#cuddles with stressed troopers
ermakeys · 2 years
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Corrie Guard 1: Look, I got Cran a toy!
Corrie Guard 2: Uh, vod, I don't think she likes it?
Corrie Guard 1: No, I'm sure she'll-.
*two corries are seen running from a hissing tooka cat*
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charliemwrites · 8 months
1fur1 Price part 2
(Sorry if this isn’t, like, spectacular. It’s been a minute since I wrote for this au)
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The house is getting an upgrade. Two wolf dogs was a cozy situation, but manageable. The addition of a third, especially one as big as Konig, was pushing it. Like, really pushing it.
Now that Skipper has adopted himself into the family…
Not that you mind, of course. Skipper has been a bit of a blessing in furry disguise. You know that “Alpha Dog” dynamics aren’t an actual Thing with wolves, but if they were, you think Skipper would be it.
He must have some sort of shepherd in his blood because he wrangles the rest of the boys masterfully. They spend too long in the yard, he’s barking and nipping and rounding them up. Johnny’s being too insistent about “sharing” your food, he’s inserting himself between you two. Ghost and Johnny get rambunctious, he’ll tolerate it for a couple minutes but then he’s breaking it up with a grumble — especially if they’re acting up inside.
You appreciate the help.
It’s not that the boys don’t listen to you. They do! With almost perfect obedience. But it can still be overwhelming to keep an eye on everyone all the time.
“Oh darling, why is it always you?” you sigh, scratching at Konig’s chin. Receive a whine in return.
Your poor sensitive guy. Stepped on a bee in the yard, it seems. The vet cooed over him, gave him some meds, and now he’s all but collapsed in an anxiety-exhausted heap by the fireplace.
Johnny is pacing behind you, making upset noises and nosing at your elbow.
“I know you’re worried, bud,” you soothe over your shoulder. “He’s alright.”
You’re working a sock over Konig’s bandages so that he doesn’t pick at them. Johnny takes that as an invitation to insert himself into the mix, bumping into your shoulder hard. Your hand pushes into konig’s paw as you catch your balance and he yelps. The noise surprises you, scares you, hands jerking back.
Skipper is on him in an instant, teeth on his scruff and yanking him away from you and Konig. For once, Johnny resists, yelping and whining crying.
“Jesus, enough!” You raise your voice a bit to be heard over all the canine yelling. Get a hand in Skipper’s scruff and give him a shake. “Release.”
He does, though not without an indignant growl, twisting around to glare at you. You didn’t even know dogs could glare with so much indignation.
“What are you gonna do, bite me?” you challenge, hand still buried in his fur. “Grow up.”
You turn to Johnny, who’s making a great show of looking pathetic, tail down and ears back.
“Got to bed,” you instruct, pointing with your other hand to the cushion Ghost is on. Those two are thick as thieves, you’re sure Johnny will feel better after some cuddles. Sure enough, Johnny drags his feet over to ghost, who grumbles as he makes room for the other dog.
You let Skipper go, who makes a big scene of shaking off. But he doesn’t go making trouble with Johnny, so you let him be. Which leaves Konig, who isn’t making eye contact with anyone.
“You alright, baby boy?” you croon. He licks your offered hand.
You manage to finish getting the sock on in peace, dropping a kiss to the scar on his forehead.
“My little trooper, good boy,” you murmur.
With him settled, you sit back with a sigh. Skipper is sitting, looking mighty offended. You groan.
“I’m sorry, honey,” you offer, extending a hand to him. “I was just stressed and all that fussing freaked me out. I know you were just trying to help.”
A long, long look at your palm. And then he sighs and sets his chin in your hand. You waste no time scritching along his jaw, coaxing him closer until you can leave kisses all over his muzzle and forehead.
“Big strong boy,” you coo, grinning into his ears when you see his tail sweeping slowly back and forth. Like he doesn’t want you to notice. “Such a good helper. Thank you, handsome.”
Peace restored, you settle onto the couch until dinner time.
So yes, four wolf-hybrids is pushing it on space.
You’re being minded.
It would be funnier if your dog wasn’t better at taking care of you than you are.
“You must have been in service dog training or something,” you muse, accepting the pill bottle from Skipper’s mouth. “Someone wanted you to work.”
And work he does.
If it’s not helping you keep the boys in line, it’s patrolling the yard with Ghost. Or nudging you to eat at mealtimes. Or putting you to bed. Hes a busy boy, hardly ever settles on the couch with the rest at night for snuggle time.
And when you do strong arm him into it, his ears are perked at every little noise, ready to protect.
There’s also this. The bringing you meds. (You try not to think about how he managed to get into the cabinet. Maybe you left them out on the counter?) Or sometimes he picks up things you’ve dropped, like pens or keys or even your phone.
It’s sweet, but you worry he’s bored. When you do buy him enrichment toys though, he gives them a perfunctory sniff, then leaves them for one of the others. (Johnny in particular loves the treat puzzles.) So you figure he’s stimulated enough, considering bored dogs usually tear into anything and everything.
“You know I’m supposed to take care of you right?” You tease, patting his big, sturdy side. “I take care of everyone here. You’re my boys.”
Skipper snorts and sits down, watching you, eyes pinging between your face and the pills. You huff, amused despite yourself.
“Alright, alright! Rude mutt.”
A little “boof” — agreement or offense? You amuse yourself with anthropomorphizing his noises while you chug water with your meds.
“See? Done. Ta-da!” You say when they’re done.
Another “boof” and then he’s trotting off. Pauses to give you a significant look. You check the time. Right, it’s lunchtime. Best to take meds with food anyway.
“I’m coming,” you groan, shuffling after him.
All the dogs are waiting for you in the kitchen, big eyes and perked ears.
“Look at you lot,” you laugh, dropping a scratch to Ghost’s head as you pass. “What is this, an intervention. I’m not giving you guys enough peanut butter?”
Skipper ignores you, taking his usual place at the entrance to the kitchen. A good vantage point to keep an eye on you and the rest of the house. He only accepts a little bit of shared food after everyone else gets a bite. You hum as you consider all of them, crammed into your kitchen because they’re a clingy lot.
“Might be time for a move, guys,” you sigh. “Or maybe another story.”
You glance at the ceiling with dread. Either way, you’re not looking forward to it.
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Main Story | Price pt.1 | Gaz
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
Vodika, my love, I'm back. I know, it was fast, but I love these prompts!
Can I get "Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work" with Fives?
You know I love Fives, and he is such a playful man. He would totally get clingy if he had the day off and I had to go to work. Like, full-on tackle me back into bed 😂
Please and thank you 💚 (probably back again)
Playful Mornings
Summary: You have to work, but Fives would rather you spend time with him.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x Reader
Word Count: 1307
Warnings: Fluff
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: So...this kind of moved away from the prompt and into domestic morning softness. Sorry.
Divider by Saradika
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You wake before your alarm clock goes off. An event that would normally have you cursing your brain and trying to roll over and fall back to sleep.
But this isn’t a normal morning. This morning, the love of your life, and probably all of your other lives, is fast asleep behind you. And waking before your alarm clock means that he gets to stay asleep.
You turn off your alarm, and roll over in bed, your gaze tracing the very familiar features of Fives, who’s still fast asleep. In sleep he actually looks his age, stress lines fading away until you can only see them if you look for them.
Fives has the day off.
You, however, don’t. And while you would love nothing more than to just not go into work, that isn’t an option. 
Still, you’ve made sure that your home is full of things for him to keep himself busy, and there’s plenty of food that’s already been prepped, and he just has to throw it in the oven to warm up.
You smile at his peaceful face, and then roll over to slip out of bed. You need to start getting ready for the day. You release a startled squeak when a strong arm slings around your waist and you’re tugged back against a solid chest.
“Cyare,” His voice is a low, sleep-filled, rumble, and you shiver when he rubs his nose against the back of your neck, “Where are you going?”
“I have to get ready for work,” You say as you try to squirm out of his grasp, before giving it up as a lost cause. Fives can overpower you without even trying, so you’re not sure why you thought you would be able to slip away.
“Mm…or we can cuddle,” Fives offers, as he starts pressing feather light kisses against your neck and shoulder, “And sleep.”
You laugh and reach behind you to card your fingers through his curls, “Or,” You offer, “I can go to work, so I can keep this apartment.”
He rumbles out a noise that you would call a purr if he wasn’t human, and leans into your touch, “But, cyare,” He flips you so you’re facing him, and you come eye to eye with his lethal tooka eyes, “How am I supposed to sleep without you?”
You sigh and cup his face with your hands, “How do you sleep without me on the Resolute?” 
His eyes become even sadder, but there’s a smirk playing on his lips, “I don’t.”
