#dae embarrassed
blighted-elf · 3 months
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Ah, Daeran's ulterior motive has been revealed... romancing my Cleric of Pharasma KC with the hopes she'll put in a good word for him (jokes, they're both going to the abyss and they know it)
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one-winged-dreams · 4 months
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@dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus
okay yeah, anyway, last night i was REEEALLY high on sleep aid and my brain created this whole ass comfort DILF to fantasize about JUST BECAUSE my brain dredged this post up from the depths of my inebriated psyche
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And I'm still trying to name him and like, I'm having to pull up popular names from FORTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO but alas, it do be going slow.
I drew him already but I'm embarrassed to post a picture because he looks exactly like the type of guy you think I'd be gay over OTL
But he's just honest to god just some guy. He's nice, he's super beefy, and he is apparently following a trend of oc f/os who like video games and Deftones. But he's also such a fucking dad/48 year old man, it's embarrassing to look at and even more embarrassing to be attracted to because gdi you've swayed me with your older white man charms, i don't know jack shit about sportsball but i guess I'll watch it with you if i get to sit in your lap or something i mean what
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strawberryspence · 2 years
What about the opposite of that other ask, the party has to defend Steve from Eddie. I remember one once where Lucas explained the Billy fight to the Hellfire group when they were mocking it.
Huh. Surprisingly I don't have lots of this. I am always on Team Eddie defends Steve. Here's the handful I found. Again please feel free to add anything!
The one your specifically describing is A Thin Line Between Love and Hate by Sparkle_Fiend - LOVEEEEE the scene where Lucas says why they like Steve and the whole table just shuts up.
Roll for Insight? by Tired_Writing_Teach - Steve brings snacks and Eddie thinks he's gonna be bullied. Mike defends him so— I actually love this one.
Ajax The Warrior by scifigeek14 - Eddie wants a Lucas replacement and they get Steve.
chat with you, baby (flirt a little, maybe) by desiccatedwithering (acornsofthemind) - I love this one. I have no words. Just read it PLEASE.
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spyridonya · 10 months
Okay. But imagine this.
Imagine this as a crossover idea.
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pierce-walker · 1 year
self-para  \  the sand runs out. men’s bathroom, rhee’s bar and grill. approximately 11:20 pm.
trigger warnings: knives, blood, murder, death.
i’m falling through the hourglass and i don’t think i’ll ever make it back so i throw stones at walls i’ll never climb, victim to the sands of time i’m falling through the hourglass, the hourglass.
Pierce would be lying if he said he hadn’t been distracted lately. His father had grown increasingly pushy in the last few months, begging and pleading for money. It was honestly pathetic, but the constant harassment was starting to wear him down. It was getting to the point where he felt he had only two options: either give him the change or cut him off. In addition to that, self-publishing his music had turned out to be a lot more complicated than he was expecting. But he was tired of keeping it to himself, tired of only showing his craft to Kahlan, to Emi, to Adee. It was beyond time for him to finally take the leap.
His phone buzzed again, and he jolted, his leg crashing into the surface before him. The glass of beer resting untouched on the table tumbled, spilling amber liquid all over him. He sighed, staring at the mess for a moment. The beer slowly rolled across the table like a wave, dripping over the side when it reached it, directly onto his jeans—just his luck.
Before cleaning it up, he tugged his phone out of his pocket. The number he’d expected flashed on-screen and he rolled his eyes, setting it on the other side of the table, away from the beer puddle. Slowly, Pierce got to his feet, moving towards the bathrooms as quickly as he could. Hopefully, no one was in there, and he could clean up before anybody noticed he was gone…or saw the mess on the table.
The bathroom was indeed deserted, and he sighed in relief as he moved toward the paper towel dispenser, grabbing a couple to begin the hopeless task of cleaning the alcohol off of his jeans. He patted off his pockets, feeling something stiff below the fabric.
Quickly, he dug out a small, folded-up piece of paper. Unfolding it, he realized it was an old draft of one of his songs. With a small laugh, he dumped it and the paper towels into the trash can. He didn’t need that draft anymore—the final was sitting on his kitchen table, waiting for him to finally deal with it tomorrow.
Grabbing a couple of extra paper towels, he moved to the sink, running the water to wash his hands. He also splashed some on the denim, hoping it would help rid the already-forming stain. As he did, he heard the door click open behind him. 
“Sorry,” he said instinctively, not looking up, “I’ll just be a sec. Those tables are super easy to jiggle, eh?” Pierce chuckled. Whoever it was didn’t deign to give him a reply.
Eyebrows knitting together momentarily, he turned off the sink faucet, dabbing the last of the water from his jeans. Perhaps the recent events in the town just had him on edge, but something about the idea of being alone with someone in an enclosed area didn’t sit quite right with him. Pierce took a deep breath, stepping to the left to throw away the towels in his hand.
He never got the chance to step back.
Shooting pain drilled through the back of his abdomen, harsh enough for him to stumble forward, catching himself on the sink. His eyes darted down, red viscosity already mixing into the beer stain on his jeans. He should've trusted his instincts more.
Mouth open in a wordless O, he looked back in horror at his assailant. The masked figure was standing across from him in silence, silence as sharp as their blade; still in their hand, blood dripping from its point. Pierce could already feel the burn in his side, his arm snaking around to press a hand over the gaping hole. The knife hadn't come out cleanly, leaving a ragged tear in his shirt—the edges were already stained dark brown with blood. 
Suddenly, urgency ripped through him. If he didn't move, he was going to die in this bathroom. Jerking into motion, Pierce clumsily whipped backward, using his momentum to stagger into the killer—because that's who they were, he was certain. They didn't seem to expect it, stumbling up against the wall. Immediately, he pushed towards the door, trying to put as much distance between himself and the other person as possible.
Foot slipping on the tile quickly slickening with his blood, he fell against the door, banging on the bottom. Somehow, it had been locked—the wood barely moved under his fist. A muffled cheer went up from outside. No one could hear him, and Pierce's heart sank at the realization.
Sharp pain tore a cry out of him as his assailant caught him messily on the leg once more. He blinked, trying to see through tears of pain. He could feel his heart thumping weakly against his chest, his breath coming in shallow gasps, and all he could think was this is it. I'm going to die here.
Pangs of regret began to numb the pain from his wounds, closing like a fist around his heart as he lay panting on the tile floor of the bathroom. Regret that he’d never be able to publish a song, and regret that he’d been selfish enough to keep them to himself. Regret that he’d never told Finley he still loved her, and regret that he’d never moved on. Regret that he’d never looked into his birth family, and regret that he’d never cut them off—too much regret for too little time.
The world was already flickering, and he screamed as another jolt of pain ran through his leg, though no noise came out. Through his dim and blurry vision, he could just barely make out the figure in front of him, pulling his leg towards them. They were trying to get him away from the door. He reached out an arm helplessly, every muscle shuddering before it dropped to the ground, the sheer strength needed to lift it already gone. 
There was nothing he could do.
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vonlycaonwife · 2 months
would you be willing to do headcanons for how the guys (billy, wise, lycaon, ben) would treat the reader on a first date?
You mentioned the guys so I added Anton to the list! Can’t leave out the bro! Enjoy!
Warnings: guns mentioned (Billy)
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I feel a first date with him is more casual, though Belle would’ve insisted on something more romantic. She would probably suggest at least a coffee date or dinner, while Wise more so planned a movie night.
Either way he sticks with his plan, since you had already agreed. Though he did make a compromise with his sister in letting her help pick the movies. Which ended up with a list of both documentaries and cheesy romance films.
It gets really awkward if any of the romance movies have more…intimate scenes. The both of you trying to skip over the scene and not make things even more awkward.
But other than that, it's a really fun date! He's really informative over the topics in the documentaries you watch, giving extra info and whatnot.
You two would end up falling asleep cuddling on his couch in his room, giving Belle the perfect opportunity to take a photo. She definitely plans to use it later to embarrass you both.
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There’s several places I can think of a first date spot Billy would pick.
One of them being an arcade, mainly so he would be able to both beat you at the games. But also so he could look cool by winning the prizes for you, though the success rate of that is very hit or miss. Just never try to challenge him to a shooter game, you’re in for a world of ego pain.
Another place I can see is actually a shooting range, though that’s only if you’re cool with guns. It’s definitely another way for him to try and look cool by getting perfect scores (because of course it would turn into a game). But another bonus would be him showing you how to shoot a gun right with minimal recoil.
But one more place I feel he would take you is just a simple coffee date, though I can see this being more so suggested by the girls of Cunning Hares than something he thinks up of himself. It wouldn’t be a bad date! Though it may be a bit awkward when he can’t really eat or drink due to his face mask.
All in all no matter the setting you are gonna have tons of fun with this silly boy.
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Ben gives me such casual vibes that I can’t really imagine anything but a simple coffee date as a first date.
He would be very sweet the whole time though, asks you about any allergies you may have just in case, pays for the both of you without even thinking about it, even leading the conversation if you’re shy or unsure.
The two of you would just be having a nice talk the whole time, unaware of how long it’s been since the start. Though after realizing the two of you still continue the dae by just walking around and taking in the sites of the city and the people walking by.
The only reason the date would end would be because either he got a call about a work emergency, for which he apologizes profusely over and promises to make up for it, or when you two finally notice how late it’s gotten. He definitely walks you back home, no questions asked.
It just would be so nice and calming, definitely evident of how being with him would be in my mind.
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Now I don’t have a good read on Anton, but hear me out. Gym date.
I can see him thinking about this on the spot to be honest, though he’s not mad if it isn’t up your alley.
Other than that I can see him mainly just doing a simple dinner date, nothing too fancy but not it being just a random bar y'know? He would pay without asking because I can see him thinking of that being what the “man” is supposed to do. But he wouldn’t be pushy if you asked to split.
I feel like most of the energy we see would not be there since he would definitely be nervous about making a good impression. But once he relaxes it’s all back and a great conversation partner!
He would also walk you back home, and when he’s returned to his own place I can imagine him screaming while fistbumping the air in celebration of a good first date.
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Oh boy, if you ever want a fancy first date this man already has the reservations set.
He’s showing up in a nice outfit, not the one he wears for work, with a sweet bouquet of your favorite flowers. And would lead you to the car he’s using for the night.
Now I don’t believe he would do like the fanciest restaurant, though he most likely could afford it, but it would definitely be high end enough for you to be dressed up enough. Plus he would have picked a place that was suited to your tastes and had your favorite dishes and desserts.
He just would be so sweet and romantic, but it would also be very obvious that he’s nervous about making a good impression. It’s easy to tell by how he’s making sure you’re having a good time. And once you confirm that you are, you might be able to see his tail wagging behind his chair a bit.
After having your fill, he would drive you back and drop you off at your door. If you let him he would leave a small kiss on your forehead before leaving. His tail subtly moving in happiness behind him.
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konigsblog · 1 year
Heya! Sorry if it's stupid ask, but I have read your post a while ago that you're Scottish (If I'm wrong then I'm sorry and I would feel embarrassed.🙃) And I want to write Sergeant Johnny Mactavish and Captain John Mactavish x reader. And since they are also Scottish I want to write/them say some Scottish lines, or just words. So I was hoping what usually Scottish people will say, I don't want to mess up. I only know aye, shite and lass but that's much about it.
Sorry if my English is bad.
And I wish you an great day/night/evening!😊
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— yes! i am scottish, so here's some phrases and words i hear, and say, in scotland and what other scottish people usually say. :)
bonnie = that means calling someone pretty, like bonnie lass means pretty girl, since lass means girl. i'd say this is usually aimed towards girls, like a man would call a woman a bonnie.
lad means boy, like a friend usually. lads is plural ofc, and you could use it to say soap and the lads, or his pals. — “me and the lads.” (lads isn't scottish, it's british - which obviously being scottish means your british, but anywhere in great britain you'd hear this. as well as the one below.)
pals means friends, friend is a pal. — “thought he was yer pal.” = “thought he was your friend.”
dinnae = don't, it's how we say it in our accent. “dinnae do that.”
dae = means do, again, how we say it in our accent. “dae that for me.”
“haud yer wheesht” means shut up, like be quiet.
blether means talk, you might call someone a blether if they gossip or they're a chatterbox. — “stop blethering.”
crabbit means to be annoyed or grumpy. — “why ye crabbit?”
aye means yes. — “aye, dae that.”
ken means know. “a ken that.” not the barbie doll, it means know :) — “a ken that.” means “i know that.”
eejit means idiot. — “yer' an eejit.”
“ah umnae” means im not. ‘ah’ means im, or i, ‘umnae’ means not. it's hard to explain, just our accents though.
‘peely wally’ means pale. (heard this too many times towards myself, im pale as paper..) — “yer' lookin' a bit peely wally.” honestly, i don't think you'd need to say this that often in fanfics with soap, but maybe if someone is ill, you'd say that.
