#did i do this because they are both my hyperfixations yeah
sleepboysummer · 1 year
rtc trail to oregon-esque au where the audience votes on who comes back and there is a different ending based on who gets chosen
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eosofspades · 3 months
you do not realize how much you take certain body parts for granted until you can't use them anymore hooooly shit
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nystiaa · 5 months
That part of me that wants to learn a language again has returned and I would pick irish, Im not really conversational but I know the fundamentals. But my brain is going "no, ignore that, pick scottish gaelic instead" and idk whether to fall into that trap like I did when I tried to learn welsh for 2 weeks
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evilminji · 8 months
You know what would be both Cool(tm) AND Pants Shittingly Terrifying? Eldritch Space Whale Danny!
Except NOT! Because he's not a whale! Just snoozing and Giganto-Fuck-Off HUGE!
Imagine it! Danny. Joint Custody Child of The Ancients Of Time And Space. Space is SALTY AF because their BITCH OF AN EX has used his FUCKING POWERS, AGAIN, to CHEAT. Clockwork how DARE YOU.
You knew he'd be our Son in advance!
Danny? Sitting off to the Side as a Sentient Everything and Nothing made of galaxies and starlight, howls expletives at their Ex, who is being... REALLY snippy back? WOW, Clockwork. I mean, JESUS, man. Danny's from "oh bless their heart" Nowhere, Midwest. And even HE thinks that last one was both backhanded and cold af.
......he should take notes. *continues to eat his popcorn*
Anyway! APPARENTLY, Space Parent has taken him in the divorce. With much huffing. Tucked under their arm Like The Football(tm). And honestly? This is kinda hilarious, so he's cool with it. Byyyyyy~ Clock Dad! See you on weekends~☆!
*Exasperated Time Noises*
It's pretty cool! He learns a lot. Learns he's probably? Gonna be SOME variation of Space Ghost. Might even take over Space's... well, EVERYTHING, should the unforeseeable occur. So obviously, gonna have to learn The Family Business, as it were!
Unfortunately? Still a Halfa. Bleh, squishy need to eat and sleep. Why they get in the way of Hyperfixation? Why no more space dust? Nooooo, don't drag him away from the controls! He can still learn! Sleep is for quitters! Cowards! *whining in Give Me Back My Blorbos, You Monsters*
But, no. He apparently has to "take care of his body" and "not burn out". Eat "real food". A protein bar counts! He probably ate one of those! Give him back his STARS! He doesn't CARE if he sounds like a toddler! That's DIRECT ACCESS TO THE SECRETS OF SPACE ITSELF! He'll BITE, so HELP HIM-! *Is scruffed like a cranky infant being carried off to beddy bye*
Injustice! D:<
But, none the less, body's require sleep. He shovles down his food, washes up, and flops down in his bed. In the nice lil cozy "Safe For My Half Apprentice Who Is Also My Adopted Son" corner. He passes out in that corner. Starts to float, as he has done countless times before, when agitated before bed. Floats OUT of that corner.
That Safe Little Corner.
You know... the place ALL OF SPACE connects too. Where Universe Form and Die. The Grand Recycler. Dust to Dust, from the ashes of old, to the creation of new. Where PORTALS are randomly assigned. So that the Omniversal Ectoplasmic Levels may always be balanced at near to perfect levels, allowing free flow of Souls through the various Reincarnation cycles.
Space, of course, doesn't MANAGE the Ectoplasm itself. Nor the Souls! Different Ancient for THAT, but they DO manage the PORTALS. We live in a SYSTEM after all. Everyone has their "departments" as it were. So really, it's quiet... Danny? Honey? Awful quiet back there! You, uh, fallen asleep, Starlight?
*empty room*
*inhale* AAAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!!!
Meanwhile! He be Snoozin'! And Ghostin'! Ghost Snoozin'! Is extra comfy, cause he weightless and got not booooones~☆!
But! He? Is not a child anymore! Has learned to... for lack of a better term, Let Go. To finally ACCEPT his Death. His inhumanity. His Amortality. Death no longer holds him, can no longer let him go. He is... not immortal. He is disowned, by his own doing and his own choice, at his timeless moment of Ending.
When Life let go of his hand and Death kindly offered theirs, he did not take it.
And that's okay.
It took awhile. Talking to older ghosts. Most vague and vast, near formless. Because it's... it's scary. And it's all you know. All, really, you've EVER known. Inherent to your identity, even after you leave that part you behind.
You are "human". "Martian" or "Xy'xeruian", something else, and you never question it. Even when you've left behind everything ELSE. Your name, your eyes, your history and skin. Yet you fly around and pretend. Still alive, still human.
But is that YOU?
Or just the form you found your start in?
And like? It's okay if it IS! Sometimes, yeah, you ARE. You look down deep and find a "don't know what you were expecting, buddy" sign stapled to a mirror. But more often? It's that last hurdle. The final step in Letting Go.
Everyone mourns at their own pace.
And they are the ghosts of who they were.
It helped. Mourning for the kid he was. Who was fourteen and wanted to be an astronaut. Who died and will never have a grave. The longer he exsists, for he can't technically be called Alive, the more painfully young that child seems.
It was okay.
To cry for Danny Fenton.
Then? To let him go. Let his memory, be memory. And his Past be the grave that child rests in. Loved dearly and remembered, but no longer binding his soul.
He doesn't have to wear that face anymore.
No tributes to the Dead.
He got? Kinda... BIG. Like REALLY big. Spiraling, serpentine, cracking ice, and burning galaxies. Like a fourth dimensional dragon, of ice and stars, somehow forcing its way into a three dimensional space. Atop it all, between two vast, impossible horns? Made of glacial ice coating the warping hearts of black holes, who's shape themselves seem to shift in unknowable ways? There burns, like comet trails, with super novas, compressed to decorative gems beneath glittering morning frost, a Terrible Crown.
He? Thinks? He MIGHT have wings.
He can't tell.
Because APPARENTLY he's a fuckin tesseract! Oh, no, sorry. He might me a Zone DAMNED PENTERACT!!! Is THIS what he gets for hanging out with Clockwork all the time? He just liked the quiet! Now his "true form" is PHYSICALLY PAINFUL for most people to look at!
(You see, now, why Space broke up with him? An ASSHOLE)
So! Danny stays, usually at least, in his "Hi, yes, I am Normal Human Man" Ghost form. But NOW? Now it PINCHS. Because it's TOO SMALL. But hey, that's fine! It's not like he has an ingrained habit of transforming when super tired and stressed! To float sleep for Maximum Restfulness(tm).
Ha ha!
Why does that feel like foreshadowing?
Danny? Snoozing! Space? Has LOST THE BABY! Portals? Have done a Jood Gob in Portalling, something they are vaguely sure they are supposed to be doing! Yay them! They have no brain cells but still enjoy helping! They moved a thing! That's helpful right? Yay! Probably!
And on DC's planet Earth?
They? Just choked on their fuckin coffee. One moment? La dee daa~ oooh~ look! Stars! Deep space! Oh, hiiii~ Watchtower! The NEXT? *every alarm in the building starts LOSING ITS SHIT* Giant World OBLITERATING SHAPE completely takes up the screen.
From near PLUTO.
Obviously? Superman. I mean really, OF COURSE Superman. Frankly, all the Supers. Because we would like to KEEP having a planet, thanks. Only? The more reports that come in? The more everyone is getting "oh fuck. This is a Workd Eater" vibes.
A massive, massive, Sleeping Titan of a Planet Destroying World Eater.
*highly stressed Everyone noises*
And WORSE? Superman? Can't TOUCH it! Oh sure, at FIRST he could! But then he apparently pushed too hard in just one spot! And it felt POKED AT. So now, after flicking superman HALFWAY BACK TO EARTH to make him stop? No one can physically touch it!
But! There is hope!
Because? The creature is GREEN. Bright, luminous, Lantern Green! And Earth's Lanterns have already sent for back up. Combined? The were able to move a... hand? Paw? Something. But! With the combine forces of several nearby sectors of Lanterns? They promise the power to either relocate the creature or at least hold it in orbit until FURTHER forces can be deployed!
They refuse to harm the creature until it proves actively hostile, as it could have been seeking a place to nap and chosen one inconvenient to established planetary life. Frankly? Earth doesn't CARE where you relocate the giant Eldritch Space Dragon. Just NOT IN OUR BACKYARD, PLEASE.
....YES WE ARE SURE! We don't CARE if the scientific community of our planet is begging you to set up an area for them to place an "observation satellite"! No giant Eldritch Space Dragons in our solar system! It might WAKE UP!
