation from human connection that she'd never experienced before. she saves the day, not because of her childhood desire to do good, to be saved and save others, but because it is her avatar. it is her purpose as spider-byte, not the dream of margo kess.
it's when margo catches herself refering to herself spider-byte, even when she was outside of vr relaxing that she begins to investagate further.
she begins to question her relationship with the cyber crime police department and how easily they accepted her" "vigilatism"/ eventually she tracks down conversations between the department and an unknown scientist/ leading cyber security company. i'm thinking of this being her "doc oc" connection, but im open to other villian parallels tbh
the thing is this "doc oc" knows that margo has been tracking them . they think its funny. they're facinated with their experiement and are very willing to play along with the investagation as long as they get to observe their subject.
the fact that margo got "bit" was part coincidence. the program/ bug was sent out to find a suitable host. someone isolated, someone online for long hours to properly conduct the experiement, someone who had the need to escape and become something more.
it could've been anyone. they were meant to be corrupted entirely by the program, only leaving behind a husk irl as they accepted their new reality. but margo was different her need to do good was so great that it redirected the prgrams goals entirely. allowing for her persona of a hero to infliratrate her real life and vice versua in a way "doc oc" had never seen before
doc oc at first wanted to let margo live as a hero . but her changing the bug--resisting its intended purpose intrigued them more. it wasn't enough to collect data on the experiement spider-byte anymore. now doc oc needed to break her. to rebuild her and understand what makes her so special
and this back and forth does mean margo loses a lot. some days she doesn't even remember her last name. but she's motivated now to reclaim her life, her heroism, and make sure no one else is taken advantaged ;like this again
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fagtainsparklez · 3 months
Currently in cinema class but i also wanted to know more about clockwork, she seems very interesting in what you wrote her relations as! (And shes been a favorite of mine for a long time lol)
Also once tim convinces her to take the infection george clock out of her eye socket, what do you think she'd do with it?
i’ve made a FEW posts about my version of clockwork [1] [2] [3] but there is never enough to talk about with her. she’s become a very central character which i think is fun bc i was never Too too much into her back in the day! finally giving her the attention she deserves
i have her as being one of, if not the, last people to arrive at the mansion, so by the time she gets there, everyone’s had a while to calm down and get to know each other. and natalie doesn’t arrive in the best state, having only been about a week after the events of her origin. she’s just recently snapped and she’s scared and angry and hostile. and her arrival is a different vibe than most, because for a lot of them, their origins weren’t personal. not to her extent.
jeff killed his family, but he was so pumped with pain meds he can hardly remember it. their deaths weren’t personal, he would’ve killed anyone around him at the time. nina’s origin was similar, with the exception of her bullies, who she doesn’t even think about anymore. theirs were Necessities. jack has no memories of his life before the incident, and his initial struggles were more with what he’d become than what he’d done. ben’s arrival is the closest, as he was struggling heavily with having his own body and autonomy again, but he leaned more heavily on needing control than anything else.
but natalie’s still so hurt and still so angry. she felt better for a short while directly after her incident, but that rush had left her by the time slender took her in. she’d taken care of the people who’d hurt her. she couldn’t understand why she still felt so helpless, so hurt. she lashes out and projects her unresolved issues onto the other residents—her medical trauma onto jack, her brotherly trauma onto jeff/ben and sally/nina. she never got the proper conclusion/resolution she thought she would by killing her family, so she attempts to find that in the mansion, which manifests in her lashing out. i said it somewhere before but she’s more just a scared animal. she doesn’t know why she bites, necessarily, just that she’s always had to to survive. her backstory just works really well with the other members and out of anyone i think she’s the one that needs the most healing TBH
as for what happens to her watch, i haven’t actually thought about it! i think the most logical and narratively rewarding solution would be for her to throw it away. to fully leave behind that aspect of her life and start anew, no longer fueled by anger and the need for revenge. but i think she doesn’t get there instantly. the mansion’s full of fucked-up keepsakes (jeff has a knife collection from victim’s houses, jack has his handful of preserved organs, etc) so it isn’t seen as weird for her to keep it. it makes sense, it’s sentimental, after all. i think she gets nina’s help and makes a necklace out of it (after jack thoroughly disinfects the thing. like by god girl) until she heals enough to fully leave that time behind her
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the-starry-seas · 8 days
headcanons about Bee, Star, and Winter, because I've been talking about them with @loverboy-havocboy and I love them tbh
His hair is long enough to be halfway down his back in a braid. When he's nervous, he reaches behind his back to tug at the end of his braid.
