#decided to go on full writin this time
skyauroka · 4 months
🌼lurky??? lurky have fears???
Everyone does,,,,,so duh
• Describe one of your OC's worst nightmares.
Describe?? Oh I will describe even better
Tw: Blood,,,gore ? I mean head went cut off that counts at the end tho
She's back again.
The ground below her is cold, it's winter. Days become shorter and night soon dawns.
In her horrible, putrid shared body she scratches at her skin, feeling the outside layer moving along with her dark substance that's keeping them both alive. Her hands eventually reach her neck and she shivers slightly as she remembers that she needs to breathe.
A voice calls out to her, a name that isn't hers. Yet a name that she found so right when it came to her voice.
Once the girl comes close, she smiles and laughs at her. Telling her that she wore way too light clothing for this kind of weather.
She almost felt offended, as the clothes she wore were her own personal choice after the girl in front of her begged her to wear something new. But noted that the people from this area seemed to wear heavier clothing when it snowed heavily.
Smoke came out of the girl's mouth when she breathed out. And when she tried to do the same, only a faint sound came out.
Another flaw of her body. She sighed, she should probably avoid this winter season. But the girl in front of her laughed once again, and teased her for it.
This was their routine. And Lurker liked it.
So how did it end up like this?
Her body trembles like a machine.
A useless bloodied head is on the ground, staining the grass and what's left of the snow with it's blood.
The girl has always known what she was, why was she still trying to hide after all this time?
The girl.
The girl that she saw each day grabbed her horrible, horrible hands that were threatening to turn into daggers.
"Please." she begged in a broken, low voice.
"I'm sick of this, I know you can!"
She kept staring at her hands. Two lifeless purple eyes that once showed no emotion were now wide open, and Lurker thinks it's fear.
"I've done enough research, I know who made you like this, I know how you were made like this!" She moved Lurker's hands right to her chest. The trembling visibly moving to her arms once her palms were pressed onto her body.
Her hands were melting, they were getting attached to the girl's clothes.
"Wouldn't it be better if I just never aged? This way we'll always be together. We- we won't have to always find each other again!"
Her name no longer felt right. it stung. It stung, it stung and she didn't know how she felt that.
she's not supposed to feel.
"Didn't you wish we could be friends forever?"
She finally looked up, and regretted it soon after, recoiling almost instantly the moment she saw the girls face.
"I'm sick of my life, Lurker.. I'm sick of having to be reborn everytime"
"No..no. That's not how it works- its-"
"You won't disappoint me, right?"
The girl's hand pressed Lurker's own into her chest more. it was merging. Lines of darkness that resembled a bundle of veins slowly started making its way all around the girl.
"You wouldn't dare to make your only friend sad, would you Lurker?"
It continued further.
it was reaching her neck.
it was engulfing her.
"Let me become one of you."
Her free arm turned liquid for a split second to quickly morph into a blade and in one swift motion she cut her head off.
As the body fell, she made way to the girl's decapitated head and stabbed it, again. again. and again.
She kept on stabbing it until she could only see the dark blood on her whole face.
Until she couldn't see her eyes.
Until she could no longer recognize the skin of the bloody piece of flesh that sat on the ground in front of her feet.
Her arm slowly morphed back into normal, the remaining blood getting wiped off instantly.
The ground was warm. Winter ended. Days were no longer gonna be shorter and the sun would've been the first one to see her work of art.
And she was sure she felt fear, because she knew she'd see the girl again in a few years.
Freaks of nature always seem to levitate to one another like magnets, after all.
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Trick-or-Treat 👻🍭
Pairing: Single!Dad!Bucky Barnes x Younger!Male!Reader
Summary: Halloween was a special time of year for you. Because you could be with the one you love most. And also prank people without much complaint. Something you made sure to include your love in.
AN: This will be from Bucky's point of view. I decided to try it out for fun.
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A loud knock at the door jerks Bucky from his doze. He squints over at the clock next to the fridge. It read seven thirty-two.
That's odd. Steve wasn't due back with Rebecca until nine-ish. So, who was knocking at the door? Some trick-or-treaters? It couldn't be. He made sure not to leave his porch light on so they'd avoid his house.
Another rough knock at his door forces Bucky to his feet.
He recalls that a few kids last year stopped by his house even with the porch light off and kept knocking because they knew he was home. At the time Y/n, a boy he saved a few years earlier who ended up making him fall in love with him, had scared them off. But Y/n was busy at some friend's party.
Damn kids.
He scowls before jerking the door open ready to knock some sense into the kids. But there were no kids, only a man dressed in dirty blue overalls and a scuffed Michael Myers mask.
Bucky huffs a laugh.
"Uh, hey there Mister Myers. Sorry I'm all out of candy." The man says nothing simply staring at Bucky from his place on the porch.
At this angle he couldn't see what color the man's eyes were, only darkness peers back from the mask's eye holes.
Unease pricks along Bucky's spine at the silence. His time in the army taught him that quiet was never good. Fingers twitching against the door handle, he rocks back on his heels.
"Thanks for the good scare, but I think it's time for you to go now. I've got stuff to do." And by 'stuff to do' Bucky meant get some extra sleep while he can.
He moves to close the door and the man backs off, turning to leave.
For a moment Bucky finds him staring after the Michael Myers cosplayer. It had been a while since he saw such good design put into the outfit. They really went all out.
Shrugging off the unease he made his way slowly back to the couch. But something made him hesitate. He once again blames his time in the army making him jumpy. Yet it saved his and Steve's life more than he could count.
Movement up the stairs leading to his and Rebecca's rooms grabs his full attention. A shadow emerges from his room and he stiffens.
It was the Michael Myers guy from earlier.
"What the hell?" Before he can move for his handgun stashed away in one of the cabinets in the kitchen the Michael Myers starts dancing. Hips wiggling back and forth as he pretty much hops down the stairs.
Bucky had seen that terrible dance once before and immediately slaps his forehead with a groan.
"Y/n! I could have shot you, asshole." The man in question jumps off the last step and tugs off the mask, eyes twinkling with mirth. Bucky's rapidly beating heart slows at the sight of the h/c's mused hair from the mask.
"Come on, you have to admit that was pretty good."
It was because it was unexpected and Bucky hated to admit it out loud.
"Whatever," He allows himself to finally plop back on the couch while flipping Y/n the bird. "Now that you're here, let's watch the real Michael Myers at work."
Y/n saunters over, kissing the top of Bucky's head setting fireworks off in his chest before dropping down beside him.
"Oh, yeah. One more thing before the movie, Buck." Bucky raises a quizzical brow as Y/n turns to face him, looking oddly serious.
"Trick-or-treat. Smell my feet-" Bucky proceeds to smother Y/n with a pillow as he howls with laughter.
It was hard not to love the idiot. Even when he got on Bucky's nerves. In the end, he was glad he saved this ridiculously handsome yet annoying guy those few years ago. Because it meant his holidays ended up being a little brighter and filled with joy.
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
AN: Hope you enjoyed although it was short. I had fun writing this! Happy Halloween! 🦇🎃🦇
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jasonsthunderthighs · 10 months
A/N: Oh, the angst~
Synopsis: You got into a situation to work for The Joker. He wanted the wild second Robin to use against Batman, and decided to give you a warnin when you failed to retrieve Robin. Also sorry for not writin your requests I've been given to write. Life got in the way and I've been depressed and busy.
Words: ~700
Warnin: Gore in a little bit of detail. I was watchin a horror film writin this.
You woke up strapped to a chair in the middle of a dark, cold room. The strap on your neck to keep your head in place isn't givin you any room to move to look ‘round. You tried to free yourself from the restraints keepin you still. This isn't good.
You tried to yell out, only to mumble out words through a cloth tightly tied to your head and in your mouth.
A creepy laughter followed by a voice speaks out, walkin out of the shadows to reveal The Joker, grinnin sadistically at you. “Long time no see.”
“Joker..” you muffled out, glarin at him as you tried to wriggle myself free from the restraints.
“Now, now. Where are your manners? Not a nice way to greet someone, not like THAT. Don't you ‘member our deal? You'll be free from this when you get me that pesky Robin.”
You don't know where he's at. He just wants the Boy Wonder to torture and show Batman what he's done to the sidekick.
“That's all you need to do. He's a smart little Bird.. You just need to do your part.. That's all.” Joker holds up a blade, tappin the tip of the blade with his fingertips.
You squirm in the tight restraints, tryin to get the gag out of your mouth to speak.
“I really don't care what you have to say on this. Just know that you have failed and I'm here to remind you of that.” Joker tells you, gettin closer to you as he flaunts the blade in your face, knowin your fate.
“Please don't. Not again. I don't want to go through this again. Please.” you cried out muffled words through the gag as they fall on deaf ears, feelin the blade against your skin of your neck as he digs deeper in your neck, drawin blood.
“Pretty eyes you have. I'll only take one. Be lucky it wasn't your tongue. As you'll be needin it. You'll get use to your vision. You didn't need two eyes.. Be a good kid and ACTUALLY finish your task. And you'll get your freedom AND full vision back..” He finished, holdin your eye to you.
“No. You need another reminder. Seems like you can't ever learn. Especially with what I give you to even help yourself with this task. You'd rather slow down my progress instead of wantin your freedom. YOU got yourself in this. Don't ever forget that.” He took his fingers to your left eye, fishin out your eye from the socket as you scream out and flail round in your restraints, easily pluckin your eye out completely as you cried out through the gag in agony.
You could barely see with your only workin eye as your left empty socket bleeds out, only makin out a blurry vision of The Joker's twisted grin as he holds up your eye to observe.
Breathin heavily into the gag, visibly shakin from the torture you just went through. “Please.. No more.” your voice hoarse and muffled by the gag, tryin to breathe out normally to get through the pain you're in, feelin so weak as Joker takes the cloth out of your mouth and undoes the restraints, lettin you fall to the cold harsh ground.
“This was just me bein easy on you. Next is your fingers.” He tells you, bendin down to watch you struggle in pain, grabbin a fist full of your hair tightly in his fingers, liftin your head up to him, makin you hiss out in from the harsh movement.
“I'll.. Get him, Joker..” You breathed out slowly and raspy, feelin the blood from your empty socket roll down your cheek, “I-I promise.. This time..”
“Oh, I'm sure you won't fail me again.” He holds your eye that's now in a jar to your face, cacklin out loud from your expression of defeat and pain he inflicted on you. “Right?”
He helps you nod your head ‘yes’, whimperin in pain, afraid of what he's to do next. “Y-yes..” you softly cried out, the intense pain from your missin eye leaves you dizzy and cold, unable to think of what to even do next as your vision goes to black.
“Good.” He smiles, lettin go of you and watchin your face hit the cold hard floor as you laid there weak and unconscious. Cacklin widely as he leaves you alone in the room.
This was originally written cause I was bored with my OCs and universe from my book I'm writin. Just decided to word it differently, since it was also in first person and different details were changed and edited. Comment, like and reblog if you want a second part.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
Things That Make You Squirm || Accepting
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"I said you could aks me a question, an' dat's technically two.” Of course she’s ribbing him, and will continue to do so because she’s trying to make him laugh. She never sees him do that. “First answer…depend on wha’ I’m doin’ right? Kitchen counter for makin’ san’wish, or salad, or openin’ a can of cat food for a particularly greedy boy who know beddah dan t’ jump up on it. Couch f’ watchin’ tv, playin’ games, readin’, knittin’, nappin’. I mean dat really is da mos’ versatile. Also, no tell da dryer, but it makes beddah place t’ fold laundry, too. Speakin’ of which, you should go pull yours out of it. So I can put mine in. An’ dryer is bes’ place t’ get naked cause ya don’ wanna wear your scrubs for one more minute an’ heaven f’bid you strip out of dem once you get inside because your braddah will start screamin’ at you like you’re guilty of committin’ war crimes. An I mean…if you’re inside ya own hale, den who cares if ya in ya underwear?” She half grins but then it dies, not only on her lips but in her eyes and she hides it away by picking up the laundry basket with the sheets and towel, padding barefoot down the hall toward the laundry room. Her loft is the size of literal mansions, the whole place takes up the entire fifth floor of the six story building that she and Andy own. Her only roommate is her brother. They’ve mentioned maybe letting him take one of the open units below, but first they want to make sure there aren’t any legal problems. Her already small voice is even softer now. “Las’ sexual encountah legitimately was…almos’ ten years ago. I uhm…I was in med school. I’d managed to match at my teaching hospital, an’ was lucky enough to have my favourite teacher be my mentor. Now in my own defense, he was probably da first man who wasn’t Andy an’ wasn’t a shark, dat I ever fell in love wi’. An’ after spendin’ so many years at his side, learning an’ growin’ an’ becomin’ friends…I had a fantasy. I…I tried to explore dat fantasy on my own…” Her normally preternatural grace is lacking as she drags things from the washer and putting it in a second, empty basket. It’s almost angry. What it really is though is embarrassment. One stupid mistake that changed the entire course of her life and only managed to make the Admiral disdain her further. “I dunno if it’s because I did it wrong, or if I’m jus’ not capable of actually uhm…you know. What happens when ya done…doin’ dat… But I made da mistake of writin’ it down in my journal. An’ next time I had t’ present my notes to a room full of med students and doctahs? Someone had slipped in da wrong slides into my presentation. I stood dere talkin’ about kids wi’ cancer, an’ behind me, every feelin’ and every uhm…physically romantic thought I had about his hands and his mouth…right behind me in big bold lettahs.” She laughs but there’s something very broken about it. “An’ dat is da day I quit medical school t’ become a nurse somewhere away from him, an’ how I decided sex is not somet’ing I really need or want. And discovered dat Africa was a very beautiful an’ culturally diverse place.”
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everlasting-elegy · 2 years
My Inspiration | Leo Tsukinaga x Reader
What you’d give to stop Leo from writing music everywhere… Genre: Fluff, Comedy (at least my terrible attempts at it) Word Count: 2k A/N: As always, constructive feedback is always appreciated~ Let me know if anything is too OOC!!
“(Y/N)-chan, I don’t know what to say. You didn’t have to, but thank you so much!”
“It’s no problem, Arashi. I just felt like doing some spring cleaning.”
Hands on your hips, smile on your face, you admired your handiwork and Arashi did the same as she wandered around Knights’ studio. Of course it was always kept decently clean but you decided to just give it that extra shine. Fingerprints wiped clean from the mounted mirrors, skid marks accumulated over months of dance practices had disappeared. Before, Arashi thought only jewels could sparkle but somehow this whole room was glowing.
