#cutr girl
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Frieren The Slayer
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agalnamedlunasea · 2 years
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Hiroko moms everyone, toko especially... she's not a fan though...
+ misc. doodles also from this au
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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Chiaki was relieved to finally get to sleep at home again. The walk from Towa city to the apartment complex was long and included stealing an abandoned car, as well as Izuru carrying the trolley with Nagito and Monaca inside with his bare arms while walking on ground so covered in rubble it's a miracle it was walkable at all.
Once they'd gotten inside, the first thing Chiaki did was head into the bedroom and flopping down onto the bed. Despite how tired she was, she felt far too dirty to fall asleep right away. Izuru walked inside carrying a sleeping Monaca, and gently laid her next to Chiaki on the bed. "You will need to shower before going to sleep, Nanami."
"Mmm. Don't wanna."
Chiaki knew she was just being petty again, but she really didn't feel like dragging herself up so soon after having laid down. Izuru seemed less than pleased. "...Fine, I will assist Komaeda in washing himself first, then I will make you shower. I will drag you in there myself if necessary."
"Will you strip me too?"
"...If necessary."
"Hm okay. I'll let you do that then. Less I gotta do the better."
"...So childish. How boring." Accepting his fate of having to manually wash two grown people, Izuru left the room and presumably got started on helping Nagito shower. Chiaki however, felt herself growing drowsier by the second until she fell asleep.
The sound of something being dragged inside woke her up. She felt rested after her sleep, even if it had been interrupted in the middle by Izuru waking her up for a shower and having moved to sleep on the couch to let Monaca have some space for her first night. Now, Chiaki sat up from the couch, realising her previous human pillow Izuru had been replaced with an actual pillow. Making sure not to disturb Nagito sleeping on her lap, she tried to look around to see what the commotion was.
Izuru walked in from the door, dragging a wheelchair inside with him. He noticed she'd awoken and locked eyes with her for a second before returning to dragging the wheelchair. She noticed him heading towards the bedroom, presumably to let Monaca into it.
Nagito was still sound asleep.
Some time later, Izuru came out alongside a grumpy Monaca, who was now seated in the wheelchair. "G'morning. Looks like Monaca-san can start moving around herself now. That's good." The girl in question started smiling and wheeled herself towards the couch. "Good morning, Big Sis! ...Huh? Is Mr. Servant not awake yet? ...Did Mr. Stalker do something?" She turned around to glare at Izuru. "...I did nothing. He is simply exhausted"
"Hmm, Monaca doesn't believe you! Mr. Stalker is definitely suspicious!"
"Hm, actually, I saw him put something in the water he made Komaeda-kun drink before sleeping... I think." Chiaki had assumed it was the usual medicine, as Nagito probably hadn't been able to take them while working in Towa City, but maybe it wasn't. "So Mr. Stalker did do something!" Monaca wheeled closer to Izuru and lowered her voice, "...You better hope Mr. Servant wakes up soon, or I'll torture you in the worst way imaginable. I'll cut you up, digit by digit, limb by limb, I'll rip out your teeth and tear out your eyeballs before strapping your remaining head and torso to a stretcher and watch as your body rips itself apart."
Chiaki felt a shiver run up her spine at Monaca's threat, suddenly very glad the little girl seemed to like her. Izuru, on the other hand, was completely unfazed. A tense silence filled the air.
"...Hey hey, I'm hungry, can we have breakfast already? What's on the menu today, Kamukura-kun?" She decided to break the atmosphere by appealing to their stomachs. ...And her own. She was very hungry. "...I will see what we have." And with that, Izuru disappeared into the kitchen.
"Hmph. Why is Mr. Stalker cooking, he can't be trusted." While her dark expression had vanished, she was still clearly unhappy with leaving Izuru to do anything on his own. "...Well, I can't cook, and as you probably already know, neither can Komaeda-kun. Unless you want to cook yourself, you'll have to eat what Kamukura-kun makes."
Monaca paused at her reply. "...Ugh, fine. But if he puts anything weird in the food I'll kill him."
