#dated december 20th 2021
happyk44 · 1 year
Oh. The cupid scene except instead of batting Nico around, Eros fucks him in front of a heavily pinned down Jason and Jason is like torn between "I need to help! I need to do something" and "wow he's stretchy"
Nico crying on Eros' dick, refusing to admit his feelings until Eros starts yanking at his hair, showing him off to a panting and confused but turned on Jason, hissing in his ear that he'll get relief when he calls out the name of his beloved and Nico comes, weeping as he releases Percy's name into the air with the most strangled desperate tone any of them have ever heard.
Then there's a shift, as Nico is dropped unceremoniously to the broken floors, and Jason watches as Percy, with Eros' blood red eyes, pounds away to completion before dropping the scepter and disappearing.
He says nothing to Nico about it, who's embarrassed, shivering and still crying. He has a feeling Nico knows though, what Eros just did. It's a weird sentiment.
Was it supposed to be loving or a promise?
He'll never love you for anything.
This is the only way you'll have him.
When Jason visits camp, he spots Nico. As he's fiddling with a turtleneck in the dead heat of summer, Jason spots a familiar red hand print burned into his throat.
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normal-about-the-dca · 5 months
I found an old fic outline from 2021 that I never did anything with!! Now I'm rehyped for the idea since we've gotten much more insight into the Daycare Attendant as a character. It's a reverse-infected au where Sun ends up being Vanny's follower rather than Moon. The accompanying fic would be a short tragedy about Sun's unrequited feelings for an employee and how the virus ruins his and Moon's friendship with them.
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doomwadz · 1 month
*this is a informational post!!*
this is my first iceberg, if theres ANY non-accurate information please put it in my ask or comment!!
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if theres a topic im unfamiliar with—or not alot of information on, i will put a “★” by the topic.
12.14.12 is the date of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut by the perpetrator Adam Lanza. Killing 27 people (including Adam). And wounding 2.
Adam was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at the age of 13, which would have been 2005.
Smiggles was one of Adam’s many usernames on the internet, he used it on a Columbine forum called Shocked Beyond Belief.
Ryan Lanza is Adam’s older brother, born on 1988–he is currently 36 years old.
some people think Adam is a pdf file
There were actually 27 victims in the shooting, but 28 (because Adam killed himself).
also, this is just speculation; but alot of people thinks (majority of people) that Adam had cp on his smashed hard drive—?
 FORGOT TO MENTION: he did have gore! they also found porn (not cp.) but detectives never said anything else.
This is known to be Adam’s youtube channel started on September 7th, 2011
but it got shut down in 2021.
i think this was a time that Adam had a tumblr! These were his usernames. i have some screenshots and somebody’s folder made for his tumblr.
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and if you try to look for these links…they dont work (they work in the http/hmtl sense) they are people
who reuploaded his tumblr on their accounts and got taken down.
The Big Book of Granny refers to a book that Adam and a classmate did in 5th grade in Sandy Hook.
The book is basically violent (for a 9-10 year old) to make, and there is cannibalism in the book too.
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Adam is vegan, there are some posts talking about how he only ate organic food. which its probably 
not proven, he often spoke about not eating meat. There was a interview
with a woman and Adam Lanza, stating “He chose to be a vegan because people were 
‘needlessly cruel’ to animals. Also, a tumblr post (https://www.tumblr.com/introspectionissexy/708027966023663616) stating what Adam said on a video of his, stating
“The McDonalds corporation exploits animals. I’ve been a vegan since i was thirteen but its kind of…completely retarded to think that youre actually accomplishing anything by not…being a vegan doesnt mean that you do not harm animals, by living, by choosing life you are…its life is innately harmful, life is innately coercive to everyone else…”
heres a list of Adam’s diet before he died:
Green beans
Lima beans
Cherry tomatoes
Silk brand Soy Milk
Flax seed
Purified water (with a mix of salt)
Organic pasture butter
Organic cranberry-pomegranate juice
This saying refers to a post made by the Reddit user u/brubz89 with the title of the post being
“i grew up across the street from one of the most notorious mass school shooters” explaining
his move to Connecticut during the summer. As the title suggests, he was neighbours with Adam Lanza.
explaining when brubz89, his sister, and Adam.
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On december 20th, 2011–Adam called into Anarchy Radio, the host being John Zerzan, Adam had called
in using the name ‘Greg’. Adam called in to tell a old story (at the time) about Travis the Chimp.
This may refer to a 6-year old girl that was a sole survivor that played dead in the classroom,
found by the police. Once she got out she told her mom that “Mommy, im okay, but all my friends are dead.” and said Lanza was a “a angry man.”
(picture of Room 8)
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didnt Adam hack into some government stuff…and treated at Skull and Bones Yale? hmmm…
Antinatalism is a philosophical belief that having children are uneithical.
This stems from a video that Adam made on September 7th, called
“My Antinatalism” talking about his dislike for ‘culture’. with Adam stating 
 “I consider culture to be delusional values which humans mindlessly coerce onto each other, spreading it like no differently than any other disease.”
This refers to when the shooting ended (when Adam killed himself) when his body
was found, Adam had Ryan’s ID. So, media thought that Adam was Ryan, Ryan came out on Facebook that Adam wasn’t him.
idk…alotta people think hes gay—😟.
This topic refers to Adam’s post as Smiggles (i love that name) on
Shock Beyond Belief forum. the date when he started using SBB was
on December 20th, 2009. On Wednesday December 30th, 2009 he
posted the infamous oatmeal berry chip-nut cookies recipe.
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i think she volunteered at one point, but no she didnt work there—and i think this is a misconception by the media.
This refers to a thing that some people believed that they could hear a hum in the school after the shooting. The humming went away, so its just some stupid false claim that people made up
just to get a scare or a reaction out of people.
the final report is the final report of Sandy Hook—which it isnt because many changes had accrued over time.
This refers to Adam Lanza’s Wikipedia account that he used to edit
on—he created his account on june 7th, 2009. his activity on this
account was August 6th, 2009 - February 4th, 2010.
heres a list of he edited on Kaynbred:
Collier Township Shooting (talk)
Dawson College Shooting
Westroads Mall Shooting
Luby’s Shooting
Wedgwood Baptist Church Shooting
Kip Kinkel
Sello Mall Shooting
Sunnyvale ESL Shooting
This refers to 35 page essay that Adam wrote for a collage application about pedophilia.
RegalSin was a infamous user that used SydLexia and Shocked Beyond Belief (a forum that
Adam also used.) And he had the same beliefs as Adam about pedophilia. From some
sources it seems he (RegalSin) got banned from alot of forums at that time. Lanza (Smiggles) 
wrote on SBB 
“Say whatever you wish, but i know my love for RegalSin is real.”
“Gay marriage is legal in my state, i was just holding it out for RegalSin.”
Blarvink is Adam’s first Wikipedia account, created on
February 4th, 2007. His activity on this account would be—through
April 11th, 2007 - March 1st, 2008.
heres a list of articles he edited on:
Blue Clues (talk)
Rant (talk)
Ngorongoro Conservation Area
Fall of Saigon
1980 October Surprise theory
Newtown High School
Benjamin Pierce
Gas Constant
Alvin York
James Baker
Into the Wild
Darwin Awards
New Zealand
Barack Obama
This refers to Adam’s spreadsheet of mass murders/murders, there are four sheets; 
in total there are 395 mass murders on Adam’s sheet. (yes i spent 20 minutes counting that…)
Nancy Lanza owned astrology books
i dont know if Adam had a interest in them though.
This refers to 149 photos of Adam. (Alot of the photos you see
are his college ID and his picture with tech-club. There was some pictures
that were missing that made 142 pictures open, but a user found them.
mostly there pictures of when Adam was a kid.
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This refers to a user on tumblr by the name of Cryinghampster who would post
Adam Lanza related things.
there account isn’t available anymore.
This topic refers to a book/story by the author Matthew Nolan. you can find were to read it on the Internet Archive. the description reads:
“The true story of the man-made disaster that struck the village of Sandy Hook, Connecticut on December 14th, 2012.”
for me, it seems like a pretty good read from what others say, so give it a try.
This part refers to Adam’s second Youtube account called “fuckcomments”
His persona seems different on this one—a little more joke/troll-ish. (?)
here are some:
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yes, its little different than his more intellectual/philosophical style of writing.
i think this refers to a website/blog that has information on the Sandy Hook shooting.
Adam drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School and Adam fired his gun at a car at the front entrance parking lot.
He just wanted to make sure if his gun was working.
In Adam’s final months he did have anorexia-nervosa, even if you looked
at his diet list, he did not eat that much—(he most likely ate
frozen edamame because it has less calories.)
heres the list of calories (he probably) ate in a day:
Edamame — 130 calories (if frozen) if cooked is 189 cal.
Green beans — 31 calories
Lima beans — 13 calories
Tomatoes — 22 cal.
Cherry tomatoes — 25 cal.
silk brand soy milk (or just average soy milk) — SLIK BRAND (110 cal.)
Flax seed — 55 cal.
purified water (w/ salt) — 0 cal.
Celery — 15 cal.
Orangic Pasture Butter — 100 cal.
Orangic Cranberry-pomegranate juice — 130 cal.
In total the amount of calories he was eating was 631 cal. which at his
height and for a guy isnt good and make you seriously ill and have muscle loss.
for 6ft you should be eating around 2,200-3,000 calories for a guy.
so, autopsy reports show that he did in fact, have brain damage from anorexia.
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*i am NOT a medical expert…so take this with a grain of salt and this might be wrong but imma leave it alone.*
this part refers to on u/brubz89 story about being Adam’s neighbour. a user by the name u/NotMyMainCuzReasons said this: 
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Actually there was a post on Reddit saying that Adam referenced Daft Punk - Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger.
and Daft Hands played that song.
also, a classmate of Adam’s reported that he used to watch this with Adam and
ever since, could not watch it.
Some might say that Adam may have a undiagnosed Lyme Disease, which some sources bring up good points. Lyme Disease can be causer by Deer Ticks, which they live in woods. Adam’s house is near the woods. Also, lyme can also cause psychological/neurological affects. Many—like Adam has, panic attacks, major depression, anorexia-nervosa, and OCD.