“Ah, but it really is a problem! We won’t hear the end of it if Tsukasa realises you did all of this for us and we didn’t help,” Arashi winced.
“No, I insist, I already told Tsukasa about it. Anyway, it was quite relaxing.”
“Really now?”
Arashi pouted as she pulled a napkin out of her pocket, dabbing it gently across your forehead. You hummed in approval as you felt the cool satin against your skin. You had no regrets slaving away for hours in this room, but it was only now when you were done did you realise the toll it had on you. Taking a step away from Arashi, you made space so you could stretch your limbs, a pleasant burn coursing through your muscles.
“Hm, there’s still some time before practice, as thanks, let me buy you some food-”
The door burst open.
“You’ve never been so willing to come down for practice,” Tsukasa drawled as he walked through the door, tugging Leo in tow.
“Uchuu-!” Leo greeted. “I sensed a great disturbance in the studio, I had to investigate! Perhaps aliens have come down-?”
“You mean… (Y/N)-chan cleaning the studio?” Arashi looked at Leo with furrowed eyebrows but Leo froze as though he truly did see an alien. His gaze narrowed in on you and you struggled to maintain eye contact. Leo was incredibly observant, you could only pray he didn’t notice your quickening breath and the heat that rose to your cheeks. Time seemed to freeze as it was only you and him, staring at each other, no one daring to move a muscle to disturb the peace.
Until Leo dropped to his knees and started writing on the timber floors.
“Yes, of course, how did I not think of this before…” Leo started muttering to himself, half of his words incoherent. “The notes together will form an excellent melody, likely perfect for a ballad. A romantic song? Hm…”
“H-hey, I spent hours cleaning those floors!” You complained but you were more confused than angry. You hovered over him but he was in a world of his own, hunched over his scrawls. “And I- is that permanent marker?!”
“We have songs to rehearse, you fool!” Tsukasa complained. “What point is there in coming to the studio if you aren’t even going to practice?”
But Leo was already writing a manuscript for a full piece as he started giggling to himself. He was only pulled out of his stupor as you hauled him up to kneel straight with a firm grip on his shoulder. You hoped that your stern expression would get him to stop - even Knights admitted that Leo was more attentive to you - but he simply clicked his fingers in a light-bulb moment and went straight back to writing.
“Yes, this chord progression is just right. I can hear it, the brief clash with the melody before resolving, it’s perfect…” Leo continued to mumble towards himself.
“Well, the clean floor was nice while it lasted,” you sighed.
“There’s still the mirrors and walls that are cleaned,” Arashi hastily replied.
“We won’t let Leo even look at the walls,” Tsukasa seethed. However the sour expression was wiped off his face as he turned to you, hand on his chest. “I swear on my honour as a knight, I will make this up to you.”
“It’s fine… really,” you responded half-heartedly. You could only watch in despair as Leo kept on writing like no tomorrow, with Tsukasa and Arashi hurriedly trying to comfort you.
It seemed Leo’s impromptu composition sessions were becoming more of a problem than they already were. As you dropped in to watch Knights practice and help them out whenever you can, your visits always ended up with you trying to clean up the floor faster than Leo could write on it. The rest of the unit always told you not to bother but you insisted. For some reason, you couldn’t help but feel like this was your doing.
After a couple of weeks, you entered Knights’ studio again as they were practicing. The rest of Knights already looked like they were ready to pounce on Leo as they greeted you. Leo was already pulling his marker out of his pocket before you sprinted up to him and shoved an item into his chest.
“A blank music book,” you stated proudly. “Keep this on you at all times. Whenever you have the inspiration to compose, put it in there.”
“How did we not think of that before?” Izumi grumbled as Leo turned the book around as if it was a foreign object.
“It’s a good idea though,” Ritsu nodded at you slowly in approval.
Leo opened the composition book at the first page. You had written a message of encouragement there. Although you weren’t fond of him vandalising property, you were fond of him and the immense talent he had. He was silent for a few moments, seemingly reading and everyone else watched on.
He dropped to the floor yet again, only this time he was scribbling in the book.
“It worked!” Tsukasa gasped in disbelief before kneeling before you and taking your hand. “I must thank you yet again, what would we do without you?”
“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it, I just wanted to drop that off,” you explained as you took a few steps back towards the door. Saying your goodbyes, you left the studio with your chest puffed out in pride.
It had been a week since you gave Leo the blank book for him to use to his heart’s desires. Tsukasa requested that you get sound system ready for Knights’ practice, so you headed to the studio earlier than usual. As you wrapped your fingers around the door handle, you hesitated. Something seemed amiss. Although it was silent in the hallway, you could sense a presence on the other side of the door. You took in a deep breath, before twisting the handle and opening the door.
You could only gasp at the horror before you.
Ink on the floor. Ink on the walls. Ink on the glass windows and mirrors. Was that ink on the ceiling? You gawked at Leo who was kneeling at the center of the studio, shoulders bopping to a tune only he could hear as he kept writing on the timber.
He was only drawn out of his reverie as he heard you stutter, trying desperately to get a cohesive sentence out but you were lost for words. Turning, he beamed at you innocently as he stood up, clasping his hands together in enthusiasm.
“Uchuu~ (Y/N) I was wondering if you’d be here early!”
“L-Leo…” you stammered but he only looked at you curiously as if you were the one who vandalised an entire room. “What is this?”
“A new song I had in mind, of course!”
You looked at him in disbelief. “Leo, you just vandalised agency property!”
“You think too much about details,” he waved his hand dismissively. “This song will be a hit, I’m sure of it! Each new composition surprises me, it flows better than the last, I-”
“What happened to the notebook?” You demanded.
“The one I gave you to write in whenever you had an idea for a new song?” You continued, staring incredulously at Leo until his eyes lit up in recognition.
“Oh. Oh that? I finished it.”
“You what?” Your eyes widened but Leo only looked at you blankly. “That book was at least a hundred pages!”
“A hundred and twenty eight actually.”
“Potato potato, just- how did you do that? It’s only been a few days.”
Leo shrugged as he fell back to his knees, continuing to compose. However his moves weren’t as frantic as his usual composing urges, they were slower but fluid. Letting the marker guide along the floorboards like an artist on a canvas, you were hypnotised as you watched him move with such graceful purpose as if the very act of composing was a dance.
“I was inspired,” he said simply, his voice was softer but it was still firm. “Whenever I see the book, the book you gave me, I think of you. And then I just get this urge to write a new melody, I can’t help it, the emotion is so strong. Before I knew it, I filled up the whole book.
“Whenever I see you, a new idea pops up into my mind and I need to grasp it before I forget. I can’t forget something about you. I won't forgive myself if I did.”
It was quiet for a few moments as you continued to watch him compose. You weren’t sure if it was actually silent or if you just couldn’t hear anything over your pounding heart as his words sunk into your skin.
“And now?” you asked hesitantly.
“I thought about how long it had been since I last saw you,” Leo replied. Idly shuffling towards you, he kept composing. You couldn’t bring yourself to chastise him or remind him how it had only been a week since you last saw him, now knowing every note was an homage to you. Eventually he drew a double bar line, signalling the end of the piece. He hummed and nodded in approval at his work, standing back up and stepping back beside you to admire his composition, that being, the entire room.
“... do you mean it?” you asked, your voice so weak it cracked as you looked at his scrawling with bated breath. But before you could let any more doubt in your mind, Leo tackled you, wrapping his arms around you tightly and sending you stumbling back with a yelp. Once you managed to restable yourself, he partially pulled away, gesturing to the room with a sweep of the hand while his other remained on your waist.
“Can’t you see? Not even this room can contain my feelings for you! I can’t joke about this!”
He stomped his foot lightly with a childish stubbornness and you giggled. He grinned back, satisfied with your lightening mood but he still watched you expectantly, eyes wide as if you yourself were one of the seven wonders of the world. He wanted something from you, he was asking silently with the imploring look in his eyes but you weren't sure what he wanted. Only when his gaze briefly ducked to your lips and back up again with an impish grin did you realise, your cheeks set aflame.
You leaned forward slightly and he mirrored your actions, both of you slowly inching forward until your noses were touching. You were still for a moment, simply cherishing being so close to him. Leo then bit the bullet and pressed his lips against yours for only a second, pulling away to laugh eagerly as he twirled you in his arms.
“This is the happiest day!” He exclaimed simply, his hold on you only tightening. “Ah, my inspiration, my muse…”
“I hate to rain on your parade, Leo,” you cleared your throat uncomfortably with a nervous chuckle, "but I have to get this studio clean before the rest of Knights come.”
“Hm? Oh, it’s alright I memorised the music already!”
“Excellent, and you’re going to help me clean~”
"Wait a minute, that's not fair, I have so many ideas to compose now!"
"Oh, it's very fair and- hey! Don't you dare run away-!"
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Ensemble Stars!! Masterlist
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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[ malt whiskey on ice ] 
pairing: chuuya nakahara x gn!reader (there’s an error in the header but i’m too lazy to edit it now i’m sorry)
word count: 2k words
@ah-kaashi​: dinooo im having chuuya brainrot hours right now ಥ⌣ಥ can i request a short fic of chuuya meeting bartender!reader at a bar and eventually starts pining for them? and he only goes to the bar to see them (ahh my heart) he probably would confess to the reader whilst drunk, thanks to his low alcohol tolerance :"
summary: chuuya has a crush on the cute bartender and tries to ask her out. unfortunately, drinking alcohol calms his nerves way too much
a/n: i’m--- i’ll just have a really long list of works under ‘chuuya nakahara’ at this point. also ahhh i hope you like this kei and sorry it took too long but i had so much fun writin this !!
chuuya could never get tired of hearing your bright, cheery voice greeting him as soon as he entered the bar, especially after a long and hard day. he smiles at you, fold his coat and leaves it on the counter beside him along with his hat.
“a good evening to you too, y/n,” he says.
“having your usual?” you asked, already getting out a glass.
“yes please.” 
chuuya knows it’s rude to stare, but he can’t help but do so as you prepare his drink. the fact that your humming easily puts a smile on his face reminds chuuya how much he has fallen for you.
“here you go,” you serve his drink up with a warm smile. “malt whiskey with ice.”
“expect some refills as usual later in the night,” chuuya joked.
“as long as i get to make sure you’re still able to drive home,” you chuckled. the bar was less than half-full tonight, something that chuuya was very much thankful for. you were an amazing bartender and you always interacted with your customers. chuuya was even amazed at how you could hold a conversation with anyone and remember all the stories that people would tell you.
but sometimes, he kind of wanted you all to himself. 
chuuya had been mulling that thought over for quite a long time: asking you out on an actual date instead of coming here every single night and looking at you longingly from across the counter. he did think he had a bit of a chance and you looked like you genuinely enjoyed talking to him and seeing him. but you were like that with everybody too.
“so, what’s been going on with you lately? finally finish that mission you’ve been stressing out on?” you asked while drying glasses behind the counter. chuuya smiled, dragging a gloved finger through the rim of his glass.
“well, if you’d really like to know...”
“you look like you’ve seen better days.” 
“huh?” chuuya blinked out of his thoughts to see the new bartender regarding him with a concerned expression. 
“you’ve been staring at your drink for the past... ten minutes...give or take,” you explained. “people do tend to stare at their drinks quite a bit but when it hits ten minutes that’s kind of raises an alarm for me,” you chuckled. “the ice even melted in your drink. want me to fix you a fresh one?” 
“ah, no. but thanks for the offer though,” chuuya smiled. “shame to waste good alcohol.”
“i hear you,” you shrugged with a smile. “so, wanna tell me what’s been going on?” you asked. “bartenders do make good listeners.”
chuuya raised an eyebrow up at you as he thought about what you said. “um, it’s kind of a long story and i don’t think i’m ready to get into it now,” he confessed.
“that’s fair,” you nodded your head. chuuya was grateful to you for giving him some space. actually, now that he thought about it, he was grateful to you for always greeting him with a smile and asking how he was, even when he came in with the sourest of moods. he knew it wasn’t easy to be a bartender, especially one whose clients were from the mafia.
“how about you though?” chuuya asked. “um, anything special happen to you recently?”
you looked genuinely surprised at the question which made chuuya think that people never really asked about you. “you know, no one’s ever really asked me that,” you chuckled. “but... it’s nice. thanks, nakahara-san.”
chuuya doesn’t know why, but his stomach was practically doing backflips when you said that. have you always looked this cute when you laughed? how come chuuya never noticed that?
“please,” he says. “you can call me chuuya.”
“you never chicken out of anything. come on, you can do this,” chuuya grits his teeth, remembering not to accidentally crush the bouquet in his hands. right after finishing his mission early, he headed to the nearest flower shop to buy some flowers for you. as much as he wanted to give you red roses, he thought it would be a bit too much and didn’t want to accidentally scare you. instead, he settled on some pink peonies that he dearly hoped you would like.
chuuya decided on going to the bar before your shift just to give himself some time to relax. except, when he sits down on the counter, the bartender, an old man who chuuya knows very well, eyes the bouquet in his hands and flashes chuuya a knowing smile.
“do you think they’ll say yes?” chuuya asks, very aware at how nervous he sounds.
“i think it’ll be very interesting,” the bartender says. chuuya groans at how ambiguous that sounds.
“can i have my regular? please?” he asks. the bartender raises an eyebrow at him. “it’s just for the nerves,” chuuya reasons.
he was right in thinking that the alcohol would help with his nerves. except, it works a bit too much.
you always give your reflection a once-over before leaving for your shift at the bartender. the bartender’s uniform isn’t exactly your nicest outfit but you try your best to spruce things up by putting on some lip tint and brushing your hair. you’re not even sure if chuuya will be coming in, he is a busy man, but you apply your lip tint carefully in the mirror and wish for luck.
when you finally leave the employee’s changing room to start your shift, your heart jumps up in your chest when you recognize the familiar hat. except, when you come closer, you find that chuuya is slumped over the counter with an empty glass and a bouquet of flowers at his side.
the sight of the flowers brings a lump in your throat but you push that aside momentarily as you tap on chuuya’s shoulder to check on him.
“hrrrmmm,” he groans but doesn’t move an inch. you tap him on the shoulder again and call out his name, much louder this time, until chuuya finally raises his head. 
his cheeks are flushed pink, no doubt from the alcohol, and his eyes clearly look as if he’s straining to focus as he squints at you. it’s unbelievably cute and you let out a chuckle. 
“it’s not like you to get wasted on a thursday evening,” you smile before your gaze lands on the bouquet of flowers again. “i... see you were planning to ask someone out.”
