divine-crows · 21 days
10 Ideas for When You Want to Practice Divination but 'Don't Have a Good Reason to'
Sometimes you just get an urge to do some tarot, or the urge to mess with runes, but there's nothing you really want or need out of it. So I came up with some ideas that scratch the divination magic itch!
To note: for most of these prompts I will be referring to "cards" since I prefer cartomancy the most, however most of these ideas can be adapted into other forms of divination.
1. Artwork
I love drawing a random tarot card and making a quick and easy collage. Or sometimes I let the cards pick a prompt for me!
2. Make your own oracle cards/make your own form of divination
You can create your own themes, give the cards a specific use, or even just make some cards meant for witchy decoration-- do whatever you please! Likewise, you can also create your own divination system using items, symbolism, or "runic" imagery.
3. "Hang out" with your preferred divination device
I like to sit with my cards and admire the artwork, or sometimes I'll watch a movie while randomly shuffling them. It helps me feel connected to them!
4. Conduct an "interview"
Since my preferred method of divination is my tarot cards, I'll typically ask them to give me a reversed card for 'no' and a right-side-up card for 'yes'. I'll then proceed to ask it whatever questions pop into my mind. Sometimes I'll even ask it questions about myself. You can definitely adapt this idea into other forms of divination and give it a try!
Pick a card and then pick a song you feel fits the vibe of the card the most. Keep doing this until you have a full fledged playlist!
5. Make a divination-led playlist!
6. Learn a new form of divination
To name a few for inspiration: Aeromancy, Bibliomancy, Carromancy, Curiomancy, Cubomancy, Dowsing, Dream Interpretation, Scrying, Palmistry.
Please note that some forms of divination may be closely tied to closed practices and cultures and should be treated with respect.
7. Create "companion" cards for your tarot deck OR "companion runes" for rune casting!
This one coincides with idea #2 but it's a concept I love. The idea is you add new symbolic cards/runes based on preference, personal ideas, etc. It's a great way to make your deck feel even more personal to you! You could even find preexisting runes/cards and add those in if you're unsure about creating your own.
8. Make your own divination spreads
Even if you won't nessicarily use them in the moment, or even if you have a lot of spreads saved-- you can still have fun coming up with your own and writing them down to test out in the future! Think about hobbies, interests, or themes you like to inspire you.
9. Multi divination tool readings
Sometimes its fun to figure out how you can use multiple forms of divination. Write down some ideas in your grimoire on how you can possibly incorporate multiple methods so you can test it out in the future!
10. Try to predict your dreams
This one may not be a big favorite for everyone (especially considering you can argue that you'll subconsciously make your dream turn out a certain way because of your reading), but it was a fun activity i used to do when I was a beginner and needed an excuse to practice my skills! I usually would just ask a baseline question like "what will my dream look like overall?" And then from there I would ask more questions to get an idea of what it would look like.
I hope my list of ideas were helpful for anyone in a divination slump! I understand they may not be helpful for everyone so feel free to make your own posts with your own ideas! Likewise feel free to comment any other ideas.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 months
Writing Notes: Divination (pt. 2)
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The Sorceress by John William Waterhouse (1913, oil on canvas)
Divining the Future:
It seems humans have for a very long time been troubled by the opacity of the future. They'd like to have a better sense of what lies ahead, and they've come up with some ingenious ways of trying to get at that information, each of which has a name.
The suffix -mancy means "divination." Divination is the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events, or to discover hidden knowledge. Divination usually involves the interpretation of omens or, if you're really lucky, the assistance of supernatural powers.
Chiromancy -> divination by examination of the hand Also: cheiromancy. It's a synonym of the more common word palmistry. Chiromancy has fallen in and out of favor over the millennia of its history. In Medieval times, those hunting witches using chiromancy looked for pigmentation spots on the hands, which signaled a pact with the Devil.
Cleromancy -> divination by means of casting lots Cast here means "throw" or "toss." Lots are objects—such as marked sticks or dice—used as a counter when determining a question of chance. In cleromancy, the lots are thrown and where and how they land provide clues about the future. If you use dice, you can refer to your particular kind of cleromancy as cubomancy.
Dactyliomancy -> divination by means of finger rings In one form of dactyliomancy, a ring is suspended by a fine thread over a round table marked with the letters of the alphabet. In its dangling state, the ring settles briefly over particular letters, spelling out a message. Dactyl- means "finger," "toe," or "digit."
