#different types of caretakers
redd956 · 2 years
Mini Whump Prompt 20
Whumper’s robot/android has begun to develop pity for Whumpee, and has started acting as their caretaker
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armed-flight · 1 day
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cant believe i havent shown women of all time on here. look at how perfect they are
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bellysoupset · 2 months
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whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
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moe-broey · 3 months
Oh additional Céline/Sharena friendship thought. I think BOTH of them would want to be/consider themselves to be "the big sister" to the other SO BAD. LIKE. It doesn't even matter what their ages are here it is A Mentality. And I think they both have different flavors of Youngest Sibling Who Wishes They Had a Baby Sibling syndrome. I think they absolutely fight over this LMFAOOO
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i have some thoughts about end of zoe story wise and character wise
"end" meaning The point in time when an action, event, or phenomenon ceases or is completed; the conclusion.
Zoe name meaning cos i find name meanings intersting... Zoe simply means "life" and that is yeah this is the fun stuff
Joe "god will increase" which is fun because he could punch me through a wall
I wish we got more time with Zoe being awake (as much as I adore the end scene and the baker incident report chat)
Joe Baker should have been mentioned in the main game like really subtly like a picture where you just see his arm or something. He stayed put happy in his shack and his first interaction with the mold was a alligator at some point Joe was killed by Jack he drowned. I don't know how else to view him being put in a coffin submerged and then the screen fades to black with him waking up at the Baker estate. I like Joe it was fun to see a different perspective on the family. and what else can i say? he looks like he gives great hugs
Lets talk about Jack shall we? I love seeing Jack in his dlc. Jack is dying he knows this and what's left of his mind knows this and wants to be with his daughter in his final moments and that is... a lot
Ethan Winters and the BSAA (anybody who knows me knew this was coming) He a "random" untrained civi got BSAA/ Blue Umbrella to go look for Zoe to make her a priority and was able to get into contact with her and make sure she's safe in person. And of course he kept his promise he sent help for her (interesting and really sad to think that she thought he was going to forget her)
Chris Redfield now why am I mentioning him? well its simple there was a trailer and he says this "there’s a lot more to bioterroism then dying" Chris Redfield RE7 gold edition trailer Zoe
I hope we Zoe and Joe again cos I love them
screenshots and dialogue from the end because i can
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Soldier: "You're gonna be just fine.“
Zoe: "I was trapped with those monsters for 3 years—all of them trying to kill me... I can't believe it's finally over.“ Joe: "Ya gotta know, deep down somewhere, they were still your family and they loved you. Especially your daddy... even in his final days.“ Chris: "We found her. She's a tough kid. Yeah, of course. Hang on."
"Someone wants to speak to you."
Ethan: "Zoe? Zoe, are you there?“ gets down from gurney
Zoe: "It's you! I don't believe it. You actually made it."
Ethan: "We both did."
Zoe: "You didn't forget about me."
Ethan: "I told you I'd send help. And I always keep my promises."
Zoe: "Thank you, Ethan."
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panvani · 1 year
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God is literally personally coming down from Heaven to mock me for my post
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wardenred · 1 year
Whumptember 2: "Let me do this for you"
These characters have been hanging out on the fringes of my mind for a while now, why not take them out for a walk.
Tonight, the tavern was warm and jovial. Flames crackled in the fireplace that took up most of the wall across from the doorway. A minstrel sat perched on a high stool next to it, their deft fingers teasing a soft, soothing melody out of a lute. Glass clinked against metal as a group of merchants laughed together, celebrating a deal well sealed and toasting future opportunities; some of them had discarded tankards in favor of going straight for the bottles. Two tables away, three people in noble clothes hidden under commoners' cloaks looked to be enjoying a romantic evening. At the bar, a city guard flirted relentlessly with the maid. A slightly exasperated patron clearly couldn't decide whether he wished to interfere for the sake of finally getting a drink or would rather not spoil somebody's fun. The air smelled of fresh stew and mulled wine.
Amidst all of this, even tucked away in the farthest corner, Raj found it easy to pretend like he could have some of this, too, one day. The simple joys, the simple comforts. Life. 
Just as long as he paid all his debts first and didn't die trying.
He smoothed out the map in front of him and traced the tip of his nail over the shoreline, the faded blue expanse of the Whirlpool Gulf, the smattering of small islands to the west.
"Fortune guiding me, I shouldn't be gone for longer than a month," he told Ash. "My sisters should have enough coin or that long, but if I stall, I can count on you to check up on them and see to their needs, right? I’ll pay you back, obviously."
His friend drummed their fingers over the chipped edge of the table. A deep crease settled between their pale eyebrows; a deeper one at the corner of their mouth.
"You shouldn't be doing this."
Raj swallowed a sigh. "On the contrary. It's a fantastic opportunity—"
"To get yourself killed for real this time?"
This was... needlessly dramatic. "Excuse me, are you doubting my skills?"
"No, only your sanity. Raj, you've done two jobs with the Western pirates, and frankly, it makes for two more than reasonable. And aren't you now expected to work under the same captain as the last time?" 
Raj grimaced. "Unfortunately, yes. I suppose he'll be happier to see me than I him. Still, that's a good chance to turn the tables a little bit, after all the grief the guy gave me."
"Grief." Ash's expression was unreadable.
"Well, what else would you call it?" Raj asked with a fatalistic shrug. "No, don't answer. You'll come up with all sorts of drastically tragic epithets, whereas the truth is, it was—"
Ash leaned forward so sharply Raj kind of wanted to flinch back. Of course, what he did instead was freeze and stop talking.
"If you're going to tell me it was nothing, I swear to the gods..." Ash drew a steadying breath. "I was the one who patched you up after that stint, Raj. Don't you dare tell me you were fine."
"I was, though," Raj insisted, not so much ignoring the way Ash's dark eyes narrowed as acknowledging it and saying his part anyway. "I can handle a few beatings, as long as it gets the work done and paid for. So how about you stop fretting and we keep drinking?" He reached for the jug at the center of the table and topped their glasses with gusto. "Ths is meant to be a celebration! I fought for this contract!"
"Yes, because you're a blighted fool," Ash said stiffly. Still, when Raj brought up a glass in a toast, they clinked theirs against his. Hard. So hard, in fact, that the blood-like red liquid splashed over the rims, drinks mixing together.
Raj offered an easy smile. "That's all right by me. If memory serves me right, before ascending the throne the first Astragi king, bless his spirit and all that, served as the Last Emperor's fool. Therefore, being a fool is quite the noble calling with awesome career prospects. Cheers."
Ash snatched his wrist before he could bring the glass to this lips.
"Let me do this for you. No, listen! You'll still get the money. Even the credit, should that be what you're after. Lie low here in the city, or travel to the country for a while. I've got a cover-up in the works already. Once I'm back, we'll convince the bosses you were the one who did the job."
All Raj could do was stare. There was a feverish glint in Ash's eyes, a flush to their skin that could probably be explained by all the ale they'd consumed already. This crazy idea probably boasted the same origin.
He laughed. "Now which one of us is the fool?"
Ash tightened their grip on his hand. "Please, Raj. Let me do this. The risks for me are lower, anyway. I'm not the kind of person Captain Turncoat would harbor a grudge for. I can keep my head down, lay low, pretend to be boring and unobtrusive. You know I can."
"The captain isn't the only monster aboard that ship." Raj's throat tightened when he thought about this. Ash, spending weeks in the open sea with Turncoat's crew, treated with disdain at best, because pirates hated their organization even—especially—when they agreed to work together for mutual gain? Having all possible offenses pinned on them, all possible punishments dispensed their way? No. No, and nope, and fuck this shit.
"Please, Raj."
He shook his head, wrenched his hand away, and downed half a glass in one go.
Immediately, his mind felt fuzzy. The glass cluttered out of his weakened grasp and rolled over the table surface, spilling ale everywhere. The map would be ruined if it wasn't for Ash's quick fingers, already folding it away.
Numb and with no control of his body or tongue, Raj could only slump in his chair while Ash stood, walked over, and methodically searched his pockets for the job token.
No. No, please, anything but this.
Ash bent down to plant a small kiss against his temple.
"You'll feel better in an hour, tops," they whispered. "Stay safe. See you in a month, give or take."
Their footsteps echoed away, and Raj couldn't even turn his head to watch them go. By the fireplace, the minstrel was still playing, the melody rising and falling like the tides.
You fucking idiot.
Raj didn't know if he was aiming the thought at Ash or himself.
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gallusrostromegalus · 8 months
I got to hold a 500,000 year old hand axe at the museum today.
It's right-handed
I am right-handed
There are grooves for the thumb and knuckle to grip that fit my hand perfectly
I have calluses there from holding my stylus and pencils and the gardening tools.
There are sharper and blunter parts of the edge, for different types of cutting, as well as a point for piercing.
I know exactly how to use this to butcher a carcass.
A homo erectus made it
Some ancestor of mine, three species ago, made a tool that fits my hand perfectly, and that I still know how to use.
Who were you
A man? A woman? Did you even use those words?
Did you craft alone or were you with friends? Did you sing while you worked?
Did you find this stone yourself, or did you trade for it? Was it a gift?
Did you make it for yourself, or someone else, or does the distinction of personal property not really apply here?
Who were you?
What would you think today, seeing your descendant hold your tool and sob because it fits her hands as well?
What about your other descendant, the docent and caretaker of your tool, holding her hands under it the way you hold your hands under your baby's head when a stranger holds them.
Is it bizarre to you, that your most utilitarian object is now revered as holy?
Or has it always been divine?
Or is the divine in how I am watching videos on how to knap stone made by your other descendants, learning by example the way you did?
Tomorrow morning I am going to the local riverbed in search of the appropriate stones, and I will follow your example.
The first blood spilled on it will almost certainly be my own, as I learn the textures and rhythm of how it's done.
Did you have cuss words back then? Gods to blaspheme when the rock slips and you almost take your thumbnail off instead? Or did you just scream?
I'm not religious.
But if spilling my own blood to connect with a stranger who shared it isn't partaking in the divine
I don't know what is.
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first thing you might want to consider: is the pain mental or physical?
if it’s physical, what type of pain is it causing? — sharp pain, white-hot pain, acute pain, dull ache, throbbing pain, chronic pain, neuropathic pain (typically caused by nerve damage), etc
if it’s mental, what is the reason your character is in pain? — grief, heartbreak, betrayal, anger, hopelessness, fear and anxiety, etc
because your character will react differently to different types of pain
sharp and white-hot pain may cause a character to grit their teeth, scream, moan, twist their body. their skin may appear pale, eyes red-rimmed and sunken with layers of sweat covering their forehead. they may have tears in their eyes (and the tears may feel hot), but they don’t necessarily have to always be crying.
acute pain may be similar to sharp and white-hot pain; acute pain is sudden and urgent and often comes without a warning, so your character may experience a hitched breathing where they suddenly stop what they’re doing and clench their hand at the spot where it hurts with widened eyes and open mouth (like they’re gasping for air).
dull ache and throbbing pain can result in your character wanting to lay down and close their eyes. if it’s a headache, they may ask for the lights to be turned off and they may be less responsive, in the sense that they’d rather not engage in any activity or conversation and they’d rather be left alone. they may make a soft whimper from their throat from time to time, depends on their personality (if they don’t mind others seeing their discomfort, they may whimper. but if your character doesn’t like anyone seeing them in a not-so-strong state, chances are they won’t make any sound, they might even pretend like they’re fine by continuing with their normal routine, and they may or may not end up throwing up or fainting).
if your character experience chronic pain, their pain will not go away (unlike any other illnesses or injuries where the pain stops after the person is healed) so they can feel all these types of sharp pain shooting through their body. there can also be soreness and stiffness around some specific spots, and it will affect their life. so your character will be lucky if they have caretakers in their life. but are they stubborn? do they accept help from others or do they like to pretend like they’re fine in front of everybody until their body can’t take it anymore and so they can no longer pretend?
neuropathic pain or nerve pain will have your character feeling these senses of burning, shooting and stabbing sensation, and the pain can come very suddenly and without any warning — think of it as an electric shock that causes through your character’s body all of a sudden. your character may yelp or gasp in shock, how they react may vary depends on the severity of the pain and how long it lasts.
grief can make your character shut themself off from their friends and the world in general. or they can also lash out at anyone who tries to comfort them. (five states of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and eventual acceptance.)
heartbreak — your character might want to lock themself in a room, anywhere where they are unseen. or they may want to pretend that everything’s fine, that they’re not hurt. until they break down.
betrayal can leave a character with confusion, the feelings of ‘what went wrong?’, so it’s understandable if your character blames themself at first, that maybe it’s their fault because they’ve somehow done something wrong somewhere that caused the other character to betray them. what comes after confusion may be anger. your character can be angry at the person who betrayed them and at themself, after they think they’ve done something wrong that resulted in them being betrayed, they may also be angry at themself next for ‘falling’ for the lies and for ‘being fooled’. so yes, betrayal can leave your character with the hatred that’s directed towards the character who betrayed them and themself. whether or not your character can ‘move on and forgive’ is up to you.
there are several ways a character can react to anger; they can simply lash out, break things, scream and yell, or they can also go complete silent. no shouting, no thrashing the place. they can sit alone in silence and they may cry. anger does make people cry. it mostly won’t be anything like ‘ugly sobbing’ but your character’s eyes can be bloodshot, red-rimmed and there will be tears, only that there won’t be any sobbing in most cases.
hopelessness can be a very valid reason for it, if you want your character to do something reckless or stupid. most people will do anything if they’re desperate enough. so if you want your character to run into a burning building, jump in front of a bullet, or confess their love to their archenemy in front of all their friends, hopelessness is always a valid reason. there’s no ‘out of character’ if they are hopeless and are desperate enough.
fear and anxiety. your character may be trembling, their hands may be shaky. they may lose their appetite. they may be sweaty and/or bouncing their feet. they may have a panic attack if it’s severe enough.
and I think that’s it for now! feel free to add anything I may have forgotten to mention here!
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meatriarch · 4 months
val's been sending me all this info abt dbh androids for a scifi type au for danny & maria and this is the kinda shit i love and adore, when i know Nothing abt a certain source but my pals indulge me by sending me paragraphs about things :D
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bamsara · 3 months
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COTL / TROD AU Reference Sheets and OC refs that I made a few months ago and have been using but forgot to post. The cloaks on Narinder and Lamb, and heights and clothing of the bishops are semi-outdated, but the OC height sheet is accurate.
+ Joon, Grekimar, and Jayen refs. There's character lore and relationship info for them under the cut, I'll get to the rest of them eventually:
Character lore, mainly for artfight purposes but putting it here too. Some of this character lore is already established in fic or on here, but may contain spoilers for Trod later on.
😺Joon (They/Them):
Born and raised in the Lamb's flock with little outside wordly experience, the Yellow Cat aka 'Joon' is the best farmer in the flock with an upbeat attitude and a easy-going, casual outlook on life. They're a hard worker and a harder napper, which lands them in a particular situation when a accidental nap inside a barn leads to them witnessing the Leader drag in a bloody, confused, volatile worm The Lamb shakily says was rescued from Darkwood, before reluctantly leaving them to the yellow cat's care. Which is fine, because if the leader says it's fine, then it's fine. Totally.
With their accidental involvement, Joon is assigned to be Leshy's 'caretaker', or really just a supervisor to make sure the worm doesn't do anything terrible and to report to the Lamb if he does anything weird, all without ever being truly told of the worm's true nature.
🐷Grekimar (He/Him):
Originally a heretic in Anura, Grekimar is a 'relatively' new cultist to the Lamb's Flock ('New' being a few years, but still not as long as other flock members.) Although the pig used to conduct violence and sacrifices in the God of Famine's name, he was welcomed to the Flock as a new member after he began to question the strength of the rule of dead god and was exiled. His arrival was met with scrutiny but was eventually welcomed as he's a hard worker, and surprisingly (due to his gruff demeanor), cares for his new home and it's peaceful rules over his prior home, including it's inhabitants.
When a three eyed cat arrives and threatens the saftey of his fellow flock, Grekimar becomes a dissenter and questions the Leader's decision, joining alliance with The Lamb's highest disciple, Tyren, to scheme and kill the cat in order to protect the flock.
🐻Jayen (He/Him):
A kindhearted and rather soft-spoken soul, Jayen is 'gentle giant' archtype character. Brought to the cult as a cub, Jayen is an anxious 'left-over' type, with no particular skills or qualities that are seemingly 'useful' to the flock or it's Leader, and he is very self-consious about this. Switching inbetween jobs and struggling to find his place among the cult's growing number, Jayen is decayed and killed by a furious Narinder in an attempt to pull him off of The Lamb when the cat's dramatic initial arrival happened. He is later revived, now traumatized and with a heightened fear of death.
Although his murderer walks free, the same cat had revived him as well, so Jayen holds no ill will and would rather simply leave it all behind and not think about it all. However, he is roped into a scheme to kill Narinder by Tyren and Grekimar, with the former using the bear's fears of death to pressure him into helping.
Tyren's, Grekimar's, and Jayen's relationships:
-While Tyren is a loyal disciple and Grekimar a regular dissenter, both found common ground in wanting to Kill Narinder, though their reasonings differ. Tyren wants to kill Narinder being an obstacle to the Lamb, while Grekimar wants to rid of him for concerns to protect the cult. While they can put aside their differences to achieve their goal, Tyren's methods will make Grekimar reconsider his alliance with the dog.
-Tyren pressures Jayen into working with him and Grekimar under the guise that if they do not kill Narinder, then the cat will eventually kill him again. If that tactic does not work, Tyren will subtly imply that he will use his status in the cult to undermine Jayen, and possibly exile him for being 'useless.'
-Grekimar thinks Jayen a coward, and while he'll pressure the bear to do as he is told, the pig is conflicted about getting the bear involved.
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ikeucity · 7 days
yours to wreck.
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pairing. rabbit hybrid!sunghoon x human!reader
wc. 37k warning. contains mature themes, including explicit sexual content, plot-driven elements possessive behavior, and detailed dirty talk. sunghoon's possessive nature is a central theme, particularly during intense, intimate moments. fluff, strong language. mdni.
you never imagined that taking in a lost rabbit hybrid would turn your life upside down. can you handle the intensity of sunghoon’s feelings, or are you about to face more than you bargained for?
⚠ disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction and does not represent real-life events or the members of enhypen..
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in the world you lived in, hybrids were an essential part of society. they had existed alongside humans for centuries, creatures born with the traits and abilities of animals but gifted with the unique ability to shift between their animal forms and fully human forms. the origins of hybrids had been shrouded in mystery, but over time, they had become an accepted and integral part of daily life.
hybrids possessed characteristics that mirrored the animals they resembled—rabbits, wolves, cats, dogs, and even more exotic creatures. their personalities and instincts were deeply tied to their animal traits, and these influences shaped their behaviors, relationships, and even their roles in society. while humans and hybrids coexisted, there were some distinct differences that set hybrids apart.
for one, hybrids had a natural instinct to nurture and care for those around them, especially when it came to forming close bonds with humans. their animal traits often pushed them to act protectively, especially in relationships where they felt a deep connection. these instincts varied depending on the type of hybrid—rabbit hybrids, were known for their shyness and gentle nature, while wolf hybrids were more assertive, their protective tendencies bordering on aggressive at times.
despite these nurturing qualities, hybrids were not without their dangers. some species were more territorial, their animal instincts making them volatile under stress. hybrids in heat, for instance, could be particularly unpredictable, their instincts driving them to seek comfort and companionship in ways that were often difficult for them to control. still, most hybrids managed their instincts well, learning to live harmoniously with humans.
what made hybrids truly unique was their ability to transform. though they appeared as their animal counterparts much of the time, every hybrid had the ability to shift into a fully human form. this transformation was not just a physical change—it allowed them to access a different side of themselves, blending their animal instincts with the complexities of human emotions. in their human form, hybrids often felt more vulnerable, as their instincts weren’t as sharp, but they could still access their animal traits when needed.
for the most part, humans and hybrids lived together peacefully. humans relied on hybrids for their nurturing roles—whether as companions, caretakers, or even partners. hybrids often lived with humans, forming close bonds that went beyond mere companionship, as their need for connection and loyalty ran deep. it wasn’t uncommon for humans to adopt hybrids, bringing them into their homes as members of the family.
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you hadn’t planned on adopting a hybrid at all. in fact, the thought had never crossed your mind. your life was busy, overrun by long workdays, endless stress, and a boss who seemed determined to wring every ounce of energy out of you. the burnout was real—your days blended together in a haze of meetings, deadlines, and emails that seemed to multiply by the second. you were exhausted, both mentally and physically, running on fumes.
and on top of that, your personal life was... well, nonexistent. no sex, no love life, no fun. nothing. your friends joked about it, but the reality stung. your life had become a monotonous cycle of work and sleep, with no excitement, no spark to look forward to. it wasn’t like you hadn’t tried to date, but nothing ever stuck. everyone seemed to be living their lives, while you felt like you were barely keeping your head above water.
your best friend, jay, had noticed. he’d always been the perceptive type, and over the past few months, he’d watched as you slowly became more and more drained. it had started with casual comments, him nudging you to take a break, to let loose for once in your life. but recently, his concern had grown.
jay had been different ever since he adopted his cat hybrid, jungwon. he never used to be the nurturing type, but something about bringing jungwon into his life had changed him. he always talked about how having jungwon made his days brighter, easier, more fulfilling. jungwon was calm, affectionate, and somehow always knew exactly when jay needed someone to take care of him, even if he didn’t ask for it. it was like having jungwon around made life make sense for him.
jay had brought it up to you a few times—how adopting a hybrid could change your life too. but you’d always brushed him off, disagreeing with him, laughing it away. you didn’t need a hybrid. what you needed was a vacation, some time off, maybe a little bit of fun. besides, your apartment barely had enough room for you, let alone another living being.
“you’re missing out, you know,” jay had said one night as you sat in his living room, watching jungwon lazily curl up on the couch beside him. “having jungwon around... it’s like everything’s easier. i don’t know how to explain it. i just feel... better.”
you’d rolled your eyes, giving him a teasing grin. “sounds like you’re in love with your hybrid, jay.”
he’d laughed, shaking his head. “nah, not like that. but... he makes everything feel less heavy. you should think about it. maybe a hybrid would help you unwind a little.”
you’d waved him off, clearly disagreeing. you didn’t need a hybrid. what you needed was a break from life, not something else to take care of. besides, hybrids weren’t exactly cheap, and your current schedule didn’t exactly scream “nurturing.”
but the universe, it seemed, had other plans for you.
it started on a rainy afternoon after a particularly hellish day at work, thanks to your boss niki. your muscles ached from niki’s relentless demands. you love him, but damn, sometimes it feels like he’s squeezing every bit of energy out of you. you were walking home, head down, mind already buzzing with tomorrow’s to-do list, when something caught your eye. a small, battered cardboard box lying on the side of the sidewalk, soaked from the rain. it wasn’t unusual to see abandoned things in the city, but this box was different. something inside it moved.
you hesitated, glancing around. the streets were nearly empty, the rain coming down in heavy sheets. for a moment, you debated just walking away—after all, what could you really do?
but something tugged at you, pulling you toward the box.
and that’s when you saw him—a small, trembling rabbit, soaked to the bone and huddled in the corner of the box. his wide, terrified eyes looked up at you, his white fur matted and dirty. your heart clenched at the sight. he presses himself into the corner of the box, like he’s trying to disappear, to escape the cold, the rain—everything. “oh god, you poor thing,” you whisper, crouching down. “who the hell would leave you out here?” you stretch out your hand, slow and careful, not wanting to spook him.
“hey, hey... it’s alright,” you murmur, voice soft like you’re talking to a scared kid. “i’m not gonna hurt you. let's get you out of this mess, okay?”
his ears twitch, nervous, and his body tightens like he's ready to bolt. but you stay still, letting him take you in, letting him feel your intent. after a few heartbeats, he inches toward you, cautiously, testing the waters.
you hadn’t planned to adopt any pets. you didn’t even have time for one. but as you crouched down, looking into those big, sad eyes, you knew there was no way you could leave him there.
you couldn’t just walk away.
“hey, little guy,” you whispered, reaching out a hand cautiously. “it’s okay. i’m not going to hurt you… that’s it,” you say, barely above a whisper. “i’m gonna pick you up now, alright?”
the rabbit hybrid flinched at first, but after a moment, he inched closer, his eyes filled with fear but also with hope. it broke your heart, and before you even realized what you were doing, you scooped him up in your arms, holding him close to your chest to shield him from the rain.
when you first saw the small rabbit in the soaked, battered cardboard box that day, you had no idea what you were picking up wasn’t just a regular animal. you thought it was just that—a frightened, abandoned rabbit, left out in the rain by someone who didn’t care. you felt an overwhelming rush of sympathy for the poor creature, but the idea that it might be a hybrid hadn’t even crossed your mind.
you didn’t think twice about taking it home. you couldn’t just leave it there, exposed to the elements. but even as you walked through the rain, hurrying back to your apartment, you had no idea that the tiny, trembling creature in your arms was anything more than a rabbit.
you practically jog the rest of the way home, ignoring the way your legs ache. once inside, you place him gently on a towel, wrapping him snugly, rubbing his fur with soft, circular motions to warm him up.
“there we go,” you murmur, more to yourself than him. “all dry now.”
you nuzzle your nose against his fur, feeling the softness of it, damp but starting to fluff up. he stays stiff, probably still in shock, but at least he’s stopped shivering. “feeling better?”
as you check him over, your hand brushes against his hind legs, and you pause, lifting him a little to check. he squirms, a tiny sound of protest escaping him, making you chuckle. it’s almost like he’s embarrassed, how adorable.
