#cultural Christian
What are your thoughts on accusations that atheists are "culturally Christian?"
Cultural Christians are nonreligious persons who adhere to Christian values and appreciate Christian culture. As such, these individuals usually identify themselves as culturally Christians, and are often seen by practicing believers as nominal Christians. This kind of identification may be due to various factors, such as family background, personal experiences, and the social and cultural environment in which they grew up.
I'm willing to accept that there are aspects of Western countries that are derived from or influenced by Xianity.
There are certainly many fine things that emerged under Xianity. Art, sculpture, literature, music, various institutions. But I would argue that those things can be attributed to people operating in a world that was pervasively Xian, not to Xianity itself. It's sort of like saying that the US owes 5G to Donald Trump because 2019 is when it started rolling out.
If only because non-Xian societies produced comparable cultural artefacts and institutions without knowing anything about the Dark Lord Yahweh. We need look no further than China for thousands of years of music, art and education. The idea that Xianity can be credited with these things when Xianity was simply the law of the land is lacking in self-awareness.
Political democracy is derived from Greek thought, our numbering system is derived from Arabic, and Liberalism itself is culturally British - via John Locke - in its modern form, and Greek and Chinese philosophy in its ancient forebears.
It's kind of a bizarre claim to make. Every time the culture was changing, or tried to, Xianity was there to oppose it. Printing press? Abolishing slavery? Street lighting? Desegregation? Interracial marriage? Same-sex marriage? Rock and roll? Xianity has nothing to say on these any more - mostly, anyway - but they came in spite of Xianity, not because of it.
That's not to say I don't appreciate the contribution of a conservative (small c, "preserve the existing good") counter-balance. We currently live in a time of "progressivism" so intractable and regressive it's advocating segregation, hiring and enrolment based on race, denying evolution and making gay people straight.
But Xianity didn't say "here are the very good reasons why this isn't a good idea, why we should go slowly, or why we need more information before deciding." They said "tEh bIbLe SaYs" and "bUt gOd!!" and "yOu'Re gOiNg tO HeLL!"
I don't really mind or care if individual atheists say they regard themselves as being "culturally Xian." Apparently Richard Dawkins does. But the idea that all atheists are "culturally Xian" is presumptive, arrogant and seems to be a way to take unearned credit, along the same lines as claiming morality comes from religion.
And I'm not even sure what the point is. Even if I agreed - yes, I'm culturally Xian - so what? What are they going to expect or demand as a result of this? What do they think we owe it? Deference? Refraining from criticizing and mocking Xianity? It does nothing for the god question.
Worse, it seems to be what we might call an Appeal to Utility - an admission that Xianity isn't true, but it's useful. Lead is useful, but I don't want it in my paint. Like when believers surrender the truth argument and say, well, my faith gives me peace and community or whatever. Meth makes people feel happy too.
But what does it say about Xianity when, as already mentioned, not only has Xianity not guided us through our own betterment, but has opposed it, and we've had to fight and ultimately, disregard it? Why is it that Xianity does not reliably produce cultural advancement? Why is that at least since the Enlightenment began, all cultural development has been without Xianity, and in spite of Xianity trying to hold it back?
One obvious and likely answer is that cultural development was never a goal or intention of Xianity, it was tolerated only in as much as it could be used to glorify their god and reinforce their authority. That's what they expected science to do. The Enlightenment, science and the pace of cultural development made "god" and Xianity unnecessary.
And why is it that society is abandoning Xianity in droves, and Xians feel compelled to change Xianity to make it fit non-Xian values? Why are Xian values and ideals - at least, the ones Xians want us to know about - lead by secular ones?
What's that saying about science? Xianity ignores it, opposes it, then pretends it knew it the whole time.
If only because non-Xian societies produced comparable cultural artefacts and institutions without knowing anything about the Dark Lord Yahweh. We need look no further than China for thousands of years of music, art and education. The idea that Xianity can be credited with these things when Xianity was simply the law of the land is lacking in self-awareness.
I would argue thanks, but we'll take it from here.
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cemeterything · 6 months
i think it's so fun that "damn" is such a casual curse word now that it's basically become divorced completely from its original meaning. like oops i dropped my phone, time to invoke the wrath of god about it in the most mildly annoyed tone of voice imaginable.
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givingchrist · 4 months
What Makes a Person a Christian?
We can all see the statistics. If the world were broken down into a religion pie chart, the biggest wedge would be Christian. The problem with the available statistics is that they are an estimate, and they are based on self-identification. These are not statistics downloaded from God.  I wish the statistics from God would show an even larger piece of the pie belongs to Jesus, but the reality is…
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dukeofankh · 9 months
I cannot express how jarring it was after being raised by a "Porn Addiction Coach" to get into a relationship with a woman and come face to face with the fact that she did actually want me to sexually desire her.
Like, in Evangelical Purity Culture, male desire was basically poison. It was a threat. It was this constant temptation that would destroy everything. And even after leaving, in the sort of queer, feminist spaces i spend most of my time in that wasn't something that pretty much anyone was spending time actively dissuading me from feeling.
But my desire is good. It's not something that I'm being accepted in spite of. It's a positive thing. It's a bonus. Not even just vanilla stuff, all the stuff I'd convinced myself were these weird terrible desires that were shameful to have.