Geomancy -> divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features Take a piece of paper and a pencil and make a whole bunch of dots on it. If you believe in geomancy (and if you've done the dot-and-pencil work right) you may find that answers to your questions and predictions about the future lie somewhere in the configuration of those dots. To try an older version of geomancy, throw some dirt down and find information about the future in where the particles land. The term also refers to divination by geographical features.
Gyromancy -> divination in which one walking in or around a circle falls from dizziness and prognosticates from the place of the fall The gyro- in this word is the same gyro- in gyroscope. It means "ring, spiral, circle."
Hydromancy -> divination by water or other liquid (as by visions seen therein or the ebb and flow of tides) This can be similar to catoptromancy—when it is a reflection that interests the reader—or it can have to do with the movement of water, either the water's own movement, or the way the water moves objects floating on it.
Lecanomancy -> divination by inspection of water in a basin The water inspected in lecanomancy may have stones tossed into it, or oil mixed into it. The word comes from the Greek lekanē, meaning "basin."
Lithomancy -> divination by stones or by charms or talismans of stone Lith- means "stone." In lithomancy, the stones are typically specially chosen stones, and are sometimes semiprecious (i.e., denoting minerals which can be used as gems but are considered to be less valuable than precious stones). Qualities of the stones are important in lithomancy, such as how reflective of light they are.
Necromancy -> conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events Phrased less delicately than this definition, necromancy is divination by the dead. The word is also used to broadly refer to magic or sorcery. Necro- means "one that is dead" or "those that are dead." Necromancy should not be confused with sciomancy, which is divination by consulting the disembodied spirits of the dead.
Oneiromancy -> divination by means of dreams Dreams can seem like messages from some other realm, and oneiromancy asserts that they indeed are that. The Bible's book of Genesis tells of Joseph's oneiromancy skills; he explains that Pharaoh's dreams of fat and lean cattle, and full and thin heads of grain, predict of years of plenty to be followed by years of famine.
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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red-might-be-dead · 2 months
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herbwitchery · 4 years
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Kybomancy 🎲🔮✨ I have always loved this divination tool, and have used it since I was a little girl, instinctively, long before knowing it was an actual method attested since Neolithic era. Each dice I own has a story attached to it, some came from old board games I loved, others from my long time past as a role player, and the little wooden one was made especially for me by a friend met on medieval fairs who shared my interest in this peculiar mancy. What about you ? Did you know about kybomancy ? Do you use it ? #kybomancy #kybomancie #cubomancy #cubomancie #dice #dé #rollthedice #divination #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #divinationtool #intuition #magic #witch #witchcraft #pagan #paganism #tradition #mancy #mancie #dicedivination #thorhammer #thorshammer #norse #norsemythology #craft #norserunes #runes #fate #destiny https://www.instagram.com/p/CAFG8r1iEDj/?igshid=yq625oz7zz3j
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tenebristhequeen · 7 years
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/ I adore the fact that Tenebris can be anywhere between universes and dimensions..particularly the crossover done with the Pokemon, in which she adopted a small Cubone that, as her, lost his mother. /
Tenebris:  Don't worry little one... You know..I miss my mother too.
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I've been researching madly for the last few days 😂 My hush hush book is so unorganized it's not even funny. Luckily my grimoire will be farrrrr more organized (and have more information in less time 🙃)
I'm currently researching cubomancy or astragalomancy; dice divination. Also researching Mercury in Retrograde. And reading "The Modern Guide to Witchcraft"
Note to self: Stick to one thing at a time so I don't get overwhelmed.
Anyhow, what have you been researching lately?
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
YaLL COMeON NOW! Dabi is clearly has Alolan Marowak energy. hell, the entry for this Pokemon is literally ‘marowak is an evolved form of cubome that has grown tough by overcoming the grief of losing its mother’ and ‘originally it was weak and timid after evolution it’s temperament becomes violent’ ah...I just made myself sad :’)
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ohhhh noooooo
Look here, I have never been timid in my whole life, and I never will be.