Adam actually did have Lyme disease and some people said he had a goitre but it wasnt noticeable in pictures.
before the shooting, Adam hadn’t left his room in 3 months in…isolation. Not even talking to anyone expect for people online.
(A theory) That Nancy has Mauchausen Sydrome by proxy because she would occasionally tell people that she was sick even though she wasnt. And Nancy did nothing about Adam because she had some “gratification” for it.
this refers to ALL of Adam’s youtube catalog (basically his videos.)
(speculation) theres many sources that say Adam might have psychosis (which may be very possible not just because he shot up a school.) there was personal messages
that Adam has sent on (it said Shocked Beyond Belief because of Smiggles) 
heres a part that i found interesting that i do think he did
have psychosis: 
“i dont have a persistent sense of fear that you described, but around once every couple months when i gotten arbitrarily fatigued and its around 12:00 - 5:00 in the morning, i have images of distorted faces flashing through my mind. They’re similar sort of similar to the ones towards the end of Terror House, at about 75:00. When i first saw the scene, i mentally flinched for a moment because of its similarity to what i imagined in the past.” - October 23rd, 2010.
and heres a few sentences what i find interesting aswell: 
“Getting back to the subject of paranoia—those images were the worst ‘hallucinations’ i had experienced until a couple of weeks ago late one night when i was getting very tired. The incident was so surreal that i only remember a small amount of the details. Basically, i began to ‘see’ many different things. Although i knew that none of it was actually real, it came as close to being real as it could for me without it being physically tangible. I heard screaming around me, and i had overwhelming sense that there was someone dead behind me. I kept seeing silhouettes flickering people everywhere. I felt like i had to cry. The entire ordeal persisted for about fifteen minutes and sort of faded away. Prior to it happening i never had that sort of delusional hysteria before. It was possibly the strangest thing ive experienced.” - October 23rd, 2010
Also, i would like to note—that Adam also did have depression, and also individuals who have major/severe depression or depression in general can experience psychosis or psychosis-like symptoms. Now this is not saying HE DOES in fact has psychosis, i just think this is a symptom…? but this could be a mix of different things.
This condition is a disorder where you cannot feel pain, and many sources say Adam may have this condition. A Psychologist, Elizabeth Laugeson said that 
“People with Asperger's can be overly sensitive to things like touch, noise and pain, or sometimes under-sensitive,”
Also, a friend of Adam’s said he didnt feel any pain because he used to burn himself.
(this is just a theory)
okay, some sources say that (im going to assume safely) that there where some theories that Peter Lanza
was dead. But, this can be debunked by a picture of Ryan and Peter leaving the Hoboken NJ—police. (?)
This refers to a book by Dan Howitt:
This refers to a time when Adam actually played WoW, he never really gotten
to level 60. Also, he did have WoW video gameplay—saved on his computer but none were released. Little bit is known about his accounts on WoW or his time on WoW.
After the shooting, Ryan inherited Nancy’s house—the bank took control after Ryan agreed to sell it for $1. but there was pictures of the home being demolished.
Mary Sherlach was the school psychologist at Sandy Hook—she was one of the first people killed, while trying to rush kids to protection. Her death was while confronting Adam in the front hallway. She spent 18 years at Sandy Hook.
this refers to a playlist that Adam made under the “Knavesmig”
which, the name other this playlist was “Mass Murder Music”
(correct me if im wrong :3)
i think this used to be a article that (used to exist) explained Nancy’s life
through her emails that she sent to her friend (sorry if this is incorrect.)
i dont think he had this—i think this is just speculation (like FXS) but no records or when you search it up—doesnt say he has it on have any signs.
i think this refers to a search warrant conducted on December 16th, 2012 in Nancy Lanza’s house.
but this search document shows it was searched on january 7th, 2013.
but, on exhibit #608 on page 17, it states that
“Three (3) photographs with images of what appears to be a deceased human covered with plastic and what appears to be blood.”
also, in the fuckcomments account he did mention liking gore websites, linking a gore website (its possibly redacted for…obvious reasons). but i dont know if thats connected in the same way.
This refers to a time before the before the shooting happened that Nancy told a friend that
Adam was burning himself with a lighter. Nancy later told the friend that he burning
himself in “the ankles or arms or something.”
The friend of Nancy later told “The New York Daily News” that:
“She confided over a drink, “he was getting worse.”
not much known about this one, but i tried looking for the mentioned “nobadmemes” on the audio transcripts of Adam’s videos. But it is known that he did mention it. maybe im just blind…lol.
Paul Fox was Adam’s psychiatrist 
for five years before Adam shot up Sandy Hook. Paul Fox was 66 when he 
sexually assaulted a teenaged girl. He faced up towards 18 months in prison after pleading 
guilty to assaulting her.
This was a account that Adam had, nothing known about it because his father (Peter) advised 
authorities to delete his account. Also, if your familiar with Adam, you may know
that he had a known playlist on Rapidshare that was named “16 Hours of Mass Murder Music”
Which it was possibly filled with music that was about different mass murders.
take this with a grain of salt…
This was the last account that is known Adam had last used on Wikipedia.
His account was created on June 19th, 2012 and it was active through
June 19th, 2012 - June 20th, 2012.
He didnt really write or contribute to anything…but ill list it anyway.
Lord Gon (talk)
also! he had the last post of the discussion page, named “Hark.”
Which, ill leave some screenshots because i got way too happy when i found this!!
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This refers to the guns that Adam used during the shooting. 
ill list what he used (+ pictures) and ill explain this topic afterwards.
Bushmaster AR-15 Rifle.
Glock 10 mm.
Sig Sauer 9 mm.
But, i would like to clear things up that—Adam did use the Bushmaster through out the shooting.
He used one of his handguns to kill himself with, (most likely with a Glock 10 mm.)
Also, just to clarify he also had a Izhmash Saiga 12 in his Honda Civic.
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this was a girl that got investigated by the FBI and she said something on the lines of “killing children to ‘free’ them” (i cant remember and i dont have source for this…but it does exist!)
This is basically the belief that Adam “created” which, the term eulavism with -ism and value spelled
backwards. Adam used this term in this sentence which…he talks about his
most favourite thing! VALUE!
“So, instead of an Efilist, im more of a eulavist. Eh, i only oppose life because life is the source of value and its value that i really hate. And, well, i guess that just says it all: i have a vendetta against value.”
Also, Adam says this on his video called “Rambling vlogrant of a ruminative vagrant (part 2/2)”
made on September 8th, 2011.
This refers to the a 2010 video of a man dressed in a elf costume, Adam showed a online friend this video and Adam and the friend used to joke about the elf coming out at night to their house.
alot of people speculated that Adam had this, which…the size of his head—y’know…kinda explains why he looked like the way he did.
Sandy Hooked . net was a website that was explaining the Sandy Hook case and Adam Lanza.
and also talked about rumours of certain aspects.
This part refers to pictures that Adam took in his “suicide poses” which, i will share
screenshots and explain them.
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this was taken on July 18th, 2010 at 6:01 pm. This was found on Adam’s computer with a 
filename “Kaynsu2” which i think Kayn refers to his name that Adam used on Wikipedia
during 2009 - 2010 (same time). It was in a folder named “fun”. He is using the Izhmash Saiga 12
that was later found in his car during the shooting.
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this was also taken in July 18th, 2010 at 6:08 pm. This was also found on Adam’s computer
with the filename “kaynsu1” and was also in the same folder as “kaynsu2”.
A Youtube channel by the name “Miriam1” uploaded a video of a man driving up to 
36 Yogananda Street on on December 17th, 2012, stealing Lanza’s mail and opening it.
Adam used to be known as DDR boy and a girl he used to play with—staff only known her as DDR girl.
there was a blog that was talking about how Adam was SA’d by this catholic priest (?) and had multiple points why Adam didn’t really liked getting touched and certain things the way he did. (?)
☆ATF FORM 4473 ★
A form that is used if you want to purchase guns.
A creepy ass kids show that used to be on VHS tapes 1987 - 1988 and supposedly Adam liked this show…? (basically a bootleg sesame street.)
This seems like a blog created by someone named “Joel” that uses Cryinghampster evidence for Adam Lanza, the blog seems skattered all over place (imo) so…idk. (was also a channel as well).
From Adam killing himself.
this refers to Gary Inmendham, i think his a philosophy content creator on Youtube. Adam mentioned him on his video called “Rambling Vlogrant of a ruminative vagrant (Part 2/2)” uploaded on Semptember 8th, 2011. Which he mention Efilism, which is a philosophical belief that Inmendham created.
Also, Adam supposedly liked watching Inmendham.
This refers to post on Reddit talking about they almost played with Adam, and they mentioned
that Adam had a KiFFERSTUEBCHEN account. And in German this means “gameserver.”
This refers to Adam’s neighbour ended up killing people as well.
this happens to be a rumour of footage of Adam shooting at the front window, though some people say that they saw it, but the front of the school cameras werent recording.
Dawn Hochsprung and Mary Sherlach died in the hallway, people thought it
was Adam, but Adam died in Room 10.
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*btw the black part is his knees.*
☆9:46:54 ★
this refers to the time when the shooting ended. (which it actually ended at 9:40 am.)
but it could refer to the final shot.
The “hum” refers to a phenomenon that people consider “real” and it had reported cases that
some people could hear a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming—not not
everyone could hear it, and such cases where reported from the United Kingdom and United States.
Some people actually speculated it stopped when Sandy Hook happened, and teachers
reported cases of hearing it before the shooting—which again, this is proven false,
and a thing that some conspiracy theorist thought up…
this happens to be a time when Adam was on his “queerforkimveer” account of Tumblr, and he uploaded
gore pictures of the corpses of perpetrators (such as Charles Whitman from 1966), after they killed themselves or got shot. Also, the post labels who is who and what guns they used in their attack.
Newtown investigators found Adam’s Mediafire account—and the investigators claim
the content that was found on the account thought it was completely appropriate to delete
the account, Peter—signed a consent to assume online identity form to access rights
to the FBI and all data has been said to been erased. So, not that known about this
account—or even the name.
