#dating kris wu
liu-yu-xin · 10 months
In my books what taeyong is doing is on equal footing with what lucas did (maybe even worse actually!) they should both be put down like dogs. He definitely shouldnt be around kids
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
The Only One I Want
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Part 1
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina knew she was pretty. She knew she had a chance with everyone, however, she was forever against any romantic relationships ever since she became an idol. Why would she want anyone when all they ever do is love her for her fame and looks? She knew she could never find anyone perfect for her, so she gave up on romance... until she met you
Word Count- 2.8k
Warnings- Mention of men 
Week after week Karina was cursed with yet another blind date set up by her company. She would urgently burst into her managers room, promptly falling down onto her knees, hands speedily racing against each other as if she was bound to make a fire, begging to go at least a month without any blind dates. 
To her dismay, however, not surprise, her manager would always shake her head firmly. “We need you to do this for us Karina. Do you have any idea how much attention would follow us if Yu Jimin was to find the perfect man?” She would say, and all Karina could do was sigh, walking out of the room with her head hung to her feet. 
It was another day in which her company had set up a date once again, this time, they informed her it would be at one of Seoul’s most popular art museums, where she would be meeting the man in about an hour from now. 
Karina couldn’t help but dread the upcoming event, knowing that her members got to stay back at the company and practice whatever they wished with their dance instructor, as there was no schedule for them this day. 
Karina wished she could be apart of that. She wished she could be in the dance practice room, and she reminisced with the feeling of laughter and sweat filling the air of the unreasonably hot place. It was all she wanted... to spend time with her members doing stupid “idol shit" on her days off. 
Yes, she was an idol, not a dating show contestant. Why couldn’t her company see this? 
And on top of everything, she had never been fond of dating, as every possible boy she’s met was only ever after her looks, or how much money was in her pockets. “Why don’t I take you home tonight”, she heard almost constantly after every date. It was upsetting to say the least, and as a result, Karina turned down any possible instance in which a boy could waltz their way into her heart. It wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted her members. She wanted to be on stage. She wanted to be in the studio. 
Instead, Karina found herself in the back of her managers car, mask almost suffocating her face as her hat floated just above her line of vision. Although she went on many dates, she was always forced to cover her identity, as her manager elucidated how bad it would be if the public was to see their sweetheart being accompanied by a new man every week. They wanted her to find the right one, then she could freely express herself to the public (though she knew it would never happen). 
“We’ve almost arrived, make sure you put your glasses on before you step out.” Her manger expressed from the passenger seat, where she responded with a small nod. If her mask was clipped on any tighter, she swore her manger would be able to see her frown seeping through. 
Only a minute later, the car pulled to a stop, just beside an almost identical car in the parking lot. Karina stepped out, her glasses now shielding her eyes as the door to the adjacent car rolled open just in front of her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Jimin”, a voice could be heard in front of her. 
Karina raised her head, gaze connecting with the man in front of her. 
Lee Jae Wook, I never thought I would meet him, Karina thought to herself.
Despite the immense amount of meetings her company would assemble, they never would tell Karina which man she would be seeing, and she hated it. 
She remembers the time when she had shown up at an excessively fancy restaurant, only to be met with Mark Tuan seated comfortably in the chair ahead of her. Or when Kris Wu sat adequately on the most ugly patterned blanket, with a messy endeavor of a picnic by its side, bottles of alcohol spilling onto the grass, Kris’s attempt at getting Karina drunk and taking her home... god what a terrible date that was. 
“Call me Karina”, she said, ignoring the evident hand reaching out, awaiting to be shaken. Karina didn’t like when anyone other then her members, or family, was to call her by her birth name. She believed that only those who knew her personally were given the ability to call her by something so precious, not some random actor practically drooling as he soaked in her presence. 
“Yes of course, my apologies”, Jae Wook nodded and extended his arm for the girl to take, and if it wasn’t for Karina’s manager lightly pushing her into the man, she would have smacked his arm down instantly. 
With that, the two began into the museum, her arm loosely wrapped around his, and Jae Wook’s excessive amount of cologne being the only thing Karina could smell. 
God this is terrible. I need to get home.
“Welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you two joining us today!” An abnormally tall woman greeted them at the entrance. “Call me Ha-Eun! I’ll be your tour guide for today’s visit”, Karina shook her hand with a fake smile plastered onto her face. 
“Thank you”, Karina expressed, and followed the woman as she took them through security and into the main hall of the museum. The place was exceptionally beautiful, and Karina was sure that if she were to be accompanied by her members instead of this man, her experience would be one to remember. 
But she wasn’t. She was stuck clinging onto the man as they followed the tour guide into the first exhibit, knowingly peering at him as his eyes were trained on the woman’s ass while she walked ahead of them. 
In all honestly, Karina couldn’t care less. She could turn the corner and see Jae Wook kissing another woman and she wouldn’t even bat an eye. He could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t bother her. Nevertheless, she knew that was impossible, because as soon as Karina thought he would leave her alone and take in his surroundings instead, he intertwined his fingers with her, and as she tried to pull away, he gave her hand a tug, almost as if he was warning her to not even try. 
To say Karina was uncomfortable was an understatement. The two of them followed the tour guide throughout the museum, and all Karina could think about was how sweaty and nasty the man’s hand felt in the grasp of hers. 
It has been a half an hour since they began to look around, and as they were stopped in front of a beautiful piece Karina couldn’t help but admire, Jae Wook spoke up. 
