#diy hair care recipes
heyitsgigisadventures · 2 months
DIY Hair Thickening Treatment | DIY Hair Treatment, DIY Thick Hair
DIY Hair Thickening Treatment | DIY Hair Treatment, DIY Thick Hair 4 Ingredients You Can Use for a DIY Treatment To Make Your Hair Thicker   Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!     Hey, pretty people!     There are tons and tons of hair treatments on the internet – and also in this blog – that target different problems. From shine, to split…
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hairlosstips365 · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Winter Hair Moisturizers: Save Your Strands!
Winter is here, and with it comes the festive joy, snowball fights, and hot cocoa. 🌨️❄️ But it’s not all fun and games, especially for your hair. As the temperature drops, you might notice your hair becoming dry, brittle, and lifeless. But fear not, this guide on Winter Hair Moisturizers is here to help you navigate through the cold months, ensuring your locks remain luscious and…
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Gave up on my new "conditioner" as an actual conditioner, it is however an amazing hair mask!
6oz or 1/2 of a 12oz bottle aloe vera gel (scentless and as little extra ingredients as possible)
1/2 cup coconut oil
6ish oz avacado oil
1- 16oz squeeze bottle (I'm using an old honey bottle because it is so Shaped™️ but anything works as long as it squeezes)
Melt coconut oil, but do not boil. Add aloe vera in chosen bottle, and poor coconut oil over top. Seal lid and shake. Once it becomes a homogeneous semi liquid-gel fill the rest of the bottle with avacado oil, leaving a small gap on top. Shake again. Mask is ready to use and shelf stable.
To use: night before or 6 to 8 hours before wash day begin applying to hair. To apply shake well and squeeze a liberal portion into palm and rub into scalp. Turn head upside down, do the same except this time into the length of your hair. Tie hair into silk scarf, or shower cap, and let rest 6-8 hours until hair washing.
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axonspro · 1 year
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks Unveil the transformative effects of DIY hair masks with our collection of 5 simple recipes. Achieve stunning, healthy hair using natural ingredients found in your pantry. Say goodbye to costly salon treatments and hello to radiant locks! Longing for luscious, healthy hair? You’re not alone! However, commercial hair masks can be…
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thatcurlychic · 1 year
5 DIY Hair Masks for Split Ends and Afro Hair Health
Nourish Your Afro Hair with These 5 DIY Hair Masks for Repairing Split Ends and Improving Hair Health If you have Afro hair, you know how important it is to take care of it properly. Afro hair tends to be more delicate and prone to damage than other hair types, which means it needs extra attention and cares to stay healthy and strong. One of the best ways to keep your Afro hair healthy is to use…
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twistsandturbans · 1 year
5 DIY Hair Masks for Split Ends and Afro Hair Health
Nourish Your Afro Hair with These 5 DIY Hair Masks for Repairing Split Ends and Improving Hair Health If you have Afro hair, you know how important it is to take care of it properly. Afro hair tends to be more delicate and prone to damage than other hair types, which means it needs extra attention and cares to stay healthy and strong. One of the best ways to keep your Afro hair healthy is to use…
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onlycrumbss · 8 months
I wanna post some health and appearance tips because I seen someone else on my tumblr do it.
These are actually mind blowing tips that I’ve tried and tested, actually have science behind them, and make the overall process much easier, i may not have alot of followed and it’s pretty long but please read because these are actually some revolutionary tips like the type of tips that people gatekeep. But that’s not me
Some of these products might be expensive/out if the way I’m sorry, I’m 19 and live alone have been working full time since I was young. I don’t have tips for hiding anything though since I live alone and when I was at home my family never really cared anyways these are mainly tips on how to upkeep your looks while restricting so that way you can look healthy while getting skinny, but I do have some prouducts that will raise less suspicion for anyone who lives at home still.