"Okay. I don't think he will, though." A thought suddenly entered Chiaki's head. "...Hey, Monaca-san. Would you like to take a bath? You're probably dirty, right? ...And you could probably do with some new clothes, too. I think I have some clothes in your size..."
"...Why do you have children's clothes in your house. There are no children here. Do you have an illegitimate child or something?"
"...I'm 21. I'm not old enough for kids. ...Not your age, at least. Besides, I've been very careful with protection. Having kids when the world's like this would be bad... probably."
"...Who would you even have sex with? It can't be Mr. Servant, he doesn't like girls, and it better not be Mr. Stalker."
"...Anyway, Do you want that bath?" Chiaki tried to get the conversation back on track. "A bath would be great! Monaca's tired of all this dirt meow." ...She's meowing now? "Okay then. I'll go find some clean clothes for you. ...Tell me if you need any help, okay? The bathroom's right over there." Replying with a smile, Monaca went off and entered the bathroom.
Only now remembering the man sleeping in her lap, Chiaki carefully tried to shimmy herself from under Nagito's head, replacing herself with the pillow Izuru gave her once she was free. She went into the bedroom's closet and searched for fitting clothes for Monaca. she found a skirt resembling the lower part of Monaca's usual dress, a white, collared, sleeveless shirt, and a pair of socks the same color as the skirt. Figuring this would be a bit too cold for her, she searched around for any long-sleeved shirts or hoodies to add to the outfit. Althought she wasn't looking for it, she found some child-sized underwear. Oh, right. She'll need to get clean panties too... How lucky. I hope they fit.
After a few more minutes of searching, she found she had no long-sleeved shirts or hoodies in Monaca's size. From the bathroom next door, she heard Monaca call out, "HEY, BIG SIS! I'M DONE! CAN I GET THOSE CLOTHES NOW? I DON'T WANT TO WALK AROUND NAKED!" Chiaki decided she'd look for something warmer later, and grabbed the clothes as she walked to the bathroom.
She knocked on the door before announcing herself, "Hey, I've got your clothes here. Can you open the door a little so I can give them to you?" Without replying, Monaca opened the door just enough to outstretch her arm and opened her hand expectantly. Chiaki placed the clothes into the girl's arm and watched as it swiftly retreated back into the bathroom and the door slipped shut. She decided to see if Nagito had woken up yet and walked into the living room.
"Ah, Good morning, Nanami-san! Are you helping Monaca-san? How kind of you! You must be the most hopeful kind of person to help such a pitiful little girl!" Nagito greeted her the moment she walked in. "Oh, you're finally awake. Good morning."
"Say, how's little Monaca-san doing? I hope she hasn't been causing any trouble for you!"
"...You sound like a parent."
"Ah, do I?"
"Yep. Totally a parent."
"Who's a parent?" Chiaki hadn't noticed Monaca get out of the bathroom, but now she was wheeling herself towards Nagito, wearing the clothes Chiaki handed her. "Good morning Big Bro! Monaca was beginning to wonder if you were gonna sleep forever! ...Hm, but since you woke up, I guess I can't kill Mr. Stalker after all... What a shame. Oh well! At least Big Bro is fine!"
"...Please don't kill Kamukura-sama. I like him very much and would prefer having him around! ...And besides, if he dies we won't have anyone to cook for us!"
"Hmm... Okay! But only because Monaca doesn't want to starve to death. Or eat more of the disgusting filth you tried to make for us." Chiaki smiled at their easy banter, their interaction reminicent of siblings. "...Hey hey, Komaeda-kun, isn't it a bit too cold in here to go around pantless? I know your old pair was ruined and all, but you should probably grab some of Kamukura-kun's for now." Nagito's pants had been thrown away yesterday, as Izuru had deemed them beyond fixing on account of the tearing and old, stained blood covering it from the thighs down.
"No. You're not allowed to."
"...Why not? You don't want him to have pants?"