“i had a feeling you were a boy,” you grin, wrapping him in another towel. “don’t be shy.”
he looks up at you with a mix of confusion and something else—maybe trust, maybe just curiosity—but he doesn’t pull away. you settle him near a heater, placing a cushion beside him. he sniffs at it, eyes flicking back to you like he’s still deciding whether you’re a threat or a savior.
“come on now, there you go,” you say, smiling gently. “that’s better, right? we’ll get you something nicer soon. promise.”
you watch him for a moment, trying to think of a name. something simple, something that feels right.
“i’m y/n, by the way,” you say, leaning back on your heels. “and you... you need a name.”
he twitches his nose, still sniffing the cushion, still figuring things out. you watch him with a smile, the rain still beating against the windows. it’s calming in a way, the sound of it now distant as you focus on the tiny creature in front of you.
“sunghoon,” you say, testing it out. “how about that?”
he pauses, his ears twitching at the sound of his new name. it feels like he’s acknowledging it, maybe not fully understanding, but enough. you take it as a win, not like he actually has a choice or can protest anyway.
“sunghoon it is,” you whisper, grinning. “welcome home, little guy.”
in the days that follow, you throw yourself into making him comfortable. each morning, you leave out fresh veggies, fluff up his little corner, making sure everything’s perfect. you even set up a heater just for him, making sure it’s warm enough, but not too hot. you want him to feel safe, to know this place is his. yet, despite your best efforts, sunghoon keeps his distance. his eyes, always watching, seem to linger on you from across the room, wary but... curious.
it’s frustrating, in a way. you want him to trust you, to understand that you’re not going to hurt him—that he’s safe now. but you can’t rush these things. trust takes time, and sunghoon, with his wide, fearful eyes and skittish movements, is a clear sign that patience will be necessary. every time something startles him, he flinches so hard, like he’s expecting the worst. it’s a reflex that he can’t seem to control, and it makes your heart ache every time you see it. you can’t help but think about his past, even though the thought lingers in the back of your mind. it’s not your place—not yet. whatever he’s been through, it’s clear that it left its mark on him. the way he shrinks back when he hears a loud noise or the way his shoulders tense when you move too suddenly… it’s painful to watch. painful to think about what he must have gone through to be so jumpy, so scared of the world around him.
you didn’t even want to imagine it. the very idea of someone mistreating him, of making him feel this small, made your chest tighten with anger and sadness. he was so gentle, so soft, and seeing him like this—so vulnerable—made you want to do everything in your power to make him feel safe again.
one night, while you’re curled up on the couch with a book, the quiet comfort of the evening wrapping around you like a blanket, you spot movement out of the corner of your eye. it’s subtle at first—a small shift of weight, the faintest rustle of fabric—but then you see him. sunghoon, the little rabbit who had taken up residence in your heart without you even realizing, is creeping closer to the cushion you set up for him.
he’s cautious, as always, his nose twitching as he sniffs the cushion again, nudging it with his soft nose. he pauses, glancing at you like he’s checking to see if it’s safe, before finally, with an almost comical level of hesitation, flopping down next to it. his long ears droop slightly as he settles in, and for a moment, he looks so comfortable, so at ease, that you can’t help but smile.
“that’s right,” you murmur, looking up from your book with a soft grin. “make yourself at home.”
sunghoon blinks at you, his wide eyes softer now, less guarded than usual. it’s not much, but to you, it feels monumental. after weeks of him being jumpy, flinching at the smallest noise, seeing him relax even a little feels like a victory.
he shifts a bit, his little body curling up more comfortably against the cushion, and you can’t help but let out a quiet laugh. “you like it, huh?” you tease gently, your heart warming at the sight.
he looks at you for a moment, as if trying to decide whether or not to respond, and then—much to your surprise—he gives a soft little grunt, almost like a huff. it’s so unexpected, so out of character for him, that you blink in surprise before bursting into laughter.
“did... did you just sass me?” you say, raising an eyebrow as you try to stifle your giggles. “i didn’t know rabbits could be so cheeky.”
sunghoon’s ears twitch, and for a moment, he almost looks embarrassed, like he hadn’t meant to let that little noise slip. but then, to your absolute delight, he nudges the cushion again with his nose and flops even harder onto it, as if to say, yeah, and i’m gonna make this cushion mine.
“alright, alright,” you chuckle, shaking your head. “you win. the cushion is yours, sunghoon.”
he blinks at you again, but this time, there’s a twinkle in his eyes—a tiny spark of mischief that you hadn’t seen before. it’s the kind of look that makes you wonder if maybe he’s been hiding a playful side from you all this time.
as the evening wears on, you keep glancing over at him, watching as he nestles deeper into the cushion, his little nose twitching in contentment. the warmth in your chest grows as you realize how far he’s come—how, little by little, he’s starting to trust you.
“you know,” you say softly, not even sure if he’s listening, “you’re doing really well. i’m proud of you.”
to your surprise, he shifts again, and this time, he looks right at you—no hesitation, no fear. he blinks, his soft eyes meeting yours, and for the first time since you brought him home, you feel like you’re seeing the real sunghoon. not just the scared, timid rabbit who flinches at every sound, but the sweet, gentle soul who’s finally starting to let his guard down.
“this place is gonna feel like home soon,” you murmur, smiling at him. “i can feel it.”
and just as you’re about to turn back to your book, sunghoon does something that nearly makes you drop it altogether. with a soft grunt and a determined little wiggle, he hops up onto the couch and curls up right next to you, pressing his small body against your leg.
your heart practically melts. “well, hello there,” you say, unable to keep the grin off your face. “getting bold, aren’t we?”
he blinks up at you, and you could swear there’s a hint of pride in his eyes—like he knows exactly what he’s doing.
“alright, you win,” you laugh, setting your book aside and reaching down to gently stroke his soft ears. “i guess we’re couch buddies now.”
sunghoon’s eyes flutter shut, and as he nestles closer to you, you can’t help but feel a swell of warmth in your chest. he’s starting to trust you, little by little. soon enough, maybe this place will feel like home for him, and maybe you won’t just be the stranger who saved him—you’ll be something more.
and for the first time in a long while, you feel like maybe you’ve found a little piece of home too.
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the rain pattered gently against the window, its steady rhythm almost hypnotic as it blurred the world outside. soft morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a dull glow over your cluttered apartment. the scene was too familiar—stacks of paperwork, your phone buzzing with reminders you were already too exhausted to acknowledge, and the coffee in your hand had long gone cold. your eyes skimmed over the endless tasks on your phone screen, the weight of it all pressing down on your shoulders.
“damn niki,” you muttered under your breath, swiping through the list of to-dos that seemed to multiply with every blink. the fatigue was bone-deep, but somehow, you pushed through. maybe it was the thought of coming home to sunghoon that kept you going. even though he was just a rabbit, and you knew he wasn’t exactly going to hop up and greet you at the door, the quiet comfort he offered was always there, soft and constant.
but today, the apartment felt too quiet. an unusual stillness filled the air as you got ready for work, the absence of the usual soft rustling from sunghoon’s corner making you pause. something didn’t feel right. your eyes flicked toward his space, where you would normally hear the gentle sound of his tiny paws or the soft shuffle of his fur as he curled into his blanket. but today? nothing.
“sunghoon?” you called out, the unease creeping into your voice as you stepped closer. silence. no scurrying across the floor, no comforting rustle of movement. the uneasy feeling gnawed at you, your heart starting to pound just a little faster. on rainy days like this, sunghoon was always by your side. always.
“sunghoon?” you called again, louder this time, moving toward his corner. you expected to see his small, familiar form curled up in his blanket, but when you turned the corner, there was something else. someone else.
your heart skipped a beat, and you froze. there, under the pile of blankets, was a figure—too large to be sunghoon. much too large. panic surged through you as you grabbed the nearest object—a ballpoint pen, because, really, what else could you grab?—and held it out in front of you like some kind of makeshift weapon.
“who the hell are you?” your voice cracked slightly as the figure stirred, the blankets shifting. your pulse thundered in your ears as you took a cautious step forward. for a split second, you considered calling the police, but then the figure finally emerged from the blankets, and all rational thought screeched to a halt.
standing before you, partially hidden by the curtains, was a tall, very naked man. his messy hair stuck up in every direction, soft, slightly curled bunny ears poking out from beneath the strands. your mind struggled to process the scene. where was sunghoon? and who the hell was this?
“what the fuck?!”
you couldn’t help the expletive that escaped your lips as you instinctively took a step back, the ballpoint pen now wobbling in your shaky grip. the man—whoever he was—seemed just as startled as you, his eyes wide in surprise. scrambling for the nearest blanket, he awkwardly wrapped it around his waist, one hand gripping the fabric while the other was held up in defense.
“wait, wait, y/n, it’s me!”
you blinked, your brain still lagging behind what your eyes were seeing. “you?! who the hell is ‘me’? i don’t know any naked men in my apartment!” the ballpoint pen was still raised, though it was clear it was doing absolutely nothing to help you in this situation.
but as your eyes slowly adjusted to the situation unfolding before you, your brain short-circuited for an entirely different reason. the man standing in front of you was not just any man.
no, he was breathtaking, like something out of a dream.
he was pale, his skin smooth and almost glowing under the soft light filtering through the window. his body, though partially hidden by the blanket he hastily wrapped around himself, was toned in a way that made your mouth go dry. not overly muscular, but lean and defined, every line of his body sculpted to perfection. the kind of physique you’d expect on a prince from a fairytale or one of those magazine models that never actually look real.
his face, though—god, his face. it was almost too pretty to believe. soft, delicate features that contrasted with the sharp line of his jaw. the slope of his nose was perfect, the kind of perfect that made you wonder if it had been carefully crafted by some divine being. his lips were full, slightly parted as he breathed, and those eyes—doe-like and wide, but with a depth to them that you hadn’t noticed before when he was just a rabbit. they were mesmerizing, and for a split second, you thought you might be hallucinating.
is this the fatigue? you wondered. or the dry spell? it had been ages since you’d had any excitement in your life. maybe you were so starved for affection that your mind had conjured up the perfect man—pale, gorgeous, and standing naked in your living room. that had to be it, right? because no one looked this perfect in real life. no one had features that sharp, lips that soft-looking, and muscles that looked like they belonged in some sort of ancient marble statue.
sunghoon blinked at you, clearly waiting for you to say something, and you just stared. there’s no way this is real, you thought. maybe i fell asleep, and this is some weird, stress-induced dream.
he shifted awkwardly, adjusting the blanket around his waist, clearly trying to cover up more of himself now that he realized you were ogling him. “y/n,” he said again, his voice softer, almost pleading. “it’s me. sunghoon.”
your eyes snapped back to his, finally processing his words. “sunghoon? as in… my rabbit sunghoon?” you repeated, still feeling like the words didn’t make sense.
he nodded, his ears twitching slightly as he winced, clearly embarrassed. “yeah... i’m a hybrid.”
for a moment, you stood there, speechless, your eyes still taking in every inch of him—his pale skin, those perfect lips, the muscles visible even under the blanket. your brain struggled to catch up, still in shock at how someone so unbelievably gorgeous could have been hiding in plain sight as your quiet, timid rabbit hybrid.
“you’re... you’re really sunghoon?” you asked, half in disbelief. your mind was still half-convinced you were hallucinating.
he nodded again, looking genuinely apologetic. “i didn’t know how to tell you. i was worried you might... freak out.”
you let out a breathy laugh, your hands finally lowering the pen you’d been clutching like a lifeline. “oh, i’m definitely freaking out,” you muttered, running a hand through your hair. “i thought you were a regular rabbit! and now you’re... this?”
sunghoon’s ears drooped, and he glanced down, clearly feeling bad. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to surprise you.”
you blinked again, still trying to reconcile the sunghoon you’d known—the quiet, skittish rabbit—with the literal prince standing in front of you. “okay, let’s just... back up a second.” you took a deep breath, feeling a bit more in control. “so, you’ve been a hybrid this whole time, and you just... didn’t tell me?”
sunghoon bit his lip, looking sheepish. “i didn’t know how. i didn’t want to scare you.”
you let out another laugh, shaking your head in disbelief. “well, i’m definitely surprised. i mean, not every day your rabbit turns into a man who looks like he walked straight out of a k-drama.”
his cheeks turned pink at your comment, and he shifted again, pulling the blanket tighter around himself. “sorry about the... lack of clothes,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.
“yeah, about that,” you said, finally pulling yourself together enough to speak somewhat coherently. “rule number one, if you’re gonna be walking around in your human form: pants. always wear pants.”
sunghoon let out a soft laugh, the sound shy but genuine. “yeah... definitely,” he agreed, his ears twitching as he looked at you, still clearly mortified.
you couldn’t help but smile, the absurdity of the situation starting to sink in. “alright,” you said, setting the pen down on the table and shaking your head. “let’s start over. i’m y/n, your very flustered and incredibly confused human, and you are...?”
sunghoon blinked at you, a small, shy smile tugging at his lips. “sunghoon. your very flustered hybrid.”
you grinned, feeling the tension in the air finally lift. “perfect. now let’s find you some pants before i start thinking this is all some weird dream brought on by work stress and my lack of a love life.”
sunghoon’s face flushed even deeper, and he let out a nervous chuckle. “yeah, pants sound good.”
as you headed toward your bedroom to find him something to wear, you couldn’t stop the small smile playing at your lips. sure, the situation was completely bizarre, but a part of you was already feeling oddly grateful that the universe had thrown this ridiculously beautiful hybrid into your life.
fatigue or not, you thought, glancing back at sunghoon, who was now standing awkwardly with the blanket around his waist. this might be the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in years.
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sunghoon sat across from you at the dining table, his head ducked, and the flush on his face deepening. wearing a pair of hastily borrowed sweatpants, he fidgeted with the waistband, clearly uncomfortable. you couldn’t help but notice how he’d opted out of wearing a shirt, mentioning something about not wanting to feel too restricted since it had been so long since he stayed in his human form. and honestly, you were trying really hard not to ogle, but, god, he was unfairly gorgeous. toned muscles, pale skin, that slightly nervous expression—it was doing things to you.
you almost wanted to slap yourself for staring, but you couldn’t help it. he looked like a prince and a pretty boy all wrapped up in one. it was breathtaking and infuriating all at once.
sunghoon, clearly aware of the awkward silence, ducked his head even lower, his embarrassment growing. “i’m really sorry, y/n. i didn’t know how to tell you. i was scared you’d kick me out.”
his voice was soft, laced with guilt, and the way his wide, almost puppy-like eyes met yours made your heart skip. it was hard to stay mad at him, especially when he looked like that—nervous, sweet, and so incredibly earnest.
you sighed, rubbing a hand through your hair as you tried to get a grip on your racing thoughts. “i’m not kicking you out,” you said, your voice a little softer now. “but seriously, you could’ve... i don’t know, maybe put some pants on before revealing you’re not actually a helpless rabbit.”
his face flushed a deeper shade of pink, and he tugged the blanket tighter around himself, looking like he wished he could disappear into the floor. “yeah... um, i didn’t really think that part through,” he admitted, his voice small.
the sheer absurdity of the situation hit you all at once, and before you could stop yourself, a laugh slipped out. it was soft at first, but soon, you were giggling, wiping at your eyes as the awkwardness of the moment morphed into something lighter, more bearable.
sunghoon looked up, confused, but a hint of relief flickered in his eyes at your reaction. his ears twitched, the motion so subtle you might’ve missed it if you weren’t still marveling at how freaking cute he was.
“oh my god,” you laughed, trying to catch your breath. “i’ve been babying you this whole time, thinking you were some helpless rabbit, and turns out, you’re a grown-ass man who can shapeshift. i’m embarrassed for myself.”
sunghoon’s lips quirked into a shy smile, the corners of his mouth tugging upward as he fidgeted in his seat. “i... i didn’t mind the babying,” he mumbled, his ears dipping slightly in that way that made your heart do a weird little flutter.
you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the heat creeping up your neck. why does he have to be so damn adorable? and why does he have to be shirtless? it wasn’t fair—none of it. you crossed your arms, trying to focus and regain some semblance of composure. “okay, so you’re a hybrid,” you said, keeping your tone as neutral as possible. “and you can just... switch between being a rabbit and a human whenever you want?”
he nodded, his ears drooping a bit more as guilt flickered in his eyes. “yeah. it doesn’t hurt or anything. it’s just... who i am.”
you exhaled, still trying to keep up with everything. your mind was reeling from the realization, but it was hard to be mad when he looked so genuinely remorseful. “and you just... never thought to mention this before?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
sunghoon shifted uncomfortably, his eyes dropping to the floor again. “i didn’t want to scare you,” he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. “after everything with my old owner... i didn’t know if you’d still want me around if you knew the truth.”
his words made your heart clench, and you had to stop yourself from immediately asking what exactly had happened with his old owner. the way he’d said it—so soft, so filled with fear—made you wonder if his previous home had been the kind of place that left scars. but you bit your tongue. now wasn’t the time. he’s already opening up, don’t push him.
instead, you reached out, gently touching his arm. his skin was warm beneath your fingers—almost too warm—and a sudden rush of heat flooded through you, making your heart skip. you quickly pulled your hand back, feeling your face grow hot. what the hell was that? you shook off the thought, focusing on the conversation instead.
“sunghoon, i’m not going to kick you out,” you said, soft but firm. “you could’ve told me. i care about you—whether you’re a rabbit or... or this.” you gestured to his human form, trying to keep your voice steady.
his eyes widened at your words, and for a moment, he just stared at you like he hadn’t expected that response. “really? you’re not mad?”
you shook your head, a small smile tugging at your lips despite the whirlwind of emotions still swirling in your chest. “i mean, i’m a little flustered, but no. i’m not mad.”
the relief that washed over his face was almost immediate. his ears perked up slightly, and his expression brightened, the weight of worry lifting from his features. “thank you, y/n,” he said softly, his voice filled with gratitude. “i was so worried...”
you looked at him, your heart doing that annoying little skip again as you noticed how sweet he looked, sitting there, all shy and relieved. and yeah, okay—still shirtless, which was not helping your composure in the slightest. it was really fucking unfair, how precious he was, and also how distracting it was to have him sitting across from you like this.
“you really should put on a shirt at some point,” you muttered, mostly to distract yourself from how flustered you were feeling.
sunghoon blinked, glancing down at his bare chest before quickly looking back up, cheeks flushing even darker. “oh, right. sorry. i, um... didn’t want to feel restricted since it’s been a while since i’ve stayed in this form,” he explained, his voice trailing off in embarrassment.
you laughed softly, shaking your head. “it’s fine. just... it’s kind of hard to focus with you looking like that.”
sunghoon’s eyes widened, and for a second, you swore he turned even redder than before. he opened his mouth, probably to apologize again, but you quickly waved him off.
“don’t worry about it,” you said, smiling despite yourself. “i’ll get used to it. eventually.”
his lips twitched into a small, shy smile, and for the first time since this whole ridiculous situation started, you both seemed to relax a little. sure, the dynamic between you had shifted, but somehow, in the middle of all the awkwardness, you could see the beginnings of something stronger—something that went beyond just hybrid and owner. something that made your heart race for reasons you weren’t entirely ready to confront yet.
and, well, it didn’t hurt that sunghoon looked like he had been sculpted by the gods themselves.
you leaned back in your chair, the tension between you and sunghoon easing into something lighter, almost comfortable now. the weirdness of the morning still lingered, but you couldn’t deny that curiosity had started bubbling up inside you. there was so much you didn’t know about him, and now that the initial shock had worn off, you found yourself wanting to know more.
“so,” you began, your voice a little more playful now, “i think it’s time you tell me more about yourself, sunghoon.” you leaned forward, resting your chin on your hand, watching him with a raised eyebrow. “how old are you, anyway? because this whole time, i’ve been treating you like a baby.”
sunghoon blinked, clearly surprised by the question, but he quickly smiled—shy, but warm. “i’m twenty-three,” he said, his voice a little hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure how you’d react.
your eyes widened, and a soft laugh escaped your lips. “twenty-three? and here i’ve been babying you like you were a little bunny!”
he chuckled, his ears twitching slightly in amusement. “yeah, well... i swear i really didn’t mind,” he said, his voice soft but playful, his confidence slowly growing now that the initial awkwardness was fading.
you shook your head, still smiling. “wow, so you’re basically my age. i feel ridiculous for all those times i was talking to you like you were a helpless pet.”
sunghoon laughed quietly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “it was... comforting, actually. it’s been a while since someone treated me like that.”
your heart softened at his words, but you didn’t want the conversation to turn serious again. so, instead, you kept things light. “okay, mr. twenty-three-year-old,” you said, grinning, “what else should i know? do you have a favorite food? hobbies? secret talents? now that i know you’re not just a rabbit, i feel like there’s a whole sunghoon i need to get to know.”
he blinked, clearly not used to being asked these kinds of questions, but a small smile tugged at his lips. “well... i really like strawberries,” he admitted, glancing down at the table, his ears twitching shyly again. “and, um, i’m pretty good at reading. i used to read a lot... before.”
“strawberries, huh?” you teased, leaning forward slightly. “i guess that’s not too surprising for a rabbit hybrid.” you stuck your tongue out playfully, enjoying the way he flushed at the light teasing. “and reading? okay, now we’re getting somewhere. any favorite books?”
sunghoon looked thoughtful for a moment before answering, “i liked... adventure stories. anything with heroes and big journeys. it’s a bit silly, i know, but it helped me escape.”
you softened at that, but before you could get too wrapped up in the sentiment, you grinned and leaned closer. “not silly at all. adventure stories are great. plus, who doesn’t love a good hero moment?”
he smiled again, this time a little more openly, clearly appreciating that you weren’t pushing him too hard. “i guess you’re right,” he said quietly.
you both sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the tension of earlier now replaced by something softer, more playful. there was still so much to learn about him, but for now, you were content to keep things light and easy.
“so,” you said with a grin, unable to resist poking fun, “now that i know you’re twenty-three and have a thing for strawberries and books... are you going to tell me any other secrets? like, i don’t know, if you can do any magic tricks or something?”
sunghoon’s laughter was soft but genuine, his ears twitching in amusement. “sorry to disappoint, but no magic tricks.”
you pretended to pout. “damn. i was hoping for some shapeshifting party tricks or something.”
he laughed again, shaking his head. “maybe one day.”
“i’ll hold you to that,” you said, pointing at him playfully. “next time, i expect at least one cool trick. maybe pull a rabbit out of a hat?”
sunghoon groaned, his face turning pink again as he shook his head. “that’s a terrible joke.”
you grinned, winking at him. “you love it.”
the light banter between you both was easy now, and as you watched sunghoon relax, you couldn’t help but feel relieved. there was still a lot to figure out, but right now, it felt good to get to know the real sunghoon—the hybrid who loved strawberries and adventure stories and who was more than just the quiet, shy rabbit you had taken in.
“so,” you said after a beat, “what do you want to do now? i’m off work for a while, and clearly, you’re not a pet who needs to be fed pellets anymore.”
sunghoon tilted his head, thinking for a moment before a shy smile spread across his face. “i think... i’d like to stay in my human form for a bit,” he admitted softly. “it feels... nice, being like this with you.”
you smiled warmly, your heart giving another little skip. “i think i’d like that too, sunghoon.”
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life with sunghoon had settled into a strange, harmonious rhythm. it was easy, natural, like the two of you had been living together for years instead of just months. in many ways, it felt like you were a couple—at least, you thought so. but maybe that was just you. sunghoon was always his usual sweet, shy self, but there were times when he did things that made your heart flutter just a little more than you’d care to admit.
he’d started helping around the house more, little things like washing the dishes, folding the laundry, and making sure everything was in its place. and on some days, when he wanted to be babied or just feel close to you, he’d shift back into his animal form, curling up on your lap as a small, soft bunny, waiting for you to run your fingers through his fur. it was something you’d grown to love, even though at first it had felt so strange. now, you couldn’t imagine coming home and not finding sunghoon waiting for you in some form, ready to melt into your life.
but today was different.
you’d just come home from work, dropping your bag by the door and sighing as you kicked off your shoes. sunghoon was in the kitchen, drying some plates, his usual routine. everything seemed normal—until it wasn’t. you noticed him pause, his nose twitching slightly, his ears perking up in that subtle way that told you something was off.
“y/n?” his voice called out, soft and sweet as always, but there was something else there—an edge of curiosity, maybe even uncertainty.
you blinked, glancing over at him. “yeah?”
sunghoon set the plate down carefully, turning toward you, his eyes scanning you for a moment longer than usual. his lips pressed into a thin line, and he tilted his head slightly, as if trying to figure something out. “you... smell different,” he said, his voice soft but with an undertone that made you pause.
you furrowed your brows, stepping closer. “different? what do you mean?”
he hesitated for a second, then finally said it. “it smells like... jay.” his eyes flickered toward your jacket, where the faintest hint of jay’s cologne lingered from the hug you’d given him earlier that day. it wasn’t strong, but for sunghoon, it was enough.
you blinked, processing his words. “oh,” you said, a little surprised. “yeah, i ran into jay earlier. we had coffee after work. why?”
sunghoon didn’t answer right away, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of the dish towel. his usually calm demeanor had shifted slightly, something in his posture tense, almost... territorial. his eyes darted around the apartment, lingering on a few of jay’s things—his jacket that he’d left behind during a visit, a book he’d loaned you weeks ago. the scent of jay had been around for a while, but today, sunghoon seemed to notice it more than usual.
he swallowed hard, glancing back at you. “does... jay come here a lot?” his voice was quiet, but there was an edge to it that you couldn’t quite place.
you raised an eyebrow, feeling a small flicker of confusion. “sometimes? he’s one of my best friends, you know that.” you studied him, noticing the way his eyes flickered with something deeper—something you hadn’t seen before. “why? is something wrong?”
sunghoon shook his head, but the uncertainty was still there. “no, it’s just...” he trailed off, his eyes dropping to the floor. “i guess i’m just curious.”
the way he said it made your chest tighten slightly. curious? no, this felt like more than curiosity. this was something deeper. you could see it in his eyes, the way his gaze lingered on you, like he was trying to figure out how to say what he was really feeling.
