#currie grant
doll-elvis · 7 months
I AGREE SO MUCH ABOUT CHILD BRIDE. i went into it knowing nothing about the author, and in the forward shes really emphasizing how crazily obsessed she was with priscilla so i guess i was expecting it to be a sympathetic view of her😭 definitely not. what is suzzanes problem dear lord. shes so convinced and desperate to tell you that priscilla was some evil teenaged succubus out for rockstar blood. jesus christ. like girl even if she actually was who gives a shit????? same goes for currie grant. i dont care if he showed the author concrete evidence on a golden platter that he was telling the truth. hes just such an obvious sleazeball. just disgusting……. and she dedicates like 300 chapters to him saying over and over again that he fucked 14yo priscilla and that she was into it. babe they couldve had a steamy decade-long affair and NOBODY would care because he is literally just some random creep ass loser 13 years older than her. and when it comes to his attempted rape of her hes literally like “no i didnt try to rape her i just [decribes attempting to rape her]”. i really dont know suzzanes backstory but she is insane.
but uh. anyways that aside i did enjoy parts of the book for the more in depth view of the story. like suzzanne has such intense bias that really shows throughout but even with that it was still a great way to understand some of the situations a little better… i wish elvis and me was a little more detailed but i can appreciate how and why it is. and i am strangely curious about the actual nature of priscilla and curries relationship (i dont think they ever had consensual sex but i do believe he attacked her before elvis left germany and that leaves me curious as to why she still hung around him afterwards... i.e. those pictures of her to send to elvis that he took)
sorry for the huge wall of text im just.... very .. intrigued? by the book? its just so bizarre and raises a lot of questions lol.
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“Currie’s like “No I didn’t try to r*pe her I just [describes atttempting to r*pe her]”
if I could, in my own words, summarize the transcript of the conversation between Priscilla & Currie it would be this ⬇️
Currie: I didn’t r*pe you
Priscilla: You forced yourself on me
Currie: I didn’t force anything, you just weren’t into it
Priscilla: So you didn’t try to kiss me?
Currie: Well yeah I was trying to kiss you, you just wouldn’t kiss me back. You were very cold
again that was just my own words so not the actual transcript but that is exactly what I got out of that conversation- which is Currie denying he forced anything on her while simultaneously describing just how unresponsive she was to his advances, so THANK YOU for articulating that perfectly
He is an absolute sleaze-ball as you said, and clearly did not realize he was incriminating himself throughout that whole exchange
like even if Currie’s version of the events were true (I highly doubt it), he still committed statutory r*pe. Perhaps Suzanne and him don’t understand the age of consent but a fourteen year old girl cannot consent to intercourse, so anything he may or may not have actually done to her is still R*PE, whether she seemed willing or not. I’m completely abhorred that a biographer would give a man like that such a large platform and not only that, but agree/go with the story he tells- I’m sickened by it
and god, his reasoning as to why he wouldn’t need to r*pe Priscilla is just the most insane thing I’ve ever read ⬇️
“I had at least ten girls that I could call any night and go have sex with them,” countered Currie. “I’m not bragging—at least ten. I didn’t need to rape anybody ”
excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
okay like?? Ted Bundy had a longtime girlfriend and yet he still went out and s*xually assaulted and murdered women… what’s your point, Currie?
what also bothers me is that Suzanne Finstad is sitting on the full audio tapes of that conversation between Priscilla and Currie, and knowing her history of misquoting people and writing things that don’t line up with other testimonies, I wouldn’t be surprised in the very least if parts of that tape have been conveniently left out, or transcribed wrong, as she converted it from audio to text
like the whole 1961 photoshoot, as you mentioned, is something that I just wish I could hear Priscilla explain for herself
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Priscilla Presley and Currie Grant in 1961
It does raise the question if what she said transpired was true why would she ever want to be alone with Currie again, and better yet, why would Elvis willingly put her in a situation like that?