"I don't want him to have Mr. Stalker's pants. They're probably itchy and stuffy and have the insides covered in poison ivy."
"Ahaha, you sure have an imagination, Monaca-san! I often share clothes with Kamukura-sama, so I can assure you that there is nothing of the sort inside!"
"Ew, you share clothes with that guy? I won't allow it! From now on you're not allowed to wear any of his clothes. And that's final."
"...Aha, whatever you say, Monaca-san. No pants for me today, I suppose." Having accepted his fate, Nagito grabbed the blanket that had fallen off the couch when he woke up, and placed it back on top of himself. "...Oh, that reminds me. I was trying to look for a warmer shirt for Monaca-san earlier, but didn't have any in the correct size."
"I don't mind a big hoodie. Just give me something, my arms are cold."
"...Alright, I'll grab a few and we'll see which ones you like the best." Chiaki went back into the bedroom and grabbed a couple hoodies, quickly returning with them in hand. "Okay, I've got a couple hoodies here. Let's try them!"
With that, she first handed Monaca a near-black blue hoodie with orange on the hood's inside and white, sharp 'teeth' coming from the hood's opening. "...It looks stupid. I don't want it."
Next was a large black hoodie with poofy, cuffed sleeves, a crooked cat tail in the back and large cat ears on the hood. "Hm. Cute but too simple. I don't want it."
Then, a yellow-ish green hoodie paired with a leather jacket. "Ew, why is the hoodie neon green? And I hate wearing leather. I hate it. No."
Lastly, a light pink hoodie with bunny ears, a bow on one ear, a cartoon-ish bunny face on the hood, and white patterning on the ends of the sleeves and ears. "...It's far too cutesy and detailed. It makes Monaca think of Kotoko-chan. Hmm... I like it! I'll take this one!"
"Oh Monaca-san, you look adorable!" Nagito got up and walked behind Monaca, holding her shoulders. ...And what's that on his left hand...? "...Komaeda-kun? What... happened to your hand?" The skin had more color than Nagito's usual pale complexion, and yet looked far less alive than he did. Additionally, it had perfectly manicured red nails on the tips, uncharacteristic of Nagito. "Ah, that. My apologies, I must've forgotten to inform you. You see...
I took Junko Enoshima's arm for myself."
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like i know the situation is dire when i start fantasizing about going clubbing
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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🎀 Overcoming Gym Anxiety 🎀
I got asked about this through my inbox by @sxfiaaa so I figured I'd make a post about it and hopefully help a lot of people with something I too used to struggle with!
🩷 Wear Comfortable Clothing
We've all seen the beautifully dressed people on Tiktok, Pinterest, etc in their matching sets and cutr gym clothes. If that is what you're comfortable wearing to the gym, do it! Wear it, and be confident in it! If you're more of a loose clothes/sweatpants/baggy shirts or hoodie type of person, do that! Wear whatever you feel comfortable (and cute) in, because the better you feel going into a workout, the more you'll be able to focus on your workout!
🩷 Know What You're Doing When You're There
This just means go in with a plan! You don't need to know how to use every single machine or do every single exercise known to mankind. Scroll tiktok or pinterest for some workout videos for inspo (please make sure the video you get inspo from shows proper form!!! Proper form is so important for being safe!!)
If you know you can go certain days of the week, make a workout split to follow that! EX 3 day split: Monday - Leg Day, Wednesday - Upper Body, Friday - Full Body
OR, if you just want to go do cardio, then plan for that! I didn't know how to use a treadmill, but I went to the gym at my university and stood on the treadmill til I figured it out!
🩷 Remember This
No one is going to look at you and judge you or think mean things about you. Everyone is at the gym for the purpose of bettering themselves and their health. If you find people giving you occasional glances, maybe it's because they don't recognize you from the gym (or they do recognize you from somewhere else), maybe their admiring your outfit/physique, maybe their avid gym goers who are watching your form and technique, or maybe their just zoned out and you happen to be in the line of sight.