“huh? yeah,” chuuya drawls, nodding his head slowly. “s’pposed to ask this person out... was waiting for them.”
“and then you ended up drinking too much,” you sigh. “i mean, i keep telling you your alcohol tolerance isn’t that great.”
“wanted to be less nervous,” chuuya whines slightly as his head drops back again. you reach your hand out to hold him back from pitching forward and slamming his face onto the table.
“oh my god, let’s get you sobered up at least before you meet them,” you sigh. it was a thursday night and no one else was at the bar. it probably wouldn’t hurt to step out for a while, wouldn’t it?
you’re practically dragging chuuya behind you to the employee’s room and sitting him on the couch you have there. except, once he sits down he immediately flops on the couch and curls up on his side. you’ve rarely seen the mafia executive look as vulnerable as this with his hat barely even on his head, his red locks framing his sleeping face, and his curled hands under his cheek. chuuya looks just like a little kid and you smile to yourself as you brush a lock of hair out of his face.
you already knew he was a mafia executive when you first met him here, at the bar, and was understandably quite scared of him at first. ‘he’s just a paying customer, like everyone else,’ you reminded yourself before putting on a winning smile to serve him. 
little did you know, you were going to absolutely fall for him. chuuya was always kind and courteous, even tipping more than generously whenever he came in. but what struck you about him was that no matter what, even if he was having the worst of days, he would always ask how you are. as a bartender, you were used to being the one listening instead of being listened to. the fact that chuuya always asked about you and even remembered your ramblings made you smile.
part of you wondered if you had a chance with someone like chuuya. ‘but i guess not,’ you thought sadly, gently laying the bouquet of flowers on the side table. as soon as you did, chuuya shot up from the couch.
“ch-chuuya-san!” you yelped slightly in surprise. 
“flowers... where are they?” he slurred, blinking around at his surroundings.
“here,” you smiled, placing the bouquet on his lap. “that person’s lucky, you know? to receive flowers from you.” 
“yeah...” chuuya smiled. “y/n sure is.” and before you could fully process what he said, chuuya flopped back down on the couch.
“wait, what?” you squeaked. you turned to chuuya and shook him awake. “did you just say y/n?”
“yeah... you know them? works here, always smiley, looks hella cute,” chuuya chuckled before looking at you with the tiniest pout on his lips. “do you think they’d go out with me?” 
you’re astounded and let out a small laugh. “i... i think they would chuuya. just ask them, alright?” 
“alright,”  chuuya nods and yawns before curling up on the couch again. you, on the other hand, are beside yourself with giddiness and it’s taking you all of your self-control not to wake him up. instead, you leave a glass of water and some headache medicine that you keep in your bag and return to your shift.
chuuya wakes up a few hours later with one of the worst headaches he’s ever had and his mouth feeling like sandpaper. also, he has no idea where he is. 
he sits up, blinking at his surroundings as he struggles to remember what happened before he practically blacked out. ‘i was in the bar. i got a drink, and then...’  
chuuya’s gaze lands on you, curled up on a nearby chair with your jacket draped across your torso and suddenly he remembers what exactly he was doing at the bar in the first place. “shit, shit, shit,” chuuya curses and sits up. he actually got blackout drunk before even getting the chance to talk to you and now you had to take care of him. chuuya hated to admit that his alcohol tolerance was low and now it seems he’s suffering the consequences for it.
his luck takes a turn for the worst when the noise stirs you awake.
“chuuya-san? you’re awake,” you yawn sleepily.
“fuck, i... blacked out, didn’t i? y/n, i’m so sorry it must have been so troubling for you,” chuuya immediately apologizes.
“it’s alright--” 
“like, i came in before your shift and i thought drinking would settle my nerves a bit before asking you out and--” chuuya abruptly stops when he realizes what he accidentally blurted out loud. the look on your face says it all though.
“i... “ he starts and stops again. then, he realizes that the flowers he bought are still on the table. so, he picks it up and hands them to you. “i, i really like you, y/n. if you don’t hate me after all this, would you consider going out with me?” 
there’s a smile on your face when you take the flowers for him and chuuya takes it as a good sign. and then you say, “you know, you said a lot of things while you were drunk.” 
chuuya feels his face flush and lets out a groan. “oh god, like what?” 
“we can talk about it if you like,” you shrug. “i’m... i’m free on saturdays, after my five pm shift.” 
chuuya feels his heart leap in his chest and says “i’m free this saturday too,” a bit too enthusiastically, earning another laugh from you. he’s still feeling that euphoria when you stand up and plant a kiss on his cheek.
“also, you’re really cute when you’re drunk.” 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumusdomain​​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​ @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel​​ @kac-chowsballs​​ @violentfarewll
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
Phil's character and his life system on the DreamSMP won't leave me alone....Here is some interestin' facts I can't stop thinkin' about :)
We all know that the butcher army's number one target is Techno right? And they are planin' to get rid of him the fastest way possible by gatherin' information from people who interacted with him in order to find out where his current location is becouse nobody knows.Tubbo said that he expects posters to be hung up everywhere through L'manberg for propaganda,they want to gather as many people as they possibly can to be on their side against Technoblade,becouse together they are more affective.
So what would happen if the BA somehow reveals that Phil is in the possession of Techno's compass? That thing leads them straight towards his hideout in the north,without a doubt I think that the BA would immediately hurt/kill or hold Phil hostage in order to get the compass.Now if they actually decide to murder Phil,he would lose his only life becouse unlike the rest of the SMP Phil is stuck in the gamemode hardcore and he needs to play with a single canon life- while the other two lives he was meant to own were gifted to his eldest son Techno.
The thought of Phil dyin' to such a harsh reason like the government's revenge on his son is terrifyin' and truly heartbreakin'- I'm already scared for Phil and now long he will last before he loses his life,I don't want him to pass away this early into the new Arc.On one side,Ghostbur would finally have some spirit company from his father but both Tommy and most importantly Techno would be absolutely devastated and furious.I don't think that most of the players on the SMP are aware of the fact that Phil's life consists of only one chance at said life,they most likely believe he will just respawn and continue on with the rest of his lives- But that's not the case.
If he dies once it's all over- so to imagine that Phil gets killed becouse the BA requires the compass to track Techno down makes me really sad and also excited??We all know how much Techno cares for Phil,we know he would kill in order for his father,his only friend,to be safe.He has shown the overprotective nature he has around Phil's presence and we have also noticed how much of Techno's trust and loyalty rests on Phil's shoulders.Not only did his son give him a compass to always run to him in the need of help or anythin' really- but he practically opened his heart for him.Afterall,Techno did mention that he would give Phil the world if he desired so.
Now I already know the reaction we would get out of Techno if the BA or anyone really was dumb enough to try and go agaisnt Phil- It would end in mass genocide and complete destruction over the whole server.Techno might be in retirement right now,takin' a small break from his violent and bloodthirsty nature,but I wholeheartedly know that the moment somebody even lays a single finger on Phil it's already too late and pretty much over for them. Techno would,without hesitation,ruin them and make their life a livin' definition of a nightmare you can't wake up from. He would go so far as to destroy everyone and everythin' in his path to avenge Phil and his life,becouse in Techno's eyes his father was the last person who deserved to die.
Now that Phil's gone Techno is all alone,by himself in a world that's controlled by a government he so desperately tried to tear apart and let it crumble to pieces- He would be confused,scared and thirsty for revenge.Phil's death is a major problem in the whole plotline,especially the one Techno is writin' for his character! I really hope that nobody attempts to try to get to Techno by usin' Phil,it wouldn't end well in any way whatsoever and would only make things worse.I don't really know how Tommy would react but I know that his relationship towards his father in the SMP isn't the best,we all know that he's careful aswell as skeptical around Phil becouse he sticks close to Techno, Tommy's eldest brother and the person he hates the most. [for now atleast,i just have a feelin' that both Tommy and Ghostbur will join Techno's side soon and that the right time hasn't come yet for them to realize this-]
What I'm tryin' to say here is that if Phil dies,he's gone forever.There are no second opportunities,once those ten hearts are all drained from their red color it's over.I would be so dejected and sorrowful if the BA actually considers the idea to take that one,precious life away from Phil.And now that I think about it- Phil is conflicted.
On one side,the first thing he did when he arrived in L'manberg was murder his own son in cold blood,and the worst part was that Phil didn't even want to do it- He was handed over the blade by Wilbur himself.And by rebuildin, the city,Phil is workin' on finishin' his son's unfinished symphony for him since he isn't here to do it himself.And not only that but he also has to take care of the ghost of said dead son which is extremely tragic to think about.He wants to gain the citizens trust and wants to keep all of them under control by keepin' the atmosphere light.Phil's grandson,Fundy,is now also under his care which is a extra task on his part,add the fact that Wilbur forgot most of the things he committed and Phil tries his best to make him remember and recollect his lost memories.
Then there's Tommy,the most complicated son he has to deal with throughout all of this.Not only did Tommy get exiled- but he lost his best friend,his brothers and their beloved city they created together.His discs are the only thing dancing around in his head and keepin' him sane,due to the neglect and loss of major importance he became suicidal,thinkin' about losin' his last life to himself.He's all alone and is blamin' everyone else as the bad guy,he doesn't understand that half of the reason this happend to him was his own fault,his own selfishness and greed.Phil knows Tommy's stubbornness and temper,his hot headedness and that all he wants is everythin' to be the way it was at the beginnin' when it all started-
How Techno is,no doubt,Phil's favorite son.Their relationship is strong and built up on solid ground due to the past they spent together by eachother's side.Their bond and healthy correspondence makes them an unstoppable duo and Phil would do anythin' to keep it that way and enjoy his son's company as long as he can.He helps Techno with both small tasks and difficult quests,if he invites him of course,Phil would never tag along if Techno doesn't want company.He understands Techno,he understands the way he thinks and acts,the reasons behind his decisions and all of his activities.Phil was the first person to show Techno what it felt like to be loved and cared about,to be accepted into a world full of misery.And in return Techno granted him his respect,kindness and loyalty to keep up their parallel.Phil knows if he would join Techno that the way others view him would instantly change and shift towards bein' negative.
The fact that he has a Antartic Empire shield proves how much he wants to be on Techno's side and bring back the vibes of the empire they lead in the south,it's pretty much obvious that he's virtually already on Techno's side but he doesn't make a final statement on it whatsoever.He never spoke up about it genuinely,he never confirmed the suspicions of him joinin' Techno but I think it's self explanatory who's side he will be on.
And now comes the prison- Probably the most fucked thing that has ever been created.The idea was requested by Dream and Sam is the one deconstructin' it righ now.As for now we don't know much information or details about this jail but we for sure know who it's meant for- Techno.Like Dream stated when asked about it "Somebody who is very capable" and "Somebody I can't kill" which clearly describes Techno- He may never die,but it can be attempted to contain him in a cell.Now my prediction is that the BA and maybe even more people [Dream,Sam,the Badlands,etc.] will capture Phil and hold him imprisoned there until Techno willingly comes along to save Phil's life,they will certainly lure Techno in there by usin' his father as bait.
I have no idea if ANY of this stuff wiln actually happen' in the SMP,but even if they don't- Phil's character and story progress is one of the most underrated and interestin' ones.
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magpiefngrl · 2 years
What?! You are not a native English speaker ? Omg, you’re English is amazing. You write si well and you are definitely one of my favorite author.
Reading that you have so many WIPs got me a bit curious. Do you feel like sharing anything about it? Anything you want.
Thank you so much for the lovely compliments! I'm thrilled you think my Eng is amazing :))
But yeah--not a native speaker. I learned English as a Second Language.
That being said, I studied English in uni, I'm a qualified English teacher and, most importantly, I lived in the UK for several years back in the 00s. I also have a summer job that takes me to Kent for 1-2 months most summers (like now. I'm in the UK).
As for the WIPS, this is what happens with me: 1. I have a lot of ideas. A LOT. Like, I can generate ideas like no one's business. And although some I might simply get out of my head and on paper, I do have many that I wish to develop further.
But 2. I've had a few years of a combination of writer's block, full time job, and loss of fandom friendships that have affected my writing and made the WIPs pile up.
These are some of the WIPs that are my current priorities:
two original romances that started off as ideas from my drarry fics but have become their own thing now.
secret desires, (wangxian) currently 1 chapter up. Started as a project during one of my fiercest writing block + quarantine depression periods. A friend in a writing server gave us one word prompts each month and I decided to write a fic using each prompt as the title and the inspiration of a chapter. I've got 2 more chapters written but I'm not happy with them yet. *sigh*
Last summer I had big plans for my writing and I even launched the 2021 Summer Writin' Challenge. Some people contributed some stellar works as you can see from the AO3 collection. I started writing a few, but didn't finish them. I'm halfway through a wangxian fic (nested narrative or story within a story) which I'm very excited about. I really want to finish this one. I'd like to play around with the challenge a bit more and write more stories--might take away the "2021" from the title and make it a perennial summer thing to account for my various writing blocks lol
There is a drarry fic which has been in my mind, and it's based on a goldilocks idea I had once (here). I know there's a fic (or more?) with the same premise too. If I write more drarry, this is prob what I'll write but it'll be just porn.
EDIT TO ADD: I've started writing a coda for The Gift (currently hidden) and I am going to heavily revise some chapters. I wrote it in a rush and am not super happy with some parts of it, so I'm going to make sure when it's revealed, with the Coda, I'm happy with it.
Cornwall fic was one of the most pressing WIPs until about a month ago--it's such a relief to have finished that one.
I'm excited to try and get some more writing done when my summer job ends.
Thanks for the ask!
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heiayen · 4 years
sempiternal - xiao x gn reader
angst, fluff, major character death (no details), no dialogues, xiao dislikes changes, 3rd person view
no spoilers, word count: 596 + fic under the cut!
sempiternal - something unchanging, even eternal
despite the chaos, his life was full of never changing routines.
despite the chaos, things were always the same. the same balcony at wangshu inn, same people, same duties. but it wasn't something he disliked. he actually liked this peaceful feeling and somewhere, deep inside, wished, that it won't change. it was something that made him feel safe in this cruel world, and he wished that this, from all things around him will never change.
till one day, someone new came to the balcony with a plate of almond tofu.
their first meeting ended faster than he thought it will, and honestly he didn't mind. he wasn't in the mood (or rather, never was) to meet new people so it was great for him. he didn't even tried to remember who it was, being sure that they won't meet again. but they did. second time, third time, fourth time and fifth time was special, because this new person tried to talk with him.
and while the convo ended before it could even properly start, this new person tried talking again, and again, till one day, they succeed. and xiao realized that it wasn't... this bad as he thought it will. quite nice, if he really needed to say.