He likes the taste of nuts but not the crunchy texture so he just. Eats an extraordinary amount of peanut butter. His favourite candy are Reese's cups.
Do not trust him to cook, he will set things on fire and have no idea how it happened. But he's really good at finding recipes that everybody loves and follows a bunch of cooking blogs.
He has like seven bottles of screen cleaner on his desk and he never uses any of them, he just keeps cleaning his glasses on his shirt.
All his non-work outfits are open-back to show off his tattoo. For fancy black-tie events, he puts his hair up in updos with a bunch of glittery pins. His favourite set of pins are gold ones that are shaped like bees.
He wants more tattoos but he's worried about not liking them once he has them. He's most likely to get a matching tattoo with one of his squad or a lover.
The first time he smelled vanilla extract, he took a shot from the bottle because obviously it would taste so much better- Anyway there were real tears and he still gets a little :/ whenever he smells vanilla candles.
He loves pine-scented everything. One year he flirts his way into getting all the chopped-off branches from a Christmas tree tent and it's the best Christmas of his life.
He has anxiety that tends to manifest as anger issues and Winter is the only one who can calm him down. He hates that he still gets angry about Winter but mostly he's scared that he might somehow hurt Winter.
Cheetos guy. He will go through a family-sized bag of Cheetos in two minutes or less. It's honestly impressive. Winter got him a set of those finger guards and Star unironically loves them.
The first time he went to an arcade, he tried all afternoon to win a five-foot-tall stuffed panda and ended up just paying $100 to the guy running the counter to give it to him. His name is Bamboo.
He can tell owls apart by their calls but he doesn't like other birds. He specifically doesn't like the way their heads bob when they walk, he thinks it's weird.
He keeps getting commercial jingles stuck in his head and he really hates it. Sometimes he hums them when he's brushing his teeth and Winter is like "...what on earth is that" and then Star has to pout about it being even more stuck in his head because he thought about it.
He started fencing in high school and competed all the way until graduation. After that be took a break for a few years before he joined a local team and started competing again. He has a massive collection of foils and swords on display at home.
He has a jewellery care sheet taped up next to the bathroom mirror and takes his rings for cleaning every other month. It's the thing he takes most seriously in his life. He doesn't wear anything but his rings.
He does, however, wear black smoky eyeliner and lipstick. It's his favourite way to accessorise. For special occasions, he breaks out candy-red lipstick.
In addition to his rings, he wears a locket with pictures of his twins. He was scared about them meeting Star, because Winter would have ended any relationship if his kids didn't like the other guy, and Star could be difficult. But they all got along so it's good!
He has a motorcycle, specifically a candy-red Honda Gold Wing. His riding outfit is a matching candy-red helmet and leather cowboy boots, a black leather jacket, a light blue button-down, and black jeans.
Tuesday evenings are for dining out. He has a list of restaurants he wants to try and keeps reviews of them all in a notebook so he can remember which ones he liked and what their best food is.
He picked out transparent reading glasses on a whim because they seemed cool and novel. He loses them constantly. He refuses to get another pair as long as they still work, to the annoyance of just about everyone around him.
Loves the beach but is scared of the deep ocean. There's shit down there that he simply doesn't want to know about.
Unironically thinks that Bigfoot might exist.
He puts paper umbrellas in all his drinks. Also he keeps forgetting to drink water so he adds in powdered mixes. He likes fruit flavours for those, but his favourite Gatorade flavour is light blue and he has exactly zero idea what it tastes like.
An entire bookcase in his office is dedicated to all the Father's Day gifts that the twins got him. He puts another bookcase next to it for anniversary gifts.