When I'm at the gym, I look around between sets and take note on other people's form to see if maybe I should tweak the way I do a certain exercise, or I'm admiring another girls outfit or physique because there are a lot of beautiful women at the gym. Sometimes, I'm thinking "dang, they're lifting so heavy, how cool!" or "wow, their form is amazing, they really know what they're doing." I've never thought bad abut someone at the gym because why would I?
🩷 Don't Be Scared To Ask For Help
if there an exercise you really want to do but don't know how and videos aren't helping, ask someone around you who isn't in the middle of an exercise and looks like they may know. The guy at the gym doing upper body who has good biceps may be the right guy to ask about upper body exercises. The girl doing impeccable Bulgarian Split Squats might be the right person to ask for help with those types of movements. Just make sure they aren't in the middle of an exercise, because that can cause some unwanted issues, especially if they're mid-rep, that can turn into a safety issue.
People love to help people, especially at the gym. If you politely ask for help from someone, they may take it as a compliment that you think they look like a person who is knowledgeable on working out. I'd definitely be so flattered if someone asked me for help or advice at the gym!
🩷 Random Advice:
remember your why! no matter how anxious you are, remember why you're going! what are your goals, what do you hope to achieve, how proud will you feel after?
start small if you have to! if it's really anxiety inducing to start working out, make it your first goal to at least step into the gym. then 2nd goal, walk around the gym to get a feel for it. 3rd goal, maybe 5-10 minutes on a treadmill, and then keep building momentum each day.
be careful with the hours you go! there is such a thing as peak gym hours. It varies by place, but a lot of gyms are busy between 2pm and 6pm I've seen. I personally love going to the gym super early morning, it's a little less busy and I'm a morning person so it works out for me! If you can only go during peak hours, bring a friend or keep your headphones on and do your thing!
Bring a friend! If you're really anxious about going alone, bring a friend with similar goals! Sometimes it can be a lot nicer to learn something new with a friend then try and learn it on your own! Plus, it's like extra motivation and accountability!
Have a motivating pre workout routine. Play some music while getting ready, prep your bags, prep your playlist, get your workout itself figured out, and just keep yourself excited to go! I love blasting high-energy music that makes me feel like a baddie on my way to the gym.
I hope this was helpful!! My thoughts were everywhere but I tried to convey them as best as possible! I'm happy to answer any questions or offer more tips and advice, don't feel scared to ask! <3
til next time lovelies 🩷
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auttumnmai · 1 year
I redesing Chloe
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So Like you know that I did some redesing for mlb, for fun yk.(here's the link if you're curious : +
I have always wanted to do Chloe, but I knew that she need it a lot of work for my part. Like, from all the years of watching the show I found myself really like "liking" Chloe. We all love a mean girl.
I going to do give some thoughts about her desing an d why I landed on this one and comment a little bit of her writting as character.
small note: When I do this redesings I always thought about them like 16-17 ish years old, it just when I think of what I would have done with the story is them being just a lil bit older.
So for Chloe I had a few key words to go off. It girls( from the 80´s,60´s and the early 2000´s),very femenine, a lil bit of preppy and french girl. it was really dificult to balance all of this because I wanted to gave it a really iconic look but at the same time very effortless becuase of "nepo baby". Also I used "french girl" becuase I thought "she's the daughter of the most famous fashion editor of French, she would be an it girl just for the nepotism" So she should have a really unique style that breaths nepotism .
Also some time it can be similar to Mari's because of something that I'm gonna' explain later.
I'd made a pinterest board as usual for this. + (the link).
also I made some really bad explorations on options,like really fast to cutr down options.
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For some reason gogo boots were like the shoe to go, like confier than a heel but it has a hell, also i despise flats shoes. Also I wanted to make her have like a supermodel fisique, becuase when I saw her mom I thought "it's like a fusion of Anna Wintour and Yolanda Hadid" so like yeah.
I also had to some skechtes of her face, not because I did not like her face,just becuase it did not translate as well to my style.