“gonnae no do that” means don't do that. “gonnae” means gonna, so like “gonna not do that” you'd say to someone if they did something you didn't want them to do.
“yer bum's oot the windae!” you're lying, being dramatic, or over exaggerating something.
“dafty” means stupid. — “yer' a dafty.”
it shows the accent differences between a scottish person, an english person, and an irish person.
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lmao-liz · 5 months
long distance video calls with soap
my first time writing anything and it’s smut ish. i’m usually a reader and recommender but god do I love this concept
cw: phone sex, mutual masterbation, vibrator use, voyeurism. (let me know if I missed anything)
you and johnny are in a new relationship. it’s your first relationship where the guys got an actual career. he’s someone important, he can’t tell you the details just that it’s demanding and can be dangerous at times.
you embrace the long distance phone calls and rare video chats. it’s worth it because when he’s home it's unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. you know he’s military or something along those lines, the time differences and crazy schedules make it obvious.
after a few months together he opens up. tells you about the team, his cap, gaz, and of course simon. how the long hours and being away all the time gets to the team, he’s pissed none of them ever talk about it.
him having someone to come home to, it changed his mindset, he feels bad for them. it’s empathy, a bit of pity. he’s having such a good time with you, it’s not new for him to want to share the things he loves with his teammates.
the team just got settled into bed, working for almost two days straight in some random country, everyone was out as soon as they hit their pillows, deployment’s running too long. it feels like an eternity since he’s seen you, felt you. he knows he has to keep external contact as low as possible, but the thought of seeing you. it’s his forbidden fruit.
he’s a catholic, in hindsight not a great one, he kills, does unspeakable things for his job. so what’s another tally? one that he knows he deserves, because he’s been working so hard, it would be worth it.
the video call only rings twice before you pick up.
5:33 am.
he should be sorry for waking you up, but he needs you. you answer in the darkness of your room face illuminated by your phone screen. the lights are off in the barracks but you can see him in his bunk, shirtless, an arm tucked behind his head.
he looks like the product of a wet dream. one of which you’ve had too many of to be relaxed seeing him like this. he asks you what you’re wearing, tells you he needs you. he’s desperate, working long hours, going through all kinds of shitty situations. he says he’ll return the favour once he’s home. you know he will, he always does.
you don’t resist when he asks you to lift your shirt. you know he’s been working so hard, it’s the least you could do. he tells you to grab the vibrator he got you just before he left. knows how sometimes you need it quick and strong, not afraid of you liking it more than him, he knows how desperate you get while he’s gone for long periods of time.
he’s whispering praise to you, you can see the movement of his arm behind the screen. the laptop propped up on his drool worthy abs. it’s quick, the vibrator hitting in just the right spot, johnnys not the only desperate one. you haven’t seen him in months.
johnny knows he should turn his volume down. the sounds of your pleasure are bouncing off the walls of the small barracks. he just can’t help himself, too focused on your contorted face, your sounds, the quiet hum of your vibrator.
it should be embarrassing how fast he comes, but seeing you, even through a screen, it's more than he’s had, his imagination can’t compare to seeing the real thing. his grunts and heavy breathing are enough to push you over the edge. you both writhe in pleasure, thousands of miles between you too, but it’s not enough to keep you apart. you’re even more tired, a good orgasm and seeing johnny, you know he can’t stay on the line longer, but you want nothing more than to actually get a chance to talk.
he tells you he’ll be home soon, make up for him being gone longer than he said he would be. he wishes you a good night saying he's got another busy day tomorrow. you blow him a kiss goodbye, making him promise to come home safe.
“alweys dae lass”
the call ends, you set the vibrator and your phone back on your nightstand, rolling over and drifting back into dreamland.
johnny sets the laptop to his side, wondering how he’s going to clean himself up without waking everyone up. just when he’s about to say fuck it and sacrifice his boxers, a box of tissues hits his shoulder. he catches it before it hits the ground and looks to the bunk across the small room, he can see the outline of the infamous skull mask staring back at him.
“didn't know you had such a pretty bird waiting for you back home johnny”
he swears he sees simon adjusting himself beneath his blankets. but it’s dark, he hasn’t slept in almost 40 hours. it’s just his mind playing tricks on him right?
is this actually good? I like it but it’s a word vomit of my thoughts so i’m insanely biased. do I continue writing or stick to recommendations…
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
"You being this pathetic might be doing something for me."
Johnny only groaned and flailed, still face down in your lap. Poor thing. You couldn't help but laugh at him as you continued to pet his hair.
"Come on, I'm sure it wasn't that bad."
"...told him he looked nice today."
You grimaced a little. That wasn't so bad even if it was absolutely rizzless behaviour from a man who had done a fantastic job of charming the pants right off of you. You were about to say it wasn't so bad when he continued.
"While he was wearing his tac gear."
"...so he's covered head to toe, in a mask, as usual, and you told him...?"
Johnny whined and nuzzled his face into your thigh as if he could vanish there.
"You dae it."
"Why can't you dae it?"
"And what happened last time hm?"
"Wisnae my fault!"
"You never told him we were open! The man thought I was trying to cheat on you!"
"Aye well didnae ken how tae bring that up in conversation without it sounding like me trying it on!"
"Johnny we are actively trying to try it on" you laughed as he groaned again.
You could only hope that one day Ghost would stop being oblivious and you and Johnny would start being more charming. It would be worth all the embarrassing failed attempts.
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beomboomboom · 8 months
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genre: fluff
pairing: husband!Soonyoung x reader
summary: who knew watching your husband try and convince his kids he's a tiger could be so entertaining?
warnings: a little bit suggestive
note: The way I can see Hoshi doing this in real life- 😭. Enjoyy <33
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"I'm a tiger"
You watched, amused, as Soonyoung says the statement again, only to be met with the giggles of your kids.
"No, daddy, YOU'RE NOT," your daughter, Haru, accuses while letting out tiny giggles at your husband's silly antics.
"If you're a tiger, then how come you're walking on two legs?" your son, Dae, questions teasingly while narrowing his eyes at his father.
"Well-," Soonyoung starts to say while trying to find a logical explanation, but fails to think up of one, opting for a switch in topic instead. "Well, it doesn't matter because you two have got to go to bed."
Smiling softly from the doorway, you watch as your two kids obey and begrudgingly get under their covers and prepare to go to sleep.
"But daddy-"
"Hey, it's bedtime now," your husband says softly but still commanding as he then leans down to give Haru and Dae a small kiss on the cheek.
"Oh but before we go to bed, what do we do?" Soonyoung asks playfully as he takes out his hand to form his iconic horangae pose.
You let out a quiet laugh at the sight. Your husband and two kids all in a circle holding up their hand in a horanghae pose while scrunching their noses lovingly at one another.
"Okay, it's time for bedtime guys, you need to get your sleep," you say as you walk into the room, interrupting the sweet moment between your husband and kids.
"Do we HAVE tooo"
Smiling at your kid's whines, you give a simple yes as you kiss both Dae and Haru's foreheads softly and tuck them in.
"Sweet dreams," both you and your husband say as you flick off the lights and shut the bedroom door.
The second the door shuts, Soonyoung leans his whole body weight on you. "How are they so cute~" Soonyoung squeals as he nuzzles his nose into your shoulder.
"Because they're made from your-," you start to say but quickly get interrupted by Soonyoung's tiny shove of embarrassment. "Heyyy, you can't stay stuff like that after we just put our kids to bed."
"I meant genes idiot, what were you thinking?" You say, laughing at the way your husband's expression turns from shocked and accusing to embarrassment.
"I was thinking we should try to have another cute child," Soonyoung teasingly replies before dodging your light shove and letting out a quiet scream.
"I think you need to go to bed, something's wrong with your head," you say annoyed, but deep down you're amused, and you know your husband can tell.
"mhmmm...okay i'll go to bed with you," Soonyoung says teasingly with a smirk on his face.
"I meant go to bed to sleep, get your head out of the gutter," you say with a playful shove.
As you get under the covers with your husband you can't help but feel a sense of bliss and happiness. "Horanghae," you hear Soonyoung whisper with a fond smile as he presses his lips onto yours and goes to bed.
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ltash · 4 months
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Make a wish
You celebrated your birthday with Ghost and TaskForce and you wished for nothing but him.
"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything."
After Captain Price and his team finished breakfast, you settled in the living room. You brought the tea trolley over and made them tea, handing a cup and saucer to everyone.
"Thank you, kid," Captain Price said as you served him.
You gave tea to Soap and Gaz too. "Ghost, you want tea?" you asked.
"Sure," he replied.
You handed him a cup as well. "Yer hoose is braw, and it's right lavish an aw." Soap admired.
"English Mctavish." Ghost facepalmed.
"I said your house is lavish and its nice." Soap explained.
"Thank you. My father built it. I'll give you a home tour once you guys finish your tea," you offered.
"She is a master in archery aye. She has horses too. She can shoot an arrow right at the aim while riding a horse," Ghost added.
"That is impressive, Nora," Gaz admired.
"Thanks. I will show you how I do it," you promised.
"Oh, I forgot," you said, suddenly remembering. "I did some shopping and the bags are still in the car. Let me fetch them."
As you made your way to your car, Ghost followed you. "The guns you bought, let me take them inside," he offered.
You opened the car doors and took out the bags while Ghost grabbed the gun cases. Together, you walked back inside.
You handed over the bags to each one of them. "Soap, this is for you. Kyle, that's one for you. This one's for Simon and Captain Price," you said, distributing the gifts.
"Thank you so much, lass," Soap said rummaging through the bag.
"Are ye pullin' ma leg? how much did ye spend on thae things?" He asked.
"Well! That is none of your business. Gifts don't come with a price tag." You folded your arms on your chest.
"Thanks, Nora, but you didn't have to put in so much effort," Kyle added, looking genuinely touched.
"Thanks, kid," Captain Price mentioned, nodding appreciatively.
"Don't mention it. I went shopping and thought, why not grab something for you guys?"
Ghost placed the gun cases down on the table. "She bought these too," he added.
Ghost opened the gun and sniper cases in front of everyone, revealing the impressive weapons inside.
"Whoa! A sniper! Are you kiddin' me?" Soap exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement. "Whit will ye dae wi' a sniper?"
"I like snipers, plus Ghost is here. He’ll teach me before he goes back. He taught me a couple of days ago," you explained with a grin.
"Wow! This is one o' the best snipers in the world," Soap said, admiring the sleek design. "Thank ye so much."
"Yeah, Ghost recommended it to me, so I got it," you said, glancing at Ghost.
Soap looked over at Ghost in disbelief. "Weel, LT himself disnae hae a sniper like this. It's much better than the ones he's got."
You smiled. "Well, now he has it."
Ghost shook his head. "No, I don't. And I don't want it anyway," he said quietly.
Soap chuckled. "Yer loss, LT. This is a beauty."
Ghost simply shrugged, the rare softness in his eyes replaced by his usual stoic expression.
"Why? It's a gift from me to you," you said, looking at Ghost.
"If you had mentioned it when you were buying it, I would have never let you get it in the first place," Ghost replied. "It's too expensive."
You shook your head. "Gifts don't come with a price tag. Captain Price, please make him understand."
"Take it, Ghost," Captain Price said, nodding.
"I can't, Price," Ghost insisted, shaking his head in disapproval.
"Okay, then throw it in the garbage, will you?" You snapped, shutting the sniper case with a bang. Your lower lip started quivering, and tears welled up in your eyes as you ran upstairs.
"You broke her heart, LT," Soap said, his voice filled with disappointment.
You closed the door and fell face-first onto the pillow, tears streaming down your face. It was so embarrassing and disappointing at the same time. Your sobs filled the room, muffled by the pillow.
A soft knock on the door interrupted your crying. "Open the door, love," Ghost said in a gentle tone.
For a moment, you hesitated, your emotions swirling inside you, but then you slowly got up and walked to the door.
You opened the door, still feeling annoyed and hurt. "What do you want?" You said, your voice tinged with frustration.
Ghost came inside and closed the door behind him. He walked over to your bed and sat down, he pat his thigh and opened his arms for you gesturing for you to come sit on his lap.
For a moment, you stood there, conflicted, but then you slowly walked over and allowed yourself to be enveloped in his comforting arms.
"You cryin', love?" Ghost asked softly.
You wiped your tears hastily. "No," you replied, trying to regain your composure.
"Hmm, I see," he said, his gaze understanding.
"Why did you embarrass me in front of your team?" You asked, your voice tinged with hurt.
"You got it for yourself, love. That's why," he replied simply.
"I can get another one for myself," You insisted.
"Okay, I'll take it, but only on one condition," he said.