✨ Tried and tested ✨
Hair breaks when you’ve been restricting for a long time but these products have really helped and now I don’t have split ends. Their fine hair friendly as well, just remember shampoo your roots and only condition and oil your ends
Olaplex conditioner and the Olaplex hair oil
shea moisture Manuka honey and manfura oil intensive conditioner
Amika soulfood deep conditioner
Any shampoo with rosemary (makes your hair thicker and has been proven to be as effective as rogaine)
Tessa peays (you can find her on tiktok and YouTube) hair oil recipe and hair oil routine
Body care~
Skin gets really dry sooo
Olay body washes (literally any kind will work their so hydrating, they have a niacinimide one which works to brighten up your skin)
Any lotion with Vaseline in it (Vaseline will lock all moisture in and is the most effective humectant on the market. I don’t recommend using straight Vaseline Vaseline though because that will get all stick, just use a Vaseline brand lotion)
Body scrub once a week
Moisturizer. When your restricting you need to invest in a moisturizer, keep your skin hydrated
Sheet masks 1x a week. I like to use ones that are specifically food themed cuz in my head it’s giving my skin the nutrients I don’t wanna give to myself
My favorite kinds are: the tony Molly “I am-“ ones. Mediheal placenta sheet mask (my skin litterally glows after the placenta one) innisfree honey sleeping mask
I don’t recommend doing diy skincare but the only thing I will ever recommend along the lines of diy skincare is a honey and avacado face mask, makes my skin so hydrated and plump
(Some of these might be a fear food for alot and can be a little calorie dense but they help with your appearance)
Berries: especially blueberries and strawberries (have highest antioxidants, which help your apperance)
Cherry and pomegranate juice (antioxidant thing I mentioned above)
Avacados and chia seeds (kinda high in calories I know! But they have lots of omegas and healthy fats and chia seeds are full of omegas and proteins, these will keep your skin dewy and keep your hair nice, chia seeds will also keep you feeling fuller for longer and are a natural laxative)
Eggs: protien+good for your hair
Health in general+ weight~
Quit nicotine. I know that nicotine is like a staple in our community and I myself and on my journey of trying to quitting smoking but after years it catches up to you, and it causes acne. If your not eating your body isn’t going to put that nutrients to upkeeping your face, I already have faint smokers lines around my lips. plus it makes working out easier
(If ur a girl/have female parts) you need to get a probiotic in and get regularly tested for bv and ye⭐️ast infections. You will be prone to bv and yeast “imbalances” while starving and they can cause a lot of problems from stomach bloating to lack of desire and pain and a lot of times are asymptomatic. This happened to me and caused alot of mental anguish because the pain made me question my gender identity and the bloating made the mental aspect of my e d worse and I didn’t even have any symptoms
Don’t use miralax, it’s really bad for you. Drink senna tea, it’s less suspicious and actually works faster and better than laxatives. Plus it doesn’t destroy your organs like miralax
Don’t use trendy diet pills. If your going to take anything get “Garcinia Cambodia” supplement and take it with an apple cider vinegar supplement. Get the acv pills instead of drinking actual acv becsuse it’s better on your teeth (have to be taken together, a study was done on this combination plus it’s been really helping me)
Fast instead of ⭐️ve: I’m not going to get too deep into the science of it all because I’m bad with my words and explaining but basically when your restricting I t’s actually more harmful to your metabolism, makes you crave more food and makes your hungrier making everything harder because that’s what actually puts your body into starvation mode is a constant input of extremely few calories. When your fasting your body goes into “modes” that are actually benifical to your body,metabolism, cravings and feelings of hunger. When you focus more on not eating anything for a long period of time (fasting) vs “I can only have x calories today so I’m gonna eat x and x and x” -(restricting), you’ll find it makes you not only loose weight faster but also make it feel easier
Which is why I see a lot of ppl on here say things like “I can fast so easily but restricting is so hard” well that’s because there’s literally a science to it. And a little secret, after you do general fasting a few days (not for days straight but more so one meal a day like 24 hour fasts and 16+odd hour fasts) it gets easy. It is litterallt so much easier than plain restricting
Take collegen supplements if it’s something your not afraid of because their very good for supple skin and also for hair as well recent studies and random experiments I’ve seen on YouTube have shown
Take biotin~ for your hair
Drink “sparkling ice” drinks. They 5 Cals and have vitamin B’s which are good for your metabolism
I will be adding anytning I might’ve forgotten becayse I kinda rushed this because I rlly wanted to share all of these with everyone in the community after I got inspiration from the post I saw earlier. Feel free to comment or dm me any questions about the products and the sciences
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estapa-edwards · 7 days
Matt Rempe x reader and their domestic life (as fluffy as you can make it)
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paring: Matt Rempe x reader
word count: 600
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
The morning sun painted the bedroom walls in soft hues of gold and amber as you stirred from your slumber, feeling the warmth of Matt's arms around you. His steady breathing and the gentle rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was still asleep. You smiled softly, relishing in the peacefulness of the moment before gently extricating yourself from his embrace.
Padding quietly to the kitchen, you set about preparing breakfast, the aroma of sizzling bacon and brewing coffee filling the air. Matt emerged from the bedroom, his hair tousled and a sleepy smile gracing his lips. He wrapped his arms around you from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Morning, love," he murmured, his voice still heavy with sleep.
"Morning, sleepyhead," you replied, leaning back into his embrace as you flipped pancakes on the griddle.
Breakfast passed in a blur of laughter and stolen kisses, the two of you enjoying each other's company before the demands of the day took hold. After cleaning up the kitchen, you decided to tackle a DIY project you'd been meaning to start for weeks.
Matt proved to be surprisingly handy with a hammer and nails, his tall frame towering over you as he worked on assembling the bookshelf you'd purchased. You teased him about his newfound skills, earning a playful swat on the arm in response.
