#dark creativity!virgil
brandstifter-sys · 4 months
Secrets Don't Make Boyfriends
@dukexietyweek 2024 - Day 2 - Swap + Secrets
Word count: 1347 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil
Pairing: Dukexiety
Warnings: sex mention, mild horror, Anxiety!Remus, Dark Creativity!Virgil
Remus is anxiety, and he is stressed from everything, but especially an intrusive spider who's hiding something from him. Secrets don't make friends, or boyfriends!
It wasn't easy being anxiety. Remus could tell you that much. He hated worrying over the littlest things—like his deceptive brother lying himself into a corner, or Janus torching his own ego with his failed ideas. He didn't have to worry about Logic’s puns, or Morality’s long winded tangents, unless they did something stupid. But there was one person who drove him up a wall with worry—the Magician. 
Remus couldn't even count the number of times that bastard wormed his way into the conversation, how many times he cornered the mustachioed punk and tormented him for fun. Especially since he revealed himself to Thomas. If Remus couldn't tell that he was hiding something, he would have shut that bastard up with his mouth. Several times. 
It had been a stressful day of phone calls and work for Thomas, and Remus was feeling it. He was in the Imagination on Janus' side, taking out his frustrations in the gym Janus made for him after he was accepted. It was good to have a Creativity on his side. There was nothing better than exercise to channel the adrenaline. 
With his music blasting, Remus went to town on his favorite punching bag. He was in the zone, hands taped and slamming into the fabric with precision and force. He was bouncing on his feet, ready to strike anyone who got too close, not that anyone with sense would. They knew not to mess with someone in cargo shorts and chucks with a mean right hook. 
Well, most of them knew not to mess with him. 
As soon as “Five Cellars Below” started playing, a chill ran down Remus' spine. The shadows in the corners of his vision were suddenly darker, seemingly skittering away from him. 
He was on alert. 
Great. He was trying to get the anxious feelings out, not build them up! 
His fists met the bag with even more vigor. If that bastard was really there, he would jumpscare his way into the room. Remus was never ready for that!
Remus shrieked as a bloody face jumped out at him from the punching bag. He fell on his ass and then his back hit the floor. Of all the bullshit ways to scare him, that was the cheapest shot possible! 
He grumbled to himself and squeezed his eyes shut, just to keep his heart from beating out of his chest. 
“You know, you're pretty cute from this angle,” a cool voice purred. Remus immediately opened his eyes, just to come face to face with a menace. 
Virgil had him pinned down, with one hand running up his shirt. The smug bastard was smirking at him like he just captured the perfect prey. 
“Virgil!” Remus snapped and pushed him back. He got up before Virgil could complain. 
“You have got to stop sneaking up on me! You already gave me extra work to do—do you want me to have a heart attack?!” Remus huffed and dusted off his clothes. At least his Sum 41 shirt was still intact. 
“I like making your heart race,” Virgil said and got up. Remus hated that no matter what he did, Virgil could still look hot as hell. Maybe it was just the fact that he only had an open leather vest and shamelessly tight pants that made him look like a manwhore. 
“Find someone else to torment. Someone who isn't keeping Thomas from doing all the bullshit you keep suggesting!” 
“You know I have to go after the person blocking me left and right, Remus,” Virgil said, with a laugh. 
“It's part of the job description. We both know that,” Remus said and stretched his arms behind his back.
“You’re avoiding me,” Virgil said flatly. 
“Yeah, I don't really need my anxiety going nuts. You're hiding something from me and it's driving me nuts,” Remus grunted and stretched one arm across his chest. 
“If that were it, you would've avoided me before,” Virgil huffed and neared Remus menacingly. Remus swallowed thickly and backed away, at least until a wall got in the way. 
“Virgil—” Remus gawked as Virgil loomed over him. He was so close, so easy to shove aside. Remus couldn't bring himself to do anything. 
“Did those puffballs brainwash you?” Virgil growled and grabbed his jaw, “Or maybe you realized that you hate me just like everyone else.” 
“They didn't do anything, and I don't hate you,” Remus breathed, staring into those sad, tired eyes. For the first time in a long time, he could see how much Virgil was hurting. 
“Then why?” Virgil asked with tears brimming in his eyes. 
“Because you're close with Roman and I had to get away from him,” Remus responded and grabbed Virgil's wrist, “You know he would be happy to get me killed!” 
“He's a mean, lying bastard, but he's all I have. He's the only one who puts up with me anymore,” Virgil snarled before his voice dropped to a whisper, “I miss you.” 
“Virge, let go—” 
“I can't! I can't let you go! I tried to move on, but I still want you! I would be fine with being friends but you don't even want that—” 
“Virgil!” Remus said firmly, “Let go of my face!” 
Virgil stumbled back and freed his jaw. He said too much and Remus would hate him for real! 
