#din is demi and bi
newpathwrites · 2 months
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A New Creed Epilogue - Sneak Peek
I’ve been very productive this vacation, but I doubt I’ll get this final installment (more than a year overdue) finished before I go back to work. So enjoy this sneak peek of the final chapter!
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Din awoke to something warm and fuzzy pressed against his forehead, a pair of very familiar claws tapping his cheeks.
“Grogu,” he addressed his ward tiredly.  “I know you’re excited, but can I sleep just a few more minutes?”
The tapping only continued, and Din opened his eyes to look into the larger ones of his son.  “Grogu… use your words, ad’ika.  What do you want?”
The boy huffed in response, raising his little hands in the air as the sheets and blankets went flying off the bed.  “Up now, you will.”
“Hey,” Din admonished him, sitting up and pulling the sheets back up to cover his sleeping riduur.  “No need to wake your mother.”
He took a moment to stretch out his joints.  Age and several long decades of abusing his body were catching up to him.  He was ‘retired’, in a manner of speaking, these days, and that had certainly helped with the chronic tension in his back.  But some mornings, like today, he’d wake up with Grogu dozing on his chest, much of his pain miraculously resolved.
“Thank you, ad’ika,” he told him gratefully.  “But I really wish you’d reserve your powers for more important things.”
Grogu hopped off the bed defiantly and looked up at his father.  He had other priorities at the moment and no interest in discussing his (in his opinion) very reasonable use of the force.
“Come today?  Jai will?”
Din couldn’t help but smile.  “Yeah.  Jai should be here in…” he looked over at the chronometer.  “... just a few hours now.  Why don’t you go next door and see if Winta needs any help while we wait?  It’s getting harder for her now, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he responded with a toothy and knowing grin.  “Help her, I will.  Get up, you will.”
Grogu hopped off, and Din laid his head back down on the pillow.  Perhaps he’d bought himself a few more minutes of sleep.  His son’s excitement was contagious, though.  Stars, he was looking forward to having Jai back home.  He’d really missed the kid.  Though, he supposed, they really weren’t a kid anymore, were they?  And anyway, they’d been an old soul practically since birth.
He knew he’d missed his chance at a few more minutes of relaxation when he heard the front door of the cabin open and close and Winta’s voice floating in from the kitchen.
She hesitated a moment at the bedroom door, whispering, “Is everyone decent?” before waltzing in with Grogu on her hip and a protective hand over her swollen belly.
Din got up quickly, placing a finger over his lips, and guided her out and back into the kitchen as he pulled a shirt over his head.  “Your mother’s sleeping in for once.  She was up all night getting ready… as if Jai will care about the silverware being polished…”
“Well, I couldn’t sleep… too excited,” Winta replied quietly as she started a kettle on the stove for the morning caf.  “I figured Grogu would be awake, so I decided to come over instead of waking up Tov with all of my tossing and turning.  Baby’s kicking up a storm, too.”
End of sneak peek! More to come, hopefully sooner rather than later. ~J
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
I truly believe that Din Djarin could fall for anyone, regardless of your gender identity or physical appearance. It's very Mandalorian of him, but I think he would fall in love based on your personality and characteristics, rather than how attractive you are. To Din, the way someone conducts themselves and how they treat others, plus how they interact with important people in his life (like Grogu) matters far more to him than the way they look.
Physical attraction probably comes later for him and matters less to him than it does to most other people. If Din finds your personality attractive, he's a goner. You will get to feel all of his unconditional love and devotion.
Honestly, I love it when people headcanon him as demisexual or ace... definitely think physical attraction does not come naturally to him but he can get there eventually. And when he eventually does, there's no going back. 
I guess Din falls in love with someone's soul if you want to be philosophical about it. To Mandalorians, there are four simple facts of life: strength, honour, loyalty and death. If you possess the first two characteristics, Din will be loyal to you until the end.
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grogusmum · 1 year
I was playing with Canva today...