Several hours later, the bookshelf stood proudly in the corner of the living room, filled with books and mementos that held special meaning to both of you. You stepped back to admire your handiwork, a satisfied smile spreading across your face.
"Looks good, huh?" Matt said, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
"It looks perfect," you replied, leaning into his embrace. "Thank you for helping me."
"Anytime, babe," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
As the day progressed, you found yourselves engrossed in various activities, each moment becoming a cherished memory of your life together.
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Matt suggested playing video games together. You chuckled at the competitive edge that always seemed to surface whenever gaming was involved. Sitting side by side on the couch, you navigated virtual worlds together, trading victories and defeats with good-natured banter. Whether you were battling side by side or facing off against each other, the laughter and camaraderie that filled the room made it a game worth playing.
After a heated round of gaming, you decided to take a break and venture into the kitchen to try out a new recipe together. Armed with an assortment of ingredients and a recipe pulled up on your phone, you embarked on a culinary adventure. Matt proved to be surprisingly adept with a chef's knife, his skilled hands slicing vegetables with ease as you worked together to create a delicious meal.
The kitchen was filled with laughter and the tantalizing aroma of spices as you chopped, stirred, and seasoned your way to culinary perfection. You stole playful kisses between stirring pots and tasting sauces, the warmth of the stove matching the warmth in your hearts as you shared this simple yet meaningful moment together.
Finally, the fruits of your labor were ready, and you set the table with care, the vibrant colors and enticing aromas of the meal a feast for the senses. Sitting down to eat, you savored each bite, relishing in the flavors and the shared experience of creating something beautiful together.
As the day drew to a close, you found yourselves curled up on the couch once more, a sense of contentment settling over you like a warm blanket. With his arm around you and your head resting on his chest, you watched the stars twinkle in the night sky outside the window, feeling grateful for the simple pleasures of life and the love that bound you together.
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baddiesofluxury · 10 months
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Self-Care Sunday
Self-care is about prioritizing your well-being and doing things that make you feel good. Feel free to adjust the routine to best suit your preferences and needs. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Set the Mood Create a relaxing environment by dimming the lights and playing soothing music. Light some scented candles or use essential oils to enhance the ambiance.
Step 2: Morning Meditation or Stretching Start your self-care Sunday with a short meditation session to clear your mind and set positive intentions for the day. Alternatively, indulge in gentle stretching or yoga to awaken your body.
Step 3: Skincare Ritual Begin with a gentle cleanse to refresh your skin. Follow up with a hydrating mask or a DIY face mask using natural ingredients like honey and yogurt. Take this time to pamper your skin and give it some much-needed love.
Step 4: Nourishing Breakfast Prepare a nutritious and delicious breakfast. Consider options like a smoothie bowl, whole grain pancakes, or avocado toast. Incorporate fruits, veggies, and protein to fuel your body for the day ahead.
Step 5: Journaling or Creative Expression Spend some time journaling your thoughts, goals, or things you're grateful for. Alternatively, engage in a creative activity you enjoy, like painting, drawing, or writing poetry.
Step 6: Relaxing Bath or Shower Take a soothing bath with Epsom salts, bath oils, or your favorite bubble bath. If you prefer a shower, use a fragrant body wash or scrub to refresh your skin. Consider playing calming music or listening to a podcast as you unwind.
Step 7: Hair Care Dedicate time to your hair care routine. Whether you're deep conditioning, trying out a new hairstyle, or simply giving your hair a break from styling, make it a moment of self-care.
Step 8: Mindful Reading or Learning Spend time reading a book that inspires you or teaches you something new. This could be a novel, a self-help book, or an article related to a topic you're passionate about.
Step 9: Nature Connection If possible, spend time outdoors in nature. Whether it's a walk in the park, sitting under a tree, or simply breathing in fresh air on your balcony, connecting with nature can be incredibly rejuvenating.
Step 10: DIY Spa Time Set up a DIY spa area and treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure, or both. Use a luxurious scrub and follow up with your favorite nail polish for a polished look.
Step 11: Mindful Eating For lunch, prepare a balanced meal that includes a variety of colors and nutrients. Eat slowly and mindfully, savoring each bite.
Step 12: Positive Affirmations Spend a few minutes reciting positive affirmations in front of a mirror. Remind yourself of your worth, strength, and beauty.
Step 13: Creative Cooking or Baking If you enjoy cooking or baking, spend some time in the kitchen preparing a special treat or a new recipe you've been wanting to try.
Step 14: Wind-Down Yoga or Stretching As the day comes to an end, engage in a gentle wind-down yoga session or some gentle stretches to relax your body before bedtime.
Step 15: Relaxing Bedtime Routine Wrap up your self-care Sunday with a calming bedtime routine. This could involve reading a few pages of a book, practicing deep breathing, or using a soothing lavender-scented mist on your pillow.
