#did you vote yes for sans saying sorry.
kyojuroloveme · 2 months
Rengoku!reader's first appearance in bsd cuz I'm bored and here's something before the thing you guys voted for ☺️❤️ for Reader their gonna have they/them pronouns cuz I said so lol (yes I'm a girl but it's easier lol)
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3rd POV:
It's been a week since Atsushi has been in the agency but surprisingly he hasn't met you yet! How surprising!
The reason why he hasn't met you yet was because, you were on your mission, on a train.
Sweet authors note: (NO YOU DIDN'T DIE...not yet..?)
Unfortunately, yes you had injuries, but you survived and got treated normally (Yosano did something to others but for this she treats Reader normally LOL)
You were the most positive and nice person at the agency, so of course they were happy to see you!
When you got back you were gifted with bento! Of course when you got there you ate it, the office was filled with the sound, "UMAI!" From you
Atsushi arrived back from the mission with Ranpo and Dazai, when Dazai and Ranpo saw you, they were in disbelief on why they weren't informed about your arrival
"Oi {Reader}-san! Why are we not informed about your arrival?" Dazai whines but you just shouted
Ranpo chuckled while Atsushi was dumbfounded
"Who's this?" The tiger boy said with dotted eyes
Then you noticed them
"OH! MY APOLOGIES!" You shouted, Atsushi was of course startled with your shouting but Dazai and Ranpo along with everyone else in the office was used to it
"Um I'm sorry but who are you!?" Atsushi shouted back nervously
"Sorry, Atsushi this is {Reader} {Last name}! They are deaf in one ear so obviously they yell" Dazai explained to the nervous boy
You just smiled brightly like the sunshine person you were, Dazai being Dazai cooed at your smile
"And despite their yelling, they're a nice and great person!" Dazai continued and Atsushi calmed down but still was nervous
"Hey {Reader}, bother to explain why you went on a mission for THREE WEEKS AND NOT BOTHER TO TELL IF YOU'RE OKAY OR NOT!?" Kunikida yelled angerly at you, aggravated and concerned but hid it
Sweet authors note 2: (let's say during the mission it took three weeks lol)
You looked over at the angry male
"I'm sorry Kunikida! I forgot to write because I was helping passengers and fighting some of the Port Mafia!" You shouted happily, still having a bright smile on your face
"WELL WHEN YOU HAD TIME YOU COULD'VE SAID SOMETHING!" he shouted again, still aggravated and concerned as he walked to your desk
"Well I apologize but I had injuries!" You still smiled and spoke brightly, then you patted his head
"Kunikida-kun, be nice to {Reader}-san!" Dazai spoke, hugging you, you laughed brightly and patted his arms, oh everyone just loved your laugh, it was pure and adorable like you
"W-Well it's nice to meet you {Reader}!" Atsushi spoke, you smiles warmly and patted his head, while still patting Kunikida's, Kunikida went: :0
"You too!" You spoke happily, smiling brightly
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001: Kamishiro Rui (WXS)
002: Momoi Airi (MMJ)
003: Shinonome Akito (VBS)
004: Shinonome Ena (N25)
005: Aoyagi Touya (VBS)
006: Hinomori Shizuku (MMJ)
007: Akiyama Mizuki (N25)
008: Otori Emu (WXS)
009: Tenma Tsukasa (WXS)
010: Hinomori Shiho (L/N)
Warden: Hoshino Ichika (L/N)
Jackalope: Hatsune Miku (VS)
I planned out Tsukasa first, because he’s my favorite…
009: Tenma Tsukasa
Obviously my favorite character is gonna have the most ideas.
there are so many things i could do with his character, like,, i could give him DID like Mikoto, or he could be similar to his character in PJSK
“(cheerful) ..My name is Tenma Tsukasa! (saddened) Formerly, a Future star.. I’m 18, a third year at Kamiyama High School.”
This would be his introduction, or something like that.
He would, like Mikoto, have DID.. and he would, like Mikoto, not quite understand why he was there. He wouldn’t be violent for awhile, and he’d try to be kind. The friendships he’d make would 003, 001, 005, and 008. After trial 2, it depends if he gets guilty or innocent.
Guilty → changes to violent, closeted(?), untalkative. Still talks to 003, 001, 005, and 008, but never to others. Usually, him talking leads to fights.
Innocent → cheerful, happy, talkative, sympathetic. Attempts to befriend those voted guilty, and attempts to comfort them. Gets violent when the attacker of the guilty is near to them.
And then I wrote a script!
action: ichika walks in. clattering of boots, it catches Tsukasa’s attention.]
Ichika: “Prisoner Nine, state your name and age.”
Tsukasa: “Tenma Tsukasa! 18 years old, third year at Kamiyama High School.”
Ichika: “I am prison warden Hoshino Ichika.”
[Action: extend arm, hand out to shake hands.]
[Action: Tsukasa shakes Ichika hand. Energetic, but not too energetic.]
Tsukasa: “Pleasure to meet you, Warden-kun.”
Ichika: “I believe we’ve met before, Tenma-san.”
Tsukasa: “..eh? What do you mean, “we’ve met?””
Ichika: “Don’t you remember Saki-chan’s childhood friends?”
[action: Tsukasa stands there for a second, seemingly thinking.]
[action: Tsukasa has a surprised face.]
Tsukasa: “ahh, Ichika-chan! I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you. You look different, per say..”
Ichika: “Well, i’m glad you haven’t forgotten me. But don't get formal, Tenma-san.”
Tsukasa: “of course. I’ll stick to Warden-kun, then..”
Ichika: “it doesn’t matter.”
Tsukasa: “okay.. You can call me whatever you’d like.”
Ichika: “of course. Now, we shall began the interrogation. We’ve wasted too much time.”
Tsukasa: “yes, of course.”
Ichika: “silence.”
[action: Tsukasa darts his eyes to the side and nods.]
Ichika: “Sekaigram exists for one purpose; Everyone in here are murderers, and it’s our, Sekaigram’s, duty to come to the judgement if your sin is forgiven.”
Ichika: “Tenma-san, do you remember anything that happened before or during the event of the murder you committed?”
Tsukasa: “..no. This feels like a mistake, i shouldn’t be in prison. You know that, right, Ichika-chan? I haven’t committed any sort of murde—”
Ichika: “Silence! I will not be biased, and you are to call me the Warden. Understood?”
Tsukasa: “yes, ma’am.. “
Ichika: “Tenma-san, what have you been doing as of late? Perhaps, do you have a job? Something you do for fun?”
[action: Tsukasa opens his mouth to speak. He hesitates.]
Tsukasa: “I work at.. Phoenix Wonderland.”
[action: Ichika confused at hesitation.]
Ichika: “do you work with anyone? Perhaps someone I might know?”
Tsukasa: “…Kamishiro-kun and Emu-chan.”
Ichika: “Ehh? Prisoner one and prisoner eight?”
Ichika: “But… did anything ever happen between you guys? It seems like your bonds aren’t very… strong.”
Tsukasa: “Emu-chan was acting weird, and then she got arrested for some reason. I don’t remember why, but she had been a little.. off. As for Kamishiro-kun…”
[action: Tsukasa has a fearful, maybe worried(?) expression.]
Ichika: “Tenma-san? Is something wrong?”
Tsukasa: “....Kamishiro-kun is my best friend. He trusts me. I trust him.”
Ichika: “what are you hiding from me?”
Tsukasa: “Nothing, warden-kun.”
[action: Tsukasa smiles. He is sitting with his hands in his lap.]
[action: ichika seems aggravated, or rather, upset.]
Ichika: “Tenma-san! Speak now! Is Kamishiro-san threatening you?!”
Tsukasa: “ehh? No.. nothing of the sort. Warden-kun, are you okay?”
Ichika: “Shut up! I’m fine, i’m asking you whats wrong! Answer me, Tenma-san! What is it that Kamishiro-kun did?!”
[action: Ichika’s boot clatter on the floor as she walks closer to Tsukasa. Her hands are in fists.]
Tsukasa: “He didn’t do anything. Kamishiro-kun is innocent.”
[action: Ichika looks dumbfounded. She has a blank expression.]
[action: ichika laughs slightly and quietly.]
Ichika: “hhaha… hahahaha… AHAHAHAHA! Tenma-san, do you coin me as a FOOL?!”
[action: ichika kicks down a chair, turning around with her hand in fists.]
Ichika: “I’ll give you one chance. What did Kamishiro-kun do?”
Tsukasa: “...I saw him.”
Ichika: “eh?”
Tsukasa: “I saw him, watched him, commit his murder.”
Ichika: “...!!”
Tsukasa: “It was on accident. He didn’t mean to. It’s not his fault, it’s not.”
Ichika: “..that’s for me to decide!!”
Tsukasa: “I request you give him the verdict of innocent, please.”
Ichika: “ghh.. And what about you?! Do you want a guilty verdict?! You, Tenma-san, are a murderer! As well as Kamishiro-kun, Otori-kun, Hinomori-san, and everyone else!”
Tsukasa: “i’m not a murderer! Warden-kun, i’ve told you so many times!”
Ichika: “ you are a murderer! There is no doubt about it, do you understand?!”
Tsukasa: “no.. no… im not.. I’m not.. I’m not, i’m not, i’m not, i’m not… I’M NOT! I’M NOT A MURDERER! I’M INNOCENT! SHUT UP!”
Ichika: “.....!!!”
Tsukasa: “dang it.. So aggravating… aahaaha.. Stop it… shut up..”
Tsukasa: “you think you’re so great because you’re the prison warden?!”
Tsukasa: “you think you can boss people around!?”
Tsukasa: “hahaha… stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid..”
[action: Tsukasa kicks Ichika, she falls.]
Ichika: “--gah..!!”
Ichika: “..what? But– you– thats.. Impossible..”
Tsukasa: “hahaa.. Impossible, you say? ahahaa… impossible… impossible…”
[action: Tsukasa punches ichika.]
Tsukasa: “You’re sooo high and mighty, you can’t get hurt! Ahahaaahahaa… that’s what you thought, isn’t it?”
[action: Tsukasa punches ichika again, and again, and again. Ichika is wincing in pain, eyes slightly teary.]
[action: Shiho hits Tsukasa in the back of the head after swinging her bat.]
[action: Tsukasa gasps and falls, passing out.]
Ichika: “--!! Ggh..”
Shiho: “..ichika, can you get up?”
[action: Shiho reaches her hand out. Ichika uses it to stand up, using Shiho as support.]
Shiho: “It seems like Tenma-san can loose his temper very easily.”
Shiho: “but it seems like you can too, Ichika.”
[action: Ichika looks to the side and frowns.]
Shiho: “we’ll talk later. For now, get Tsukasa-kun to wake up. I assume he won’t remember anything.”
Ichika: “..mhm.”
[action: Ichika nods. Body language indicates tiredness.]
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linagram · 5 months
[ 𝙿𝚛𝚎-𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟷 ] 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎
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yay yay the verdict system reveal is here!
hopefully it all makes sense and is not too confusing... also please keep the ending of this voice drama in mind for the future :)
(the door opens)
Hinode: We're here.
Miki: S-sorry for being late!..
Hinode and Miki: ...
Hinode: Huh.. Maybe he's hiding somewhere?
Miki: W-why did he ask us to come anyway?
Hinode: Who knows. *sits down*  The third trial is going to start soon, so it's most likely related to that.
Miki: ".. The third trial.."
Hinode: Is something wrong, Miki-san?
Miki: .. It's just..
Miki: I can't believe we've come so far.
Hinode: Yeah.. You're so strong, you know that? I've joined you all very recently, but you've been here since the very beginning.
Miki: .. Eiji-san is very strong too. 
Miki: I hope he comes back soon.
Hinode: .. A-ah, right.
Jackalope: What, are you sad that such a pretty girl is ignoring your compliments?
Hinode: Ah, here you are.
Jackalope: Hm? No screaming this time?
Hinode: Well, I'm kinda used to your company and your sudden appearances, so..
Hinode: The only downside is that I have to try really hard not to sneeze because of my allergies, haha..
Miki: ...
Jackalope: Hey, Guard 002, is everything okay?
Miki: .. I don't think you're actually worried about me, so let's just get started, okay?
Jackalope: .. You've really changed, huh?
Miki: Please, just tell us why you've called us here-
Miki: .. I forgot your name.
Jackalope: *sighs* Fine, let's just get into it.
Jackalope: So. The third trial.
Hinode: (to Miki) Told you it's gonna be about that.
Jackalope: By the way, how has everyone been doing lately? I'm especially curious about the guilty prisoners, considering their punishments-
Miki: I'm sure you know everything already.
Miki: Innocent prisoners have started to feel better, thankfully, but the guilty prisoners..
Miki: Well, w-we had another suicide attempt and a lot of murder attempts as well..
Hinode: Honestly, I'm worried about some innocent prisoners too. They have been acting.. a bit suspicious lately.
Jackalope: Yeah, you all have a lot of work to do.
Jackalope: So, the reason why I have called you two here..
Jackalope: .. Do you already know how you're going to vote everyone this time?
Hinode and Miki: Huh?
Miki: Well.. We have to watch their videos first, right? That's how it's always been..
Hinode: Is it possible that this time our decisions will be especially important since it's the last trial?
Jackalope: All of your decisions are equally important, but I don't think you two realize that.
Jackalope: You don't know what is going to happen to the prisoners after this, right?
Miki: ...
Hinode: So, how exactly this trial's voting will go? Is there anything we have to know beforehand?
Jackalope: Well, first of all, you all have to know how Milgram's voting system works.
Jackalope: The prisoners have to go through three trials. They will be voted either guilty or innocent after each trial ends. 
Jackalope: Every single verdict matters. 
Jackalope: The prisoner's fate depends on the "combination" of verdicts they got.
Miki: !
Hinode: A combination?..
Jackalope: Let's go through all of the possible combinations, shall we?
Jackalope: Let's start with the best one!.. For the prisoner, that is.
Jackalope: What if a prisoner is so lucky that they end up getting not one, not two, but three innocent verdicts?
Jackalope: Well, first of all, they get to return home safely, so that's already good.. again, for them.
Jackalope: But wait, there's more! The prisoner also loses all memories of their murder and the same goes for everyone who was either related to that murder or heard about it.
Miki: Loses.. memories?
Jackalope: What, are you surprised? Come on, you have no right to say anything about this after punishing the guilty prisoners.
Jackalope: But yes, the prisoner and everyone around them forget about the murder completely! And not just about the murder, they forget that the victim even existed!
Jackalope: So yeah, all of their problems just get solved magically and they get to continue living their life peacefully.
Jackalope: Obviously, they won't remember anything about Milgram as well.
Jackalope: Now, let's see who has a chance to get three innocent verdicts..
Jackalope: Right now, Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi, Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi, and Prisoner 010, Himura Reina, have two innocent verdicts.
Jackalope: So, do you think they deserve to live such a happy life?
Miki: "I'm not sure about Aimi-chan.. But maybe it really would be better for Himura-san to just forget about everything."
Miki: ".. I definitely want Marito to live a life like that."
Jackalope: There's also.. another thing that can happen to the prisoner that gets three innocent verdicts.. 
Jackalope: But we're not gonna talk about that. Basically, it's supposed to be a reward for them, haha.
Hinode: Hold on, what kind of reward-
Jackalope: Anyway, but what if the prisoner got only two innocent verdicts? Well, the order of those verdicts matters a lot.
Jackalope: For example..
Jackalope: If the prisoner got two innocent verdicts after the first or second trial and also got an innocent verdict after the third trial, they will be able to go back home and everyone around them will forget about the murder and the victim!..
Jackalope: .. But they won't.
Jackalope: The prisoner will still remember everything perfectly. They will remember their life in Milgram too.
Hinode: I see.. So it's like a punishment for them still getting a guilty verdict once?
Jackalope: Correct. It may sound good at first, like sure, nobody remembers about your murder except you, but..
Jackalope: .. If you still feel bad about it, well. Sorry about that.
Jackalope: Right now, Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio, Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun, Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi, Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei, Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko, and Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku, have a chance to go back home while still having memories of their murder, but otherwise being safe.
Jackalope: All of them have been voted innocent once, but also have been voted guilty once as well. Whether or not they get forgiven this time is your choice to make.
Miki: .. Hinode-san, do you think your brother should-
Hinode: .. I don't know. 
Hinode: Actually, maybe it would be better for him to just forget about his victim entirely.
Hinode: But that's not possible, considering his verdicts, haha..
Jackalope: Well, but what if you discover something truly horrible about that prisoner?
Jackalope: What if you thought someone this nice doesn't deserve to be in a place like Milgram, but then you watched their video and found out that they've done something disgusting and immoral?
Jackalope: This happens all the time here, trust me.
Jackalope: So, the prisoner who got two innocent verdicts after the first two trials, but got voted guilty in the end will be able to go back home..
Jackalope: Except they will get punished right before that and any wounds they got because of it won't be treated. Psychological damage also counts.
Miki: .. W-what?
Hinode: I'm sorry, but how is that supposed to work?
Jackalope: Well, for example, the prisoner may lose their arm or get shot, but we will still send them home.. except they will most likely bleed out on the way and when they get to finally see their family again, they will already be dead.
Hinode: By the way, how exactly the prisoners are going to be sent home? Do they just get teleported or-
Jackalope: Right now I'm supposed to tell you about the verdict system. Nothing else. 
Jackalope: The prisoners are the same: Hanasaki Aimi, Yano Asahi and Himura Reina have two innocent verdicts, but you can still vote one, two, or all of them guilty, if you so desire.
Jackalope: I wonder who's going to end up not so lucky this time..
Jackalope: And now, the worst option out of them all.. again, for prisoners.
Jackalope: Three guilty verdicts.. means death penalty. Simple as that.
Miki: D-death penalty?!
Jackalope: Come on, you thought everyone is going to make it out alive?
Hinode: But.. How exactly are they going to be executed?
Jackalope: I'm just going to say that it's going to depend on their crime and how they acted while staying in Milgram.
Jackalope: Right now-
Jackalope: *sighs* Well, we have only this loser. 
Jackalope: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika. She got voted guilty twice.
Jackalope: She's cute, but.. She's been causing way too much trouble. 
Jackalope: So I won't judge you if you decide to vote her guilty again this time.
Miki: ".. Do I.. really want Maruyama-san to die?"
Jackalope: But what if our dear prisoner actually got lucky in the end?
Jackalope: What if they got voted guilty twice, but after the third trial, their sins finally were forgiven?
Jackalope: Well, they'll still have to stay in Milgram for some time. Three days, to be more exact.
Jackalope: And after that, they will be allowed to go home.. Unless..
Jackalope: .. If they do something that will leave us no other choice but to punish them again, they will get executed.
Jackalope: We shouldn't feel bad for them if they can't behave even for three days.
Jackalope: Oh, and obviously, they will still remember everything when they come back home. And so will the people around them.
Jackalope: They will still be a murderer. They will still be seen as one. They will still be punished as one, if they get caught.