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As you can see I even found a face for Zoe(unintencional) that looks like angelina Jolie for some reason. At the end my references are the ones on the bottom.
now for the writting
If it's not clear I do really belive that Chloe was like mistreated, because one thing is that you wanted to make her an antagonist and the other thing is what they did to her. Like keep her as a bad guy but do it with respect to the character and the work that has been done the character.
some notes about her .
-A thing that I do not remember being used in the show, the similarities between Mari and Chloe. Like literally sometime they have the same delusion and do stuff like without thinking of the concequences. Like it's simple Chloe can be a reminder of what happens if you loose the tracks and idk becomes to self absorb. And Mari is for Chloe like what she saws a "weak".
-Also a very important thing, I'd belive that Chloe should have a really meaningfull reason to bully Mari. Like it does not excuse her behavior but give it more flavor. Remeber Style Queen and Audrey acknowledeges Marinette for her talent. This is the moment. So Mari should represent all the things that Chloe was teach by her Mom to be "weak", "unusefull" ,so when she sees her mom be nicer to someone "meah" than her own daughter, she gets mad.
So I do have more notes, but I would enter to the territory of fanfiction (iamalredythere?), also If there' s any mistake in the writting, (which I know that there's) please be patience, english is not my first language and I'm def not used to write this long, at least not anymore.
have a nice day or time!
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lucytheskinnyone · 19 days
idk why but i just cant cut deep in my arm anore it makes me feel so useless but i tjink its bc i didnt cvt for a while and now my wkins like harder or sum idk but yh kinda mad ab that. i can only cut deep in my leg, i have tried multi cutring in one scar but it js does now work for the arm i js get ver swollen, HELP A GIRL OUT PLS😞‼️
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triglycercule · 23 days
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yall..... more jkfashionau fanart,,,,,, fromgshaewru,,,,, the goat..... THIS IS SO FUCKING CYTE!!!!! TH LITTE ICE CREAMZ???? GHE ICE CREAM IS SHAPED LIKE A BUNNY. IT HAS LITTLE KITTY EARS. HORRORS ICE CREAM ID CRYING!!!!!!!!!! THATS SO FUCKING CUTE,,,,,,,, (an is that supposed to be a dogm dog coded horrrot real theyre literally rabbit cat dog trio) AND THEY LOOK SO HAPPY AND KILERS :3 FACE they're absolutely gonna share ice cream flavors except horror's stingy but also greedy for dust an killer's and they had to get a her a spoon and count her spoonfuls so she doesn't just eat their whole ice creams and AND MY GOD TJIS IS SO FUCKING ADORABLE!!!! THIS IS SO CUTR AND SWEET AND LOVELY AND JK FASHION MTT MY BELOEBD MY BELOBED!!!! ⁉️⁉️‼️‼️ OH MY GOD WAIT IS THE LIKE,,,,, A FOLLUIP TO THE OTHER DRAWING I MADE WHER THEH WERENT RUNNING TO TBE CIE CREAM SHOP,,,,,,,,,, OH YM DODDDD IF IT ITS FUCK THSBK YKU SO MUCH THIA SO CUTE what happened yo dyst in the second ohoto ⁉️⁉️⁉️ why did she literally DIE???? her poor precious fave GET UPPP QUEEN GET UOPPPPP THEYRE DRAGGING YOU IN THR QRTS. THEY lion SO FUCKING CUTE in the srcond one like the massive fotball heads are so adorable i fear. its so cut its so cute. straight out of an anime ending ITS SO CUTE and horror's surpirsed reaction and killer little wave I CAN JUST IMAGINE LIKE A DISTANT (aaaaaa) COMING FDOM HER THATS SO CUTEEEEE. dust collasped after they ran to the ice cream shop that one time no doubt i can make it canon im literally the creator so boom i just made it canon. and the stupid fucking third picture. they look so dumb i could punch them. they look like baseball bats. ping pong thingys i forgot the little whackers. lets play tennis with the mtt rackets i pick dust!what was that traced over???? i feel like one of those korean artist reaction photos would work
gshaewru hits me AGAINwith another wave of art. a second plane has appeared (triglycercule. 9/11 jokes are not a safe topic to joke about no matter how funny you find it. i know i know triglycercule,,,, i'll lay off,,,,,,) and once again it is ADORABLE AND SILLY. jk mtt-y. theyre so damn cute my little candies i will eat then and chew them like gum and they will taste delicious. notice the difference between when i spoke about normal mtt and jk mtt. that's because jk mtt are GIRLS CUTE GIRLS they dont deserve to be used as tennis rackets compared to the murderer three over there,,,,, smh
edit: i've just been informed THIS is the fuckass base 😭😭😭
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how do you feel about braids ?
