#day 23 trinket
Beep Beep
@flufftober day 23 Trinket Garvez WC: 655 Ao3
“What is this?” Luke asks with interest picking the small gold bag that’s just been placed on his desk up by the straps, “A gift? For moi?”
“Oh, don’t- don’t let it go to your head. I get everyone gifts, I’m very giving, as you may remember. And it’s just a little thing. Just a- you know, a trinket. A token of good faith that I’m on the right track again and I’ve got my head in the game and, and… and I’m sorry…for being a jerk” she adds slowly, knowing he doesn’t want to re-live the cringe-inducing moment of manic oversharing any more than she does. 
Things between them since then had been weird in a he-should-have-been-weird-any-normal-person-would-have-been-weird-but-he-wasn’t sort of way and she hadn’t said sorry and it was sitting in her stomach growing every day since that she hadn’t acknowledged what she’d done was…not good. 
Especially to do to him…given… 
The bag has some weight to it but it’s not large, making Luke all the more curious about its contents. Now holding it by the base, he tips it, the item sliding easily into his palm. He brings the small rectangular object up, squinting as he turns it left and right in a faux display of inspection. He then looks at her, a queer questioning look on his face, but smiling. Always smiling. 
“Penelope, this a pager. Where did you find this? Does it even work? I don’t think the Bureau’s used pagers in 30 years- actually, I don’t think they ever used them. I’m not even sure Rossi-”
“Zuuuzzhh!” she buzzed, covering his lips with her finger, “I KNOW. YES it works. Look. There’s only one number that will ever be on it, and,” she paused, fumbling in her skirt pocket, then triumphantly pulling something out, “there will only ever be one on mine. Ok?” 
Luke regards her for a moment and for that moment she can’t breathe, the weight and meaning of what she’s said pressing on both of them, the understanding in the look he’s giving her. This was a terrible idea. The worst idea.
Carefully, quietly, he treads, “Penelope, are you saying this is just for you and I?” 
And then she does it though she doesn’t want to, she turns and retreats. “Oh, my go- can’t you ever- just. Not think too deep? It’s not that deep.”
 “But, Like, obviously, if it’s an emergency, call” she turns back to add, before nearly stumbling at Luke rising to follow her. 
It’s just for them. A simple, complicated, impractical, long ago thing. A way to stay in touch but not connected to everyone else. Just them. But she looks like….he hates what she looks like. Hates needing to give her that levity and space after so long, but he does, he couldn’t not give her what she needs, “You know we need a secret code now-“
“Ugh.” she shakes her head. -Thank you-
“I mean, how are you going to know what-“ he continues, making a joke out of it.
Whipping around, she finds him face to face and juts her hand palm-up at waist level, “I change my mind- give it back I’m going to chuck it into the-” 
“Noo,” Luke laughs, pushing the hand down and pulling away, making a show of keeping it high out of her reach, “this is mine now, no take backs, Chica. Possession is nine-tenths of the law”
“I hate you.” Penelope glares before spinning back to march off. 
“I don’t think you do.” Luke teases, jogging after a second to catch up to her quickly escaping form.
“Well you’re wrong, like always, and I do.” she says over her shoulder. 
“This pager says otherwise” he sings, letting her go, watching her go.
“That pager will never say anything, so have fun carrying it around,” are the final words in the discussion, but a secret smile fixes itself to two sets of lips, smiles that would stay the rest of the day.
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divinemissem13 · 8 months
Bits and Baubles
Flufftober, day 23: Trinket Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Ship: Janeway/ Chakotay AO3 link
Like the Delta Quadrant equivalent of a souvenir keychain, he brings back something small from each away mission (the peaceful ones anyway). There is no grand presentation, no elaborate ceremony of devotion. She just finds them the next day, sitting on her chair on the bridge or on the desk in her ready room. 
Sometimes, when they encounter an actual civilization, he might buy something small at the market. From the uninhabited planets, he brings back a unique stone or a leaf (or on one occasion, a fossilized insect!). 
She convinces herself it doesn’t mean anything. They are only mementos meant to catalog their journey. She preserves them for the sake of research.
It’s not like when Molly would bring her a stick, or a ball, or (God forbid) something else dug up from the dirt. Molly would drop the gifts into her lap and look up at her, tongue hanging out, with a mix of love, admiration, and pride shining through her eyes from the very core of her being.
No, those ‘gifts’ from Molly were signs of love, in the only way a dog knows to show it. 
These little trinkets from him - they’re just practical. 
Aren’t they? 
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distant-screaming · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: OMORI (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hero/Mari (OMORI), Aubrey & Basil & Hero & Kel & Mari & Sunny (OMORI) Characters: Mari (OMORI), Hero (OMORI), Kel (OMORI), Aubrey (OMORI), Basil (OMORI), Sunny (OMORI) Additional Tags: Fluff, Flirting, Pre-Canon, Established Relationship, Best Friends, Children, Cute, Chores, Treasure Hunting Series: Part 23 of Flufftober 2023 Summary:
Mari and Hero wash dishes, flirt, and get a real treasure demonstration. Kind of in that order.
(or: pre canon heromari + friends)
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mslaevateinn · 7 months
A trinket to remember their rocky start and get him through the rocky days
Here is a drabble for the twenty-third day of Promptober!
Written for: “Trinket” for @flufftober
Pairing: Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets No warnings Word count: 100
Hugh touched the chain around his neck. He had picked up the habit a few years into his relationship with Paul, whenever his partner did something reckless.
Can be found on AO3!
Hugh touched the chain around his neck. He had picked up the habit a few years into his relationship with Paul, whenever his partner did something reckless. Lately with the spore drives, he had been doing it a lot. Despite helping to design a safer navigational tool than the barbaric system Paul had been using… Hugh was never serene.
But this necklace, as illogical as it sounded, helped. Paul had bought it for their meeting’s anniversary on Alpha Centauri. A gem pendant, star and their initials. A trinket to remember their rocky start and get him through the rocky days.
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Prompt Day 23: Trinket
Fandom: Bob’s Burgers
Ship: Frondbrose (Mr. Ambrose/Phillip Frond)
Rating/Length: 3,302; T
Tags: Dolls, Mr. Frond’s therapy dolls, Petty Theft, Petty as in he doesn’t steal much and petty as in ambrose is petty, Idiots in Love, the feelings are mutual but they’re both dumb, Witchcraft, Crystals, Canon typical Ambrose drama, Flufftober 2023, Fluff
Summary: The doll looked just like Phillip Frond. Right down to the little damn sweater vest and glasses; the man had knitted them by hand too. It was terrifying how accurate it really was. Jasper dropped the doll back on the desk, making a face and moving to wipe his hand on the back of his pants as if he could rid his fingers of the offending object.
“Who the fuck knits dolls of their own likeness?” He sneered under his breath, glancing around the office.
Jasper Ambrose finds a tiny knitted likeness of Phillip Frond, steals it, and realizes his true motives and just why he can’t stop thinking about what happened in the closet.
A continuation of flufftober day 18 “This Never Happened”
Day twenty-three of flufftober 2023: trinket
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rainbowfey · 8 months
Day 23: Trinket
Kushina slowly grabbed another pickle and pulled the peanut butter jar a bit closer while watching Minato intently. He was shuffling about, scurrying from the kitchen to the living room to the hallway and all the way back to the kitchen. Even just watching him made her nervous. Usually, Minato was the calm and level-headed one of the both of them but right now he seemed more like a headless chicken running around. He kept grabbing one thing, running to another room, setting it back down in a different place and picking up something else. A bit curious, she observed how he picked up a small red plushie for the third time, only to bring it back to the kitchen from where he had taken it away only a couple of minutes earlier. Kushina contemplated whether she should say something but she decided that a good bite of the pickle would be the better option.