Remember, the most important thing is to tailor this routine to your preferences and make it a day that feels special and rejuvenating for you. Enjoy your self-care Sunday!
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pastel-charm-14 · 3 months
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ masterlist/intro post ♥
﹒──── ✩!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ﹒
◞ ★ ︉﹒hi!! i'm pastel︔
ᨳ i use she/they pronouns ﹕
◞ ★﹒i'm a demigirl︔ ︉
ᨳ i'm bi ﹕
◞ ★ ︉﹒ ︉i like anything pink, sanrio, soft girl stuff, helping people︔
ᨳ i dislike racism, homophobia, misogynism, pedophilia ﹕
◞ ★ ﹒i speak spanish and english, and i'm so happy to meet you all!! let's be friends!︔ ︉
this post is a list of all of the posts i've created thus far. i'll try to update it as often as i can, but please tell me if i miss anything!
﹒──── ✩!ᶻz ⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜⸜ㆍ﹒
q&a is open!
important announcement
romanticizing series:
intro to romanticizing
romanticizing school
romanticizing work
romanticizing your routines
romanticizing friendships
health/wellness/self-care masterlist
personal development/mindset masterlist
curling your hair effectively
eye makeup guide
applying lip gloss and lipstick
soft girl minimalism
find your signature scent
soft girl makeup bag essentials
how to do your hair
the art of layering
how to be a soft girl
diy manicure - step-by-step
treasure hunting: a guide to thrifting
embracing pastels
styling your school uniform
nostalgia poem
all too well lyric analysis
journal prompts
bullet journaling
cosy book recommendations
pink poem
pink-themed DIY project
hobby ideas
how to organize your room and keep it that way
aesthetic tips + ideas for your phone
nurturing effective communication
how to say what you mean and mean what you say
taking care of succulents
starting a garden
top 10 sanrio characters
editing aesthetic photos
pink velvet cupcakes
floral tea recipe
navigating financial wellness
eco-friendly living
the history of hello kitty
aesthetic YouTube channels to check out
sustainable aviation fuel
how to make a vision board
the difference between "i love you" and "love you"
dear diary
what i'm manifesting rn
note: i'm so sorry i had to make a couple more masterlists; the post was getting so long it started glitching when i tried to edit it :)
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Hobie Brown x reader hcs! (SFW and NSFW)
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Hobie Brown x !GN! Reader 
(One hc is specifically x !black! Reader, but these are for anyone :D)
(I absolutely hate it when writers specify any part of the readers appearance/personality, so I left everything open-ended)
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Mans Like 6’4 so im Just assuming theres no way you’d be taller than him. If your short (like 5”2-5”6) hee does that tall person thing where he puts his elbow on the top of your head, if your average height (5”7-5”11) then he puts it on your shoulder 
He hates labels, especially in relationships, he thinks it’s just another way box people in. With that said he would never call his SO “my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner” he thinks the whole “girlfriend/boyfriend etc” thing is so cliche
Going off of that one, he knows he loves you, so he doesn’t feel the need to box you guys into a label, bc you both know what you have so who cares what others think 
Once you start something serious, he has a never ending flow of nicknames/pet names (luv, doll/dollface, my girl/my boy/my love, darling, sweets, etc etc) (also him being bri’ish adds to this)
I feel like instead of “boyfriend/girlfriend/partner” he’d say “my girl/my boy/my love” 
I feel like he doesn’t get “jealous” per say, bc your relationship is built off of trust, he trusts you completely and trusts that you would never cheat on him or smth like that
HOWEVER, there are his moments, people staring at you (obviously checking you out) or a friend getting too touchy, it would bother him but he’s not one to make a big scene.
He’d probably just put his arm around you while your taking to your friend, or his hand in your back pocket (he fucking loves walking around with his hand in your back pocket) and if it’s some random stranger making you uncomfortable, he’d just put his arm around you and walk away, shooting them a death glare.
I think as a fandom we’ve all agreed this man has no sense of personal space (you love your personal space, and so does he) he’d be so touchy 24/7 (if your comfortable with it) weather it’s having his arm on your shoulder, holding your hand, or just putting his hand on your thigh when you sit down, he loves any contact with you whatsoever 
No bc just imagine it’s a long day after work (or after a mission if your a spider-person) and your both chilling out in his room, your reading/playing a game/doing your own thing, and all of a sudden he just puts his head in your lap and closes his eyes (SOBBING)
He feels so safe with you (yk that thing where you get tired around your SO bc you feel safe with them? Yeah that) once he gets his face buried in your thighs, head down with you playing with his hair?? Yeah no he gets so comfortable GOD HIMSELF couldn’t pull that man away (he sleeps so good fr)
This man cannot cook for shit, sorry but 1. He’s British and 2. He’s poor and 3. I hc him with adhd.