Jackalope: .. This is the kind of fate that awaits Maruyama Yurika if you decide to forgive her.
Miki: "I wish I could forgive Maruyama-san, but.."
Miki: "After everything that happened, will she really be able to "behave"?"
Miki: "And also, if she just continues to do her job, she will most likely continue killing people as well."
Miki: ".. I guess I would forgive her if she did it only for the money, but.."
Miki: "I don't think that's the case."
Jackalope: So, what will happen to the prisoners who got voted guilty after the first or second trial and after the third trial, but still have one innocent verdict?
Jackalope: They will go home, sure. However..
Jackalope: When they come back, literally everyone will know they are a murderer.
Jackalope: So they will have no choice but to either let the outside world judge them or try to start a new life as a different person somehow.
Hinode: But.. How will everyone know that they were the one who did it? 
Hinode: And what if most people already knew about it, but still didn't do anything to stop them?
Jackalope: You really think we can't just tell the authorities about them? 
Hinode: But what if they won't believe you?
Jackalope: They will.
Jackalope: Right now, we have a lot of prisoners with at least one guilty verdict.
Jackalope: So, if Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio, Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun, Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi, Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei, Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko and Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku, get voted guilty this time..
Jackalope: This is what awaits them.
Miki: "Considering some of the crimes, I'm sure some prisoners would either get imprisoned for life.."
Miki: ".. or get a death penalty, just not in Milgram."
Jackalope: And.. Oh, I think that's all the combinations, actually.
Jackalope: So.. "All Innocent", "Trial 1 or Trial 2 Innocent and Trial 3 Innocent, but still one Guilty", "Trial 1 and Trial 2 Innocent and Trial 3 Guilty", "All Guilty", "Trial 1 and Trial 2 Guilty and Trial 3 Innocent", and "Trial 1 or Trial 2 Guilty and Trial 3 Guilty, but still one Innocent".
Jackalope: Choose wisely.. or don't. It's up to you.
Hinode and Miki: ...
Jackalope: Well, if you don't have any questions, I will be leaving-
Miki: Wait!
Miki: Will Eiji-san join us this time? Is he okay?
Jackalope: Ah, that guy..
Jackalope: Yes, he will. It's just that he won't interrogate the prisoners in person.
Jackalope: It's like him and Hinode have switched places, haha.
Miki: Thank God..
Jackalope: By the way, he already knows about the verdict system.
Miki: Huh?
Jackalope: I've told him earlier. I had to listen to him ramble about how his brother deserves to be executed in the most brutal way possible..
Jackalope: And to be honest, I'd love to see Prisoner 005's execution. I'm sure it would be a fun one..
Jackalope: Except that will never happen because he still got one innocent verdict. 
Jackalope: By the way, Miki..
Jackalope: .. Eiji wasn't happy to hear that you voted his brother innocent while he wasn't able to participate.
Hinode: Miki-san, are you okay?..
Miki: .. I..  
Miki: I forgot about that..
???: So, what did they think about the verdict system?
Jackalope: Well, they weren't exactly happy about it, but I'm sure they'll figure everything out.
???: I can't wait to see how the things will go when that guy returns.
???: But isn't his arm okay now? I'm sure he can interrogate them in person now.
Jackalope: Well, they can still touch him. 
Jackalope: And also.. It was Eiji's decision.
???: .. Interesting.
???: .. So he wants to show everyone how strong he is, but he's still too scared to even talk to them in person.
???: Haha.. Man, he really is pathetic.
Jackalope: He's still a murderer though, remember that.
???: Of course I remember. 
???: Seriously, the fact that we went and made murderers judge other murderers.. 
???: They even have all their memories intact. They know well that they are murderers, but they are still happy to judge people who are just like them.
???: Most likely because it makes them feel in control. It makes them feel like they're better than them. 
???: Sure, they are criminals, but they got this job. Not anyone else.
???: That must mean something, right?..
???: .. Haha. Well, let them enjoy this feeling while they can.
???: In the end, they will be judged as well.
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noonaishere · 5 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - forty-eight | today’s prize is: Cash!
The game ended when Mick and Ryujin pulled a last minute Hail Mary and managed to kill San and Yeji. ‘Defeat’, the title said as it ended, the bean-shaped spacemen appearing on screen.
“Wow….” Yeji said. “We’ve known each other how long Mick? And you just kill me like that.?”
Mick laughed. “Hey, I don’t know why you thought I was so trustworthy when Cat correctly sussed me out for faking Keys.”
“It was literally Keys!” You shouted. “How did none of you believe me?”
“Um, I think I know.” San said.
“Don’t you dare.”
Bracken laughed loudly into his mic. “Please, Morn, tell us.”
“In the game before this, you:” San addressed you pointedly, “Voted the other imposter out, threw me under the bus, got Bracken voted out for faking something he didn’t fake--”
“Don’t forget that she reported my kill and then voted me out,” Ryujin added.
You laughed.
“Yeah, you reported your teammate’s kill and and then voted her out.” San amended his previous statement.
“And we won! So I don’t think I really did all that bad of a job. And also, that’s no reason not to believe me this time!” You laughed.
“Better than when Morn and Bracken won earlier because Yeji was third impostering so hard,” Ryujin added.
“Hey! I thought it was Mick!” Yeji shouted.
You all laughed.
“Cat, are you going to clip the part from earlier when we were in Decon and you divided Morn and Mick from the group?” 
“Yes, oh my god that was so good.”
2304273408: slut
For some reason that caught your eye, and your attention snapped to your chat. You saw it for a second before it disappeared and you would have thought you were seeing things if you didn’t already know that Quack was fast on the draw when it came to hate comments.
“Cat?” San asked.
“Yeah, sorry. What’d you say?”
“I asked what that looked like from your perspective.”
“Oh, it was like… you guys were almost done with tasks and I don’t know about Yeji, but I was panicking--”
“Oh, no, I was also panicking.”
The two of you laughed.
“So when me and her happened to walk over to Decon at the same time and I realized that there was a slim chance we could win, I spammed the button closed as fast as I could and managed to separate you and Mick from the group and we were able to kill you.”
“When I saw the doors start to close, I was like, ‘This is our chance!’” Yeji laughed.
“Wowwww…” San trailed off. “I’m going to watch that clip when you post it, it sounds good, actually.”
“Yeah, I was about to be mad, but it sounds like a great bit of tension.” Mick admitted.
“It was very cinematic,” Ryujin added.
“Okay, do we want to take a break? We just played four games in a row and I don’t know about you but I need more water.”
A chorus of ‘Yeah’s and ‘Yes’s answered Mick’s question.
“Okay, so… ten minutes?”
“Sounds good,” you answered.
Everyone muted as they took off their headphones and stretched or went to the bathroom or got snacks. You went to the bathroom and refilled your water and sat back down to the sound of crunching.
LeaBea: crunch munch crunch QuackIsWhack✅: So noisy A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH JohnnyYuta: CRUNCH CRUNCH
“Who’s munching and crunching over there?”
“Me.” San answered.
“Are you starting an ASMR channel?”
“Ohhh,” he said through whatever it was that he was eating. 
You heard him drag his mic closer and he began chewing the chips slower so he could exaggerate the sounds. Your brain went tingly and you spasmed at the sound.
“What was that?” He laughed.
“Ugh, you made my brain go all silly for a second and I got the jitters.”
YangYangGangGang: ASMR BRAIN!! A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: SONIC ATTACK! JohnnyYuta: IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!
“Noooo, shut up!” You laughed.
“Me or your chat?”
“My chat’s making fun of me.”
“You seem to get roasted by them quite a bit.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure if they’re friends or enemies at this point.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: FRENEMIES JohnnyYuta: I love that skirt, where’d you get it? So retro
“Oh my god, Yuta and Tree are right: we’re frenemies.”
San laughed. “That… doesn’t seem good?”
“They’re kidding. We’re buds.”
JohnnyYuta: Best buds A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: The bestest JohnnyYuta: The budest YangYangGangGang: The buddhist SleepySheepy😴: The boobist LuciPURR: Booba? MinHoe: Aww, I want boba now :(
You laughed at them and the rest of your chat went back to talking about whatever they had been chatting about while you were gone. 
You heard a sigh as Mick and Bracken sat back down at their desks, shortly joined by Yeji forgetting her mic was muted and Ryujin reminding her.
“Hmm…” Mick’s icon lit up as he thought out loud.
“Got something for us chief?” Ryujin asked.
He chuckled. “No, someone in my chat just asked why we don’t bet on the games we play.”
“Ew.” You said. “Life is enough of a gamble, I don’t also need to bet money on it.”
“I don’t have enough money to bet,” Yeji laughed.
“And like, what would happen if one of us is really good at a game and keeps winning and winning all the money? Then we’d end up never being able to play that game again.”
“Mhm.” Ryujin agreed.
“Also,” you added, “Keeho can’t bet. He’d be canceled right out of kpop.”
“They’d cancel him out for that?” San asked. 
“Yeah, it’s like an image thing. Gambling is right up there with drugs and bullying on the list of Things That Will Destroy a Career."
“Strangely enough,” you said, “plagiarism is not on that list.”
“Are we talking about the incident where that well-known-producer-I-won’t-name stole a nightcore song and didn’t even get in trouble when everyone found out?” Ryujin asked.
“You know the one.”
“Shots.” She said with a laugh.
You chuckled. It happened a few years ago, but it still made you mad.
“Well, chat, you heard the team!” Mick said to his own chat.
Bracken laughed. “What if we just did a prize at the end?”
“We’re not actually considering this, are we?” Ryujin asked.
“I don’t know, it could be fun. What do you think, Morn, you haven’t said anything.”
“Oh… I wasn’t sure if I was allowed, since I’m just a replacement for Keeho.” “You’re a part of the group, Morn.” You reassured him.
“Oh… really?”
“Yeah, we all like having you around.”
“Mhm!” Yeji agreed through whatever food was in her mouth.
“Yeji, chew before you choke yourself. And yeah, you’re cool, Morn.” Ryujin added.
“Definitely a stand-up guy.” Said Mick.
“Which is weird, because he’s probably sitting down.” Bracken added.
You all laughed. 
“Oh, um, thanks guys,” San said.
“Anyway,” you went back to the earlier topic, “for those of you in the chats who are wondering, Today’s prize is: Cash! Because we didn't know what to get you for your birthday anymore. We feel like we don't really know you since you moved out of the house, Susan. You never call.”
San laughed loudly.
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janahanooo · 1 year
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So the baby's nam is Aurelia! What a beautiful name. Now lets see what do the boys think about the name of their your child
This became longer than I expected, sorry for typos, not proof-read
First years
Ace: wow, not gonna lie I thought it would be something lame
Mom!yuu: ace
Ace: right sorry, still the little one is adorable
Deuce: Aurelia... hmm, I think it's a perfect match
Mom!yuu: how come?
Deuce: I have a feeling they will brightly shine in the future
Mom!yuu: aww deucie! That is so sweet! I'm sure she'll love you the most as her big bro<3
Jack: it means golden one, right?
Mom!yuu: yep
Jack: it's a pretty name for a pretty girl like her, but I hope you get enough rest and don't pull allnighetrs 'cause of her okay?
Epel: I still think Negie would have been a funny name for her
Mom!yuu: epel, you do know Negie is a boy while Aurelia is a girl. And I don't want Vil nagging me all the time
Epel: fine, I will still make them a troublemaker tho
Ortho: oh my sevens! Prefect the baby is very cute! Mind if I take some pictures of her for big brother?
Mom!yuu: not at all, go a head
Ortho: done! Can I come visit more often?
Mom!yuu: wait, just how many account did you make just to get this name in first place?
Sebek: that is not relevant, all I did was to ask Lilia-sama to help me vote a name that is perfect as the next heir to the trone with Waka-sama as the father
Mom!yuu: wha-?
Second years
Riddle: she looks very much like you, but would you tell me, why they have steak of golden hair?
Mom!yuu: oh. Oh, it's gonna be so awkward, you see, her dad had that hair color and that little steak is shoving that we still have something that remaines from him..
Riddle: I see, thank you for aswering my question
Ruggie: gold 'cause the hair? Or gold 'cus Leona-san gave you that golden crib the other day?
Mom!yuu: really? It was Leona?
Ruggie: yep, he was so weird the whole day until the baby had been born, so take the opportunity and tease him about it later
Azul: do you have enough baby food for her? I might as well like to tell you that we have a special menu just for the little pearl
Mom!yuu: thanks but I thinks she likes milk for now, so maybe when she grew up
Jade: yes it would be better, we don't want the little one to be hurt
Floyd: yeah shrimpy! So come visit us sometimes alright~?
Kalim: she's adorable!! She looks like my siblings when they were little! Oh oh! I bought these toys for her, and this blanket too and don't forget about these sweet jumpers too!
Mom!yuu: thank you Kalim darling, but I think tha's enough baby product for now, I'm sure she'll like them
Jamil: "golden one"... like the sun?
Mom!yuu: yeah, shining bright and guiding us to the better
Jamil: so she'll be Kalim 2.0... I actually wouldn't mind that..
Silver: she's adorble and her chubby cheeks are sweet too. The name is perfect.
Mom!yuu: yeah... actually, what do you know about Sebek and Lilia making multiple accounts to vote for the na-
Silver: zzzz...
Third years
Trey: I'm guessing the voting went well then, and Aurelia is a cute name
Mom!yuu: thank you I think she likes it too. Huh? Ari? What's wrong? Oh! I left her bottle in the kitchen! Could you hold her for me until then?
Trey: gladly. *takes Ari from Mom!yuu* you will cause so much trouble for us in the future... heh, can't wait
Cater: first! Selfie time!!! I need to post this undying lovelyness of Ari! #cutebaby #omgmybabyiscute !!
Mom!yuu: you really like her I assume
Cater: of course I love her! She's your baby! Who wouldn't?
Leona: all I ask is to NEVER bring her here when that Cheka is here. I don't need two cubs to look after
Vil: she's little
Mom!yuu: well, yeah. She has just been born, what did you expect?
Vil: *whispering* still, cute
Rook: oh Trickster! Mon bebe is just too cute for this cruel world! Oh! Little Aurelia is just too perfect!
Mom!yuu: thanks Rook. Oh look! She's waking up! Hii Ari! Say hi to Rook to Ari!
Ari: *some blabbering*
Rook: oui oui! This is truly a blessing!
Idia: do- do I really have to?
Mom!yuu: don't force yourself, it's okay. She'll grow up around you guys so you will have time together. Don't worry too much
Idia: right... and h-here is your um bottle that you ordered the other day..
Malleus: hmm, she truly is magnificent. Humans are so mysterious, right Lilia? Lilia?
Lilia: baby, must hold baby...
Malleus: !! Oh sevens, no Lilia! Don't you dare kidnap Child of mans child!
Lilia: but Mal!! She's just adorable!
Malleus: you must ressist.
Lilia: you're right.
Lilia: you look so much luke her... and even the name, heh. See you old friend...
Aaand everyones favouret weasel cat! Grim!
Grim: she's small. Very small. Is it okay to be this small? Is she really healty?
Mom!yuu: yes she is, but she's easily get's tired. So take care of her okay?
Grim: I will be the best caretaker ever! Don't you ever boupt me on that! Nyahahaha!
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lukkabloom · 8 months
Fun facts abt residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 4
Let's go with episodes 11 & 12!! Only 2 episodes since one was a bit longer. Anyways, LET'S GOOO!!!
Episode 11: Back in the studio w/Vincent & Sebas!!
Vincent sees Sebas singing “Can you celebrate?” a song by Amuro Namie, so he knows the song from the future
Vincent can’t get Sebas to pay attention to him, Sebas keeps singing until Vincent gives him a flick on the forehead
Vincent thinks Sebas is bored as he has created many lines & scenarios for both him and Vincent (flashback to episode 10) Sebas says that “Time is something you make for yourself”
They talk about June brides and wedding for a bit (not my fav episode tbh)
Sebas teaches Vincent the lyrics of “Can you celebrate?” (they sing the song together)
Morishi and Makki call Issac cute (this was when Isaac’s route was released in jp)
For the “Can you tell me… your name?” it was a bit different than usual. There were 4 options to choose from instead of 3, and the fourth was a line that combined the previous three statements into one. For example, Vincent’s provided lines were 1. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here until the morning” 2. “You can depend on me today, okay?” 3. “Pain, pain, go away” 4. A combination of the three.
The audience voted on option 4, so he had to say “(Y/n), depend on me til morning and then go away” or some other weird version. He picked and chose words from each line & rearranged them w/weird grammar (which I’m sure that was NOT what he was supposed to do but it’s funny so…)
Sebas’s chosen line was a combination of “Don’t worry. I will do my best to help you with your recovery” “It’s painful, right? You can depend on me until you recover” and “Do you want to wrap green leeks around your neck? It’ll lower your temperature”
So his finalized line was something along the lines of  “(Y/n). Don’t worry, for now, do you want to wrap green leeks around your neck?” & other variations (he always had some part w/green leeks) It doesn’t make sense but it’s hilarious
Afterwards, Makki was like “More people were being wrapped around by leeks than I’d imagined… haha”
Episode 12: feat. Ikesen Sasuke’s VA Akabane Kenji
Ikesen x Ikevamp Radio Collab!!!!
(I used to play Ikesen but wasn’t as obsessed so I’m not as familiar w it as I am w ikevamp)
Everyone is so chaotic in the intros & throughout (Akabane & Morishi just feed on each other’s energy and Makki’s like “Sorry—hahaha—I can’t follow… haha” ←he’s dying of laughter)
Even Makki was like “I’ve been thinking… Morishi and Akabane-san give off the same vibe” Akabane: “It’s true that our tastes are overlapping right now, but when I first met Morishi, he wasn’t like this. Now… he turned out like this.” Morishi: “Like what?” (offended)
They did a new section called “You’re a producer! Self-judge!” (nvm it's not a new section, they do it on ikesen radio but not on ikevamp) where the audience will think of lines that Sasuke will say if he was a vampire & if Vincent and Sebas are Sengoku-era warlords. The presented lines will be said by their respective voice actors
Sasuke’s line was “As research, can you let me have your blood? … That was a lie. I want it because it’s yours… So, can I?” 
Vincent’s line is “When I spend time with you, I forget that it is a time of war right now. Ah, I need to go. Please don’t be so worried. I promise I’ll be back to you, so believe in me.” Akabane says that his line is similar to what Mitsunari would say
Sebas’s line is “Aaasasaasasaassu! Aaasasaasasaassu! Aaasas…!? Yes? What am I doing? … I’ll be heading to enemy headquarters, so I was energizing myself. Is something wrong?” LMAO as soon as the words showed up on the screen everyone started laughing. Akabane was like “Is ‘Aaasasaasasaassu!’ something Sebastian would say?”  Morishi: “That, Sebastian doesn’t say that. That’s something Morishima would say” HAHAHA
“Aaasasaasasaassu” according to Morishi, is a spell that is shortened from “Arigatou/Azassu!” (thank you). When you say this while pulling for gacha, you get good cards (we need to all try it)
“I love yu” skit w/Sebas, Vincent, and Sasuke!! Sebas and Vincent are relaxing in the thermae when Vincent discovers something coming from the water. Sebas describes it as “something that ninjas use to breathe when they dive into lakes.”