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this is kinda like the final report.
it was found out that Adam did have porn in possession but detectives said that there was no illegal content.
(as we dont know.)
i think this refers to a negative/narcissistic public presentation of his thoughts and beliefs.
this is a rumour that Adam wrote something in Nancy’s blood, but theres nothing that proves that.
congratulations! you made it at the end of iceberg! (ill link sources later…) thank you for
reading—this is my first iceberg, so sorry if my information is wrong. ill make more icebergs in the future. :)
also credit goes to @kaynsui for the iceberg chart :3
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fluffywolverine · 9 months
percy jackson tv show airs tomorrow.
it's been 3,5 years since the announcement. 3,5 years of waiting. we were getting scraps of information - that it will be developed by disney+, who the showrunners will be.
2020 turned to 2021. still waiting.
then 2022 came. we saw percy for the first time and we loved him immidiately. then we got more and more. annabeth, grover, other campers. the gods.
we got the first teaser trailer. it showed us barely nothing, but we couldn't have been happier. it showed camp half-blood. it felt like home.
2022 turned to 2023. still waiting.
we got another teasers. a full trailer, which finally showed us more, which made the anticipation even more anxious. we had our doubts, but we were hopefull.
the release date dropped. we feared we'll have to wait till 2024, but it seemed like the christmas came early - quite literally, 20th december to be precise.
the actors strike was long, we were sad and angry we might not see our precious, wonderful actors promoting something they loved so much. but the studios bowed to the creators. actors won. we all won.
2023 almost came to an end. november, the last month ever without percy jackson tv show, ended. still waiting.
and then december started. we got posters, clips, photos. so much content we craved for when the only thing we had was an announcement. we were suddenly spoiled with so much content, that we weren't even able to see everything.
the nyc premiere took place. first reviews came. the critics approved it. the lucky fans, who saw the first episodes, loved it. we were ecstatic.
and suddenly it's december 19th. the wait is almost over.
percy jackson tv show airs tomorrow.
so prepare your camp half-blood t-shirts. wear your beat necklaces with pride. have some blue snacks. celebrate the way you want.
rejoice, demigods, this is our time. we made it.
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justlikebart-allen · 2 months
saw a couple posts about today (Aug 9th) being Damian Wayne's birthday, but when I looked for a source I couldn't find one for the life of me. which of course sent me down a rabbit hole of batfam birthdays. so.
Official Birthdays
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*official as in they appear in canon and seem to be the most popular amongst fans. a bunch of these knuckleheads have multiple birthdays.
Cassandra Cain was born on January 26th according to Batgirl (2000) #33, though in that same issue she celebrates it some time in June because fuck her dad.
Bruce Wayne was born of February 19th according to the Detective Comics #494 fan letters column. Or April 7th, if you're looking at Star Spangled Comics #91 (Golden Age), or October 7th in Legends of the Dark Knight (2021) #10. Feb 19th seems to be the one that's used most often.
Dick Grayson was born on "the first day of spring" (aka March 20th) according to Robin (1993) Annual #4, or November 11th according to the Super DC Calendar of 1976, or a week-ish before Halloween according to Secret Origins (1986) #50, or December 1st according to Young Justice (2011) #20. March 20th fits into the robin origin story though, so we're gonna go with that.
Alfred Pennyworth was born on April 8th according to the Super DC Calendar of 1976, or August 16th according to Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five #26 (side note: double colons in titles should be illegal). Neither of these are anywhere near real canon, but Injustice is supplementary material for a fighting game, and I'm always more inclined to go with a pure comics source. Plus this way he and Jason don't have to share.
Tim Drake was born on July 19th according to Robin (1993) #116. He's only got the one birthday and in that issue he totally forgot about it.
Jason Todd was born on August 16th according to Detective Comics #790. No information on when exactly his rebirth day is.
Barbara Gordon was born on September 23rd according to the Super DC Calendar of 1976. That's the only source we've got so that's what we're gonna use.
Unofficial Birthdays
Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and Damian Wayne have never had their birthdays stated in canon, so most people have assigned them birthdays based on either their debut date (Duke) or some other criteria that is a mystery to me. Those dates (from what I have gathered) respectively are:
Steph: August 11th, Duke: August 13th, Damian: August 9th
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anyway that's the fruits of my afternoon/evening. if anyone has corrections with sources or dc canonizes a birthday in a comic I'm not reading (which is most of them, my comics taste is stuck in the 90s/early 2000s), let me know.
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seoul-bros · 9 months
When were Jikook Cooking?
In the latest episode of Monuments there was a teaser clip for the next episode showing Jungkook cooking for Jimin in his kitchen but when exactly did this happen?
Last weeks Monuments showed us the inside of Jimin's flat and in particular his kitchen so place is very much established.
December 2021 - Jimin in Quarantine
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But when did this happen? Recapping events we find.........
30th January to 5th February 2022 - Jimin in hospital treated for acute appendicitis and COVID
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8-9th February 2022 - Jimin's late night movie binge and happy post on Weverse
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10th February - Jungkook's IG stories with Fiji Blue's It Takes Two and Still with You
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15th February - J-Hope tags Jimin on his IG post and Jimin sends a get well message for V who has come down with COVID on Weverse
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20th February - Vlive with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin
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6th March - Vlive with Jin, JHope, V and Jungkook
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11-13 March 2022 PTD in Seoul
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19th March - Vlive with BTS minus Jin who is getting an operation on his hand.
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28th March - BTS Travel to LA, JK travelled a day earlier and JHope was down with COVID and travelled later.
So best guess would be sometime between when Jimin was released from hospital on the 5th February 2022 and when Jungkook flew to LA on the 27th March 2022.
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Post Date: 04/01/2023
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What We Know, What To Expect, & Moving Forward!
Hey Y’All!
By the time this post is made, we’ll be–roughly–eleven months away from the release date of Sonic the Hedgehog 3(2024). As of now, we don’t have a whole lot of information concerning the Knuckles Series on Paramount + and when it will release. The same can be said for the third Sonic movie.  Last time I made an updated post was back in January of 2023. Since then, we’ve gained some new information. I’ve combed through everything that’s been posted since 2021 to compile into a large master post! When leaks and other news resurface, I’ll update this post monthly to share via reblog.
Release dates:
It’s safe to say that the third Sonic movie is on track to release on December 20th, 2024 in the United States. Global release dates for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 have yet to be released.
The SAG-AFTRA strike in 2023 has not interfered with the movie’s production. Though not yet confirmed, we can infer that the strike has pushed the Knuckles Series back by a few months. The original release date for the series was meant to release “sometime in 2023” (Otterson, 2023). It is unclear when the Knuckles Series will stream on Paramount +. However, Screen Rant’s interview with Tika Sumpter implies that a release date for the series will be shared on Super Bowl Sunday (Screen Rant, 2024). Super Bowl Sunday is on February 11th, 2024. 
Returning Actors/New Actors:
The following are actors that will be returning to SONIC MOVIE 3:
Ben Schwartz will reprise his role as “Sonic”
Colleen O'Shaughnessey will reprise her role as “Tails”
Idris Elba will reprise his role as “Knuckles”
James Marsden is expected to reprise his role as “Tom”
Tika Sumpter will reprise her role as “Maddie”
Lee Majdoub will reprise his role as “Agent Stone.”
As of now, a voice actor for “Shadow” has not been announced. A “Big Name Actor” has been chosen to voice “Shadow” since 2022 (Klamath Comicon, 2022). The popular rumor is that Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker) will be Shadow’s VA (Physical Media President, 2024). This has not been confirmed as of yet. There is no indication that previous voice actors from other Sonic games will appear to voice Shadow the Hedgehog.
It’s unclear at this moment in time if Jim Carrey will reprise his role as “Dr. Robotnik.” The agreement is that if Jim Carrey is committed to his retirement, then the character will be retired completely. Dr. Robotnik will not be recast (Klamath Comicon, 2022). In late 2022, after announcing his retirement, Jim Carrey appeared in an interview with GMA saying that he would make an exception for Sonic 3 if he liked the script due to loving the Sonic series (GMA, 2022).
Other characters–Rachel, Randall, JoJo, Wade, “Crazy” Carl, and characters from the Knuckles Series–have yet to be announced.
The following are actors that will be starring/returning in KNUCKLES SERIES:
Idris Elba will reprise his role as “Knuckles”
Adam Pally will reprise his role as “Wade Whipple”
Tika Sumpter will reprise her role as “Maddie”
It is unclear who the newcomers to the Knuckles Series will be playing. The actor list can be found HERE.
**NOTE: At this moment in time, it is unclear whether or not we will gain new characters in the third Sonic film. Fans hope for Rouge, Amy Rose, Gerald Robotnik, and Maria Robotnik to appear in these continuations. Writers Pat Casey and Josh Miller are aware of there being more female Sonic characters and a need for Sonic characters in general (Movie-Robotnik-Positivity, 2022). Also note that characters are meant to take reference from GAME CANON only; characters from comic books, mobile games, and other spinoff titles will NOT appear in the SCU franchise.**
Flexibility & Mandates:
Yes, this is a separate subject. I have received questions about this in the past and continue to today. In 2021, Pat Casey shared that mandates are not a thing when writing the films; they are provided lenient suggestions and have asked for source game material from SEGA in the past (Movie-Robotnik-Positivity, 2022). These suggestions are NOT the same as the IDW comics. If the writers are not sure of something about Sonic lore, they contact SEGA. Canon for movies is meant to draw in from the game-verse instead of comic books and spin off titles due to familiarity.
“Everyone recognizes Sonic as a video game icon rather than a TV show or a comic strip.”
New lore can be created–I.E. chaos emeralds being entities within the Master Emerald rather than viewed as separate items–as long as it follows elements of games, and made easy for fans and newcomers to follow (Movie-Robotnik-Positivity, 2022).
The movies are NOT canon to the video games, but take heavy inspiration from them. They exist within their own canon universe.
Ian Flynn has NO involvement with the movies whatsoever.
Tyson Hesse is the producer for the Knuckles Series, the movies, and a creative consultant.
Pat Casey and Josh Miller have asked for game-material ONLY for Shadow's characterization, they do not plan to use the comic books or previous TV shows for writing Shadow (Legacy, 2022).