The amount of times he’s fucked up the most simple recipes to oblivion is unreal. I feel like Gwen just took away his kitchen privileges completely when she started staying with him, because ISTG he burns water, because he “doesn’t believe in recipes”
I feel like he try’s his best though, like imagine one of your earlier dates and he invites you over for a ‘candlight dinner’ and I swear he tried his best to cook something nice for you but he just couldn’t. 
Just imagine he’s like “I tried my best” and puts down a plate of Burnt, rubbery spaghetti, with like a spoonful of sauce and the most unseasoned meatballs you’ve ever seen, and he’s just standing there like “🧍- do you like it?” (CRYING OVER MY OWN HC)
He’s a punk, and as a punk irl, we DIY everything, so you CANNOT tell me this man isn’t a DIY king (I will die on this hill) 
Also the amount of effort he puts in is unreal, he’s the type to make something so complicated and extravagant for you (made specifically/tailored for you!) and just giving it to you like “oh it’s just a lil something” 😭 
I feel like he almost never calls you by your real name unless it’s important, he always has some nickname for you, so you know it’s a real serious conversation when he actually calls you by your real name
He loves sour candys and pop rocks. one time in the uk I had these candies that Where like Ferrero Roche but with pop rocks in the middle instead of hazelnut, and those are his favorite candies CHANGE MY MIND
You’re def in the front row of the mosh pit at all of his shows, he makes sure of it. WITH THAT SAID he loves making direct eyecontact with you while he’s playing guitar/getting near the edge of the stage or bending down to eye level with you
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he absolute hates buying stuff, anything at all really because it’s just playing into capitalism (he tried to start a garden so he wouldn’t have to buy food but just didn’t have time for it) 
Going off of that he he’ll never buy you a gift, he prefers making it, OR getting it from a small business. He also loves picking up random things like cool rocks or shiney bottle caps and giving them to you (he’s a crow change my mind)
Again, I hc him with adhd, so I feel like he’ll open your texts and forget to reply to them for hours on end sometimes, then he’s getting into bed and realizes he left you on read for hours and will just call you apologizing. (ESPECIALLY IF YOUR AN OVERTHINKER, HE WOULD FEEL SO BAD 😭)
More on adhd Hobie, he has little bowls strategically placed all around his house so when he gets home he can just drop everything in them (keys, trinkets, wallet) 
And I’m just imagining you finding these bowls of seemingly random crap all around his house and being like “🧍‍♀️”
You thought I was done? No MORE adhd Hobie, he has a pair of crust punk pants (they absolutely REEK, but that’s beside the point) he wore everyday for months on end, and he says it’s “to punk them up” but really it was just because 1. He forgot to pick out a different outfit and 2. He barely had any other clean clothes
Unrelated but I feel like he has a bonnet that’s red with a spiderweb on it
He def has an understanding of how to do hair (also just from managing his own wicks, also he’s a grown ass adult cmon) and if your black he would totally want to help you take out/put in braids etc (I’m white but my friend came up with this hc and it’s so cute 😭)
NAH BC Just Imagine your sitting on the floor in front of him/he’s sitting on your bed, helping you take out your braids while listening to music or smth 😭
Also Just if your any race, he loves playing with your hair, it’s nonstop ISTG (if you let him)
If you dye your hair, imagine sitting on the floor of the bathroom and he’s sitting on the counter helping you dye your hair (SCREAMIBGHHWHAGAGFC)
doing that one lipstick trend on tiktok with him.
i feel like he’s the type to unironically write a love letter, like physically write out a letter
idk about y’all but I hc him as gender-fluid, bc 1. He doesn’t believe in consistency and 2. He thinks gender roles are stupid and 3. He thinks gender is a social construct put in place to control people
he just uses any pronouns bc he hates consistency (someone could address him using dick/dickself and he would respond without a blink of an eye)
he loves wearing skirts, especially at his shows just imagine him in one of those punk leather mini skirts + ripped fishnet stockings??? Actually on the floor rn
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seeing you break the rules is such a turn on for him istg, just seeing you shoplift from big corporations/jump fences etc etc, it turns him on bc he loves how wild and dangerous it feels
With that said he has a public/semi-public kink. Like teasing you in public (such as putting his hands on your thighs when you sit down, gently rubbing them and inching closer to your inner thigh) (you Literally have to grab his hand to make him stop being a lil bitch in public) 
Going off of that it gets him so hot thinking about fucking you in a semi-public space. Bathrooms, changing rooms, dressing rooms when he’s playing with his band, etc etc. when he has you bent over a counter or pushed up against the wall, covering your mouth so you don’t make too much noise?? It drives him WILD
he’s 100% a switch change my mind (he doesn’t believe in consistency??”) 