Naturally, about half way THROUGH this Highly Delicate Operation?
Danny Wakes Up.
@hypewinter @hdgnj @lolottes @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation
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cookiescribble · 1 year
spencer x british!reader
as a brit i would love to see a fic of a reader with a british accent and spencer adores it and mimics her sometimes
Taking It In (Spencer Reid x British Fem!Reader)
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A/N: Thank you so much for the request! This is a bit of a team effort because I’m a bit more knowledgeable about British culture (in no means an expert, I just had a hyperfixation on the Beatles and Doctor Who in middle school/ high school lmao) but Mod Angel is usually the one who writes for fem!readers. Also, we’re both American so we hope this is what you wanted! Sorry for the little wait - Mod Ghost
We also just binged season 2 of Heartstopper and tried our best to pick up on some of the language because we thought this was a really cute idea and wanted to write it as best we could! - Mod Angel
“Coffee? I thought that people from the UK drank tea?” Spencer piped up from behind as his girlfriend was pouring coffee into one of the paper cups she’d found around the canteen. 
“It heavily depends on who you’re talking to, Spencer. I feel you should know just as well as I do that everyone’s different. You didn’t profile me as soon as we started dating?” Y/N joked, to which he looked puzzled.
“Wha–no, I usually try to keep my job separate from…personal relations.” He replied sheepishly, starting to mix up his own mug of coffee. 
“That changed when we started dating, didn’t it, love?” She teased him, patting his shoulder.
It made him blush and stutter like mad, his hands waving around as he tried to scramble to find something to say. It was rare to see him speechless, but she couldn’t help but to smirk as she watched him struggle. It only lasted a few more seconds before she cut him off, reaching out and gently touching his hand.
“It’s alright, I was just being cheeky, that’s all. C’mon, let’s go back to workin’ on the case, okay?” She chuckled, leading him away from the counter with the hand that wasn’t holding her coffee resting at the small of his back as they walked. 
“I knew that!” He squealed in his own defense, which made her giggle loudly. 
A few weeks later, the BAU were out to dinner, taking a small break while in the middle of a case. Though, it wasn’t much of a break, considering they were still talking about the profile.
Spencer pointed to a plate in the middle of the table. “Can I have a chip?”
A confused silence fell over the table as they all looked in his direction. Spencer stared back at them, an eyebrow raised in his own confusion.
“What?” Spencer asked finally, breaking the silence.
“What did you just say?” JJ responded with a smirk, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“I asked if you could pass me a chip” he answered, pointing to the plate again.
“Where do you see chips?” Hotch chimed in, concerned for his mental stability. 
Still confused, Spencer pointed to the plate again.
“The fries?” Penelope clarified, gesturing to the same plate finally. 
“Oh.” He nodded awkwardly. “Yeah, can you pass me a fry?”
“You’re really spending too much time with that girlfriend of yours, aren’t you?” Morgan teased, grinning and playfully nudging his shoulder.
He smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said in a faux-English accent as he finally got the ‘chip’ he wanted as the rest of the table laughed. 
“Speaking of Y/N, where is she tonight?? I miss that girl.” Garcia complained from the other side of the table, 
“Oh, she went out with one of her mates–” Spencer started before Prentiss cut him off from where she was sat next to him, 
“Mates??” She asked incredulously, seconds away from giggling as he groaned and leaned back in his chair. 
“FRIENDS! Her friends.” he grumbled, finishing his food and making a mental note to not only tell but blame his girlfriend, Y/N, for everything he’d been through tonight. Not before giving her a kiss, though. The fact that she wasn’t here just made him realize how much he missed her, and it made him wonder if there was a correlation between missing her and talking like her.
The girls dropped him off at home a few hours later, where the first thing he said when he saw Y/N was ‘this is your fault’.
“Do you…want to elaborate on that or…?”
“Later.” Was all he said before he was hugging her and burying his head in her shoulder. 
She tugged him close, feeling him start breathing deeply against her shoulder as if he was falling asleep and tapped him to wake him up a bit so she could start leading him to their room. “Come along, darling, let’s get you into bed. You seem tired.” 
“I know that they’re fries but you say chips…it’s cute…” he mumbled as he walked, only adding to the confusion but she chalked it up to him being tired from a long day and let it go for now as she tucked him in with a smile at how cute he was. 
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writingmeraki · 7 months
gents in dilemma.
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a park sunghoon drabble !
pairing : rich!boy!sunghoon x gn!reader, teasing classmates to ???
genre : fluff/humour (?)
warnings : nothing just sunghoon using his privileges as a pretty rich boy lmao also no actual knowledge os spider-man comics im sorry if it's inaccurate <3 !
author's note : wooo! a double update ?!? who is thisss mayhaps very random but i told ya'll ( if u read my recent mingu drabble ) it's been a while since i realeased anything enha :( this was sort of a warm up to get back into writing for them! if you have any ideas pls send them in!! i rlly want to write for them again hehe &lt;3
sp dt to my enha moots ! @blue-jisungs ; @lheebra ; @haknom ; @odxrilove ; @hsgwrld ; @quaissants ; @enluv ; @hannie-dul-set ; @tqmies ; @byuqi ; @urszn ; @flwoie ; @tranquilpetrichor ; @hqrana ; @shuamorollss ; @strxwberry-skiess !! just to let you know i love u guys and think of you when i open this app 💌 !! i am ia a lot but i truly am grateful for you and your works 🩷!
word count : 1.2k
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You were stuck there anyways. Your brother wouldn’t come pick you up earlier enough and all your friends left already so you found no point in wanting to leave and sit outside in the hot and humid weather where you’ll probably just end up with mosquito bites and sweaty skin. 
The song played in your earphones as you lazily flipped through the Spider-man comic. It was your newest hyperfixation and you had difficulties getting copies but you were getting there. 
Suddenly an intrusion popped in front of you as you got to the good part, but you paid no mind to whoever it was. 
Besides, who in their right mind would want to make small talk with a stranger in the damned detention room?
The music was dull but you could hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. Sighing, you put down the comic and looked unamused at the boy in front of you. 
Park Sunghoon. Rich, smart, pretty boy who lived up to all the stereotypes that clung to his personality while also hanging out with the same sort of people. Not a stranger you thought. 
You wondered how you missed seeing him and…Park Jonseong? (If you remembered correctly) walk in. Perhaps you indeed were too focused in your daydreams. 
Now amusement flickered in your gaze as you looked up at him. 
He definitely did live to his pretty boy name you mused as you took in the moles on his face, the shade of his pink lips, the messy yet perfectly sitting hair of his. 
He gulped under your calculating gaze, not knowing why he felt nervous all of a sudden when it was his idea to tell you not to say anything to Mr.Kim for when Jay and him would ditch the detention they got that day. He confidently told his friend he would threaten you if you didn’t comply, perhaps maybe bribe you a bit and surely it would do the trick.
But how his words seemed to bite right back at him because suddenly his mouth felt drier and tongue heavier under your gaze. For a brief moment, he wondered how he had never seen you, otherwise, he knew he wouldn’t be able to forget a face like yours. 
“Now now,what ever have I done to have the Park Sunghoon right in front of me?” You grinned teasingly at him and fuck you had dimples. He swore he might have died in that moment and reached heaven.
He felt a shove that snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Uh-yeah um we- wait you know me?” You raised a brow at his words, the amusement only growing as you saw the tip of his ears getting red.
Was he flustered…by you?
“ ‘course I do, it would seem weird if I didn’t at least to you people.” You murmured the last part, darting your eyes to his friend who seemed to roll his eyes.You weren’t sure if it was because of you or because of Sunghoon.
“Can you get to the point idiot-”
“Hey! Shut up, yeah? I’m talking-”
“All I see is you acting like a huge fucking si-”
They whispered to each other, almost making you giggle at the way they both seemed to be arguing over something, you figured you were somehow involved. 
“Well see- the thing is we’re going to ditch this.” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, tilting your head a little as you leaned forward in your chair, placing your head on one hand.
“And? Does that concern me?”
“We don’t want you snitching, that’s what he meant. You can ditch too, Mr.Kim’s known for never coming back to his detentions once he leaves.” 
You shook your head, “I’m fine here, I have to wait anyways, you can-”
Suddenly a thought occurred to you, “Hmm, the snitching on you both part sounds tempting, I might even get brownie points, struggling with his class anyways.” 
No,he was not supposed to find your smirk cute, nor the mischievous glint in your eyes.
