#dick and damian's relationship is also so special to me like damian just isn't bruce's robin
"That was the 21st century Batman and Robin, THEY'VE BLOWN IT! Those guys were IT."
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"My favourite part of [my run of Batman] is when Dick Grayson took over [as Batman], I could've written that for 10 years!" -Grant Morrison on Dick and Damian as the Dynamic Duo.
Source: Fatman on Batman
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You know if Jason did become Talia's son I have the idea that he would be someone very famous among assassins and mercenaries, but in the hero community He is an anti-hero who must be captured and nothing more and is also a popular gossip item when it comes to hero failures (along side Roy of course).
As for the heroes he is just a red hood, Crime lord and anti-hero who has a special and complicated relationship with Batman, But for assassins and mercenaries who know enough about the world he is
An Al Ghul, the first child of Talia Al Ghul, the eldest grandson of Ra's Al Ghul, one of the princes of the League of Assassins and Shadows, someone you really have to watch out for because of his skills and position. And they realized that Talia would do anything for her child, even going against her father
Without his helmet he is one of the most feared people in the underworld, he knows many assassins and mercenaries thanks to all the missions he has undertaken and is friends with most of them.
So imagine.........
Dick: You know it's a rare month that Slade isn't trying to recruit me
Jason: Oh, that's because I asked him to look for something a few weeks ago
Dick: you ask deathstroke, ask ?
Jason: Yeah he owes me something
Dick: how ?
Tim: Sometimes I still miss my spleen you know
Jason: want me to ask someone to get it for you
Tim: who you gonna ask,It's literally in ra's
Jason: I can ask so many people like deathstroke,lady Shiva, mother of soul,deadshot, Talia, Constantine drakon, Dusan, nyssa, Ben Turner, merlyn. And more that I can ask, which one do you prefer
Jason: what
Cass: I really want to know what happen to my dad
Jason: I can call someone to check on him, do you want
Cass: yes
Damian: this can be done if I can call my teacher akhi, but
Jason: which one do you mean Habibi I Will call them don't worry
Damian: how you gonna call him
Jason: I just call their phone number in my phone
Damian: you have their number
Jason: why not
Roy: you seem to be liked by all the assassin we just met huh
Jason: yeah they are my old friend
Roy: what
Jason: they just happen to be in the same misson with me
Bruce: Jay where did you find all of your trained goon
Jason: oh they are either fired form the league and join me, or just like me and follow me
Bruce: I'm not ready for that actually
Jason: good to hear
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dairy-farmer · 10 months
Hello! I finally found the courage to publicly create an account, and take this time to give you your flowers. You have single-handedly gotten me into the dc fandom (cough Tim Drake fandom cough) with your works alone. Your Piquancy series is one of my favourite fandom works ever, and I reread it every other month. Each story has its own appeal and the way you write is sublime! (Special shoutout to the icon, the legend, i want you to notice (when i'm not around) You're probably my favorite writer by a long shot, every single thing that you write just hits different. I also sent you a couple of ask prompts anonymously (Tim fixing a plate, Timber + Brutim Initials necklace, and Brutim Whump+ Damitim Marriage), and the way you turned those prompts into drabbles just made my day!
I know that fandom ain't that serious, but I just wanted to give you your flowers for inspiring this little trans girl from a third world country to start writing despite the language barrier. 🫶
Anyway, I have come bearing a prompt, a gift, feel free to add onto it, I know you'd do this prompt justice (or ignore this part completely)
Brutim + One-sided Damitim | Tim gets pregnant out of petty spite
Damian and Tim never got along, even after all these years working together, and the promises of Dick and Bruce of Damian growing out of his mean streak. There wasn't been a day where the two youngest Waynes haven't butted heads. This isn't to say that they never tried to get along, well, Tim did try. He tried being the bigger person, only for it to backfire as Damian saw this as a moment of weakness to further intensify his wrath towards the previous robin. Tim tried bonding with the brat by trying to engage with him using his interests, but Damian usually reacted by mockery followed by an insult or five.
Furthermore, Dick is always on Tim's case about being there for Damian, and actually exert some effort into forming a relationship with the al Ghul. No matter how many times Tim trying to explain their situation, he is only met with a disappointed look and a reminder that he's the older one so it's his responsibility to be the bigger person.
