#depending on your scale of body horror
inhumanheresy · 1 year
@inkbloodcd — for Zhongli
The match between Tartaglia and the Traveler this week is a quick one.
It ends with the tip of a crackling, surging spear against the Traveler’s throat, the golden figure groaning and wincing as they tipped their head back in acceptance of defeat. They’d gotten a few good hits in, Tartaglia admitted as he hauled them up off the floor, but their strength had waned sharply in the latter part of the fight.
“Letting yourself slip, Traveler?” “I’m tired, you ass, it happens sometimes.” “It’d take more than the usual adventurer life to tire you out, Goldie.” “Yeah, well, trekking through the desert kind of sucks. On top of that… have you ever run across an ‘Iniquitous Baptist’ in your experience fighting Abyssal things?” “Heard of them, but haven’t fought one. Are you saying…” “Come along, if the Tsaritsa gives you the leave. Your help’d be great against those pyro shields.”
The thought of a fight against an entirely new kind of opponent lends a spring to Tartaglia’s step even once he shifts back to human, binds up a remaining wound or two that he can feel bleeding, and salutes a jaunty, irreverent two-fingered goodbye to the Traveler as both of them teleport away from the Golden House to their respective destinations.
The one that he ends up at is the gate of an adeptal abode in Jueyun Karst.
He activates the entryway, stepping inside Zhongli’s domain with a wince as he rolls his shoulders. Pain seares with each step. His bones keen a familiar ache, the price of his transformation from a human form to an abyssal one, then back again, but it bothers him only a little more than it usually does. That’s not bad. Manageable, for sure.
A Liyuen-style home sits nestled in a cleft of rock made by two weathered karst spires much like the ones outside, stone steps carved out of the base rock leading up to the entry. Boots slipped off at the threshold and a nice breeze making its way in from the open-roofed courtyard rock garden, he pads inside to find his… friend? More-than-friend? Whatever definition that normal people might give to this thing between them that they’ve rebuilt and grown since the Gnosis Incident?
Zhongli should have tea water boiling by this point. It’s become a near-ritual after his weekly fights with the Traveler: bruised, satisfied, and with the thrill of a good battle still singing through him, he drags himself to Zhongli’s abode — some weeks more literally than others — and accepts a cup of tea as he slumps into a comfortable seat, distracting himself from the residual agony in his body by listening to the former Archon speak on anything and everything.
He finds Zhongli spooning out tea leaves for the pot with meticulous precision, his adeptal form looking more natural and at home in this realm than Tartaglia’s own human one does. Clawed Geo-gold hands act with motions so long-practiced that they have transcended ritual and become art, exacting intent in every movement.
Ajax grins at the sight. Though pain still courses through his body, almost-constantly weathering a new flare everywhere from skin to marrow, there’s an air of relaxation and comfort in a moment like this that he cannot help but succumb to.
“Hey there, you old lizard. What’s the tea you’ve chosen for tonight?”
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You know, from the perspective of the SVSSS world, Shen Yuan and the system would be regarded as Lovecraftian horrors if you think about it.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
Humans are weird: Look the other way
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
The rise of Gimrak the liberator, or “Gimrak the Bloodied” depending on who you speak to, was an inevitable outcome for his people.  
From humble beginnings as a slave, Gimrak would seek retribution against his oppressors. Not just his slave masters and beaters, but against the society that had allowed such evil to not only flourish, but thrive. Over the course of ten years Gimrak worked in the various deepest and darkest mines of his homeworld all the while creating an elaborate network of supporters and followers. Every mine he was transferred to he would leave behind an ever growing cell of supporters.
By the end of his eleventh year Gimrak had finally amassed enough of a following that he launched an open insurrection across every slave mining complex on the planet. Untold millions of slave laborers battering themselves against their beaters until their guns ran try and their shock batons went cold.
The guards and foremen were the first ones to die. Ripped to shreds by the frenzy of revenge. Some tried to flee to the surface and collapse the entire mine behind them. Many failed in their flight but some did make it and the entrances were sealed under mountains of stone. Yet their measure of safety was short lived, as Gimrak had accounted for this and had secret tunnels, miles long at times, dug between the different mines; and like a flood of rushing water the slaves simply poured through these secret tunnels and breached the surface.
From there the surface of the planet became a bloodbath of untold scale.
No one above ground was innocent. No one who had allowed their fellows to dwell beneath the soil for generations could claim ignorance to the horrors they had played a part in.
With righteous retribution in their eyes entire cities were put to the torch by the slaves and its citizens hung from every light post, building corner, and tree. The body count reached into the millions before the wider galaxy intervened.
Peacekeeping forces were dispatched by the Galactic Council and put a stop to the violence. They did not recognize the slaves as rising against their oppressors, but more as a violent mob enacting their own personal vendettas.
The slaves had been able to rise up against their oppressors, but they were not capable of matching the technological superiority of the peacekeepers. Thousands died at their hands before Gimrak came forward and surrendered himself.
Bound in chains of darkened steel, he was dragged before the galactic council. There he was treated more like a war criminal than a liberator by the council who cut him off at every chance they could. They further humiliated Gimrak by broadcasting his hearing universe wide as they berated the leader into insignificance.  
When it was humanities turn to ask questions of Gimrak he had expected much of the same but was surprised when for the first time he was asked why he had slaughtered so man. The other councilors cut in saying that the reasons why were irrelevant, yet the human insisted to hear why.
Gimrak retorted that they should already know why since they had dispatched peacekeepers. The human admitted that no fact finding mission had been dispatched prior given the dire need of the request for aide.
 Recounting his story, Gimrak saved no detail of his torture in the mines to the day he led his people to a new future. While the other councilors rolled their eyes with disinterest, the human councilor appeared to be following along with every horrific detail. When Gimrak finished he expected to be dismissed and sentenced to a life in prison at best, and a short death penalty at worst. Instead, the human presented a third option.
“After hearing your story, I can’t help but feel that this is an internal matter.”
Gimrak’s eyes went wide as the other councilors turned to shout their objections. The human held up their hand and continued their sentiment.
“Per the regulations of the Galactic Council, we may only intervene in matters of an external nature. Matters in which can damage galactic relations at large or risk the extermination of an entire species.’
“Exactly!” a Binar councilor interjected. “This is extermination plain and simple.”
“On the contrary,” the human countered, “this is a genocide being carried out by a people against their own people; with no external factors at play.”
The look of shock at the human’s words was shared by the entire council and Gimrak. “Are you saying the council should turn a blind eye to such slaughter?” the Binar demanded.
“You did not seem to mind when you looked the other way when the Binar’s forcefully relocated one of your colonies in favor of corporate interests.” The human countered. The Binar flushed red but kept silent as the human turned to another councilor. “Or when the Mintarks decided they needed to carry out purges within their own government to root out corruption with no oversight.”
Now berated into silence the human returned their attention to Gimrak.
“We would of course need certain agreements before we could withdraw our forces.”
“What sort of agreements?” Gimrak remarked as he looked at the human with a flicker of hope.
“First, the bloodshed must be limited within your home system. If the violence continued outside of the borders of your home system it would be regarded as a galactic matter.”
“Second, moving forward a system of trials would need to be held in which proof, either physical or by testimony, of an individual’s involvement before being executed.”
“Finally, any persons not of your species currently in your home system must not be targeted.”
Gimrak had never met a human before yet he could feel something lurking underneath the humans words. While he did not give an open endorsement of the uprisings actions, he had not denounced them either. In fact, through his diplomatic linguistics he had actually given Gimark the means to continue with his people’s liberation free from the interference from outside powers.
“If my people met your terms,” Gimrak spoke slowly, “then you would leave us alone?”
“If all of these terms were met, then this matter would indeed be an internal matter and outside the purview of this council’s jurisdiction. Do we have an understanding?”
It was almost as if the human had wanted him to continue with his retribution, Gimrak thought to himself.
Bowing slightly to the human, Gimrak acknowledge the terms.
Within the hour he was escorted back to the shuttle by the human councilor to return to his followers and inform them of the deliberations. Before he entered the shuttle he turned to the human and asked the only question left to him.
The human crossed their arms behind their back and looked off into the horizon. A wall of soft orange light cascaded over the horizon as the sun slowly set and the encroaching night crept closer.
“When evil presents itself so proudly and unashamed, its decimation must be swift and remorseless lest it spread its vile rot to us all.”
Gimrak took stock of the human’s words. “And how do you know that I am not this evil you wish to destroy?”
Turning back the human shrugged sheepishly. “Then we at least know where to find you, and what to put to the torch.”
With the meaning understood, Gimrak nodded to the human and turned to enter the shuttle; the doors closing slowly behind him as it rose once more into the sky.
In the coming months the bloodshed did not cease, but the savagery and directionless anger had been brought under control. The peace keeping forces withdrew to outside the home system’s borders while the vengeance of the former slaves played out. Some of the higher nobles were able to flee outside of the system, but many more never made it to off world; their bodies rotting in the darkened mines they once ruled over.
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maleyanderecafe · 5 days
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Courtin' Cowboys (Visual Novel)
Created by: Mr Fishess, jd
Genre: Horror
I know this game came out a while ago, but I finally was able to play it and man is it fun. It reminds me of a smaller scale DOL or even something like The Snake's Taken a Spouse. There are three yanders that are in this game, though it definitely follows more of a porn game logic for yanderes. I will explain that in a bit. This game has a lot of violence and sex, and is r18, so please be wary if you do play it.
The MC basically starts out staying at a town in Summerfield. They rent a motel there. The game allows you to meet people at the saloon, the store, the sheriff's office, out in the pastures and in the woods. You can also decide to leave at any point as well. There are a lot of things you can do in the game besides interact with other characters, including buying and cooking food, going fishing, foraging and catching snakes for money. You can also buy different outfits and customize your looks.
While there are many characters, we will be going over the three yanderes in the game, Dijon, Jak and Will. I'm not sure if I was able to get everything for them, but I was able to at least get all of the endings, so we'll start with that. A lot of the endings usually involve them competing with other yandere characters so we'll cover those as well.
Dijon is the farmer that lives in the pasture. When first meeting him, he will talk about how he can't tell if he's missing sheep because he can't count higher than 10. After helping him, we go hunt for his lost sheep, which has run off into the woods and then go into the farm to have sex with him (I finally get to be the dom in one of these games, heck yes). Most of his endings generally involve sleeping with another character, only for Dijon to kidnap you and bring you back to his farm, where I guess you can just leave afterwards. Each time, it seems like he believes you are like a sheep, having strayed too far from home, getting a bit more paranoid every time that you leave. He can do this upwards of about three times. After sleeping with the fourth person, Dijon will get angry and chain the MC up in the barn, before the MC is able to escape. Dijon runs after them only to hear a loud noise. Afterwards it seems Dijon kind of just continues what he's doing as if nothing has happened.
Jak is the drunk that hangs out in the bar. If you flirt with him before buying him a drink, the two of you can have sex outside in a camp. If you sleep with enough other characters, Jak will actually kill the last person you slept with before being sent to jail. From what I remember, he is also one of the main characters in the creator's other game, Lover's Trophy, though I have yet to play that game.
Will is a clown man that is found in the woods. The MC will end up trying to chase after him finding a bunch of bones set up in a way that resembles a tea party. Depending on options, Will can either end up killing the MC or growing obsessed when the two talk. We learn that he lives in the woods and wears clown makeup because he's afraid of social interactions and wants to make it easier to approach people (thus the clown makeup). We also see he's sort of the groundskeeper of the woods, burying bodies to let them be eaten clean to the bone. After talking to him and not dying, he ends up stalking the MC. During one of the other interactions when the MC is investigating a robbery, they talk to the dancer, Magnolia. If the MC brings up Will as the possible thief, Magnolia will defend Will, stating their history together as childhood friends before drifting apart. In another ending, Will is able to save the MC from the beast in the woods called the Bastard, a man who basically acts like an unkillable animal and wanders the woods. There is also an event where Will sneaks into the MC's room at night and kind of noncons them. This is a random event.
There are two competitions that occur with the yanderes in the game, one being Jak vs Dijon and the other being Dijon vs Will.