"What condition exactly?" You asked, curious.
"You'll have to take mine. I'll teach you how to use it. It's smooth in my hands," he explained.
"Okay, deal!" You agreed, offering your hand to shake, but he surprised you by kissing your knuckles.
"Come, let's go downstairs," he said, taking your hand gently.
"Ghost!" You called out as he turned to leave.
He looked back at you. "Yes?"
"Do you still have your navy blue uniform, the one you wore when I saw you for the first time?" You asked, still holding his hand.
"Yes, but why do you ask?" he inquired.
"Will you wear it for me on my birthday? You look so good in that. I'll unwrap you as my gift," you said, giggling at the thought.
"Yeah, sure, but get ready to explain why I'm wearing it to my team, especially Price," he chuckled.
"Leave it to me. No worries," you assured him, and you made your way downstairs.
"Did you change your mind, LT?" Soap asked as you entered the room.
"Yes," Ghost replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Good," Soap said, nodding in approval.
Meanwhile, you glanced into Captain Price's eyes, seeing a mixture of curiosity and intrigue reflecting back at you.
You led them to the back of the house where your horses were stabled.
"Meet Arther and Elfie," You introduced Soap to your beloved companions.
"Such bonnie horses," Soap remarked, admiring their beauty.
Next, you demonstrated your archery skills, drawing back the bowstring with precision and releasing it with practiced ease. Captain Price watched intently, a glint of admiration in his eyes.
"Remarkable," he exclaimed, genuinely impressed by your proficiency.
Ghost retrieved his sniper rifle and handed it to you. "Try it," he encouraged.
You hesitated, feeling the weight of the weapon in your hands. With his guidance, you took aim, your finger hovering over the trigger. The rifle trembled slightly as you pulled, but you managed to hit the target, albeit not as accurately as you had hoped.
"It's not easy," you admitted, feeling a twinge of disappointment.
"But you did well, considering," Ghost reassured you, his tone encouraging.
You smiled gratefully, grateful for his support.
As the evening descended, the cake was delivered, marking the beginning of your birthday celebration. Your house help had meticulously arranged all the decorations and table settings before bidding you farewell for the night.
Meanwhile, Captain Price took the opportunity to discuss their upcoming mission with his team, their voices low and serious as they strategized.
Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, you retreated to your room to change into your birthday dress. The corset that came with it proved to be a challenge as you struggled to zip it up on your own. Frustrated, you knocked on Ghost's door, hoping for assistance.
He opened the door, and your jaw dropped at the sight before you. He had changed into the navy blue uniform, looking incredibly attractive in it.
"What happened?" he asked, noticing your expression.
You entered his room and closed the door behind you. "Simon, can you please help me zip my dress? I can't reach it," you requested, feeling a rush of embarrassment.
Standing in front of the mirror, you were almost ready, the dress clinging to your figure. He stepped behind you, his presence towering over yours. The corset accentuated your petite frame, making you feel even smaller in comparison.
His gloved hand brushed against the bare skin of your back as he took hold of the zipper, and you sucked in a breath at the unexpected sensation. Your heart raced as you felt the warmth of his touch, his closeness sending shivers down your spine.
He zipped up your dress smoothly, his voice breaking the silence. "You're good now," he said softly, his words lingering in the air between you.
"Thank you," you murmured gratefully as you turned around. He put his index finger beneath your chin and tilted your head up meeting his gaze.
"Ready to be be my good girl tonight. Will ya?" His masked lips touched your cheek.
You blushed and ran towards the door. Standing at the doorway you peaked a last glance at him. You exited Ghost's room and returned to your own.
As Ghost stepped out of his room, he encountered Soap making his way upstairs.
"Going on a mission, LT?" Soap teased, noting Ghost's uniform.
"Yes, birthday mission," Ghost quipped in response.
"Seriously! Why are you wearing your uniform?" Soap inquired, his curiosity piqued.
"Because she asked me to wear it," Ghost explained simply.
"Hmm, I see. She likes you in it," Soap remarked before continuing downstairs, leaving Ghost to ponder his words.
They all waited for you downstairs, their anticipation palpable in the air. With a final glance in the mirror, you made sure everything was perfect before slipping on your heels and descending the staircase.
As you reached the bottom step, you were greeted by their warm smiles.
"Here she is," Captain Price announced, his voice carrying a note of pride.
"Wow! Lass, you're looking so beautiful," Soap complimented, his eyes twinkling with admiration.
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks at his kind words.
You couldn't help but notice Ghost's gaze fixed on you, practically staring. His intense scrutiny made you feel vulnerable, as if he was seeing right through you. Yet, amidst the intensity, there was a glimmer of admiration in his stare, a silent acknowledgment that spoke volumes.
"Make a wish, lass," Soap chuckled, gesturing towards the candles on the cake.
Closing your eyes, you made a silent wish. A wish for Simon to be yours forever, for his safety, and for him to return to you unscathed from every mission.
With a deep breath, you blew out the candles, the room erupting into cheers and the chorus of "Happy Birthday."
As you opened your eyes, you felt a rush of warmth and gratitude wash over you. It truly was the best day of your life after your father's death.
Captain Price stepped forward, presenting you with a small box. You opened it eagerly to reveal a beautiful, delicate metallic quartz watch nestled inside.
"Thank you! It's so precious," you exclaimed, touched by the thoughtful gift.
As you all enjoyed the cake and then indulged in dinner, Captain Price suddenly cleared his throat, directing his attention to Ghost. "Simon, why are you wearing your uniform?" His question caught Ghost off guard, but before he could respond, you jumped in to explain.
"Actually, I asked him to wear that for my birthday. I was curious to see him in uniform," you said, offering Ghost a reassuring smile. His eyes crinkled from behind the balaclava he was wearing, a silent acknowledgment of his amusement.
"Alright, gentlemen, want something to drink? Please, help yourselves," you announced, rising from your seat and making your way to the bar. You took out the glasses, giving them a moment to process the exchange.
Soap and Ghost then took the dishes to the kitchen while the rest of you settled in the garden, enjoying the pleasant evening. Soap, with his characteristic sense of humor, regaled you all with his silly jokes, eliciting laughter from all of you.
"Hey LT, what has five toes and is not your foot?" Soap said.
"What?" Ghost asked.
"My foot!." Soap said and burst out laughing.
You couldn't control your laughter too. Soap was so funny.
"Your turn LT". Soap pointed towards Ghost.
"What do we call the fish who wears a bow tie?" Ghost asked.
You looked at each other's faces.
"Sofishticated." Ghost said.
Nobody laughed.
"What? Wasn't it funny?" Ghost said.
He was met with silence.
As the night grew late, you found myself sitting beside Ghost. His hand resting on the small of your back while everybody was busy talking.
He turned to look at you. Your blue eyes met with his caramel ones.
You stood up and went to stand at the door, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you.
"Aye! Come join us," Ghost called out, noticing your presence.
"No, you enjoy yourself. I'm going to bed now," you replied, turning around to head upstairs.
But before you could take another step, Ghost approached you and grabbed your wrist. "Hi, Lieutenant," you teased, your voice soft and playful.
You placed your hands on his chest, tilting your chin up to look at him. "Hell, if you put a bullet through my heart, I will spare you my life," you retorted, a smile playing on your lips.
You took the whiskey glass from his hand and placed your lips at the same spot he drank from and chug it at once.
You turned to go upstairs, but Ghost surprised you by grabbing you around the waist, causing you to squeak in surprise.
"Is everything alright there?" Captain Price's voice rang out from the garden.
"Yes, everything is fine, Price," Ghost replied calmly, his gaze locked on yours.
With a swift motion, Ghost lifted you into his arms and carried you upstairs, his strength both surprising and comforting.
"Your room or mine?" he asked with a playful smirk, his eyes dancing with mischief.
Pic credit:
IG: Vehenan Virabelasan
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Hi! Can I request an Alicent's innocent daughter who pregnant dark!Daemon's child? I'm really curious about how the relationship between Daemon X Reader in this story will develop! Maybe reader was on the way to tell Dae she was pregnant again only to hear a conversation that Daemon was just using her (he really isn’t but Rhaenyra making sure she hears) she leaves and takes her son, and Daemon realises who he really loves and switches to the Greens! Plot twist, a Happy Ending please filled with much SMUT and Otto dies and a little flirt scene with Aegon or Aemond to make Dae jealous hehe.
A/N: I hope you like it! Maybe I went a little overboard with this and the character was not as innocent.
pairing: dark!Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
summary: Alicent's innocent daughter who is pregnant with dark!Daemon's child? I'm really curious about how the relationship between Daemon X Reader in this story will develop! Maybe reader was on the way to tell Dae she was pregnant again only to hear a conversation that Daemon was just using her (he really isn’t but Rhaenyra made sure she heard) she leaves and takes her son with her, and Daemon realises who he really loves and switches to the Greens' side! Plot twist, a Happy Ending please filled with much SMUT and Otto dies and a little flirting scene with Aegon or Aemond to make Daemon jealous
Word count: 8,5K
Warnings: Smut, Angst, spanking, fingering, P in V, pussy eating, spit play, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, orgasm control, cum play, jealousy
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
You could not believe, you pregnant again, you were happy of course. The moment the maesters announced you were healthy again after the birth of your son, Vaenys, Daemon and you coupled like a bunch of rabbits so it was no surprise really, it was a matter of time.
Your father married you to your uncle after you turned ten and six name days old. You were not his heir nor were you even the second born so he married you to your uncle. You innocently agreed and was overjoyed by the match, at least he was not some fat old lord who could barely move a hand. Your mother was against it deeming the relationship queer however your father and insisted. Daemon seemed content enough with this marriage so hearing this conversation now made you feel confused at first.
"I do not understand why you still humour this marriage" Rhaenyra's voice was hushed not wanting anyone to hear but she was doing a terrible job at being discreet.
"She is fun to indulge into" You peeked into the room through the small between the door and doorframe. Daemon was sat beside the fireplace with a cup of wine in his hand and Rhaenyra stood beside his chair.
"My little half sister is no fun. She is just a dumb little girl who follows you around like some dragonling, she has not even ridden her dragon in over a year" She snickered. You had not been able to ride your dragon because you were very week during your pregnancy and then later on Daemon left you too sore or exhausted to ride.
"She is a cute little thing" Thing? Is that what you were in his eyes? A thing to toy with and fill with heirs until he got his fill? You turned around and left not finding the courage to face the both of them. Tears streamed down your face freely and you had no control over them.
You made it to your room in record time finding it empty, your son was down for a nap and your handmaidens were probably preparing for the feast tonight. A feast in Aegon's nameday honour, another one for you to watch him embarrass himself in. Your fingers shook as they quickly undid the laces. You felt breathless, no matter how many deep breaths you took you still felt like your lungs were closing up and unable to store any of the air coming inside.
You pulled the dress off followed by the corset and your linen leaving you completely naked in the middle of your room. You stumbled over to the washroom attached to your room and over to the bucket of cold water. You splashed your face with the water intended for other reasons. The water on your heated face felt refreshing but not enough. You sobbed harder as you slid down feeling like an idiot for falling for your uncle's games. Of course he only cared for the throne and would throw himself at Rhaenyra the second she gave him an opening, the throne was what he wanted and he won't be getting it with you. You were the fourth born child of King Viserys and third born of your mother.
You pulled your knees up to your chest wanting to sink into the floor and never emerge ever again. Your poor boy would grow up in a lie that his father cared but he never did. All those nights Daemon sung lullabies for him to sleep were for show only, to get closer to you and manipulate you into obedience so he can do anything he wanted without you noticing.
After what felt like hours your eyes dried of any tears having none anymore to shed. You bathed with the help of your handmaidens who shut their mouthes after you snapped at them to cease their questions about your wellbeing. You knew that they meant well but you did not wish to talk about the incident. You put on a dress you have never once touched in your wardrobe before, a dress your mother gifted you many moons back, a green dress. The dress covered your shoulder but dipped down into a deep V neck showing the insides of your breasts tucked closer to one another with a special corset from Dorne that pushed them inwards. The slit stopped just about your belly button, something you were shocked your mother sent for you to wear considering how religious she was. The sleeves reached your elbows before a thin fabric continued from there in a lighter shade of green in bell sleeves, the front reached your wrists but the back of it resumed to touch the floor. The dress kissed the floor as you walked even with your golden heels on. The back of the dress was only a little low showing your shoulder blades but not more. Over the right breast there was a golden dragon embroidered there still showing what house you belonged into. You placed two emerald earrings in your ears with a matching emerald necklace to shine under the candlelight.
Your sworn guard ser Lormer was stunned to speechlessness and remained so until you reached the great hall where the feats was being held The guard announced your arrival upon seeing you. A hush fell around the room as you stepped down the steps with your head held high. Your mother's face brightened at the sight of your choice of dress and a smirk grew on your grandsire. Otto's face. Daemon's face showed only shock and horror at the colour you chose.
