#dc caracters
shin-arei · 1 year
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Barbie & Ken meme 👀
What crimes did they commit?
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creetchure · 11 months
Thoughts on Eddie Bloomberg, Teen Titans 2003, and trust in the hero world.
From issue 30 to 74 of the Teen Titans 2003 run, which happen to be the issues Eddie appears in, and therefore the issues I've read, the arcs and conflicts emerging with the team all hinge on trust. Whether that be a question of who betrayed the team or not feeling like the team trusts them, the run does a good job at highlighting the difference of definition different characters have when it comes to what trust even means on a fundamental level. To me, the character through which we get to see that is Eddie. 
First, a bit of background as to who Eddie is, as he's not the most well known DC character out there. Introduced in issue 1 of Blue Devil 1984, Eddie  is a gopher in Hollywood, working with his aunt Marla, who directs a movie in which Dan Cassidy is a stunt double. When Dan becomes Blue Devil through a magical incident, Eddie eventually decides to make himself a super suit that allows him to become Blue Devil's sidekick and partner Kid Devil. They go on light hearted 80s adventures, and after the end of the run on issue 24, he disappears from comics for a while, until his reintroduction to modern comics in Young Justice a few years later. He gains powers along the line, and joins the Teen Titans, becoming a fixed member of the team on issue 34. 
What his presence allows  is for a direct contrast between these superhero teens, ans the average 17 year old. For all that Eddie has been a skdekick since he was 11 or 12, unlike the rest of the team, he has not been a strong part of the hero community through that time, and has not had to face stakes quite as high as  the others. He is, under most aspects, a regular teenager with an extracuricular. 
Issue 42, during which him and Zatara go to hell, shows the rift that there is between a teen vigilante and a regular teen in what is to me a striking way. 
Eddie: I only trust two people, I half trust a third. Zatara: Dude.  
Eddie: Sorry.
In the comics, it's almost treated as if Eddie has trust issues from that single bit of dialogue, which struck me as strange the second time I read through Eddie's appearances, because him and Zatara are not close. They do not know each other well. Eddie not trusting Zatara would have been expected in most situations, but here it's treated as odd. Growing up, he was mostly isolated from his peers, so that would make the other two people he trusts his aunt Marla who raised him, and his mentor Blue Devil. In the context of real life, that would be considered normal, but here it's markedly different from other caracters' point of view. 
The Teen Titans, have, for the most part, been putting their lives on the line for others pretty consistently for at least a couple of years, and the ones who haven't, Rose and Amy namely, have been raised to give their absolute loyalty, whether that'd be to their father, or the army. In both cases, it's expected for these characters to trust allies and teammates with their lives, at least on the field, because that's inherent to them being able to do their jobs. It's a genre expectation that teammates trust each other within the first few issues, to be able to move the plot along. A recent example of that can be found in issue 2 of the current Birds of Prey run, where Harley equates being part of the team to Dinah trusting her wholegeartedly; you can also see it put to the test in Batman Incorporated. 
On a meta level, absolute trust between teammates is necessary, but in world, it does say something about hero culture, and Eddie having been raised out od said culture, does an amazing job at showing it.
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strwbmei · 9 months
Hi Mei question what are you favorite characters from all fiction? Because in my case i have about top 10 list plus honorable mentions:
1. Spider-man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) (Marvel Comics)- I honestly love these two spider-man because how relatable they are. Not to mention i feel like they are the definition of responsability. I honestly related to Peter Parker's nerdy actitud and humor along with Miles's personality wise. I also love the fact thag Miles have a strong love for his family as well. Not to mention both of these characters don't give up no matter how hopeless things gets.
2. Superman (DC Comics)- Some people considered superman boring but i really love his caracter because he embodies Hope. Not to mention he is someone who always tries to do what is right and have a very strong moral compass. I still remember when i was younger and saw superman returns when he lifted the kypotonite Island. Even when it was killing him he still keep going and never gave up that's is inspiration.
3. Batman (DC Comics)- If we ignored all the batman with prep time thing. Batman is actually a well written character. Especially since he tries to do the right thing for his city. I also love the fact that even though he is human and is very aware of that he plans ahead and works very hard. The fact that mlst characters in the DC world respects him that speaks volumen.
4. Optimus Prime (Transformers)- I love optimus prime for me he is what a leader should be. Selfless, just and someone who always fights for freedom no matter what. He is the leader that i wish i could be.
