richarlotte · 18 days
365 Days from Rot to Hot (Pt. 2).
Your word is your bond. You make a promise to yourself; you keep it. You tell yourself you’re going to do better, you do better, and you keep moving forward and doing better no matter how hard it feels at times. You can’t change yourself out of hatred; you have to do it out of a deep love and devotion to yourself. I cherish my body, I love my soul, and I consider my mind to be one of my best non-physical attributes. When I put all three to work and focus all of my energy on something, it’s hard for me to fail. I would urge you to consider making a promise to yourself to do better and focusing all the good energy you can on making sure that you don’t let yourself down.
Small things make up the larger picture. You have to remember that each piece of the puzzle has to fit, and you have to know that if one thing seems or feels out of place, everything will feel off. Imagine you’re getting ready for the most important interview of your life, and you’re done up to the nines; your hair and nails look great, your outfit is stellar, and you step out and see that your perfect dress isn’t so perfect because you didn’t iron it. Take care of the little things and watch the big picture start to make sense. This doesn’t just apply to physical changes; it also applies to emotional and environmental changes.
Watch who you let around you. If you’re unable to completely remove toxicity from your life or limit your interactions with people, control the amount you tell them. For example, I grew up taking care of my younger brother and sacrificed a lot for him, and we are not on good terms at the moment. I’m not able to just not see him, so what I do is limit the amount I tell him about my personal life, keep our conversations bland but polite, and prevent him from judging my life choices. I’d recommend looking up the gray rock method if you’d like to know more about disengaging.
Take the time to write things down. I find that I’ve made the most progress when I’ve taken the time to write things down and reflect upon them later. I had a serious issue with binge eating for several months, and I began writing about the way I felt when I wanted to binge. I was able to track my feelings, recognize when I was beginning to spiral and figure out what had triggered the spiral, and stop my binge eating in its tracks. This wasn’t all I did, but it helped me identify a behavior that negatively impacted my overall welfare and help to stop it. I do the same with people; I take notes of how I feel after spending time with them, and I also take note of how I feel when I visit certain places. 
Don’t focus on meeting a man at the beginning of your journey. The first few months of your leveling-up journey should be solely dedicated to building up your confidence, focusing on your career or your education, gathering more skills, and learning to be independent. You shouldn’t start bettering yourself, immediately jump into a relationship, end it when it becomes clear that you two don’t work well together, and then have to start your leveling up journey from the beginning. Pour into yourself during those first few months, learn how to establish boundaries both with yourself and with others, and devote yourself to your journey. Relationships, both with partners and friends, are better when you’re on stable ground and feeling good.
Pt. 3 will be about creating your own aesthetic/brand.
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my-fancy-hat · 5 months
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tf you will know what's the best for CSM!?
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diablaesque · 5 months
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Strawberry Glaze Smoothie Recipe
This is totally inspired by Hailey Bieber's strawberry glaze skin smoothie but made for us girlies who definitely can't afford a $19 smoothie daily lol. I've noticed a difference in my skin since I started having this smoothie (almost) every day and I'm not one to gatekeep!
250ml almond or coconut milk (adjust for desired consistency)
1 ripe banana
80g strawberries (about 5-6 medium-sized strawberries)
1/4 avocado
2-3 dates, pitted
teaspoon maple syrup (adjust to taste)
1 serving of vanilla collagen powder (mine is from bulk - 15g)
1/2 teaspoon natural vanilla flavoring
1 tablespoon coconut cream
spoonful of strawberry syrup or glaze (optional, to taste)
Peel the banana, pit the dates, and remove the stems from the strawberries.
In a blender, combine almond or coconut milk, banana, strawberries, avocado, dates, maple syrup, vanilla collagen powder, natural vanilla flavoring, and coconut cream.
Blend on high speed until all ingredients are well combined and the mixture is smooth and creamy. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add more almond or coconut milk to reach your desired consistency.
If you would like, drizzle in a spoonful of strawberry syrup at the bottom of your cup / glass before serving for extra strawberry flavour.
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Heartbreaking, isn´t it? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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stellarcorpse01 · 6 months
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┆I made my own genderbends to my OTP.
"Queen Dice" is still in its final preparation but She Devil, for me, turned out B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L
(I drew all that with a pencil and in class- ayyy)
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fattributes · 7 months
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Camarones a la Diabla
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colexicana-draws · 1 year
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Demon ena sketches :)
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gem-femmes · 1 month
How to handle running into a former friend or ex that you’re not looking to reconnect with
Let’s talk about something we all face at some point: running into someone from your past that you’ve moved on from, whether it’s an old friend or a former lover.
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You’ve done the work, you’ve grieved, and you’ve leveled up. You’re not interested in rehashing the past or rekindling that connection. But what happens when you bump into them in public?
Often when this happened to me, I found the other person missed me and wanted to spend time with me again - even when they had ghosted me. This made me uncomfortable. They had confused me, I had to grieve the loss of the relationship and now they want me again???