"The beckon on hightower, do you know what colour it glows when the Hightowers call their banners?" You heard someone whisper the question somewhere in the room but it was heard perfectly fine in the silence.
"What father?" A younger voice asked. Your eyes watched your father's expression, he seemed to have been under a spell or maybe remembering a memory?
"Green" Was the answer. You paused in front of your father on the other side of the table. He looked up at you watching you as your bowed down in a graceful curtsy.
"Your grace" You greeted rising back up. You moved to round the table and paused behind your grandsire leaning down to place a kiss on his bearded cheek making his smirk widen.
"Good girl" he praised. You smiled and moved to take your seat on Daemon's left with Rhaenyra on his right.
"What in the seven hells are you wearing?" He leaned over to hiss, glaring at you. You leaned your elbow lazily on the armrest as music filled the hall again yet there were still stares on you.
"A dress, husband" You replied. Daemon's hands curled into fists in his lap. A smirk grew on your face seeing that you had irritated him.
"Did you not have any other one? A black or red one perhaps?" He asked infuriated with you. You turned to watch as some couples moved to the dance floor to some upbeat song before turning back to Daemon only then realising that he has never asked you to dance or let you dance with someone else, an activity you enjoyed before marriage, an activity you participated in at your wedding only once and never again.
"I am afraid they all are being either washed or thrown away" You responded apathetically with a bored smirk on your lips still. You could hear even from the other side of the table as Aegon demanded for some more wine. Besides you both new that was not true, you had way too many for all of them to be washed at the same time.
"Thrown away?" He was surprised now. Why would you throw away the clothes he brought for you, after you married he brought you a hole wardrobe and threw away your old one and made sure your wardrobe was of the newest fashions from all around Westeros.
"Yes they found mold on them and their foul smell filled the room" You hissed resentful and now Daemon knew your words had a double meaning. You pushed your chair back using his moment of surprise to move away from him. Rhaenyra watched in shock as you left Daemon behind, usually you stuck by his side even when he got up to talk with some lord. The both of them watched you make your way the Greens' side and to your brother Aemond specifically.
"Care for a dance brother?" You held your palm open for Aemond to take. Aemond was surprised seeing as you had not danced with him since before your marriage. He accepted the offer happily and guided you down the steps to the dance floor. Aemond was only one year younger than you so you two used to be the closest between your siblings.
"What caused such a change, dear sister?" Aemond pondered. You smiled gently moving to hold one of his hands in yours and the other around your waist. You placed your other hand on his shoulder and led the beginning of the dance moving with the beat of the music.
"Nothing, I just opened my eyes" Was your reply. Aemond chose not to push for more enjoying this moment in between each other's arms.
He lead in the dance twirling you around along with the other ladies in time. When you paused in front of him with a genuine smile on your face he placed both his hands on your waist and pulled you off your feet watching as you moved your arms above your head expertly before placing you back down on the floor. You two gazed upon each other the entire dance moving and twirling together you with the hobby of dancing and Aemond with the hobby of sword fighting.
"Another, dear sister?" Aemond asked once the dancing ceased and the tone changed.
"Gladly" You moved to his side with a grin. He held out his arm for you to hold as you moved along with the other couples.
Daemon watched from the high table as Aemond moved you, held you and felt your body, your body that belonged to him. He gulped down the cup of wine in front of him as Aemond held you from behind swaying from side to side before moving to twirl you to face him.
Rhaenyra watched Daemon's every facial expression with worry eating at her. What if he was rethinking what he said and promised? What if changes his support? What if he does not marry her the second Laenor was gone from the front? What ifs circled her head making sweat build up up her back.
You laughed when Aemond gave you an extra twirl as the song ended. Aemond's eyes twinkled as he watched you but then something behind your back caught his attention making him stoic again. Your turned to find Aegon standing behind you surprisingly with no wine anywhere near him, for now.
"If I may, brother, I would like to dance with our sister as well" Your older brother held out his hand. Aemond grumbled something under his breath before placing your hand in Aegon's hand and moved back to the table.
"Aegon, it has been a while" This time it was a much slower dance. A very provocative dance, it initiated no physical touch but the partners stood very near to one another, dancing and teasing one another.
"It has, dear sister, Uncle has been hiding you all to himself " Aegon chuckled darkly looking you up and down, eyes pausing on whatever flesh peeked from under your dress.
"Yes it seems so" You moved to walk behind Aegon. You broke one of the rules of this dance and placed a hand on his shoulder leaning closer to whisper in his ear as you other hand run up his side.
"You can have me all you want now" You let your breath hit his ear before pulling away and moving to stand in front of him again. Aegon's hand raised wanting to touch you but paused and moved back down to ghost over your waist. The both of you moved in a circle with not a singular inch touch but you were the closest to each other between all the couples.
"You have grown sister, your mind is no longer as naive" Aegon whispered. You moved closer hiding your actions with your body. You grabbed his hand with both of yours running your thumbs over the sensitive skin on the inside of his wrist feeling his heart race. You looked at him through your lashes with a smirk.
"You mean I know the ways of the body now" You responded. Aegon's eyebrows shot up in surprise. You giggled turning to look at the high table noticing three people watching you, five eyes, Daemon, Rhaenyra and Aemond. Your smirk dropped when you saw the maester move closer to Daemon.
"I have to go, Vaenys is awaiting me" You spoke hurriedly before moving away from Aegon. He did not have time to stop you and watched as you sprinted in the direction of the exit.
"My prince" Daemon snapped from staring at you and Aegon, standing close, touching one another.
"What is it?" Daemon snapped annoyed. He did not even think twice if he were being rude to the older man but turned to glare at him anyways.
"I wished to congratulate you myself, your grace" The old man said. His back was slightly hunched and his bead touched his belly and sweat was evident above his brow.
"Whatever for?" Daemon's eyebrow ticked up in confusion. The older man grumbled a little maybe also annoyed with Daemon.
"Your lady wife's pregnancy" The world stopped around Daemon. You were with child? Why did you not tell him? What has gotten into you today? Daemon's eyes snapped back to the dance floor but you were already gone and Aegon was now entertaining some other lady. He stood up so fast he almost fell from the blood rush. His eyes filtered through the crowd trying to find your green dress, your white-blonde hair but you were nowhere to be found.
You however were hurrying down the corridors now with a cloak over your shoulders and your sleeping son of one bundled up in your arms. Daemon cannot now of this new child. He will surely kill you when it is born and marry Rhaenyra now that he had his heir and his spare. Your handmaidens did not question you seeing the maddened look in your eyes and merely watched you bundle your son and leave with a sprint.
You were thankful to find that the Dragon keepers were also celebrating somewhere leaving the dragons to their own. Yours was a light blue one laying closest to the exist of the dragonpit. He was a newly hatched dragon when you were born that you bonded with during a visit with your father to dragonpit at your second nameday and your egg was forgotten since then.
Your dragon raised his head feeling your presence and the urgency in your steps. He kept his body low allowing your to climb and chain yourself and Vaenys tightly. With one word your dragon clambered out of the pit and took to the skies with ease. You felt a rush of relief fill your body. You had the urge to open your arms and feel the wind but you would never endanger your son.
Flying above both land and water it reminded you of the days you used to fly alongside Aegon and Helaena as children until Aemond claimed Vaghar and joined you three. How happy those times were, how happy you were. You would not trade Vaenys or your other child for the world but maybe you would trade the circumstances.
Your peace did not last long when you heard a second pair of wings beating against the wind behind you. You turned your head and looked over your shoulder to find the unmistakable red of Caraxes. You turned back around tightening your grip around your son.
Your dragon sensed the danger swerved down to land on a nearby island not wanting to risk you or your children. He has always been protective of your child and now he probably also sensed your pregnancy and wished not for harm to befall you. But this ruined your plan of traveling to the free cities and hiding your children there. Your dragon laid down on the sand watching as Caraxes landed not far away from the three of you. You feared what was to come, what Daemon's reaction would be. Speaking of Daemon he looked furious as he walked closer to you and Vaenys.
"Where do you think you're going? And you're taking our son too" Daemon hissed furiously. You took a step back and away from him but he followed you.
"I was merely flying around to clear my mind" You lied. Daemon laughed almost darkly. His eyes looked crazed and the way he flexed his fingers by his sides made you feel an unknown kind of fear bubble inside of you.
"Liar, you are a terrible liar" Daemon accused. He stepped closer until you were almost touching with only Vaenys in the pace between you two.
"You intended to take my son and run away" His hand shot up to grab a handful of your hair pulling your head closer to him. You whimpered in pain feeling some of your hair being ripped out.
"I heard you, you have no need of a dumb little girl like me" You cried. Tears welled up in your eyes again at the reminder of the words. Daemon closed his eyes as if he was trying to compose himself.
"Those were not my words" He reminded. You shifted the sleeping child to one arm and used the other to push his hand off your head.
"No because you think I am fun to indulge into" You yelled. Your child whined annoyed at being disturbed. You shushed him urging him to go back to sleep, rubbing up and down his back.
"Is that a bad thing?" Daemon smirked shrugging his shoulders. You wanted to punch him, hit him and show him how hurt you were.
"You do not love me, Daemon, you seek fun with me. You love Rhaenyra" You whimpered. You turned your back to him making your way back over to your dragon. He watched you with his huge eyes filled with worry for you.
"You stupid girl" Daemon was quick to catch up with you and moved to stand in front of you. You paused your walking and looked up at him.
"Just because I seek fun with you does not mean I do not love you" Daemon pointed out. One of his hands moved to grab your chin gently.
"You love her more and you will always choose her over us" You shook your head. You tried pulling away from Daemon but he was quick to wrap an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him with only Vaenys in between you two keeping just a breath of space.
"I would never, you three are now my whole entire world, you do not understand how much you all mean to me" Daemon leaned his forehead to rest on yours. Vaenys squirmed in your arms a little but did not complain.
"I heard-" You began but he cut you off with a kiss to the lips. You pulled away to look him in the eyes, trying to study him, see if he was lying.
"You heard lies so come back with me, sweet wife" He Moved to place a hand on Vaenys' head pocking out of the blanket a little. The boy let out a sigh of content snuggling deeper into your aching arms.
"Come home, our home" Daemon moved to pull your son out of your arms. You breathed out a sigh letting him take Vaenys from your arms. Daemon hugged the sleeping boy close to his chest placing several kisses to his head.
"You swear you do not love Rhaenyra" You spoke before he could walk over to Caraxes. Daemon turned around to face you again growing annoyed with you and your stubborn head.
"I love only you" He responded. You nodded your head still not entirely believing him but followed him nonetheless. You climbed atop your dragon and rode behind Daemon silently and back to the Red Keep.
You went to your chambers while Daemon went to return Vaenys to the comfort of his own bed in his room. You undid the cloak once you were in your room which was dimly lit. You undid your hair leaving it cascade down your back. Daemon walked in as you took off your jewelry, first the earrings followed by the necklace. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"Green is not your colour" He whispered in your ear. You shivered from the closeness of your bodies. His hands found home on your hips massaging the skin there slowly rising up to your waist before moving to rest atop your stomach.
"It does not suit my child" He placed a kiss below your ear. His hands pushed slightly in onto your stomach to indicate that he now knew of the child growing in your womb. Your eyes dropped from watching him through the reflection of the mirror to look down on the clutter laying atop the vanity table.
"It is my mother's house colours" You reminded him. Daemon did not respond too busy kissing up and down your neck. One of his hands rose up to your shoulder pushing down the fabric to reveal the skin below. His lips followed the path he drew with his fingers.
"Daemon" You did not know if you were warning him to stop or resume. Daemon pulled away to look at you in the mirror, violet eyes clashing with lavender eyes.
"You do not get to speak after what you did" Daemon hissed. His hands moved to your waist turning you around to face him.
"I should punish you for running away" He smirked almost evilly. Your heart dropped with fear but you felt excitement course along with your blood in your body.
"I could not bare hearing you almost confess your love for my sister and sit about" You pushed him back. Daemon did not even more an inch but his eyes showed his surprise that you found the courage to respond in his face.
"It seems I have let you free to much, wife" Daemon used both of his hands to rip the dress clean off of your body. You gasped in shock as the cold air hit your bare skin. Daemon was even more surprise to find you not wearing any other layer except a weird looking corset he easily removed.
"You will receive your punishment with pride and thank me for it" Daemon pulled you by your forearm to the nearest chair by the fireplace. He sat down and patted his lap.
"Daemon, no" You whimpered shaking your head, you regretted ever rebelling against him if he were to hurt you. Daemon ignored you, he surged forward wrapping his arm around your waist forcing you to lay down on his waist.
