#do you know that you were most likely created because your parents had sex? wow
dovedrangeas · 2 years
btw if you are so repulsed by sex that you cant be normal about people saying they're trying to get pregnant (a very normal thing to do) or being around a pregnant person, you should talk to a therapist about it i think
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 9 months
Baby Steps Part 4
Larissa x pregnant!reader
Summary: The third trimester leaves many twists and turns
Warning: Small breakdown
Read Part 3 here
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“Wow, throwing a baby shower really makes you realize how few friends you have,” you quipped as you sat on the couch creating a guest list. “Most of these people are our coworkers.”
Larissa, who sits beside you putting together the gift registry, chuckled. “I feel like we said the same thing for our wedding.”
“Probably,” you giggle. “We’re both very antisocial people.”
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“So, is it a gender reveal?”
That was the third time you had gotten that question since you sent out the invites.
“No,” you explained politely, pausing the grading on the final exams. “It’s just a baby shower. Gender reveals are so tacky to me, so Larissa and I agreed to find out the sex when it’s born. I mean, it’s already the beginning of June, so there’s only a couple months left.”
“You know, I saw this really cool gadget on TikTok! You should add it to your registry! Or maybe I’ll just buy it for you anyway.”
“Oh, I appreciate it, but, really, it’s okay. We’ve only put necessities on our registry.” 
“No, seriously, this is a need. I’ll send you the link.”
And, once again, someone was insisting on getting you something you didn’t need. On the gift registry you sent out, you had put in asterisks a message, specifically saying to not get anything that isn’t on the registry unless otherwise stated. Necessities were for now, fancy gadgets could be saved for later.
When your coworker left your classroom, you reclined in your chair, letting out a deep breath and placing your hand on your bump. “Boy or girl, this is going to be a long eighteen years.”
“Talking to them again?”
The sudden voice made you jump in your seat before you saw Larissa in the doorway. 
“I saw Grace coming out of your classroom,” she said, leaning down to give you a kiss. “Was she insisting on getting us that crazy baby gadget?”
“How’d you know?”
“She cornered me in the teachers’ lounge earlier. All I wanted was a cup of coffee, but instead I received parenting advice from someone who has no children and gets all their information from parenting accounts on social media.” Larissa pulled a seat up to your desk and sat beside you. “How’re you feeling?”
You bent over to rest your head on her lap, groaning when you felt her fingers dig into your back and begin to massage the knots out. “My back is killing me, I’m exhausted, I have to pee all the time, my tits hurt when I touch them the slightest bit, and I’ve had to refrain from snapping at multiple students because of how easily I’ve been getting irritated.” 
Larissa’s hand came to your face, fingers smoothing out a strand of hair and pushing it behind your ear. She smiled softly, “You’ve always been one to minimize things, darling, so that doesn’t really answer my question.”
“I’m fine, Larissa,” you huffed.
Larissa pursed her lips. “Mhm…sure…”
Her response was like a tsunami came crashing down on you and you stood up. Your lip began quivering, yet you had all the rage of a thousand angry men. “Well, how would you feel if you were creating a human being out of nothing, Larissa!?” Tears started pouring down your cheeks as Larissa sat there awkwardly, watching your outburst, saying nothing as you slammed the door to your classroom. 
“I’m in a terrible mood all the time! The slightest thing irritates me, but I don’t wanna make a big deal out of it because then I’ll be known as the overdramatic pregnant woman! Teachers have been pestering me about my birth plan! Like, why does it fucking matter how I’m giving birth!? That is between me, you, and the midwife! Not some random fucking math teacher on a Tuesday morning! Wednesday Addams keeps telling me all these weird and creepy facts about pregnancy and newborns! I’m sorry, but I don’t want to know that some babies lactate! And all I wanna do at the end of a long day is have sex with my wife, but my stomach is the size of a fucking cantelope and every position is uncomfortable!” 
You took a steadying breath, wiping away your tears–and smudging your eyeliner and mascara. Reaching over your desk, you grabbed a tissue. “I’m sorry,” you sniffled. “I’m just…I needed to get that out…I’m sorry…”
When you sat down, Larissa pulled you into her arms, her hands rubbing up and down your back. “Shhh…You don’t need to apologize, love. You’re doing so much–too much. You’re getting overwhelmed. This is why I told you to go on leave. You’re letting your blood pressure get too high and you’ve been very insistent on not having a c-section.”
You pulled away from her and wiped the underneath of your eyes again. “I know, but there’s only a few days left of school. I really didn’t need to take any leave.”
“You’ve always been one to work yourself to the bone.” Larissa leaned down and retrieved your purse from under your desk. Unzipping it, she pulled out your makeup bag and handed it to you. “Lunch is almost over, let’s get you cleaned up a bit.”
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The Nevermore graduation ceremony felt like hours. Being the head of the English department, you stood in a line with the other heads on the stage of the auditorium, shaking each student’s hand before they retrieved their diploma from Larissa. You were particularly proud to be shaking Wednesday Addams’ hand after seeing her rocky start a few years prior. But by the time the final student walked across the stage in their black and purple cap and gown (even Wednesday complied and wore a purple gown), you were dead weight on your feet.
The ceremony was moved to the Quad where refreshments were served and students could gather once more before moving out of their dorms. Maybe it was the fact that you were seven months pregnant, but the heat was almost unbearable. You had no idea how Larissa wore those dresses all the time because the simple breezy maxi dress you were wearing made you feel like you were doused in your own sweat. 
Your attention was turned behind you after speaking with a parent and you laid eyes on Wednesday and Enid. “Oh, thank you, Miss Addams…” A gift was handed to you, wrapped in blue and pink baby shower wrapping paper.
Enid, who stood beside her, bounced up and down on the balls of her feet with a bright smile. “The wrapping paper was my idea! It’s for the baby!”
“I would’ve gone with a different color palette,” Wednesday commented. “I can feel the skin on my hands burning off after touching that.”
“Black and white or blue and pink, it doesn’t matter to me,” you smiled. “Thank you, girls.”
“I saw it on TikTok and knew it was perf for you!” Enid squealed. “It’s this really cool–”
“Enid!” Wednesday hissed. “Don’t give it away.”
You giggled to yourself as you watched the two of them walking away, hand-in-hand as they muttered to each other.
“What’s this?”
Larissa’s voice startled you and you turned around. “Just a gift from Enid and Wednesday. I have a feeling we’re going to have two of those gadgets that Grace mentioned.”