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...more to come
*please reblog if you download
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yeehawgeek · 14 days
ok i was gonna reblog my “characters i think are aroace” post but it seems to have vanished
happy pride, here are my headcanons about sw characters’ sexualities/gender identities
starting off with the bad batch
hunter and crosshair are both gay
wrecker is panromantic demisexual
tech is demi
echo is aroace
omega grew up to be a bi disaster
she’s also trans
rex is biromantic asexual
anakin is trans and bi
obi wan is pan
ahsoka is a lesbian
so is bariss
mace windu is aroace
yoda is also aroace
actually here’s a list of all the characters i think are aroace:
luke skywalker
din djarin
rey skywalker
asajj ventress
commander fox
commander wolffe
kit fisto
aayla secura
plo koon
hondo onaka (i think that’s how you spell that?
ok that’s all the aroaces i think
count dooku is gay
leia is bi but tends to prefer women
lando is pan (i feel like that’s canon?)
cassian andor is bi
bail organa is trans
cara dune is a trans lesbian
bo katan is also a lesbian
so is fennec shand
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sp00kymulderr · 8 months
Pedro boy sexuality & gender headcanons
A couple weeks ago @perotovar shared their headcanons around Pedro characters and their sexualities and gender identities, here. It was such an interesting read as someone who has had many of my own thoughts around these things, it was really cool to see how someone else sees these characters through a queer lens and the little things in their characterisations that make us connect these thoughts to them, and that makes us connect to them in the way we do.
I mentioned that I would share my own thoughts and so, here we are! We actually have basically the same hcs. Just for a few of the boys for me though as I tend to stay in my Ezra & Dieter corner for the most part. I don’t know some of the other characters well enough to have any major thoughts about them.
I would love love to hear from other queer members of the fandom here, if you have any thoughts to share!
Also obviously these are just my silly little ideas and just for fun, I read all flavour of fanfic and whilst I would love to see more work from an lgbtq+ perpective I will happily consume all the (perceived) straight fic out there.
(I will also just ask that if you feel I have used any outdated/incorrect language here please let me know, I’m always learning, and I’d like to be corrected if there’s anything in here that could be considered harmful).
Ezra – I’ve mentioned it before and maybe it’s just because Ezra is my favourite character of all time but I very much see him as non-binary, genderfluid, using primarily he/they pronouns but doesn't mind any pronouns, and who really doesn’t care about or consider gender much at all. Honestly, this is a sci-fi character and I’d like to think that when we get to the point of living in space gender won’t even be a damn thing anymore lol. In the same vein, Ezra is pansexual.
Dieter – Bisexual king, of course. That’s literally canon. He would most likely label himself as queer and leave it at that though, rather than specifically defining himself as bi. I love to think about Dieter as somewhere under the non-binary umbrella but I’m not entirely sure where yet; gnc although again there is some fluidity there. Also, Dieter’s ideal way to love is in poly relationships, for sure.
Marcus P – Marcus is bi. He is a beautiful bi boyfriend, just look at him. He took a long time to come to terms with his sexuality, but now he is much more comfortable with it and allows himself to have the experiences he missed out on when he was less accepting of himself, and now he can be proud of who he is.
Joel – I actually hadn’t really considered Joel much in this way until Erin’s hcs but now...oh man…Joel is aromantic (and graysexual maybe). I feel it in my gut, like especially thinking a lot about the stuff with Tess. I don’t necessarily think it’s something he fully understands about himself, even in his later years, but it’s there.
Javi P – Hetero. Loves women. We know that. But, I can also see him questioning. I think when Murphy shows up, there’s something there. Something in his mind. He’s the least likely to ever act on it, given the external factors, but he’s certainly had moments of thinking about it which unfortunately probably cause him a lot of anguish.
Din – Aroace. I don’t even know what to say, this just feels very real to me.
Marcus M – Demi oh my god very much demisexual and demiromantic. He needs the connection first, and the rest will follow. He loves hard, and he loves forever when he gets there, much like Erin said he only ever really loved his wife.