"Daemon, no, please" You tried pushing yourself up but he kept his hand on your back forcing you down. His other hand rubbed on the skin of your plump behind.
"Count or it will get worse" He warned. You felt your face warm up at the wetness that started to coat your lower lips. Daemon leaned closer to you grabbing at the flesh of your behind earning a small moan from your lips.
"Yes, husband" You braced yourself on his leg awaiting the harsh slap. This was not the first time he had spanked you before but this still felt different than before.
"Good wife" You yelped when his hand came down on your behind. You cried a 'one' not wanting to anger him. Daemon placed his hand over the mark that will surely form there and rubbed it gently to sooth the pain away.
"I wonder how many more can you take" He voiced his thoughts noticing you beginning to squirm. His hand came back down on your behind harsher that earlier. The 'two' that you squeaked almost sound like a mouse screaming for it's life. Daemon chuckled darkly leaning down to place a kiss on top of the reddening flesh.
"It hurts" You complained wiggling your hips. Daemon watched as a small trickle of arousal ran down your thigh and your exposed cunt glistened in the candlelight.
"But you enjoy it" He teased. His hand trailed down running over your soaked slit. He breathy moan escaped your lips and your hips squirmed harder wanting even more friction. Your whole body was on fire with excitement and fear at the same time.
"Daemon please" You whimpered, burying your face in his thigh. Daemon delivered another slap to your bottom earning a quite scream from you. You still did not dare stop counting and whispered a 'three' between sobs. This pain was so pleasurable you needed and wanted more. Daemon could see the way your cunt clenched around nothing with the third spank so he delivered another one.
"Fuck, Daemon, four" You wiggled your hips desperately. You felt like you were going to cum any second now. You hated how easily your body submitted to him, how much control he had over you.
"Good girl, one more but do not dare cum" He placed a kiss between your shoulder blades, hand soothing over the sore skin, you relaxed in his hold at his affectionate touches that when he slapped you one last time it came a shock to you.
"Shit, five" You wiggled trying to get out of his hold. Daemon guided you to your knees in front of him. He shifted in his seat proudly showing off the bulge in his pants that grew tighter and tighter by the minute.
"My naive wife, running away like a coward" Daemon grabbed your chin and pulled you head up so you would look him in the eyes. His heart picked up speed at the sight of your teary eyes.
"Daemon I need release" You begged. Daemon noticed the way you were squirming in your place and realised you were rubbing your aching cunt against your legs under you from where you kneeled.
"Naughty wives do not get to cum" His hand wrapped around you bicep pulling you up to stand in front of him. He also stood up from the chair and moved you to sit on it instead.
"What are you going to do?" Your wide eyes watched as he unbuttoned his tonic and took it off. Your body trembled with excitement with the more clothes he shed. Your hands moved on their own accord as they raised to touch his bare skin when there was no more clothes left on his body. Your fingers run up his thigh to his hipbone.
"Like what you see, wife?" Daemon questioned snapping you back to reality. You withdrew your hand from touching him and looked up at him with wanting eyes. He slowly came down in front of you until he was on his knees. His hands laid on your thighs rubbing affectionate circles there.
"Did you truly think I would chose Rhaenyra over you?" He asked, a flash of anger passed by his eyes. Your own eyes trailed down look at his hands atop your flesh feeling tears build up in them. One of his hands raised to force your head up so you would look up at him.
"Answer me" He demanded. His hands trailed down to your knees pushing them apart as much as possible. Your hips wiggled unconsciously reaching for the edge.
"You love her more" You whispered. He pulled at your hips so your were as far away from sitting but more like laying down on the chair. The movement hurt your behind but you did not dare complain. He leaned closer to your mount but instead turned his head to your thigh instead leaving a trail of kisses on it.
"I love you most" He replied. His tongue licked a trail up your thigh to the side of your cunt. You gasped when he blew a little on the soaked skin. One of your hands snapped to grab at his hair pushing him closer to your pussy.
"Please, Daemon" You begged thrusting your hips up in the air seeking friction. Daemon showed you mercy wrapping his lips around your swollen clit giving it a gentle suck. His hands trailed down to your calfs giving them a gentle squeeze.
"Ooh yes" You moaned. His tongue toyed with your clit before he buried his face deeper into you and let his tongue slid inside of your clenching hole. Your breath was stolen from your legs as he shook his head from side to side letting out vulgar sounds, devouring you as if you were his last meal.
"Daemon" Your voice was so weak you did not know if he heard you. Your stomach was tightening wanting release. Your fingers dug into his head attempting to push him closer which was impossible.
"Do not cum" He ordered from below, his voice was muffled by your cunt but you understood him perfectly. The vibrations his voice sent through your pussy did not help your situation.
"I can't" Now you were trying to wiggle away so you would not have to disobey his ordered. Your hand tried pushing him away but he was quick to grab your wrist and move it away from his head and trap it on the armrest of the chair with his serving as a lock around it.
"I'm going to cum" You cried thrashing around even harder. Daemon used his other hand to push your hips down and steady the rocking chair so you would not tip it over. His tongue resumed to torture your clit and hole that was crying for release.
"Please, I'm gonna cum" Now you were begging to cum, you did not care of you disobeyed. The second you made up your mind to defy him and cum he pulled away with your wetness coating his lips and chin. You cried at the loss legs curling to close protectively in front of your weeping cunt. Your free hand slapped over your lips to muffle the cries. Tears leaked out of your eyes, despair filling your body.
"Naughty wives do not get to cum" Daemon repeated his words from earlier. He stood on his feet with his chest puffed out proudly. He picked you up from the chair as if you weight nothing and moved over to your bed laying you down gently, you were still pregnant with his child.
"Please Daemon, I need to cum" You begged clinging to him. He shushed you holding you close to his chest. You let him run his hand down your spine and over your bruised behind and over your thigh pulling it up to wrap around his waist while you both laid on your sides facing each other.
"You will get to cum on one condition" He promised against your hair. You gulped fearing whatever he wished of you. Your mind went blank when you felt his tip rubbing up and down your slit gathering your arousal but did not push inside, it remained as the weapon Daemon used to tease you, mould you to his will.
"What is it?" You whimpered hugging him closer to your body wanting, no needing an anchor to remain sane. You never really fared well with teasing.
"Swear you will never run away again" He leaned his head down to place a kiss on your cheek. His lips moved to your eyelashes then down to your nose. He avoided your lips on purpose awaiting to hear you swear yourself and your children to him forever.
"Promise me your husband, stay by my side and I will do as you want, as you wish" He bit at a piece of skin below your ear. He slowly pushed the tip of his cock inside but no more. You squirmed with a whine needing more than just his mushroomed tip inside of you.
"I- I need you to promise me something in return" You whispered in his ear. Daemon smirked loving this new side of you, the side that negotiated with him.
"What is it, dear wife" He pulled the tip of his cock out of you teasing your clit with it instead. Your hips squirmed with neediness, missing this tiny piece of friction it got from his tip inside of your tight walls.
"Never support Rhaenyra, never even talk with her" You pulled back from his ear to look at him. His eyes darkened and his jaw tensed a little. This time he shoved his cock inside of you fully almost as punishment. Your lips parted into an O shape with a silent scream of pain and shock. He watched your chest freeze unable to take air in for a hot minute.
"Why would I do that?" He smirked rocking his hips back and forth. His hand on your thigh, that was thrown over his hip, tightened to compose himself. You wrapped around his cock so good, if the seven hells felt anything like your cunt then he'd happily remain there.
"Because you love me, oh- or were you oh- lying to me?" You finally composed yourself. Moans slipped passed your lips with each movement of his cock. Your nails dug deep into his shoulders drawing blood be he did not care at all.
"Do not ever question my love for you" His his snapped roughly against yours. You cried out breaking eye contact to throw your head back against the pillows in ecstasy. His cock felt amazing inside of you as it always did.
"Then p-promise me that" You panted. Your hands moved to pull him on top of you instead. Daemon happily complied moving to pull your other leg up to wrap around his waist. His hips were snapping furiously against yours now. Sweat was build up above brow and his hair fell over his shoulders. Your fingers entangled into the hair that matched your own in colour.
"I fucking promise" He growled pushing himself up to look you in the eyes, giving you no room to doubt him.
"I swear to love and fuck only you and your cunt" His eyes trailed down watching how his cock slipped in and out of you. The way your arousal coated his cock letting it slid in and out easily and with no discomfort for either of you and how your walls swallowed him in clenching around him seeking both your and his peek.
"Your turn" He reminded. You surprised him when you pushed him back with both your hands and legs. He laid for a second beside you his mind not registering what has happened. By the time he focused again you were sinking down on his length hips already rolling back and forth, side to side and up and down, taking him from all angels.
"I swear to be only yours" You leaned down to press your lips against his, this started out as a punishment but now you had him under you, at your mercy. Your hips jolted with each movement needing to find release. Daemon held your hips trying to assist you from below by snapping his hips up to meet your thrusts.
"I'm going to cum" You warned. Daemon moaned feeling your walls clamp down on him. He did not even dare tell you not to when he saw the fierce look in your eyes and instead moved his gaze to your bouncing tits. He took one of them in his mouth sucking on it to hide his own sounds. Your hand moved to play with your other nipple tweaking it between your thumb and forefinger imagining it producing milk soon for your unborn child which proved to be your undoing making your release crash down on you.
"Fuck! Daemon" Your cried, hips now moving on their own accord to ride out your orgasm. Daemon used this moment of unawareness to flip you back around.
"Yes darling?" he smirked down at you. His hips jackhammered inside of you with no mercy. Your eyes opened to look at him, you looked like you were under a spell. His eyes trailed down to your mouth, lips open letting moans and whines of pleasure slip through. Your cheeks were flushed red along with your ears. The only sound other than your sounds of pleasure and his groans was the sound of skin slapping and the wetness of your cunt.
His eyes trailed to your breasts, moving with the rhythm of his thrusts inside of you, remembering the green dress that covered only a small portion of them at the beginning of the evening making his blood boil with anger. You were a Targaryen by both birth and marriage.
"You shall wear red and black from now on" He informed, not asked, not ordered or demanded but informed. You shook your head from side to side. Your insides were twitching with a second orgasm approaching you.
"You shall wear green" You shot back. Daemon's hand that was not holding his weight up from crushing you, snapped to wrap around you throat threateningly. You sobbed from the intensity of the pleasure, you never thought threatening your life would be so pleasurable.
"Red and black" He hissed. His stomaching tightened with pleasure, he was so close. He knew you were already pregnant but he shall fuck you full of another child even when you were so full, yes it did not work this way but he will make it work, he will make it work because he was a god, he rode two dragons, Caraxes and you.
"Green" You cried out head falling back as your climax washed over you, your legs shook furiously and you lost all feeling in your toes. Daemon ignored the wetness that coated his length and thighs, this was not the first time he managed to make you squirt. Your hand snapped up to wrap around his neck with the same threat of choking him to death. That was his undoing, he came with a loud groan, he has never came so hard before in his life but his hips did not relent and kept rutting inside of you.
"Filling me up so well my husband" You rolled your hips up teasingly as his thrusts stopped. Daemon whimpered at the friction and scrambled to pull out his cock.
"You little whore" He moved to lay beside you facing you. He placed a hand over your belly feeling it's flatness that will soon go away. He smirked evilly knowing that you grew more sensitive while pregnant and especially now that he drew two orgasms from you. His hand crawled down to grab at your mound.
"Daemon" You mewled legs snapping close to stop his movement. He did not listen and shoved two fingers inside of your cunt. He grinded his palm against your overstimulated clit.
"Gotta make sure my cum stays inside" He whispered in your ear. Your body gave in to his request and your legs fell open giving him the space to move his hand. He moved the two fingers inside of you gently at first before picking up pace into a punishing pace. The sounds your wetness created filled the room and usually you would be embarrassed but the pleasure of his fingers inside of you and his palm rubbing your clit was too overwhelming.
Your judgment was clouded but you refused to show it. Your hips rose to grind against his hand desperate for release, a release you know will be a little painful and you would grow to regret the next morrow but now you gave no fucks.
"Fuck me" You cried holding on to his arm for support. Daemon leaned down to capture your bouncing teats with his mouth. He bit down on the flesh before soothing it out with his tongue. The climax that washed over you was surprising to you as well from how fast it came, you did not even have time to warn Daemon.
"Good girl" He praised pulling his fingers out of your cunt. He held them close to your lips and you opened them willingly and let him shove his finger in, you let him shove them in so much you felt them in your throat gagging. You closed your lips around his digits and sucked as if they were his cock. He pulled them out slowly letting you clean them. Your tongue swirled gathering whatever you could find loving the taste of your own release.