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grendelsmilf · 1 year
tbh i find it kind of weird when people act as if sasha was a “mean girl” or “bully” at school. it’s pretty clear that the reason she was popular was specifically because she knew how to make people like her by being nice and friendly to them and making them feel good about themselves. she and anne are (as usual) very similar in that regard, their social savvy stemming largely from their natural friendliness and ability to make people feel special and welcomed (the way anne made sasha feel that first day they met on the playground). it’s kind of funny that this is somehow framed as a sinister trait when sasha is able to befriend the toads guarding her, because remembering peoples names, interests, and being friendly with them is nothing but a good thing, even if you don’t genuinely care about them (and it’s clear she does care about the toads she’s befriended, just not as much as she cares about anne and marcy). the reason that sasha is higher on the social hierarchy than anne is because anne is a brown immigrant whereas sasha is a conventionally attractive white girl (she’s also more feminine than anne, and presumably wealthier, which also plays a not insignificant role). the only person we see her actually be mean to is that girl who was being racist to anne. she bullies bullies (or as she would call them, “evildoers”). amphibia understands that the most popular girl in school may be a blonde cheerleader, but she earned her social status through being friends with everyone, not through being a bitch to them.
the only person we actually see sasha be a bitch to is anne. and to be clear, it’s not because she sees anne as her minion or her inferior. it’s obvious that sasha loves marcy, but she can sometimes be kind of dismissive towards her, and i think it’s because she’s subconsciously resentful of the idea of anne not giving sasha her full attention. she wants anne all to herself, so as much as she loves marcy and gets along with anne’s parents, she also very much wants to establish herself as the most important person in anne’s life, even though marcy was anne’s best friend first, and anne’s parents genuinely love her (a fact which she can’t seem to wrap her head around. healthy parents??? sounds fake). it’s why sasha is so fucking mean to sprig, she feels like sprig somehow “stole” anne away from her. what makes sprig a good friend to anne is that he always wants what’s best for her, whereas sasha only wants what’s best for anne when sasha can provide that for her. sasha is a bad friend to anne, but it’s because anne is her favorite person, her lifeline, and she’s too insecure to trust that anne would still choose her if sasha wasn’t constantly asserting all the ways she can serve anne’s needs. sasha is terrified of the fact that she needs anne more than anne needs her, so she sees herself both as anne’s humble servant/knight in shining armor/prince (utena vibes) but externalizes this role as the person who knows what’s best for anne and thus has to make all the decisions in their friendship. this can seem counterintuitive, but ultimately it’s just her insecurity manifesting in controlling behavior because deep down she’s convinced that if she isn’t dictating the circumstances of her loved ones, they’ll leave her (she probably blames herself for her parents’ divorce too, and wants the semblance of control in her friendships because it's clear she craves that feeling of security she fundamentally lacks).
there are no clear cut “heroes” or “villains” in their relationship, simply two young girls with low self-worth. anne, sasha, and marcy all have to learn to be secure in and truly love themselves to grow as people. their insecurity and codependency made them stagnate in unhealthy ways, but learning that they have value outside of what they can provide for other people, even when they’re alone, is crucial to their collective development. anne and sasha both saw themselves as the inferior in their relationship, and it’s anne’s insistence that there doesn't need to be a leader and a follower, but that they’re equals, two individuals coming together instead of one single entity that must operate in perfect sync at all times, that is actually what allows them to ultimately be more in sync than they ever were before.
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fru1tt0ast · 1 year
hey y'all i am a super giant nerd so i decided to assign all the tf2 mercs (plus the administrator) magnus archives entities. i think about this an ungodly amount lolz.! i'll start w/ the ones i have actual explanations for and then do the silly ones.
starting with the administrator. i feel like this one is somewhat obvious but she's being assigned the eye and the web. She spends her life sitting in a surveillance room watching the mercs, learning everything about them. As for the web, she's spent 100 years working for both RED and BLU without telling anyone why, and actively tries to avoid anyone finding out that she's doing this. At this point, the battles are pointless. both Redmond and Blutarch are dead . yeah saxton hale and gray mann have whatever they've got going on but my point still remains. The administrator just enjoys lying and violence #tbh
secondly, pyro would be the desolation and the spiral. The desolation is for obvious reasons. pyro *has* to be the fire entity lol. Now, the spiral, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated than that. Pyro is spends all his time in pyroland, and on the surface it looks all happy and colorful and fun. However. it is much more sinister. pyroland is meant to confuse and distort reality, and hurt people. Now, sure, it's heavily implied that he's just drugged 24/7 or his goggles on his mask are weird and fucked up, but either way pyro still has a couple screws loose. And pyroland is still a distorted version of reality no matter what, is it not?