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bahariinyo · 4 months
(okumanıza şahsen gerek yok, bu gönderim çok özel birisine. Hem de hayatınızda hiç karşılaşamayacağınız türden)
Galiba zamanında buradan paylaşım yapmayı öğretirken, birileri hakkında bir şeyler atıp tutarken onları etiketlemeniz gerektiğini öğretmemişim.
Eh bu benim hatam, peki tamam.
En azından ana sayfamda çıktıkça gülüyorum, vallahi çok güldürüyorsunuz teşekkür ederim canımın içleri.
Bu sefer bunu öğrenirsiniz umarım, hatta günlük hayatta da göz kaçırmak yerine yüz yüze konuşmanızı da tavsiye ederim.
Öncelikle illaki bunu sizin dışınızda da birisi, birileri okur diye bunu yazma ihtiyacı duyuyorum.
Kimseye gereğinden fazla değer vermeyin, anası babasıymışcasına onu savunmayın.
Eh, ben bu boku yedim.
Pişman mıyım, sanmam.
Yüzüme karşı döktüğün göz yaşlarından sonra içim bile rahatladı doğrusu.
Ve canım benim şunu söylemeden geçemeyeceğim, hayatın içinde küfürler de vardır (senin rüyaların içinde yaşadığın hayat dışında yani). Hakedene de gerektiği kadar edilir. Sana da tavsiye ederim, hatta yeni rüyalardan uzak hayatında sadece bana küfür et. Çok memnun olurum, hatta daha fazla bile gülerim.
Ama merak etme bu yazıda küfür etmemeye çalışıp, belki anlamanı sağlamaya çalışacağım bakalım.
Anlayacağınız "üslupla".
Evet galiba bir şeyleri açıklamamız gerekiyor, psikoloğunun tavsiyelerini şu dakika siktir edebilirsin. Merak etme rüyalar aleminden bi yazı değil bu, yine kriz falan geçirmezsin yani.
Haklı olduğunu iddia etmen, fakat hiçbir şey anlatmaman.
O masada herkesten özür dileyip (beni atlamanın sebebini gözyaşlarına veriyorum) şuan yüzsüzce arkamızdan atıp tutman.
Konunun içinde, konu hatta direkt biz olmamıza karşı senin hala kendi içinde şizofren muamelesi yapman.
Haklı olduğunu düşündüğün arkadaşlarının bile bize hiç bir açıklama yapmaması.
Ve ağızdan ağıza dolaşan rüya muhabbetlerin.
İnanır mısın, bu sefer anlıyorum diyemeyeceğim.
Hatta sana burdan nasıl göründüğünü, bizim anladığımızı, hatta direkt senin bize sunduğun sonucu anlatayım mı?
Takıntılı olduğu eski flörtünü (bunu bize yüzüme karşı dedin, ve hala bize bir açıklaman olmadığı için, bunu gerçek kabul ediyorum. Birazdan anlarsın nedenini) başka bir kızla görünce delirdin. Hatta kendi içinde sorguladın da. Ben bu çocukla bu kadar yakındım, ama şuan o kızla benden olduğundan daha da yakın, nasıl oldu falan diye diye kendi içinde düşündün. Hatta bunu arkadaşlarına da söyledin. Tabi onların gülüp geçmesine yine katlanamadığından ve bunu öğrenmen gerektiğinden de bunu onlar söylemiş gibi bizim yüzümüze vurdun.
Şimdi burda mağdur arkadaşların mıymış?
Evet deyip güldürmek istemezsin beni galiba.
Peki bunlar yüzüne vurulduktan sonraki halinden bahsetmeme gerek var mı? Şakasız çok komikti.