And you were right. Weeks later, the baby shower went off without a hitch. Despite it being now late July and you being the size of a watermelon, you had never felt happier. You were practically on the verge of tears thinking about the entire situation.
Here you were, sitting beside your wife surrounded by your closest family and friends, opening gifts for the baby that would be in your arms in just over a month. You truly couldn’t ask for more.
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In August your parents decided to visit, assisting you and Larissa with anything you needed help with. Your father took your car to the shop to get its oil changed along with everything else you had forgotten about–you really weren’t liking this pregnancy brain. Now you sat in the designated nursery, once Larissa's home office, huffing and puffing in a cushioned rocking chair.
“Okay,” Larissa mumbled, “it looks like we put parts A and B together using wrench three–Mia have you seen that wrench?”
“You know, we could hire someone to do it,” you sighed, watching Larissa, your father, and your sister attempt to put together the crib for the nursery. “I mean, the girl at Ikea said they have people f–”
You were cut off by Larissa kissing you on your lips, looming tall over you. “Darling, it’ll be fine. We can do this. All you have to do is sit here and look pretty. Can you do that?”
“I can do that better than anyone,” you scoffed.
Larissa smiled and leaned in for another kiss. “That’s my girl.”
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You were now a week over your due-date and you were miserable. You back ached, your breasts were painful to the touch, and the only thing you wanted now was to get this baby out of you.
“Are you alright, love?” 
Larissa’s hand came to your back as your breath stopped. You clutched the edge of the table in your hand tightly as a wave of dull pain started slowly. 
You didn’t want it to start here. You were in public, at a sports bar in Burlington with your family and Larissa’s when the pains started. 
“Yeah,” you breathed. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
The waitress, who was standing by your mother taking her drink order, paused and looked at you with the rest of the family. “Are you sure, sweetheart? The hospital is just down the road.”
“I’m fine, really,” you insisted. 
Larissa side-eyed you carefully. “I’m starting a stopwatch.”
“You don’t nee–”
“I’m starting a stopwatch,” she repeated, giving you the same look she gave troubled and disobedient students. “You're not having our baby in the car.”
You scoffed. “I’m not having the baby in our car, Larissa. Don’t be ridiculous.”
The rest of the evening continued, Larissa tracking your contractions against your will while everyone took their time looking over the menu and savoring their drinks. When the waitress came back half an hour later with the appetizers, a second, more painful contraction ripped through you.
“That was thirty seconds,” Larissa said. “Once they get to a minute long, I think we should go.”
“Larissa, I’m fine!” you groaned. “I’m sure they’re just Braxton Hicks.”
Putting a serving of nachos on your plate and hers, she shook her head. “You’re a week overdue, darling. I don’t think these are Braxton Hicks.”
You tried to ignore it, but Christ, you had to admit these were painful. You didn’t want to tell Larissa she was right, but a half hour intermission turned into a fifteen minute one, and a fifteen minute one turned into a ten minute one.
“They’re ten minutes apart,” Larissa muttered to you. “The last one lasted forty-five seconds.”
You smiled and thanked the waitress when she handed you your dinner, taking a small bite and answering Larissa. “Just drop it. We’ll go when my water breaks.”
“You watched the YouTube video,” Larissa said. “Sometimes the water doesn’t break.”
“We–” Your fork clattered onto your plate and the entire table looked at you as Larissa started the stopwatch. Through deep breaths you asked, “How long ago was–?”
“Seven minutes,” Larissa answered, placing her hand on your lower back once again and looking up at the waitress. “Darling, can we get two boxes, please? Thank you.”
“Take me to UVM,” you said. “Don’t take me to Jericho General. I have not heard good things about their maternity ward.”
“Sweet pea–”
“I said, take me to UVM!” you snapped.
Larissa, after retrieving her purse from under the table, took her keys out and took one of them off the ring. She handed it to your mother saying, “Here’s the house key. After dinner would  you be able to get the hospital bag and bring it to us?”
With a peck on Larissa’s cheek and yours, your mother took the key. “Of course. Now go. We’ll let you know when we’re on our way.”
Tag list: @gwenistheloml @barbarasstar @gwendolinechristierulez @furrysharkfart @yourgaeyisshowing
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thisismisogynoir · 11 months
TW/ Slavery,misogynoir, and white ppl being white
Someone on tiktok make a video and we both agree in the comments how weird is to see any royalty women (especially yt) be considered feminist or "girlboss" such a Catherine of Aragon or (Catalina de Aragon), just because she had power,stood up to Henry VIII a few times and commanded strategies and went to war (or idk) being pregnants, like cool but that doesn't erase the fact that she owned slaves?? Hello? Her parents,were the ones that sponsored Christopher Columbus when he went to america?? And this influenced on latam countries to get colonized by Spain (Peru?,Mexico and others)
And someone replies this
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""""enslaving ppl isn't antifeminist"""
HELLO? Spain slaved black women and indegeanous women back them???...that isn't very feminist.. and it doesn't take to be a genius to know how slavery was fucked up and disgusting it was.
However, someone put them in their place,but the user8478524493735,double down
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user3588257660364 is so done with their bullshit, as they should,and literally it shouldn't be difficult to get that most of the misogyny black women face has racism in it?? Like the word misogynoir exists for a reason??
I'm too stunned to speak but i'm not surprised? but it truly does surprised me how they are so confident on shit like "slaving ppl isn't antifeminist".
Wow...it's like they've never heard of intersectional feminism before. Do they know that Black women were also raped by white masters during slavery to give birth to mixed-race children that would become house slaves? That the modern ideas of Black women as loud, angry, obsessed with sex/more sexual and less pure than white women, and less feminine than white women as well, ALL STEM from slavery and the stereotypes that white men created about us(and white women helped promote)??? It is absolutely the intersection of racism and misogyny. Not denying that Black men and boys also suffered, but the suffering that Black women and girls endured during slavery was absolutely misogynistic as well as racist...I mean raping a woman and forcing her to have your kids while treating her as property and then saying that she asked for it because of her insatiable sexual appetite is quite literally the MOST ANTI-FEMINIST ACTION a person can commit. Honestly it sounds like they just don't view Black women as women.