Hes down to try ALMOST anything
He loves giving and receiving head equally, and GODAMN is he good at giving, I hc he has a tongue piercing which is just chefs kiss. 
GOING OFF OF THAT AGAIN if your AMAB he’s def the type to kiss/leave hickeys on your thighs while he j!rks you off (same goes for fingering if your AFAB)
He’s into edging, giving and receiving. And he absolutely loves just edging you over and over again until your begging for it 
I feel like he’s also into light bondage, if your a spider-person he would want you to tie him up with your webs/his webs (this is your chance to edge/overstimulate him)
Nah bc overstimulating him would be so easy when he’s tied up, he would be so bratty at first but just imagine, he c!ms and you keep moving, repeat that a few times and he’s shaking, whimpering, changing colors, the works. He wasn’t sure weather he wanted to beg you to stop or beg you for more, either way he’s so mentally gone 
Kinda random but he’s a freak lowkey 
I feel like he’d also be into wax play, giving or receiving, he doesn’t care (somehow he’s a masochist and a sadist at the same time) 
He would fuck You anywhere, anytime, even if it’s just him getting on his knees in the back of HQ or in an alley somewhere to give you head, he doesn’t care 
If you’re comfortable with it, he can get pretty damn rough when he’s on top. If your both in the mood he’s definitely the type to be going at it from behind, pushing your head into the pillows with one hand and gripping your ass with the other (I saw one story I can’t find the link too where he said “your mine, fuck a label” ABSOLUTELY SCREAMING, also cannon he would say that because I said so)
He loves teasing you, whether that’s verbal, edging, or anything, he’s into it. Just imagine your face is buried in the sheets or the crook of his neck and he’s thrusting so painfully slow, or just not putting it in at all, basically laughing at your whines 
“What’s that? Hmm? Use your words love”  “what’s wrong? So fuckin’ needy you can’t speak?”  
He’s the type to finger you while your sitting in his lap, while your hanging out with friends etc
Also I feel like he’d want to have one of those remote controlled vibrators, and walk around in public/go to HQ with it in you. Seeing you try to keep it together while he’s putting it up to the highest setting gets him so hot 
if you guys are apart for an extended period of time, he would def go into a bathroom or smth and Film himself jerking off/moaning into the mic, and send it to you <3
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Guys I’m so normal about this man I promise 
I always hesitate posting my fics on anything bc I went through a big MHA phase in 2020-2021 where I posted the CRINGIEST fics
I deleted every trace of them but I’ve still never mentally recovered yk?
If you enjoyed I appreciate feedback :D 
Y’all lmk if you want more hcs bc I have more
Also my requests are always open ִ ࣪𖤐
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heyitsgigisadventures · 3 months
DIY Hair Mask for Dandruff and Hair Growth | DIY Hair Mask
DIY Hair Mask for Dandruff and Hair Growth | DIY Hair Mask Unbelievably Easy DIY Hair Mask: Stop Dandruff & Jumpstart Growth   Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!   Hey, pretty people!       Not too long ago I started working on a DIY Hair Mask for all Hair Types. It seemed a pretty daunting task, but I have to say I am starting to make some…
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hairlosstips365 · 6 months
How to Stop Hair Falling Immediately at Home
Hair loss can be a distressing experience, impacting not just our physical appearance but also our self-esteem. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies and treatments available that can help mitigate this issue right at home. This comprehensive guide will delve into various effective, natural, and accessible methods to Stop Hair Falling immediately. Understanding Hair Fall Before delving…
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aclowntiny · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Spa Day With Ateez!*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
(Gender neutral reader. Warnings: just some suggestive jokes hehe)
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♡ Since his days off can be so few & far between plus going out takes energy for Hongjoong too, you come up with this idea, but it’s him that hardcore falls in love with it, like get ready for him to be extra!
♡ But it’s highkey romantic too because of his natural love of beauty & artistic sense, the restroom filled with fragrant candles. The day was supposed to be your excuse to spoil Hongjoong & force him to rest, but instead he’s making you blush.
♡ As you gush over the effort he made, he looks irrepressibly happy despite the nonchalant comment that ‘If we were having a spa day I figured we would take a bath.’ Well, you did bring bath stuff.
♡ Bombs & petals added to the bath, you guys settle in, Hongjoong offering his hand to help lower you in after him, pulling you against him. He gazes at you with heart eyes as you gently scrub each other clean. Another of your supplies gets pulled out as you open up the fancy sugar scrub you bought, taking turns exfoliating. You also throw in a massage, knowing how hard Ateez’s captain works his muscles & uses bad posture. He makes sure to return the favor & pays back every kiss you give him with one of his own, 😌
♡ Once you’re done in the tub, you guys put on comfy clothes & paint each other’s nails, surprising each other with color & design choices. Hongjoong keeps trying to peek, kissing your hands every time you try to swat him away!