Tamam hadi orda açıklama yapamadın, kriz geçirdin falan fistan. Peki ondan sonralarında nerdeydin? Mesela pazartesi günü sizin yanınıza gelmiştik -burda üslup falan hiç bahsetme, harbi sıkıyorsun, pat diye gelmiş olsak bile gelmiştik demi. Orda yanındaki kızın senin yerine konuşmasına çok güldüm, hatta orda sana çok acıdım. Yanlış anlaşılmasın bu şuan da sana acımadığım anlamına gelmiyor.
Peki tamam konuşma, konuşmak isteme.
O zaman arkandan söylenilenlere katlanmak zorundasın.
Çünkü buradan tamamen böyle görünüyorsun.
İşte bebeğim,
Sana yeni hayatında yeni bir kavram.
Bakış açısı.
Hani diyorsun ya bu aralar, hiç de dilinden düşmüyor. Kitap okumak, matematik çözmek falan. Sen afedersin bahsettiğin, gönderilerinde harcadığın güzelim klasik kitapları nerenle okuyorsun? Bakıyorum ki kitap okumak sana hiç böyle "tecrübe dolu" hayatına bir şeyler katmamış maalesef..
Hatta bence sen kitap okuyup güzelim beynini falan yorma biliyor musun?
Sen Din Kültürü hocasının dediği gibi sudoku falan çöz.
Unutkanlığına iyi gelir.
Bak işte bu açıdan bile seni düşünüyorum, tavsiye veriyorum.
Hepsi bakış açısı bebeğim 💗. Tavsiye ederim.
Kültür dolu, kendine bir şeyler katmak isteyen canım arkadaşımızı çok iyi görüyoruz burdan. Belaltı espri yapmayan, kültürlü canım arkadaşımızı
Sahi ya,
Sen zamanında o takıntılı olduğun çocuğun sikinin boyutunu sorduğunu, hatta onun bizzat söylediğini falan söylemiyor muydun?
Tüh bunu da mı hatırlayamadın.
E biraz düşün belki gelir aklına.
Gerçi gelmeyebilir ya.
Bizzat sormuştuk biz, sırf senin için lafın arasında. O gerçek falan değilmiş yani. Tüh.
Sordum diye yalan atman daha kötü galiba. Bence bunu da bi psikoloğuna anlat, iyi gelir.
E şimdi acınası hale getirip durduğun bizzat biz "ucubelerden" çok da bi farkın yokmuş. Şahsen övünülmesi gereken taraflarını görmek isterim ama aklıma bu kahpeliğini kabul etmemen gelip duruyor, ciddiye alamıyorum seni hiç.
Ve en büyük sorun da ne biliyor musun? O "duvar kenarı tayfası" diye bahsettiğin kişilerin içinde takıntılı olduğun çocuk da var. Bu da seni daha acınası hale getiriyor vallahi diakdjapdjlajs.
Aa bu arada söylememişlerdir sana galiba.
Senin o ördüğün bileklik var ya.
Heh işte o takıntılı olduğun çocuk tarafından taa aylar önce merdiven boşluğundan atılmış gitmiş.
Bence sen de biraz benim yazdıklarımı "düzgünce" okuyup, anlama kabiliyetini geliştirmeli ve kimseye gereğinden fazla değer vermemeliydin.
İşte bak sevdiğin çocuk çok önceden seni siktir etmiş bile. Niye bu kadar üsteleyip olay çıkardın ki. Bak gece gece böyle gönderiler yazıyoruz, sana bi şeyler katmaya çalışıp uğraşıyoruz. Yazık değil mi ama?
Konuşmak iste veya isteme, kendine olan görüşümüzü değiştir veya değiştirme. Bu gönderim egonu tazelemek için değil, bu gönderi senin anlayacağın üslubuna göre yazılmış, tam senin dünyana göre bir yazı. Anlama kabiliyetin bu kadar güçlüyse bunu da anlarsın bence.
Bak böyle birisi hakkında atıp tutulurken, insanları etiketlemeniz gerekir ki ona ulaşsın, görsün, cevap yazsın. İletişim tek taraflı olmaz, yapmayın böyle yani.
