#damn it i told myself not to get attached sos to not be disappointed
nomoreusername · 3 months
Impulsive Greenie
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Pairing:Thomas x gender neutral reader
Summary:Despite the lecture you give Greenie you can't help but find yourself attached to him.
He was so ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. He gets told the exact same thing by everyone. Do not go into the dangerous Maze full of things that could kill you, and what does he do? He goes into the dangerous Maze full of things that could kill him.
Am I surprised? Not exactly.
Am I disappointed that I thought he was capable of following directions?
Yes. Yes I am.
Now he was in the pit late at night, and I was glaring at him while holding bread.
“Before you say anything, it all worked out. Right? Alby’s alive, Minho’s alive, I’m alive, and there's one less Griever. Aren't those all really good things?”He reasoned.
“Yes they are,”I agreed.
“But you know what isn't a good thing?”I interrupted, crossing my arms as I kept my stern look.
“The fact that after everything kept saying Thomas no, you heard Thomas yes. We have three rules here, and you managed to break the most important one in less than a week.”
“I mean that's kind of impressive. It's like a world record.”
“Yeah. World record for most impulsive Greenie. What? You think you have plot armor?”
“No. I just didn't want them to die,”He repeated.
“Yes, yes. That's nice and all, but you literally could have been crushed by the wall. You could have died before even going inside. You could have been killed by a Griever. You could have been stung. The list of why that was a dumb idea goes on and on.”
“Nobody got hurt though so is it really that bad?”
“It's extremely bad. You're lucky you're sitting there being scolded by me instead of inside a Griever's stomach.”
“This does not feel lucky,”He mumbled.
“What was that?”I asked, giving him a chance to correct himself.
“I said I’m extremely lucky,”He lied, though we both knew the truth. It's just that you have to pick your battles, and that one was not worth it.
“From now on, you follow the rules,”I said firmly.
“I know I didn't, but let's look at the other bright side. I’m a Runner now. Newt said so.”
“I don't care if Newt made you president of the damn world. You keep your head low from now on. A few people are starting to get suspicious of you-”
“Yes. Definitely Gally, but he isn't the only one. You just have to be more aware of what's going on. Nobody here is worth fighting. Out there, in the Maze, that's the only place you want to be doing so,”I explained, sitting on the grass to be just a little closer to him. Party because I wanted to and partly because I wanted him to see how sincere about this I actually was.
“Okay. I’ll follow the rules from now on. When I can,”He half accepted. While it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, it was better than nothing.
“That's clearly the most I’m going to get so okay. Also, good luck on your first day tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do great,”I promised, giving a small smile.
“So you aren't going to be mad when I go in the Maze tomorrow then?”He asked slowly.
“No. Now that you're a Runner, that would be stupid,”I admitted.
“See? So aren't you glad I ran in?”
“Don't push it,”I said firmly, leaning a little close and gesturing for him to hold his hand out. When he did without question I gave him the bread through the bars. With our fingertips touching for a moment, I was sure Greenie had just sent goosebumps up my arm as we stayed still.
Then, as quickly as they came, they were for as we pulled away.
“I thought I'm not supposed to have food?”He said in a teasing voice as he ate some of it.
“Yeah, well, whatever. I don't have to explain myself to you,”I pointed out.
“Is it because you secretly really like me?”
“Goodnight Greenie,”I sighed, standing up.
“Wait, Y/N,”He called before I could leave.
“What do you want? It's time to-”
“I secretly really like you too,”He admitted, looking me in the eyes as he did. Despite the complete darkness, I knew. Not because I could see, but because I could feel his gaze.
“Goodnight Thomas. Sleep well, and good luck again,”I nodded, turning around to go to my hammock.
And so he wouldn't make out the grin growing on my face.
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my-beloved-lakes · 9 months
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Eliot and the stray cat he said they weren't keeping. (Click for better quality)
(Ficlet below the cut)
Eliot glanced up from his book when he heard Parker come in, then did a double take.
She was standing in the doorway, holding a cat. It was scrawny and wet and covered in mud.
"Look what I found in the alley." She said, her voice was sad and sympathetic, but underneath that there was a hint of excitement. "She needs a home."
Oh no. Eliot thought.
"We are not keeping the cat, Parker." He said firmly.
"Woah, who put you in charge?" Hardison asked indignantly.
"We can't have a cat running around here." Eliot insisted. “Not with how often we’re out of town.”
Parker looked disappointed.
"We'd Give the damn thing abandonment issues." Eliot muttered under his breath
"Well, we can at least give her a bath and some food." Hardison said.
Eliot's expression softened.
"It can spend the night. We'll give it a blanket to sleep on and leave it in the bathroom where it can't get into anything." Eliot said. "I'll take it to the shelter tomorrow."
"Shelter's closed over the weekend. Won't open again till Monday." Hardison pointed out.
Eliot groaned. "So we're stuck with it for the next 3 days?"
"Yup." Hardison said smugly.
"What should we call her?" Parker asked.
"No. No. We're not naming it. It'll just make it harder to say goodbye when the time comes."
"Aww, come on, can't we keep her? She needs a home and family to love her." Parker insisted. "And just look how cute she is!"
"They'll find it a good home at the shelter." Eliot said.
"Well, I guess I better go to the store and get some cat chow so she can have something to eat while she's here." Hardison said. "You two can handle giving her a bath while I'm gone."
Eliot rolled his eyes and got up to help Parker clean the cat off.
"Get a wet washcloth." He said. "I'll hold it still while you get as much of the mud off as you can."
Parker gently handed the cat to Eliot and ran to the other room. The cat let out a quiet broken meow that was barely more than a squeak as she passed it to Eliot. It clung to Eliot's arm with its claws, and he could feel the thing trembling. He wondered if it was cold or just scared.
Parker came back a minute later with a washcloth soaked in warm water. Eliot held the cat out so Parker could wipe away  all the mud but after a while Eliot realized the washcloth wasn't going to be enough to get the cat clean. He sighed.
"It's gonna need a real bath." He said. “We’ll take it to the bathroom and do it in the tub.”
"She's not gonna like that." Parker pointed out.
The cat didn't mind nearly as much as Eliot expected. Or at least she didn't show it, maybe she was too exhausted or too scared to struggle. Her ears were pinned back in discomfort but she didn't put up a fight. She just sat in the tub, still clinging to Eliot's arm with her front paws as Parker rubbed soap into her fur. When Parker was done lathering the cat with soap Eliot helped rinse all the soap off, running his free hand over the cat's whole body as Parker poured warm water over it.
As Eliot ran his fingers through the cat's wet fur, he could feel scars. Most were old and long since healed up, but a few were more recent, still scabbed with blood.
"She's had a hard life, hasn't she." Parker said. "No family to love her, having to fight to survive."
"Yeah, seems like she has." Eliot said.
She's trying to guilt me into keeping it.
"She's old too." Parker pointed out. "Older animals are less likely to get adopted, you know."
Eliot sighed and shook his head.
I'm not going to let her guilt me into this. He told himself.
She was right though. The cat was old. Now that all the mud was gone, he could see that her face was covered in gray hairs.  The rest of her was a dusty brown color with tabby stripes. She was a cute cat, he had to admit. She reminded him of the cat he had as a kid.
Eliot shook his head.
Can't let myself get attached. He reminded himself.
He grabbed a dry towel and gently rubbed as much of the water off as he could. Then he set the cat down on the ground.
"Do we really have to lock her in here?" Parker asked.
"She can wander around the back rooms until we go to bed." Eliot said reluctantly. "As long as we keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get into anything."
Parker's face lit up and she opened the bathroom door. No sooner had she done so, the cat scampered out of the bathroom into the livingroom and darted under the couch.
When Hardison got home, he found the cat wandering around, cautiously smelling everything. Parker was watching the cat intently and Eliot had his face in a book, paying no attention to the cat whatsoever, or at least pretending not to pay any attention. 
"So I see the cat isn't actually staying in the bathroom then." Hardison said with a sly smile. 
"She'll be put in there when we go to bed." Eliot said. "She's just hanging out out here while we can keep an eye on her."
Hardison smiled and poured a little food into the new bowl he had bought for the cat and when he looked up, he caught a dirty look from Eliot.
"You bought the cat a new food bowl?"
"Yeah." Hardison shrugged.
"Damnit Hardison."
"She needs a dish!"
"The cat is not staying." Eliot insisted.
Hardison just rolled his eyes and set the bowl on the ground next to his feet.
The cat snuck cautiously up, but didn't come close enough to eat.
"Oops, excuse me little lady." Hardison said and backed away from the food bowl.
As soon as the cat decided Hardison was a safe distance away, she darted forward and began scarfing down the food, making happy little meows as she ate.
Parker and Hardison both chuckled at the muffled meows coming from the cat.
"I don't think I've ever heard a cat do that." Hardison mused.
I have. Once. Eliot thought, then quickly dismissed the thought.
As soon as the cat was done eating Parker tried to creep closer to pet her, but the cat darted away and sat down, wrapped her tail around her feet and stared at Parker.
"Aww it's okay little kitty." Parker promised. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
Parker sat down on the ground and scooted closer, but the cat moved away again.
"Parker, leave the cat alone." Eliot said without glancing up from his book. "She'll come to you when she's ready."
Parker reluctantly got up and settled herself on the couch between Eliot and Hardison.
Hardison stretched and yawned.
"Welp, I think it's time for me to get to bed." He said and got up from the couch. "Want me to put the cat up?" 
"Nah, I got it." Eliot shrugged.
"Okay, night night." Hardison said and made his way up the stairs.
Parker got up to follow him.
"Good night, Eliot." She said.
"I really want to keep the cat." Parker said as she climbed into bed next to Hardison.
"Oh babe, we're keeping the cat." Hardison said definitely.
"But Eliot was very clear that he doesn't want to keep her. I know he's not the boss of us, but I feel like we should respect his opinion, right?"
Hardison wrapped his arms around Parker and pulled her close.
"Parker let me let you in on a little secret that Eliot would probably kill me for telling you. He'd never admit it, but he loves that cat already. He's growing more and more attached to her every second. We just have to pretend like we don't notice it for a while, let him think he’s got us fooled. Before ya know it, he’ll cave and let us keep her."
Parker smiled and snuggled in closer to Hardison.
“I think we should call her Snickers.” Parker said
“I like Snickers.” hardison mumbled sleepily. “But don’t tell Eliot till he’s agreed to keep her.”
Parker woke up again in the middle of the night and wondered if Eliot was still awake. She carefully slipped out of Hardison’s arm and crept down the stairs. She found Eliot curled up, sound asleep on the couch. The cat was curled up in the curve of Eliot's stomach, nestled into a pile of blankets, purring loudly. 
So the cat’s not staying in the bathroom after all.
She smiled and crept back to the bedroom, nudged Hardison awake and motioned for him to follow her. Together they crept back to the living room.
Hardison chuckled quietly to himself when he saw Eliot asleep with the cat.
"What'd I tell you? He's in love with the cat already."
Monday rolled around, but Eliot didn’t seem to be in any hurry to take the cat to the shelter.
"Ya gonna take the cat today?" Hardison asked. 
He already knew the answer was no. Eliot was completely and thoroughly attached.
"If I find the time." Eliot shrugged. "Kinda busy today, though."
Hardison and Parker shot each other knowing smiles.
"Well, I can take her if you want." Hardison offered, knowing full well Eliot wouldn't accept it.
"No, I'll do it as soon as I'm not busy."
When evening rolled around the cat was still wandering around the back rooms of the brewpub, but Eliot's day had proven to be much less busy than he said. He had worked out a little, gone over the brewpub menu to make a few revisions and taken one client meeting, but all of that took less than half the day.
There should have been plenty of time to take the cat to the shelter. Hardison noted smugly to himself. But he doesn't want to say goodbye.
Tuesday really was a busy day. They spent the whole day planning, and executing a heist and by the time they got home, the shelter was closed for the evening.
Eliot grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and pressed it to his aching shoulder. Then he slumped down onto the couch with a sigh and leaned his head against the back, closing his eyes.
The fight he had with the security guards hadn't been particularly rough, but one of them had managed to wrench his shoulder pretty bad. he had popped a couple painkillers on the way home, but it was still aching.
He looked up when he heard a tiny squeak from the cat as she jumped onto the opposite end of the couch and made her way over to him.
The cat never seemed to meow properly. It always came out more like a raspy squeak, as if she had lost her voice. He was reminded once again of the cat he had as a kid, the only other cat he had ever known who had a meow like that.
She rubbed her head against his leg and walked in circles across his lap a few times before laying down and curling up on his lap, purring softly. Eliot scratched behind her ears, and she started purring louder.
Damnit. He thought. She's not going anywhere, is she? We're stuck with her now.
Wednesday morning, Eliot woke to find the cat wasn't asleep next to him like she had been when he fell asleep. He got up and wandered into the next room where he  found Parker, but the cat wasn't there. Neither was Hardison.
"Where's Hardison?" Eliot asked.
"Oh, He figured since we’re keeping the cat, it was probably time to take her to the vet and get her checked up. Ya know, make sure she doesn't have any illnesses or anything we need to know about. The only available time they had was first thing in the morning."
"Woah, we never agreed to keep..." Eliot trailed off and gave in, shaking his head. "Well make sure he knows to get a litter box while he's out."
Parker smiled and nodded.
"Damn cat." Eliot muttered fondly to himself as he set to work making breakfast.
“Also, we’re calling her Snickers.” Parker added.
Eliot smiled. He liked that name, mostly because Parker was the one who came up with it, but he liked it all the same.
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eowynstwin · 9 months
stargazer and cool dice! also if you’re inclined to answer and if it isn’t too invasive/personal, I relate a little to well to reader in your fic and it’s insinuated that finishing can feel better like hello???(!) it’s not supposed to feel like that or is that not actually finishing??? what do I need to research to get on the next level - not even asking for a friend, I’m asking for myself (again feel free to just delete this - I don’t want to be disrespectful or cross any boundaries. I’d been praying one day you’d turn anon back on so I can ask)
Hmm, that's a tough one, because I feel like I can't give you any advice that you haven't heard--you just need to experiment more and try different things.
I know, I KNOW, that's such a vague answer lol. So here's some more concrete advice, on the assumption that you have a vagina and all its accessories (EXPLICIT SEX ED UNDER THE CUT FOLKS):
Find a dildo or other penetrative instrument with a clitoral attachment, make sure they both vibrate, and use it in different positions for longer than you would normally go. Try on your back, your stomach, your side, or even sitting up. What you're looking for is twofold: a too-much feeling on your clit, like, when you feel it positioned just right you'll want to JUMP out of your skin, and a tightening feeling around the penetrating part of the toy.
You're probably used to that really fast, intense wave that happens somewhere near the start--I don't honestly know if that's a climax or not, but I do know there's way more beyond it. You've just got to stick it out and dedicate some time to this, and don't be shy about moving the toy around. Try different angles on your clit, try different depths with the dildo (if you get one that's wide in the middle but tapers at the end you might have some great success with that). There's a sweet spot--you just have to find it.
You'll know you're there when it feels like you're about to shoot the damn thing out of your pussy by pressure alone. You might stop breathing (I do), because asphyxiation just helps to prolong it for some reason. I'm no expert lol I just know it helps.
Oh, and it's important to note, orgasm is way harder to achieve, I think, when you don't start out physically aroused. Yeah, you might feel it mentally, but when you feel it in your body it will feel like you're tightening up around nothing, like you're honestly a little bit sore. So spend some time on some sexy fanfiction, erotica, audio porn, or even real porn (although I tend not to find real porn arousing, because I'm usually uncomfortable witnessing other people being intimate--ymmv).
Overall don't be too hard on yourself and try to enjoy the experience. Accept also that it might not happen, and there's nothing wrong with you if it doesn't. It's really hard, when life is the way it is right now, when maybe you've been raised to believe that pleasure is a terrible thing for you to pursue, when you've been taught that your sexual experience is destined to be disappointing. Be patient and be the lover to yourself that you wish you had.
I just realized you asked for research advice and I just straight up told you directly what to do. I'm not sure where to send you for any other advice, because I truly never found any that helped. I figured this stuff out by experimenting, and that's really the best advice I can give you too. Try this out, and spend some quality time with yourself and learn about your own body. Hope that helps!
EDIT: @captainjamster reminded me of the book Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski and I CANNOT recommend it enough. If you’re AFAB it is a great place to start. Nagoski goes into minute detail explaining the architecture of the vulva and the myriad issues that need addressing in order to achieve female pleasure.