"Very good girl, keep your mouth open" He leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead. You nibbled on his fingers before opening your mouth. He pulled away to glare at you but you only looked at him innocently sticking your tongue out wiggling it from side to side. Daemon gathered whatever saliva he had in his mouth and spat it inside of your mouth, some of it even going back to your throat.
"Swallow, wife" he demanded. You pulled your tongue back inside and swallowed before sticking your tongue out to him to show him that it was all gone.
"Good now do the same down here" He took your hand and moved it to his cock that was hard again. The sight of you cumming on his fingers ignited the fire of arousal inside of him again. You shimmed down on the bed until you were between his parted legs. He watched you as you pushed his hand away and took control over the action.
Your smaller hands wrapped around his shaft pulling the skin up and pushing it back down. You stuck you tongue out and leaned down to tease his slit like he did your clit on the chair what felt like hours ago and maybe it was hours ago, you did not know you had not kept track of time, not when his tongue was inside of you, or his fingers or his cock.
"Do not tease" He groaned. His hand moved to pull your hair away from your face and held it behind your head, he did not take control of the movement of your head, instead he merely watched you as you finally took all of him inside of your mouth.
You bobbed your head up and down making sure to swallow whenever he was deep enough inside of your mouth. Small whimpered escaped his mouth, his hips pushing up for more. Your hands moved down to place with his balls. Your eyes watched his face scrunch up with pleasure trying his best to maintain eye contact with you.
"Fuck" His thighs tensed on either side of your head, legs shaking with each suck you gave. One of your hands trailed down prodding at his own hole and ignored his whine pushing a finger inside. Daemon thrusted his hips up pushing his cock as far as possible inside of your mouth at the new friction making your nose bury in the little hair he had above his cock.
You gagged and used your other hand to push his hips down on the mattress again. You pulled away from him with a pop. He whined as your left his cock standing proud and needy leaking precum and his tip red. When you were sure he was going to keep his hips in place you wrapped your fingers around his cock pumping it up and down.
"Good husbands do not attempt to suffocate their wives" You teased. Daemon now used the hand behind your head to push your head down so you would take him in your mouth again. You giggled wrapping your lips around him again and sucked.
"Fuck, cumming" He warned holding your head down. You held your breath already expecting his white seed that shot down your throat. You swallowed it with him still inside of you making him cry at the tightness of your throat and push your head away.
"Naughty wife" He opened his arms. You crawled into them cuddling by his side. The both of you went to sleep covered in cum, sweat and filled with love for one another and had stupid satisfied smiles on your faces.
The next morning you woke up peacefully with Daemon sitting beside you playing with your hair. You had half a mind to fall back to sleep but could not leave Vaenys alone for too long. You turned to lay on your back stretching you arms out feeling numb and sore all over your body, a good kind of soreness.
"Morning, my love" Daemon greeted. There was a weird grin on his face but you just assumed you were imagining things.
"Morning" You sat up with the sheets wrapped around your body. There was a bath awaiting you in the corner and a breakfast on the table.
"I asked them to prepare your bath and breakfast here, I did not know when you will wake" Daemon watched as you got up with the sheets wrapped around your body still. You walked over to the bath dropping your sheet to get in. You sighed content with the warmth leaning back almost as if this was your throne.
"Thank you, dear husband, this gesture is very much appreciated" You smiled warmly at him. Daemon also got up and walked over to you.
"I have some business to attend to, I will be back soon" He leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I will await your arrival impatiently" You flirted. He smirked and moved to leave the room, closing the door with a click. You took a deep breath and dunk down in the scented water letting it wash away the sticky sweat and cum. You scrubbed your skin clean and washed your hair thoroughly. Then you lathered your skin with oils and dressed in a blue dress, neither red and black or green.
You hated that you had to break your fast alone but enjoyed the delicious food, everything you liked was on the table. From honey to chocolates and creams. When you were done you decided to go see your son now that you were clean and full. With a sweet hum you walked over to the doors attempting to pull them open only to find them locked. You tried again thinking maybe the door was stuck but to no avail.
"Ser Lormer!" You called your sworn sword. You feared Daemon had done something to him.
"Yes my princess" You sighed in relief at his reply. However the quiver in his voice made you sure something has happened.
"Are you alright?" You asked leaning closer to the door so you would not have to yell.
"Y-yes my princess" He stuttered. Now you were more than sure Daemon had hurt him somehow.
"Do no lie" You growled. Your fingers curled into your palms creating fists out of your hands.
"Prince Daemon cut my finger off Princess as punishment but it is alright I have nine others" Ser Lormer, always the worried sworn sword, never wanting to you to feel any pain even if it was not physical.
"I am so sorry" You felt tears build up in your eyes. Guilt was eating you from the inside out, you were the reason someone was in pain.
"It is alright princess, I am alright" Ser Lormer tried to comfort you. You took a deep breath pushing back the tears.
"Did prince Daemon lock the doors?" You questioned. It did not need a genius to know that but still you needed confirming. Was your sweet Daemon from yesterday just a character your husband played in front of your eyes?
"Yes princess, he said it was for your own safety" Ser Lormer answered. You moved away from the door with a small 'thank you'. You were terrified for yourself and your son. Why won't Daemon let you see him? Why did he not lock you two together? Did he mean to kill you? No, he couldn't or could he?
The sky darkened and you were going out of your mind. Daemon did not even send food for you to eat leaving you famished, worried sick and on the verge of madness. When you finally let your mind wander off to the idea of jumping out of the window to get somewhere other than the room did the door to your chambers open and Daemon strutted in with a tray of food in his hands.
"Oh dear wife forgive me, I was busy and forgot to feed you" Daemon said apologetically. You pushed yourself to stand up from the chair, wincing when you felt just how numb your backside had become from sitting on it for so long and it was already sire from the night before.
"What is going on? Why am I locked here? Why can't I see Vaenys?" You threw one question after the other at him. He moved to place the tray on the table beside the old food from breakfast.
"Some very unpleasant things. For your safety. And whoever said you cannot see our son?" Daemon walked over to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders when he was close enough.
"What happened?" You stood your ground with your question. You fisted his tunic to keep him close to you.
"Otto Hightower has passed" Daemon said plainly. Your knees turned into lead and your body leaned onto his. He held you close letting you slid back down on your chair.
"My grandfather?" You whispered. Your stomach dropped when the news registered in your brain. A hand snapped to your mouth in shock. Your eyes locked with Daemons just as a tear rolled down your cheek. He crouched down in front of you and raised his hand to catch the tear.
"It was peaceful in his sleep" Daemon tried assuring you. Of course that was a lie, he had poisoned him but you needn't know that. You were too innocent for this.
"Oh my poor mother must be divested" You whimpered. You leaned down to rest your forehead on his shoulder. He rubbed up and down your back trying to comfort you.
"Everything will be alright my sweet wife" Daemon whispered. Now Daemon had a new plan, first to show his alliance to the greens, for his pretty and innocent wife's sake and make sure Rhaenyra is out of the way, he cannot have his love running away again or doubting him or his love. He will punish Rhaenyra for choosing a room close to your route and for leaving the door open. He will make sure to rain hell upon her for what she did. At least now he had his lovely wife wrapped in his arms accepting him with no second thought. He will do anything and everything for her.
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wingedjellyfishflight · 7 months
Team Building
TW: Kidnapping
"Remember, bag on, hands zipped and go. Zero hesitation. If we take a split second too long, he'll get away."
"Shhh... he's coming."
The men grab you, neutralizing you before you can even get a glimpse of who they are. Your kicks hit well, but there are too many of them. They toss you into something soft, putting more on top of you before wheeling you away. A laundry bin full of sheets you realize. You'd seen it next to the Captain's door you were told to report to today.
The next thing you know, you're dumped into a trunk, sheets, and all. The trunk slams shut, taking the little light you could see through the fabric bag with it. You hear the vehicle start up and music blast at a ridiculously high level. Working your wrists, you fight to break loose for a few moments before realizing that is a dead end, recognizing the feel of the cuffs as the ones you have used on much bigger and stronger men. You shift to removing your hood. If you can see around you, maybe you can find a weakness. You have the hood about half off when the vehicle comes to a stop and turns off. Freezing, you hope they don't open the trunk and see you trying to escape. Your luck holds, and you hear multiple pairs of footsteps walking away, laughing and joking.
Hood sliding off, you check around you, rolling over to see the back of the seats as well. Luck is with you, and you see there is a small access hatch through the back seat. You turn slightly and kick it hard several times before it breaks loose. You shove your feet through and use your legs to pull you through in small sections. You duck down, listening hard for voices, and hear several to the left of the car. Sliding slowly to the right, you position yourself carefully. You pull the handle on the door, barely unlatching it and take several deep breaths. Shoving it open, you break into a dead sprint, running for the nearby treeline. Voices sound off almost immediately behind you, sounding surprised and confused.
You reach the trees, hearing footsteps gaining on you quickly. You don't chance a look back, worried about tripping over a root. Your feet are nimble, and you manage to stay ahead, blood pounding in your ears and lungs gasping for every bit of oxygen they can get.
Your downfall quite literally is a stream. Your foot slips, rolling the ankle as you go to jump, falling short of the other side in pain. A man grabs you from behind, picking you up far more gently than you would have expected. You fight to break free, but he angles you out, so you can't kick him easily. In frustration, you turn your head and bite his face. He drops you in shock, and you land in the rocks alongside the stream. You sit up, trying to get your feet under you and ignoring the gash on your face.
When you look up, you see you're surrounded by men. You start laughing in frustration and embarrassment when you see their uniforms and patches. They all look on nervously. One steps forward, a mohawk on his head.
"We're so sorry! We thought you were-"
"Captain Price? That is who I was supposed to be meeting."
"Yeah, sorry, doll. That must have been terrifying. Let us untie you, and we will get you back to the medics."
"No need. I'm a medic. Your medic, in fact." You feel your hands freed and pull them forward, inspecting the wounds there. "Did you grab my bag when you dumped me in the laundry?" At their headshake, you curse quietly. You turn toward the man that you bit. "Sorry, mate. Normally, I reserve my biting for people I know well." You wink as you try to stand up, the rolled ankle trying to buckle.
Ghost, you recognize him by his mask, chuckles. "Well, I hope I don't get to know you too well then. Gonna have a scar for sure." He winks at you, blood slowly staining his uniform, dripping down from the balaclava he is wearing.
You take a step gingerly and force your ankle to work, but the men notice all the same. "Here, I'll carry ye back, Stoater. Least I can dae for ye. I'm Soap, by the by. Ghost is behind ye, Gaz is there and over yonder, the pasty one is Roach." Each man waves shyly as they are named, and you nod back. Soap scoops you up and begins the trek back out of the forest. You wrap your arms around his neck to keep from getting jostled too much.
"So, who do I owe for repairs on the car? 'Fraid I may have done a bit of damage to it, gettin' out." You're a bit sheepish about the whole thing now that your adrenaline isn't pumping.
"Nothing and no one. It's a junker. We expected the Captain to do much the same, honestly. Just didn't expect our hostage not to recognize us and take off into the woods." Gaz sounds almost annoyed, but you think it is with them and not you.
Roach pipes up, "You're fast. Never seen anyone outrun Ghost."
"I was catching up. Though it woulda been a lot longer if you hadn't fallen."
"Spent more time in the woods than in school as a kid, so doin' a runner through the forest comes natural. If it had been open field, you would have caught me before I got another hundred feet." You fall into a comfortable silence the rest of the way, though you think it is likely less comfortable for them as they contemplate what comes next.
Reaching the car, Soap sets you down on the trunk instead of in it this time. You see an old truck parked nearby, otherwise the lot is empty. Ghost walks over to the truck and drags out a large first aid kit from behind the seat. He sets it next to you, giving you free range over it. You grab his arm and tug him between your legs, locking them around his waist.
"I have heard your reputation for fighting off medics, Ghost. I'll have none of that. Mask off or at least out of the way." You dig out some supplies as he grumbles and pulls the mask up to reveal a perfect set of teeth marks in his cheek. You wince and set to work, carefully cleaning and bandaging it. "You will need antibiotics. I've got a dirty mouth, after all." You wink at him as you press a plaster over it gently, letting him go.
Ghost takes a long moment to move away, watching you closely as he tugs down his mask. Your attention has already shifted to your own wounds, and you slide off the trunk onto your good leg. You hop your way to the front of the car and use the mirror to inspect the damage to your face. The cut is across the cheekbone on the same side as Ghost's bite wound.
"Yer twins, aye?" Soap jokes as he looks between you and Ghost. Your twin rolls his eyes as you laugh and nod in agreement. Soap gestures for you to get in once you are done, moving to the driver seat. Ghost lopes to his truck while the other two pile in the back seat.
"Nobody rides with Ghost?" You ask, curious if he is possessive of his vehicle.