Ve sonuçta alınmayın canım, bu sadece bir örnek bir yazıydı :)
Umarım gelecek gönderilerinizde bana yer vermezsiniz, ha veriyorsanız da burda anlattığım gibi kullanıcılardan bahsetmeyi de öğrenirsiniz ♡
-aaa bir diğer arkadaştan engel yemişim galiba. Tüh onu nerden öğrenmişsiniz ya. Neyse zaten ssler yolu ile iletileceğini düşünüyorum ve bitiriyorum.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
SW Pride month headcanons!
Hello and happy pride month to you fellow queers🌈 have some headcanons(+some actual canon ones)of mostly my favorite sw characters/couples!
Ahsoka: lesbian, that business with Lux doesn't... doesn't count.
Kaeden: lesbian, hands down disaster gay panic lesbian, read the Ahsoka novel. It's awesome.
Riyo: pansexual.
Padmé: bi, absolutely bi, if you read the Padmé triology you understand.
Yané & Saché: lesbians and married(this ones canon!)
The Armorer: lesbian.
Sabine: more like saBIne cause she's bi af.(I will use that joke again)
Ketsu: lesbian.
Ezra: demisexual bi
Jango: pansexual, absolutely pan.
Boba: also pan, I just get 'fuck all genders' vibes from these two.
Omega: poly lesbian, demi girl, fucking fight me I will die on this hill.
Echo: Biromantic asexual, w/ male preference
Tech: also biromantic and ace but no preference
Hunter: bi
Wrecker: aroace
Crosshair: gay, have you seen the way this man just casually stands around, hands down gay all the way.
Rex: pansexual
Barriss: bi demi romantic asexual
Obi-Wan: oBI-wan kenoBI, obviously bi.
Cody: he identifies as kenoBI-sexual, attracted to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Anakin: bi or pan, I don't get 100% straight vibes from the guy, so he is the token catastrophe bi no wait he's the kind of pan that makes jokes about being attracted to frying pans.
Luke: gay af, I don't care what legends says, this man is gay.
Leia: bisexual.
Han: also bi. They is the bi power couple of the galaxy.
Din: Gay disaster, he and luke are the disaster gay couple of the galaxy.
Cal: Bi
Merrin: she is bi and does witchcraft.
That's all I got for now, don't ask me why I think this or the reasons, most just popped into my head and I was like "yeah, that'll work"
I hope you have a good day gay, whatever that is for you!
Happy pride month 🌈!
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queen--kenobi · 1 year
Here's an unofficial list of my sexuality HCs for Mando characters:
Din: demi
Boba: bi but like a 2 on the Kinsey scale. Has been with one or two guys but prefers women
Fennec: lesbian 1000%. Also, bonus: she/they
Bo: Probably a lesbian? Like a Kinsey scale 5. HOWEVER, she is very much trying to convince herself she's straight because she has Weird Ideas about children and marriage. Really isn't straight at all
Armorer: also a lesbian
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thewriterowl · 2 years
I recently saw a fanfic with Luke being a girl and I got to ask, let say Luke was in a planet and there is some weird ass plant that reverses gender, and turns into a girl, Luke would panic and after calming down he would bring the plant back to see how to get back to normal.
When Din sees him and questions what happened Luke explains and Din is sort of confused about it, I think he is bi so he wouldn't really mind, Luke would experiment with his body like, 'is this what a female body feels like?' Din would help him experimenting many things with the new body at the moment to pass time ;). I don't know if Din would enjoy the boobs, I feel Luke has some breasts with his training so is not so different.
Luke will not walk for a while, even after he get his body back, he learned of this experience.
I am normally not huge on Luke being a girl--but him being one for maybe 24-hours cause of Force shenanigans and Din and Luke just go kinky and filthy and try all sorts of new things is interesting.
They would experiment--and while Din is demi-bi (I do agree) he is also Luke-sexual; any Luke will get his motors roaring. So yeah...they have a lot of fun experimenting.
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
Not only is Din Djarin Bisexual, but he is also Demisexual. 