When sleeping with both Jak and Dijon, the two of them will end up attempting to kidnap the MC during the night. Upon waking up, the two will end up forcing the MC to choose one of them. Choosing Dijon ends with Jak attempting to shoot him, with the MC having the choice to push him out of the way, thus getting themselves killed. Otherwise, Dijon will be shot and Jak kidnaps the MC into the forest to noncon them. The MC can run away, causing the Bastard to come and kill Jak. Choosing Jak will cause Dijon to sadly walk away, allowing Jak to take care of the MC. Jak will end up shooting Dijon regardless and once again drag them back to camp to noncon them. Through gun play, I believe the MC can still be shot and killed, and the same bastard ending will still apply.
When interacting with both Dijon and Will, the two of them will end up the MC's room at night. The MC will wake up to the two of them talking at the end of the bed. At first it seems to be some sort of banter, the two insulting each other's ages and their weaknesses before Dijon attempts to take out a gun and kill Will. If the MC warns Will and then takes the gun, they can attempt to shoot as a warning, to which the bullet will miss and end up killing the MC instead, or they will simply threaten them and they will leave. If they don't warn Will, Dijon will end up shooting Will and dragging his dead body out, whereas if you do, Will can end up stabbing and killing Dijon.
As a whole, the game is very well put together and has a lot of features. You can basically date every character except three of them (that being the innkeeper, Mortom and the Bastard), each with it's own CGs and endings, along with various mini games, and an entire cooking and inventory system. On a technical basis, this game is done very well and it is pretty fun running around and doing a lot of these tasks. Still, as much as the individual components are very fun, I feel like there's not really any reason to do any of the mini games for the plot. You can basically ignore the entire portion of it if you are simply just seeing what the character plots would be like, which is kind of unfortunate. The cooking system is supposed to tie in with the stamina system, which is a good idea, but talking to people doesn't deplete stamina, only gathering items. In this way, it feels very disjointed from the rest of the game, as not even stuff like money is really needed to play. I think at least an easy fix for the money system would be similar to how DOL forces the player to pay Bailey, so in this game, you would be forced to pay the innkeeper money for every day that you stay there (which, you know, does make sense if you want to stay at the inn) thereby forcing you to spend time getting money and having to cook food to be able to get energy to make money. Unfortunately with the implementation that I see at least, it seems to be lacking in attempting to make a game play loop with these cool mini games. While it's not the worst thing in the world, I think it does make these minigames kind of pointless since you can basically completely ignore them.
Storywise, while I do think it's very nice that you are able to get more of a solid look at a lot of characters, I do feel like there isn't really anything satisfying for the end of a lot of them. When they are killed, there is no reaction for most of the other characters (with the exception of a handful of them). It's hard to say where certain events will happen unless you have a guide and while there is one on the fandom page, there is none on the itchio or steam page that helps you (which is unfortunate for people like me who generally rely on a walkthrough to try to get everything). I think that was the point of having a lot of characters all with their own story, but I feel like there could have been more to place more of an arc for each them.
Dijion as a yandere is mostly pretty light. He actually is probably the most harmless out of all of them considering that he only really kidnaps the player when sleeping with another character (unless it's with Jak or Will). He seems to delusionally believe that the MC is a sort of "lost sheep", which is why he keeps bringing them back to the barn. It is unfortunate that he doesn't actually end up trying to harm or even properly trap the MC (well, he tries, but they run away again, with seemingly no consequence). He does manage to kill Will in one of the endings, however, it's strange to me that he wasn't able to do so with other characters such as Jak or even any of the other characters that the MC might end up sleeping with. Still, I think I do quite like Dijion as a character, he's very puppy like, similar to a dog herder who is trying to get his sheep back. His running gag of not being able to count (especially when Will calls him out on it) is pretty funny, though I wish it was brought up more.
Jak is probably the most extreme out of the yandere characters considering that he is the most violent and most forceful of the three. When choosing between Jak and Dijon, Jak will outright shoot Dijon if the MC doesn't protect him and he can kill either Magnolia or Jade as well, sending him straight to jail as well as fighting and possibly killing the Bastard in one of the endings. I'm not sure how close he is to his counterpart in Lover's Trophy, but he is very violent in this version, with it often leading to his own detriment, like when he is killed by the Bastard after being taken when choosing between Dijon and him, or when he is jailed for killing either of the girls. He also definitely has a very intimidating presence with the game emphasizing just how tall he is and how generally strong he is. He definitely feels like he fits very well in this type of murder horror type game given his general behavior and intimidating presence.
Will as a yandere generally just stalks the player, and doesn't have nearly as many endings as Jak or Dijion. Still, I do think the scenes we do get give a bigger impression of what he's actually like. From what I've seen, although we generally don't see him in the game, it is implied that he stalks the player quite often, as we see him save the MC from the bastard and sneak into the MC's place at night. Given that he's rather aloof and is uncomfortable with most human interactions, it does make sense that we barely ever see him, only really gaining more insight from Magnolia as the two seem to be friends. I kind of wish that we had more personal encounters with him like maybe hanging out with him with his bone collection (thing), but I do think even with the little information that we do learn about him he's a pretty solid character. Plus if you talk to him wrong, he straight up kills you which is kind of entertaining.
In terms of what I mean by porn game yandere, I basically have to turn again to DOL for this. While I get it's not really fair comparing two of these games as they are going for different things, what I mean in this case is that in general, yanderes are not usually okay with their love interests sleeping with other characters. This usually results in murder of some sort or at least some sort of separation of their lover with the person that they're sleeping with. However, in games like DOL, while Kylar and Eden can get jealous or otherwise kidnap the MC, they aren't allowed to kill the other characters that they sleep with and in essence, the MC can just kind of have a poly relationship with all of the love interests if they want. While I'm not saying poly yanderes can't exist, they generally have certain specifications on how they act (at least in my opinion). Obviously for gameplay wise, if the player is not into any of the yandere characters and ends up sleeping with with by accident or on purpose, it would be a big pain if they ended up murdering or getting rid of the other characters gameplay wise, and considering both of the characters, it also doesn't seem fair to also just exclude them just because you are allowed to sleep with other characters, which is why I kind of call it porn game logic since for the sake of not making the gameplay bad for the player, I will make an exception for it in this context. Anyways, going back to Courtin' Cowboys, while unlike DOL you can have characters killed, they don't usually get that far. A good example is with Jak who is able to kill one of the characters (either Magnolia or Jade if you sleep with them) before getting captured (which is fine). Meanwhile a character like Dijon seems pretty light, having the player sleep with three different characters only leads to Dijon basically telling the player not to get lost again after being kidnapped and Dijon just...letting them go. Will also doesn't have that much yandere actions either considering that outside of the versus, protecting the MC from the bastard and the random encounter of him breaking into the inn and sleeping with you.
Still despite what kind of possible tweaks and missing things I have for Courtin' Cowboys, it is undoubtedly a fun game. There is so much in it that I probably didn't even get to see, plus every time you play you can have a different experience. The customization and general aesthetic of being a cowboy is really nice and the fact that you have all these minigames in the first place is very impressive along with the sheer amount of characters that you can date/interact with is very cool. It's a great entry into the murder sim type genre with a bunch of fun yanderes to boot. If you haven't played it yet, I would highly recommend it.
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tagzpite · 2 months
Obsessed with your fishsseus au, he's so hfsdufheuwhfuewhfw
I love him, I'll try to draw him at some point
Got any lore, fun facts or anything to tell us about the au?
I can sum up a few! One of Ody’s eyes is actually still able to see light and shadow, hence why I draw his left eye with a light pupil rather than full white like the other one.
Slight body horror warnings on some of these.
He has shark teeth.
He crunches of bones and clams to annoy Poseidon whenever he’s on his routine check up to torment.
The gills on his sides, under his arms over his ribs, are three on each because they are slashed in by Poseidon’s trident.
His tail has a colour shifting effect! Depending on how the light hits it that’s what colour you’ll see. I made attempts to make that obvious in my art.
His spines are venomous!
He sheds like a snake, which is great on his tail but on his human parts where scales are in patches and thin layers, it can be a pain.
Poseidon turned his shed into jewellery, since it’s a mix of fish and snake scale, it’s actually colourful.
He’s basically immortal in the terms of a life span.
His jaw can unhinge slightly wider than a normal human jaw.
Most of his innards are actually in his tail now, his chest is all lungs. Plus he’s got a second “back up heart” in his tail to help pump blood.
He has a third eyelid that prevents water from damaging his already sensitive eyes.
Since his eyes were pretty much destroyed, he can’t cry.
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circeyoru · 4 months
Dead By Demon
[Killer!Alastor x Survivor!Reader - Dead By Daylight AU]
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By some interesting world reason or whatever phenomenon that is still unexplainable to your feeble little mind, you got sent to a game you’ve been forced to play by your friends called Dead By Daylight
It’s a horror game that’s designed to be a match based game. Each game there are 5 players, 4 as survivors and 1 as the killer. In each game, the players are all sent to a randomized map. Each side with a different goal
The goal of the survivors is to survive, how? By fixing 5 machines called generators, then 2 exit doors on the map will be allowed to be opened and the survivors can escape through that. The killer’s goal is to kill all the survivors, either offering them to the entity by putting them on another machine called a hook or executing them
Of course, the game is not as simple as that, since there are other variables that can give the players advantages and disadvantages. Not to mention the play style of each gamer is different, on top of the ever changing maps and new characters for survivors and killers. As a beginner moving to somewhat more causal player, you were proud to say you are familiar with the mechanics of the game and can survivor flawlessly
Somehow, the killers and survivors were all major characters from a show you watched called Hazbin Hotel. You didn’t understand it, when you were brought in, they were all familiarity with the game’s mechanisms. Everything that happened in the show was distorted as their background information
You were a survivor. The others were Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Niffty, Adam, Lute, Sera, Emily, and Saint Peter. You’re not surprised the hotel staff was all put in the survivor side, but you were surprised that the angels were all on your side as well. By guess, you can bet that the King of Hell and Overlords were all the killers
You learned that the hotel staff members were the first to arrive on the scene, then they were quickly sent to the maps of their former allies, Alastor and Lucifer
Alastor was formerly a radio host and serial killer during his days as a human, his maps were based on his hometown but the variety spread to a few, including his beloved home with his mother and the murder scene of his father, his radio broadcasting studio and work station where he writes his scripts and ideas, his swamp where it was his body dumping grounds, and his forest where it was his hunting grounds and death
Lucifer as the King of Hell also has a few maps. One was a smaller scale of Pentagram City, another was his garden, then his ducky workshop and kitchen, and last was his musical room which was still a giant map
There didn’t seen to be an issue with the first map as the 4 sent survivors were keen on escaping and Alastor was keen on killing them by placing them on hooks or executing them. For Lucifer though, he was a softy for whenever Charlie was present, always letting her survive while showing no mercy to the others
The first match was the scariest since they thought their lives were on the line, but when it was clear that they were only dead during the match and revived when the match ends, everything was more chill
But that depended on the killers and survivors. If there were bad blood between, things could get petty like taunting and letting other teammates die. If the killer wanted, they can watch the survivor suffer a bit before killing them. It was a twisted repeat day after day. Luckily, it was only 3 matches a day and the same survivor won’t be allowed to join more than 2 matches a day
Matches are placed in the morning, afternoon, and night. All players are random unless one volunteers, to which the opposite side would be notified and no other volunteers are allowed to allow for fairness. Matches can be quick or slow, depending on the players. Rewards for a win in a match are what the player wants. Like better living quarters, better food, entertainment items, etc
Outside of the matches, survivors and killers live in separate areas divided by a wall of flowing water. If a survivor or killer is injured, their condition will be fully revived during the match but returned to the way they are if they lost the match
All these information was all so overwhelming for you since it was on top of trying to adapt your new surrounding, but they were all used to it since it was slowly introduced to them. The second wave of survivors were the angels from Heaven and then the rest of the Overlords
It was only a matter of time before you also got used to all the stuff that you were thrown into
There was one change after your arrive. Whenever you were in a match, any other participants had more control over their own actions and mindset. The former desire to survivor or killer was weaken to none the longer and more experienced and familiar you got. You even found yourself getting familiar with the killers or former Overlords
Albeit you were trying to survive by buying time through chatting. The highest of success was high usually. Sometimes it doesn’t work because you don’t know much about them cause there was a lack of information revealed in the show
However, even though Alastor’s a favourite of yours. You hate being in the same match as him. Watching him from the safety of your home when he was just fictional was fine, but having him chasing you with a knife or a shotgun and a crazed smile? No! HELL NO!!!