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darkestpsi · 2 years
when i say that i like both dabi and shouto i dont mean it in the "oh my god they're so hot i wanna fuck them" kinda way or the "lol they both hate their parents just like me fr" way but that i really do understand how its like to grow up around such tough, hard love. to have your entire worth, the level of care and responsiveness you receive in moments you definitely should not be seeking this constant validation but your fucking veggies and milk - all of that being based off just how useful you can be to your parents; being told that the point of your life quite literally is for the fulfilment of thEIR dreams, in THEIR way, under THEIR supervision, yknow?
like, i can literally not even begin to count the many recordings on loop i have of my mums voice in my head telling me to always be better and to do so much more, be so much more - achieve things, great things and live to just please and please and please - for herself, for her dead mother (who probably doesnt even care about half of the shit that i have done since she passed, because dead people cant feel - they cant feel, but somehow their presence still suffocates), for the status and the level of respect itll give both her and my dad (so that they wont ever be referred to as immigrants again) and the amount of money ill eventually get paid thatll somewhat, somehow all go back to them, anyway.
point is, dropping so suddenly from being so loved and praised and shown off when you were younger and tried your hardest to be that bit better to the broken toy you are now, unable to carry out their tasks - demands, even - easily replaced by someone younger, someone so much better than you; worth so much more than you. when they are born.
i joke alot about how similar my family dynamic is to the todorokis, the distance between me and my siblings now after all it was that we went through together and how im literally doing medicine for my parents so that they can get their doctor, and i can get my peace, but its very truly something ive had no control over my whole entire life. all ive wanted is some damn control. lmao. my mum literally named me after a doctor she saw on tv who was giving a lecture about medicine and i laugh at the fucking irony of it all because god, you dont even realise that this is fucking killing me, ma- but the thing with touya, the parts of him that diverge from my own experiences is the fact that he was able to break free from all of those restraints secured by his family, the goals they set him, the ones he set himself. the guilt and disappointment and oh my god, how could you -why - why would you regret not being able to meet those expectations and him being thrown aside like everything he ever received was so palpable and fleeting because he was a toy, was always a toy to my mum endeavor. he knew he couldnt compete with shouto. shouto the gifted child. the hero. the hate and anger he feels towatds him, idk, it hits so fucking close to home. but i also see so much of myself in the way shouto is so fucking willing to be the good child, the perfect child, who pleases and pleases and pleases; doing everything he is supposed to without retalliation because thats what hes supposed to do and thats what they want him to do and eventually, someday, somewhere he will get his peace as a hero, because he was "born to be the best", born to be a doctor hero - literally both sides of my personality at war oh my god AAAAA
i literally can not help but attach myself to those characters.
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psychedelicmadness666 · 11 months
The Long Lost Love of a Friend from School (Part 2)
I still know her. She only views me as a friend but I saw her more than that and I still feel like there was a spark. Everything just dies in the end. The summer of 2018 went by and I still haven't talked to her but I still had her streak on Snapchat. So, I was somewhat hopeful. I regret everything in my life. This was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life because I never met anyone like her. I got more depressed but I still tried to live on and go through life while still thinking about her. I still thought she was beautiful without her makeup. I was attached to her personality. The new year of high school comes up and she saw me walk to school alone and she picked me up. :D I was happy again. Maybe, this is a new chapter. We talked about stuff about school. She even noticed that I had a Tinder. I was only on there to troll women and saying stupid shit to them. Later on, she saw me but ignored me. So, I was disappointed and later humiliated too. I felt worthless afterwards. Of course, this happens to me because God must hate me and I am his little worthless plaything. So, my anger started to build up. I started to hate her just a little bit but not too much. She lost my streak on Snap and then the anger grew more. It's no longer disappointment and worthlessness. It was now anger. She blocked me on Instagram and Facebook. I started getting even more angrier and angsty. I was 17 year old virgin now more heartbroken than ever. She later sent a memory of me and her talking about my broken phone from last year of school. I was somewhat happy but a little confused on how to feel about this woman. Anger, sadness, and happy that she did that but only for this to fade away like always. I saw her again at the hallways and I said hi and she said hi back. It was mutual now. I just moved on at this point. I still thought about her though. I graduated and she wasn't there. 2019 and I decide to tell her how I feel. I even told her how I felt about her afterwards by text which is stupid. Never do it by text and do it by person. She basically rejected me lightly. She said "I am not ready for a relationship and that she loves me and cares for me." So, I accept it and moved on. She texted me and later asked to hang out. I accepted. Late of 2019, we hung out and nothing happened. She moved to Wyoming with her brother. I was sad but I wish her good luck. Later on, I applied to the other Taco Bell where I live for work and she was there to my surprise and she was excited to see me. She hugged me and everything. This made me happy. Only for it to just go to shit like always. I cried in the bathroom because I felt so worthless. She later then quit weeks later. I ask to hang out and she said she was busy. 2020 sucked. I saw her on Tinder and I was again devastated. I hate this shit. I hate myself. It's my fault for not being a man and asking her in person how I felt. 2021 comes by, she texts me and asks how I am doing. I told her, I'm feeling ok. Later on, nothing happens. She had a boyfriend, why the fuck does she care for me? I am worthless anyways. 2022 happens and I decided enough is enough. It's my turn to block her. I blocked her on Snapchat. She then later adds me on Instagram. And like a damn fool, I fall for it. I can't help myself by to feel terrible about blocking her. I texted her to see if I can talk to her more. I find out she's dating someone. I, again felt so angry. I just want to be felt alone. She adds me on Facebook and then I accept it. This time, I said nothing to her. I was struggling and she said "You can talk to me." I talk to her like a damn fool. She takes forever to reply. This plays tricks in my head. I felt worthless after all she done to me. I felt angry again. I hate the world. So, I blocked her again. She still had my phone number. I had enough. I told her to go away and never wanted to talk to her because she broke my heart. And she told me that she is sorry. I later then felt sorry and apologize for my dumb behavior and that she was busy with work. I told her about my PTSD and she felt sorry for me.
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hiclayah · 2 years
how we got together
so we started hanging out on discord more. we would play valorant and apex together everyday. we joined a minecraft server and started building a house together. i still remember how he was afk and i bought all the flowers they sell and threw them to him. didnt think that he'd care but was hoping that he would. after that, i noticed that he put my fav flower in his no1 slot. oh god, the feeling i felt over that shit? damn im such a kid. but that made me giddy bahaha
he kept asking me to start a business with him and to go to SG and meet him. being the insecure bitch that i am, of course i was scared. i was scared that once he sees the fat girl that i am, he will leave. so i told him that "i'm scared i'll disappoint you" but turns out he already knew how i look like???? bro. i was incredibly overwhelmed by the fact that he saw me and everything that i am, and i didnt know which pictures he was talking about which made me felt crazy. my insecurities were through the roof. he kept telling me that "it doesn't matter" just like how i felt about his look but somehow i didn't believe him. but he treated me that same before and after seeing me so i started believing him. we exchanged ig after that. we talked it out and i started to like him even more.
one day, while being in call with him, a friend of mine facetimed me. i didn't mute discord, scared that he might feel some typa way if i did. turned out that he did. he was quiet for a while and wouldn't answer me calling his name. suddenly he said that he's going to bed. he said he was tired but i could tell there was something else going on, so i persistently asked him and he admitted that he felt jealous and felt stupid for feeling so as we didn't have anything going on. and me knowing how shy and awkward he is, just straight up told him to let me call him "my baby"
i don't know where the hell did i get my courage from but i thought to myself "fuck it. im done wasting time". at that time i was pretty much attached to him. i was very interested and wasn't willing to lose him or anything. i would love to have him around. i think he felt pressured so i left the call and gave him few minutes before i joined my server and told him that i'll be there if he needed me. i was typing to him so much as i felt pretty embarrassed having to ask first.
so he said to give him some time and after a while, maybe an hour? he said "okay. call me baby" and that's that. i think that's how we got together.
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icecreamkink · 2 years
ok so . ok. ok . SO
this was a very good episode but i am likeeeeeeee.
(put a cut cause it ended up being a Rant lol)
what is the Point of the Destinies and Prophecies in the show even? i have been spoiled for the ending years ago so, seeing the dragon and gaius and even merlin seriously considering letting mordred die and arthur of all people finding a way to help him was such a powerful story! like the scene of him breaking him out and delivering him to the druids! i kinda got chills!
but bc I Know How It Ends i feel very. Hm:/ cause see, mordreds whole schtick post 'mordred is evil now' like post 1400s (in arthurian myth) was that he was arthurs fateful punishment. arthur is told one of his bastard sons will kill him and he decided to kill every infant befora that can happen. mordred barely escapes and resolves to kill arthur because of his violence (and yknow there tons of stories like that in ancient myths, some variations have arthur just abandoning him, but thats the gist)
but here....... arthur does everything right? he goes above and beyond, setting out to save mordred himself. merlin, who hears the prophecy, does the opposite of what "og" myth king arthur does and resolves to have compassion and mercy instead of giving in to violence and fear. so it seemed that the show was breaking apart from the 'you cant escape your fate' line of myth, but as it turns out they wont, and i guess its snagging on my brain because:
1- it doesnt work so well here because arthur didnt hear the prophecy. it kind of defeats the purpose of a self fulfilling prophecy if he never knows about the prophecy in the first place
2- there isnt that much of a grayness here. mordred is not arthurs son, is a magical kid from a peaceful people and would suffer a terrible fate against arthurs wishes anyway. they did the right thing in a pretty black and white situation
3- because the show, lbr, doesnt have medieval or ancient sensibilites, and they have this magical oppression core that mordred was involved in, and arthur is supposed according to this show help end this opression, the idea that destiny will punish him for helping a magical kid at great risk to himself, for morgana no less feels really.............. pointlessly mean? emphasis on the pointless.
like truly. what is the fateful punishment here. arthur will die by mordreds hands after helping him despite the fact hes the magichate town prince, because merlin didnt listen to the prophecy but LIKE. WHAT IS THE TAKEAWAY HERE??
kill innocent children over fate? (which is, again THE OPPOSITE of what mordreds most famous myth was getting at) idk, always listen to prejudice?? bc not helping mordred would be allowing uther to kill one more innocent magical being, and Fate wanted the king who was promised to end magical oppression to do that because.............................................................. ?? ?? ?????
Now. granted, i might know merlin's ending but i dont know the middle, so theres probably something there that arthur will do and will tie into his fate, but. because this is so specifically framed as 'if you let the boy live, you'll never fullfil your destiny' here, it doesnt matter yknow? its still narrative punishment for them making all the right choices. i dont get it
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part seventeen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol +sex
word count: 1.5k
series masterlist
The flight from Naples to Tokyo took fourteen hours, not including the two and a half hour layover in Istanbul, meaning you had sixteen and a half hours to sit in awkward tension-filled silence next to Sam. The tension was one-sided, of course, but it was still agonizing to endure.
You had been able to push your anxiety aside during your last day in Italy because it had been so busy. There had been a power outage in the middle of the night, causing everyone to oversleep and miss the ferry for one of your tours that morning. It had been a scramble to get back on schedule and do as much as possible with the time you had left. The boys had been hungover and their parents were tired of wrangling them. You had dozens of photos on your camera roll of Sam and Harry bickering when they were supposed to be posing for a nice picture, and even more of Tom flicking them off. 
But now you were stuck alone with your thoughts, unable to use distraction as a means to escape. You tried reading your book, but found yourself unable to concentrate on the words on the page. After staring at the same paragraph for over fifteen minutes Sam noticed and asked if you were okay and you finally decided to call it quits. 
You almost wished the Hollands hadn’t scheduled in a day and a half to adjust to the time zone change. You’d rather exhaust yourself with the nonstop tourist bullshit than have to cope with the reality that you had gotten off to thoughts about your best friend’s brother. Not to mention living with the secret that the same best friend’s brother had kissed you not long before that. 
If Sam noticed anything was off, he didn’t mention it. He probably chalked it up to lack of sleep, or perhaps was too tired himself to care. 
“Which one of us do you think will be randomly selected in customs today?” Harry asked, stretching his arms above his head. 
You were standing in the aisle waiting to deplane, placing bets on who’d get searched by border agents this time. Somehow each time you traveled to a new place one of you was always chosen to get pat down or have your carry-on searched. Tom had yet to be the lucky winner, and you suspected it had something to do with his celebrity status. 
“Y/n,” Tom answered easily. “She has the U.S. passport.”
You rolled your eyes. “Like England has a squeaky clean record with Japan.”
“At least we didn’t-”
“Bro, you can’t say the b word on a plane,” Harry interrupted.
“Even when the plane’s on the ground?”
Sam shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”
“Whatever,” Tom continued. “It’s definitely going to be y/n.”
“Would you mind stepping out of line, ma’am?” 
You sighed, not even bothering to look back at the boys. You already knew they were grinning like idiots and you didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. The agent ushered you to the side behind a glass partition, but not before you heard another agent repeat the same question to one of the Hollands. You smiled to yourself, happy not to be the only one singled out.
Behind the privacy screen another agent greeted you and asked you to take your sweatshirt off, explaining that it was too baggy and needed to be checked. You saw other people in baggy clothes who weren’t getting pulled out of line, but assumed they didn’t have the red flag of “U.S. Citizen” printed on their identification that would be cause for any additional suspicion. You complied with the agent’s request and pulled your sweatshirt off for them to further inspect.
You were glad you’d worn a sports bra underneath your sweatshirt because you usually didn’t wear anything underneath them. As soon as your head was out of the pullover you immediately met by Tom’s polite smile. 
He averted his eyes as soon as he saw you, pausing his conversation with the official to mumble a quiet ‘sorry’ to you as he was shown to the spot next to yours. 
You zoned out as they spoke, only aware of him again when he started unbuckling his belt. You caught his eye this time. 
“Forgot to take it off,” he explained.
“Sweatshirt’s too loose.”
You both faced forward as the customs officials proceeded through the motions. You were stuck standing there half-naked with your arms wrapped around your chest self-consciously while an agent pat Tom’s legs down. 
“Dad said we can meet them at baggage claim,” Tom said after a few moments of silence between the two of you. “They went on without us.”
“Okay,” you squeaked back in response. 
You knew it wouldn’t take long, but it still made you nervous to be alone with Tom. Sam was like a safety blanket, or a buffer between you and him and without him you were afraid it would be painfully awkward. 
The woman handed you your sweatshirt back and you had to wait for Tom outside of the screening area. He joined you a minute or so later.
“They find any dirt on you?” you asked from where you were leaning against the wall across from the exit. 
“Nope, you?”
“Yeah, actually I’m in custody right now. Can’t believe you missed the handcuffs.”
“Man, what’d they get you for?” 
“Identity theft,” you sighed. 
“Damn, that’s a bummer,” Tom replied, false sympathy rolling off his words. 
He cocked his head in the direction the rest of his family had went, indicating that you should get going, and held out a hand to pull you upright. You took it hesitantly and let him help you. 
“I was actually hoping you could bail me out?” you went on, continuing with the bit. 
Tom made a sound through his teeth and grimaced. “I’m kinda broke right now.”
“Aren’t you an actor?”
“Sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else.”
“No, you’re definitely the guy!”
“You’re thinking of Tom Hiddleston,” he insisted.
“Remember that IOU you gave me? I’m cashing it in now.”
“That’s not how it works!” 
You laughed. “No, but if I ever actually get arrested I’m using my IOU to get you to bail me out of jail.”
“I don’t think that a kiss and getting bailed out of prison are comparable, but I didn’t put any conditions on that postcard, did I?”
“Nope!” You smiled happily.
“Well that’s on me, so...”
You took the shuttle together to the other side of the airport where the rest of the Hollands were waiting and finally found them with all of your luggage at the furthest carousel from the entrance. 
“It’s about time!” Harry yelled over the crowd as soon as he saw you. 
Sam grinned when he saw you and you couldn’t help but grin back. He wrapped an arm around you instinctively and you relaxed into his shoulder, relieved to be with him again. It hadn’t dawned on you until that moment just how attached you were, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it because the other Hollands were all looking at you expectantly.
“Did everything go okay?” Nikki asked. 
Tom nodded. “They made y/n strip, but it was uneventful otherwise.”
You pursed your lips, cheeks burning. “It was just my sweatshirt!” you hissed to Sam. 
“Yeah, but you never wear anything under your sweatshirts!” Sam hissed back.
“I had a bra on this time.”
“Oh, so it was just another night at the bar for you?” You wrestled yourself out of Sam’s grasp at that and glared. “Am I wrong?”