The pickle crunched between her teeth, its sour taste blending with the smoothness of the peanut butter to a divine amalgam. She closed her eyes in relish, mesmerized by the taste explosion on her tongue. But suddenly, she felt a movement close to hear and Minato’s voice grew louder.
“What if you need to visit the doctor while I’m gone?” he asked, sounding a bit panicked.
Kushina opened her eyes again and saw that his face had twisted with concern, his big blue eyes wide opened. She gave him a soft smile and shook her head. “Don’t worry, that won’t be the case.”
Minato’s voice almost cracked when he immediately shot back, “But what if it is?”
Kushina stared at him, pondering about what to say to calm him down. While Minato returned her gaze looking almost a bit fearful, she had an idea. Carefully, she fumbled another pickle out of the jar and put some peanut butter on it. Then she held it out to Minato, giving him an asking look. “Take one, that’ll help,” she said.
Minato grimaced and took a step back. “No, thank you. I think I’m fine.”
Kushina furrowed an eyebrow threateningly, fixating her gaze on him. “I mean it, honey. Take one!”
She could almost feel Minato’s reluctance when he slowly crept closer, his eyes focused on the pickle, a hint of horror on his face. Hesitantly, he accepted the pickle and stared at it as if it was going to poison him even by only touching his skin.
“Take a bite,” Kushina said, staring at Minato who pulled a rather unhappy face now. “It’s delicious, don’t worry.” “I doubt that,” Minato said under his breath but he did as she asked and took the tiniest bite Kushina had ever seen of the peanut buttered pickle.
She grinned to herself when his face twisted while he chewed. His eyes started watering but he did give her a reassuring smile, even though it seemed a bit forced. When he got ready to take a second bite, Kushina couldn’t hold her laughter back and softly grabbed his wrist. “It’s all good, you don’t have to do it just to make me happy,” she said with a grin. “I know you find it disgusting.”
Minato shook his head emphatically. “No, I don’t! It just tastes a bit … peculiar, I’d say.”
Kushina’s grin widened and she patted his hand. “It’s fine. Normally I wouldn’t be craving a combination like this either. But it did take your mind off of your worries!”
Minato paused and looked at her a bit surprised. “You’re right,” he said almost incredulously. “This taste really does drive out everything else.”
The small accomplishment gave Kushina a feeling of pride and she smiled at him. “Peanut butter and pickles make the perfect potion to calm you down.” She tenderly stroked his hand and got a bit more serious. “Everything will be fine, Minato, I promise. You have nothing to worry about. If anything, I should be the one worrying!”
He looked at her in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Kushina tilted her head and eyed him pensively. “Well, you are the one going on a mission, not me. I’ll stay here in safety while you go fight some bad guys. So, you have no right to be worried when you’re the one getting himself into a dangerous situation.”
Minato couldn’t stifle a laugh at her words. “Kushina, I’m not fighting bad guys. My team and I will accompany a person of significance from one location to another. They hired us as a safety precaution, not because they’re expecting any trouble.”
Kushina knew that and of course, she wasn’t too concerned. After all, Minato was the greatest shinobi she knew and his team also had something on the ball. She did hope however that reminding him of his upcoming mission would take his mind off of his concerns about her. “Yes but you never know, right? You’ll still have to be careful and keep an eye out for any signs of danger.”
Minato came closer and smiled at her tenderly. He carefully laid his hand on her stomach and stroked it softly. “I’ll be careful, I promise. I’ll be back in no time for you and our little one.”
Kushina leaned forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Are you feeling better now?”
Minato paused and seemed to think about it before he nodded slowly. “I think so. But … I don’t want to leave. I can’t stand the thought of being away from you and our little guy.”
Kushina melted away at his loving, but slightly sad tone. Compassion arose in her when she saw the conflict in his eyes. Pickles and peanut butter did provide a distraction for a short while but now she realized that his inner turmoil was deeper than that. From the corner of her eye, she saw something red and fluffy and suddenly, she had an idea. She carefully got up and walked around the kitchen isle to grab the red plushie lying on the surface forlornly where Minato had set it down a bit earlier.
Kushina smiled when her fingers grazed the cottony surface of the plushie. It had a shape that vaguely reminded her of a toad while Minato had insisted that it looked like a red blob with big puppy eyes. The plushie was holding a small trinket in its little hands that vaguely reminded her of a coin engraved with the Namikaze clan’s symbol – this was what had tipped the scales for her to buy this plushie instead of another one. She walked back to where he was sitting and showed him the plushie. “Remember when we bought this?” she asked and smiled when Minato’s expression softened instantly.
He nodded with a mellow grin and reached for her, poking his finger against the small trinket the plushie was holding on to. “Of course, I do. You said this looks just like one of my summoned toads wearing my clan’s symbol. You also said it would be our little one’s first plushie when he’s born.”
Kushina nodded affirmingly and stroked the plushie absentmindedly, her finger grazing the fine lines on the trinket. “You know what our little guy would love even more? If his daddy told him stories about how his toad plushie went on adventures with him.”
Minato looked at her curiously and asked, “What do you mean?”
She carefully put the plushie into Minato’s hand and smiled at him. “This one will be our little one’s lucky charm. You’ll take the plushie with you so that it can be full of adventures when you return. You look after the plushie and I take care of our little one until you come back. Deal?”
Minato looked at her with big eyes for a moment but then he turned the plushie around until he saw its face smiling at him from above the trinket with its delicate symbol. For a while, he looked at it, his eyes full of affection. Then he nodded slowly and set the plushie in his lap, facing Kushina. He protectively cupped it with his hands and looked at her solemnly. “I’ll take good care of this small buddy – and when I come back, the three of us will take care of our little one together!”
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ravenmichaelisstuff · 7 months
Fluff/MW3 spoiler
Listen guys. Soap making Ghost an advent calendar with every day being a small trinket with a note. And day 1 has just a bottle cap with a note: "Picked it up on our first mission together". Day 5: bags of Ghost's favorite tea "I memorized your favorite pretty quickly Lt."
He gets something every day, but there are days with things that make something in Ghost crumble.
Day 10: A bottle opener. "I snatched it from the bar the first time you agreed to go for a drink with us."
Day 15: A hand written cookie recipe. Soap's mom's handwriting. "I would never guess you liked baking, but I knew from the start that my ma' will love you."
Day 20: A small sketch of Ghost's face "I have memorized your every freckle".
Day 23: A bullet case. "I survived because I have you to take care of"
Day 24. A ring " Simon, will you marry me?"
I am in a mood ❤️
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teyamsatan · 10 months
ꜰᴀʟꜱᴇ ɢᴏᴅ | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪ: ɪ'ʟʟ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴛᴏɴɪɢʜᴛ
pairing: dilf!Jake Sully x (f)human/avatar!reader
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synopsis: It took a lot of time and advancements, but, with the humans' return to Pandora 8 years ago, and thanks to the constant raids of the Omaticaya, the scientists managed to make you and Spider an Avatar. Unlike him, though, you know nothing about and want nothing to do with it, and when your struggle to adapt becomes too overbearing, Jake decided to take matters into his own hands.
this story will contain an unhealthy, co-dependent relationship, and dark themes (smut, mental health, death, violence, infidelity), so pls read at your own discretion.