5. Kratos (God of war franchise). To a bloodthirty and revenge seeking spartan to a reedem warrior. As someone who played the OG god of war games. Kratos in the recent years have one of the best character development, especially now in the recent DLC.
6. Anakin Skywalker Aka Darth Vader (Star Wars)- he went to a slave to the Dark lord of the Sith. Once a hero became the villain by fear of lost of loved one. For me Anakin is a tragic character who wanted to protect the love of his life but failed and became the thing he was supposed to destroy. At the end he was redeemed thanks to his son.
7. Black Panther (Marvel Comics)- i love his character intelligent, strong and just for his people and his kingdom. The fact that Chadwick Boseman (Rest in Peace) played such and awesome character made it better.
8. Wonder Woman (DC Comics)- The proud amazonian and a proud member of the Justice League. She is strong, honorable and compassionate making her an Icon and a part of DC trinity.
9. The Flash (Barry Allen, DC comics)- i love is perseverance and willpower since he never gave up on searching for his mother's killer. After becoming the fastest man alive is character development continue and his death on infinite crisis was a huge moment.
10. John Wick (John Wick series)- the legendary baba yaga this man willpower and tenacity made me love his character by a lot. He has an impresive body count and commites to his mision. To think all of that started with a puppy left behind by his late wife. What i like about his character is that he never stop until he got his revenge.
Honorable Mention
Issac Clarke (dead space series)- An engineer who was on the wrong place at the wrong time. To a dependable and selfless survivor.
Kiana Kaslana (Honkai Impact 3rd)- the naive girl to the strongest valkyrie in the honkai series.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)- one of the greatest if not THE greatest Adventurer in all of gaming.
Nathan Drake (Uncharted)- One of sony most charming and beloved characters.
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil series)-Rookie cop to a well experience agent of the resident evil franchise.
I see you like superheroes! My siblings were mostly into anime, so that's what I grew up with instead of Marvel/DC comics. I've been wanting to get into them for years now, but there are so many movies and heroes that it's a bit overwhelming... I also don't have the attention span to sit through an entire movie.
I wouldn't be able to choose any favorites with how much fiction I've read/watched/played, but here are some characters I've really enjoyed recently in no particular order:
Dr. Mobius - She's insane. Literally. She has a sad backstory, but it doesn't tie that much into why she goes to such extents to achieve her goals. I just like morally grey characters in general. I also really like her dynamics with the other flamechasers!
Frieren - She's so unserious, but she's come a long way. She went from not really caring about humans, only spending her time pursuing magic, to actively helping out anyone she sees in need like Himmel used to. To be loved is to be changed, they say. She's just an old woman traveling around the world with her adopted grandchildren while collecting the remaining traces of the 10-year adventure that she treasured the most in her 1000+ years alive.
Rudeus Greyrat - Okay. Before people burn me alive, he's absolutely disgusting and a pedophile. Yet, at the same time, that's what makes his character development way more impactful. He went from worse than trash and the maggots living inside it to worse than cattle, which is still a pretty big improvement in my book. The main reason why I put him here, though, is because of the scene where he reunited with his father. I'm not a very expressive person, but that scene had me tearing up because of how relatable it was.
Elysia - I love her, and the best part is that she'd probably love me too! She went through so much, saw the worst of humanity, and still decided to love the entirety of it. I really admire how she can see beauty in anything and everything. She wasn't even supposed to exist. She was an anomaly, and yet she was what saved everyone. Also, the one thing we have in common is our love for pretty girls.
Miles Morales - ITSV and ATSV are one of the only Marvel movies I've watched, and I enjoyed both of them immensely! They blended 2D and 3D animation techniques so well together, the halftones were used really well, and all of the colors really made the characters pop. I could go on for hours about how well the movies were animated, but back to the point— even though he's a hero, and a very reliable one at that, the show doesn't let us forget that he's still a kid. He still has to balance his responsibilities while at the same time, fighting crime and dealing with puberty. He also just seems like a really chill person to be friends with. We're both into similar branches of science and art, so I think we'd get along pretty well.
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soccomcsantos · 1 year
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Mercedes-Benz Classe CLA Concept: Uma visão eletrizante
O Classe CLA Concept deixa antever uma nova e inovadora gama de modelos 100% elétricos da Mercedes-Benz. Estes tiram partido de uma plataforma específica (MMA), com mais de 750 km de autonomia e um conjunto de soluções tecnológicas que prometem tornar o futuro desta família de entrada na Mercedes-Benz ainda mais eficiente, sofisticado e emocionante.