Sam’s dad cut in before you could respond. He had a habit of calling “family meetings” in the middle of public spaces to finalize plans and get everybody on the same page, which was always an experience. 
“Alright, gather up, gang!” he said, beckoning you all closer. “So we’ll be staying at... this hotel,” he explained and turned his phone around to show you the name of it. “And the thing is, we have two rooms to share between the six of us. One for your mother and I, and another for you four.”
“What?” Sam asked. “You’re going to make us stay with them?”
“I thought we were getting three rooms like every other time,” Tom chimed in.
“We were meant to, but I made a mistake when booking it,” Dom clarified.
“The entire website was in Japanese, Sam. I don’t know Japanese!”
“Dad, Google has a translate webpage option!” Harry groaned.
“Well no one told me that while I was booking this entire trip by myself!”
You traded a look with Tom, who looked just as panicked as you felt. But it would only be for a week. You would find a way to manage. You didn’t really have any other option.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun,” Sam tried, forcing a smile.
“That’s the spirit!” Dom cheered. “We’ll make it work.”
sorry she’s short this week :( but lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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helloalycia · 3 years
a bitch [two] // leigh shaw
summary: when you finally decide to confront leigh about the incident, things don't go to plan.
warning/s: cheating, arguing, confrontation
author's note: here’s part two! hope you like it :)
part one | masterlist | wattpad
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I refused to paint Leigh in the worst light, even if I'd seen her that way. She ended up staying the night at mine to pass out without being around her sister with her hangover, and I tried not to mind. I was patient for the rest of the evening and the following morning, trying not to assume the worst. But it was hard to do that when she continued to act like nothing was out of the ordinary.
My paranoia get the better of me, as whenever she got a text or slipped out for a phone call, all I could see was her and Abby making out at the party. Why hadn't she told me what happened if it wasn't what it seemed? The only explanation could be that she didn't want me to know, which meant she was hiding it, which meant she was cheating on me. Just like Alex.
It was later that following day after the party when I was sat on the dining table doing some work on my laptop and she was sat on the couch. Her phone vibrated, followed by a tone, signalling she got a text, and I tried not to writhe with discomfort in my seat. She scoffed before tossing her phone to the other end of the couch.
"What is it?" I asked, trying not to seem too interested, even though my heart was bruising.
"Nothing," she mumbled, eyes fixated on the telly.
I gave her all of my attention now, curious. "Go on, what is it? It's clearly not nothing."
She tilted her head to look at me. Sighing, she said like it was no big deal, "Drew wants me to work on a piece, but with somebody else. And you know I'm not a fan of collaborative writing."
Forcing a smile, I hummed in acknowledgement. "Who is it? The person he wants you to work with?"
Looking back to the TV casually, she shrugged. "Abby."
Just the mere mention of that girl's name in Leigh's mouth left a bitter taste in mine. And the longer I watched Leigh staring at the TV without a care in the world, oblivious to the fact that my heart was breaking because of her, the more I wanted to burst. And I eventually did.
"I know you're cheating on me," I blurted, making her look to me with a baffled expression.
Deciding to roll with it, I closed my laptop and met her confused stare. "Don't try to hide it, Leigh, I know. I saw you last night. At the party." She continued to play dumb, so I added with distaste, "You were kissing Abby."
Leigh opened her mouth, half-gasping and half entertained as if I was suggesting the most ridiculous thing. "You're kidding, right? That's– that's what you think of me?"
I stood up quickly, glaring at her through glassy eyes. "Don't act coy. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I tried to wait for you to explain yourself just in case I misinterpreted, but you continued to hide it. No doubt hiding every other moment you spend with her, too, right?"
Leigh's confusion was quickly replaced with anger, as she stood up from her place on the couch and walked towards me, pointing a finger my way.
"How dare you jump to conclusions like that!"
"It's not jumping!" I shouted, unable to stop my emotions getting the better of me. "It's facts!" Smiling bitterly, I shook my head, vision blurry with unshed tears. "I always had my suspicions that she liked you, but I never thought it could be the other way, too..."
Leigh's glare was fiery. She clenched her fists by her side as she studied my expression, attempting to find an explanation for this accusation. And the fact that she was still playing dumb pissed me off.
"God, everybody told me that you could be like this," I muttered between gritted teeth. "You flip-flop between emotions. The constant mood swings, an explosion that everyone gets caught up in."
She crossed her arms, shrugging sarcastically. "Don't hold back or anything. Say what you really mean."
I clenched my jaw and stared at her, tears finally flowing. How could this be the same person I was in love with?
"I shouldn't have expected any different when it came to your partners," I finished with a hurt voice.
Her eyes narrowed as my words settled in. "Fuck you."
"Well, you won't be, will you? You're too busy fucking Abby!"
"You're not even giving me chance to explain!" she shouted with irritation.
"Explain what?! How you kept this from me? How you had all day to explain and you just didn't?" I scoffed, shaking my head. "You know, sometimes you can be such a..." I searched for the right word before my frustration landed on only one. "Such a bitch."
She pressed her trembling lips together as she glowered at me through teary eyes. It stung, knowing I was the reason she was upset. But she cheated on me. I had every right to be.
"Fuck off," she said harshly, before turning to grab her phone and jacket.
Slipping on her shoes, she stuck a middle finger in the air before leaving my house. I glared at the space where she was stood, heart pounding in my ears and chest tightening with discomfort. She deserved it. She did exactly what Alex did.
But this hurt so much more.
I woke up late the next morning since I didn't have work and I was too devastated to do anything but stay in bed. Last night was difficult, just like the night before, and when I finally found myself falling asleep, all I dreamt of was Leigh.
Even though I didn't want to, I felt a guilt thrumming in my chest when my words came back to mind. I shouldn't have reacted so badly... and I definitely shouldn't have called her a bitch. My anger just took over, pushing away my love for her, and attacked her without question. But God, it still hurt. Just thinking about her with someone else reminded me of Alex and the voice message and–
Staying in bed sounded like the best option. But of course, the world had other plans.
My phone dinged, signalling I had a text, and I reluctantly reached over to my bedside table to pull it off charge. Through sleep-filled eyes, I tried to make out the name on the screen.
           Leigh ♥️
Suddenly awake, I swiped to open the message and felt my heart drop as I read it.
          Leigh ♥️: Fuck you.
Attached was a video, and as much as I wanted to get pissed at her text, I was curious to know what she'd sent. Playing it, I soon realised it was CCTV footage from her workplace, outside the toilets. At first, I squeezed my phone, thinking she'd sent it to rub it in my face. But then as I continued to watch, I saw the moments I missed last night.
Leigh walked out the toilet and Abby pulled her to the side, attempting to talk to her about something. There was no sound to the clip, but it was clear that Leigh was trying to back away and go elsewhere. They talked, Leigh using that smile she used when she was trying to be polite, before Abby suddenly pushed herself on her, kissing her. I pulled a face at the sight, reliving it all over again, but then Leigh shoved her away with anger.
Again, there was no sound, but I recognised that familiar Leigh wrath she subjected people to when they pissed her off. Hands were waving around as she seemed to be shouting in Abby's face, her face set into a permanent scowl as she did. Then she turned and stormed away, and the video ended.
Lowering my phone, I stared at the ceiling with a lump in my throat. She hadn't cheated, I'd just walked in on the wrong moment. Every horrible thing I'd said to her... completely uncalled for. No wonder she was angry and upset when I'd accused her – she hadn't done anything wrong.
"Fuck!" I shouted to nothing, before throwing my phone to the end of the bed with annoyance.
How the hell was I to make this right?
I spent the remainder of the morning trying to think of what I could do. Leigh wouldn't want to speak to me, understandably, but I had to try. It would be a terrible apology, but I couldn't just leave it. I loved her and I could only hope she'd still love me, even after every nasty thing I spat her way.
Knowing she'd be at work, I gave her boss and best friend, Drew, a call. Hopefully she hadn't told him everything I'd done otherwise he was definitely going to ignore me.
After a few rings, he finally answered and I couldn't stop my fingers from drumming against my thigh nervously.
"Y/N, thank God you rang! I was just about to call you," he said before I could build up the courage to speak.
I furrowed my brows. "You were?"
"You should come pick up your girlfriend," he said, and I figured he didn't know. "I don't know what her problem is and, don't get me wrong, I love Leigh, but I can't condone violence at the workplace."
My eyes widened so much I was surprised they didn't fall out my head. "What?!"
With a mixture of amazement and disappointment, he answered, "She punched a colleague of hers, Abby, in the face. It was so out of the blue – a solid punch to the jaw. Broke her knuckles, I think."
Jaw dropping, I forgot how to speak.
"She's at the hospital," he continued. "Thankfully, Abby isn't pressing charges – no idea why not, not that I want Leigh to get arrested obviously – but damn, there's a lot of paperwork to do and–"
"Drew!" I cut him off, worrying myself with thoughts of Leigh at the hospital by herself. "Text me the address. I'm on my way."
The drive to the hospital was agonisingly long, but I reached it quite quickly. I did attempt to call Leigh, unable to stop myself from checking if she was okay, but she didn't answer. This did nothing to ease my concern.
After making my way through the hospital, I finally arrived at Leigh's room. I let myself in, seeing her sat on a hospital bed with an ice pack covering her hand, balanced on a table. At the sight of me, she rolled her eyes.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she muttered lowly, refusing to meet my gaze.
I stepped inside hesitantly, my guilt returning as I remembered everything I accused her off. "Drew told me what happened."
She clenched her jaw. "Well, I'm not a baby. I'm fine on my own."
Ignoring her rightful annoyance, I sighed quietly. "Really, Leigh? You punched her?"
As if realising how silly it sounded when I said it aloud, she looked the other way and stayed quiet. Her jaw was still clenched as she contained her anger.
"What's the damage?" I asked, hoping my concern wouldn't piss her off. As always, I was wrong.
"None of your damn business," she snapped, still not looking my way.
I frowned, approaching her bedside, but she still refused to look my way. "Leigh, I want to apologise, I do, but I need to make sure you're okay first."
She rolled her eyes before finally looking to me and glaring powerfully. If I hadn't experienced being in a fight with Leigh before, I would have definitely tucked tail and ran. But I'd known her long enough to know that the mask of anger she wore right now was only a cover for the hurt she felt. The hurt I'd caused her. 
"You don't need to do anything," she retorted, before nodding to the door. "You can go."
My heart pounded with guilt. "Leigh, please.”
"Sorry, I don't mean to be a bitch or anything," she cut me off bitterly, before looking away and frowning to herself.
The words I'd said to her in a moment of fury returned to mind and I'd never hated myself more than in that moment.
"You know, since Matt died, almost everyone I know called me a bitch," she revealed quietly, voice filled with pain rather than hostility. "Even my family. Especially my family. But you... you never called it me, Y/N. Not once. Not even when I deserved it."
The silence that followed her words was deafening. Why the hell did I have to call her that? Why?
Before I could even think of how to respond, the door to her room opened and in walked a doctor, holding what looked like print-outs of x-ray scans.
"Oh," he said with mild confusion as he spotted me by Leigh's bedside. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm Leigh's doctor. Doctor Syed. And you are?"
"Her girlfriend," I replied, just as she also replied, "My ex."
I gave her a stern look, accepting if she wanted to break up, but definitely not leaving her here alone.
"I'd like to stay if that's okay," I told Doctor Syed, sensing his confusion as he looked between Leigh and I, attempting to make out whatever was happening.
To my surprise, Leigh didn't argue, even when the doctor looked her way to see if she had a problem. She simply rolled her eyes, scoffed quietly, and said nothing.
Taking this as a response, Doctor Syed proceeded to explain about Leigh's injury, particularly the broken bones in her knuckle. Apparently she'd punched Abby with so much force that she'd literally broken the bone with a crack. The x-ray proved just that and gave the doctor a perfect sight of where he could fix it, thankfully, without surgery.
I waited with an unusually quiet Leigh as he put a splint and cast on her hand there and then. He then spoke about recovery times and how she was to look after herself. After writing up a prescription for pain meds and handing it to her, he quirked a brow questioningly.
"Is that all okay, Miss Shaw?" he asked.
Leigh was too busy brooding to listen, so I smiled at the doctor instead.
"I'll make sure she does that," I answered for her. "Thank you, doctor."
He nodded and returned the smile before wishing us luck and leaving. I looked to Leigh, who was quick to get up and grab her jacket, being careful with her hand. The two of us said nothing as we left the room and hospital, making our way out onto the street. Before I could ask how she was getting home, she began to walk away from me.
I groaned inwardly before following after her, stopping her from going any further. She glared across from me.
"What?" she said through gritted teeth.
"I can give you a ride home," I offered. "I parked down the street."
She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine walking."
I gave her a knowing look. "Leigh, you just broke your hand."
Realising my point, she sighed. "Fine. I'll call literally anyone but you for a ride."
Okay, I deserved that, but it still stung.
"Fine," I said, before waiting with her as she made the call.
She took a seat on the bench to the side of the road, waiting for a taxi, and I joined her, making her scoff.
"Just to make sure you get home safe," I said, when she gave me an incredulous look.
"Whatever," she mumbled, before watching the road for her taxi.
When it finally arrived, she didn't even spare me a glance before getting in and leaving. I sighed with regret, glad she was okay but realising I still hadn't had the chance to apologise to her. I was still yet to make this right.
It was the next day when I'd deemed it enough time to have given her space whilst also deciding I had to tell her how sorry I was before it was too late.
Building the courage to approach her front door was one thing, but knocking was another. I'm pretty sure I stared at the wood for ages before actually lifting my hand to knock. And even then, my heart was still pounding nervously in my chest.
After a moment, the door opened and revealed Leigh. But as soon as she recognised me, she made a move to close it.
"Leigh, please, wait–!" I tried, and put my foot in the doorway so she couldn't close it.
"I have nothing to say to you!" she exclaimed with irritation, glaring at me when she noticed my foot in the way. "Move it, Y/N."
"You don't have to say anything," I said with a frown and apologetic eyes. "Just hear me out. Please."
She pressed her lips together firmly, disguising her hurt with frustration. But when her eyes met mine, the pain was there and I felt guilty all over again, knowing I'd made her out to be the worst.
"I never should have said what I did," I started quickly, not wanting to lose my chance. "And I definitely shouldn't have called you a–" I winced, hating the word more than ever. "A bitch. I know you get angry when you're upset and that should've been my first indicator to knowing something wasn't right. I should've heard you out."
"But you didn't," she cut me off with a terrifyingly calm voice. "You jumped to conclusions instead. When I've never given you any reason to doubt me."
I licked my lips and looked down shamefully. She was right. "I know."
"Do you?" she asked rhetorically, a hint of resentment in her voice. "Because you jumped on me so fast that I didn't even see it coming."
Risking looking up, I saw the defensive stance she took, arms crossed judgementally and jaw tensed with annoyance.
"For the record," she added, expression softening a little, "I didn't tell you about the kiss because it meant nothing and I didn't want to upset you for no reason."
I swallowed the rising lump in my throat, the guilt thickening and squeezing the life out of me.
"I can't believe you'd think I would do something like that to you," she admitted with a heartbreaking voice, uncrossing her arms. "I love you, Y/N. I'd never hurt you like that. Never."
Squeezing my eyes shut, I pinched the bridge of my nose, memories of Alex flooding to the surface. "I know, Leigh, I know. I do."
She sighed before me. "Then why?"
Releasing my nose, I opened my eyes and was surprised at the blurriness, tears having formed. I was losing the woman I love because of my stupidity and I couldn't. I couldn't lose her. She deserved to know the truth, no matter how much it hurt.
"Do you remember my last girlfriend?" I asked reluctantly, before clearing my throat. "Alex?"
Her brows creased together with confusion. "Yes. What about her?"
Letting out an embarrassed sigh, I avoided Leigh's gaze. "We broke up because she cheated on me. With... with someone from work."
When Leigh didn't say anything, I looked up and saw her shocked expression.
"What?" she asked with disbelief. "You said it was a mutual breakup."
I pinched the skin inside my palm to feel something other than hurt and awkwardness. "I– it was easier to say that than admit the truth because the truth was– is embarrassing." Unable to hold her gaze for much longer, I focused on the door next to her. "You were going through a lot at the time, Leigh. The last thing you needed was to deal with my bullshit, too."
She frowned, trying to meet my eyes, but I was too ashamed to look her way. "You should've told me, Y/N."
I shook my head slowly. "I shouldn't have. Just like I shouldn't have assumed you'd be like her. I just– I got horribly insecure and I know that you're not her. You're nothing like her. And I shouldn't have treated you like the villain."