Vincent doesn’t know what a ninja is. Sebas explains what it is to Vincent. Vincent thinks ninjas sound cool
Sasuke pops out from the water, explaining that he came from experimenting with another wormhole. He introduces himself to the two residents, saying that he came from the Sengoku era, saw a rift in time and space, and ended up there, in another timeline.
Sebas, the history nerd, says “Sengoku era? So that means in that era, there are Oda Nobunaga, Uesugi Kenshin, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, & etc.” Sasuke: “Yes, of course. Also, Uesugi Kenshin is my boss” Sebas: “Please. I would like to hear the details. Please, take a seat. I am the butler of this mansion, Sebastian”
Sasuke: “Thank you for the welcoming atmosphere. I guess until the next wormhole appears, I will relax here… Just call me Sasuke.”
Sasuke enters the bath in his clothes, Vincent asks if he doesn’t need to strip. Sasuke: “Well, I don’t know when the next wormhole will appear.”
Sebas: “I had felt this since the beginning, but you give off a similar energy to me.” Sasuke: “What a coincidence. I feel that as well.” Sebas: “Dyun…gyun” Sasuke: “Zuban, zuban!”
The two repeat the phrases, each one becoming more dramatic than the previous, until Vincent stops them bc they’re “leaving him behind”
Vincent finally introduces himself to Sasuke, who gets excited that “he can meet another genius other than the Sengoku warlords” Sasuke: “If I were to describe this feeling, it would be… choberigu (チョベリグ, slang meaning extremely very good)” Sebas: “Our Master Vincent is gekimabu (激マブ, slang meaning very bright), isn't he?” 
Vincent: “Choberigu? Gekimabu?” Sasuke: “Yes, he’s gekimabu. So I was right. I feel a same energy off of you”
Sasuke gives them makibishi (caltrop) as a token of appreciation. Vincent is in awe of the caltrops, and Sasuke is happy that someone appreciates his caltrops. Says how Masamune doesn’t need it, proves how angelic Vincent actually is
Vincent: “Next time I see Will, maybe I should throw them to him?” (I LEGIT SPAT OUT MY DRINK) Sebas: “... He will be extremely sad, so maybe not.”
Vincent thought that it was cool that Sasuke had a cool nickname “Shippujinrai” so he tries to think of one for Sebas. Sebas: “to be given a nickname from two people I admire… it makes me feel embarrassed” 
Vincent: “Perverted butler!” LMAO IT’S CANON SEBAS IS A PERVERT
Sebas: coughs  “‘Perverted butler…’ while it is not incorrect, it may be weird to say that to myself. ‘Perverted butler, Sebastian.’ Can you say that?”
Sasuke: “I think it sounds pretty good… What about ‘three meals a day?’” Sebas: “That’s just a routine” Vincent: “I got it! ‘Versatile butler’”
Sebas: “‘Versatile butler’ I like it. Versatile butler, Sebastian.”
Sebas: “Master Vincent would be ‘Innocent Angel’” Sasuke: “No, he would be ‘innocent’ (天真爛漫, it means the same thing, just worded differently)” Vincent: “Hmmm… I want something that’s cooler…”
Sebas: “He may look like that, but Master Vincent’s strong in a fight, so maybe ‘Ready to fight (喧嘩上等 means they’ll take on any fight challenged)” Vincent: “Isn’t that a bit dangerous?” 
Sasuke and Sebas try to get Vincent to say it. Vincent: “Ready to fight, Vincent van Gogh! It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Sebas praises Vincent, saying he did a great job
Then a whirlpool forms in the waters, a wormhole, Sasuke gets ready to travel through space-time. Sasuke promises that they’ll probably be able to meet again
Akabane was surprised to see that the characters were naked and said “Ohh, so Shiro-sensei (the artist for Ikesen and Ikevamp) is the type to draw nipples”
So in the “van Gogh’s drawing section” Sasuke participated w/Sebas & Vincent. The theme was “Hollywood movie ‘Sengoku warlords vs Vampire’” and Akabane’s art was good? Like you can tell he drew Napoleon and Nobunaga. Makki’s one had a certain electric-type mouse Pokemon on the lower right side of his piece haha
In the segment, “Dyun, zuban… Your name…” (It’s basically “Can you tell me… your name?” but combining the two versions) Vincent’s chosen line was a combination of the lines “You’re gonna get wet. Come here” “You’re wet… Here, take my jacket” “I want to stay here until it stops raining”
He would say most lines properly, but some were weird like “Let’s get… wet together” (not in THAT way) or “The rain got wet, huh? Get closer and wear it” (literally it doesn’t make sense even in Japanese since the grammar was so weird, he just picked and choose words from each line)
Sebas’s line was a combination of “If you want to, do you want to do an aiaigasa (相合傘) with me?” “Come closer so you don’t get wet” “Don’t your joints hurt when it rains?”
“If you want… don’t your joints hurt?” “To not get wet, do you want to… do your joints hurt?” He always puts the “joint blah blah” line at the end it's so funny. There was also “Yoshihiko, do you want to do an aiaigasa? To not get wet, don’t your joints hurt?”
Sasuke’s lines were the combination of “... I’m worried about my caltrops. Sorry, lemme go get them~” “I had the caltrops out to dry but it’s all ruined…” “Are the caltrops okay… Caltrops…”
His was funny bc he would replace the caltrops w/the names so it would be like “I’m worried about (y/n)” “I had (y/n) to dry but… I have to go back” “(y/n)... It’s now all ruined…”
OVERALL, amazing collab I hope they did more but I only have 3 more episodes to watch, and sadly, none of the rest are ikesen/ikevamp collabs
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harukapologist · 9 months
Something I noticed about Haruka's change in t2 is that he says he likes the way he is now and supposedly gained more confidence, but the rest of his answers in seasons 2's interrogation are still self deprecating. Saying how no one is like him cause "no one is likehim cause they are all great people, everything (about him) is wrong, etc.". My guess is what he gained wasn't confidence, it was his innocent vote and Muu's influence that temporarily rubbed off on him. Think about it: Muu's personality did a whole 180 when she was voted innocent. She went from being shy and timid to becoming a queen bee which is what her 'true personality' is. Haruka, while he learned to become more social, was still unsure of himself. He couldn't fathom why someone like him was forgiven (what he sings in akaa) but still takes it. But why?
Cause it's what Muu does. They were both given an inch and took a mile
It's pretty clear Haruka is heavily attached to Muu (he even says his current self only exists because of her), but I think Muu influenced him to think that forgiven = what he did wasn't wrong. Since it seems like it is also her own mindset. But before, Haruka knew what he did was wrong and felt remorse, while Muu always thought she was in the right cause (her words: It's your fault for doing horrible things to me)
Also, confident people do not form unhealthy attachments like this and threaten to kts for someone else. Haruka did not gain confidence, he gained temporary relief from someone else
And this isn't to say Muu is abusive or doesn't care about Haruka at all, but it's still so incredibly unnerving to influence someone that's already broken like this
Thank you so much for this. I've wanted to talk about this for a while, I feel like the fandom overlooks just how deeply Muu influenced (and probably continues to influence unless their codependency starts to break in T3) Haruka. Not that shes evil or abusive or anything of the sort, but unfortunately their attachment styles create the most awfully perfectly fitting puzzle piece
Haruka looks down on himself so much, he wants more than anything to be a "smart, strong and interesting person" in his own words. As a result he is constantly searching for someone to latch onto and mirror, trying to create a new identity for himself, because he just doesn't see any part of himself that is worth keeping (BPD Haruka headcanon comes in...) Haruka still believes he's wrong, that he's worthless, but he's desperately looking for any solace albeit temporary or fake. A confirmation bias I think?
Something that comes into mind when proving this point, is that when Muu talked about Kotoko's attacks in her 2nd VD, she mentioned that those who were attacked were "deemed bad people by the Guard" as in they were scary and cruel, but Es, who so kindly believed that Muu wasn't at fault by giving her an innocent verdict, had deemed those people at fault, so they kinda deserved it, in her view. When Haruka was asked about what he thought of Kotoko's attacks, he said something similar, but then we see him in Mikoto's 2022 birthday TL coming to check up on him, showing compassion, wanting to wish him a happy birthday, even though Mikoto was voted guilty in T1, he should be a bad person in Haruka's book as well, but I think that shows he doesn't really believe what Muu was saying, he just doesn't think of his opinions as worthy so he latches onto those of the people he looks up to, the authority figures (Muu, Es) (I could talk about this for a while...). Also, in the newest collab, one of Haruka's lines were "Mikoto-san is a good person" but I'm not sure exactly when in the canon timeline that takes place (as in, before or after T2) (I'M SORRY I JUST HAVE TO BRING UP 0109 SIBLINGS HERE THEIR DYNAMIC IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME)
I do think Muu feels guilt and is just as broken, just in different ways, and she copes with her own issues differently, but I won't go offtopic... but yes I completely agree with what youre trying to say here. That Haruka is largely under Muu's influence, and it's heartbreaking. I often think about how an innocent verdict in T1 without Muu's influence would've helped Haruka gain some actual confidence and maybe even start to develop some sense of identity and independence. When I see Haruka T2, when I listen to his VD, his MV, all I see is... not Haruka. As in, Haruka under someone else's influence, breaking even more. It's not either of their faults, again! But god is this codependency going to take a toll on him for a while.
Like, come on, you can't tell me the boy who gives the most birthday wishes, says that all the prisoners are good people unlike him, says he would forgive everyone but certainly not himself, is a confident, guilt-free person. I don't know if it's just me but even his smile in his T2 sprite feels so... forced...? My poor poor boy.
oops I rambled too much didn't I. but thank you for this ask I hope I'm making sense and I'm so so sorry I took so long to respond eee
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cheiyunn · 8 months
Kimisute main story [0部 ] Part 5
Side: Fujin Rizing
Sosui: Thank you for coming over today, Fuuta-kun, Kohei-kun. How’ve you been these days?
Fuuta: We’re all doing well! Oh yeah, we were thinking of inviting you over for dinner at our place soon!
Sosui: Dinner…?
Kohei: Woah Fuuta! What’re you saying? I’m so sorry, don’t mind it too much
Kohei: Recently our members have been trying to see how much of the ‘Nagasaki Taste'  they can reproduce with stuff sold in Tokyo…
Sosui: Fufu, still it’s great to see you get along as always
Sosui: I had thought that because of the transfer from Duck River to Skyfox Records there were some feelings of unrest around but… from what I’m seeing now there seems to be no problem
Fuuta: Thanks to you, everyone’s gotten around much brighter Sosui-san!
Kohei: Just like what Fuuta said. Thank you so much for picking us up
Sosui: No, I didn’t do anything that warrants that
Sosui: The energetic beat of Fujin Rizing is something that I think people these days really enjoy after all. I’m looking forward to your performances
Kohei: Thank you very much. We’ll do our best to reach your expectations!
Fuuta: We’re all super happy with this since at your place we can freely make our fun music !
Kohei: In honesty, when the offer first came we were pretty split about it… but now I’m glad that everyone can to the same opinion and agreed
Fuuta: Yeah… we had a spat and all back then. Ko-nii and Yamata were against it after all…
Kohei: I’m… I’m against this
Fuuta: Huh!? Why!?
Yamato: I feel bad for Fuuta but I’m on the same page as Kohei-san here
Fuuta: EEEEHH!? But why!? Sosui-san’s a really nice person too !
Fuuta: He said it was okay to go and do it our way too!
Yamato: The same can be said about Duck River’s offer too, since you thought it sounded good 
Misaki: Woah… Yamato’s firing down bullets today…
Kohei: Are you against it too Aoi?
Aoi: …Honestly, I’m not really sure what to do…
Aoi: I think It'd be irresponsible to just head in with no full plan and then just going ‘it didn’t go well’ as well…
Aoi: But… I think I’d be grateful if we were picked up by someone. Since when we quit Duck River, living expenses and stuff will get harder to deal with ourselves
Yamato: That's true but still…
Misaki: Agh– come on! We ain’t going anywhere with this–! In times like this lets just do a majority vote instead!
Misaki: The issue: whether we join Skyfox Records that Sosui-san is in charge of or not!
Misaki: We’re doing a majority vote now! Those not in favor of transferring, hands up!
Yamato/Kohei: …Here
Misaki: Those in favor of transferring, hands up!
Fuuta/Aoi: Here..
Misaki: 2v2 so that means…me!? We seriously deciding based on my vote!?
Kohei: Since it’s an important decision, I want to hear everyone’s thoughts. What about yours Misaki
Misaki: …well, I’m fine with anything really
Misaki: Just like Aoi said, once we leave Duck River, living on our own is pretty difficult!
Misaki: So for that… I say we transfer!
Fuuta: Misaki~~! You get it–!
Kohei: Your thoughts, Yamato?
Yamato: …To tell the truth, I did have my worries about the living expenses
Yamato: I’d hate it if I couldn’t eat rice
Aoi: Yamato… you’re saying that now? Well no, it's important as well but
Yamato: You see? Rice is the capital fund of all
Kohei: ….hah
Kohei: You’re right… everyones’ got a point
Fuuta: So… we’ll be in Sosui-san’s care then! S-... skyfo–!
Aoi: Its Skyfox Record, okay
Kohei: I’ll get in contact with Sosui-san since he offered it
[Back to present]
Kohei: …is how it went
Sosui: If it got everyone’s head turn then I’ll do my best to match the enthusiasm
Sosui: If you have any problems, feel free to pop in
Fuuta: Sosui-san, you’re really just a nice person! I look forward to your support!
Sosui: …oh, times running out. I have another prior engagement so for today we can end it here
Sosui: I sent out the current schedule a few days back, everything sounds okay on your end?
Kohei: Yes. Thank you for considering our opinions on the practice scheduling as well.
Sosui: Nono, that's my job after all. Then we’ll end it here
Sosui: Sometime soon I’m thinking of discussing your new single so let's plan another meeting soon
Fuuta: Our next single !? Yay–!
Kohei: The other members will be glad to hear! When the time comes, please call us again!
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Drawings/Honest Opinions on the Top (According to the two polls I did) Jessica Drew Ships
4th and 3rd places: Jess/Natasha and Jess/Felicia (I didn’t have Felicia Hardy on the first poll I did, and Natasha Romanoff got high on that poll. On my second poll, I put Felicia, and she got a big percentage, and Natasha got none. However, fewer people voted on my second poll, so I am putting both down.)
Jessica Drew/Natasha Romanoff:
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Jessica Drew/Felicia Hardy:
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2nd Place, Jessica Drew/Lindsay McCabe:
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(Don't know why, but I've wanted to see Jess in a shirt that says 'homosexual behaviour' for a while now.)
1st Place! Unsurprisingly, Jessica Drew/Carol Danvers:
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(Wanted to draw them getting married, because for such a popular ship, I haven't really seen any wedding pictures. Also because I wanted to see Jess throw a bouquet like she was pitching a baseball)
My Honest Opinions:
JessNat: Honestly, it's much easier for me to see them as friends-with-benefits as opposed to a romantic couple, though I could potentially see Natasha falling for Jess. Might have to do with how Natasha casually called Jess her 'soulmate' in one comic, and just how opposed she was to Jess being with Roger in the Dennis Hopeless run.
In any case, I could see the two of them bonding easily, with their checkered pasts and espionage backgrounds. The song 'Sisters of the Moon' reminds me of Natasha a lot because of how sensual, eerie, mysterious, and sad it is. (Also, because of the whole black widow spider reference.) And I could see Jess in the role of 'the speaker,' because Jess is quite a loyal and compassionate person, who wants to understand those close to her. That said, I've just never gotten the feeling that Jess has romantic feelings for Natasha, and there are other people I ship Natasha with more.
FelJess: I don't ship them in the main 616 storyline - Cindy Moon is right there, and I don’t mind Spideycat/PeterFel either. However, knowing that Felicia was originally going to be a Spider-Woman character has filled my head and made me obsessed with AU ideas where Jess and Felicia met during the time of Jess' first solo series.
The daughter of a legendary cat burglar determined to follow in her father's footsteps meets a young woman who is struggling to get any kind of work, keep a roof over her head, and is desperate to make connections after having a childhood isolated from other people. Jess is already wary of the police and has been on the verge of stealing more than once, so I don't think it would be that difficult for Felicia to seduce Jess to her side.
And my god, I'm sorry, but Jess would make such an amazing thief. Like she's a good superhero, but damn she might have missed her true calling. Jess can break into pretty much any building. She's freaked Nick Fury out with how easily she has entered S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. She also enjoys things like stakeouts, stalking people, eavesdropping (though she's not really a fan of espionage - probably because of how much of it is following orders). Her superpowers/training are also great for the life of thief: she can climb walls; she's much stronger than the average person; her venom blasts can temporarily immobilise people; she's a very skilled fighter if it comes down to confrontation; and she's smart/good at improvising solutions if things change quickly.
And she and Felicia would be such a hot couple stealing shit, all that adrenaline running through their veins, getting it on after a heist. And because Jess is a compassionate person, and because she knows what it's like to struggle financially, I could also see her appealing to Felicia about helping other people - turning them into a Robin Hood like team eventually.
JessLinds: Jess' first girlfriend. Like, no for real, these two were so obviously in love with each other. They also moved from L.A. to San Francisco to Madripoor and then back to San Francisco again, just so they could be together - which yes, you could do with a friend, but there was definitely something going on. Wolverine called them 'partners' even when they weren't working together, and they called each other things like 'babe' and 'sweetie.'
What I love/find funny about this ship is how much Jess simped for this girl. Like Jess very much doesn't like being told what to do, but when it comes to Lindsay - well, Linds had her wrapped around her little finger. Jess also tended to prioritise her relationship/spending time with Lindsay over other obligations - even those as Spider-Woman.
Lindsay in turn was very supportive of Jess. They actually met in group therapy, and got to know each other because Lindsay stood up for Jess when the other participants became angry with Jess for not opening up more. Lindsay was often the person who grounded Jess - for better or worse playing the part of superhero girlfriend. And when a villian hurt Lindsay, Jess became consumed with rage and went to find and kill her (the villian Viper, though Jess didn't actually end up going through with it for complicated reasons.)
The biggest problem in their relationship was probably that Jess saw Lindsay as perfect - in a she saw her flaws but didn't see them as flaws kinda way. Lindsay is a bit of a reckless adrenaline junkie, but when they were together, Jess didn't see this as an issue - even when maybe she should have.