The breaking point was one day where almost everyone in the Batfamily was in the manor while Tim was running late from a meeting with Waynetech. Once, he got to the manor, to his surprise, Alfred wasn't there to greet him by the door, so he just went inside. He found everyone with the exception of Bruce in the entertainment room as they were all bonding over a card game. He was honestly shocked by this sight.
He first noticed how much of a teenager Damian actually is. He was no longer the cold-blooded trained assassin from the league, nor the violent sidekick of Batman. He looked like an average teenage boy while he laughed at one of Jason's quips, while giving Duke a high-five. Tim felt like an outsider, his insecurity about his position with the Wayne always loomed over his head. He tries not to think about how the robin mantle was ripped away from him by dick, or how he's technically emancipated from Bruce, as he watches Steph give Damian a noogie while he playfully swatted her back. When the hell did they become that close?
Tim makes his presence known, and while majority of the group welcomes him, the familiar sneer of Damian is all he could focus on. Cass whispers into Damian's ear while they both look at Tim, and his sneer becomes more intense. Tim could definitely tell that the room was less lively due to his sudden appearance. Tired from running Bruce's company, and hurt by the youngest Wayne's irrational dislike towards him. He had to let out his frustration, one way or the other.
"What the hell is your problem, Damian?" Tim shouted at the teen, silence fills the room as all attention turns to Tim.
"Your presence enough is a problem, Drake" Damian retorts while Cass squeezes Damian's arm whether for comfort or warning, Tim doesn't know.
"It's been years, why are you so desperate to keep me away from this family? What did I do to you?" Tim feels his tears coming, but he needed to know why Damian unreasonably hated him.
"I will never see you as family, Drake." There it is, the undeniable truth. Damian will never accept him as family. His vision is blurred by his tears as he runs out of the room. Behind him, he could hear Dick reprimand Damian for saying something hurtful, yet Tim doesn't hear a proclamation that Tim is part of the family. What Tim doesn't see is how the youngest Wayne is white out of shock from the words that left his mouth.
Tim instinctually runs to the place in the manor that gives him the most comfort, Bruce's bedroom. The room is dark as he enters and jumps under the covers. He is too caught up with his emotions that he fails to realize the warm body beside him. A familiar strong pair of arms envelop him, and the commanding deep voice is heard behind him. "What's wrong, ducky?" Tim bursts into tears as he puts his head on Bruce's hairy chest, the older man hands naturally rubs Tim's back for comfort. Tim just cries his heart out, and Bruce's presence is enough to comfort him, probably the only thing in this world that comforts him. He's been in a relationship with Bruce since the appearance of Damian, and he'd been ready to go public until Damian's disapproval of Tim made itself known. Despite, Bruce's willingness to go public immediately so he could proclaim his love for his ducky for the world to see, Tim knew that they needed to go about this carefully. This is why Tim was so adamant of forming a good relationship with Bruce's only biological son, he wanted this family as a united front from the judgement and vitriol they would inevitably receive once they go public. However, after years of trying, he finally got his answer that he will never obtain this acceptance.
"You finally okay now, Ducky?" Tim breaks from his stupor by Bruce's calm voice.
"I'm finally ready, Bruce."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" Tim smiles up at Bruce, the tears had made his face flush beautifully. "Let's have a baby."
A few months later, Bruce called for a emergency family meeting, and announces that there would be a new addition to the family. Jason makes an off-comment about who did Bruce knock up now, until Tim enters the room and stands beside Bruce, with a visible baby bump. Everyone is rationally shocked by this announcement, then appalled by the implications of this relationship. Damian though, looks like the world just crashed in his eyes. Beyond the sketchy circumstances of how their relationship began, they were undeniably good for one another. It took a while but everyone slowly had gotten used to the change in the family, all except Damian who can't bear being in the same room with the two.
Around a year later, baby Damon Wayne is born to the surprise of everyone outside the family. (A last petty retaliation from Tim towards Damian.) As expected, the public sensationalizes Tim and Bruce's relationship since Bruce knew Tim since he was a child. The Justice League expresses their concern over this relationship, but no matter what they tried, they can't find a fault or outside influence within the relationship.