“sunghoon,” you said softly, stepping closer until you were standing in front of him. “what’s going on?”
he hesitated again, his fingers gripping the dish towel a little tighter. finally, after what felt like forever, he looked up at you, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions you couldn’t quite decipher. “i don’t want you to think i’m... being weird or anything,” he started, his voice low and uncertain, “but i guess... i’ve just been feeling kind of... possessive lately.”
you blinked, your heart skipping a beat at his confession. “possessive? about what?”
sunghoon bit his lip, his gaze dropping to the floor again. “about you.”
the words hung in the air between you, heavy and filled with meaning. your breath caught in your throat as you processed what he was saying, your mind racing. possessive? about you? sure, sunghoon had always been close to you, always affectionate and sweet, but this... this was something different.
“i know it’s stupid,” he mumbled, his ears drooping slightly in embarrassment. “you have your own life, and i’m just... well, i’m just here. but you’re the only human who’s ever treated me like an equal. you gave me a home, and you’ve been so kind, and... i guess i just got scared. scared that maybe... you’d find someone else and forget about me.”
his voice was barely a whisper now, and your heart ached at the vulnerability in his words. without thinking, you reached out, gently placing your hand on his arm. “sunghoon,” you said softly, your voice steady, “you don’t have to be scared. you’re important to me, okay? no one’s going to replace you.”
he glanced up at you, his eyes wide and filled with relief, but also something deeper—something that had been building for a while now. “really?” he asked, his voice barely audible.
you nodded, your hand still resting on his arm. “really. i care about you, sunghoon.”
for a moment, neither of you said anything. the air between you felt charged, like something unspoken was hovering just beneath the surface, waiting to be said. sunghoon’s eyes lingered on yours, his usually shy demeanor softening into something more vulnerable, more open.
“i just... i don’t want to lose you,” he whispered, his voice filled with a quiet desperation that made your heart squeeze.
you smiled softly, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “you won’t lose me, sunghoon.” "but speaking of," you add, trying to keep your tone casual, "jay actually has a hybrid too. a cat hybrid named jungwon. i wanted to introduce you two, but... i thought it’d be better to let you settle in first."
sunghoon’s ears perked up immediately at the mention of jungwon, his eyes widening with curiosity. “really? a cat hybrid? do you know any other hybrids, apart from jay’s?”
you hummed, pausing to think. “jay’s mentioned that he’s thinking about adopting more, but nothing’s final yet. he’s been talking about getting someone to keep jungwon company. i could give him a call if you’re interested?”
sunghoon’s posture straightened at the offer, the excitement in his eyes unmistakable even as he sat there, casually wrapped in nothing but the blanket he’d thrown on earlier. his enthusiasm was almost contagious, but what really had you distracted was how effortlessly attractive he looked just sitting there—his dark hair messy, his soft bunny ears twitching slightly as he tried to play it cool.
the combination of his shyness and his sculpted features had your heart racing a little too fast for comfort, and you found yourself fumbling with your phone, trying to focus on dialing jay’s number.
the line rang twice before jay’s voice crackled through the speaker, warm and familiar. “hey, y/n! what’s up?”
“hey, jay,” you said, throwing a quick glance at sunghoon, who was watching you with wide, expectant eyes. “i was just wondering if you had any updates on the hybrids you were thinking of adopting. sunghoon’s interested in meeting some others, maybe making a few friends.”
“oh, that’s great!” jay replied, clearly pleased. “i’ve been looking into a few, but nothing’s set in stone. though, there’s a puppy named jake who’s caught my eye. jungwon seemed intrigued by him when we visited the center. you know how it goes—cat and dog vibes. but jungwon didn’t seem to mind at all.”
you heard soft rustling on jay’s end, followed by a faint meow. jay chuckled. “speaking of jungwon, he’s acting all shy now that we’re talking about jake.”
you laughed softly, imagining jungwon’s reaction. “that sounds promising! sunghoon’s really excited about the idea too. we’ll definitely keep him in the loop.”
“great! let’s set up a time to meet soon,” jay said brightly. “just let me know when you guys are free.”
after hanging up, you turned back to sunghoon, who looked like he could barely contain himself. he was sitting at the edge of his seat, his ears twitching slightly with excitement.
“so?” he asked, his voice soft but brimming with anticipation.
“jay’s on board,” you said with a reassuring smile. “he’s really excited too. we’ll set up a meetup with jake and maybe some other hybrids soon. i think it could be fun for you.”
sunghoon’s cheeks flushed a light pink, and he gave you a shy nod. “i’d like that,” he murmured, glancing out the window as if he was already imagining the possibilities. the way his eyes sparkled with anticipation made you smile, but it also made your heart flutter in a way that caught you off guard. there was something so endearing about how innocent he seemed—like a kid excited for his first playdate. it was almost too cute to handle.
“you’re really looking forward to this, huh?” you teased gently, leaning back in your chair. “you’ll get to meet jake, and maybe jungwon too. i’m sure you guys will get along.”
sunghoon smiled, his expression softening as he shifted a little in his seat. “i hope so,” he admitted quietly. “i’ve never really had... friends like that. other hybrids, i mean.”
your heart clenched at his words, and you felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and comfort him. of course he hadn’t had many friends—he had been abandoned before you found him, and whatever life he’d lived before wasn’t one where he had companionship. it made your chest tighten, and without thinking, you placed a hand on his arm.
“you’re going to love them,” you said, your voice gentle but firm. “and they’re going to love you too, sunghoon. i know it.”
he looked up at you, surprise flickering in his eyes before his smile grew a little wider, his cheeks still tinged with pink. “thanks, y/n,” he murmured, his voice softer than before. “you always know what to say.”
your heart skipped at that, and you quickly pulled your hand back, feeling a rush of warmth flood your face. why does he always do this to me?
“it’s nothing,” you said, trying to brush it off with a wave of your hand. “just... you know, the truth.”
sunghoon’s gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before he glanced back toward the window. the soft light from outside framed his features perfectly, making him look even more angelic than usual, and you couldn’t help but find yourself staring for a second too long.
“you really care about everyone, don’t you?” he asked after a long pause, his voice so quiet you almost didn’t hear him. “jay, jungwon... even me.”
the way he said it—like he was still surprised by how much you cared—made your chest ache. of course you cared about him. you had from the moment you’d brought him home, and even though things had changed since then, that hadn’t.
“of course i do,” you said softly, your voice warm. “you’re important to me, sunghoon. and i mean that.”
his ears twitched, and you saw him bite his lip, something uncertain flashing across his face before he quickly masked it. he held your gaze, though, more intense than before. it was subtle, but the shift was there, a quiet, smoldering intensity behind those soft eyes.
and then, he asked, “how important?”
the question hit you harder than it should’ve. it wasn’t just curiosity in his voice; it was something deeper, something that made your heart skip a beat. the way he was looking at you now—his eyes locked onto yours, his jaw clenched ever so slightly—was unlike anything you’d seen from him before. this wasn’t the sunghoon you were used to.
your throat went dry. “what do you mean?” you asked, your voice catching just slightly as you tried to read the expression on his face. he wasn’t just asking for a friendly reassurance—there was something more behind his words, something almost... possessive.
he didn’t answer right away. instead, he stepped closer, his eyes dropping to where your hand rested against his arm. you could see his fingers twitch, like he wanted to reach out and touch you but was holding himself back. when he finally spoke, his voice was low, almost a whisper. “you’re the only one who’s ever treated me like this. like i’m more than just... something to take care of.”
your breath hitched, the words sinking in. “sunghoon...” you began, unsure where this was going, unsure if you were ready to face the direction it was heading.
but he didn’t stop. “i’ve never had someone like you before,” he continued, his eyes dark and focused on you. “someone who makes me feel like... i could be more than what i am.” his hand hovered at your waist now, close but not quite touching, like he was waiting for your reaction, waiting to see if you’d pull away.
you felt your pulse quicken, your mind racing to catch up with what he was saying. this wasn’t just a confession of affection—it was something deeper, something that felt almost instinctual. the way he looked at you wasn’t just sweet or shy like you’d seen before. there was a hunger there, a need. and that possessiveness... it was something new, something that left you breathless.
“i don’t want anyone else to have you,” he said, his voice barely audible now, his breath ghosting over your skin as he leaned closer. “i want you to be mine.”
his words sent a shock through you, your breath catching in your throat. this is too much. you felt flustered, overwhelmed by the intensity of it all, and yet... you couldn’t pull away. you wanted to say something, to break the tension, but all you could manage was a shaky, “sunghoon, this is...”
his eyes flicked to yours, and for a split second, you saw the conflict there—the way he was teetering on the edge of something he couldn’t quite control. his hand moved, just the faintest touch against your waist, and you felt your body respond before your mind could catch up.
he blinked, and then, suddenly, he pulled back, his expression shifting. “shit, sorry,” he muttered, his ears flattening slightly as he stepped away. “i didn’t mean to... that was too much.”
you exhaled, your heart still racing. “no, it’s okay, i just... wasn’t expecting that.” your voice was steadier than you felt. inside, your mind was whirling. what the hell was that?
sunghoon rubbed the back of his neck, clearly flustered now, but he tried to play it off, giving you a shy smile. “yeah, uh, sorry. guess i got carried away.” he chuckled nervously, like he was trying to laugh it off. “i was just... you know, talking. nothing serious.”
but it was serious. you both knew it. there was no playing that off. you stared at him, your mind racing, and suddenly, you were hyper-aware of the way he was still so close to you, the way his presence seemed to fill the space around you. his eyes darted away, avoiding your gaze, but the tension was still thick in the air, impossible to ignore.
“right,” you said, forcing a small laugh, though your face was still warm, your heart still pounding. “just talking.”
but now, you were going to be thinking about this. a lot.
sunghoon cleared his throat, still avoiding eye contact, but you noticed the way his shoulders were still tense, the way his ears were twitching slightly. “anyway,” he said, his voice lighter, “let’s... not make this weird, okay?”
too late for that. you nodded, trying to act like everything was fine, like your entire perspective on him hadn’t just shifted in the span of a few minutes. “yeah, sure,” you replied, though your voice sounded too tight, too awkward. “it’s fine.”
sunghoon smiled, his usual shy, innocent look returning, but you couldn’t unsee the intensity from moments before—the way he had almost claimed you with just his words. and now, as he stood there, trying to brush it off like it was no big deal, you were left wondering how deep that possessive side of him really ran.
you caught his eye for a brief second, and there it was again—a flicker of that intensity, just beneath the surface, masked by his usual soft, sweet demeanor. but now you knew it was there, and you couldn’t ignore it.
and you were sure as hell not going to stop thinking about it.
the afternoon sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the streets as you and sunghoon made your way to the hybrid center. you were meeting up with jay and jungwon, finally giving sunghoon the chance to meet the hybrid you’d been telling him about. your heart thumped in your chest, a mix of excitement and a bit of nervousness at how sunghoon would react to jungwon.
you reached the center just as jay pulled up, his car gleaming under the sunlight. he parked and hopped out, grinning the moment he saw you. “well, well, look who’s early for once,” jay teased, his eyes twinkling as he walked over to you.
you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips. “early? i think you’re confusing me with someone else, jay. it’s you who’s always late.”
jay laughed, shaking his head as he closed the distance between you, pulling you into a quick, friendly hug. sunghoon, still in his rabbit form, was nestled in your arms, his soft fur pressing against your chest as you greeted jay.
as jay pulled away, his eyes flicked down to sunghoon, who had stiffened ever so slightly at the proximity. “so, this is the famous sunghoon, huh?” jay asked, leaning down a bit to get a better look. “he’s a cutie.”
you chuckled, giving sunghoon a little scratch behind his ears. “yeah, he’s been a little nervous about meeting jungwon.”
jay’s eyes softened as he stood back up, giving sunghoon a reassuring smile. “don’t worry, jungwon’s good with everyone. they’ll get along just fine.”
as you stood there chatting with jay, sunghoon’s little nose twitched, his ears perking up. though he couldn’t speak, you could feel the subtle shift in his posture. he was studying your interaction with jay, his instincts sharp as ever. he could feel your heart race slightly, but it wasn’t from nerves—it was more out of excitement. there was nothing romantic or lustful in the way you talked to jay, nothing that made sunghoon feel like he had anything to worry about. the playful teasing, the easy way you laughed with jay—it was clear to him that your bond with jay was purely platonic, and that knowledge brought him an unexpected wave of relief.
sunghoon nuzzled closer to you, his little body relaxing as he soaked in the warmth of your chest. he could tell—he could feel—how your heart beat differently when you were around him. and that made him happy.
“all right, let’s not keep them waiting,” jay said, clapping his hands and gesturing toward the car. he opened the backseat door, revealing jungwon in his sleek, feline form. the black-and-white cat hybrid stretched lazily, his tail flicking as his bright eyes locked onto you and sunghoon.
“hey, jungwon,” you greeted him with a soft smile, watching as his gaze flickered over to sunghoon with quiet curiosity.
jungwon blinked slowly, his tail swaying gracefully as he regarded the little rabbit in your arms. then, almost as if giving his approval, he let out a soft, rumbling purr.
“why don’t you let them have the backseat?” jay suggested, leaning in to scratch jungwon under his chin. “we’ll sit up front, give them some space.”
you laughed. “wow, they get the royal treatment.”
“of course,” jay grinned, holding the door open for you. “hop in.”
you slid into the passenger seat, and jay closed the door behind you before circling around to the driver’s side. in the backseat, sunghoon was still a bit tense, his little body rigid as you set him down next to jungwon. but jungwon didn’t make any sudden moves. instead, he sat elegantly, his posture calm, almost regal, his tail curling gracefully around his paws as he observed sunghoon.
“no need to be nervous,” jungwon seemed to convey with a slow, deliberate blink. his presence was confident, but not overwhelming, as if he knew exactly how to handle new situations without causing a fuss.
sunghoon, on the other hand, was a bit more hesitant. his ears twitched nervously, his eyes wide as he glanced around, unsure of how to respond to the calm, composed feline beside him.
jungwon tilted his head slightly, his tail flicking in a lazy arc. then, with a slow, careful movement, he leaned over and nudged sunghoon lightly with his nose, a simple, quiet gesture that said, “you’re safe here.”
sunghoon blinked, startled by the sudden contact, but something in jungwon’s calm, graceful demeanor seemed to settle him. he let out a soft, hesitant little hum, his ears twitching less anxiously now. the tension in his tiny body began to ease, bit by bit, as jungwon’s presence soothed him.
as you and jay chatted up front, oblivious to the quiet interaction in the backseat, jungwon and sunghoon’s bond began to form, slowly but surely. jungwon, ever the confident, composed hybrid, seemed to understand sunghoon’s nervousness without needing words. he didn’t rush anything, didn’t push—he simply stayed close, offering a quiet reassurance through his calm energy.
after a while, sunghoon, though still a little guarded, seemed to relax enough to nudge jungwon back, a tentative but clear sign of trust. jungwon’s tail flicked in response, his body language showing approval.
the sight of the two of them—jungwon’s quiet grace and sunghoon’s shy attempts at bonding—was almost too adorable for words. you glanced in the rearview mirror and couldn’t help but smile at how well they were getting along, even if it was subtle. “looks like they’re doing okay back there,” you noted, your voice warm with relief.
jay glanced in the mirror as well, a proud grin spreading across his face. “told you jungwon was a pro.”
sunghoon, now a bit more comfortable, nestled closer to jungwon, who let out a soft purr in response. the two of them, in their own quiet way, were starting to form a bond, and you could tell that sunghoon was finding comfort in jungwon’s calm, steady presence.
“they’re going to be good for each other,” you said softly, more to yourself than to jay. but sunghoon, ever attuned to your emotions, seemed to sense the quiet contentment in your words. he glanced up at you from the backseat, and for the first time that day, his little body was fully relaxed. he was happy.
as the car cruised along the road, casting a kaleidoscope of colors against the windows. you sat in the passenger seat, glancing at jay with a spark of curiosity flickering in your eyes. there had been something on your mind for a while, something you’d been itching to ask.
“hey, jay,” you started, your voice laced with intrigue. “be straight with me.”
jay shot you a quick glance, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips before he returned his focus to the road. “sure, what’s up?”
you leaned in slightly, lowering your voice as if sharing some kind of secret. “can jungwon transform too? like, into his full human form?”
jay’s reaction was instant—his eyes widened slightly in surprise, and you could feel the atmosphere in the car shift. from the backseat, the playful pawing of sunghoon and jungwon suddenly stilled. their attention, though silent, was now entirely on your conversation.
jungwon’s ears perked up, his tail flicking with interest as he exchanged a quick, knowing glance with sunghoon, who had been nervously fidgeting just moments before. it was almost like a silent conversation was passing between them—a shared understanding, something only they could pick up on.
jay chuckled softly, pulling you back to the conversation. “well, jungwon can definitely transform. he’s got the ability to shift between his hybrid and full human forms, but honestly, he doesn’t do it much.”
sunghoon’s ears twitched, and you could see him side-eyeing jungwon now, the curiosity clear in his expression. what does jungwon look like as a human? the question hung in the air, but neither you nor jay were fully clued in to the exchange happening behind you.
jungwon, clearly picking up on sunghoon’s curiosity, let out a soft rumbling purr, almost too quiet to be heard, his tail swaying lazily behind him. sunghoon’s response was a subtle flick of his ears, a low hum vibrating through his throat. it was a conversation neither you nor jay were part of—something instinctual, wordless, and uniquely their own. jungwon’s eyes glinted with amusement as if he found the whole situation more entertaining than he let on.
“does he—” you started, only to be cut off by jay’s playful chuckle.
“does he what?” jay teased, throwing you a grin before focusing back on the road.
you rolled your eyes but grinned back. “does he use his full human form often?”
jay shook his head, still laughing softly. “nah. jungwon prefers staying in his hybrid form. it’s more comfortable for him, and honestly, it draws less attention when we’re out. but yeah, he can shift if needed.”
from the backseat, you caught a soft, almost amused meow from jungwon, like he was confirming what jay had said in his own way. his tail flicked again, brushing lightly against sunghoon’s arm.
sunghoon leaned in slightly, his voice barely a murmur as he “spoke” to jungwon. it wasn’t verbal, not in the way you or jay communicated, but rather through subtle movements—an ear twitch here, a low hum there. jungwon responded with an easy flick of his tail, eyes half-lidded as if amused by the conversation only they could understand. there was a bond forming in those quiet, wordless moments, a connection between hybrids that you and jay could only glimpse from the outside.
“so, jungwon,” sunghoon finally murmured softly, glancing at him with curiosity written all over his face. “what’s it like? being fully human?”
jungwon, lounging comfortably in the backseat, turned his head toward sunghoon, a small, playful smile tugging at his lips. his tail swayed lazily as he gave sunghoon a slow blink, the kind that conveyed understanding, trust, and a dash of teasing. “it’s different,” he replied quietly, though you and jay only heard the faintest rumble of a purr. the rest of the meaning was communicated through body language—a relaxed posture, a flick of the ear.
sunghoon tilted his head slightly, his nose twitching in thought as he processed jungwon’s nonchalant response. “and you don’t miss it? being fully human?”
jungwon’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he let out a low, almost inaudible purr that vibrated through the space between them. “nah,” he seemed to say through that small, amused movement, “i’m good like this.” and then, for a bit of fun, he added through a slow, deliberate flick of his tail, “if i went full human, you’d all be too jealous.”
sunghoon blinked, his ears twitching as he let out a soft huff of amusement, though his eyes lingered on jungwon, still intrigued by the idea. the exchange between them was easy, fluid, and it felt like they’d known each other far longer than they actually had.
meanwhile, you and jay were none the wiser, oblivious to the layers of communication happening just out of reach. you laughed at jungwon’s meow, not quite catching the teasing undertones he shared with sunghoon. “you’re probably right,” you teased. “if he shifts, you’d have to warn us. not sure we could handle that.”
jay grinned, his eyes flicking to jungwon in the rearview mirror. “trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet. when he shifts, heads turn. there’s a reason he doesn’t do it often.”
jungwon, ever the quiet trickster, swatted lazily at jay from the backseat, his tail flicking with a feigned annoyance. but behind that playful swat, there was a quiet confidence, an almost smug acknowledgment between him and sunghoon.
“don’t oversell it, jay,” jungwon “said” through a flick of his ears, shooting sunghoon an almost conspiratorial glance.
sunghoon, relaxing into the backseat now, let out a quiet huff, his earlier nervousness easing away. he was starting to settle into this new understanding of jungwon—seeing him not just as another hybrid but as someone with his own complexities, someone he could relate to on a deeper level. there was an unspoken camaraderie forming between them, rooted in a shared experience you and jay could only guess at.
jungwon’s eyes twinkled as he glanced back at sunghoon, his tail swishing contentedly. “maybe one day,” his body language seemed to say. “i’ll show you.”
sunghoon blinked, surprised but intrigued, his ears twitching with a quiet excitement. “i’d like that,” he responded, a soft, shy smile creeping onto his face as he settled back into the seat.
as the city lights blurred outside the car window, you and jay carried on your lighthearted banter, but in the backseat, sunghoon and jungwon shared something more—a connection built on instinct, unspoken understanding, and a quiet sense of belonging. it wasn’t something that needed words. it was simply something they knew.
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as the car pulled into the parking lot of the center, you couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of excitement. you glanced back at sunghoon and jungwon, the two hybrids now comfortably lying together in the backseat. jungwon’s head rested gently against sunghoon’s side, and despite sunghoon’s initial nervousness, he seemed to have found some comfort in jungwon’s presence. the quiet purring of the cat hybrid had worked wonders, creating a calm atmosphere that allowed sunghoon to relax a little more.
“ready to meet jake?” you asked, turning in your seat to look at sunghoon, who perked up at the sound of his name. his wide eyes held a mixture of excitement and anxiety. jungwon gave him a nudge with his head, as if silently reassuring him that everything would be fine.
you smiled, leaning back to give sunghoon a gentle pat on his soft head. “it’s okay, sunghoon. you’ll do great.” you felt his little body relax just slightly against you, as if taking comfort in your words.
jay parked the car and shot you a grin. “looks like jake’s here, and as energetic as always. i think he’ll be a good match for sunghoon. he’s got that playful energy but knows when to hold back.” jay opened the door, and you carefully lifted sunghoon from the backseat, cradling him in your arms. you could feel the nervous tension in his body, but there was also a flicker of curiosity that you knew would soon win out.
as you and jay stepped into the shelter, the familiar scent of the center greeted you—clean, but with the earthy undertone of animal fur and fresh linens. the staff welcomed you both with warm smiles, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries, they led you toward jake’s enclosure.
the sound of playful barks filled the air, and you spotted jake immediately. the golden retriever hybrid was bouncing around, playing with a colorful toy, his tail wagging so hard it was a wonder it hadn’t knocked something over. when jay called out to him, jake’s ears perked up, and he bounded toward the glass wall, his eyes bright and full of excitement.
“hey, jake!” jay greeted him with a chuckle. “ready to meet some new friends?”
jake’s tail wagged faster, his enthusiasm contagious. as jay opened the enclosure door, jake trotted over, his eyes immediately locking onto sunghoon in your arms. the golden retriever hybrid’s energy was undeniable, but there was something else, too—a sense of understanding that was clear in the way he slowed his pace as he approached.
“this is jake,” jay said, gesturing toward the puppy hybrid. “and jake, this is sunghoon. he’s a little nervous, so take it easy.”
sunghoon tensed slightly in your arms as jake approached, his wide eyes fixed on the golden retriever. but jake, sensing the apprehension, slowed down and gently sniffed the air around sunghoon, his tail wagging in slow, cautious movements. sunghoon’s ears flicked nervously, but he didn’t pull away.
“it’s okay, sunghoon,” you said softly, stroking his fur. “jake’s just saying hi.”
jungwon, who had followed you into the room, sat down a short distance away, watching the interaction with interest. his soft purrs filled the air, as if to reassure his new friend. jake glanced at jungwon briefly before focusing back on sunghoon, his gaze soft and gentle despite the playful energy that radiated from him.
after a moment, sunghoon seemed to relax, just slightly. he took a hesitant sniff at the air around jake, his little nose twitching as he processed the new scent. the two hybrids stared at each other for a long, quiet moment before jake gave a small, friendly nudge with his nose. sunghoon tensed at the contact, but when he realized there was no threat, he let out a soft hum, edging a bit closer.
“looks like jake’s making a good impression,” jay said, watching the interaction with a satisfied smile.
you nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. “yeah, i think they’re going to be good for each other.”
but as you observed sunghoon’s growing comfort with jake, you couldn’t help but notice something else—a slight shift in sunghoon’s demeanor. though he was still hesitant, there was a glimmer of something in his eyes, a flicker of interest in jake that went beyond simple curiosity. sunghoon wasn’t just relaxing around the new hybrid; he seemed almost... drawn to him. it was subtle, but you knew sunghoon well enough to pick up on the change.
as jake playfully nudged sunghoon again, this time earning a small, tentative hop in return, you realized that sunghoon’s possessiveness, which you’d always felt toward you, was being redirected. he wasn’t just wary of jake—he was intrigued by him, fascinated in a way that made you wonder if sunghoon’s instincts were kicking in. the dynamic between the two hybrids was unfolding right before your eyes, and it was... adorable, in a way. jake, with his boundless energy, was slowly coaxing sunghoon out of his shell.
jungwon, meanwhile, sat back, purring softly, watching the interaction with a knowing look. it was as if he’d expected this all along.
the three hybrids were so absorbed in each other that you and jay turned your attention to the shelter staff, discussing the logistics of jake’s adoption. but as you spoke with the staff, one of them cleared her throat, her expression shifting from casual to slightly serious.