“...you lie-”
Fives laughs, and pulls you closer, “True, but I almost had you.” He says with a grin, “Just a little longer and I could have gotten you to call out.”
You huff and press your nose against his chest, “You know, I could have dated Echo. He’s the nice twin. He never would do this to me.”
Fives rolls onto his back laughing, dragging you with him, “Oh, ner cyare, Echo is worse.” He looks up at you, a grin on his face and his eyes sparkling, “Believe it or not, I’m the good twin.”
You squint at him, and then sigh, “Yeah, I believe it.” You press a quick kiss against his lips, “But I really do have to get up, Fives.”
He tightens his grip around you, and pulls you down into a proper kiss, “Just a little longer?”
“Fives-” You grin against his lips, “Look, I only have to work half a day today, and then I’m yours for the weekend.”
“You’re mine anyway,” He corrects smugly, “But I suppose I can share you with the rest of the galaxy for a couple of hours.”
“That’s very magnanimous of you,” You reply sarcastically.
“What can I say, I’m a giving man.” Fives replies as he steals one last kiss, and then releases you.
You roll off of him, and then out of bed, slightly surprised that he actually released you. You shoot him a suspicious look, and he smiles angelically as he shifts in bed so he’s sitting up against the headboard.
Deciding to take the win, which feels more like a loss honestly, you slip into the bathroom and hop into the shower. You take a quick shower, less than ten minutes, and then you quickly do your hair and pull on your work clothes, before you step back into the bedroom.
You’re still on time to leave, but if you want caf, or breakfast, you need to get a move on.
“Gorgeous,” You look up and see Fives sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in the dark blue sleep pants you bought him when he first started spending the night, and nothing else. “You look gorgeous, cyare.”
You look down at your outfit, and then back at Fives, bemused. “It’s just some leggings and a sweater-dress, Fives. I’m not dressed up at all.”
He holds out his hands towards you, “Like I said, gorgeous.”
You sigh and shake your head, “You’re biased, love.”
“Absolutely.” He makes grabby hands towards you, “Cyare~”
You laugh and walk over to him, taking his hands in yours, and then you yelp when he tugs you against him, and topples you both back on the bed, “Fives!”
“Hm, I like this material,” He murmurs as he runs his fingers against the soft material of your dress, and then he grins at you, “Soft and warm, just like you.”
You flush red, and press your face against his chest, “The things you say…-”
“I’m an honest man, ner cyare.”
“Fives, if I don’t get up for food-”
“Relax,” he kisses the top of your head, “Caf is brewing and muffins are in the oven. You’re right on time.”
You blink, and look up at him, “What?”
He grins, “I know exactly how much mischief I can get up to and not make you late, cyare. You won’t be late, I promise.”
You sigh and relax against him, “...can we at least move out of the bedroom? I’m going to get all static-y.” 
“I think you’re always shocking, cyare.” Fives says loyally.
You groan against his chest, “That was awful and you should feel bad for making me listen to it.”
“Yeah, but you fell in love with me because of my bad jokes.” Fives replies gleefully as he sits up and sets you on your feet.
“I fell in love with you in spite of your bad jokes,” You correct with a sniff, though there’s a smile on your lips.
His grin is broad, “It was the hair wasn’t it?”
“Well, see, I took one look at you and was like, ‘this poor man will never get anyone, so I should take one for the team-’” You tease, a laugh slipping from you as a look of mock offense crosses his face.
“Just for that you don’t get any of my muffins, cyare. You’re just going to go hungry.” Fives replies.
You pout, “Please?”
“Hm…maybe,” He stands and sets his hands on your hips, effortlessly lifting you and carrying you out of the bedroom, “If you ask really nice.”
You fling your arms around his neck, “Pretty please? With a kiss?”
He carries you into the kitchen, and kisses you quickly before setting you back on your feet, “I suppose, if you’re offering kisses as a form of payment.”
“You’re so easy to bribe,” You say warmly.
“Only for you, cyare.” He kisses you again, “Mugs and plates for the food, please.”
You stand on your toes and kiss him, “Love you.”
“Mm, love you too.” He lazily caresses your hip, and then releases you and turns his attention to the simple breakfast he’s making you. And you stare at his broad back for a moment, a feeling of adoration swelling in you.
You want this for the rest of your life.
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second-axis-point · 1 year
din djarin x reader where they’re like- work frenemies with bounty hunting but one day while they’re competing for the same bounty, reader is ahead of Din but is ambushed or something so hes badly injured and din finds him, takes him back to the Crest, and patches him up? din being a worried and stressed dude TM and maybe confessions and cuddling?
thank you so much and have a great day! your writing is freaking great :D
Pairing: Din Djarin x Male!Reader
Warnings: Slight blood and injury
Content: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, No use of Y/N, reader has a nickname, Din being a worried and stressed due ™ 
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Love the enemy to lovers plot. Din being a worried and stressed out dude ™ is probably my favourite to write. Sorry if this is a bit too long, thank you for the request!! 💚
Partners in Crime
No one ever knew your real name and you had always kept your face covered. You had been given the nickname Jackal due to your agility and sheer hunting abilities. You wore light armour and a dark cowl that hung down to the back of your knees as well as a jet black mask that looked similar to a flattened death trooper helmet.
The first time you met the Mandalorian was during a group hunt. There were several bounties and Greef told him that he could use the help. He protested, insisting that he can do it on his own. You stood beside Karga with your arms crossed, watching the argument silently. You noticed that you were an inch or two taller than him yet he still seemed more intimidating. The Mandalorian finally gave in and waved you along. You grabbed your rifle and clipped it to your back before following him to his ship.
It was an Old Republic gunship. One that you hadn’t seen for a while. He motioned for you to board first, not trusting you behind him. Once you were in the cockpit, you noticed a little green creature settled in the co-pilot’s seat. You cocked your head to one side and watched the small thing snore peacefully. You heard footsteps behind you.
“If you put one mark on him, there’s no place you will be able to hide from me.” 
The Mandalorian threatened you. You turned and put your hands, signalling that you were no threat to the little beast in the seat.
“Take it easy Mando, I wouldn’t even consider it.”
Your voice buzzed clearly through the modulator in your helmet. He nodded and moved to the little creature, picking him up and moving past you. You followed him curiously and watched as he put the critter in a hammock that hung in the small bunk. Once the Mando turned, he stared daggers at you and moved his hand up to the blaster that sat on his waist. You realise that you had accidentally sort of cornered him. You apologised quietly and shuffled back up the ladder.
You slowly pulled your rifle off your back and set it down on the floor, letting the fellow hunter know that you had no intention of using it against him. The rest of the hunt was a breeze. You caught the four bounties and returned with no hassle whatsoever. You had worked with him a few more times after that, forming a sort of friendship. It had been a few months since you last saw him and you were sort of starting to miss him.
Right now, you were sitting across from Greef and discussing the latest parameters of your latest bounty when the familiar Mando walked up to the table. You two exchanged a respectful nod before you finished your conversation with Karga. The mission seemed a bit riskier than you were used to but it didn’t bother you too much. As you were walking out, you heard him shout out to you.
“Jackal! Why don’t you take Mando with you?”
You turned and saw both Greef and the Mandalorian face you. You took a second to think. It would be nice to have some extra muscle if things went sideways. You nodded and the Mando followed you to your own ship. You were about to board when you heard the Mandalorian behind you.
“Why don’t we take mine?”
You stop for a second and shrug your shoulders. You turn on your heel and follow him back to the Razor Crest. You see the small green creature again, Grogu, you remember. You wave to the little guy.
“Hey buddy. I kind of have to sit there, would you mind hoppin’ down?”
Grogu babbled something before sliding down onto the floor. You thanked him and sat down. The Mando sat down as well and took off. You were in space for about thirty seconds before you felt the little one clawing up your leg. He settled himself on your lap and closed his eyes. You saw the Mando look back.
“Sorry about that. Grogu, leave him alone.”
You shook your head and laughed.
“He’s alright. He seems pretty comfortable.”
The Mandalorians gaze lingered a bit longer than it should’ve before he turned back to the front.
“Feel free to rest, we have quite a long way to the location.”
You leaned your head back and not wanting to disturb Grogu, crossed your arms. You nodded off for a few hours, only waking when the little one started knocking on your chestplate and a familiar voice scolding him for it.
“Knock it off Grogu, let him sleep.”
He stopped for a second before hitting it one more time, probably out of spite. You laughed, blowing your cover. You sat up and rolled your shoulders, groaning when you heard a crack. You heard the other man chuckle.
“Getting old, Jackal?”
“Shut it Mando.”
You feigned irritation and stretched your legs while Grogu still sat in your lap.
You perked up.
He kept his attention turned to the front.
“Call me Din.”