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O Mercedes-Benz Classe CLA Concept foi revelado no Salão Automóvel IAA Mobility 2023 em Munique, na Alemanha, oferecendo uma visão muito próxima da produção da futura família de automóveis de entrada de gama da marca. No limiar de uma nova era elétrica e digital, o CLA Concept representa a visão da empresa para elevar esta importante classe de automóveis, com base numa estratégia de portfólio a longo prazo. Concebido com base na futura plataforma Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture (MMA), a estética exterior do Concept CLA Class representa um design icónico e um deixa antever um invulgar desempenho dinâmico. Entretanto, o seu interior centra-se na experiência do cliente, reforçando a aposta no conforto e numa conveniência excecionais e de acordo com um futuro que será elétrico e digital. 
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"O Concept CLA Class é o precursor de um segmento totalmente novo de automóveis de entrada de gama totalmente elétricos da Mercedes-Benz. A gama será composta por um total de quatro novos modelos - um coupé de quatro portas, uma shooting brake e dois impressionantes SUVs - cada um com uma qualidade de produto substancialmente elevada. Esta nova família de modelos é inspirada por uma geração de clientes que procuram a inconfundível sensação Mercedes-Benz, com mais qualidade, ainda maior conforto e segurança e a mais avançada tecnologia.
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Valorizam também uma escolha sustentável e que se posicione sempre um degrau acima das restantes propostas do segmento. Este “devorador” de quilómetros é o automóvel de “um litro” da era elétrica, com mais de 750 quilómetros (466 milhas) de autonomia, de acordo com o ciclo WLTP, e um consumo médio de energia de apenas 12 kWh/100 km.
O Concept CLA, está configurado para ser um tração traseira de caracter desportivo. No entanto, o design modular significa que também é adequado para aplicações em automóveis 4x4. Ao estrear-se no Concept CLA Class, a unidade de tração avançada da próxima geração é escalável para se adaptar a outros casos de utilização, incluindo noutros segmentos.
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O inovador sistema de baterias em desenvolvimento para a plataforma MMA baseia-se numa arquitetura altamente modular, através da qual os clientes podem escolher entre duas químicas de células diferentes. A variante de nível superior apresenta um design de ânodo com teor de óxido de silício para uma excelente densidade energética. Entretanto, a variante de entrada lidera o segmento com a sua utilização de fosfato de ferro-lítio.
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A bateria em si tem um volume total notavelmente pequeno. Pela primeira vez, os seus módulos de células são mantidos no lugar utilizando adesivos em vez de parafusos. A estrutura resultante não é apenas mais leve do que numa configuração de bateria convencional; é também mais rígida, o que oferece vantagens em termos de segurança em caso de colisão.
Da mesma forma, a configuração de 800 V também permite um carregamento de alta potência de 250 kW DC, proporcionando até 400 quilómetros de autonomia em apenas 15 minutos.
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Leve, potente e compacta: O novo e altamente eficiente MB.EDU, composto por motor, transmissão e eletrónica de potência, foi desenvolvido inteiramente pela Mercedes-Benz.
Baseada num conceito modular, esta unidade é a primeira de uma família de unidades de propulsão concebidas para satisfazer uma vasta gama de exigências numa série de linhas de modelos. O motor síncrono de excitação permanente de 175 kW está associado a uma transmissão de duas velocidades. A eletrónica de potência de alto desempenho incorpora o controlo do motor e da transmissão num único processador e inclui um inversor de carboneto de silício para uma utilização de energia excecionalmente eficiente.
Isto reflecte o elevado grau de integração funcional em todo o MB.EDU, que resulta num conjunto compacto que pesa menos de 110 quilogramas. A sua eficiência energética extremamente elevada de até 93% da bateria à roda em condução de longa distância, deve-se à minimização meticulosa das perdas em todo o sistema e coloca-o na vanguarda do sector.