"No...," she began, still adjusting to my words. "No, that makes so much sense." Her good hand rested on my cheek as she forced me to look her way. "I'm so sorry that happened."
I pulled back, her hand dropping to her side, and wiped away a stray tear. I'd never meant to earn her pity – I'd done something wrong. This wasn't me earning sympathy, I just wanted her to know the truth.
"I don't want you to apologise," I told her. "I just want you to understand that I'm sorry. So sorry, Leigh. I hate that I– I ruined something good, something amazing. I never meant for this to happen," I motioned to her hand, "and I don't want you to think of me like– like– like this. Like–"
She moved forward and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me close. "I don't. I really don't."
I closed my eyes and stuffed my head into her neck, holding her tightly. She stroked the back of my hair soothingly and pressed a kiss to the side of my head.
"I forgive you," she murmured, and just like that, relief spread through me. "I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I promise I'd never to that to you. Never in a million years."
I pulled apart, wiping my tears away sheepishly whilst nodding. "I know you wouldn't, Leigh. I'm sorry for even thinking that you would."
She cupped my cheek, using her thumb to swipe away a tear. Green eyes met mine, sparkling with unshed tears that made me feel guilty because I'd never wanted to make her cry.
"I know you are," she said gently, before offering me a small smile. "Come inside, yeah? You can make it up to me by watching movies with me."
I let out a small laugh and she smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips before holding out her hand. I rested mine in hers and let her lead me inside, hand tingling where her skin touched mine.
Leigh Shaw was anything but a bitch. She was the most caring, considerate person I'd ever met, and when she flashed me a reassuring smile as we headed to the couch, I knew one thing.
I was lucky to have her.
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1111jenx · 3 years
aries venus & taurus venus
what they remind me of ;
- from a Leo Venus's point of view:) (I found this when I scrolled to the bottom of my draft and I'm lowkey speechless at how wattpad-like my writing was back then damn, so I wanna share it with yall:D enjoy this short descriptions)
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Aries Venus
Love with you feels like sharing a blunt. You're so playful and sweet you make me blush like I'm falling in love for the first time. Your cocky grin and proud gaze makes my heart skip a beat. With you it was sunshine and flowers always. Your daring and fearless nature never fail to surprise me. I never have to pretend to be someone else in front of you, I know when you said you love me, you love me as a whole. We would lay down on the fields on grass and look at each other until the sun finally sets. Your eyes are glazed with summer fire, burning my soul away. How is it possible that you can always tell when I'm mad? Your passion for life always surprise me, you teach me what it truly is to be a kid again. You're so loving and fun and I would never trade what we had for anything else. Every adventures, every arguments, every tear was worth it. You are worth it.
Taurus Venus
I never told you how many nights I have cried over you and I probably never will. I see your love through details and your subtle signs. When I'm with you its like you don't want me to love you for your personality, you want me to love you for how you look, how you speak, how you hold my hands tight when you think I'm sad, how you put your jacket over me when a wind blows by. Your love is so different, I can't get enough of it. I'm so grateful for everything, for your compliments and attention, for your possessiveness and tolerance. How is it possible that this time, a proud person like me finally feel that I need to have someone? At the end, I know it's over when I no longer see myself in your eyes. I loved you too much but I know I loved myself more. So I left since I know it will hurt you. The disappointment and loss in your eyes when you heard me and I see a tears in your eyes for a brief second. That's what I wanted. But also it is time for both of us to realize that it takes more than comfort to be with one another, when the passion is gone, all that left was attachments.
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saint jenx🪐
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silverhandsamurai · 4 years
Heat • River Ward/Fem!V • NSFW
warnings; nsfw, minor swearing, sexual content 
summary; River needs a comforting touch V helps out.
Setting; postgame • dating a while
River had been short-tempered all day. His latest case was driving him up the wall. Countless leads leaving him empty-handed. Wanting to distract him I offered to take him out to lunch at the Chubby Buffalo. 
Not even a minute after our food arrived he was twirling his fork looking off into the distance.
" So I finally finished that gig in Watson today."
" Uh-huh."
" I danced on the moon."
" Uh-huh."
He wasn't paying attention at all. I didn't truly mind I knew he was working hard doesn't mean I wouldn't tease him about his lack of attention.
"So River mind helping me rob Arasaka and Militech of all their secrets?"
" Uh-huh."
I gave a sudden laugh jarring River from his thoughts as he suddenly held his fork a little too tightly and looked at me wide-eyed.
"Really officer? You'll help me steal? How sweet of you."
Heaving a sigh River leaned back giving me an apologetic look.
"Sorry. This case just has me going crazy."
I shook my head and reached across the table to take his free hand in my mine and lace our fingers together. " Hey, I get it. No need to explain. Happens to everyone. "
Relief flashed across his face and he gave my hand a soft squeeze. " You are amazing you know that?"
"Oh, I know. Keep goin' tell me more." 
I chimed grinning back at him playfully.  He hummed in thought for a moment before taking a sip of his drink. " Nah. Got nothin' more to say." 
I felt another laugh bubble up at his cheeky rebuttal. 
Finally calming down for a moment River started to eat his meal as he listened to me give all the fun details I had from dealing with my last gig.
We parted ways after lunch and I didn't hear from him until I got a message late in the evening.
It was really short and odd.
Hotel. Room 202.
He then sent another message with the hotel address attached.
Wasn't like River at all. 
I knew something was wrong.
Arriving at the hotel it was in the middle of the city. Not too fancy, but not rundown either. I walked through the lobby and no one was at the front desk so I just headed for the stairs checking each room number with a glance.
Once I found the right one I gave it a few solid knocks. 
I heard rustling on the other side of the door. Rocking back on my heels nervously I felt my mind racing as I waited for River to answer the door. 
Finally, it slid open to reveal him standing there looking as restless as I felt. " What the hell happened?" He shook his head and stepped aside to let me in. Confused I walked in and after the door closed I spun on my heel to glare at him. I was worried and he wasn't saying anything.
" Talk. You are seriously this close to- " Before I could say he was pissing me off River had slammed his mouth on mine and his hands were holding my hips firm.
Damn...he felt good. 
But as much as I wanted to give in to him I wanted answers first.
Reluctantly I pulled away nipping at his bottom lip as he hooked his grip under my thighs and lifted me. My legs naturally wrapped around his waist and my hands clutched his shirt.
" The client dropped the case. All that work was for nothing. " 
I could hear the anger and disappointment in his tone. I knew how much River prided himself on his work ethic and what being a private investigator meant to him. He always put everything into all his cases. Hours of effort and time. To have one of those cases suddenly ripped away was torture.
I knew then why he had messaged me.
River was seeking comfort and I was more than happy to provide it.
Tugging on his shirt I kissed him roughly.
Soon clothes fell left and right until no barrier stood between us.
Reaching out for him I slide down his body as he leaned back against the wall. My hands and tongue flowed along the curve of his hips edging lower. His breath halted and his hands were fast to grip my hair holding me still. He was pulsing filled with heat against my tongue as I eased him past my lips. 
It was hard not to have my throat tighten. 
He was thick and overwhelming.
I couldn't breathe...
I didn't care...
Deeper I pushed him drinking up his scolding touch. Even though I was in his grip it was my every move that was making him arch to my mercy.
It felt powerful having this man rendered helpless against me. 
A lick here or there. He was trembling.
His hands would rake through my hair making my scalp sting. 
" Fuck, V..."
His sudden raspy curse sent shivers down my spine. River's voice was huskily laced with a dripping want. River yanked me back suddenly causing pain to course throughout my head as his hold was unforgiving and aggressive.
I had pushed him close to the edge and he wasn't ready to fall yet. 
Instantly I was frustrated that he had stopped me. My body was craving his touch so I leaned towards him as he towered above me.
" Give me more.." A plead and a command. I was begging, but also demanding for him to take me.  River pulled me up by my hair then captured my lips silently giving in to my request.
His tongue thrust into my mouth.
Long, thick, and warm.
Filling my mouth.
Claiming it. 
Letting me taste and savor him.
He pushed and I pulled a power play. My hands were rough as I held him against the wall forcing him to submit. This taste. This touch.
 I needed more I needed to feel engulfed by it. 
Hunger surrounding me swallowing me in its embrace I leaned back falling into the bed beckoning with a wave of my hand for him to follow. His stance tensed and his jaw locked as he stalked forward the tension rippling off his skin as he edged to the bed. 
Such a large man unraveling within my grasp. Yearning for me with such need that just by looking at him I could see how much he wanted me.
The sight made me squeeze my thighs together as the ache inside me grew.
"Come here closer....hurry..."
I knew how desperate I sounded but I didn't care I needed to feel him right away. River answered without a word his lips on mine again. Gasping I could feel all of him. 
His touch. 
His heat. 
The pressure made my toes curl and my thighs shake as I gripped clawing at his back. It was burning this craving ache making me succumb to its whims.
Groaning deeply in my ear I knew River felt it too. Unbound tension building.  
It wasn't enough. 
Pushing using my weight I shoved River beneath me.  My hands gliding to his neck gripping tight forcing his focus on me. My back arched as I sank down on him my hands becoming talons as I ran my nails into his skin. 
Marking him as he did me.
River was biting his lip hard as his hands set firmly on my hips weighing me down. Anchoring me to him. I resisted pushing against his touch my hips dancing on their own.
My breath grew shallow as I felt my sweat become liquid heat along my hips licking at my sore muscles. I leaned forward losing some of my strength as my legs trembled.
The ache and need inside I couldn't reach it anymore. 
Begging River with just a look my eyes reflecting my inner struggle he was quick to act. His strong arms held me as he pushed up reaching far into my depths. My voice left me as my back hit the sheets. Powerful long strokes. Grinding me into the bed.
I was helpless my strength spent as my hands were barely able to hold onto his shoulders. He kept going supporting me never relenting.
The ache was like hot water now washing over me. Numbing me and burning me at the same time.
Whimpers melded into moans as our voices entangled together. Every movement of River dulled the ache burning inside. Surrendering myself bliss took over soon as my mind and body felt engulfed. 
River's hands pried into my skin as I felt him yield to the same bliss.
His voice was raw as he held himself over me sweat falling down his brow.
So strong and wild.
I smiled fondly at him before kissing his breathless lips softly as he drifted down from his high. Pulling back I ran my thumb over River's swollen bottom lip and his dark and hazy eye followed my motions silently. 
Locking my eyes with his River gave me a warm smile as he caressed my waist.
" At this point, there is no hope for me now "
Tilting my head in confusion I eased into the bed lazily " What are you talking about?"
River let out a chuckle as he trailed kisses along my arm. " You told me not to fall in love with you, but every moment I spend with you I just keep falling more and more."
"Well, officer seems I'm guilty of the same crime. "
Was requested a nsfw piece for River so here it is. 
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lemonpeter · 4 years
Tempting and Teasing
Based off of this post by @im-a-goner-foryou I hope everyone enjoys 💕 this was so much fun to write
Warnings: parent/teacher relationship, age difference, mild daddy kink, smut, top Tony, bottom Peter, definitely nff
3.3K words (whoops)
Peter liked to be in contact with all his student’s parents.
But there were some who didn’t handle the school stuff, so he didn’t really get to know them. One of these was Tony Stark. Father of his favorite student (not that he’d admit to it.) And all he knew about the man was that he was an asshole.
But he’d never actually met him. It was just his reputation. Peter didn’t like to judge but he didn’t have reason to think any different.
Until the open house.
Apparently Morgan’s mom couldn’t attend like she typically did with these events. So there Tony was in all his glory.
He looked like the type of guy that would flirt with your wife in front of you. Snarky, acting all cool and mysterious. He wore thousand dollar sunglasses inside during the evening. That kind of guy. It was like he believed he was still the high school baddie in every teen movie.
It instantly annoyed Peter. He didn’t like phony people. And he didn’t like cocky people. And Tony Stark seemed like the best of both worlds.
Except...when he came to the classroom to talk to Peter about Morgan, he was like a completely different person.
They were alone in the room, so apparently he didn’t feel the need to put on his cool persona. He was sweet and dorky and seemed kinda like the best dad ever.
Morgan showed him around the classroom, proudly presenting her class work from the day to him.
And Tony just listened to her, encouraging her and letting her do whatever she wanted. He sat down in one of the tiny plastic chairs at the desks, clearly uncomfortable. But as soon as Morgan started talking again he was completely in tune with her and everything she was telling him.
Peter just watched in silent awe, smiling a little as he leaned against the counter. Maybe he shouldn’t have judged so quickly. Because Tony Stark was clearly just a big softie that didn’t want to be seen.
When Morgan was done with her presenting, Tony stood back up and walked over to Peter. He cleared his throat, raking a hand through his hair.
The teacher watched the action, biting his lip slightly before catching himself. That was highly inappropriate. He couldn’t help his attraction to a nice silver fox, but he could put off the swooning until later when he was home. Not in front of the man himself.
Tony caught the lip bite but didn’t comment, just smirking a little. “I just wanted to thank you for being such a good teacher to Mo. She never stops talking about you at home. She’s one of the only kids I’ve ever known to want to go to school.” He chuckled. “But I guess that’s all thanks to a wonderful teacher.”
Oh, the compliments instantly made Peter feel all warm and fuzzy, melting from the inside out as he listened. “It’s what I love to do, no need to thank me. And she’s a wonderful kid. Don’t tell the other parents, but she’s the best in the class,” he joked lightly.
A softer, more genuine laugh pulled itself from Tony and Peter could feel himself turning to mush. No, that was not how the night was supposed to go. Not at all. He couldn’t get attached.
“I think she’s pretty okay too,” Tony teased, looking down at the girl and ruffling her hair. “But again. Thank you. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing.”
“I don’t plan on it.” The teacher smiled, watching the father and daughter interact.
Tony picked Morgan up, looking back to the younger man after a moment. “Well, I’ll let you go. I’m sure you have other parents and gremlins to meet with. And I’ve gotta drop this little one off with her mom.” He grinned a little. “I hope I’ll see you again soon.”
And then, Peter could have sworn he dreamed it, the man quickly wet his bottom lip with his tongue as he looked over the teacher. Then he left with a wink and Morgan calling over his shoulder about seeing him tomorrow.
An interaction with a parent was not supposed to leave Peter weak at the knees. It was so inappropriate. He couldn’t have thoughts about Tony that were any more than how good of a dad he was.
But of course, that made Peter wonder how good of a daddy he could be as well.
God, what had he done.
Of course, the next day had to be the day that Tony began driving Morgan to school.
Pepper typically did it, and she would continue to, but she needed someone for that morning and Tony jumped at the opportunity to see the pretty teacher again.
He was only human, after all. Weak for pretty young men who were kind. Peter’s sweetness made Tony want to ruin him that much more.
So he drove up to the school in his high dollar car, smirking as he watched other parents gawk and mutter among themselves. He parked to take Morgan inside instead of just doing the car line. Made it sure that he would see her teacher.
He walked her to the classroom, hands tucked in his pockets as he walked.
Peter saw him instantly, breath catching in his throat. “H-hey, Mr. Stark.”
“Just call me Tony, it’s alright,” he told the young man with a slight smirk. He loved how instantly flustered Peter was. “Just wanted to make sure that Mo got where she needed to be. She tends to wander.”
The young man nodded quickly. “Of course. Everyone is just playing outside right now, you’re here a bit early. So.” He leaned down, gently taking Morgan’s bag and hanging it on her designated hook. “You, little miss, can go play with Ms. Stacy’s kids that are here so far and the couple from your class. No running, no rough play, be careful,” he told her, running down the rules quickly.
He could feel Tony’s eyes on him and it made him feel hot all over.
Morgan quickly walked to the open door that led to the playground, not even bothering to wave bye to her dad.
Tony chuckled. “I guess whatever is out there is way more interesting than her old man, huh?”
“Oh, she just loves to play. You can’t take it personally.” Peter laughed softly, brushing a hand through his hair shyly. He was suddenly worried about how he looked. Damn the effect Tony had on him.
The older man smiled a little, nodding. “I guess.”
A moment of silence passed before Peter cleared his throat. “So, uh, I guess you can go now. Since she’s settled in and all.”
“Oh, well, she wasn’t the only reason I came,” Tony said smoothly. “I also just couldn’t help myself from seeing a certain teacher again.”
Peter watched him for a moment, clearly trying to work out what he meant. He had been the valedictorian of his high school class but couldn’t figure out that Tony meant him and not another teacher. “Then I guess you’d better go...find them,” he mumbled, a little disappointed. His eyes dropped to the ground in embarrassment.
Tony snorted a laugh. “Already found him, honey.” He stepped a little closer, watching the man.