[Y/N], because this was their name, were kind and never pushed him to talk, which was something he greatly valued. and it was a small change that he didn't minded at all. he even... liked it a bit.
the second change was, however, not around him. but im them.
it was just a small change in their hairstyle, yet still noticeable for him. nothing worth mentioning... but he still did and honestly, he was happy that he decided to, because xiao earned the greatest smile in the return.
and the next time, they decided to wear more accessories and xiao noticed it too, and soon it became a small thing, small tradition.
they also had a habit of talking to xiao about their day. it was... cute, at first [Y/N] was trying to keep it short to not bore him, but later, they would start to talk more and more, often about small and not important details. he liked that.
but what he didn't liked was the way his feelings were changing about them. what he felt about them was... new, quite terryfing. how do you deal with the feel of happiness everytime you see them, how do you deal with the need to listen to them all the time? maybe he was sick, maybe he needed some medicine to get rid of it? or maybe, he can just ignore it till it goes away?
but, once he realized that it won't go away, he decided to just... let it be.
he knew that distancing himself away won't work for long, heck, it won't work at all! so he just decided to let it be. he will have plenty of time to deal with it.
...or at least he thought he will, till he noticed how [Y/N] voice was getting weaker and weaker with each their meeting. how they were getting weaker, how it was harder for them to talk with so much energy and passion as before. but they would just laugh at it, that it was fine, they were just tired after comissions, you don't need to worry, xiao.
till they missed one of their daily meetings.
and second.
and just like this, his life once again, was full of routines.
despite the chaos, it all was peaceful again.
despite it all.
ehehehe. first time writin' xiao and it's angst with major character death, wonderful. next two fics i have planned (kaeya and zhongli) are also... angst. heavy angst this time. the name of the fic is so funny when you look at what happened in the fic itself, not gonna lie
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Helpless||Harry Potter
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
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Summary: You are one of the students of the Beauxbatons commission and like the others you are determined to win the Triwizard Tournament but instead of the Goblet of Fire, you ended this season at Hogwarts with something better . 
Word Count: 2,0 k  
N / A: This story is based on the Helpless of the musical Hamilton and if you want, I recommend listening to the song along with the lyrics.
Part II 
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Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
Hey! Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
 I have come to be known for some characteristics over the years. For most of my colleagues, determination and patience, but for my family and especially my sister, I was always going to be a hopeless romantic. 
But then we heard about the Tournament and I would have to concentrate fully if my name came out of the Goblet of Fire, so I decided to leave this side of me in France. But that change did not last more than a few hours. 
Boy, you got me helpless
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit
 We were all sitting at the Ravenclaw table while the director finished announcing the Triwizard Tournament formalities and I couldn't be paying any less attention. From the moment I entered that room, a pair of bright brown eyes caught my eye. I couldn't help noticing the incredible amount of redheads on one table, but only one of them left me with a different feeling that I didn't know until now. 
Of course, I didn't spend much time looking. My goal here is very specific, I would not have time for distractions as my name could be called up tomorrow. 
- Of course, to travel to a swamp on the other side of the world, you're going to have to give up putting your name in the cup, right? - my sister asked in an irritated tone of voice and I had no idea why or what she was saying.
- Oh sure, I think it's a great idea, sis - I replied with a smile as I looked back at the director, but he was no longer standing - has he finished? Has he talked about the Yule Ball too?? - I asked, looking back at the older one. 
- Yes, why are you acting like this? Eat a little, I think the trip didn't do you much good - she replied with a worried tone, leaving the anger aside. 
I agreed to a nod and concentrated on the French food that had been kindly prepared for our arrival, but my eyes kept looking back at the table where he was one last time. 
I'm helpless
Down for the count, and I'm drownin 'in' on
 The next day, during the morning there was a circle of students around the Goblet of Fire but as soon as we arrived, they made room and then each one of us put the paper with our name in there. I chose to be the last in line, because I was in no hurry and for a single reason. He was there again. 
The same eyes, but now I could see more closely and without having to worry because it was not in my direction that they were. The boy was having a lively conversation with some other students and his own twin. 
After my turn passed, I walked over to where a friend was standing because I also wanted to see the rest of the competition, that's not exactly what happened. 
I admit it was a funny scene to see the two of them being thrown two meters out of that circle but at the same time, I was a little worried. 
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
 After a few months, we were finally at that ball that promised to be one of the best events of the year and perhaps the decade at Hogwarts. A lot of things changed in the meantime, the first was that I wouldn’t be the champion but I was vehemently rooting for Fleur, the second thing is that a minor had entered the competition and that turned this castle upside down and finally, I had managed to get close to that redhead. To be fair, me and Alexia. We both agreed that only an idiot would voluntarily sign up as a minor, this caught the attention of Harry Potter's friends and himself. 
In fact I learned his name, it's George, it's easy to tell when I can see his face. From the back, I don't have much of a guarantee and it's hard to see them standing still somewhere, so it's even more difficult for me that way. 
Laughin 'at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went, "Boom!"
 I had been invited by some boys before accepting to come with a student from Durmstrang, I confess that I hoped to be invited by George but I preferred not to risk waiting. 
I looked for my sister with my eyes and it was not difficult to find her, she was dancing with her own partner in the middle of the dance floor, impossible not to notice. They were even a beautiful couple, but I knew she was interested in someone else, I just didn't know who. Just as I hadn't told her about my feelings yet. 
My attention changed completely when I saw the door to the Great Hall open and the unaccompanied Weasley twins came in. My heart stopped for a second and I could feel it beat faster, some questions crossed my mind. I hadn't seen them before, did they come alone? Hope had returned. 
Tryin 'to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
 The slow song was over but I only noticed it when I saw the girl in front of me and then I smiled, trying not to lose sight of George but didn't go like that, since I was on the other side of the dance floor. 
- You were having fun out there, weren’t you?? - I asked with a smile, giving up looking over her shoulder, so I just focused on her face. 
- Yes, and where is your partner? You should be having fun too - she replied leaning against the wall beside me. 
- He said he was going to talk to his friends but so far he hasn't returned - I couldn't hide my indifference, because I never had to hide anything with her.  
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister and whisper: Yo, this one's mine
- I know he wasn't your first choice, so who is it? I’m willing to know - his gaze left me and scanned the party full of people, looking for who could be right for me. 
- I wanted to make sure he was interested in me before I told you. It's George, from the first moment we arrived here for the first time - I didn't try to hide my smile or my passionate look when I finally found the redhead again. 
My sister made her way across the room to you (ooh)
And I got nervous thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Ooh)
 In a moment, she was beside me with an expression I didn't recognize and a second later the brunette was walking towards the other side of the dancefloor. 
- Alexia, what are you going to do… - I didn't even try to speak out loud, because the music was incredibly loud for anyone but me to hear. 
To my horror, she walked towards the Weasleys and I
paralyzed. One of my sister's characteristics comes down to doing basically everything for me, I already knew that nothing bad could be in her intentions but that didn't relieve my nervousness. 
She grabs you by the arm
I'm thinkin ', "I'm through" (ooh)
Then you look back at me
And suddenly I'm helpless
 I couldn't look away even though I looked crazy to those outside, so the two stepped aside a few meters and I could hear my heartbeat increasing by the second. 
Would I like to be able to hear them? Certainly, but before I could think better about it. He looked directly at me. 
Oh, look at those eyes (look into your eyes)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless (I know)
Down for the count and I'm drownin '
Helpless (I am so into you)
 Few things in life have left me so nervous as that moment when George Weasley was walking towards me, with that smile on his face, the kind of smile I hadn't seen yet but perfectly matched his features. 
She accompanied him halfway and winked at me before returning to the dancefloor. I didn't know what to expect but I would thank her forever, if that was what my hopeless heart was telling me. 
Look into your eyes (I am so into you)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless
I know I'm down for the count
And I'm drownin 'in' in
 The night ended perfectly and I almost felt like it was fate, because his partner ended up dancing with my partner. So they didn't even care for a second about being "abandoned", not that I was going to let this opportunity just slip through my fingers. 
He was cute and kind, we danced and talked a little bit alone before going back to our friends. 
But this time it was different because we were never so close to each other, I couldn't help but notice his arm around my shoulder, making me stay even closer to him. 
That was my signal, the signal that this night meant something more to him too. 
One week later
I'm writin 'a letter nightly
Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me
 A week later, I had come to Paris with Ale to spend the Christmas holiday with our parents, but it didn't mean that we would lose contact. At that point it was past midnight when I was replying the letter I just received. 
The owl that brought it was barely able to flap its wings when it arrived here and as it was freezing outside, I left it in the cage with mine to rest. She drank some water and practically passed out, poor thing. 
- As I was saying, he really cares about you. Who wouldn't want someone like that? - she said after reading the letter I received. 
- You will find one of these soon, there is a whole group of boys waiting for the chance of their lives to show you that - I replied with a smile while thinking of the right words to answer, everything had to be extremely perfect.  
Laughin 'at my sister 'cause she wants to form a harem
I'm just sayin ', if you really loved me, you would share him
- Yes, but still, it is not enough - she replied pouting but then smiled as if an idea had crossed her mind - we shared everything, why not that too? - She completed folding the letter and I just laughed. 
- That's the only thing we can't share in this life and you're too jealous to share someone - I replied laughing even more at the expression she made. 
- I'm going to sleep, just don't take too long to answer this letter, ok? Tomorrow we will all go out together, in case your little head has forgotten - she gave me one last hug before leaving, but I noticed that the light in her room was on for a while longer.
 Many other things happened afterwards, but my hand is hurting and my ink is running out, so I'll leave the rest for later, ok? I promise don't keep you waiting to know what's happens next. See you tomorrow, dear diary. 
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 2: Going from Zero to Antichrist Real Quick
Bumblebee and his camp buddies are trying to figure out what to do with the Titan who just popped out of the ground like a prairie dog, as the sky looks like a Lisa Frank notebook thanks to the portal to the Dead Universe. It’s honestly very nice, we should should get more pretty apocalypses like this.
Bumblebee starts throwing out orders at everyone, much to Slag’s chagrin. When Slag brings up the point that they probably can’t do much of anything to a guy roughly a hundred times bigger than they are, Bumblebee tells him to shut up and do as he’s told.
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Yeah, I had about the same reaction, Slag.
So the Dinobots do their thing. Swoop, who I think is the only guy here who can fly, goes up to see what the Titan’s doing. It’s not much, other than looking really upset. Oh no, what if he’s afraid of heights? Poor guy.
Even if the Titan isn’t moving, the mere presence of the thing is jamming signals, which is kind of an issue. Ironhide’s ready to shoot it in the foot, and Arcee will help, because she’s a team player now. Bumblebee has a minor crisis over whether this is the same Titan that told Starscream he was a prophesied son of a gun, but Prowl doesn’t seem to think that it is.
Prowl, who has been suffering from short-term memory lapses over the last several months or so because a bug-man was controlling his mind.
Yeah, let’s maybe take his opinion on the matter with a grain of salt, even if he is right.
Over at the Lost Light, Orion Pax is visiting Brainstorm’s workshop, where everyone’s favorite science man is admitting to having studied the Dead Universe’s effects on the living and interviewing people who had been to the area.
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Man, I sure hope that guy signed a waiver, otherwise Brainstorm’s going to be in a spot of trouble.
Then we get a quick rundown of what the Dead Universe is: an omnicognizant parallel universe that functions on fundamental principles that differ from our own and wants you to die. So, obviously not a place you would want to go to. Still, we gotta, because that’s where the plot is the Dead Universe is gonna vore Cybertron if we don’t.
Brainstorm agrees to cook something up to make the trip through the Gorlam Prime portal easier.
Back on Cybertron, the Titan looms in the distance as we check in on an oddly pristine-looking Iacon. Rattrap tells Starscream to come out of the closet, because the Titan still hasn’t moved and doesn’t seem like it’s going to anytime soon. Starscream does come out, but it’s with his arms full of weapons of Autobot design that he appropriated from the ruins of Kimia, because he doesn’t trust that Titan to not start some shit. Rattrap suggests that they maybe get a second opinion before they start murdering people for standing in a barren field.
Back on the Lost Light, there’s a little shindig going down at Swerve’s, everyone staring down the table where Optimus, Rodimus, and Ultra Magnus are seated. Swerve takes the opportunity to do what everyone else is probably really wanting to, and snaps a few photos of them for his scrapbook. As soon as he’s done, we get to the Emotions portion of our issue.
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Rodimus is letting himself be vulnerable in front of the man he idolizes, and I think that’s very brave of him.
Nobody’s feeling super great about the situation they’ve been presented with, but there isn’t a lot that can be done about it now. Just gotta work with what they got. Rodimus asks Optimus how he feels about Starscream being elected leader of Cybertron.
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But I thought that freedom was the right of all sentient beings? You know, like the freedom of choice in our government officials, even if they aren’t the best option we could possibly have, because at least they’re better than the guy who had bombs planted in people’s heads for crowd control purposes? Are you saying that it only counted when the concept of freedom could be manipulated so you could go kick Megatron’s ass, and that actual freedom of choice doesn’t jive with your personal sensibilities as much as you’d like everyone to think it does? No wonder you’re going to try to overthrow the entire Earth’s government system to get humanity annexed into Cybertron’s bullshit in a few years’ time.
But perhaps this Starscream thing is actually the work of Megatron! What will Orion do then?
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…I mean, do I even have to say it?
And I thought we’d already figured out what to do with Megatron back in “Chaos Theory”, where you spent three issues waffling on the subject until the man himself told you to execute him, because even he was sick of your crisis of self. The only reason you didn’t get to act on it was because Megatron disappeared after Vector Sigma blew up and then you fucked off into space without even bothering to check if he was actually dead.
But enough of Orion promising to kill/kiss Megatron, it’s time to see what Brainstorm’s cooked up. It’s not much, but to be fair, he’s only had a few hours to pull something together- our ship’s genius has made a few forcefield generators, using nothing more than some forcefield generators and juice he squeezed out of a bug. Science truly is amazing.
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And I bet Trailcutter hates this invention too, for multiple reasons this time!
Cyclonus, who is looking especially purple today, agrees to join the excursion to the Dead Universe, even though it’s pretty clear he really, really doesn’t want to. Hardhead seems in better spirits than our resident space jet, though maybe that’s just bravado macho-man bullshitting on his part.
With our team put together, it’s time to jump out of the spaceship and into a place that quite literally wants them dead. But first Rodimus has a little chat with Ultra Magnus about his feelings. A lot of sharing this issue.