You smiled under your helmet and nodded.
“Alright. Nice to meet you Din.”
He nodded and started to land the clunky ship.
Din found a friend to watch over Grogu while the two of you followed the bounty chit to a run down old Imperial base. Your target was an ex-stormtrooper who had been scampering around, screwing people over, and selling valuable information to the wrong people. It was overgrown and looked completely abandoned. You both slid your blasters from your holsters and walked carefully. You were treading in front of Din, keeping him behind you.
You heard a noise around the corner and the both of you raised your blasters. A rat ran from the shadows, distracting you from the tripwire that was pulled tight in front of you. You noticed too late, only able to shove the Mandalorian away before the trap went off. The explosion blew you back onto the floor. The ringing in your ears was persistent and brain melting. White hot pain radiates from your knee and under your bestplate. You couldn't move, eyes fixated on the dirty ceiling. Quick shallow breaths shook your chest, spreading the sting throughout your ribs.
You saw Din lean into your line of vision. He was talking but you couldn’t make out what he was saying. He then tried to sit you up causing you to scream in agony. You finally made out what he was saying as he leaned you against the wall, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
“It’s alright. I got him. You're going to be okay.”
He sounded frantic. He looked around before taking his hand away.
“I’ll be right back. I'm going to get the bounty on the ship and come back, okay.”
You tried to say something but all you could muster was a quick nod. He got to his feet and ran off to grab the bounty. This was it. You were going to die here. The Mandalorian was probably not coming back. He shouldn’t come back. You made a stupid mistake and now you were paying for it. If he had any sense left, he would take the bounty and leave you there. The thought of never seeing the Mandalorian again made your heart clench. You really started to like him. Your spiralling thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps. Din once again popped into your line of sight, bacta spray and medkit in hand. 
“Hey, you doing okay?”
His voice was uncharacteristically soft. He took off his gloves and placed them down next to your foot. You nodded, a lie, but he didn’t have to know.
“I’m going to spray your injuries down alright? I’m going to have to rip your trousers a bit.” 
He pointed down at the obvious gouge in your knee and you jerked your head up. He took the knife from his boot and carefully cut through the fabric around your injured knee. You watched as the gash was slowly exposed. You heard Din suck in a breath through his teeth. He picked up the bacta spray and held it up to your injury. He thoroughly covered it before looking over you again. He saw the bloody patch that had spread from under your breastplate.
“A piece of shrapnel bounced up and cut through your abdomen. This is going to hurt like hell but I need to lay you on your back.”
He barely gave you a moment to respond before he had his hands back on your shoulders and was laying you back. You ground loudly, not having enough energy to scream. He pulls up your shirt by the hem and tucked it up. Blood was running down your side. The hole in your abdomen was gushing and making you feel a bit lightheaded. 
He used his knife to dig out the shrapnel. The hallway spun as you felt the blade dig around. Din apologised profusely and finally got the piece of metal out. You would have blacked out if not for the constant of Din’s worried voice. He quickly stitched up the slash and sprayed it thoroughly. He let you rest for about a minute before he insisted on getting you back to the Razor Crest. You were dreading the thought of getting up but you knew it had to be done. The gashes in your knee and stomach were feeling slightly better but walking was going to be a challenge.
You reached up and he grabbed your hand, pulling you to your feet. An explosive agony shot through your entire left side. You screamed, ragged and raw. Uneven breaths rocked your chest. Din threw your arm over his shoulders and wrapped the other around your waist, being careful of your wound. You probably would have been more flustered about being this close to him if you hadn’t practically died ten minutes ago. He practically dragged you back to the ship and laid you down in his bunk. You finally allowed yourself to slip away from consciousness.
Waking up, the pain had severely lessened. You moved up with a groan. You realised that both your waist and knee had been wrapped up as well as all your armour had been taken off. All except for your helmet. You heard Din’s voice from outside the bunk.
“I thought that you would prefer it if I left that on.”
You nodded.
“Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.”
Your voice was hoarse and your throat was killing you. When you looked over, you saw that Din had also removed his armour. He had a worried looking Grogu tucked into his arms.
“He was really worried about you y'know.”
Din stated. He looked down at the creature in his arms and then back at you.
“And so was I.”
You felt your face and ears heat up. He was worried about you. You were glad you still had your helmet on, hiding your flustered expression. You remember that you were still laid back in Din’s bunk, taking over his space.
“I’ll be alright. Sorry for taking over your bed.”
You started to shuffle out of the bunk but were stopped by Din’s hand on your thigh. If you weren't flustered before, you sure as hell were now. He looked down and retracted his hand.
“Sorry. It’s okay, you need the rest more than I do. I'll just put Grogu in his hammock and sleep in the cockpit.”
He raised the creature up to his little swing but stopped when he started flailing. He reached his hands towards you, making small grabbing motions. Din looked down at you.
“Would you mind? I don’t want him to disturb you but I'm afraid he won’t sleep if I put him up there.”
You nod, hearing the exhaustion in his voice.
“Why don’t you shuffle in here?”
You take Grogu from him and tuck him into the crook of your elbow.
“Without armour, I’m sure the both of us could fit pretty easily.”
He hesitates and you take it as rejection.
“You don’t have to obviously but-”
He cut you off by dropping a knee onto the edge of the bunk. He climbs in next to you, your back to his chest. He dimms the already soft light. You felt that it was okay to remove your helmet, he most likely wouldn’t be able to see you. So you reached your unoccupied arm up and pulled the helmet from your head. You set it in the corner and held Grogu closer to you. You felt Din shuffle behind you, probably getting comfortable.
You felt Din reach an arm around your waist and the other around your chest. He pulled you flush against him. You felt his breath on your neck. He had taken off his helmet too. You closed your eyes just in case. You knew about the Mandalorian creed and didn’t want to disrespect it or cross a line. You had just gotten close to him and you didn’t want to screw it up already.
“I thought you died when that tripwire went off.”
His voice wavered, unfiltered by his helmet.
“I thought that I would never see you again and it-”
He stuttered.
“I realised that I might be more attached to you then I originally thought.”
His voice was quiet and soft. You felt him nuzzle into the back of your neck. You raise one hand and reach behind you, brushing your fingers through his hair lightly.
“It’s alright Din. I’m okay.”
He pulled you closer and placed a tentative kiss to your nape. You’d never have thought that this is how your mission and partnership with the Mandalorian would have turned out.
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
AGSZC ND AU: Overstimulation (not the fun kind)
Disclaimer: not an expert
AU setup: all the boys are neuro-spicy except Angeal, who has depression/anxiety. I HC that GZ are more ADHD-leaning and SC are more Autism (ASD)-leaning
From: the archives of my convos with @strayheartless
The Big Light (can go back to hell from whence it came)
It is EVIL sometimes, and Angeal learns that the hard way from all his boyfriends hating it at random times. He also learns the hard way that dimmer switches are OF THE DEVIL. They make such obnoxious electronic buzzing noises that even Chill-geal gets annoyed and changes it back an hour after installing one.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....(wait a second)...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
People Entering One's Domain
If Cloud's in the barracks and the other troopers/thirds come back from going to drinks, he instantly hates everyone and everything because they are SO MUCH. So he cringes away and tries to preserve his sanity, which his squad mates misinterpret as rejection and being stuck up.
Boy no, it's because you smell of 50 different things, sound like a herd of elephants at a football match, messed up the air currents and temperature, and TURNED ON THE BIG LIGHT.
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Coming Home
At the end of the day, sometimes The Guys (tm) barely make it to Angeal's apartment before angrily grunting and violently shedding itchy/uncomfortable uniform pieces until they're left panting and half-naked in the entryway.
Angeal only made the mistake a few times of trying to start something sexy, narrowly avoiding getting his fingers bitten off.
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Mako dials the already heightened senses up to 11.
Cloud trashes a science room before Zack and Angeal are able to subdue him and carry him out, his fingernails slicing into his head as his hands are clamped over his ears, face buried in Angeal's chest to block out the smells and light. He only gets a brief reprieve from sensory hell before they get home and he starts vomiting and getting sick from the mako, since it would bother him with or without ND.
While Cloud's Going Through It (tm), Angeal's getting Stressed (tm) and somehow Zack's ADHD superpower of being great in emergencies kicks in and he keeps the polycule sane, escorting Sephiroth out when the sounds of Cloud being sick get to be too much, helping Genesis channel his angry energy constructively, and being a shoulder for Angeal and Cloud to lean on.
Zack is actually the one that makes Lazard pay for noise-canceling headphones and sunglasses out of the SOLDIER budget. His advocacy is so effective that Lazard ends up making it standard that these things are available on request to anyone in SOLDIER.