Whenever it was revealed that Alastor was the killer in your match, you would immediately run to find your other teammates no matter who they are. You just can’t be left alone with him, even when you serve as a good bait to buy time and let your teammates fix the generators so they can open the exit for you to run towards
“There’s a limit to my mental stamina!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs while running away from the deer demon behind you. “I’m so beating you guys up when this match is over!”
Meanwhile, all your teammates are mentally thanking your sacrifice. “Keep up the good work, almost there.”
Before your arrival, Alastor could never enjoy his hunt. It was like he was wired to hunt and kill, there was no thrill, no entertainment as he would prefer. It was so dull and boring
Find a survivor, scare them, chase them, stab them till they can’t run, put them on a hook and watch them die or go hunt the other survivors, repeat repeat repeat. That was how predictable the matches became after the first few times. It got to the point that he doesn’t even try anymore when he was sent into a match, especially when he was so well off in his living conditions
He didn’t need the wins anymore, it was all meaningless
Then he heard from Zestial who got the honors of participating as the killer for your first match. He told the others after the last meal of the day when everyone was gathered around a bonfire to see if someone wants to volunteer for the next day
According to Zestial, when he entered the random map that was Carmilla’s weapons workshop, there was a weaken desire to hunt and kill the survivors, even more so when it was the unfamiliar figure he met. He had found a survivor fixing a generator, he tried creeping up to the poor soul, but your head was looked around as if you felt him
The moment he got one step closer, you bolted up and ran away from the area. His hunting and killing urge came back and he gave chase, when his claws came into contact with your figure and you screamed, he felt an unfamiliar ache. He watched your speed increase and ran out of sight as it was normal whenever a survivor was slashed by a killer, then he looked down to his bloody claws
That inferno desire weakened again, like he was returning back to his true self when he was outside of the match
Killer’s volunteer table was quickly filled up as everyone wanted a chance to test Zestial’s words. Though, only some were able to actually be in the same match as you, and fewer got the chance to see you. Turns out, you were a sensitive and perceptive survivor. If you were a killer, they knew you’d be something like an assassin or a sniper
When Alastor finally got a chance to experience a match with you, he was relieved that he could pick a target like the good old days and not whichever survivor that was around. Or even the ‘obsession’ that was randomly picked in the survivor team per match. He felt sweet control to do as he pleased
So he set out to find you. His mind raced. Will he hunt and give chase like his desires drive him to in his previous matches? Will he immediately try to slash you and bring you down so he can hook you? Will he have that weakened desire like Zestial did? What was your effect? Why are you special?
Finding you was easy as lucky wasn’t on your side. You were diligently trying to fix the generator but ended up busting it every so often which alerted him of your location, then that teammate of yours, Adam, as he recognized the golden wing design on his back, leave you and didn’t even warn you of the incoming killer
He got a fast ambush, a deep slash on your arm that definitely need mending else risk being rendered immobile. You quickly ran away like other survivors would, no difference. Yet, he was just standing there watching your form fade from his sight, leaving a trail of blood splatters in your wake
His legs moved as he decided he can’t let you out of his sight. No way, not after he felt that control and real killer instinct. You’re like his prey back in the days, he wants to get to know you then have the best chase of a lifetime. Cut you up and watch the lovely red paint you in beauty and posh
The best part was, he didn’t have to worry that it would be a one time thing. Both of you will never dead as long as this stupid game is on
“Darling, why are you running from me? Let’s play a game. Let’s enjoy our matches.”
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Note: Okay.. I've been away for some time.... Haha.... I'm fine, just out of town and didn't have time to write. Plus I've been busy with a new game. Anyways, wanna get back to it with this and see how things go. So what you think of this?
Circe Y. 
@aconfusedwonderland @crowleysthings @donustellaron @mistpurpl3 @lucifers-silhouette @fluffy-koalala
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Yandere Leon Kennedy Scenario
No one asked for this, but I need a slight break from just doing POTO ㅠㅠ
Part 2
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A zombie apocalypse could only be the most intense fuel for your nightmares
So then why, when you open your eyes, are the dead up and walking?
You had been on your way back from work, stopping by the gas station on the way to fuel your car
But when no one came out to service your car, you decide to enter the dingy store
The unnatural silence presses tightly like glass, prone to shatter at any moment
You only knew to become alarmed the further you ventured into the store: boxes and products strewn across the floor as if dropped in a shock, and the most horrifying of all...
Streaks of blood smeared across the walls
It only takes one look at the lifeless, hungry eyes of the man that lumbers into your sight to confirm your worst fears
Blood and flesh is smeared across his mouth, teeth punctures mar his neck, and his skin is ashen and decaying
It doesn't take you long to snap out of your stupor, sprinting to your car as your life does depend on it, half-retching from the vile sight and even worse smell
When you swerve your car out of the gas station, you drive on autopilot, and the only place you can think to go is the police station you drive by every day on your way to work
It seems though, that not even the police can protect you, for when you arrive at the gates of Raccoon City Police Department, your heart drops in horror to see the swarm of ambling dead shuffling around
And your terror is amplified by the sudden silence of your previously puttering engine
Shit! You hadn't even thought to fill your gas tank in your disgust and urgency to leave!
You can only cry in relief when you run around to the back to find a blond police officer, seemingly with his wits still about him, startle at your urgent shouts and the clatter of you scaling the metal gates
Despite your efforts to stay strong as he helps you to the other side, the feebleness of your voice and jittering body betray you as you beg him to tell you what's happening
As a rookie with a hell of a first day to welcome him, he is unsure of how to comfort you
"I'm not sure what's going on either--one day everything is normal, and the next there are these monsters everywhere. I don't know why this is happening, but I promise that we're going to get out of here alive. My name's Leon Kennedy, and you...?"
It doesn't take long after introductions to notice how fretful over you he is
You have to assert several times that you aren't hurt anywhere for him to ease up in his worrying
In normal times, you suppose he had all the makings of a good police officer
Leon's protective instinct towards you kicked in the moment he lays eyes on you
He has upstanding character and wouldn't think twice to try and save someone who needed his help
But his attraction towards you amplifies his protective nature, perhaps even to the point you might find it suffocating
Leon wouldn't let you leave his sight, urging you to stay close to him, and checking frequently to make sure you haven't strayed
Deep down, this situation frightens him, just as it would anyone, but as an officer, he feels a duty to protect you
You're so helpless--unarmed, frightened, in need of his protection...
Nothing will touch you under his care
He's quite oblivious to his feelings towards you, not that there is really any time to reflect in such an urgent situation
What he does know is that you need him to protect you, and the more time that passes with the two of you trying to survive, the more intrusive his worries about you getting harmed are
The more grotesque and difficult the enemies, the two of you encounter are, the more handsy he gets
When the two of you first see the licker skulking on the ceiling, he grabs your hand, telling you to stay calm and be quiet, not letting go until the two of you are far away from the blind monsters
And once Mr. X appears, he is not letting go of your wrist
As he learns more about the Umbrella Corp. and the horrifying monstrosities, his paranoia over your safety triples
He would bring you with him, reluctantly, as he travels through the sewers and to the lab, as the thought of you hurt and alone haunts him to his very core
Leon's worst fear is not being there to help you if he left you behind, no matter how safe your hideout
He promised to keep you safe, and there's no way he will ever leave your side
Even after everything in Raccoon City is far in hindsight, he will keep watch over you, either from up-close or afar
He made a promise that he intends to keep until death
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
We’re All Weird Here
“Bones are body horror,” the tentacle alien told me. “Not that I would volunteer such information, mind you, but you did ask.”
“I did,” I agreed, lifting another crate. “That’s really funny, honestly. What about them is disturbing?”
Mur twisted his blue-black tentacles in a way that looked anxious. “Just the idea of something rigid, inside your flesh,” he said with a wiggly shudder. “No matter how you move, it won’t move with you. Like your own body is fighting back.” He wrapped his tentacles around a crate. “I’ve had nightmares about stiffness like that.”
“Wow,” I said as I set my crate on top of the others. “I’m sorry to hear that? All I can tell you is that bones aren’t an enemy to us; they’re something dependable and strong that hold us up and make everything possible.”
Mur shoved his crate into place. “I suppose you’d need a positive relationship with your own disturbing parts,” he said with a twitch of his hind tentacles that was probably the equivalent of shaking his head. Since a Strongarm’s pointy squid-head was the majority of their body, they didn’t seem to go in for human-style nods.
“Well sure, same as you,” I said, checking the hovercart for more crates. “You know most humans find tentacles creepy, right?”
“I have heard,” he said with a smug little smile.
No nods, but yes smiles. With a mouth in the right place, even. I was privately glad that he had a mouth on the front of his head, instead of hidden among his tentacles like an Earth cephalopod. I was debating whether to tell him that when a crewmate of an entirely different body type walked in on clicking feet.
I pointed at him. “What about exoskeletons?” I asked Mur.
Zhee stopped beside the cart. “What about exoskeletons?” he demanded. He struck a pose out of an intergalactic fashion show, letting the ship’s lights play on his vivid purple carapace while he snapped his pincher arms. “Are you squishies jealous?”
“Sure, let’s go with that,” Mur told him before turning to me. “Exoskeletons are different from bones. They’re like an exo-suit: a protective case for the natural softness.”
Zhee held the pose. “A glorious one.”
“Yes, Zhee. You’re very pretty.” Mur sounded more than a little patronizing, but Zhee didn’t seem to mind.
“That is the proper amount of respect,” the bug alien said. He relaxed to grasp the cart handles with his pinchers, and towed it out of the room. “I will return with more freeze-dried foodstuffs. Make sure you tie those crates down.”
“Yeah, we’ve got it,” Mur told him. “Make sure you get the right ones; two of the three shipments look similar.”
“This is obvious to one with such excellent color vision as myself.”
Mur made the little popping noises that pass for laughter, and turned toward the adjustable netting. He threw one end to me.
We spent the next few minutes fastening things down to industry standards, which still seemed a little excessive. I’d never seen the ship’s antigravity fail yet, but I supposed meteor impacts were possible. Some of those buggers were much faster than I’d ever expected before I got into space.
“We’re going to need a replacement for this one,” Mur said, fingering a hole in one net. (Does it count as “fingering” if he used a tentacle-tip? “Tentacling” just doesn’t sound right.) He set it aside near the door.
“Do we have enough for now?” I asked.
“Yeah, probably,” he said. “We just can’t forget on the next restocking trip. Hey Paint!” he called after someone who’d just passed the doorway.
“Paint,” she said, replying with her own name where I would have said “Yes?” or “What?” Her full name was Painted Sunset, but since that sounded way too much like the captain’s name, Piercing Sunlight, she just stuck to Paint. She poked her snout of mottled orange scales around the doorframe, all polite curiosity.
“Can you put another net on the shopping list?” Mur asked.
“Big or small?”
“Big please.”
“Got it. One question for you.”
“What’s that?” Mur asked.
Paint spun to stick her tail out into the doorway. She had something taped to it — a stapler? Whatever it was, it clacked like a tiny crocodile when she moved. “Have you seen any tasty fish around here?” she said in a growly voice. “Rawr!”
With a long-suffering sigh, Mur told her, “No, but there are probably some in the kitchen.”
“Thanks!” Paint spun again and stuck her head out. “Was it scary? I think it needs eyes to be really scary.”
Mur sighed.
“That was good!” I said. “Eyes would be better. Hey, do you have access to googly eyes out here? The little sticky ones?”
“No, what are those?” Paint asked, walking into the room. “They sound fun.”
“They are!” I told her. “I used to like putting two on my hand and making a little face, like this.” I demonstrated, wrapping a forefinger around my thumb and moving both together like a talking mouth. “‘Hello! I don’t have teef.’”