Lindsay McCabe was dropped by Marvel for awhile, but was brought back in Karla Pacheco's Spider-Woman series, and Jess, who is older and a bit wiser, is able to see Lindsay more objectively, but there is still love between them.
Overall, I think this is really a very sweet relationship and arguably the one that would bring Jess the most long-term happiness.
Caroljess: I could write essays about this ship, so I shall try to contain myself. Carol and Jess bring out the best in each other, but also other not so nice things. They are incredibly supportive of each other, but also know each other enough to know how to really hurt the other. (Jess especially can be stinging when she's scared.)
Carol has inspired Jess to step way out of her comfort zone and do things she definitely wouldn't have done on her own, and Jess admires Carol's courage, but I think she's also scared by just how much she loves Carol. It definitely bothers her that Carol is gone so much. Yes, she's euphoric when she sees Carol, but then Carol leaves again. It probably doesn't help Jess that has abandonment issues.
Carol is more independent than Jess. She likes to go on adventures on her own. She likes having space, and she is pretty assertive with this boundary, even though she knows that Jess is hurt by it. Carol really prizes Jess' loyalty though. She considers Jess to be an extremely loyal person, which might be the origin for the Spock/Kirk nicknames for each other. Just a guess - there are other ways they could relate to those characters as well. Despite her desire for independence, Carol tends to get deeply and pitifully jealous when she feels that someone is closer to Jess than her.
Overall, I find this ship extremely compelling, and I would love to see it as a canon romantic relationship because I think it would be really fascinating to explore in that way. Like there are facets I haven't gotten into - like how fucking interesting it would be to see a superhero couple with that kind of power difference.
I don’t know if this relationship would workout long term though. Like I don’t think it's impossible, but it would definitely not be an easy relationship.
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sharpmarble76 · 2 years
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I posted 5,185 times in 2022
That's 5,185 more posts than 2021!
94 posts created (2%)
5,091 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,157 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#fnaf - 2,787 posts
#undertale - 1,745 posts
#mutuals - 343 posts
#random - 325 posts
#utmv - 307 posts
#long post - 138 posts
#dream sans - 84 posts
#dreamtale - 81 posts
#sun and moon show - 80 posts
#asks - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#thank you for saying this and your sweet comments on that one post because i really needed to hear this and so many others do as well
My Top Posts in 2022:
Another of my beginner art pieces. Sorry if you're from my other fandom with Sun and Moon. My mutual told me that I should post more art so yeah. Anyways, imma bury this in reblogs
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36 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Here's a slightly old piece of art that I finished. I must say, I hate his pants. Why stripes? They're so hard to draw 😭 I'm sure I'll get less wobbly someday...
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37 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Posting this before I go to bed because I'm a coward.
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67 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
I don't know if people really understand the effect simple things have on others. As a fanfiction author, yes I write my weird little stories for myself, but once you get a comment or a kudos or a vote or whatever it may be, everything sort of shifts.
It gains a sense of responsibility yes, but it also gains a new excitement. For example, we've all been that little kid scribbling away with a crayon. We're going to do other similar crayon drawings, but nothing feels as good as showing that little picture to your parent, guardian, or whoever else. I and the other authors/artists are that little kid with the crayon drawing.
If you leave a comment, I will always remember that. Even if it's just 'good chapter.' or 'im about to commit murder 😃🔪' or '❤️❤️❤️'. Authors and artists remember these things!! If you are one of the people who leave essay comments, I have to sit down and take a minute to calm down enough to have a coherent reply. You dear friend, are wonderful.
If you keep coming back or leave multiple comments, I REMEMBER YOU!! I may even consider you a fandom friend or in Tumblr language, a mutual! I see you!!!!!
If you make art, or a story of your own, or make a translation,,,,,, I would die for you. I save the art. I look at it. I downloaded it to my camera roll and favorite it. I read your fic. I comment on it as well. I recommend your translation in the authors note because that may be more convenient for people to read.
I try to express just how much it means to me that you did any of the above things especially the things in the last paragraph. The words don't word. I end up going, "I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!" And "jteaykrsktrsotaptd" and it doesn't work. Well, not entirely. That may send the message across mostly. You see that on your side of the screen and on my side, you would see me pacing, talking to myself about how wow that is amazing and so sweet and oh my heck I would die for you, and doing a weird jazz hands thing and putting my hand over my heart, and sitting down because I need a minute-, and I never forget.
It makes me want to do so much more. It makes me love my weird little creation that much more and grants motivation. I ALWAYS remember. And I think about it all the time. And when I post more I think, 'oh, I hope this meets their expectations and I hope they like it!!' And 'wow I'm getting better at this, I wonder if they noticed?' And 'wow I love and appreciate you so much!'
Even if it's a little thing, it means the world to us little crayon drawing people.
71 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello Sun and Moon artists! I would like to inform you of 2 accounts on Pinterest who are reposting your art without credit! One is OoO and the other is ☆•🍮 Minko 24 🏳️‍⚧️•☆
OoO: https://www.pinterest.com/NoicesOfChaos/
☆●🍮 Minko 24 🏳️‍⚧️●☆: https://www.pinterest.com/phrnphsbutrach/
Some of these artists who have been stolen from are:
@shandzii @oobbbear @pillowspace @miwachan2 @bamsara @lovelymoonmagic @bluwithoutane @fluffffpillow and there are many others! I would tag more but there's a lot and I can't remember it all from the top of my head
Sorry about that everyone, the accounts are now linked.
378 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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justsoohi · 2 years
Black Carol/ Episode 3
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Ibara: oh my we're saved, I'm just glad that the common room in the Cospro office was available!
I didn't expect all the meeting rooms to be occupied.... I apologize for being inexperienced and for my lack of skill!
Yuzuru: That's right. It seems that the only room available was the common room in the Cospro office.
The timing is so bad that I'm almost under the illusion that this schedule was chosen on purpose, Ibara.
Ibara: Ahaha, No way. I don't know about you, but I'm not that dexterous.
Tomoya: Hiyy, it looks like I'm already broken! Hinata~!
Ibara: Hinata? What's wrong with our hinata?
Tomoya: Ah. No, no! I'm just talking to myself, so don't worry about it! I've felt a little bit of a cushy, sticky vibe, and it's made me a little more cautious.
That's an atmosphere us "Ra*bits" doesn't have......
Ah. I'm sorry for speaking cheekily to you senpai!
Yuzuru: A~hh. Ibara always creates such an atmosphere. It's pathetic to frighten your juniors you know
Ibara: I don't want you of all people to say that, why are you acting like a true proper good man after all this time now, 'Instructor-dono'?
Rinne: O~i, you've been going off on a tangent for a while now? Just get on with it.
My favorite shop had a new machine in stock, and I shook it off and came here. But If this lasts too long, there will be no good seats.
Yuzuru: I agree. I also don't like to linger for too long. So, how shall we proceed from here?
Subaru: Hmm~. Maybe we each come up with an idea and then the majority votes? That's how we "Trickstar" usually decided.
Ibara: Yes. That's a good way to start! But first, Please see here for some preliminary information.
In order to maximize efficiency, I have taken the liberty of preparing a document that summarizes the information provided by Anzu-san.
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Everyone gathered here is busy. We can't afford to take up too much of your time!
May I ask you mashiro-shi to pass it on to everyone?
Tomoya: Oh, I understand. I'll turn this around. Um—here, Amagi-senpai.
Ibara: (Everyone is looking at the materials I've created very seriously)
(Fufufu.... This naturally put me in control of the situation)
(By the time they came to their senses, it will be wrapped around their bodies and they couldn't move— just like a snake.)
(In this project, I am prohibited from producing, but I am not prohibited from taking the initiative)
(This is just me taking the helm in an idol-driven situation)
(I'm glad they didn't bring in a stranger because of the strange lack of manpower)
(I would rather take the helm myself than work for some incompetent person who doesn't even know the ins and outs of the production business)
(Anzu-san looked apologetic, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me)
(Originally I can't participate in this "Shuffle Project", but from the point of view of producing, I can get into it♪)
Yuzuru: .........
Ibara: (Oya? Did Yuzuru realize what I was thinking? Oh my oh my, as expected of the instructor-dono)
(I wonder if it's safe to assume that the fact that he's aware of this but do not complain is a sign of his appreciation of my abilities?)
(There is no change in the fact that the situation of this "Shuffle Project" is still a cliffhanger)
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Rinne: Our vicepres is really lively and on roll♪
Tomoya: eh?
Rinne: Nothing. I'm just saying that it's easy to have a talented guy.
Tomoya: ?
Subaru: Hey, barry~ This document says "song", but does that mean it's decided we'll make a song?
Ibara: Ah. I haven't explained it yet.
The other day, I received an explanation from Anzu-san, but due to the current situation I asked around to confirm, and it seems that it is a must to put out a song with "Shuffle Unit".
I think that's fine, The other problem is that everything else is just thrown at us.
Tomoya: a song..... So, are we going to do a live show?
Rinne: It's true that live performances are the royal road, but that's not all.
Tomoya: Heh? What else is there?
Rinne: In a nutshell, there are indoor and outdoor concerts, and there are also risky but high-impact guerrilla gigs)
Let's go on a rampage by getting everyone involved, and use a big truck load bay as a stage!
Subaru: Guerrilla live!? Wow~ I love that kind of surprise☆
Rinne: Oh~. You've got it there!
Tomoya: What!? You want to ride that?
Yuzuru: I will refrain from such barbaric things due to my beliefs and position.
Ibara: Guerrilla Live is too difficult to do without the full cooperation of the ES.
Such things are done under the guise of a grilla, with close coordination with the government and other parties involved.
Rinne: Tch~, boring, and it was a great opportunity too, This is the kind of thing that should be done with a lot of flamboyance!
Subaru: That's right that's right~, Even though it looks like it's going to be a big skyrocket~!
Tomoya: It's so dangerous that I can't believe it's an idol planning meeting!?
I-I'm not a fan of that kind of thing either....
Ibara: We are not terrorists or bombers. Please stop with the wild ideas.
This "shuffle project" is a cross-firm project. In other words, we would like you to think of it as if the reputation of each office rests on your shoulders.
Tomoya: Ah, hahaha........
(Ooooaahhhh. Somebody get me out of here eeeeeeee!!!)
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Kasumi's T2 Voice Drama (Cash Bail)
E: *footsteps*
K: *crying* *sniffling*
E: *door opens* Kasumi.....
K: *sniffles* W-Warden.....?
E: You're still crying, huh?
K: S-Sorry....
E: I suppose you are acting within expected parameters when one is voted guilty
K: Uhu.....
E: I want to ask a request from you, Kasumi
K: Yes?
E: It's a bit of a harsh one
K: You've already been quite harsh to me and the others, warden-san....
E: Eh?
K: The ones you voted guilty....*sniffles* Heh....I didn’t get beaten up or anything, but yet….I’m the one who’s sobbing. I’m eighteen, I’m suppose to be able to act like an adult and control myself
E: I just observed....you are acting within a realistic response to being guilty....
K: Of course....I mean....well....when people are telling me I'm manipulative....I feel no remorse...I'm a psychopath....
E: The voices.....
K: *sniffles* Yeah....I....I think I get it now
E: Huh?
K: I.....what I did was wrong....I thought it was okay cause it was just my job....I.....I'm sorry....
E: !!!
K: That's....you wanted to hear me say I'm sorry? That I was in the wrong? Right? That....That it was all my fault?
E: Kasumi, I--
K: Forget it.....
E: Kasumi....what happened to you?
K: Hm?
E: You.....No....I can't go ahead and say this isn't you....no matter how much your verdict affected your mental state, there is no denying there is some truth to your persona now during trial two....
K: I.....
E: It's a three trial system, meaning you'll change again in Trial three....not like a case if you were innocent here, you'll be back to yourself during trial 1....either way, you'll sink deeper into the darkest parts of your psyche.....
K: What....
E: In VILGRAM, that's just how it's done....you're memories will come alive and judgement will bounce off from my verdict towards the consequences flooding your mind, causing you to behave in ways you would do in order to survive....flight or fight....perhaps....
E: No no....I would describe is more as pushing someone to the worse. Not necessarily implying it's when you're true thoughts come out....still....they would still be apart of the real you.....
K: Warden-san....I don't understand....w-what do you mean by all that?
E: You'll see in due time. But for now, can I request this from you?
K: Go ahead....
E: Please stop your blubbering and let me focus on the second interrogation for you
K: Y-You're....you're not going to berate me like the voices did...are you...warden?
E: No. I need to ask a few questions about the end of trial one and observe you further
K: Observe?
E: Your mental state due to the events of trial 1....
K: Okay....
E: This may be an obvious answer, but how exactly are you feeling, Kasumi?
K: Like....Like I want to die....
E: !!!
K: I.....I feel horrible....not even guilty....just....utterly frustrated with myself.....
E: I see....
K: I'm worried about everyone else that got a guilty vote too......
E: I suppose that is a normal reaction. Much has happened due to the verdicts I assigned, huh?
K: Yeah.....Daisuke got attacked by Kousei....I feel so useless....I did nothing to stop it....
E: Surely with your build, there's not much you could've done
K: E-Eh?
E: It was a joke, relax
K: Not funny.....if it wasn't for Mai-san, Daisuke-san could've died....
E: *sighs* I'm aware.....
K: Though, he changed a bit.....I mean, he was spending some time with Masako-san despite their guilty votes....men change when they're with women
E: True. It seems like everyone has changed a bit. Even the ones who seem neutral on surface level, Raiden or Mai for example, have their fair share of witnessing disturbances
K: Do you feel guilty yourself, warden?
E: Eh?
K: For your judgement…..this isn’t what you wanted, huh?
E: Is it that obvious?
K: You’re not the type to be very expressive of your emotions
E: I’ve been told it makes me unapproachable. Not that I really care about that, but I’m surprised you noticed
K: Who told you that it makes you unapproachable?
E: You don’t think it does?
K: No, but it’s weird that someone would say that to a prison guard of all people. Who exactly told you that?
E: Jackalope. More or less of a joke, but still
K: Heh…..
E: First time you cracked a smile. Though the interrogation has already begun so not an abnormal thing considering how you were in trial 1
K: What about now?
E: Still, trial 1 personality fragments still resurface with specific stimuli. It’s still a part of who you are, the events just rearranged the way you react to unique situations, completely changing the mentality you once had
K: But that doesn’t mean our old personality traits will be erased?
E: Correct. It’s not really something that can be changed. It just shows within certain circumstances
K: I think I get it now….yeah, okay
E: Still, laughing because I told you a rabbit called me unapproachable? That is like you, Kasumi Aisaka
K: Is…..that a good thing?
E: In my personal opinion, it’s silly and asinine. But it’s *you*, Kasumi. So you’re not too far gone
K: *gulps*
E: What?
K: You make it sound like your plan is to experiment on me
E: Scared?
K: Should I?
K: Look who’s laughing no—
E: Hehehe….ahahahaha….
K: !!!! W-warden? What….what’s so funny?
E: Hehe….sorry. Your face just made me chuckle
K: I’m….sorry?
E: Were you trying to look intimidating? Challenging just now?
K: I….well, so what if I was?!
E: Your face is too adorable for that
K: A-Adorable? So because you think I look cute, I can’t look angry?
E: Well, you just don’t seem like the person to be visibly angry. I’m not denying you can’t feel negative emotions, seeing that pathetic face of yours when trial 1 ended
K: H-Hey!
E: But when you try to scrunch up your face and furrow your brows as if you’re mad at someone, it’s….almost like a kitten trying to act like a tiger
K: I-I….
E: Anger comes naturally to someone and the circumstances are different when one feels hatred. However visibly displaying that is also natural. Genuine even
K: Huh?
E: Yeah…..some people aren’t just meant to try to look angry. Others naturally have a scowl that people are use to while people like you, while you can genuinely hide anger with a smile, you aren’t suited to display is as if it’s naturally
K: So…..? Warden, you’re rambling about stuff that’s confusing again
E: Say…..I didn’t properly ask but how did you guess I felt uncomfortable about the events of trial 1?
K: I guess I’ve always been in tune with others emotions. When someone is in pain, I can’t really comfort them. Not because I don’t want to, but because….i start to feel awful myself
E: Would you say that when someone cries, you cry too?
K: Mhmm….well, yeah
E: Empathy has a rudimentary definition of placing yourself in someone’s shoes. Understandable their emotions as if they were your own
K: I guess you can describe it as that. Though, I can’t really help it. Gosh, it’s….its kinda pathetic of me
E: Hyper empathy is when you feel those emotions to the same intensity as the ones you mirror….crying uncontrollably when someone else is in great distress….thats usually a sign. Not even knowing your own feelings, but taking the ones of those you see and feel deep within your psyche….its actually amazing
K: Hyper empathy….That’s just a very intense form of empathy
E: Well yes, but rare too. Only around two percent of people in the world have it to such a degree
K: Though, a more basic definition towards it is that I care too much….so….I’m just a crybaby….someone that deserves every swirly she got….
E: Swirly….thats a teenager term for a form of bullying. Soaking someone’s head in the toilet….gross….
K: Swirlies….shoved in lockers….ink in my hair….coming back to the locker room and seeing my school uniform being cut….having funeral flowers at my desk….rotting decaying animals in my shoe locker too…..
E: Kasumi….you’re mumbling….
K: Heh, my turn to say stuff that doesn’t make sense
E: What are you going on about?
K: Remember I briefly talked about it before? I was bullied in the past for being smart
E: That I recall, yes. But being smart is normally seen as a good thing. Though, some people that feel not intelligent enough themselves will connect smart people with being “nerds”. A negative meaning
K: Yeah….you can’t please everyone….i was too smart….people called me a nerd….i cared too much….people called me a crybaby….i wanted to please people….people called me a pushover…..
E: Kasumi….
K: And I wanted to be confident in myself and tell myself that I was just following the role of my job….and now people call me a psychopath….
E: !!!!
(Bells Chime, Machinery whirls)
K: It’s not like I’m going to deny it….its….I’ve been told the opposite of what I thought this whole time. Since I was in grade school….so….i really should stop trying to make myself out as if I’m innocent
E: That’s not—
K: But then why…..? Why else did you think I was guilty? Cause I was wrong, no?
E: I…..it was more of an unconscious thing, to be honest? Not that I wasn’t paying attention at your video, but I suppose you can say I sensed a tinge of no remorse in your eyes
K: No remorse in my eyes? You mean just having a gut feeling I was guilty? That I didn’t feel sorry?
E: Yeah….yes yes, that describes it well
E: Kasumi?