“What’s in it for me?”
“Wha- what’s in it for you?! You can ditch too! Didn’t I say that already-”
“Wait. I might have something.”
Jay stared at Sunghoon in both disbelief and annoyance while you looked at him curiously. He set his bag down and opened it, pulling out something.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. The newest edition of the Spider-man series. You’d been trying for ages to get it, but held yourself back when you saw the triple digit price point. 
Of course he’d have this. 
You gasped in disbelief, looking in awe as you grabbed it and flipped through the pages. Sunghoon found it absolutely cute the way your eyes lit up. 
He was concerned about how enduring he already found you in the span of approximately 10 minutes. 
“It’s too expensive, I can’t-”
“Who said I am giving it to you? I’m letting you borrow it so you won’t rat us out.”
It seemed the tables turned and it was your turn to be flustered under his teasing gaze and he did in fact have a cute grin. Shit-eating one but adorable. 
“I’ll take it to my grave.” You hugged the comic to your chest and did a zipping your mouth motion, throwing away the pretend key. He let out a chuckle at your actions and the sound absolutely did not do something to your heart ( You think it might have burst ). 
Jay had been observing the interaction and he knew why exactly Sunghoon did what he was doing. Seems like the supposed ‘ice’ prince was melting at your mere presence. Oh he was so going to spill everything to the rest of his friends and tease him for the life of it. 
Sunghoon’s gaze moved towards your phone, seeing it was still unlocked he took it while you yelped in alarm, “Hey! I said I won’t say anything!”
You had stood up from your chair and now only realised just how much taller he was than you when he began to type something with his hands raised above you. 
“Here. My number and I rang it to have yours. Call me when you’re done reading, I expect to get my comic back soon enough.” He held your hand and plopped your phone in it, while you remained frozen at his bold moves. Even the blonde next to him was surprised at his actions, that probably said a lot to you. 
He swung his arm around Jay who had an amused grin as he shook his head, waving bye to you, pausing for a moment when he realized something as he looked back at you.
“What’s your name?” 
“Uh-oh um,” You were still in a trance at what just happened as you said your name, not as confidently as you wished and you cursed yourself mentally for already being so hung up on his actions. 
He repeated it as if testing it out, “See you soon then,” He grinned at you as you just chose to wave back, thinking you might just say something stupid. 
Looking down at your phone, you saw his number and back at the comic book that laid on the desk, you grinned bashfully, shaking your head as you laughed.
Maybe just maybe, Park Sunghoon wouldn't have to wait until you finished the comic for you to see him. 
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌
links : main navi ! | enhypen masterlist !
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holycrimin · 2 months
In honor of me getting my first ever TMNT Comic,
here's Leo with a crush who gets overly excited when gifted something they're obsessed/hyperfixated with (cough definitely not me cough)
while I did buy the comic for myself (it was an Eastman and Laird's TMNT adventure special) I wanted to explore this more because my brain is way too active and i need an outlet lol
pls dont blame me if its a little ooc, im trying my best and this is impulsive T0T
note: Reader uses they/them, Leo is a massive dork, semi proofread
2012!Leo x Expressive!Reader
Saw something he thought you'd like while on patrol,
"Hey guys, you think they'll like this?" He looks throught the window.
They snicker and shit on him (lovingly in a sibling way)
Whether it was a poster or figurine or comic, he's getting that baby just for you
Obviously he'd get it by paying because stealing would be wrong.
And by paying he means snatching it in the middle of the night and leaving a twenty with an apology note
Because that's what heroes do
Hops up to your apartment,
(with his brothers watching from the shadows because they absolutely cannot resist a good show. yes, even Donnie; like a true hypocrite)
He makes sure that neither your parents are there with you and he knocks on the window
You, with your ultra smart brain, immediately knew it was him because it was either that or a murderer that climbed up to specifically your window to murder you
which was unlikely, but hey, so was being friends with a giant turtle
You open your window and are immediately greeted with a shiny (not-so-brand new) comic/poster/figurine of the thing you talked about nonstop for weeks. maybe months. actually now that you think about it it mightve been year—
"No way. NO WAY." You take it out of his hands (gently) and look at it in awe, before looking up at him with a dazzled expression
(If you squinted you could see sparkles coming off of you)
"What- Where- Dude. Where'd you even find this?!" A wide grin on your face as you look at him.
"Oh y'know.. Patrol and fighting bad guys, awesome stuff. Uh, then, y'know.. I found some merch that I thought you'd like."
"Dude he's seriously blowing this." one of the guys (mikey) whisper. "Yeah, he's worse than Donnie." he says, earning a 'Hey!' from Donnie.
Leo glares at them for a second before turning his attention back to you.
You let out a giddy giggle, "ahh! dude!"
"Dude." You set it down gently and put both of your hands on his shoulders. "I. Love you. So much. You know that?"
He blushes a little, "Well, I mean, it's not really a big de-"
"Not a big deal?! DUDDEE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Is this a marriage proposal?" You say, shaking him a little.
"Wh- um.. What?" Leo lets out a weak chuckle, he feels his face heating up. "Because I accept. Let's get married, I love you so much. Oh my god, you have no idea-"
Ohhh god.
Yeah, that does it.
Well, even more than it already has.
"Whahahaha... Okay, uh, You don't really mean that, do y-" Oh.
"..Oh, sorry, is that too far? I mean, I do it with my other friends, but I'm not sure- Leo?" Yeah, no this is going to kill him. Kinda pathetic, huh? That a kiss on the cheek could send him spiraling just like that.
"Ah.. hahahah! Okay cool, haha.. uh, bye! I'll ah.. see you tomorrow? yep. Yeah. Okay, bye!"
He runs off.
Aw crap.
Did you do something wrong? God, you hope not. Maybe you should tone it down next time.
"Smooth moves brother, really got them falling for you."
"Shut up."
Total writing time: idk like 15-20 mins?
Any fellow fic writers feel free to take inspo or even write a direct sequel to this, I just really like this idea and would absolutely love to read more abt it lol
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ponett · 3 months
Since you are a gamedev, do you notice any difference in how you play and critique games in comparison to how non-game developers do it?
Sometimes, yeah. I pay attention to details a lot, especially if it's something that inspires me for my own work. With pixel art games, I pay a lot of attention to where the devs choose to use bespoke sprites and scenery. I also tend to pay attention to when changes in mechanics are used to underscore a story beat. That sort of thing.
In general, I think that actually making a game and studying game design can make you better at gauging how individual design decisions contribute to the overall intended experience of a game. This can sometimes make me more understanding or even appreciative of little things that annoy the average player.
For an easy example: Lots of people complain about how you have to backtrack to a goddess statue to upgrade your health in BotW and TotK, rather than just being given a Piece of Heart. But even setting aside any discussion of the choice between upgrading your health or your stamina (or neither, if you're a masochist) that the goddess statues offer, as a designer I understand the value in making players go back to town. Maybe while the player is backtracking to town to use a goddess statue they also see that the NPCs are doing something different now due to a change in the state of the world, or a new side quest has unlocked, or they're reminded to stock up on items and use their cooking ingredients. But there's also just value in down time, offering a tonal contrast between the safety of town and the excitement and danger of the rest of the world. And the player is more likely to grow attached to a town they visit repeatedly, their home away from home within the game world, compared to a location they pass through once or twice and then never have any reason to revisit. I think as a designer I'm able to appreciate these sorts of things more, rather than just judging them as a player based on whether or not the game is "wasting my time."
This can go both ways, though. I think I've become more picky with JRPGs because I've spent so much time analyzing their specifics in the process of making my own RPG. A lot of people will look at something like Bravely Default and see them as faithful throwbacks to classic Final Fantasy with a few modern twists, but to me the differences in how those games are structured and paced and balanced are glaringly different in a way that just makes me appreciate the way the classics did things more. Or like I'll play Octopath Traveler and just hyperfixate on how the areas are all structured identically.
Granted, I don't think you NEED to have made a game to get into this sort of mindset, but it's a factor.
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
I'm crying laughing, the DVDs are even worse than I remember... Season 1's menus are silent with a single static jpg of the same key character art they use for everything else, and the episodes on the Season 2 discs don't even match what's listed on the box! Absolutely stunning lack of shits given. Truly unparalleled. But I really shouldn't be surprised given... well... everything about how this series has been treated since the very beginning.
Time for a quick ~✨PHANDOM HISTORY LESSON✨~ to give newer/less hyperfixated folks more context for why the graphic novel being as great as it is is such a HUGE deal:
Danny Phantom was one of Nickelodeon's MAIN cartoons, in its time. It was a central pillar. One of the top three or four of their lineup, which is saying something when the competition includes the cultural juggernaut that is Spongebob.