“jay,” she began, her tone quiet but concerned, “there’s something we need to discuss about jake’s behavior. nothing major, but it’s something we’ve noticed since his last check-up.”
jay’s eyebrows raised in concern, and you felt sunghoon shift slightly in your arms, as if he sensed the change in the atmosphere too.
“what’s wrong?” jay asked, his voice steady but clearly curious.
the staff member hesitated, glancing at jake, who was now lying down beside sunghoon, his tail still wagging gently. “well, jake’s heat cycles have been... more intense than we expected for a hybrid his age. he’s going to need some extra attention, especially when he’s in heat.”
you felt sunghoon’s body tense again, and you instinctively held him a little closer. his ears flicked back as if he were processing the new information, and you couldn’t help but wonder how this was going to affect his relationship with jake. sunghoon had always been a bit possessive, especially when it came to you, but now... there was something about jake that seemed to draw him in, and you weren’t sure how it would play out.
jay, ever the optimist, nodded thoughtfully. “okay. anything specific we need to know? how can we help him during those times?”
the staff member smiled, appreciating jay’s concern. “just make sure he’s comfortable. he tends to get a bit clingy, and he needs reassurance. it’s important not to leave him alone during those times.”
jay glanced over at jake, who was now snuggled up to sunghoon, his tail still wagging softly. “well, he’s certainly found some good company.”
you smiled, watching as sunghoon and jake seemed to settle into a quiet companionship. despite the initial nerves, it seemed that sunghoon had found a connection with jake, one that you hadn’t expected. the possessiveness was still there, but now it was tempered by something else—a growing bond between the two hybrids.
“looks like we’ve got a lot to look forward to,” you said softly, glancing at jay, who nodded in agreement.
and as you watched sunghoon nuzzle closer to jake, his initial hesitation melting away, you couldn’t help but feel that this was the beginning of something special.
“how old is jake?” jay asked, his voice curious as he watched the way jake seemed to easily draw sunghoon out of his nervous shell.
the staff member glanced at the two hybrids, a soft smile on her face as she responded. “jake is about three years old in hybrid terms, so that’s roughly the equivalent of a twenty-one-year-old human. he’s still quite young, but as you can see, he’s full of energy.”
jay let out a low whistle, nodding as he took in the information. “makes sense. he’s got that youthful energy about him.”
you glanced down at sunghoon, who was starting to relax even more now that jake had settled beside him. despite being a little older than jake, sunghoon had always been more reserved, and seeing him warm up to the golden retriever hybrid was like watching a quiet miracle unfold.
“and sunghoon?” jay asked, turning to you with a raised eyebrow. “how old’s he again?”
you smiled softly, giving sunghoon a gentle pat. “he’s about four years in hybrid terms, which makes him roughly around twenty-three.” you looked at sunghoon, who glanced up at you with wide, soft eyes, his little nose twitching as if he understood the conversation.
“ah, so he’s the older one here, huh?” jay teased with a grin. “no wonder he was a bit hesitant. probably didn’t want to look uncool in front of the younger hybrid.”
you chuckled, shaking your head. “sunghoon doesn’t need to worry about that. he’s cool in his own way.”
the playful banter brought a lightness to the moment, but as you looked back at the two hybrids, something else stirred in you. there was a growing connection between them, one that seemed to deepen with every small nuzzle and shared glance. sunghoon, who had always been a bit possessive of you, seemed to have found a balance now, with jake’s warmth and playful energy drawing him in.
jake, for his part, seemed to sense sunghoon’s need for comfort. though his natural exuberance was clear, he had toned it down for sunghoon’s sake, offering gentle nudges and soft, playful gestures that invited sunghoon to trust him. it was almost like jake understood sunghoon’s unspoken needs, and the way the two were starting to bond made your heart swell.
“looks like they’re getting along better than i expected,” you said, watching as jake stretched out beside sunghoon, his tail still wagging gently.
“yeah, it’s actually kind of cute,” jay added, leaning back with a satisfied smile. “they’re already acting like they’ve known each other for ages.”
but as you observed the scene, you couldn’t help but notice something else—a flicker of possessiveness in sunghoon’s eyes when jake shifted a bit too close to you. even though he was warming up to jake, that instinct to claim his space, his bond with you, was still there. it wasn’t aggressive, but it was subtle, like a quiet reminder that, no matter what, you were his person.
you held sunghoon a little closer, feeling his small body relax into yours. his possessiveness was something you had grown used to, and it wasn’t unwelcome. in fact, it was one of the things that made sunghoon... sunghoon.
but now, as he started to build this new bond with jake, you wondered if that dynamic was shifting. there was a softness in the way sunghoon interacted with jake, as if he was slowly learning that he didn’t need to be on guard all the time. jake was showing him that it was okay to share, to let others in.
“what do you think, sunghoon?” you murmured, gently scratching behind his ears. “you think you and jake are going to be friends?”
sunghoon gave a soft hum, his eyes closing slightly as he leaned into your touch. and while he didn’t say anything, you could feel it—the way his body relaxed, the way he no longer seemed tense in jake’s presence.
“i think that’s a yes,” jay said, grinning as he watched the two hybrids interact.
you laughed softly, nodding in agreement. “yeah, i think so too.”
as the conversation with the staff member continued, you found yourself glancing back at sunghoon and jake more often than not. the way they were starting to understand each other, to communicate in their own quiet way, was heartwarming. sunghoon’s possessiveness was still there, but now it felt... different. less about keeping others away and more about finding a balance between his bond with you and his growing friendship with jake.
“so, what’s the next step?” jay asked the staff member, shifting gears back to the adoption process.
the staff member smiled, handing over some papers. “well, once the paperwork is sorted, you’ll be able to take jake home. just keep in mind what i mentioned earlier about his heat cycles. it’ll take some time for him to adjust, but with sunghoon and jungwon around, i’m sure he’ll be just fine.”
you and jay exchanged a glance, a mixture of excitement and anticipation bubbling between you. this was the start of a new chapter, not just for jake, but for sunghoon as well. and as you looked at the two hybrids lying contentedly beside each other, you couldn’t help but feel that this was the beginning of something special.
“looks like we’ve got a lot to look forward to,” you said softly, echoing your earlier words with a smile.
jay nodded, his expression warm. “yeah, we really do.”
the staff member's words hung in the air, catching both you and jay off guard. "i'd suggest you consider living together or in close quarters," she said, her tone casual but pointed. “are you two a couple? just to make sure you can keep tabs on your hybrids.”
you blinked, exchanging a quick, surprised glance with jay, whose expression mirrored your own mix of shock and amusement. “uh, no,” jay replied, laughing lightly as he shook his head. “we’re not a couple.”
“definitely not,” you added, laughing as well, though you could feel sunghoon tense slightly in your arms. his ears flicked, his little nose twitching as he tried to process the conversation. you could almost feel his possessiveness creeping back in, like he didn’t quite enjoy the suggestion of you and jay being more than friends.
the staff member raised an eyebrow, clearly oblivious to the tension brewing between sunghoon and jake in their quiet, instinctual way. “oh, i see. well, it’s just something to consider, especially with how attached hybrids can get. being close by helps with bonding and keeping them comfortable.”
jay gave you a playful nudge. “i guess we could always rent a place together,” he teased, grinning as he looked down at sunghoon and jake. “just to make sure the boys get along, of course.”
“yeah, right,” you shot back, rolling your eyes but smiling. “because i’m sure sunghoon would love that.”
at your words, sunghoon gave a soft, almost indignant hum, his body pressing closer to you. his possessiveness was bubbling just beneath the surface again, especially with jake’s proximity. though he was warming up to the golden retriever hybrid, there was no mistaking his need to keep his bond with you clear. you were his person, and no one, not even jay, was going to challenge that.
jay chuckled, noticing sunghoon’s subtle reaction. “looks like someone’s not a fan of that idea.”
“yeah, i think he’s making his opinion pretty clear,” you said, unable to suppress a smile as you felt sunghoon relax slightly at your reassurance. jake, ever the carefree spirit, wagged his tail in the background, clearly oblivious to the subtle possessiveness playing out between the rabbit hybrid and his new friend.
“anyway,” the staff member said, breaking the moment with a professional tone, “just keep in mind that hybrids can form strong attachments, and living close to one another can help with socialization. it’s something to consider if they’re going to be spending a lot of time together.”
you nodded, glancing at jay with a more serious expression now. “we’ll figure something out,” you said, thinking about how sunghoon might handle the shift in dynamic once jake joined your little world.
as you headed toward the door, sunghoon nestled even closer into your arms, clearly staking his claim. but as you glanced back at jake, whose bright eyes were still fixed on sunghoon, you couldn’t help but wonder what this new chapter would bring.
there was something about jake that intrigued sunghoon, even if he didn’t fully realize it yet. and as you left the shelter, the playful energy between the two hybrids hinted at a friendship—or maybe something more—that was just beginning to unfold.
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after jay finalized the paperwork for jake's adoption, the three of you made your way back to the car, with jake trotting happily beside jay and sunghoon nestled securely in your arms. the day had been eventful, and as you opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat, your mind wandered back to the staff member’s suggestion about living together. the idea had been a little... awkward, but it lingered in your mind now as you buckled in.
jay got into the driver’s seat with jake hopping up in the back, his tail wagging with excitement. sunghoon, on the other hand, seemed more relaxed now, resting his head against your chest, though his ears twitched from time to time, like he was still processing the idea of another hybrid in his space.
“so, that whole ‘living together’ thing,” you started, turning to jay with a raised eyebrow. “are we really going to just gloss over that? i mean, it was kind of weird, right?”
jay let out a laugh, starting the car as he shook his head. “yeah, that was definitely something. i mean, we’re not a couple, but i guess from the outside, it probably looked like it. spending so much time together with our hybrids and all.”
you rolled your eyes, a playful smile on your lips. “well, for the record, i think sunghoon would lose his mind if i shared space with you. he’s already protective enough.”
“yeah, i noticed,” jay teased, glancing at sunghoon nestled in your arms. “he’s been eyeing jake like he’s trying to figure out where to place him in the hierarchy.”
before you could respond, you felt a sudden shift in the backseat. jungwon, who had been lounging casually beside jake, was now moving toward you, his sleek, graceful form slinking across the seat until he climbed up onto your lap. his eyes locked onto yours, and for a moment, you froze, unsure of what he was trying to communicate.
“jungwon? what are you doing?” you asked, your voice tinged with confusion as he stared at you, his eyes intense, almost... human-like in their focus. his tail flicked lazily, and he seemed to study your face, as if contemplating something.
you glanced over at jay, who was watching the interaction with raised eyebrows. “uh, jay? is this... normal?”
“huh,” jay muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at jungwon. “i think... i think he’s trying to tell us he wants to shift. hybrids usually give off certain signals when they want to change into their human form.”
your heart skipped a beat, and you looked back at jungwon, his gaze still locked onto yours. is that what this is? you thought, feeling the weight of his stare. he blinked slowly, as if confirming jay’s theory, before hopping back to his seat beside jake.
but then you remembered something important—they’re naked when they transform.
“oh shit,” you blurted, your eyes going wide. “jay, if he shifts, he’s going to be—”
“naked, yeah,” jay interrupted, his eyes widening with realization as he scrambled for something in the back. “hold on, i’ve got a blanket somewhere.”
jungwon, clearly aware of the commotion he’d caused, let out an amused little purr, as if he was enjoying watching you and jay panic over his impending transformation. you could swear there was a hint of mischief in his eyes as he watched jay fumble for a blanket.
“seriously, jungwon, now?” you muttered under your breath, feeling the heat rise to your face as you glanced back at the cat hybrid.
just as jay finally pulled a blanket from the glove compartment and throwing it towards them.
and then it happened.
right before your eyes, jungwon began to shift. his sleek, feline body elongated, and his fur began to recede into smooth, tanned skin. every movement was fluid, deliberate, and with every stretch, his muscles flexed subtly, revealing a figure that was far more masculine than you had expected. his transformation was quick, and as his body took on its full human form, you couldn’t help but stare, utterly shocked by what you were seeing.
jungwon was gorgeous.
broad shoulders, toned muscles, and a tall, lean build. he moved with a grace that was almost inhuman, every muscle in his body perfectly defined, like someone who knew exactly how to control every inch of himself. his hair, still tousled from the transformation, gave him a wild, yet effortlessly cool look, falling over his forehead in soft waves. but it wasn’t just his physique that caught you off guard—it was his eyes.
those same cat-like, magnetic eyes. they hadn’t changed at all. even in his human form, they were still sharp, intense, and piercing in a way that made your breath hitch. they gleamed with a mix of curiosity and confidence, like he was perfectly aware of the effect he had on you, and he wasn’t about to shy away from it.
he stretched, his body moving with the same feline grace he had in his hybrid form, and as his muscles flexed subtly under his skin, you couldn’t tear your eyes away. his movements were mesmerizing, and despite his lean build, there was a raw power behind every subtle shift of his body. he seemed younger than sunghoon—maybe it was the mischievous spark in his eyes or the slight smirk on his lips—but there was no denying how masculine he was.
you felt your mouth go dry as you tried to process what was happening. jungwon was hot. impossibly hot.
“uh...” you stammered, still trying to find your words as your gaze flicked between his broad shoulders and those hypnotic, cat-like eyes. “jungwon?”
jay, who had been watching the whole thing from the driver’s seat, let out a low laugh, shaking his head as he glanced over at you. “told you so,” he said, his voice tinged with amusement. “i wasn’t overselling it. jungwon’s... well, he’s hot.”
jungwon, noticing your reaction, tilted his head slightly, his lips curling into a playful smirk. “something wrong?” he asked, his voice low and smooth, as if he wasn’t fully aware of the effect his transformation had on you. but those gleaming eyes told you otherwise—he knew.
“n-no, nothing’s wrong,” you managed, feeling your cheeks heat up as you tried to look anywhere but at the way his muscles flexed whenever he moved. “just... didn’t expect that.”
jungwon chuckled softly, his smirk widening. “i get that a lot.”
he sat back, his body relaxed but still exuding that quiet, controlled strength. you tried to pull yourself together, but it wasn’t easy when he was just sitting there, looking like something straight out of a magazine. and god, those eyes—still sharp, still magnetic. no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he could see right through you with them.
“well, now you know,” jay said, still grinning as he glanced between you and jungwon. “jungwon may look young, but don’t let that fool you. he’s more than capable of keeping up with the rest of us.”
jungwon leaned forward slightly, his gaze still locked on you as he added, “glad i didn’t disappoint.”
before you could respond, jake suddenly barked happily from his spot in the backseat, his tail wagging furiously. in one excited leap, he jumped into jungwon’s lap, his energy practically radiating off him as he nuzzled his head into jungwon’s chest. jungwon let out a surprised laugh, his earlier intensity melting away as he instinctively wrapped an arm around jake, ruffling his tousled hair.
“easy, jake,” jungwon chuckled, his voice light as he tried to keep the overexcited golden retriever hybrid from toppling them both over. jake, however, seemed oblivious to everything except his desire to play, his tail still thumping wildly as he barked again, nudging his head against jungwon’s chin.
you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. despite jungwon’s usual calm, collected demeanor, it was impossible not to see the playful side of him come out as he tried to manage jake’s relentless affection. the dynamic between them was almost too cute—jake’s energetic, puppy-like excitement bouncing off jungwon’s cool exterior, which was now softened by the affectionate way he handled jake.
jungwon’s smirk softened into a genuine smile as he scratched behind jake’s ears, a fondness in his eyes that made you realize just how much warmth he carried beneath that smooth, confident surface.
you swallowed hard, nodding as you finally managed to tear your eyes away. “yeah... no disappointment here.”
jungwon glanced at you again, his expression softer now, the intensity fading from his eyes.
sunghoon, who had been quietly nestled in your arms, seemed to notice the shift in your reaction to jungwon. his ears twitched slightly, his soft fur brushing against your skin as if he could sense the quickening of your heartbeat. the way your breath hitched, the way your eyes lingered on jungwon’s perfectly toned figure—it didn’t go unnoticed by sunghoon. and the tiny, shy rabbit hybrid wasn’t sure what to make of it.
you felt sunghoon stir against you, his head lifting slightly as he peered over at jungwon, who was still lounging in the backseat with that smirk playing on his lips. there was curiosity in sunghoon’s gaze, but there was also something else—something possessive, like he was trying to figure out why you were so captivated by jungwon. it wasn’t jealousy exactly, but it was close enough.
without a word, sunghoon shifted in your arms, his little paws pushing against your chest as he hopped out of your lap and made his way to the backseat. you blinked in surprise, watching as sunghoon landed softly on jungwon’s lap, his tiny frame looking even smaller compared to jungwon’s broad, muscular form.
jungwon raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by the sudden interaction. he leaned back, watching sunghoon with those cat-like eyes, a knowing smirk still tugging at the corner of his lips. "looks like he wants to transform too," jungwon remarked, his voice low and teasing, but there was no malice in it—just pure curiosity.
sunghoon, for his part, didn’t respond right away. instead, he stared at jungwon, his little nose twitching as if he were studying him, trying to figure out how someone like jungwon could be so... well, jungwon. it was a look of curiosity, but also determination. sunghoon wasn’t one to be outshined, not by jungwon or anyone else. and it was clear that being around the confident cat hybrid was pushing him out of his usual shell.
after a few seconds, sunghoon made his decision. with a soft hop, he shifted off jungwon’s lap and onto the seat beside him. then, just like before, his small, delicate frame began to change.
his body elongated, his soft fur giving way to smooth, pale skin, his small frame transforming into that of a young man. when it was over, sunghoon sat there, blinking up at you with wide eyes, his ears—still rabbit-like—twitching slightly in his human form. he was... beautiful, almost ethereal, his features delicate but striking.
“holy shit,” jay breathed from the front seat, quickly throwing the blanket over sunghoon to cover him. “you didn’t tell me he’d be this pretty.”
you blinked, taking in sunghoon’s transformation, your heart racing as you struggled to find words. god, he was gorgeous. his features were almost too perfect—his pale skin, the soft slope of his nose, his large, expressive eyes. it was like looking at a prince, or maybe something out of a dream, and you suddenly wondered if the fatigue and dry spell you’d been going through were messing with your mind.
sunghoon, meanwhile, gave you a shy, hesitant smile, his cheeks flushing a soft pink as he pulled the blanket tighter around himself. he seemed both proud and nervous, like he wasn’t quite sure how you’d react to seeing him like this.
jake barked, wagging his tail as he bounded closer to sunghoon, his excitement evident. jungwon, ever the calm observer, let out a low, approving purr, his tail flicking as he watched sunghoon with interest.
sunghoon, however, was far less composed. he was bundled up in the blanket, his ears—still twitching adorably even in human form—drooping slightly as he blushed furiously. “um... hi,” he said softly, his voice still shy, his eyes darting between you and jungwon.
jungwon glanced over at sunghoon, his lips curling into a small, teasing smile. “you okay there, sunghoon? first time shifting around people?”
sunghoon nodded, clutching the blanket tighter around his bare chest. “yeah, I just... I wasn’t sure how it’d feel.”
jungwon’s eyes glinted with amusement, but there was no malice in it—just that same mischievous, playful energy he always had. “you’ll get used to it. besides,” he added with a wink, “it’s kind of nice not being stuck in our animal forms all the time.”
jay let out a half-choked laugh from the front seat. “yeah, well, next time, warn us before you two decide to strip down in the car.”
jungwon rolled his eyes playfully. “where’s the fun in that, jay?”
meanwhile, sunghoon, still visibly flustered, peeked at jungwon from under his lashes, his face turning an even deeper shade of pink. “you... um...” he hesitated, biting his lip before blurting out, “you’re... really pretty.”
the car fell silent for a beat, jungwon’s eyebrows raising in surprise as a smirk slowly spread across his face. jay’s eyes went wide in the mirror, and you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, the tension breaking in the most unexpected way.
jungwon’s smirk turned into a full grin, his sharp features softening slightly as he responded. “well, thanks, sunghoon. you’re not too bad yourself.”
sunghoon’s blush deepened, and he ducked his head, hiding his face in the blanket as if that would somehow make him disappear. you reached over, giving him a reassuring pat on the arm. “hey, it’s okay. no need to be embarrassed.”
before anyone could react, jake barked loudly, startling everyone in the car. “oh no,” you muttered, eyes widening as you watched jake’s body begin to elongate and morph into his human form.
jay yelped, his hands jerking on the steering wheel as he tried to keep control of the car. “whoa, jake! easy!” he shouted, his voice strained as the car swerved to the next lane.
jay, still trying to regain control of the car, glanced back in the rearview mirror, his expression torn between panic and disbelief. “oh, for the love of—jake, what the hell?! i’m driving here!”
his body grew taller, his broad, muscular frame emerging as his fur receded into his skin. it was a transformation that left you momentarily speechless—jake’s human form was nothing short of stunning. he was sculpted to perfection, every inch of him exuding masculine power. his chest and arms were toned and chiseled, like a man who’d spent every day of his life either surfing or working out. his wavy, slightly tousled hair framed his rugged, handsome face with an air of effortless charm, like a surfer dude who knew how to get all the women with just a smile.
and god, he looked like he knew it.
but jake, now fully transformed and sitting in the backseat without a stitch of clothing, simply grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “i just had to!” he exclaimed, his voice full of energy. he shifted forward eagerly, as if he couldn’t sit still, like the transformation had charged him with even more adrenaline.
jay, finally managing to pull the car over to the side of the road, turned around in his seat, looking both exasperated and amazed. “jake, what the hell, man?” he groaned, running a hand through his hair. “you could’ve warned us! we almost crashed.”
but jake, clearly too amped up to care, just flashed a mischievous grin. “sorry, sorry. i just... i didn’t want to be left out,” he admitted, his tone almost boyish in its excitement. his hair fell in messy waves over his forehead, giving him that signature rugged, carefree look that somehow made him even more attractive.
jungwon, ever the voice of reason, let out a long sigh, though you could see the faintest smirk on his lips. “jake, you nearly got us killed just because you wanted to join in?” he asked, his tone dry but with an edge of amusement. “couldn’t you have done it when quietly?”
jake shrugged, completely unbothered. “i didn’t want to miss out on the fun.” he leaned back, his muscular arms resting behind his head in an effortless pose that made his already striking physique look even more impressive. “besides, i wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”
sunghoon, still bundled up in his blanket, stared wide-eyed at jake, his gaze darting from jake’s broad chest to his tanned skin, then back to you as if to ask, is this really happening?
you couldn’t help but laugh, though your cheeks were burning with embarrassment. “well, jake, next time, maybe give us a little warning before you go full... surfer dude in the backseat.”
jay, still holding the wheel, groaned and pressed a hand to his forehead. “seriously, jake. you scared the hell out of me. not to mention... you’re naked.”
jake glanced down at himself, seemingly noticing his lack of clothing for the first time, and then shrugged again, completely unfazed. “no big deal. we’ve got a blanket, right?” he said, grinning as he reached for the one sunghoon was using.
jungwon rolled his eyes but remained calm, even as he shifted back into a more comfortable position, though there was no real annoyance—more like mild exasperation mixed with amusement.
sunghoon, still flustered from the sudden transformation, whispered to you, “i didn’t know he was... like that.”
you glanced down at sunghoon, who was clearly trying not to stare at jake’s impressive form. “yeah, me neither,” you murmured, biting back a smile.
jake, however, seemed to sense sunghoon’s discomfort and gave him a playful nudge. “don’t worry, sunghoon. you’ll get used to it. i’m pretty fun to be around, you know.”
sunghoon blinked, clearly unsure of how to respond, but he managed a shy nod. “yeah... i guess so.”
jay, trying to process everything that had just happened, finally glanced back at jungwon with a bemused expression. “okay, i’ve got to ask... why did you decide to transform too? not that i’m complaining or anything, but what’s up with the timing?”
jungwon, never one to shy away from a bit of drama, stretched his arms behind his head, a grin playing on his lips. “well, you guys were talking about living together,” he said casually, as if he were merely commenting on the weather. “i figured i’d join the conversation, considering it directly affects me too.”
jay nearly choked on his own laughter, shaking his head in disbelief. “you transformed just so you could be part of that conversation?”
jungwon shrugged, his smirk never fading. “well, yeah. it’s a pretty important topic. can’t leave all the big decisions to the humans, can we?”
you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at jungwon’s smooth delivery, though the situation was still slightly awkward. “i guess he’s got a point,” you said, glancing at jay. “we’ve been talking about them like they aren’t right here. maybe it’s only fair.”
sunghoon, still wrapped tightly in his blanket, was watching the interaction with wide eyes, his cheeks flushed from both the transformation and the ongoing conversation. “so, uh... are we really gonna be... living together?” he asked softly, his gaze flicking nervously between you and jay.
jay, still grinning, leaned back in his seat. “well, the lady at the center did bring it up. and with the way jake, jungwon, and you seem to be bonding, it might make sense.”
jake, who had been quiet for a few moments, suddenly perked up at the mention of his name. his wavy, sun-kissed hair fell into his eyes as he leaned forward from his spot in the backseat, a wide grin spreading across his face. “wait, wait, is it really happening?” he asked, practically bouncing in his seat. “because I’m all for it!”
his energy was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. jake had this way of bringing lightness into any conversation, his excitement so genuine that it made you feel like this living arrangement could actually work.