Later, Cloud tries to apologize to Sephiroth and Lazard, and Lazard's about to say "This happens sometimes, the labs should have done a sensitivity test before giving you a full dose" when Sephiroth jumps in with, "No that was awesome, do it again next time, even if it's not as bad."
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Vacuum Cleaners (May they burn in the fiery pits of hell, just one circle above Hojo)
Vacuums smell bad, sound bad, look bad, probably taste bad, are unwieldy, and go BONK.
Angeal: *starts pulling out the vacuum*
Angeal: whyever not?
Zack: *grasping Angeal's shoulders* trust me. And put. Down. The machine. Before any of the-
Sephiroth: YOWL!
Genesis: *charging up a firaga as Cloud and Sephiroth scamper into the distance*
*12 hours later*
Lazard: Where are Sephiroth and Genesis?!?!? And that trooper always hanging around?!
Zack: SOMEone touched a vacuum.
Lazard: FFS, Hewley
Angeal: How was i supposed to know?!
Later, in Aerith's church, Aerith comes across Genesis prowling outside, glaring and only barely not hissing, while Sephiroth and Cloud are cuddling in a dark, quiet corner, clutching each other and nuzzling.
Aerith: Oh, honeys...was it the accursed machine? Did Zack do this to you?
Sephiroth, signing: -Angeal-
Aerith: aww, nooooo, and you had trusted him so much!
Cloud: *shivers*
I think Zack wouldn't mind vacuuming if he was in control, and Angeal likes having a clean house, but to the rest of them it's a literal devil. That's why they call it a dirt devil. E V I L.
If Zack's not in control, he feels like following it around and yelling back at it.
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somestorythoughts · 3 months
Eldritch Echo, Pt10
I thought this would be the last chapter...turns out I'm still not sure how to end this. But I think this part is long enough anyway. Enjoy!
They end up in what Fives tells them is called the Room of a Thousand Fountains. He’d ended up here, wandering sleeplessly after the Jedi had invited the Corries into the Temple shortly after everything went down. He drags them, Echo literally, to a labyrinth of rosy gray stone surrounded by bushes with dark green leaves and large indigo flowers.
“Are you two going to be cuddling the entire time?” Crosshair snarks as Fives pulls Echo down to sit next to him on the labyrinth.
“You’re welcome to join if you’re feeling neglected.” Echo retorted with a smirk.
“Nope I got him!” Wrecker grins as he slings an arm over their sniper, careful not to jar his injured leg, and drags them both down into a comfortable sitting position while ignoring Crosshair’s attempts to jab him between the gaps in his armor.
“Irritating cuddle-obsessed tank–”
“Enough.” Hunter and Rex said in the same no-time-for-these-shenanigans voice. They eyed each other while Kix snorted and everyone else found a spot on the stone or grass. Rex continued. “You owe us an explanation trooper. And it better be thorough.”
“Sire yes sir.” Fives salutes sarcastically, but his voice is sincere when he says, “I am sorry. It wasn’t my plan, but once they realized I was still alive and we started plotting, op-sec took over.”
“We understand. Talk.”
“We were fighting on Ringo Veda.” Fives begins for the benefit of Echo and his squad. He leads them through that part of the story; Echo’s eyes wide with shock when he recounts how Tup had killed General Tiplar and Tech’s narrowed when he recounts Nala Se’s actions on Kamino. But everyone stays quiet until he tells them about the chips in their heads.
“There’s WHAT?” Kix shouts.
“Biochips in our heads that wipe away most of our free will and force us to follow orders. I don’t understand how they work; Blood was too busy figuring out how to safely remove them to figure out how to give an answer in plain Basic. He and the Jedi healers could tell you more.” He grimaces. “I suggest going to the healers. Blood needs a break and he’s not going to let himself get one until all the Corries are well, so Bones is trying to keep anything stressful that isn’t directly related to the Corries away.”
“That’s understandable.” Kix murmured. Jesse adds something to his datapad and Fives knows their information broker of a lieutenant is going to have questions for him later.
Fives squeezes Echo’s hand and continues. He tells them about Shaak Ti ordering them to Coruscant, Nala Se drugging him, and finally Chancellor Palpatine’s revelation. He tells them about Order 66.
Rex goes pale. Jesse fumbles his datapad. “What the hell?” Wrecker asks. Direct this one. “Why’d the Chancellor want them dead?”
“The Sith are the old enemies of the Jedi. It probably had as much to do with that grudge as it did the fact that they’d do everything they could to keep the Republic from becoming an Empire.” Fives answers.
“He would have made us kill Ahsoka.” Rex whispers, and both Kix and Jesse freeze.
“All the Jedi cadets.” Jesse adds in horror. The handful of 501st behind him shudder, their own horror joining the noise. Someone’s muttering “no” over and over again, and Fives leans over to see a vod wrap their arms around the trooper next to them. Good.
“Echo.” The sniper says suddenly and Fives whips around. His twin’s frozen and distant and Fives pulls him forward to thump their foreheads together.
“Echo. Hey vod, come back.”
The slicer – Tech Echo said his name was – scoots closer. “Echo. You need to breathe.” His twin inhales sharply and Tech nods. “Good. Now breathe out.” He takes Echo through the breathing exercises while Kix begins to calm the others down. Fives takes a moment to glance over at Echo’s squad. Sergent Hunter and Wrecker both look nauseous. The sniper’s inscrutable but the only expression Fives has seen from him so far has been brief pain, likely due to his injured leg, so he doesn’t take offense.
He turns back to Echo, who’s breathing steadily again. “You alright?”
“Did Rex tell you about Skako Minor?” Echo murmurs.
“Cody did, a little – oh.” Yeah, the realization that they could be mind-controlled would probably be especially terrifying to his twin who’d had his mind torn open. “We’re safe Echo I swear. The slicers have a signal going out that turns the chips off and Blood figured out a way to safely remove it. If everyone wants their chips removed it’ll take a while, but they’re turned off and Palpatine is dead dead dead. No one’s going to make you hurt anyone.”
“I would be interested in learning the details of both the chip and the signal.” Tech states, eyes still on Echo.
“I’ll introduce you to the Corrie slicers.”
“Tell us the rest.” Rex orders. “What happened after?”
“Palpatine let me run, he thought it’d be entertaining. Eventually I made my way to 79s and Kix, asked him to send you that message to meet me in the warehouse.”
“And then Fox showed up.”
Fives sighed. “Yeah. Please don’t stay mad at him Rex, he didn’t have much choice. Turns out the Corries aren’t just undersupplied like we thought, they’re overworked to the point of exhaustion and some of the Senators have been exceptionally nasty. Our dearly beloathed Chancellor had Fox pulled in twenty directions trying to keep everyone safe while being willing and able to order decommissions, and they were constantly terrified someone would catch on to all the vod they were hiding that were supposed to be decommissioned. They’ve got Dogma by the way, he’s been helping out with the Jedi tubelings for the last few days. I think it’s good for him.” It looked like a weight dropped off Rex’s back. “So yeah, faced with the choice of shooting me or pissing off Palpatine, he took the shot. And realized in a split second that I was a twin and shifted to miss my heart.” Fives frowned. “Or his aim was slightly off because of said exhaustion and he didn’t realize I was a twin till he got a better look. I’m not actually certain.”
“You don’t want to find out?” Jesse asked.
“Well I’m not going to ask now, I’m not even sure if he’s awake yet.” Jesse snorts. Fives continues, “I woke up with CMO Blood. Kix, you might have competition for the title of scariest medic.”
“A twin medic who kept his men alive with severe cuts in medical supplies and limited aid from the other vod because we could only send so much bacta?” Kix retorts dryly. “I’ll happily take second, vod deserves first place.”
That gets a few chuckles and a handful of wary looks. “Fair. Anyway, he got Fox, made us both explain the situation. And then we hashed out a plan.”
“He shot you and you had a chill conversation?” Crosshair drawled. Fives raised an eyebrow.
“Look, when a medic who’s about eight feet of bleeding muscle with claws the length of your hand and a mouth like a lamprey tells you to sit your ass down and explain yourself, you say ‘yes sir’ and report. Regardless of whether you’re a twin or not.”