As for Catherine of Aragon, I feel like people are saying this because of Six: The Musical, where she is absolutely portrayed as a feminist icon, and is typically portrayed by a Black woman, to boot(although it's worth mentioning that some people have pointed out the problems with the racial casting trends of Six, so there's that). Especially if they're British, they probably don't know much about Tudor history beyond what the musical has showed them or some stuff they looked up/heard other fans say about the Queens. Which I don't blame them for, but still, do your research before you praise white historical figures. And responding to that with "well it wasn't just Black women so it doesn't count" is just absurd, ahistorical, and racist. Typical white feminist drivel lol.
Thanks for the insight, btw, I'm glad you showed this to me(and included a tw), and have a nice day!
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x ᴘʏʀᴏᴋɪɴᴇᴛɪᴄ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) heey!! Can you please write something (possibly smut pls) in which Bucky falls in love with Tony's adoptive daughter but they have to keep it a secret?
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: SMUT 18+, fluff, age gap (you’re like mid-twenties and Bucky’s early thirties) angry Tones, Steve being such an asshole lmao 
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: I imagine that you were like thirteen to fifteen during the attack in new york and your parents uh… died ig and Tony took you in and they find out you got super powers teehee
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It started when the Avengers had their first movie with Bucky as a new recruit. He had completed his evaluations and was applicable to join the team. That’s when he met you for the first time. 
You were this beautiful ball of craziness and light and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were tipsy, he could tell and every sudden burst of laughter or even a sneeze you’d spark a flame setting something on fire making you laugh even more. 
He practically fell in love with you that day. 
Weeks later he chalked it up and asked Steve more about you. He told Bucky that your parents had died when you were young during the attack on New York almost ten years ago now and Tony took it upon himself to take you in and protect you. 
“How did you guys know about her powers?”
“We didn’t. Few days after she moved into the Tower she sneezed during breakfast and set her food on fire. I don’t think she knew about them either.”
“Who were her parents?”
“We don’t know. She told us their names but it’s like they don’t exist; no medical history, socials, nothing.”
You were a mystery, a beautiful mystery. But one thing everyone was that you were Tony’s daughter. Adopted, but still. And Tony still didn’t like him. It was an argument on it’s own to even let near the compound; telling him that he wanted to date his daughter would send him into cardiac arrest. 
So you guys are sneaking around.
Of course you noticed his shy and lingering eyes. You were flattered. You agreed a bunch that Bucky was one of the most gorgeous men you’ve ever laid your eyes on. You didn’t push anything and waited for him to come to you. And when he did, he came hard, literally.
It started when Steve was away on a mission in Berlin. Bucky had woken up from a nightmare and he hadn’t had one in weeks. During his time here, because of his infatuation with you, he grew close to you. 
You laid under him so perfectly; like you were meant to be there. The way you bit your lip to muffle your moans so you wouldn’t wake anyone. The way your eyes fluttered when he hit that particular spot. The stinging from your nails dragging down his back. 
“Fucking hell, you feel so good wrapped around me, doll,” he grunted as he continued to thrusted in and out of you. 
“Oh god, Bucky,” you moaned before pulling him down to connect your lips together. 
“Ugh, your dad’s gonna kill me,” he grunted.
“Fuck him,” you chuckled breathlessly.
Breakfast the next morning was foul. Everyone was eating as normal and Steve was set to fly back in from Berlin, but y couldn’t shake the awkward tension between you and Bucky. Both girls could sense that something had happened and when you told them later that day they nearly screamed like teenage girls. 
“You can’t tell anyone! Especially Tony!”
“We won’t say anything,” Nat giggled, “He’s gonna kill you.”
“Not if he kills Bucky first,” Wanda snorted.
Since then every lingering touch, every persistent stare, you found yourselves in either room making the most of however many minutes you had together until someone came looking for you. Your chest pressed against his, combing your fingers through his hair as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You’re absolutely irresistible, doll,” Bucky whispered against your ear.
“Fuck, we’re gonna get caught one day,” you panted.
“I know but we haven’t yet, so be a good girl and turn around for me so I can that gorgeous ass while I fuck you from behind.”
You turned over, getting on your hands and knees instantaneously feeling a pleasurable sting from Bucky’s hand on your cheek. He quickly soothed the pain by rubbing his hand over the red mark before gliding up your spine to softly rub your back. 
He slowly slid back in through your folds eliciting a moan from you both. His pelvis slapping against your soft skin, the sound echoing lewdly through the room. Your arms gave out and your face buried into the sheets under you letting Bucky hit deeper inside you making you nearly scream.
You threw your head back up covering your mouth to muffle the moans. Bucky bit his lip harshly in an attempt but wasn’t as successful as you were. His hips snapped violently, stuttering every now and then as he got closer to a release. 
“God, Buck! I’m gonna cum! Fuck!” you whined.
“Shit,” Bucky groaned before spilling inside you, coating your walls with hot cum. 
He fell forward pressing soft kisses to your slightly sweaty skin. He lifted himself and turned you around, settling between your legs lazily kissing you in your post sex bliss. You looked so pretty with your hair spread out on the sheets and the marks that littered your neck and your breasts. He truly fell in love with you and you did for him too. 
“Y/n,” he whispered looking intimately into your eyes.
“Bucky,” you whispered back with a grin.
“I lo-”
“Hey, Buck. I’ve been looking for- What the fuck!” Steve barged through the door to find you two nude in each other's arms. You tucked your face in your shoulder away from the door in shame and Bucky saw red. He reached above your head immediately and threw as hard as he could at the intruder.
“Get out!” 
Steve slammed the door shut with wide eyes and furrowed brows. Did he see what he thinks he saw? He went to the lab to look for Tony. 
“Hey, Tony, do you know about Y/n and Bucky?”
“Excuse me?” he sassed.
“I uh- I found them together. In Buck’s room. Uh... naked.” 
Tony slowly raised his head with an evil expression staring directly into Steve making the big super soldier feel timid. 
You and Bucky cleaned yourselves up and changed as soon as Steve left. You sat next to each other on his bed unsure of what’s to come next. 
“Maybe Steve won’t say anything?” Bucky shrugged.
“My dad’s gonna kill me,” you sighed.
“Hey, I won’t let him-”
“Get the hell away from my daughter!” Tony shouted slamming the door to Bucky’s bedroom opened; behind him stood and guilty Steve and you felt rage.
