#cutie patootie....
suiheisen · 11 months
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gritty both capturing the zeitgeist as usual AND educating me on the availability of free flow butter at american cinemas
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nouverx · 5 months
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Obligatory Alastor and Niffty art because their little moment in the finale was everything to me I can't wait to see them interact more in the next seasons
Also bonus sketch bc I just know he kept the crown on the whole evening
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naariel · 3 months
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The Wizard of Waterdeep
Explicit Version [NSFW]
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using the book as censorship is up there with my top 10 ideas imo
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jellyjamheadobb · 1 month
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The whole club was indeed looking at her
original post (bc I didn’t realize it was from here 💀): https://www.tumblr.com/crazykt/665683092725497856/she-got-the-boots-with-the-fur#
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bridgekc · 2 months
now that luffy can get all giant, shirahoshi can have a friend her size
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the besties ever
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qtboni · 11 months
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PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader
OVERVIEW: Simon woke up to you sleeping far away from him in the bed so he pulls you back to him <//3
C/W: none just clingy simon missing u in his sleep (pure fluff) !!
W/C: 944 bubs
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Simon shifted in his bed, feeling the empty coolness beside him. He reached out, wanting to feel your warmth, but his hand met nothing but empty sheets and bed covers.
"Love..?" He whispers faintly, his voice filled with a quiet desperation to find you.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Simon slowly opens them to find you there, on the other side of the bed, lying with your back turned to him.
He lets out a quiet chuckle at the position you're in, your legs flung out in a starfish, snoring the night away. It's a silly sight, but it cracks him up, and he can't help but chuckle softly.
"Baby..." Simon sleepily whines to himself, calling out to you. "C'mere.."
Simon gently moves closer to you, pulling on the sheets to free himself. You feel his arm encircle your waist as he pulls you towards his warm body, spooning you in his arms.
Your skin meets his, and the warmth from his body causes your heart to skip a beat. You feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, feeling peaceful and safe in his embrace.
As he holds you close, Simon's thoughts drift to you. He thinks about how soft he is for you, how you make him feel alive and whole, how he doesn't want to let go, ever.
You're his everything, his world, and he can't imagine life without you. He feels his heart swell with love for you, and the need to be close to you and hold you tight, to never let you go.
With you in his arms, Simon feels complete. He would do anything to keep you close, to love and cherish you every day for the rest of his life.
You're the love of his life, and he will never forget the moment he first held you close, feeling your heart beat against his own, and knowing that he had found his soulmate.
As he holds you close, Simon's body moves instinctively, nuzzling his face in your neck, wanting to feel your warmth, to be closer to you. He wraps his arms around you tighter, unable to bear the thought of ever being apart from you again.
The warmth coming from his body slowly roused you from your slumber, your eyes fluttering open as Simon's arms tightened around your waist. You could feel his heart pounding against your back, beating in time with yours, and your heart skipped a beat in response.
"Simon?" You called out to him, voice still slightly hoarse from sleep, and you could hear the smile in his voice as he responded.
"I'm here, love," he whispered, his voice low and full of love, and you could feel his body pressing up to yours, wrapping around you like a warm blanket. His hands softly carressing your waist and hips. You felt his breath upon your neck, his heart beating in yours, and you felt a deep sense of peace wash over you.
"I love you," he whispered, almost inaudible.
As his arms wrapped around you, you felt a rush of warmth and comfort wash over you. His voice was low and gentle, and you could feel the love and intensity in every word.
You loved him more with each passing moment; each time he held you, each time he told you how much he loved you, and each time you felt his heart beating against yours.
"I love you, too, Simon," you whispered back, further relaxing into his embrace as you pecked his bicep that was hugging you close by your shoulders.
You could feel the love and intensity in every part of his body, from the warmth of his breath against your neck to the way his heart beat in time with yours. You knew that you would always be by his side, loving him and cherishing him for all eternity.
As you drifted back to sleep, his arms wrapped around you tightly, unwilling to let you go and wishing to always be this close. You could feel the love in every part of his body, and you knew that this was the love that could never be broken.