Despite this, and despite its superhero theming making it perfectly marketable, it got basically ZERO official merch.
What little we did get was often ugly and very, very cheap. The dedication at the start of the graphic novel that jokes about collecting the Burger King toys? That's because it was some of the most notable merch the franchise EVER had. (I sadly do not have any of it. There was no BK in my hometown. Here's a pic from the internet, though, to give you an idea.)
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If you think I'm exaggerating about that being the most significant physical merch to come out of the series, consider that the first video game had an entire menu option specifically for the Burger King promotional tie-in:
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That video game, by the way, was one of only two ever based on the show. The first was an adaptation of "The Ultimate Enemy" in the style of a short sidescrolling beat-em-up, and the second was themed around "Urban Jungle" and (as far as I can tell--I've only played the first couple levels) was an arcade-style scrolling shooter. Both were for the Gameboy Advance, and both are...... fine, as far as cash-grabby video game tie-ins to kids' shows go. This was pretty normal for the time, so I suppose we did okay in that department, actually. They're not GOOD, but they're playable and have at least a bit of effort put into them.
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But besides those two video games (plus a handful of simple, long-defunct Flash games on nick.com)? In the decade and a half since the show ended?
No books, no games, no comics, no web shorts--unless you count mega-crossovers with every other Nicktoon (a la Nicktoons Unite), or soulless promotional material like "Fairly Odd Phantom" (which, trust me, despite being the first new DP animation in over 10 years was not even worth the effort of watching).
...I think there was a limited edition FunkoPop once?
So yeah.
A Glitch in Time is not just the first cool, well-made thing we've seen from the franchise in a while. It's the first THING we've seen since the show. PERIOD. And arguably the first worthwhile supplementary material to EVER come out of the show, depending on how you feel about those GBA games and the Nicktoons crossovers.
This franchise is widely beloved even now, almost 20 years after it first aired, and it feels like that fact is now, finally, FINALLY getting some official recognition.
PLEASE read A Glitch in Time. Tell other people about it. The series--no, the fans--deserve this (and more of this, if the folks in charge see enough of a response and decide to grace us with any followup). It's LONG overdue, but better late than never.
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hotluncheddie · 1 month
💕🪱Wiggly Wednesday🪱💕
ty for tagging me: @runninriot @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @whimsicalwadewinstonwilson @someforeignband <3
I’ve had these worm thoughts for a while but I dunno if I'll turn it into anything. Think bc of the nuance that I would need to put in it. <|:3
But basically! I’m thinking about autistic Steve again. My lovely lovely high masking autistic Steve. Who struggles to ask for help and struggles with how much he’s allowed to share, struggles to look after himself and is still learning about his needs and his desires.
Thinking about how he’s so good at following rules, because most of the time that genuinely makes the most sense to him. It’s how he navigates the world, how he’s built his mask and scripts. How he’s kept his secrets, kept himself safe.
As long as he’s not effecting anyone else, he doesn’t need them knowing the rules he’s made, the ones he breaks and why - what that might mean. So it can be to his detriment, it can be to people please, it can be a way for him to ignore himself. But they’re also a part of him, an important part; they're all he’s ever known.
But what makes it complicated is thinking about all of that, in the context of navigating a d/s dynamic. With Eddie and him exploring that part of their sex life a little.
Because, thing is, Eddie knows how good Steve is at following rules, how willing and eager he is to be good. But Eddie’s doesn’t want to hurt him. So they would both have a lot to learn, about each other, and about communicating.
- So maybe it starts as:
‘What do you think baby? Would that be hot, you’re not allowed to cum unless it’s with my permission?’ Eddie asks, kissing over Steve’s stomach, looking up at him all sprawled out and cozy on his bed.
Steve traces the line of Eddie’s nose, lips pouting in thought. ‘Like we did the other day?’
‘Kind of, but more like, when I’m not there too. You have to wait until the next time you see me.’
Steve liked what they did the other night, Eddie going slow, teasing him a little. Telling him when to touch and when to stop and when to finish is a slow syrupy haze.
But, if Eddie’s not there. He usually likes to touch himself before bed, to help him sleep. Pretty much every night. Like, like a routine…
(And that’s the thing. Working through Steve asking for things he needs, understanding that some changes could be for his benefit. Never meant to be to his detriment. What that means for his masks and scripts and taking real care of himself. To let Eddie into the world of his rules and maybe let him make some of his own - that requires a lot of honesty, and that's scary.)
- And so maybe there's a bit of angst, some hard talks and hard truths, but then maybe it shifts into something with a bit of comfort, like:
‘How about this, we can try rules, but things that are about taking care of yourself, and we don’t have to do punishments. It’s more, like, I want you to tell me when you’re struggling Stevie, and maybe this will be something that can help.’ Eddie says, pulling Steve’s hand into his lap, connecting them.
‘You like how showering feels right? You said it makes you feel good?' Eddie waits for Steve's nod. 'Ok, so I want you to shower for me, each night, it can be quick and the same as your always do it, same with your hair.’ Eddie continues, tucking a lock behind Steve’s ear. Steve curls toward him, pulling his knees up to his chest and resting his head in Eddie’s shoulder. Not looking, but listening.
‘And it might help, you know, if you think you can’t do it but remember that Daddy’s rooting for you, yeah?’ Eddie drops his voice, speaking softly into Steve ear. ‘Daddy knows his baby likes to shower and brush his teeth before bed so that’s what I want baby to do okay?’ Eddie asks, smile blooming sweet and cocky on his face as Steve squirms, shifting himself closer, throwing a thigh over Eddie’s and seating himself in his lap. That word always makes Steve feel a little crazy. Makes him feel gooey and loved.
‘But, and this is the important part baby, if you can’t, if it’s too hard, I want you to call me okay?’ Eddie asks, linking their fingers again and looking Steve in the face, waiting for his small nod.
‘And you don’t have to use that word when you call, if you just want to call me Eddie, that’s perfect too. Or if you call and say it’s a bad night and can’t get any more words out that’s fine. I just need you to call me yeah? That’s your rule. Okay Stevie?’ Eddie finishes, shaking their joined hands and smiling when Steve gets out a little ‘okay’, looking Eddie in the eyes for a flash, smiling, leaning into Eddie’s arms, moving closer for a kiss, and another, and another.
yeah! Just ideas!! Maybe I’ll write it all down one day, but maybe not. Hehehe.
✨Tagginggggg✨ : @scoops-aboy86 @pearynice @steviewashere @devondespresso @marvel-ous-m
@wynnyfryd @wheneverfeasible @thefreakandthehair
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Sam Winchester x little sister!reader, Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Author’s note: this hyperfixation is reaching ridiculous proportions, but hey I’m not complaining, enjoy another fic!
Synopsis: set during the end of season 4, Sam’s desperation for demon blood is making him do things he wouldn’t normally do
Warnings: Sam being an absolute jerk (with a bit of redemption) reader is slightly injured, Sam hurts the reader, this one’s a bit dark.
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It had been three days. Three days of Sam stuck in that demon-proof room, screaming like every demon in hell and on earth was in there with him.
Dean wouldn’t let you go down to see him, but that didn’t keep you from hearing the screams from upstairs. You were tired, and scared. You just wanted to let Sam out, but you understood why he had to stay there.
Despite this, you couldn’t sleep. Every second Sam was screaming, it was torture for you, but somehow the silence was even worse.
Dean was keeping you close these days, maybe in his mind it was to make up for how he hadn’t watched Sam close enough. So there you were, on Bobby’s couch, in Dean’s arms, when Sam escaped, and you saw him creeping around outside the window.
You didn’t know why you didn’t wake Dean, for some reason the thought just didn’t cross your mind. You saw Sam, and your only instinct was to run to him.
That was a mistake.
You decided to go around the far side of Bobby’s yard so that Sam wouldn’t see you coming, which is why when you got to him, you saw that Bobby had beaten you to him. You watched as Sam knocked him out with his own gun, and you knew that you couldn’t get through to him, not yet anyways. So you did the only thing you could think of.
You snuck into Sam’s trunk, and let him drive away with you.