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, angst, age-gap (23 vs 43), pet names.
wc: 4.5k words
a/n: hi besties, and welcome to my first jake series! i have had this series in my mind for so so long, and it feels good to bring it to life finally. i am excited to get back into writing - i needed a little time to recharge after monster in me, and take a break and actually sleep and live my life hahahaha. anyway, i hope you enjoy this story, i'm so excited to write it and see where it takes me! xx
ps: this story will move perspectives and timelines a lott, so i hope it's not too confusing but pls do let me know if it is and i'll figure something out xx
replies and reblogs are massively appreciated, i loveee to hear from you so much!
na'vi compendium: tanhi - bioluminescent freckles, tsamsiyu - warrior, tawtute - human
series masterlist (x)
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I want you to know, I’m a mirrorball I’ll show you every version of yourself tonight
It was excruciating, the pain. It was never-ending, never relenting, it was enough to warrant the current position you found yourself in, curled up on your bed, knees brought close to your chest, hands grasping at your worn-down pyjamas, that much like everything else in this room, smelled like him, felt like him, was imbued with his presence and the memories he’s left that you’d never be able to forgive or forsake. Glossed-over eyes moved slowly through your room, at all the little trinkets you now had that you didn’t just a few months, all of them sharp and painful as they felt like they were digging painfully in you, leaving cuts and bruises in your already broken heart. Eventually, your gaze settled on a feather you were given the first day in your Avatar body, and it was an appropriate place to stop, as this was when it all began - this whole mess, that you were still debating whether it was worth it, worth all this, but which, at the time, was a pure and innocent new start, in a new body, in a new life.
I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break it's in a million pieces
“Come on, honey, it’s late already. You know life in the village starts early.”
The dragging of your feet did very little to make you appear more enthusiastic than you were feeling currently, and Norm sighed as he took it your deflated predisposition. It should be a happy time. You knew that. How many people can say that got a new chance, at a new life, on this planet that felt weirdly in between a home and a prison? A new chance to belong - the first one, actually. A chance to thrive and to experience this world the way it was meant to be experienced, the way that the natives experienced it. And yet, a few weeks in, you still felt like a complete stranger in a body you couldn’t recognise, in a culture that has never been your own, in a village that has never accepted you, that never ceased to look at you and see through you, right to the flimsy core of insecurities and self-doubts that plagued you constantly, that followed you everywhere you went, like a shadow in a dimly-lit room.
You looked across the room where the other neuro-link pod was being prepped, and next to it stood the only other young, human, adult on Pandora - your brother for all intents and purposes, the boy who you loved always, but hated in the moment, as you watched his lively and animated body language, practically beaming with anticipation. Spider, unlike you, settled in his new taller, bluer, shinier body almost immediately - a born acrobat, a made warrior, even before the Avatars were complete. He had no such compulsions, no shame or guilt, no embarrassment or anxiety, no feelings of inadequacy or imposter syndrome, just a pure, unadulterated joie de vivre and unquenchable fear of missing out. He got everything he’s ever wanted with that Avatar, and unlike you, he didn’t seem willing to squander the opportunity. You knew you should be more like him, and you were trying. The effort just wasn’t enough to overthrow the paralysing fear you felt every time you stepped foot in that village. You wondered if it ever will.
“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” With a sigh and a roll of your eyes, doing your very best to ignore the racket coming from just a few pods over, you allowed Norm to close the lid on top of your caged body, doing your very best to clear your head of the screaming voice that got louder by the second, the harder you tried. You’ll never make it. You will never be one of the people.
Hush When no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
Life in the village did indeed start early, and while you walked away from Hell’s Gate and through the thick forest that surrounded you, you could already hear faint sounds coming from the general direction of the Omaticaya settlement, a dead giveaway people were preparing for what the day would inevitably bring, from training in the healing practices of the Tsa’hik or the warrior skills of the tsamsiyu, it was the relentless will to improve and contribute to the overall wellness of each other and their planet that fuelled Na’vi every day.
Soon enough, the carefully crafted tents came into view, each one unique to the owner, with pieces of bone or hides that gave it a personal, intimate appeal, and it was easy enough, once you knew the people, to be able to tell who each tent belonged to. You smiled as your eyes fixed on one tent in particular, small and understated, despite who it was inhabiting it - Neteyam, future Olo’eyktan, never found any use for unnecessary embellishments, be it on his person or any of his belongings, always preferring to keep the showing off to the actual battle or training, his impressive skill set and his ability to thrive in every challenge his brightest adornment. When he came out of it, like he could sense you were near, your smile widened taking him in, in all his tall, blue, muscular beauty. He was a handsome young man, the perfect mix between Neytiri and… him. He used to look more like his mother when he was younger, but now, all of 23 years old, he was more and more Jake with each passing day, and the thought both intrigued and scared you, almost in equal parts.
It intrigued you because, well… because there was something special about Jake, there always has been. Not just because he was the first and only human to do the consciousness transfer, to be accepted into the clan, to become one of the people, or that he was Toruk Makto, one of only 6 to have ever existed; not because he was Olo’eyktan, and a revered warrior and leader… but because he was him. He was kind and patient, he was sweet and caring, he was funny and fun… he was everything.
On the other hand, it was for the exact same reasons that Neteyam’s resemblance to his dad scared you. Because every time you looked at him, you saw Jake, and the feelings you harboured for him since you were old enough to pay attention, that dwindled in time, were mingled with the deep familial affection you felt for Neteyam, who has been your best friend since you were old enough to... well, have memories. You didn’t want your relationship with him to be marred by feelings you couldn’t, wouldn’t ever feel for him, you didn’t want your history erased by the possibility of more, not when it would be wrong - not when, at your core, you would just settle for him because you couldn’t get the person you really wanted.
“Oi! A little late for the mighty warrior to be coming out of his tent, isn’t it?”
Neteyam snickered as he noticed you and Spider approaching, and shook his hand in Spider’s direction.
“Why is she this mean only to me?”
Spider shrugged and patted Neteyam on the shoulder simpathetically.
“Girls, man… Am I right? Anyway, going to find Lo’ak and Kiri. See you guys on the training grounds.”
Hush I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
As Spider took his leave, almost skipping to the Tsa’hik’s tent, where he knew Kiri would be, you started walking quietly, anxiety rising in your chest with each step taken towards the grounds, where you’d once again, as you have for the past few weeks, prove to yourself and everyone around you that you weren’t made for this - the fighting, the battles, the wielding of death machines, be it a gun or a bow, none of it was yours to take, yours to concur. You were made for the labs, for the quiet, analytical lifestyle. You were made for wielding a guitar, and playing it until the strings broke, you were made for daydreams and illusions and fantasies you could only fathom yourself part of, for a happier, easier world that would allow you to be all of those things without incursions. Alas, the world was not what you envisioned for yourself when you were younger, and with this great opportunity, came sacrifices you hoped time would lessen and sweeten, and turn them into blessings in disguise.
“Are you ready for today?”
“Does that make a difference?”
Neteyam’s sigh was answer enough for you. He tried to help, he really did. He went above and beyond for you and you were grateful. He was a patient teacher and a great friend, and his determination, as always, came at a cost, the cost of another burden he had to carry, another person he had to parent and take care of, and while it was not lost on you, it didn’t matter. None of it mattered.
“You’re going to be okay. You just have to give yourself time to grow. You can’t compare yourself with Spider, who’s been in the village with us his whole life. It’s going to take you time and effort, but you can do this, Tawte. And I’ll be here, at every step, ready to catch you if you fall.”
You smiled a little, slightly distracted, as you always were, by his sweet nickname, and your thoughts flowed gently at the memories that stirred in you whenever he said it, at the way the first word he ever uttered as a babe was a slurred version of a word he heard all the time from his mother: tawtute... human. From her mouth, it was laced with poison and disdain, but not from Neteyam's, who loved you, ever since you were young, who accepted you for who you were. Tawte was a gentle reminder of how far you've come, and how the familial love between the two of you hasn't faltered through time, but only blossomed and deepened, much to your eternal gratitude.