Remus reached out and cupped Virgil's cheek. He was more concerned about the intrusive thot’s feelings than scared of his crush. Virgil leaned into the touch and averted his gaze, giving Remus a chance to breathe easy. 
“Virge, you okay?” 
“I know I'm a lot to handle, but I don't want you to hate me too. You're the only one who's ever genuinely nice to me, even if you don't like me,” Virgil grumbled. 
“I don't hate you,” Remus said softly, “If I knew that you felt like this, I would have done something sooner.” 
“Done what?” 
“Something,” Remus jeered and wiggled his mustache. 
“Being vague just gives me more opportunities to ruin things,” Virgil pouted. And then his eye twitched and his eyeshadow got darker. Oopsie! 
Remus giggled and leaned in so that their lips were brushing. His heart was hammering in his chest and he wanted to close the gap. But he would wait for Virgil to finish the job. 
Virgil grabbed his hair and kissed him like Remus would vanish if he didn't. Remus wrapped his arms around Virgil and pulled him closer, kissing back with far more passion than he thought possible. 
“Remus,” Virgil muttered when they pulled apart, “Am I dreaming again?” 
“That never happens,” Remus sighed, “Don't you only have nightmares?” 
“No, sometimes I have wet dreams,” Virgil shrugged, “and sometimes they're vanilla. But they always have you in them.” 
“Are you saying you have a crush on me? That's what you've been hiding for years? That's what was keeping me up at night?” 
“Yeah. I thought it would scare you away,” Virgil admitted shyly, “You get scared easily.”
“Of all the stupid shit,” Remus huffed and tackled him to the floor, “You really thought keeping it a secret wouldn't scare me?” 
“It might scare you less than the truth,” Virgil pouted up at him. 
“If you hate when I'm vague, don't you think I'd hate knowing you're hiding something?” Remus scoffed, “You're making it up to me, you jerkface!” 
“How? It takes forever to get out of these pants,” Virgil jeered and grabbed his butt with both hands. 
Remus barked out a laugh and shook his head. 
“You don't need to do that. You could just spar with me for an hour. Everyday.” 
“What if I just danced with you instead?” Virgil teased and gave his cute little butt a squeeze. 
“I don't think so, Spidey. I know what dancing means and I don't need an hour of that daily!” 
“You're right. It would take more than an hour. Maybe even all night,” Virgil jeered. 
“Take me on a date first, and we'll see,” Remus snickered. And then he kissed that sly spider again before he lost his nerve.
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st7arlight · 5 months
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all together this time :D
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bl00dy-entity · 13 days
when i say i like evil Patton, i actually mean Janus in a soft boy aesthetic
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carving my heart out and giving it to her immediately
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spoilers below!!!!
FIRST OFF. THEY ARE ALL ROCKING IT WITH THE NEW HAIR AND IM LIVINH FOR IT!!! ik thomas is/was insecure about showing it off and i’m so glad he got to show it off!!! also the facial hair. dude oh my god— like they’re all?? killing it??? JANUS ESPECIALLY W THE FACIAL HAIR OMGGGG.
also i did. audibly gasp when i saw remus. ITS SUCH A LOOK????
okay enough about looks it’s time for the moments!!
when logan goes “i could yell at you right now but instead i will simply say ‘falsehood’” I GIGGLED. I KICKED MY FEET. he’s so over everyone’s bullshit
roman with his pictures around him
“i don’t have a family heirloom on me” “well that’s just foolish” or whatever i’m paraphrasing
virgil running away was so fuckinh funny
patton is so the type to take dogs home
sorry back to remus i’m not over it he looked so. FUCKING AWESOME. HIM JUST CHILLING LOOKINH SO MISCHIEVOUS???
also janus’ coat. literally all their outfits i’m not over it
LOGANS NEW GLASSES LOGANS NEW FUCKING GLASSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KM NOT OVER IT!!!!!!!! (i’m so normal about him)
they’re also patton’s but i just realized it
“that was denial” “shoot” I GIGGLED PT. 2
it was so not what i expected but i loved every minute of it.
LOGAN IN A LIBRARY!!!!!!!!!!!!
i miss virgil’s jacket
The Most Perfect Jam
the (platonic) logince banter always comes through
remus with a knife in the shower.. killing it
enjoy my thoughts. back to writing shitty tss fanfiction <3
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Virgil: *putting on chapstick*
Remus: What flavor is that?
Virgil: Oh its cherry.
Remus: Can I try it?
Virgil: Sure.
Remus: *bites it like a banana*
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splattered-ink · 3 months
Open up my chest
and keep my heart for yourself
Snap my ribs to take what's yours
Replace your heart with mine
To anyone but us
The sight would be most barbarous
But between you and I
There has never been
A more intimate affection
Kiss me
Breathe into my lungs
There is no need for it
Watch my lungs fill
With stale, useless air
Pry open my skull
Sink your sinful fingers into my mind
Entangle yourself within my thoughts
They were only ever yours
Eviscerate me
Pick me apart, meticulously
Stain your existence with me
No one will know you
Without knowing me first
Intertwine your veins with mine
When you have finished
Covered yourself in red
Filled your every pore with me
Claimed what you desired
Leave my entrails wherever
I have no need for them.