“Him? Oh!” The teacher looked back up, meeting Tony’s eyes. “So you- me? You wanted to see me?”
“Of course I did, Mr. Parker,” he teased lightly. “I’m not one to deprive myself of the beauties in life.”
The younger man’s cheeks colored. “I’m not- you’re- oh, shut up.”
Tony was a little taken aback by the comment, but laughed. “What, can’t take a compliment?”
“I don’t appreciate teasing, Mr. Stark.”
“Oh that? That isn’t teasing. That’s genuine compliments. But I can tease if you’d like me to. How much time do you have?”
Peter stared at him, cheeks pink. “Mr. Stark- this is highly-“
“You want me to back off, just tell me and I will,” Tony told him boldly. “Just say the word.”
When Peter didn’t say anything, he smirked. “That’s what I thought.” He stepped forward, moving one hand to possessively cup the other man’s cheek. “You can tell me no at any time, alright?”
Peter knew that wouldn’t be happening.
He leaned up, catching Tony in a quick and hard kiss.
The older man eagerly kissed back, using his free hand to pull the teacher flush against his body.
Peter deepened the kiss, nipping at Tony’s bottom lip until the other man parted his lips with a groan, allowing the younger man to slip his tongue inside.
By the time they broke the kiss they were both panting and half hard, clearly not ready to stop anything they were doing.
“Give me one moment,” Peter whispered with a quick kiss pressed to Tony’s lips.
He walked to and opened the door, ducking his head outside.
“Gwen,” he said quickly.
The other teacher was watching her kids closely, slowly tearing her eyes away to look at Peter. “Yes…?”
“I need you to watch my kids for a little bit. Please. It won’t-” he glanced to Tony. “Well, it probably won’t take too long.”
The woman finally focused on him, then turned her eyes to the other man. She immediately knew what was going on and gave her coworker a disapproving look. “Peter, no. You can’t do that.”
“Pleeeease, Gwen. I’ll buy you lunch if you just watch my class. Twenty minutes tops.”
Tony snorted. “You’re definitely lowballing it a bit,” he mumbled. He shut up when the teacher nudged him.
Gwen sighed heavily, but nodded. “Fine. But just this one time, okay?”
“Of course, don’t even worry.”
He slipped back into the classroom, pulling Tony with him and locking the door.
Before he knew what was going on, he was pressed to the wall and lifted into the air as he yelped. “Tony!”
The older man chuckled, hands gripping the teacher’s thighs in order to hold him up. “Yes, honey?”
“A little warning next time would be nice,” Peter breathed before pulling Tony in for a kiss.
“Ooh, next time,” he said teasingly, instantly kissing back. He pressed his hips to Peter’s, allowing the man to feel how hard he was under his dress slacks.
The younger man hummed, rocking his hips weakly from his difficult position. “Is that all for me, Mr. Stark?”
Tony chuckled against his mouth, trailing kisses from his lips down to the collar of his sweater. “All for you, sweetheart. And yours to choose what to do with.”
Peter moved his hips again, working to try and get friction to his clothed cock. “I need you to fuck me, Tony.”
“See, I knew you could have a dirty mouth on you if you wanted,” he teased, gently nipping at a spot on the man’s neck.
The young man keened, mouth falling open around a quiet moan. “That’s not even half of it, sir. Just need to feel you so badly. I’ve thought about it since I saw you last night. Since you winked at me,” he rambled.
“That’s what got you?” Tony murmured, amused. “You’re so cute. Desperate for my cock just because of a wink.”
“And you- you licked your lips. Looking at me,” Peter recalled. “God, that messed with me.”
Tony slowly set Peter down to work on getting his pants off, listening to him with a hum. “Tell me, Mr. Parker, did you get off thinking about me last night? Did my little bit of interest I showed get you all hot and bothered?”
“Y-yes, sir. I had to get off as soon as I got home.”
“Tell me how you did,” the older man murmured, pushing Peter’s pants and tight briefs off. “Tell me how you took care of yourself.”
Peter’s cheeks flushed darker. “I fingered myself first-“
“How many fingers?”
“Th-three. Had to prep myself for a bigger toy.”
Tony hummed softly, nodding as he slid his hands over the teacher’s hips. “Used a toy on yourself?”
“I did. It’s my favorite, nice and thick. Not too long,” he described. He shivered at the way that Tony touched him, leaning up for another quick kiss.
“That sounds good,” the other man murmured. “So you like thick cocks?”
Peter nodded, cheeks burning as he eyed the bulge in the man’s slacks. “I do. Do you have one for me?”
Tony chuckled, unbuckling his belt and leaving it loose around his hips. “I’ll let you decide that for yourself.”
He unbuttoned his pants and unzipped just enough, getting his cock out of his boxers until it was visible.
And oh, it was even better than Peter had hoped.
Even thicker than his favorite toy, just about as long. He couldn’t wait to feel it inside of him. Tony had a gorgeous cock.
Tony grinned a little as he watched the teacher nearly drool over just the sight of him. “Is this acceptable?”
“More than. Way more than. Please, I need that inside of me,” Peter breathed, his own cock twitching as he watched the man start to stroke himself.
“We haven’t even prepped you yet, honey. I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me, Tony, fuck! I just need you,” he whined, hips bucking weakly into the air. “I’ll be fine.”
“Telling me to hurt you,” Tony mused. “That’s dangerous. Dangerous thing to tell me to do.”
“I want it so bad. Please hurt me,” Peter begged, chest rising and falling quickly with each heavy breath. He was so ready for Tony, no matter the discomfort he’d feel later.
The older man chuckled softly, picking Peter up again and pressing his back against the board. “Your wish is my command, honey.”
The teacher marveled at his strength as he used just one arm to hold him up. Then Tony used his free hand to guide his cock to Peter’s hole, pausing after a moment.
Wordlessly, he reached into his back pocket and grabbed a packet of lube that he quickly tore open and drizzled over his cock. “Almost forgot,” he murmured. “Although we both would have remembered quickly.”
Peter stared at him in disbelief for a moment before laughing. “You came prepared. You counted on this happening.”
“I did,” Tony confirmed. “I saw the way you looked at me yesterday. And...well, I was hoping you’d feel the same way as I did.” He grinned. “I just can’t wait sometimes.”
“Obviously.” The teacher laughed softly, hands feeling over the other man’s clothed arms and gripping gently to keep himself steady. And just feeling Tony up was nice too. Blame it on practicality and the sexy muscles he felt were just a bonus. Right. “Are we ready now?”
Tony slid the tip of his cock against Peter’s hole, feeling the tight muscle clench at the movement. “Relax,” he said gently. “Don’t want this to hurt you. Just relax.”
Peter nodded slowly, eyes staying on the man as he wrapped his legs around his waist. “I’m relaxed. Don’t stop, keep going. Please.”
He gasped when the head of Tony’s cock pushed in, the stretch burning slightly but nothing more than he could handle. “Fuck. Yeah, that’s it. Keep going, Tony!”
The older man smiled as he watched him, slowly pressing in until his balls were flush against the teacher’s ass. “Still feeling good?”
Peter’s high moan told him what words couldn’t. The sound told him to keep going. And so did the man’s fingers gently digging into his shoulders out of pleasure. Apparently the lack of preparation only affected him but so much.
So he started moving, hips thrusting forward at an even pace that quickly sped up.
Peter dropped his head back, eyes slipped shut as he groaned in obvious bliss.
The sight of his pale, unblemished neck was welcoming and Tony quickly attached his lips to a spot.
He kissed over the smooth skin at first, gentle in contrast to his harsh thrusts. But then he bit down, just hard enough that he knew there would be bruising later on.
He continued the cycle, kissing sweetly before biting or sucking marks into the teacher’s perfect skin. Peter’s skin had a garden of blooming bruises over his entire neck, more reds and purples showing than the creamy white it originally was.
Each mark pulled a new sound from him, pleasure he didn’t know was possible surging through his body at every dueling sensation.
Tony eventually just rested his lips in the junction of Peter’s shoulder, where his sweater had slipped slightly in their frantic activities. His hips kept up their bruising pace, fucking into the teacher quickly as they both felt their highs approaching.
“Tony,” Peter gasped out, opening his eyes once again to look at the other man. He clenched down hard around the cock inside of him, moaning louder. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum. Tony, I’m gonna cum,” he whimpered, breathing hard as his high rapidly got closer.
The only friction to his cock had been the way it had slapped against his stomach with every thrust Tony gave but that combined with the brutal fucking he was on the receiving end of was more than enough to get him to the edge. He felt his balls tightening with every continued movement and he knew it wouldn’t be much longer.
Tony nodded, weakly sucking one more mark onto his neck. “I’m close too,” he murmured, hips not faltering in their actions. “Cum for me, baby, come on. I know you need to, cum for daddy.”
Hearing Tony call himself that name was the last thing Peter needed to send him over the edge.
He cried out as his orgasm hit him, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes at the sheer intensity.
His cock jerked before spurting long ropes of cum in between his and Tony’s bodies. He was vaguely aware that they’d need to clean up but was too lost in his high to truly focus on it.
Tony wasn’t far behind him, thrusts finally stilling as he came. He held Peter close, pressed firmly against the other man as he spilled deep into him.
They came down from their highs together, holding each other more gently than before and working on evening out their breathing.
Peter was the first to speak, words coming out in between soft kisses he pressed to Tony’s jaw. “So this...uh...were you thinking this was like...a one time thing?”
Tony laughed softly, unable to help himself. He was still high on the feeling of everything going on that the event of it never happening again didn’t even occur to him. “No. This was...was way too good to just be once. If that’s alright with you.”
He slowly set the teacher down, softening cock slipping out of him. He grabbed a tissue from Peter’s desk and quickly cleaned himself up and got tucked away in his pants. Then he focused on cleaning up Peter.
As he worked, Peter talked. “I think this was...yes. Amazing.” He laughed a little. “But maybe...not here next time. Maybe my place? Somewhere I won’t get fired?”
Tony chuckled, gently dressing Peter again and nodding. “Somewhere else would be good. Your place, my place. Somewhere,” he agreed.
“Oh, good.”
They managed to get themselves mostly presentable just in time for the starting bell to ring.
Peter unlocked his door and let his students in, whispering a quick thank you to Gwen.
Tony left the building after kissing the teacher quickly, leaving him swooning and giggling. He was put together and smooth, like nothing at all had happened. The only indicator that something happened was the smug smirk on his face.
Peter on the other hand...the teacher looked like he’d been attacked by something. Where he was normally put together and perfect, he was a wreck. Curls wild and sticking up, bruises forming all over his neck, sore and limping, sweater still suspiciously stained (not that the kids would notice.)
But he was thrilled and had a huge smile on his face that wouldn’t leave.
And a certain parent’s number added to a new contact in his phone.
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xiu21chen99 · 4 years
hxh headcanon/imagine.
again... still about hisoillu but about their engagement instead of illu's influenced fashion choice.
also this is more of... idk it gave reason why they chose to marry instead of uh other ways i guess??
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i've seen so many fanarts where illu would break the news to the zoldycks or how killu would react to having hisoka as his brother in law- like srsly it's meme worthy at this point- and lotsa ones that showed how hisoka proposed as a joke or smtg but... I've been overthinking abt it these past few days sO i present to you how i think "the big question aka the proposal" happened... (manga spoilers??)
it's after hisoka resurrected himself obviously, and def after he killed kortopi and shalnark (so he knew there was gonna be empty slots in the spiders' lineup)
i imagine illu went back to the zoldyck estate after the whole fiasco and only heard of hisoka's "death" from rumors while he was on a mission
and then when he was idk maybe contemplating on whether or not he should visit the body(?) to pay respects or something, he gets a text message from the devil himself
their text went like this probably:
hisoka: hey~ where are you right now?♠️ (and no u can't tell me hisoka doesn't text w card suits u just can't-)
illumi: who are you and how did you get the phone you are currently using?
hisoka: ooh~ illu~ i feel betrayed, did you delete my number?♣️
illumi: hisoka is dead
hisoka: *image attached*
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illumi: oh
illumi: hello hisoka, how are you still alive?
hisoka: you sound disappointed~♦️
illumi: i kind of am...
hisoka: rude, just tell me where you are♥️
...and that's how they met up?? ngl i think illu has a know-it-all syndrome where he just has to,,, k n o w everything
he's curious so he agrees to the meetup ofc
he's also surprised when he sees hisoka is in good shape when they meet (idk at a bar in an unknown city?)
they drink whiskey on the rocks because... you know...
hisoka explains how he survived and his next plan of action (which is terminate the spiders)
illumi makes a mental note of nen after death bc he's heard and seen it all before but... not to this extent,
this is gonna be,,, bland but i think this is the logic behind why hisoka chose to get married/engaged instead of just paying up front (reference to the ten dons' commission to get chrollo killed and chrollo's commission to get the ten dons killed)--
anyways here's how their conversation goes:
i: "why did you want to talk in person?"
h: "oh y'know, for old times sake."
i: "...right"
hisoka laughs, "okay so maybe i want to ask you for a favor..?"
confused, illumi asks, "why could you not have just texted if you wanted me to kill someone for you?"
h: "no, no- wait, actually, you're not too far off."
i: ~mOrE cOnfUsiOn~ "huh?"
h: "how do contracts for assassination work in your... family business?"
i: "half the promised pay before, the remaining half afterwards. should the target be eliminated by a third party, the assigned zoldyck still gets the pay and should the employer die, then the contract is terminated and the zoldyck will report back immediately."
h: "and has anyone made a contract to have themselves terminated?"
i: "i beg your pardon?"
h: "what complications will arise should your employer's target be... themselves?"
i: "i believe... i have never encountered such circumstance before. the people who hire us are those who have enough money and resource to have their enemies killed quickly. no one's tried to test the zoldyck assassination prowess."
h: "so... how will that work?"
i: "are you implying this is the reason why you have contacted me today?"
h: "yes~ ♥️" (how he said a heart emoji out loud is up to you, reader)
i: "it will be a pointless paradox. logically, the zoldyck will only get the employment bill. and i, myself, do not find pleasure in going for the kill like you lest i get my reward, so you will not get a contract out of me, hisoka."
h: "is there no leeway?"
i: "a zoldyck stands up to their word. so no."
h: "even for a friend?~ ♦️"
i: "we are not friends, hisoka-"
hisoka raises his glass of whiskey along with his eyebrow.
i: "oh..."
h: "didn't you tell dear killua that a zoldyck didn't need friends?"
i: "you... are an associate, someone reliable in the killing world. it's different."
h: "hypocrite"
i: "i ask you for favors and you make me return them. it is not like we spend our time together leisurely like killu with that island boy..."
hisoka clinks their matching glasses of whiskey even though his is already empty, a shit-eating grin on his lips.
i: "you suggested we meet here."
h: "this isn't the first time we went out to drink, right illu?"
i: "regardless!! i will not kill you just for half the money. i do not like wasting efforts on fruitless missions."
h: "as i said, is there no exception, to make sure you get my money if you were to succeed in killing me?"
i: "are you doubting my skill, hisoka?"
h: "that's not the point right now~ ♠️"
i: "wait, why do you want me to get all of your money?"
h: "haven't we just gotten over this subject? because you're my friend, of course."
i: "i... we are not friends, hisoka."
hisoka claps, "that's it! illumi!! ♣️"
i: "eh?"
h: "marry me! that way in our prenup I'll make sure you get all of my money, and even without a prenup you'll still get it since you'll be my only relative! that solves it!"
i: "hisoka, are you sure death did not took a toll on your brain? you did say you used Bungee Gum only on your heart and lungs..."
h: "i'm being serious, illumi!! and doesn't this solve your earlier conflict? we don't have to be friends, we'll be husbands!"
i: "do not use that tactic with me, you manipulative bastard. stop joking."
h: "this is purely beneficial for you, honestly i don't get why you just won't accept it."
i: "then humor me this first, why now?"
h: "dear illu, i've been to literal hell and back. i think it's time to leave my mark in case i fail to escape death again."
i: "was it that bad?"
h: "you'll love it there, illu~ ♥️"
h: "on a more serious note, though, i do plan to marry you. out of everyone i've encountered, you're the most eligible candidate. you're powerful, fully capable and extremely pretty to boot! you're the ideal husband!"
(blushing obviously, illumi downs the remaining whiskey in his glass) i: "death has changed you, hisoka."
h: "so?"
i: "fine."
h: "excellent!"
and in one fell swoop, illumi has a pin against the curve of hisoka's jugular, wrist held tightly by hisoka- a card matching against his own neck.