Especially when he was aware of the attempted r*pe ⬇️
MARTY LACKER: “There was a guy who used to bring Priscilla around to Elvis’s house some, over there in Germany. He would take her home to her parents’ place, and then he’d go back to the barracks. Well, he was a scumbag. He was using cute little girls to get into the house, to be around Elvis. And he tried to put the make on Priscilla one night when he took her home. She says in her book that he tried to rape her. But he didn’t succeed. Elvis told us about it, himself”
excerpt is from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
The only explanation in my mind that makes sense is that perhaps Currie Grant was Elvis’ only remaining contact in Germany- or at least the only person in contact with Priscilla- and since he was so desperate to see her again, maybe thought that the reward outweighed the risk
And obviously a 15-year-old Priscilla was still reeling over him leaving Germany and would likely agree to anything to please him…plus since it was Elvis who asked Currie to take the photos, maybe she thought if Elvis trusted him to do that, she could trust him as well ?
And although I doubt she intended too, Suzanne inadvertently said something similar when trying to do one of those logical fallacies that she does throughout the duration of “Child Bride” ⬇️
“Priscilla, despite her claim that Currie tried to rape her, was thrilled to oblige, “desperate” for word from Elvis, through Currie”
excerpt is from “Child Bride” by Suzanne Finstad
I feel like Suzanne is basically answering the dilemma herself despite her attempt to point out the inconsistency in Priscilla’s behavior (her being afraid of Currie, but also being around him)
Priscilla was willing to be photographed by her attempted assaulter as she was desperate for contact from Elvis and Currie just happened to be that link between them
and I have to say, my original response to the ask that I received about “Child Bride” was something that I was worried about posting as many of the more passionate anti-Priscilla crowd tend to treat it like it’s their Bible but WHEW- I am beyond relieved that so many people have also seen just how outrageous that book is, especially the narrative that Suzanne Finstad goes with- like as you said, trying to make a fourteen-year-old Priscilla out to be some “teenaged succubus” LMAOOO (that took me out 💀)
I honestly consider myself to be Priscilla-neutral despite what some people assume of me based on some my posts 🤧 and so because of that, I am very open to reading and discussing the valid criticisms against her HOWEVER- I have no time in my day to take someone like Currie Grant seriously so that is why the first half of “Child Bride” (chapters about Germany and what fourteen-year-old Priscilla may or may not have done) are just what ruin the whole book for me
And it’s a shame because again, there are some very valid things that Suzanne points out about Priscilla, especially the things that were left out of “Elvis and me”; like her inconsistencies in recalling certain events, her sometimes questionable character (treatment of others), her possible greed (suing and more suing) and the biggest one to me- her involvement in Scientology… but all of that is just dampered by Suzanne’s god awful commentary and god awful judgement
also girl please do not apologize for sending this in- I sincerely thank you for adding to the conversation about this book as I think these kinds of discussions are so beneficial and I’m just truly grateful to be able to have them with y’all- I’ve fr learned so much from your guys’ insight
and since there is such a surplus of information about Elvis (and Priscilla), I feel like the best way to navigate through it all is by breaking it down like this, and so if y’all ever want to talk about another book feel free to send in your thoughts <3!!!
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snapiphany · 2 days
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Happy Father's Day!
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may8chan · 1 year
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Curry and Pepper - Blackie Ko 1990
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thymbyll · 19 days
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Johnny Depp - Played Captain Jack Sparrow And J.M. Barrie (Author)
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Alan Rickman
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Jason Isaacs
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Rhys Ifans
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Jude Law
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Maggie Smith
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Tom Hiddleston
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Sam Rockwell
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Bonus Players:
Colin O'Donoghue (Once Upon A Time)
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Hugh Grant (An Awfully Big Adventure)
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Tim Curry (Voice Actor), But Also Played Long John Silver
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And My First Time Captain James Hook - Dustin Hoffman
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
hypothetically, if you could give jason a titans team (like maybe in an au where he doesn’t die?), who would you put in the lineup?
Friend, you are in luck, because I have thought about this EXTENSIVELY. (I may or may not be trying to figure out how to write an extremely long fic about this team. I am invested. Let Jason have friends!!!)
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Kid/Red Devil (Eddie Bloomberg): Eddie was canonically Jason's only superhero friend during his Robin days and had almost as terrible an adolescence as Jason did and I just want them to be besties so bad. They deserve to be happy! Also they are both nerds!!! I love.