And they called off the circus, burned the disco down When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me
Your eyes, hidden behind a sea of glossy tears settled on the next item, the broken tip of an arrow, that you kept since that day, when you somehow did so poorly in bow practice, you managed to break an incredibly sturdy arrow, much to Spider and Lo'ak's amusement, and much to your deep dismay. You thought how about your feelings of inadequacy were exacerbated by the Olo'eyktan's watchful eyes, who observed you intently the whole time, and how that inadvertently set everyone's gaze on you. So many eyes - watching, judging...fearful; so many words - whispered and snickered, and it hurt. It all hurt. But then... he changed everything, not just in that moment, so far removed from you now, but for the rest of your life, with just a few simple words.
“What?” the shock couldn't be shaken off your face, no matter how hard you tried. You knew you needed to get a grip of your emotions, but that was always easier said than done for a girl who was aptly described her whole life as "wearing her heart on her sleeve".
“Ouch, kid. You’re hurting my feelings. I would have liked to think anyone would be honoured to be personally trained by the Olo’eyktan, but I think I’ve been humbled.”
“No, Jake… of-of course I am, I just think… your efforts are better spent on someone else, someone… who’s worthy of it.”
It was minuscule, the change, but it was there - his eyes, his smile had an edge to them, that wasn't there before. He wasn't happy with your words, and yet, he remained calm and maintained the easy, outgoing, friendly nature of his tone.
“How about you let me decide what my efforts are better spent on, kid?”
That was enough to shut you up, but when he noticed the purple tinge in your cheeks, and the way your gaze dropped in shame, his expression softened. He brought a hand to your face, his thumb grazing your chin so that you'd look up at him, and you hoped the shudder that tried you went unnoticed to him, and to the rest of the clan.
“Here’s the deal. I think part of the reason you are having such a hard time is because you’re here, in this village you’ve never truly been a part of, with so many watchful eyes on you. You feel the pressure of performing well in front of the people, in front of my kids… in front of Spider. You shouldn’t have to do that. So, my solution is simple: you and I go for a few days’ hunt. I will teach you the basics, like I learnt when I first joined the Omaticaya. This way you get to relax a little, get to remove yourself from this place for a while and enjoy the beauty of Pandora, and who knows, kid? Maybe you'll find it's easier to be a part of us than you ever could have imagined. What do you say, mm?"
I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try
How could you have said no to such an offer? Even now, with all this hindsight, standing on the edge of a cliff with so much room beneath you to fall, with one foot on the ledge and the other on a banana fruit peel, able to look at the situation from a vantage point you only got with all the months of history you've amassed, even now... you still would say yes. Because no matter the pain and the hurt that now seeped into you like rain through the cracks in the withered, dry ground, soaking into every facet of it... just like the rain, his presence and memory also gave you life, a purpose, a way to go on. And you wouldn't give that up, not while there was still breath in your lungs.
So you said yes. And you left, that same day, on the back on his beautiful ikran, for a long ride that would take you somewhere deep in lands you've never experienced before, away from whispers and prying eyes, away from the doubt and the fear. As you were flying far above the world you've known and loved your whole life, that scared you your whole life, you couldn't help but think of what Jake was doing, and feel grateful for it. You thought about how it only consolidated the way you've always viewed him, as a great warrior, a great father, a great mentor... a great man. You thought about your crush, and how it embarrassed you as a teenager, and how you couldn't look him in the eye whenever he came to the lab and asked you a question, how you couldn't be around him without thinking you're gonna catch fire. That was long ago.
It passed, you thought. The crush, slightly weird and completely unattainable, passed through time. Yet here you stood, bare back, yet another foreign feeling you were trying to get used to, flush against his muscular chest, his palm protectively wrapped around your abdomen, and somehow, you forgot to take in the beauty of this world you’ve never seen from such a high vantage point, forgot to enjoy the fact you were literally flying, the air flowing through your luscious, thick hair… you forgot to breathe.
“You okay there, kid? Tell me if this is overwhelming, we can take a break.”
“N-no. I’m alright…Thank you.”
“Good girl.”
I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me
Jake struggled to rationalise how things could have ever ended up this way. How did this happen? A few short months ago, it seemed, his life was... normal, or as normal as life could be in the middle of an ongoing territorial war with a species that was once his own, that he now disowned, that he now despised most days. Still. Normal. The same way it had been since he arrived on Pandora, since he mated with Neytiri, since he had one kid, and then another, and another...
He's known you since you were born. He took pity on you, much like he did Spider, for the cruelness of the Universe, for whatever it took for you to be born on this planet he loved, but knew was inhospitable to those who weren't made for it. Aliens. That was about the extent of your similarities to Spider, though. Unlike him, you were sweet, docile, quiet. You never came out to the village, and the few times you did, you just stood in a corner, on some tree stump, clinging to Neteyam like a little lost puppy.
How did it end up this way? It was wrong, it was all wrong. He knew it in his heart he had to stop, and he's been trying... so hard, it was all so hard. In these months, despite his mind telling him otherwise, urging him to consider all he stood to lose, he still ended up putting his life, everything he's built up on the line for you, doing things that frightened him, ashamed him, embarrassed him, but that he couldn't stop doing because it was you. And you were everything, and the way you made him feel was everything. And it all started that night.
The training was not necessarily any less painful than it had been, but he was right - it was easier. He was a good teacher, you told him. You say you understood now where Neteyam got it from, his penchant for imparting wisdom in a calm, collected and patient manner. He went through all the basics, and after a good few hours, he felt like you were almost... relaxed. By eclipse, you were hunched over food that he was preparing over fire, while practicing your Na'vi - the only thing you felt comfortable enough to call yourself good in, and for the first time since you got your Avatar, you looked... happy. You needed this and he knew it. You didn't even know it for yourself, but he knew. And thinking about it, and him, made you blurt out a secret you held in your soul for years and years, before your mind had enough time to talk you out of it.
“I used to have a crush on you, you know?” You chuckled a little, and Jake was fascinated by the sound, which sounded less like a laugh and more like bells chiming in the wind, and by the purple tinge of your cheeks as you confessed something that he couldn’t believe his ears, that were now pushed back flat in shock.
“You used to have a crush on me?”
His tone amused you even further, it seemed, because you brought a hand to your mouth to stifle the sound Jake felt a sudden desire to continue hearing for the rest of his life.
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
“I don’t know, kid, just… never thought out of everyone in this village, and the labs, people your own age, including my kids and Spider, you’d ever have a crush on an old man like me.” He chuckles his own rugged, awkward laugh and looks over at you, the way he couldn’t stop himself doing, it seemed, to gauge for a reaction that he didn’t know whether he wanted to see.
“I think that was part of the charm, actually.” As you catch yourself talking, you stop and turn, the tinge in your cheeks no longer a tinge but a splash of violent colour as you pat yourself aggressively with both hands, to release some of the heat that pooled unwelcome in your face. “I… I really should not… say things.”
He raises an eyebrow, clearly amused and intrigued at the new development. “So you like ‘em older, huh, kid? Always the shy and quiet ones, ain’t that so?”
You retreat further in yourself at the way he just called you out, unconsciously making yourself smaller by bringing your knees in and wrapping your arms around them, your face buried in between your legs in embarrassment and you let out a small groan. You couldn’t believe this was happening to you. First time in your life you were fully alone with this great man, this man that is a legend, that will have history books written about him even back on Earth, this man that knew so much and achieved enough to last lifetimes and instead of learning from him, instead of doing what you came here to do to begin with, here you are, running your mouth faster than your brain could catch up, making sure you would never be able to look him in the eyes ever again.
“Are you still playing that guitar of yours? You used to drive Neytiri crazy with that thing when you were young.”
“Yeah, I still play, just, I keep it to the rec centre mostly.”
“I just... don’t want to bother anyone.”
You sounded sad, too sad. He saw your eyes swimming with tears and he cringed at the way he was unable to make you feel fully comfortable around him. This shouldn't be this hard.
“Ah, kid… you can play in the village. The Omaticaya love music, they’re called the Flute Clan for cryin’ out loud. They just need time.”