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newpathwrites · 7 days
In honor of pride month and in an effort to promote queer rep in fandom, I'm going to post a few of the queerest excerpts from my fics throughout the month.
Here I give you:
Din coming out to Omera in my mandomera fic A New Creed. Din is also demi in this fic which is hinted at here, as well.
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“You’re thinking loudly, love.  Anything you’d like to share?”
He looked at her strangely then, almost like he was nervous - a rare state for him.  “Uhhh… there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you… but I wasn’t sure if…”  He paused as if gathering his wits and then pressed on with a bit more confidence.  “I told Jai that I’d never had feelings for anyone else before you… but it’s not true.”
Omera wasn’t exactly surprised by this information, though it was unexpected.  Sure, Din had always insinuated that he’d not had any other romantic relationships in his life, but they hadn’t met until they were already middle aged with a lifetime of prior experiences under their belts.  Of course there were probably others.  Omera had a husband in her past who she had loved dearly, and she’d told Din quite a lot about him.  Why would Din be so nervous about sharing this with her?
“He was my best friend… as a child on Aq Vetina…”
If Omera was shocked to learn that Din had once loved a boy, she didn’t show it.  She simply smiled at him warmly as she so often did when he shared something new about himself.  “Tell me about him.”
And so he told her everything he could remember. 
He and the boy next door had become fast friends when their mothers started a communal garden on the patch of land between their two homes, and they quickly grew attached.  And though it was the innocent kind of love typical of youth, it was very much real.  The two boys spoke often of getting married one day and tending a garden of their own.  Had they both survived the attack on their settlement, maybe they would have done just that.  Din would never know.
As Din got older and never developed such feelings for anyone else, he wondered if this Mandalorian version of himself simply wasn’t built for romantic relationships… or if maybe that boy was meant to be the one great love of his life… and that Din’s only chance at happiness died with him on Aq Vetina.
It was cathartic, really, to speak out loud what this boy had meant to him after so many years holding him only in memory - and to know that his wife understood and accepted it so tacitly… that was liberating.  He’d kept this from her for so long.
His fingers slipped through her hair as he spoke, lips brushing the top of her head.  “I never looked at anyone that same way again until you.”  It had happened slowly as they’d become closer, and it had taken him by surprise when it finally manifested itself in his conscious awareness.  He hadn’t thought he was capable of falling in love again. 
“Well, I’m glad you did,” Omera replied softly.  “Do you think about him a lot?”
Din nodded, a sad smile turning somewhat brighter.  “Winta reminds me of him sometimes… with her well-intentioned schemes… spreading joy and happiness everywhere she goes…. He was like that, too.”
“Thank you for telling me about him, sweetheart.  I know it’s hard for you to talk about your childhood.”  
He kissed the top of her head in response, and she hugged him tighter.   “You make it easier.”
“Can I ask you something personal?”  She lifted herself off his torso and swiveled to face him as he gestured for her to continue with that trademark tilt of his head.  “So have you been intimate with both women and men?”
There it was again - the fear .  She could see it in his face, but he’d already decided to tell her everything it seemed.  “Yes… I don’t have a gender preference… on the very rare occasions I indulged, anyway.”  He met her eyes before adding cautiously, “Does that bother you?”
She reassured him gently with a hand to his heart and a soft smile.  “How could I not love something that’s part of who you are?”
All of his fears dissolved in that moment.  Dank farrik , this woman never ceased to amaze him.  “I’m honestly not sure why you love me in the first place… but I thank the Maker for it daily.”
Omera leaned forward to kiss him softly.  “You don’t ever have to be afraid to talk to me… about anything .”
“I know,” he replied quietly.  “I love you, Omera.  Thank you… for being you.”
“I love you, too, Din - every part.  Don’t ever doubt it.”
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zoeology31 · 2 years
I heard this past week was Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week, so in recognition here’s some characters I headcanon as arospec! Aspec/arospec solidarity!