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Believing I owed them an explanation due to happy times spent together, I let them drag me into pointless discussions to figure out what had gone wrong years ago.
Every time, I realized our connection had ended for a reason, and my explaining only opened up old wounds.
Don't do that.
Here’s how to handle encounters with former friends, lovers and foes like a boss:
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1. Stay Calm and Composed
First things first—take a deep breath. You’ve already moved on emotionally, and this is just another moment in your day. You’ve got this.
2. Acknowledge Them Briefly
If you make eye contact, a simple “Hi” or “Hello” with a confident smile is more than enough. You’re showing that you’re mature, unbothered, and not holding any grudges. No need for deep dives into what happened.
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3. Keep it Short
If they try to engage in small talk, go ahead and be polite, but keep it light and brief. A quick “It’s good to see you,” followed by a natural exit, sends the message that you’re not interested in going any deeper.
4. Graceful Exit Strategies
Sometimes, it’s best to have an escape plan. If the conversation starts to linger, here are some graceful ways to make your exit:
“I’d love to chat more, but I’m on a tight schedule today. Have a great day!”
“It’s nice seeing you, but I need to finish my shopping before I forget what I need.”
“I have to go; someone’s waiting for me. Take care!”
“Well, I should get going. It was nice running into you!”
“I’ll let you get back to your day. See you around!”
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5. Don’t Feel the Need to Explain
If they try to bring up the past, it’s perfectly fine to deflect. A simple, “That was a long time ago, and I’m focused on the present now” will keep you from getting sucked into a conversation you’re not interested in. You’ve moved on, and your time and energy are precious.
It’s all about maintaining your peace of mind and protecting the progress you’ve made. You’ve leveled up, and you don’t need to revisit chapters you’ve already closed.
Stay polite, stay brief, and most importantly, stay focused on you. You’ve got bigger and better things to do! 💪✨
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brattylikestoeat · 9 months
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tomasens · 2 months
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adam wypiór odkrył pornografię ale pornografia to wywiad z wampirem w każdej formie
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garden-of-zinnia · 3 months
Pride Ships: Week 1/5
gif credits:
@hedacroft on pinterest
@playbuzz on pinterest
@buzzfeed on pinterest
@noataylorsversion on pinterest
@masoncarr22444 on pinterest
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Pride Month Ships!!!
Week One: Brittana
Movie/Show/Book: Glee
Tied for my personal favorite wlw ship <3!!!
— Graysin —
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richarlotte · 22 days
365 Days from Rot to Hot.
Increase walking, add Mat Pilates and stretching to your routine, begin light cardio and weightlifting, and do your best to hit 10,000 steps per day whilst still doing an additional activity on top of that. Walking, doing light weights, heavy cardio, Mat Pilates, and stretching made my body look amazing after losing 80+ and growing into my shape as it is today.
You need to increase your water intake as well as your protein intake. The most important thing I learned on my journey was that I needed to be eating and drinking if I wanted to see any progress. Calories, when used well, aren’t anything to be afraid of. Introducing whole foods, good meals, and proper nutrition into my life changed things for the better almost immediately. I also began drinking half my body’s weight in ounces, and the weight just fell off.
Skincare (including exfoliation, deep moisturizing treatments, sun protection, etc.) is essential. Taking care of your whole body, not just your face, is incredibly important. I take the time to care for my whole body as well as my face, and I don’t ever neglect myself. I’ll refrain from making a long list of the things I do, but I will say this: your skin is your body’s largest organ, and if you are unhealthy or neglectful, it will deteriorate and make you look much older.
Your environment is a reflection of yourself. You cannot expect to look pristine if you keep a filthy home. Tidy your room, wash your clothes weekly and hang or fold them the moment they come out of the dryer, wipe your shoes clean from scuff marks, and organize your makeup and other possessions. I take a lot of pride in how organized I am and how beautiful I’ve made my home, and part of that beauty has to do with my willingness to clean and take care of my things.
The most important part of bettering yourself is recognizing that you can and should be doing better. I’ll be the first to admit that there have been times where I’ve slipped up, but what’s helped me move forward without guilt or shame is knowing that I can think to myself, “I can do better,” and keep going. Life is going to feel meaningless if you don’t give yourself grace. In order to grow and eventually find yourself in the place you want to be, you have to recognize that doing better today than you did yesterday is an essential part of human growth and maturation.
Pt. 2 to come next.
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hottiesolitude0704 · 9 months
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plvtosun · 8 months
inprnt shop is live!
murderface "posession"
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+ pickles "green smoke" are up and listed 🖤
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dionooooooo · 8 months
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I christen this blog with a shitty redraw of an image I found on pinterest ft. Gio and Mista
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A friend, seeing the outfit and the fuck ass bob, said this has to be redrawn with Bruno and Diavolo and the rest is herstory. Who will win place your bets
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iinkbones · 1 year
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mi diosa la baño en oro, mientras le sangran los tajos
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