“I need to use the bathroom, would you mind staying here?” He directs his attention towards Karina. 
God yes. I'd be more than happy to. Please leave and never come back, Karina thought. 
The tour guide stepped in front of Jae Wook before he could make his way out. 
“I can show you the way! There isn’t one very close to here, it’s a bit of a walk.” She happily spoke, eyes almost unseen as a result of her never-resting smile. It must be tiring having that job, Karina thought, with having to keep a smile on your face without the slightest falter, even in the case of an inconvenience. She could never do that. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it”, Jae Wook spoke formally. “I’ll be right back”, he spoke once more, leaning down and planting a dry kiss atop of Karina’s forehead, and she almost gagged. 
The two made their way to the nearest bathroom, and there Karina stood, still at the fore of the painting. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, it was truly beautiful. The way the colors complimented each line, as though the picture could truly come to live. It was remarkable. 
Being lost in her own thoughts, Karina failed to notice the woman that walked towards her and stood just about three feet away. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t.”
Karina’s ears chirped at the sound of the feminine voice, and she turned her head to glare at whoever had made the comment, however she was immediately met with the side profile of what seemed to be an angel. 
Karina had never seen anyone so captivating. The way your gaze was held beautifully on the artwork, where the piece couldn’t even compare to how prepossessing your visuals were. It was like she was at a loss of air, and she had never felt this feeling before. Karina has never been so lost for words, as it was usually the other way around, where the man was to look at Karina like they had never seen anyone as stunning as her.
Now, eyes still trained on your profile, she can understand how these men felt when they claimed to be awestruck. 
“...y- yeah”, Karina was still in a trance, making it hard for her to complete a full sentence. 
“I always come back to this piece whenever I visit, its magnificent”, you glanced over to her, and before you could meet her gaze, her eyes flashed back to the wall in an instant. 
“Um...”, she needed to keep talking to you, so she tried to start up a conversation, where she again was never the one to do so. 
“How often do you come here?” Karina asked, this time her eyes on you, and when you turned around to respond, her cheeks began to match the color of your beautifully pink lips. 
How could someone be so engaging? 
“Usually once a month, its like my happy place”, you allow a small chuckle to escape past your lips, as does Karina. 
“That’s really cool”, Karina smiles, her voice wavering as she tried to keep calm, and she continued.
“Do you have any other works that you like?”
Karina watched as your eyes scanned the wall full of beautiful artwork, deciding if there was another that met up to the standard of the one you stood ahead of, however you shake your head. 
“I love them all, but this one is my favorite”, you smile and Karina could practically hear her heart skip a beat. 
Karina has never felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach until now. She has never been so captivated by someone’s presence until now. She has never wanted to hold a conversation with a stranger until now. You made her want to do everything at this very moment. Karina wanted to grab your hand and walk you outside just to continue to talk about your love for art. She could listen to you all day.
Could a woman feel this way for a woman? Karina never thought of woman in that type of sense, as she was only ever set up with men her entire live, so it was inevitable that her heart was trained to find attraction towards the gender. Maybe meeting you thirty seconds ago was a sign that her heart could possibly open up to someone. And not just anyone... a woman. 
“Want to know why I like this painting so much?” You asked, and began to move a bit closer to her body, still keeping a comfortable distance. 
Come closer, Karina thought. 
You smiled and leaned in, "because I made it”, you uttered faintly. 
And there it was. The exact moment that Karina determined she could truly find romance in somebody. Nobody had ever made Karina feel such a thing, and she thought she might as well die alone, since nobody had ever held her attention. But she was wrong. Here you were, in the flesh, completely ripping the heart of Yu Jimin out of her entire body, unbeknownst to you. 
“Are you serious?” That was all Karina could muster out, otherwise she might as well shout to the world that she found the one for her. 
“Yeah. It was accepted into the gallery about six months ago. Cool right?” 
God you had no idea how many butterflies were roaming the district of Karina insides. 
“Y- yeah... that’s amazing”, she smiled and went on. “What’s your name?” 
You gave her a warm-hearted smile and pointed over to the painting, where Karina was now faced with sign just bellow the piece. 
Y/n Yl/n
How beautiful, was as Karina could think. 
“How about you? What’s your name?” 
It was natural that you didn’t recognize the woman, as she was dressed in the least revealing clothes there ever was to be, a mask on her face accompanied by the hat she had on in the car, and lastly a pair of circular glasses. She didn’t expect you to know who she was with such a disguise, but she hoped you were to realize once she took her mask and glasses off. 
Maybe if Karina showed you who she really was, you would end up being a huge fan, and immediately want to continue talking to her. Nobody could ever pass up on the chance of becoming close with an idol, so it should be the same regarding you, right? 
Karina allowed her thoughts to race ahead of herself, and she pulled her mask down, her glasses following. 
She saw when it clicked in your mind, that you were being faced with the Karina of Aespa, one of the most famous fourth generation idols there is to be. She felt pride, and for the first time, she was happy someone was to recognize who she was. 
Nonetheless, exactly opposite of what Karina had thought would happen, your lips turned upwards into a fair smile, and you nodded your deliberately. 
“Ah”, you stated, “Yu Jimin. I’ve seen your face all over.” 
Is that it? Is that all you had to say? You’re not going to ask for a picture? Or even bow? Karina was beyond confused, she had never met anyone who would react with such ease.