You waited for Sam to get into the hotel before getting out of the trunk. You were just about to walk into the lobby when it happened. Black smoke flitted in front of your eyes before forcing itself down your throat. You nearly gagged on it, before you felt another mind enter yours. A more dominant one. It took control of your body, forcing you up the stairs and to Sam’s room. You could only watch as it knocked on Sam’s door, and you saw Sam’s look of surprise when he opened it. The demon walked you into Sam’s room, and it didn’t hesitate. It jumped at him instantly, taking your knife from your belt and going for Sam’s throat. Sam dodged, and tried to use his powers to get the demon out of you, but to no avail; he was too weak.
He changed his tactic, and instead of trying to exorcise the demon, he used his power to fling you into the wall. You felt your body jolt, and then you heard a horrible crunch, before everything went dark.
You awoke tied to a chair, a demon’s trap drawn under you. Sam was sitting in front of you, his eyes trained on your face.
“Well hello, Sammy,” the demon said.
“Exor-“ Sam didn’t even get the first word out before the demon cut him off with a laugh.
“Oh, you don’t wanna do that. At least not yet.”
Sam glared at you.
“And why wouldn’t I?”
“Because I have something you want. Something you need.”
Sam scoffed, “Oh yeah, like what?”
You felt the corners of your mouth tilt up in an awful grin.
Sam swallowed hard, and you could see in his eyes that he had already thought about this.
“C’mon Sammy, you know you need it. Ruby isn’t coming, she hasn’t answered your calls in weeks. You need my blood.”
Sam licked his lips before glancing away.
“I know how much you’re hurting. Trust me, I can help you.” The demon twisted your hand, and you noticed a cut on your finger that you must’ve gotten when you were thrown across the room. A drop of your blood dripped to the floor, and Sam visibly flinched.
“Go ahead. Take it.”
Sam moved so quickly that even if you had been in control, you wouldn’t have had time to cry out.
He lunged forwards, grabbing your small hand in both of his, and began sucking the blood out of the small cut on your finger.
It didn’t take more than a few seconds before it became obvious that it wasn’t enough; the cut wasn’t big enough, and the little taste that Sam had gotten had only increased his craving. He reached down to pick up his knife when it happened.
You felt the demon retreat inside you. It didn’t leave, but it relinquished control, allowing you to speak and move.
You struggled against the ropes, and Sam hesitated, sensing the change in you.
“Sammy, Sam stop please!”
He looked up at you.
You whimpered, “It’s me, it’s me the demon’s letting me talk, don’t do this please! Please Sammy, you can stop this.”
Sam’s eyes welled up, but he didn’t put down his knife.
“I…the demon is…” Sam was unable to look at your face, too intent on the knife, and what he was trying not to do.
“Sammy it’s me, just get the demon out, exorcise it, please!” You cried as Sam gave up, lifting the knife to your arm.
“I will, I will baby I promise. I just…I need this first.”
Sam grabbed your arm to hold you still, slicing a cut a few inches long into your forearm.
You cried out in pain, but it only got worse as Sam leaned down and began to drink the demon’s blood out of your cut.
You jerked your arm back, trying desperately to escape your big brother’s grasp, but to no avail.
“Sam, Sam stop it! Sam, you’re hurting me!”
Sam wasn’t Sam anymore. Not right now. Now, he was so hooked on demon’s blood that he couldn’t live without it, he needed a fix and he couldn’t stop.
At least that’s what you kept telling yourself as your big brother sucked the blood out of your body through a cut that he had made.
You were just starting to feel dizzy, your vision slightly blurry, when Sam finally pulled away.
As he did, blood dripping down his chin, you could see it. The pure, unadulterated disgust in his face. In that moment, you had no doubt that your brother absolutely hated himself.
That moment only lasted for a second, before Dean swung the vase against Sam’s head, and he collapsed in a heap in front of you.
By the time Sam came to, Dean had exorcised the demon out of you, and you were sitting on one of the beds, unable to take your eyes off your unconscious brother.
As Sam stirred, Dean stayed in the back corner of the room, desperate to talk to Sam but sensing that you needed to talk to him first after what happened.
When Sam lifted his head and looked at you, you flinched, making Dean wince.
Sam jumped up immediately, heading right for you. You misunderstood his eagerness, and you scrambled away from him, a whimper escaping your lips.
“It’s-it’s gone Sam…the demon was exorcised, I don’t have the blood anymore, I swear, I swear, please.”
Sam froze. You had backed up all the way to the bed frame, and your whole body was shaking as you held your injured arm against your chest, as if protecting it from him.
“I-I wasn’t-“ Sam reached for you, but flinched back when you cried out and tried to get further away from him.
“It’s not in me, it’s not in me Sammy I promise!”
Sam’s lip was quivering, and he found that he couldn’t even look at you. He dropped his gaze, swallowing hard.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I swear, baby I’m so sorry,” Sam forced himself to meet your petrified gaze. “I’m so sorry, I won’t hurt you, I won’t.”
You ducked your head, hugging your injured arm even tighter to your chest.
“You already did.”
Sam suddenly felt desperate to explain, even though he should have known it was unexplainable.
“It wasn’t you, I didn’t want to hurt you, I just needed the demon-“
“The demon was in me!” You jerked your head up, and Sam nearly flinched when he saw not anger, but fear in your eyes. “It was in me, and you could’ve gotten it out. You could’ve helped me, but you didn’t. You made it worse.”
Sam stepped forwards, “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. Let me help, let me try to-“
You were shaking your head, curling in on yourself and holding your hurt arm in a vice grip.
“Stop, stop it, get away! Go away!”
Dean finally stepped in, grabbing Sam by the shoulder and pulling him back.
“Sam, don’t. She’s scared, and you’re not helping.” Dean brushed past his brother and came to you, gently taking your hurt arm in his hand.
“It’s ok, baby. He won’t hurt you, I promise.”
“He already did,” you sobbed, holding onto Dean’s arms.
Dean reached up and brushed the hair away from your face.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. I won’t let it happen ever again, I’m right here. He can’t hurt you.”
Can’t. Not won’t. Can’t.
Sam felt his chest constrict, his breathing quicken. Dean wasn’t reassuring you of Sam’s goodness, he was promising protection. Protection from him.
“I’m so sorry,” Sam didn’t bother trying to get close to you again. “Please, let me help. That cut is-“ Sam swallowed past the lump in his throat, “that cut is pretty deep. Let me stitch it up.”
Sam held his breath as he awaited your response. You never let Dean stitch you up, he had as you called it, “butcher hands”. It was always Sam patching you up, always.
“No. Dean,” you whimpered, holding out your arm to the eldest Winchester.
Sam watched as Dean stitched your arm, his instincts screaming at him to comfort you every time your breathing hitched, or you flinched. Every time you did something that alerted both brothers that you were hurting. He fought his instincts though, knowing that he would only scare you, only make things worse.
When night fell, Sam slept on the couch so you and Dean could have the beds. It wasn’t much, but he was trying to do any little thing he could think of to be nicer to you. It was all he could do to keep from running to you and holding you close, apologizing until you promised to forgive him.
He had never felt more like a monster in his life. He had never felt more disgusted with himself.
Sam lay awake long after you and Dean went to sleep. That was why, when you started to call out, he was at your side long before Dean even woke up.
He would’ve stayed away, afraid of scaring you, if it wasn’t for what you were calling out.
By the time he reached you, you were thrashing around, and when he managed to pin you down he saw that your stitches had ripped, and your arm was bleeding again.
“Y/N, honey calm down, calm down!”
He hadn’t even noticed that your eyes were closed until they snapped open. As soon as you saw Sam, you scrambled away from him, and he jumped in surprise when you started to scream.
“No, no, get away! Leave me alone!”
If you hadn’t broken open your stitches, Sam would’ve listened to you. But as it was, he didn’t want you to hurt yourself, so he held onto your injured arm, keeping you from moving around but making sure to be gentle.
Not that it mattered. The pure terror on your face made it clear that as long as Sam was close, you wouldn’t be calm. You were crying now, which he supposed was better than screaming, until you started trying to kick him away from you.
“Y/N please, please calm down you’re ok, I’m just-“
Sam felt himself being jerked away from you, and he grunted when he landed hard on the floor.
“Stay away from her, Sam! Can’t you see she’s terrified?”
“She’s bleeding, Dean!” Sam was too worried about you to bother arguing with Dean, not that he really disagreed with him.
Dean grabbed onto your shoulders, trying to keep you still while he assessed you for injuries. When you saw it was Dean in front of you and not Sam, it didn’t take long for you to calm down. Dean carefully held your arm as blood dripped onto the sheets, before he turned his eyes to Sam.
“Sam. What did you do?”
Sam flinched, “I didn’t do that! She was already bleeding Dean! I only came over here because she was calling out for me, yelling my name.”