“It’s been 23 years.”
Jake didn’t push anymore, not when you were right. It’s been a long enough time, but some things… some things don’t get better with time. Jake’s always hated that stupid old saying anyway.
“Y’know… I play a little guitar, too.” He scoffs a little as he thinks more about it. “Well, used to play. Probably not any good anymore, but at some point, I used to be.”
Your eyes shoot to him and the glimmer in them makes Jake’s mind come to a standstill - they were so beautiful. You were so beautiful.
“Really? That’s amazing!” And just like that, your previous outburst was swiftly forsaken and forgotten, the new piece of information far too exciting for you to dwell on anything else. “How come I’ve never heard you? You should play for us sometime.”
Jake smiled a sorrowful smile that stopped short of reaching his eyes. “Just… haven’t had the chance.”
There were a lot of reasons Jake hasn’t done so many of the things that used to bring him joy when he was human. But ya win some, ya lose some, that was always his philosophy for life anyway. He had so much to be grateful for in this life, so much more than he ever thought possible for a grunt like him. The Universe has been more than generous in compensating him for a lifetime of resentment and regrets, and so if he had to give certain things up, that he did so without thinking twice about it.
“So how did you learn?”
“My old man taught me, probably the only thing he ever taught me, unless you count how to run a backdoor draw while high off your ass.” Jake lets out a humourless laugh, enjoying the look of confusion plastered all over your face, and the way your tanhì seemed to shine brighter when you ruminated over something in your head. Your nose crinkles a little, as his words register fully in your ears and they twitch, and the humourless laugh quickly evolves in a warm, inward smile.
You were beautiful, he ends up acknowledging yet again, taking in all the mannerisms that somehow escaped him all these years.
“A what?”
Jake chuckles, shaking his head. “Nevermind.”
“Did you not… get along with your dad?”
Jake finds himself, for the first time in years, too many years, thinking about his dad and his life as a young kid back on Earth, and all the shitty memories that came along with that thought, memories he’s tried to repress most of his life. He catches yet another sigh before it escapes him, a habit he’s seemed to have quickly picked up in your presence, as you asked questions most people never did, questions he didn’t want to answer, questions he wanted nothing more than to be asked.
“My dad was a mean ol’ dog, who liked women and booze more than he ever liked Tommy or me. I could never find it in me to care when he died.” That was morbid, he recognises, but it needed to be said. Something about you just makes him want to just… confess things he shouldn’t be feeling, and shouldn’t be saying out loud, and yet here he was, heart thumping and palms sweating almost nervously, and the word vomit didn’t seem like it was anywhere close to over.
“He made mean sloppy joes, though. And he played the guitar like he was born with a six-string in his hands.” There were some good memories. The memory of his dad teaching young squirt Jake Future Days, his old, cigarette-imbued hoarse voice singing the lyrics that still had the power to bring tears to his eyes… that was one of the good ones.
You smiled as he spoke, a warm, inviting smile, that made the breath catch in his lungs and begged him to spill all the secrets that he tried so hard to bury deep inside, and he feels his stomach drop when he realises the feelings you invoked in him, for the first time in his life, were no longer ones he could justify or explain, but ones that demanded to be felt.
The silence was heavy and awkward after that, or so he thought, and he watched you as you ruminated over his words, as you nibbled at the fish he managed to catch while teaching you the basics of fishing. He shouldn't have said it, any of it. What the hell does he think he's doing, going around confessing the depths of his somewhat bitter soul to a kid who knew nothing about life, and who shouldn't have to carry his burdens to begin with. Maybe coming here was a mistake. Maybe being alone with you... was a mistake.
"You should go to sleep, kid. There's a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and the sooner we're done, the sooner your life can go back to normal."
You nodded gently and obliged.
“I think you’re lying.” You say, as you turn your back to him, closing your eyes and preparing yourself to return to your human body, as soon as sleep would find you. “I think you cared. I think you still care. And it’s ok to care. Sometimes… people are horrible and they suck… and we love them anyway. And I think that’s what makes humans special… and good.”
Jake was too stunned to be able to say anything else, as he stared mouth-agape at your back.
“Sleep well, Jake.”
Maybe he did lie. Maybe life will never go back to normal again and the thought... the thought terrified him.
Because I'm a mirrorball I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself Tonight
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taglist: @yagirlheree @mashiromochi @deepdarktower @tojisleftarm @childofgod-05 @youngpersonaathletebear @cinetrix @hinataashoyos @i-live-in-a-fantasy-daydream @misscaller06 @v1l-ismissing @legendarynoodlebowl @analuw @imjustcal @the-fractured-eye @pandoraontop @sweetirilly @kouyoumarryme @blxkstar @ok-boke @myheartfollower
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five-one-two-station · 4 months
Everybody should have their own fun, and this isn't trying to harsh anybody's buzz, but I find the impulse to make your own cutesy/badass Replika oc doing funny or heroic or badass things a little odd. Like, that character you designed as a super badass soldier, or well-armed and armored steely eyed cop type... who would they have been built to fight or police exactly? Remember who all those guns and weapons were intended for use on?
I know we're all sick of discourse over who "gets" the game, and I'm by no means scolding anybody for something that harmless, but what's interesting to me is the sense that designing overtly "cool" Replika personas and OCs, complete with the propaganda poster style imagery, feels a little...
I mean, bluntly, it's like the in-world propaganda worked, unironically, on some level, for many people. Kolibris aren't scary, they're whimsical and fun! Storches aren't notably cruel enforcers and chain gang drivers, they're Protektors! Falke isn't a camp commandant, she's a beautiful angel!
The Replikas aren't cool and heroic figures in the reality of the game. They're the carefully crafted organs of a system of control so dreadful it could do what it did to Elster and Ariane. They're victims to that system themselves too, sure - and humanising them is a nuanced and valuable observation of how totalitarian regimes maintain themselves - but that doesn't negate the fact they're also the ones who operate, enforce and perpetuate it, a big part of what the game knows and communicates about such societies. It's notable that the game makes it clear few, if any, of the Replikas actually buy into the Nation as an ideal at all - they enforce it no less pitilessly anyway, incapable or unsafe to imagine anything else.
Their affectations, pasttimes, trinkets, and even affections for each other, all serve to draw a stark contrast to how callously they regard the gestalts they keep suppressed. Their disposability is something they're conscious and fearful of themselves, but fail to recognise as a commonality with the people they brutalise every day, their business as usual. The only grief, tragedy or suffering they acknowledge is their own - they have no regard for any such things in the humans they have... well, dehumanised.
But S-23 Sierpinski was such a hellhole for most of its denizens under "normal" conditions that the nightmare it becomes is arguably an improvement; if only because there are fewer people left now to suffer it. There's a dark poetry here - because the place's banal cruelty is "off camera" to us, it's very naturally less real to us than the grief of the crying Eule. It's only natural, too, to forget how grim the Replikas' purposes are when you don't have to see anyone endure the brunt of it.
And isn't that the very same effect a state like the Nation is seeking in the first place, by disappearing people away to such dark little corners to have it done? In our world, no less than that one.
That works like a kind of propaganda too, not being able to see it - a propaganda of hidden things, as powerful as any poster. A space that's been intentionally left blank.
Kolibris are literal thought police; they intrude on people's very minds, interrogating them to death as a matter of course, with hardly a care either way. The various Protektor classes are functionally concentration camp guards and slave drivers. Falke and Adler are overseeing what amounts to a gulag, one so unimaginably awful Ariane preferred to spend years of her life alone in space to the prospect of being sent there, and inevitably worked to death, far underground.
I think there's a reason we never see one of those posters for LSTRs in game. How could we be asked to forgive our own if we ever did?