When you were Touya that one time, I literally looked at you and you started crying.
okay well uh
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acheiempalmas · 6 years
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#Repost @psicarolwershing (@get_repost) ・・・ Acalma esse teu coração ansioso! As coisas vão se organizar! 💚 #psicoterapiapodeteajudar #psicarolwershing #psicologapalmas #cubom #cubomagico #festainfantil #modainfantil #parabens #diversao #lfl #orcamento #tatuape #guloseimas #salgadinhos #buffetinfantil #analiafranco #l4l #felizaniversario #buffetinfantilsp #buffetsp #buffettatuape #gordices #cubomagicoatelie #cubomagicokids #cubomagicofotofilme #showinfantilenlima #showstematicos #cubomagicomoda (em Tocantins) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpBAW6il-cJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f70py9ihp3nw
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nesting-dreams · 5 years
Detective pikachu movie confirmed my thoughts on having Cubone (Marowak if it evolved somehow cuz in that city there is no battles). as my major pokemon for anything. (I also like Vaporeon. If Cubome is no option).
My mom likes Apom.
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For just $12.00 You are purchasing FABULOUS FORTUNE TELLING DIE 30 sided die The art of telling fortunes with dice/die, also know as astragalomancy, cleromancy or cubomancy, has been around for centuries. Also know as 'reading the bones' from a time when dice were traditionally made of bone. It is a simple divination system using one 30 sided die. Inside the beautiful organza bag is a 30 sided die, black with white numbers, and a full set of instructions . Just for fun, these fortunes are fabulous and often true. Have a natural magickal day! & thanks for looking.
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mettenette · 7 years
I just spent a few hours coining a term for methamphetamine in Bakom and I’ve finally come up with one: hawpikluk hu akfitaw cubom.
This could be translated literally as “methyl-group amphetamine” or “methyl-group racemic acid freebase”.
Hawpikluk hu, “freebase”, is composed of hawpikluk, “amine”, and hu, “free”. Hawpikluk is further composed of haw “air/gas” and pikluk “antler of a deer”, from pik “horn” and luk “deer”. (This is inspired by the archaic English name for amonia, “spirit of hart’s horn”.)
Akfitaw, “racemic acid”, is made up of ak “acid” and fitaw “grape”, from fi “offspring” and taw “vine”. (This is a translation of Tok Pisin ol pikinini bilong rop wain “children of the wine rope” or “children of the wine”.)
Together, hawpikluk hu akfitaw means “amphetamine”.
Cubom, “methyl group”, is literally “tree alcohol”. This is a calque of the word methyl, which comes from Ancient Greek μέθυ méthy “wine” + ὕλη hýlē “wood”.
So if you wanted to get REALLY literal with it, you could translate it as “tree-wine vinechild-acid free antler-gas”.
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laflechanet · 6 years
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/una-app-permite-advertir-en-tiempo-real-de-la-presencia-de-medusas/
Una ‘app’ permite advertir en tiempo real de la presencia de medusas
Un equipo español ha desarrollado una aplicación de permite a los usuarios enviar información en tiempo real sobre la presencia de medusas. La ‘app’ ofrece información sobre la peligrosidad de la especie y consejos sobre cómo actuar en caso de picadura.
Medusapp es una nueva app gratuita que permite a cualquier persona advertir del avistamiento de una medusa y ofrecer en tiempo real un mapa de los lugares donde se detecta su presencia. Además, ofrece información sobre la peligrosidad de las diferentes especies y cómo actuar en caso de picadura. Está disponible tanto para Android como para IOS de Apple.
Ha sido desarrollada por dos antiguos alumnos de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) e investigadores de la Universidad de Alicante (UA), el CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES) y el Laboratorio de Inmunoalergia del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz (IIS-FJD).
Los usuarios pueden aportar información en tiempo real y la ‘app’ elabora un mapa de los lugares donde detectan la presencia del animal
Los usuarios pueden enviar a la aplicación tanto la foto de la especie como la abundancia y tamaño estimado. Estos datos se publican a través del mapa de la propia aplicación o bien desde una opción para acceder al mapa. También se puede informar de otros avistamientos como manchas de aceite, espumas, grupos de plásticos, etc.
Además, en el caso de que haya sufrido una picadura, el usuario puede enviar una foto junto con otros datos, como el tiempo transcurrido, si ha sufrido picaduras anteriores y el tipo de especie que le ha picado. Aunque estas imágenes no se publicarán, como sí se hace con los avistamientos.