Magnus doesn’t feel fit to be in charge while Rodimus goes off to save the day and maybe die, because he doesn’t have that special something that makes a leader a leader. Charisma? The ability to think on your feet? The ability to see people as people and not numbers? Not having people know you’re actually a much smaller man running around in an Ultra Magnus suit? Whatever it is, Rodimus seems to think that it’s trumped by a mysterious something in his hand, and that Magnus will do just fine.
While Team -Imus goes into the murder reality, Magnus and the Lost Light will be going off to find Jhiaxus, because they need something to do while our protagonist and his absentee father go on their own adventure.
Back on Cybertron, Starscream’s visiting prison, and wants to talk to a very good boy without the guards overhearing. Jazz makes a very vague threat about what will happen if any harm comes to the prisoner, then steps away.
Let’s talk about how to sell toys for a second.
This issue of “Dark Cybertron” had a cover featuring Scoop, the very good boy I’ve mentioned before, because it was paired off with his Generations toy. We know from reading RID that Scoop is the leader of a group called the Construction Patrol, and he likes to help simply for the sake of helping. Sounds like a nice, if generic, character. How is this issue going to introduce people to him? Will he bust out of prison to save the day? Fight evil through heroic sacrifice? Do anything besides talk?
No, he’s going to tell Starscream he’s a herald of death that was foretold in the robot bible.
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Yeah, that’ll move some fucking product!
This isn’t even the most batshit thing Scoop’s going to pull in this event, but it is what they decided to put in the issue that “features” him.
Over with Shockwave, we’re treated to some renewed friendships, as Nova Prime and Galvatron reveal that they don’t hate each other after all, but have a mutual respect based in subjugating those weaker than them.
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I’m guessing this is a contrast to their previous relationship dynamic in older publications, but I’m not going back to comb through the likes of Heart of Darkness to check, because it really doesn’t matter.
There’s a bit of a snag in Shockwave’s plan to bring Galvatron and Nova Prime back to the Not-Dead Universe, as the space bridge in the Titan burnt up when it got there. Gee, that sucks. I guess all those “Prelude” issues about getting the Titan from Gorlam Prime were sort of a waste of time, weren’t they? Love it when I’m told I wasted my time reading motherfucking Ramondelli issues.
Speaking of Ramondelli, it’s Dead Universe time.
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Sigh. Hello, public domain pictures of space on the overlay layer option in Photoshop. It’s nice to see you.
No, it isn’t. I lied.
I’m sorry, public domain pictures of space on the overlay layer option in Photoshop, this isn’t your fault.
So we’re here in the Dead Universe, and it’s looking pretty wild and crazy, though the characters are likely thinking this for a completely different reason than we are as readers. It turns out, the Dead Universe… is dying.
Also, Cyclonus has disappeared, not that anyone actually gives a shit, because they’re too busy dealing with the giant space leeches that just showed the hell up. Dang, why’s that happening?
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…That only happens as a form of population control, or if the young in question are sickly and have a low chance of survival, not just because the mama rabbit got a bit peckish between lunch and dinner, you stupid fucking robot.
Half of this writing team won awards a couple years after this was published, I want you to remember that.
They fight the cyberwraiths for a bit, things look like they’re getting dicey, then suddenly they fuck off as Cyclonus shows up, probably fresh off the end of a goddamned panic attack because he’s back in the Dead Universe. Then he proceeds to vomit up some black energon. That’s a fun thing, glad you made me look at that.
Rodimus is concerned that one of their team members has got the Hollywood Tuberculosis cough, but Cyclonus doesn’t want his fucking pity. The fellas decide it’s time to get a move on, seeing as they’ve been here a grand total of 20 seconds and been attacked, so they need to get this over with ASAP.
As Team -Imus flies off in a ship I don’t remember them bringing along, someone decides that they’re going to stick their finger in that puddle of vomit.
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Nightbeat you fucking idiot, there aren’t any sinks in the Dead Universe! Now your hand’s gonna be all gross for the entirety of this event! He’s not even analyzing it, it’s just on his hand! Why is Nightbeat having zero concept of personal hygiene a running theme in the things I read? Fuck!
You may be wondering what Nightbeat’s doing in the Dead Universe, or even where he’s been for a good chunk of IDW. We’ve seen him in flashbacks from before the war, but not during or after, least not within anything I’ve covered. So, what’s be been up to?
Fuck you, you’ll have to wait for a later issue to be told what Phase One bullshit you’ll have had to read to understand why this dumbass is here.
Back on Cybertron, Prowl is telling Bumblebee that he sucks because he’s not acting. I’m not exactly sure what he expects Bumblebee to do about the Titan who’s just standing there. It’s not like issuing a loitering ticket is going to do anything. Then the Decepticons attack them, among their ranks being the scariest fucking Ravage I’ve ever seen.
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Why do you look like that? Rojo’s supposed to have the cutesy style on this team, why the fuck did he turn the kitty cat into one of the terror dogs from Ghostbusters? 
Anyway, that’s the end of the issue. Sure hope you’re invested enough in trying to figure out what the fuck Nightbeat’s deal is to snag Robots in Disguise #23.
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goldenncherrybombb · 4 years
Hey dude, I was wondering, whenever you have time, and whenever you feel like it, could you maybe write a fluffy platonic bestfriend!harry with a reader who's like 17-18 and an actress who's in a movie and he writes a song for the movie so that's how they know each other, and they're doing the press tour of the movie together and an interviewer is being rude and Harry defends her?
Oh my gosh, I love this idea SO MUCH! I’m literally a sucker for best friend Harry, it’s my favorite thing to write.
Also sorry for taking a bit to reply, I’m still trying to figure out how to use tumblr, lol. And I changed her age to ab freshly 20 :p
any who, hope you like it!
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“And cut!” The director yells, and the bell goes off. Everyone is on the go as soon as he gives the cue. Y/n’s makeup team coming over to fix her hair and makeup.
“Do you guys think I’m doing good?” She questions, a little nervous about how well she is performing. She is a new actress after all, this is her first big Hollywood movie! After many failed auditions, and small parts on Netflix series she finally got herself a big role.
“You are doing amazing girl. No need to be nervous.” Her hair stylist, Anna, reassures her. Her makeup artist, jay, nodding his head in agreement.
“They love you, y/n. You were cast for a reason, girly. Now show em what you got.”
“Thank you guys.” She smiles at them and her cheeks redden at her friends compliments. The bell goes off and they all get ready to film the next scene.
The rest of the day goes well and on her way out she bumps into someone, too busy looking down at her scripts just to make sure she remembers everything. Her scripts and keys fall out of her arms and land on the ground, next to whoever she bumped into journal.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, that was totally my fault.” She quickly falls to bend her knees and pick up her things. The stranger bends next to her.
“‘S ok, I wasn’t paying attention either.” His voice sounds familiar. So fucking familiar. But she can’t put a finger on it. She looks up when she gathers her things. Her eyes meeting the strangers for the first time. “Oh I know you. Your the lead character, y/n l/n.” She smiles at, finding it strange that he recognizes her. Harry Styles. Harry styles recognizes her. And she decides that’s the coolest thing ever. “‘M actually writin’ a song for your movie.” They both stand to their full height and he hands her her keys.
“I heard about that! That must be super cool. I’ve always been super interested in music. Just wish I didn’t sound like a dying cat.” They both laugh lightly at that, and he shakes his head at her.
“Doubt that.”
“I wish your doubts were correct. But unfortunately they aren’t.” He just chuckles before he suddenly remembers something.
“I forgot to introduce myself. ‘M Harry.” He holds his hand out, and she takes it in hers and shakes his hand.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Harry. I’ve actually heard some of your stuff before. ‘M quite a fan of Fine Line.” He shyly smiles and their hands go back to their side.
“I don’t mean this in a weird way, but would you want to go grab some coffee?” She smiles and nods her head.
“Would love too.” He nods and gives her a smile before they turn to walk out. As they walk to his car, she assumes, she remembers something her coworkers briefly mentioned. “Aren’t you gonna have a small part in the movie?” She questions, looking over at him.
“Yeah actually, ‘m quite excited.”
“It’s gonna be fun. I saw Dunkirk so I know you will kill whatever scene you have. Aren’t you in a few with me and Andrea?” She questions.
“Five scenes total.” He informs her. “Then I have a few more with Timothee and Jeniffer.”
“That’ll be fun. We party a lot in those scenes.” She shimmies her shoulders when she says party to add some effect, and it does what she intends to and makes him laugh.
They reach Harry’s car and he takes them to a small cafe. They chat over tea and coffee, y/n also having a double chocolate chip muffin because she couldn’t resist. They talk about growing up, all things music, y/n’s career, Harry career. They both tell stories of the craziest moments they have so far in their journey of success. Both have a good time.
They get to know each other and at the end of the night they exchange numbers. He takes her back to set and drops her off by her car. He tells her goodnight and she does the same, smiling when she sat down in her car.
She hope she just made a new friend. They had so many things in common. From the way they dress, the music they like, their favorite food, etc. She thinks it’s safe to say the connected well at the small cafe and she hopes this is the start of them becoming close friends.
And they do end up becoming close friends over the six months they work together. Harry ended up coming to set more often than not, bringing lunch to y/n or eating the food they serve. They go back to her trailer and eat their food, catching up with each other, and sometimes having a food fight. Harry updates her on the songs he is writing, or the Gucci ads he has been modeling for. She tells him about the scene they filmed, or some small roles she has been offered. They also catch up, asking eachother about how their families are doing, making plans for later that night or if one of them had an event they wanted the other to accompany them too.
They both know each other’s families well. They spend the night at each other houses often. Harry takes her to the studios on her days off, showing her the process of recording. She instantly connects with Jeff as well since they both have a similar since if humor that includes teasing Harry on the regular.
But now the filming was done, and so was the editing. They were two weeks away from the release! Y/n was excited but also extremely nervous. But now they were all doing a press tour. And lucky for y/n, Harry got to tag along because of his small role and because he wrote most of the sound track for the movie.
They were about to go on another interview, this one just her and Harry. Their costars doing their own interviews scattered around the building. She was happy her and harry were partnered to do all the interviews today, it meant more time to goof off with him when they aren’t supposed to.
“Well first off I just want to say thank you guys for sitting down with me today.” The interviewers starts, his name y/n found out, is Ben.
“Thank you for having us.” They both say simultaneously.
“So let’s talk about the movie. I know y/n, you are a main character. Can you tell me what it’s like? Being new to the scene and working around men like Harry or Timothee? It’s got to be hard to contain yourself around the pair.” Y/n doesn’t know whether to scoff or smile through it and act like that wasn’t extremely sexist. But when she sees Harry visibly tense and his face harden she knows to just let it slide. She doesn’t want to start something that her manager will want to kill her for. So she bites her tounge.
“I don’t find it intimidating at all. Both of them are very talented, but I don’t find it intimidating. Especially not when they are you friends.” She puts an emphasis on friend.
“Harry, this is your second roll in a movie, and you wrote majority of the soundtrack, how was that? Do you think you will do more movies after this?” Y/n wants to roll her eyes. Of course he gets a normal question but she gets one asking if she could keep her legs closed around her best friend and costar.
“I enjoyed it. It got hectic and stressful at times. But I really enjoyed it and I enjoy acting and obviously writing and singing so I was glad I could do both.” The interviewer nods and this is how the next few questions go. Y/n getting questions like “which costar would you rather date?” “Did you have a crush on anyone while filming?” Really inappropriate and unprofessional questions. But Harry got questions about the writing process, what his favorite scene to film was, and so on. But it was obvious both of them were fed up with the interviewer asking her the types of questions he was. So after the third question Harry chimed in before y/n could come up with an answer that would answer it but not really answer it.
“‘M sorry, but are you gonna actually ask her about the movie? Or how her acting career has been going? Or just anything other than if she found someone hot or who she would mess around with? It’s quite unprofessional and it’s clearly making her uncomfortable.” The interviewer stills, his cheeks flushing. Even the camera crew stills and in the background I can hear jay clapping and saying “yes Harry” faintly. A small smile forms on her face and she looks over at her best friend, noticing how his gaze is strong as he looks at the interviewer with a penetrating gaze. Harry sounded very professional and calm when he told the interviewer off, but his eyes give away exactly how he feels.
“Right, my apologies y/n. But I think that’s actually a wrap.” He looks over at the director and nods.
He doesn’t even shake their hands before he leaves. He just scurries away with bright red cheeks as everyone’s eyes follow him.
“Thank you for that, H.” She smiles up at him before her arms go around his neck and his go around her waist.
“No need t’thank me. No lady should be asked those questions. It’s no ones business who yeh fancy, or whatever the fuck else he was trying to dig out of yeh. ‘S not the ass hats bloody business.” She chuckles and shakes her head, patting his back lightly.
“It’s ok, Harry. You already told him off, no need to get upset over it again.” She pulls back when she’s done talking and Harry huffs.
“Guess yer right.” She smiles at him and pats his head before they walk off set. As they leave the building she loops her arm around his waist and he does the same around her. Her head rests on his shoulder and his lays on hers as they leisurely walk outside.
“Wanna go get some ice cream?” She questions, already knowing his answer but wanting to see his reaction. His head pops up and he looks at her with wide eyes.
“Course I want t’get ice cream! Only mad men turn down ice cream.” She laughs and shakes her head before he stops in his tracks.
“Race you to the car, loser pays.” She squints her eyes at him and holds her hand out.
“Deal.” He goes to shake her hand but she pulls away and starts running towards Harry’s car.
“That’s not fair!” He chuckles, running a little bit behind her.
And in the end, Harry ends up paying for the ice cream with a pout on his face.
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nakedmonkey · 4 years
Oh wow! I was tagged by @foxmagpie (thank you!) for But You Still Catch My Eye
So, originally this started out as a Halloween fic. I was really in the mood to write one and I said I would write one, and I started to, but then my muse went cold and around Christmas time, I got this idea to turn it into a Christmas fic because I loved the idea of Beth trying to do this big thing for her kids out of guilt. 
I love the idea of Beth being successful at whatever criminal venture she’s onto next, and any chance I get to write her that way, I do. But I also feel like Beth will always feel that by giving herself something, happiness, success, or whatever, she’s taking away from her kids because she can’t be there 100% of the time, so I wanted to play with that a little bit. 
I also love that Beth is a great planner, and what would bring her more joy than to plan something big that would benefit her kids??? The bit about everyone thinking she’s onto something was literally just a self indulgent thing because I LOVE when Beth is called out, so i thought, wouldn’t it be funny if for once she was actually just planning something totally innocent?? I thought it was hilarious. 