Simon pressed a gentle kiss to the nape of your neck, his breath warm and soothing against your skin, and you felt a pang of love and comfort wash over you.
His arms wrapped around you tightly, unwilling to let you go even for a moment, and he held you against him, feeling your heartbeat against his chest.
"Goodnight, love," he whispered, his voice low and filled with all the love he felt for you as he cuddled you close.
"G'night..." you sighed dreamily and closed your eyes.
As you drifted off to sleep, with your head resting against his chest, Simon couldn't help the rush of affection for you. He knew that you were the love of his life, that he would do anything for you, and that he couldn't imagine a future without you by his side.
Holding you close to him, he felt your heart beating slowly and regularly against his chest, and he felt a deep sense of peace wash over him. Every fiber of his being told him that he loved you, that you were everything he had ever wanted in life, and that he would always be there to protect you, to love you, and to cherish you.
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He whispers your name softly, almost inaudible, as he drifted off to sleep, holding you tightly in his embrace. The love and intensity in his voice, in his touch, and in his eyes, was overwhelming, and he knew that you felt it too.
navi / masterlist !
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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Happy Pride 2023!
(last years post)
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breadcrumbshitpost · 29 days
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aceissomunster · 2 months
shes a little terror. a freak of nature. a creepy crawling critter. she consumes my every waking thought.
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icantdrawrt · 2 months
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theghostinyourwalls · 2 months
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I can’t believe we’ve all been cropped out of these pictures
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deliriousinterlude · 2 months
An icon ♡♡
Her insta : brinathedoll
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shr-00-m · 8 months
😭 Bonnie wanting a hug from the guys is so cute. They all look huggable !!
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emmyrosee · 3 months
Could u do sukuna getting jealous of u fan girling ab so so character on a show ur watching thanks🫶
“Whats so great about him?”
Sukuna’s hands dig into the bowl of popcorn between you both, a scowl of disgust on his face as you gawk at the volleyball player on screen. There’s adoration in your eyes, adoration that should be saved for him, as you stare at this stupid half silver half black haired player.
“Everything is great about him!” You gasp, almost offended he could say such a thing. “Kita Shinsuke is a national treasure. He cares so much about everyone, he tries his hardest yet does not see himself as a threat, and he’s just so handsome!”
The scowl on Sukuna’s face grows deeper. “No. I’m handsome.”
“Of course you are!” You scoff. “But like… so is he.” You turn back to the tv, squealing as he delivers a line you apparently are head over heels for. You practically vibrate and he rolls his eyes with a groan.
He’s seen enough. He slips out his phone and starts to thumb through it, retracting his arm from around you and tucking it to his side.
“Are you jealous?”
He rolls his eyes again, but his heart stops as the word falls from your lips, “no. I’m not.”
He hears the smirk in your voice, “you sure?”
“I will beat the shit out of you.”
“You areeee!” You sing, tossing your arm around him with a smile giddily, “you’re so jealous of him!”
“Am not!” He growls, tossing his phone to the side and looming over you. “I just can’t stand the way you look at him! It makes me want to absolutely throw the tv out the window!”
“Jealouss,” you prod some more. You toss your arms around his neck and pull him closer to sponge kisses to his face, giggling as he scrunches up, “you’re still my number one boy, I promise.”
“Call me boy again, and I won’t be.”
“And my number two. And three. You’re my favorite all three tiers.”
He grumbles and lays on top of you, squishing you under his mammoth frame and making you grunt out softly. “Good,” he murmurs, barely audible, and you snicker and card your fingers through his hair. You angle your head to keep watching your show, “if I look up and you’re staring at the fucking captain of Inarizaki again I’m going to kill you.”
“Okay, babe.”
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nkogneatho · 8 months
having a bad day??? look at itadori qyuuti <33
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t0ffeec0w · 5 months
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Gonna be posting all my art on here so don't mind the spams!
Here's JohnDory my lil cutie patootie(hes a grown man)
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