Seems Crosshair couldn’t argue with that. Fives continued. “Deciding to kill Palpatine was the easy part. But if I did it and failed, he’d come down hard on the Corries and anyone he thought I could’ve told about the chips. We didn’t want to go to the Jedi for a lot of reasons. If we went without proof they might not believe us, if they did but opsec wasn’t fully taken into account Palpatine might find out, and even if all of that went well they’d still have to successfully arrest Palpatine without being portrayed as traitors to the Republic. If we killed him without proof the Senators would come down hard on all the troopers and if we failed, well Fox thought he might decommission the entire Guard just to be on the safe side. So Fox set anyone who worked in the Senate regularly to very careful evidence collecting and had his slicers dig into Palpatine while Blood started dechipping people. They didn’t want me in the Senate in case Palpatine sensed my presence or whatever in the Force so I provided unseen back up for the Corries and swiped some food and medical supplies until Commander Thire figured out a way to get me to Kamino. When I got there, I got a medical droid to help me find the files on the chips, I even got records of the Kaminoans interacting with Count Dooku. By the time I got back Blood had finished the dechipping and the slicers had figured out a way to disrupt the chips. We made a few more copies because Blood believes in copying everything unless you want it to never see the light of day, then Fox had some of his fastest troopers run copies to the Temple while he took a squad and I to confront the Chancellor. We recorded it, Fox tried to arrest him so no one could say we didn’t do it by the book, and when he resisted we fought. The Jedi reached us a bit after he blew up.”
They’re silent for a long moment. Then: “What do you mean he blew up?”
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wwhatevenisthis · 10 months
TLDR: My house rabbit Sam passed away today (7th Dec 2023). I am utterly heartbroken, and on top of it all I still have to pay for his £1500 vet bills and his cremation.
I have an important announcement to make. My 9 year old house rabbit, Sam, crossed the rainbow bridge today. He passed away at home, comfortably in his blankets.
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I went to feed him his food and medication at 12pm today, and I noticed he was breathing fast. I tried to give him some of his syringe food and water, but it was running out of his mouth. I stopped giving it him and noticed he was trying to breathe through his mouth and he was struggling. I was home alone, but I rang the vets anyway even though I knew I had no lift to get there. They said that I could send them a video of what his breathing was like to see if I needed to bring him in. I sent them some videos, and then held him close and gave him many cuddles and kisses, holding him close and telling him how much of a good boy he was. An hour passed, and I couldn't stand waiting any longer. I rang the vets back and said I wanted to bring him in, and I would ring my mum so I could take him in as soon as possible. I placed him back in his pen, gave him some head pats, and he started trying to move his head and his front end to get comfy. I left the room at 1:48pm to get all my things ready for the vets. I came back at 1:52pm, and Sam had passed away, wrapped in his blankets, in his comfy pen. He had waited for me to leave the room before he crossed the rainbow bridge. I tried to see if I could save him; I even tried bunny CPR on him. But he was gone. I held him close and cried, telling him how brave he was and how much I loved him.
Almost everyone in our family said goodbye. My mum came home shortly after with the dog, and she and I cried together. My brother told Sam to go play with Monty (my previous house rabbit who passed in October 2022) over the rainbow bridge. We even let Elsa (my other house rabbit and Sam's companion) see Sam one last time; she sniffed him and nudged him, but then started to freak out and got really stressed, so we had to put her back in her own pen. (She is doing better now, but I think she knows what has happened and is just as upset).
We eventually took Sam to the vets around 3pm, so we could get them to cremate him. All the vets there were really kind and sympathetic, and chalked it up to that the little guy just couldn't keep fighting any longer, even though he had been so strong before. They all told me how much of a good job I did trying to help Sam, with me getting up every 2 hours for the last 2 and a half weeks to feed him and make sure he was okay. They gave me some of his fur, let me give him some final head scritches and kisses, and I said one last goodbye to my little trooper.
My heart is in pieces tonight. He brought so much joy into mine and my family's life, and everyone who had met him utterly adored him. I adopted him in January 2023, and even though I knew him for just under a year, he has helped me stay positive and given me so much happiness and many fond memories. He has left pawprints on my heart, and I will never forget him. I am currently with Elsa, giving her all my love as I know she will need it after losing her best friend.
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I am still having to pay for Sam's £1500 vet bills even after his passing as well as his cremation, and I have very little savings left.
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I have been selling my things on E🅱️ay here
to help cover the cost, and I have set up a G0FundMe here
for people who would like to donate to help me out. Any and all help would be vastly appreciated, no matter how small. If you don't want to use the G0FundMe link, please I am also taking donations through PaypaI here
Thank you all, and please give your pets some cuddles tonight, for me and for Sam. 🐇💜
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midwestmade29 · 8 months
Christian Cage Request 🥰
To anonymous: This was such a sweet idea! I hope what I wrote matches what you had in mind. Enjoy 🖤
Original Anonymous Request: "Can I request a Christian Cage x Female!Reader where the reader is Christian’s wife since he first started with WWE (Basically as if he married the reader when he did instead of his ex wife) and he comes home from being on the road with AEW to his wife, who’s heavily pregnant and has been having some slight complications, curled up in bed with their daughter, Isla, who’s cuddling with her mom because she knows she hasn’t been feeling the best and Christian can’t help but melt at the sight of his girls. He ends up taking a few weeks off to tend to his girls and make sure his love is okay?"
Disclaimers: None really! This story is fluff. It does cover pregnancy and high blood pressure but that’s it. Read at your own discretion.
Word count: 1,096
Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Braxton hicks: false contractions
Paternity leave: The time off a new father is given after the birth of his baby.
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Your 20-year wedding anniversary was rapidly approaching, along with the birth of your 2nd child! A lot has happened during the last 20 years, first meeting Christian when he was working for WWE, getting married and eventually having your daughter Isla, and Christian being forced into retirement due to his injuries he sustained in the ring. Not every moment was good, but you worked together to get through the challenging times. Seeing Christian as a dad was the best thing in the world, Isla had him wrapped around her little finger! Ever since Isla could talk, she had always begged for a little brother or sister. Time marched on and she remained an only child- until now! When you and Christian saw the positive pregnancy test, both of you were shocked! Even though the timing is a little off since Isla is almost 10 years old now and with Christian officially coming out of retirement to wrestle again, you just knew everything would work out somehow!
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Christian’s travel schedule with AEW was hard to adjust to at first since you and Isla were so used to having him home every day. He often missed out on the big and little things that were going on with you and Isla, which made being a part even more difficult. Phone calls, text messages and Facetime helped ease the sting of his absence, but nothing could compare to the feeling of being snuggled up with him in bed or the sound of laughter echoing through the house as him and Isla played together! Lately his popularity amongst the fans had skyrocketed which put him in high demand for being on TV more often. Christian was on the road more than he was at home now! The stress of being as pregnant are you are along with trying to take care of Isla on your own was starting to wear on you. At your most recent doctor’s appointment, your blood pressure was elevated and was most likely caused from the anxiety you were feeling about Christian leaving tomorrow for 2 weeks. On top of your high blood pressure, your anxiety made you as nauseous as you were during your first trimester! Your doctor informed you that she was going to be keeping a close eye on you, and if your blood pressure didn’t lower within the next week, you would be given medicine or placed on bed rest. You didn’t care for either of those options, so you promised her that you would do your best to lower your stress!
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Isla was such a trooper while Christian was gone! She always helped around the house and very rarely complained about it. Her caring and nurturing soul shinned through every time she asked if there was something she could get you or do for you. She always tried to make you laugh or offer you a hug when she could tell you needed it the most. One of her favorite things to do at bedtime is to snuggle up next to you and rest her head on your belly. She loved feeling the baby move and kick! Isla kept one of your ultrasound pictures on her nightstand and you often caught her staring at it instead of trying to fall asleep. It made your heart happy seeing her so excited about the baby, and you just knew she was going to be the best big sister ever!
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During your Facetime call with Christian, you informed him about the good report your doctor had given you earlier in the day! “She said that my blood pressure is exactly where it should be. No medicine or bed rest for me! I told the doctor that my nausea hasn’t been as frequent as it was, but she did give me some over the counter medicine suggestions in case it starts up again. All in all, the appointment went great, and mom and baby are healthy!” you explained. Christian’s smile was contagious, and his words were heartfelt when he spoke, “That’s wonderful news baby! I’m so glad that you’re feeling better. I miss you and Isla like crazy! Hopefully the rest of this road trip goes by quickly so I can come home to my girls!” What Christian didn’t tell you during your conversation was that Tony Kahn informed him that they had everything they needed from him so he could go home a few days early! The very next night when you had finished reading a book with Isla, both of you had fallen asleep in her bed. It had been a little bit of a rough day since your feet and ankles were swollen and you had a headache you just couldn’t shake. When Christian walked into Isla’s bedroom, he saw both of his girls snuggled up together in a sea of various stuffed animals. You still had the book open on your chest and Isla had her hand on your belly. He made sure to take a picture of the sweet moment before he woke both of you up and surprised you.