The conversation that Rio and Beth have about ghosts came absolutely out of nowhere as I was writing it. I knew I wanted them to have a conversation about something but I didn’t know what, and then I quickly realized the house was haunted because of course, so naturally, the topic would come up. My head canon for Rio is that he’s full of random, useless facts. Be it architecture, pop culture, the ocean, whatever, so I look for any excuse to incorporate that into as many fics as possible.
Another thing I cut out from the originally plan was an actual seance, but then I decided to instead turn a bunch of adults into kids at a house party. Still kept a couple of ghosts around for fun though. 
I have a theory that if only Rio and Beth could have a moment away from their life and the element of crime which is what brings them together and also keeps them suspicious of each other at all times, for just one second, they could have an honest conversation so it was fun to play with that, too. Also, sex almost didn’t happen. Then it did. 
Annie and Nancy were always part of this. I love them together. 
Oh, and fun fact? The house is inspired by a bunch of houses I’ve been to. Every time I’m in a new place, I google some old house I can tour, or some haunted place I can go visit. I’ve been to the Winchester Mystery House like 6 times.
I would like to tag: 
@pynkhues for Summer in the City (the number of times I’ve read this...)
@sothischickshe for Even The Best Laid Plans
@missmaxime for Ain’t No Sunshine ( think you were tagged about this already but if you weren’t PLEASE)
@hypermania for june after dark MA’AM
questions under the cut! 
recently I have become really fascinated with fanfic authors and what exactly was rumbling around in their brain that inspired a fic?
Was it a line of dialogue you couldn’t get out of your head?
A scene you wrote WAY in advance and then crafted the whole story around?
An image in your mind?
Inspiration from another form of media?
Maybe someone suggested something to you and it just TOOK off from there?
What is the root of your fic? The cornerstone -what is it all built around? The idea that started it all?
Tag an author & their fic. Let’s hear about what sparked your story. What exactly got your booty movin’ shakin’ motivated and writin’
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Bluegrass-Chapter 21
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                              My thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Twenty-One
There she is. Sitting at the table in the morning light writin her letters and gazin out the window at the bluegrass that surrounds her. What are ye thinkin about love? Yer face is serene and beautiful so it must be somethin nice. Do you see unicorns running in the fields? Are there rainbows in yer view? What keeps yer heart open and full of love after years of struggle to just be who ye are? An orphan, a student, a veterinarian, a jockey, and kissed by some kind of magic that no one believes. I listen carefully and I watch ye closely because I want to know every ounce of what makes ye Claire Beauchamp. I am yer lover and yer champion. If you let me, I will end yer struggle and give you peace to live in yer moment for the rest of yer days.
“Good morning and why are you staring at me?”
Jamie snapped out of his head and smiled at her. “I couldna find ye through all these flowers, love.”
Claire walked toward him and looked into his eyes. He didn’t fall back on his Scottish bur and contractions unless he was deep in his thoughts or drunk. It was too early for drunk, so she pulled him to the table through the myriad of bouquets that were sent by friends and associates to congratulate her on winning the crown. She busied herself with Jamie’s breakfast as they discussed the day.
“Are ye in agreement to hire and train Jason to manage Runner at stud? I need to start planning the improvements and if he will be managing that end then he can help me and stop playin with the horses all day.”
“Will you be taking over his chores?”
“He can do both, easily.”
“I am in total agreement.”
“I’ll find one of the stud farms he can train at for a month in February. It will cost us a bit to lose a month but he’ll be ready to handle everything when he returns.”
Jamie pulled Claire up for a deep kiss and was off to start his day, wondering how to kindly fire Lulu now that the phone was returning to normal. At least he hoped it was.
Jamie opened Runner’s stall and gave his morning hug and sugar cube. He could feel Jason’s eyes burning holes in him and decided it was time to see how much Jason wanted this responsibility.
“Mornin Jason. I talked to Claire and we both agreed you should take over the stud business starting in February. Actually, ye train in February and start the business in March. Oh, and ye get no pay in trainin because I have to pay the stud farm for takin ye on. Okay?”
“Hell ya! Jamie, woo-hoo, hell ya. Thank you so much.”
Before he could continue, Jason ran past him, no doubt on the way to Lulu to share his news. Well, Jamie thought, he’s willin to take no pay and work his ass off, that is a very good sign. On the way to his office, he heard his phone ringing non-stop and wondered where Lulu was. When he charged into the office Lulu was just picking up the phone with a rosy glow in her cheeks as she waved at a retreating Jason. As soon as she hung up, the phone rang again and Jamie slipped away deciding another week with Lulu would be great. In fact, maybe another month with Lulu, Jason, Angus, and Rupert, would give him and Claire the confidence to take two weeks off and honeymoon. He was heading for the dam’s wing but took a sharp turn to his truck. It was time to choose a date to marry his sweetheart.
Claire stared at her new signature created on the computer. She was doing a mass email to her clients letting them know she was returning to her practice. Claire Beauchamp, DVM and under that, Equine Medicine. Under that, 2019 Triple Crown Winner/Highland Brother Farms. She liked it. Not too gaudy and she wasn’t about to lose the racing credential. She chose her favorite picture of Runner and created a watermark from it. It was barely there so it wouldn’t interfere with the text. She loved it and shoved the printout and thumb drive into a manila envelope to take to the printer. She grabbed her purse and turned around slamming into Jamie’s chest. He caught her, thankfully, and chuckled a bit at her startled face.
“That chest is some kind of steal wall, mister. How do you manage to sneak up on me like that?”
“It is very easy when yer in yer head, love. I have come home to ask about marrying me and takin a trip for ten days.”
Her smile was so sweet and happy it melted his heart. He looked into her eyes, hopeful this would end with a date. Before he could press her for a plan he grabbed his ringing cell phone.
“Okay, Lulu. Okay. Yes, I am coming back. Lulu, I promise I am on the way.”
“What was that all about?”
“Apparently, I have been remiss in returning calls and now there’s a rep from Newsweek in my office. I believe it’s you they want to interview, care to take a ride with me?”
Claire sat down with the rep from the magazine and agreed to a date for them to photograph Runner and interview her and Jamie. Before she could walk back home, Lulu stuffed a wad of messages into her hand. Time magazine and Sports Illustrated were also making multiple requests to feature Runner on the cover. She and Jamie each took one and agreed to a photo session with Runner and an interview. Before the weekend, they would host three major magazines who would feature Runner on their covers.
“Can we table our discussion until this madness is over?”
“I will surely pout for the rest of the week, but yes, we certainly can.”
Runner could hear Claire coming toward his wing and he banged his hoof on the corral bars so it reverberated throughout the barn. He was rested and ready to race.
Claire put her hands on his cheeks and saw the obvious images in her mind of Runner flying across the finish line of some imagined race. Then she saw images of Sham laying down on the track exhausted and she laughed. It was becoming clear that Runner cared little about being the most famous horse in the world, if it didn’t lead to a race it was meaningless to him.
“What are we going to do with you handsome. Your stud season is months away and you're bored out of your mind. Poor baby. I’ll think of something fun, I promise. For now, let’s get you and Porcelain outside for the day.”
Claire closed the pasture gate and watched the horses race up and down the hills, swinging their heads and calling to each other. Runner was so fast and easily outran porcelain side by side, then he did something that gave Claire an idea. He would run alongside Porcelain for a while and then engage his power and blow past her. Then he circled around to run alongside a bit more before doing it again. He was winning mini races and having a great time. Maybe he should be turned out with the yearlings that would start their race training in a few months. It might do them all good to test their speed and Runner could race them all, over and over again. She smiled and went to find Jamie.
Jamie was in favor of Claire’s idea to turn the horses out together but the obligations of the week imposed on their time. Each magazine, Time, Newsweek, and Sports Illustrated, dominated their days with photoshoots of Midnight Runner and sit down interviews with Claire. The pace was head spinning as neither of them knew there would be a full staff of photographers and reporters.
On the day reserved for Sports Illustrated, Nosh greeted Claire and Jamie with a big smile, and Claire hugged him. She was so happy he would be writing the story because he had been such a big fan of Runner since his early races. When they were finished with the interview Claire renewed her promise to tell Nosh the rest of her story and asked him not to forget them.
“Not likely Claire, I feel I’ve lived my life just waiting for you and Midnight Runner to win big on the world stage.” He looked into her eyes with an open heart, “the story I write about Runner will be my legacy. I know it.”
When Nosh drove away from the complex Claire dropped into the couch in Jamie’s office with a deep sigh. She was exhausted from the week, as was Jamie, but they both felt the tingling of excitement deep in their stomach. It was time for the big event and after that, it was party time.
Claire gave Jamie a knowing smile that pulled him to her. He touched her cheek where the smile creased the skin and felt his heart race with anticipation.
“I’m loadin into the gate lass, ready for the biggest race of my life. The prize is the wife I have dreamed about since I first kissed a girl. I knew ye were out there somewhere, one special woman who would turn my life upside down with love and adventure, and ye’ve certainly done that, love. I’m favored to win, but I need to know if yer all-in, or hedgin your bet.”
Claire felt her heart in her throat. The way he looked at her spoke volumes about true love, commitment, a promise of a champion, and a beloved friend to walk the pastures until they both turned old and gray. She fought the tears that were stinging her eyes and just gave in, sitting up quickly to hold him close.
“I broke my piggy bank and put my life savings on you to win sweetheart.”
He kissed her deeply wishing he could put her in his truck and drive until they found a quiet place to say their vows so she would be his forever.
“Suppose ye tell me yer idea of the perfect weddin lass.”
“I would rather show you. Can you leave soon and drive me home?”
“How about now sweetheart.”
Claire handed Jamie a whisky and they sat on the patio watching the horses in the pasture that extended behind their backyard. Claire sat next to Jamie and laid a large heavy book on his lap. He touched the front cover lovingly, and his eyes softened as he read the title.
Claire opened the huge book of beautiful pictures and they looked at the lowlands, commenting on famous cities and historical monuments. When they got to the highland pictures Jamie’s voice was soft and reverent. He ran his hand over landmarks he knew well and told her stories of when he was there.
“I absolutely loved the slide show you put together for the bridal shower. They are beautiful resorts and surely lots of fun. Or we could marry in Scotland, at Lallybroch, in the home of your parents and sister. “ Claire blurted it out and watched his face. “I want to be married at Lallybroch, Jamie.”
Seeing his crystal blue eyes well up with tears was her answer. She was never so sure of anything in her life and it was her honor to lead him home. She had never seen him put himself first because it wasn’t his way. Claire knew their lifestyle would require all of his attention for years to come so if they had ten days to honeymoon, she would pull him back to the country he loved, and the sister he missed. They were going to Scotland.
Jamie hardly touched his dinner. Claire felt his forehead and took his pulse until they had cleared the dishes and cleaned up. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at his happy eyes. We need to call Jenny and warn her, right? Then we book the soonest flight we can get and figure out the rest when we get there. Okay?
He looked down at her and kissed her breathless, picking her up to carry her upstairs where he would love her slowly, and with every touch, thank her.
Jamie touched her face softly and whispered in her ear, “wake up mo leannan, look at the beauty below, Scotland.”
He had put Claire against the window for this very moment. When she looked out at the landmass below her breath caught and she struggled for words.
“Green…I’ve never seen it’s equal, Jamie. And the turquoise sea around the land is breathtaking, like a million diamonds shimmering in the sun. My God, I can’t wait to get down. Will Jenny and Ian be waiting for us?”
Claire twisted in her seat and pressed her lips against Jamie’s, holding his face against hers.
Claire was on emotion overload as they walked toward the luggage carousel. So nervous about meeting his sister and her husband that her hands shook. Jamie had a feeling this would be important for Claire who hadn’t a family of her own for most of her life. He was counting on Jenny and Ian to pull her in and make her feel her place, right next to them.
They watched for the suitcases to tumble off the conveyor belt and Claire’s nerves were building, making her shake with anticipation.
“Jamie! Claire!”
A young, attractive woman grabbed Claire suddenly in a bear hug and held her close while she talked rapidly about her joy to meet her finally. She held Claire at arm's length and looked at her approvingly.
“Yer just a slip of a girl, are ye nae? Canna wait to ken how ye stayed on that horse. Yer a celebrity in these parts Claire.”
Jenny kissed her cheek with the power of family welcoming her into the fold. Ian grabbed her next and squeezed the stuffing out of her making her laugh and relax. When she looked at Jamie, locked in his sister’s embrace the emotion on his face almost choked her. It was all a bit overwhelming to Claire who had only dreamed of such an occasion. She tingled inside with happiness.
Jamie shook Ian’s hand with a blinding smile. She watched his face grow happier with every moment and said a silent prayer of thanks she had been inspired to make this trip.
Jenny held onto Claire until they all piled into the car and made their way out of the city. Claire considered their home in Kentucky was about as rural as it gets. When Ian turned onto the dirt road of their ancient home, she watched the rolling landscape, jutting stone outcroppings, fields of wild Heather swaying in the breeze, all surrounded and draped in every shade of green. She could not look away until a large ancient home could be seen in the distance and it stole her heart away.
Jamie watched his future bride stare at Lallybroch with wide eyes and an enchanted smile. Jenny watched her too and was so thrilled with her reaction. When they stepped out of the car, Claire looked up at the three -hundred-year-old home and let Jenny lead her inside like she was entranced.
“The house was build in the early seventeen hundreds by the Laird of these parts and is new wife. Other than plumbing and central heat, the house remains the same. Claire touched the mantel of the enormous fireplace and whispered, “has this been here the whole time?”
“Aye, lass.” Jenny pulled Claire by the hand through the house, attic, and basement, pointing out pieces of furniture that were built by the first family. Two four-post beds, the desk in the study, a long hand-carved bench against the hall wall upstairs, a secretary in the living room, the dining room hutch and table, had been impeccability maintained by the generations and glowed with warm hues from the years of hand rubbing.
When they got to the upstairs paintings Jamie had joined them and gave input on the stories surrounding each painting. It was a walk through the history of Lallybroch and Claire was thrilled.
“Jamie, ye, and Claire will stay in da’s room while yer here. I’m sure ye will be verra comfy in there.”
Jenny and Ian used that room and Jamie was touched she would go to the trouble to move their belongings out. The rooms were large by today’s standards and over the years, walls were added to allow for closets and bathrooms. Not the Laird’s room. It was unchanged with a grand fireplace and armoires for hanging clothes. The original Laird’s coat of arms still hung on the wall to match the same, carved into the stonework at the entrance to the old dooryard.