K: I picked the wrong job…..I always loved mysteries….and I loved honesty….but I see it has its flaws
E: It’s the hard part of being in a law career. You try to serve justice as best as you can. Sometimes, it doesn’t mean the truth turns out to be all sunshine and rainbows
K: I know. I told myself that when I got into this career….but now….I see I did someone more harm than good
E: Kasumi….your job is hard. Not everyone can do it, let alone, someone with your level is softness and empathy. To be honest, I’m quite surprised a hyper empath like you took on a career that would be an uphill battle
K: So? I already told you my reasoning. Beethoven cut off his own ear and still became one of the greatest musicians. Just because someone has a disadvantage in an area of study, doesn’t mean they can’t love it
E: And that’s not the reason you want to give up
K: I want you give up cause I was wrong…..I didn’t like the person who was killed….but….that doesn’t excuse my actions
E: The actions of a law enforcement profession
K: I’m not even official, you know. I also told you I was planning to go to college for a degree in criminology and become an official PI
E: I see….yes, I recall that
K: Some dreams deserve to be crushed
E:……with that smile, it’s even more creepy to say that
K: Warden, didn’t you have dreams? Or did you always want to be a prison guard?
E: I………I…..e-enough about me! Prisoner number one, Kasumi Aisaka, sing your sins!
0 notes
ryukunkawaii · 11 months
Mob A: Ahh, that was sooo great! So this is the legendary CLUB paradox’s live…!
Mob B: The music was good, but the phantom was amazing, wasn’t it!? Aah~ it feels like I’m still in a dream!
Mob C: Hey, which one did you vote for?
Mob D: Honestly, I was so lost! Hey, let’s come again next time!
Mob C: For sure! We’re not heads if we miss this!
Yohei: Seriously! I can’t accept this. What’s so good about that nothing but loud bunch?
Saimon: A loss is a loss. We have to accept it with our mind and body.
Yohei: Hah. You don’t even think so yourself.
Ryuu: Don’t fight, Boss, Master!
Yohei: It ain’t a fight!
Ryuu: Master~ your face’s scary!
Yohei: Shut up.
Ryuu: And Shiki, too! Don’t be sad and gloomy [1]!
Shiki: S-sorry…
Ryuu: Muu… no helping it. At times like this… that’s right! Calisthenics, Shiki!
Shiki: Eh!?
Ryuu: Let’s go~! 1, 2, 3, 4… Come now, Shiki, you have to twist it more!
Shiki: Ouch, ouch, ouch! I can’t do more than this, Ryuu-kun!
Ryuu: Hmm…~ That’s weird… Hmm… If this joint bent here, then…!
Shiki: Stop it, Ryuu-kun! That’s…!
(Shiki bends one of Ryuu’s joints.)
Shiki: Ahh!
Yohei: Oi, oi, don’t break Shiki!
Saimon: Ryuu, it’s not good to force Shiki. Stop it right there.
Ryuu: Eeh~!? Even though it’d feel good after this…!
(Someone knocks the door.)
Saimon: Who is it? Please come in.
(Door opens.)
Anne: Good day, Saimon-sensei! Tonight, too, you’re extremely cool! You were wonderful~
Saimon: Faulkner-kun! And Sugasano-kun, and Yeon-kun. You guys came.
Allen: Yes. Today, we came as B.A.E. Well… it’s something like a courtesy call…
Hajun: Inspecting enemy movements, you can say.
Yohei: Hah! You said it. And? How was our stage?
Hajun: Fufu. Behind the times, it was.
Yohei: Ha? Oi, say that once again.
Hajun: Sigh… don’t make me say it numerous times. I said that it was behind the times, you guys’ music.
Allen: Wha-Hajun!
Anne: You don’t say that when you come to greet someone.
Hajun: I’ll say it clearly, Saimon-sensei… no, Kotonoha and God summer-san. I heard that Quadra-X [2] was a team that even got invited by an overseas fest, but… that was just a story of the past, after all, huh. How unfortunate.
Yohei: Bastard…! Just ‘cause I let a brat like you talk…
Saimon: Yohei. Indeed, that was in the past. In reality, Quadra-X has broken up, after all. However, now that we’ve reunited, there’s also Ryuu and Shiki. Our will and style towards music haven’t changed, but please understand that we’re already a different team.
Ryuu: Yeah, yeah! After all, there’s Sparkly Ryuu-kun and Gloomy Shiki now!
Shiki: I’m… gloomy…?
Yohei: And? Dissin’ us being stale, what about you guys? Just jumping at trends and thinking of yourselves as cutting-edge… ain’t that just child’s play?
Allen: Huh!? What’s with that!?
Anne: Wh- Allen, not you too! Stop it.
Yohei: Hah! Not even having your own figure and style… there’s no meaning in doing rootless hip hop. Well-bred young masters and ladies should just sing ballads and get spoiled by others.
Allen: You said ‘style’, but isn’t saying ‘fuck off’ to bothersome stuff like customs, standards, and common sense’s what hip hop is!? We’re just spinning the sound we think is cool. The vibes that exists here and now… if you can express it, no matter how it is, we don’t care. We’ll just swallow it, drain it, and make it our sound!
Hajun: You say good things sometimes too, don’t you, Allen. If you only adhere to your own style, losing sight of discourses [3] and fear change and evolution, that’s just fossil music. It’s better to put it in a museum, is it not?
Saimon: Good grief… this is pretty harsh. They’ve got us there, didn’t they, Yohei?
Yohei: Tch.
Anne: Jeez… Both Allen and Hajun is so immature.
Ryuu: Sniff, sniff, sniff!
Anne: Ah.
Ryuu: Hmm~? Mm~? Sniff, sniff.
Anne: Whー what!?
Shiki: R-Ryuu-kun! It’s impolite to suddenly smell people like that!
Ryuu: Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff! You with long hair, and you with spiky red hair…
Allen: Wh-what?
Ryuu: You guys have the same smell.
Allen: Ahh, that’s Anne’s perfume. He always uses so much it’sー
Anne: Grr!
(Anne punches Allen.)
Allen: It hurts!!! Suddenly punching me like that…! I’m against violence!
Anne: It’s because you’re saying rude stuff.
Ryuu: Sniff, sniff… But, you with mushroom head…
Hajun: Hm? What is it?
Ryuu: You’re being left out, aren’t you.
Hajun: Ha?
Ryuu: Ahh, but it’s not like you’re being bullied or anything. The one who left you out… is yourself, after all.
Hajun: What are you sayingー
Ryuu: Sniffsniffsniffsniffsniff!
Hajun: Oof! Could you please get away from me? You’re a bit close…
Ryuu: Sniff, sniff, sniff… That’s weird… I can’t smell ‘true scent’ coming from you.
Hajun: True scent…?
Ryuu: That’s right. You’re always inside a transparent box… Ah! I see! You don’t want to show anyone anything but your ‘clean self’, do you!
Hajun: …!
Ryuu: Aha! You’re like a mushroom stuffed in packaging! Ahahaha, ehehehe!
Shiki: Sorry!! Ryuu-kun’s a somewhat peculiar child, so…
Hajun: Ah, no…
Shiki: Come on, Ryuu-kun. Get away from him…!
Ryuu: I wonder why~? But, if you don’t come out of there yourself… one day, you’ll rot… and become an unneeded child.
Hajun: …Stop screwing around…
Ryuu: Hmm?
Hajun: Stop screwing around!
Ryuu: Uwooah!?
Yohei: Bastard, what are you doing suddenly!?
Ryuu: Ou-ou-ouch, ouch, ouch…!
Shiki: Are you okay, Ryuu-kun…?
Hajun: You… take back your words just now. [4]
Shiki: Words…? What do you mean?
Hajun: Don’t play dumb!! You said it, didn’t you!? That I’m a… ugh…
Allen: Stop it, Hajun! What are youー
Hajun: Shut up!!!
Allen: Ha… jun…?
Hajun: Damn it!*
Anne: Hajun!
(Hajun walks out, smashes the door close.)
Allen: He’s…
Anne: Yeah… he was seriously angry just now, wasn’t he?
Saimon: I’m sorry. Even though you guys took the time to come, somehow it turned into something serious.
Anne: Saimon-sensei…
Saimon: Don’t worry about us, go and run after him quickly.
Anne: Yes. We’re going, Allen.
Allen: Yeah…
(Allen and Anne leaves.)
(Ryuu’s stomach growls.)
Ryuu: Aa~aah, Ryuu-kun’s hungry! Heey, let’s eat Raimen-tei’s char siu ramen without the noodles and go home!
Yohei: This one’s carefree, huh? Oi, Ryuu.
Ryuu: Huh?
Yohei: What did you say to him just then?
(Tinging sound of ice in a glass.)
Saimon: Sigh. “Behind the times”… we just received quite a severe preemptive punch, didn’t we.
Yohei: Shit… ‘cause of that, I can’t get drunk at all.
(Yohei pours more drink into his glass.)
Saimon: It’s better to stop there. Trap reactions get more intense if you drink heavily, after all.
Yohei: I know.
Saimon: Shiki… has started, hasn’t he.
Yohei: Yeah. I laid him on the bed at the second floor. Ryuu’s more or less looking after him, but… Honestly, I can’t stand seeing Shiki’s ‘that’.
Saimon: Trap reaction… I wonder, just what is it that Shiki’s fighting?
Yohei: That kinda thing… nobody would want to let anyone touch the wounds in the deepest part of themselves.
Saimon: Yeah… but…
Yohei: Even so, Shiki chose the path to do it [5] with us. It’s his own resolution.
Saimon: Yeah.
Yohei: All of us is like that. If we use our metals, one day we might lose everything and die. Even so, if we don’t do it, we’ll die. Haha, jeez, what unfortunate livin’ beings. [6]
Shiki: Ah, ah…!! Ahh!! I’m sorry, I’m sorry…!! Aah…!! AAAH…!!!
Ryuu: Shiki, today too you seem in max pain…~ ‘Til how many hours left will this continue?
Shiki: Ah… it’s my fault, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…!!
(Shiki clutches Ryuu’s hand.)
Ryuu: O-o-ouch!! If you grip Ryuu-kun’s hand with such monstrous strength, it’ll fall off!!!
Shiki: Ah…! Ryuu-kun…?
Ryuu: Oh!! You noticed!
Shiki: Ah… I-I’m sorry… I, again… When I saw the nightmare… did you keep holding my hand?
Ryuu: Yeah~! If not, Shiki’ll scream out ‘waah, waah!’ after all~
Shiki: Sorry… I’m always troubling you, don’t I?
Ryuu: It’s okay, ‘cause it’s interesting!
Shiki: Huh? Interesting?
Ryuu: After all, no matter how much Ryuu-kun uses his medal, he’s never had trap reaction, right?
Shiki: You have special constitution, after all. Honestly, I’m a bit jealous…
Ryuu: It’s boring.
Shiki: Eh?
Ryuu: After all, Ryuu-kun’s the only one left out.
Shiki: Ah… that’s not…
Ryuu: Sometimes, Ryuu-kun thinks… not having a trap reaction definitely means I couldn’t build a connection with anyone.
Shiki: Ryuu-kun…
Ryuu: Ah! You still have a fever? You do, right!?
Shiki: Ah, yeah…
Ryuu: Then, here!
Shiki: Ah!! What is it!?
Ryuu: A live octopus! If you put it on your forehead, it’s cold and feels good, right!?
Shiki: W-woah… it felt like it moved just now…!?
Ryuu: Yeah, it’s still alive, after all.
Shiki: Alive…!? Gross, take it off me quickly…!! A-ah, it hurts!
Ryuu: That’s no good, no good! You have to put it on your forehead, or your fever won’t go down~! Even though I bought it for you…
Shiki: But…!! It smells fishy… and it’s slimy… it’s gross…!!
Ryuu: Do your best, Octopus!! Such out Shiki’s fever!! If you can’t do it, I’ll eat you~!! Oh, I’ll still eat you even if you could, though, ahahaha!!
Shiki: Uhh… sobs…
(Yohei plays “Faith” intro on the piano.)
Saimon: That song… in the past, Tsubaki used to play it there a lot, didn��t she?
Yohei: Yeah… for some reason, I wanted to play it in a while.
Saimon: What do you think of B.A.E?
Yohei: They’re cheeky brats.
Saimon: Haha. But when I see them, somehow I’m reminded of the past.
Yohei: Pft.
Saimon: Yohei, Tsubaki, and I… that time when we were young, fearless, and just rushed towards our ideal music.
Yohei: Well, that young lady’s a nice woman. 
(Yohei plays “Faith” intro again.)
Yohei: She’s kinda similar to Tsubaki-san, isn’t she? Their appearance’s entirely different, but like… the atmosphere, you know.
Saimon: That’s… true. But, Faulkner-kun’s not a woman, you know?
(Yohei stops playing the piano.)
Yohei: Eh…? He’s… a man?
Saimon: Fufu. Did I disappoint you?
Yohei: No way. As long as I have hip hop, it’s enough.
Saimon: Connecting people with music… do you think we can do that?
Yohei: We have no other choice, for that person who fell midway in chasing after her dream… [7] that’s the only atonement we, the people left behind, could ever do.
Saimon: Atonement… huh. I’m glad you’re here, Yohei.
Yohei: Huh?
Saimon: After I lost Tsubaki and ran to university, Yohei, you stayed in this shop and played the piano whilst waiting for me.
Yohei: It’s just that unlike you, I don’t have anywhere else to go to.
Saimon: Thank you, for doing music with me.
Yohei: W-what are you saying, after such a long time!? Disgusting!
Saimon: That’s my true feelings, though.
Yohei: Plus, there’s Ryuu and Shiki now. Quadra-X’s broke up already. The Cat’s Whiskers are us nowー
Ryuu: Hey, hey!!! Do we have a takoyaki maker!?
Yohei: Are you stupid? We’re a jazz bar! There’s no way we have that in hereー
Saimon: We do.
Yohei: We do!?
Ryuu: Yaaaaay!!! Well then, after Shiki’s fever go down and Boss and Master’s trap reaction ends, let’s have a takoyaki party!! Takoyaki party!!
Yohei: Pft. So bothersome.
Saimon: Haha.
Ryuu: Delicious takoyaki made together with everyone ♪ Run after it ‘till the ends of the takoyaki galaxy, with an aftertaste  ♪ Crunchy outside, and fluffy inside, and steam coming out of your mouth  ♪ Yeah, it’s done! ♪
Warning(s): This episode has an explanation of BAE’s traumas. It’s all a bit heavy, and Anne’s has to do with gender, so please watch out.
(Anne enters the room.)
Anne: Sigh.
Allen: How was it?
Anne: No good. He won’t come out no matter what I say.
Allen: I see. I… it’s the first time I saw Hajun seriously angry.
Anne: Yeah. I was surprised… for him to show his emotion and get angry like that…
Allen: He… what kind of face is he making now…?
Anne: I want to know, too, but there’s nothing else we could do but let him be for now, don’t you think?
Allen: No… As I thought, I’ll go and try to talk to him once again!
Anne: WhaーI’m going too!
(The two of them go to Hajun’s room.)
(Allen knocks on Hajun’s door.)
Allen: Hajun, you can hear me, can’t you!? You don’t have to open the door. That’s why, just like that, listen to me.
Hajun: How stubborn. After I calm down, I’ll go out by myself. Of course, with a smile as usual. That’s why, please leave me alone.
Allen: That means you’re not smiling right now! Right?
Hajun: What about it? Even I have times when I’m upset.
Allen: That’s not what I’m talking about…! I’m frustrated. When you thrust him away, I thought, ‘ah, he’s seriously angry’… it’s the first time I saw your face like that. It’s a face that you’ve never shown to me nor Anne.
Anne: Yeah…
Allen: And I thought, it’s frustrating, but… what Compra Daimaou said was right. We haven’t seriously confronted each other. That we’ve only been looking at each other’s convenient sides…
Hajun: …!
Allen: That’s why, now, I’m angry at myself. Even though I’m the one who was always with you the most, doing hip hop together, I… I didn’t try to see the real you. That’s why… in the depths of my ear, I could hear the sound of a record disk breaking. And flames burn… as everything in front of me turns deep red.
Anne: Allen…?
Allen: I’m talking about trap reactions. Mine… always starts like that.
Anne: Trap reactions, you say? But, Allen, that’s…
Allen: It’s fine! I want you guys to listen. You guys know about my family, right? Both of my parents are classical musicians, and they absolutely wont acknowledge hip hop. I know that, so I listened to hip hop in secret. But then I got completely absorbed in it, and…
(Sounds of record disk breaking.)
Allen’s mother: Such grating sounds like hip hop… where in the world did you pick it up from?
Allen’s father: Don’t listen to such worthless music!! Your ears will get dirty!!
Allen: Stop!! Don’t burn it…!! Please… only that…
Allen’s mother: Allen, you’re talented. If you listen to Papa and Mama, you could even become a world-class musician!
Allen’s father: We gave birth to you for that reason, not to let you play trashy music like this.
Allen: Please… I finally understood… the music I want to do is hip hop…! That’s why… Ahhhhh!!
Allen’s father and mother: You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re wrong.
Allen: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Allen: They burned everything. The records I collected one by one, the equipment I finally managed to buy by saving my pocket money, I was locked up in the house for days… They keep denying my music… no, denying me. After that, Hajun, you know it best, don’t you?
Anne: Ah, that’s unfair. I haven’t heard about that!
Allen: I escaped from the room I was confined in, and ran away to this place. I didn’t think I’d keep living here after that, though.
Anne: So that’s how it was…
Allen: This is my trauma. The nightmare I see during trap reactions. Shameful, isn’t it? To keep recalling again and again the day my treasure got burnt by my parents when I was a brat.
Allen: No it’s not! It’s not. Mine starts with the sound of a scissor.
(The sounds of scissors clipping.)
Anne’s mother: Look, you turned wonderful!
Anne: Sob… hic…
Anne’s mother: Long hair don’t suit you, Anjin [8]. You’re a boy, after allーshort hair’s way better.
Anne: Hic… But I…!
Anne’s mother: Anjin!!
Anne: …!
Anne’s mother: When Papa left, you promised him, right? That from now on, Anjin will become Mama’s prince.
Anne: Yeah…
Anne’s mother: Right!? Right, Anjin! I love you, Anjin! I want to love, you Anjin! That’s why, Anjin, please stay as Mama’s prince forever…
Anne: Yeah… that’s right… I’m Mama’s prince, after all… I have to be loved by Mama… hic…
Anne: Haha, that’s definitely a toxic parent, right? But… I couldn’t run away. Even now, I still think I want to be Mama’s prince, somewhere in my heart. I want to love and be loved.
Allen: …!
Anne: But if it goes on, both of us will break. I knew that, so I left home. Haha. The story of my trap reaction ends here! Seriously, shameful, isn’t it? Not being able to stand independently from my parents even now…
Allen: Anne…
Anne: It’s fine. I thought I’d have to talk about it either way someday, and now I feel relieved after I say it frankly with all of my might.
Hajun: I was told I’m an unneeded child.
Allen: Ah… Hajun, what did you sayー
Hajun: I was told I’m an unneeded child.
Allen: …! Is that, by Compra Daimaou…?
Hajun: Yes. That’s how it starts for me.
Anne: Start… you mean…?
Hajun: My trap reaction.
Anne: …!