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uniquecellest · 3 months
I've been watching Sanders Sides again and recently looked at Thomas' merch for thw first time in years and I noticed that Virgil (and Remus - though aside from the Sides sticker pack I don't think I've ever seen Remus merch) doesn't have anything new. Like there's new long sleeve shirts and out of the 5 Sides I've seen with merch Virgil doesn't have one - also I'm taking note that Janus is the only one with matching pants - and with new 3.0 shirts, again Virgil is left out.
What if Janus is getting stronger messing more and more with Thomas and making it seem like Virgil is unreasonable as seen in the SvS and Can Lying Be Good? videos. Virgil has had enough and doesn't show up for a video or so. Character Thomas can take note but the others cover or assure Thomas (bc they got lied to) that Virgil is unwell. The light sides keep taking note especially with Character Thomas getting more paranoid recently causing the light sides to worry. It isn't until Thomas is close to or is in full blown paranoia that Logan, Patton, and Roman - with Thomas - attempt to look for Virgil. However Remus and Janus appear acting like everything is fine, nothing is wrong at all until Remus let's it slip that they let something - rather someone - out. In Virgil's part of the mind it's much darker than we see in Accepting Anxiety. Snakes, Spiders, and Remus' creepy critters (i like to think beetles) come out from a room and they see a body. Logan, Patton, Thomas, and Roman assume it's Virgil. The person laughs manically claiming that Virgils name is not one he has heard in a while. The body turns and it's Virgil but it's not. There's no black or purple, no eyeshadow. In fact the person looks very relaxed - either looking like a business person or someone on vacation. We know from Can Lying Be Good that the sides - in particular Logan, Patton and Roman - cannot inform Thomas of the Dark Sides unless Thomas wants to know. I'm thinking Remus and Janus can though, however even those two are even scared of this person and the person very calmly introduces himself as Thomas' Paranoia aka Virgil "all grown up"
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charliextea · 5 months
Here's some rough drafting things with absolutely no context.
Oh, Logan! I didn’t know you had a possessive side! Hot! ;) - Re
Another falsehood. You comment on how you enjoy my desire to keep you to myself regularly. - Lo
Should I take off my pants to make it up to you? - Re
And you did it at my birthday party. /ref - V
It is not your birthday. - Lo
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emo-nightmares · 1 year
Remus: Outside of Virgil's window in the middle of the night was an electric guitar and an amp. Remus: 🎵"I'm in love with an emo boy!"🎶 Patton in the bushes providing background vocals: 🎵"I'm in love with an emo boy!"🎶 Virgil: Slams his window shut.
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peachy-lemon83 · 6 months
Why am I reacting to these like it’s my first time seeing them?? I’ve watched these like at least 3 times and that’s for the new episodes because I was absent in the fandom bc I am a wondering cat who can not stay in one fandom house or even fandom neighborhood lol)
Okay but I actually love Logan giving Deceit room to speak in selfishness v. Selflessness Redux (wether he wanted to or not)
Him being upset at Patton for skipping his information just bc it didn’t contribute to his side
Logan teaming up with Deceit! it was great
It definitely felt like a “you’re both hurting him too” moment for Patton and Roman, especially Patton who seems to be like the purest of light sides. We’ve seen them unintentionally hurt Thomas before but this was huge
(Also is it me or does Deceit seem kind of salty/passive aggressive, almost like he’s upset that something happened bc Thomas wasn’t taking time for himself… mmmmm wonder what big things have happened bc Thomas wasn’t taking his time and listening to parts of himself… -glances at Virgil ducking out- on top of the three of them already being pushed down and out for so long, not being given the seat at the table)
Also why do all the dark side so far have the same humor, it’s always the sarcastic not technically wrong mixed with the taking things literally
Virgil: oh I’m sorry, was I not wanted at this exact second? (His literally 2nd line in the whole series lmao)
Virgil: do you actually want me to count them? (See a previous post of mine for more details and a better actual quote but it was a response to a question from Logan where he couldn’t tell if he actually wanted him to count out how many times they’d done something or if it was rhetorical)
Remus: (in reaction to Logan saying “and figuratively dress him down”) oh! Well if that’s what you wanted, Logan *pants unzip* you could’ve just said so!
(To which Logan screams about how this is the exact reason he puts the silly “figuratively”s in there for since Roman constantly calls them unnecessary)
Also Logan seems to have gotten this form of combating this down pat(ton) and it makes me wonder if he hangs out with them or just maybe just Virgil and that’s why he has this habit or is it just him being himself
Janus: you’re right we wouldn’t want to plant too many trees (after giving a face/noise of “well…” when Patton said something like “everything in moderation”)
Janus:(in response to Romans: “well when is it enough?” Where he’s pretty obviously talking about the previous topic) …trees?