“Baseado na plataforma MMA, o CLA Concept deixa antever uma primeira família completa de automóveis elétricos Mercedes-Benz desenvolvida de raiz para colocar na estrada a nossa “Ambição 2039”, através da qual pretendemos alcançar a neutralidade de carbono ao longo de toda a cadeia de valor da nossa frota de veículos novos até à referida data”. Palavras de Ola Källenius, Presidente do Conselho de Administração do Grupo Mercedes-Benz AG 
Liderar pela tecnologia
A liderança tecnológica é evidente nas bases da plataforma MMA, como o sistema de tração elétrica da próxima geração, que visa uma autonomia de mais de 750 quilómetros (ciclo WLTP). A Arquitetura Modular Mercedes-Benz (MMA) é uma plataforma elétrica de primeira linha concebida para uma família de quatro automóveis que abrange uma gama de diferentes estilos de carroçaria. Está preparada para desempenhar um papel crucial na aceleração do crescimento da frota elétrica da Mercedes-Benz.
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Como parte fundamental de uma estratégia elétrica mais ampla, ajudará a empresa a atingir os seus ambiciosos objetivos. Todos os automóveis da plataforma MMA estão a ser desenvolvidos de acordo com a filosofia de "segurança na vida real". A Mercedes-Benz estabeleceu padrões de segurança durante décadas, perseguindo uma visão de condução sem acidentes.  Entretanto, o novo sistema operativo "MB.OS" é a base para uma interface de utilizador e uma experiência de utilização (UI/UX) sem paralelo, através do MBUX Superscreen, derivado do inovador ecrã do VISION EQXX, que incorpora gráficos avançados em tempo real.
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O Concept Classe CLA apresenta a utilização de materiais sustentáveis em toda a sua estrutura e interior. Estes vão desde o aço quase isento de CO2 e o alumínio com redução de CO2 até aos estofos em pele produzidos e processados de forma sustentável, bem como acabamentos feitos de papel. De um modo geral, este automóvel de exposição representa a interpretação acessível do desejo de um segmento de mercado global jovem e dinâmico. 
"A tecnologia que serve de base ao Concept CLA representa uma abordagem totalmente nova para a Mercedes-Benz e incorpora muitos ensinamentos do nosso inovador programa tecnológico VISION EQXX. Por exemplo, os nossos engenheiros maximizaram a eficiência reduzindo as perdas no seu sistema de tração elétrica de 800 V. Apresenta também uma química inovadora das células da bateria, bem como um elevado nível de integração que permite uma excelente densidade energética. Estou certo de que a nossa plataforma MMA nos permitirá oferecer aos nossos clientes neste segmento de mercado uma combinação de desempenho, sustentabilidade, segurança e conforto que define a sua classe, aliada a uma experiência digital excecional." Markus Schäfer, Membro do Conselho de Administração do Grupo Mercedes-Benz AG e responsável de Tecnologia
Distinto e sofisticado: sempre um Mercedes-Benz A parte dianteira do Concept CLA caracteriza-se pelo design em forma de nariz de tubarão e pelo distinto painel da "grelha" sem costuras. Forma uma parte coesa da escultura global e torna-se uma tela para o padrão de estrelas animadas iluminadas, bem como para a estrela central e icónica da Mercedes-Benz, igualmente iluminada.
As faixas de luz que envolvem a frente e a traseira conferem tridimensionalidade à composição da luz, para além de ancorarem os marcantes grupos de faróis em forma de estrela. Estas faixas são feitas de um material inovador que tem um elegante aspeto cromado espelhado quando não está iluminado.
Uma gama de cenários de iluminação animados de dia e de noite proporciona uma sensação ainda maior de emoção e dinamismo. Oferecem também uma dimensão adicional de personalização para o condutor, como os cenários de boas-vindas e de despedida.
As poderosas cavas das rodas enquadram as impressionantes jantes de 21 polegadas que exibem um distinto padrão em estrela.  A linha “GT” nítida e as proporções da traseira servem para alongar a silhueta, ao mesmo tempo que oferecem aos passageiros dos bancos traseiros maior espaço para a cabeça em relação à geração anterior. Da mesma forma, a distância entre eixos mais longa proporciona mais espaço habitável. A faixa de luz envolvente enquadra os grupos de luzes traseiras que repetem o design caraterístico da estrela. A estrela Mercedes-Benz na traseira é igualmente iluminada, criando um sinal distintivo para quem segue atrás.
Design interior ao pormenor
No interior espaçoso e sofisticado, o tema estético é o da máxima modernidade. Isto é expresso de forma simples, mas poderosa, através da aplicação ponderada de alguns elementos icónicos. Materiais inovadores e finamente trabalhados, como os acabamentos em papel e a pele napa processada com agentes de curtimento à base de vegetais, contrastam com superfícies de alto brilho para oferecer um acabamento visual e tátil que é simultaneamente elegante e inesperado.