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ikaishere · 8 months
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flufftober day 23!!! wild totally loves giving little trinkets to sidon
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dailyreverie · 8 months
Chain 'round my neck
A/N: ...can you still tell taylor swift is my entire personality this year? Whatever. Title comes from the song "Call it what you want" from Taylor Swift.
@flufftober - Day 23 Trinket
Pairing: Steven Grant x reader
Word count: 820
Flufftober masterlist
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He was going to hate you. Steven was going to get home any minute now, and he was going to hate you. You had been looking for the necklace for what felt like hours now, everything you had in your handbag now scattered on the bed, your boxes of earrings emptied out the same way, yet the very same necklace Steven gave you for your birthday, with your initial beautifully carved in gold, was nowhere to be found. 
Did someone ripped it on the bus? Did you take it off at work and don’t remember? Damn it, you didn’t even had a good excuse for it and you could already hear the clink of Steven’s keys outside the door. “I’m home!” He called, with his usual chirpy tone and a smile in his voice.
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself, going through your scattered belonging one last time before facing him. 
“I have a surprise for you, love!” The excitement in his voice only twisted your stomach more, guilt eating your insides.
“Steven, honey, before you say anything-”
“Is everything alright, love?” Steven found you sitting by the edge of your bed, the place you landed after giving up with your search. He joind your side, backpack still across his body, finding your hand and looking for your eyes.
“No, it’s not alright.” You took a deap breath, bracing yourself and looking for the strength you needed. “I lost the necklace you gave me.” Your eyes were filled with tears when you looked up at him, and even though you expected him to get mad, you still squeezed his hand; it was natural by now, looking for his reassurance any time you were upset.
“Oh. Honey you didn’t-” Steven tried to stop you, but you kept going about it anyway.
“No, no, I did. I lost it, and I don’t remember how or when, I don’t even remember if I wore it this morning now and I feel like shit because I love it so much and-” 
“I have it.” He spoke a bit louder, only so you could hear him above your nervous rant.
“What?” You asked after a beat. “You have it?”
Searching in his bag, Steven pulled out a little red velvet bag and placed it on your hand, leaning to see your reaction only to find you confused.
“I took it this morning because I needed to get it fixed for this.” He signaled the bag with his head, waiting for you to move and open it, not realizing how confused you were until he looked at you and saw your furrowed eyebrows. Steven chuckled, kissing your cheek sweetly, making you turn to look at him with tear-filled eyes. “Here, let me.”
With delicate fingers Steven took the small bag and untied the cords, opening it and pulling your necklace out of it. Extending it over your hand, you felt your heart swelling when, right next to your golden initial, you saw a golden moon - a crescent moon, pointing to the right just as the moon in their suits did.
“Seven… this is…” You were speechless, looking at the moon in your hand not knowing what to say.
“I saw it at an antique shop, the one we like by the museum. I saw it last week when I went for a book and it made me think of you, and how beautiful it would look on you. I needed the chain to get that little loop on top just right, I’m sorry, I should have-” He stopped when your hand reached his cheek, cupping it before meeting his lips in the middle.
“It’s beautiful.” You beamed, kissing him again and feeling him smile too. “Thank you,” You whispered, not trusting your own voice after going through so many emotions only to land in the love you had for him.
He swiftly took it from your hand, softly turning your shoulder to guide you to face away from him so he could place the necklace were it belong around your neck. When you faced him again you were both smiling like a goofs, the reflection of the sunset outside casting over your room making the charm shine. 
“Now we’re all matching.” Steven said with a grin, his eyes locked with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close for an embrace that made the remains of the worry and anxiety you felt before fade away, leaving nothing but the endless love you felt for each other.
“I’m sorry I freaked out.” You whispered, now feeling a bit embarrassed. 
He chuckled and held you tighter, his voice soft and affectionate. “You know I love a good treasure hunt.”
Maybe you necklace was never lost, yet still, you had found once again how truly lucky you were to have Steven in your life, making every moment as enchanting as a crescent moon on a starry night.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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greennlin · 10 months
loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter
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part two of two. cw: slightly ooc / could be read as slight yandere xiao. someone special makes an appearance !
22 / 8 / 23
soft moonlight seeps into the room you and xiao share. silent as a cat, he stalks into the room. his mask vanishes into a thousand green orbs into the air. today has been a long day helping out the traveller, and though adepti didn't need to sleep, he was looking forward to the inevitable relaxation that your shared room always held.
except, something was completely wrong.
your stuff- where did it go? all the small trinkets he'd gotten you over the years had suddenly vanished from the night table. your clothes hung non-existent in the dresser. all of the pictures that you and he carefully placed on the walls and shelves were removed.
thoughts swirled through his mind with confusion and ire. did someone break in? no, impossible. there were no signs of desperation nor manhandling. maybe you were visiting family? if so, why would you take with you the memories the two of you made together? unless..
no. he forcefully rejects the idea. you wouldn't leave. why would you leave? oh no...
a glowing image of the traveller materializes in his mind, only then to be shattered by the image of you in tears. the weight of a thousand dams of emotions breaking onto him, xiao teleports to qingyun peak. from the highest point in liyue, he's sure he'll find you.
how did you leave without him knowing? there's no way he couldn't have known. why didn't he stop you from leaving?!
"xiao, i love you,"
your last words crashed into him like a truck. was that why? because you thought he didn't love you anymore? i have to find you, he gritted his teeth, no matter what.
as he searches throughout the nation, time grows stagnant. the rise and fall of the sun and the cycles of the moon becomes insignificant to him. monsters ravage the guili plains as a result of his neglect. even rex lapis has come to address xiaos remiss of his duties.
a whole moon has passed since you disappeared. the yaksha searched the whole nation, deep into the lush rainforests of sumeru, across the dandelion plains of mondstadt, and even in it's large gated walls, venturing deep into the chasm but to no avail. it's as if you've been completely wiped off the face of the earth.
if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results, then xiao has become insane, each day waking up where the only thought in his mind is you. you are the reason he walks and breathes, bringing you back home his new purpose.
he stands atop the balcony of wangshu inn, replaying your final conversation for the hundredth time, a knot tightening in his chest every time his thoughts drift to you. tightening his grip against the wooden rail, his whole body tenses up when he feels a finger poke into his shoulder.
for a second, he is sure it is you. you, who have finally come back to him. after all this time, he can finally rest and lay in your warm embrace like he used to. thousands of 'im sorry's would leak endlessly from his lips as he would hold you closer than ever. he would make things right. he would make sure you would never feel this way again. he doesn't hide his large smile as he turns to see you-
only it isn't you. it is the traveller, whom he left you for. while the smile on his face fades, the smile on theirs grows.
as they extend their arms, ready to embrace their new lover in an embrace, he flinches violently. the traveller blinks in response. at their side, paimon wears a confused expression on her face.
"xiao? is everything alright?" they ask, concern lacing their voice. the yaksha narrows his eyes, his voice lowering into a growl.
"no, it's not alright. i never shouldve-" his head darts to the direction of inazuma. his eyes widen, realization washing over him. "this was a mistake, this was a huge mistake," he pants, shaking his head and stepping back. "xiao? xiao!" they call, but he is already gone.
as he flies over the ocean towards the archipelago, he wonders whether it's worth seeing you again. after all, you've gone to such efforts to never see him again. of course he understands, he hurt you beyond repair, but he can't deny the void you left in his heart when you left.
the adeptus finds himself atop tenshukaku, straining to hear your lost voice amidst the loud bustle of the city. voices of merchants and the rattling of carts and loud footfalls of stone drowned out any indication of your voice.
he waits there until nightfall, until it is quiet enough to hear. the moon reaches its peak in the sky before he finally hears your giggling voice.
xiaos heart swells. like a flower in the spring, it blossoms, full of love and excitement, but still beating with nervousness and fear. he's rehearsed what he's wanted to say over and over in his head. he's got one chance to make it right, so close to having you. he won't fail now.
he teleports closer to you, but still out of your sight. the yaksha takes a deep breath before stepping out of the shadows to meet you. this day has played out thousands of times in his head, and now that he's here, it feels like a dream come true.