Story and Plot:
SONIC MOVIE 3–It is unclear at this moment in time what the plot is for the third Sonic film. What we can infer is that Sonic 3 will take “heavy inspiration” from both Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow’s solo game for plot (Klamath Comicon, 2022). This does NOT mean that it’s going to be an exact replica of these games. The third film is meant to tie-in with the Knuckles Series. Whatever is shared in the miniseries will be carried over to the movie’s plot (Lang, 2022). The plot synopsis shared in late 2022 with AmyRose, Big the Cat, and Metal Sonic was DEBUNKED by @tailschannel. The synopsis for Sonic 3 released in November of 2023 was DEBUNKED.
Drafting and planning for Sonic 3 began late 2021 (Movie-Robotnik-Positivity, 2022). Storyboard planning for Sonic 3 began late 2022 (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2022). A finalized script for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was finished weeks before the SAG-AFTRA strike (Pat Casey, 2023). Filming for Sonic 3 began in August 2023 and continues currently (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2023). The budget for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is massive (Legacy, 2022).
In 2022, Pat Casey states that Sonic will have trouble trying to reach out to our beloved anti-hero. In the same interview, Pat Casey also stated that the tone of the third film is meant to be a bit darker. Understand that a story’s tone doesn’t always have to reflect a film’s rating, meaning that the story can be dark and still fit within the requirements of a PG or a PG-13 film. Pat Casey also shared with Screen Rant to be prepared to cry with their wild story (Bythrow, 2022).
What we can expect from the movie is a scene at a ski lodge, a GUN car and motorcycle chase scene on a bridge in a Tokyo-like city, scenes at a research facility/storage unit, scenes at Green Hills, and a scene in space.
KNUCKLES SERIES–The Knuckles series is a limited series debuting only on Paramount +. The story follows Knuckles as he teaches deputy Wade Whipple the ways of the Echidna Warrior and goes on an adventure of self-discovery (Otterson, 2022). The limited series is six episodes in total that are roughly an hour long (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2024). So far, leaks online have shown that Knuckles, Maddie, Wade, Wade’s extended family, and a female villain will be the main characters for the series. We can expect scenes to take place in Reno, a bowling alley, a diner, and parts of Green Hills, Montana. Lore and stories that take place in the Knuckles Series will continue over to the third Sonic film.
Music Selection:
The demand for Sonic music in the third film and the spinoff series has been at an all-time high. At Klamath Community College’s Comicon event, Pat Casey and Josh Miller have shared their hopes for Crush 40 to appear in the film, specifically the song “Live and Learn (2001).” An interview with Pat Casey in mid-to-late 2022 stated that SEGA’s copyright laws for their music are tricky to include into the films (Movie-Robotnik-Positivity, 2022). He and Jeff Fowler (director) hope to find a loophole in the copyright.
Leaks Online:
Storyboards– On January 11th, 2024, Twitter user @/cartoonupdates released 462 storyboard pages of the Knuckles Series and 443 storyboard pages of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2024). These were taken down less than 24 hours after publication. Storyboard leaks for the Knuckles Series depicted a scene between Knuckles and Wade fighting the Black Arms, as well as a person in a mechanical suit. This scene is in front of a bowling alley with witnesses watching and Wade saying, “the flames of disaster.” Storyboard leaks for the third Sonic Movie depicted Super Shadow and Dr. Robotnik in a space station traveling back in time. Super Shadow spins the space station back in time to where Dr. Robotnik is able to see a fight between Super Sonic and Shadow, Agent Stone nursing him to health, and Dr. Robotnik firing a hand laser.
Reddit– At this moment in time, there have been no plot-related leaks regarding the third Sonic movie in Reddit chatrooms. We can expect NDA special screenings around mid-to-late summer, or early fall.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, & Instagram–Leaked set photos of Sonic 3 have surfaced during the SAG-AFTRA strike. These scenes show stand-in models of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles residing in a campsite near a snowy lodge. One leaked scene featured a motorcycle chase scene with police cars and an explosion on a bridge in London, England. Jeff Fowler shared a stand-in model of Shadow’s shoes in a warehouse-like setting.
At this moment in time, both Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024) and the Knuckles Series do not have a strong rating. However, speculation is that Sonic 3 will push for a HARD PG due to the Slovakian rating/certificate system released earlier this year (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2024). Official ratings/certificates for both of the series are expected to release closer to their aimed launch dates. These ratings/certificates are usually given four weeks before released to the public.
There are no existing plans or confirmation that there will be a fourth installment of SCU currently. Clarity on whether or not Paramount will approve a fourth Sonic movie can be expected closer to, or after, Sonic 3’s release date. Rule of thumb is that if fans are interested in the series, then Jeff Fowler and Pat Casey will continue to make Sonic-related content (Movie-Robotnik-Positivity, 2022).
On January 16th, 2024, Hollywood Handle announced a potential “Shadow the Hedgehog” title (Hollywood Handle, 2024). It is unclear at the moment if it’s a limited series on Paramount +, or if it’s a movie. It’s also unclear if this rumor is true.
Reliable Sources:
In a world full of technology and misinformation, it is very hard to tell whether or not someone is a trustworthy source. This is understandable. The following are blogs and resources that can be used as a guide (I might miss some, sorry if I do):
If you want to include myself to the list, then cheers!
The Hollywood Handle (50/50)
DanielRPK (50/50)
SonicMovie (The original Twitter account with a golden checkmark and a Paramount logo on it)
If you want to include myself to the list, then cheers!
Any staff members of SCU
Any staff members of SCU
Variety Magazine
ScreenRant (Please be careful reading subtitles. Sometimes they don’t like to clarify whether or not it’s an opinion article or not unless a subtitle is given).
The Gamer
For the love of god almighty, do NOT use Giant Freaking Robot as a source. They are notorious for spreading misinformation.
REDDIT (Disclaimer):
Reddit is notorious for leaking NDA special screenings, photos, as well as having members of the SCU crew make throw-away accounts to post teasers. “Leaks” of any kind can be found in either “#SonicMovie3” or “#SonicMovie” chat rooms with a spoiler warning.
Reddit posters that usually make these leaks get to see special screenings of films in mid-production. Understand that these advanced screenings are given to people on invite; they are asked to watch a film that’s in mid-production and critique it for improvement. If leaks are shared about their advanced screening, they can’t always go into full detail due to violation of their NDAs. On the rare occasion that they do share details of the screening, the posts are taken down by both Paramount and by Reddit Staff within 24 hours.
It is also common for there to be two screenings of the same movie with minor tweaks. I.E., in 2019, two versions of the first movie were available for test screening within a week’s time. One test screener’s filming experience featured a “campfire scene” and Longclaw going to earth with Sonic. Another test screener’s filming experience was the same, but featured a Dr. Robotnik and Agent Stone fight scene with General Walters. These were scrapped later on and found in the first movie’s “deleted scenes” feature.
The best advice that I can give for checking the authenticity of a post is to look for consistency, as well as HOW test screeners describe their experience. It’s easy to tell the difference between sharing a feeling and telling a fabricated story for likes.
Moving Forward:
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Both Tika Sumpter and Pat Casey have shared that any members of SCU CANNOT share anything related to Sonic 3 or the Knuckles Series. They are under a strict NDA contract that could remove them from the projects entirely if discussed publicly. Questions online, private interviews, and so forth cannot be shared unless Paramount gives them permission to. If you ask them a question on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or any other social media platform regarding the movies, they will ignore it. This isn’t them being rude, it’s them honoring a NDA contract.
Expect radio silence for extended periods of time. The third Sonic film is meant to be a major improvement from the last two films. Paramount has been cracking down on leaks and anonymous tippers online for the past two months. There will be times where we receive a flood of information about the films, other times there will be nothing. This is completely normal, I promise.
If Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and the Knuckles Series are the end of SCU, know that I’ve had an incredible time enjoying the hype and moments with y’all. What an amazing journey we’ve been on! Thank you! And know that as long as there’s a talking blue hedgehog around, I’ll be here. Until then, let’s enjoy this adventure together!
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bunivilles · 1 month
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⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀VELVETINE is a fictional girl group formed and managed by SUPERBLOOM MEDIA under the creative direction of soloist Kim Yuchan in 2021. This would be Yuchan's first venture since joining Superbloom's Board of Directors and all eyes would be on Velvetine considering his fame. The trainees would be introduced through the documentary series THE GIBSON GIRL PROJECT, where they were selected through monthly evaluations over the course of ten months. Originally, Velvetine was supposed to debut with TEN members, however, four trainees would "leave" Superbloom just before debut under mysterious circumstances. The final lineup would be composed of six members: LIYA, COELLA, GENESIS, MIARI, YUEL, and NOA.
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ THE GIBSON GIRL PROJECT was named after Charles Dana Gibson artistic personification of the Gibson Girl—or the feminine ideal of physical attractiveness during the 20th century. They chose this name to highlight Velvetine's future concept, which is often labeled as classic or fragile, and used it to describe the perfect trainee that would debut as a member of this group. Through the documentary series, the original thirty-trainees would be placed into THREE tiers based on their skill level and the highest ranking trainee each month would be chosen for the debut lineup. The process began with COELLA being chosen first and ended with GENESIS, though BLAIR, EVA, MARI, and KYRIE would rank highly compared to the members that actually debuted. On December 21, 2020, Superbloom Media would confirm that the four girls would "go their separate ways" with the company, however, many of their family members have stated that they have not seen their daughters since 2019 and MARI'S family filed a missing persons report in late 2023.
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ Despite many internal struggles, VELVETINE have quickly risen to become one of the highest selling groups of the fourth generation. Their first hit was GIRLS NEVER DIE, released in summer 2022, and slowly marked a conceptual shift from focusing on girlhood and the beauties of life to something more sinister and focused on becoming the best. Since then, many have described VELVETINE themselves unapproachable, often seen keeping to themselves at award shows and not having any idol friends outside of each other, and have ritualistic tendencies, making them prime targets for video essays and think pieces on the idol industry.
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⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀COMPANY. superbloom media.
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀DEBUT DATE. may 1, 2021.
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀DEBUT SONG. your angel.
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀FANDOM NAME. hares.