“You fucking told on us!” you spiraled fire around your fingers ready to fight for revenge. Your hands and arms glowed bright red and orange and yellow and pits of fire glowed in your eyes. Steam practically
“Hey calm down,” Bucky grabbed your waist. He stepped in front you and lifted your chin to look at him. The second your eyes met with his, your entire body cooled down and you felt yourself fall in the ocean that are his eyes; as if a wave had dissipated the fire you created. 
“Hey, what the hell is going on?” Tony fumed.
“Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this,” Bucky defended.
“The hell she does. You’re sleeping with my daughter!”
“I’m not talking about this; I’m talking about what we have. If it was anyone else, you wouldn’t be having a cow,” Bucky growled. 
“Tony,” you stepped forward.
“Dad,” you whispered; Tony's eyes snapped to yours. 
“Please, I love him.”
“No,” he couldn’t accept it.
“Well, whether or not you like it, we’re gonna be together.”
“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
“We’ll just keep sneaking around like we have been for months.”
“Yes, months. And it would’ve been longer if it wasn’t for you!” you pointed at Steve, who casted his eyes away in guilt.
“Dad, please. I love Bucky so much; and you’re not going to take him away from me,” you cried. 
Tony noticed how sincere you spoke. And the way he easily calmed you down; he knew there was love between you two. He wouldn’t be to live with himself if he took something that clearly made you so happy away from you. As much as he couldn’t move past his issues with Bucky he knows that Bucky was right and that this has nothing to do with you. 
“I don’t want any more accidents with walking in your private time. You’re lucky it was Steve and not me; I would’ve killed you both on the spot,” he said to you.
“Thank you, Dad,” you hugged him tightly before going back to Bucky’s side. 
“And you; if you so much as put her in a bad mood, I’ll fucking kill you,” Tony said before leaving.
“Well, well, well,” Bucky looked at Steve.
“Bucky, leave him alone; it’s not like he almost ruined our lives and tore us apart,” you chuckled.
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t think freak out like that,” Steve apologized.
“And why didn’t you lock the door?” he asked.
“Yeah, why didn’t you?” you looked at Bucky with furrowed brows. 
“Don’t turn on me, this is not my fault!” Bucky defended as you and Steve shared a laugh.
“Well, I’m happy for you guys. You’re good together,” Steve smiled before walking out and closing the door. 
“Wow, Toyn fucking terrifying when he’s in dad mode,” Bucky turned to you.
“Yeah, but he’ll come around.”
“I love you too, by the way.”
“I love you, Bucky.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
The House by the River
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Summary: You, your husband and his brothers are back in the In The Soop house. But what happens when you forget the one thing you have to do during the pandemic?
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: idol!au, established relationship, fluff
Rating: R - there’s a bit of a talk about sex but nothing NSFW
WC: 2.3k
Warning: setting during the pandemic, a breach of safety protocol, Yoongi and OC sleep naked, talk of sex, pregnancy talk ~Part of the Domestic Yoongi Series~
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It is a great idea, you have to admit. When your husband found out that he had two straight days of no schedules and no work, he immediately suggested going back to the house by the river, where he and his brothers had gone to for work and also for a time of healing and relaxation. 
You were so excited at the getaway idea, and although his six brothers invited themselves for the trip, you did not mind. Your daughter adores them, moreover you would have six very eager babysitters at your disposal. 
So that’s how you find yourself, on a beautiful autumn day, on a hammock and reading a book Namjoon has lent you. You hear Jimin and Taehyung back at the ping pong table, and Hoseok screaming gleefully at his toy aeroplane he has built himself. Sweet musical notes drift from the house; Namjoon and Jungkook must have gotten inspiration in nature and are creating a song together.
You hear the familiar giggles coming from the dock, and you close your book. Leaving the hammock, you head to the boathouse to meet the owners of those giggles.
Your little girl is smiling ear to ear, and shrieking in delight at Seokjin, who is carrying a bucket and two fishing rods- well, one fishing rod and a toy one. He has been regaling your daughter with stories of fishing, it was not difficult at all to get her all excited to be his fishing buddy.
“Hey baby,” you kneel as your daughter barel into your arms. “Did you catch a lot of fish?”
“Four!” She happily exclaims, wriggling out of your arms to pull Seokjin closer to you. “Look, Eomma!”
“She’s my good luck charm. Not Yoongi, not my painting, Min Soojin was all I needed to show these fish who’s boss!” He ruffles her hair. She beams at him proudly.
“Wow! Are we having sashimi tonight?” You turn to find Hoseok right behind you, peering into the bucket. He turns to your daughter, innocently asking her, “you’re going to help Uncle Jin and Uncle Kook cut the fish?”
Soojin’s face immediately turns serious, her smile all gone. “Cut? Eomma?” She turns to you. “We cut fishies?”
“Well, that’s how we get sashimi, baby.”
Her face crumples at your answer, tears start pooling in her eyes. “No, I don’t want to hurt fishies.”
The two men immediately bend down and soothe her. “No, no, we won’t cut the fishies. Uncle Hoseok is just joking, right?” Seokjin gives Hoseok a stare.
“Yes, I was only joking, Soojin-ah.” Hoseok cuddles her. “Hey, do you want to see the plane I made?”
Soojin shakes her head. “No, I want to take fishies home so you don’t cut her.”
Hoseok resigns to his fate. He knows now your four year old daughter will see him as an evil villain, out to cut all the fish in the world.
“Baby,” you coo at Soojin. “Why don’t you, Uncle Jin and Uncle Hobi return the fish to the river?”
Seokjin glares at you. You know how challenging it was for him to catch even a single fish on his last trip here, and on the day he caught FOUR, he can’t even enjoy one as a sashimi.
Hoseok on the other hand, jumps at his chance of redemption. “Yes, that’s a great idea! Let’s do that, Soojin. Let’s free the fish!”
Soojin looks at Hoseok doubtfully. He grabs the bucket from Seokjin and offers his hand to your daughter. She gingerly puts her hand in his, and her other hand reaches for Seokjin’s.
Over your daughter’s head, Seokjin whispers sharply at Hoseok. “YOU put the fish back.”
You watch them squat by the dock, laughing along with Seokjin and Soojin as Hoseok squeals in disgust as he picks a fish out of the bucket and throws it inelegantly into the river. After the fourth fish is back in the water, Soojin is satisfied and her mood is back to her cheery self.
You look at your watch. 5pm. It’s time to get your husband out of his makeshift studio. “Soojin, want to see Appa?” You call out.
“No! Plane!” She points at Hoseok who is winding his toy plane again.