In addition, Karina noticed that her brain, usually trained to correct anyone that was to call her by her birth name, refused to tell you the name in which she preferred for others to call her. In fact, she found herself preferring you to call her Jimin apposed to Karina. You were already special enough to her.   
“So you know who I am?” Karina spoke. 
“Doesn’t everybody?” You laughed. “You are even more beautiful in person, it’s surprising.” 
Hearing those words come out of your mouth, Karina couldn’t help but bring her mask back up to her face. She couldn’t let you see how flustered you made her. It was dehumanizing. 
“Oh... thank you.” She looked anywhere but to you. “You’re beautiful as well.” 
You chuckled and looked down just as she did, and if anyone was to take a look over at your interaction, it’s possible they would think the two of you were to not even be associating with each other. 
But, before you could thank the girl, your eyes glanced over at a man who was making his way towards Karina, and you recognized him to be the one you had seen her with preceding your approach. 
“I think it’s time for me to go now, I believe your boyfriend is here for you.” 
Karina’s eyebrows furrowed, her lips frowning at the thought of you leaving so soon, but she turned around to see what you had been referring to, and was met with Jae Wook and the tour guide side by side, making their way towards her.
“No! He’s not my b-” Karina turned around to reassure you, however, her breath hitched, eyes almost even watering as she found that you were instantly gone. 
She felt like a child that had lost their parents at a crowded event, searching aimlessly throughout the area, double... triple looking around to see where you might have gone. But it was too late. 
Jae Wook had then came up by her side and took her hand, and Karina couldn’t even protest, she was too upset. Her mind was somewhere else at the moment. 
She followed Jae Wook, eyes trained on the wooden floor as she thought of you. 
She thought about how heavenly your voice was, like music played softly in her ears, and how magnificent your side profile was to look at. She could stare at it all day if she could. She needed to see your face again. She needed to find you. 
You were the one for her, she determined it. And she will not leave this museum unless it was hand and hand with you 
Hi everyone!! I’m backkk!!! I’m not sure exactly how many parts this will have, but I’ll just keep going until I feel the story is complete haha. Stay tuned for part two my loves!! 💕💕
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Welcome to Round 2 of the Dissociation Swag Competition!
The Dissociation Swag Competition is a for-fun Tumblr tournament where nominated characters are competing in a friendly competition to celebrate those of us of the dissociative spectrum, including but not limited to: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder (DPDR), Dissociative Amnesia, Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD), Unspecified Dissociative Disorder (UDD), or simply anyone who experiences dissociation on a recurring basis!
As a note, this is not meant to romanticize mental illness, but rather push for more positive representation of our conditions. As someone with DPDR, I think it's important to be able to look up to characters who are like me and not just scary serial killers, and we deserve positive representation just as much as those with anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses!
As a reminder, be kind during the competition, this is all for fun and has no stakes! Cheer on your blorbos, but don't be mean to the other competitors nor those rooting for them please!
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Round 2 Matches
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Round 2 will be split up into 2 groups, with the following matchups and dates their polls will go up:
Group A - Monday, February 20, 2023
Crona (Soul Eater) vs Darcy Wu (Amphibia)
Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune) vs Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Maxim Kischine (Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance) vs Sunny/Omori (Omori)
Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium) vs Razputin "Raz" Aquato (Psychonauts)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) vs Yellow Guy (Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared)
Laudna (Critical Role) vs Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
Raphael Hamato (Rise of the TMNT) vs Alfendi Layton (Layton Brothers: Mystery Room)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts) vs Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale)
Group B - Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Shallan Davar/Veil/Radiant (Stormlight Archive) vs Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai)
Madotsuki (Yume Nikki) vs One-One (infinity Train)
Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Marvel) vs Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) vs Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Blitzwing/Icy/Hothead/Random (Transformers Animated) vs Kayano Mikoto (MILGRAM) vs Mike/Chester/Svetlana/Vito/Manitoba/Mal (Total Drama)*
Sayo Yasuda (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni) vs Ingo (Pokemon)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Chara Dreemurr (Undertale)
*Blitzwing and Mikoto perfectly tied in Round 1, which is why they will both compete with Mike in a three-way poll in Round 2
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fluffytriceratops · 2 months
w r i t i n g m a s t e r l i s t. <3
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please read my rules before interacting with my blog & requesting, thank you.
Casey Jones: Leonardo: Donatello: Dating Headcannons. Raphael: Michelangelo:
Casey Jones: Study Date. (old) Leonardo: Hostage. (old) Gimme Them Cuddles. Donatello: Raphael: I'll Kick Your Ass. (old) Michelangelo:
Bayverse (2014/2016):
Casey Jones: Leonardo: Dating Headcannons. I'll Always Be Here. Fanfiction Blue Eyes. Belt Kisses. Donatello: Dating Headcannons. Cookie Confession. Belt Kisses. Raphael: Dating Headcannons. The Cursed Mark. Belt Kisses. I Burn For You. Michelangelo: Dating Headcannons. Anything For Her. Belt Kisses. Most Ardently (Pride & Prejudice AU story, Leo x Reader): Preview. Chapter One: Mr. Hamato.
ROTTMNT (2018):
Leonardo: Gimme Them Cuddles. Donatello: Raphael: Michelangelo:
Optimus: To Cybertron and Back.