Hajun: You guys know that I’m the son of the head of Yeon Conglomerate, right?
Allen: Yeah.
Hajun: However, I’m an adopted child. I was taken in to that house when I was a child, just to succeed the family.
Anne: Hajun… if it’s painful, you don’t have to force yourself to say itー
Hajun: My parents… were probably good people. They raised me, who had no blood relation to them, as they would their real son. They probably loved me, as wellーto an extent. …Until the real son was born.
(Sounds of baby crying.)
Hajun’s father: Hajun. I’ll have you go to Japan.
Hajun: Eh…!?
Hajun’s mother: For Yeon Conglomerate, Japan’s an important business partner. It’s not bad to master Japanese while you have the chance.
Hajun: But I…!
Hajun’s father: It seems like you don’t understand.
Hajun’s mother: Hajun. That means, you’re not a necessary existence in this house anymore.
Hajun: Eh…!?
Hajun’s mother: The most important thing in Yeon Conglomerate is to be related by blood. Because one has blood relations with Yeon Family, one could be the head everyone acknowledges.
Hajun’s father: Fortunately, God has blessed us with a son. You’re a clever childーyou know what that means, don’t you?
Hajun: Then… I’m…
Hajun’s father: That’s right, Hajun. You’re an unneeded child. Unneeded child. Unneeded child. Unneeded child.
Hajun: It makes me remember the day when my parents told me I’m an unneeded child. Repeatedly, repeatedly, the day when I got thrown away miserably like a dog.
Allen: That’s why, that time, you…
Hajun: Yes. I subconsciously lost my cool. It was just as that guy from The Cat’s Whiskers said. I’m scared. …Of becoming an unneeded child again.
Allen & Anne: …!
Hajun: That’s why, I never get serious with anyone. Even more so if it’s someone I cherish. Wearing a smiling mask, never showing my real self. Because it’s scary. It’s frightening. After all, I’m an unneeded child… If I believe in someone, love them, and get betrayed again… thrown away again, I can’t bear it. If so, then I wont everー
Allen: Don’t be stupid!! Hajun, you’re not an unneeded child!
Hajun: …!
Allen: No matter what anyone says, you’re not an unneeded child!! Plus, I won’t ever betray you, Hajun! I won’t throw you away! Hajun. Do you remember? The day when I tumbled here.
Hajun: Yes…
Allen: You let the tattered me stay without asking anything, didn’t you? Keeping quiet from your parents and school… and then one day, you said it: ‘That’s nice.’
Hajun: …!
Allen: To the rap I muttered nonchalantly… to that rap, which you couldn’t even call ‘music’, you said, ‘that’s nice.’ That time, I understood. I still have myself. I thought I’ve lost everything, but I still have myself! Even if it was broken, or burnt… it could never be snatched away. I… the sound echoing inside of me, will never be erased by anyone! That’s why, that time, the one who saved me, Hajun! It was you That I could do hip hop without losing myself, it’s all because of you! Hajun!
Hajun: …!
Allen: Getting denied, and denied… Being told that I’m worthless, getting broken, burnt… to the tattered me, you said ‘it’s nice’. You accepted me, and asked me to do hip hop together. Who the hell would throw away such an important person!?
(Allen hits the door.)
Hajun: …! You’re such an idiot.
Allen: Huh?
Hajun: It’s not something you have to get fired up about. So embarrassing.
Allen: Embarrassing, you said…
Hajun: Are you crying?
Allen: I’m not crying…
Anne: Haha, Allen, you’re crying. Like, a lot.
Allen: Don’t lie!! Look, it’s…!
Anne: Yeah, yeah, it’s the sweat of your heart, is it?
Allen: Yeah, it’s my heart’s sweat!
Hajun: Pft. Jeez… now that you’ve cried before I do…
(Hajun opens the door.)
Allen & Anne: Hajun…!
Hajun: What a hindrance. If you guys stand around there, I can’t open the door.
Allen: Ah… yeah!
Anne: Hajun…?
Hajun: I’m fine already. I’m sorry for making you guys worried.
Anne: No… thank you, Hajun.
Hajun: Hm? Why did you thank me?
Anne: ‘Cause I’m happy. To hear Hajun’s real self, that is.
Hajun: Anne…
(Allen’s stomach growls.)
Allen: Aah… now that I’m relieved, suddenly I feel hungry.
Anne: Then, shall we go eat out somewhere?
Allen: I wanna go to Raimen-tei! I want char siu ramen with double the char siu! Of course, it’s Hajun’s treat!
Hajun: Ha!? Why do I have to treat you guys!?
Anne: Then, I want a tenshin-don! [9] With all-you-can-drink draft beer!
Hajun: Waitー
Allen: Come on, let’s go!
Anne: Ah, I wanna retouch my makeup!
Allen: That kinda thing, it’s fine already!
Anne: What do you mean by ‘that kinda thing’!?
Hajun: Jeez, you guys… thank you.
Allen: Huh?
Hajun: It’s nothing. Can’t be helped, I’ll treat you all today. Let’s go.
Anne: Free meal’s the best!
Allen & Anne: Haha!
(Sound of door knocked.)
Anne: Yes, please come in.
(Door opens.)
Saimon: Hello. I’m coming in.
Anne: Saimon-sensei! And everyone else, too…
Ryuu: Hello~! It’s Ryuu-kun!
Shiki: Excuse me…
Yohei: We came to return the gift from last time. Well, call it observing the enemy movements.
Allen: Enemy… is it?
Saimon: It’s a joke. We have no intention to treat you as an enemy. But, indeed we’re interested in you guys. There’s that thing from last time, too, after all.
Allen: Ah, if that’s it, thenー
Hajun: Then, how was it? The trend-jumping, cutting edge-pretending child’s play?
Yohei: He’s really pickin’ a fight, ain’t he.
Anne: Ah, but I want to hear, as well. Please tell us honestly.
Saimon: Come on, Yohei.
Yohei: I’ll take back my words. Sorry for dissin’ you guys.
Allen: Huh!?
Yohei: You guys’ sound today had a core. Something that wont waver, as rappers. No, I felt your pride as a team. It’s different from our style, but I’ll acknowledge it. That was a nice stage.
Hajun: …
Yohei: Especially you, 48, was it?
Hajun: Yes.
Yohei: How to say it… you broke out of your shell, huh?
Hajun: Thanks to all of you.
Saimon: With this, I’m getting even more excited in battling with all of you. Of course, we have no intention to lose. We’ll bet on our pride and do our own hip hop.
Yohei: We won’t letcha call us behind the times.
Shiki: I-I’ll do my best!
Ryuu: Hmmm? Hey, Mushroom-kun… you…
Hajun: …!?
Ryuu: You came out of your box!
Hajun: …!
Ryuu: But you have to hurry, you know? After all, you don’t have much time left.
Hajun: …!!
Ryuu: Hey, hey, Boss, Master! Ryuu-kun’s in high spirit today! Let’s go back to the floor!
Yohei: We’re done here. Let’s go home.
Saimon: I also have class tomorrow.
Ryuu: Eeeh!? Boring!!! Shiki, you idiot!!!
Shiki: Eh, why me!?
Allen: Hajun, are you okay!?
Anne: If he said something weird to you again, this time I’ll knock him down!
Hajun: Haha. No, it’s nothing. You guys are such worrywarts.
Allen: I mean…!
Anne: Right!?
Hajun: Come on, let’s go home. Allen, if you keep dawdling, you’ll lose your metal again.
Allen: …!! You’re still hung up over that!? You have a bad personality!
Anne: As expected from the sadistic smiling prince!
Hajun: Let’s go, Anjin.
Anne: Hey, I told you to not call me by that name, didn’t I!
Allen: Seems like it’d be good to add ‘wicked-tongued’ to the sadistic smiling prince.
Anne: Seriously, jeez!
Allen: Now it’s wicked-tongued, sadistic smiling prince.
Anne: For some reason, the ‘prince’ never gets removed.
Allen: I wonder why?
Hajun: If I’m with you guys, perhaps, I’m sure…Notes [1] Jimejime also means damp and humid. [2] クアドラエックス (kuadora ekkusu) - Quadra-X seems to be Yohei and Saimon (and probably also Tsubaki’s) unit in the past. I don’t know the stylization though, so I just go by what I think it is. [3] Honestly not so sure what he meant, but probably it’s like not wanting to question tradition and stuff like that? [4] Hajun’s always using the proper and formal ‘anata’, but here he uses the informal and pretty rude ‘omae’!! [5] ‘Do it’, as in form a unit and perform with a phantometal. [6] Inga na ikimon - as in living creatures with unfortunate fate/destiny. [7] Yohei actually didn’t specify who (he just said ‘that person’ and ‘in the middle of dream’), but from the flow of the conversation, feels like it can’t be anyone else but Tsubaki… [8] I heard Anji first, but then I think it’s actually Anjin? [9] Tenshin-don is crab meat omelette on rice!!
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linagram · 26 days
[ 𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚁𝚒𝚔𝚞'𝚜 𝚃𝟹 𝚅𝙳 ] 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗, 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝙸𝚝 𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠
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RIKU. OH RIKU. enjoyed writing both his mv and his vd a lot! hope y'all like it too :) (his mv and vd destroyed me)
Warnings for Riku's VD: descriptions of toxic relationships, suicide, bullying and self-harm.
Warnings for Riku's MV: same as his VD, not counting the bullying part, Riku also gets to be really violent in this one and there are a lot of mentions of blood.
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: .. So..
Miki: It's time for us to interrogate your brother.
Hinode: .. Yes.
Miki: .. Hinode-san, how can you be so calm even though your own brother is one of the prisoners here?
Miki: How can you just.. be so calm even though your brother has murdered someone?
Miki: And not just that, you voted him guilty too. Again, I understand Eiji-san's situation, but-
Hinode: Because I always knew it will end up like this.
Miki: Huh?..
Hinode: I knew that their friendship will end with someone's death. I knew that it will either be Riku or it will be Yue. 
Hinode: I.. I always knew it.
Miki: .. Why didn't you help him? 
Miki: Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you tell your own brother that this friendship will only hurt him? 
Miki: Do you even love-
Miki: ...
Hinode: .. I'm so sorry, Miki-san. 
Hinode: It's just.. Haha..
Hinode: Who knows. Maybe I really don't care about Riku that much.
Hinode: .. I was too focused on my own pain to think about his pain too.
Miki: .. Sorry.
(the door opens)
Miki: .. Hello, Riku-san.
Riku: I heard you two arguing. Did something happen?
Riku: And, um.. Hello.
Miki: I-it's nothing. Please don't worry about it.
Miki: .. How are you feeling, Riku-san?
Riku: .. A little better, haha.
Hinode: ...
Riku: (to Hinode) .. Are you not going to say anything?
Hinode: .. I'm sorry about.. that.
Riku: *laughs* You're this scared to talk about your brother's suicide attempt?
Riku: .. No. No, that's not the right way to say it.
Riku: You're so used to my suicide attempts that you don't feel anything at all anymore. 
Hinode: ...
Miki: .. Hinode-san..
Miki: .. You really are a terrible brother.
Hinode: .. I know.
Riku: Hey, hey, come on, let's talk about my crime instead.
Miki: B-but don't you want to talk more about how your life in Milgram has been? 
Miki: I just want to know how you are-
Riku: I'm fine.
Riku: T-thanks to Akio-kun.. I'm fine.
Miki: But what about-
Riku: Guard 002.
Riku: Don't you think you should stop asking prisoners about things other than their crimes? Especially things that trigger them and make them uncomfortable?
Riku: If you care so much about us, why don't you respect our privacy?
Miki: ...
Miki: "His attitude towards me has.. completely changed."
Miki: "It's like he's not trying to make me trust him anymore."
(the sound of a screen turning on)
Eiji: That's what I like to hear. If you want to talk about your crime so much, let's start with your murder method.
Eiji: Guard 002 asked you about it the last time, but you didn't give a proper answer. 
Eiji: So, how did you do it?
Riku: .. I thought you would have seen something like that in my video.
Miki: "Hinode-san told me everything about it, but I can't just tell Riku that I've heard it from his brother."
Miki: .. Did you.. use your reputation to make everyone hate Shiozaki-san?
Riku: ...
Riku: Yep. That's what the popular guys do.
Eiji: Popular guys don't just drive someone to suicide.
Riku: Hmm, I disagree. Our whole existence makes others wish they were either just like us or simply dead.
Riku: I'm sure at least one person was close to committing suicide just because of how great I am.
Miki: .. And you're proud of it?
Riku: Sure. I had the same thoughts every single day, why wouldn't I be happy that someone feels the exact same way because of me?
Riku: It's like.. a compliment, really. Like wow, I'm so cool that someone would rather die than continue living their boring and pointless life that has me in it!
Eiji: .. We should've voted you guilty twice.
Riku: But anyway, yeah, I just used my popularity to spread gossip about him and told everyone how bad Yue is and that it would be better if the guy just killed himself already..
Riku: And it worked! Yay~
Hinode:  .. You're not actually that happy about his death, are you?
Riku: .. What do you mean?
Hinode: Sure, you still have your band, your friends, your classmates, but..
Hinode: Yue understood you like no one could. He gave you as much attention as you needed. 
Hinode: It could've been overwhelming, but it was the exact amount you needed. That's why you couldn't have just ended your friendship like a normal person would.
Riku: .. Why don't you just continue to sit here and not say anything?
Riku: You never understood me, Hinode-
Hinode: Your whole family doesn't understand you. That's one of the many reasons why Yue's death will only make your life more miserable.
Hinode: Your main source of attention and affection is gone. 
Hinode: Who will you start feeding off this time? Akio-san?
Hinode: You don't see people as people, you just see them as pairs of eyes that are supposed to only look at you.
Riku: .. Says the guy who stole all of our parents' affection.
Eiji: Shut up, you two.
Eiji: First of all, I don't want to know anything about what was going on between Riku and Yue. I'm only interested in the murder.
Eiji: And also..
Eiji: If your parents pay more attention to only one of their children, it's their fault. The other child is not the one to blame. 
Eiji: And.. maybe the child that gets more attention is not the one to blame either.
Riku and Hinode: ...
Riku: .. Yue was planning to jump off the school rooftop.
Riku: And not just that. I was the one who suggested it.
Riku: I left a note for him that said I'm tired of everything and that I want to end it all, but I'm not doing it without him.
Riku: Of course, he agreed and came to the rooftop, but..
Riku: This wasn't supposed to be double suicide. It was basically supposed to be.. murder that would look like suicide.
Riku: Me and my friends came to look at it and.. taunt him a little, I guess.
Riku: Like, we were just going "Jump! Jump! Jump!"
Miki: Were your friends really.. okay with all of this?
Riku: Eh, I don't know and I also don't care.
Riku: Maybe they really are this cruel, maybe they just didn't want to lose their status. Who knows.
Riku: But then.. I walked up closer to Yue. 
Riku: I just wanted to continue making fun of him, nothing more. Maybe, also, um.. Push him a little.
Eiji: Making fun of him and pushing him are two different things. You weren't trying to get him to commit suicide anymore, you were trying to kill him yourself.
Riku: Come on, I was just.. bullying him a bit. Like all friends do.
Miki: ".. Sometimes I forget how insane Riku-san is."
Riku: B-but.. Um..
Riku: Then, Yue hugged me. I thought that maybe he wanted to hug me for the last time before he jumped, but..
Riku: .. H-he wanted to fall with me.
Riku: H-he wanted us to jump together.
Riku: Y-you don't understand, he even pulled out a boxcutter that we used to-
Riku: A-and he said that he was going to stab me if I didn't jump with him.
Riku: He was that insane. I was the victim. Please trust me.
Eiji: So he was so obsessed with you that he was okay with dying, but only if that meant you kept your promise and you two committed double suicide..
Eiji: .. Heh. Things are getting interesting.
Miki: T-there's nothing interesting about it! It's just.. it's just..
Riku: So anyway, I tried to fight back, but he hugged me again and..
Riku: W-we almost fell off the roof. 
Riku: And then my friends tried to save me and..
Riku: T-they did. A-as you can see, I'm still alive.
Riku: My shoe fell off, but it's.. fine.
Miki: .. So Shiozaki-san ended up falling, but you survived?
Riku: .. Y-yeah.
Riku: Stop looking at me like that! Do you think it would be better if I died with him?
Eiji: Yes, actually.
Riku: What-
Eiji: You deserve it, like a murderer that you are.
Riku: How- H-hey, Hinode! Don't you want to protect your little brother?!
Hinode: .. I knew that you were the one responsible for his death, but..
Hinode: .. How can I care about my little brother, when he's.. 
Hinode: When he's even more cruel than me?
Riku: .. Come on. Come on, at least someone in this room has to care about me.
Riku: Miki-chan.. Miki-chan, please..
Miki: .. Please, shut your mouth, Riku-san.
Miki: I'm so tired of you.
(the bell rings, machinery sounds)
Riku: .. You will forgive me, right?
Riku: You understand that I'm the victim, right?
Miki: I thought you changed, Riku-san. 
Miki: You could've died, but you were saved by the person you hated. I thought this would change you.
Miki: Even Miyagawa-san has changed. 
Riku: .. But I'm innocent.
Riku: I was just trying to survive. It was either me or him. It was basically self-defense.
Riku: You will just vote me guilty again? You want me to die this badly?
Miki: I-it doesn't mean that you will die-
Eiji: You don't have the same power here that you used to have back in school.
Miki: "I should use the memory machine-"
Miki: ...
Riku: I know what you're trying to do.
Riku: If you use that memory thing on me, I will still find ways to hurt myself. And you don't want that, right? Because you're our savior, right?
Miki: You won't-
Riku: What, do you think my brother will stop me? Do you think.. uh.. I forgot his name, anyway, you think Guard 001 will stop me?
Riku: Nobody in this prison cares about me. I had to learn this the hard way.
Miki: .. But Miyagawa-san does.
Riku: ...
Miki: And I don't think he just sees you as a replacement for someone anymore.
Riku: .. He's just another source of attention to me.
Riku: .. Fine. Do whatever you want.
Riku: It doesn't matter if I live or die, I will still continue to suffer. It's like I was born to do exactly that.
Miki: .. Thank you for trusting us.
Hinode: Wait a minute, Miki-san.
Hinode: Riku.
Riku: *sighs* What do you want?
Hinode: .. I know that our relationship is impossible to fix. We'll never be as close as we should be. 
Hinode: You're mad at me and I'm mad at you. But..
Hinode: Sorry. I wish I could've been a better brother.
Riku: ...
Eiji: ...
Riku: .. I wish you could've been better too.
Miki: .. A-are you ready now?
Riku: Yeah. Guess it's time to sing my final song, haha.
Miki: .. How can you still make jokes in this situation?
Riku: 'Cause I'm too used to suffering. No matter what you choose, it will bring me nothing but pain.
Riku: I want to live, sure, but I want to live a better life.
Riku: .. I don't want to go home.
