#cryptid research
indicryptid · 9 months
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There has been some talk about the Goatman in Maryland, as of recent. A local folklore expert, Thomas Marcus believes that there have been 5 deaths attributed with the cryptid. Crybaby bridge is an infamous bridge for two reasons. Goatman, and the namesake of Crybaby bridge itself. Passed down through oral accounts, written formats (such as letters, and forums) individuals passing through the bridge will hear faint, weeping cries of a young baby. The sound is dampened by the marsh below, so passersbys will have to stop and listen. So, as it been told from the DMV locals, nearby the swamp and marshy riverbeds leading into the Chesapeake Bay. A young mother who yearned for her husband to return from the war. He never did. After she was notified by the Lt. that he was presumed to be killed in action, she took a walk through what is now called crybaby bridge, she had been struck by a vehicle and her baby dropped down into the marshes below. There are also accounts of her willingly dropping her baby in that same marshy canal - but I believe the first story to be more credible. It is up to your interpretation and your research on how you think this plays out. Goatman folklore from various different regions across the US have some variant of this creature. Common accounts include Goatman pushing people off bridges. Maybe it wasn't a car after all?
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ghosted-jazz · 2 years
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A supermoon occurs when the full moon coincides with the moon's closest approach to Earth in its orbit. Supermoons make the moon appear a little brighter and bigger than normal
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some-pers0n · 23 days
"Time to write!" I say as I open up 16 tabs and fall down a rabbit hole and learn more and more about some weird niche part of the world and history for the next 6 hours
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pain-is-too-tired · 1 month
I wished pjo had focused in on modernization of the mythology. Not just "if this thing from the original myths are now this" but make new myths.
Think the reason we notice when certain things aren't right to the original myths is that Rick tries so hard to only give the feeling that the mythical world has adapted, not changed.
Sure, the gods mention how they're precieved and worship can change them. But that's only presented to us in terms of Roman sides of them. How messed up some of the gods interpretations are could feel a lot less sour if we got more confirmation that "Yeah, they're like that because of how the world now sees them and what they represent has corrupted who they were originally."
You can't tell me that thousands of years have gone by and there's not a single new monster. That a god didn't get mad once and made mothman or something.
There are a lot of modern mythologies without an actual tie to another religion.
Give me Loch Ness being a mortal who slighted Poseidon or a water god in the area it's now in.
Big Foot,Jersey Devil,The Tennessee Terror,Sea Serpants of the Gulf, the wolf woman of mobile etc
Heck,even other more recent ones like Slenderman and the Rake
I much rather have that then have gods and demigods be heavily involved or the cause of wars with very sensitive causes(what the fuck were you thinking with WW2 and Civil War Rick. Wtf)
But yeah. Honestly think seeing modern legends be used would be cool. And I must reiterate specifically those not already tied to another religion or culture. Legends that aren't sensitive to brouch on. Feel very important to mention when talking about crypids(especially as majority are in America) cause if you just look them up lot of them might add legends from native culture to the roster and they're already tied to something.
Anyway. Just thoughts on my brain I wanted to share. Think modern beings in pjo could've been so cool. Like America is full of folklore that was made post colonization,it wouldn't be shocking if the gods created part of that.
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saturnisscreaming · 3 months
I'm trying to decide how many I should have
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walkingbomb · 2 months
reblog and put a local/your favourite cryptid, mythical creature, paranormal phenomenon or other folklore in the tags
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snootlestheangel · 3 months
A snippet from Soap's journal in Of Earthly Things
Reasons the Guardian huffed/seemed annoyed this week:
He woke up
I wouldn't share my snack with him
I sneezed
I wouldn't let him lay his MASSIVE head on my lap. He nipped at my leg for this one.
He yawned and I said big yawn as a reflex. He stared at me for an uncomfortably long time
I made a really bad pun but had to explain it cause he clearly didn't understand, which I guess made him feel stupid? I don't know, all I know is he huffed really loudly and turned his back to me and ignored me
I tried leaving (it was fucking dark as hell, I couldn't see shit)
I brought Gaz with me
*I woke up and immediately thought of this*
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cryptid-of-ohio · 8 months
most and least edible butterflies?
That’s a pretty good question. I had to put in a bit of research to get what I think are the objectively correct answers (I’ll give subjective answers too).
First, a few ground rules. I will only be looking at the adult stage’s edibility. My objective answers will be based off my research, while my subjective will be whatever the hell I want. I have never personally eaten a butterfly, so some of my reasoning will be based on assumptions. Anywayssss
The objective least edible is pretty easy actually. It’s the African Giant Swallowtail, which produces a cardiosteroid and could potentially kill a human if ingested.