"not yet, dear husband." hisoka whispered into his ear, "we have to manage the papers first. and i've a request before you do."
they let each other go at the same time, not even breathing an unnecessary breath in the other's personal space (well, they're nearly pressed thigh to thigh anyways, what's the point of personal space anymore-)
"a condition rather than a request, really."
"what?" hisoka orders them refills, and downs his when it arrives.
"join the ryodan first."
glass already pressed on thin lips, illumi's confused hum resonates softly into the concave utensil. "why?"
"so things can get more interesting. i assume you know of the dark continent expedition that's soon to take place?"
"father has advised i take part on it, since kalluto told me the ryodan plans to rob some cliches who'll join the expedition- to look after him. you want me to join them?"
"yes, and i plan to board as well, don't fret."
illumi's eyes turn to slits, "how should i know you would be there? i can't take your word when you might just disappear when we've all boarded."
hisoka grins, wide then wider, "you should know by now illu, i plan to avenge my wounded pride. that damned chrollo didn't even fight me properly."
tilting his head, illumi stared at the man beside him, "is that not contradictory? i thought you did not mind your opponent using whatever means necessary to win?"
"magicians use tricks and misdirection to awe the audience," hisoka says almost thoughtlessly, "chrollo's a narcissistic hypnotist who used the audience as a damned shield because he knew he couldn't handle me face-to-face."
he groans, tinged in regret. "i shouldn't have picked heaven's arena, if i'd chosen a more discreet location then maybe the damage won't be this bad."
"damage?" illumi rests his chin on his palm, facing his husband.
hisoka swipes a hand over his face, and the glamour comes off. the picture he sent illumi now present in front of him. he was missing a nose, his left hand didn't have any finger left and dried blood chipped on his white skin. "oh."
with another swipe, everything's made correct again. hisoka was grinning again. he downs the remaining alcohol and leaves jenny bills under the emptied glass.
"come, lovely husband. we're to elope and legalize our union!"
illumi follows suit after downing his own glass, "i think there might be another loop hole, if you were to join the family. zoldycks do not kill family."
"so if i were to wed you, here and now, you'd think me more of a family than alluka?"
"alluka is not family."
"are those your words, illumi? or silva's?"
"wow, you're really just as fucked up as i am."
"where do you plan to take me? i've just said i cannot kill family."
hisoka chuckles, "then you're the one to take my name, of course."
"who the hell still uses that word?"
"i am and will always be a zoldyck-"
"exactly. it's just legal papers, if you kill me then you'll just be a widow and even get your name back! see how everything'll work out in the end?"
"are you doubting your skill of assassination, my dearest husband?"
"... i better get the most expensive ring in this damned city."
"that's the spirit! now let's go get married!"
"wait, hisoka. what is your last name?"
later that night, when they leave a chapel, something gold glimmers on hisoka's bungee gum/texture surprise ring finger. a matching one around illumi's finger.
unlike hisoka, though, illumi had an extra red glimmer right under that gold, in the dead center of a silver band of intricately designed pattern. hisoka had foregone the traditional diamond in favor of a 16 carat ruby engagement ring, such a curious choice but illumi accepted it all the same...
(much later on, hisoka took both rings as collateral and reminded illumi that he would get them back even if he died bc it was in their damn prenup- and bc it was technically bought under illumis name and that's how hisoka assured illu that he'd be on that black whale,,, bc he had the rings and planned to give them back to him there)
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"I thought a red gemstone was better suited for the rather bloody and murderous ending that our relationship will inevitably come to, wouldn't you agree?"
-Hisoka Morow whenever someone mentions his preference of proposal ring...
"I disagree with most of his ideals, our relationship has always had a fragile foundation, and I knew from the start that we'd eventually end up killing each other."
-Illumi Morow, nee Zoldyck when asked about his thoughts on his husband...
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shotofire · 4 years
omg thank you so much xd, that was so hilarious i couldn't stop laughing 😂, you're amazing never stop writing, i would like another oneshot modern levi if you dont mind, but this time his girlfriend prank him doing the challenge "pretending to give him a head/blowjob" thank you you're amazing 🖤🖤
I never mind your requests! It makes me so happy to see them in my inbox :p Thank you, you’re so sweet!!! I had to look up what this prank was lol but I the gist of it
•Warnings: cursing, smut... but not all the way
•Season: Not set within the show
(This is sort of a part two for, Who the hell is Mike?, some parts may be confusing if you haven’t read it)
Your best friend Angel bursted out laughing as you told her what had happened with Levi. It had been a week since you gave him a mini heart attack. Her eyes filled with tears as the laughing continued, she definitely found it comical.
Even more so, she wishes you recorded it. Of course doing what you did was out of character for you in general, so recording was definitely a no go. Plus it’s not like you’d post it, so what’s the point.
“I’m trying to imagine this face you’re describing,” she lets out more childish giggles, “he scrunched up his nose? What if that’s like his jealous tick?”
It probably was, you’d never seen him do something like that before in all the years you two had been together. He was always calm and tried not to show expression, unless smiling, so seeing him do something so out of the ordinary was interesting.
“I don’t know, it may be,” you said and watched how her eyes sparkled with curiosity. Some part of you felt bad for what you had done, but Levi assured you it was okay. He even went as far as to say it was funny now that he knew you weren’t serious. He still would randomly tickle you and say it’s punishment for what you had done, but it was just an excuse to attack your sides and hear your uncontrollable laughter.
Even a week later he was still coming up behind you and holding you still while tickling you until he felt satisfied. It was okay for a few days but now he was just trying to annoy you, but in a way you deserved it. You had made him think you were cheating on him with some guy named Mike, so tickling was nothing compared to that.
Angel pulled out her phone, “I have something else you should do!” You raised your eyebrows skeptically, but she was already smiling. If it was something else that would hurt his heart you weren’t sure if you could do it.
Yes the facial expressions he made out of jealousy were hilarious to say the least, but his eyes had also softened in worry and hurt. That was something you didn’t want to see again. It showed you how much he loved you, and how the thought of you breaking the trust you’d built for many years scared him so much in that moment.
She showed you the video and you were kind of confused, just like the last time. It was a girl putting her hair up and leaning towards her, most likely, boyfriend then diverting her attention to something else. Angel laughed out loud, “Imagine Levi with that look of disappointment in his eyes.” You still were lost at what was going on and she noticed. She wanted to call you an oldie, but decided against it.
You truly were left out of the loop sometimes, but at the same time Angel admired that. It was rare in this day and age to have no desire for social media, and you probably had a healthier mindset than her.
The girl couldn’t help but roll her eyes at your confused state. “She made him think she was about to give him head, but she reached for the remote beside him and turned on the tv,” she explained like it was the most obvious thing ever. Maybe you didn’t get it because you never put your hair up when giving Levi a blowjob, he had a thing for holding your hair himself. You honestly didn’t think you could pull this one off due to that, Levi probably would just think you’re putting your hair up cause you feel like it.
“So uh, I don’t put my hair up when I give Levi head,” you admit with a blush, “he usually holds my hair for me.” Her eyes automatically widen and she lets out a snort at how embarrassed you were saying that. “Then you’re going to have to do something extra so he does think you’re gonna give him head,” she says with her hands waving in the air.
You let out a nervous chuckle unsure of how you’d even be able to do that. The idea was to make it seem like you were going to but at the same time not going to. You weren’t that skilled in the acting department.
Levi probably would tickle you till you can’t breath if you did something to mess with him again. But this wasn’t harmful for his sweet heart at all, the most it would do is give him blue balls. He could definitely live with that, he gets enough action out of you. The man may be older but he definitely still had a crazy sex drive. So, that made it even a better reason to mess with his hormones.
When a smile spread across your face Angel knew you’d made up you mind. “Look at you getting involved with the trends, I feel like a proud Mom,” she squealed with pure happiness. Heat rises to your cheeks, the girl had once again convinced you to mess with your boyfriend.
“Stop, you’re making me feel old,” you griped but had a playful smile on your face. She shakes her head at you and giggles before pulling up more video to show you.
Levi came home earlier than usual, Angel was still sitting on your couch talking up a storm. He thought she was a good friend, but he didn’t appreciate what she had convinced you to do a week ago. “You’re home early,” you said with a smile. You liked when he got off work at this time, it gave you two longer to spend time with one another. “Erwin gave me the rest of the week off with pay as a Christmas present,” he chuckled a bit remembering how awkward Erwin was as he called it a Christmas present.
You let out a light squeal and wrap your arms around him, “That’s so sweet! Now I get you all to myself.” Levi watched as your brows wiggled with suggestion and he smirked. “Well, I guess i’ll leave my favorite love birds alone,” Angel said with a fake frown. You gave her a hug and she was off, leaving you with Levi.
“Let’s watch a movie,” you propose, “we haven’t sat down and watched one in so long.” He agrees with the idea and you hug him once again. This was part of your plan, to be all clingy. Sure you two were attached at the hip but constant touching from you usually meant something. Plus you were getting him to be still, which was hard.
The man always wanted to catch up with work, but tonight he had no reason to, It was all falling into place. As if the universe wanted you to fuck with him again.
After Levi changed out of his work clothes into something comfortable it was really starting to set into motion. You’d already picked out the movie, made popcorn, and grabbed a hair tie from the bathroom. Purposely, you set the bowl of popcorn on the table next to Levi’s usually side of the couch. All the lights were out besides the luminosity of the television. “You sure are eager to watch a movie,” he said with a quirked brow. You’d already taken your seat on the couch and Levi followed suit.
You giggled at his words and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He kissed you back, expect on the nose, and your heart warmed at the gesture. He was making it harder to follow through with your devious plan. Why did he have to be such a sweetie? Minute after minute went by and your hands stayed on Levi. Wether it was playing with his hair, or holding his hand, you were being a touchy fanatic.
Right after you gave him a peck on the neck you knew it was time of time to trick him. His shoulders perked up when your lips had met his neck, sending a shock to his stomach. You sat up some and took the band off of your wrist before messily putting your hair up. Levi was looking at you with hungry eyes, you’d definitely fooled him.
You turned towards him and rested your palm on his lap. His heart was starting to beat faster and his body was becoming hot. Right as he thought you were about to kiss him you kept leaning past his face, grabbing the bowl of popcorn next to him instead. You leaned back into the couch and set the dish in your lap. Shock grew within him as you started to eat away as if nothing happened. As if you hadn’t made him turn into a horny mess within the span of 15 seconds.
It was so hard to not laugh at the confused and dumbfounded expressions on his face. In a way, to him, this was on a different level of cruel. His dick was straining in his pants as you stuffed your mouth with popcorn. “What was that about?” he finally said, not caring much about the movie anymore. You raised your brows in confused and munched away, “What are you talking about baby?”
He put the back on his hand over his eyes and slid it down his face. The last thing he wanted to do was be an asshole because he thought he was getting head. He kept telling himself he misread the situation and was being too much of an aroused fuck. But when you started giggling up a storm he knew you’d done it on purpose.
“It was Angels idea wasn’t it?” You nodded as an answer, still consumed with giggles. He huffed at you before grabbing your hand and put on his crotch. The feeling of his bulge made you almost automatically stop with your childish sounds. “See how easily you got me worked up?” you didn’t say anything, only watched as his grey eyes darkened in desire.
The action made you gulp. He grabbed the bowl of popcorn and set it back on the table next to him. You yelped as his strong hands pulled you onto his lap. Levi wasn’t going to let you win this time, he’d be damned if Angel laughed later on as you explained it. He was going to punish you in a different way now, one that would leave you screaming.
“I bet you’re a little worked up too,” his finger traces your collar bone and you can’t help but shiver. He bucked his hips a bit, making his member hit the right spot on your heat. When you let out a slight whimper he knew you were wrapped around his finger this time. You felt your parts become ignited from his touch. He definitely wasn’t holding back.
“I’m gonna make you beg for me to stop,” he whispers in your ear with his deep voice. Strong arms wrap around your waist as he carries you to the bedroom. Your stomach is filled with excitement and your heard is starting to spin at the adrenaline rush.
Once he sets you down on the bed his lips start to attack your neck. Sucking and biting almost every inch, moans slip past your lips in ecstasy. His hands play with your chest only adding to the feeling, and you’re in a fit on pleasure.
Your vision is blurred as his hands snake under your shirt. Lips move away for a second to lift the clothing over your head. You should have known Levi would react like this, he wasn’t going to let you get your way again.
Fingers looped around the waistband of your fuzzy pajama bottoms, slipping them off your legs. He kisses the inside of your thighs with wet lips which causes your breathing to become more uneven. His hands pressed into your sides once his mouth began to hover over your clothed core. His hot breath so close to where you needed him most made your body feel like jelly.
“Beg for it,” he whispers with a smirk plastered across his beautiful features. That’s when you knew he had a long night planned for the two of you.
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marvel-and-mischief · 4 years
Part of my Floriography Series
Pairing: Pero Tovar x F!Reader Words: 2700 Warnings: gambling, swearing, alcohol, rough handling by guards, allusions to prostitution (it’s part of a scam), lighthearted punishment in the stocks Synopsis: Pero seems to always be around at the wrong time to sabotage your scams and join in with your punishments. Enemies to Lovers (sorta)
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Daisies: attachment, new beginnings
“Now remember, ten or above wins you double your stake, below ten and your stake is mine.”
The scruffy drunkard sat opposite you let out a bellowing laugh, the nasty stench of his rotten teeth hitting your nostrils. His movements sloshed the tankard of mead in his hand, spilling some of its contents on the table between you. You had to hold back your look of disgust and smile through the uncomfortableness.
“I won’t lose. Throw ‘em, lady,” he slurred. You had to fight off the smirk threatening to show on your face as you shook the two, six sided dice in your right hand. You had nothing to worry about, the dice were weighted, favoring the lower numbers and therefore guaranteeing your win every time. 
“Alright, but when you win you owe me a drink!” you winked cheekily at your mark, catching his eye whilst you threw the dice on the table. The more you distracted them the less chance there was of getting caught in your scam.
The dice came to a stop and you both looked down at the same time; a three and a four, earning a groan of disappointment from the few onlookers that had gathered to watch.
“Better luck next time,” you grinned, gathering up your dice and winnings as the man muttered something unintelligible and grumpily left the table, “anyone else want a go?”
“I will.”
You froze at the voice in your ear and saw the figure of a familiar man take the recently vacant seat opposite you. Pero Tovar always seemed to show up in your life when you least wanted him to. He was an annoying ghost and you could never shake off his haunting. You should gather up your earnings and leave but something kept you rooted to the table. And the longer you took to contemplate your next move, the more the drunkards in the tavern wanted to know what was going on. Soon you’d attracted quite the crowd.
“I said, I want a go.”
You looked into his brown eyes, the ones that sparkled with humor, always at your expense. 
“It may be too difficult for your small brain to understand how to play,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Then let us play a different one. I will throw the dice, and if the total is lower than ten, I win every penny you have taken tonight.”
The bastard. The only reason he would suggest playing it that way was if he knew how you were cheating the game. You clenched your jaw in frustration. 
“I think I am ready to take my leave-“
“But we have an audience!” Pero smirked, raising his voice and waving a hand at the tavern full of people who hurrahed, eager for you to throw the dice. You were cornered, physically by the wall of people around you and mentally by Pero who knew if you refused the game it would look suspicious. 
“Fine,” you grumbled, faking an over the top smile, twirling the dice in one hand and clenching your other hand into a fist under the table. Stay calm, don’t show him how much he was getting to you, you told yourself. You’d chase him down afterwards and with a knife to his throat take your money back. That would show him.
You dropped the dice on the table and leaned back in your seat to see Pero staring at you. You didn’t need to see the dice to know you had lost, the weights that usually worked for you were against you this time, and the tavern goers yelled in surprise and delight, some were even joyfully patting Pero on the shoulder in congratulations. All the while Pero was smiling at you, self satisfied at playing you at your own game. 
You pulled the drawstring bag off your hip and threw it across the table, hitting Pero in the chest. 
“Better luck next time,” Pero mocked your earlier words, “would you like a drink to drown your sorrows in?” Pero threw the bag of coins in the air and caught it successfully. 
“Oh bugger off, Pero,” you hissed, leaving the tavern in a huff. You didn’t want to see him again this night. You’d get him back next time.
The boy was young, still a teenager but old enough to know better. His clothes were of the finest materials, gold threads held the pieces together and added beautiful patterns to the front and shoulders of the jacket. He even had a long, shiny feather in his cap. He stuck out in the crown like a sore thumb.