Ruby Rose (RWBY): demi-panromantic ace
Weiss Schnee (RWBY): bi aro aspec
Qrow Branwen (RWBY): bi grey-aro
Esteban Flores (Elena of Avalor): bi aro
Isabel Castillo Flores (Elena of Avalor): queer arospec
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto): aroace
Isabela Madrigal (Encanto): aro lesbian
Hunter (The Owl House): bi aro
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House): aroace
Queen Elsa (Frozen): bi grey-aro grey-ace
Catra (SPOP): demiromantic lesbian
Peridot (Steven Universe): aroace
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe): lesbian aro demisexual
Zuko (ATLA): demiromantic bi
Captain Rex (Star Wars): gay demiromantic ace
Din Djarin (Star Wars): demi-panromantic ace
Bo-Katan Kryze (Star Wars): pan aro
Fennec Shand (Star Wars): bi aro grey-ace
Mace Windu (Star Wars): aroace
Viktor (Arcane): gay grey-aro
Hollyleaf (Warriors): aroace
Jayfeather (Warriors): pan grey-aro ace
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games): straight demiromantic demisexual
Blue Oak (Pokémon Adventures): aroace
Green (Pokémon Adventures): bi aro
Pearl (Pokémon Adventures): demiromantic bi
Platinum Berlitz (Pokémon Adventures): pan grey-aro grey-ace
Leo Valdez (Heroes of Olympus): pan grey-aro
Jason Grace (Heroes of Olympus): bi aro grey-ace
Thalia Grace (Heroes of Olympus): aroace
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Everyone in Star Wars is a member of the LGBTQ+ community
A small sample of my LGBTQ+ headcanons for Star Wars characters
(If you disagree thats cool just don’t be a dick about it)
(yes I support neos stfu)
Luke Skywalker: Gay, Polyamorous FtM he/him
Leia Organa: Biromantic Demisexual, Genderdoe she/they/star
Han Solo: Pansexual, Gender fluid any and all pronouns��
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Bi aroace he/him
Anakin Skywalker: Bisexual, Non Binary masc presenting he/they/it FtNB T4T
Padme Amidala: Biromantic Demisexual Polyamorous she/her MtF (it’s Star Wars trans women can give birth here) T4T
Ashoka Tano: Asexual, queer demi girl she/they
Din Djarin: gay FtM he/they T4T
Boba Fett: Bisexual Polyamorous it/its
Asajj Ventress: Lesbian she/her
Dukoo: Gay he/him
Maul: Aro ace they/them
Satine: Ambrosexual she/they
Jyn Erso: panromatic greysexual nonbinary they/them
Cassian Andor: bisexual transmasc gendervoid he/they
Rex: Gay he/him
Palpatine: Homophobic nor/mal  :)
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Every Baudelaire Guardian (So Far)
This list is a long overdue way for y’all to see past guardians before requesting and a way for me to keep track of who I’ve already made a guardian, so let’s get this train rollin’!