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♡ He lives for your spa days you don’t understand!!! Spoiling you is his absolute pleasure & the fact that you want to do the same for him just melts his heart!
♡ It’s the little intimate things like being the one to tie your hair back & rub a soothing mask onto your cheeks that Seonghwa loves most.
♡ He likes to put on calming music & do DIY self-care, looking up simple avocado mask & sugar scrub recipes to add to the shared experience before pampering you! Mixing everything by hand before putting it on you is more fun, plus he says it feels better knowing you made it 😭
♡ ‘Well, we have twenty minutes to kill while this soaks in. Want to watch something relaxing?’ ‘Sure!’ & that’s how you end up just laying there, head nestled in the crook of Seonghwa’s neck as you watched ASMR videos 😁
♡ He absolutely will not let you wipe off yourself or even dry yourself off after he uses the damp washcloth, all of that is his 👏🏻 job 👏🏻. He looks so deeply into your eyes as you get cleaned up, you flush & look away, & that’s when he tilts his head back up & kisses you 🥰
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♡ One of the most eager when you suggest it & come over with everything! ‘What should we do first, (y/n)?’
♡ ‘Let’s do each other’s hair!’ You end up setting up a little rinse station, running some warm water to rinse out Yunho’s hair first, massaging his scalp & applying a gentle moisturizer. He does the same for you, gently towel drying you off. While he’s playing with your hair, he can’t resist fluffing it up & trying to make spikes out of it. ‘I have to take a picture of this!’
♡ He also can’t resist burying his nose in your hair because you smell so good! The fact that you both smell the same now does not occur to him, nope 😉
♡ You guys both play with styling your hair for a bit, switching to making yourselves some honey tea to sip while you moisturize each other’s hands. Yunho takes this time as an opportunity to playfully push & pull you towards him like you’re on a seesaw, not sitting on your bed!
♡ ‘Now can we take a bath?’ Yunho asks, making grabby hands. ‘Whoa, is that all you’ve been waiting to do?’ You tease. ‘No, I wanna try the loofah,’ he replies, pouting and pointing at the tote he was actually grabbing at. You flush. ‘Oh, right. Yeah, of course. I have stuff to change the water color too!’ ‘Yay!’ ‘But we don’t have to rush in there if you don’t want to,’ he whispers to you with a grin.
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♡ It all started with an instagram you followed posting a super easy relaxation day of their own, inspiring you to surprise Yeosang with one!
♡ He smiles so wide that you thought of him & how cute you are showing up at your door exclaiming ‘surprise!’ with a cute white basket in hand. ‘But should I be scared?’ he teases.
♡ ‘Feels like we’re making potions,’ he jokes as you drip in a few more tiny rivulets of food coloring & essential oils, ‘Harry Potter? Where are you?’ So then you two make up fake spells as you apply your creations on each other. You say yours is a love spell but Yeosang insists it won’t work because you have his heart already 😌
♡ Things get chaotic quickly, both of y’all getting loopy & distracted, & Yeosang has an epiphany. ‘We could eat this avocado mask, couldn’t we? It’s all made of food.’ ‘We could, but it probably wouldn’t taste good.’ ‘Only one way to find out 👀’ He decides to try it by kissing some of it off your cheek. It does not taste good; he insists you are much sweeter ☺️
♡ You got pillow spray & a white noise machine to try, so to end the day you guys just end up laying down in bed listening to the soft sound, holding each other as your hearts beat in time 💕
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♡ Sannie’s so giddy at the idea of ‘playing spa’ as he calls it, insisting on giving you the royal treatment even though you feel he needs the pampering more with his demanding job.
♡ ‘Can we put cucumbers on our eyes?’ ‘Er, if you want to, yeah.’ ‘Let’s do it!’ Cue you guys laying in your robes, green stuff on you & vegetable slices on your closed lids just like in all the cartoons. San reaches out for your hand, playing with it as you rest.
♡ When you’re done, he insists on giving you the hot towel treatment, smiling as you sigh from melted tension. ‘Anything else you want?’ ‘Slow down San, it’s your turn next!’ The way his jaw drops when you put the towel on him, his head falling back, has you giggling.
♡ ‘Alright, what would you like next, a manicure or pedicure? Wait, we should probably start with the feet for practice since it’s ok if they don’t look as good-’ Mischief rose to your smiling face. ‘Only if I can do yours, too.’ ‘I’ll let you paint my fingernails black, but we can skip doing my toenails. Or wait, maybe that’s better since no one can see it!’ Cue Wooyoung walking by you guys, bursting out into shrill laughter as he watches you paint San’s toes.
♡ If you think San doesn’t absolutely insist on giving you a massage you’re dead wrong, sorry!!! 😌 he loves holding onto your shoulders & pressing kisses to your cheeks from behind 🥺 melt him by doing the same!