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀GREETING. " perfect world, perfect girls! hello, we are velevetine! "
⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀FORMER (?) MEMBERS. min " blair " yuna ( 1999 ) , seo " eva " daeun ( 1999 ), kanemaru " mari " ruri ( 1998 ), yanisa " kyrie " muangkam ( 2002 ).
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⠀݃⠀ ✣ ⠀۪⠀ ⠀THE MEMBERS OF VELVETINE . . . XIN " LIYA " XUEYAO ( 1998 ) , NAM " COELLA " SOLBI ( 1999, leader ) , KIM " GENESIS " RYUHYUN ( 1999 ) , SUGIYAMA " MIARI " KIYONE ( 2000 ) , KWON" YUEL " CHAEHA ( 2000 ) , CHOI " NOA " HAEJIN. ( 2001 ).
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violetthekiller · 4 months
do you care to make a tz pda timeline for us 🫣
let’s see if i can do this off the top of my head lol
2nd July 2021: Car make out pics
August ‘21: TZ attend a friends wedding and are seen holding hands, leaning on each other and having a little kiss in the background of videos. 1 HD pic of them leaning heads
1st September ‘21: My MJ post
October ‘21: Dune 😍 post
25th November ‘21: Naaaa Stop it 😍 post
November-December ‘21: NWH press with many pda moments in interviews and at photo calls
14th Dec ‘21: NWH Premiere. Mask cheek kiss after the premiere and cross body hand hold when leaving the after party
January 2022: Pap pics in London with Z holding Toms waist. pics of the two at a pub looking loved up are posted by locals
15th February ‘22: Valentines Date in NY. Papped arriving at and leaving the restaurant holding hands/holding onto each other.
18th Feb ‘22: NY Uncharted Screening. Arrive and leave holding hands
C. 20th Feb ‘22: TZ attend a Rangers ice hockey game and spend the whole time canoodling
April-September ‘22: TZ weekends in Boston, NY and Budapest while filming TCR, Challengers and Dune. pics almost every weekend of the two in the cities holding hands and having dinner dates
1st June ‘22: The one who makes me the happiest post
C. 2nd October ‘22: Louvre Date in Paris. TZ looking loved up and koalaing the entire time
15th December ‘22: TZ visit Zs old school in Oakland and we see bodyguard Tom in action
C. 12th-18th December ‘22: TZ in Bay Area. multiple pda pics supposed ‘my butterfly’ story
January 2023: Carribean vaycay
14th February ‘23: Valentine’s day date in Monaco
March-May ‘23: LondonDaya pt.1 with Richmond Park pics beginning
C. 30th March-4th April: TZ in India. some blurry pda pics
28th April ‘23: Usher Concert
2nd May ‘23: TZ in Malibu having lunch and leaning on each other
5th May ‘23: Warriors game. Arm stroke, embarrassed Tom and more
16th May ‘23: TZ in Venice. Cheek kiss and hand up shirt pics
20th May ‘23: More Venice pics of the two leaving lunch holding hands
1st June ‘23: Zs birthday post for Tom
18th June ‘23: Ass grab pics in London
27th June ‘23: Beyonce Warsaw and Love on Top video
21st July ‘23: Escalator pda in John Lewis
3rd August ‘23: Brothers Trust event. TZ holding hands whilst taking pics with guests
Summer ‘23: More London days pics at lunch etc.
25th-26th August ‘23: TZ in Oakland. Basketball game with multiple story posts from Z and plenty of pda
1st September ‘23: My Birthday Girl post
4th September ‘23: Beyoncé LA
1st October ‘23: TZ in Paris. Tom buys Z a vintage Piaget watch whilst she leans on his shoulder
5th October ‘23: TZ visit Battersea dogs and cats home and Tom posts SoftDaya on his grid
8th October ‘23: TZ walking in Richmond park canoodling and playing with a dog. Hand kiss from Tom
16th October ‘23: TZ visit Hampton Caught and we get the beautiful shadow pic
12th November ‘23: video of TZ signing NWH posters for TBT and getting all competitive
14th December ‘23: TZ visit a children’s hospital and look super cute whilst taking photos and videos with the patients
22nd December ‘23: Theatre trip. holding hands in the audience
24th January 2024: Tom posts Z at the Schiaparelli show on his story with a video of her to Cupids Chokehold by Gym Class Hero’s stating that it was made for him
15th February ‘24: Dune Part 2 Premiere in London. TZ leave the after party together
18th March ‘24: TZ at Indian Wells. holding hands whilst walking round and Hypeman Tom
10th April ‘24: Challengers Premiere London. TZ have a little kiss in the screening
12th April ‘24: TZ looking giddy af in a car in London. One of the greatest TZ photos ever
28th April ‘24: Tom posts the Challengers Poster on insta
7th May ‘24: Tom posts Z at the Met Gala
10th May ‘24: TZ on a lunch date in London
23rd May ‘24: Z attends the Opening Night of R&J and the two leave the theatre hand in hand with Z snapping a pic of Tom in the car as he gets in
4th June ‘24: Selfie of tz at the R&J after party with their heads squished together
And scene.
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mycrayolamarkers · 8 months
I gave too much thought to this, I don't know why I care so much about this
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So when I was making memes based on the @i-cant-sing Resident Evil 8 series and some of my dumb Head cannons. For one meme I had to do some math. Y/n was at least 12-13 years old during the events of RE7 so she can be at least 15-16 years old in RE8.
So Ethan was born 1984 so let's give a random day and month so February 20th, 1984, and Mia was given a full date of birth December 14, 1984. Ethan was like 27 years old and Mia was 26 years old when they were married on May 29th, 2011.
If Y/n was made on their honeymoon let's say May 31, 2011, and she would be born on February 21st, 2012. RE7 takes place in 2017 give it a random day so June 8th. That would make Y/n 5 years old and RE8 takes place on February 9, 2021, which would make Y/n 8 years old. Which wouldn't make sense so I have to redo the math.
So Mia was 19 years old in 2004 which would make Ethan 20 years old. Let's say Mia was 19 years old when she had Y/n. The average cycle of Months of pregnancy is 8-9 months but for this let's say 8 months. Y/n was born on November 2004 the day I gave was the 12th.
During RE7 2017 y/n was 12 years old and RE8 would make Y/n 16 years old. Fun fact the Re8DLC takes place in the year 2037 making Y/n 32 years old.
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heroesriseandfall · 7 months
Canonical Batfamily Birthdays
Here are all the birthdates I know of that are canon somewhere in DC, with a preference for the main comics continuities. I have included exact sources and image references when possible. I am not including character introduction dates, just actual birthdays.
If you find any other sources for Batfamily birthdays, please do share!
A moment of silence for Batfamily characters who don’t have canonical birthdays yet, so far as I know. This includes Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and more. :(
Source images will be further down, but here’s an overview in roughly age order (I’m not sure of Kate vs Selina’s ages) with the dates the birthdays were introduced and used:
Tim Drake: July 19th (from 2003)
Jason Todd: August 16th (from 2004)
Cassandra Cain: January 26th (from 2002)
Helena Bertinelli: February 14th (in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold universe, from 2010)
Helena Wayne: September 7th (from 1984), potentially October 20th or the 22nd of unknown month or maybe October 22 or maybe Feb 28th (all the New 52 on passports from 2011-2012). These could also be New 52 Helena Bertinelli’s birthdays or nobody’s birthdays. who even knows.
Dick Grayson: March 20th (from 1995), October ~24th ish (from 1990), November 11th (from 1976), December 1st (on Earth-16 in animated Young Justice universe, from 2012)
Barbara Gordon: September 23rd (from 1976), sometime in fall (from 1987)
Selina Kyle: March 14th (from 1976)
Kate Kane: January 26th (in Batwoman TV series from 2020), March 21st? (word-of-god by J.H. Williams III from 2012)
Bruce Wayne: October 7th (from 2021), February 19th (from 1970s various to more recently), April ~7th (from the late 1940s)
Jim Gordon: January 5th (from 1976)
Alfred Pennyworth: April 8th (from 1976), August 16th (in the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, from 2016)
Note: in this post when I say “main comics continuity(s)/universe” I’m referring to anything that’s been a “home” continuity for the comics at some point. For example, pre-Crisis Earth-2, Earth-1/New Earth, and Earth-0/Prime Earth, as opposed to Elseworlds or DCEU earths that are still part of the broader DC multiverse but have never been the primary continuity of the comics.
Below are further details and source panels.
Details and Sources
Tim Drake
Tim has only been given one canon birthday. He turned 16 on July 19th in Robin Vol. 2 #116 (cover date Sep 2003).
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Robin Vol. 2 #116 (Sep 2003)
Jason Todd
Jason turned 18 on August 16th in Detective Comics #790 (March 2004). This is his only canon birthday.
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Detective Comics #790 (Mar 2004)
In post-Crisis/preboot (1986-2011) continuity, there was a gap of six months between when Jason died and when he was resurrected (Batman Annual 25). Jason died April 27th according to his death certificates in Batman Annual 25 and Batman Files 2011, so he would’ve resurrected near late October.
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Batman Annual 25 (May 2006)
So, it could be that post-resurrection Jason is biologically 6 months younger than he chronologically should be. But honestly, do we even really know what multiverse-breaking resurrection punches and then a Lazarus Pit on top of that do to someone’s body??? Either way it’s just much more simple to just use his chronological age.
Cassandra Cain
Much like Tim and Jason, Cass has only ever been given one birthdate: January 26th from Batgirl Vol. 1 #33. With that birthday, she turned 18 in Batgirl Vol. 1 #37.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #33 (Dec 2002)
When Jan 26th actually comes, Bruce suggests David Cain could’ve lied about it, but Cass denies that idea and continues to treat the day as her birthday.
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Batgirl Vol. 1 #37 (Apr 2003)
Why it's likely her real birthday: Bruce initially believes Cain must’ve lied because he doesn’t think Cain could’ve known her birthday. However, we later learn Cain had lied about her origins and was actually her biological father. Batgirl v1 #62 and #73 show he was there for her birth and could absolutely know the date.