Tim took to motherhood beautifully, quitting his stressful CEO job, and deciding that he rather stay at home while taking care of baby Damon. A gradual shift occurred where he became Bruce Wayne's protege to Brucie Wayne's little wife. Even Dick and Jason seem to regard him with more authority, as those two have the most unresolved mommy issues. He takes care of (runs) the family as a mother would, and he is reward for it. Damian doesn't mouth off at him anymore, especially since Tim wouldn't give him the time of day.
If Damian will never see him as family, so be it. But once, Tim gives Bruce a baby that he desperately wants, nobody could contest his position in the family as the new matriarch of the Waynes. Little did Tim know that they reason why the youngest Wayne was so incessant of his opposition towards Tim being family all stemmed from his belief that Tim was never going to be his brother, but his intended wife.
wow thank you so much!!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰!!! it means a lot to hear that you enjoy my work!!!! and even more to know that you've picked up writing!!! it makes me ecstatic to hear that!!!!!!! so many of the people who have sent asks (including yours!!!!) are so brilliant, creative, and amazing and i hope that many of them begin writing or continue with it because the best part of my day is being able to open these asks and see some of the amazing asks that people have shared with me!!!! it means so much to know that you've gotten into dc, tim, and writing!!!!!!
and then that fic!!!!! onesided damitim is sooo good and always just hits slightly differently than other one-sided tim ships!!! tim's relationship to the family becoming strained because of his and damian's inability to "play nice". damian harboring secret feelings for tim as he grows older but never being able to process them well along with still holding onto the automatic hostility he feels for tim. as a kid the hostility had been genuine. his mother had told him about his place at his father's side being assured that the current 'robin' was just holding the position. damian believed that tim was going to be his intended wife and while in the league such a position would've demanded he respect drake...in gotham, unsupervised, and as a child he...he'd given into his resentment of tim. after learning that his position was not guaranteed, that his father hadn't even wanted let alone been interested in him as much as damian had been him...
taking his anger out on drake is easy because damian got to choose nothing in his life. he's coming to terms with his childhood being a lie, being denied a normal life- grayson comforts him through it and explains all the things damian hadn't even realized he'd lost. and then he sees drake and just sees another choice taken from him. that is his future wife. his future wife who dislikes him and then runs to father at every opportunity, who has father's ear, who does not want damian there. and so damian....young and full of anger...full of resentment throws himself into that hatred and rejection.
when he grows bigger...grows older its just something that is familiar. he doesn't hate drake much anymore. but having anything change and shift disturbs damian's tentative peace. and drake's continued insistence over the years about them being family. and not just drake pushes that but father as well. the only ones who don't are damian's siblings and they stop when they see how much it agitates him. they're the only ones who commiserate damian's misery at his future wife's continued insertion to his life. so...damian is resentful and unhappy with him. he talks down to him when no one looks, shoulders him when they pass each other in the hall, treats him coldly when the family demands they act civil, thrusts the burden of their relationship onto drake. drake is yet another cage for damian...until he's not.
until he reappears in the family's life after months of being in the wind despite grayson's repeated questioning to their father. turns out he wasn't in the wind. he was with father in one of the apartments scattered throughout the city and the two were doing their best to nurture drake's body to accept the baby in his womb. they'd been waiting to announce it, they'd been closely monitoring drake's health and making sure everything was alright before telling the family. drake is almost four months along but the only indication is the slightest swelling of his belly where his womb is nurturing father's child.
the rest of the family is taken aback, aghast even. but damian...damian is...aghast because...this...this isn't what is supposed to happen.
drake is...is HIS betrothed. drake is HIS intended and if father has decided to take drake for himself then...then what did that mean for damian? why had damian not known?
damian knows he'd stated multiple times how much he despised drake and didn't want him but..but that hadn't been REAL words. he'd just been inflating his words to better reflect his feelings, he often did that the rest of the family should know that!
damian knew drake would be his no matter what so he never bother to actually...process what that would look like. not until drake was already pregnant with someone else's child.