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♡ He likes the sheet masks with fun designs on them 🥺 chooses a really cute puppy one for you & a unicorn one for himself because he knows it'll make you laugh!
♡ ‘What are these?’ ‘Lip masks.’ ‘They make those?’ ‘Yep. This is my first time buying them on a whim.’ ‘Lip masks???’ For some reason, Mingi thinks this is hilarious, holding it up to his face & bursting out laughing; of course you join him seeing the box & oversized feminine lips blocking half his face.
♡ You guys end up doing those too to complete your skin care…& also for the bit. Mingi immediately kisses before you put them on & the moment you pull them off, saying he has to test if they really made your lips softer. ‘Well, are they?’ ‘I don’t know, I think I have to check again 😏’
♡ Next up is bubble bath time!!! You guys revel in the warm water, sitting with your legs tangled up as you heap lavender-scented bubble piles on each other’s heads.
♡ ‘Can we watch a movie now? 🥺’ Mingi asks as you wrap him up in his fluffy robe, yours having already been tied on. You oblige, laying in each other’s arms & watching a rom-com as your final act of relaxation for the day 💜
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♡ Good luck getting this guy to settle down initially DGCGXSVCS
♡ But once you catch him, he’ll be so into it. Just, like, push him into the chair or something he’ll be into it don’t worry 🤫. Once he stops messing around & probably trying to start a fight with a mud mask, hearing you explain that you want to take care of each other, he gets so happy because wait that’s actually so cute! Then he does a total 180 into ‘What do we do next? How about this?’
♡ No surprises for Wooyoung because he gets so excited he’ll just start rummaging through all the products you bought to find his favorite 😆 his favorite after applying a face mask (because he can steal tons of kisses!!!) is the massage oil 👀
♡ ‘Let’s do this one next 😏’ If you have anything you realllly wanted to do, better convince him quick because his pick will take a while lmao. He’s not that hard to convince because everything you brought is really nice, you know him so well 😌
♡ You guys end up setting up fragrance in your humidifier & doing a foot soak before busting out the oil because you know how hard Wooyoung works dancing 🥺 you thought about him so much & he doesn’t want that to go to waste, plus it feels really good. You guys sit next to each other dunking in the warm water & he kisses your forehead, telling you he loves how caring you are & can’t wait to return the favor soon! (Take that as you will 👀😌)
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♡ Admittedly, it doesn’t totally sound like his thing, but it’s no harm to do it with you since you’re so happy about the idea. Of course he’ll do it for you 🥺
♡ But when you sit him down, empty a little bottle’s contents onto your hands, & start to give him a massage he’s in heaven. ‘Oh, I could get used to this.’ ‘Oh yeah?’ ‘Yeah. I thought you wanted to paint my nails & do my hair or something.’ ‘I said spa day,’ you giggle, ‘not salon!’
♡ What can he say, he’s a practical guy. You have him convinced the moment your hands land on him, kneading out hours of dance practice & gym time. The oil you’re using is a special blend designed for relaxation, & whether it’s a placebo or not it has Jongho’s eyelashes fluttering closed in contentment.
♡ You know he isn’t one to sit around doing nothing, so instead of just laying around with face masks on you watched a restorative yoga class video, learning a few poses for you guys to do together in between massages so you can further stretch & relax your muscles.
♡ Then it’s onto the sheet masks 😌 Jongho doesn’t complain about this one either because it’s not too far off from his usual skincare routine, but he does have to shake his head in amused exasperation when he sees the bear print one you got him! ‘What can I say, you’ll look so cute!’ ‘The things I do for you,’ he comments, but the smile never fades as you pat the sheet gently onto his cheeks, catching hints of warmth rising there, especially not when you promise him a kiss when the fifteen minutes are up. ‘I think you owe me more than one.’ ‘What, for the torture?’ ‘No, this was really nice.’ ‘Ok, then, never mind, one it is.’ ‘Nah, I hated it actually 👀’
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axonspro · 1 year
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks
5 DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair: Easy Steps for Gorgeous Locks Unveil the transformative effects of DIY hair masks with our collection of 5 simple recipes. Achieve stunning, healthy hair using natural ingredients found in your pantry. Say goodbye to costly salon treatments and hello to radiant locks! Longing for luscious, healthy hair? You’re not alone! However, commercial hair masks can be…
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thatcurlychic · 1 year
5 DIY Hair Masks for Split Ends and Afro Hair Health
Nourish Your Afro Hair with These 5 DIY Hair Masks for Repairing Split Ends and Improving Hair Health If you have Afro hair, you know how important it is to take care of it properly. Afro hair tends to be more delicate and prone to damage than other hair types, which means it needs extra attention and cares to stay healthy and strong. One of the best ways to keep your Afro hair healthy is to use…
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