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The next couple of weeks were filled with several ups and downs regarding your pregnancy. You had caught the flu leaving you dehydrated which led to you being admitted into the hospital for a couple of days. Thankfully you felt much better afterwards, but that good feeling didn’t last very long. You started having minor contractions late one night, so Christian called your doctor. She explained what to look for if they continued, but ultimately determined they were just Braxton hicks. Because you were so close to the end of your pregnancy, Christian started his paternity leave early! He took the next several weeks off so he could be home and make sure his girls were taken care of. He waited on you hand and foot and took care of everything around the house. Isla and Christian were the dream team whenever they worked together to complete a task, their love for each other made your heart swell! He embraced homework duty, went with you to all your remaining doctor appointments, ran all the errands, went out late at night to get you whatever you were craving, and even took care of everything during Isla’s sleepover she had with her friends. In the end, it was a good thing Christian had taken time off from AEW because your baby was born within the first week of him being home. Your beautiful and healthy baby boy was born on your 20th wedding anniversary, the perfect gift to celebrate such a milestone!
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seramilla · 5 months
So after Carmilla finds and take in pregnant Sera they are waiting for her to give birth since Sera is either close to or at her due date and ready to pop. Emily though is taking her time coming into world so is late. Carmilla meanwhile is stressing about everything while caring for Sera and making sure she rests. I can imagine Carmilla probably hasn't slept or even lied down since she found Sera. Sera eventually gets Carmilla to lie down and sleep next to her and cuddle their rendezvous in heaven were always somewhat rushed so for the first time they can just lie down together cuddled up without any rush. Sera feels better now that Carmilla is holding her in her sleep a hand protectively set on her belly. They also spend a while working on names though Sera gets the final say since Carmilla named the the first too.
Sera had initially estimated their daughter would be born about a week after she'd been forced into Hell. While the beginning signs of labor have already begun to make themselves known, Carmilla finds it exceedingly frustrating that after a week and a few days, her and Sera's baby still hasn't arrived. She paces around the room, for minutes and even hours at a time, impatient and worried about the new arrival taking her sweet time.
"Carmilla, calm down," Sera says softly, breathing and grunting through the unpleasantness of the pain. All in all, Carmilla admits, Sera has been a real trooper through this ordeal. Carmilla's experiences with Odette and Clara had been much more timely; those girls had wanted out! She wonders if Sera's experience has more to do with her and the child being freshly out of Heaven. Maybe their daughter needs extra time to cook in there...or maybe the trauma of falling is making this harder on Sera's body. Either way, Carmilla hasn't left her bedside in days, other than to take care of the girls, eat, and go to the bathroom.
"Come here and lie next to me," Sera suggests. "You're stressing me out, and leaving a mark in the floor with your pacing."
Carmilla sighs. She's a natural worrywart. That's her default state. Especially where her children are concerned. But she knows Sera is right. Moving toward the bed, she lies down next to her like Sera had asked. It takes several minutes for Carmilla's heart to stop racing, and for her to get comfortable. She thinks it's silly for Sera to be trying to be the one to comfort her; it should be the other way around.
"It's nice to just be here and relax," Sera says, drawing Carmilla closer, until the smaller woman is cuddled into her side. "We never really got to do that before."
Carmilla smiles. "You're right." She reaches up a large clawed hand, and places it over Sera's pregnant belly. The little girl is certainly moving around in there, and being pretty active. But after a few moments, the shifting inside starts to settle, and the tiny unborn angel seems to calm down, as well. Sera keeps grunting, but it's less about the labor, and more just her trying to get comfortable.
"What are we going to name her?" Sera asks, trying to pass the time. She feels like they still may have awhile to wait, yet. They haven't even thought about a name, so it might be good to start now.
"You should choose this one," Carmilla suggests, listening to Sera's heartbeat against her ear. "I already got my choice with the other two."
Sera goes silent for a minute, as if she's thinking, long and hard. It is an important decision.
"I've always liked the name Emily," Sera finally says. "I had a dear friend and apprentice on the council, who always stood up for me. Since I may never see her again...maybe I can honor her this way."
"I love that name," Carmilla smiles, splaying her hand on Sera's belly again. Little Emily. The little angel seems to like it, too, because she shifts again inside.
Carmilla wants to talk to Sera more, to catch up on lost time. But when she looks back up at her again, the other fallen angel is in a deep sleep. Carmilla suddenly feels horrible; Sera had probably been trying for hours to get some rest, but with her pacing and fretting and carrying on, she'd only been stressing the expectant mother out more.
Carmilla decides to follow her example. She hasn't slept much at all this past week. Emily could literally arrive at any moment, and throw their entire world for a loop. Better do it now, while she still has the chance. Resting her head on Sera's chest, she follows the other woman into a deep sleep, a light airy feeling in her heart, as she mentally prepares herself for the excitement to come.
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helloiamadrawer · 11 months
I already said it but I'll say it again this does not make me a furry
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Dyspo NSFW Alphabet
A-Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Dyspo is the mfing king of aftercar, quick to run you a bath or just grab some towels to clean yourself up and him as well, or just simply a nice cuddle session. Mans is all hands on deck when it comes you.
B-Body parts (their fav body part of theirs and also their partners)
It may sound pretty obvious coming from the supersonic warrior, but it's his legs 100%. On his partner however, it may be their legs as well or either their captivating eyes. Especially your waist, definitely his favorite place to hold you by.
C-Cum (anything that has to do with cum, basically)
His is on the thick but milky side. Being a rabbit with a built in breeding he's a messy cummer as well (lol). Unless you're not into the whole breeding thing he loves to cum on your stomach or if you're giving him oral, definitely your face. As for the taste, it depends on his diet. He could taste sweet one day and then a little bitter the next.
D-Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs ;) )
To make love/have sex in every single one of his comrades' rooms (EXCEPT JIREN'S). Not because he has grudges for them but because he's adventurous like that sometimes (and horny). Let's say everyone is gone one day except for Dyspo (cause hey, someone has to protect the base) first thing he'll do is call you up and ask you if you want to hang out cause he's "bored" and next thing you know, y'all are heading to whoever's room doing it, but you two make sure to get a few essentials so no one will find out hehe.
E-Experience (are they experienced and do they know what they're doing?)
I think that Dyspo did have a couple one night stands in his past, so I would say he's mildly experienced and is confident in what he can do to satisfy you.
F-Favorite position
His definite fav is probably Face-Off, it gives you both the passionate but searing eye contact whilst making love. But more reason behind it is because when is Dyspo is thrusting up into you, he gets to watch your face contort in mixes of pain/pleasure. That or a whole ass mating press if he's really feeling it but is willing to experiment with other sex positions as well.
G-Goofy (are they more serious in the moment or are they humorous, etc?)
When he's usual chill self he would crack a joke or two if you did something silly or if he did but after that it's serious from there. Now, if he comes back from let's say...a very adrenaline coursing battle, yeah no jokes, bed. Now.
H-Hair (how groomed are they and does the carpet match the drapes?)
Okay i may be wrong, but it would be at least a little tuft of black down there. He tries to keep it tamed but his job as a Pride Trooper gets in the way of it sometimes.
I-Intimacy ( how are they in the moment? Romantic aspect)
He can be romantic don't get me wrong but he likes the playful aspect of it and the teasing..and the physical touch as well. Play fighting with Dyspo will always lead to tender or rough sex. Best believe he can be passionate for you as well, making love until the sunrise.
J-Jack off (do they masturbate? headcanon)
You're talking about a rabbit who has a high libido, plus it's a stress reliever as well. Also if you have the same libido level as him that turns on his mutual masturbation kink into overdrive.
Dyspo's kinks are
Breeding-where do I start with this? He's mostly a soft dom when he's feeling soft, but when he gets to pounding you full of his hot seed, no regrets he's a h a r d dom af. Rearranging your walls and molding your slutty hole to fit his cock and his cock only hours on end until you can't walk the next day. Cherishes the idea of you carrying his child/children.
Mutual Masturbation- so if you're not into the breeding thing. This is one of his alternative kinks. God, the image of you using a wand against your clit and shuddering to him stroking his leaking, aching member in front of you is so fucking hot to him it's not even funny, he'll probably just cum so quick over that.
Marking-slight kink but he loves to mark your thighs, or your neck, or your chest--hell he loves all of you so one may be on your ass one day and not notice until you do lmao
Not anywhere in public but the base when no one's there or his bedroom.
Headcanon: wear stockings or some pretty thigh highs and he will pounce on you or drag you to the bedroom instantly. What can I say? He's a leg kind of man.
Sexting is another thing that riles him up easily. Picture it, you're in your bedroom at your house and you decide to risk it today and send Dyspo a picture of you on your knees in your sports bra and panties and to top it off, your fav stockings he likes and when he receives the pic, best believe he's gonna (get hard, duh) and reply with something cocky like, " u tryna get yourself pinned to mattress today aren't ya baby? Keep going like that and see what happens when I come over there >:)"
Or simply just dirty talk. If you're shy l, then be prepared to have your face set aflame by his lewd suggestions when he's outside of work.