You had been scouting the market for marks all morning and he was the only person you thought worthy of relieving of coin. He had a guard with him, who was more interested in looking at the women walking by, and his coin purse was dangling enticingly down by his hip. It would have been much easier for a child to run along and snip the string with a knife but the only ones you’d found were hand in hand with their parents. So you were on your own.
You were hidden down the side of a building, in the shadows and away from prying eyes. Or so you thought until you caught the flash of a grin out the corner of your eye.
Pero Tovar was mirroring your position on the other side of the marketplace, the wealthy man in the middle of you both. Pero moved his gaze to said man and it was then you knew he was after your mark. 
It had been only a couple of nights since he took all your money at the tavern and you’d be damned if you were going to let him swindle you of even more coin. You had to get to the mark before Pero did, by any means necessary. 
You tried to plead with him, subtly shaking your head but all Pero did was lean against the wall and offer you a warning glare. 
The mark was buying a trinket from a stool, handing his purchase over to the guard to carry and looking around for where to go next. This was your only chance. 
You untied the string at the top of your tunic, letting it open up to display your chest more than you would usually allow. But you needed a distraction and a way of getting close to the man without suspicion. You pulled out the small scissors from your boot and held them comfortably in your dominant hand, shaking down your sleeve to keep them out of sight.
You tried to ignore Pero but as soon as you slipped out of the alley he did the same, heading directly for the wealthy man. 
Unfortunately whilst you were gaining speed through jogging movements, Pero’s purposeful strides were larger than yours, meaning you both reached the man at the same time. 
“Sir, could I offer my services-“
“You seem too respectable to want the services of a harlot-“
“Harlot? Excuse me, I am so sorry, this ruffian-“
“Ruffian! You should show some respect-“
Your attempts to get close enough to grab the purse were scuppered by Pero subtly pulling you away with a hand around your waist. And as much as you tried to pry him off you, he was strong and stubborn, rendering your scam completely useless. The wealthy man’s guard dragged him away with a growl in your direction to stop you from pursuing them.
“What was that!?” Those words had been on the tip of your tongue but Pero spoke them first. You looked at him with a confused frown.
“What were you thinking? That guard could have killed you.”
“Oh do not pretend you care for my health, you wanted that purse to yourself.”
“I did, but when I saw you were going to get yourself in serious trouble I had to come and save you instead of getting the coins for myself. You are welcome, idiota.”
You stared at Pero in disbelief. Was he expecting gratefulness? You couldn’t quite believe what he was saying.
“I have been doing this for years and I haven’t gotten caught once. I would appreciate it if you didn’t save me again,” you huffed, tying up the strings of your shirt before stomping away from him. 
If you never saw Pero Tovar again it would be too soon.
You were mad. But you were mad that Pero was right more than you were mad at your actual predicament. 
You had been playing a simple card trick on an unsuspecting traveller, one that you’d played hundreds of times, it had never gone wrong. Somehow the extra card up your sleeve (the one you used to cheat with) had slipped out and fallen to the floor and a guard that had been watching had spotted it and arrested you before you could run.
So that was how you found yourself in the stocks all morning, set in the middle of the courtyard of the castle grounds for everyone to laugh at. A few delighted children had thrown various rotten vegetables in your face, most adults had taken pity on you and walked on by. Your back was hurting from being hunched over, your feet were aching on the hard, stone ground. But none of that compared to the pain of seeing your foe being dragged towards you. 
“Please, I beg you, this is punishment enough, do not put that man anywhere near me.”
“Anyone would think you hated me,” Pero grumbled, humor in his voice despite being guided towards his punishment.
You felt the top half of the stocks lifting off the back of your neck, a second of relief, as the guards situated Pero next to you. His hand was so close to yours you could touch him, not that you wanted to. The stocks were dropped down and locked in place and the guards left you alone.
“You bring me nothing but bad luck,” you mumbled, huffing as you shifted on your feet.
“Because I was not there to save you this time?” You could hear the smirk in his voice which irritated you.
“Because I have never been caught, and then you start showing up everywhere I go and I am caught, and to make things worse, I have to be punished next to you!” You laughed humorlessly, narrowly dodging a handful of what smells like horse manure. You shoot a glare over to the man who threw it.
“Carino,” Pero clicked his tongue and you felt his hand sweep against yours, “these rotten potatoes are preferable to your whining.”
You gasped and tried to flick at his hand but it only hurt your bruising wrists.
“When I get out of here I am going to find the biggest vegetable, fresh from the ground, and throw it at you.”
Pero laughed a large, belly rumbling laugh that surprised you. 
“Why are you laughing?” you asked, baffled at his sudden turn of emotions, but it didn’t deter him from laughing more. 
It was the second plop of manure hitting the top of your head that had you joining in with Pero. The ridiculousness of the situation, the bickering between you, and your damn hand kept knocking into his. It was all so silly.
You spent the rest of the morning in fits of giggles with the man you thought you hated.
You were thrown down the steps of the dungeons, your knees hitting the hard, dirty floor before you were hauled back to your feet to be taken to the cell that would be yours for the night.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” was the voice that greeted you. You saw him sitting in the corner of the cell, a growing bruise on his jaw and stripped of his leather outer garments. He looked softer in just a shirt and breeches, more vulnerable but also kinder. Like any ordinary man, not the pain in the ass you knew him to be. You chuckled at the sight of him.
“Your life would be boring without me,” you teased, but Pero nodded his agreement. You plopped down next to him with a sigh, stretching out your legs and feeling the soreness of your knees as you rested them. You rubbed at the tenderness over your skirts. 
“Are you hurt?”
“Some scrapes, that is all,” you assured him, but his eyes lingered where you were soothing your burning knees, “how did you end up in here?”
“Not my fault,” you raised a sceptical eyebrow, “a drunkard started a fight with me.”
“And where is this drunkard?” you asked suspiciously, looking through the bars into the other cells, all of which were empty.
“He passed out. The guards did not want to drag his useless body in here.”
You hummed, clearly not believing his tale. He rolled his eyes at you, deciding it wasn’t worth arguing.
“And you?”
“How did you end up in here?”
You sighed, remembering what had happened.
“A noblewoman thought I was going to steal her purse.”
“You were not going to steal her purse?”
“No!” You feigned looking scandalised at the mere suggestion, before dropping the act, “I was going to steal her dog.”
Pero guffawed, not expecting you to say such a thing.
“Her dog?”
“It would have been worth more than the coins in her purse.”
Pero rubbed at his tired eyes. You listened to the sounds around you; the guards gossiping outside the dungeon door, a rat squeaking somewhere nearby, the rhythm of Pero’s breathing. It was the first bit of peace you’d had in a long time.
“If we get caught again they will not simply throw us in the dungeons,” Pero whispered ominously. 
You couldn’t disagree with him, but there weren’t many other options for people like the two of you. You were wanderers and loners. You had no money, no home, no family. What choice did you have?
You glanced at Pero who was already looking at you. He looked defeated, with dark bags under his eyes and his lips turned ever so slightly downwards, he looked how you felt. Hopeless and alone. 
“We keep running into each other. That must mean something,” you claimed, feeling stupid as soon as the words came out. You quickly looked away and waited for him to mock you.
“You think this is God’s will?”
You shrugged and began picking at the dirt on your skirts.
“Perhaps we should do something about it.”
“Like what?” you asked, allowing your tone to lift in hope. 
“If we are meant to be, maybe we should get out of this town and find another.”
“Why not?”
You looked at Pero then. There was no teasing in his eyes or smirk on his lips, he was being deadly serious. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of sticking with Pero from now on. However, you couldn’t make it too easy for him. 
“Well for one, I’d be stuck with your ugly mug.”
Pero grinned and let out a deep, throaty chuckle. 
“I would wager my ugly face is better than the hangman's noose.” 
The room became sombre once more as you realised what your options were. You had to leave town, but you could either do that alone or with the man whose company you were beginning to enjoy. 
You felt Pero nudge your side and you saw he was holding a single daisy up to you. 
“Do you carry flowers at all times?”
“No, idiota, they are growing in the walls,” with an amused shake of his head he carefully placed the small flower behind your ear and leaned back to admire his work.
After your initial shock you smiled your thanks and he smiled back. 
“Bonita,” Pero muttered and leaned his shoulder against yours as he settled back against the cold, damp wall.
You think you could get used to sticking by his side. 
Permanent tag list: @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @computeringturtle
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 35
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A/N:  Alright folks...here she is: the last chapter.  To say that I love all of you so much and appreciate with my entire life every like, reblog, comment, tag comments, canon question, ask, etc. would be an understatement.  You guys TRULY make my stories what they are and encourage me to write and post every single week.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you thank you thank you ❤️
Like with all my stories, there will be epilogues for Aberdeen and Willy so we see into their future.  I’m not sure how many I have planned -- probably three right now, thinking of four, depending on how I split things up.  
After the epilogues are posted, I will be starting my new Brock Boeser mini-series “Peaceful Easy Feeling”.  Stay tuned for a post date -- check my Masterlist for future reference.
Without further ado...
August 31st, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was looking into William’s eyes.
They were getting Korean walnut cakes from Hodo Kwaja.  They were out in the open.  Alone on Bloor Street West, in Little Korea, where no-one would recognize him.  He convinced her.  She couldn’t hold back anymore.  She’d tried so hard and she’d succeeded for months – fuck, the better part of a year at this point – and now, she just wanted to have a date out in the open with her boyfriend instead of having to drive to some park on the lakeshore in Etobicoke to secretly hook up in his car.  
“These better be good,” William said as he looked away briefly at the shop owner making a new batch of cakes behind the glass wall.  Even though they were both wearing masks, Aberdeen could tell he was smirking.  “When you say bean paste…”
“I promise you,” she stressed.  “They’re amazing.”
“You wanna bring them to Christie Pitts after?” William asked, reaching for her hand.
Aberdeen nodded.  This was the first time he’d reached for her hand in a public place.  She’d always remember Hodo Kwaja as the place now.  They could never close or tear this bakery down.  “We can eat them under a tree or something.”
“I try to be,” she said.  “Especially with my boyfriend.”
“Especially when we’re out in public.”
She crinkled her face.  So did William.  He pulled her into his body and wrapped an arm around her.  They were silent for a few moments before William decided to speak again.  “You should try calling Beth,” he whispered, his voice low.  “You said Alec wouldn’t get back to you, but Beth might.  She’d let you know whether or not they chose to publish the article.”
A shiver ran up Aberdeen’s spine.  “Maybe I’ll email her or something,” she said.  “Alec’s silence speaks volumes though.  I don’t think—”
“Fuck that guy,” William interrupted.  “Call Beth.  Call her.  Maybe she rooted for you.”
The shopkeeper handed Aberdeen the brown bag full of walnut cakes, and she paid for them.  She grabbed at William’s hand and their fingers intertwined before leaving the shop.  “I just think I would have known by now,” Aberdeen mused.  “I mean, the new issue will hit newsstands soon.  Usually they’d tell the writers.”
“Call her,” William urged.  “You’ll never know if you don’t call.”
They walked down the street hand in hand.  It was dusk outside, the hot and humid air of the city finally giving way to a nice breeze that cooled everything down.  Aberdeen’s dress swayed back and forth as they walked towards Christie Pitts, switching subjects to the next bakery they should try.  William made Aberdeen laugh recounting the story of how much Cam loved the Swedish pastries he brought the family during his surprise Christmas visit.  Aberdeen’s heart swelled when William brought her hand up to his lips and kissed where the ring was – the ring he got her, which she’d been wearing ever since.  
As they passed by all the different storefronts – most closed, saved for a few convenience stores or 24 hour laundromats – they both noticed a loading truck parked by the curb with two men going in and out of it, hauling new magazines and the next day’s newspapers into the shop.  William made them stop.  He watched them for a few seconds.
“What are you doing?” Aberdeen asked him.
“Excuse me, sir?” he ignored her, instead calling out to one of the men hauling in the newspapers.  The man looked at him.  “Are those next month’s magazine issues?”
“Of course they are.”
“Do you have the new issue of Toronto Life?”
“We’ve got everything in the truck, bud,” the other man said, setting down a huge stack of Vogue magazines all bundled together.  “Either you wait or you jump in there yourself to get it.  
William looked between the truck and the men.  He let go of Aberdeen’s hand abruptly.  Her eyes bulged out of their sockets.  “William what are you doing?!” she asked as she watched him climb into the back of the loading truck.
“What do you think?!” he called back out.  “It’ll be a good off-season workout finding the stack!”
“William!” she repeated for what felt like the umpteenth time.
“Oh!  They’re right here!  They’re covered but…” he trailed off.  Aberdeen held her breath.  He emerged hauling a giant wrapped stack – you couldn’t see anything besides the white paper covering it and the plastic ties tying them all together.  He jumped off the back of the truck.  The two men were just watching him.  “You got scissors?” he asked them.
One of them handed him an exacto knife.  William cut off the plastic zipties.
“William, stop,” Aberdeen pleaded.  She wasn’t ready.  She wasn’t ready to know yet.  She had to psych herself up for the inevitable disappointment of not seeing her name on the cover, not seeing her article anywhere in the magazine, and she wasn’t given ample time to do that.  She knew William was being William – proud and spontaneous and excited on her behalf instead of riddled with anxiety and doubt and all the bad things one could be riddled by when their dream job was in their midst but definitely out of their grasp because of an asshole editor – but she needed time to process that she was going to be faced with a huge disappointment.  She needed time to process that she would have to keep looking for a writing job.
William could hear the fear in her voice.  He could sense her uncertainty and her anxiety about it all.  He stood up from his crouching position.  “Hey…” he said softly, taking a step towards her.  He grabbed her hand again and held it in his.  “Minskatt, don’t be nervous.”
“I need time to psyche myself up for not seeing my name on there,” she said.  She felt her phone buzzing aggressively through her purse but she decided to ignore it.  “It’s gonna hurt, Willy.”
He squeezed her hand tighter.  “Are you listening?”
The question they’d always ask each other.  “Yes.”
“Remember what you told me before and after the bubble?  That no matter what happened, you’d love me no matter what?” he asked.  Aberdeen nodded her head.  “Whatever happens here…whether you got it or not…minskatt, I’ll love you no matter what.”
His words were so soothing.  And as always, they were so simple, but so perfect.  They immediately put her at ease despite all the anxiety she was feeling, that had rushed upon her within just minutes.  She nodded her head slightly as she squeezed his hand back.  “Can I open it?” he asked.
She nodded her head.  
He crouched down again and ripped open the packaging.  Aberdeen took a step forward and looked down to see the iconic red rectangle header.  And then the headline.
The Bubble Diaries: Aberdeen Bloom explores the characters, stories, and all-too-real tribulations inside the NHL’s Eastern hub.  
Aberdeen’s entire body jolted up, and she let out a short and quick scream as the bag of walnut cakes went flying.
Then she realized what this meant.
And she screamed at the top of her lungs.  
William’s eyes lit up as he heard the shriek – the entire city heard the shriek.  He watched as she started jumping up and down through more shrieks before he got up himself.  Aberdeen jumped on him – just fully and completely jumped into and onto him – and he caught her expertly in his arms as she shrieked in his ear.
“They did it!  THEY DID IT!” she screamed as he set her down.  She bent down to pick up a copy of the magazine and shrieked again as she held it in front of her.  Maybe this was a fever dream.  Maybe she was delirious.  Maybe the gratuitous walnut cake the bakery gave her to try before ordering was laced with some hallucinogenic and she was imagining things.
No.  That was her name attached to the article.  That was her name on the cover of Toronto Life magazine.
“You did it, minskatt,” William said as he reached up to her face to pull her mask down, planting a giant kiss on her lips.  The energy was radiating off of her.  She was a ball of sunshine, a star radiating energy bigger and better than anything in the universe.  “You did it.  I’m so proud of you.”
“I can’t believe it!  I can’t – oh – oh my GOD Willy!” she was still shocked.  “I—they—I’m published!  I’M PUBLISHED!”
“Your name is on the cover of a damn magazine, minskatt!” he giggled.  
“My name is on the cover of a damn magazine!” she repeated more emphatically, kissing him again.  “I can’t – I – oh my God – oh my God my phone is…” she trailed off, feeling her phone buzzing violently from her purse again.  
She pulled it out and saw Beth Zadakis’s name flash across the screen.  She immediately picked up.  “Beth!”
“Surprise,” she practically purred into the phone.  “I’m assuming you saw it just posted on our website?  Alec was overruled.  He knew he would be.  The way you wrote about the boys, Aberdeen…there’s no way we couldn’t publish it.”