It honestly took me over a decade to fully accept that. To stop dissociating during sex and confront that I was, in fact, being a massive perv and that was fantastic and preferable and that I could accept that into my self-image without shame or self hatred.
But it's important to do. It's important to leave relationships that don't welcome that part of you. To know that your sexuality is valuable and valid and worth owning and celebrating. Because the alternative is just...not being. Either existing as yourself and repressing the part of your identity that is sexual or allowing that sexuality to exist but turning off your self while it does.
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tozettastone · 1 year
People keep posting about how bad they feel in December and I'm sure for many people in the northern hemisphere that IS a wintertime thing, sure enough, but
Have you considered?
December is also Big Routine Disrupt Time.
Everyone wants a piece of you in December. Public holidays. Family events. SOMEONE is bound to be drunk. You have to travel. Your workplace either goes into overdrive or becomes a ghost town. You have a list of obligations as long as your arm all happening at once.
Your routine is being disrupted by outside forces and it won't slow down until. Like. Mid January at best. 💀
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vintage-russia · 1 month
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"The angel sitting on the coffin" (1908/1911)
Mikhail Nesterov (1862-1942)
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
random thought:
I think "sex is just another activity you can do with a person" arose as a response to the conservative christian "sex is the most Sacred Important Thing Ever and you HAVE to do it Correctly and only Within Marriage or it's The Most Damaging Sinful Thing That Tarnishes You Eternally." Which definitely needed to be criticized.
however when I see it expressed as like "sex isn't a special activity or inherently different than other things" I think. Well it is though?
I mean that being allowed into the intimate boundaries of another person's body inherently has more responsibilities (making sure the other person feels safe, caring about their comfort and pleasure, communicating clearly) than like...going on a walk in the park with that person
Which really just more starkly highlights how twisted purity culture is? "Sex is an activity with special significance" should mean, "If you are being really intimate with someone and you don't care about their pleasure and wellbeing and listen to their wants and needs, you could really, REALLY hurt them," not "If you have sex with anyone except the single person you've gotten married to and are committed to for the rest of your life, gross fungus literally grows on your soul."
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utilitycaster · 6 days
This is on my mind due to a few of my fandoms but I've seen it pretty much everywhere: whether a character deserves redemption is far more about genuine remorse and restitution, not the magnitude of wrongdoing nor the severity of punishment. A guy who kicks one dog, is beaten nearly to death, recovers, and kicks a second dog doesn't get a redemption arc. A guy who commits a war crime, is given a stern talking to and a slap on the wrist, and changes their ways and goes about attempting in good faith to make amends does. You cannot punish someone into redemption and you cannot traumatize someone into blamelessness and it's pretty fucked up people act like the quantity of suffering is what brings about redemption and not the actions willingly taken.
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paymetea · 15 days
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Beyoncé wearing Christian Dior for Elle Magazine (2003)
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jessicalprice · 8 months
Sorry, Christian atheists, but “Christianity traumatized me” is not a get-out-of-accountability-free card for upholding Christian supremacy through your treatment of members of minority cultures, reiterating Christian evangelism and colonialism but for your WASP brand of atheism, promoting Christian purity and hierarchy but with the serial numbers filed off, insisting that the Christian model of culture is the only one that exists and shouting down members of non-Christian cultures about their own cultures and experiences, etc.
Oh, you don’t like members of non-Christian cultures pointing out the ways in which your behaviors continue to normalize and uphold Christian hegemony?
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Perpetually pissed off that when people say "religious imagery" in regards to art and media they're just saying "Christian imagery".
Because stained glass, kneeling with your hands clasped, crosses, an old man in a beard in the sky...... that's all *Christian imagery*.
And it leads to like....an environment where non-Christian art with no Christian undertones gets mislabeled as Christian because they associate a nursing mother or a spire or a choir singing in operatic tones as Christian. It also leads to religious art that isn't Christian not being recognized as religious and its meaningful symbols and motifs unappreciated.
When I and other Jews make art involving fire, water, and trees- that's religious imagery. But this cultural Christian sphere doesn't recognize as such because they think religious = Christian.
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givingchrist · 11 months
Telling the Gospel Clearly
There are many things that you can learn from the Bible, but one piece rises above all others. How we attain “eternal life” may seem like a future concern for you if you are young. Please consider that any of us can die at any time. Also be aware that if you understand the Gospel clearly, then it deeply impacts the meaning of your life right now. Since attaining eternal life is so critical, why…
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justdavina · 7 months
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STUNNING Transgender Woman! I Love her Top and Christian Louboutin Pumps!
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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aichabouchareb · 6 months
💔🤬My God. They discover the obliterated and desecrated remains of their dear mother who was bombed to death moments ago by the United States and Israel. SHAME ON THIS WORLD and all of its cowardly leaders. I’m ashamed to be human right now.
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vyvilha · 1 year
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traditional cross-dressing on ukrainian malanka holiday. the woman is dressed as vasyl (folk adaptation of st. basil) and the man is dressed as malanka (folk adaptation of st. melania).
during this holiday, ukrainians honor the ancestral spirits and imitate them by dressing as animals and opposite genders, since it is believed that the otherworld blurs the line between male and female, as well as between man and beast.
photographed by anna senik (ładna kobieta)
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