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Durante o dia, é banhado pela luz natural do amplo teto de vidro e acentuado por uma iluminação LED discreta e cuidadosamente orquestrada. A paleta de cores de prata brilhante e branco cristalino realça a atmosfera futurista, enquanto os detalhes em azul frio e violeta sensual acrescentam um toque de exclusividade.
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A Mercedes-Benz estabelece uma referência muito clara no segmento com a interface de utilizador do Concept CLA. Dominando toda a largura do cockpit está o esguio e fluido ecrã MBUX Superscreen, com a tecnologia mini-LED de alta eficiência e gráficos 3D imersivos, pioneiros no VISION EQXX. As suas proporções realçam a largura do interior, ao mesmo tempo que aumentam a sensação de leveza, parecendo flutuar à frente do condutor e do passageiro do banco da frente.
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Visualizadas digitalmente nos extremos esquerdo e direito do ecrã estão as icónicas saídas de ar virtuais em forma de turbina. Esta fusão única e apelativa do analógico e do digital representa o próximo passo evolutivo, conhecido como hiper-analógico. A forma icónica familiar foi reinterpretada como uma interface de controlo da climatização. No anel interior fixo é apresentada a regulação da temperatura do habitáculo. O anel analógico exterior emerge suavemente da superfície do vidro para servir de controlo.  Enquanto isso, as saídas de ar físicas estão posicionadas discretamente atrás do ecrã e foram concebidas para transmitir a impressão de nervuras de arrefecimento - uma configuração engenhosa que funciona também como fonte de iluminação ambiente. Este motivo de design, em combinação com a iluminação, é um tema recorrente em todo o interior.
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valarmorghulisrp · 2 years
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Jacaerys Velaryon 17  DDN - Príncipe heredero de Rocadragón
Primer hijo del matrimonio entre Rhaenyra Targaryen y Laenor Velaryon, ha crecido bajo los insidiosos rumores que aseguran que su padre natural es Ser Harwin Strong. Siguiendo las tradiciones Targaryen, un huevo fue puesto en su cuna. Había quienes pensaban que jamás llegaría a eclosionar, por lo que la sorpresa fue mayúscula cuando un dragón, bautizado como Vermax, terminó por romper el cascarón. El nacimiento del dragón no detuvo los rumores acerca del presunto padre real de Jacaerys, mas su abuelo, el rey, nunca les ha hecho el menor caso y da por supuesto que, llegado el momento, será el joven Jace (como le llaman cariñosamente) quien se sentará en el Trono de Hierro.
Estando en Marcaderiva se vio involucrado en un accidente protagonizado por su hermano pequeño, Lucerys Velaryon, en el que Aemond Targaryen perdió un ojo a manos del propio Lucerys. Responsable, inteligente y encantador, es el hijo que toda madre desearía y una figura bastante apreciada y bien vista en la corte y la nobleza pese a las acusaciones sobre su origen. Ha sido preparado desde la cuna para llegar a ser rey y se considera que está más que capacitado y preparado para desempeñar tan alto honor.
Recientemente, en celebraciones que se han extendido por gran parte del segundo y tercer mes del año 129 después de la Conquista, ha contraído nupcias con su prima, Baela Targaryen. Ha encabezado también gran parte de los esfuerzos de los partidarios de su madre para afianzar los apoyos de la causa de esta.
Rhaenys Targaryen 55 DDN - Princesa y señora consorte de Marcaderiva
También conocida como "La reina que nunca fue" por su reclamo al puesto que ahora ocupa su primo Viserys I en el Gran Consejo del 101 dC., en el que muchos señores la apoyaron por ser la única hija del príncipe Aemon Targaryen y Lady Jocelyn Baratheon. Con dos padres tan dispares, Rhaenys tiene el pelo negro de los Baratheon y los ojos violetas de los Targaryen.
En el 90 d.C se casó con Lord Corlys Velaryon tras pedir permiso a su abuelo, Jaehaerys I. Al morir su padre, Aemon, primogénito del rey, su abuelo nombró heredero a su hijo Baelon, ganándose la enemistad de Rhaenys (sobrina de Baelon) y su esposo. Algo parecido pasaría tras la muerte de Baelon, cuando durante el Gran Consejo de Harrenhal, fue nombrado heredero su primo Viserys, el actual rey. Con todo, mucho tiempo ha pasado de esto y Rhaenys ya lo ha olvidado, ahogando con los años su anhelo de sentarse en el Trono de Hierro.