Miki: .. Prisoner 009, Riku, put all your heart into this song and sing your sins.
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[ Riku's Trial 3 MV: Sun Sets, Games End ]
The video starts with showing us many different scenes, all of them appear for a second or two. We see an orange sky with some clouds and then we see a seesaw, a swing, a bench, a merry go round and a tree.
We see little Riku sitting in his room and trying to do his homework, but it looks like it's hard for him to stay focused. He gets distracted again, sighs and walks to his window. He can see a playground next to his house from it. As he's looking at it, he gets scared when he sees a familiar figure playing there. 
"Press "START GAME" to begin
But I want this to end
Please go away, I don't wanna see you
Please go away, playing as your friend is getting tiring"
It's little Yue who notices him too, turns to him, smiles and waves at him. We see Riku still standing in his room and it looks like he's not sure if he should go outside. He looks at his homework again.
"But I am still lonely, my heart's about to break
This desire for attention is getting too strong for me to handle
I guess I'll play another round today"
Riku and Yue are playing on a seesaw now and Yue is having a lot of fun and Riku is smiling too, but his smile looks forced. 
"We're going up, look at us, we're still friends
We're going down, we're arguing again
No balance, this relationship is too unstable
Friends? Enemies? What role am I supposed to play?"
Yue is laughing and suddenly, he falls off of it. Riku is already standing not so far away from him and we can see that Yue is definitely injured. But for some reason, Riku isn't in a hurry to help him and it actually looks like he's hesitating to do so. 
"We're supposed to be friends, so I'm supposed to help you
But I don't feel anything at all
My head is empty, I don't wanna do anything
Maybe this game will end if I just ignore you"
Now, they're on a swing. Yue's head is bleeding, but he doesn't care and even though Riku looks worried, he doesn't say anything. Yue is still laughing and enjoying this, but then, he falls again. And this time the fall is more serious. 
Riku runs up to him and sees that Yue is lying in a pool of blood coming from his head injury. He's visibly panicking and doesn't know what to do, but if you look closer, you can see that it looks like he's trying really hard not to smile. Suddenly, he sees that Yue is still able to move and Yue gets some of his own blood on his finger and starts drawing a heart on Riku's cheek. When he's finished, Riku is shocked, but Yue is still smiling.
"Let's play until the sun goes down, let's play until we see the sky turn purple
That's what they want us to do anyway
Hey, are you having fun? Aren't you tired? Don't you wanna go home already?
"Nope, I'm just getting started!" Well, let me end everything here"
We see the sky slowly turn pink. We see older versions of Riku and Yue now (17 and 18 years old) sitting on a bench. Riku is helping Yue bandage his arm. Yue also has some bandaids on his face and bandages on his other arm, but he looks like he's even enjoying the process and watches Riku do so with a smile. We can see their school bags on the bench as well and there's a box cutter and scissors sticking out of one of them.
"More years, more pain, more fighting
More attention, more joy, more love
Will this game ever end? Will it be as long as my life?
If that's the case, I know how to quit"
It starts raining and Riku is trying to get back home as quickly as possible, but Yue seems to be taking his time. Riku turns to him and tries to call him, but then we see a lightning flash. Yue gets excited and runs off somewhere and Riku tries to follow him and another lightning almost strikes Yue. 
"Why are you like this? Why are you doing this?
Do you want to end this game already, just like me?
Then let's press "QUIT GAME", please, this can't go on
With tears in your eyes, with blood on your hands, you smile again"
Riku and Yue are in Riku's room now and Riku is drying Yue's hair with a towel. The scene looks surprisingly peaceful. We can even hear rain sounds in the background. Yue still has the same happy expression on his face while Riku is really stressed. The door opens and we see a woman that seems to be Riku's mother and she smiles after seeing Riku and Yue together like this. Yue smiles too and holds Riku's hand. His grip looks really tight and we also can see that Riku's fingers have some bandaids on them too. 
The sky is purple now. We see the playground again. Riku and Yue are playing on a merry go round. Yue is having fun as always, even though he has even more bandages on his body now, while Riku's eyes look completely empty, his hair is more messy and he's not trying to hide his scars anymore. 
"It keeps going and going and going and going
I don't think I will ever be able to escape this hell
We keep playing and playing and playing and playing
Let me turn it all off, let me close my eyes and wait for the end"
The merry go round stops as Yue points at a tree we saw in the beginning of the video. 
Yue tries to climb it as Riku watches him. It looks like Riku doesn't want to join him, but he still follows him. They're climbing together now and Yue gets on the highest branch. He looks even happier than before as he watches the sky become a darker shade of purple, but when he turns to look at Riku, Riku quickly makes him fall off the branch.
"Let's play until the sun goes down, let's play until we see the sky turn purple
That's what you want me to do anyway
Hey, are you having fun? Aren't you tired? Don't you wanna go home already?
"Nope, I'm just getting started-" SHUT UP ALREADY AND LET ME END THIS!"
Riku gets down. There's even more blood than in the beginning of the video. Yue's eyes and face expression make it look like he really is dead. Finally, Riku shows a genuine smile for once, even though this smile makes him look more insane rather than happy. He starts laughing and he sees one of the branches on the ground and starts hitting Yue's body with it. 
"Beating you with my words, my power, my reputation
If I say "Kill him", they will follow me
Please, just die, just die already 
That's the only thing you have to do to make me happy"
But then, it's revealed that Yue is still alive and just like in the beginning, he gets some blood on his finger, but this time he puts his finger in Riku's mouth. Riku is shocked and disgusted, but Yue is still smiling. 
"No, no, what are you doing
We weren't supposed to end up like this
I'm not gonna follow you, you're going there alone
Riku continues to hit him with the branch, until he eventually gets tired and his body is just lying on top of Yue's now. Both boys are covered in blood and there's so much blood that it's getting harder to recognize them.
"And we're still repeating and repeating and repeating and repeating
This cycle of pain and abuse and torture all over again
INNOCENT? GUILTY? Both options are too painful
Even though you're gone, my heart is still broken"
We see someone watching this scene from what appears to be a classroom. There's not just one person, there's a lot of students watching and we can't see their face expressions. One of the students turns to the camera. It's Riku, who is still covered in blood. He looks happy.
"I can't see the sun anymore, the game's finally over
Congrats, you're the winner, you got your prize
Haha, don't worry, I'm not mad at you
You got there first, but I'm okay with the second place"
The video ends.
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Maiden of the Moon
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What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
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Chapter 4: Under the Wistaria Crest
The Wistaria House belonged to an old kind lady named Hisa, who Zenitsu was scared of, no really, and Inosuke just completely doesn’t have any manners in regards to elders.
At least Tanjiro was a decent human being and tried to rile the other males in.
Hisa had shown them the room they would be staying in and then the bathrooms.
Signing tired, Yua leaned her head on the bathtub of the Wisteria House, trying to enjoy the warm bath and forget the stress of the day.
It was difficult since she heard from the other side, where the men's bathroom was, how Inosuke hollered and splashed around. Zenitsu’s whining and every gentle Tanjiro begging them not to destroy the room.
An angry mark appeared on her head and she hit the wall beside her hard.
That was clearly the wrong thing to say because Zenitsu actually purred: “Aww, Yua-Senpai, I would feel honoured to be in your naked presence and get bathed by you.”
Before she could say anything, she heard how someone hit Zenitsu hard on the head so that he fell out of the bathtub.
“You don’t talk to a lady that way Zenitsu, shame on you! I’m terribly sorry Yua-Senpai.”
“Kamado, did you hit Agatsuma?”
“Thank you.”
Tanjiro answered that it was no problem at all, anybody ignoring Zenitsu’s screams of mistreatment.
After that little incident, they all finished their bath and put on the kimonos Hisa had prepared for them.
Zenitsu had formally heart eyes seeing Yua in the form-fitting kimono and her long midnight blue hair in a side braid. She just flicked his forehead and told him coldly: “Not even in your dreams!”
And then made her way to their room.
Yua heard how Zenitsu whined, while Tanjiro told him he deserved it for being so shameless and Inosuke was just confused about what that all was about.
When she opened the door Hisa was already sitting in seiza in the room with four plates with food prepared for them.
“And here is your meal.”, said the old lady gently.
The only girl in the group couldn’t even thank her as Zenitsu shouted: “She has to be a monster, Tanjiro! That old lady’s a monster! She’s so quick, it’s eerie! She’s a monster! A monster hag –“
For that, he got two smacks on the head from Tanjiro and Yua. Yua and Tanjiro looked into each other's eyes as Zenitsu bowed down holding his hurting head.
“Great minds think alike, isn’t it so Kamado-San?”
She gave him a little smirk, which in turn made Tanjiro gently blush. He only nodded.
Yeah, Yua decided she liked Tanjiro the best of the three boys.
Finally, the quartet sat down for dinner and Inosuke ate…well like a pig. Fitting for someone who owned a boar mask and acted like one.
He really was more animal than man. Yua could just stare at him in bizarre fascination.
Zenitsu told Inosuke that he should use his chopstick, but got ignored as the wild boy stole more food from Tanjiro’s plate.
He grinned at the red-haired boy in a cheeky way.
Inosuke definitely wanted to get a rise out of Tanjiro suspects Yua, sadly for him Tanjiro is too nice to even think something like that and even offers him more of his food.
That Inosuke is more than pissed off is an understatement.
When they finished dinner, Hisa showed them their room for sleep.
Again Zenitsu screams she is a monster and again Tanjiro and Yua hit him over the head.
When will the blond learn?
Meanwhile, Inosuke dives into his chosen futon.
“First come, first served! I’m taking this one!”, proclaims the wild boy, petting the futon.
“That’s fine. Sleep wherever you want.”, tells Tanjiro with a smile. Yua doesn’t need her Aura Sensing to see that it’s pissing off Inosuke.
Tanjiro turns to Zenitsu asking him where he would like to sleep. Before he can answer, Inosuke smacks his pillow against the blond’s face.
Having enough Yua grips Inosuke by the ear, which makes him actually squeal.
“Boarhead, can you for one second not make trouble?!”
“Let go of me, woman! Or face my wrath!”
“Pssh, I’m a higher Rank than you, when I’m done with you, you will not even know anymore where it is up and down!”
“Lucky Bastard.”
“Zenitsu…what is that supposed to mean?”
“Aww, Tanjiro, you are so pure like a maiden.”
Before the whole situation can escalate even more, Hisa returns with a doctor in tow. Of course, Yua gets a checkup first and alone, then it’s the boys' turn.
Now they all lay in their futons staring up at the ceiling.
Zenitsu is the first who breaks the silence: “Who would’ve guessed that all four of us had broken ribs?”
Yua got one broken as she guessed, Zenitsu two, Tanjiro three, and last Inosuke with four. It’s also the order they are sleeping side by side.
The midnight blue-haired girl still wonders how Zenitsu manages to snatch the futon beside her. She would rather sleep beside Inosuke, than the blond womanizer.
Good thing, that she always sleeps with her Katana beside her.
“This knot hurts more than my ribs.”, deadpans Inosuke, referring to the big bump Tanjiro’s headbutt had caused.
“Sorry.”, apologized to the red-haired boy.
“Hey, you’d better apologize. It really hurts, you know. Getting pounded to a pulp like that.”, tells Zenitsu Inosuke. “Say you’re sorry.”
“I’ll pass.”
“Say you’re sorry!”
“I’ll pass!”
“Just say you’re sorry!”, yell Yua and Tanjiro together.
Goddammit, the two are worse than when Kaito and Hikari have their little spats!
“If you’re gonna be like that, we’re not eating with you anymore.”, threatens the blond-haired boy.
Not that it’s really threatening to Inosuke since he doesn’t understand what’s so bad about it. Even if Zenitsu explains how meals always taste better with company and Tanjiro even agrees, the wild boy is still lost. He asks them if they hurt their head.
That’s when Hisa calls out for them, asking if they need anything, which makes Zenitsu again freak out and again Tanjiro and Yua call him out.
When Yua is back home she will give Kaito and Hikari a lot of kisses. These two aren’t as nearly as exhausting as Zenitsu and Inosuke.
Tanjiro was all right.
After all is calm again it seems like it’s time for some bonding, since Tanjiro asks Inosuke why he joined the Demon Slayer Corps. Not gonna lie, Yua was curious too.
Apparently, a Demon Slayer stumbled upon Inosuke’s Mountain and the wild boy took his sword. Then he heard about the Final Selection and how demons exist and just joined.
Wow, for Inosuke it was all a big competition to see who was the strongest. Now You understood his wild and chaotic Aura too.
“Yua-Senpai.”, Tanjiro turned to her. After failing in bonding with Inosuke about the fact that they both had lived on a mountain and Inosuke made clear since he has no family at all he was only a Demon Slayer for the thrill, the red-haired boy seemed to try to find common ground with her. “Why are you in the Demon Slayer Corps?”
“It shows how new you all are in the Corps if my surname means nothing to you.”, she simply states.
“Whaddya mean by that?”, asks Inosuke.
“My family, the Mochizuki’s, has since the Feudal Era been a part of the Demon Slayer Corps.”
“That long, wow!”, gasp Zenitsu. “How did your family survive this long?”
A little smirk comes over Yua’s lips. She would be lying if she wasn’t proud of her family line to survive till now.
“Our breathing style is the strongest in the Corps. Moon Breathing. I’m the current Master in it.”
“Moon Breathing?”, repeats Tanjiro in wonder.
“It’s just as old as our family. It is one of the hardest and most challenging Breathing Styles to learn. Only one or two manage to learn it in a generation. I’m a Demon Slayer because it’s my birthright and my duty to my family. I will become a Hashira and show anyone why the Mochizuki are the strongest Slayers that exist!”
After her declaration, it’s quiet for a few seconds, until Tanjiro asks what a Hashira is, Zenitsu and even Inosuke nodding along.
Yua makes a facepalm, newbies, but explains to them what the Hashira are.
That the boys are blown away is an understatement. Inosuke is already planning to fight one of them! Yua bets if he could Inosuke would even fist fight the Kami’s.
“So anyone in your family is a slayer?”, wants Tanjiro to know more. “But you are the only one who can currently use Moon Breathing right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. People who marry in our family are often normal civilians, so they aren’t Slayers, like my late mother. Then there is my uncle Hansuke, the husband of my aunt Chiyoko, who is a Demon Slayer. They both meet actually while hunting the same demon. It’s quite a story.”, Yua explains. “Besides that, my father, my uncle Keitaro, my aunt Chiyoko, my uncle Noritaka, my grandfather, and my late older cousin Taiga, my younger cousin Daku are all or were Demon Slayers, only my cousin Sayoko being a Kakushi. That’s like the medical and cleaning-up team after a heavy fight with a demon.”
“You have a big family, that’s nice.”, tells Tanjiro with such bittersweetness in his voice, that Yua looks at the boy.
He seems to be fighting tears…oh she knows that look. He lost beloved people.
The young woman wants to ask him whom he lost, yet it feels wrong to ask him this when he is so vulnerable.
In the pause, Zenitsu took the chance sitting up from the futon to ask something which has been on his mind all day: “Tanjiro, no one else is asking, so I’m gonna ask myself. Why are you travelling with a demon?”
Well, no time like the present. It really was time to get answers from Tanjiro, so Yua sat also up.
“I also know you have a demon with you. I could feel his Aura…yet it’s at the same time so different than all demon Aura’s I ever felt and saw.”
“Yua-Senpai and Zenitsu… you both knew about that and Zenitsu you still protected the box, huh? And you Yua-Senpai didn’t try to kill her.”, say’s Tanjiro softly, also sitting up. “You are great people, you know that? Thanks!”
That’s is too much for Zenitstu and he rolls around the futon, holding his pillow tight. “You really shouldn’t heap so much praise on me! Fufufufu! Yua-Senpai is more amazing!”
“Sweet talking will get you nowhere with me, Agatsuma.”, deadpans Yua simply, ignoring how the blond insists that it’s nothing like that, and making a little bow in Tanjiro's direction. “Your words honour me, Kamado-San.”
Tanjiro smiles so sweetly at them, that Yua feels how her heart stops for a moment. He is such a gentle and loving soul…it’s really an honour to hear these words and get this smile from him.
“I’ve got a keen sense of smell. I knew it from the start. How kind you are, Zenitsu… and how strong…How gentle and powerful you are Yua-Senpai…how admirable.”
“You are a gentle and kind soul Tanjiro, your Aura tells me as much. Don’t lose this, it’s rare to find such good in humanity.”, Yua advised him with a small smile.
Meanwhile, Zenitsu isn’t nearly as touched by Tanjiro’s words as Yua, since formally a dark cloud was around him.
“No, I’m not strong. Don’t give me that. I haven’t forgiven you for stopping me from bringing Shouichi along.”
Tanjiro is lost for words and Yua can just facepalm.
That’s when they hear how the demon in the box is pounding against its door.
Naturally, the blond boy freaks out, being sure his end is near. Not listing to Tanjiro, who tries to reassure him, nor to Yua who makes it clear that from the demon’s Aura, it’s not dangerous.
Zenitsu doesn’t care and was even ready to hide behind Inosuke. Just his luck the wild boy kicks him angrily away, directly in front of the box.
In fear, he scrambles away, till the demon comes out.
Yua has to blink a few times.
The demon is a pretty little girl with a bamboo muzzle. She has big beautiful pink eyes and an adorable face.
“Nezuko…”, calls her Tanjiro gently.
From the Aura colours the young woman sees now, it shows clearly deep family love.
So they are related.
An explanation why he couldn’t kill the little girl demon if she was family.
She is now standing up and formally grows before their eyes. Now she looks like fourteen years old if Yua had to guess.
The demon girl was a real beauty!
From Zenitsu comes a strange strangled scream, while Inosuke doesn’t give a fuck and just falls asleep.
As Tanjiro turns to Yua and Zenitsu to introduce Nezuko to them bolts of electricity come from Zenitsu's corner.
Yua herself takes her Katana standing up since Zenitsu Aura was going crazy. The boy was more than pissed off at Tanjiro.
“You… Just who do you think you are?!”, yells Zenitsu at the red-haired boy who is totally lost.”So you’ve been travelling with a girl this cute? With a girl this cute in tow, day after day, you’ve been travelling, and you’ve been on cloud nine the whole time, huh?”
“Zenitsu, it’s not like –”
“Agatsuma, calm down for a second-”
Both get ignored as Zenitsu screams: “Give me back all the blood I shed!! I… Listen, I… I didn’t give it my all just so you could spend time in la-la land, making out with a girl! That’s not why I got pummeled and kicked by that weird boar, right?!”
“Zenitsu, calm down! What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?”
“He is thinking with his dick, Kamado-San, that’s the problem!”
“Demon Slayer Corps is not something you’d join for fun! Guys like you gotta be purged! Immediately! Come to think of it, there’s also the crime of thwarting my marriage and sending Shouichi home.”
With a stone-cold face, the blond unsheathes his Katana.