“The two of ye rest a bit while I get supper started. Surely yer done-in from the long trip.”
Jamie looked around the room noticing the bottle of whisky and two glasses on the side table near the bed. He sat down on the huge bed and poured two glasses, handing one to Claire and pulling her next to him. He was lost in his memories of jumping into bed as a wee one to cuddle with his parents on cold mornings.
“I can see how special this room is to you Jamie, it’s lovely.”
“Aye, many great memories here. Sorry about no private bath and shower. Seems every generation had the same idea not to modernize this room.”
“I don’t mind, I prefer it this way.”
Claire yawned and rested against Jamie feeling her eyes close from the whisky.
“One rule ye must know about sweetheart. Jenny is the commander and chief of this dwelling so there’s no arguing with her. When she says it’s time to rest, we rest.” He was pulling Claire down to the large over-stuffed pillows and heard a moan escape her lips. We have no responsibilities, nowhere to be, no one to call.” He wrapped her into his embrace and in moments heard her rhythmic breathing allowing him to get lost in his memories of the most extraordinary childhood.
When Claire opened her eyes the light had changed in the room, getting dimmer with the waning day. Jamie was still in his dreams so she slipped off the bed and followed the aroma of cooking food. Jenny and Ian had both taken the afternoon off for this momentous visit and it touched Claire how much love they had for each other and Jamie. Walking into the kitchen she found Jenny on Ian’s lap pouring two glasses of whisky.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“Come here lassie, dinna go. This is Jenny’s favorite chair it would seem because she’s always fillin it,” Ian laughed. Jenny poured her a glass and the three of them chatted while super cooked. Claire wanted to know everything about Lallybroch and Jenny was eager to answer her questions. When a sleepy Jamie walked into the kitchen, the whisky bottle was tipped again.
The conversation turned to horse racing and how Claire taught the colt how to race and love winning. Jamie’s laughter was contagious when he described Claire running beside him and acting thoroughly pissed off she didn’t win. The description of Runner trotting around Claire, gloating that he was the winner made the group suddenly quiet. Jenny held her hand up for a time out.
“The colt was just barely two but he understood enough to know he won? How is that possible?”
“I explained the race to him and then goaded him into wanting to beat me. It was like playing with a two-year-old toddler.” Claire was laughing at the memory until she realized the kitchen had gone quiet and the eyes of Jenny and Ian were boring holes in her. Her head snapped up at them and she saw the disbelief and mind closure she had become so familiar with.
Jamie was trying to explain Claire’s gift to a deaf and dumb Jenny and Ian. They, like all people, were processing the intelligent woman, veterinarian, triple crown winner, in front of them, lie through her teeth.
Claire walked over to their dog lying in the corner of the kitchen and she asked him kindly to sit in front of Jenny and bark three times. The old Basset Hound seemed more than happy to oblige.
“Jenny, please let your dog come to you, sit, and bark three times.”
Jenny looked at Claire like she was speaking in tongues but saw the dog stand up, walk to her, sit, and then bark three times before going back to his corner. She looked at Claire, white-faced, and shook her head side to side. She was stunned.
“So Claire,” Ian started diplomatically, “how long have you had this gift?”
It was said so matter of factly that Jenny looked at him like he had grown another head.
Claire felt such kindness toward him for accepting her word, with some help from the Basset Hound. She smiled at him with relief.
Ian laughed, “we havna heard that dog bark in about five years. Even when he hunts with me he’s silent. What a miracle!”
Jenny was still sitting like a statue trying to process this information when Jamie stood up and hugged her from behind.
“How could I not fall in love with such a special woman Jen?”
More whisky was poured and the conversation went to safer topics while supper was served. Once they had the kitchen cleaned up Claire excused herself to shower and prepare for a long night’s sleep while the others talked. The minute the hot water touched her she started yawning and hurried to wash her hair and get into bed. She was deep in her dreams when she felt a warm large hand caress her from shoulder to feet and a nose nuzzling her neck, asking for attention.
“Are ye alright lass? I’m sorry for the interrogation. They believe ye, and they love ye, but I know it’s hard each time ye face the disbelief. I’m sorry love.”
She reached for Jamie’s neck and pulled him down to her lips. He loved her slowly, playing with her mouth and coaxing her heat until she slipped under him and asked for a one way trip to her favorite planet. They went together.
The days were an endless adventure of climbing the secret places Jamie discovered as a child, laying on a huge rock reading to each other in the sun, hiking to ancient buildings around the estate, and bumping into neighbors that were thrilled to see Jamie again. Once the word got out that Claire was a veterinarian her services were called upon three different times by neighbors with a sick cow, a lame horse, and a cat who refused to stop eating grasshoppers which were vomited up hours later when he came inside.
“The poor cat was quite surprised when I told him the bugs were not food. I thought he was convinced but he went right back to eating them as we walked away.”
Everyone laughed at her description of the cat looking back at her with a giant grasshopper safely held between his teeth. Jamie looked at Claire laughing and talking with Ian and Jenny and knew she was enjoying the visit and her new friends.
Jenny took some time off work midway through the week to take Claire shopping for a wedding dress. Neither of them felt confident they would find something perfect on such short notice but they bravely hit the two bridal shops in town, the second of which is where Claire lost her heart.
Claire held her breath as the saleswoman fastened the single button at her waist. When she opened her eyes her face was full of wonder as she moved closer to the mirror. It was extraordinary in design. A swooping neck, open half sleeves, a deep V that exposed her back, and a modest short train. Jenny gasped when she entered the lavish dressing room and stared like her eyes would pop out of her head.
Jenny held the lace fabric, amazed at how soft it was and how well it fit her almost sister-in-law.
“That’s the most beautiful dress I’ve er seen Claire,” she whispered. “It fits ye off the rack for heaven’s sake.”
Jenny turned to the saleswoman, “she’ll take it, and some shoe’s, stockins, and somethin to hold her hair up that matches.”
“Jenny! I don’t know how much it is!”
“Neither do I,” said a smiling saleswoman. It’s an orphan dress that was put in with our order by mistake. Let me call the shop owner and see if we can get a price for what was clearly made just for you.”
Claire felt the tear run down her cheek. An orphan dress, she thought. One of the few memories she had of her mother was when she read the same story every night. Claire only wanted that story read to her about a common girl who married a prince. “and the prince looked at her, dressed all in lace…” she remembered her mother’s voice reading that line in the story and felt another tear roll down her other cheek. She looked at her reflection…dressed all in lace.
Jenny dabbed her cheeks with a tissue thinking Claire was overwhelmed with marrying her brother. He walked on water, after all, what girl wouldn’t be.
The graceful clerk came back to the dressing room and chuckled at the price of one-hundred dollars. “I have a feeling this dress is from one of the designer collections and probably costs ten times that much. Consider it a wedding present my dear. Let’s find ye some shoes.
Two happy but exhausted women dropped into cafe chairs at a nearby coffee shop and ordered the largest size on the menu. The sugar and caffeine made their cheeks rosy again and stoked their energy for the last task on the list. Ordering flowers.
Jenny looked in the direction of the voice and instantly looked at Claire. “Sorry, darlin.”
The woman swooped into an empty chair, all smiles, long black hair, and a beautiful face. She took Claire’s breath away with her perfect…everything.
“Hello,” she held her hand out to Claire, “I’m Geneva.”
Jenny jumped into action, “this is my friend Claire.”
Claire watched Jenny’s mounting discomfort and tried to remember hearing such an unusual first name, and then it clicked.
“Geneva, how nice to meet you after all I’ve heard, all good of course. I am here with my fiance, Jamie Fraser. Jenny has been kind enough to let us marry at Lallybroch.”
It looked like Geneva’s face fell off and the blood drained into the sidewalk. She said nothing as she got to her feet and walked rapidly away.
“Jenny, I’m sorry, maybe that was a bit harsh, I’m really sorry.”
“If I had known ye could hold yer own like that I would have introduced ye as the woman who stole Jamie away from Isobel. Kiddin, lass!”
Jenny’s laughter seemed to break the tension and the women made their way to the flower shop. When they emerged Jenny pointed at a gorgeous black BMW parked at the curb.
“Ah, that would be Ian’s fantasy car and I canna say I’m of a different mind." She rattled off the standard features with a look bordering on automobile orgasm and Claire giggled at her.
Finding their ten-year-old Toyota, Jenny got in first and kicked the passenger door until it creaked open and Claire dropped into her seat with a tired sigh.
“Since we’re dreaming, what is the model of that BMW Jenny.”
“It’s the model M8 with leather interior, 12-speaker sound system, dinna forget the 4.4-liter Performance TwinPower Turbo V-8, 32-valve 523-hp engine. Two turbochargers with variable valve control, and high-precision direct injection.”
Claire was laughing, “Jesus, you sound like a race car driver.”
Jenny’s cheeks were pink as she described the interior technology and heads up display that showed you every important fact, like air pressure in the tires, just by looking straight ahead through the windshield. This was obviously the fantasy car for both of them and Jenny happily continued to list features, paint, colors, wheels, and more, until Claire rammed her shoulder into the door so it would open and let her escape.
When she held Jamie in her arms that night she told him about the orphan dress and her mother’s voice reading the story. Jamie held her tightly and listened to the five-year-old living inside Claire talk about her mother.
Just as Jamie was drifting off to sleep he heard, “Jamie? Jenny told the most extraordinary thing this afternoon…”
Jenny tried to control her laughing so she didn’t accidentally drop the hair she secured behind Claire’s earlobe. She loved hearing about the conversations between Claire and Runner on the Road to the Kentucky Derby races. She grew silent as the side ponytail was twisted into curls to fall down the front of Claire’s shoulder.
“I am gonna miss ye sister.”
Claire looked up at Jenny’s reflection in the mirror and felt her eyes well up with tears. Jenny grabbed a tissue and pressed it into the tear that was falling from her lower lid.
“Dinna get teary-eyed lass, I willna be missin ye that much.”
A pretty girl stuck her head around the bedroom door and looked at them before entering. “Here you are, I’ve been lookin everywhere for ye. Hi, my name's Laoghaire.” She stuck her hand out for Claire to shake.
“Is yer auntie comin today?”
“Oops, she was right behind me.” The girl opened the door to usher in a red-faced lady who was panting from climbing the stairs. “This is my aunt, Claire, everybody calls her Misses Fitz.”
Claire smiled at the breathless woman who was making helpful suggestions to Jenny about Claire’s hair. Soon there were two more women entering, hugging Jenny and meeting Claire. The room was full of women by the time Jenny pushed them out the door so Claire could dress.
Jenny held her dress while she stepped into it and pulled her side pony in front of her shoulder. Jenny held her at arm's length with approving eyes. “Yer a beautiful bride ye are. Pity ye spend yer honeymoon on a plane goin home.”
“We wanted to spend every minute with you and Ian, Jenny.” The look on Jenny’s face was a smile she was trying to hide. Claire noticed but said nothing about it.
There was a soft knock on the door and Jenny answered it with a beaming smile. An older man entered and looked at Claire like he was meeting a princess for the first time. His eyes were misty as he nodded his head at the image before him.
“I will be walking you down the aisle as it were, my name is Ned Gowan, Jamie’s father was my closest friend. And you, my dear, are stunning.”
Claire shook his warm hand and felt her heart melt from the way he looked at her.
Jenny suggested they sit and chat while she got dressed. Claire wished for more time with Ned when Jenny came back and instructed them to use the back stairs. Ned was smitten with Claire and pulled her hand into the crook of his elbow before leading her to what looked like a linen closet. He opened the door and they descended the steep back stairs originally built to access the root cellars. He guided her in pitch darkness and they emerged in the kitchen to await the music of the wedding march.
Claire was brimming with emotion that was unexpected. She wanted a minute to cry her eyes out and discovered it was the same overwhelming emotion she felt after winning a race…times one hundred.
“I’m sorry to stare at you lass, but you’re a rare beauty, you’ve quite taken my breath away.”
Before she could speak, the music changed and Ned’s arm gripped her tighter. She walked in sync with him and did not look up until she was only feet from Jamie. There he was, in a creased tuxedo with his hair slicked back and his crystal blue eyes shooting sparkles at her. Ned handed her to Jamie and melted backward but she didn’t notice. Jamie’s eyes were like a tractor beam that stole her ability to think. She gazed at him and smiled while the priest rambled on about the sanctity of marriage. Their eyes were locked on the other until someone said: “you may kiss the bride.” Jamie held her cheek and kissed her forehead before pressing his cheek against hers for a brief moment.
The Lallybroch living room was packed with people who had known Jamie for most of his life. Each person witnessed the intimate exchange between the two of them pledging themselves to each other.
Claire felt Jamie’s smooth cheek against hers and knew he was giving her time to rally her heart and mind before the kiss that would seal their lives together forever. He felt her take a steady breath and turned his head toward her slightly, waiting. Claire turned her head to him and their mouths found each other for a long soft kiss.
Jenny felt dizzy suddenly and wiped at unexpected tears as Ian pulled her close. When the kiss ended, Claire raised her eyes to look into Jamie’s. Their lips were a mere inch apart when he looked right into her soul, at the girl who wanted love and protection while she dazzled the world with her brilliance.
“Now and forever, love.”
He touched her cheek wanting to remember this moment for the rest of his life. For that moment, it was just him and Claire until the bubble burst and the world crashed in with applause, scooting chairs,, slaps on the shoulder, kisses to the cheek, and volumes of noise expected at such events. Every few minutes, Claire would look up at Jamie and meet his gaze, and for a few seconds, they were back in the bubble.
Highland weddings were highly regarded for the party that would follow the kiss. The group of well-wishers was no exception and before long the living room was full of loud, drunk, friends, enjoying some time together. Claire felt a little lost by herself as Jamie made the rounds of lifelong friends, thanking them and graciously accepting the congratulations and love.
Claire looked to her side at a beautiful flower arrangement of white roses, chrysanthemums, greenery, and baby’s breath. There was a card so it wasn’t something she and Jenny purchased. She pulled the card and could hardly breathe after reading it.
“To my beautiful daughter on her wedding day. We love you so much.”
Claire’s eyes were wide and her face pale as she read the card which was rimmed in lace. As her lips came together to say, "Mom", she was lifted from her seat and carried upstairs to a jeering crowd and raucous laughter. Jamie climbed the stairs and whisked Claire to the bed pressing his forehead against hers.
“Are ye alright, love?” His hands held her shoulders and moved down her arms. “It’s time to make ready to leave Sassenach. Jenny has yer clothes right here.”