"kazu! oh my god, you shouldn't have!" he hears you exclaim. still half shadowed in darkness, he freezes in his tracks. kazu? who in the world was 'kazu'?
his now-hard glare sweeps over your figure, you're still as beautiful as he remembers, practically glowing even though the sun was gone. however his gaze is wrenched away by a boy who stands close next to you. too close. who is he?
slipping back into the shadows, he follows you silently. all the way, you were smiling and giggling, the boy returning your affection only with a little smile. just like he used to, xiao thinks.
the knot in his heart returns. it's tight and suffocating, cutting off his short inhales and exhales. he wants to interject, wants to be that boys place. wants to beg you on hands and knees to come back to him. there is nothing in the world he wants more.
it takes all of his self-restraint to stay where he is. even though his body itches to move, his eyes stay glued to the pair of you. how your hand slides down his arm to link fingers with him. how you lay your head on his shoulder and walk in sync. how your eyes sparkle like stars when you gaze up at him.
that's it, he thinks. ive seen enough. the knot in his chest is now unbearable, the air filling his lungs burning like molten lava, it feels like a hand is wrapped around his neck and won't let go.
stealing one last glance at you, he manages a small sad smile onto his face. at least you're happy ...
then xiao leaves, for the last time.
reblogs appreciated! .. greennlin 2023
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percahliaweek · 11 months
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September 24th-30th 
Day 1, Sept. 24th: DAWN / TREASURE 
Day 2, Sept. 25th: DARKNESS / LEGACY
Day 3, Sept. 26th: MASK / TRINKET 
Day 4, Sept. 27th: SHOOT / REBORN
Day 5, Sept. 28th: FAIRYTALE / CLASS
Day 6, Sept. 29th: YOURS / LATER
Day 7, Sept. 30th: FREE / RANDOM*
* For the Random prompt, we suggest rolling dice for loot/encounter tables/prompt lists or online prompt generators. See what inspires you! We can compile links if you need ideas ;3
Day 1 [needs tag] | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
A hearty welcome and thanks for your patience! 
Perc’ahlia week ‘23 is a fan-hosted event to celebrate Percy and Vex in all their smitten glory. From the depths of despair to the joys of parenthood, love certainly opened doors for them ;) The prompts are intended to be open-ended and inspiring creativity: is class a five-star event, a teaching moment, or a potential class swap AU? How about the infamous plague doctor mask, or does this remind you of them masking their feelings? The only limit is your creativity!
This event will be welcoming fans of Campaign 1 of Critical Role as well as those from The Legend of Vox Machina - we hope to foster an environment where spoilers can be avoided by either party and will request that campaign works tag themselves #cr1 spoilers so TLOVM fans can blacklist that tag. 
Why late September? Well. Friday the 29th is the anniversary of Campaign 1 Episode 69, ‘Passed Through Fire’. Or, you know, the episode where this happens:
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(GIF credit @moiraineswife)
Tag any creations made for the event with #percahliaweek, or @ us here @percahliaweek, and we will reblog it. Or you can submit directly to the blog if you'd prefer!
We also have a Discord server - both to encourage eachother to work on WIPs and just hang out. You can find us HERE <3
Any questions? We have an FAQ up HERE - but please don't hesitate to send in an ask!
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steddieasitgoes · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 23 Prompt: Christmas Themed Sentence Starters
“This is what Christmas is all about.”
Tags: Established Relationships, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson Are Best Friends, Steve Has Semi-Decent Parents, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Humor, Food Mentions
wc: 780 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Steve’s favorite Christmas tradition growing up was making homemade advent calendars.
He has fond memories of taking over the dining room table with supplies while his mom hovered over him. Of scouring the annual Christmas catalog for what he might want this year before cutting them out carefully with a pair of scissors. Glueing the cutout pictures to the top of the fluorescent green poster board at the top like a star before creating a candy tree with wrapped chocolates (and maybe stealing one or two for all the hard work he’d been doing).
It was a tradition he always looked forward to. Unfortunately, it came to an abrupt end when the ants found the chocolate one, infiltrating the homemade calendar and the entire Harrington kitchen two days before Christmas. He’s never seen his mom so stressed out before.
After that, the only advent calendars found in the Harrington house were those decorative wooden ones with little trinkets inside. It was fun for Steve the first year when he didn’t know what was hidden behind the little doors. But year after year of opening the same wooden creatures got old, fast.
And so the advent calendar tradition faded away.
Until now.
Now that he has his own place with Robin and Eddie, he’s bringing it back.
The trio spends the last day of November working on their calendars. Their small living room coffee table is littered with catalogs, poster boards, and a questionable amount of candy. Robin’s going crazy with a container of glitter that’s probably going to end up caked into the carpet and Eddie’s hard at work drawing his gifts instead of going the “easy route.”
Steve’s in the middle of it all, sprawled out on the floor with his own advent calendar feeling like a kid again. What does he want? What candy is he going to decorate with? The possibilities are endless.
By the time dinner rolls around, the trio have finished their unique advent calendars and tack them up on the door to their small pantry. Easy access for them to grab a piece of candy every morning and a constant reminder of how many days left they have to finish their Christmas shopping.
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Steve wakes up early on December 1st eager to pluck the first candy from his homemade calendar. Just like yesterday, he feels like a kid again, giddily sliding into the kitchen. The calendars are exactly where they left them, except something is wrong.
No ants, thank god, but Eddie’s calendar is completely void of candy. Nothing but tiny scraps of colored foil wrapping left behind — something got into them. A someone to be exact. Following the trail of colored foil littering the floor, Steve stalks into the adjacent kitchen and finds Eddie shoving a mini Reese Peanut Butter Cup into his mouth before adding the empty wrapper to the mountain of colored foil in front of him.
“Eddie!” He shouts, startling the man from his slumber. “You’re supposed to eat one a day, not the whole damn thing!”
“Moderation is for losers, Stevie,” he mumbles through a mouthful of candy. Swallowing carefully, he offers Steve a chocolate-teeth-covered grin as he waves his hands around the mess. “This is what Christmas is all about.”
“Eds,” Steve sighs. “You’ve got your holidays mixed up. Halloween is the one where you make yourself sick on candy.”
Eddie huffs, shaking his head. “And Easter, and Christmas,” Eddie says, ticking them off with his chocolate-covered finger. “Valentine’s Day if you’re lucky. Hell, any day is a make yourself sick with candy day if you try hard enough!”
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve says, shaking his head as he begins to clean up Eddie’s mess. He doesn’t have to, knows that Eddie will do it himself, but he figures he might as well help considering the stomach ache is going to hit him sooner rather than later.
“Hey, what happened to Eddie’s advent calendar?” Robin asks, shuffling into the kitchen with her allotted piece of candy for the morning.
“Why have one when you can have them all?” Eddie grins.
“You know what, that’s a great idea!” She says, turning on her heel and heading back to her own calendar.
Steve sighs, he should have seen this one coming, but how can he deny his best friends the joy of Christmas candy? Even if it means he’ll be paying the price as caretaker later when he’s holding back their hair.
“I think we should make this a new tradition!” Eddie says.
“I’ll be making an advent calendar next year,” Steve says. “You two are getting put on probation." 