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Ravager (Rose Wilson): Rose has been frequently linked to Jason in multiple universes, often romantically and often in a way that implies that they are peers. (She's also been on books with Dick, Tim, and Damian, but this is my team and I do what I want.) She also has a long history with Eddie, who is canonically smitten with her. Do the three of them have a messy triangle going on for much of their adolescence in my universe? Oh boy do they. 😈
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Green Arrow (Connor Hawke): God only knows how old Connor is supposed to be right now, but pre-Flashpoint, he fits right into Jason's mini-generation, being younger than Roy (Dick's generation) but older than Mia and Cissie (Tim's generation). I know he wasn't a superhero yet when Jason was Robin but this is an AU and Connor needs friends his own age almost as badly as Jason does. Also, Jason, Connor, and Rose sparring together on the regular? I would like to see it dot gif.
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Koryak: My terrible boy! Kory also fits into Jason's mini-generation (younger than Garth, older than Lorena) and needs friends even more desperately than everyone else on this roster, which is saying something.
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Damage (Grant Emerson): Yes, Grant was on a team with Bart, but he always came off a bit older than Bart, and clearly reached adulthood before Tim did (although who hasn't?). He's also been on two separate teams with Rose (sort of). Most importantly, I love him. Also, this team needs some muscle. I mean, Koryak and Eddie are pretty strong, but still.
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Argent (Toni Monetti): Toni is the same age as Grant and a former teammate of his (and Rose's, sort of) and they are best friends in my heart. She's also the closest the team has to a flyer. She despairs of how much orange the others are wearing and also Eddie's everything.
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wwprice1 · 4 months
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Awesome Justice League art by Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines, and Dave McCaig!
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leoruby-draws · 1 year
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Some doodles of the young Outlaw team plus a bit more.
Rose and Cassandra's famous rivalry still exist, even in this au. Jason finds it hilarious. Also matching jackets!
You know I did consider Bleez (the blue skinned girl there) but Jack seemed the better fit. Though I quite like the character, she's something of a reluctant ally of the team.
Anyways look how much they're having fun! Hope you like it!
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doll-elvis · 1 year
How do ya feel about child bride? I think majority of people can't accept some of the things written about elvis and priscilla to be true 'cause it makes their whole world collapse as they see them as the perfect couple which they never really were
sorry just wanted to say I am scheduling asks by the hour today as I have been procrastinating in answering them, so I apologize in advance if I crowd your dashboards😭
anyways- thank you so much for the ask and I would really love to know what others have to say about this so please share your thoughts because I’m super curious myself 🤧
also there is truly nothing like reading Priscilla Presley’s “Elvis and me” and then reading Child Bride and having no idea to what believe anymore (which is exactly what I did and I had to read like 3 other books to make up my mind)
I do agree with your sentiment that Priscilla and Elvis’ relationship was not as perfect as some have been influenced to believe, and I don’t think the 2022 film helped that matter as the film very much had an agenda and that was to sell their love story… which was quite tumultuous at times
But I want to clarify that there is no doubt in my mind that they both loved each other very much and Priscilla was obviously incredibly special to Elvis. There really isn’t another woman he has been with that can say she has experienced something similar to what Priscilla experienced with him. She was with him the longest, she was the only one to get married to him, have his child, etc. etc. Priscilla was just unique in that regard, even if their relationship wasn’t perfect
Plus she is the only one that has ever gotten “It’s Midnight” dedicated to her by him and I feel like that really says something 👀
As for Child Bride… I have many issues with Child Bride, for starters, the name of the book and it’s implications. I was actually embarrassed to buy this book because of the title, and I’ve never read it in public because of it 🤧
My first issue is that Suzanne Finstad is an incredibly biased author, this book’s main purpose is to make Priscilla look bad and I’ve noticed Finstad even has misquoted a few people in order to do so
For example in Joe Esposito’s book this is how he tells this story
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And then in Finstad’s book, this is how she misquotes him, to make Priscilla seem aggressive
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My second issue with the book, and the biggest, is that Suzanne Finstad uses Currie Grant as her main source. If what he said is true, that he had intercourse with Priscilla prior to her meeting Elvis, then he is an admitted child r*pist
Priscilla said there was an attempt of an assault but has completely denied that she ever had intercourse with Currie Grant
Therefore this book is just the most uncomfortable case of “he said, she said”
Currie Grant and Priscilla Presley are the only ones who really know what happened between them, and therefore I don’t care to speculate on what actually happened and I’m especially not interested in hearing what Currie has to say because he’s just a disgusting man, and Suzanne Finstad is even worse for allowing him to have a platform
So because of that, I am just not interested in what Finstad has to write or say, I’ve only ever read Child Bride once and I haven’t picked it up again
I feel like there are so many other sources on Priscilla and Elvis’ relationship (for example the Memphis Mafia, Elvis’ other girlfriends, his stepbrothers etc. etc) that doesn’t involve a predator like Currie Grant being involved or an incredibly biased author… but anyways what do y’all think?