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Isn’t it beautiful?
Also, fun fact, no one has published what the caterpillars look like, or what the host plant is for this species. So that’s a neat little mystery.
As for the objectively most edible butterfly, that’s a bit more subjective. For edibility, I’m looking for no poison (obviously), as it tastes bad even if it’s not lethal. I’m also looking for a larger main body since that is where most of the nutrients will come from.
I think a good butterfly that fits those criteria would be the Western Tiger Swallowtail.
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Some of you may suspect it’s poisonous due to its bright color pattern, but it isn’t. Its colors are a false warning to predators to stay away.
I will say though, if you really want to eat a butterfly I would remove the wings, or avoid them. The scales that coat them are made of keratin, aka the stuff our hair and fingernails is made of, which isn’t very tasty.
Anyways, now on to the subjective stuff. I think the least edible butterfly is the glass wing butterfly.
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I mean, look at it! If it were a human it would be so emaciated! There’s nothing tasty there to eat! Not to mention, it’s also poisonous! 0/10 would not recommend eating
As for most edible, I have to go with one that might surprise you.
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This is the Harvester Butterfly. It may look small and unassuming, but that’s not why I picked it for the most edible. I picked it because it’s going to be full of different nutrients than other butterflies.
See, the Harvester is unique in its eating habits. As an adult it doesn’t usually drink nectar, instead drinking minerals from the ground or sap. This is because they got most of their nutrients as a caterpillar where their diet was…
Other bugs!! That’s right! This is the only species of carnivorous butterfly on the planet. Their diet as caterpillars is almost entirely made up of eating aphids and the remains of other bugs. It also means that is isn’t poisonous, as most butterflies become poisonous by eating poisonous plants in the caterpillar stage.
I hope this satisfies your curiosity @json-derulo
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nickbutnodick · 4 months
i am gonna by a really thick leather-bound sketchbook/journal thing so i can create an actually useful field guide for my purposes
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Why can't we have a batman is the spirit of Gotham au?
He already is, in meta, in character, in theming. Him and the joker. He is so very built upon what Gotham is made of, and Gotham builds from what he needs in turn, the setting of his story.
What if that is the reason he can take damage that would permanently ruin a physical career and come back? What if that's how he's managed to maintain his no-kill streak to such an extent? What if that's how he manages to maintain such high maintenance and all consuming identities?
For the heart and soul of a city containing all extremes, the richest nobility and the lowest of the poor, the cruellest villains and the most compassionate heroes, orphaned children and ancient lineages, a city rooted in fear and madness and grit-teeth determination and hard won kindness, what better choice could you find than Bruce Wayne?
But what if he wasn't alone in that? What if Gotham has sunk to such a low because its spirit is damaged and corrupted?
For the heart and soul of the cruellest city in the dc universe, the most unrelenting and uncaring, the one that practically laughs at your pain and suffering as you try to make it through another day, what better choice than the Joker?
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Yo I'm having a hard time pondering this important question if you had the option to go on a date with
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thetetra · 1 year
Alright so I was reminded of a story which I call "Librarians bite"
I tried college on for size 4 or 5 times before it really stuck and I went all the way towards a major (I accidentally got a double major, on accident, but that's another story).
My last go at it I was pretty good at it and I was very enthusiastic about the library and how it was a no judgement zone. You can show up a complete moron and the help desk will help you IF you go in early enough. I always told people "Its okay Librarians don't bite!"
So due to my many attempts at college my required courses were all screwed up. So my last term I had to take "how to write a research paper" after I had that shit on lockdown. So I decided to have fun with it and research "A medieval technology that hasn't changed even to this day". Which was harder than I thought.
Horse tack! how to harness a horse has to be something they mastered in... oh in the 1800s they figured out a better way. Okay well how about .... oh umm no. Finally I gave up and decided to write about soap because it went ALL THE WAY!!! till the 50s and 60s then got replaced by detergent. Sure there's technology that hasn't been replaced at all but none that was distinctly medieval and not upgraded since then. So fuck it soap it is.
I get to the library and I find plenty of books on the first instances of soap (Romans wrote down that the Gauls had this red hair product that looked like blood... due to all the blood in it) the original uses (man this shit really softens up fibers for weaving!) and then I started looking for books that talked about the switch to detergents. Nope, 1960 is too recent. BUT there are industry magazines that talk about detergents between 1950 and 1960.
So off to the microfiche collection!
I looked the appropriate section up, pulled the editions I wanted and... its perfume. Lovely article about how pheromones are too delicate and break down so we can't actually put human pheromones in perfumes (uhh wat?). So I go and look it up again. Same section same problem. I googled the Dewey decimal system and made sure I had it right... according to my best reckoning I did.