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 months
relationship hcs ; pure vanilla cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; pure vanilla cookie
outline ; “can you please do some pure vanilla relationship hcs please? thx (btw: i hope you have a nice break)”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
pure vanilla cookie is a complete and utter gentleman in how he treats the people around him, but especially you as his spouse — starting from how he took his time to traditionally court and woo you before the two of you became an ‘official’ couple, and ending with him treating you as nothing short of royalty as you two settle more and more into your relationship
he rarely ever calls you by your formal name and rotates through a small selection of sweet pet names whenever he’s talking to or about you — including, but not limited to: ‘(my) beloved’, ‘(my) angel’, ‘(my) darling’, ‘dearest’, and ‘sweetheart’
he’s naturally a very giving person and will happily indulge in every single expression of love he knows of just to make sure you have no room left to doubt his feelings for you
acts of service — when it comes to taking care of you, status be damned pure vanilla cookie will do just about anything it takes to make your day a little brighter. this can mean all sorts of things, such as: going out of his way to get up earlier and make you breakfast in bed, sending word out to local vendors in the kingdom to ensure that they always have your favourite things in stock when he knows you’re going to go out to the market, or making sure that you get spoiled rotten and properly celebrated for every birthday, anniversary, or achievement.
gift giving — being the ruler of a thriving kingdom and a talented magic user, it’s safe to say that pure vanilla cookie is more than capable and willing to shower you with all sorts of gifts. of course amongst these gifts are things that are more lavish and elaborate (whole wardrobes worth of new clothing in the style of his kingdom, organised banquets to celebrate important milestones, using his magic to organise unforgettable dates for you both, and so on) but most of the things he gifts you are more small and thoughtful in nature, as is to be expected of someone like him: trinkets and souvenirs from his travels, books he thinks you’ll like, accessories that reminded him of you, and anything he sees that he knows will make you smile (e.g. a type of item he knows you like to collect)
physical touch — though he does tend to stick to a socially appropriate level of pda with you, pure vanilla cookie is far from the type to shy away from physical affection with you. around others he usually sticks to a set few acts (hand holding, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand/your fingertips/your knuckles, kissing you chastely on the lips or temple, brushing any hair out of your face, and reassuringly stroking his hands up and down your arms), but in private he’s much more varied in his displays of affection: more passionate kisses, cuddling and hugging you, dancing with you at random, letting his arms rest around your hips or waist, kissing along your shoulders, neck and wrists, etc. (he’s just… very touchy with you haha)
quality time — you’re his absolute favourite person to be around without question, whether you’re going out and having fun as a couple or just sitting together in silence doing your own things parallel to each other. every conversation, every date, every outing, every holiday, and every moment spent with you is something he treasures dearly and he does what he can to make sure that you’re as content and as comfortable in his presence as he is in yours.
words of affirmation — he’s the type of partner who tends to shower you with praise and attention whenever the opportunity arises. most of his affirmations are verbal (calling you beautiful/handsome as he presses a chaste kiss against your knuckles, earnestly congratulating you for every achievement and accolade you collect, softly and quietly reassuring you before you step out of your comfort zone, smiling as he recalls your strengths and talents to his oldest friends with more awe than he recalls those old stories from his adventuring days, etc.), but he’s also the type of sappy romantic to leave little love letters and notes around your shared space for you to find in his absence (e.g. a neatly folded note on your pillow telling you where he is, reaffirming his love for you, apologising for being absent, and promising to make it up to you at lunch time / or / a floating note on your vanity in his signature cursive that recalls a different positive affirmation every day that’s designed to make you smile, laugh, and relax for the day ahead)
though it’s easy to forget given how passive and pleasant he’s become in recent years, pure vanilla cookie is still a very capable magic wielder and, thus, is more than capable of protecting you should it come down to that — of course he’d much rather have the option to talk things out without having to shed blood, but if your safety is on the line then he’s not above returning to his roots and making damn sure the offending party knows to never try a stunt like this again
on the rare occasion that hollyberry cookie and the other ancients actually manage to get him tipsy (or, better yet, outright drunk), pure vanilla cookie will not stop talking about how amazing you are and how much he loves you — if nobody stops him or brings him somewhere quiet to rest and sober up, then there’s every chance that the ancients will spend the next few hours hearing about every little thing he adores about you until he finally passes out or golden cheese cookie goes and gets you so you can take your poor boyfriend home for the night
(the girls all think it’s absolutely adorable, dark cacao cookis is mostly neutral about the whole affair and just lets him rant, but golden cheese cookie and hollyberry cookie have both been known to tease him by reciting the sappiest things he’s said about you back to him when he’s sober again — usually something about your smile or the sound of your laughter)
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matan4il · 10 months
Last post of good-natured silliness regarding Mile and Apo's trips! (the first can be found here and the second here)
Jul 28, Mile posted a pic from the car in Paris in the rain set to Jazz (his and Apo's fave music genre). Then he started posting from flying back to and landing in Bangkok. He was wearing the same cap with a big 'A' on it that he wore during departure on Jul 19, even though weather wise, that cap didn't make sense then and even less so now.
When he left:
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And as he returned:
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This is kinda similar to Apo, who wore his trinket necklace both when he departed Bangkok on Jul 19 and when he came back on Jul 25. It has two silver circle rings, joined by a heart pendant.
Apo when leaving:
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And upon returning:
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Back on Jul 6, when they went to Song Wat together, I noticed these joined rings and that, because most of the time the heart holds the two together, it makes them look a lot like Mile's double circle silver ring, which he has had for years, way before KPTS.
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While Mile's ring is obviously not connected to Apo, I did wonder when Apo started wearing his trinket necklace which includes this pair of joined rings, and whether they might intentionally have been chosen for their similarity to Mile's (once locked together with a heart). I can't actually answer any of these questions, other than to tell you that Apo doesn't seem to have worn these rings before he re-met Mile in Oct 2020. At least I couldn't find any evidence that he did, not on his fingers and not on his necklace (though he did wear other necklaces). The first time I could find him wearing the joined rings on the trinket necklace is a pic Apo shared on Sep 13, 2021:
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He's also wearing it in a pic he shared Sep 16, 2021, you can see it a bit better there (especially since on Jan 10, 2022 he posted another pic from the same occasion where the necklace with the rings and heart is even clearer). Also, as far as I can tell, Apo changes the trinkets he wears with the paired rings, but he always wears those. Make of all this what you will...
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Mile posted a vid on Facebook from the plane as it approached Bangkok, captioned it with text about saving money to construct, buy and decorate a house, and added this post to his "Happiness during the day" album:
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He also pasted the same text about saving money for a house onto a vid of an apartment with a view of NYC, which he shared on his personal IG, and we all know who loves that city and even lived there for 7 months...
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After landing, Mile posted on IG pics and vids from the Eiffel Tower in the rain on Jul 27, and he captioned them with "Something is more romantic with rain... #LikeYou ^^". Within 13 minutes, Apo liked the post and commented, "Very romantic."
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Mind you, the entire 10 days they've been apart, neither one of them used the word "romantic" in any of their captions. While Mile WAS ACTUALLY IN Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, in the rain, he didn't use the word "romantic," but he did right away after he returned to Thailand.
Apo posted on IG 15 minutes after Mile did, sharing pics from Jul 21 in China, and he captioned them "Sleep no more." Except unlike me, Apo capitalized every first letter of each word, which is what Mile always does with his own captions in English. Mile commented not long after with "Cool."
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Another thing to note is the day before, Jul 28, as Mile was flying back to Thailand, Apo posted a pic from China, from Jul 23, where he's doing a half heart, and he captioned it, "Miss you."
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Just as a bonus... On the same day, while Mile was flying back to Bangkok, his mom posted multiple pics and vids of herself in a green shirt (Mile's color) and yellow pants (Apo's color).
Wait, bonus #2! Mile also mentioned returning very soon. Pond replied to a photographer that he'll see him in September. The Paris Fashion Week 2023 starts on Sep 25, so we might get some more Mileapo in Paris then.
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Did I miss anything? Probably, there's been a lot. But I hope this series of posts made you smile! You can find more of my Kinnporsche/Mileapo stuff under this tag. xoxox
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