“of course you’d be into it,” jay teased, glancing at jake in the rearview mirror. “you probably just want someone to wrestle with all day.”
jake laughed, throwing his hands up in mock innocence. “well, yeah, that too! but seriously, I think it would be fun. we’re already getting along, right?” he said, glancing at jungwon and sunghoon with a hopeful look in his eyes.
sunghoon, who had been nervously biting his lip, gave a small nod. “i mean... i guess we are,” he admitted softly, his gaze flicking between you and jake. “it’s just a big step, you know?”
jungwon leaned back, clearly enjoying the conversation, his arms casually resting behind his head. “big step or not, it makes sense. you can’t leave hybrids like us on our own—we’re pack animals,” he added with a grin. “and besides, jake would probably tear the place apart if he didn’t have someone to keep him in check.”
jake let out a playful bark, crossing his arms as he leaned closer to jungwon. “oh, please. you wish you could keep up with me,” he teased, though his tone was lighthearted. “but for real, I think it’s a good idea. we’re already comfortable with each other, and living together would just make everything easier.”
you couldn’t help but glance between the three of them, their interactions now flowing naturally. jake’s carefree spirit, jungwon’s smooth confidence, and sunghoon’s quiet thoughtfulness—it all seemed to balance out, like pieces of a puzzle fitting together.
“so, what do you think?” jay asked, turning his attention to you. “they seem pretty on board with the idea.”
you took a deep breath, considering everything. “i mean... i’m not against it,” you said, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling in your chest. “but we’d have to set some boundaries, you know? we can’t just jump into this without a plan.”
“boundaries? sure, sure,” jake said, nodding enthusiastically. “but seriously, it’d be fun. i promise to keep things lively.”
jungwon raised an eyebrow at jake. “lively? more like chaotic. but... you do make a good point.”
sunghoon, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up, his voice soft but firm. “if we do this... we’ll have to take care of each other, right?” he asked, glancing between you and jay, his gaze steady. “i don’t want to be a burden.” your heart swelled as sunghoon spoke, his voice soft but gaining confidence with every word. it was such a big moment for him, learning to express himself around others, and the way he glanced between you and jay with such earnestness made your chest tighten with affection. you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face even if you tried. it was like watching him come out of his shell, slowly but surely, and it made you proud in a way you hadn’t expected.
you caught jay’s eye, and he was already looking at you, his expression mirroring yours. a knowing, affectionate look passed between the two of you—an unspoken acknowledgment of how far sunghoon had come since that first shy encounter. jay raised an eyebrow slightly, smirking as if to say see? he’s growing.
“so, sunghoon,” jay starts, glancing at the rearview mirror with a teasing smirk, “i know you’re kind of possessive over y/n, would you want to live with us?”
sunghoon’s ears twitched slightly, and his eyes widened as he shot a nervous glance toward you, his cheeks immediately flushing. “i... i’m not possessive,” he mumbled, though the way he fidgeted in his seat told a different story. his gaze flickered to jay, then to you, and finally settled on his hands, which were clenching the blanket he’d wrapped around himself earlier.
jake let out a laugh from the backseat, leaning forward with a playful grin. “come on, sunghoon, you know we’re just messing with you. but seriously, would you? live with us?”
sunghoon was quiet for a moment, his eyes still on his lap as if he was thinking it over. the teasing had clearly flustered him, but beneath it all, something deeper seemed to stir. you could feel the tension in the air shift as he finally took a deep breath and lifted his head.
“i like the idea,” he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “i like being around you guys... more than I probably show.” his eyes darted to jake and jungwon, and for the first time, there was a hint of something vulnerable there. “but... i don’t really know how to say it.”
jungwon, who had been watching the entire interaction with his usual calm, raised an eyebrow and leaned forward slightly, his voice low and gentle. “you don’t have to say anything you’re not ready for, sunghoon. it’s just us here.”
sunghoon nodded, taking another shaky breath before speaking again. “it’s just... i’ve never really had this before. people to care about, people who... actually like me back.” his words came out haltingly, as if he wasn’t used to expressing his emotions so openly. “i didn’t think I’d like the idea of living with others, but now...”
his voice trailed off, and he glanced toward you, his expression softening in a way that made your heart ache. “i like jake and jungwon, even if I don’t always show it. they’re... good to me. i feel safe with them.”
jake’s grin softened into something more genuine, and he leaned back, giving sunghoon an encouraging nod. “that’s because we like having you around, sunghoon. you don’t have to worry about showing it or not.”
“yeah,” jungwon added, his cat-like eyes locking onto sunghoon’s. “you’re part of this too. you belong with us.”
sunghoon swallowed, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke again. “but... i also want to make sure i have y/n.” his eyes met yours, and there was an intensity there that you hadn’t seen before. it wasn’t just possessiveness—it was deeper, rawer. “you’re the one who took me in, who made me feel like i had a home. i don’t want to lose that. i don’t want to lose you.”
the sincerity in his voice hit you hard, and you felt your chest tighten at the weight of his words. this wasn’t just about living together or sharing space—it was about trust, about the bonds that were forming between all of you. sunghoon wasn’t just protective; he was scared. scared that he’d lose the one thing he had clung to for so long.
“you’re not going to lose me, sunghoon,” you said softly, reaching out to touch his hand. his skin was warm under your fingers, and he looked up at you with wide, hopeful eyes. “i’m always going to be here for you. no matter what.”
sunghoon’s shoulders seemed to relax, a quiet sigh escaping him as he squeezed your hand gently.  
"but isn’t this all happening too fast?” you say to jay, a laugh escaping your lips, as you try to process the bizarre situation. the weight of everything hits you—the idea of living together with three hybrids, the emotional confessions, sunghoon’s intensity, and jake’s boundless energy. it’s all happening so quickly, and you can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed.
jay, keeping one hand on the wheel, shoots you a smirk from the driver’s seat, clearly amused by your reaction. “fast? maybe. but when have things ever gone at a normal pace for us?” he chuckles, shaking his head. “honestly, i’m just rolling with it at this point.”
you glance back at the hybrids. jake is still grinning like a puppy, his energy practically bouncing off the car walls. jungwon, calm as ever, is lounging with that knowing smirk on his face, while sunghoon—quiet, shy sunghoon—sits closer to you than before, his gaze flicking between you and the others as if still processing his own emotions.
“it’s... definitely a lot to take in,” you admit, rubbing the back of your neck. “i mean, one minute we’re talking about living arrangements, and the next, sunghoon’s practically confessing that he wants to be by my side forever.” you laugh, though there’s a nervous edge to it. “it’s a bit overwhelming.”
jay chuckles again, this time more softly, understanding the weight of your words. “i get it. but, y/n, look at them,” he gestures to the backseat, where the three hybrids are sitting. “they’re not just pets, you know? they’re real, living beings with emotions, instincts... and yeah, sometimes those instincts come on fast and strong.” he gives you a knowing look. “but they care about you. all of them. maybe that’s why it feels like it’s moving fast.”
you nod, biting your lip as you think it over. jay’s right. jake, jungwon, and sunghoon aren’t just hybrids—they’re forming connections, bonds that run deeper than you’d expected. even though things seem to be moving quickly, it’s clear that the emotions behind it all are genuine.
jake suddenly barks playfully from the backseat, cutting through the moment. “hey, fast or slow, i’m in!” he grins, leaning forward with excitement. “this is gonna be fun!”
jungwon rolls his eyes but smiles, his voice cool and teasing. “leave it to jake to simplify everything.”
sunghoon, still sitting quietly beside you, looks up and adds softly, “it might be fast, but... it feels right.” he blushes, glancing away after he says it, but there’s no denying the sincerity in his words.
you can’t help but smile at his honesty, your heart warming despite the chaos. “yeah... i guess it does feel right, doesn’t it?”
jay lets out a soft laugh, glancing at you again. “so, maybe it’s not about speed. maybe it’s just about... letting things happen the way they’re supposed to.”
you sigh, leaning back into your seat, your smile growing wider. “i guess you’re right. it’s just... wild to think about how much things have changed.”
“also, you’re the ones having to make the adjustments,” jay said, shooting you a playful grin. “my place is big enough for everyone.”
you raised an eyebrow, laughing at the sudden shift in conversation. “oh, is that right? are you just offering up your place now?”
“yup,” jay said confidently, glancing over at you. “i’ve got the space. besides, think about it—less hassle for you, no need to rearrange your life completely. and i’m already used to having hybrids around.”
jake, immediately catching onto the idea, perked up. “wait, seriously? we’d all stay at your place?” he practically bounced in his seat, the excitement in his voice evident. “that sounds awesome! your place is huge!”
jungwon, his usual calm self, nodded in agreement. “yeah, i’ve been there. plenty of space for all of us.”
you felt sunghoon tense beside you, clearly processing the thought of moving into jay’s place. his eyes flicked toward you, as if silently asking for reassurance. you gave him a gentle nudge with your elbow, offering him a soft smile. “sunghoon, what do you think?”
he hesitated for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip as he considered the idea. “i mean... if everyone else is okay with it,” he said quietly, though there was still that subtle hint of possessiveness lingering in his voice. “i just want to make sure... it’s still us, you know?”
you understood what he meant—he didn’t want to lose the closeness, the bond you two had built. moving into jay’s place with everyone would definitely change the dynamic, but you knew it wouldn’t change how you felt about him.
“it’ll still be us,” you assured him gently, your hand brushing against his. “we’re all in this together.”
sunghoon’s eyes softened, and he nodded, though his grip on the blanket tightened just a bit. “okay,” he whispered, his voice still unsure but trusting.
jay glanced in the rearview mirror, smirking. “see? problem solved. my place is big enough, and we won’t have to turn y/n’s life upside down. plus, i’ve got a yard.”
“oh, now you’re just bragging,” you teased, shaking your head. “but fine, if it’s easier for everyone, i guess we’ll take over your place.”
jake fist-pumped the air in excitement. “yes! this is gonna be great!”
jungwon leaned back, his smirk widening. “it’s settled then. we’ll all move in.”
sunghoon, still holding onto his usual shyness, glanced at you, his voice soft but carrying a small smile. “as long as we’re together.”
you squeezed his hand gently. “always.”
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moving in with jay felt surreal. in the six years you had known him—ever since high school—it was crazy to think that things had reached this point. you’d never expected to be living under the same roof again, and this time, with three hybrids who had quickly become a huge part of your life. but here you were, standing in the middle of jay’s massive house, boxes scattered around as you tried to process how much had changed in such a short time.
the transition was smoother than expected, though. after all, jay’s place was spacious, with plenty of room for everyone. there were areas where the hybrids could be themselves, without feeling cramped or restricted. but despite the adjustment to living together, the hybrids seemed to thrive in their new environment.
sunghoon, who had once been shy and hesitant, was no longer the timid rabbit he used to be. in fact, he and jake were practically attached at the hip these days, always finding something to do together. whether it was running around in the yard, roughhousing like puppies, or simply hanging out and talking, the bond they formed was undeniable. sunghoon had grown so much—his confidence bloomed in ways that made you smile every time you saw him. his laughter came easier, and the way he interacted with jake was playful and relaxed, as if his old insecurities had faded away completely.
“hey, y/n! look what sunghoon taught me!” jake called out one afternoon, grinning as he bounded into the living room with sunghoon trailing right behind him. the two of them looked like excited children, eyes gleaming with mischief.
sunghoon laughed, shaking his head. “it’s not that impressive, jake.”
“come on, it’s awesome!” jake insisted, practically bouncing on his toes.
you watched them with a fond smile. they were always like this now—happy, teasing, full of energy. it was heartwarming to see sunghoon so comfortable, especially considering how shy he had been when you first met him.
meanwhile, jungwon was... well, jungwon. he maintained his cool, laid-back demeanor, never letting anything ruffle his feathers—or fur. he was often the calm in the storm, just chilling out in his favorite spot, usually by the large window that overlooked the garden. the others naturally gravitated toward him when they needed to relax, though jungwon, being a cat hybrid, definitely valued his alone time.
but even jungwon had adapted well to the new dynamic. he liked it—having more company around besides just jay. “it’s not so bad,” jungwon had once said, stretching lazily across the couch while sunghoon and jake wrestled playfully nearby. “better than it being just me and jay all the time. it’s... fun.”
and if there was anything that had really changed, it was the fact that all three hybrids now preferred their human forms most of the time. at first, they had stuck to their animal forms out of habit or comfort, but gradually, they seemed to embrace their human sides more. jungwon, for instance, liked the freedom it gave him—being able to stretch his legs and move around without the restrictions of his smaller form. sunghoon, too, had come to enjoy the confidence that his human form offered. and jake? well, jake just loved the energy and fun that came with being human, always up for a new adventure.
“so... this is it, huh?” jay said one night, as you both sat in the living room after the hybrids had finally crashed for the evening. “we’re all living together, like some weird hybrid-human family.”
you laughed, shaking your head at how ridiculous but true it all was. “yeah, it’s crazy. i never would’ve thought this is where we’d end up. but it’s... nice.”
“nice?” jay grinned, leaning back on the couch. “it’s wild, y/n. but yeah, i get it. it’s good.”
and it was good. everything had fallen into place in a way that felt almost too perfect. the hybrids had settled into their new home, and the connections between all of you had deepened. there were still occasional moments of chaos—like when jake would accidentally knock something over with his boundless energy, or when jungwon would disappear for hours to enjoy some alone time—but those moments only made life more lively, more real.
sunghoon had grown into someone who wasn’t just attached to you anymore—he had friends, people he trusted, and he was learning to share that trust with jake and jungwon. but despite the new bonds forming around him, one thing hadn’t changed: sunghoon still looked at you the same way he always had. with that quiet, steady affection that made you feel like, no matter what, you’d always be his.
life wasn’t perfect, but it was good. and with this unusual, yet wonderful group of hybrids and humans by your side, you knew things were only going to get better from here.
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for months, things had gone smoothly, with the group settling into a routine that felt almost natural. but there was something you'd started to notice. jake had already gone through his heat cycle once, and when that happened, he was handled by the center—given a space for it to pass until he could return home. you’d expected sunghoon to experience the same at some point, but strangely enough, there hadn’t been any signs. nothing at all.
it wasn’t like you were eager for him to go through something as intense as a heat cycle, but the fact that it hadn’t happened yet made you curious. maybe even a little concerned. so, one day while lounging on the couch, your laptop balanced on your knees, and jay typing away beside you, you decided to ask.
“sunghoon?” you started, glancing over at him as he sat near the window, flipping through a book but clearly lost in thought. he looked up at you, his soft eyes locking onto yours.
“yeah?” he replied, his voice quiet, as usual.
you hesitated for a moment, trying to phrase your question carefully. “do rabbits go into heat? i mean, i know hybrids do, but… well, you haven’t shown any signs.”
jay, sitting beside you, stopped typing for a moment, his interest clearly piqued by the question. he glanced over at sunghoon too, raising an eyebrow as if wondering the same thing.
sunghoon’s expression changed slightly. he looked a little flustered, his cheeks tinging with pink as he shifted in his seat. “uh… yeah, we do,” he mumbled, glancing away from your curious stare. “it’s just… different.”
you tilted your head, curiosity deepening. “different how?”
sunghoon fidgeted slightly, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red as he avoided your gaze. “well… rabbit hybrids do go into heat, but it’s different. it’s… uh, more intense when it happens.”
you glanced over at him, watching the way he shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. there was something about the way he looked so flustered that made your stomach twist—something you weren’t sure you should be noticing. you leaned in slightly, sensing that there was more to this than he was letting on. “what do you mean by intense?”
sunghoon swallowed hard, his voice quiet but steady. “once we hit a certain age... around a year old, we can mate more frequently. like, every few days.” he hesitated, fingers tightening on the book he was clutching. “for some of us, after that, it’s common to want to mate with multiple partners in a short period—like, four to six in a week.”
“holy shit, in a week?” jay’s voice cut through the growing tension, his eyes wide in disbelief as he leaned forward in his chair. “four to six? that’s insane.”
sunghoon’s face flushed even darker, clearly uncomfortable, but he nodded. “yeah... it’s a lot.”
you could feel the air thickening around you, the weight of sunghoon’s words making your pulse quicken. four to six times in a week?
your mouth went dry at the thought, heat rising in your chest as you struggled to shake the mental image. “so... what happens when it hits?”
sunghoon hesitated again, clearly uncomfortable with where the conversation was going, but he forced himself to continue. “it’s... it’s hard to control. when it happens, it’s like this overwhelming need. most rabbit hybrids, they... they mate with multiple partners to deal with it. but...” he trailed off, biting his lip as he glanced at you briefly, before quickly looking away again. “but i don’t want that.”
“you don’t?” you asked, voice soft, the heat between you almost palpable. you didn’t miss the way he kept avoiding your gaze, his body rigid with tension.
sunghoon shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper. “no. i don’t want anyone else. just... one person.”
your breath caught in your throat, your pulse racing as the weight of his words sank in. just one person. it didn’t take much to realize who that one person was. your heart pounded in your chest, the realization hitting you hard. the air around you felt thick, heavy, and suddenly you couldn’t look away from him, the quiet intensity in his voice making it impossible to ignore.
jay, sensing the shift in the room, raised an eyebrow and glanced between the two of you, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. “so you’re saying, when you go into heat, you’d only want to be with y/n?”
sunghoon’s eyes met yours for a brief moment before he looked away again, his voice barely a whisper. “yeah.”
the heat between you intensified, and you felt your face flush as your mind raced. this was more than you were expecting, more than you could even process in that moment. but the way sunghoon was looking at you—the quiet, almost desperate need in his voice—it made your heart race. this wasn’t just about instinct. it was about something deeper, something raw and undeniable.
jay let out a low whistle, shaking his head. “damn, man…. and you’ve been dealing with this all on your own?”
sunghoon nodded, his face still flushed. “i didn’t want to make things weird. i didn’t want to... push anything on her.”
you swallowed hard, your mouth dry as the tension between you grew thicker. he’d been holding back all this time, dealing with it on his own? “so... when you’ve gone into heat, you’ve just been... handling it yourself?”
sunghoon’s eyes flickered with something dark, something raw, and for the first time, his voice wavered as he answered. “yeah. i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and i don’t want to... hurt you.”
jay raised an eyebrow at sunghoon’s tone, clearly noticing the shift as much as you had. “hurt her? what do you mean?”
sunghoon’s jaw tightened, his knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the blanket. “if i... if i let go during heat, i wouldn’t be able to hold back. it would be too much. i would be too much.”
your breath hitched at his words, your heart racing. too much?
 the tension in the room was thick, almost suffocating now, and you could feel the intensity in sunghoon’s gaze as he finally looked at you, something dangerous flickering behind his eyes.
“sunghoon,” you whispered, barely able to form the words, “what do you mean by too much?”
he hesitated, his eyes darting between you and jay, before he finally spoke. “i could wreck you.”
the words hung heavy in the air, and the second they left his mouth, jay’s eyes widened in shock. “whoa, man,” he muttered, sitting up straighter in his chair, clearly caught off guard by the sudden change in tone. “that’s... i did not expect this conversation to get to this point.”
you felt a shiver run down your spine, your body reacting to the sheer weight of sunghoon’s words.
wreck you.
the thought sent a wave of heat through you, making your pulse quicken. there was no denying it now—the tension, the attraction, the raw need in sunghoon’s voice.
jay let out a nervous laugh, trying to ease the tension. “shit, man, you’re not holding back, are you?”
sunghoon shook his head, his gaze steady, his voice low and serious. “i’m not trying to scare you,” he said, his eyes locking onto yours again, “but when it hits, it’s like nothing else and i don’t think i could stop once i start.”
your heart pounded in your chest, your mind racing as you processed everything he was saying. the way he was talking, the way he looked at you—it wasn’t just desire, it was something primal, something instinctual. and the fact that he’d been holding this back for so long, just for your sake...
sunghoon sighed shakily, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. “sorry, y/n,” he muttered, his voice low and hoarse. “i think i’m gonna go hang with jake for a bit.” the way he said it felt like he was pulling away, trying to create some distance between the two of you after laying so much out in the open.
you watched him, the intensity of what he’d just said still lingering in the room. wreck you.
his words played on repeat in your mind, sending a hot rush through your body that you couldn’t shake.
jay cleared his throat, his eyes still wide, processing what sunghoon had just said. “yeah, uh… good call, man,” he muttered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “maybe… maybe that’s a good idea.”
sunghoon stood up slowly, the blanket still wrapped around him, and you could see the way his shoulders were tense, the weight of everything he’d just admitted bearing down on him. he shot you one last look before walking out, leaving the room feeling emptier than before.
for a moment, the silence between you and jay stretched out, thick and awkward. you were still trying to process everything that had just happened, your mind racing in a thousand different directions.
“well… that escalated quickly,” jay said, finally breaking the silence with a nervous chuckle, glancing at you with wide eyes. “i didn’t see that coming.”
you decided to ignore jay’s comment and quietly made your way to the kitchen, your mind still reeling from the conversation with sunghoon. the tension hadn’t left your body; it simmered just under your skin, his words—wreck you—echoing in your mind, over and over again, sending a hot, embarrassing pulse through your veins. fuck, why was this affecting you so much? it wasn’t like sunghoon hadn’t been close before, but now… this? there was no denying it anymore. the air between you had shifted in a way you couldn’t shake.
you gripped the edge of the counter, trying to steady your breath, but the thoughts kept coming—sunghoon’s quiet, steady voice, the intensity in his eyes, the way his words made you feel like something deep inside you had been set on fire. he could wreck you. the thought sent another heat wave rushing through you, making you feel unsteady. was it wrong that you were even thinking about it? you knew it had been because he had no one but you before. when you found him, he was so broken, so timid. he clung to you out of necessity, and at first, you didn’t really think he meant anything by it. he needed comfort, a sense of safety, and you were that for him. it was natural, given everything he’d been through. so when he started saying things, dropping little hints about wanting more, you chalked it up to attachment. a need for connection.
but now... now it felt different. he could wreck you. the way he said it, the intensity in his eyes—it didn’t feel like some desperate plea for affection. it felt real, like something he’d been holding back, something he was barely managing to control.
you didn’t really think he meant what he said back then before when you had just found out he was a hybrid. when he said he wanted more with you. not at first. not when he had no one but you. how could he know what he wanted? you were just the one who saved him, right? but the more you thought about it, the more you realized that maybe... maybe he did mean it. and maybe he had for a while.
the sound of footsteps pulled you from your spiraling thoughts, and without turning, you knew it was jay. of course it was jay. you could feel the weight of his presence as he stopped in the doorway, and you knew he wasn’t going to let this go.
“so you’re just gonna ignore me, huh?” he teased, but his tone was serious enough to let you know he was pressing the issue.
you let out a breath and glanced over your shoulder. “what’s up, jay?” you asked, pretending like you didn’t know where this was headed.
jay glanced around the kitchen, making sure no one else was nearby, before stepping in closer. his smirk was familiar, the one that always said he knew more than he let on. “we gotta talk about sunghoon,” he said, leaning against the counter.
your stomach tightened at the mention of sunghoon, the tension immediately returning. you hadn’t expected that. “what about him?” you asked, trying to sound casual, but your voice came out more clipped than you intended.
jay chuckled softly, crossing his arms. “come on, y/n. don’t play dumb with me. he basically just told you he wants to fuck your brains out, and you’re acting like it’s nothing?”
your heart skipped a beat at jay’s blunt words, and your pulse quickened. fuck, why did he have to be so direct? you shifted uncomfortably, pretending to focus on the glass of water in your hands, but the tension between you and sunghoon had been undeniable for weeks now. you’d chalked it up to his past, to him just being attached after you gave him a home, but now… this?
“he’s just… attached,” you said, though even you could hear how weak the words sounded. “you know, after everything he’s been through.”
jay rolled his eyes, clearly not buying any of it. “bullshit,” he said bluntly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “y/n, come on. he’s into you. and not in some cute, innocent way. he wants you.”
you swallowed hard, feeling the heat rise up your neck. you couldn’t deny it anymore. the way sunghoon had been acting around you—the lingering touches, the way he looked at you like you were the only person in the room. and fuck if it wasn’t making you think things you hadn’t allowed yourself to think before.
“i... i don’t know,” you muttered, your voice weak as you avoided jay’s gaze. “he’s never really said anything.”
jay snorted, leaning in a little closer. “he doesn’t have to say it. the guy’s practically panting around you. it’s written all over his face. and don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way he touches you, the way he looks at you. he’s possessive as fuck.”
your face flushed at jay’s words, your body reacting in ways you weren’t proud of. “he’s just protective,” you said defensively, though even you weren’t convinced by your own argument.
jay raised an eyebrow. “protective? sure, but it’s more than that. he’s jealous. and i’m pretty damn sure he’d be all over you if you gave him the chance.”
your breath caught in your throat, the thought sending a jolt of heat through you. would he really? the idea of sunghoon, usually so soft and shy, being possessive, intense—fuck, it was hard to ignore how much that stirred something inside you. something you didn’t want to admit. a nervous laugh escaped your lips, though it didn’t do much to ease the tension. “you’re really going there, huh?”
jay leaned back, his smirk widening as he watched your reaction. “oh, i’m going there. and let’s be real, does he make you wet?”