“Go get Yoongi. We’ll look after her.” Seokjin offers, and you give him a grateful smile. It IS nice to have your husband’s band mates around.
You walk up towards the campervan by the upper house. Your husband specifically made the request for the van to be there. You knock on the door, and you open it only after you hear his gruff response from inside.
“Hey babe,” you greet him from the door. “It’s just past five.”
Yoongi stretches behind the laptop and all his equipments. Rubbing his face, he mumbles, “Already?”
You open the door wider, letting more sun inside the dark campervan. “Did you manage to get all your work done?”
Yoongi gestures for you to come inside. You step in, and sit next to him. “Wanna hear?” He offers.
“Of course.” You take the headphones from his hands. You love how he always shares his rough drafts with you, even before he shares them with his members. It doesn’t matter that you know zilch about music, he loves watching you reacting to his creations.
He presses play, and your eyes widen at the sounds filling your ears. You turn to smile at him, pride on your face. He returns your smile with his own gummy one.
You love this kind of moment with Yoongi. You don’t need dates at fancy restaurants or expensive gifts like big diamond necklaces. Just time with him, alone like this, is enough. He watches you bopping along to his music, and burst out laughing in embarrassment as you scrunch your face at his attempt at a high note.
When the song ends, you take off the headphone and kiss him. “Well, Min PD-nim, I think you have another hit there.”
“You say that to all my songs.” He brushes away your compliment as he starts packing up his things.
“Well, it’s true. I’m not just saying that because you’re my husband.” You stand and move to the door to give him more space in the cramped sitting area of the campervan. You report to him about Soojin’s fishing experience earlier while Yoongi is putting his equipments in the bags.
“So Hobi actually held the fish?” Yoongi chuckles.
You nod. “I regret not capturing it on video. It was so funny.” You open the door and you both walk towards the upper house. “OH MY GOD!”
You exclaim as you see the state of the kitchen. Yoongi curses next to you.
All the foods you have bought for the stay are scattered all over the counter and the floor. Packages ripped open, vegetables and fruits half eaten.
“Oh no, did an animal- or a pack of them- get in?” You lift a bag of bitten and nibbled onions. “They like onions it seems.”
Your husband sighs. “Guess we’ll have to go out for dinner then. There’s no way we can salvage any of this.”
You agree with him and start cleaning up. Shortly after, the kitchen is clean and free of scraps, and you both return to the main house to break the news. The members don’t seem to mind going out, Taehyung even suggests going to the burger joint he visited with Hoseok before. Seokjin and Yoongi decide they could stop by a supermarket on the way back to get enough food for breakfast and lunch for the next day.
And so off the nine of you go to the town for a burger dinner. Arriving at the small restaurant, you are shocked at how crowded it is. “Wow, the burgers here must be really good.” You comment to Taehyung.
He nods, licking his lips. “One of the best, Noona. You’ll love it.”
You smile at his enthusiasm, and also when he picks up Soojin to show her the menu board.
Then you realize something.
Your heart drops when you realise that no one, not a single person is wearing a mask. The staff, the patrons, and even you, your husband and his brothers, and your daughter, none of you is masked up.
You start to panic. Reaching for Yoongi, you tug his hand. “Babe, we’re not wearing our masks!”
“Relax, baby, we’re fine. No one recognizes us here.”
“No! Yoongi, not to hide your faces. The pandemic isn’t over yet and we’re not wearing masks!” You shout at him.
To your shock, no one seems to hear you, or even care that everyone in this burger joint is ignoring the most important safety protocol. You panic even further, and while making your way to Taehyung to take Soojin back, you feel something tugging the back for your cardigan.
You turn to chide Yoongi, thinking it is him who is pulling your clothes. You gasp when you find no one behind you. Not Yoongi, not Namjoon, not anyone you came to the place with. In fact, the whole place has become empty, but for a little boy standing in front of you.
He has feline eyes, much like Yoongi’s, and his complexion is as milky white as your husband’s too. He looks up at you with such innocence, and you kneel down to meet him at eye level.
“Hi,” you greet him. “Are you okay? Where are your parents?”
The boy continues to look at you silently, then he fishes something out of his packet. It is a folded K94 mask. He offers it to you.
“For you, Eomma.” He says shyly.
You sit up, gasping out loud. You immediately reach for your face, feeling for a mask around your mouth and nose. Your fingers touch bare skin directly, which sends you into a panic.
You start to look around for a mask frantically, only to find yourself... in your bedroom in Seoul? And your husband is stirring awake next to you. You reach for the baby monitor, and relief floods over you as you see on the screen that your daughter Soojin is sleeping peacefully in her room.
“Babe,” Yoongi sits up next to you, voice still thick with sleep. “You okay?”
You place a hand on your bare chest. Your heart is still beating fast. “I just had the craziest dream.”
Yoongi reaches for you and pull you down to lie with him. Rubbing your back, he asks you to tell him your dream.
“We were back in the house, that In the Soop house,” you begin. “We were having such a good time, Soojin was laughing, the boys were all there too.”
You try to focus but bits and pieces of the dream are already forgotten in your mind. “And somehow we all went out for dinner, and no one was wearing masks, Yoongs, including us and I panicked I think?”
Your husbands hands are soothing you. “And that’s when you woke up?”
“No...There’s something else.” You struggle to remember. “There’s a boy I think, and I thought he was lost, but he gave me a face mask.”
Yoongi stops rubbing you. “The boy gave you a mask?” He sounds tickled.
“It’s a dream, it doesn’t have to make sense.” You playfully swat his chest.
He nuzzles your hair. “You dream of the weirdest things.”
You giggle in his embrace. Your naked bodies pressed closer as sleepiness starts to disappear, slowly replaced by something more carnal.
You suddenly remember something. “Oh my god, Yoons!” You push Yoongi away. He leans back, confused.
“What if that was a conception dream? The boy called me Eomma.”
Your husband looks at you as if you have grown two heads. “A conception dream?”
“Well, we may have conceived a child tonight, considering... you know, how many times you came in me.”
“Only twice but thanks for the ego boost.”
“I’m serious!” You give him a stern look. “What if we conceived a baby tonight, and that was my conception dream? Oh my god, how could my conception dream be of a boy giving me a K94 mask?”
Yoongi starts laughing. “And what do you think that would mean? We’re gonna have a son who’d become a doctor? That wouldn’t be so bad, right?”