damian sees. he watches as drake turns gentle and sentimental. as he wanders the manor....glowing with pregnancy. the way he collects toys for his child, how he designs and decorates the nursery, the way he nuzzles with father and how father gently presses kisses to drake's mouth while his large hand covers the bump housing the...the child he put inside drake. drake is more certain. confident. he no longer scurries the corners of the manner like an uncertain mouse avoiding a housecat. he strides and side steps damian when they pass in the halls even though damian no longer tries to elbow or shoulder him when he passes.
the family slowly...warms to the idea of father and drake. as does the rest of gotham and the wider caped community. reservations are smoothed away and opposition dies.
suddenly no one has a problem with it. and father and drake do not hesitate to take it in stride.
they are closer...touchier...father always has a hand on drake. stroking his thigh or wrapped around his waist or kissing his neck.
one day damian gets up in the middle of the night for a drink and passes his father's bedroom, freezing as he hears the muffled gasps from timothy and the creaking of a bed. some deep animal part of damian starts to wail and howl at the realization of what he's hearing. something claws at the inside of his ribcage as he forces himself to keep moving. he returns to his bedroom and spends the night wishing for morning to come.
damian had never wanted tim. not until he realized he was gone. not until he realized that tim....had NEVER been his.
father lets it slip just how long his relationship with tim had been and damian has to excuse himself to go throw up.
on the day that damian's....younger brother is born damian is the only one not at the hospital. he'd had a math test that day and both father and grayson refused to let him miss it.
damian returns to a quiet house. even pennyworth is gone. its not until late when the hospital's visiting hours have ended that the family returns. all except father who managed to make the hospital bend the rules in exchange for a generous donation.
damian is nursing a flat soda and a half eaten pizza by the kitchen counter when grayson, so jovial and wet cheeked from tears, bounces in and beelines to damian to show him the pictures of a newborn cradled in an exhausted tim's arms.
tim is red cheeked, brow creased with exhaustion, and hair thick with sweat. but his eyes are bright as he gazes tenderly down at the sweet babe in his arms. a boy. a sweet little boy.
his name? damon.
grayson looks so tender as he says it, his smile blinding as he looks to damian, clearly eager to see his approval.
tim had insisted on the name, grayson explained. it was a peace offering to damian, some way to finally bury the hatchet that had always been between them by naming his and bruce's child after him.
it seems that damian is the only one that sees that name for what it really is. the rest of the family believes that its a kindness, a sweet gesture.
only damian knows of the pang in his heart at the pointed dig. if tim was not welcome in damian's family he would make his own with an entirely new damian as well.
timothy and the baby arrive home from the hospital a few short days later. and damian expects more of that cold war tension that had been going on but instead timothy ignores him entirely.
he's utterly besotted by his child and is unable to lend damian even a lick of attention. father is similarly infatuated with the child, holding and caressing them at the slightest noise they make.
the family makes jokes about father and his tender handed nervousness but they all know how desperately father had ached for the child. apparently, he'd been asking timothy for years to carry his child, nearly as long as they'd been together and damian...damian needs to sit down every time he thinks on it too long.
damian would normally be so vocal. so involved in his family's going ons.
but...ever since timothy announced his pregnancy damian had found himself falling more and more silent.
in the beginning he'd done his best to point a finger outward. to find someone or something else to blame for his misery...but in the end it all pointed back to one thing. one person.
he did this to himself.
the wife he'd resented and refused to cherish would now never be his.
and damian would now always be on the periphery. on the outside looking in. watching a family that would never be his.
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cuephrase · 5 months
What are some things introduced new52 to current day that you like and think are an overall net positive for batfam continuity? (As in, it's not uncommon for me to see fan things that mainly focus on post crisis/pre flashpoint stuff but still incorporate new comic aspects, such as slightly changed family dynamics/new developments, and it's interesting for me to find out what different people think is and isn't worth keeping from what got added after the reboot)
ooooh this is a fun question!!
i was going to say i haven't read that many n52 and onwards runs, and then i realized i have actually read most of the ones i want to, i just haven't read any batman/'tec/batgirl/or duke's runs yet. (i read like...half of We Are Robin, Joker War, and i've read batman from where zdarsky come in so like have also read Gotham War.) (might read Catwoman?? not the point.)