Medusapp está disponible de forma gratuita en Android e IOS. / UA
“El objetivo principal es que el usuario envíe información, que otros podrán utilizar para saber si hay medusas. Hay otras aplicaciones que advierten específicamente de los riesgos de encontrarte medusas playa por playa, pero en nuestro caso lo que promovemos es que sean los propios usuarios los que aporten la información en tiempo real, pudiendo elaborarse al mismo tiempo un mapa de los lugares donde detectan la presencia del animal”, apunta Eduardo Blasco, uno de los desarrolladores de la app e informático de la UPV.
Ciencia ciudadana
“Su funcionamiento es sencillo: si se divisa una medusa –estando en la orilla o en un barco, lógicamente- basta con hacer la foto a la medusa y enviarla. Al hacerlo se mandan también las coordenadas GPS para elaborar un mapa en tiempo real de los lugares donde se avistan estos animales marinos”, añade Blasco.
Medusapp se completa con una guía didáctica y con imágenes de las principales medusas existentes en el Mediterráneo –y algunas de fuera– y una guía interactiva de primeros auxilios, con recomendaciones en caso de picadura dependiendo de la especie.
Toda esta información proviene del proyecto LIFE Cubomed,  en el que participa el investigador de la UA César Bordehor. “Ante una picadura de medusa lo principal es eliminar los restos de tentáculos con unas pinzas o una tarjeta plástica, sin frotar, e inactivar las células urticantes que pudieran quedar sobre la piel con una mezcla de bicarbonato y agua de mar”, comenta.
“Esta app se enmarca dentro de la ciencia ciudadana. El objetivo es que la gente aporte datos y nosotros  hemos puesto nuestro granito de arena como informáticos para que los usuarios de Medussap pongan el suyo, informando de los avistamientos. Pretendemos que ellos sean los ojos allí donde los científicos no pueden llegar”, apunta Ramón Palacios, otro de los desarrolladores.
Fuente: SINC
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For just $12.00 You are purchasing FABULOUS FORTUNE TELLING DIE 30 sided die The art of telling fortunes with dice/die, also know as astragalomancy, cleromancy or cubomancy, has been around for centuries. Also know as 'reading the bones' from a time when dice were traditionally made of bone. It is a simple divination system using one 30 sided die. Inside the beautiful organza bag is a 30 sided die, black with white numbers, and a full set of instructions . Just for fun, these fortunes are fabulous and often true. Have a natural magickal day! & thanks for looking.
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For just $12.00 DUE TO MULTIPLE BREAKS IN A WRIST & SURGERY IT MAY BE 2 TO 3 DAYS FOR SHIPPING. Thanks for understanding! You are purchasing FABULOUS FORTUNE TELLING DIE 30 sided die The art of telling fortunes with dice/die, also know as astragalomancy, cleromancy or cubomancy, has been around for centuries. Also know as 'reading the bones' from a time when dice were traditionally made of bone. It is a simple divination system using one 30 sided die. Inside the beautiful organza bag is a 30 sided die, black with white numbers, and a full set of instructions . Just for fun, these fortunes are fabulous and often true. Have a natural magickal day! & thanks for looking.
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For just $12.00 DUE TO MULTIPLE BREAKS IN A WRIST & SURGERY IT MAY BE 2 TO 3 DAYS FOR SHIPPING. Thanks for understanding! You are purchasing FABULOUS FORTUNE TELLING DIE 30 sided die The art of telling fortunes with dice/die, also know as astragalomancy, cleromancy or cubomancy, has been around for centuries. Also know as 'reading the bones' from a time when dice were traditionally made of bone. It is a simple divination system using one 30 sided die. Inside the beautiful organza bag is a 30 sided die, black with white numbers, and a full set of instructions . Just for fun, these fortunes are fabulous and often true. Have a natural magickal day! & thanks for looking.
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For just $12.00 DUE TO MULTIPLE BREAKS IN A WRIST & SURGERY IT MAY BE 2 TO 3 DAYS FOR SHIPPING. Thanks for understanding! You are purchasing FABULOUS FORTUNE TELLING DIE 30 sided die The art of telling fortunes with dice/die, also know as astragalomancy, cleromancy or cubomancy, has been around for centuries. Also know as 'reading the bones' from a time when dice were traditionally made of bone. It is a simple divination system using one 30 sided die. Inside the beautiful organza bag is a 30 sided die, black with white numbers, and a full set of instructions . Just for fun, these fortunes are fabulous and often true. Have a natural magickal day! & thanks for looking.
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