You pout. “Now you’re just teasing me.”
He cradles you back in his arms. You have talked with your husband before about giving Soojin a sibling. Your hand unconsciously moves down to your tummy. You and Yoongi have foregone all birth controls tonight, and you hope one of his swimmers has made it.
Yoongi strokes your hair gently. “You know, since you have the conception dream already, why don’t we make sure it doesn’t go to waste?”
His hands are moving down your body, sending sparks all over.
“I agree, Min Yoongi. You better give me a baby tonight. Just in case the first two times weren’t quite successful.”
Laughing, he rolls over to be on top of you, determined to get you all nice and pregnant by the time morning comes.
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A/N: I actually had the dream OC had - minus the boy with the K94 mask. The fact that Miss Rona actually invaded my dream, that was just so crazy I had to write it down! And eventually it became this little piece of a fic 😄 Please remember to wear your mask, social distance and stay safe! 💜
Published 08022021
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Unlikely friends: Part 3
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You and Azula arrive at the fire nation and soon both her parents have something to say about your relationship
Part one here
Part two here
Your POV
The fire nation was certainly more fast-paced and complicated than your small earth kingdom town. The minute you arrived you were whisked away to the throne room to see the Firelord. Apparently any royalty arriving at the palace had to immediately pay their respects to the Firelord and so you and Azula bowed to Zuko who was obviously a little uncomfortable with the whole process As soon as the formalities were over Zuko rushed forwards “Azula I’m glad you’re back, our argument...”. “It’s fine Zuzu, I am no longer angry and I am sorry for my actions”. Zuko paused “you are?”. Azula nodded looking at you before fixing her eyes back on him “yes and I promise I will try controlling my temper so it doesn’t happen again”. Zuko paused “well i...thank you, i’m sorry for my part in it as well”. Azula nodded her head and Zuko just stared “erm...you are both free to go if you wish”. Azula nodded her head “thank you brother” and turned to you eagerly.
You were proud of Azula’s handling of the situation and could tell by Zuko’s reaction he too was shocked. As Azula led you to your room you smiled at her and she caught you “what’s that look for?”. “Nothing...just I like seeing you be functional and having healthy relationships”. Azula raised an eyebrow and you sighed “I like seeing you happy in other words”. “Ow...” Azula blushed and you laughed. “Well you make me happy” she offered awkwardly and you just laughed at how cute your girlfriend was. Azula blushed and pushed some large doors open. Your jaw dropped as you looked around the room, it was beautiful, extravagant and very clearly made for royalty. “Azula...is this your room? It can’t possibly be mine!”. Azula smiled “why do you like it?”. “It’s beautiful....but too beautiful for just a few nights”. “I disagree, you are my guest here and my girlfriend will only have the best” Azula said taking your hand and pressing a kiss to it. “Plus it’s close to my room which will come in handy”. You blushed and Azula smiled dropping your hands. This was one of the things you loved about your relationship, one second Azula was the blushing mess and the next it was you...the power balance was so even it created a constant playful tension between the two of you. 
You were thinking of this as you admired everything in the room from the view out the window to the bedding (of course the fire nation had red silk sheets and you were in love) when Azula spoke. “I want to tell everyone” Azula said and you paused confused before you realised what she meant “about us?”. Azula nodded her head and you stood up straight, you knew the fire nation wasn’t too bad with this stuff but for a royal to publically go against a norm? “Are you sure?” you asked “you know I won’t be upset if you chose not to, don’t you?”. Azula nodded her head “I know but I want to, I want my mom and Zuko to know about us, I want everyone to and not just because I want to show off how lucky I am” she smirked “but because i’m ready. I meant what I said about making up for lost time y/n, I won’t spend a minute pretending not to be your girlfriend”. You blushed vividly and nodded “if it’s what you want them of course I love the idea, I want to show off too” you smiled taking Azula’s hand and she held her other to your cheek tenderly “then tonight, we walk into the party together and tell everyone publically”. You nodded your head “sounds like a plan”.
6 hours later
"Nervous?" you asked catching Azula peaking into the room and she jolted "no!". "Azula i won't be offended if you are" you smiled "i know coming out can be scary...trust me". Azula tensed but then took a deep breath "no it doesn't matter what they say, i’m happy with you and i don’t want to hide it especially after you agreed to come here with me". "You don’t owe me for that" you started but Azula cut you off "i know but i am proud you came with me...i’m proud you're dating me and i want to show it, to show how happy you make me....plus Ty lee and Mai already suspect it" Azula frowned "so i guess it’s just Zuko and mother who don’t know". "Well they say no time like the present?" you asked offering Azula your hand. Azula took it immediately "okay let's go"
The fire nation was still a bit iffy with same-sex couples but they were way better than the earth and water nations. You and Azula walked into the room and only received a handful of glances. You knew if you did this at home you'd have received a much worse reaction even with the princess beside you. Most nobels didn’t notice, the ones that did, double glanced and then looked away. You suspected Azula didn’t even notice, she was fixed on Zuko and Ursa who stood across the room. They hadn't noticed and you could tell Azula was contemplating marching up to them. Not wanting such a confrontational approach you looked around "let's go get a drink". Azula let you lead her away and you poured her a glass of a drink you knew she liked. Azula sipped it nervously and you smiled "nobodies set us on fire, that’s good?". Azula chuckled "they wouldn't dare, i have quite a reputation around here". You smiled "really i didn’t notice". Azula smiled at you adoringly when suddenly two people appeared. Ty lee’s expression told you she wanted to say a thousand things and also launch herself at you both but she was managing to restrain herself. "Hey so what’s new?" she asked in a very high pitched tone and Mai frowned. "What Ty lee means is we’re very happy for the two of you". "So happy!" Ty lee cried "Azula i know you always wrestled with this part of yourself and i’m so proud to see you confidently expressing it! You should be so proud and i’m so happy i could cry!". You looked at Azula who was watching Ty lee awkwardly. "Thanks" Azula said smiling slightly "i..really like y/n so it wasn’t that hard". "Okay now i am going to cry, excuse me” Ty lee announced and dashed for an exit while tears leaked down her face. "Ty lee" Mai called before she sighed shaking her head "i’ll go calm her down so she doesn’t make a scene but we are really really happy you're happy Azula, I mean it". You could tell Azula was both touched and shocked that the usually sarcastic stoic girl was being intimate and affectionate with her and you wondered if Mai and Azula ever had a moment like this in their years of friendship. Based on the tears in Azula’s eye and the look on Mai’s face they hadn’t. "Thank you Mai" Azula smiled and Mai returned the smile "no problem...now i should go find the drama queen, excuse me" and she followed Ty lee.