Después de la muerte de la reina Aemma Arryn en 105 d.C., el Gran Maestre Runciter le sugirió al rey Viserys I Targaryen que desposara a la hija de Rhaenys, Laena, de doce años. El rey Viserys, sin embargo, eligió a Alicent Hightower. Esta última herida no se cerró hasta que se formalizó el matrimonio entre Rhaenyra Targaryen y Laenor Velaryon.
Habiendo sobrevivido a sus dos hijos, ahora se centra en el cuidado de sus nietos y nietas. Hará lo que sea necesario para mantenerlos a salvo, incluido ir a la guerra sobre la grupa de su dragona Meleys, a quien lleva más de cuatro décadas montando.
Corlys Velaryon 76 DDN - Señor de las Mareas y Amo de Marcaderiva
Tan brillante como inquieto, y tan aventurero como ambicioso, Lord Corlys,conocido como la Serpiente Marina, nunca ha estado satisfecho, ni siquiera con sus incontables logros y hazañas.
De caracter intratable, incluso en su vejez, demuestra sabiduría en tiempos de paz y valentía en tiempos de guerra. Considerado el mejor marinero que jamás han visto los Siete Reinos, ya hay libros que narran los nueve viajes que ha hecho en su barco a lo largo del Mar de los Escalofríos y el Mar del Verano. En el último de ellos, Corlys llenó sus bodegas con oro y compró otros veinte barcos en Qarth que cargó con especias, elefantes y finas telas. Aunque algunos se perdieron y los elefantes murieron en el mar, todo el material que llegó fue suficiente para hacer a la Casa Velaryon la más rica de los Siete Reinos, superando a la Casa Lannister y la Casa Hightower.
Al contrario que su esposa, siempre ha ambicionado el Trono de Hierro y aún recuerda los desplantes sufridos por parte de la familia real Targaryen. Recientemente ha superado unas fiebres que estuvieron a punto de matarle. Se centra obsesivamente en la educación de sus nietos, a quienes trata como suyos a pesar de los rumores sobre su bastardía, así como en la defensa de su familia, pues intuye que el conflicto sucesorio está por estallar.
Rhaena Targaryen  (17 DDN) - Hija del Príncipe Consorte - Muchacha calmada, tranquila e inteligente. Gemela de Baela.
Erryk Cargyll (30 DDN) - Guardia Real - Audaz y notable espadachín, es el escudo juramentado de Rhaenyra.
Lyman Beesbury (80 DDN) - Consejero de la Moneda - Su sabiduría proviene de la edad. De carácter tranquilo, es leal a Rhaenyra.
Canon y Semicanon Ocupados
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Baela Targaryen
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junglehuntr · 3 years
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their friendship is the best in dceu, I say this with tranquility
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aela-world-blog · 6 years
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Raven again. - But this time i have Starfire with me -
Starfire : @hisayadaydream
Pic : Ting 
Edit : Me
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elvenlemonade · 3 years
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Looney Tunes comics #110
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the-golden-tigress · 5 years
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Hey guys! Today I bring you a little old drawing. It was done in the middle of December and I ended up forgetting to post. This drawing is by Ares, the god of war. In it we can see the marerntão with his two twin sons, Angeline and Ulisses. I really believe that love can change everything XD These two little ones, are part of an online rpg I have with some friends and in it, after years of arduous confusion between good and evil Ares ended up falling in love with the young Amazon, Donna Troy and together with her, she started a family. Although, Ares is quiet and right in his, he is a good husband, he loves his children and his wife. Sometimes, you can get laughs out of him. This drawing, it is as if our dear Donna, was taking a picture of him with his children. So I created a little story for this fanart. "The god of war was waiting to go out with his wife and children, he tied a kangaroo behind his back and one in front of him. He took a deep breath, then when he heard his wife approach.""-Darling, look over here" - the woman called him so the blonde could see his wife pointing the phone at him. "-They are beautiful, say" X "! - She said, the man raised an eyebrow while doing nothing. Certainly human customs were still strange to him."
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They are getting ready to Wayne's Charity Balls, when Kate, tediously waiting for Damian to finishing his hair, that had taken the last half hour, decided to look for something to do on Dami's phone, until she enters the gallery.
"Yes, beloved?"