All to come down to my point I love their sense of humor so much lmao
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The Two Princes, Part 1
Pairing: Janus x Logan x Remus (Intruloceit)
Twin princes Roman and Remus meet The Dragonlord
Trigger warnings: Fire, depictions of violence, Remus being Remus.
Read it on ao3 here!
Taglist: @prince-rowan-of-the-forest @sleepy-nova-tea
“Bet your horse can’t trot as fast as mine!”
Roman chuckled as his brother took off. 
“When will he learn, Desponia? You’re much faster than your brother,” Roman snapped at the horse's regions. “And so am I!” 
He took off after his brother with a hyah! Desponia trotted as fast as she could, easily following Remus and Airon’s tracks. He soon caught up with his brother, who smirked at him.
“Bet your horse can’t jump as high as mine!” 
“What? The only thing to jump around here is- Remus!”  
Remus smiled and took off for the ravine.
“By the gods. He’s going to kill himself one day.” Roman muttered. 
He cantered after his brother, trying to conserve Desponia’s energy. They were on a three day hunting trip after all. By the time he made it to the ravine, Remus was already on the other side. 
“Come on Ro-bro! I’ve got something to show you!”
Roman chuckled. “Ready, Desponia?”
The horse whinnied in response. Roman backtracked a few steps, and with a bounding leap he and Desponia cleared the ravine. 
“Ha! Remus, you should really know by now, anything you can do, I can do better!” 
“Even hunting a dragon?” 
“Of course! Of course! One would have to leave The Dragonlands, though. And that hasn’t happened in over a thousand years!” 
Remus smirked and dismounted his horse, Airon. Roman followed suit, and followed Remus a few steps into the forest. 
“Explain that, then.” 
Roman couldn’t believe what Remus was pointing to. It was indeed a large footprint, with three toes and three claws protruding from it. Could it be? Could a dragon be in Roman and Remus’s kingdom? 
“It can’t be.”
Remus smiled and shrugged. “Only one way to find out.” 
Roman nodded in agreement. The two princes returned to their horses, gathered their weapons, and slowly followed the tracks. The pair moved in sync, as they had so many times before. The Princes were experienced hunters, having trained since they were young. 
Their Aunt Patty demanded it be so. 
Roman and Remus’s parents were killed when they were very young. A group of assassins snuck into the castle on the eve of their fifth birthday. Their parents had thrown them a grand ball. Remus was sneaking around the castle, trying to avoid a punishment from their governess. Roman had been dancing with his mother in the ballroom. 
His mother must’ve heard the pistol cock. He remembered her messing up the dance, putting herself in front of the assassin. The coward shot her in the back, causing her to fall on to Roman. 
“Messalina!” Their father attempted to run to her aid, when another shot rang out, killing him as well. 
Roman had clung to his mother as the ballroom erupted into chaos. He kept his eyes closed as people ran into him as they tried to escape. 
“Mother? Mother, please wake up,” he begged. He knew she would know what to do. “Mother?” 
Remus was wandering the halls, laughing as ‘Nanny Red’ chased him. 
“Remus Capet! Your parents are waiting for you! You come put on your formal wear this instant!” 
“No! I won’t and you can’t make me!”
Remus wishes he had. Then maybe he could’ve said goodbye. 
He rapidly turned a corner and ran into a mage wearing a dark robe.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going Mister!” 
The Mage chuckled. “Prince Remus, I presume?” 
“What’s it to ya?” 
The Mage started an incantation, and threw a blue glow in Remus's direction. Remus jumped out of the way, laughing.
“Ha ha ha! Can’t catch me! Can’t catch me!” The Prince avoided every spell the mage threw at him, before finally running off and hiding in a cupboard. 
That’s where ‘Nanny Red’ found him hours later, after the entire staff had searched the castle high and low for him. And with the assassins in the wind, they had all feared the worst. 
“What? What could I possibly have done this time?” Remus asked.
‘Nanny Red’ dragged him into his room, where he was met with a crying Roman.
Roman had enveloped him in the tightest hug. They were locked in their room until the next night, when their Aunt Patty came to be their guardian and regent until they came of age. 
A day that was quickly approaching. 
“The tracks end a few feet away,” Remus whispered. 
Roman nodded in response. He started to walk towards the end of the trail until he heard a CRACK! 
The Princes stopped. 
Roman pointed to their right, and Remus nodded. They slowly headed towards the noise, readying their weapons, when a loud roar echoed throughout the forest.
Roman had enough foresight to grab his shield before the fire began. He and Remus hid behind it until the fire stopped.
“Well, guess we found the dragon!” Remus cackled. 
“Janus! You should not have come this far from the cave!” 