"Wow that was....really sweet" you commented and Azula nodded "it was wasn’t it?". You nodded "it took a lot for Mai to say that". "I never...i figured we'd never be friends again". "Well i guess Mai and Ty lee don’t feel that way" you smiled and Azula nodded "yeah....they're pretty great". You laughed when you caught sight of someone behind Azula. "Azula?" Ursa called and you saw Azula tense. You almost laughed as Azula grabbed your hand and spun to face her family all in one motion. "Yes" she asked defiantly and you looked to Zuko and Ursa. Zuko was staring at your hands bewildered but Ursa was only looking at her daughter's face. "I just wanted to say hello, you look beautiful tonight....you both do, y/n isn’t it?" she asked and you nodded smiling "yes, it’s nice to meet you". "You too" Ursa smiled warmly at you "Zuko’s told me about how much you've been there for each other and i want to thank you, i’m glad Azula has a...." Ursa hesitated "a person like you in her life". "You can call her my girlfriend" Azula said bravely and you smiled. "A girlfriend like you" Ursa corrected herself and you saw Azula smile. Ursa noticed Zuko still staring and nudged him. Zuko coughed looking up at you both "i had no idea you were....either of you!" he cried spinning to you "but i...of course i’m happy for you both and you look happy" he said to Azula "happier than i’ve ever seen you....at least i think it’s happiness, are you happy?". You saw awkwardness ran in the family. "I’m very happy" Azula said glancing at you and you blushed. "Well that’s all that matters" Zuko said and you smiled. Azula seemed lost for words so just nodded. "Anyway we will leave you to your evening but please join if you feel like it" Ursa smiled laying her hand on Azula’s arm "i’m really proud of the woman you’ve become Azula". "Thank you mother" Azula said shocked and Ursa smiled before walking away. Azula turned to you and you laughed "you okay?". Azula laughed in shock "i have no idea what just happened?". “I think we had a pretty good interaction with your family but how did you view it?”. Azula chuckled awkwardly “I.....It went so well! I didn’t think they’d be so accepting, for Zuko to say....and my mother’s never told me she’s proud of me” Azula’s voice broke and she looked down “it’s just a lot”. You smiled and took her hand “want to step outside and take a breather?”. Azula shook her head immediately “and hide you away? No way! This is already the best night I’ve ever had in the fire nation! We are not ending it early”. You grinned at Azula’s happiness and nodded “well if you’d like Ty lee and Mai are over there, we could go mingle?”. Azula nodded, she stood up straighter, set her shoulders back and grabbed your hand “let's go”. As you made your way over you saw Azula was still slightly nervous but that fell away the minute her friends saw her. “Azula!” Ty lee called “join us we were just talking about that teacher we had in 10th grade”. Azula laughed and slipped right into the conversation. You smiled watching her, happy to take a back seat, when Mai appeared by your side “so how are you finding the fire nation?”. You smiled at her clear attempt to make an effort with you and started chatting with the knife expert. A while later you locked eyes with Azula and both smiled seeing how comfortable the other was. Ursa and Zuko had come over and Azula was talking with her brother about a play while Ursa and Mai talked with you about your earth bending school. You were both comfortable and happy, the trip to the fire nation had been a resounding success.
7 months later
You and Azula both travelled to each other's nation often, pretty much weekly, and equally split the trips between the fire and earth nation. Your relationship continued to grow from strength to strength and all of Azula’s relationships improved. She was the closest she’d ever been to Mai and Ty lee, she and Zuko were getting on well and her mother....it was baby steps but Azula and Ursa were working out their issues constructively and becoming a proper mother and daughter. The only person Azula hadn’t made peace with was the person who’d had the greatest influence on her life, her father. But Ozai had decided it was time to see his daughter...
You arrived in the fire nation early and now used to the routine made your way to Azula’s room. You caught Azula on her way to you and jumped as you almost crashed into her. “Azula” you grinned and she smiled “y/n” and hugged you tightly. “I was just coming to greet you! I’m sorry i’m late” Azula cried and you smiled “no problem”. Azula nodded but you could see something was bothering her. “Azula are you okay?” you asked and she sighed “I have something to tell you” she sighed “it’s not good but please just let me explain”. You nodded “okay, i’m listening”. “Not here” Azula replied and led you to her room before firmly shutting the door. You watched her growing more anxious by the second until Azula eventually turned to face you. "My father, he's been asking to see me" Azula told you and you paused overcome with so many questions and feelings. You hated the man for everything he’d done and were sure nothing good could come from this."Why is he asking for you?" you asked and Azula shrugged. "Zuko’s not sure, my father just keeps saying he wants to speak with me and won’t tell Zuko what about". Ever since you’d been together Azula had lost all contact with her father and you weren’t sure if to take her clear interest as a cause for concern or not. "I want to see him" Azula told you and your stomach sank but you’d under-estimated your girlfriend. "i want to see him one last time and i want you to come with me". So much about that made you confused "last time?". Azula nodded "i have no more need of his approval so i do not wish to see him anymore but i do think i should tell him that so i can have closure". "And you want me to come with you?". Azula nodded her head "my father has a way of twisting my mind....if you're there i only have to look at you and i’ll remember why he’s incorrect, so will you come with me?". You threw your arms around Azula hugging her tightly "of course i’ll come with you! I’ll help in any way I can". Azula blushed but smiled and leant into your embrace “thanks y/n, you’re....i....”. You smiled and stroked Azula’s cheek “no words or thanks needed” and kissed her cheek softly “so when’s the meeting?”. “In 4 hours”. 