Dean shook his head, “She was terrified of you, she wouldn’t-“
“Dean it’s ok,” you reached up and grabbed at Dean’s arms. “It’s ok, I was having a nightmare. I think he’s right, I ripped the stitches in my sleep.”
Sam slowly got to his feet and looked down at you.
“You…you weren’t calling for me. You were…” Sam swallowed and averted his gaze from you. You didn’t want his help. You were having a nightmare about him hurting you.
Dean sighed, “I’m gonna have to stitch this back up before you go back to sleep.”
Neither Winchester boy missed the quiet whimper that escaped you. This night had been hard enough as is, and you hated stitches.
“Hey…” Sam took half a step closer to your bed, going as slow as possible. “Baby, please let me help you. It’s…” he scoffed, “it’s literally the least I can do. Please, let me stitch you up.”
“Sam, just let her-“
“Ok,” Dean stopped when he heard your quiet voice.
You nodded, “O-ok. You can do it.”
Dean hesitantly stood to let Sam take his place at your side, but you gripped his arm.
“Don’t-don’t go.”
Dean nodded his head, carefully seating himself next to you on the bed so that Sam would have room to work.
Sam was hyper focused as he lifted the needle and began to work. He didn’t want any false moves, any missteps. He wanted to make this as painless as possible for you.
Dean held onto your hand the whole time, his eyes fixed on Sam. It was making Sam nervous, but he wasn’t about to comment on it.
About halfway through, Sam started to lean down so that he could get a closer look, trying to make sure his stitches were straight.
When you saw Sam’s face leaning towards your arm, you flinched violently and let out a frightened yelp. Sam leaned back instantly, and Dean squeezed your hand.
“You alright? I can finish if you want me to.”
You shook your head at Dean’s offer.
“I’m ok.”
Sam finished the stitches, making sure to keep his head as far away from your arm as possible as he worked. He stared at you for a long moment after he had finished, something nagging at his brain.
You and him had this…this stupid little tradition. It had started when you were four years old, and you had dropped a glass at a diner, slicing open your calf. Sam had carried you back to the motel room and stitched you up, and you had still been crying.
“It hurts, Sammy,” you whimpered.
“It’s ok, I know how to make it better,” Sam leaned down and pecked his lips against the stitches, and you giggled through your tears.
The tradition had stuck around, and every time he finished tying up your stitches, he always kissed the wound, and every time you laughed.
It was stupid, and you were probably too old for it, but…but Sam didn’t care.
You met his gaze, and seemed to read his mind. He could see the fear in your eyes, the hesitancy, and he was about to pull away when he felt your arm moving. He looked down and saw that you were lifting your arm a little closer to his face. An invitation.
Dean tensed when Sam began to lean towards your arm, but he stayed silent when he noticed that you didn’t stop him.
Sam made sure to move slowly, not wanting to scare you. He gently kissed the cut on your arm, and pulled back just slightly to look at you. You weren’t exactly up for a laugh, but he did manage to get a little half-smile.
That was plenty good enough for him.
“You ready to go back to sleep?” Dean asked, interrupting the moment.
You nodded, and Sam didn’t miss the way that you gripped onto Dean’s arm. Apparently Dean didn’t miss it either.
“How about I sleep with you here, and we let Sam have the other bed, ok?”
You tried to hide your relieved smile and failed miserably.
“Yeah ok.”
Sam pulled away from you and went to the empty bed, trying not to be hurt by the fact that you were so scared, you wanted Dean near you. It wasn’t your fault, it was his own. And at least you had let him stitch you up.
He knew he was nowhere near your good graces, and he was most certainly a million miles from Dean’s, but he also knew now that you didn’t hate him.
That would have to be good enough for now. At least until he could make it up to you.
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tv3headz · 7 months
Loser, baby reprise idea
If we get a reprise of loser, baby in season 2 I want it to be the opposite of the original song.
like wether that be something going on with alastor, his gambling/ alcohol tendencies, or the fact that he hates he’s a winged cat. Maybe, if we wanna be angsty, all three. 
Like how the OG song was a combination of ANGEL’s relationship with VAL, his self destructing habits like drugs and alcohol, and his self hatred for his body and being a toy for Val, (or a PET, like how Alastor sees husk!) 
And then I believe this would take place somewhere more personal like in a enclosed room or bathroom or even at the hotel bar, where the OG was in a messy open setting on some rando street.
Preferably it would be later in the season so there would be a bigger break and relationship development to help the reprise hit harder since it has ALREADY become their song. (And to help the pacing)
So husk would be all down in the dumps and Angel would lift him up the same way Husk did to him all those months ago but since then, their relationship has become deeper and sweeter so it would be slightly more… cute? 
Like I don’t want something as light as the more than anything reprise compared to the original song where it just becomes lighter and more natural, no.
I want it to be sweeter in a way where it reflects how these two are still struggling together, are still losers together but it’s become less insulting and more lighthearted and teasing. like we already see in episode 8 that the losers thing has become a cute lil joke. 
So, it developed even more to where the reprise makes it genuinely sweet while not dumbing down on the purpose of the original song? That would be PERFECTION.
It would be shorter than the og since it is a reprise, and it would NOT be where they kiss. I have many ideas for when they kiss (if they even do cuz omg I love slow burns but idk if I could wait ANOTHER season if we even get a S3) probably about a minute long like the other reprises.
Since I’m so hyperfixated on this idea, I already imagine the main line is changed ever so slightly. 
Instead of ‘you’re A loser baby,’ it’s something super sappy and romantic like ‘you’re MY loser, baby,’ and they would both joke about how soft and stupid they’ve become?!?! I would MELTTTT.
I highly doubt if this were to happen these would be the lyrics by here’s my idea of how it would kinda go 
Angel to husk: so things look bad, and you’re back’s against the wall… *much slower, lighter, softer.
You’re whole existence seems, fuckin’ hopeless..
You’re feelin’ filthy as a {I feel like they would change the lyric here, but it would depend on the context and setting to make it work. Like how the og was outside a gross bar, the line ‘dive bar bathroom stall’ fit for that situation. Or it’s just a general metaphor and I’m insane.}
Can’t face the world sober, and dopeless… [ok imagine instead if it getting higher here like the OG song it gets LOWER? It would be a nice change for a reprise : o]
You’ve lost.. you’re way… but you know you’re life ain’t wrecked {There’s two ways the buildup to the chorus rewrite could go. - 
They could keep it the same, or change it up in a way to where Angel is referring to how Husk already helped him through this and this situation and how he knows it’s pointless to dwell. Which is why he’s helping husk now with the same problem, but he’s just a dumbass because he knows this! Reflecing on the original song idea of ‘yeah you’re pathetic but so am I with you’ kinda mentality.}
So I guess we’re correct… {or, as I originally said, OG lyrics BASED ON story context. Obviously idk what S2 is gonna be like lol}
You’re my loser, baby, my loser, goddamn baby you’re my fucked up little whiney bitch, you’re a loser just like me.
*And I would adore it if husk just did a sarcastic scoff and said ‘thanks asshole’*
You’re my screws-loose boozer and only one star reviewser [this line on they would sing it togetherrr]
You’re a {Depending on if the OG song was saying that Husk was also a power bottom and that was his company or if he just generally had company is still unclear to me, so they could hypothetically keep that line or take a spin on it where they joke about, say, husk being a submissive top? I’m just flowing with ideas gosh} [I wouldn’t be able to make a clever rhyme for that joke except for this so why not] >>>>>>
You’re a sub top at/off the highest rooftop, but you’ve got company~* in a more flirty and teasing tone cuz husk was also teasing him a lot in loser, baby* 
I will not explain the joke but it’s pretty self explanatory [The roof is considered either the most empty or luxurious part of a building, it can also be roofs, flying, wings I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS! And off if we want be a lil… dark if we ain’t referring to flying 🤨] 
|Anyways I ain’t no professional songwriter in any way that’s just a little personal dumb line|
And then it would end! Like I said not in a kiss like the more than anything reprise cuz I don’t really want another chaggie parallel? (Not saying the chaggie and huskerdust parallels are bad it’s just parallels between the f/f couple and m/m couple when they’re both very different I don’t want to be many) - 
I think it would be a hug or a soft snuggle or something more simple get intimate like that : P since Angel needs sweet stuff not more ‘sexual’ :/ advancements.