“what the fuck, jay?” you shot back, though the heat in your voice betrayed how flustered you actually were. “are you seriously asking me that?”
jay shrugged, completely unfazed. “just saying what everyone’s thinking. it’s clear as day he’s into you. and honestly, it’s not that weird.”
you blinked at him, thrown off by his sudden change of tone. “what do you mean it’s not weird?”
jay gave you a look like you’d just said something insane. “are you serious? y/n, people literally choose hybrids for this exact reason. companionship, partnership… whatever you want to call it. hell, some women prefer hybrids because of how loyal they are, how connected they feel. it’s not some taboo thing.”
“wait... really?” you asked, your voice soft, genuinely surprised.
jay nodded, looking almost amused by your surprise. “yeah. i mean, i’m not into jungwon or jake or anything,” he added quickly, shooting you a look, “but it’s normal. hybrids aren’t pets, y/n. they’re... like us. emotionally, physically. some people prefer it.”
you stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. “but... isn’t it still a little strange? i mean, sunghoon... he’s still him. and we’re...”
“and you’re human? sure,” jay said, cutting you off. “but that doesn’t change the fact that sunghoon’s got feelings for you. real feelings. and judging by the way you’ve been reacting, i’d say you’ve been thinking about it too.”
your heart pounded as you stared down at the glass in your hands, his words hitting way too close to home. the truth was, you had been thinking about it. more than you wanted to admit. the way sunghoon looked at you, the way he touched you, the quiet intensity behind his gaze—it was hard to ignore.
you shot jay a glare, but there was no real heat behind it. “you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“a little,” jay admitted with a grin. “but mostly, i just want you to realize it’s not weird. it’s not some scandal. it’s just life. hybrids are loyal as hell, and you don’t have to worry about them running off with someone else.”
you bit your lip, feeling conflicted, but his words were sinking in. maybe it wasn’t weird. maybe it was just... something you hadn’t allowed yourself to think about before.
“so... you promise you really don’t think it’s weird?” you asked again, your voice softer now, still needing reassurance.
jay chuckled, softer this time. “not even a little. if anything, it’s kinda sweet. sunghoon cares about you. a lot. and you’ve been dry for months, y/n. don’t lie.”
“fuck you,” you muttered, still grinning, raising the glass of water to your lips as if it would cool the heat that had been building inside you. the conversation with jay was doing something to you, something you weren’t ready to admit out loud. but then, jay had to go and ruin it, like always.
“damn, jake wouldn’t be happy if you and sunghoon end up fucking,” he said, his tone way too casual for the bomb he just dropped.
you nearly choked, coughing into your glass, your throat burning. “what?”
jay leaned back against the counter, looking far too pleased with himself, arms crossed like he had all the time in the world. “you remember when jake went into heat?”
you frowned, your brain trying to catch up with where this conversation was going. “yeah, how could i forget? he wouldn’t leave me alone, and we had to take him to the center to calm down.”
jay’s eyes sparkled with mischief, and there was something in his tone that made your stomach twist in anticipation. “yeah, about that. there’s something you didn’t know.”
your heart skipped a beat, nervous curiosity flaring up. what now?
 “what are you talking about?”
jay chuckled, the sound conspiratorial, like he was letting you in on some big secret. “when we took him to the center, they tried to get him to mate with other hybrids, you know, to ease his heat. standard procedure.”
“okay... and?” you prompted, feeling a strange knot forming in your stomach.
jay’s grin widened. “and jake refused.”
your eyes widened in shock. “what do you mean refused?”
“he wouldn’t go near any of the other hybrids,” jay continued, enjoying every second of your reaction. “they brought in a few different options, but he didn’t want any of them. he only wanted you.”
your breath hitched, your heart pounding in your chest as the weight of his words sank in. “wait, what? are you serious?”
jay nodded, his grin still plastered on his face. “yep. they tried everything. he was fixated on you. wouldn’t even consider mating with anyone else. so they had to let his heat pass naturally.”
you stared at him, the memory of jake’s heat flashing in your mind. the way he had followed you around, the way his touch lingered just a little too long, the heat in his eyes whenever he looked at you. “but... why didn’t anyone tell me?”
jay shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “probably didn’t want to freak you out. figured it was easier to just let it pass without making it a whole thing.”
you swallowed hard, your mind spinning. jake wanted you? the thought was almost too much to process. and yet, it made sense—the way he’d been around you, so close, so needy. “so... jake was basically...”
“into you,” jay finished for you, his smirk widening. “yeah, pretty much. that’s why he was all over you. his instincts were screaming that you were the one he wanted.”
your face flushed, the heat from earlier now rushing back tenfold, settling low in your belly as you tried to process what jay was telling you. “but we took him to the center,” you mumbled, your voice weaker than you intended.
“doesn’t change the fact that jake’s feelings didn’t just disappear,” jay pointed out, completely unfazed. “they’re still there. sure, he’s not as obvious as sunghoon, but trust me, the guy’s got it bad for you.”
you stood there, your mind reeling, feeling like everything had shifted all over again. jake and sunghoon? the thought of both of them wanting you like that sent a shiver down your spine.
“what if this screws up their friendship?” you blurted out, the words tumbling out before you could stop them.
jay raised an eyebrow, his smirk softening slightly. “honestly? i think they’d work it out. they’re close, but hybrids are wired differently. when it comes to someone they want, they just figure shit out.”
“figure shit out?” you repeated, feeling a little out of your depth.
“yeah,” jay said, his tone more serious now. “look, sunghoon’s possessive as hell, but he’s not blind. he knows jake’s into you. hell, they probably both know.”
your mind flashed to the way sunghoon had looked at you earlier, the intensity in his gaze when he said he could wreck you.
jay leaned forward, his voice dropping slightly. “and you? how do you feel about all of this?”
you hesitated, biting your lip as you tried to sort through your swirling emotions. how did you feel?
you weren’t sure. the heat in the air was overwhelming, and the idea that both sunghoon and jake had been harboring these feelings for you... it made your heart race in a way you hadn’t expected. but there was something else too—a desire you hadn’t wanted to admit. you wanted them.
“fuck, jay... this is a lot,” you finally said, running a hand through your hair, feeling your skin flush under his gaze.
jay just smirked. “yeah, but it’s not like you haven’t been thinking about it, right? you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted.”
your silence said everything he needed to know.
“thought so,” he said, grinning as he pushed off the counter. “well, good luck with all that. i’m sure you’ll figure it out. just... try not to let it get too weird, alright?”
you shot him a look, but deep down, you knew he was right. you had been thinking about it, and now, you couldn’t stop.
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sunghoon stepped into the living room, still feeling the weight of his confession with you pressing down on him like a boulder. the tension in his chest hadn’t loosened—it only tightened the longer he replayed the conversation in his head. jake, lounging on the couch with one arm thrown lazily over the back, perked up the moment he noticed sunghoon’s mood.
“hey,” jake greeted, though there was an underlying curiosity in his voice that didn’t match his casual tone.
sunghoon gave a small nod and sat down at the other end of the couch, leaving a noticeable distance between them. the silence was thick, the kind that hung in the air before something heavy dropped.
after a beat, jake leaned back, giving sunghoon a knowing smirk. “so... you gonna tell me what happened, or are you just gonna sit there sulking?”
sunghoon let out a deep breath, rubbing his face with his hands. “fuck, man. it’s the heat. it’s messing with my head.”
jake straightened up slightly, his expression sharpening. “so... you told her?”
"told her that i'd wreck her if i lost control." sunghoon’s voice was hoarse, and jake’s eyes widened slightly before a laugh broke through his lips.
"you really said that?"
"yeah. not exactly my smoothest moment."
jake chuckled but kept his eyes on sunghoon. "so how'd she take it?"
sunghoon leaned back against the couch, staring at the ceiling. "she didn’t freak out... but it was awkward. i’ve tried to tell her about the heat before, but i always chickened out. this time... i couldn’t hold back, but it was only because she was the one who asked about it."
he let out another sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as if trying to release the pressure. “and then fucking jay had to ask me if i only wanted her. like, what the hell was i supposed to say? i wasn’t gonna fucking lie about it.”
jake nodded, the smirk fading into something more thoughtful. “and you didn’t, huh?”
sunghoon shook his head, his voice quieter now. “nah, i told him. told him it’s only her. that’s it.”
jake smirked, nudging sunghoon’s leg with his foot. “so what now? you gonna keep holding out or are you finally gonna do something?”
sunghoon looked at jake, his gaze steady. "i’m not just gonna lose control and ruin things. but you already know that."
jake leaned back with a shrug. “sure, man. i get that. but you’re not the only one struggling with it.”
sunghoon’s eyes flicked to jake, narrowing slightly. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
jake’s smirk widened, but his tone remained casual. “you know exactly what it means.”
sunghoon let out a frustrated breath, already knowing where this was headed. “i know who you were calling for during your heat, jake. you weren’t subtle.”
jake’s smirk faltered for a split second before he shrugged it off. “yeah, well, instincts are a bitch, aren’t they?”
sunghoon’s jaw tightened. “so you’re into her too?”
jake didn’t even bother denying it. “i mean, come on. who wouldn’t be? but I know you, man. you’re not the sharing type.”
sunghoon’s lips curled into a bitter smile, his possessiveness radiating off him. “damn right. i’m not sharing.”
jake chuckled softly, leaning back against the couch, his tone playful but edged with something deeper. “you’re not mad?”
sunghoon let out a sharp breath, running a hand through his hair, trying to push down the possessiveness clawing its way to the surface. “mad? nah. i already knew. i’ve seen the way you look at her.”
jake’s smirk faded slightly, his eyes locking with sunghoon’s. “doesn’t bother you?”
“of course it fucking bothers me,” sunghoon snapped, but his voice was quieter than before, almost resigned. “but i trust her. and i know where i stand. i’m just not about to let anyone else get in the way.”
jake’s eyes gleamed with something unreadable, and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “look, man. i’m not looking to steal her. i respect what you have with her. but you gotta admit... it’s hard not to feel something when she’s around.”
sunghoon’s voice came out low, barely controlled, his fists clenched tight. “jake, can you shut the fuck up?”
jake’s eyes flicked up to meet sunghoon’s, the smirk fading slightly but not completely gone. “just being honest, man. you know I don’t sugarcoat shit. we’ve been living under the same roof, and you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way she affects people.”
sunghoon leaned forward, his gaze hard, his voice tight with barely contained anger. “she’s mine. don’t fucking forget that.”
jake raised his hands in mock surrender, the gleam in his eyes still unreadable. “hey, I’m not saying she’s not. but you’ve gotta understand... she’s not just some girl, man. she’s special, and you’re not the only one who sees it.”
sunghoon’s jaw clenched, his pulse racing. “i don’t care who else sees it. they’re not me.”
jake chuckled softly, shaking his head. “you’re right. they’re not. but if you’re so sure about her, you need to stop holding back. ‘cause right now, man... you’re acting like she’s already slipped through your fingers.”
sunghoon stood up, his fists still balled at his sides. “she’s not slipping through anything. stay out of it.”
jake stood up, stretching his arms lazily. “look, man, I’m just saying. she’s not gonna wait forever. if you want her, make a move. don’t let someone else do it first.”
sunghoon stayed quiet, his jaw tight, knowing full well jake was telling the truth.
“besides,” jake added with a playful smirk, “you know I wouldn’t swoop in... unless you wanted to share.”
sunghoon shot him a warning look, his possessiveness flaring again. "not a fucking chance."
jake grinned, throwing up his hands. "just making sure we’re clear, man."
sunghoon shot him one last glare before turning and walking out of the room, his chest tight with frustration, anger, and something else he couldn’t quite place.
as he left, jake let out a long breath, shaking his head, mumbling to himself, “damn, man. you’ve got it bad.”
just as jake settled back onto the couch, jungwon stepped into the room, his movements fluid and cat-like. he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest, a faint smirk playing on his lips.
"so," jungwon drawled, clearly enjoying the tension in the air. "that was... intense."
jake looked up, raising an eyebrow. "how long have you been standing there?"
jungwon shrugged, the smirk growing as he pushed off the doorframe and sauntered into the room. "long enough. heard the whole thing."
jake let out a soft chuckle. "of course you did."
jungwon plopped down on the couch next to jake, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "sunghoon’s really wound up, huh? poor guy’s practically vibrating with jealousy."
"yeah, well, it’s his own damn fault for holding back," jake muttered, leaning his head back. "i told him, she’s not gonna wait forever."
jungwon’s smirk deepened as he looked at jake, his voice a little too knowing. “and what about you, huh? can you really stop yourself from swooping in if he doesn’t?”
jake gave a lazy grin, his eyes glinting with mischief. “not unless he gives the green light, you know? but... can't say I wouldn’t be tempted.”
jungwon laughed softly, shaking his head. “you're both idiots, honestly. she’s got both of you wrapped around her finger, and she probably doesn’t even realize it.”
jake let out a dramatic sigh, running a hand through his hair. “tell me about it. but hey, sunghoon’s gotta get his shit together first. the guy’s ready to explode.”
jungwon’s smirk returned as he stretched out on the couch, clearly amused by the conversation. "yeah, well, maybe she’ll surprise us all and pick neither."
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the next day, an ache settled in your chest the moment you opened your eyes. the empty space beside you felt colder than usual. sunghoon wasn’t there, his warmth missing from the bed, and it hit you harder than you expected. every morning, you’d gotten used to waking up next to him, his soft fur brushing against your skin, his small body curled up close like he always needed to be near you.
last night, you’d waited for him, hoping he’d eventually come back to you, to snuggle up in that comforting way he always did, but he never arrived. the silence in the room was almost deafening, and the absence of his presence only made that ache in your heart grow stronger.
you rolled over, staring at the spot where he should’ve been, your fingers brushing the empty sheets. it was strange—how quickly you had become accustomed to him being there, his warmth, his soft breathing beside you. and now, without him, the bed felt too big, too empty.
you sighed, sitting up, running a hand through your hair as the memory of yesterday replayed in your mind. he’s pulling away, you thought, the weight of his words still lingering. maybe it was because of what he’d said, or maybe it was because you hadn’t known how to respond, how to face the truth of what he wanted. maybe it was both.
the room felt emptier without him.
“sunghoon?” you called out, your voice soft but edged with worry as you stepped out of your room. the apartment felt unusually quiet, except for the faint sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen.
as you made your way toward the kitchen, the sight before you stopped you in your tracks. there was jay, casually making breakfast like it was any other morning, his back to you as he flipped something on the stove. but what really caught your attention was the small, curled-up forms lying on the couch.
there was sunghoon, in his rabbit form, tucked into a small ball, his soft fur rising and falling with each breath. nestled right beside him was jungwon, in his cat form, his tail draped lazily over sunghoon’s back as they slept next to each other. they looked peaceful, their bodies close, like they had found comfort in each other during the night.
you felt a twinge of something—maybe jealousy, maybe sadness—because sunghoon hadn’t come to you. instead, he was here, curled up with jungwon, far away from the warmth of your bed.
“morning,” jay’s voice broke through your thoughts, turning around with a spatula in hand. “didn’t expect you up this early.”
you blinked, pulling your gaze away from the two hybrids on the couch. “yeah... i, uh, couldn’t sleep much.”
jay raised an eyebrow, giving you a knowing look as he leaned against the counter. “noticed sunghoon’s not with you, huh?”
you nodded, biting your lip, unsure of what to say. it felt strange, seeing him like that—choosing to sleep away from you after everything that had happened. the ache in your chest hadn’t subsided, and the sight of him so close to jungwon made it worse.
jay watched you for a moment, his gaze flickering from the hybrids on the couch back to you. "they crashed there after we talked last night," he said, his voice softer than usual. "figured they needed some space."
you nodded, staring at sunghoon, his small, peaceful form curled up beside jungwon. "i thought he’d come to bed," you murmured, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
jay gave you a sympathetic look, flipping the eggs on the pan. "he’s probably just trying to figure things out. give him some time."
you sighed, feeling the weight of everything from the day before press down on you again. "i know... it’s just, i’m used to him being there. and now—"
jay cut you off with a small laugh, glancing at the couch. "i think jungwon’s been keeping him company. those two have gotten pretty close, huh?"
you couldn’t help but smile a little, despite the ache still lingering in your chest. "yeah... i guess they have."
there was a comfortable silence for a moment as you watched sunghoon and jungwon sleep, their forms rising and falling in sync. but the sight also stirred something inside you, a reminder that the closeness you shared with sunghoon was shifting. everything was changing.
"hey," jay said suddenly, breaking you out of your thoughts. "why don’t you sit down, have breakfast. give them some time to wake up. maybe you and sunghoon can talk after." he gave you a reassuring smile, motioning to the chair across from him.
you hesitated, glancing back at sunghoon. his soft breathing, the way he was curled up so tightly next to jungwon, made you feel conflicted. but you knew jay was right. space might be what sunghoon needed—what both of you needed.
“yeah... okay,” you said softly, moving to sit down at the table. the sound of the spatula hitting the pan filled the air, a quiet distraction from the turmoil in your chest.
but as you sat there, your mind kept drifting back to sunghoon. what if this distance becomes permanent? you wondered. the thought scared you more than you were willing to admit.
just as you settled into your seat, trying to make sense of the swirling thoughts in your head, the quiet of the morning was suddenly interrupted by the door swinging open with a loud thud. jake, in all his usual energetic glory, burst into the room, his presence a stark contrast to the peaceful atmosphere that had lingered just moments before.
“morning!” jake called out, his voice booming as he strolled in, practically vibrating with energy. he stopped short when he saw you and jay at the table, his wide grin softening a bit when he noticed the serious air between you.
“whoa, what’s with the mood?” he asked, his eyes flicking between you, jay, and the hybrids still curled up on the couch. his gaze lingered on sunghoon for a second longer before he turned back to you.
jay chuckled softly, flipping the last of the eggs onto a plate. “just another morning, man. you’re the one coming in like a damn hurricane.”
jake shrugged, clearly unfazed. “well, someone’s gotta keep things lively around here.”
but as he walked toward the kitchen, his usual grin faltered when he glanced over at you. he had picked up on the tension, and something in the way his eyes narrowed told you he knew more than he was letting on.
“so...” jake started, sliding into the chair next to you, leaning back casually but with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. “everything good with you and sunghoon?”
you felt jay watching you carefully from the stove, but you kept your gaze on jake, trying to find the right words. “yeah, i mean... i think we’re both just... figuring things out.”
jake nodded, though his smirk never fully faded. “figuring things out, huh? well, i hope it’s nothing too serious. he was pretty worked up when i talked to him last night.” he leaned forward slightly, his voice dropping just enough that only you and jay could hear. “you know how he gets.”
the subtle reminder of sunghoon’s possessiveness sent a jolt through you, and you couldn’t help but think back to yesterday’s conversation. the heat in his voice, the way his eyes had darkened when he said he could wreck you. you swallowed hard, feeling a familiar tension building again.
jay, sensing the shift, broke in with a lighthearted tone. “jake, you’re gonna scare her off with that talk.”
jake grinned wide, flashing a playful wink at you. “what? me? nah. i’m just looking out for my buddy.” his grin softened a little, and his voice dropped lower, more serious. “but seriously, y/n, you’re good, right?”
you nodded, though the question stirred something deeper. “yeah, i’m fine. just... fine.”
jake tilted his head slightly, watching you for a beat longer before turning to jay. “well, whatever’s going on, i’m sure it’ll work itself out. can’t have our house all moody. it’s bad for the vibe.”
jay snorted, placing a plate of scrambled eggs in front of you. “yeah, because you’re all about vibes, right?”
jake shot him a grin. “you know it.”
but beneath the playful banter, there was a tension that hung in the air. you could feel it, and you knew jake could too. sunghoon and jake had always been close, but there was something unspoken between them—something that had shifted recently.
as you sat at the table, picking at your breakfast, the soft sounds of stirring from the couch caught your attention. jungwon and sunghoon were beginning to wake, shifting in their animal forms, still curled up next to each other. you glanced over just as sunghoon’s eyes fluttered open, his soft, sleepy gaze immediately finding yours.
the moment he laid his eyes on you, his little ears drooped slightly, and you couldn’t help but feel that familiar ache in your chest. his small, delicate form looked even more vulnerable like this, and for a second, all the tension from yesterday faded, replaced by the instinctual urge to comfort him.
jungwon stretched lazily beside him, his tail swishing slowly as he blinked awake, but sunghoon kept his eyes on you, ears still low as if unsure of where things stood after everything.
jay noticed and gave a quiet chuckle. “looks like they’re finally up.”
you nodded absently, but your focus was still on sunghoon. he seemed hesitant, like he didn’t know if he should come over or stay curled up on the couch. you saw the conflict in his eyes, and it tugged at your heart.
without thinking, you reached out, patting the space next to you on the chair. “come here, sunghoon,” you said softly, your voice filled with warmth.
for a moment, he hesitated, his ears twitching slightly as he considered whether to move. but then, slowly, he uncurled from his little ball, hopping down from the couch and making his way toward you. his fur looked even softer in the morning light, and as he came closer, you could see the uncertainty in his eyes.
when he reached you, you picked him up gently, placing him on your lap. his small body pressed against yours, and he snuggled close, like he always did, but this time it felt different—he felt different. the weight of what he had confessed to you hung between you, but neither of you spoke about it.
you stroked his soft fur, feeling his small heartbeat against your hand, and after a moment, his ears perked up slightly. though he still looked at you with those wide, vulnerable eyes, the tension in his body seemed to melt away just a little.
jay leaned back in his chair, watching the interaction with a faint smile. “guess he missed you.”
“yeah...” you murmured, your fingers gently brushing through sunghoon’s fur. you could feel him relax against you, his small form melting into your lap as if he had been waiting for this all along.
jungwon stretched again on the couch, letting out a small yawn as he lazily watched the two of you, his tail swishing back and forth as if completely content with how the morning was unfolding. jake, on the other hand, was busy stuffing his face, but every now and then, you caught him glancing over, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips.
“wanna talk?” you asked sweetly, your voice soft as you looked down at sunghoon in your lap, his ears perking up slightly at the sound of your voice. his eyes flickered with uncertainty, but he gave you a small nod in response, shuffling a bit as if preparing to hop away toward your room.
but before he could move, you scooped him up gently, cradling his soft, warm body in your arms. “hey,” you smiled, “i can carry you.”
sunghoon looked up at you with those wide, expressive eyes, his little nose twitching as if he wasn’t used to being carried around like this anymore, but he didn’t protest. instead, he leaned into you, nuzzling into your chest, his ears pressing back as he settled into your embrace.
you felt your heart swell at the closeness, and as you made your way to your room, you couldn’t help but notice how different it felt now. before, it was just sunghoon being his shy, quiet self—but after everything that had been said, there was something heavier lingering between the two of you, unspoken but very much there.
when you reached your room, you gently placed him down on the bed, his small form looking even more delicate in the soft light filtering through the curtains. he sat there, his ears twitching slightly as he watched you with those deep, thoughtful eyes.
you settled down beside him, your hand brushing softly through his fur. “so… what’s on your mind?” you asked quietly, hoping to coax him into opening up.
he gives your hand a quick nudge with his nose, then hopping off the bed before  he shifted in an instant, leaving him completely naked in front of you, just as it always did when he transformed. your eyes instinctively darted downward, catching a glimpse of his... thing before you quickly looked away, heat flooding your cheeks. the sight made you bite your lip, the sudden surge of emotions and tension catching you off guard. you could feel the heat rising in your face, embarrassment mixing with something far more dangerous.
you immediately jump off the bed straightening up as you stood there stiff, avoiding his gaze at all costs, nervous, horny, god this was more intense than you had ever expected. but then his voice cut through the thick air between you, low and commanding. “look at me.”
a shiver ran down your spine at the tone, sending your heart racing even faster. you hesitated, your body still tense and flustered from the overwhelming intimacy of the moment. slowly, you lifted your gaze, forcing yourself to meet his eyes, trying to ignore the flutter in your stomach.
sunghoon didn’t look away. his gaze stayed locked on yours, dark and intense, filled with something that made it impossible for you to turn away. the way he stood there, so confident, so exposed, left you feeling more vulnerable than ever.
“please, don’t look away,” he repeated, his voice softer now but still firm, a quiet demand for your attention.
“sunghoon…” you whispered, your voice barely steady, but the tension in the room was so thick it felt like it might suffocate you. you could feel the heat radiating off him as he stepped closer, the small gap between you shrinking to almost nothing. his hand reached out, gently brushing against your cheek, and the touch sent a shock of warmth coursing through your body.
“why do you keep looking away?” his voice was softer now, almost pleading, but there was still that edge of intensity that made your heart race even faster. “i’m sorry i scared you, i never meant to. my feelings for you are real.”
but it wasn’t fear that made you look away—it was the overwhelming desire that was building inside you, the way your body reacted to him, the way every fiber of your being seemed to scream for more. and when your eyes flickered down again, this time lingering on his cock for just a moment too long, you felt a fresh wave of heat flush through you. your stomach flipped, embarrassment mixing with something far more dangerous.
his breath hitched slightly, and you could almost feel the tension spike between the two of you. he noticed where your eyes had gone, and the way his body reacted didn’t go unnoticed either. you could see the slight shift in his posture, his muscles tensing as if every nerve in his body was just as tightly wound as yours.
"please, don’t look away," he said again, his voice a little more vulnerable this time, but still firm, still commanding in a way that made it hard for you to do anything but obey.
you swallowed hard, forcing yourself to meet his gaze, though your eyes briefly flickered downward again, catching sight of the way his cock seemed to harden under your gaze. your throat felt dry, your body buzzing with the intensity of it all.
“i’m not afraid, sunghoon.” you finally managed to say, though even as the words left your mouth, you weren’t sure if they were entirely true. “i just… wasn’t expecting this.”