Masters of Spinjitsu:
Lloyd Garmadon: Kai Smith: Sleepless. Cole Brookestone: Jay Walker: Zane Julien: Morro: Sensei Wu: Lord Garmadon:
Kenma Kozume: I Miss You. (old)
Aoba Johsai:
Toru Oikawa: I Don't Need You. (old)
Atsumu Miya: Let Her Go. (old)
"Incandescent": Atsumu Miya Fanfiction: - originally called "sour cream". - Intro. Profiles. Chapter One: mrs kwan is my sugar daddy. Chapter Two: bootymeat. Chapter Three: there he is, mr. america. Chapter Four: i want some lettuce. [no longer posting chapters on here after the 4th one. to continue reading the fanfic you must either read it on my wattpad, ao3, or quotev.]
Kiyoomi Sakusa: "Apple Juice". [Fanfiction.]
Ryunosuke Tanaka: Just Friends.
My Hero Academia:
TMNT: Random Facts About Kristina &lt;3 Timelines [Ft. Alba, Iris, Kris, & Ro] Random Drabbles/Headcannons with Kristina and Raphael Forever & Always [Raph & Kris] Random Facts About Monet Random Facts About Nefertiri Kris and Raph being cutiepatooties. How long Kris and Raph kept their relationship hidden from her parents. BNHA/MHA: Promposal. [Shigaraki & Linnea] (old) Forced To Stargaze. [Shigaraki & Linnea] (old) I Don't Love You. [2nd Gen: Ryuu & Callisto.] (old) Feelings For Kaiga. [2nd Gen: Tamashi & Callisto] (old)
FRIENDS WRITING FEATURING MY OCs: Mamacita Part One By: @digitl-art-monstr Mamacita Part Two By: @digitl-art-monstr Family Yokai Stuff By: @digitl-art-monstr Wedding Night By: @rheawritesforfun Human Family Stuff By: @digitl-art-monstr Pops Knows Best By: @rheawritesforfun Meeting The Mother By: @digitl-art-monstr Pillow-fort Talk By: @rheawritesforfun Red Ear Sliders Are Invasive By: @rheawritesforfun Springtime Prime By: @rheawritesforfun Iris Lord, Baby #1 By: @digitl-art-monstr Married But They'll Stay Idiots By: @rheawritesforfun Rise And Shine By: @rheawritesforfun Animal Bride Rewrite Story Feat Kris & Raph By: @lec743
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chuuyasboner · 9 months
facts people need to understand!
Kris wu is not and never will be innocent. He did what he did and now he’s paying the consequences.
Calling yourself “alpha” or “sigma” or “giga chad” doesn’t make you cool. It makes you look cringe.
Furry’s are people too. Being rude and attacking them is not okay.
Your idol will never date you, keep dreaming./lh
being fat doesn’t mean unhealthy, just like being skinny doesn’t mean healthy.
if you don’t like something, scroll.
doing the
“if you ______”
👎 👍
it’s literally so annoying. Stop begging for likes, it’s making you look desperate.
famous people are people at the end of the day.
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Second Round Masterlist:
Baron | The Cat Returns vs. Sylvie | Epithet Erased
Hunter | Rain World vs. Pure Vessel | Hollow Knight
Otachi | Pacific Rim vs. Zagreus | Hades (Supergiant Games)
Rika | Pokemon vs. Transformed Howl | Howl's Moving Castle
Ganon's Corpse | Breath of the Wild 2 vs. Kaworu Nagisa |Neon Genesis Evangelion
Milo Thatch | Atlantis vs. Ryo Asuka | Devilman 1972
Gomez Addams | Addams Family vs. Thanatos | Hades
Blahaj | IKEA vs. Marcy Wu | Amphibia
Calcifer | Howl's Moving Castle vs. Nausicaa | Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Toy Soldier | The Mechanisms vs. Dio Brando | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Mollymauk Tealeaf | Critical Role vs. Crona | Soul Eater
Herbert West | Reanimator vs. Magnus Chase | Magnus Chase Series
Desire | Sandman vs. Candace Flynn | Phineas and Ferb
Goblin King | Labyrinth vs. Kimiko Ross | Dresden Codak
Link | Breath of the Wind vs. Cecil | Welcome to Night Vale
Lucienne | Sandman vs. Testament | Guilty Gear
Ekko | Arcane vs. Stevonnie | Steven Universe
Newt Geisler | Pacific Rim vs. Gabrielle De Lioncourt | Vampire Chronicles
Rohan Kishibe | Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Yamato | One Piece
Koki Kariya | The World Ends With You vs. Super Star Rockin' Jay | Ninjago
Legolas | Lord of the Rings vs. N | Pokemon
Goro Akechi | Persona 5 Royale vs. Garry | Ib
Bold & Brash | Spongebob Squarepants vs. Simon Petrikov | Adventure Time
Byleth | Fire Emblem 3 Houses vs. Spectile | Pokemon
Hawks | BNHA vs. Meta Knight | Kirby
Professor Venomous | OKKO vs. Double Trouble | She-ra
Johnny C. | Johnny The Homicidal Maniac vs. Lyfrassir Edda | The Mechanisms
Dr. Robotnik | Sonic Movie vs. Zuko | Avatar the Last Airbender
Blue Spirit | Avatar the Last Airbender vs. Kaname Date | Ai: Somnium Files
Will Graham | Hannibal vs. Kusuriuri | Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales
Lewis Pepper | Mystery Skulls vs. Eda Clawthorne | The Owl House
E-boy Wojak | Meme Culture vs. Spectra | Bakugan
Cure Chocolat | Kira Kira Precure a la Mode vs. Maleficient | Maleficient
Dean Winchester | Supernatural vs. Onceler | Lorax
Joker | Persona 5 Royale vs. Dr. Franken Stein | Soul Eater
Nagito Komaeda | Danganronpa vs. Donatello Hamato | ROTTMNT
Greg House | House MD vs. Carla | Dumbing of Age
Klavier Gavin | Ace Attorney vs. Marty McFly | Back to the Future
Elias | Ancient Magnus Bride vs. 4th Phase Ghouls | Ghost
John Mitchell | Being Human UK vs. Zasp | Bug Fables
Kuvira | ATLA vs. Ed Elric | FMA