“Thank you.  Thank you,” she stressed, putting her hand over her heart.  “From the bottom of my heart Beth, thank you.”
“You should celebrate, Aberdeen.  We’ll discuss the logistics of your new position with Toronto Life later,” she said.  “It’s not every day that a novice writer gets the lead cover story.  Pop a bottle of champagne.  I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Aberdeen hung up.  She looked into William’s eyes.
She did it.
September 4th, 2020
Aberdeen walked into the MLSE offices like she was going to work.  Except she wasn’t.  
Brendan had called her in for one last meeting.  He didn’t say it would be their last, but both of them knew it would be their last.  It was bittersweet, of course.  Aberdeen had walked these halls for a year.  She’d walked in on the team nearly naked on her first day.  She’d tried to pick up a hockey bag and fell over.  She’d taken countless calls from very important people she had no idea existed before this job.  She’d gotten called out by her boss for being an idiot.  She’d walked Niklas Lidstrom through the halls to impress her boss.  She’d waited countless hours for jersey proofs.  She’d made friends.  She’d made enemies.  She’d learned the game of hockey.  She’d travelled countless miles up and down the steps and up and down the elevators to the ice, to the locker room, to the offices, and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. 
She ran into her summertime hookup in the elevator on her first day.  She’d fallen in love with him in these hallways.
It all happened here.
When she approached the doors of Brendan’s office, and looked at her desk – well, now her former desk, she felt her heart flutter.  This was it.  She stepped into the doorway and saw him looking out his window.  She knocked.
He turned around, giving her the proudest smile she’d probably ever received from a boss.  She took off her mask so he could see her smiling too.  “Hi Brendan.”
“Aberdeen.  Sit,” he nodded towards the chairs.  This was where she cried and told him she’d been sexually harassed in the kitchen.  This was where he fired Ethan.  This was where he’d bared his soul to her after the Leafs lost to a Zamboni driver.  She took a seat.
“I’m so incredibly proud of you,” he said after looking at her for a few moments.  “What you’ve been able to accomplish in a year is outstanding, Aberdeen.”
“I would be remiss if I didn’t thank you,” she began.  “You had the biggest role to play in this by setting up that meeting in the first place.  None of this would have happened if it weren’t for you.”
Brendan shook his head.  “I didn’t write that article, Aberdeen.  You did,” he said sternly.  To think that he had the faith in her to put the meeting together in the first place, knowing she could pull it off, spoke volumes.  He was definitely her most powerful supporter.  “I keep reading and re-reading it and I find new things to admire every time.”
She smiled humbly.  “Thanks.”
Brendan paused for a moment.  “You know, Aberdeen…most people would have sold us out,” he said.  She nodded her head, understanding what he was getting at.  He knew – he knew the demands Alec put on her.  Beth must have told him, because she certainly didn’t say a word about it.  “It…it speaks absolute volumes to your character that they demanded that scoop for you but you refused to give it and instead relied on your talent to get you the job anyway.”
She nodded.  She could read between the lines.  “Thank you.”
“You’ve got some fucking guts on you, kid.”
They both giggled.  “I guess being around some gutsy hockey players did me some good this year,” she joked.
“I’ll say,” he said.  “All the boys know.  They love it.”
“I know.  I got texts from pretty much all of them.  Travis sent me a picture of his dogs reading it too.”
“That last night in the bubble, when I told you that you were the soul of this team, I meant it,” he said.  “And I don’t think…I don’t…well, I don’t think it was a big secret that William had a thing for you since that first day in the elevator.  And I know…well, I think we’re all aware the feeling is mutual.”
Aberdeen gulped.  She felt like she already died and got rigor mortis in that tiny amount of time.  So they were going to go there.  Brendan was bringing it up with absolutely no shame.  On her last day.  Last meeting.  She looked him in the eye.  “Am I safe to assume that nothing happened between the two of you in the year you were here?” Brendan asked.  
She could do it right now.
Be honest.  
She was leaving, after all.
And she had the job already.  
She looked Brendan right in the eyes.  
“No sir,” she shook her head.  “I…it was clear to me at the beginning too, and…and the feelings did grow on my end as well, I will admit that.”
“So the feeling is mutual, then.”
“Yes sir.”
“And I’m also correct to assume that once you leave these doors and employed by Toronto Life, you two will get together?”
She was already lying to the man she respected most in this world; there was no use in lying even more.  “Y—Yes.  I—I…” she hesitated.  She took a deep breath.  “William waited for me, Brendan.  He waited for me this entire time.  I don’t want to make him wait any longer.  I don’t want to wait any longer, either.”
Aberdeen didn’t know what she was expecting, but she definitely wasn’t expecting Brendan to smile.  “Understandable,” he said.  “I could see it at the Christmas party – William’s crush on you.  And I kept wondering to myself if he ever…well, you know, acted on it.  Told you, at least.”
“Didn’t need to tell me.  It was pretty apparent,” she smiled slightly.  “He wears his heart on his sleeve.  Well, at least for me.”
Brendan nodded his head.  There was a moment of silence between them.  “You’re welcome here whenever you want,” he said.  “In this office, in the arena, in the back – whenever.  You’re family now, Aberdeen.  And you’ll always be family.  I’ll make it a clause in the contracts all the future presidents sign that Aberdeen Bloom can come in and do whatever she wants in this building.”
She giggled slightly.  “Who are you kidding?  You’ll be the president of this hockey club ‘till the day you die.  Tanenbaum won’t let you leave.  There won’t be any others.”
“Are you going to write my biography when it’s time?”
“If you let me.”
Brendan stood up from his chair.  He extended his hand across his desk.  Aberdeen hadn’t touched another human being since March 13th besides her family and William.  She extended hers to shake his hand.  “Aberdeen Bloom, my Etobicoke girl, it’s been a pleasure,” Brendan was proud, so proud of her.
“Brendan Shanahan, it’s been an honour,” she replied.  
He side-stepped around his desk, and Aberdeen knew what was coming.  She knew she wasn’t going to be able to leave the offices without one.  It was another thing that she’d only given to her family members and to William since March 13th – a hug.  But in that moment, she wrapped her arms around Brendan, and he wrapped his arms around her, and they hugged each other tightly.  Aberdeen could smell his cologne.  She heard him sniffle.  She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t start crying as well.  “Thank you, Brendan,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome.”
She sighed.  When he let go of her, he kept his hands on her shoulders as he looked down at her.  “William’s coming to pick you up?” he asked.  She smiled and nodded her head.  “Jason’s around the building somewhere.  For negotiations.  You should find him.  He’ll want to see you before you leave.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  “I’ll find him.”
She left his office, closing the door behind her.  She felt a heavy feeling in her heart, knowing it would be the last time she’d exit Brendan’s office, no longer his executive assistant.  Now, she was a writer at Toronto Life magazine.  And before she could process that thought, she had to find Jason.
As she wandered through the building, popping into rooms and asking whoever she saw if they knew were Jason was, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket and knew, like a sixth-sense, that it was William.  She stopped walking so she could look at the message.
i like this one
He’d attached a quick video Aberdeen had taken the other night.  The video couldn’t have been more than four of five seconds long.  In the first second, the video showed hands being held, one hand dragging forward the other.  In the second second, the camera panned upwards.  In the third second, the video showed the back of a figure, with increasingly long blonde hair, broad shoulders, and a stupidly expensive designer t-shirt on with the CN Tower in the background at sunset.  In the fourth second, the head turned, and the face smiled at whoever was behind the camera.  It was all a bit blurry.  It was all a bit fast.
It was William looking at her.
She promised him she’d post whatever he wanted to her Instagram feed once they could be official, and out in the open, not having to hide anything anymore.  He wouldn’t dare post anything on his feed, so Aberdeen would.  She understood why.  Even now, even though they could be out in the open with their friends and family, with William’s teammates and Aberdeen’s extended friend circle, William wanted to keep their relationship out of the spotlight.  Judging by what she’d gone through with the media and what she’d seen herself in the year she worked for the team, she understood completely.
She found the video in her own camera roll, editing the colour tones slightly before uploading it to her own Instagram feed with a simple caption: ❤️
She continued to look for Jason.  And in looking for Jason, her phone kept going off.  It was almost annoying, but she knew it was all the guys probably commenting something on the photo.  After a particular string of constant notifications when she walked into the trainer’s room hoping to find Jason – which at this time last year would have been filled with shirtless, half-naked hockey players with their thighs and bulges out rolling on foam rollers, but was now empty – she couldn’t help but take her phone out again to see what the hell they were commenting.
@austonmatthews: FUCKING FINALLY
@travisdermott: awwwww s’cute
@tysonbarrie4: look at you lovebirds!
@rasmussandin: he likes lasagna!!!!!  gotta make sure u learn how to make it
@1jackcampbell: you guys!!! What a bunch of beauties <3
@morganrielly: i second what @austonmatthews said
@marner_93: finallyyyyyyyyyyy
@aleidacasillasandersen: Cute cute cute!
@kasperikapanen: cn tower…shocker
She couldn’t help but smile at them all.  Especially Auston’s.  That twerp.  
Without warning, William’s name flashed across the screen for a phone call.  She immediately picked up.  “Hey.”
“Hi minskatt,” his voice was sing-songy.  “Did you talk to Brendan?”
“Yeah,” she said, looking down at the floor.
“Was it bittersweet?”
“Mhm,” she nodded her head.  “I know this is what I’ve dreamt of for the longest time, but I can’t picture myself not coming into this office every morning during the new season.  I haven’t quite wrapped my head around it yet,” she admitted.
“I get it.  It’s okay,” William said.  “The team’s gonna miss you.  Brendan’s gonna get a new assistant and he or she is gonna have some huge shoes to fill.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but smile.  “He asked about us, you know.”
“He did?”
“He said it wasn’t a big secret that you had a thing for me since the first day in the elevator.  He also said everyone is pretty much aware the feeling is mutual.”
“And…he asked if anything had happened between the two of us.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Well I didn’t exactly tell Brendan fucking Shanahan that we randomly hooked up the night of my graduation.  And I didn’t exactly tell him we’ve been secretly hooking up and in a relationship since January,” Aberdeen said.  “But I told him the feeling was mutual, and that we’d both waited long enough, and the second I walked out of those doors I wasn’t going to make you wait anymore.”
“Okay…” she could hear William exhale.  “Okay.”
“I lied to him, Will.  I know.  I lied to him about the last nine months.  Hell, I’ve lied to everyone these past nine months about us being together.  About our feelings, about your late-night visits to my hotel rooms and us hooking up.  About loving you.  About being with you.  I’ve lied about everything.  Everything.”
“We’ve lied to everyone about everything in the last nine months,” William corrected her sternly.  “You’re not alone in this.  You know that.  We lied to everyone.  We kept it a secret.  But none of that matters, Aberdeen.  What matters is that we get to be open about it now.  That’s all that matters.  That’s it.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  She knew he was right.  She collected herself so she didn’t get emotional on the phone.  God knows if she shed at least one tear and then found Jason, Jason would automatically be able to tell.  “I just have to find Jason to say goodbye and then I’m out of here.”
“I’m actually already waiting outside, so take your time,” William said.  “I’ll be here whenever.  Take as long as you want.”
“I love you, William.”
“I love you too, minskatt.  I’ll see you soon.”
Aberdeen locked her phone.  She took another deep breath, replaying the conversation in her mind, before resolving to find Jason.  She turned around to keep searching.
Only to find Jason standing a few feet behind her.  
When she saw the look on his face, she knew immediately that he’d heard every single word of the conversation she’d just had.  Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach.  No – her heart dropped into the depths of hell.  Her breath caught in her throat.  She felt like her entire body was on fire.  “Jason,” was all she could say.  
“January,” was all he said.
Her hands began to shake.  She reached out to him.  “Jason—”
“Don’t,” his tone was harsh, and his entire arm flinched away from her.  She tried to say something but nothing would come out.  “Since January, Aberdeen?  January?!”
“Jason, please—”
“I don’t – I – late night visits to hotel rooms?!” his voice kept rising as he verbally began to piece all the information together.  “How – how could you?!”
“Jason, I can explain—”
“No!  No you can’t explain!  There’s nothing to explain in a situation like this!  You lied to us!  You lied to all of us!” he kept saying, his voice strained.  He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.  He couldn’t believe the words that had come out of Aberdeen’s mouth.  “Aberdeen, I went to bat for you time and time again.  I looked out for you this entire fucking year and this is what you were doing behind my back?  Hooking up with William Nylander?!”
“You promised me, Aberdeen.  You promised me that day that guy stalked you that there was nothing happening between the two of you.  I took your word for it, Aberdeen.  And William – William promised me nothing was going on that night you got stitches.  And now you’re telling me this has been going on since January?!”
“Since the Night With the Blue and White,” she said, voice strained, tears welling in her eyes now.  There was no use in lying to him.  He was Jason Spezza.  “The first time it happened was that night when I got home.  When we got home.  I can’t – I couldn’t…”
Jason was quiet, but she could hear how heavy he was breathing through his nose.  She knew he was trying to calm himself down so he didn’t blow up at her.  At this moment in time, though, she wasn’t so sure he’d be able to do it.  “I can’t believe you’d do this to the team.  To me.  To Brendan,” he stressed.  His voice was calm.  Eerily calm.  “I never want to speak to you again.”
Aberdeen’s cheeks flushed red with emotion almost instantly.  No.  It couldn’t end like this.  It couldn’t.  She tried reaching out to touch him again, but he flinched once more and took a few steps back to distance himself from him.  “Jason—no—please—let me explain—”
His next words cut Aberdeen like a knife.  He looked her dead in the eye.  “I’ve never been more disappointed in you.”
A sob escaped her and she covered her mouth, but it was no use.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks like Niagara Falls and her heart was sliced into a million pieces as she watched Jason turn around and walk out of the room, not bothering to look back at her.  
What hurt most of all was that so much love goes into disappointment.  Someone can still love you but be disappointed in you and that was infinitely, infinitely worse than someone hating you.  It hurt so much more.  Jason wasn’t wrong when he said he’d looked out for her this entire year.  He wasn’t wrong when he said he’d went to bat for her this year.  He’d done all those things out of love, because he cared for her, because he wanted to see her succeed in an environment that was, historically, not kind at all to young women.  He’d done it to look out for her, to make sure she didn’t get hurt, to make sure she got where she wanted to go.
Jason Spezza was disappointed in her.  And that hurt more than anything else.
Aberdeen sat down in the middle of the room and began sobbing.
William was scrolling through his phone when he noticed Aberdeen walking speedily towards his car.  He unlocked the doors and slipped into the passenger seat, taking off her mask and throwing it onto the dashboard.
He immediately saw that her entire face was red, and her eyes were practically bloodshot.  “What happened, minskatt?” he asked.
She looked like she was going to cry again.  She turned her head towards him.  “Jason overheard our conversation.”
William stopped breathing momentarily.  “So he knows.”
She nodded her head, face scrunching up to stop tears from falling.  “He said he never wants to speak to me again.  And he said he’s never…he’s never been more disappointed in me.”
“Hey—hey, c’mere,” he said, grabbing her chin and leaning over the centre console to give her a loving kiss, feeling the tears stream down her face.  He continued to kiss her for as long as he could.  “It’s gonna be okay, minskatt.  It’s going to be okay.”
“No it’s not,” she shook her head vehemently.  “It’s not going to be okay.  It’s not.”
“Yes it will.  He’ll get over it.”
“No he won’t,” she was steadfast.  “He hates me William, and he never wants to speak to me again and he’s disappointed in me.  He’s not gonna just get over me lying to him for the past nine months.”
“We lied to him,” William clarified for her again, like he did on the phone.  “We lied.  He’ll be madder at me than you.  He’ll get over it.  It’s going to be okay.”
Aberdeen shook her head.  She wanted to believe him – she really did, but her mind was all over the place right now.  “But what if it’s not?” she asked.
“Are you listening?” he asked.
She visibly calmed down at the question.  “Yes.”
“It’s going to be okay because I love you, minskatt.  Because we love each other.”
She nodded her head.  He loved her.  She knew he loved her, and that he would for the rest of their lives.  And she’d love him too.  That brought her more solace than anything.  “I love you too, William.”
He gave her one last, long, lingering kiss before he put the car in drive.  He fiddled with his phone to start the music, the opening notes of “Quitting You” by the Arkells playing through the speakers.  He grabbed Aberdeen’s hand and held it in his enormous one, bringing to his lips and kissing it tenderly and holding it against his heart momentarily before settling it on his lap.  She looked out the window at 50 Bay Street, saying goodbye.
She looked at William.  The man she loved.
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