#divinity's speech
godwoken · 4 months
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Cleaned up and tidied up my pony collection today 🥰
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succulentsiren · 2 months
The words you speak are the spells you cast.
Too many people are too reckless in their word choices and use their speech to hurt themselves.
Be mindful of how you are communicating, both with yourself and others. Start complimenting yourself instead of telling self deprecating jokes, start uplifting yourself instead of doubting yourself, start motivating yourself instead of criticizing yourself.
When you switch up your vocabulary your whole energy will change.
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random-xpressions · 3 months
Poetry is a way of communicating with the divine. Whether there's an audience or not, to witness this grand exchange, is purely a secondary matter and utterly irrelevant. Leave a mad man in the middle of a desert and you would still find him raising his eyes to the blue sky and murmuring with his lips such eloquent lines that's barely even audible. It is what leaves the heart, it is what rises to the heavens - because there's a constant descent of an even higher eloquence from there. Poets are those lunatics who make a feeble attempt to match that divine energy. What's flowing from above, is sprouting from within their chests. Isn't it natural that when rain falls from the sky and nourishes the earth, that it brings forth its finest of vegetation and fruits. Poetry is that fruit of human response in answer to what he is being nourished with, from above - the incessant dialogue blended with beautiful intervals of silence...
Random Xpressions
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dendrochronologies · 2 months
Contemporary petropolitics has similarly given itself over to endlessly repetitive formulas. Whatever the question, more fossil fuels are the answer. Grid failure in Texas? We should probably become even more reliant on natural gas. War in Ukraine creates global energy shock? We should be expanding oil production to overcome it. Petropolitics has entered its senescence: regardless of changing circumstances and advancing environmental degradation, it drones on with the same talking points. The petropolitical imagination is paralyzed, completely unable to comprehend a world beyond the glories of its youth. [...] Petroculture today is a gerontocracy hallucinating that the splendor of the mid-twentieth century can be preserved forever. Of course, in the thick of it as we are, it still seems impossible for many to imagine a world after oil. Yet when the oil economy finally collapses, [...] I suspect the majority of us will simply shrug at how obvious it was that petroculture could never last.
dominic boyer, "Fossil Gerontocracy, or What Sticks Us Where We Are," from No More Fossils.
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
Wow Ragman 1991 was so good, you guys should all read it
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essektheylyss · 1 year
brb brute forcing my way into learning every romance language by inexplicably picking up bilingual books of verse usually without fucking realizing it
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justcallmecappy · 1 year
So how do you envision Anders reacting to the news of the Circles being dissolved in a DivineLeliana world state?
Whenever I think about Anders reacting to the abolition of the Circles under Leliana as Divine Victoria, my mind always goes back to this fan comic by hanatsuki89. I picture Anders reading the missive with trembling hands and tears in his eyes, collapsing to his knees in palpable relief — finally, after fighting for so long, his people can live in safety and freedom.
From then on, I think Anders would be a bit dazed and unsure on what to do next. He had been running from, hiding from, and fighting the Chantry for so long — and even if he had been dreaming of the day he doesn't have to anymore — he realizes he doesn't know how to live any other way.
In all my world states, Anders is beloved by his friends from Kirkwall and in the Wardens, so he has no shortage of places to seek refuge after the destruction of the Kirkwall Chantry. When the news reaches him, I picture him among friends who would support him as he slowly rebuilds his life in a world without Templars. In a world state where he is in a relationship with Hawke, this also means rebuilding his shared life alongside Hawke, and being able to live openly with them without fearing for Hawke's safety. It's a slow process but eventually he gets to a place of where he feels safe and healed, one small step at a time (ex-Circle mages rebuilding their lives after the abolition of Circles makes me think about the lyrics of this song, 'One Foot In Front of the Other' by Emilie Autumn).
To be honest, I get a tad emotional when I think about Anders hearing about Divine Victoria's edict to abolish the Circles, because his "ten years, a hundred years from now" line when romanced carries so much more weight. His and Hawke's love literally changed the world for the better. I want Anders to live to see the sunrise he nearly burnt himself out to make because there's a satisfying conclusion and emotional payoff after going through so much struggle. Stories of hope winning over despair really resonate with me, and that's what I want Anders' story to be about: hope.
Thank you for the ask, anon! 🥰 This is a really great question. 💖
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hekateisconfused · 14 hours
I need to learn how to play Onigiri on steam because there's no overlspping voice lines.... But..... The keys.... There's so many.... ALSO I'M THE ARCHIVE BITCH SO I NEED TO RECORD EVERYTHING BUT MY COMPUTER GOT NO STORAGE AAAAAAAAAAAA
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mrs-scratch · 10 days
I fucking hate when people say “a pig smoking cigarettes looks just as stupid as a human smoking cigarettes” to try and discourage smoking. That pig looks metal asf and so do I you mutherfuxking tard.
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godwoken · 2 months
Kinda funny how the western fans of bravern lean towards sub Lewis/Bravern and Dom Isami and the eastern ones (at least JPN) like sub Isami and Dom Lewis/Bravern. I think all interpretations are good, I love to see the range
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elucubrare · 2 years
i know i've posted about this before but honestly my least favorite homeric epithet take is "well he says the ships are fast when they're not moving". i hope you've never referred to a parked Corvette as a "fast car," you pedestrian fools
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Beverly Toegold V is autistic and I'll fight you on that
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lokabrenna13 · 2 years
Good morning, friends! This week's rune is Ansuz again.
Ansuz is the god rune -- the rune of breath, intellect, learning, communication, language, speech/voice, and inspiration. This rune is often associate Ansuz with Odin, but some associate this rune with Loki as well (something compelling to think about). Communication is still an emphasis this week, so situations where the communication hasn't been flowing as freely should show marked improvement. If some of you have been called to put pen to paper, now would be a good time to get started. A message from an unexpected source may open doors for you.
And, again, remember not to give up your voice. You have the right to be heard.
#runes #runepull #runereading #runevideo #divination #ansuz #runevideo #runeoftheweek #loki #breath #communication #voice #inspiration #language #speech #pagan #northerntradition #norsepagan #futhark #elderfuthark
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roastedsoup · 9 months
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chaosgenasi · 2 years
tonight’s cr lore rabbit hole brought to you by the concept of being a paladin or cleric “of people” is kind-of its own worship of the divine by virtue of drawing your power from something the gods created/shaped
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quenthel · 1 year
god that fromsoft masochism post is making me think abt masochism now... im supposed to be getting groceries or working rn...
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