moving on to spy. He is most definitely aligned with the stranger. As a spy, his job is to not reveal his true identity to anyone. And he actively attempts to convince others he is someone he's not. for example, he can literally shapeshift into the other team's mercs and change the way he walks, speaks, and acts based on who he's pretending to be. He also is extremely meticulous about nobody finding out who he truly is. bro literally kept his balaclava on when he fucked scouts mom
Last of my ones that have actual good reasons is heavy. He would work with the web. Heavy is extremely smart, and a lot of the time people assume he isn't, due to his broken english and him being a big guy. Dude has a PHD in russian literature. I feel like people take it for granted that he's stupid, and while i don't think heavy would manipulate anyone unless he had to, he definitely could.
now we move on to the silly goofy ones.
soldier is the slaughter; just because the slaughter often manifests itself as soldiers lol
demoman is also the slaughter, because he is fairly violent and also there's that one episode of tma where they walk through a domain of the slaughter and there's bagpipes in the background
medic is the flesh just for the sillies!! idk how to explain why, but the flesh just fits him yk?
Engie is the spiral and the eye. He's soooo insane. he's genuinely insane. like. wow. i love you. he also has ELEVEN phds. bro is just collecting knowledge for no reason. nobody needs 11 fucking phds
Scout is the end but only because he died and then came back from the dead.
Finally, sniper. He is the hunt because he hunts go gun snipe them 👍
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alephskoteinos · 1 year
Kid Capes had me thinking about something. Last month he posted something about Jimenez's demon fusion form in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey that honestly fascinated. He said that the tattoos that appear on his body represent his rejection of the world.
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It's pretty difficult to tell what all of these tattoos are, though ironically we have some idea what a few of them are. One appears to be a diagram of the Mundus Archetypus, seemingly a Christian alchemical diagram representing the cosmos, while another at least looks like the Shefa Tal, the sign of the Priestly Blessing in Judaism which also appears in Kabbalah texts. The square symbol on his hand looks like a variation of the Labyrinth of Knossos, though I have seen some SMT fans think of it as a representation of the journey of the soul to God or to the divine. A little ironic considering Jimenez's opposition to the God of Law (meaning in practice the Christian God), but nonetheless the occultism of it all does suit the rejection of the world in favour of the hidden world of the divine.
I typically inclined myself to not get tattoos because, to be honest, I mostly just wanted to get tattoos after getting more musculature (which tbh I really still have yet to get around to doing), but I like the idea of having a lot of tattoos with a dark esoteric theme as well as representations of ancient pre-Christian religion and magic forming a similar artistic body which similarly represents an embodied rejection of the modern world, following the form of anarchistic Gothic Insurrection (read up on Claudio Kulesko for that concept). I've had ideas on what tattoos I might like anyway for a while now, so I guess I should draw up an "astral body" representing what I figure that should look like.
For a little bit I also thought about the anime Dark Myth (Ankoku Shinwa), which I think is arguably my favorite "bad" OVA just for its mesmerizing, almost Lovecrafitan magical take on Japanese religious mythology. In the anime, the protagonist is basically the reincarnation of the hero Yamato Takeru, who has eight holy marks on his body. He gets these holy marks from various parts of Japan, which all collectively form what is supposed to look like Orion in the sky.
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This all forms an elaborate astrological myth connected to all sorts of Japanese symbols and myths all converging around the idea of the Horsehead Nebula ("the dark nebula") as the appearance of the god Susano-o, and as a dark deity whose power threatened to swallow the sun and the moon and destroy the whole world, and was repelled by the divine might of Yamato Takeru, a manifestation of "the Atman", and now "the Atman" must decide to stay on earth or leave to discover the secrets of the universe, while the "dark nebula" follows him everywhere.
It's all wild as fuck but I kind of like the idea of following the basic form on some tattoo ideas. Though I'm not exactly into face tattoos.
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