A mage with broken glasses, disheveled hair, and torn clothes appeared from the bushes. 
A large, golden dragon landed next to him and nuzzled into his arms.
“I’m sorry my love, but I heard them following you and worried you might’ve been in danger.” 
The mage chuckled. “Who, these two? Please! I could take them in my sleep.” 
Roman made a noise of offense. “Excuse me? I am the crown Prince, Roman Capetian of Reston. I have training in all forms of combat. There is no way a scrawny mage like you could ever defeat me.”  
The mage scoffs. “Scrawny? Please. A few months in this wilderness may have affected my body, but my mind is still brilliantly inact, your highness.” The mage whispered an incantation, which sent Remus flying into the air. He landed back next to Roman, laughing and clapping his hands.
“Again! Again!” 
The mage rolled his eyes. “Come, Janus, you should not be this far from the cave.” 
“Not so fast,” Roman pointed his sword at the mage. “Who are you, and why have you brought a dragon into my kingdom?” 
The dragon growled and stepped between the mage and the sword. 
“Drop the sword, highness.” The dragon spat. 
“Not until you leave.” 
The dragon growled, and Roman drew back his sword.
The dragon and the prince lunged for each other. The mage quickly cast a spell, causing the two to freeze.
“Whoah, how’d you do that ?” Remus asks.
“M-magic! Now, could you please, please get your brother away from Janus? I can’t hold this spell forever!” 
Remus nodded and pulled the sword from his brother's hands. He took hold of Roman’s chest, and nodded to the mage. He released the spell, causing Roman to thrash in Remus’s arms, and the dragon flew into the trees. 
“Remus! Unhand me this instant!” 
“Sorry Ro-bro, no can do! I wanna find out more about these two hot tamales.” Remus winked at the mage as the dragon flew back to them.
“Logan, what was that for?” He growled. 
The Mage, Logan, scoffed and crossed his arms. “I’d prefer it if we didn’t cause an all out war between Reston and the Dragonlands. Especially in the state we’re in.” 
The dragon huffed and sat down next to Logan. “I suppose.” 
Roman continued to struggle in Remus’s arms. “See? They’re giving up! Let me go!” 
Remus rolled his eyes. “Roman, stop it. They’re clearly not here to cause us harm. Will you please stop?” 
“Never! A true warrior never gives up!” 
Remus gave a slow whistle, and soon their horses came galloping through the woods. The dragon snarled at them, but they remained unphased.
“Logan, would you be so kind as to get into the left saddlebag? There should be some rope in there we can-“
“Remus! How dare you! This is high treason! I’ll have you arrested!” 
Remus rolled his eyes again. “Oh please. You and I both know I commit way more treasonous things than this daily, and you have yet to have me arrested.” 
Logan graciously got the rope and tied an intricate knot around Roman’s wrists. Remus had the horses kneel and sat Roman atop of Desponia. 
“Allow me to introduce us more properly. I am Remus Capet, Prince of Reston. This asshole is Crowned Prince Roman the Idiot. And you two,” Remus took Logan’s hand and kissed it. “Are two of the most beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen.” He offered his hand to Janus, but the dragon either didn’t know what it meant, or had no intention of giving him his hand. Or… claw? Remus wasn’t sure what the proper terminology was. 
The mage and the dragon shared a look. A long look. Finally the mage turned back to Remus. 
“Greetings, your highness. I am Logan Crofter, student at the Le Fey School of Magic. And this is Janus, The Dragonlord.” 
Remus’s eyes widened. “The Dragonlord? As in, ruler of all dragons?” 
The Dragon nods.
“No offense, but what the hell are you doing here? I mean, we’re very happy to have you, but, what the hell are you doing here?”
The dragon looked away from them. Logan sighed. 
“We were attacked. Other dragons got… jealous of Janus and I’s relationship. We were driven out and Janus… Janus was wounded.” 
The dragon growled. 
“Well I’m sorry Janus! But it’s true! You’re injured and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it because we lost The Fire Ruby!”
Janus growled even louder, then took flight. Logan sat on the ground and put his head in his hands. 
“You ok Lolo?” Remus sat down next to the mage. 
“Please, please don’t call me that.”
Remus nodded. “You alright, Logan?” 
“Janus has been… difficult since his injury. Dragons are proud creatures. He doesn’t want to admit he needs help. I admit it… can be rather difficult. It took me almost failing a class to understand that…”
Remus chuckled. “Well, what if you’re the one who asks for help?” 
“Well, if Janus is as attached to you as I think he is, if you were to say, come back to the palace with me, wouldn’t he follow you?”
“Perhaps, but,”
“Well then,” Remus stood and offered Logan his hand. “I would like to officially invite you and the dragonlord to the palace. So we can help you, of course.” 
“I…I accept.” 
“Wonderful.” Remus winked as Logan accepted his hand. He helped the mage to his feet and led him over to the kneeling horses. 