I fucking love them they are so cute, I wish a cutr girls with braids was in front of me so I could just admire her hair!!
God I just love all hair and hair styles so much!!!
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sullys-nose-hair · 2 years
Jeff the killer x reader toe thingy final 🖕
(@oreosplease @spooky-donut-ghost-house @normanbatessupremacy my cute uwus🥺)
Looking up at my Jeffy weffy with PERFECT AND AMAZING tears in my crystal blue eyes I cutely wimpered with my feminine, cute, soft, high pitched voice that made Jeff weffy bite his crusty red lip once again, getting some of the crusty in my perfect blonde locks of hair.
Laughing HANDSOMELY in his deep voice my knees CUTELY tremblinv as I bit my whole bottom lip SEXILY before
Looking up with my submissive and breed able eyes I moaned for no reason at all bc ik not like other growls. I wear black and sing emo💔💔💔 songs everywhere in ur amazing toe curling squeaky girly voice. Ppl always made fun of u for wearing bitch black hoodie and pants and black lipstick but they didnt know what u were going through. They didn't know ur dad abused u physically, mentally, verbally, sexually it was so hard🥺🥺🥺
Plus ur sister and mother were so jealous of u they would shove glass down ur throat every 0.1 second plus ur goldfish and fight and cat would choke u out everyday. The only reason as to why u r alive is bc ur demon super strong over powered daddy gave u the ability to be immortal, but even though the only reason why u r alive u still hated him for no reason.
U wanted to die bc j were so ugly and disgusting, always choking ur 000000.1cm finger up ur nose and pulling out a 1000000 fr booger and shoving it in ur small and cute mouth. That's what everybody else would say tho🥺 that u were a disgusting out that deserved to die.
Even though u never did anything to them, just existed.
Letting out a perfect, cute,sexy ,amazing, toe curling sigh I started at my crusty musty dusty man's in front of me and came🥺🥺🥺 sometimes it just yk came out, I just couldn't c-control it. I'm just that sexy ngl🥺🥺
Bending down on one boney, nasty knee he licked the cum from me 0000000000.1 cm tall legs and grinned up at me, causing a bunch of grease and sweat and crust to fall from his lips when he finished licking my thick thighs that were only 000000.1cm tall🥺🥺
I'm just so uwu and short I cant help myself u-uwu
"u-uwu senpai Jeffy🥺🥺" I squeaked out submissevly and cutely and sexily and cumingly and twerkingly.