Okay off to the help desk. I show up with the microfiche in hand and immediately have to explain "no no I can operate the machine that's not the problem" and start explaining my issue. The help desk clerk does all the double checking I just did and eventually decides "yeah you didn't fuck this up" (paraphrased).
So I get to talk to the help desk librarian and... it just so happened that she was the keeper of the microfilm and microfiche collections. We confirmed that I had 2 weeks till my paper was due, that I had looked for other sources and found them and then we finally went al looked at the microfiche.. we again confirm that I have the right Dewey decimal system spot. And then the change happened. She was skeptical, ahe was stern, but she was helpful and respectful.
Then she (a 5'2" 100lbs woman) grabbed my (6' 300 lbs man) arm and dragged me along like I was a kite in a storm. a tiny scared kite in a big scary storm.
I am a large guy. I have always been larger than my peers. I have learned that I have to take steps to not appear scary. I am respectful of boundaries and rules, I don't raise my voice or show any extreme of emotion. So when I got dragged into the back room STAFF ONLY rooms of the library I was uncomfortable. I was then dragged into offices, disrupted phone calls and breaking up meetings. these calm Clark Kenteon librarians became an ironic barbarian horde who were going to ransack the world till their archives were restored to good order. Minime Logos Minime Pax ( pardon my poor Latin).
Once they were assembled, me still held firmly by the wrist, my librarian told the tribe of my tale of academic woe. Looks of anger and shock made homes on everyone's faces. I can still remember my librarian being so angry that she bit the air with every word. like she was devouring the fabric of existence itself in an attempt to sate her hunger.
Then a very precise and orderly pecking order of people spoke up. First a librarian who was in charge of usage statistics spoke on how the information I was requesting had not been looked at in more than 20 years. Next a librarian who was in charge of what was on the floor and what was in storage spoke up and expressed how the perfume trade magazines were supposed to be in storage and the chemical industry available because we had an active chemistry department.
Thusly in short order the storage location was put on the conference call phone and queried about what was in the box that was supposed to hold the perfume trade magazine microfiche. 5 minutes of rummaging on the phone and we had confirmation, my chemical trade magazines talking about detergent were directly swapped.
a courier was immediately dispatched to bring me my requested study materials and I was finally unhanded, guided to a study room and sat down while they brought me print outs of everything I asked for... printing fee waived.
So now I tell people that you should go to the library and to have plenty of time before your paper to find and checkout needed study materials... but I no longer say that librarians don't bite.
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crypt1d-z · 2 months
Welcome to my corner of the internet, where the unseen and the unknown take center stage. I am Dr. McNamara, a researcher at the SCP Foundation, dedicated to investigating and containing anomalies that defy the natural order. Here, I'll share insights, updates, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the work that keeps our world safe from the strange and the supernatural. At your request, I will provide information on any SCP (within reason). Some things that come hand in hand with SCPs are areas such as cryptozoology, folklore, urban legends and many other topics. I would be happy to provide information on these as well. So, whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or new to the world of the SCP Foundation, join me as we delve into the mysteries that lurk just beyond the veil of reality. Stay curious, stay vigilant, and remember: Secure, Contain, Protect.
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aperiodofhistory · 1 year
Tales of ancient drowned cities and how they became forgotten
The Appalachian Mountains and their mysterious folklore
Cosmic order and what does it mean.
Celtic ways of grape harvesting
Rome and its connection to the Alps
Poetic Curses and their place in Literature
The Tower of Babylon and its hanging gardens
The Power of Old African Religions
Explore the Silk Road. Where it began and its cultural impact.
America's most wanted cryptids. Who are they and what do they want.
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chillsncharms · 1 year
What’s a cryptid from where you are?
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nat-of-personifs · 9 months
generally you will never hold a conversation with all the members of a community that has an embodiment. personification power lies in the greater trust one person has for a stranger who belongs to the same group as them than the stranger who doesn’t, euphoric solidarity from ‘I like your shoelaces—thanks, I stole them from the president’; we have something in common. if everybody knows each other, the social web is complete, end to end, and they don’t need something more to keep it intact.
personifications aren’t meant to be fully understood. for their avatars to materialize, the city must grow too large for everyone to be neighbors, or the fandom must reach Stage 2 of their life cycle. it’s not their healing or their longevity or their connection to their true bodies that makes them eldritch—it’s the fact that as soon as one person knows everything about them, they lose their reason to live.
the tendency of humans in cities to accumulate knowledge and overspecialize and create ever more complicated rituals, mythologies, and technologies is simply the survival instinct of the larger organism they’re a part of.
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