"Why do you have so many photos of flowers and sunsets, and than like twenty of me?"
"I only take photos of things I find beautiful."
Kate narrow her eyes to her boyfriend. "And you find beautiful how I try to reach with my tongue, a french fry in my nose?"
"You would be surprise how beauty can be find in the most unimaginable moments, beloved."
"Really...?" She stared at Damian with suspicious. A long moment pass until he quickly spill:
"Ok, we are saving some pictures to do the 'horrible photos' montage in your birthday, but in my defense it was Allen and Ramon's idea! If you decided to get mad at someone, they are the ones!"
Kate stared at him surprised, until burst into laughs.
N/A: Thank you for your time. Hope people enjoy. Maybe is not good but is made with love. n_n Sorry for any mistake, English isn't my first language.
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fb44movies-blog · 7 years
Musical Show with Superheroes from Justice League Part 5 of 6
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shin-arei · 3 years
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Mikołaj on his way to ruin this coffee break for Crane again.
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nitw · 4 years
Yo I made a husband for Qrow because I wasn't having him being sad last year and he's this edgy sunshine cat boy and I love him way to much and I want to talk about him but I don't want to have to deal with the "omg your oc dates a canon caracter cringe lmao" thing, so know he exists but I'm not elaborating
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sohoharlem · 3 years
I don't know very much dc comics, but I think they have right to tell if they want to have a multiracial superman or not. Like even if the kryptone reproduction is different if they made superman grandfather black sudenly the why a multiracial person played by a fully white man fight have started. People would start bringing race into the whole caracter unnecessary, this why they make a black superman movie. Black superman is not Clark Kent and he exist in the comics and people still mad imagine this if they made a white man's grandfather black.
I personly don't care if they made Clark's grandfather black, but I do think black people deserve to tell their own storys, deserve to have the right amount of attention and only be the second caracter or changing an already existing caracter's race but to have their own original caracters. They can make an original black supergranfather but changing again an already existing caracter's race is just bad, Yes white washing is just as bad.
My theory is warner want to save what they can, Ray want to beat the shit out of them (rightfully) and everyone who has nothing to with it want to stay out the way they can.
You know someone can have a black grandfather and still be white/white-passing, right? For reference, Meghan and Harry’s baby has a black grandmother. And also race wouldn’t be brought into the character because aliens don’t know what racism is. But yes, there is also a black Superman. It just shouldn’t matter and maybe we should stop caring what racists think about casting. 
I think stories can be made for black people but I also think it shouldn’t matter if existing characters are gender-swapped or race is changed. Also white-washing is bad, there is no opposite version of it, though. There is no such thing as black or brown-washing.
- Tribeca
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#coringa #dccomics #dc #superviloes #caricaturas #caricature #caricatura #cartoon #cartooning #cartoons #cartoonish #caracter #desenhostumblr #desenhosmeus #desenhoalapis #desenhistasamadores #desenho #desenhistasbrasileiros #desenhoamao #dibujo #dibujos #artsanity #artdrawing #arttrade #artdraw #metodofanart #myoriginalart #myoriginalcharacter #myoc #illust #illustration #ilustração #artsanity #artdrawing #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyiR95nDar/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12zxuhzlaqwy1
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OMG i am really surprised by the Harley Quinn Animated Series!!!!
I was really skeptical about this series because I really didn't like Harley, I think that her character is really useless and annoying that makes me want to puke every time she is on screen. I (kinda still think) that she is just stupidity wroten that just.... I can't.... I think that she was just that caracter that was created just so people stopped theorizing that Joker was gay (I didn't work honey), so for me she was just to forced.
So I was really struggling to accept that such a por writhed caracter was going to get a series, a film, a something.. it just didn't fit right for me. I understood that people liked her and I accepted that, but......
So my friend told me that the Harley Quinn series was on and that we should see it together. I was like "ok this is going to succ I am going to hate I am going to lose my patience" and such, but than I watch it and IT WAS SOOO FUNNY I LOVE IT
I never thought that I was going to accept her as a good caracter that I was caught of guard! She is very funny, very cute, and I absolutely loved her!
And can we please talk about how gay this series actually is! I just love how DC tries to make everyone so straight and masculine our feminine and this ANIMATED series it's just out there screaming: HARLEY IS GAY JOKER IS GAY IVY IS GAY BATMAN IS GAY FUCK IT THE WHOLE TOWN IS GAY NOW!!!!! and I love it
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