“Purged immediately! Don’t ever underestimate the Corps!!”
Zenitsu charges at Tanjiro. Good thing Yua saw that from a mile coming and get’s between them.
Her Katana and Zenitsu Katana smash together.
Before anyone can say or do something, with swiftness, Yua's upper hand Zenitsu takes his Katana from him.
“Agatsuma!”, she growls and looks quite scary with two Katana in her hands and a dark Aura around her. “The Demon Girl is Tanjiro's relative! I see their bond clearly through their Aura so stop thinking with your dick or I cut it off!”
Suddenly all the bravery he had vanished from Zenitsu and he shrieked scarred holding his precious dick. He heard loud and clearly from Yua that she was serious about cutting it off!
Tanjiro also smelled how close Yua was to emasculating Zenitsu and tried his best to calm everybody down.
Meanwhile, Nezuku just cutely title her head. She doesn’t know who this people are with her brother, but the young woman has pretty braided hair.
She likes it.
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votestaynight2 · 1 year
5th Day - Bonnie and Clyde (Scene 2)
Sorry the post is late today, the poll didn't finish in time and I was busy. Here's the post, though! I'll try to post tomorrows update at the usual time, so it will be before the poll actually ends. Make sure to get your votes in early!
――――I'll go wake Fuji-Nee up. I know I'm making an absurd choice, but I want to find out what happened last night. In the worst possible case, Fuji-Nee and Sakura would have made fun of Saber to make her angry, and I'm sure Sakura is mad about Saber staying.
I don't even have to think how troubling it would be to have Saber mad. And Sakura's pretty stubborn too. So I'm sure it'd be best to ask Fuji-Nee, since she's the one who'll be over it if they did have a fight last night!
I roll up my sleeves and stand in front of the door. …It seems Sakura and Saber are awake and in the living room and the dojo.
"―――Here I go. Fuji-Nee, it's morning!" I slide open the shouji. And I step into the tiger's den. And I'm flung outside.
"Shirou? What are you doing there? It's almost time for breakfast, you know?"
She plays innocent as soon as she appears. I see, I see. So she doesn't remember grabbing me, rolling three times, and throwing me, huh?
"I'm not lying here because I want to. If you have any memory of it, at least help me up." "Hm? Oh, I think I remember doing a special attack against this super robot that came to invade Earth."
Fuji-Nee opens and closes her hand. The question marks appearing beside her make me think that she might recall the event, but she probably won't.
"Oh well. Let's hurry and go eat breakfast. I can't have Sakura-chan and Saber-chan waiting." Dismissing what happened with a mere "oh well" is inexcusable. I'll get her back for this someday, but there's something I need to ask her first.
"Wait up, tiger. What do you mean by 'Saber-chan'?" "Hm? Saber-chan is Saber-chan. Sakura-chan, Saber-chan, and I are an alliance of girls that spent the night together!" "That's a big lie. There are only two girls."
"……!!!???" H-How was I hit when we were at least ten feet apart…!?
"This is the alliance of girls, over." "O-Over…" …I see, she rushed in here in a flash. As expected from a black belt. I keep forgetting, but Fuji-Nee was a well-known swordsman back in her student days.
"…Oh well. But you guys got along well? …I thought Sakura wouldn't approve of her stay." "Hm? Oh, I see now. You're pretty kind, Shirou. You were worried that Sakura-chan and Saber-chan wouldn't get along well, right?"
"…Of course I'll worry. I decided on Saber's stay without her consent, so I'm sure she doesn't like it. …I don't like it if she hates me for it, but I can endure it. But I don't like it if Saber and Sakura feel bad."
"It's fine. Sakura-chan and I found out that Saber-chan's a good girl. Well, Sakura-chan isn't used to her yet since Saber-chan's kind don't get along with her kind. But they've made peace, so there's nothing for you to worry about."
I don't know what she's so happy about as she makes her way back to the house. Well, I'm happy too since the problem here is solved now.
"…Fuji-Nee left her student lying on the ground…" What can I do? I can't stand up after hitting the ground so hard…
Everyone says "itadakimasu". This is the first time I've had breakfast in a group of four, and it feels rather relaxing.
"Hm? This is a bit thin. Did you change something, Sakura?" "Yes. I thought Saber-san wouldn't be used to miso soup. So I didn't put too much miso in it."
"Yes. I like this miso soup better than last night's. But please cook at your leisure since I am used to Japanese food. It will be for our mutual benefit."
"R-Really!? Wow, you're using chopsticks. ……I'm surprised. You sure are multi-talented."
"I am used to it. …But to be honest, chopsticks are tiring. I do believe it is better than fork and spoon, though." "Yeah. Fork and spoon over chopsticks. Oh, that's not what you put on it. You have to put soy sauce on that."
"…I see. Thank you for your advice." "No problem. I'll take a dried seaweed as a reward. Give me seconds, Shirou." "Here. Don't eat too much and fall asleep again."
"Sensei? I think you should hold back if you're going to be participating in the morning practice…" "This is fine. I have to eat a lot to make it until lunch. And you're not one to talk, eating riceballs after the morning practice."
"――――! You knew about that, Sensei!?" "Heh. I was watching you because you were in the corner acting suspiciously. You shouldn't, you know? A girl your age shouldn't eat two meals in the morning. The devil comes down on your scale like a terrorist. According to my estimate, your weight right now is――――"
"No! Please don't, Sensei! I won't come cook anymore if you say it!" "Man." "A-And I only eat like that once in a while. It's not like I do it every day!"
"Really? I thought you made riceballs every day since you always cook extra rice." "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You knew, Senpai!?"
"Haha, that won't do, Sakura-chan. Shirou's pretty sharp on details. I bet he knew from the first time you made it." "First time? You mean during summer last year?"
"――――――――!!!!" "…? Is there dust in the air, Sakura? Why are you waving your hands in the air?"
――――Breakfast proceeds like that. The breakfast table is twice as loud as usual. Then suddenly…[r] "―――Over fifty victims were found earlier this morning, and they are undergoing treatment at a nearby hospital――――" I see some disturbing news on the TV.
"…Huh? A gas leak in Shinto again? Wow, it's fifty people this time."
"Let's see… Nobody could contact the victims since last night, so some of their families called the company. But the guard found nobody in there… Why is that? Why didn't the guard notice when they were in there, unconscious since last night? That's much more than neglecting your job."
Fuji-Nee must have lost her appetite as she stops eating her third bowl of rice.
"……" Saber's watching the news with an intense expression. …In that case, I'm not mistaken. I don't know the motive, but this is something that's done by a Master. I can say it's fortunate that nobody died just like all the other gas leak incidents――――
"Man, it's getting really dangerous. You can't work in Shinto for a while. You have some money in reserve, so take a break during times like these, okay?"
"――――――――" I'm happy that she's worried about me, but I can't reply to her. I know this is no time to be working, but I'm sure I won't be able to come home as often, now that I'm in a war. Then―――if I'm ever late, I'll have to lie to them that I'm working―――
After finishing the clean-up, I go to the front door. Fuji-Nee and Sakura already left for their morning practice.
Saber is following me like she did yesterday. But I can't let her do so today. The weekends are fine, but there's no way I can take her to school on a weekday.
"Saber, this is as far as you're coming. Stay here while I go to school. You'll attract a lot of attention if you come to school. Masters shouldn't stand out, right?"
"――――――" She must not agree, as she protests silently.
"I'm saying it's all right. I won't be attacked where there are people, so the school's a safe place. In any case, I can manage protecting myself."
"――――!" Saber's brow twitches. She must have some argument about me being able to protect myself.
"Let me ask you. Does that mean you can beat the enemy by yourself?"
"Of course not. I'm saying I can avoid danger by myself during daytime. I won't go to places with no people, and I'll come home before dark. You can let me do so, right? You have to rest to preserve your magical energy, so you don't have to follow me."
"…I see. I have to believe in you if you say so." Saber lets out a sigh as her shoulders slump. …She's seriously worried about me. I feel bad about turning her down.
"…I'm sorry, Saber. But it's all right. And you'll know if I'm in danger, right? You can come to me if that ever happens."
"No. Our connection is weak. The only time I will sense your danger is when your life is in danger. It would be too late if I head out at such a time." "Hm. Then I should call for you myself?"
"Yes. If you call for me in your mind, it will be transmitted to me, your Servant. …Please use the Command Spell if you believe that will not be in time either. I shall be able to jump through space to aid you if I have its backup."
Jump through space…? That's pretty much like sorcery. The right to absolute obedience――――the Command Spell is that powerful?
"…All right. I'll try my hardest not to end up in such a situation. I'll come home before dark, so please stay here." I wave her goodbye and open the door. Then…
"…Yes. Please be careful, Shirou. Your school is abnormal. Please be on guard all the time. And please do not go near Rin." Saber says a strange thing with a serious expression.
"…? Are you saying Tohsaka will attack me at school? That's impossible."
She's a true magus. She is bound by the Association's rule to avoid involving innocent people. And most of all, she wears the mask of an honor student. I think she'll greet me normally if I do see her.
"…I would like to believe so. Rin is not the type to change her decision out of worry of how she appears to other people. It seems she feels hostility against you, so it will do no harm to be on guard." "Fine, fine. I know it's needless worry, but I'll be careful."
It's past seven o'clock. It's later than usual, but I should still make it on time without hurrying.
It's 7:40. I go through the gate, and as I make my way to the school building… "――――――――" I feel something strange and stop.
"…What is this? It's not like something's strange, right…?"
It's not like someone's watching me or that something looks different. If anything, it's that it's not that lively. It feels like the students, and even the trees and the buildings, are dull in color.
"…I bet it's just me. I'm sure that I'm stressed out from all the events that have been happening." I close my eyes and rotate my shoulders. …But. The strange feeling doesn't disappear even after that.
I get up to the third floor and head to my classroom. Then. I run into Tohsaka.
"Yo." I know her, so I greet her. "[line11]" But Tohsaka freezes as if she's seen a ghost.
"Tohsaka? What? Is there something on my face?" I wipe my cheek with my uniform. "[line11]" But Tohsaka doesn't even reply. She looks away from me and goes back to her classroom.
"……????" What was that? I don't think it's like her to ignore someone who greeted her.
"――――――――" The strange feeling hits me again when I go into my classroom. Someone might've brought snacks in here, as I smell a slight sweetness in the air.
"…The classroom's like always." I head to my seat while greeting the guys. There are about ten more minutes until homeroom starts. I look around the room, and I notice a seat without a bag.
"Shinji's absent, huh?" Come to think of it, he wasn't at the club yesterday either. Shinji is actually quite punctual and he tries hard to follow the rules. It worries me a bit that a guy like him has been absent for two days.
It's lunchtime. I usually go to the student council room when I make my own lunch. It's because the guys will take my food and the girls will make fun of me if I eat in the classroom.
"What's wrong, Issei? You're not eating lunch?" "No, I just finished eating. I'm just really sleepy right now. Wake me up when lunch is over." Issei then puts his head on the table.
"Did you stay up all night or something? I thought you had to go to bed at eleven at the temple." "Yes… But I'm having difficulty sleeping lately. My fatigue won't go away no matter how much I sleep. So for the past few days, I've been sleeping whenever I get the chance."
"……? What is that? You shouldn't be sleepy if you're sleeping every time you get the chance." "That's true. But sleep won't let me rest, so I have to sleep to rest. …I know I'm contradicting myself, but I can't help feeling sleepy."
"―――Man, it's too early to be spring, you know?" "In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn, huh? You certainly got me there." Issei doesn't even try to get up. …I guess it can't be helped. It looks serious, so I'll stay here until lunch is over――――
"Huh? Someone's here, Issei." "I don't care. Tell them the student council isn't open today." "I can say so if you want… But I think it's Kuzuki-Sensei." "――――. Hm, that's bad."
Issei gets up slowly and opens the door. "Ryudou. It is about the archery club this morning――――" Kuzuki-Sensei stops his words after seeing that I'm here. Kuzuki Souichirou is the homeroom teacher of class 2-A and also in charge of the student council. He's a very strict teacher and quite blunt.
"Huh…? Then she didn't even go home?" "Correct. We will probably call the police. I believe you know, but do not spread the rumor."
"―――I know. Then how about Matou? The student in the archery club said he saw her and Matou together." "It is the same for him as well. Matou Shinji is absent today and his house is empty. His sister, Matou Sakura, was staying over at Fujimura-Sensei's house last night, so she does not know anything."
…Issei and Kuzuki are talking about disturbing stuff. Summing up what they said, it seems that a student's been missing since last night, and Shinji's the last one to talk to that student――――
"Sorry to interrupt. I am sure the school's curfew will be set at an earlier time now." Quickly stating his business, Kuzuki leaves the student council room.
"…Geez. Have you seen Shinji, Emiya?" "No. I didn't go to the archery club this morning. You should know as well that he's absent, right?" "I see. I hope that's the case…"
Issei's face clouds up. ―――Geez. It's not something I should rudely butt in on, but it seems this concerns the archery club. I'm sorry for Issei, but I should get some information out of him.
"Issei. Who is this person that hasn't been home? Well, I already know Shinji hasn't been home." "Hm…? Well, you're no outsider, so I guess you can know."
"It all happened last night. We got a contact from a family saying that their daughter had yet to come home from the archery club. When we contacted the students who actually went to the club, we found out it was Shinji that last talked to this student." "――――" Talked to Shinji…?
"Hold on. Shinji wasn't at the practice yesterday. And I parted with everyone at the school gate."
"Yes, it seems you were there as well. But this is after that. When a student returned to school to get something he forgot, he saw Shinji in front of the archery range. It seems the missing student and Shinji were having a quarrel."
"――――――――" I have a bad feeling about this. …There's only one student that could've been there.
"Don't leave out the important detail, Issei. Who is this student that's been missing?"
"…Okay. Mitsuzuri Ayako, the captain of the archery club. We do not know where she went after returning the archery range keys, and after someone saw her in front of the archery range." Issei averts his gaze.
Classes end. I don't know if that incident is the reason, but all clubs are canceled for today.
It seems the library is closed as well, so the students are going home in a hurry. There's an announcement that all students are to go home unless they have some special business. I'm the only one left in room 2-C. I bet it's like this in other rooms, so I should hurry or there'll be nobody left in the school building.
"――――――――" I should go talk to some people before that. I can't go straight home after I found out Mitsuzuri's been missing. She's firm, and she's stronger than most guys. It's not a trivial matter that she's missing, and most of all, I can't ignore it as her friend.
"…Sorry, Saber. I have something to do." I apologize to Saber and leave my classroom. I should go talk to people in Mitsuzuri's class, room 2-A.
"Huh? …Um, Ayako-chan is absent today because she's sick." "Mitsuzuri-san's absent today. You should know that if you're in the archery club, right?" "I'm telling you she's absent. Even devils get sick, huh? Her record of not being absent ends today, hahahaha."
That's all I could get from the girls in her class. It seems everyone has been told that Mitsuzuri is absent because of illness.
"Sorry to interrupt. Don't tell her about this if she's here tomorrow." I wave goodbye and leave. If there's any place to go now, it'd be the archery range.
"―――No one's here. Well, duh. There are no club activities today." The door to the range is shut tight. It doesn't seem like anyone's inside, so it's meaningless to stay here.
"…I guess I'll talk to Issei. They might have some new information." It's been three hours since lunch. It might be possible that she's already been found and it turned out nothing was wrong at all.
"――――――――" Man. I didn't think that the student council would be closed as well. There aren't that many people here now, so it'll be difficult to ask around.
"…I'll go home for now. Fuji-Nee should know something about Mitsuzuri."
I get my bag and go out into the hallway. The sky is tinted red. The sun is setting and it should get dark in an hour or so.
I get to the stairs. As I start walking down, I hear a sound above my head.
"?" I look up. There―――― Tohsaka is standing at the top of the stairs.
"Oh, you're here too, Tohsaka?" "…………" She doesn't answer. First this morning and then just now… I think her glares are getting worse every time I greet her.
"What? I'm gonna go if you don't have any business with me." I raise my bag to show her that I'm going home now.
"――――――――Sigh." …? I don't know why, but Tohsaka sighs.
"I'm stunned. Coming to school without your Servant. Are you sane?" She murmurs without emotion.
"Of course I'm sane. I can't turn Saber into spirit form, so there's no way I can bring her to school."
"Then skip school. It's like asking for others to kill you if a Master is walking without its Servant. …Do you know how stupid you are, Emiya-kun?"
"Wha―――I'm not stupid! Don't say ridiculous things. Masters don't fight in front of people, right? Then it's out of the question to fight during daytime, and at a school at that."
"………Oh, then let me ask you. Are there people watching us now?" "Huh――――?" What's she talking about? I don't even need to check if there are people around――――
"Huh――――――?" Why is this? Conveniently, there is no one here. There's no one in the third-floor hallway. I'm sure that's the same for the fourth and the second floor.
The red-tinted building is quiet. I bet there are only teachers remaining on the first floor――――
"It seems you finally understand. …Geez, I was more pissed than astonished this morning. I told you so many times, but you still came to get killed." Saying so angrily, Tohsaka rolls up her sleeve. "――――?" A slender, white arm. On the feminine arm… Something like a glowing tattoo appears.
"――――What?" It's not a Command Spell. Could that be――――? Even though I don't have one, it must be the proof of a magus, a Magic Crest.
"―――I don't even need to explain to you, right? This is a crystallization of the magic passed down my family. I can cast any magic carved on here just by filling it with magical energy." …Yes. A Magic Crest is like an attached engine, separate from the Magic Circuit in a magus. There's no difficult incantation or procedure to follow. It is an ultimate hastening mechanism that runs the car called magic just by turning it on. But the Magic Crest will not show up unless it is in use. The Magic Crest is like a separate Magic Circuit that is formed using the magical energy of the magus. "I told Archer to go home. The 'Gandr Shot' in the Magic Crest should be enough for you." There's no emotion in her voice. "――――――――" That makes me realize that she's serious.
"You can run away, but that's just making it hard on yourself. I'm going to win in the end no matter what you do." She coldly says so. But my head's spinning.
Fight here…? Why does it have to be here? Why does it have to be now? And why do I have to fight against Tohsaka――――?
"H-Hold on, Tohsaka! Are you insane? This is the school! Who knows who'll come up if we make a commotion―――"
"I'll think about it when that happens. I don't let chances in front of me slip by. I'm sorry, but I'm taking care of you right here and now. …And besides, I don't think I can stand having you walk about carelessly."
"I-I said hold on…! I don't have any intention of fighting you―――" "I do even if you don't! Just prepare yourself, Shirou―――!"
She moves her arm and starts the fight.
"――――――――!" What sort of magic is it? The instant she points her left hand at me, my vision is filled with light.
"……!" It's about four steps forward to the stairs leading to the second floor. If I'm to retreat back to the hallway, it'll also take me about four steps to get to cover. This is no time to think. I―――
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