On top of that, in Batgirl #37 Cass remembers celebrating her birthday with him as a child, so he did seem to actually keep track of it. I honestly don’t see any reason to believe he’d lie (Bruce is just a jealous spoilsport).
Helena Bertinelli + Wayne
I’m combining them here because the New 52 gives me a headache.
Helena Bertinelli celebrated her birthday on February 14th in a spin-off comic from the animated Batman: The Brave and the Bold series. This is obviously not part of regular comics continuity and the characters differ from the usual comics in many ways. And yet, for reasons that will soon be clear, it’s my favorite for actually being about Helena Bertinelli the Huntress and for not being an utter mess.
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 (Apr 2010)
In a character profile at the end of Infinity Inc. #7 (Oct 1984), Helena Wayne’s birthday was September 7th, 1959. Calculating back from October 1984, that would make her 25 at the time.
During the New 52, Helena Bertinelli was initially portrayed as a long-dead (secretly alive but don’t worry about it) mobster’s daughter and replaced by Earth-2’s Helena Wayne who got stranded on Prime Earth. This H. Wayne stole H. Bertinelli’s identity in the form of several forged passports and IDs, which had hints toward birthdates. The question is, can we take any of those birthdates seriously, and if so, which birthdates and for which character? (Cue my headache.)
Skip ahead to Dick if overthinking fake passports sounds boring.
When comparing to a real Italian passport, the date on H. Wayne’s fake Italian passport appears to be a birthdate. Note that the fake name is Carol Bertinelli, not Helena. H. Wayne said her IDs were inspired by H. Bertinelli but clearly she’s taking liberties for the IDs so that’s a point toward these being useless for H. Bertinelli birthdays.
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Huntress Vol. 3 #1 (Dec 2011)
I don’t recognize the month abbreviation as a real abbreviation, but from the visible letter O I’m going to assume it means October. If it is, then the date is 20 October 1985. Sidenote: a 1985 birthdate during 2011 could put her age at about 26, which is actually quite close to how old she could’ve been based on pre-Flashpoint! 1985 has been given as Helena Wayne’s death year before, so it’s an interesting choice of a birth year for her. (Thanks to DC’s sliding timescale, though, birth years don’t actually mean anything in the comics.)
They don’t show her complete US passport, but I can see a “22” in line where the day of the month should be for her birthdate. This already contradicts the previous passport. This one uses Helena Bertinelli’s actual name, though–does that make it more relevant than the Carol one or this all still ridiculous because of the discrepancies?
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Worlds’ Finest Vol. 1 #1 (Jul 2012)
We can try to glean the US passport birth month from the passport number at the bottom. The first two digits (“12” here) indicate the agency that issued the passport. 12 means the Honolulu agency. Right after “USA” is supposed to be the birthdate plus an extra number, in the order of year/month/day with the year being the last two digits of a year. Here we encounter another problem. It says 810228. This would imply her birthdate is 1981/02/28. That’s February 28, 1981. Since the earlier line indicated her birthday fell on a 22nd, this already contradicts itself.
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Interpreting a Machine Readable Zone (MZR) on a Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD)
However, I’d bet comic writers and artists aren’t always well versed in passport numbers (it’s already a stretch for me to bother checking it…). If they put the extra digit before the birthdate instead after, and the date is formatted month/day/year (the most common format in American English, so probably their first instinct), then we can drop the first 8 and it’s 10/22/8[?] with the last digit unknown. This would put her birthday as October 22, sometime in the 1980s. The 22 matches the earlier line, the October might match the previous passport if that really did say October (but contradicts the 20th), and the 1980s year could be 1985 to match the Italian passport.
At the end of the day I’m personally just going to let Helena Bertinelli be a Valentine’s born baby and call it a day, unless/until she gets a better one in the comics. For Helena Wayne I’d easily pick September 7th.
(My question is: did they give the crossbow vigilante a Valentine’s birthday as a Cupid joke??)
Dick Grayson
Dick has probably had the most birthdays of everyone (unless Bruce has more I don’t know about). All of them have their drawbacks.
In a main comics continuity, his most popular and most recent is “the first day of spring” so probably March 20th. This comes from Robin Annual 4 when his mom says she calls him Robin because he was born on the first day of spring. That presents some problems since there are other explanations given for the origin of “Robin,” including that his mom said he was “always bobbin’ along” (Dark Victory #12, page 17) or the original inspiration of Robin Hood (Detective Comics #38, p3).
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Robin Annual 4 (Jun 1995)
Before that, in Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990), Marv Wolfman wrote a version of Dick’s origins where Dick turned 10 a week before his parents died on Halloween. That would make his birthday October ~24th (presuming that “a week” before Halloween literally means 7 days here).
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50 (Aug 1990)
The first drawback of the October birthday is that it’s tied to Dick being 10 when his parents die on Halloween. Dick’s age and the date his parents die change a lot depending on the writer (Nightwing Vol. 1 #1 says his parents died June 27th, Dark Victory #8-9 says May, etc.). The second drawback is that few people remember this version of his birthday even exists.
Dick’s birthday is November 11th in Super DC Calendar 1976. Note: Despite being a non-diegetic calendar from almost 50 years ago, this source remains well known and used among comic enthusiasts (including those working at DC). Generally, I would say it should mainly apply just to pre-Crisis continuity, but it is also useful for characters that haven’t gotten updated birthdays ever since (like Roy Harper, Barbara Gordon, or Selina Kyle, for example).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Sidenote: Since Damian doesn’t have a canon birthday, November 11th is favorite to steal for my own fan canon Damian birthday. Dick has plenty birthdays to share and I think it’s cute. @ DC, give Damian and Steph birthdays, they’ve been birthday-less for decades!
Indeed, DC writer Tim Sheridan and editor Mike Cotton debated whether Dick’s birthday was in March or November. They favored March 20th and wrote a birthday scene in Teen Titans Academy #1 (published March 23rd, 2021). The publishing time near Dick’s birthday was intentional, though the date isn’t mentioned within the comic itself.
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Link to tweet
The above birthdays were all meant to apply to a main comics continuity at some point. However, Earth-16, better known as the animated Young Justice universe (therefore outside of main comics continuity), says YJ Dick’s birthday is December 1st.
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Young Justice Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 2012)
Unlike Helena Bertinelli, Dick has plenty of comics birthdays to choose from, so personally I’ll only count Dec 1st as being the birthday for YJ animated/Earth-16 Dick Grayson until or unless it’s ever mentioned to apply to main comics continuity.
Barbara Gordon
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Barbara’s birthday is September 23rd.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Since then, the only time I recall her birthdate hinted at is in Secret Origins #20 when her adoptive mom says her birthday is in the fall. This could support her birthday being September 23rd.
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Secret Origins Vol. 2 #20 (Nov 1987)
Although she has celebrated her birthday on panel since then (the end of Nightwing Vol. 2 #153), she hasn’t been given any other actual birthdate. So I’ll keep September 23rd and call it a day.
Selina Kyle
Super DC Calendar 1976 says Selina’s birthday is March 14th. Once again, although it hasn’t been mentioned within a comic, it’s stuck around in popular consciousness (see: Catwoman actress Zoë Kravitz wishing Selina a happy birthday on March 14th).
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Selina celebrated a birthday on panel in Catwoman (2002) #37 but the date was never mentioned. I don’t know of any other reference to her birthday, but my reading of Selina is thus far more sparse than my reading of the others.
Kate Kane
Kate’s birthday options all come from outside of the comics themselves.
In “An Un-Birthday Present,” season 1 episode 11 of Batwoman, a parallel version of her twin Beth had a driver’s license showing her date of birth as January 26, 1990. She and Kate later celebrated their birthdays on an episode aired Jan 26th, 2020. I don’t keep up with live action DC shows so I unfortunately can’t offer a screenshot (if anyone has one or the timestamp, please let me know!).
(I kinda wonder if somebody looked up Batwoman’s birthday for these episodes, saw Batgirl’s (Cass’s) birthday, and just ran with it. Batwoman and a Batgirl sharing a birthday is just. Ughhh.)
In 2012, one of her comic writers tweeted to choose a random date for her birthday and picked March 21st, which so far as I know has never been used as her birthday in comics.
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Link to tweet
Bruce Wayne
Bruce’s most popular birthday is February 19th, but his most recent one is October 7th from the digital-only comic Legends of the Dark Knight. I believe that’s the only time October 7th has been referenced, but I’ve heard the animated show The Batman said his birthday was in October (can’t confirm, haven’t watched it recently).
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Legends of the Dark Knight #10 (Jun 2021) - Note: two pages have been combined into one for this post
Still, even associates of DC seem to remember his February 19th birthday better. In February 2023, Warner Bro’s Gotham Knights game did a sale for Bruce’s birthday. I’ve also heard the birthday was used in the Gotham TV show, but again, I don’t watch much live action DC shows.
The February 19th birthday appears to come from the 70s and 80s. It’s his birthday in the Super DC Calendar 1976, and in Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (May 1977). Bob Rozakis (known as DC’s “Answer Man”) said Feb 19th was Bruce’s birthday in the letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980).
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Letter column of Detective Comics #494 (Sep 1980)
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Batman Family Vol. 1 #11: “Suprise, Suprise!” (Jun 1977)
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Way back in the 40s, his birthday was in April, possibly April 7th. During a birthstone murder mystery, Bruce says his birthstone is a diamond, which is traditionally the April birthstone.
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World’s Finest Comics #33/6 (Mar-Apr 1948): “The 5 Jewels of Doom!”
Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949) might imply the exact date was April 7th but we’d have to assume the party is on his birthday and that “this month” refers to the publishing month of April. I believe this is where people get the April 7th birthday when they bring it up.
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Star Spangled Comics #91 (Apr 1949)
Early April also shines in Batman: Year One where it shows Bruce’s first night out as Batman being either the night of April 6th or the early morning of April 7th (Batman #405). So although the April Bruce birthday hasn’t been used in decades, it’s still a Batman birthday in a way.
I have also heard people say Frank Miller considered Bruce’s birthday to be in November. However, I have yet to find an original source of him saying that, and honestly (just like the “March 21st” birthday for Kate) if he never used it in any canon material I don’t put much weight in that.