Or this whole thing is pointless cuz the point of the song was Husk telling Angel once and for all that he’s not alone and they wouldn’t need to bring it up again? But we already got the instrumental so there’s slight hope…
Anyways, if we were to get a loser baby reprise that is just my personal idea of what I think would happen! Obviously the second season is already written but if something even remotely similar happens to this I will be happy. Hell maybe I was right on point but it’s highly unlikely haha
Toodles~ |I didn’t write this at 2 am instead of sleeping on a school night cuz I had 2 assignments due whatttt|
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makeste · 2 months
BnHA Chapter 428: Night of the Kouhai
Previously on BnHA: Well at least Spinner is sort of kind of doing okay??
Today on BnHA: I see the check that I sent to Horikoshi finally cleared.
okay first things first, you all know how it is right. I’ve never made a secret of my Kacchan bias on this blog. I promise you I did actually write a recap to 426 and 427 as well, but both of those chapters went HEAVY on the themes and drama and philosophical shit, and my reactions were kind of all over the place, and the Todoroki one in particular was like a million words wrong and it needs a shit ton of editing which I don’t know when I’ll have the spoons for
on the other hand however, a chapter like this which features class 2A cuteness and an absolutely unreasonable amount of Kacchan character development fanservice to hyperfixate on, takes absolutely no spoons at all and in fact actively recharges some of my spoons, so yeah. here we are
anyway so when we last left off Kacchan and Shouto were in terrible danger from a threat more terrifying than any they’ve ever encountered before. so I already knew this chapter was going to be great
“IIDA IS BIG AND STRONG AND AUTHORITATIVE, LET’S HIDE BEHIND HIM, HE WILL PROTECT US” everyone, I’m delighted to announce that the BnHA manga ending arc, despite having its ups and downs until this point, has officially been saved thanks to this panel right here. pack it up folks. this was officially a sweeping success. this panel brought Tomura back to life and teleported Touya’s mind back into his childhood self from roughly ten years ago time travel fix-it style. Horikoshi you beautiful bastard
Shouto trying to explain that he can handle them one on one but just not ALL TOGETHER IN THIS TERRIFYING SWARM LIKE THIS... buddy you don’t have to explain yourself sob. or is he trying to negotiate with them??
meanwhile Kacchan skips the negotiations entirely because he’s already assessed the situation and knows that the best way to handle this is to appeal to Iida Tenya’s boundless love of regulation and social order
y’all it’s killing me that this boy can handle being LITERALLY MURDERED by the greatest evil the world has ever known. but a group of admiring fifteen year old kouhais? no sir. that’s where he taps out
“but I thought Bakugou liked attention” yes well, you see, Shinsou, it’s kinda a “monkey’s paw curls” sort of thing
“well you see up until recently the ladies all thought Kacchan was a feral troll so they avoided him at all costs” wow Deku this man literally died for you and you just throw him under the bus with zero hesitation just like that
“SOURCE: ME, HIS CHILDHOOD FRIEND” just adding in his credentials in that little footnote there lest anyone question his authority on the subject
wait so is Shinsou surprised that girls used to not like Kacchan? or is he surprised that Kacchan and Deku were childhood friends? I can see how the latter might be surprising (oh Shinsou, sometimes I forget that you effectively just got here. we have so much to catch you up on. you will not BELIEVE how badly the two of these kids just want to hold hands all the time), but ngl, I’m rooting for the former just for the implications. “you’re seriously telling me a certified ten like him never had any girls interested in him?”
Horikoshi, hear me out, I know there are only two chapters left after this, and they’ve both already been written. but if you wanted to rewrite one of them at the last minute in order to add about a dozen more pages solely dedicated to Shinsou interrogating the rest of class 2A about Kacchan’s love life, out of what he insists is just innocent curiosity with no ulterior motives. well, I would not complain about that
anyway so yes Shinsou he is still single, for now. though I don’t really think it’s the girls you need to be worried about
meanwhile Mineta is all, “I just wanted to let all of you know MY opinion, which is that Bakugou isn’t morally upstanding enough for my delicate sensibilities.” yes you heard that right. Mineta of all people is weighing in on which personalities are deserving of being popular. that’s some audacity right there
“IT GAVE ME COURAGE” omg yesssssss. jotting this down for essay material at some future point in time!! because THIS. this right here is the true “what it means to be a hero” in my opinion. a hero is someone who brings reassurance, yes. someone who makes people feel safe. but I think a hero should also be someone who makes people feel brave. someone who inspires other people to be heroic in turn. so yes, this, all of this, inject it into my veins. wtg Deku
having an official fanboy apparently broke Deku’s brain. hang in there bud. I know you’ve still got villain angst to work through, but try to enjoy this. you’re allowed to have nice things
IS MINETA STRANGLING KACCHAN BY HIS FUCKING TIE OMFG. THAT’S WHY HE NEVER USED TO WEAR THEM. also you’ve worn my patience down all the way now Mineta. get the fuck out of my blog
also Kacchan successfully beat the shit out of him with his ONE GOOD ARM so take that Mineta
also shoutout to this KiriBaku moment right here which feels like the first time we’ve had the two of them together in ages. good stuff
I’m LOVING this panel of Ochako staring at Deku all indecipherably, but ngl it’s also giving me just the slightest bit of anxiety, because does this mean we’re finally gonna get answers on what ultimately happened to Toga. it better not be sad. please don’t ruin my happy chapter with depressing things Horikoshi
“tell them no” OH MY GOD AIZAWA’S TURNING DOWN ALL THE INTERVIEW REQUESTS FOR HIS KIDS SO THEY CAN JUST BE KIDS AGAIN FOR A LITTLE WHILE nooooo what is this. “yeah but I’m prioritizing the kids who aren’t up for dishing to the media about all of their horrific trauma.” omfg. it’s been too long since my last Dadzawa feels. I wasn’t ready after all this time
you guys Izuku finally got a new hero costume that’s not in tatters after all this time. all it took was his old costume getting literally torn to shreds. and now he’s back to looking twelve years old again lol
now they’re putting the kids to work. glorified janitorial duty. Deku you better not be using up any more of your embers on this sob
this motherfucker did not just liken my baby boy Kacchan to “distressed denim” omg. we have less than three chapters left and we’re spending our hard-earned time on this and I TRULY WOULD NOT CHANGE A SINGLE THING
“Kacchan on light duty” PROTECT HIM!!! don’t think I don’t see you over there too in the background, Aizawa. he’s surrounded by dads. they’re not letting him out of their sight again until he’s thirty
meanwhile he’s out here quietly sorting through trash with his one good hand without complaint and without even the barest hint of a gremlin face. with his half-and-half costume so we can’t see how fucked up his arm is. AND NO MORE MASK. we burned the mask. my thank you letters are in the mail, Horikoshi. and you too TomurAFO, this was your actual greatest contribution to society
“don’t worry, I’m gradually recovering” fsdfkslfkj r.i.p. my ability to take this man seriously ever again. do you think his voice is like the normal sexy Edgeshot ASMR voice except all high-pitched like a squirrel in a Disney princess movie. it is, isn’t it
he can make hands now. buddy you’re amazing. mvp of the entire fucking manga. my son literally owes you his life. please let me see you sitting Jeanist’s shoulder like a parrot before this wonderful glorious chapter ends
Kacchan’s little cheek scar is somehow both badass and adorable at the same time. I can’t stress how fucking much this chapter is just surrounding me with “protect him at all costs” feelings.
“are you... [ever] gonna go back to normal?” because if not he’s gonna cry himself to sleep every night for the rest of his life!! no big!! YOU WOULDN’T DO THAT TO HIM WOULD YOU EDGESHOT?
...or wait. so does he mean he is indeed going to go back to normal eventually? or is it that he’s embracing this new form as an exciting new evolution, hence the “even further”? it kind of feels like the latter, ngl. especially with this weird sad little smile Kacchan gives in response... fuck me. what the hell am I gonna do when this series ends in two weeks. nobody can rip my soul to pieces as utterly and effortlessly as Horikoshi does, man
THEY MADE THE KIDS LUNCH AWWWW. though in fairness there’s something seriously messed up with Japan if any of these kids ever has to pay for another meal again for the REST OF THEIR LIVES. like come on
noooooo goddammit I’m tired of seeing Izuku quietly despairing over things that AREN’T HIS FAULT
I am glad to see this side of the civilian population, though. sure have come a long way since the low point that was the U.A. clown mob. I like this a whole lot better ngl
what’s up with this mysterious bus all of a sudden
they’re apologizing again dsfkjlskdfjlsfd THEY DIDN’T EVEN CONSIDER EVERYONE’S CIRCUMSTANCES!!! holy shit these first years are all collectively my new favorite character
Cementoss couldn’t take the pressure omfg. is this your first year as a homeroom teacher?? YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING OUT OF CEMENT BUT CAN YOU MAKE YOURSELF A FREAKING SPINE, CEMENTOSS. I love him
Cementoss is telling them to go work in the corner so they don’t bother everyone else lmao. stuck them as far away from Kacchan as possible. good looking out, Cementoss. how many dads are we up to now?? five? six if we count Iida????