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The coolest band has arrived …
Correct me if I‘m wrong, from bottom to top:
Lindsey Fuckingham
Christine McWhat-the-hell-is-in-your-bag
John McWhisky or Soda ?
Caroline the-song Harris
Curly Grant
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mariocki · 3 months
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Parasite (1982)
"That thing on your stomach..."
"A new strain of parasite. I deserve it, in a way. I created it."
"For the Merchants? Why?"
"I thought for the government. They're so mixed up with the Merchants now, they work for one another. This 'thing', as you call it, is growing. It's dormant now but it will soon grow larger... and kill me."
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stevienicksrarities · 2 years
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Stevie wrapped in her trusty blanket with Curry Grant on the Tusk tour in 1979.
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bi4bihankking · 10 months
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Justice League Incarnate in Multiversity  art by Ivan Reis
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may8chan · 1 year
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Curry and Pepper - Blackie Ko 1990
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
What sort of things do Jason’s Titans argue about? Like, obvs they’re all dramatic and love a squabble lol. But where do they butt heads, where do their worldviews and personal moral codes clash? Who has the easiest time smoothing things over and who can never quite let things go?
Dumb fights: Jason and Eddie on book vs. movie, Rose and Toni because they are such complete opposites, Koryak vs. Toni because he thinks it's funny to tease her, Eddie vs. everyone when he's being annoying and they're not in the mood. Grant and Koryak are the hotheads - they lose their tempers the easiest and say dumb shit that pisses the others off the most often. It's usually not about anything important and they usually resolve their own differences by wrassling. (They do actually have to apologize with words to the others, though.) Whereas if Connor is mad at you, you know you have seriously fucked up.
Eddie and Grant let things go quickly, Rose and Koryak sulk, Toni and Jason are in the middle. Connor pretends he's fine but he really isn't. Also, Eddie and Connor are super conflict avoidant in different ways and always try to smooth over anyone else's fights.
In terms of world views, this is a universe where most of them escaped (some of) their major trauma (read: no one has died, no one has been disfigured or banished, everyone has a pretty good relationship with their father or father figure), which means that a lot of the more...lethal inclinations some of them have simply don't exist.
On the willing to kill scale, from least to most, I'd put it at: Eddie -> Toni -> Grant -> Connor (Arrows don't like killing, but they'll do it) -> Jason -> Rose (even if he never brainwashed her, she's still Slade Wilson's daughter) -> Koryak (Atlantis plays rough, y'all), but they're all pretty opposed to it. Whereas on the willing to kill scale in the real universe (which also exists in this fic), I'd put it at: Eddie -> Toni -> Connor -> Grant -> Koryak -> Jason -> Rose, but now there is a MUCH bigger gap between Connor and Grant, and between Koryak and Jason. Eddie and Toni still won't kill under any circumstances, Connor avoids it (he has canonically, but he didn't want to), but the others are...not doing so hot.
I would say morally and temperamentally speaking Eddie and Koryak are probably the most diametrically opposed (they are...literally fire and water), which puts Jason in the peacemaker position as the leader. He's better at it in the universe where he didn't die than the one where he did.
Also, the biggest fight the team ever had was when Jason and Rose hooked up despite both of them knowing that Eddie had liked her for years and everyone took sides except for Connor (and then everyone got mad at Connor for not taking sides).
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thewildbelladonna · 1 year
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“And so the winter is really here now
And the blankets that I love”
Stevie with her favourite plaid blanket ❤️
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