(All Guardians names from first to most recent under the cut, will be updated as more characters are requested)
Frankie Stein
Phoenix Wright
Harry Greenwood
Hiccup and Astrid Haddock
Reginald Hargreeves
The Sorting Hat
Jack Skellington
Reigen Arataka
Taako Taaco
John Mulaney
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Chidi Anagonye
The Kratt Brothers
Ronald McDonald
Freddy Mercury
Darth Vader
Jefferson Davis
Marie Kondo
Jonathan Van Ness
Maes Hughes
Harold Hill
Dutch van der Linde
Carol Danvers
Molly Weasley
Grunkle Stan
Magnus Bane
Scott Howl
William Shakespeare
George Salazar
Luke Skywalker
Soldier 76
Emily the Corpse Bride
Neil Cicierega and Ming Doyle
Optimus Prime
Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Julian Devorak
Rex Dangervest
Meta Knight
Moominmamma and Moominpappa
Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
A knife
A bigger knife
Tony Stark
MatPat, Safiya Nygaard and Rosanna Pansino
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Miss Honey
MatPat but with StephPat this time
Thomas Sanders
Magnus and Julia Burnsides
Ruff Ruffman
Willy Wonka
An even bigger knife
Amy Rose
Video Game Sonic the Hedgehog
Scott Lang
A Googly Eyed Slinky
@/sqenthusiast , formerly @/larry-your-gayter
A Dog
@/teeny-beany, formerly @/afarmforthree
The Crystal Gems
@/arisabunni, formerly @/hongmoondescendant
The Biggest Knife Ever in Bowie, Texas
Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes and Presley Smith
Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Linda and Laurence Flynn-Fletcher
Alice Liddell
Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz
Demi Lovato
Princess Peach
Dad Egbert
Phil Coulson
The Phantom of The Opera / Erik Destler
Original Design of Live Action Sonic
Greg Universe
Brian David Gilbert
Robert Manion
Yondu Udonta
Mary Poppins
The VFDiscord
Jay Gatsby
Kermit the Frog
Brandon Rogers
S. Theodora Markson
Chris McLean
Pepper Potts
@/oliviacalibans, formerly @/olivia-calibansnicket
Iris, Talia and Auriana
Final Pam
Miss Frizzle
Crowley and Aziraphale
La Muerte
Leo Valdez
Princess Tiana
Cats (2019)
Bubblegum and Marceline
Gary Goodspeed
Otto Wood
Ouran High School Host Club
Tulio, Miguel, and Chel
Quentin Coldwater
Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey
Fix-It Felix and Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Barbara and Adam Maitland
Kit Snicket
Dan and Phil
Bill Nye
The Untitled Goose
Scooby Doo
Eleanor Shellstrop
Brennan Lee Mulligan
Final Design of Live Action Sonic
Dio Brando
The Bad Kids
Erika and Princess Annelise
Hat Kid
Princess Diana
Marshall Mallow
Giovanni Potage
Oliver and Lisa Douglas
Din Djarin
Percy King
Miss Acacia
Nico Di Angelo
Kobe Bryant
George Memeulous
Ozma of Oz
Gerard and Lindsey Way
Merle Highchurch
Commander Up
Oliver and Felicity Queen
Steve and Alex
Dale Cooper
Miss Alma Le Fay Peregrine
Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls
Shadow the Hedgehog
Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas
Jonathan Joestar
Mayor Damien
Fairy Mary
Gomez and Morticia Addams
Eijiro Kirishima
Blue the Dog
The Parr Family/ The Incredibles
Five Hargreeves
The Imagination Movers
Coraline Jones
Charles and Jerome Squalor
Clarisse La Rue
The Fellowship of the Ring
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck
Alucard Tepes, Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades
Minnie Le Guin
Barry Bluejeans and Lup Taako
Cyrus and Evelyn Laurie
Red Guy and Duck
Felix Unger and Oscar Madison 
Mr. Nicholas Benedict
Ted Spankoffski
Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi
Samuel Vimes
Rick O'Connell and Evie Carnahan
Leon Kennedy
Team Dark
Sasha Nein
Sam and Max
Drawfee Cast
Bruno Madrigal
The Amazing Karnak
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foxprints · 3 years
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SW Pride Headcanons: Din Djarin, demi-bi aro-ace.
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oloreaa · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the Ven couple and their sexualities? Because Elana is super bi from what I've read but I want to have it confirmed by the writer👀
Omg hi!!🥺❤
For Elana, she is definitely bisexual, she had the biggest crush on Omera while they were on Sorgan and she would flirt with Leri if she and Cara did not already have something going on. She also is very fond of Din, so we have that🥰
For Din, I actually think he would be ace or demi! I don't plan for him to have been involved with Xi'an, since Din doesn't really strikes me like that type (and she was probably all talk). The only one in recent times he is getting closer to is Elana, their bond is slowly growing, and he definitely trusts her with his life.
So to summarise, Elana is bi and Din is ace.
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