"yes bebeah growl, snuggle kitten, bee licker, cum shooter, sweet tea, bubble butt." My sexy Jeffy weffy asked in his deep raspy smoker voice, the crust on his younger flakeing onto my toesies wosies making them curl and a moan slipping from my PLUMP FAT naturally red lips🥺
I was never one to wear makeup, I wasn't like the other girls growing up. I was always naturalllu pretty and didn't need all that NADTY stuff in my beautiful WHITE skin🙄🙄🙄🙄
"l-l-l-l-lick m-m-m-m-m-my t-t-t-t-t-toeises p-pls s-s-s-senpai Jeffy🥺🥺🥺" I cutely asked in my wittle gurl voice, sounding almost like a squeake🥺
"of course kitten whiskers 😈" he said before he dove in and started biting and nibbling on my toesies wosies making me bite my RED AND PLUMP lipy wispys🥺
I'm just so sexy ahahaha
(these r ur toes btw)
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Moaning in my CITE SEXY PRETTY BEAUTIFUL CUMINGLY TOE CURLING EYE ROLLING voice as I came, my white liquids covering every single surface in the room🥺🥺
"j-j-j-j-j-j-jeffy that was so c-c-c-cutr🥺🥺" I squeaked out
"ik bebehaha groeal" he grinned out😈some of his great falling onto the floor, mixing with my cummy wummy🥺
idk if I should be laughing my ass off re-rwading this shit or not ngl🧍‍♀️
Also???I forgot wtf happened in the others but🤪
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Este año estoy retomando la lectura de manga (sobre todo) y, aprovechando que no le he devuelto los tebeos a su dueño original, he hecho una fotos cutres para contarte un poco las series que estoy leyendo:
Gachiakuta de Kei Urana. Una vez, me lo dejaron y ni siquiera miré de qué iba cuando lo empecé. Todo bien. Me gusta el tema medioambiental que trata y cómo encaja con el dibujo. Tengo ganas de leer más.
Un contable para salvar el Reino. Los quería leer por la recomendación de una amiga. Es BL y hay intriga palaciega, mamarracheo y un romance de esos de "sujétame el cubata". Me está gustando mucho.
Espíritus del inframundo de Hiromu Arakawa. Tal como me lo dejaron lo empecé. No tenía ni idea de lo que iba. Pero me ha fascinado: muchos misterios del pasado, espíritus y nada es lo que parece.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Mo Dao Zu Ahi. No tengo mucho que decir, creo que es muy conocida. Ambientada en la Antigua China, demonios, un prota mamarracho, BL... Todo bien.
Shamanking, de Hiroyuki Takei. Un gran clásico. Vi el anime cuando era peque y ahora estoy compartiendo la lectura con mi hermano, así que todo fantástico.
Magical Girl Boy de Moukon Icchokusen. Este fue uno de los mangas que me tocaron en el sorteo de Fandogamia. Es una parodia que le da la vuelta a los clichés más clichés de las chicas mágicas. Me está gustando
Y tú, ¿has leído alguno?
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
U have the power to add more Mrs Arcadian to the world. GIVE HER MORE CUTR DRESSES REPLACE THAY SHITTY WIG!!!! You go girl!!
oh. you fucking know i will dude 🫡
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introversiontherapy · 2 months
One of the dutch archer girl is cutr
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lastraintolondon · 4 months
that’s (not) fabulous!
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Dado que el otro día me quedé muy a gusto después de comentar (o más bien despellejar) el reeboot de Sex and the City, me ha parecido una buena idea escribir sobre su verdadera sucesora, Girls de Lena Dunham. 
El personaje de Lena Dunham sería el equivalente a Carrie. La única diferencia es que Carrie es fabulosa y delgada, y Hannah esta gorda y es una cutre. Un punto a su favor es que Adam Driver es su Mr. Big. Lo malo, es que las dos son igual de insoportables (como todas las que tenemos un poco de complejo de protagonista).
Marnie sería una especie de Miranda con más charme. El punto histérico del personaje sigue ahí pero, al contrario que en el caso de Hannah (Lena Dunham), Marnie es la versión “fabulosizada” de Miranda. 
Jessa es una evidente Samantha pero con un giro hippie contemporáneo, con pelos en los sobacos y todo ese rollo. 
Y Shoshanna es una Charlotte bastante más sosilla pero con el innegable toque tierno de su predecesora (las dos son judías y cursis).
Girls me pilló un poco joven en el momento y en una época que me guiaba por las cosas brillantes y fabulosas. A decir verdad, que Lena fuera la protagonista no la hizo muy atractiva para mí, pero es justo eso lo que la hace una serie extraordinaria, y en algunos aspectos, incluso mejor que su predecesora. La vida no es fabulosa. En la vida real te emborrachas cada viernes hasta perder el conocimiento y vomitas en tu cama, te contagias de papiloma por un extraño, tu ex ahora es gay y vives en una casa infestada de colillas. La vida real es, en realidad, un poco como la cama de Tracey Emin, un retrato del caos y la histeria que implica el ser una mujer joven navegando la adultez en el siglo XXI.