Claire looked down at her comfortable jeans and a soft sweatshirt. She moved her hand across the fabric and smiled, lost in her own world of miracles.
Jamie helped her out of her dress as her mind was clearing. He kissed her soundly and changed his clothes keeping his eye on her the whole time. When they emerged and descended the staircase, the crowd wished them well until they were heading toward Ned’s Cadillac waiting in the driveway. Jenny was crying holding them both in a final hug. She pressed a wrapped gift in Claire’s hands as they walked out the door. Claire looked back at Jenny and mouthed “I will miss you, sister.”
Claire reached for the door handle for the backseat and heard Ned insist she sit in the middle of the front seat, right next to him. The conversation was full of love and familial connection on the way to the airport. Claire continued to dab her tearing eyes and Jamie continued to smile at her. His Sassenach. She gripped Ned’s shoulders and kissed him squarely on the cheek as they left, wishing him well and inviting him to visit Kentucky. She took a deep breath when the airport doors opened and felt her mind clearing immediately.
“Open yer gift Sassenach.”
Claire had opened so many gifts already she hardly felt excited about this small box, afraid there would be a note inside to start her tears again. Lifting the lid she stared down at a very fashionable bikini and looked up at Jamie confused.
Jamie laughed and hugged his wife, “yer gonna need that for the next four days, love.”
The old skipper dozed on his boat while the bright sun seemed to beam right down on him. In his dream, he heard people calling his name and the sound of their voices made him happy. Suddenly, he jerked awake and pushed the hat back onto the top of his head as he opened his eyes. He looked at the young attractive couple waving as they walked to his boat. He stood smiling, ready to catch the luggage Jamie tossed to him, then helping the lady step into his craft.
Claire had hours to get over the shock of visiting their favorite private island and turned her energy to the skipper who had shuttled them on their previous trip. The older man’s eyes sparkled as he smiled hearing the news of their wedding. Jamie pressed a one-hundred-dollar bill in his hand and mentioned the date and time they would need a ride back.
Claire looked out at the clear blue water as far as the eye could see and ran toward the sand. She laughed at the deer sprinting away in front of her as she ripped her clothes off and ran into the surf. The new bikini fit perfectly so she wore her clothes over it anticipating the excitement of seeing the water.
The second she dove under the water she felt the excitement of endless possibilities ahead of them. She had never been so happy in her life and looked for Jamie to lavish him with kisses. They had flown through the night, jostled by turbulence, woken by a screaming baby, and snapped at by grouchy stewards but none of that mattered as she threw her arms around her husband and kissed him senseless. He reached for her happiness as she dove deep making him chase her.
Ian opened one eye and listened to the pounding on the front door. Jenny groaned beside him, still wearing her dress from the party, and promptly fell back into her hangover coma. The pounding didn’t stop so Ian pushed himself out of bed and staggered down the stairs. His sandpaper eyes were closed as he opened the door, wanting to kill the person on the other side.
“Sir? Sir! I am here for you to take delivery on your car. May I come in?”
Both eyes opened this time and Ian looked around the man feeling his heart almost shatter his rib cage at the sight.
“Jen! No, ye have the wrong house friend. Jenny! We didna buy a car…such a beautiful car. Jenny!!”
The man handed Ian a handful of keys and asked for his signature on several papers. Ian figured out he was just dreaming and called to his wife one more time.
Jenny’s head jerked up at the weird sound of Ian’s voice. She tore her dress off and jumped into jeans as she ran down the stairs full of fear at what awaited her. She came to a screeching halt behind Ian just as he stepped outside, trance-like, walking toward the breathtaking BMW M8 with black metallic paint bouncing sunlight off its hood and chrome wheels.
The delivery driver’s ire gave way to fascination when he realized they were completely surprised by the car, paid for by someone named Jamie Fraser. He never knew of such a gift and gave the rumpled couple some time to let it sink in. The driver cleared his throat when he saw his ride coming down the dirt road to take him back to the dealership. He almost felt bad about pulling the couple back to the house to explain how they came to own such an amazing vehicle.
When they were alone again, Ian asked Jenny about such an expensive gift and how could Jamie afford it.
“The purse for each race she won is published so I added them up. She won a bit over eight million dollars Ian. He’s a breeder and she’s a vet, so with that bein said, it’s time to drive!” she giggled as she ran back outside catching the keys in midair.
An afternoon playing in the sun and surf was too much for Jamie so he picked his wife up and walked her to the huge hammock on their porch. He remembered Claire finding the strings and knots an added benefit for making love in the most pleasurable positions. He would surely die attempting such a thing at the moment so he held her down until they both gave up to their exhaustion.
Claire’s eyes opened slowly at the colorful sunset across the water. She felt better, rested, and smiled at Jamie who was still very deep. She ran her hand up his stomach and felt her heat seize her with an erotic grip that screamed orders to bring about a release of this energy that had built up over the last three days.
Jamie felt the stimulation of a wet and hungry mouth on his already hard cock. He smiled and moaned as her mouth moved up and down him twisting at the head making him want to pump himself down her throat. He went from zero to almost-done in under a minute and pulled her off just in time.
Claire’s eyes were just slits as she looked at him, a murderous need was obvious by her pounding chest, panting, and growl.
“Let me go.”
I’m sorry, love,” he smiled, “I canna do that but I will help ye Sassenach if ye do what I say.”
Claire’s brain was nearly shut down save for the most primordial domain where lust resides. She dropped her head back and moaned with complaint. Jamie pulled her hands far up on the strings that attached the hammock and then slid down to the region of her pain. She was swollen and dripping when he assaulted her with his tongue. It nearly overcame his decision to tease her with one orgasm and a long sumptuous meal. He pushed back hard on the desire to flip her and drive himself into her wet heat. This was too easy, he thought as she climaxed right away and dropped onto his chest, panting for her life. He barely let her return to earth before hoisting her out of the hammock and into the shower, proclaiming his need for food would have to come first.
Claire looked at her suitcase full of clothing for the cool highlands and tried to find something lightweight for the eighty-degree evening. Jamie laid her dresses next to her suitcase and smiled.
“I wanted to surprise ye so they were the bottom layer in my case. We can hit the boutique after dinner but I beg for food before I pass out Sassenach.”
Claire was thrilled and dressed quickly pulling Jamie toward the restaurant at a brisk clip. The bread basket was empty before the waiter came back for their order. He watched Jamie swallow hard and decided this would be a rush order.
Claire smiled at her husband’s face as the color came back to his cheeks. His plate was empty and he stared at the lobster she hadn’t finished. She passed him her plate and watched him close his eyes as he chewed. Such a fine man, she thought, and now my husband. What mountains lay ahead for us to conquer, she wondered, undaunted and unafraid.
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morgana-ren · 4 years
Wait wait... you're leaving?! Nooooooo
I’ve actually decided that it’s a horrible decision to allow myself to make any decisions (wanna see how many more times I can add a form of the word decide in a sentence?) when I’m in this particular headframe.
Full disclosure, I’m a bit mentally unwell lmao and I’m out here raw doggin’ reality cause my ass is uninsured and I can’t afford medication or therapy. I lose track of reality and sometimes forget to tell myself “it really is not that deep, chief.” Hobbies are just that. Hobbies. They’re meant to be fun and relaxing, and I’m not out here writin’ the new Iliad. Instead of obsessing over a grammatical error I did 4 years ago or lamenting because I should have used this word instead of THAT word, maybe I should just shut the fuck up and just.... write.
It’s a tiny bit of a bitch to remind myself of that but it’s not healthy to give into despair either. I gotta find a balance somewhere. This would be like the 8th time I’ve given up something cause I just go “ah fuck it” and throw it out.
TL;DR: expect more bullshit from me in the future lmao same quality, same ol’ creepy shit.
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🐱 with shikamaru pls!
A/N: Thanks for the request anon! I love writing for Shika, and this prompt was amazing. I really got into writin this one, I hope you enjoy it!
🐱: “She’s not yours anymore, so you might as well leave.”
Word Count: 1,395
Check out the master list for my prompts here!
Squicks: Alchohol mention, drunken behavior, hints of abusive relationship
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Shikamaru stared across the room as he watched [Y/N] dance with Daichi, her fiance. Her lavender dress flowed around her with every twirl, she was the only source of color among the black tie affair.
“Could have been you.” Choji remarks standing to his right as he nods towards the couple.
“Yeah, right.” Shikamaru huffs, “Marriage is a drag, definitely not for me.”
Choji laughs and looks at his best friend, “This coming from the same man who practiced proposing to [Y/N] in front of me almost a hundred times?”
Shikamaru rolls his eyes but is unable to meet Choji’s knowing gaze. His hand touches his best friend’s shoulder and gives him a squeeze, he knew how deeply this was affecting Shikamaru even if he wouldn’t admit to it.
“If you love her Shikamaru, go get her. Girls like her don’t just appear every day.” Choji chimes into Shika’s thoughts before he goes back to the table where he sat with Ino.
Shikamaru watches as [Y/N] breaks away from Daichi’s grasp and makes her way to the bar. He decides to make his way over.
“A whiskey straight with a water back for myself and whatever this lovely lady would like.”He says to the bartender coming up behind [Y/N] who glances over her shoulder at him in surprise.
“Shika! I didn’t expect you to come.” She says with a soft smile, and he shrugs with a casual smirk etched onto his face.
“Choji said it would be rude if I didn't, so here I am.” He explained and she awkwardly nodded as she glances at the bartender.
“Make that two straights, no water back on mine.”
“Since when do you shoot whiskey?” Shikamaru teases her as their drinks are poured and slid across the bar. Shika pays and leaves a decent tip before picking up both of their drinks and leading her away from the bar.
“It’s been three years since you last spoke to me, things change.” The bluntness of her voice almost makes him laugh, she was trying so hard to sound mean. He hands her the cold glass as they steal away to the garden outside.
“Evidently.” Shikamaru nods towards the ring on her finger, “If I remember correctly, you told me you were never going to get married.”
Before she can respond, he continues, “If I also remember correctly, you said that as I was down on one knee in front of you.”
Y/N pauses and clenches her jaw, “If you came here to just make me feel bad about something I did when we were seventeen, I’ll see you out of the door myself Shikamaru.”
He sighs, almost immediately regretting the words that had left his mouth. He places his glass on the tall table next to where they stood in the glow of the fairy lights.
“Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to come say congratulations?” He offers, sitting on the garden wall.
“Not in the slightest.” She chuckles and sits next to him. She sways her feet slightly as they don’t touch the ground.
“I figured.” He picks up the glass and throws back what is left of the whiskey. She quietly nurses her drink, her body swaying softly to the music that played around them.
“So why are you really here Shika?” The question slaps Shikamaru across the face, why was he really here? He glances sideways at her and then gives a halfhearted shrug.
“Well my fawn, I just wanted to see you one last time before you became somebody's wife.” He smiles softly as he watches a soft blush paints itself across her cheeks.
“Wow, it's been a long time since someone called me that.” She chuckles and raises the glass to her lips again.
“You know why I called you that, don't you?” He inquires as he gently moves a stray hair away from her face, she shakes her head ‘no’.
“Your eyes, they remind me of a doe’s eyes. Soft, brown, full of mysteries no man will ever understand.”
She cackles, nearly spitting out some of her drink.
“Oh Shika, I have to wear boots around you.” Her voice twinkles across the night air as she wipes the bit of the liquor off of her dress, “You create more bullshit than my father’s cows.”
“I missed that laugh of yours.” He remarks suddenly, “The way I could hear it in a crowded room and immediately know where you were.”
She goes to speak but he stops her before she can utter a sentence, “I miss that little chipped tooth you have. From when you smashed your head against Hinata’s during training at the academy, I also hoped you would never get it fixed. I miss the way you always had a smile on your face when I walked in the house after a mission. I miss getting lost in the woods with you, I miss the way my father used to tease me in front of you, trying to embarrass me. I miss everything sweetheart, and it makes me physically ill to know you're marrying Daichi.”
The words crash over his lips like a captured wild horse who finally broke free of its ropes, it didn’t care what damage it caused. It just wanted to be free, just as Shikamaru wanted to be free of these thoughts he carried around with him like a permanent set of luggage.
“Shika, Shika I’m so sorry.” Her hands grab onto his and squeeze gently, “I don’t know what to say.”
“Than don’t say anything my fawn.” He kisses her forehead and then stares down into her eyes a glimmer distracts him as she looks down at the engagement ring that adorned her left hand.
“If he ever, and I mean ever, lays a hand on you in a way that isn’t out of love, [Y/N] I will kill him.” Shikamaru’s voice is cold, as if something else had taken over him. If he couldn’t protect [Y/N] by being by her side, he at least would be on her side, through everything.
“There will never be a day that goes by where I will forgive myself for saying no to you all those years ago. I was just a dumb little kid, and you deserved so much more than that.” Her voice shakes slightly and she throws back the rest of her drink.
“[Y/N!]” A voice calls from across the garden and they both looked up to see Daichi, followed by his friends, approaching them. His face flushed from the amount of liquor he had consumed.
“Daichi! I would like you to meet Shikamaru Nara, we’ve fought beside each other since we were children.” [Y/N] jumps up and stands with her fiance, “We were just catching up.”
“You’re the little fuck who proposed to her aren’t you?” Daichi spits at Shikamaru who doesn’t flinch.
“Daichi! You’re drunk.” [Y/N] tries to direct him away, “I’m sorry Shika, please excuse his behavior.”
Daichi shakes her off with a swift but hard shove and she has to grab onto the table to keep her balance. Shikamaru stands and steps up to the man who stood between him and the girl he loved.
“You’re lucky she didn’t fall, otherwise I’d make sure you found yourself falling from the roof.” Shikamaru fumed, not paying any mind to the men who stood behind Daichi.
“What are you even doing here? Hoping to steal her from me?” Daichi laughs, “Well, newsflash lover boy. She’s not yours anymore, so you might as well leave, and I better not see you anywhere near our wedding. Otherwise, you’ll have a few people showing you the way out.”
Shikamaru rolls his eyes, “Whatever.”
Daichi clenches his jaw, he wasn’t used to someone not being intimidated by him.
Shikamaru turns to [Y/N] who still had a grip on the table she had fallen into. He reaches out and gently strokes her tear-stained cheek. Their eyes met and Shikamaru tried hardest to remember them because after tonight, he knew he would never see her again.
“Take care of yourself my little fawn, if you need me, tell Choji. He’ll know how to find me.”
He walks away from the party and onto the road heading back towards the village, he tried to remember ever step he took. He wouldn’t be coming home for a long time.
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