since we're sticking strictly to net positives, i'll include something that i like, even if i have criticisms of it, but i won't get into those criticisms so we can stay positive!! (future cue, so this is kind of a lie but i swear i didn't go overboard.) i'm going to include stuff as minor as like costumes bc why not. also nothing is going to be in order of like what i like the most to what i like the least, just fyi. also, probs not definitive, knowing me i will forget something lmao
New52 Era-
tim's red robin costume. that suit is *chef's kiss* imo. i love that he has wings. i...i don't know if i necessarily want it back rn bc i am sososososo in love with his current robin costume, but i do adore the n52 red robin suit
i personally like that they went ahead and made jason less villain, more anti-hero. i think him trying to reintegrate with the batfam creates some very compelling crises
dick as Agent 37!! which...okay, no criticisms nvm. michael janin's art tho >>> okay well actually maybe sometimes i wish this was like elseworlds/black label instead of mainline but
might be a bit of a reach, but i really enjoy the first handful of arcs in n52 b&r and the relationship dynamic they established for bruce and dami
i like that tim and jason are somewhat friendly. i think it makes sense. for a lot of reasons. this is a somewhat controversial opinion, which i understand. but this is where i stand
did i like anything else from this era specifically?????????
DUKE!!!!!!! i loooooove him very happy he was added
Rebirth Era-
the outlaws, specifically jason's relationship with bizarro. (i enjoyed artemis a lot too!! tbh, haven't read these guys outside of this run tho so zero clue how accurate these portrayals are, so grain of salt?)
the return of dick's fingerstripes!!!!!!! best part of tom taylor's run /hj
TIM'S ROBIN COSTUME AHHHHHH. i'm sorry i love that suit way too much
love damian's current robin costume, although...does he have combat boots rn still? can't remember. if he doesn't, they should give those back
damian + jon's relationship, ik it gets obliterated by the stupid age up, but super sons is still very special to me
tim being bi!! now do kon dc you cowards
alfred's death. i refuse to elaborate. i could, but i shan't (this is not alfred hate tho i swear)
i'm forgetting something rn i know it
oh yeah, i do like tim being robin again. IK. IKKKK. no, i don't think he should be robin forever. no, i don't think dami is a bad robin/shouldn't be robin.
um...i liked dick getting shot in the head. the ric era is not how i would've wanted the aftermath but
i don't want to comment on anything super recent, but i do think there's stuff going on rn that could end up being net positives
the titans being reassembled. jury's out on their location but, i do like that they're back
i'm not counting yj because they're not doing anything with them rn, but they should ugh
i think...i think that's it? there could honestly be a lot more that i'm forgetting. i hope this was interesting!! if there's anything i didn't mention that you're curious about, or something i did mention that you'd like a more in-depth answer about, please feel free to ask!! i'm curious what you consider net positives anon, you should shareeee
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
could you tell us a bit more about why you like mar'i so much?? <3
Hmm, nostalgia's a huge part of it, ngl. I probably don't say it enough, but I have my fan blinders just like everyone else, and a huge part of my DickKory shipping as well as my fondness for even just the idea of Mar’i is just my willful perseverance through all the admittedly crappy takes or depictions of them and their relationship in the comics. But they were one of my first big ships, and like....they stuck on me. Imprinted. Like baby (ship) ducklings. Or I imprinted on it like a baby duckling? Idk. Something to do with baby ducklings and imprinting though, for sure.
Another part of it though - because it really is just a giant conglomeration of factors - is I fucking ADORE the trope of second generation heroes, like the children of superheroes and what their lives are like, and Mar'i isn't even just second gen, she's technically THIRD due to the fact that Dick's a second gen hero himself, being Bruce's kid and all. So that's like, the thing I like but even BETTER because its MORE and I, as you know, am all about Things In Moderation.
And then on top of that, there's also the fact that like - I mean, there's a reason I rarely talk about JUST Mar'i or even Mar'i and Jake, but tend to drone on about ALL the Titan kids en masse, because the appeal isn't just Mar'i, its her being a core part of a larger whole, with a whole BUNCH of next gen superhero kids, the future generation of Titans we SHOULD have gotten but were ROBBED of like people who got ROBBED! *shakes fist mightily* So I love that entire brood of future chaos-artists, Mar'i, Lian, Cerdian, the twins, even Bobby who is not responsible for his father being the Literal Worst.