"Nae, he drives like a weapon. Not worth the risk to life and limb." The chuckles from the backseat clue you in that this is a long-standing argument.
Back at base, the men walk you to Captain Price's office. He is pacing the room when you enter, supported by Soap. The others hover near the door, and you salute the Captain. "Medic reporting for assignment, sir." His eyes widen as he looks you over, then narrow on his men.
"What the fuck happened to her?" You feel Soap open his mouth, but before he can say a word, you chime in.
"Team building exercise, sir." You look him in the eyes with an almost bored expression. He hides his shock well at the boldfaced lie.
"Bullshit. None of these fucks got hurt."
"I tripped over my own feet," you chuckle. "But me n Ghost are twins, see?" You jab your thumb back at him, forgetting that his mask hides the bandage, but the bloodstain is evident. The Captain does not seem mollified by any of this, but he drops the issue.
"Yes, well. Sit, and we will go over your responsibilities here for the team, which do not include lying for them." You sit, and he promptly shoos them out. "So, they kidnapped you and dunked you in a stream to build comraderie. Do you want a transfer off the team?" He is short and to the point.
"No. I'm perfectly fine working with them." He nods and moves on to welcoming you on board.
"We're glad to have you, then."
When you walk out, braced on Captain Price's arm, Ghost is there waiting. He waves the Captain off, taking your weight easily. "To the med bay, Luv. We need to get you mobile."
Captain Price watches the two of you leave with a smirk, team building indeed.
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pretty-blkgirl · 2 months
Soul’s Desire [Ch. 1]
- Masterlist -
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Running down the streets of Seoul while mumbling about “not starting your idol career off right” is embarrassing enough . However, the people staring at you did little to deter your journey, and you managed to make it to the company right before your bosses did.
Your manager, Rose, was less than amused when she saw you rush into the meeting room with sweat coating your face.
She was quick to have your makeup fixed, and her annoyance died down once you explained the story of your tardiness to her.
“She’s resilient” Dae laughs, “Don’t be mad at her, it’s not her fault”
Dae, forever your savior, was the oldest and the one you looked up to the most. She joined the group first, and actually helped JYP staff in picking the rest of the group. She can be a little intimidating, and even more strict when it comes to recording since she also serves as producer, but she’s a sweetheart that loves her group members.
“I told you to be here an hour early y/nnie” Hana, the responsible one, nags as you take a seat next to her. She hates being called the mom of the group, especially since she’s the second to youngest, but the way she worries for you and the members earned her that title.
You give her a quick kiss on the cheek and she feigns annoyance but smiles a little.
“Y/nnie, look at this video of my lizard!” Yumi, the animal lover and smiley member of the group exclaimed to you. Growing up between the countryside of Korea and backwoods of Georgia, she was a self proclaimed “animal whisperer” and would talk to anyone that would listen about her many pets back home.
“What color should I dye my hair next?” Penny, your group’s insanely gorgeous (and model before training to be an idol) member asked. She was definitely the wild card, going from scarily serious to super hyper to chill and collected all in thirty minutes. She was also the dance leader and Dae’s “backup” leader, and she took those roles seriously.
Rose looked out the agape door and gasped lowly, thanking the staff for fixing your makeup last minute and quickly urging them out.
As soon as they left, four of your higher ups walked in, making you five stand and bow to them immediately.
As they talked to you all, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of disbelief. Your dream was actually coming true, and you couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity.
You could only imagine what your career had in store for you.
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode seven.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: Kind of suggestive, reader is in denial, lowkey cringe but it's cute y'all, I promise.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
(let me know by filling the form in my bio if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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You didn't remember how and when you got home. The last thing you knew was that Q had found you among the crowd of students and that you almost passed out then. That would explain why you were back in your room with the worst headache you had ever experienced. You truly woke up when Kitty gasped as she sat right up on her bed. She got up and shook your body but you groaned in pain. Concluding you were not going to get up, she left to go to Q, leaving the door of your room opened. It allowed you to hear everything.
"Q! I have something to tell you, get up!" Kitty hurriedly said.
Another door opened only for Min Ho to yell at his friend. "Q! Did you drink my collagen water?" He got no response other than an annoyed groan. "Or was it you?"
"What? No." Kitty answered.
By then, you made no effort to stay in bed as your roommates couldn't keep their voices down. You walked to the kitchen and laid your head on the counter as you kept listening to them.
"My collagen water is meant to keep my skin dewy. Not rehydrating people who can't handle their liquor."
"My God, why are you screaming?" Q whined. "It's the middle of the night and I'm still drunk."
"No, it's not. It's 8 in the morning."
"Already?" you whined as well.
"Yes. And thanks to some idiot, my party dynasty has come to an untimely end, so yeah, I am in a mood." he sighed.
"Are you in a mood to make me coffee?" Q pouted.
"Yes, but I will deeply resent you."
Your head shot up at the mention of the drink. "Will you be an angel and make me a cup too?"
He deadpanned at you. "And now you want my help. Fine but don't complain if it's not to your liking."
He walked around the counter and started to prepare everything. You yawned loudly and he shushed you, but you still yawned again.
"For crying out loud, will you stop?"
"Your party, your fault. I didn't even want to go in the first place."
"Ah yeah? And yet, you still came and denied me when I was trying to be nice to you for once. I'd say the alcohol played a big part in it, just as much as to why you're so unpleasant this morning."
You laughed sarcastically. "Aren't you being nice now..."
"I am. Here's your coffee." he said rudely as he placed the mug in front of you.
You hopped off the stool to go to the living space while he followed after to give Q his coffee and you dropped on the seat lazily. Him and Kitty seemed to be having an interesting chat as they argued whether she had a sex dream or not.
"Was it about Dae?" you joined in and she denied quickly. "Okay, not Dae."
"No, no. I didn't say I had a sex dream."
Min Ho also joined as he gave Q his cup and stood next to you, leaning on your chair.
"Okay, you didn't have to. Spill." Q insisted.
"It doesn't even matter because dreams don't mean anything."
"She's right." Min Ho jumped in rather quickly. "They don't mean anything. You can have a sex dream about someone you hate in real life."
"Yes, yes, exactly. Thank you, Min Ho. He could have a sex dream about, um, Y/N!"
You heard Min Ho choke on his coffee and you facepalmed. "What the..."
Q looked up in thoughts and bopped his head towards you. "He had a sex dream about you."
"No, I didn't." he dismissed. "If I did have a sex dream about Y/N, it'd be a sex nightmare."
"Oh gosh." you shut your eyes in embarrassment.
"I'm not hearing a denial." Q pointed out.
"It doesn't matter because dreams don't mean anything." he repeated.
"Exactly. I hate mayo." Kitty said.
"And I hate Y/N."
You winced at how loud he was while being right next to you. Q gave you a knowing look and you huffed at how intense this morning was for no reason.
"Sex dreams mean something." he smiled mischievously.
Someone then knocked at the door. You and Kitty rushed back to your room to hide only to hear Finnerty come in. Saying you were in big trouble, he informed the guys about an eight hour long detention you had to attend because of the party. You cried out and let yourself fall face first into your blankets.
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"I blame this on you and Q. I wouldn't have come if you minded your business and left me alone."
Kitty chuckled. "Did you have fun, though?"
"I guess? Mostly but I wouldn't have minded staying home."
You stepped in the library together, Professor Lee having started the detention already. You sat at a table and started to pull your things out of your bag. Most of it were your notes to study for your upcoming exams. It didn't feel like it quite yet, but the end of the semester was nearing.
"You have your friend, Miss Song Covey, to thank for that." he said which caused for everyone to gasp, including yourself. "That's right. She was kind enough to alert me to last night's shenanigans."
He held out his hand for the two of you to give your phones and you complied.
"It was you?"
"It was you?"
Both Min Ho and you looked at each other weirdly after saying the same thing at the same time. Kitty chuckled awkwardly.
"This could be fun, though." she tried to cheer up. "Like The Breakfast Club, right?"
She only received glares from the others. You shook your head in disappointment and opened your books to focus on something else other than her.
Somehow, Madison found her way to detention and sat down at Min Ho's table, waving at him cutely. The girl never particularly bothered you much but with what happened the night prior, you weren't on her good side. It shouldn't even affect you this much. Min Ho had the right to do whatever he wanted on his own time.
"Hey, babe. Last night was memorable." you overheard her say to him.
Okay, maybe it did get to you more than necessary.
He cleared his throat in uneasiness. "Why are you even in here? You didn't get caught at the party."
She gave him a knowing look and you decided to step into their conversation. "Yeah, how did you not get caught?"
"Please, I've snuck out of every window in every boarding school."
Professor cut your discussion short and asked them to give him their phones. Min Ho was staring at you again in the process and mouthed something to you that you couldn't comprehend. He did it again but you were still clueless; he dropped it eventually.
"Hey." Dae called out to your table. "Kitty, did you talk to Yuri?"
She opened her eyes wide. "Yuri? Why would I talk to Yuri? I barely know her. I don't want to talk with Yuri or do anything else with her." she rambled on until her eyes laid on the said-person.
You swore the day could get any weirder than it was, but here you were. Being moody already, you decided to focus on your books instead, diving right back into studying. It didn't last, though. You heard your name being whispered loudly along with a couple of 'psst'. And you would recognize that voice anywhere now. Your eyes found their way to meet his and you were surprised to see an empty chair next to him, Madison having disappeared. He bopped his head to the place next to him but you shook your head. He gave you a look and, with a heavy sigh, you took your stuff and went to sit with him.
"Where's your girlfriend?" you asked.
"She's not my girlfriend. And I told her to sit somewhere else." he pointed to another table where, indeed, she was now sat at.
"So now you can bother me for the next eight hours, great."
"I won't even be allowed to talk with you."
You raised an eyebrow. "There's no point in sitting with you, then."
He shook his head. "I think we need to go over some things you and I?"
"For the chemistry lab? I already explained it to you."
He grunted out of frustration. "No. About you and I."
Lee shushed everyone which restrained you from asking Min Ho what he meant by that. As detention began, you actually did study. Min Ho tried to poke your hand a few times to get your attention but you always dismissed his attempts.
A few hours had passed and you had already gone over most of the stuff you needed to do. As for Min Ho, he scribbled something on a paper for a while. Writing, erasing, writing again... You weren't sure what he was doing but it seemed to keep him occupied. But when he passed the note to you, you became doubtful. You gave it back to him, not wanting to play his little game. He pushed it back to you only for you to do the same. The back and forth lasted until Lee announced he was needed at the gymnasium. After putting Madison in charge since she wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place, he took off.
"You heard him, eyes down." she said, earning groans from the other students.
When he was completely out of the library, however, she stopped pretending and told you all to do whatever. Still, no one moved and kept quiet, uncertain on what to do.
"What? Haven't any of you gotten stuck in a Saturday detention and kept the party going when your teacher leaves the room?" Getting shaking heads as a response, she gasped. "Oh, y'all are so cute. Okay, poker game will start in the World History section, make-outs move in the back by the rare books. I like an organized chaos. Go!" she finished with clasping her hands together.
Everyone moved and started to chat, some continued to study – you included.
"Y/N, can we-" Min Ho started but Madison coming up to him cut him off.
"You, me. Rare books." she whispered to him before grabbing his arm. "Let's go."
"Wait, what?" he broke away from her.
She frowned. "No?"
He glanced at you briefly. "No, find someone else."
She sighed. "So you were serious earlier. No messing around, I see."
She left to go to the stairs where people were starting to lay out their poker game. Min Ho scooted closer to you but you didn't dare to look at him.
"Can we talk now?"
You shrugged. "There's nothing to talk about."
With a frustrated sigh, he grabbed your arm and dragged you out of your chair. You complained but he kept leading you deep into the library, almost reaching the rare books.
"Would you stop pretending for once? Gosh, you're annoying." he said once you reached a spot behind a bookshelf.
"You're going straight to the point, aren't you?"
"Yes because I know you won't. What did you want to tell me last night?" he asked before crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Nothing important... Just that I'm sorry for being rude when you simply wanted to help me with Dongmin."
He grinned. "See? You can be grateful at times."
"Yeah, yeah... But now, I also want to apologize for interrupting your make-out session with Madison."
He grunted. "It was one kiss."
"Yeah, and now it's 'babe', 'last night was memorable' and 'join me by the rare books' type of situation." you scoffed.
"It was one kiss." he repeated. "And I don't even like her, so."
"But somehow, you're together? Make it make sense."
He rolled his eyes. "She made it all up in her mind, I swear."
A smirk slowly grew on his face. "Are you jealous, puppy?"
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. "You wish I was."
"Hmm, pretty sure you are."