Mr. Fox | Fantastic Mr. Fox vs. Fujimoto | Ponyo
Jean Descole | Professor Layton vs. Ryan Akagi | Infinity Train
Blackbeard | OFMD vs. Aragorn | LOTR
Alex Fierro | Magnus Chase vs. Juno Steel | Penumbra Podcast
Red Lizard | Rain World vs. Mae | Night in the Woods
Jinx | Arcane vs. Grusha | Pokemon
Jack Sparrow | POTC vs. Medic | TF2
Korra | Legend of Korra vs. Tim Curry Characters | Clue, Rocky Horror
Gunpowder Tim | The Mechanisms vs. Wizard | wizardisananimal
Sonic | Sonic vs. Team Rocket | Pokemon
Ilima | Pokemon vs. Grell Sutcliff | Black Butler
Espresso Cookie | Cookie Run vs. Ralsei | Deltarune
Ellie Sattler | Jurassic Park vs. Ryuko | Kill La Kill
Columbo | Columbo vs. Beast Wirt | OTGW
Jennifer Check - Jennifer's Body vs. JD - Heathers
Gerry Keay | TMA vs. Kris Dreemurr | Deltarune
Ranma Saotome | Ranma 1/2 vs. Alucard/Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes | Castlevania
ENA | ENA vs. Raine Whispers | TOH
Danny Fenton | Danny Phantom vs. Papa Emeritus III | Ghost bc
Rouxls Kaard | Deltarune vs. Arven | Pokemon
Denji | Chainsaw Man vs. Haruka Tenou | Sailor Moon
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irem-sena-0514 · 1 month
Evening date with my beautiful girl 🎶😘💙😌♥️
🌌💙🩵 Kris Wu - Wu Yifan 🩵💙🌌
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summerlycoris · 7 months
Groovin the Moo festival’s cancellation is expected to have a ‘profound ripple effect’. So what went wrong?
On Wednesday, organisers of the Groovin the Moo festival, Cattleyard Promotions, announced they were cancelling all six regional festivals, just eight days after tickets had gone on sale.
International headliners including Melanie C, GZA of Wu-Tang Clan, the Kooks and the Beaches were to play the touring festival in late April and early May, alongside Australian acts Jet, King Stingray, Mallrat and San Cisco.
In a statement on social media, the festival said they were “extremely disappointed” but that “ticket sales have not been sufficient to deliver a regional festival of this kind”.
All ticket purchases will be automatically refunded. The organisers have declined to respond to media requests for further comment.
With dates set for Wayville in South Australia, Bendigo, Canberra, the Sunshine Coast, Newcastle and Adelaide, Groovin the Moo is the latest music festival to temporarily fold this year. On New Year’s Eve, the long-running Falls festival in Byron Bay did not go ahead, with organisers saying they would take a year off to “recalibrate”. Adelaide’s Vintage Vibes was cancelled in late January and Camden’s ValleyWays festival was also cancelled in January, citing “cost of living pressures”.
The Greens issued a statement on Thursday saying music festivals were collapsing due to inflation, and changes in how the public purchases tickets due to an uncertain economic environment.
“It’s clear that there is an urgent need for government support to keep the industry going through these uncertain economic times,” said the Greens spokesperson for the arts, Sarah Hanson-Young, who has asked arts minister Tony Burke to fund another round of live music grants in the May budget, and work with the festivals industry to enable them to stay viable.
But an insider told Guardian Australia that poor tickets sales may have also been affected by the mix of artists chosen to perform. “We think we got the lineup wrong,” they said the organisers told them.
‘We need to take stock of what’s really going on here’
The Greens said it was clear the festival industry was still “struggling to get back on its feet since it was decimated by the Covid pandemic”.
But Dr Andy Ward, senior lecturer in contemporary music at the University of the Sunshine Coast – a short drive from a Groovin the Moo site – said the issues facing the live music industry were more complex.
“The industry has been through the wringer since Covid, but we can’t really continue [just] blaming Covid-19 for the change in consumer behaviour,” said Ward, whose research area is the economic and political environments of the music and entertainment industries.
“Younger audiences have completely different expectations to pre-Covid audiences. You’re talking about a generation who … may have spent their last years of high school or their first years at university in lockdown, isolated at home or certainly in less close social contact environments … and there is the issue of social anxiety we’ve been looking into.
“We need to look at the other things they’re spending money on, and it seems to be home entertainment and more streaming-based media. Younger people aren’t engaging in the traditional coming-of-age [experiences], they’re socialising at home and having house parties.”
Ward said the Groovin the Moo cancellation on the Sunshine Coast was nevertheless surprising, given its enormous success last year. All 25,000 tickets sold out within five days, for a lineup that included Fatboy Slim, Amy Shark, Eliza Rose and Ocean Alley.
The chief executive of Queensland’s music industry development association, Kris Stewart of QMusic, said rising insurance and transport costs meant touring events had to practically sell out in order to break even.