En la foto: My Bed de la artista británica Tracey Emin, una de mis ídolas, expuesta en la Tate Britain para el Premio Turner de 1988, que pocos recuerdan que nunca llegó a ganar.
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rygujis · 9 months
⊹˚. ♡ [11:26 PM] mikey x f!reader . 365 wc . not proofread, crack sorta, cute domestic fluff, mikey is a cutie patootie, cursing (y/n says shit once)
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you would never admit it to anyone else but mikey, but you have a soft spot for cheesy christmas romcoms. every year, when the holiday season comes, your go-to background movies to watch while you work or even to sit down and actually watch are always those dumb hallmark movies.
"they are all the same. city girl gets a job promotion that requires her to go back home to the south for awhile, and she falls in love with a country boy and ends up staying. and every single one of them makes me cry at the end." you've been going on about the christmas movie cliches, and mikey is intently listening.
only so that you'll continue to feed him taiyaki. if he zones out or quits paying attention, you'll just hog the bag, so here he is.
as you go on, one of said movies are blaring in the background, as you and mikey lay in your bed, covered under 3 blankets and 2 comforters. this winter was an intense one, and you needed all you had to warm up.
"n/n, that's lovely, can you feed me please?" he asks before opening his mouth. "you little shit, did you even pay attention to what i was saying?"
"yeah. you were talking about the dumb movies and how they make you cry. "
you roll your eyes, reluctantly giving him another taiyaki as you continue, "no bozo, i moved on from that, like, forever ago. i was talking about how the other day this gu-"
mikey loves to hear you ramble on, and usually he's just as chatty as you are, but, it's past his bedtime and frankly the two of you had been laying in bed cuddling so long it has begun to lull the boy to sleep. plus, that mug of hot cocoa you'd made him earlier played a big role in his drowsiness. "g'night..." he mumbles, still chewing the taiyaki, his head falling into your lap.
"goodni- wait no! i'm not done-" as he cuts you off with a quick, chaste kiss, your rant finally comes to a close as you smile, petting his hair as you too start to doze off.
mikey is so cutr shshhssh. i would've made this longer but im tired aaaand yeah
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bisluthq · 9 months
My thought process is. Let’s say your best friend really wants to marry her boyfriend. One day she comes up to you and she says “we’re engaged!” but when you ask for details she says that they aren’t officially engaged but that they had a conversation and he’s committed to marrying her at some point. I would be like “girl, you’re not engaged”. That is not an engagement.
I think you bringing up your bracelet to compare it to the jewelry Joe and Taylor had proves my point too. You’ve said a million times that you don’t see yourself getting married! Your bracelet and Jack’s claddagh ring are the same thing to me. Meaningful jewelry that represents the relationship and that you cherish, but not the same thing as a proper engagement ring. The ring Joe wore was probably that too, meaningful jewelry. I don’t think being engaged is better, I think the idea of your bracelet is super cute, especially knowing how you are about commitment let’s be honest here. But it’s not a promise to get married.
I personally don’t want to get married either and I love jewelry, so I find any sort of jewelry that represents a relationship super sweet and super cutre. But if someone does want to get married and wants that engagement ring and wants to start planning a wedding, cute meaningful jewelry isn’t going to cut it. It’s just not it. You can truly be committed to someone and spend the rest of your life with them without ever getting married. You can choose to wear meaningful jewelry that to you means “I want to spend the rest of my life with you” but an engagement ring and a proper engagement means “I want to marry you”. And someone who wants to get married, really wants that second one.
So, if Taylor wanted to get married and was getting jewelry but never a proper engagement, I get her frustration. But the opal rings might have been “proper” engagement ring(s). We might never know, but I think there is a difference there and you either are or aren’t engaged.
I don’t know if any of that makes sense.
yeah this makes sense
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