"i'm sorry, y/n," sunghoon whispered, his voice strained, as if it took everything in him to say the words. his eyes fluttered shut for a moment, and you could see the tension in his body, the way his chest rose and fell with uneven breaths. his heart was pounding, and you could feel it too—the raw energy between you, something more than just the closeness. it was intense, overwhelming, like a storm brewing beneath the surface, ready to break.
his body trembled slightly, and you knew it wasn’t just from nerves. it was his heat, the instinctual pull that had been building for so long. the way he stood there, vulnerable yet powerful, sent a shiver down your spine. he was trying to control himself, but you could see it in the way his fists clenched, the way his jaw tightened—he was barely holding on.
you took a shaky breath, feeling your own heart race as the weight of his words settled over you. you weren’t sure what to say, how to even begin to process the feelings that were stirring inside you. all you knew was that the air between you felt thick with something unspoken, something that had been building for months, maybe even longer.
“sunghoon…” your voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but it seemed to pull him back, his eyes opening slowly, dark with desire and frustration. he was so close now, his skin warm against yours, and you could feel the heat radiating off of him, see the way he was struggling to keep himself in check.
"fuck, i—" he cut himself off, his hand shaking slightly as it hovered just inches from your waist. "it’s too much. being this close to you, your scent, everything—i’m trying, but it’s really getting harder, y/n."
his confession made your breath hitch. you could feel the tension in the room shift, growing heavier, almost suffocating. his heat, his need—it was all too real, too intense, and it was pulling you in, making it harder for you to think clearly.
"you don’t have to apologize," you managed to say, though your voice was shaky. "i know it’s your heat, and i know you’re struggling."
his gaze darkened, and he stepped closer, his body inches from yours now. “i don’t want to hurt you, but... fuck, it’s getting so hard to hold back.”
his words sent a pulse of heat through your body, and you swallowed hard. you didn’t want him to hold back anymore. the thought made your stomach twist with both excitement and fear. you could feel the desire pooling in your belly, mixing with the overwhelming tension between you both.
"sunghoon..." you breathed out, your voice shaking with a mix of nerves and something darker, more intense. his grip on you was tight, almost frantic, like he was barely holding it together. you could feel it—the way he was fighting for control but slipping fast. your hands slid down his back, hesitant, until they found his soft, fluffy tail. you gave it a gentle squeeze, thinking it might calm him, offer some comfort. instead, it had the opposite effect.
sunghoon's breath stuttered when your fingers closed around his tail, his entire body tensing up as a deep, guttural sound rumbled from his chest. his forehead pressed against yours, his breath warm and ragged, eyes nearly black with desire. the softness of his tail against your hand only made things worse, not the comfort you’d hoped it would bring. instead, it was like you’d lit a match to gasoline.
“you don’t even know what you’re doing,” he rasped, his voice low and rough, teetering on the edge of losing control. his hands gripped your waist tighter, fingers digging into your skin, like he needed to hold on to something, anything, to keep himself from completely giving in. his usual cold exterior had cracked, and all you could see now was something raw and dangerous.
your heartbeat quickened, and your breath caught in your throat. “sunghoon, i—” but before you could finish, his lips brushed your ear, sending a wave of heat down your spine.
“please don’t fucking push me,” he warned, the words trembling in his mouth, like he was barely holding himself back. “i’m trying to be good. trying to be patient.”
the weight of his body against yours, the heat of his breath on your neck—it was too much, and you felt your legs wobble. you wanted to say something, anything, but the only thing you could focus on was the way his scent wrapped around you, thick and overwhelming, clouding your thoughts. your hand squeezed his tail again, this time intentionally, testing the reaction.
he let out a sharp breath, his hips jerking against you. his grip tightened to the point where it almost hurt, the tension between you crackling like a live wire.
“shit,” he groaned, his eyes narrowing into a dangerous glare. “you think this is a fucking joke?”
you stared up at him, breathless, your chest rising and falling rapidly. the look in his eyes—it was nothing like the sweet, patient sunghoon you thought you knew. that version of him was gone, completely stripped away. now, there was only raw, untamed hunger staring back at you, barely contained, like he was on the verge of snapping.
"what? no—i just—" you stammered, your voice shaky, trying to explain, but the words caught in your throat. "y/n, please." his voice was low, rough, almost pleading as his hands gripped you tightly, pushing you down onto the bed. before you could even react, he was on top of you, his body pressing into yours, overwhelming and heated. "i'm about to fucking lose it," he gasped, his breath ragged, chest heaving with each pant. sweat dripped down his forehead, his skin glistening under the dim light. you stared up at him, mesmerized, completely shocked at how beautiful he looked in that moment, how much he wanted you—how much he fucking loved you. you could feel it in every shiver that ran through his body, the way he was trembling, barely holding himself back.
you gently placed your finger on his lips, silently shushing him, your touch soft but firm. with your other hand, you carefully tucked away a few strands of hair that had stuck to his forehead, your eyes meeting his. he hovered over you, his pleading eyes wide, desperate, filled with so much love it made your heart race. the moment you touched him, he sucked in a sharp breath, swallowing thickly, his gaze never leaving yours. he looked at you like he was committing every detail to memory, the sight of you beneath him, the way you felt in his arms—it was everything to him. "baby..." the word slipped from your lips softly, and it hit him like a punch. it was the first time you'd called him that, and it showed. his whole expression shifted, eyes widening briefly before his entire body seemed to melt. his jaw went slack, lips parting slightly as he bit down on his bottom lip, trying to control himself. you could see the way it affected him, like hearing that one word from you broke whatever composure he had left. and just like that, no words were needed to show him how much you felt for him. the way your eyes softened when they met his, the way your body instinctively leaned into his touch—it all told him more than any confession ever could. he felt it too, how deeply you wanted him, how completely he filled that emptiness in your heart you hadn’t even realized was there until he entered your life. lying beneath him now, you couldn’t help but silently thank the universe, the gods—whoever was out there—for bringing him to you.
without thinking, you pulled him closer, letting him collapse on top of you. your arms wrapped around his neck, and as soon as your lips met his, a soft whimper escaped him. the sound made your stomach flip, sending a shiver through you. his moans grew louder as the kiss deepened, his body trembling against yours, finally letting go of every bit of restraint he had been holding onto for so long.
“y/n,” he gasped, his voice barely holding steady as he kissed you again, his lips crashing into yours with an urgency that made your head spin. his hips rocked against you, the friction between your bodies setting your skin on fire. it was too much—every touch, every sound, every sensation sent shockwaves through him, making him shake. he pressed himself harder against you, his cock throbbing, his movements growing more desperate, more erratic, until he couldn’t keep his eyes open, his brow furrowed with the effort of holding back.
“i love you,” he whispered, his voice cracking with the weight of it, like the words were the only truth he had left. “i love you so fucking much,” he murmured, his voice thick, raw, and it made your heart feel like it was going to explode. you arched your back into him, a soft moan slipping from your lips as his bare skin pressed against yours, hot and electric. his hands, shaking with urgency, fumbled at the waistband of your pajamas, desperately trying to pull them down, needing to feel you, to touch your skin.
but when you whispered, “i love you too,” everything stopped. his hands froze, his fingers curling into the fabric of your clothes, gripping it tightly as if he was afraid to let go. his breath hitched, and for a moment, he was completely still, his fists clutching the soft material like your words had knocked the wind out of him.
you swore you saw a tear slip from the corner of his eye as he squeezed them shut, his breath ragged and uneven. a low growl rumbled from his chest, but it wasn’t from lust. it was deeper than that—something raw, something vulnerable that made your heart clench. he buried his face against your chest, pressing his ear to your skin like the sound of your heartbeat was the only thing keeping him grounded.
the tension in his body slowly eased, his muscles softening as he melted into you. you could feel everything—how much this moment meant to him, how much you meant to him—with every shaky breath he took. he wasn’t just holding onto you; he was clinging to the sound of your heartbeat, the way it sped up under his ear, knowing it was all for him. and only him.
his voice cracked as he exhaled a shaky breath, “i… i can’t lose this, y/n.” his lips brushed your skin as he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “only me. only i can make you feel this... only i can make your heart beat like this.”
the desperation in his voice cut through you, a mixture of fear and possessiveness, like he was terrified you might slip away from him if he didn’t hold you close enough. his body trembled, overwhelmed with emotions—love, need, vulnerability—all laid bare for you.
you threaded your fingers through his hair, gently soothing him as you held him, feeling the weight of his emotions pressing down on both of you. the intensity of it all was almost too much to handle, but in that moment, there was nothing else in the world but the two of you. his ear stayed pressed to your chest, his breathing slowly evening out as he whispered, voice soft and pleading, “only me… please, only me.”
“only you, hoon,” you whispered, your voice soft but firm, the words sinking deep into him. his whole body seemed to shudder at the sound, a mixture of relief and overwhelming desire flooding through him. he lifted his head just enough to look at you, eyes glazed with emotion, and you could see the effect those three words had on him. it was like something snapped, like every last bit of restraint he’d been holding onto finally broke.
“fuck,” he breathed, his voice low, almost guttural, as his lips found yours again. the kiss was messy, desperate, all teeth and tongue as he poured everything into it. his hands, once hesitant, now tore at your clothes, yanking the fabric down with a need so raw it almost made you dizzy. his fingers brushed over your bare skin, sending a wave of heat through you as he moaned against your mouth, the sound deep and needy.
he pulled away just long enough to look at you, eyes dark with lust, panting heavily. “you have no fucking idea what you do to me,” he growled, his voice strained, like he was barely holding himself together. his hips ground against you again, harder this time, the friction almost too much as his hard cock rubbed against you through the thin layer of fabric left between you. “i can’t—fuck, i need you.”
his hands were shaking as they slid down your body, gripping your hips tightly, pulling you closer, almost like he couldn’t stand the space between you anymore. the desperation in his movements, the way he pressed himself against you, made you lose whatever sense of control you had left. your hands tangled in his hair, pulling him down to you, your legs wrapping around his waist to close the gap.
“take it off,” you gasped, breathless, your voice barely holding together as you tugged at your own clothes, desperate to feel him, all of him. “hoon, please.”
his hands shook as he helped you pull off the last bit of clothing, but instead of diving in, he paused, his breathing heavy, his eyes burning with something darker. “you think i haven’t been waiting for this?” he rasped, voice low, almost dangerous. his hands slid up your thighs, gripping tightly, like he was grounding himself. “you think i haven’t been losing my mind every time i look at you?”
he pressed closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke, his voice raw, filled with pent-up emotion. “every fucking heat, y/n… every goddamn time, i had to deal with it by myself. all i could do was think about you, your face, your body…” he growled, his hips grinding harder into you, and you could feel how much he’d been holding back.
“i would watch you sleep. i’d watch your angelic fucking face while i rubbed myself raw, one time after the other, just to make sure you never knew, so you’d never wake up and see me fucking losing it over you.”
your eyes widened in shock, every confession felt like a punch to the gut, your heart racing with the intensity of it. “sunghoon…” you managed to whisper, but he didn’t give you a chance to respond.
before you could say anything else, he was already moving, his lips traveling down your body, hands spreading your legs wide as he settled between them. he didn’t hesitate, didn’t hold back—his mouth latched onto your core with a desperation that took your breath away. his tongue was relentless, flicking against your clit then licking long and hasty on your slit.
his mouth felt hot, and it only made your pussy even wetter. lapping at you like he was starving, like every second of pent-up need was pouring out of him.
“fuck,” you gasped, your head falling back against the pillow, overwhelmed by the sensation. his hands gripped your thighs tight, keeping you in place, and his whimpers mixed with your moans, the wet sounds filling the air as he devoured you like his last meal.
his name fell from your lips in a broken moan, your hands gripping the sheets as he worked you over, your body trembling under his touch. it was too much, too intense, but you couldn’t stop it, couldn’t stop the way your body reacted to him.
then, you felt it—his fingers, trembling slightly as they slid inside you, pushing in knuckle-deep without hesitation. he let out a low, broken moan against your core, his body visibly shuddering, like he was on the verge of breaking down completely. "fuck," he gasped, his voice shaky, almost like he was sobbing from the sheer feeling of finally having you like this. his fingers curled inside you, finding that spot that made your back arch off the bed, your hands fisting in his hair.
he didn’t let up for even a second, his fingers pumping into you with the same rhythm as his tongue as he continued to flick it against your swollen nub. his moans growing louder the more you trembled beneath him. “you taste so fucking good,” he groaned, voice muffled against your soaked folds as he pressed his face even closer, his body quivering with need. "i've needed this for so long," he mumbled between ragged breaths, his tongue flicking against your clit before sucking it into his mouth with an intensity that had you seeing stars.
his hips were grinding into the mattress as if he couldn’t control himself anymore, so lost in the moment, in you. each whimper that escaped him was desperate, needy, and his fingers moved faster, harder, hitting just the right spot as his mouth stayed locked onto you, the sounds of him sucking you were almost obscene.
“hoon—” you gasped, but your words were cut off by the sheer pleasure coursing through your body, your legs shaking around his head, barely able to handle the intensity. he didn’t stop, his pace never faltering, as if he was determined to make you come undone completely.
his fingers suddenly picked up speed, fucking into you so fast it left you breathless, your body trembling uncontrollably. the pressure built up inside you, growing impossibly tight until you couldn’t hold it back any longer. with a loud cry, your release hit, and you squirted all over him, your hips bucking as the sensation ripped through you.
sunghoon groaned loudly, his deep, guttural sound vibrating against your core. his tongue darted out, eagerly chasing after every drop, trying to drink you in. the way he moaned, practically worshipping your release, only made it more intense. he didn’t stop—his fingers kept plunging into you, relentless, determined, even as you were still shaking, riding out the aftershocks of your orgasm.
he growled, "fuck, you're so fucking perfect," his voice hoarse, almost desperate as he lapped at you, licking up everything you gave him, the wet sounds mixing with your breathless cries. he kept going, pushing you further and further until you were screaming, your body jerking beneath him.
“hoon—hoon, it’s too much,” you gasped, the pleasure becoming overwhelming, your legs trembling uncontrollably as he continued, his fingers still pumping in and out of you, tongue flicking messily at your sensitive clit. but he wasn’t stopping, not yet. he groaned again, so caught up in the moment, completely lost in you, savoring every second of watching you unravel under him.
his hands gripped your thighs tightly, holding you open as his tongue and fingers pushed you right to the brink again, his groans mixing with your desperate pleas.
"another one, please, holy fuck, you're gonna make me cum," he groaned, his voice low and breathless. you barely had time to process his words before your body was thrown into another wave of pleasure, his fingers working relentlessly, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
your eyes widened in disbelief for a moment, stunned by the sight of him—sunghoon, completely lost in it, his hips grinding into the mattress, his body jerking with every movement. and then it hit you: he was actually fucking coming undone just from eating you out. the realization had you thrashing beneath him, your hands gripping the sheets as your body shook.
“fuck,” you gasped, your mind reeling from the intensity of it all. sunghoon’s groans only fueled the heat between your legs, the way his lower body jerked as he came, his own release triggered by the sheer desperation of devouring you.
god, it was so fucking hot—the way he fell apart, his fingers never slowing down, driving you straight into your own release. "sunghoon," you whimpered, unable to hold back the moan as your body gave in.
"holy shit, did you actually cum just from eating me out?" you moaned weakly, still breathless, your body trembling from the aftershocks.
it was overwhelming—the sight of him, the raw desire in his eyes, his lips parted as he panted, his chest rising and falling heavily.
he looked up at you, completely wrecked, his lips curling into a faint, satisfied smirk despite the desperation still etched into his features. "fuck, sorry, i couldn’t help it," he rasped, voice hoarse and shaky. "you’re too fucking much… i can’t—" his breath hitched, his hands squeezing your thighs, holding you in place like he needed to steady himself.
"you drive me insane, y/n," he confessed, his voice a low growl, still dazed from his own release. "i don’t care what it takes... i’ll do anything to make you feel that good over and over again."
his fingers finally slowed, easing out of you, and the loss of his touch made you shiver. you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, still completely stunned by the way he’d come undone for you, the way his body had betrayed him from nothing but the taste of you.
"fuck, hoon..." you whispered, your voice barely above a breath, completely overwhelmed. “you’re perfect.”
"no," he murmured against your soaked pussy, pressing soft kisses that trailed along your inner thighs, each one sending a ticklish shiver through you. his lips sucked at your skin, leaving little marks of his desperation behind. "you are. you're so fucking perfect for me," he growled softly, his voice thick with need. "god, i want to see you cum again, please. can i?"
you shook your head, your chest still heaving from the relentless pleasure he’d just given you. "hoon," you managed to whisper, your voice hoarse and shaky, "you’ve made me cum twice without a break." his desperate pleas tugged at you, but you were too overstimulated. "it's supposed to be about you. you’re the one in heat."
he groaned, burying his face between your thighs again, his breath hot against your skin. "fuck," he muttered, "but i can’t stop. i don’t care about me. i just—" his voice cracked, desperate and raw. "i need to feel you falling apart again."
his fingers twitched against your hips, but you grabbed his hand, pulling him up towards you. "no," you insisted gently, cupping his face and pulling him in for a soft kiss. "come on, baby, put it in," you urged, your hand wrapping around his cock, and your eyes widened in shock at the thickness, clearly not prepared for just how big he was. taken aback, you looked up at him, expecting him to ease in slowly, but he didn’t give you any time to brace yourself.
with one deep, forceful thrust, he pushed himself inside you, knocking the breath from your lungs. your jaw fell slack, and a loud moan tore from your throat, one that you were sure everyone in the house could hear. "holy shit," you gasped, your body trembling as he filled you completely.
"fuck—hoon, god. you’re…" your words trailed off, unable to form a coherent sentence, the sensation of him stretching you overwhelming your senses. his pace was relentless, no hesitation, just raw, animalistic need as he moved inside you, his eyes dark with desire.
as soon as he was fully sheathed inside you, sunghoon let out a long, drawn-out moan, his voice trembling, almost sobbing from how good it felt. "fuck," he choked out, his body shaking with every inch of you wrapped so tightly around him, your warmth pulling him deeper into a frenzy. “shit, i’m actually inside you, y/n. god your pussy is amazing," he babbled, his words spilling out between heavy pants. "so warm, so sweet—god, you feel so fucking good around me."
his hips snapped against yours with a pace so fast and brutal that you couldn’t even keep up. all you could do was gasp, your eyes rolling back into your head as he pounded into you, his voice filled with desperation. "i’ve thought about this—fuck—so many times. how your pussy would feel around me, how tight you'd be when i finally—shit," he groaned, his breath hitching as he kept going, barely holding back from completely unraveling.
his words, the sheer filth spilling from his lips, turned your body into a screaming mess. every thrust had you falling apart, your brain slowly turning to mush as his fantasies spilled out between gritted teeth, each dirty confession sending another wave of heat crashing through you. he was relentless, his grip on your hips almost bruising as he dragged you down onto him harder, faster, with every word making you lose yourself completely.
"fuck, you're perfect," he groaned again, his voice almost broken, eyes locked on you as your body shook beneath him. "i can’t fucking stop—i don’t want to stop."
"shit, hoon," you gasped, your breath coming in ragged, desperate pants. "wait—i’m coming, shit, slow down."
but his response was immediate, his hips driving even harder into you. "no," he growled, his voice low and firm, the sweet innocence gone.
"not when i finally have you like this." his eyes locked onto yours, dark and filled with pure, raw need, and he gave you a crooked, almost boyish smile that somehow made the moment even filthier. "i told you, i’m going to fucking wreck you, and i mean it."
his words, laced with that dirty yet innocent charm of his, made your entire body quiver, sending shockwaves straight to your core. he wasn’t holding back, not even a little, each thrust deep and precise, like he was determined to pull every last bit of pleasure out of you.
"i’m gonna pump you full," he growled, his voice thick with need, each word dripping with raw lust. "until your pussy can’t take any more... until you’re so fucking full of my cum, you won’t know what to do with it." his hips snapped harder against yours, relentless, and the thought alone had your head spinning, the sensation of him deep inside you overwhelming every sense.
"you’re gonna feel me for days," he panted, his breath hot against your skin as his grip on your hips tightened. "every time you move, every time you think about this, you’re gonna remember how i filled you—how i fucking wrecked you."
the sheer intensity of his words, the way he was so consumed by you, made you tremble beneath him. every thrust sent you closer to the edge, his voice, his hands, his cock—everything about him pushing you further into a spiral of pleasure you couldn’t control.
"you want that, don’t you?" he groaned, his pace somehow picking up even more, each thrust more desperate than the last. "tell me you want it, baby. tell me you want me to fill you until you can’t take anymore."
"fuck, yes, i want it," you gasped, barely able to breathe as he pounded into you, his pace brutal, relentless. "fill me up, hoon, please—fuck, i need it." your words seemed to drive him even wilder, his grip on your hips tightening as he slammed into you harder, your entire body shaking with each thrust.
"that's it," he growled, his voice rough, his eyes dark with lust. "you want me to fuck you full, don’t you? want me to make sure you're dripping with my cum, so fucking full you can't take it?" his breath was ragged, and his movements were desperate, like he was completely lost in the feeling of you wrapped around him. "god, you feel so fucking good, y/n. your pussy’s so tight, so fucking perfect for me."
his words sent another wave of heat crashing through you, your body trembling as he continued to fuck you into the mattress. "i’m gonna cum so deep inside you," he moaned, his pace picking up even more, slamming into you with everything he had. "gonna fucking fill you until there’s no room left, until you're begging for me to stop."
your eyes rolled back, the intensity too much, the pressure building in your core again. he was merciless, pounding into you without hesitation, his cock hitting so deep you could barely breathe. "fuck, hoon—" you moaned, your body trembling as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, his filthy words driving you insane.
"you're gonna fucking take it," he grunted, his voice low and rough. "every last drop. i’m not stopping until you're completely fucking wrecked, until you can’t even walk. you want that, don’t you? want me to fuck you until you're ruined for anyone else?"
the filth of his words, combined with the way he was relentlessly driving into you, pushed you over the edge again, your body convulsing around him as you came hard, your vision going white.
"fuck, yes—cum for me, baby," he groaned, feeling you tighten around him. "that’s it—fuck, i’m gonna fill you up." his thrusts became erratic, and with one final, deep thrust, he let out a guttural moan, his hips jerking as he emptied himself inside you. "take it all," he panted, his voice thick with pleasure.
just as you thought he was finally done, maybe needing a moment to recover, you realized with a shock that his cock never went soft. your eyes fluttered open, breathless, your body numb and trembling from how intensely he had just fucked the life out of you. but when you looked up, all sunghoon did was push himself back, leaning on his ankles, his dick still buried deep inside you. he hadn’t even pulled out, and you could feel his cum seeping out from where his cock met your pussy, dripping down your thighs.
he groaned at the sensation, his hips slowly thrusting in and out again, and the wetness between you two only made the sound filthier. "fuck," he muttered under his breath, his hands gripping your ankles. without a word, he took a firm hold, pushing your legs up and folding you completely in half, your knees pressed against your chest, your body contorted and helpless under him.
"you thought i was done?" he rasped, his voice raw with lust. "not even close." he smirked, eyes dark with determination, his cock still hard and throbbing inside you as he started moving again, deep and deliberate, each thrust sending shockwaves through your overstimulated body.
in this position, he hit even deeper, the angle making you cry out, your pussy gripping him tighter as he pounded into you. your mind was a haze, barely able to form a coherent thought, your body completely at his mercy. "you feel that?" he groaned, his voice thick with pleasure. "i’m not fucking stopping. not until you’re a mess for me."
his pace quickened, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room as he drilled into you relentlessly. "fuck, you're still so tight," he growled, his grip tightening on your legs as he kept you folded in half, his cock sliding in and out with ease thanks to the mixture of cum and slick pouring out of you. "you’re gonna take it again, aren’t you? gonna let me fuck you until you can’t even think straight?"
each thrust sent shockwaves through your body, and all you could do was moan, eyes rolling back as the pleasure built once again, your overstimulated body unable to keep up with the intensity of his pace. sunghoon wasn’t letting up—he was going to take everything he could from you, and you were completely at his mercy.
you started moaning, the sounds coming out in broken, unintelligible gibberish as sunghoon’s relentless pace drove you to the edge of sanity. your body was trembling beneath him, completely overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through you. every deep thrust made you scream louder, completely abandoning any care for the noise, the sound of your moans filling the room.
sunghoon grinned, his expression wild with lust as he continued pounding into you, getting off on every scream that escaped your lips. "that's it," he groaned, his voice low and thick with satisfaction. "let jake fucking hear you. let him know how good i’m making you feel."
his words only made you moan louder, the thought of someone else hearing you, hearing how wrecked you were, only fueling the fire between you two. he thrust harder, his hips slamming into yours, his cock hitting deep with every stroke. "you want him to hear, don’t you?" he growled, leaning down, his face hovering above yours as he fucked you with a savage intensity. "want him to know that only i can make you scream like this?"
your vision blurred as the pleasure became too much to handle, your body shaking uncontrollably as another orgasm built inside you. your hands gripped the sheets, your back arching off the bed as sunghoon’s cock drove into you again and again, relentless and unforgiving. he was lost in it now, just as much as you were, pushing you closer to the edge, determined to make you fall apart completely.