And its just like.....we were this close to having something genuinely unique in comics, because SO MANY comics only give their Can't Let Them Age, Can't Let Them Groooooooooooow superheroes kids via time travel shenanigans and occasional genetic experimentation accelerated grow-ups.....but like, literally every one of the Titan kids we got in continuity was just....a kid, being raised normally by their parents, from babies into the possible future heroes they might someday become while we got to watch the whole thing happen, well normally plus the way Wally did it cuz he had to go and be such a special fucking snowflake about it I stg, le sigh.......at least until DC upended the chessboard and was like we're gonna murder all these babies so damn hard.
So its all of them, y'know? I love Mar'i, but I don't want a world with Mar'i so much as just a world where DC had literally just chilled and we got the whole gang.
But then ALSO, it IS about Mar'i, specifically, because I just want to see what she'd be like because I'm so big thematically on like, the impact parents' child-rearing has on their kids, and like.....I just genuinely think that Dick and Kory, when portrayed at their best as a couple, or even just as friends, like I'm honestly fine with takes where they end up breaking up but still co-parenting....like I genuinely do think their natures complement each other in such a way as I can picture them just being fucking AWESOME parents. Like, the expressive, loving, embarrassing-but-you're-actually-okay-with-it-just-can't-let-them-know-that kind of parents that are like....The Dream.
The closest thing to what I picture Dick and Kory raising kids together like is definitely Lois and Clark, as I think there's parallels there. I know I've said before that I've never been big on 'if every gen of heroes needs a Super, like Tim has Kon and Damian has Jon, then Dick needs Kara or Chris'.....like, I've never been big on that because for me, I always viewed Kory as thematically being the Titans' Superman. Like DickKory in a lot of weird ways kinda IS the Titans version of Superbat for me, and so I think their style of parenting would have a lot of crossover with Clark and Lois. But at the same time, I'm also the first one to say that no like, Dick's not Batman but he is A Bat, and he definitely has Batlike tendencies and you know I had that whole massive post-on-post-on-post chain about like, headcanons I have for quirky Batfam eccentricities that remind people that Batkids are just not like other kids, lol. So you'd have Batfam tendencies still thrown into the mix but overall a fairly healthy and happy family unit, and like....I just really want to see what that looks like or imagine it, and what teenage or adult Mar'i would grow up to be like as a result.
Similarly, the appeal of the Batfam in next gen stuff is there's so many different distinct dynamics you can imagine Mar'i having with each of them one on one.....like, there's just so much POTENTIAL in her and how she fits into her two respective family trees, because I ALSO think its incredibly interesting that Mar'i and Jake, after years of Bruce and Dick and the rest of the Batfam being characterized as like, Princes of Gotham and Gothamite royalty, like....due to Kory's family, Mar'i and Jake would actually BE literal royalty, and that's also an interesting dynamic to throw into the mix, as well as Kory's oft-neglected siblings.
But ultimately that's what it comes down to for me....I'm a sucker for untapped potential, and Mar'i just represents so damn MUCH of it. There's also the element of gestalt, like its a fave trope of mine when next gen kids are clear composites of BOTH of their parents, but also more than the sum of their parts and a distinct entity unto themselves who exists outside of just being so and so's kid.
Anyway, yeah, like I could go on for hours, probably, lol, but the gist is just....there's so many potential directions and dynamics baked into her very existence, and I would love to see any of them explored.
And again, the nostalgia thing.....like, I don't think we truly understand until we reach a certain point like, the effect time can have on your story wants or priorities, if that makes sense? Like I just mean, not to discount younger fans at all, but when you've only been reading comics for a few years or even been aware of the characters for a relatively finite length of time......there comes a point where in comparison you're suddenly like holy shit I've been a fan of this character or team or concept for literal DECADES. And that's a big element here. Like I'm in my mid-thirties and Mar'i first was introduced as possibility way back in Kingdom Come, like I first read about her when I was like....twelve.
This is a character who was more teased than ever really INTRODUCED....but like.....TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO, lmao.
That's a loooooong time to be waiting to see her actually become an idea that's explored, that's given room to expand and become an actual character rather than just the possibility of one.
Like what we got was juuuuust enough to capture my interest and be like oh okay cool, I would like to see more of her, and then....
DC: Lmao.
I just....
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