With Professor Lee coming back, you rushed to sit right back where you were. Kitty and Yuri had vanished and you wondered what happened to them. The teacher announced that it was lunch time and gave you a paper to write down your orders. Giving it to Dae first, you and Min Ho joined him at his table.
"What are you going to eat?" you asked him.
"I don't know." he shrugged. "How can I think about food when I'm going crazy wondering what Kitty and Yuri are up to."
"I asked myself the same." you hummed.
"Whatever it is, it's none of our business." Min Ho said.
Dae nodded and took the paper for the food orders. "You're right. I guess I'll just order their lunch."
He started to write but seeing what he was putting for Kitty, you stopped him. "She likes tuna gimbap."
"Without mayo." Min Ho added.
Dae gave you both a weird look. "Since when are you Kitty experts?"
"Since we have to live with her, thanks to someone."
You hit his arm and he grunted while Dae gave you the clipboard. "He's kidding, he loves living with her."
He scoffed. "Let's say I do. I know what you'll have."
"No, you don't."
"So you weren't just about to put in kimchi gimbap with jjajangmyeon?" he sneered at you making you stop writing to glare at him. "I'm right, no?"
"You are." you admitted and gave the sheet to the next table.
"Hey, what are you doing? I didn't write mine."
"I did it for you. Bulgogi kimbap? Extra kimchi?"
He grinned at you. "I'm impressed, not going to lie."
You smiled back and your eyes lingered on each other for a second too long. Dae observed in confusion.
"Did I miss something about you two?"
Min Ho only let out a hum. While Professor Lee announced he'd do a roll call, Dae started to panic. With the girls not being here, he whispered for help to the tables around. Florian was kind enough to be a suck up to the teacher and Lee left to go get a book. That left the rest of you in Madison's charge, meaning being totally free.
Min Ho took your hand and went back to the bookshelf you were at minutes ago. You knew what was coming; he wanted to finish what you had started to discuss. Crossing his arms again, he waited for you to speak.
"What do you want me to say?" you whined, getting annoyed by his behaviour.
"With Madison, were you jealous or not?"
You groaned. "This isn't close to being important to know."
He took a step closer to you. "For me, it is."
Your breath hitched. His figure hovering you, just like that time on Chuseok, it felt too personal to be a casual move. You didn't want to look at him, but he didn't stand that. Bringing his hand to your chin, he lifted your head up so you were finally eye to eye. If you weren't blushing already, you definitely were now.
"What if I wasn't? Then what?"
He thought for a moment. "Then that is it. We act as if this conversation never happened."
You hummed. "And... if I was?"
He smirked. "Wouldn't you like to find out?"
"Min Ho, please."
His eyes softened. "Then it'd be very difficult for me to not kiss you."
Something snapped in you. While a second ago you would have donne anything to keep him away the furthest from you, now all you wanted to do was to smash your lips against his. So you did just that, kissed him right away. He was startled by your boldness but it didn't take him long to kiss you back, bringing your body closer to his by your waist. It felt like every pound that had been weighting on your shoulders was gone, all the bizarre tension gone. You wondered if this was only one of his jokes to mock you afterwards but you were too immersed in the moment to care.
Unfortunately, it came to an end when someone shouted that Professor Lee was back again. You broke away from Min Ho's embrace to walk back to the tables.
"Let's go."
He held your wrist and shook his head. "Just one more minute." he said and pecked your lips.
"Lee's coming."
He huffed. "You're no fun."
You shrugged your shoulders. "We'll play later, puppy."
You swore you had never seen his eyes get darker so fast. "I like that idea."
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife | @soobin-chois | @honeydewpie | @snoozeagustd | @justemalove | @n1ninunwo0 | @loislucky | @kuromomomi | @lysira340 | @lenilla15 | @upsidedownjill | @woozarts | @hy-eins | @olivetheoryx | @b1tch1macow | @dreaming-hope25 | @jiaant11 | @melsunshine | @sincerely-aaronette | @wonyofanclub | @jaehyunicecream | @zucchinimalfoy | @beeomgui | @jinxwhore28 | @mimisamisasa | @gordorio | @honeyisnotreal | @elliesinterlude | @melonshifts
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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f4llingtoyou · 1 year
what a shame part II (min ho x reader)
“What if I told you I’ve been wanting to kiss you for months now?” 
read part I here!
wc: ~1.8k an: part 2 is finally here!! i don’t love how this turned out but i did have them kiss so. hope you all enjoy :)
Objectively, you know you’re overthinking this.
He had literally stated, out loud, that he was willing to kiss you. For Min Ho, that was basically a confession of undying love. You know that his interest tends to be fleeting, and you’d be stupid to not act on it when you’ve been presented with the opportunity. 
(It doesn’t help that you’ve been thinking about kissing him for as long as you can remember. It definitely doesn’t help that he’s strolling around his party looking like everything you’ve ever dreamed of.)
You’d like to think maybe he meant it genuinely - that his attraction isn’t just surface level. You’d like to think the flickering warmth that starts up in your stomach every time your eyes meet is a mutual experience. 
But instead of the elation you’d expected to feel at the idea of it all, something like dread settles in the slump of your shoulders.
After all, he’s a flirt. And as much as you’d like to think you’re special, part of you wonders how many girls he’s told that to tonight. You’d value yourself as more than a distraction even if you wonder if he could say the same. It’s all too easy to lose yourself in comparisons and you hate that you’re discrediting him in the process, especially when you’ve gotten to know him in a way that feels far more intimate than his public facade. 
If his intention was to leave you dazed and confused, he can certainly rest easy tonight. But you know you can’t - that you’ll be thinking about him for quite possibly the rest of your life.
You’ll be thinking about his lips on yours, his hands on your back, your back against a wall. 
Something inside you shifts.
Your inner monologue comes to a conclusion. Carpe diem, or whatever.
You down the rest of your drink (some sort of cherry concoction that leaves a saccharine afterthought lingering on your tongue) and leave your bar stool for the second time this evening. You’re embarrassed to admit you know exactly where he is, but you haven’t been able to keep your eyes off of him. He’s seated next to Dae on one of the couches, the spread of his shoulders filling out his suit jacket a little too perfectly. 
You swallow down your nerves and tap him on the shoulder.
The way he turns and looks up at you has your knees going weak. You’re suddenly all too aware of Dae’s eyes on you.
You clear your throat. Your feelings for him lodge in your throat like an aftertaste that won’t go down easy.
“About… your offer,” you begin, and the way he raises his eyebrows has the rest of the sentence wilting on the tip of your tongue. It’s like your thoughts are turning to honey - thick and sweet and slow. It’s all-consuming, the way you lose yourself in him.
He smirks.
 “Oh? You changed your mind?” 
It’s moments like these where you think it’s more than unfair that he knows how attractive he is. 
“Don’t flatter yourself. You’re just… the best available option,” you protest, narrowing your eyes in a false display of confidence. You both know he’s more than the best option. 
“The best available option? There’s no need to lie to yourself like that,” he scoffs, but it’s lighthearted in a way you weren’t expecting. Your friendship has never crossed this line before, and it’s undeniable that you’ve been wondering how this is going to change it. You don’t think you’d mind if he broke your heart, not if you got to have him like this just for a night.
He gets up from the couch, patting a somewhat despondent Dae on the shoulder, and extends a hand to you. “Let’s get out of here, hm?”
You bite back a smile.
“Lead the way.”
And he does.
Of all the things you’re thinking right now, you’re definitely not thinking about the way he slides his fingers between yours like it’s an old habit. It’s absolutely the last thing on your mind. (You’re lying.)
He leads you through the crowds of people with effortless ease. The situation has something equivalent to adrenaline running through your veins. It has you bursting into unabashed laughter - the glittering lights, the music, the people, the way you’re being pulled into a dark hallway to kiss the guy you’re in love with.
Min Ho glances over his shoulder at the sound and you think you could live off the way he smiles for the rest of your life.
“Sorry,” you mouth over the noise between peals of laughter, even if you don’t know why you’re apologizing.
He huffs out a laugh of his own and cocks his head. “There’s nothing to apologize for, darling.”
And even though he says the it somewhat teasingly, the word has your chest erupting in fireworks. You don’t think you’d mind it at all if he called you that more often.
You’ve reached an alcove in one of the hallways, awash in warm buttery light spilling from delicate chandeliers. He tugs you into it with a grin like it’s second nature, and it almost feels like fate the way you fit perfectly in his arms.
Maybe you are special, if he pulled you all the way over here just to kiss you. Maybe you’re not just another face in the crowd.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” you prompt, bracing yourself for the potential disappointment.
He smirks again. 
“What if I told you I’ve been wanting to kiss you for months now?”
Well. In that case.
Your reply comes out as a whisper. 
“So kiss me.”
And he does.
You know that kissing Min Ho will do nothing to help your repressed feelings - but the way he’s tilting his head to make the kiss deeper has your mind going deliciously blank. There’s nothing to overthink when he’s sliding his tongue across your lips like he’s tasting you for the first and last time.
You hope to god it’s not the last.
You test the waters ever so slightly by sinking your teeth gently into his bottom lip, and you’re rewarded with a drawn out groan, his hands tightening on your waist. It’s like electricity bleeding from where his fingers press into your skin, gasps spilling out of your mouth that he swallows down one after the other. You’re practically melting in his embrace as he pushes you gently until your back hits the wall with an audible thump.
Emboldened by his behavior, you thread one hand into the hair just above his neck and tug ever so slightly. 
“Fuck,” he hisses against your lips, and he pulls back just enough that you can catch your breath.
“You sure this is your first kiss?” he mumbles, pressing his mouth to yours one more time before you can respond. Honestly, your head is miles above the clouds right now, but you pull yourself together enough to reply.
“Yeah. Pretty sure,” you whisper back, wincing at how out-of-breath you sound. But then your head is falling back against the wall when his mouth moves to that spot on your jawline just below your ear. 
The whine that tears from your throat when he detaches himself from your neck is far too audible for your liking, and you shut your eyes on instinct out of embarrassment.
It takes you by surprise when you feel his finger nudging your chin up toward him again, and when you open your eyes he’s grinning so brightly at you that you’re suddenly forgetting how to breathe.
“You’re so cute,” he mutters, before diving back in to kiss you again. It almost sounds like affection, and that realization has everything suddenly feeling off-kilter. You had grounded yourself on the idea that this was something Min Ho would just forget by the time the sun rose, and having him potentially care about you has your entire world shifting drastically. 
You’ve never been touched, let alone kissed, like this - like you mean something. 
It has you on the verge of confessing it all. 
He pulls back once more, briefly, and your eyes trail down the curve of his neck as he swallows. It’s easy to see why so many people are in love with him - you’re already addicted to the feeling of him devouring every breath you exhale. His grip on your waist has fire sparking in the pit of your stomach and you’re so close to falling apart in his arms that even his delicate touch feels bruising. (Although you think that if you were to peel back the layers of your outfit, you’d find his name tattooed in deep reds and purples like the marks he’s left on you neck right above your heart, where your feelings have been beating out of your chest.)
“You taste like cherries,” he murmurs. 
A self-conscious smile spreads slowly across your face. “Blame your mocktails.”
Laughter spills from him. The sound has an inexplicable warmth trickling through your chest. “I’d like to thank the bartender, actually. I could kiss you until the sun rises.”
“Please do,” you respond simply, and you’re not even ashamed to say it because he’s leaning back in before you can finish saying it.
This time his ferocity catches you by surprise and he uses it to his advantage, licking into your mouth without any hesitation. It’s absolutely dizzying, the way he occupies your every sense and every thought. The only word you can remember is his name, and when you breathe it out you’re met with a low groan in response. 
And then there’s a cacophony of shouts in the distance - he tilts his head back with a frustrated huff. There’s a particularly loud yell, something about shutting the music off, and you and Min Ho immediately meet each other’s eyes with mirrored expressions of concern.
You swallow. “Is that… Professor Lee?”
Min Ho curses.
“It’s okay. You should go,” you rush to tell him, leaving an unspoken question in the air about what this whole situation means for the two of you. You’d ask it out loud but the words stick in your chest and refuse to come out, so you duck your head instead. You’re still trying to regain your bearings like you hadn’t just been kissed senseless.
He runs a hand through his hair, glancing between you and the sounds of the party agitatedly.  “Yeah. I-” he pauses. 
Fuck it.
You gently squeeze his arm. “Do you maybe wanna go out sometime?”
He doesn’t give you any time to second guess yourself because he starts smiling so widely you’re sure it must hurt. His gaze is unbearably soft, so soft that a chill ghosts down your back. The things you’d give to have him like this every day - like he’s in love with you too.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
He pulls you back into him one more time, lips lingering on yours until he’s stolen all the breath from your lungs.
And then he’s slipping back into the party, leaving you giddy and absolutely breathless once more.
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