“hey so anyway what actually is up with these fucking kouhai though” I don’t know but my greatest regret is that this only became a thing three chapters before the series finale. where has this nonsense been all my life
“I don’t really understand” me neither fella but here in BnHA land we just roll with it
now we’re cutting back to Ochako who’s making yet another mysterious face that makes me think she knows perfectly well how much we all want to know whether Toga is alive or not, and she’s deliberately dragging it out just to fuck with us
okay I honestly can’t tell if Ochako is being fake cheerful or genuinely cheerful. but it’s definitely fake cheerful right??
aaaaand there’s a close up of Deku with FULL LIGHT back in his eyes like the clouds just parted for the first time in an age. accompanied by a THROB sound effect. ohhhh buddy. did my boy just have a hormone. is it finally that time
THEY’RE LETTING THE KIDS GO BACK HOME OMG. if they want. awwww. r.i.p. fanfic dorms. poor Shinsou missing out ONCE AGAIN
THEY DIDN’T CATCH THE CONCLUSION OF THE TOGACHAKO FIGHT ON FILM??! oh hell no. that settles it, she’s definitely still alive
tell me this cheeky motherfucker (Horikoshi, not Ochako lol) isn’t going to try and actually END THE SERIES with Toga’s fate still all ~mysterious~ and ~up in the air~ like I’m starting to get the sneaking suspicion that he’s doing
oh my god lol. I’m so curious what’s going to happen next week. my money for the record is on them bonding in a STRICTLY PLATONIC WAY over their respective dead(!??!?!) villains rather than a Romance Thing happening. but I wouldn’t be bothered if they do go there though just so long as we don’t get any timeskip epilogues where they’ve all got fucking kids and such now. don’t you do that to me Horikoshi Kouhei. I swear to god two chapters left omfg. this is really happening. the inexorable march of time etc. etc. ahhhhhhhhh
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Having talked a bit about both Chi-Chi/Goku and Bulma/Vegeta, I wanted to talk a bit more about Chi-Chi and Goku's relationship, and why it works for these particular characters.
As I talked about before, Goku is an aromantic character. He's also probably asexual or at least on the asexual spectrum. He's obviously not sex-repulsed as demonstrated by the existence of Gohan and Goten, but he's disinterested in the pursuit of romance or sexuality. Or any social endeavors, for that matter; Disappearing for years at a time while none of his friends get so much as a word from him was normal for Goku long before he ever even had a family.
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It's a practice he retained even after he "settled down" with Chi-Chi.
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"See ya later, Chi-Chi! I'm meeting up with all my old pals for the first time in five years."
This is just how Goku is. He doesn't have much of a social instinct at all. He has hyperfixations he wants to pursue, and he has varying degrees of "I do/do not like this person". but he isn't driven to socialize. The reason he's living with Chi-Chi is because he made a promise that he would live with Chi-Chi.
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Yamcha's explanation here is Goku's sole conception of romance. They have to live in the same house now because that's what Goku promised her. That is Goku's one and only wedding vow.
He. Uh. He's not even very good at honoring that much.
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Goku you literally only understand the barest possible minimum of what this social contract means and you're still failing at it. How do you even.
In any case, what makes Chi-Chi/Goku work is the innocence of it. Because Chi-Chi's comprehension of what they're actually doing here is as limited as Goku's is.
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That's it. That is Chi-Chi's comprehension of romance. She is backest of backwoods Alabama Royalty. In this scene, she was five seconds away from letting herself be manipulated into thinking that a man that did this a minute ago was secretly in love with her:
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See, it's okay 'cause he said "I love you" afterward so I guess this was all just a misunderstanding!
I'm not exaggerating when I say that Chi-Chi dodged a fucking bullet given the quality of relationship she could so easily have been suckered into. This girl was destined to be a domestic abuse victim.
...uh. Y'know.
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Apart from one of the grossest jokes Toriyama ever wrote, I mean.
Point is, Chi-Chi is in the same boat as Goku. For Goku, this all started over a misunderstanding. He didn't know what Chi-Chi was talking about when she said she wanted him to ask for her hand.
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For Chi-Chi, it's exactly the same. This all started over a misunderstanding. She didn't know that Goku just learned what girls are like three days ago and had a bad habit for a while of groping people to discern their genders.
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Both of these kids are naive, innocent morons.
This innocence, this total lack of comprehension for what they are actually doing for both parties, is what makes their oddball contractual dynamic come across as funny and inoffensive. They aren't in love with one another in a romantic sense; They're playing house on a large scale.
The first day they met, they made a contractual agreement off of mutual dumbassery. The second day they met, the got married to fulfill that contract. Now they're trying to do the things that Chi-Chi was socially conditioned to believe you're supposed to do when you're married. That is their entire relationship with one another.
There is an innocence to all of this that allows the aroace Son Goku to be in a hetero dynamic without his partner coming across as predatory.
This, incidentally, is also why it's for the best that nothing ever came of this:
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Yeah. Oh yeah. This. If it had been Bulma instead of Chi-Chi, this absolutely would have come across as predatory.
With Goku being aroace, there's essentially no possible way these two characters could get together romantically that wouldn't seem unbelievably manipulative on Bulma's part. Unlike Chi-Chi, she knows exactly what she's doing. She's super-intelligent, socially literate, and supremely amoral.
If these two got together, it would absolutely feel like she was taking advantage of Goku's naivety. That's why, though their relationship is arguably the strongest and the single-most important interpersonal relationship in the series:
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It vitally remains platonic to this day.
This is, itself, the beauty of Toriyama's character writing. His plots have varying degrees of jankiness to them, his "traditional values" and sometimes flagrant sexism bleeds through his work, and there are some really gross moments here and there. But one thing he grasps well is the unique dynamics of every interpersonal relationship.
At no point are these characters simply "A group of friends". Every relationship between two characters is unique, built upon their own personal identities and histories with one another. Tenshinhan's relationship with Goku is not the same as his relationship with Gohan, his relationship with Krillin, or his relationship with Vegeta.
And they often defy easy categorization into boxes like "The Lovers" and "The Pals" and "The Besties". Goku's relationship with Bulma or Vegeta or Chi-Chi is what it is, and it is nothing else, but what exactly it is isn't easily pinned down into a neat, digestible semblance of normalcy. It just. Is.
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mohgreal · 3 months
I looked into a few spoilers and watched a fight with Radahn/Miquella and I gotta say that Mohg didn't deserved to be used as a husk for any of this
Like all of this doesn't make sense to me lore wise, story wise and the final fight itself looks like a reused asset...
I may be wrong of course, because there is not enough information about Miquella's plan fully, but for now I'm just extremely confused
Gonna go cope now by drawing Mohg's and Malenia's fanarts where everything is well and fine😔
Anyway sorry about the rambling, just wanted to talk about the dlc thing with someone and since we are mutuals I thought you wouldn't mind
U can ignore and delete this ask if you want, sorry for bothering, hope you have a good day!!
First of all, never apologise for yapping to me thats the entire point of my account sdiwbfjx
And yeah, the so called so called "plot twist" being a popular theory sucks. Like what did Mohg do ?? Have a cool outfit?? Honestly I would rather suffer through the "mohglester" and slander then this. It does make him more sympathetic, but also kinda boring.
The fight really does feel like it was made a day before, someone on reddit thats a game dev made a whole long ass reply of how theyre certain thats what happened.
Anyway I dont really have the *full* scoop of lore info since I havent played the DLC yet because my laptop broke, I do still think it's a shitty way to end both Miquella's arc, Mohg's arc, Radahn's arc that was supposed to be finished, and as well as a shitty way to end the dlc. I know fromsoftware simps will just tell me to cope but like, its so bad. Im not sorry because it makes zero sense, looks bad, and the fight feels reused and boring.
I do think we should all collectively cope, (mostly me and the pre dlc miquella enjoyers) which i plan to do by writing whatever. I want to play something else to get my mind off all the sote issues but im too hyperfixated and once again I don't have the laptop to play anything on whoops
conclusion always ramble to mohgreal
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 4 months
A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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