“No! Remus! I refuse to have them in my castle! Remus, are you even listening to me? Remus. Remus!” 
Janus had begrudgingly come back to the palace with them. He refused Remus’s generous offer to allow Logan to ride with him, and instead insisted on flying the whole way there. 
“Janus, this is ridiculous! You’re wasting an unnecessary amount of energy! Energy you could be preserving to help yourself heal.” 
“You know that that’s impossible.” The Dragonlord growled. 
“Since you refuse to let me try, I refuse to believe it.” 
They made it back to the palace two days later. 
“Your highnesses! Is everything alright? You weren’t expected back for- holy heracles! Is that a dragon?” 
Several guards raised their weapons towards Janus, causing him to become startled. He hurried to stretch out his body, allowing himself to look bigger than he was. 
“Ah! Janus!”
In his haste, Janus threw Logan off of his back. Remus leapt off of his horse, somersaulted, and managed to catch Logan in his arms. 
“Oh, um, thank you, Remus.” Logan said. “You ah, you can put me down now.” 
“Ugh, if I have to.” 
“Let me GO!” 
The guards managed to get some nets around Janus’s muzzle, and one began stabbing at his injured leg. 
“No! Don’t hurt him! Please!” Logan tried grabbing at one of the guards, who easily shook him off. 
“Enough! Guards, stop this!” Remus demanded. 
The guards immediately stopped. Logan pushed past them and started pulling the nets off of Janus. 
“Your highness,”
“As long as they’re here, no harm is to come to the mage OR the dragon! They are my official guests. Understood?”
“Yes, your highness.” 
“Good. Do me a favor, deposit his royal asshole-iness to his chambers will you?” Remus handed the horse's reins to a guard, then ushered Logan and Janus past them all. 
“Remus! They cannot stay here! Remus, Remus!!” 
Remus opened the doors to an old barn. 
“Nobody uses this place anymore. Not since…”
Not since his parents died. 
“Anyways, you can stay here. Unless you’d prefer a small cramped room in the castle?”
Logan and Janus looked around. 
“No. This will be just fine. Thank you, Remus.” 
Remus didn’t hate to admit: Logan cleaned up very nicely. The Mage had been in and out of the castle over the past few days, haggling various things off of servants. Soap, hot water, food, and books just to name a few.
“You know, I can assign a servant to you. Might save you the trouble of having to haggle with everyone.”
The Mage looked up from a book he had been reading. “Oh, um, that would be nice, I suppose. Thank you, Remus.”
Remus’s heart fluttered every time Logan said his name.
Well, his heart and his dick. 
It didn’t bother Remus that The Dragonlord already had a claim on Logan. If anything, that made him even more alluring. I mean, the literal ruler of dragons being your lover and protectorate? Where could Remus sign up for that?
“You know, I think that’s the third time this week I’ve seen you read that book.” Remus says. 
Logan tucked his hair behind his ears and blushed. 
“Yes, well, it’s, it’s the only one I’ve managed to get. I suppose I should return it-”
“Nonsense! If you like it, it’s yours! In fact, follow me! There’s something I should show you!” 
Remus grabbed Logan’s hand and raced through the castle. 
“Remus! How many times have I told you- no running in the castle!” 
“Sorry Aunt Patty!” Remus hollered back. 
“You-you have an Aunt Patty too?” Logan asked. 
“Of course! I think everyone has an Aunt Patty, don’t they?”
Logan didn’t know how to respond. Remus continued running, cutting corners quickly and throwing open doors. Finally, he reached a large set of double doors, where he stopped. 
“Oof. Well, ok, Logan. We’re here.” Remus turned the knob on one of the doors, and let Logan inside. 
“Oh. My. Gods.”
After Remus caught his breath, he followed Logan into the castle library. 
“I-I can’t believe it. I’ve never seen so many books in all of my life!” Logan looked around the room with wonder. 
“Do you like it?” Remus asked.
“It’s…it’s wonderful!” Logan replied. 
“Then it’s yours.” 
“It’s yours. Nobody ever comes in here. There’s honestly probably more cobwebs than books,”
Logan interrupted him with a kiss. 
“I-I’m sorry. That was inappropriate. I just…no one has ever done something this nice for me. Well, except for Janus, I suppose. But, I mean, he hasn’t done anything like this!”
Remus grinned from ear to ear. “Logan,”
“I…I should go.”
But the mage turned away, and left his book behind. 
That night, Remus woke up with claws against his throat. He opened his eyes, to see bright green ones glaring back at him. 
“How dare you.” 
Remus made a small choking sound, despite Janus’s light grip. He supposed he could scream for the guards, or even grab his morningstar he stashed under the bed. But honestly? Remus wanted to see where this was going. 
“How dare you corrupt my darling Logan? With your… flirtatious jokes and -and your books?” Janus hissed. 
“I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to cause you-”
“Well you did! I mean, inviting him here? Giving him that library? Are you trying to steal him away from me?” 