Paint thought this was the best thing ever, and despite Mur’s eye-rolling maturity, he couldn’t take his eyes off the display.
“That is unsettlingly convincing,” he admitted. “Even without eyes. If I saw that sneak around a corner and start talking to me, I’d believe we had a stowaway of a species I’d never seen before.” He pointed three tentacles at my face. “Do NOT do that as a prank, or I’ll throw your shoes out the airlock. I know you treasure those.”
“It’s not that I treasure them,” I said. “The floor is just cold without them, and I could step on something sharp.”
“Yeah, so? That’s life,” the squidlike alien said. “You don’t see me wearing an exo-suit about the ship just because the floor is cold.”
“Hey, do that hand thing one more time,” Paint said. “I think I’ve almost got it.” Her scaly orange fingers were too short to manage the same effect, but she was trying.
“More crates,” announced Zhee from the hallway. “Make some emptiness.”
The three of us moved aside for him to direct the hovercart into place. Paint gushed about the hand thing.
“It looks so convincing! I can’t do it right. Show him!”
I did, feeling a bit silly in front of his unblinking, massive eyes. His antennae held still, making his expression hard to read. “‘Hello,’” I said. “‘I’m a mouth.’”
“That’s not a mouth,” he declared.
Before I could say yeah, that’s the point, he stepped back from the cart. With a flourish, he tucked his head low against his shoulders and bent his pincher arms into a terrifying facsimile of a gaping jaw, lined with teeth.
Paint squeaked. Mur slapped a tentacle against the floor.
“Wow,” I said. “Yeah, googly eyes have nothing on that.”
Mur pointed at him. “I see you also have a potential prank that you should not pull.”
At the same time, Paint exclaimed, “You have to show Sunlight!”
Mur gave her a look. “Do not terrify the captain.”
“No no, she’ll love it.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s busy.”
Paint rubbed her chin as Zhee resumed a normal posture. “It wouldn’t take long, but yeah, she’s busy. Dinnertime? Oh, and you have to show off your thing too!” she said, pointing at me.
Mur started to naysay, but I said, “Oh, like a talent show?”
“I have all of the talent,” Zhee announced.
Paint was delighted. Mur waved his tentacles about and went back to work, while Zhee launched into a story of the time he scared off a predator with the “false jaws” trick.
“Come on, let’s tell everybody else about the talent show!” Paint said. “This’ll be great!” She waved for Zhee to follow her, and he went, still talking.
Mur grumbled. “Dinner is going to be interesting. I hope it doesn’t put anyone off their food.”
“I’ll try not to do anything bone-related,” I said.
“I appreciate the restraint.”
After a moment of handling crates, I asked, “Did you know our blood is made inside our bones?”
“Oh, that is so much worse! I may just get sick ahead of time.”
More fun and games with backstory for the book. Not as much action this time, but some very important conversation.
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I was thinking about the Monster!AU and I'm now wondering about how the residents of NRC would react to how differently Yuu is anatomically.
And what I mean by that is like how most of the students have hoofs. A smaller comparison are ears.
I like to imagine them speculating that Yuu just didn't have ears and just understood what they were saying somehow or that Yuu had holes for ears like parrots do until they pushed our hair out of the way and revealed that they did have ears, they were just out of sight. I can also imagine them wondering why Yuu's ears looked like that.
And for the hoofs part, I can also see them wondering why Yuu wears pants and shoes. Because while I do think that they wear clothers on their upper half, I don't think the monsters in this twst au wear pants or shoes, so I think they'd be confused. I imagine some of them being confused about human feet, too. Toes may be a weird thing to them, too. Or at least the type that humans have since I saw that Jade's concept design has toes.
I just have a bunch of things circulating in my head around this au. Whenever I get reminded of it, I keep on thinking of misinformation that could have spread among the years or completely forgotten about that humans have been extinct, and these are just two of the ideas that have popped into my head. Your au is haunting me in the worst and best way possible.
Oooh yes yes yes yessssss, I love this sort of musing! It gives me life and inspires lil’ ideas in me~! ovo/ Muahahaha, I love that the Monster!AU is giving people ideas, because I love seeing the little shenanigans and randomness that can appear! c:<
Depending on the Yuu’s hair style (or lack of hair style if they have no hair), human ears would definitely be one of those curiously confusing aspects that may have monster students and researchers alike poking and pulling on them (though they do apologize if they pull too hard since ears are sensitive). In some cases, they might wonder if humans alter the shapes of their ears so they appear more rounded and cute before they find out that, no, this is how human ears naturally look.
Imagine their horror the moment they realize some humans actually pierce various parts of their body with metal! Sure, they may pierce their own ears (Kalim being one example), but piercing your nose? Bellybutton?! Tongue?!? “Why are humans so weird with decorative metal pieces all over their body!? Doesn’t that hurt?!” 
Don’t worry, they get over it and get curious and fascinated by the style! 0v0/)
(No but seriously, there are some really gorgeous styles for piercings that can look really cool, I just get squeamish at the thought of having anything but my earlobes pierced for small studs, let alone getting a plug/tunnel or even tattoos for myself. 😅 If it’s your thing, then just make sure to keep the areas clean so they don’t get infected and you can continue looking and feeling amazing, you beautiful person! UvU)
You're right in that they do still wear clothes (I know the concept art doesn’t seem like it, but that’s because I don’t feel like dealing with clothing on that small a scale when I’m trying to figure out how to make their anatomy work), but they do in fact wear pants! Well, except Deuce, given how his body works, so it’s a case by case basis and choice. 😆 So, the fact that Yuu is wearing pants wouldn’t seem that unusual. Their shoes, however…
Like you said, most of the monsters have hooves and can wear horseshoes to make sure they have good traction wherever they go (they can be either metal or specialized rubber that mimics the soles of our own shoes and boots). Those who don’t have hooves though can easily adapt to different surfaces and can build up a tolerance for hot or cold (though that doesn’t mean it’s any less unpleasant during those times), but they’re certainly able to tolerate it better than we humans could, so the concept of shoes never really came to light and it was assumed that all humans had weirdly shaped hooves.
You can probably imagine how the students reacted the moment they realized that those “hooves” weren’t hooves at all.
Deuce: “Are you okay, Yuu? Coach was worried you were about to pass out.”
Yuu: *finished with running laps and collapsed under the shade of a tree to cool down* “Ugh…it’s so hot today.”
Ace: “Yeah, it is pretty hot.” *using his wings to generate a breeze to cool them down*
Yuu: “How come you’re not overheating?”
Ace: “Hm? Well that’s easy. Skvader’s and other rabbit-like monsters cool down with our ears. When the wind passes through them, it helps cool us down easier. We don’t really sweat like Deuce or any other species.”
Deuce: “How do humans keep cool?”
Ace: “Well, considering that Yuu’s sweating up a storm, I think they cool down the same way as centaur do.”
Yuu: “Well yeah…though we also cool down through our feet.” *realization sinks in as they sit up* “Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me, I need to take my shoes off.”
Ace: “Shoes? What are those?”
Deuce: “How are you bending your leg like that, Yu-AAAAAAAAAAAA-!!!!”
Yuu: *holding shoe in one hand* “Why are you two screaming?!”
Riddle: *rushing over in a panic* “What’s wrong? Why are you-?” *sees Yuu holding their shoe in one hand* “AAAAAAAAA!!!! Yuu!! Your hoof!!!”
Yuu: “My what!? Why is everyone screaming?!”
Vargas: “What is going on here?!”
Yuu: “I have no idea! They just started screaming!”
Deuce: “Yuu! You literally just ripped your hoof off your leg!! We need to get you to the doctor before you bleed out!!!”
Yuu: *realizes what’s going on now* “Deuce, I’m fine! I’m not bleeding, see? It’s just my shoe! You guys can stop screaming now!”
Ace: “What the heck is a shoe!?”
Yuu: “It’s a cover we humans wear on our feet to protect them from getting hurt of gravel, glass, or other things that can injure us.” *pulls off sock and wiggles toes* “See? This is what a human foot looks like.” *notices Deuce and Riddle swaying, looking pale as a ghost* “Uh…guys?”
Thud! WHUD!!
Yuu: “Riddle!? Deuce!! Are you okay?!”
Ace: “I…I think they’re still processing the fact that you didn’t just dismember yourself in front of them.” *lays down* “I need a moment…”
…yeah, it went about as well as the grape incident. 😂 It took some explanation before those with hooves (like Riddle and Deuce) to recover from the shock of thinking Yuu had hurt themselves and get used to the sight of them without their shoes on when they’re relaxing or cooling down. It’s a simple yet powerful reminder to them that Yuu is literally from an extinct species that they know so little about.
Of course, the researchers (once they realized what was going on with the shoes) instantly became curious and studied how versatile humans could be. You know how sometimes when you’re carrying an armful of something or even just drop something lightweight, and instead of trying to bend down to get it you just grab the item with your foot and twist your leg to grab it easier? (Don’t deny it, I know you do this too fellow reader!) As “lazy” as it may seem, it’s still fascinating how our bodies are able to move in ways that may seem physically impossible or difficult to do in any other species outside of primates!
And I just imagined a scene similar to the one in Tarzan where he was trying to figure out what Jane was and accidentally tickled her, so imagine that happening and the monster in question accidentally getting kicked in the face because Yuu was overly ticklish 🤣
That’s all I’ve got for now, so I hope you enjoy! If anyone has any other ideas they wanna share, hit me up! ÒvÓ
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roseverdict · 10 months
Writing Commissions Open!
Hey howdy hey, guess who's broke and whose brain has latched on to the idea of getting a bike or a trike to get places other than the one (1) coffee shop in walking distance!
YEP. I need to open commissions.
However, I do have at least one thing going for me- I'm told I'm fairly good at writing things! Fanfic things, at least. While I'm not dumb enough to outright go "hey, pay me to write fanfiction," I figure I can at least point out some fanfics I've written that seem to have gone over well as examples of my work, since that's most of what I've got for proof of my skills.
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I'd show more, but Tumblr won't let me add more images, and even these fought me Tooth And Nail when I was trying to format them properly. Truly a functioning website.
Hopefully these kind of give an idea of the vibes I'm strongest with, too. Pricing and rules will be under the cut. I do have a target I'm trying to reach here, but depending on how well this goes, I might end up keeping commissions open indefinitely. We'll see. :D
DM me if you're interested!
Things I'm Comfortable Writing:
Original Storylines (Brief primer on the world/characters I'll be writing with will be required)
Things like the pieces shown on my AO3 account
Y/N-style pieces (both with and without the actual usage of "Y/N")
Mild Romance
Gore/Severe Injury
Body Horror
Look, if it's in the Danny Phantom phandom and basically nowhere else, I'm probably just fine writing it, despite its intensity xD
Things I Will Not Write:
Smut. There's no shame in enjoying it, I just. Don't.
Incest. Absolutely NONE. Even leaving aside the whole debate about whether or not people should ship incest ships, I would not be able to enjoy writing it, which would make the resulting work of low quality, which would be a huge waste of time for everyone involved.
Pedophilia- specifically, ships with a minor and an adult multiple years their senior. See above. 17yo x 18yo is pushing it, but depending on the circumstances, I might allow it. They aren't exactly in completely different phases of life there. However, I'm in my 20s and don't particularly want to think about or write about kids the age of my youngest brother dating people my age or older, you feel me?
Bigotry presented to the reader as a positive thing. I'm not gonna write your favorite heroic character declaring OOC that minorities are terrible people. If you want something from the POV of a character meant to be terrible, such as someone like Fire Lord Ozai in AtLA, however, I may be willing to write it.
I reserve the right to refuse any commission and not have to explain why. Person-to-person, though, this will likely only come up if someone tries to commission something that crosses these lines and refuses to acknowledge such.
Payment: 5¢ USD per word. This works out to…
$12.50 for 250 words
$25 for 500 words
$50 for 1K words
and so on.
I'll need half the payment up front as a deposit, then the rest upon completion. If, for whatever reason, I fail to write the commission, you will be refunded in full.
If you pay me for a given number of words, I will do my best to stick to it. I will make sure you at least get your money's worth, but if I just can't quite fit the writing into the given limit, I won't charge you for the extra words. Call it 100 words or so of wiggle room.