“We need to take stock of what’s really going on here,” he said. “Do these festivals need to be smaller, do we need to find less expensive ways of touring? Are there other more sustainable ways of doing things, where maybe [organisers] pick up more national artists, instead of international artists, and have fewer people on the road? There’s a number of things that I think need to be considered … we can’t just keep ploughing ahead like this.”
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allyreactions · 4 years
EXO Headcanon : Kris Wu x Shy!Reader
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~ A/N : This one didn’t take too long to write, and it’s definitely not my best work, but I really hope you guys like it! 
                 ~ Admin Ally 
ps. : hey anon! I responded to an nsfw ask a while ago that has a Kris Wu x Shy!Reader pairing. here’s the link if you wanna read it! and here’s the link to the regular idol kink post with Kris! 
- masterlist (updated) - idol kink masterlist (updated) requests CLOSED idol kink requests : OPEN
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→ kris is pretty quiet himself 
→ loves that the two of you are so similar 
→ but loves you no matter what 
→ thinks your shyness is cute 
→ loves when you blush
→ would sometimes tease you about it 
→ but he doesn’t mean any harm by it
→ understanding if you don’t want to attend a party 
→ understanding if you want to leave a party early 
→ always pays attention to you 
→ makes sure that you’re comfortable 
→ knows your limits 
→ no matter the situation 
→ is super soft with you 
→ treats you like an angel 
→ you have him wrapped around your finger 
→ loves spending quiet nights with you 
→ but would encourage you to go out on date night 
→ basically just a soft baby around you 
→ you bring out the sweetest side in him
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yifanxai · 4 years
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Take me to an art museum
Kiss me between the paintings
yifan on a date to an art museum ; moodboard
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cfensi · 4 years
Drama promos: Sword Snow Stride, Legend of Fei, The Golden Hairpin, The Long Ballad and more
Drama promos: #SwordSnowStride, #LegendofFei, #TheGoldenHairpin, #TheLongBallad and more
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Zhang Tian’ai in Sword Snow Stride
Sword Snow Stride – Zhang Ruoyun, Hu Jun, Li Gengxi, Zhang Tian’ai
My #1 drama to-watch in 2021 just based on the trailer alone. (more…)
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king-layney · 4 years
I was tagged by @erfanic​ to list the 10 songs I'm obsessed with lately, thank you as always love!!!💕 
bang! - AJR
大碗宽面 - kris wu
the king - conan gray
คั่นกู - ไบร์ท วชิรวิชญ์ bright wachirawit
a trophy fathers trophy son - sleeping with sirens (i don’t wanna talk about this one lmao its a bit personal)
binu - bibi
parasites - san fermin
humility - gorillaz ft. george benson
a little piece of heaven - avenged sevenfold (this song is old as shit but i have recently rediscovered it and how i love the creepiness lmao)
คนนี้ - scrubb (i listen to a lot of their stuff now so thanks 2gether the series lmao)
it was actually hard to find ten because i usually run like the same 5 into the ground until i find more lmaoooo 
ill tag @jazthespazz​ @demon-glittter​ @whatisadecentusername​ @sushitaes​ @trashcanyeahman​ because i love you all!!!!
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imaginekris · 4 years
Imagine Kris taking a shot of rum before razoring his bangs, for courage. Captain Morgan take the wheel, Kris needs to focus on not giving himself a scene teen fringe.
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ohhmydyosfics · 4 years
(Krisbaek) Mock Not Dating
Kris is goaded into online dating. Baekhyun is not his ideal, but maybe he’s exactly what Kris needs.
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beserkerjewel · 5 years
Bearded Kris really looks like a creep, just saying
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Dating Kris Would Include …
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so the two of you had known each other for awhile when the spark hit you guys
you’d been a makeup artist for sm longer than he’d ever been signed, and when you first saw one another,,, it was like automatic hatred
he’s so stoic and you were so hyper, but of course, you were assigned to be his artist. [inward/outward groans and eye rolls to follow]
“are you kidding me? why are you so still all the time, but then when you sit down for me to do my job, you can’t stop moving?” “sorry, staring at your face for a prolonged period of time makes me uncomfortable …”
you had to refrain from smacking that smirk right off of his face
once you’d finished his makeup, he launched himself out of his chair and went straight for his phone
“seriously?” “my phone is my life, (Name), shut up.” “maybe that’s why you’re so anit-social?” 
yeollie butts in, “aannnddd she takes home the prize for the correct answer!” 
you laughed, and walked over to yeollie, baek, and chen … chatting it up with the beagle line
kris is sUpEr jealous, but like, hatred,,,, y’know … 
“i’m the only one who can subtly flirt with (Name). it’s only mE.” luhan’s trying to mind his own business but he just cAn’T
luhan internally: ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
luhan externally: ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
he’s creepin hard.
when you come into work the next day, kris is oh so conveniently trying to order your favorite drink (that you knew he hated). you had to wipe the grin off your face before going to talk to him
“so kris ,,,,, whatcha doin’??” the poor man almost fell over dead, he was so scared. you almost fell over dead laughing …he did not appreciate that
“i’m getting a drink (Name), god.” “my favorite drink?” “i just wanted to see if your coffee is as bitter as you are.” 
the idea of self-restraint was buying its ticket to the bermuda triangle. it will soon never be seen again.
after he gets the coffee, you slip it right out of his hand, and dash to the elevators. kris runs after you, “(Name) get back here! you know i’m cheap! that drink cost fOuR dOLLeRs!!”
he got to the elevators, but you had a trick up your sleeve.
the two of you were inside, but it stopped on the next floor up
coffee in hand, you planted your hand on all of the buttons and made your way down. on your way out, you pressed close.