Jim Gordon
The only birthday I’ve ever seen for Jim is January 5th from Super DC Calendar 1976.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred’s birthday in Super DC Calendar 1976 is April 8th.
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Super DC Calendar 1976
In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe (an alternate reality where the video game of the same name is set in), they show Alfred’s birth certificate, where it says his birthday is August 16th, 1943.
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Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Five #26 (Jun 2016)
Maybe you’ll notice that August 16th is Jason’s birthday. A little funny considering the issue features Alfred refusing to share his birthday only for us to learn it’s the same date as Jason’s. Still, annoying. There are so many days in the year! Stop choosing the same ones!
This Alfred birthdate runs into a similar problem Helena’s birthdates did: it’s not part of main comics canon, it’s an alternate universe, so it may not be applicable to the main comics universe.
Note: if we calculate that 1943 birth year from Jun 2016 when the comic was published, that’d make Alfred 72 soon to be 73. Does that mean anything in canon? Probably not, but oh well. Also...token British character born by Windsor Castle? …of course.
Personally, I would rather go with the April 8th birthday than the Injustice one, since Injustice is an alternate universe. Also, outside of the humor of it, the idea of Alfred and Jason sharing a birthday is a bit too much for me. Still, it’s up to people’s own cherry picking.
The birthdays in publishing order alongside notable reboots. A soft-reboot refers to reboots that only changed a few details with minor consequences, keeping the overall continuity mostly intact. A major reboot has significant effects on continuity (too many to list).
1935-1986: Pre-Crisis era (Golden Age begins ~1946, Silver Age runs from late 50s--early 70s)
Mar-Apr 1948: Bruce’s birthday is in April
Apr 1949: Bruce has a birthday party on the 7th of “this month”
Skipping a good three decades because I barely even know what’s in there. Sorry lol
Mid 70s to early 90s: Bronze Age era
1976: the super dc calendar says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th, Alfred’s is April 8th, Dick’s is November 11th, Babs is September 23rd, Selina’s is March 14th, Jim’s is Jan 5th
Jun 1977: Bruce celebrates his birthday on February 19th
Sep 1980: letter collumnist says Bruce’s birthday is February 19th
Oct 1984: Helena Wayne’s birthday is on September 7th, 1959
Mar 1986: the major Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot (begins post-Crisis/New Earth era, many previous comics are now considered Earth-2 instead)
Nov 1987: Babs birthday is in fall
Aug 1990: Dick turns 10 a week before Halloween (probably October ~24th)
Sep 1994: Zero Hour soft reboot (Batman and Robin become urban legends so Robin is not allowed on video, Bruce’s parents’ murderer is changed to unknown instead of Joe Chill, Selina is no longer a once-prostitute)
Apr 1995: Dick’s birthday is the first day of spring (probably March 20th)
Oct 2002: Cass learns her birthday is January 26th
April 2003: Cass turns 18 on January 26th
Sep 2003: Tim turns 16 on July 19th
Mar 2004: Jason turns 18 on August 16th
Jun 2006: Infinite Crisis soft reboot (Joe Chill is restored as the arrested Wayne family murderer, Superboy-Prime's punch retroactively resurrects Jason)
Apr 2010: In the Batman: Brave and the Bold universe, Helena Bertinelli celebrates her birthday February 14th
Oct 2011: the major Flashpoint reboot (end of post-Crisis/preboot, begins the New 52 and changes the primary universe to Prime Earth; significant character/timeline changes and erasures)
Dec 2011: Helena Wayne’s fake Carol Bertinelli passport seems to list October 20th as a birthdate
Jul 2012: Helena Wayne’s fake Helena Bertinelli passport lists some 22nd unknown month, Oct 22nd, or Feb 28th birthday
Sep 2012: Batwoman writer J.H. Williams III randomly picks Kate’s birthday as March 21st on Twitter
Nov 2012: Earth-16/YJ animated Dick Grayson celebrates his birthday on December 1st
Jun 2016: In the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe, Alfred’s birth certificate says his birthday is August 16th
Jul 2016: Rebirth reboot (restores some pre-Flashpoint continuity, some characters regain previous histories but now semi-synchronized with the New 52 era)
Jan 2020: Batwoman TV show Kate celebrates her birthday on January 26th
Mar 2021: Writer Tim Sheridan says he & his editor chose March 20th as Dick’s birthday over the November option
May 2021: Infinite Frontier holds all previous continuities as potential canon, restoring more of pre-Flashpoint
Jun 2021: Bruce says his birthday is October 7th in a digital-only comic
Feb 2023: Gotham Knights game has a sale for Bruce’s birthday
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i. while you were looking at him ◦ b.c
Part 1
-chan has only ever wanted to be yours, but what is he going to do when he finds out you might not be as much of his as he might think? And what hurts the most isn't seeing somebody else's eyes glitter the way his does; it's seeing the glitter in yours slowly fade away. 
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❝Secrets I have held in my heart❞- arctic monkeys
Warning ◦ reader is kind of a bitch but she gets better trust me, and shes also described as having a fish allergy, forced dieting Masterlist ◦ while you were looking at him ◦ I was looking at you ◦ maybe I just wanna be yours a/n ◦ I highly suggest that you dont just click the image and scroll through if you read the dates and times it will make more sense and this chapter is kinda like the prologue it just gives you some insight into y/n and chans relationship with Brandon before they break up
❝Are harder to hide than I thought❞- arctic monkeys
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❝ i wanna be your vacuum cleaner❞
June 19th, 2020. 2:34 pm
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❝Breathing in your dust❞
June 21st, 2020. 7:58pm
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❝I wanna be your Ford Cortina❞
June 21st, 2020. 10:05pm
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❝I will never rust❞
June 23rd, 2020. 3:45pm
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❝if you like your coffee hot ❞
June 26th, 2020. 6:54pm
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❝ let me be your coffee pot ❞
July 8th, 2020. 2:29pm
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❝ you call the shots babe ❞
July 29th, 2020. 4:05pm
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❝ i just wanna be yours ❞
August 8th, 2020. 3:35 am
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❝ secrets i have held in my heart ❞
August 9th, 2020. 11:06 am
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❝ are harder to hide then i thought ❞
September 20th, 2020. 12:59 pm
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❝ maybe i just wanna be yours ❞
October 2nd, 2020. 2:45 pm
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❝ i wanna be yours, i wanna be yours ❞
November 19th, 2020. 9:45 pm
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❝ wanna be yours ❞
December 23rd, 2020. 1:43 am
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❝ wanna be yours ❞
January 1st, 2021. 12:00 pm
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©CookieCreates (posted: July, 4th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately.
~cookiecreates 🍪
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starhvney · 3 months
hey! 🔮 anon here, again lmfao i came up with a time period (with specific dates): phoenix drop high | 2008 — 2012 falcon claw university | 2012 — 2016 "the big move" | may 10th, 2018 — may 14th, 2019 mystreet | may 20th, 2018 — april 4th, 2019 love~love paradise | june 30, 2019 — july 7th, 2019 lover’s lane | september 8th, 2019 — november 2nd, 2019 holiday special | december 23rd, 2019 — december 25th, 2019 new years party | december 31st, 2019 — january 1st, 2020 post-lover’s lane | january 2nd, 2020 — january 20th, 2020 emerald secret | january 20th, 2020 — january 27, 2020 aphmau’s year | march 4th, 2020 — june 28th, 2021 starlight | july 29th, 2021 — july 19th, 2021 when angels fall | august 2nd, 2021 — august 5th, 2021 you helped a lot, of course, with the years you gave me! these are just headcanons and until jess actually reveals the dates, so i'm just going to go with these when i do decide to write. they might not make sense?? it's only been two hours of me spiralling lol
ooh, i really like this! it makes sense to me! i think putting dates to everything helps me personally with remembering the order of the lore and everything,, otherwise it gets all muddled in my head >.<
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boasource · 4 months
BoA recently hinted at retirement...
[Edited on 240825 for clarity and to include information that was revealed after I initially posted this, which can better contextualize what happened]
I made a thread on Twitter explaining the context behind BoA's recent IG stories, where she hinted at retirement, so I figured that I'd write up a post on it here too.
TL;DR: This announcement was a big shock - BoA has consistently said, up until the week before she posted those IG stories, that she wanted to continue singing and performing. Fans believe that BoA likely hinted at retirement because of the relentless harassment she's faced online.
On April 6th (240406), BoA hinted that she was planning to retire from being a singer entirely. The following day, she stated the exact date her contract was expiring. A few days later, she took down all of her IG posts.
What people seem to miss is that leading up to this, BoA has also been at the receiving end of constant online harassment for months.
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(More under the cut)
BoA has been the subject of huge hate trains, arguably since 2021. This isn't a comprehensive list, but the big ones include:
People disagreeing with her decisions as judge on SWF and SMF, prompting a flood of hate comments on her IG, including accusations that she was 'trying to seduce the male contestants.'
GOT the Beat opened the floodgates for a lot of ageist comments about BoA, who was the group's most senior member. There were also malicious speculations about why she wasn't present in much of the group's behind-the-scenes content; BoA swiftly addressed this via her IG story, explaining that she had to attend a family event. While this wasn't named as the reason, it may be important to note that BoA's brother passed away from cancer on September that same year.
BoA was blamed for 'delaying the solo/group comebacks of her juniors,' in favor of GOT the Beat to 'boost her own career.' Not only has BoA (who is not even the group's leader; she gave the position to Taeyeon) already explained that she did not make the group — she was asked to join it and was, in fact, initially apprehensive — it was also later revealed that comeback delays were due to internal management issues (culminating in the ousting of Lee Sooman and Hybe's acquisition of SM) and because of disagreements about lyrical content. Interestingly, out of all the members of GOT the Beat, BoA ended up being the only member who didn't have a comeback in 2023.
The most recent wave of hate came from her cameo in the drama Marry My Husband, often mocking her appearance.
Since at least February 2024, BoA has been consistently and directly addressing the harassment she's been facing, both in interviews and in her social media. This is something she has rarely done in the 24 years she's been active.
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Things came to a head on the evening of March 29th, when BoA posted this on her IG story:
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This IG story prompted a huge wave of hate. There were forum posts calling her an attention seeker; notably, there was also a tweet that went viral, of a 'fan' saying that they now planned to unstan BoA because she was now "a completely different person."