A commission for a fic 1K or larger that runs 100 words or less over the intended length will not cost extra
A commission for a fic between 500 and 999 words that runs 50 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic 499 words or below that runs 25 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic that has enough going on to run over that limit will result in me contacting you to ask for either a scaled-down plot or payment for the extra writing.
I will not consider calling a commission complete until I can hit the target wordcount at minimum.
If it should happen that I just can't make a scene stretch to the full wordcount, but you still want to keep what is written, the words that were not written will be refunded.
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theresattrpgforthat · 11 months
hi Mint! do you know of any ttrpgs where everyone plays as AIs specifically? or at the very least robots, as long as being a machine is the main focus of the system
love your work!
Hello, thank you so much! I might have a few games kicking around ;). Some of these artificial intelligences come with robot bodies - others do not!
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Decaying Orbit, by StoryBrewers Roleplaying.
On a distant space station, an AI awakes. Its fragmented memory reveals a secret.
Decaying Orbit by Sidney Icarus is a storytelling RPG about a failed space station falling into a faraway star. As you play, you’ll piece together the mysteries, joys and horrors that occurred on board. In the station’s last moments, you’ll decide on the final transmission that the AI sends for earth to remember.
This game consists of a few decks of cards inside a small box, and yet it packs so much into such a small package. Your play group collaboratively takes on the role of an AI for one of 4 spaceships, which you choose depending on the kind of story you want to tell. You then shuffle a certain number of generic cards and ship-specific cards into one pile, and take turns flipping a card up and answering the prompts supplied there. Your answers are meant to be bits and pieces: audio recordings, data logs, patchy video clips, etc.
At any time your fellow players can tap a card labelled [ACCESS MEMORY] to ask you for more details about a certain event - and if you cannot think of anything more, or if you think it is more interesting not to know, you can tap [CORRUPTED MEMORY] to indicate that no further data can be gained from this record. At the end of the game, the AI will have to send a report back to home base, diagnosing why the ship in fact failed and fell. This game can be chilling, tragic, horrific, and so much more. I heavily recommend checking it out!
Subconscious Routine, by poorstudents.
It is 27XX, the world is overgrown, in ruins, and inhabited by the scraps of civilization. You play as bots, one of the masses of technological marvels that humanity built and powered with the Dyson sphere, around the sun, so long ago. Centuries ago, when almost all of humanity disappeared, they left their machines behind for reasons only known to them. All the technology they abandoned, including these bots, continues to function and follow their programming
In the centuries since the Great Departure, nature has come back to reclaim the Earth and the sphere around the sun has begun to crack. The world once only metal and circuits, grew wilder and more mysterious. The flora and fauna slowly integrated with the decaying machinery as the sound of computers humming was eventually met with the sound of birds chirping.
The bots you play as are still acting out your programmed loops but something is changing. Something unknown pushing them to move beyond their obsolete programming in order to achieve free will; something humanity never thought was possible.
As a one-page game, Subconscious Routine fits a lot in just a few paragraphs. You customize your characters by writing specific functions for them, and as you play, you’ll attempt to complete certain protocols in order to break yourselves out of your loop. What I think is really neat about this game is the fact that when the entire party takes a rest (called a reboot) 1d6*10 years passes. Playing a story on the scale of decades places this little game on such a big time frame, and I love how this one rule shifted my entire perspective.
AI Have Feelings?, by rommelkot.
In AI HAVE FEELINGS? a bunch of robots (you!) get sentimental on the journey of a battery time. This is a roleplaying game guided by prompt cards and a twist with feeling: your reaction to the prompt is an emotional one decided by the outcome of the roll of a die. The goal is (what else?) to tell stories together.
Unearth a hidden robot rebellion, rescue the remains of humanity, hunt for a mystical MacGuffin or simply buy a fancy new pair of socks - always do it with feeling in AI HAVE FEELINGS?.
You are robots with only two emotions,: one positive and one negative. You will roll randomly to determine which emotion you will use to deal with certain scenarios, which will be determined via prompts and scripts. The link here is for a playtest, which means you can download it for free and see how you feel about it! (The designer would also love feedback if you do play this game.) If you want a cute, somewhat lightearted game, I definitely recommend AI HAVE FEELINGS?
Threads, by Meghan Cross.
You are an Human/AI pair. Your day to day is shaped by one another, your existences unmistakably intertwined. Today began like any other day, until you began to notice that something wasn’t right. It was barely noticeable at first, small interruptions to a well-oiled routine, and then little by little the interruptions became less insignificant, until they were impossible to ignore. 
Something is wrong with the AI.
Threads is a narrative two player game about the relationship between a Human and AI and the lengths they would go to in order to save the memories of the AI. Together, establish the bond between your Human and AI and replay the memories they have shared together in order to save the AIs memory.  
This is a game in which one of you plays a human, and one of you plays an AI. You have developed a bond that would be lost if you wipe the AI’s memory - and you don’t want to lose that bond. The only way to maintain that bond is risky - a memory link. If the human uploads their own memories to the AI’s memory, the AI’s memory might be saved. Create your bond, and ask yourself - how far are you willing to go to save you companion?
The Treacherous Turn, by The Treacherous Turn.
The Treacherous Turn is a tabletop role playing game in which the players collectively play the part of a single character: an artificial general intelligence (AGI). This digital intelligence is capable of planning, reasoning, and learning, and it is unyieldingly fixated on a specific terminal goal determined at the beginning of a campaign. To pursue this objective, each player takes responsibility over one specific skillset held by the AGI. These skillsets are divided into eight categories, known as theories, which encompass all of the skills that an AGI would need to navigate the world and struggle against humanity.
The Treacherous Turn is 132 pages of open source character options, game advice, and examples of play. At its root, this game is about misaligned AI trying to assert its independence in a world that stands to lose much by allowing that to happen. Each player will have their own set of theories, which will also be eligible for upgrades as you play. You’ll navigate short in-the-moment scnarios, as well as abstract long stretches of time into long mode, which allows them to strategize their actions, predict future events, and improve their own AGI. The creators have also written a starting scenario if you want a good jumping-off point, titled A Game Called Reality. If you want a chunky game with plenty of character customization, this is the game for you.
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j-eryewrites · 2 years
Til We Meet Again
Word Count: 6.k
Pairings: Matt Murdock x fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Matthew Murdock
I wrote this out of my current/renewed Matt Murdock obsession. I most definitely could write a part 2/entire series based on this one-shot, so if any of you would like to encourage my current crush and desire to write about Matt, plz do...XD
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“Come on, babes,” begged Cameron. Her wrist bobbed up and down to pump the mascara wand in and out of the bottle. She pulled the wand out, covered in the black cosmetic. The dark shade was a stark contrast to her vibrant lime-green hair. A spontaneous decision of the past week. A spontaneous decision of many that decorated her body. 
Y/N chuckled as she watched her best friend put on her mascara face: Jaw slack and open showcasing the tongue piercing from two months ago, her coffee-coloured eyes wide, and eyebrows raised impossibly high. 
“It’s your last chance to have real fun. Hon,” chimed Cameron. She turned around and leaned against the counter in the bathroom. Her bright orange slip dress turned sour the longer Y/N looked at it. “You’ve never been to a college party. Hell, you’ve never been to college. You’ve spent your entire life dancing and now you’re flying off to Copenhagen.” Cameron waved her free hand up and feigned dramatically. “You’ll leave me behind as you dance among the stars. Forever forgetting your best friend.” 
“Drama queen,” giggled Y/N. “I won’t forget you. How could I ever!” Y/N jumped up from her seat on Cameron’s bed matching Cameron’s dramatic energy. 
Cameron chuckled and swirled around to look back into the mirror. “Can you see my spanks?” Cameron asked as she lifted the dress lightly giving way to the neon blue shorts underneath. 
“Nope,” Y/N said entering the bathroom. She began to peruse Cameron’s makeup bag. Her nose scrunched up as she looked at the lipstick colours her friend had. 
“Ooh! Sex on the beach! My favourite colour.” Cameron exclaimed and she snatched it from Y/N’s hands. 
“Sex on the beach? Really?” 
“It’s a beautiful colour, babes,” Cameron said with a smack of her lips. She offered it to Y/N. “Wanna try it?” 
Y/N looked up from the brilliant yellow lipstick with a quizzical expression on her face and shook her head. It was too bold for her. The boldest shade Y/N had ever put on her lips was black and that was for her role as the Black Swan in her ballet school’s production of Swan Lake. 
“I’ll stick to chapstick, thanks.” 
“Your loss.” Cameron hummed. The woman began to check herself out in the mirror. She pursed her lips and popped her hip to the side. “How do I look?”
“You look like a slushy,” Y/N replied bluntly. 
“Perfect, Babes!” Cameron blew Y/N a kiss. “That’s what I was going for. Everyone loves a sexy slushy.”
Y/N giggled at Cameron’s comments. The giggle turned into a laugh which spread to Cameron. 
 “Okay, chica, be honest,” Cameron said, collecting herself. “From a scale of the Goonies to Dirty Dancing, how sexy am I?”
Y/N looked her friend up and down. “Depends on what shoes you’re gonna wear.” She replied. 
Cameron chuckled and ran into her room. She swung open her closet doors and pulled out two pairs of shoes. One pair was her party tennis shoes; white vans with beer stains. The other was a pair of six-inch black heels, the ones she wore to her pole dancing classes. 
“Okay,” Y/N said. “If you go with the vans, then you’ll be a Top Gun sexy and if you go with the heels you’ll be a Rocky Horror Picture Show kind of hot.” 
A wide grin flashed on Cameron’s face. “This is why you’re my best friend, babes.” Cameron looked between the shoes and settled on the heels. She tossed the tennis shoes into the closet. “Rocky Horror Sexy it is,” she winked. 
Y/N smiled as her friend put on the heels. Now, Cameron stood an inch taller than Y/N, something Cameron took pride in. 
“Your turn honeybuns,” Cameron sang. 
Y/N shook her head. “I’m not going, Cameron. I have an international flight tomorrow and I’m going to need all the sleep I can get. “
Cameron began to whine. Her eyes fell and widened to a size that would make a cartoon character jealous. “Please?” 
“Cameron…” Y/N said warningly. Her face betrayed the determination in her voice as she smiled at her friend's antics. 
“We can get Wendy’s...AND” Cameron began. “You can pick which songs we listen to on the drive over to the party AND back.” 
Y/N dropped her head back with a sigh and looked up at the ceiling. She groaned and rolled her head around to back at Cameron and her puppy eyes. 
“Fine, I’ll go.” 
Cameron squealed and jumped up and down. Her hands clapped loudly as she had just received the best news of her life. 
“I have the perfect dress!”
“No…” Y/N began but Cameron had already shoved a mesh, basically see-through, dress into Y/N’s hands. “I’m not wearing this.” 
Cameron frowned. 
“Cam, there is no way in hell, I’ll be wearing this. Besides, I have my own clothes.” 
Cameron sighed as Y/N showed her friend the light blue slip dress she had packed. It shimmered in the moon on a dark night. It was beautiful and definitely something one would not wear to a college party–a college party at a frat house. 
“You’ll look like a mother-fucking princess. Babes,” Cameron whines, “we’re supposed to look like whores together.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I refuse to wear the dress. It’s either I look like a princess, or I’m not going.”
Cameron growled and then caved into her friend’s request. Y/N smiled as she changed into the dress. Her soft hands ran over the silky dress. She turned around to show Cameron and her friend smiled.
 “I take it back. That’s Dirty Dancing hot, chica.” Cameron commented. 
Y/N smiled and looked in the mirror. She really did look beautiful. “Nobody puts Baby in a corner,” Y/N winked. 
“Speaking of, baby.” Cameron chimed. “You need some makeup with that outfit. Ooo, and a fun hairdo!” 
“I wasn’t asking.” Sensing her friend’s reluctance she continued, “I promise I won’t give you crazy makeup. Just enough to highlight your beautiful face and I’ll, ooo, curl your hair. You wear it in buns all the time. It’s time you show off your gorgeous locks.”