“What? No!”
Remus sat up, causing Janus to let go of his throat. He took in the dragon’s halfling form. He maintained his golden wings and tail, as well as some golden scales across his face. His nails were actually claws, and his bright green eyes were reminiscent of his dragon form. 
He was gorgeous. 
“Then… Are you using him to get to me? Lord some sort of power over me? I’ll have you know it won’t work. I’ll burn this entire castle to the ground before you can harm a single hair on his head!” 
“No! Where the hell are you getting all of these ideas?”
Janus slid back a bit, giving Remus more space to sit up.
“I… I don’t understand. What is your game then, Prince?”
Remus laughed. “Game? There’s no game! I just think Logan’s hot as hell! I wanna blow his back out! And you,” Remus leaned forward and closed the space between them. “You could blow out mine.” 
The dragon blushed. The dragon blushed! It was so cute! Remus couldn’t help but run his fingers over the now pink-tinted scales on Janus’s face. The dragon once again met his eyes, then quickly darted out of Remus’s bed and out the window. Remus huffed and laid back down. 
“Damn it.” 
Remus knocked on the barn doors the next morning. 
“Hey can we, can we talk?”
Janus was still in his halfling form. He and Logan were sitting on a large pile of hay, bodies entangled as Logan read a book. 
A new book. From the library. 
“Yes of course, Remus. Come in.” Janus said. 
“I just uh, I just want to apologize for yesterday. I’m sorry if I overstepped. With the library and the uh…” 
He didn’t know what to call what transpired between him and Janus. 
“Anyways, I uh, I wanted to know if there’s some way I can make it up to you? Not in a weird way, I mean. I uh, I should just leave you two alone. I’m sorry. I’ll go,”
Janus shot out of the hay, toppling over Logan. He grabbed Remus’s hand and whispered “don’t”. 
“A little warning next time?” Logan stood up and brushed the hay off of him. 
“I’m sorry darling. I just didn’t want him to walk away.” Janus took Remus’s face in his hands. “While your methods were… questionable, your intentions were… romantic?”
Logan scoffed. “The same could be said of you, Janus.” 
“Yes yes, I suppose. The point is, Logan and I have discussed it. You’re a very powerful ally to have, Remus.” Janus pulled Remus in for a kiss. “And we want you to be with us.” 
Remus didn’t know what to say. 
“Remus? Are you alright?”
Remus pulled Logan into a kiss. 
“I’m wonderful.” 
Remus spent the next several days with his new lovers. For once, Roman was happy with them, as they somehow managed to keep Remus away from his usual hijinks. 
“Come on come on come on come on! You have to see the vault! There’s some jewelry down there I cannot wait to-”
“Please, Remus, spare me the details.” Roman sighed. “Besides, this is NOT a pleasure visit, in any sense of the word. It’s our annual budget discussion with Aunt Patty. To section out how we’re going to spend all this gold to better the kingdom? You do realize this, right Remus?” 
Remus didn’t seem to be listening. He was now entranced by Janus’s fully human green eyes. His wings had been too wide to fit down the stars. He held Remus’s hand as they descended down the stairs, pretending his right leg didn’t ache with every step. 
Eventually, they reached the bottom of the long, winding staircase. Roman entered the code to the vault, and they all stepped inside. 
“Oh, oh my.” Janus literally licked his lips at the sight of all the gold. 
“Don’t worry, we don’t keep much of it. We re-distribute it as equally as we can back to every town in the kingdom, so they can spend it on what they need.” Remus said. “We find that the more improvements we make for our people, the more we get in return!”
Janus seemed to be unable to contain himself. “Remus,”
“ I don’t know what you’re thinking, but go for it Jannie!
Janus shifted into a smaller version of his dragon form, then literally dove into the large pile of gold. 
“Ah yes. I suppose this is quite like your horde back home.” Logan says.
The dragon nods and dives back into the gold. 
“Oh! Lolo! There’s a beautiful sapphire necklace around here somewhere. It’s going to look so good on you while you-”
“La la la la! No details Remus!” Roman called. 
“Remus, what, what’s this?”
Logan held up a red gem. Janus stopped and stared at it.
“That? I think it’s a ruby from Frogtown. Hey! Frogtown borders the dragonlands doesn’t it? You can totally have it if you want it, Lolo.” 
Logan nodded and turned to Janus. “Is it-”
Janus nods. “It’s lost its power, but it’s a-”
“Fire Ruby.” The two say in unison. 
“Huh? What’s that?” Remus asks.
“I thought, I thought you had the last one?” 
Janus shook his head. “Apparently not. Give it here.”
Logan tossed Janus the ruby. Janus dove back into the pile of gold, and re-emerged a moment later. He had attached the fire ruby to a golden chain, and was handing it to Remus. 