“have fun being late, loser! and, thanks for the mocha! i’ll be sure to enjoy!” his eyes were wide-open, and frozen, and his mouth was gaping as the doors shut.
all you could do was laugh
opening the door to the boy’s dressing room, you walked in, placing the untouched drink on the makeup station
“he forgot the extra shot of espresso.” 
“who did??” luhan’s voice made you jump. 
“none of your business, lu.” “ooo does (Name) have a cRUsH??!!” “oh my god, shut up.” 
he doesn’t …. 
“oH! is it jinwoo! the barista downstairs,,, he’s kinda cute! i can see you with him” no he cAn’T “what the hell?! lu, no, it’s not jinwoo!”
here he comes ┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬ 
“so you admit, you have a cRUsH!!” “nO.” 
“stop lYiNg, you piece oF tRaSh!!”
“….maybe,,,, i do.”
*cue weird man screams*
“i kNEw iT!!! TELL ME WHO IT IS (Name) (L/N)!!” “nO wAy, lu, eVeR!!” “wHy tHO?!!” 
“wow, this ,,,, this is what betrayal feels like? i can’t believe it …” luhan clenched his heart, and you burst into laughter. punching his shoulder lightly. 
“you’re my best friend but,,,, no.”
“(NaME) (L/N)!! i aM gOinG tO MUrdER YOU!!!” 
in that moment everything froze. the managers stopped chatting, xiumin and sehun looked up from their phones, tao pulled his nose out of his gucci magazine, yixing and kai woke from their peaceful slumber, and even the beagle line stopped messing with junmyeon and kyungsoo. you were the only one to move.
you shot up and out of your spot on the couch, running towards the exit on the other side of the room.
!!! GoTTa bLaST !!!
“catch me if you can, loser!” “(Name), your legs are so short! they can hardly take you anywhere!” “be quiet, sehun! no one asked your opinion.” 
you didn’t have time to make fun of him more,,, you had to run.
it’s been almost fifteen minutes, and you’re starting to get tired. it’s getting hard to breath, so you hide behind a door, where you think no one else is,,,
second surprise!!!
“shhh, the managers are mad. they have looks that can kill,” he hissed, placing a hand over your mouth. that was a mistake.
you licked his hand, and he snatched it away. you laughed triumphantly, not realizing what you’d just done. 
“did you just ,,, lick me?” “i did” “…” “oh god, what have i done.” you slammed your head into the wall, and it was deafening. you sprung back, not meaning to hit it that hard.
kris couldn’t hold back his laughter.
the managers found you, and they immediately thought the worst …
this day that started perfectly, turned into one of your worst nightmares. 
the words on the pink slip of paper was the most heartbreaking news you’d ever received in your life. and once, you hit a cat on the road, and tried to go back to help it
‘Miss (L/N), we must regretfully inform you that you are fired. Due to suspicious circumstances concerning you and an idol, you are being let go. Your contract has been terminated, and you must be out of the building by 12 this afternoon.’ 
tears pricked at the back of your eyes, and you realized that you had to pack up your station and say your goodbyes in just two hours.
you made your way to the boy’s dressing room, and tried to keep from crying. immediately, the boys noticed something was wrong, and they came over to you, looking worried. 
silently, you showed them the pink slip, and some gasped, while others were speechless.
the first to move were xiumin and chanyeol. xiumin wrapped his strong arms around you and hugged you for a few seconds, some of his own tears splattering across your soft, cotton t-shirt. chanyeol was next, and he rested his chin on your head as he hugged you, swaying back and forth a bit.
chen, baekhyun, and sehun were the next ones to come up to you. chen took your hand in his, and gave it a squeeze, offering you a wordless “it’ll be okay.” baekhyun was after him, and he gave you a little kiss on the cheek, whispering in your ear, “(Name), this isn’t the end, y’know.” sehun stole you away, his face downcast. “I’ll let you make fun of me any time, (Name), don’t worry …” his sad smile broke your already fragmented heart.
tao and kai followed. tao cupped your face, and brought you into his chest. he slowly let his tears fall … over the years, you’d grown extremely close to the china-line. kai grasped your hand in his velvety soft one, and he offered you a gentle grin. “this doesn’t mean anything, (Name), we’ll still see each other every day,” he promised.
suho and yixing came after they stepped back. suho’s eyes were teary and he was at a loss for words. all he did was hug you tight and lift you a bit from the ground. once he pulled away, yixing took his place. lay stared at you for a few seconds, inaudibly watching you fall apart. he grabbed your right hand, and he spinned in a circle slowly. when you faced him again, he chuckled and wiped the rivulets that had fallen down from your eyes.
luhan and kyungsoo, two of the most controlled and calm members, were bawling. luhan, though he was one of the last, ran to you and gripped you in a hug that knocked the breath out of your lungs. his shoulders shook violently as he sobbed into the crook of your neck. kyungsoo had to pry him off of you to say his own goodbye. 
“(Name), you are very special to us. You’ve taken care of us when we needed it, and offered us help when it was necessary. In this world, full of stars, you shine the brightest, and every one of us loves to stargaze. We’ll miss you, (Name).”
at that moment, you shattered.
you hugged kyungsoo with the force of a hundred elephants. he stumbled back a bit, and he laughed sullenly, shielding the others from seeing his tears by hiding his face in your shoulder.