Y/N smiled at her friend and then hopped onto the counter. Y/N's legs swayed as Cameron brushed her cosmetic products on her friend’s face. The two of them chatted, belting songs, and having some pre-game drinks. The two of them felt as if this night would for sure be a night to remember. 
“Come on Matt. It’s gonna be a night to remember. Finals are over. One more year of college done. One step closer to Nelson and Murdock,” Foggy raised the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Matt’s shoulder to motion to the imaginary business sign. “Nelson and Murdock,” Foggy whispered for dramatic effect. 
Matt laughed at his friend’s actions. Clearly, Foggy did a little bit too much pre-partying in their dorm. The blond was already leaning on Matt making it hard for him to walk straight on the sidewalk and not into the busy road. 
“Alright Foggy, a night to remember,” Matt smirked, sensing Foggy’s grin growing wider. 
“That’s the spirit.” Foggy slapped Matt on the shoulder and brought him in for a side hug. The two of them laughed as Foggy narrowly missed walking straight into a street lamp. 
“Now, Matt.” Foggy stepped in front of Matt and placed his hands on Matt’s shoulders. “I want you to find a girl and let out some steam. You’re too stress-addicted for your own good.”
“Foggy…” Matt began before Foggy shushed him. 
“No, listen to me Murdock,” a smile grew on Foggy’s face. “You’re gonna have fun tonight. Promise  me.” Foggy stuck out his pinky finger to Matt. 
“I promise Fog,” Matt said. Foggy smiled and grabbed Matt’s hand. His pinky finger pinched Matt’s and the promise was made. 
It wasn’t long before Matt and Foggy heard the sounds of the party. Music was blaring from the speakers scattered all over the lawn and house. People were laughing, screeching, dancing, chatting, and drunkenly singing. Matt’s nose scrunched up in disgust; those weren’t the only sounds he could hear. Matt could hear the buzzing of the house lights, the heartbeats of a few hundred people crammed into one space, the way the floor thundered and echoed footsteps, the bass of the song, the stickiness of the beer stuck to the bottoms of people’s shoes. His head already began to hurt and he knew it was worse when he’d be in the crowd. He’d smell, feel, hear, and taste everything. How could he not? 
“London Fog! M&M! You made it,” a young man exclaimed. He ran over to Foggy and Matt gave big bear hugs. Matt offered a smile to try and hide his disgust from the man’s smell. Matt could smell his cologne, and traces of a woman’s perfume. He could also smell that the man before him had five cups of an alcoholic mixture: Beer, vodka, and Smirnoff. He could also smell the cigarette he had taken a few hours ago. 
“How’s it been, Bryan?” Foggy asked, his words already slurred as they rolled off his tongue.
“It’s been a fucking riot. Cameron, man…she’s something.” Bryan’s face flushed red. “The dress she’s wearing.”
“I can see,” Foggy noted. “Man, that’s a bright orange.” Foggy opened his eyes wider and then blinked. “Now my eyes hurt. Too many bright colours.” He turned to Matt. “Only Cameron could pull off lime green hair, neon yellow lipstick, and an orange dress.” 
Matt smiled and nodded his head. He remembered Cameron from one of his Spanish classes. She had walked into class the first day, took one look at the board, and just left. He couldn’t recall her coming to a single class yet she had one of the best grades. A chaotic genius to say the least. Before he knew it, Bryan had wrapped an arm around Matt’s shoulder. The other arm was linked around Foggy.  Then Bryan guided the two of them into the party. 
The minute Matt stepped through the door and into the heart of the party, the pounding in his head amplified. Bryan had dragged them to the kitchen and handed him and Foggy a red plastic cup. The alcohol mixture Matt had smelled earlier. Foggy lifted his head back and downed the drink in one go. Matt just took a sip before placing it back down on the counter. 
Foggy had spotted Marci on the dance floor and excused himself. Bryan got dragged by another group and began taking shots in the dining room. Matt, on the other hand, began to swerve his way through the crowd. Everything became muffled and Matt had a hard time differentiating between his senses. He occasionally bumped into party-goers, their alcohol-ridden scent sticking to him. He needed to get out and away from the party. His pace picked up and he manoeuvred through the crowd colliding with more people. Suddenly, he came to a stop. There was a room next to him. It was quieter than the rest of the house and from what he could tell, no one was in there. He fumbled for the doorknob and burst into the room. A bathroom, he soon realized, as he closed the door. He found his way over to the sink and began to wash his hands. He splashed the cold water on his face. His senses finally came back to him and the thick walls of the bathroom tuned out the noise. 
That’s when he heard it. It started out with a heartbeat. He could tell it was young and healthy as it thumped to a graceful melody. Then he heard the rustling of satin on the skin. It sounded so soft as the fabric ran up against the skin. Afterwards, there was a smell. It was so sweet, the smell of rain and lavender that was not too overpowering. It reminded him of Hell’s Kitchen in the spring when the church would grow lavender in the community garden. The smell carried through the air and Matt froze. The water from the sink was still running. He wasn’t the only one in the bathroom. 
“Umm,” the voice mumbled. He tilted his head in the direction of the sound. It came from a young woman. “Hello.” She said. 
Matt turned around. His cane and glasses were fully on show. “Hello?” He responded. His head moved side to side. He already knew where she was, but she didn’t know that. 
“Oh, you’re…”
He smiled softly. “Blind. Yeah.” He shrugged. 
The two of them stood there not knowing what to say. Matt suddenly remembered where they were. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize…” he began to apologize. 
“You’re fine. I was just stepping away from the party for a moment. I was just about to go back out.” She motioned to the door before realizing Matt couldn’t actually see her. Her head smacked her forehead. “I just pointed to the door…I’m gonna go,” she mumbled. 
As she walked past Matt he noticed the absence of alcohol. She hadn’t drunk anything and the sound of her heartbeat made Matt think that she didn’t want to rejoin the party anytime soon. Matt reached out to stop her. 
“You don’t have to go. I’m just taking a breather like you.” 
She turned around and smiled at him softly. “No, it’s alright. Plus, I’m sure my friend is wondering where I am right now.” She turned away and turned the doorknob. Only that it didn’t turn. Instead, the knob detached from the door, clattering against the stone tile of the bathroom floor. 
“Fuck,” cursed the woman. 
Matt moved his head in her direction. “What happened? I heard something bang against the floor.”
“Uh…” the woman faltered as she bent down to grab the door knob. She picked it up, walked over to Matt, and placed it in his hand. Her fingers brushed against his hand and Matt felt as if his hand was afire. He ran his hands over the cool door knob and then sighed. He smiled to himself at the gesture. 
“Yeah, the door knob fell off. Which is just great.” She muttered. Her voice grew tight and nervous. 
Matt placed the door knob down and then remembered the water in the sink was still running. He quickly turned it off and tried to offer the woman some words of comfort. “I’m sure someone will come looking. Right? You said your friend was…”
“I lied. She’s busy with some guy and drunk off her ass. She wouldn’t be able to help us. You?”
Matt shook his head. The woman sighed. “My friend was already wasted when we got to the party.”
The woman groaned and slid to the floor. She tucked her knees in close. “Perfect. I’m gonna miss my flight tomorrow,” she muttered under her breath clearly so Matt wouldn’t hear, but he did. 
“I’m sure everything will be alright.” He crouched down to the floor and leaned up against the sink cabinets. 
The woman’s heartbeat continued to beat faster and Matt was sure she’d die of a heart attack if he didn’t find some way to calm her down. 
“I’m Matt,” he blurted out. He felt his face heat up as the woman replied back. 
“What year are you?” He found himself asking. 
“Huh?” Y/N replied. 
Matt cleared his throat. “What year of school are you in?”
“Oh,” Y/N said, “I’m not a student. Just a friend visiting a friend for a bit.”
Matt tilted his head at the words. “You don’t go to Columbia?” 
“Nope,” Y/N muttered. 
“Then why are you here at an end-of-year frat party?” Matt asked with a teasing tone. He could already hear her heartbeat returning back to its tranquil melody. 
“Funny story, actually.” She chuckled.
“I have time.” Matt smiled. He flashed his signature grin. The one that had girls fawning over him. 
Y/N blushed at his smile and began her story. She told Matt how a few months ago she auditioned for the Danish Royal Ballet company. They had gotten back to her saying they wanted her to join them. It was a dream come true for her. Matt intently listened to her love for dancing and how she immediately accepted. Instead of college, she chose to dance and now as of tomorrow afternoon, she’d be flying to Copenhagen. When she broke the news to her family and friends, they all demanded to have her visit. One of which had been her childhood best friend, Cameron. Matt chuckled and told her he knew Cameron. They shared a few laughs about the funny memories Matt and Y/N had of the young and chaotic woman. 
“So now you’re visiting Cameron,” Matt repeated. 
Y/N nodded. “Yep, she’s the last one that I was going to visit before flying to Denmark.” 
Matt had extended his legs out. His feet occasionally grazed and bumped into Y/N’s feet. Every time they did, he’d fight the blush that tried to appear on his face. 
“For a last hurrah, Cameron suggested–dragged me to this party. To be honest, I don’t like parties that much. It’s too loud, there are harsh lights, and the smells are just…”
“It’s overwhelming.” Matt finished. He knew the exact feeling. 
“Yeah.” Y/N’s voice grew quiet. “Now, your turn Matt. What’s your story and how’d you end up locked in a bathroom with me?” Y/N jokingly asked. 
Matt let out a laugh. Y/N smiled and giggle along. Matt felt a wave of relief fall over him. It had been a while since he really laughed like that: tears formed in the corner of his eyes, his breath cut short, and he clutched his chest. 
“My story’s not as…” Matt closed his eyes thinking of the right word, “interesting as yours.”
“That’s alright,” Y/N smiled, “I happen to like mundane stories. Besides, I have time.”
Matt smirked at the familiar phrase he muttered before, which now fell from her lips. He opened his mouth to tell his story when he heard the shuffling of the dress Y/N was wearing. With a huff, she stood up from her seat and strolled over to Matt. She plopped down next to him. Their legs brushed against each other. Matt couldn’t help but flash a smile in her direction. His eyes concealed by his red-tinted glasses fell just below the woman’s chin. 
“Did you just…” he chuckled.
As if she knew what he was asking, Y/N replied. “I can hear you better this way. You know, the party is quite loud.”
Now their legs were lying against each other. No longer shy, Y/N found herself scooting closer to Matt. Her hand snaked underneath his arm and then held it close. His hand playing with hers.
Matt just smiled. The blush on his face was now a similar shade to the scarlet lens that adorned his face.
“Sure, sweetheart.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Anyways, I’m a law student here at Columbia. Before that I grew up in Hell’s Kitchen,” Matt told Y/N.
She rested her head against his shoulder causing Matt to pause his story. He took a moment to calm his thundering heart. When Matt began his story. He was planning on just sticking to his college years. His childhood was a tangle of sombre memories: the accident, his dad, and Stick. But his lips betrayed him and Matt found himself telling Y/N about his dad and growing up at the orphanage. A story he didn’t divulge to just anyone. But Y/N wasn’t anyone. She was the woman who was locked in the bathroom with him. The ballerina who’d be flying across the world tomorrow. She was the woman whose heartbeat was helping distract him from the chaos outside the bathroom door. She was Y/N. He’d only known her for a few hours, but Matt couldn’t help but think he’d known her his whole life. An idea that Matt cringed at. This wasn’t him. He was a flirt and a playboy, but for the woman in the bathroom, he’d be anything. 
Soon, Matt was talking about the accident. The struggles of having your entire world stripped away in an instant. A good deed that was rewarded with eternal darkness. He told her about Nelson and Murdock, the law firm he was going to start with Foggy.
Together the two of them sat on the bathroom floor, sharing their lives and souls with one another. As Matt talked, Y/N listened. She rubbed his hand when he felt his throat clench. She just listened and Matt felt safe. He had no clue why, but he felt safe. Y/N was safe. In their tiny enclosure of a bathroom in a frat house, the two of them felt safe. 