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One week later, on April 6th, BoA posted, "It's okay for me to retire right?" with an IG story that clarified that she intended to remain a singer until her active contract expires on December 31, 2025; the implication seems to be that she would no longer be an active singer after 2025.
This came as a huge shock to fans because BoA has consistently said that she wants to keep working as a singer:
August 25, 2020 [her 20th debut anniversary]: "There'll be a 30th anniversary after my 20th. I'll do my best to make good music for a long time, so please always give me your love and support!"
April 23, 2023 [Interview with Uhm Junghwa for W Korea]: "Actually, I'm the type who doesn't look back. After I've accomplished something, I don't have time to think, 'well done' or 'good job' because I'm already thinking of the next step. With that, there's no time for me to rest on my laurels, but this drive allows me to last a long time. It might be the most difficult thing, but my one hope is that I never tire of this job [being a performer], which I love so much."
February 23, 2024 [BoA for Marie Claire Korea]: "Right now, I enjoy my job, and I want to keep doing what I can, given my age."
Most notably, on the afternoon of March 29th — shortly before BoA responded to hate comments about her looks — BoA gave an interview with Esquire Korea, where she basically said that there were still so many things she wanted to accomplish as a singer:
Q: Is there something you still want to achieve? BoA: I want to do a lot of interesting performances. I want to break away from preconceived notions/conventions, sing songs I haven't done before, and create opportunities to communicate more with my audience. Q: What don't you want to change? BoA: My passion for music. Music is where I started. It's my life.
Right after BoA posted her retirement IG stories on April 6th, her fans organized truck protests (something the fandom has never done before), demanding that SM take action to defend BoA from the deluge of online hate.
They were incensed by the fact that in 2022, SM had already promised they would take legal action over malicious comments against her (she even reposted their statement on her personal IG), but nothing happened. In fact, legal action has only been taken in defense of BoA once, in 2020 — 20 years into her career, despite the fact that she's been going through much worse harassment, especially in the early 2000s when she was barely a teenager.
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Five days after BoA's retirement announcement IG stories, on April 11th, SM announced that they were going to take legal action. While the statement resembled the one they put out in 2022, they also added that BoA was going through a difficult time, suffering from "great mental pain." A follow-up statement came on April 17th, where SM mentioned specific platforms and forums they were planning to sue. Unfortunately, as of this writing, there have been no further updates.
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To recap:
On March 29th (afternoon), BoA gave an interview where she said that there was so many things she still wanted to do as a singer.
On March 29th (evening), BoA responded to malicious comments about her appearance on her IG story.
Her IG story quickly went viral in Korea. On March 30th, a post from a fan who claimed to 'unstan' her because of her IG story, garnered millions of views.
On April 6th, BoA hinted at retiring after 2025 on her IG story.
On April 9th, BoA removed all of her IG posts. Fans organized truck protests to call out SM's inaction vis-a-vis the harassment she was facing, in spite of their explicit, repeated promises to act on it.
On April 11th, SM issued a statement that they were going to take legal action against malicious comments about BoA, adding that BoA was suffering "great mental anguish."
As of this writing (August 25, 2024), there has been no formal, official announcement on whether or not BoA is really going to follow through with retiring after her active contract expires. But BoA has remained inactive on social media since April. There were only a handful of times she interacted with fans online: she went on IG live for 4 minutes in May to tell fans that she has plans to hold a concert in October, and she would also sporadically post a sentence-long message on her membership-only Weverse page.
On a more personal note from me: this has just been so disheartening to watch, as someone who's been following her career closely. The idea of BoA retiring was unimaginable to me. She always talked about how she compares her own career to other older artists, how she still feels like a 'baby' with a long way still to go compared to them. Obviously, it is well within BoA's right to change her mind about her own career, and surely, there are things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. But the news has just been so hard to take because it doesn't feel like she's retiring because she wants to - it feels like she's burnt out.
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shc2c · 1 month
The Mysterious Case of Sonic Movie 3 Marketing
An Op-Ed by Malzilla
Let me say this right off the bat, I am not an expert in marketing. I took Marketing classes in college for my business minor but most of it was pretty entry level but it gave me a solid foundation to understand most companies' marketing plans. Or at least try to see the method or goal behind the madness to get a scope of what they’re trying to do. But Paramount’s treatment of Sonic 3 is bizarre. We got toys, plushies etc out in stores before the first trailer. 
Sonic Movie 3 has me utterly baffled. Because here we are exactly four months/120 days (122 days at the time of this writing) and do far zip zilch nada. 
The last OFFICIAL news we got for the movie was back on Feb 2nd when the twitter released a little teaser showing the logo as well as some of the additional human cast members. Sure Jon Campea on his Podcast YT show announced that Keanu would play Shadow and was pretty much confirmed by official Hollywood outlets in April but no official word from Paramount has been given. They’ve been radio silent for months know, save for a few weeks in April to promote the Knuckles TV show
So why the wait? Some folks I have talked to may think there may be some internal stuff going on, but I doubt it. Yes Paramount is getting ready to merge with Skydance and some layoffs have happened but I don’t think that would affect much of the Sonic movie day to day. 
So here we are at four months till release and we’re all wondering “It’s go time right? RIGHT?” 
I would think so. And so has the rest of the Sonic Fandom. But alas we’re still waiting for the green light to go. So when is that green light coming? 
I hope.
Honestly, I don’t know. But looking at two other films marketing that run some parallels to S3 as well as some key dates in the next  four months. I'm going to throw some ideas out there. 
First off let's look at the marketing on Sonic 2. Movie was released April 8th 2022, and its first official trailer was released on Dec 9th at the 2021 VGAs (it also had a poster released the day prior on the 8th). So right at the four month mark. They followed up with some TV spots and a special Pre Super Bowl TV spot in February AND then the final Trailer March 14th. So a fairly dense four month marketing campaign. 
The other film to look at is Spider-man No Way Home, which like Sonic 3 had a December release date. NWH after months of rumors and lack of promotion (sound familiar) debuted its first teaser trailer on August 23rd 2021; roughly four months prior to its Dec 17th release date. It also had another final trailer on Nov 16th; roughly one month prior. 
So if we look at both of them we see a very similar four month marketing campaign. So what does that mean for Sonic 3? Let's work backward from the release date till now. The following are dates of significance, IMO to both Paramount, Pop/Nerd/Game culture etc: 
Dec 20th - Release Date 
The Long Wait will be over and we all bask in the Living and Learning of it all 
Nov 28th - Thanksgiving - Possible 2nd Trailer.
Given that Paramount has put Sonic TV spots before Football games before, I would not be surprised if we got the 2nd Trailer during Half Time of the CBS game that airs in the morning of Thanksgiving. This also aligns with the roughly 1 month prior benchmark as seen with both S2 and NWH. 
NYCC Oct 17th-20th - TV Spots/Behind the Scenes/Movie Clip
While this date kinda is little too soon for a second trailer, it would be a great time to bring out the whole cast and do some promotion with the masses and maybe some TV spots or a small clip. 
Transformers One Release Sep 20th - PONR for First Trailer 
I think I can safely say that the absolute LATEST we can expect a trailer for Sonic 3 would nex month with the release of Transformers One. Paramount would have to be utterly brainless NOT to have a trailer for Sonic playing in front of their other Family Nerd Oriented IP.
Gamescom 2024 Oct 20h - 25th - Trailer Release 
Kinda funny how the Opening Night Ceremony for Gamescom just so happens to fall on both the four month till release mark AND a Tuesday (Paramount usually releases trailers on Tues/Thurs)? We KNOW SEGA will be there with more SonicXShadow Generations, but really the movies are more Paramount’s game than SEGAs so there is no guarantee it will be released. BUT Paramount has passed on both Summer Game Fest AND San Diego Comic Con. Everything seems aligned for a reveal on Tuesday. I guess we’ll know if we get a poster revealed  tomorrow. 
Now personally I would have started ramping up the marketing with SDCC. Because right now the two biggest competitors that Sonic 3 is going to have in Dec are Kraven and Mufassa. And both of these movies have had TWO trailers released for it.  With Kraven it makes sense since it was originally supposed to be released back in 2023 but then got pushed back 3 times. So I guess Sony thinks it can rack up a solid week one before the family holiday push. Mufassa on the other hand is going to be the big one to beat as family’s will no doubt flock to the much anticipated origin of Mufasa! That last part was sarcasm but this part is not: they need to get the word out to the casuals. I’ve talked to a lot of Non Sonic who are genuinely excited to see Keanu play Shadow. And the time is right to get them hooked. 
So in the end, I will say that I’m like Jon Snow and I “know nothing” but I do know we're getting to the point where it’s time for paramount to lace up its sneakers and get going. Whether it's this week or the next or maybe till the opening of Transformers One. But I would recommend Paramount not dilly dally. Sonic Fans are easily frustrated and can turn rabid quickly. 
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litcrazh · 2 years
new twitter au story coming out wednesday👀👀 but to hold you guys over i’ll give you time lines and brief description (full ideas are in my au on my page)
some dates are messed up prior to this post, but now they are locked in
they are aged up to around 13 when they first get their miraculous, gab agreste isn’t as controlling so adrien went to private school- like 10 kids per grade so he has some social skill, mari can talk to adrien without malfunctioning and nino and mari are fr like 🤞🤞 but PLANTONIC 100%, mari is the youngest, then nino, then alya and finally adrien (so he’s closer to 14 when he gets his) also whole lotta plot in between dates. luka is 2 grades older but a year and a half older then marinette
miraculous gift - september 2, 2018
adrien birthday- october 20th
maris birthday- may 14th
luka + mari start dating- july 8th 2020
adrien + kagami start dating- july 11th 2020 (isn’t that suspicious… that weird???)
the luka and mari breakup- december 30 2020
SHIPS FIRST KISS (secret as to who it is) - december 31/ jan 1 2021
LUKHLOE❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 - april 5 2021 (yes luka has a song called four five)
the reveal- secret secret
i mean honestly thinking wrtiting a story about this in the future but FAR FAR FUTURE
sneak peak btw ;)
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