Being a hero to the public means no sex anywhere except the bedroom and his or your place.
Giving oral to you only took him a good minute before he masters the art of ravaging your cunt with tongue. And don't get me started with the eye contact during it, he adores the view of you squirming under him with just a lustful glance of his golden eyes between your thighs. Slowly dragging his tongue against your sensitive nub and then growl, "mine." which sends vibrations through your slit and he knows how much you like vibrations if yk yk ;), if you come on his face, it's over for you cause he wants you to do it again 😩 all in all makes him feral.
Receiving is sort of the same, his pelvis easing his cock into your mouth to shut you up while he does some computer work in his office, hoping no one comes in cause of the marvelous head you're giving him. Gagging on his length, your ears are on alert footsteps but your boyfriend of a rabbit starts whimpering, they're focused on his sounds now and Lord...he sounds fucking amazing when he's hopelessly under your control and it only gets worse (or better for you), he starts moaning when hes coming, you can decide to swallow it or let him cum on your face. Whatever option is the best for him it's alright with you. Although he feels kind of ashamed that he's made a mess on you.
P-Pace (are they fast and rough? Or slow and sensual?)
It would depend on the mood he's in. If you tell him you're straight up horny..get ready, he's already ran to your room or about to wrap your legs on his broad shoulders if you're near him. He's more of a fan for sensual and slow sex cause he likes the build up and especially the result after.
HOWEVER, after a fight with a challenging villain, he'll rip your clothes off as fast as you can say his name and as fast you'll be praising it when he's almost balls deep slamming in your pussy. The ferality intensifies as well, growling curses and snarling praises all over the place until you both reach your climaxes.
Q-Quickies (their opinion on quickies)
Quickies and Dyspo are a good match, he doesn't mind knocking one out before he has to go to work. But he can't compare it to love making though.
Noted in the 'No' section.
S-Stamina (how many rounds can go for?)
The Fastest in the Multiverse can go as many rounds as you like. Usually 3-4
T-Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? On themselves or their partner?)
Dyspo doesn't really have any toys...
But does like using yours on you ;) a dildo that's his right length and girth, sliding it in and out of your sopping wet hole. Vibrators? God, yes. You know there are rabbit vibrators, right? He's definitely buying you one for your birthday or an anniversary present just for the PUN of it but the fun too *wink wink*
U-Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
He can be the sweetest bunny boy alive...but sometimes he likes to be a cocky, evil bastard in bed. He will know when you're close to your orgasm and slowly pull back when going down on you with a shit eating smirk on his face. Will have you sinking down on his cock to chase his own release, even though you came multiple times. But it's 50/50 on that...well..unless you ask 😏
V-Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?, etc.)
Dyspo is quiet at the start, breathing maybe some shuddering from you already turning him on so much. From there it'll escalate into dirty praises and moans and some growling when he's close. So not actually loud that the neighbors can hear lol.
W-Wild Card (random hc for character)
His long ears are sensitive to touch. So please for the love of god, nibble them or blow on them, maybe massage the back of them after sex it will lull him to sleep, trust me. But do any of that and you will receive a moan/shiver, it's cute but hot at the same time. Don't pull them though, it's a turn off unfortunately.
X-Xray (let's see what's going on under those clothes..)
This purple rabbit is quite impressive physique-wise. His cock is about 6 1/2 inches long with a prominent vein on the left of it as it usually hangs slightly to the right. Medium girth but never fails to make your walls flutter with ectsasy.
Y-Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Moderately high/high as stated in the J section. It doesn't get in the way of being a universal hero and training but he loves to come back having the high strung energy of a rabbit he likes to hop to it (okay I'll stop with the jokes) and just strip off his clothes and take you to the bed to have sex every day if he wanted. (With breaks to eat and stuff ofc.)
Z-Zzzzzzz...(how quickly they sleep afterwards)
It's either..
He's out like a light...cuddling with you, big spoon as always cause that's his role in the cuddling department heehee 😊. Or be the aftercare king 👑 and run you a nice, warm bath while he chills on the bed, ears alert if you need anything from him (maybe another round after ;) )
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saggitary · 1 year
Clone Wars + Bad Batch Headcanons
(That I also use in writing)
It's been a while since a headcanon post so here we go
Clone troopers were generally physically affectionate. Hugs, nudges, and hanging off each other constantly.
Most jedi padawans are used to sleeping in groups and constantly rough housing with their crechmates from their time in the crèche so it isn't uncommon for them to be found physically engaging with their troopers (especially in cuddle piles)
All clone troopers are powerful swimmers
Echo and Wrecker hate water because they both have a harder time with swimming. Due to Wrecker's mutation he has a high amount of muscle mass and a very low amount of body fat, meaning he sinks in water. Echo weighs a lot more then he's used to with his metal cybernetics, as well as missing some vital limbs it makes swimming very difficult
Clone troopers picked up mando'a from their trainers, but bastardized it due to their lack of proper language training and the conditions they were raised in
Each battalion has their own even more bastardized version usually mixing in languages their Jedi general speak
Ahsoka loves playing with hair and that is a very specific weakness all clone troopers have. Fives always falls asleep when Ahsoka starts running her hands through his hair.
Back on Kamino when a member of a batch was injured in training, the Kaminoans would allow the squad to visit their injured brother because they believed it helped them be less distracted and improved test scores
When a trooper is injured on the battle field their close brothers usually won't be able to rest until they've visited their vod in the medbay
This habit soon expanded to their Jedi COs as well, much the Jedi's amusement
The 212th was peeved that Ahsoka ended up with the 501st, they thought they were going to get her
The clones do in fact have the “see a lonely child and adopt it” gene and this comes out particularly strong with the Jedi Padawan Commanders
Many of the jedi generals teach their troopers certain hobby skills like knitting, painting, craft, etc to help with stress and what not
Hunter uses a bar of soap to clean his hair while Tup has a 3 step hair routine
The Bad Batch drew many of their plans and strategies from Rex's battle plans and also got many from Echo's (back when he was int he 501st)
Ahsoka taught Cody how to use a lightsaber so next time Obi-Wan drops his he can use it to defend himself and his men
Torrent company compares scars on who's is the coolest
Hardcase as the most scars because heavy class troopers are usually on the front lines
Jesse has the coolest from a run-in with a gundark on a scouting mission
Hardcase refers to Ahsoka as 'sir yes ma'am' or 'ma'am yes sir'
Multiple members of Torrent snuck Ahsoka out to get a tattoo on her 16th birthday
Tech is the only one in the bad batch that snores, and he snores like a freight train
Medics keep cleaning supplies for armor in the medbay in case they are keeping someone in for observation and need to keep them occupied (it also helps keep the medbay clean)
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squad-724 · 2 years
Clone OC ideas:
ARC Kitten: he is the shiny wrangler and will be the obnoxious older brother with scary stare that can compete with Alpha 17. His name comes from a Tooka hat he wears if overwhelmed. No-one know how he got so buff.
Teddy "Ted" Bear: he will find the nearest trooper to hug if stressed. There is no way you can stop him and that's a threat. Trooper can be sure that he will cuddle with them after a nightmare.
Medic Cryptid: icy-blue eyes mutation makes him a bit scary, he has that "into the soul" stare with small pupils and blank face.
Ice-breaker: he's the trooper that introduces shinies and begins conversations with nat-borns in clubs, follow him if you want to meet new people.
Stumble: he survives blaster fire by tripping on twigs and droids to fall to the ground before he is shot. He's the legendary "drunken master" during bar brawls.
Canvas: every inch of his skin apart from face, scalp and palms of his hands is tattooed and he remembers who made each one of the drawings. Somehow, if you ask him, he will find a free space for you to tattoo on.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
*The chill of winter morning has Hajime curling up to you and bleary blinking sleep from his eyes. If that didn’t wake him, the sudden wet nose of your cat Suga gives him a little jolt. Getting over the shock, he pets the mischievous cat before turning to you in his arms. He smiles lovingly at your cute and calm form as you sleep through the twilight fading minutes. Hajime doesn’t wanna wake you, so he takes this moment to admire you*
*He reaches over to brush your hair out of your face and his smile grows when you let out a little noise before calming again* “Like a little mrrp from a cat” *He muses aloud. He the goes to brush the apple of your cheeks with the back of his hand; loving the warmth it gives and softness it holds. He’s glad that you can be at peace right now. The past few days have been a bit stressful, and he had to refrain from snapping at others for their insensitivity, but you held your ground. He admires your kindness and your strength, knowing not a lot of people can be as forgiving as you* “My sweet trooper,”
*Seeing you stir and rouse, Hajime leans in to steal a kiss right when you wake up then chuckles when you kiss him back* “Good morning, beautiful. How do we feel about staying in bed and keeping warm? We can cuddle and watch a movie? Oooorrr, you know, do other things that can keep us hot and entertained,” *He chuckles, loving your reaction. He leans in to rest his head against yours and finds your hand to twine his fingers with*
“Just wanna be with you. I don’t mind how we spend our day. I’ll do anything and nothing with you. I love you”
Hajime Iwaizumi
(hey hey! Just stopping by to give you some Hajime love in this cold winter morning. I hope you’re doing okay and keep warm! Love you!)