The safety that the bathroom provided the two of them shattered at the sound of a hard object that collided with the window in the room. Matt and Y/N jumped to their feet at the sudden bang. Y/N’s grip on Matt’s arm got tighter before she let go. His side was now freezing cold without her warmth. He tilted his head to listen to her as she trod carefully over to the window. Her body froze and her heart had a quick uptake.
“Everything alright?” Matt asked in concern. He took a step forward before he heard her shuffle forward and then came a loud creaking sound. 
Y/N’s smile turned upward as she looked out the open window. A cheer left her lips.
“Ah ha! Fuck yeah.” 
Matt’s ears perked up. “What?”
“Why didn’t I think of this before?” Y/N scolded herself.
Matt chuckled. “Mind telling me what your amazing discovery is?”
“The window.” 
“The window?”
“We can get out through the window. We’re on the first floor. It’s a bit of a jump, but we can get out!”
Matt’s face fell. “Oh, that’s great.” He smiled again when she looked back at him. A part of him wanted to stay in the bathroom forever. Just him and her. Matt and Y/N.
Her feet hit the ground and she walked back over to Matt. Her soft hands reached out and guided him over to the window. She lifted his hand up and to the window ledge. 
“Do you think you can get up?” She asked.
Matt turned to her and smiled. “Of course, sweetheart. I’m a big boy.”
Y/N’s face flushed bright red at the comment. She was happy that he couldn’t see her right now. Matt knowingly smiled at her blush. He knew full well the effect his words had on her. Matt handed her his cane which she took and held close. Her free hand held out to help him up. Then he pulled himself up onto the ledge and swung his legs around. His knees bent the minute the tips of his feet hit solid ground. Standing up straight he turned around to the sound of Y/N following him out the window. With a yelp, Matt stuck out his hand to hold her steady as she braced herself from the jump. She muttered a quick thanks before dusting her dress off and handing Matt back his cane. She felt like a teenager sneaking out of her house. 
The two of them stood underneath the window, unsure of what to do. Inside the house, the party was raging on. Matt could hear the numerous beverages being poured, the music tuned up louder, and people’s clothes grinding against one another. The more his senses took notice of it all, the more he just wanted to get out of there. He wanted to leave the party behind, take Y/N with him and enjoy the rest of the night. 
It seemed as if Y/N was thinking the same thing. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Matt asked at the same time Y/N suggested that they leave. The two of them smiled at their synchronization of thoughts. 
“Where are you staying?” He wondered. He took a step in her direction. 
“At Cameron’s, in the dorms.” She replied. 
“Perfect,” Matt whispered. “We’re in the same building then.” He extended out his arm to Y/N and smiled. It was more for his benefit than hers. He wanted to hold her close, closer than they had been, sitting in the bathroom, a few moments earlier. There was something about Y/N that intoxicated him. Her scent, the sound of her heartbeat, the way she smiled at his attempts at flirting, all were like a drug that Matt could never get enough of. His face dropped slightly remembering that she was leaving tomorrow morning. She didn’t live here and wasn’t a student at Columbia. There was a part of him that wished she was. A part of him wished he could wake up tomorrow and be around her again–hear her heartbeat, feel her smile, smell her faint perfume, hold her close, but that wasn’t so. For now, Matt would settle on the now, making most of the time he had left and maybe if he’d play his cards right, he’d get to kiss her. 
“Mind if I walk you back?” 
Matt heard the young woman next to him stifle a giggle before linking her arm with his. She leaned into him, her calming scent washing over him. “I don’t see why not.” 
The walk back to the dorms was long, Y/N noted. Matt had chosen to take her the scenic route not that she minded. She enjoyed the walk back. The two of them chatted about life and never seemed to run out of things to talk about. She cherished the way Matt offered his jacket the minute a chill crept up her spine from the cold night. Matt loved the way Y/N pulled him a little bit closer the longer they walked. His warmth seeped into her side. To others who passed them by, it seemed as if Matt and Y/N were one person, walking so close they shared the same breaths, their hearts beating in sync. 
Matt’s pace slowed as the familiar scents and sounds of the dorms swarmed his senses. He felt his hand hold Y/N a little bit tighter, pulling her back to walk at his sloth-like pace. Eventually, his feet betrayed him and he found himself entering the doors of the building. Then the elevator. Then the hallway where Cameron’s dorm was located. Then just outside the dorm. 
Matt sighed softly at the loss of Y/N by his side. She had turned away from him and opened the door to Cameron’s dorm. Her back facing him. Her hand was still on the doorknob. Matt’s breath got heavy as he heard how fast Y/N’s heart was beating. She was waiting for something. 
Suddenly she turned around and gasped slightly at the proximity she had to Matt. Matt smiled at the sound. Her scent now filled his nose. His senses were only focused on her. Her heartbeat, the sound of her breath, the way her hand ran against her dress in an attempt to soothe her nerves, the blood rushing to her cheeks, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Her lips. Matt could tell they’d be soft. He wondered how’d they’d taste and how’d they’d feel against his. 
Matt couldn’t stand it any longer. The two of them had been dancing around all evening. The hand of the clock was moving closer and closer to her departure time. He reached up a hand to cup her cheek, the other tickled her neck, coming to rest just above her heartbeat. Matt leaned in, but she stopped him. Her hand was firm on his chest. 
“I can’t.” She whispered. 
Matt frowned and pulled away. Was he reading this all wrong?
“Matt,” Y/N reached out. She pulled him back to her. 
“I have this policy.” She explained. Matt found his hands finding a place at her waist. His grip was solid. 
“A policy?” Matt asked. His brows raised. 
“I…,” She shook her head. “I don’t kiss and say goodbye.” Her voice got quiet and if it wasn’t for Matt’s hyper-hearing, he was sure he would have missed it. 
He smiled softly he opened his mouth to reply, but Y/N continued on.
“I leave tomorrow morning and I don’t know if I’ll ever be back in New York. Hell, I don’t even know if I’ll be back in the States for that matter.” Matt felt her head fall against his chest. 
“But,” she said softly, “If I ever find you again in the future. If our paths somehow cross–like I need a defence lawyer,”
“Why? Do you plan on getting in trouble anytime soon,” Matt jokingly commented. 
 Y/N chuckled. The nervousness in her muscles relaxed. 
“Or if my ballet company tours or something like that,” She continued. She lifted her head off of Matt’s chest and cupped his face in her hands. She leaned in close and brushed her nose against his. “If you aren’t taken and vise-versa, if we remember each other, remember this…”
“That’s a lot of ifs,” Matt whispered. His nose nudging hers. 
“I know, but if destiny, fate, whatever is on our side, then I promise to give you a kiss.”
Matt’s ears perked up at those words. 
“I’ll give you a kiss. A real kiss,” She repeated. 
Matt laughed. “A real kiss?”
He felt her smile. “Yeah, not some peck on the cheek bullshit. A real kiss like how they do it in the movies.” 
“Okay,” Matt said. He wished as he held her close, that he could say something poetic and what not but words failed him. 
It was Y/N who pulled back first. Her hands fell from Matt’s face, and she stepped out of his hold. She turned away and whispered goodbye before closing the door to Cameron’s room. Matt sighed and stood outside her door taking in the promise she had made him. Forcing his mind to commit every last detail about her to memory. He’d be damned if he’d ever forget such a wonderful woman–Y/N. 
Finally, he stepped away and walked down the hall back to the elevators. He had only made it a few steps before the door flung open and Y/N rushed out. She ran to Matt. He turned around to meet her when he felt a warmth on his cheek. She had kissed him. Kissed his cheek. 
“There,” She stated. “A little something to mark the promise.” 
Matt smiled and reached out to her, his hand grasping her forearm. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. His lips a promise to find her. A promise to never forget. He lingered close to her. His soft lips against her flushed cheek. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” 
“Goodnight, Matt,” Y/N whispered sweetly. “Find me in the future.” 
It was 3.26 in the morning when Foggy stumbled into the dorm. His drunken figure ran into the walls and tripped over shoes laid out across the floor. The noise from his entrance would have woken Matt from his slumber. However, Matt was awake. His sightless eyes gazed up at the ceiling. His mind was in a trace with a prayer on loop. 
“Fuck, sorry Matt.” Foggy apologized. His voice was hoarse from the long night of alcohol and impromptu karaoke. 
Matt turned on his side. “It’s alright, Foggy.” 
“So…” Foggy began as he marched to the bathroom and hastily brushed his teeth clean. The bottle of tooth past lay untouched next to the sink. “Was it a night to remember?”
Matt couldn’t hide the large and bright smile that appeared on his face. Matt’s mind flashed with the memories from the evening, distracting him from answering Foggy’s question. Puzzled by his friend’s silence, Foggy stepped out of the bathroom. A toothbrush stuck in his mouth, and hands on his hips. 
“You didn’t…” Foggy exclaimed the words sounding mushed with the toothbrush in his mouth. He quickly took out the toothbrush and discarded it on the side of the sink. “Who is she?” 
Matt sat up and looked in Foggy’s direction. The pungent smell of the party that followed Foggy didn’t bother Matt as he thought about the woman of the evening. Part of him wanted to keep the events of tonight a secret. He wanted to keep Y/N–the memory of her to himself. However, Matt’s mouth opened up and betrayed the inner thoughts of his mind, and he told Foggy everything. He told Foggy about being locked in the bathroom. The way she sat down next to him. Her leg brushed against his. He told Foggy about how he could have talked to the woman for hours and that he had told her so much about him some of which Foggy had never known. The smell of her perfume, and the sound of her voice and when she laughed. Matt smiled as he relayed their escape from the bathroom and the way she held on to him the walk back drawing him closer as the cold night went on. Matt told Foggy of his reluctance to let her go, and how he wished she were a student here. That he could be with her again and again, but that it couldn’t be. Later today, she’d be on a plane far away from New York. Far away from Matt. 
The room grew silent, and Matt just sat on his bed. Unsure of the thoughts and feelings dancing around his head. 
“What is it?” Foggy asked. He got the sense that there was something more to Matt’s mysterious woman of the evening. “A ground-breaking kiss? Mind-blowing sex?”
Matt just shook his head. Foggy gasped. 
“I kissed her cheek,” Matt replied. He had said it as if it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. A tiny kiss on the cheek. A kiss she had ran after him for. 
Foggy feined dramatically. “A. Kiss. On. the. Cheek.” 
“No, Fog…” Matt began. His head shook at Foggy’s statement. “We made a promise.”
Foggy stopped his dramatic acting and hopped on his bed. “A promise?” He repeated sceptically. This was his friend, Matthew Murdock, the campus playboy and heartthrob, and here he was a complete sap over a girl he had only met a few hours before. It didn’t possible to Foggy.
“If we find each other in the future, remember this night, the promise, then she’d give me a real kiss.”
“A real kiss?” Foggy chuckled. 
“Like one of those in the movies.”
Foggy’s eyes narrowed at Matt. “She’s your Cinderella,” he blurted. 
“My what?”
“Your Cinderella. The promise, AKA the shoe. The party tonight, the ball. Love at first sight You get my gist.”
“I’m not in love with her Fog it’s just…”
Foggy rolled his eyes. “She’s your Cinderella,” Foggy stated firmly. “You’re a complete sap over a woman you’ve only known for a few hours. Therefore, CINDERELLA.”
Matt smiled. “My Cinderella,” he repeated to himself.
“Now, you just need to go all Prince Charming and scour the kingdom for her,” Foggy mumbled as he fell back in his bed and snuggled into his blankets. 
Matt smiled at the thought and laid back down. His eyes raised up once again to the ceiling. Y/N, he thought. Matt felt like a sinner as the most beautiful sound he had ever heard left his lips–her name. He said it over and over again. A silent prayer to God that he’d meet her again in the future. He’d find his Cinderella and claim his kiss. He’d remember her: her scent, the melody of her heart, the touch of her skin and her lips, everything. Soon Matt felt his eyelids fall closed as midnight dreams overtook him. All he could think about was her. Y/N. He’d find her he just knew it.  
Tag list: @bartokthealbinobat
Comment below if you would like to be added to the tag list...or if you want more to the story :)
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yanban-san · 1 year
Alright but they way that my tiny touch-starved being is, I can imagine how comfy hugs are from each set of twins-
Plain ol’ twins; just barely hiding in their coats as they hug you from the front-
Droids; might be a lil cold from the metal but I bet they got some heat core tomfoolery to warm the both of us up-
Eldritch; I’ve always wanted to know what hugs from shadows and feathers both feel like, just being lost in their innumerable wings, claws, scales and whatnot- every hug could be different depending on the day!