“that’s shi-”
all of the others glowered at kris as he snatched the pink slip out of your hand
“suspicious circumstances concerning an idol …” 
his face turned ghost white. “oh god, (Name). behind the door. oh god, oh god, oh god … this is my fault …” you shook your head rapidly and put your hands on the outsides of his arms.
“kris no—”
“yes!” “kris, don’t make this harder—” “at least let me walk you out, (Name) … please?”
reluctantly you nodded, scrambling around to pack up your things
the ride in the elevator was hushed, and neither of you spoke. but, sometimes words are better left unsaid.
the two of you exited the elevator, and you went to get one last coffee. you handed the cardboard box to kris, and told him where to find your car.
when you came back out, oddly enough, you were holding two coffees. one for kris and one for you. it was your last hurrah as a makeup artist with sm; one final thing to make your memory stand with kris.
but he did you one better …
with both of the drinks spilled over the back of your car, he brought both of his hands to your face, and kissed you.
smack on the lips.
you felt like a little school girl, having your secret crush kiss you on what used to be your playground.
“I guess those mochas aren’t as bitter as I thought.” you pulled him in again, and then came another snarky remark. “I hope we’re not too suspicious. that would be problematic.”
at this point, the job didn’t matter. you had left earth, and dropped all of its baggage on the way up.
you loved that feeling.
wowie, 1.7k words to get to the actual thing lol ;-;
okay, so dating this secret floof would be the cutest thing.
kris is like, forever in his teen angst phase, so, you always have to pull him out of the house to do stuff. 
“we’re going to karaoke with Ryu and Mina! it’ll be so fun!” “(Name), i don’t sing. i’m a rapper.” “no, you’re my boyfriend, and i have enough dirt on you to fill a million construction sites.”
“i hate you, y’know.” “love you too, kris~”
he ends up enjoying everything more because he’s with you. 
“you always find the beauty in things.” “do you find beauty in this??” “you? oh,,,, nah.”
now that you’re not an employee you can actually hit him.
you guys would never ever use nicknames, you’re just too close, and it doesn’t feel right when you call him “honey” or “babe” and vice versa
also, you guys would never cuddle, like, ever (unless either of you guys were sad or sick or something)
you guys are actually the perfect mix of calm and chaotic, and it’s adorable. 
like, he’ll be reading on the couch, completely minding his own business while you’re looking for a new position as a makeup artist, but once you get bored, you legit just jump on him.
“kris, i hate looking for a job.” “and?” “i just hate it.” “well, someone’s gotta pay the bills for the rest of our lives, and it’s not gonna be me.” 
“aren’t you supposed to be the man of the house.” “i’m only that when i want to be. now, go look for a job.”
in all, you guys would be the cutest couple when you aren’t mad at each other.
which brings me to the point i’m excited sad to have to talk about. 
so, you two are probably the most stubborn people in the world. and most of the time, with stubbornness comes a temper, but that’s not the case with either of you.
neither of you guys have a short temper. so, it takes a lot for you to get angry with each other.
but, when he missed multiple anniversaries back to back, you began to get fired up.
“kris, what’s today?” “it’s the 16th of October, why?” for a few seconds you were silent, then you scoffed.
“you really forgot … and this is the third time.” “what? what’d i forget this time?” “no, you asshole, figure it out by yourself.” “oh jesus, (Name), stop being to dramatic and tell—” 
before he could finish, you slammed the door in his face, and walked to the bar down the street.
still oblivious, he called luhan and had to ask him why today was such a special day.
“oh my god, kris, this is the third time! every year, you forget!” “forget what?!” “your anniversary, you giant idiot!”
with those words, kris suddenly felt dizzy and a bit sick.
“oh god, what have i done?” he asked no one in particular, forgetting luhan was still on the line. “you’ve been a douche to (Name) for the third time in your relationship. you better keep an eye down below, one of these days i might just come by with a pair of scissors.”
he shuddered at the thought of luhan showing up with a pair of rusty blades to do something less-than-desirable to a part of him that he wasn’t ready to lose just yet.
the next few days were spent in an unsteady silence
you wouldn’t pick up his calls, and he had decided to wait your punishment for him out.
but, while the minutes on the clock ticked by and the restless drumming of his fingers grew too much for him to bear, he drove to your friend Mina’s house, and tried to persuade her to let him in
“Mina, i need to see her.” “but she doesn’t want to see you.” “i’m sure she doesn’t mean that.” there was a few seconds before a response, but he was relieved when he heard your voice.
“oh, so you didn’t forget to come check on me? what am i to you? a kid?” you rapidly fired questions at him, and he was appalled at what he was hearing.
“no, (Name). I’m so sorry. This is all my fault, and I completely understand if you want some space for awhile.” the door cracked open a bit, and he caught a glimpse of your puffy, tear-streaked face. “you know it’s the first thing i want, but, it’s the last thing i need.” you sucked in snot, and he wrapped his arms around you in a tight, reassuring hug
“i love you more than the world, (Name).”
“i love you too, Kris. so much.”
all in all, you guys would cherish each other, and even though you’re not the most lovey-dovey, you make up for it in how much romance is actually hidden within your relationship. he’ll cook meals for you, he’ll read his books to you, he’ll share his feelings with, but most importantly, he’ll tell you how much you mean to him. and you would do the same.
which is all the two of you really ask for.
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