*The feeling of his soft caresses pull me from my deep sleep and I hum happily at how warm and rested I feel. I always slept the best when he was next to me.*
Babe. *A soft laugh bubbles up from me when he kisses me so eagerly first thing in the morning. The laugh morphs into a soft groan though when he deepens the kiss a little and I try to get closer by tangling my legs with his beneath the covers.*
Morning to you too. *My cheeks flush pink at his suggestion, but it makes me feel good knowing he wanted to spend his day with me all cozy like this. I reach over to give Suga cat a scratch on his head before letting Hajime take my hand into his.* I think spending the day cuddled up sounds pretty nice. We'll have to get up to feed Suga and make coffee, but after that I'm all yours.
*I snuggle up a little closer to him, not wanting to ruin the moment by getting out of bed just yet. The holidays hadn't been too bad, but I still felt drained after driving back and forth and dealing with family.* I love you too Hajime. It'll be just me, you, and the cat today okay? I just want to be with you too.
(Thank you ♥ This was lovely to wake up to! I love and appreciate you and Iwa so much!!)
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
the strawberries are actually a wildly funny ship to me hold on lemme explain
so they belong to a BOBF AU where Boba's Tusken tribe is alive and Boba found a squad of clone troopers in stasis and figured he kinda had to rescue them if he was going to try to be a better person, and they decide that he's a cool big sibling and promptly adopt him
Boba also brought Din's covert to live with him under his protection so they can chill for five minutes and Boba can bang Din without Din stressing about his family being safe
Fury, one of the clones, finds out about the covert showing up when he hears someone cussing out Din. He goes to investigate because that's his brother-in-law and Fury probably shouldn't him get turned into paste. When he sees some random Mandalorian taking a swing at Din, Fury promptly goes in and kicks ass.
"Paz, stop it," a woman says, her voice sharp and commanding. The weight on top of him eases a little, as his opponent hesitates and looks toward the speaker. Fury gathers his legs to kick the Mandalorian off him, the treads of his boots leaving dusty footprints on their chestplate. They both fall back. They both scramble to their feet, ready for another round. But neither of them make the first move. One of the others steps between them, with a horned gold helmet and some kind of furred cape across a brown chestplate. A leader, Fury assumes. This must be the covert that had sought Din's help. Why they'd done that if one only planned to attack him, Fury doesn't know, but he does know that he has no desire to get involved with any of them. Whatever their problems or grievances, none of them are against him. He'll leave that particular problem to the man responsible for them all being here. Din's still where Fury last saw him, his Whistling Birds armed as he speaks quietly into his comm. Calling Boba, hopefully. He's the strongest fighter of any of them, even with the clones being taller and stronger. Working together with Din and Fury, they could kill a kriffing mythosaur. "So what's going on here?" he asks. Din sighs. "This is my family." "They're awful," Fury says bluntly, and the blue Mandalorian growls at him. “You’re awful.” “Hey!” The blue Mandalorian starts toward him again, but the leader in the horned helmet braces their hands against their blue chestplate, digging their feet into the sand and pushing back to stop them. They have a hushed, sharp conversation in Mando’a. Fury’s pretty sure it’s about him. Since the Mandalorian with the horned helmet has their back to him, he flips the blue Mandalorian off. It doesn’t seem to improve the situation. “This is Paz,” says the leader. “I’m the Armorer.” “Good to know that one of you still has her sense,” Din says dryly.
Thus begins Fury and Paz tormenting each other to goad each other into another fight. Real "instigating a fight becuase the guy was hot and I want him on me" energy from both sides.
The best part about this is that they are, technically, coparenting at this time. Paz has an eight-year-old son named Jules, who was adopted when his parents were killed by the Imperials that Din led back to the covert. (Paz has some issues with Din getting his kid's parents killed.) The Mandalorians are all co-parenting, and Fury is the daddest dad to ever want to dad, so he decides to also co-parent everyone's kids. This include's Jules, who thinks Fury is pretty cool.
The goading turns into fighting turns into hatefucking. Everyone else is watching this mating dance bullshit with absolute confusion and a good deal of exhaustion.
They would all be much more confused if they realised that the hatefucking was starting to turn into... annoyfucking? Paz and Fury are starting to get used to each other and they still think that each other is pretty hot. Why shove a man up against a wall and then punch him, when you can shove a man up against a wall and fuck him?
It's the better part of a year before they get their shit sorted out, but eventually, they end up cuddling after fucking. From there, they are not admitting that they're in a relationship. Everyone else is aware of it.
Two years after that, one of Boba's Tusken family members hangs out around the palace for a while, and they and Fury end up connecting. (There's a whole writeup about that here, if you want details.)
U'Rajya expresses their intention to court them, if they're open to that. Fury and Paz are very open to that. U'Rajya then expresses their intention to brawl with anyone who has any problems with a throuple. Fury and Paz think that's incredibly sexy of them.
As it turns out, not many people have a problem with that. Anyone who does, quickly learns to vacate the area at high speeds. U'Rajya isn't the only one who's intimidating, capable, and well-armed. Or the only one deeply in love with two warriors who also want to kick ass at any insult to their partner. Sure, U'Rajya is 5'6" and Paz and Fury are both 6'3"... but that just means it's all the more impressive when U'Rajya can kick ass and put him on his knees. It's an enjoyable experience for all of them.
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wolverina2002 · 4 months
Delta Squad Bonus Scene
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Star Wars Legends: Republic Commando (Video Games)
Relationships: RC-1138 | Delta-38 | Boss & RC-1140 | Delta-40 | Fixer & RC-1262 | Delta-62 | Scorch & RC-1207 | Sev; CC-01/425 | Advisor & RC-1138 | Delta-38 | Boss
Characters: RC-1138 | Delta-38 | Boss; RC-1207 | Delta-07 | Sev; RC-1140 | Delta-40 | Fixer; RC-1262 | Delta-62 | Scorch; CC-01/425 | Advisor
Additional Tags: Post-Prosecutor mission; Injury; Boss is squad dad; Advisor is stressed; Clone Trooper Cuddles (Star Wars); Clone Commandos Speak Mando'a (Star Wars); Everyone Needs A Hug
Language: English
After the absolute clusterfuck that was the Prosecutor, Boss takes care of his squad. And their damn stubborn CC supervisor.
The promised bonus scene!
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glazeverse · 1 year
'Canon' Character Headcanons
-99 has low-level force sensitivity, he is hyper-empathetic, has really good instincts and the occasional premonition or vision.
-Rex was trained in a separate batch to the command batch, but they all semi-adopted him and he followed them around all the time in his free and social periods, and occasionally snuck into their barracks to cuddle with them.
-Rex constantly talks about his Torrents to the CCs. (when they manage to make a chat in order to do this)
-Rex was in the same batch as Keeli and Howzer. Sometimes he dragged them along with him to cuddle with the CCs
-Anakin is buddies with all the engineers. Not just the Torrent ones, ALL of them. 
-Fives and Echo are both from the same batch, but not the same one as Hevy, Cutup and Droidbait
-Fives and Echo unconsciously adopted their joker attitudes and fierce independent streak to honour Hevy and Cutup, and became fiercely protective of more nervous/timid troopers because they remind them of Droidbait. (If you remember the ‘rookies’ episode, those two were pretty rigid while Hevy and Cutup were the maverick ones and Droidbait was the most nervous/shy one, constantly doubting himself which was why he always got shot.) The personality change was quite small at first (they’re still more or less the same in the Battle of Kamino) but became extremely apparent after they both came back from ARC training.
-Headcanon that the Domino twins basically adopted Tup and Dogma (I see Fives’ anger at Dogma on Umbara in canon was more to do with the stress of the campaign making him irritable and saying things he maybe didn’t mean rather than a genuine dislike. Also, Dogma did lead the firing squad. I came to the conclusion that they both cared for each other quite deeply after seeing Fives release Dogma from the cell in the scene where Krell died, Fives was quite gentle with him). Echo’s death in canon only made Fives more protective of those two, so when Tup died, Fives’ grief contributed to his frantic and erratic behaviour and terrible planning as well as the drugs he had been injected with.
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