"fuck, you're so loud," he groaned, his pace never faltering. "let them all hear how good i’m fucking you. you’re mine, y/n. all fucking mine."
you came undone beneath him once again, your body trembling violently, every nerve on fire. the pleasure was too much, too overwhelming, and instinctively, you tried to pull away, to escape the intensity. but the more you squirmed, the more it fueled sunghoon. your attempts to run only seemed to stoke the heat in him, his grip tightening around your hips as you cried out, your legs weak from the euphoria coursing through you.
tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of pleasure and overstimulation, as you tried to escape his grip. he knew it wasn’t you trying to stop, but the sheer euphoria overwhelming you, and seeing you like that, so vulnerable, only made him hungrier for more. just as you managed to pull yourself slightly off him, your thighs trembling, you whimpered at the feeling of his thick cum dripping from your ruined pussy, the mess of it all sending a shudder through you.
but sunghoon wasn’t done. before you could crawl away, he pounced on top of you, his weight heavy and dominant as he pressed you face-down into the bed, his body covering yours completely. his cock, still hard and throbbing, was already searching for your entrance again, desperate to be buried inside you once more.
"oh no you don’t," he growled, his voice low and possessive as he nipped at your shoulder, his teeth grazing your skin. you whimpered, your body pliant under him, trapped between the sheets and his overwhelming presence. his hips pressed into yours, his cock finding its way back inside your soaked, abused pussy, and the moment he pushed in again, you screamed in a mix of agony and pleasure, the overstimulation sending shockwaves through you.
"oh, you’re not going anywhere," he groaned, his breath hot against your ear, his hips moving slowly but deeply, filling you again. "you feel too fucking good for me to stop. i’m gonna keep you like this, pinned down, until i say you’re done." his hands gripped your wrists, holding you in place, his cock sliding in and out of your swollen pussy, and all you could do was moan, your mind lost in the haze of pleasure he was forcing through your body.
“don’t you love how good it feels?” sunghoon’s voice was dripping with lust, his hips slamming into you, each thrust making your body shake beneath him. “listen to those fucking sounds your pussy is making,” he groaned, his breath ragged as he kept going, his cock gliding in and out of you, slick and messy. “shit, you’re clenching so tight around my dick. wanna piss yourself? fuck, you love it, don’t you?”
his filthy words filled the air, sending your mind into a spiral. you couldn’t even respond, your body too overwhelmed, too consumed by the raw intensity of his movements. your moans were muffled against the bed, but he kept going, relentless, a dark smirk crossing his lips as he felt you trembling under him.
“i bet i could make you squirt just like this,” he grunted, and with a particularly deep thrust, he hit that perfect spot inside you, making you scream into the sheets, your fists clenching the fabric as your body convulsed. “fuck, there it is,” he growled, driving into you harder.
“fuck, it’s too—shit, i—” you gasped, completely undone, the pleasure building to an unbearable peak, your body writhing beneath him. “fuck!!”
but sunghoon didn’t slow down; he kept going, his hands gripping your hips tighter, keeping you pinned to the bed as he chased that high. “yeah, that’s it, baby. scream for me. i wanna hear how fucking good it feels. gonna make you fucking lose it all over my cock.”
his fingers tangled roughly in your hair, yanking your head back so your neck was exposed for him, his lips instantly trailing hot, wet kisses down the curve of your throat. you moaned, your breath hitching as he licked his way across your skin, the sensation sending jolts of electricity through your already trembling body. he didn’t stop there—his mouth found your ear next, licking and sucking on your earlobe, and when his tongue darted inside, wet and hot, you thrashed violently beneath him, your entire body twitching from the overstimulation.
“fuck,” he groaned, loving the way you squirmed, the way you reacted to his every move. “you can’t handle it, can you? feels too fucking good, doesn’t it?” he nipped at your earlobe, his breath hot and heavy in your ear, his hips never losing rhythm as he kept pounding into you, the slick, wet sound of his cock filling you mixing with the sounds of your gasps and moans.
your back arched, your hands clawing at the sheets as he kept you in place, the sensation of his tongue teasing your ear and his cock slamming into you overwhelming every nerve. the combination was too much, and you found yourself shaking uncontrollably, your mind barely able to process the intensity. he gripped your hair tighter, pulling your head back even more as he whispered into your ear, his voice low and dirty, “you’re gonna fucking come again, aren’t you? i can feel you shaking, y/n.” his voice was like a dark promise in your ear, low and rough as his breath fanned against your skin. "you can't stop it, can you?" he taunted, his hips snapping against you mercilessly, driving himself deeper with every thrust. "you're gonna come again, and i’m gonna make sure you fucking scream."
your body was betraying you, shaking uncontrollably beneath him as the relentless pressure built inside you, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge. his fingers tightened in your hair, holding you steady as he licked a slow, wet trail along the curve of your neck, then back to your ear. the feeling of his hot tongue swirling around your earlobe, teasing you, licking inside, had you thrashing against him, your body reacting on pure instinct.
"fuck—hoon," you gasped, barely able to form a coherent thought, your voice breaking with every word. "i can't... i can't hold it—"
"don’t," he growled, his hand leaving your hair to grip your hips roughly, his nails digging into your skin. "don’t hold back. let it fucking happen."
his cock slammed into you with a brutal rhythm, the sounds of your bodies colliding echoing through the room, each thrust hitting deeper, harder, the wetness of your arousal making it even louder, filthier. you were lost in it, your body shaking uncontrollably as he fucked you with everything he had, no mercy, no breaks.
“come for me, baby,” he rasped, his voice thick with raw desire. “come all over my cock. show me how good it feels, how much you fucking love it.”
with one final deep thrust, your body shattered, your orgasm crashing into you with such force that it felt like every nerve in your body was on fire. your back arched violently, your vision going white as you screamed his name, the pleasure overwhelming everything else. you could barely breathe, your mind fogged, your body trembling uncontrollably as waves of pleasure coursed through you, your pussy clenching tightly around his cock.
"fuck, yes," sunghoon groaned, feeling your body convulse beneath him, your pussy squeezing him so tight it was almost unbearable. "that's it, baby. fucking perfect."
even as you came, he didn’t stop, his hips driving into you again and again, drawing out every last bit of pleasure, until your body was limp beneath him, completely wrecked.
just as you felt yourself slipping into the haze of exhaustion, your body on the verge of passing out from the overwhelming intensity, you were jolted back into awareness by the sudden shift. sunghoon pulled out of you, flipping you onto your back effortlessly, his strong hands settling you into position. before you could even process what was happening, he was back between your legs, his face buried in your soaked pussy.
you were too tired, too exhausted to fight back, every part of your body trembling from the pleasure he'd wrung out of you. but the moment his tongue touched you again, lapping at the mess of cum he’d just filled you with, your eyes widened in shock. he didn’t care that you were dripping with his cum; he sucked it all up, his tongue working greedily as he devoured the mixture of your releases like it was the most delicious thing he’d ever tasted.
“fuck,” he moaned against your folds, his voice muffled by your skin. “we taste so fucking good together.”
the sheer filth of it made your mind reel, your body instinctively responding despite the exhaustion. his tongue moved with purpose, sucking and licking every drop of cum from you, making obscene, wet sounds that filled the room. he was relentless, his mouth hungrily devouring the mess he’d made, his fingers gripping your thighs as he pulled you closer, refusing to let go.
“hoon,” you whimpered, your voice shaky, your body too overstimulated to take much more. but he didn’t stop, his tongue dipping inside you, gathering everything before licking back up to your clit, sucking it between his lips with a deep groan of satisfaction.
he looked up at you, his eyes dark, lips slick with your combined releases as he grinned wickedly. “i’m not done, baby. not until i’ve tasted every fucking drop.”
"wanna sleep?" sunghoon whispered, his voice soft, almost tender, despite the hunger still burning in his eyes. his lips hovered just above your trembling core, his fingers tracing lazy circles on your thighs. "you can rest, y/n. close your eyes if you want."
you could barely keep them open, your body too spent, every inch of you aching from the intensity. but just as your head started to sink deeper into the pillow, his hand slid up to cup your cheek, guiding your gaze back to him.
"but please," he murmured, leaning closer, his breath hot against your skin. "let me keep fucking you? i'll be gentle... i swear. just let me feel you a little longer."
his words sent a shiver down your spine. the exhaustion weighed heavy, but the thought of him—inside you again, so desperate and needy—had your body stirring despite itself. he pressed a soft kiss to your inner thigh, his voice dripping with sweet desperation.
“i’ll be gentle,” he repeated, his cock brushing against your swollen entrance, already twitching with need. "you won’t even have to do anything, baby. just let me stay inside... let me feel you."
but how the hell were you supposed to fall asleep like this? sunghoon really did try. he had you wrapped in his arms, spooning you from behind, his chest pressed to your back as he slowly thrust into you. it should’ve been gentle, should’ve been something you could relax into, but it was impossible. each thrust, though slow, was too deep, too precise, hitting that spot inside you that had your body quivering all over again.
you were limp in his arms, your body completely spent, but that didn’t stop the overwhelming pleasure that shot through you with every slow roll of his hips. it felt like heaven and hell all at once, the overstimulation so intense that every few thrusts had you squirting uncontrollably. the sensation drove sunghoon wild, his moans filling the room, louder with every tremble of your body.
"fuck, baby," he panted, his voice wrecked with pleasure, "you’re so fucking perfect. you keep squeezing me so tight—so wet." his words tumbled out between ragged breaths, his lips brushing your ear as he whispered filthy, sweet praise. "look at you, so fucked out… god, you feel so fucking good."
your mind was a blur, lost in the haze of pleasure, tears welling in your eyes from the overwhelming sensation. but sunghoon noticed immediately, his hand moving to gently wipe them away as he thrust into you slowly, lovingly.
“shit, please,” you whimpered, your voice shaking as your body trembled from the overstimulation. “sunghoon, i don’t think i can take anymore.”
his hips slowed slightly, his breath hot against your neck as he nuzzled into you, pressing soft kisses to your skin. “you can, baby,” he murmured, his voice thick with need but laced with a gentleness that had your heart pounding. “just a little more… i’ll be gentle, i swear.”
his cock still slid in and out of you, slow and deep, and every movement made your body shudder with a mixture of pleasure and exhaustion. you could feel his restraint, the way he was trying so hard to keep it slow, but the way he groaned, the way his grip tightened on your hip told you he was losing it.
“fuck, you feel so good. i can’t stop,” he panted, his voice strained with desperation. "just let me have this... you’re so perfect, baby. just a little more, please."
even as your body protested, your mind clouded with the sensation, and you found yourself nodding weakly, barely able to form words. his hands roamed your body, his lips brushing your ear as he continued whispering sweet, filthy praises, the overwhelming pleasure threatening to pull you under once again.
your body couldn’t take it anymore—the constant pleasure, the way sunghoon’s hips never stopped, his cock filling you so completely, so perfectly. his whispered praises, the feeling of him inside you, it all became too much. your mind was spinning, every nerve in your body on fire, and then it happened—you slipped into unconsciousness, your body finally giving in to the exhaustion and the intensity.
sunghoon felt it the moment your body went completely limp against him, your breathing evening out as you passed out in his arms. but even then, he didn’t stop, his hips still moving slowly, savoring every last second of being inside you.
“oh, y/n,” he groaned softly, his lips pressing tender kisses to your neck, his hand caressing your side gently. “you’re so fucking perfect.”
he knew you were out, completely spent, but he couldn’t help himself. he thrust into you a few more times, his cock twitching inside you before he finally reached his own release, groaning softly as he spilled inside you, filling you up one last time.
with a soft sigh, he held you close, his chest pressed to your back, his arms wrapped protectively around you as he finally let himself relax. "sleep, baby," he whispered, kissing the back of your head. "i've got you."
at this point, sunghoon had already cum inside you an unhealthy number of times. his release was everywhere—his cum practically flooding the bed, pooling around your stomach, soaking your thighs, dripping out of your pussy with each slow thrust. the blanket beneath you was completely ruined, drenched in a mess of sweat and cum, the sticky wetness clinging to your skin. the room smelled intensely of sex, so thick with the scent of him that it hung heavy in the air, almost suffocating.
it was that bad. so bad that you couldn’t even remember how many times he’d filled you up, your body barely able to keep up with him, completely drained and overspent. every time you thought he was done, every time you thought your body couldn’t handle anymore, he’d find a way to keep going—pulling more moans from you, pushing you to the brink over and over again.
his cock twitched inside you, still hard, still pulsing with need, even after everything. “fuck, look at you,” he whispered, his voice thick with awe and lust. “you’re so full of me… it’s everywhere.” his fingers traced the cum that dripped down your thighs, the mess pooling beneath you only spurring him on. “god, i’ve filled you up so many times… i’ve ruined you, haven’t i?”
his hands caressed your waist, his lips brushing against your ear as he let out a satisfied groan. "the room smells like us," he muttered, sounding almost proud, "like i’ve claimed every inch of you. fuck, you look so good like this… completely wrecked, covered in my cum."
he held you tighter, his chest pressed to your back as he slowed his thrusts, savoring the feel of you. “so fucking perfect. i can’t stop, y/n… i don’t want to stop.”
the next morning, the room was an absolute disaster. sunlight crept through the curtains, illuminating the chaos from the night before—sheets drenched, blankets ruined, the unmistakable scent of sex hanging heavy in the air. your entire body ached, a dull reminder of just how much sunghoon had pushed you to the brink.
you stirred slowly, your limbs heavy, your thighs still sticky from the aftermath. the sheets beneath you were soaked, a mess of sweat and cum that clung to your skin. sunghoon, lying behind you, was still holding you gently, his arm draped over your waist like a protective shield. he felt warm, his body pressed close, completely different from the night before.
as you shifted slightly, the slickness between your legs reminded you of just how much he had filled you—again and again. you winced, feeling his cum still seeping out of you, sticky against your inner thighs.
sunghoon stirred beside you, letting out a soft yawn before his lips pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder, his voice still soft and boyish. “morning,” he mumbled, his tone sweet, almost innocent—like nothing happened. “you okay?”
you let out a breathy laugh, your body so tired you could barely move. “i can’t feel anything, hoon.”
his eyes widened in concern for a moment before a shy smile curled at the corners of his lips, his hand brushing softly over your hip, still gentle, but there was a subtle glint of something dirtier in his gaze. “s-sorry... i, uh… might’ve gone a bit overboard,” he said, sounding sheepish, though his hand wandered down, grazing over your sticky skin, clearly not too sorry. “but you were just… so perfect.”
you rolled your eyes playfully, but a flush crept up your neck when his fingers traced the dried cum along your thighs. “we really made a mess,” he muttered, his voice a little softer, a little shyer, but you could still hear the satisfaction in it. "look at you..." he whispered, his thumb tracing the outline of where his cum had dried, “you're still all messy.”
you couldn’t help but laugh weakly. "yeah, whose fault is that?"
his lips curled into a grin, and he pressed another soft kiss to your neck, his voice a little more daring now. “you took everything i gave you, didn’t you? every single drop...”
he shifted closer, wrapping his arms around you, his tone sweet but laced with that dirty edge that made your heart race. "maybe we should... clean up. but," he paused, his breath warm against your ear, “you know, if you wanna rest, i can clean it up for you...”
“you’re unbelievable,” you muttered, trying to ignore the way your body shivered at his words, his soft tone somehow making it even filthier.
he chuckled softly, resting his chin on your shoulder. “can we go again? i promise i’ll be gentle this time.”
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one of my very mid-works, not really that satisfied with this but i hope it's still ok :((
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
I don’t know what severance is but I read the fic anyway and it’s so cute it left me half regressed I loved it so much 😭😭 whoever mark s and Devon are. I love them. Thank you much for writing this, I’m going to save it for future reading again 💗💗 I very much relate to mark, thunder sucks when you’re small 😢 but Devon is so sweet to him!! What a good cg!!! Love this fic.
sorry for the slightly late reply but omg this is so sweet thank you so much??? i'm really glad you enjoyed it even though you don't know anything about the show or the characters (though if you get a chance i do recommend checking it out ofc, it's really good!), it makes me happy to know i wrote something that was emotionally effective even without knowing the source material :') tysm for this ask i can't overstate how happy it made me when i first saw ghdslkfjd reading again it rn has me happy stimming and smiling like an idiot 💞💞💞
#and ye devon IS a good cg :') in the show she has several moments where i was like oh yeah. she'd be good at taking care of a little#even someone on reddit who (presumably at least) isn't agere minded like me pointed out that she's a caretaker type#mark is her brother and there are multiple scenes particularly in the pilot where she's looking after him in a way that just makes me go !!#like. in my heart that is her BABY BROTHER and i can very much see them having an agere dynamic#(allegedly he's supposed to be the older one which i do NOT see but i digress lmao)#(doesn't matter either way i have no qualms with older siblings being the regressor and their younger siblings being the caregivers#as evidenced by my succession fics but this is about Vibes okay mark has younger brother energy and i'll take that hc to the grave. anyway)#though the version of mark in the fic is a little different than quote unquote 'her' mark (the show's premise is about people splitting#themselves into two selves though that's a bit oversimplifying it lol) but i can see that not mattering to her#that's still her brother#a version of her brother who's. been through some very traumatic experiences and who's also only been alive a couple years (once again make#sense in show ghlkdsjf but it only fuels my baby mark agenda ok) so i can see her being protective over him even if he's slightly different#from the mark she's used to#.....sorry i started infodumping AHKLJGFDS i'm just. very soft about these two they're so sweet ;_;#anyway thank you for a third time for this seeing this made me so happy WAUGH#marshy gets asks#anonymous
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littlestpersimmon · 1 month
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Hi guys. Am sick rn, but had wanted to post this before I go and sleep.
Some of you may already know that patreon sent out an update that charges anyone using ios to subscribe to artist's patreons 30% more.
I immediately feel this impact mere hours later, and now, days later. I'm hemorrhaging patrons & have less income. It would mean the while world to me if you guys could please reblog this.
If you use the desktop version or the android app? you will not have to pay 30% more. Needless to say this decision of apple has completely fucked me over months and months to come, unless I somehow make up for my loss by other means.
My patreon is only a dollar a month!
I have around 400 exclusive artwork on it :)
I am working on uploading more art there, and more comics once I am done with my current contract as a comic artist.
I am currently partially homeless- so being alive in general is hard ;y; I wanted to focus more of my work on patreon, until this update- I only have one tier.
I am working as hard as I can, every month ♡ I am also the caretaker of three disabled people- as my dad, who used to do all the housework, is now too sick with a swollen liver that could possibly be connected to his heart problems, and my mama who has limited movement- she "died" of sepsis many years ago after giving birth to my sister, and was revived with nerve damage. I don't know the medical terms, but she was brain dead for however long, and was successfully brought back in a different hospital. She was comatose for months; this event has lead to my family losing everything in hospital bills, our car, our house (literally we became homeless) ah. But long story short, I am the only person in my family who works- as my sister is a teenager, and she is autistic with a very, very low frustration threshold, as she is also a picky eater and still going to school! I'm sorry, many of my followers already know this story by now, I have already doxxed myself multiple times trying to avert crisis after crisis, ahaha. But yes. Patreon added to my cart of Sorrows, and would love to have more folks who aren't using apple, or are using android and the web to come on over and maybe enjoy some of my private art up there. I post around 3-6 art a month, if I am lucky 7. I want to keep making art, and my patreon was what was giving me a semblance of stability until that silly update. Sorry for the long post, and I appreciate everyone helping, reblogging, saying kind words to me, praying for me. G-d bless you all, and stay safe
My patreon:
Direct tipping jar:
My print shop!
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
Why did Milsiril adopt Kabru
Milsiril might be one of the most misunderstood characters in dungeon meshi and I see people making assumptions of why she adopted Kabru based only on their races and not in the characterization, so I wanted to think about some of the "theories" I see the most often about what made her take him in and why I don't agree with them
(read more cause as usual I ranted a lot)
1 - Attention (white elf savior)
This is the one I have the hardest time understanding so I'm starting with it, I've seen people compare Milsiril to irl white wealthy women that adopt "exotic" kids to keep an altruistic appearance. Like a white mother adopting a chinese child because of white savior complex and for everyone to compliment them on how good they are but this idea ignores a core aspect of Milsiril: she doesn't like attention of her peers
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Her bio reads: "The people around her teased her, calling her Gloomy Milsiril; partly as a result, she hates elves. (...) She secluded herself deep in the mountains and intentionally lives apart from other elves"
Milsiril is the type of person that has trauma related to her own kin, she was ostracized by everyone including her own family that sent her to the canaries, and as a result she herself refuses to engage with them even when they extend a hand as you can see with past Mithrun. The only other elf she's seen speaking to is Mithrun when he's sick and Helki. Her interest in raising short lived kids isn't seen as altruistic by other elves it's seen as another weird side of her so there's no incentive in elf society for her to do that. So she didn't adopt Kabru because of optics, she clearly doesn't care what other elves think of her and she hid herself from their judging eyes as soon as she was able to.
2 - She wants to feel superior to someone
Another one I find baffling but I can understand a little better since she's constantly seen in the caretaker role. But the evidence I see for this is literally the type of people she surrounds herself with.
The people we know she interacts with willingly are:
Her adopted short lived children
One of her prisoner partners (Helki)
Mithrun when he's in recovery
Based on these I can see how a very uncharitable view can interpret as "she surrounds herself with people that she's superior to" and it is somewhat true. But she's never shown mistreating or actually acting superior to any of them, if anything Helki is constantly hanging out around her (he was pardoned after Utaya and might be her servant now but their interactions seem very casual), Kabru says she teaches her children everything they want to know and she eventually let him go even if before she was hesitant to (as a overprotective parent) and Mithrun was still a noble with several servants when she cared for him so even if he was sick socially he was still the same. (considering both are noble outcasts)
The evidence both for and against the idea that she adopts children to surround herself with people "inferior" to her are all circumstantial so I guess it depends on how you want to see it. I myself think there's no evidence she thinks of them as inferior considering all we see she seems to treat them either as her babies (would you word your feelings for a baby as them being inferior to you?) or as someone she wants to nurture
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3 - She wants to be in control of someone (Kabru is her doll)
Related to the above reason but slightly different, in this interpretation I see people assume she doesn't see Kabru as his own person but as one of her dolls to be controlled. As if she raises her children so she can play house and dress up with human dolls.
Honestly that's pretty cool and an amazing visual for an evil mom but there's zero evidence that that's the case. Starting with her actual dolls themselves they aren't dress up dolls or something she puppeteers in an evil way, they're literally her comfort toys she runs to when she's sad
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She's making them by hand while crying cause she feels like she doesn't belong, her bio says the dolls are her only friends so it makes me a little sad when people act like her doll hobby is somehow a creepy aspect that makes her seem evil, since that's exactly how the elves think of her (creepy and gloomy)
Milsiril is clearly someone that enjoys taking care of others we see it both with her children and with Mithrun, but how to know if that's actual altruism or some twisted sense of superiority? How to know if she isn't the toxic nurse that just wants to be in power of someone? How to know she is actually helping the people she cares for?
Easy, she helped them until they didn't need her anymore.
She trained Kabru and taught him everything he knows, he's where he is because he had her help even if at first she wanted to prove he wasn't strong enough to go, he was. She sees Kabru as a small child because of their race differences but she still respected him enough to take the training seriously.
Mithrun actually recovered once she could take the time to help him, I keep reminding it but it was years after he was rescued that she went to help with his recovery (his bio says Utaya was what motivated him to finally come back and she was the one that went to tell him about Utaya and help out) right now Mithrun is able to follow a routine and live by himself, Milsiril isn't even someone he talks about as he is now.
Both people we know she cared for are completely independent of her now and neither of them even thinks about her much. A controlling person that wants to keep you within their grasp and keep you needing them would never actually help you be independent of them.
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4 - Then why did she adopt Kabru?
I think it's an easy answer the way I see it: shared trauma.
What Kabru went thru is 100 times worse than what Milsiril went thru during Utaya, especially since he was just a small child back then and he lost everything, But Milsiril is still a war veteran, the things Kabru describes, people turning into monsters eating the others, all the death and destruction, Milsiril was there to witness it all and she failed to save them. her bio reads "After the incident in Utaya, she left the Canaries in disgust. She secluded herself deep in the mountains and intentionally lives apart from other elves" she was so traumatized by the events she both left "in disgust" and became a hikikomori. Earlier in her bio it also says "(...) The people around her teased her (...) partly as a result, she hates elves" I sure wonder what's the other part that makes her hate elves. (Probably is the way they dealt with Utaya)
I think she adopted Kabru because she wanted to give a good life to the only survival of the war she fought, the other destiny Kabru could have has would be the same Rin had, a traumatizing stay with the elves, Milsiril saved him from that fate when she adopted him. He wasn't a random brown kid she picked up, they share a traumatizing experience (once again: even if it was 100 times worse for Kabru).
The reason she adopted the other kids is also pretty obvious to me: she likes caring for people and she wants to feel loved. That's her ulterior motive to raise short lived children, she has elf trauma and she wants a family.
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That doesn't make her a perfect mom or a perfect person tho*, she's just as flawed as anyone, I feel like people sometimes forget mothers are also human beings with flaws. Being flawed doesn't make her a monster, being loving doesn't make her an angel, she's just a person doing her best.
*She still has the ingrained elf socialization and clearly thinks of her children as babies, she treats teen Kabru almost like a toddler in some interactions. There's also the thing about her not fully understanding the importance of his cultural background. Struggles that I assume are common in interracial adoptions
Disclaimer cause this is the reading comprehension website: This is my interpretation of the character, some of it is very charitable towards Milsiril and I'm not talking about how Kabru might feel about her. I'm trying to think of their relationship thru her perspective and how she treated him because some interpretations seem to come out of nowhere to me. Kabru has complex feelings about elves and about his elf mom but overall I still think "overprotective foster mom" really summarizes his feelings. I don't think he resents her even with her flaws.
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