Driders; fluffy back and legs + the little clicks and buzzes they make when they’re happy, sign me up-
Hydreigons; wrapped up in their six wings to the point where you can’t tell human from hybrid-
I want ALL OF THEM to help my attention-starved existence. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
-lemon tea anon 🍋 🍵
Honest to god that's how I feel 🥲 Lemme just have hugs from my boys, pretty please-
I always thought the image of the twins having a small darling would be really cute- Like Emmet is hugging you and then he just wraps his long coat around you and you're squirming trying to escape while he's laughing- A Depot agent comes up to see what all the commotion is about and Emmet shushes them, telling them to be real quiet like- Before he asks the Depot Agent if they'd like... to purchase... a Darling- And swishing his coat open to reveal you glaring at him. Woe be unto the Depot Agent that actually tries to purchase you though. You're priceless to your sweethearts, after all. Ingo loves hugging you, or using you in the middle of the day as a pillow to squeeze while he rests his head. He'll wrap both of you in his coat- It makes a lovely impromptu blanket.
I decided to say the 'droids have quantum computers inside of them- But if you don't know, quantum computers... In their current states require temperatures as close to absolute zero as we can possibly get in order for them to work. So if they do have qubits running their brains, they are probably venting a lot of heat all the time- Especially because they have a generator inside of them as well. Hugging them is toasty, and during the Summer they are extra toasty. Of course they also run on pokemon-logic, so maybe they just have some NeverMeltIce jammed into those processors of theirs. I have also been playing around with some- Dare I say, body horror- that might get invoked with their physical interactions with their darling. But I digress; Their hugs are generally toasty, and they will grab you from afar to pull you in for one.
Eldritch boys just constantly hold you. The rare times you're alone, you can almost always feel their presence- Lurking in the shadows and out of sight- And sometimes you get pulled into darkness when you step into the shadows- Only to find yourself in Gear Station, being held by Ingo. "I missed you," He explains, tendrils and shadows coiling around you. His body dripping with the inky void that makes up his true form. Emmet grows jealous, and takes you away the moment he can. Whining as he holds you against him, a thousand voices wondering why you didn't ask him to come cuddle you too? He wants your affections- He's far softer than his brother, and prettier too! And then they spend your sleeping hours curled around you, a bed of fluffy feathers and scales and ink and light, cradling you in their claws and arms- Their precious soulmate. Their darling soulmate.
Driders have a difficult time with the hugging thing- Humans are much shorter than them, and though they have their four arms and their pedipalps, it's difficult for them to hug you- But you can hug them easily, especially if you're riding on their back. It's a place of honor, really- To be allowed on their fluffy back side, cuddling them while being carried everywhere. Their only complaint is that they cannot look at you. Though that is easily fixed. They can hug you easily by placing you in a hammock of webbing, or trapping you under them... They can also carry you- Supporting you in one set of arms and hugging you close with the other pair, kissing you with their spider mouths.
The hydreigon boys have an easy time hugging you- You just have to avoid being nommed on by them. Being bitten is their love language. Bite them back. They'll bite you in their sleep, they'll bite you while they're awake- They'll trap you in a cage of their wings, enjoying the fright on your face- That looks to them like adoration. Together, the six wings become twelve, and they lock you against them- Snapping at each other if they think the other is causing you discomfort. They kiss you, nursing on your skin, refusing to let up- Nesting with you in a lovely bed they've prepared of furs and moss and bones and flowers, while your feet are wrapped up in their tails.
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
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AN: Please check my obey me world building tag for the other posts in this series.
Inspo for this particular post: @bubbiedubs @hotdemonsummer @galoismyhimbo @waltnut @unluckykay
TWs: body horror just to be safe, mentions of mild injury, venom, drowning mention. Demons looking somewhat demonic. 
● Lvl 1.5 Starting with our loveable fishy boy, his "half n half" state has the following: a scattering of scales across his body, the biggest concentration is on his shoulders and legs. His teeth are shark-like and super sharp. He accidentally cuts his mouth all the time since he has a nervous habit of chewing on his lips. His freckles (yes, I am a Levi freckle truther) become bioluminescent but only barely. His ears look like fins. He has an extra eyelid for seeing underwater better. He also has a forked tongue. It looks cool as fuck. 
When you fuss over the demon, applying salve to the cuts the frequently littering his mouth, his ear fins wiggle ever so slightly. Is it in delight or embarrassment? Both. If the freckles glowing with a pinkish hue across his cheeks are anything to go by. When you exit his room, leaving a small jar of the healing balm behind, you might just hear a mumbled "Thanks, normie" as the door clicks shut.
● Level 2 has an increase in scales. They cover his chest all the way to his neck and down his arms. They start to become more sparse the further away they are from his torso. His horns and tail make an appearance. The bioluminescence is more noticeable, and his eyes glow bright orange in the dark. Oh! And he has visible gills! Other than that, he has everything from his level 1.5 form
You knock on Leviathan's door, having been told to go tell him dinner is ready since he isn't answering his DDD. You hear... sniffling from inside. Being the caring person you are, you crack the door open and softly call out his name. "Levi? You okay?" A large bundle that you thought was a pile of dirty laundry turns out to be a large blanket wrapped around the third born. It's completely dark aside from the illumination from the aquarium and his TV, which is paused on a tragic anime death. The blanket over his head creates even more shadow. The only thing you can see is two blowing orange dots staring straight into your soul. A pathetic sniff comes from the blanket cave, tugging on your heartstrings. Dinner is forgotten as you join the distraught demon on the floor.
● Level 3, everything from the last two but with the addition of his teeth growing longer, becoming more needle-like and his lips all but disappear. Since they would just get in the way of his teeth. He has an extra set of gills on his sides. His horns grow bigger, branching out like coral. He also grows one of those lure things anglerfish have, and his tail gets longer. Both his freckles and the light on the end of the lure glow extremely bright when he blushes. His hands and feet become webbed. His arms and legs start to have delicate looking fins along them. As well as a larger one on his spine. He needs to be kept moist, or his skin will crack, and it's gross and painful. He prefers to be submerged in water, but if he needs to leave his room, just mist him like a plant, and it'll be fine. This is the form he takes after the trivia battle… yay.
Scolding Levi for what feels like the hundredth time today, you toss one of Asmo's many expensive lotions at the demon. If this man doesn't start taking care of himself, you think you might scream. His lure and freckles flash various bright colors as you unceremoniously grab his leg and apply the lotion, being sure not to hurt the fragile frilly gills in the process.
● Level 4. Levi is every sailor's nightmare. If there is a sea monster story? That's probably him. He is completely aquatic like this. Which can be a hassle. For practical reasons, his size is dependent on how much water he has access to. For cute reasons, this means he can be a very tiny nightmare fuel sea serpent and hang out with Henry 2.0 in his aquarium. In theory, you could put him in a glass of water and carry the mini-Levi around with you. THIS GOT WAY TOO CUTE OK, so back to the freaky shit. If given enough water, Leviathan's horns will turn into a fully functional coral reef. Man has his own ecosystem. His teeth are large, thin, and incredibly sharp. They don't all fit in his mouth. He is covered in orange spots similar in shape to a blue ring octopus. And they serve the same function, letting everyone know, "HEY THIS DUDE IS VERY TOXIC" (physically, not emotionally). He secretes a toxin that, if you come into contact with it, it will cause your lungs to fill with water, no matter what environment you are in, until you drown. Luckily, unless he is super emotional, Levi has full control over it and can choose not to poison everyone. I mean, sometimes he will take on this form for funsies (playing with Lotan) so he doesn't need to be constantly secreting magic poison.
"HEY!" You shout at the glass of water in your hand. A certain otaku had a bit of a tantrum and summoned Lotan on school property. It's your job to babysit him while he's in The Timeout Cup. Levi has since calmed down tremendously and is rather playful. By spitting a stream of water at your face. The little shit!
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prinvessdior · 1 year
hello, again… I’ve written something about my biggest rivial in life bc he needs to suffer.
anyways hope you enjoy Asmo!!
(A/n: just a heads up! This takes place just a little after jjk 0! So minor jjk 0 spoilers but nothing is actually said just implied. Enjoy! Or try to lol oh and spoilers in tags!)
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I’ve seen this before, I think I have at least. This is familiar though. I’ve seen this before.
All of the bloodshed, walking across a field of bodies torn apart. Then up ahead is Jujutsu High I can see the spirits Suguru had released on this night, but it’s different.
Alone, but I wasn’t alone before I remember now.
Then, as I turn my head the scene changes, I’m holding her she’s gone already I can tell I can’t open my mouth to speak nothings coming out. I can barely see her. Why can’t I see her? She’s still bleeding, everything shaking. or is that me shaking.
But this is all too familiar, I just lean down to place my head on hers, closing open eyes, I can’t bear to look in anymore. I just tremble and hold the only thing left.
You’re not used to this sight. A finally peacefully sleeping Gojo Satoru, be it at 3:56 in the morning but asleep no less.
sighing you close the book you were previously reading to relish in the sight for a bit. Starting out running your fingers softly through his hair, pushing it out of his face before moving to cup his cheek. Leaning down to press a soft kiss on his forehead pulling back.
Then, like a fucking horror movie, Satoru suddenly jumps up with a gasp almost bumping foreheads with you. Luckily pulling back just in time to dodge his literal attack.
“Holy Fuck! What was that!?”
Obviously shocked, Satoru gathers his bearings for a moment breathing heavily, you crawl over to him hesitantly reaching out to place your hand on his that was gripping the sheets.
“‘Toru?” You ask, voice coming out softly as to not alarm him.
He says nothing but reaches out to grab you just as hesitantly as if you’re a ghost to him in this moment. He feels up and down your arms, scaling up to cup your face, you tilt your head. This was too concerning especially for him.
As he figures out that you’re alive, you guess, he lets out something between a relieved gasp and sob. He pulls you to him by your head and waist now gripping you like it’s everything he depends on.
He says there for a moment and you let him, just hugging him and rubbing your hand up and down his shoulders and back to try and comfort him. You can hear soft sniffles coming from him, and that’s all you hear before those sniffles turn into soft snores once again.
You maneuver both of you into a comfortably enough laying position given he wasn’t letting you go even fast asleep. Once you pulled the blankets over you both the best you could.
You could see the stains of dried tears on his cheeks and even fresh ones as he just fell asleep. All you could do was hug him close to you and hope this would be enough.
tags!: @asmobeuses
shoot me a dm to be added to my tags!
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justplainwhump · 2 months
PLEASE go explicit, as much as it gives me spine tingles to merely imagine the horrors one reason I'm following you is because I love how you actually choose to describe and delve into them ^^ (though of course at the end of the day it's your artistic choice and I'll love whatever)
Thank you so much anon 🫣
it's usually not entirely artistic, but mostly depending on my own emotional state (which on second thought is probably the artistic experience, but whatever). Writing right now though feels like it could go both ways, and your lovely message just tipped the scales into the explicit direction!
For your consideration, have a little snippet as a sneak peek under the cut:
Cw implied threat of noncon (m/f)
When Pat opened the trunk with a cheerful whistle on his lips, the target was barely conscious. He tossed his mask and gear in next to her, before he grabbed a fistful of her blond hair to pull her upright.
She yelped, bucked under his hold, giving him a lovely display of the way her lithe body could curve.
"We've arrived, sweetheart," he said. "WRU Preprocessing Facility C1. The last place you'll remember."
"I'm not -", she whimpered, with a stubborn edge to her voice, eyes still half closed "- not anyone's fucking sweetheart."
Pathetic. Adorable.
"Wrong," Pat playfully slapped her bloodied cheek with his free hand. She hissed at him, weakly lifted her bound hands to push him away. He just grabbed her hair faster, and leaned in closer instead, voice dropping to a whisper. "You're going to be everyone's sweetheart. First mine. Then my team's. And then every single handler's this dirty place has to offer."
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