“This is a Fire Ruby. It is the only thing powerful enough to heal a dragon. I reactivated it with my fire breath, and melted this chain to it.” 
Logan helped Remus fasten the necklace around his neck. 
“I want you to have it, Remus. To keep it safe. Can… Can you do this for me?”
Remus wiped away a few tears and held the necklace in his hands. 
“Yeah, yeah I can do that, Jannie.”
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pas-de-duex · 3 months
Prinxiety Week Day 5: Pillows
Trigger warnings: Slight body horror, Remus being Remus, implied sexual content.
Idk… this one was just for fun. You can read it on ao3 here! It even includes the extra prompt: Disney!
“Pillow fight!”
Remus whacked his brother over the head with a pillow, interrupting the light side’s movie night at the hotel.
“Ow! Remus!” The Princely side picked up another pillow and attempted to whack his brother, but Remus ducked out at the last minute. Roman accidentally whacked Logan, causing the logical side to lose his glasses.
“Oh! I am so sorry, Logan,”
“It’s quite alright, Roman.” The logical side dropped to the ground, feeling around for his glasses. “I just, I can’t see without those things,”
“Oooooo Logie, if I knew whacking you in the face with a pillow would bring you to your knees, I would’ve done it ages ago!” Remus re-appeared on the other bed of the hotel room.
“Roman, if you would be so kind, would you please hit your brother with that pillow now?” Logan asked, still searching for his glasses.
“Of course, dear Logic. I would be honored.” Roman wound up and aimed for his brother, but once again his brother disappeared and Roman hit Virgil in the face.
“Hey! What the hell!” Virgil grabbed a pillow and tried to hit Roman back, but Roman ducked just in time. Virgil ended up hitting Patton in the chest.
“Oomph!” Patton fell off his bed, right on top of Logan.
“How dare you hurt Patton in this manner!” Roman threw his pillow at Virgil, causing the anxious side to stumble back.
“Oh, you’re gonna get it now Princey!”
Virgil launched himself at Roman, but somehow, Janus materialized in front of him.
“Hey!” Janus grabbed a pillow and tried to throw it at Virgil, but his weak snake arms dropped it on top of Logan, who still had yet to find his glasses.
All hell broke loose.
“My glasses! My glasses! I can’t see without my glasses!”
“You’re still gonna get it, Princey!”
“Who’s underwear is this??”
Remus’s demented cackle made everyone freeze.
Logan was still searching for his glasses.
Patton was somehow lodged in a suitcase. Janus totally wasn't cowering behind a nightstand.
Roman had Virgil pinned underneath him, faces two inches from each other.
“Oh man, you should see all your faces! Especially you, Ro-bro! You and Virgie-poo look like you’re gonna kiss!”
Roman assed his situation. He dropped his pillow and slowly crawled away from Virgil.
“Yeah, um, if you’ll excuse me,” Virgil grabbed the pillow to cover his crotch, then slowly made his way to his and Patton’s room.
“Padre… would you, would you mind rooming with Logan tonight? I think Virgil and I need to have a… talk.”
“Of course kiddo! Anything you need! Oh hey! This must be my spare pair of glasses!” Patton picked up a pair of glasses from the floor.
“Give me those!” Logan swiped them from Patton’s hand and placed the glasses on his face.
A small thud was heard from the next room.
“Should we go check on them? Roman or Virgil could be hurt!” Patton says.
Remus put his ear to the wall, literally.
“I don’t think so, Patty-cake. With all the oh!” Janus grabbed Remus’s arm and pulled him back to their room.
“What was that about?” Patton asked.
Logan cleared his throat and straightened his tie.
“For once, Patton, I don’t think I want to know.”
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bl00dy-entity · 11 days
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loganscroftersstash · 9 months
love how remus and roman fucking hate each other
“it’s too light” patton WHAT
me and roman had the same reaction to that
also i’d like to point out how janus’ card is parallel to virgil’s which signifies he is accepted into the group now ^
oh patton the air frier is so real
typical remus behavior to be real
joann fabric store has me CACKLING
a newspaper.
a newspaper.
even if it wasn’t just a newspaper poor logan i could feel the poor guy’s pain
can’t wait for him to go fucking insane
roman is so real i’d go wild abt money w my face on it too
virgil i love you but as the embodiment of anxiety why.
remus’s scream is wonderful as always
it wouldn’t be a tss video without logan losing his shit
i never talk about thomas and nico but i love them and they’re in love
also JANUS.
getting a BITCH SLAP.
and being DRUNK.
i love him.
i can’t wait
tldr i love sanders sides and i can’t wait for the season finale. i’m so excited oh my hod. i love my boys.
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cavalrysystem · 11 months
*heavy breathing*
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splattered-ink · 5 months
(please dont.)
I don't want you here.
I hate you.
(i need you.)
You're so fucking annoying.
(don't listen to me. please)
Get away from me.
(I'm so sorry.)
I don't need you.
(i do.)
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