You and Azula followed Zuko through the endless corridors past dozens of guards until finally, Zuko stopped. "His cell is the one at the very end" Zuko said gesturing to a set of doors and Azula nodded "thank you brother we'll manage from here". Zuko nodded at Azula’s dismissal "i’ll wait outside for you" and he left the corridor. You watched him go confused before you realised why Azula wanted him to leave. She slumped against the wall and breathed heavily "y/n i’m not sure if i can face him". You took her hands "Azula you are the strongest bravest smartest person i know, you can do this. We don’t have to stay long or even let him reply, we can go inside say what we rehearsed and then leave, in and out, then it will all be over". Azula nodded "okay" and squeezed your hand tightly before looking at you "let's go". Azula led the way. She pushed the door open entering first and held it open for you. You blinked eyes adjusting to the darkness and spotted Ozai on the floor in chains. "Ah so it's true, my daughter has a female play-thing". You glanced at Azula but she didn't even blink "i’m here because Zuko asked me to come but this is the last time i’ll ever be here" Azula started, directly quoting the speech she'd rehearsed with you hours before. "Ahh running errands for your brother now? She's changed you". "I don’t owe you anything, you mistreated me for years and enough is enough" Azula continued reciting the script. "I suppose at least she is rich and beautiful but really earth scum? You could've at least picked a woman of the fire nation to disgrace yourself with, is she worth it? Now you really won’t be on the throne, they'd never take a lesbian". Azula paused in her speech and you squeezed her hand. "Is she worth it?" Ozai repeated and Azula glared. Azula crumpled her script in her hand and her eyes glowed darkly. "Yes she is! I love y/n more than i’ve ever loved anyone! She is the best thing that ever happened to me, she saved my life and i don’t care if that gets me kicked out of the 4 nations i will always choose her over you, over the crown, over the firenation and don’t you forget it!" Azula cried "you have no power over me any more father and i came here to tell you face to face that you can’t control or hurt me anyone. You are finished" Azula said sharply. With a smile she strode from the room taking you with her. As soon as the door closed Azula fell against you "y/n was that....i’m so sorry what he said about you...". "Azula don't be silly that was amazing!" you cried and Azula blinked. "It was?". "Well i’m sorry, it must’ve been horrible having your father say all those homophobic things but the way you shot him down! You were intelligent, clear not to mention hot! You were confident and just so...you" you grinned and Azula blushed. Her heart was still hammering but she was growing calmer and the things she had said were dawning on her. "Did you...i suppose you heard everything i said?". You smiled knowing what part she meant, the confession Azula made about loving you, it was the first time you’d heard Azula say that and it had struck a chord with you too. "i did...did you mean it?" you asked timidly. Azula nodded "every word, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, you did save me". "I didn’t..." you said cutting her off but Azula shook her head "you saved me" she repeated "i would choose you before anything else because i do love you, i love you more than i’ve ever loved anything my whole life, you mean everything to me y/n". Azula stared at you anxiously as she told you that and you smiled. "You mean everything to me as well but i didn’t save you, you saved yourself and i love you so much for that, i love you too". Azula blushed and kissed you. The tense event and the revelation were too much and so she just kissed you to vent some of it. The kiss lasted a while and when it was over you panted as Azula stared at you. "You have no idea how hearing you say that makes me feel". "I’d say after that kiss i have a pretty good idea" you replied and Azula smirked. "Azula?" A voice called and you jumped to see Zuko had appeared from around the corner with lots of guards. Zuko jumped just as much to see you and Azula pressed up against the wall together and he frowned diverting his eyes. Azula stepped away from you and smirked "you can look up again zu zu". Zuko looked up hesitantly before he saw it was safe and met your eyes again. "What’s going on did you....". "I spoke to father he was hateful but i told him never to ask for me again and that i was done with him. He won’t bother either of us any more". Zuko nodded "i’m pleased to hear that". Silence settled and Azula shivered “let's get out of here, this place is depressing” and Zuko led the way outside. 
You smiled as the bright sunlight engulfed you and made Ozai and his words seem further away. You felt Azula take your hand and smiled glancing at her. “Thank you for coming with me” she smiled “I....you gave me the strength to face him, you make me stronger I’ve come to realise”. “Love will do that to you” you grinned in reply and Azula blushed looking down “apparently so”. “You’re adorable when you blush” you commented and Azula bumped against you with her shoulder “stop it” she whined embarrassed and you laughed loudly. Azula smiled at the sound of your laugh and you admired her smile and how genuine it was. How softly and full of love she looked at you and how happy you were together. Azula looked away first blushing but pulled you closer to her and you came willingly. Azula placed her arm around you and you smiled leaning into her. Something told you that your happiness with Azula was just the beginning of your very long lives together.
Ngl so kind of didn’t know how to finish it but we’ll end on a sunny walk through the fire nation! Writing about happy Azula makes me so happy, my girl just needs love and happiness 🥰
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(Not) Such A Good Boy
sub!bf!Juyeon x dom!fem!reader (ft. Eric, Kevin and Hyunjae)
genre: smut, slight crack, a bit of fluff towards the end
contains: dom/sub themes, degradation, oral sex (f receiving), marking, biting, spanking, Juyeon is a brat on a choker and a leash, unprotected sex (be safe y’all)
Author’s note: This man right there has been wrecking my existence lately (I blame Kingdom) and this GIF screams sub!Juyeon so yeah, enjoy this filth
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“Lee Juyeon, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me”, you scoff under your breath. You have been waiting for the past twenty minutes in the living room, outfit and makeup on point, since you were about to go clubbing with your group of friends. But apparently, your dear boyfriend had lost all sense of time, trying to get ready.
Visibly irritated, you storm to your shared bedroom, your heels angrily clicking on the wooden floor. “Juyeon, I swear to God-” you mutter and stop mid-sentence, only to see your boyfriend leaning on the door, fully dressed and a lop-sided smirk plastered on his handsome face. 
“You called, babe?”, he asks teasingly and before rolling your eyes, you give him an once-over, processing his choice of clothes - a pair of tight black leather pants that were hugging his muscular thighs deliciously, a pair of black combat boots, a cropped black sweater with holes around his clavicles and a black belt-like choker around his neck. He was the epitome of the emo bad boy that all parents hated and all girls craved. 
“Um, what is this?”, you question him with a pointing finger. "That, is my outfit for tonight", Juyeon states, the previous smirk still on his face, "What, you don't like it?". "Isn't it a bit unfair for me to wear not so revealing clothes all while you're dressed as an emo himbo?", you complain and he laughs, "An emo himbo? Wow, you're getting more creative with your descriptions, Y/N. You're right though, it's a sort of questionable outfit". You perk up at his response, hoping he'll change into something more colorful and less hole-adorned, only to be utterly disappointed, as Juyeon reached into the closet only to drape a black leather jacket on top of his broad shoulders. "Now we're good to go", he turns to you and winks with audacity. Brat, you scoff mentally and pick up the keys to unlock the door and finally leave your shared apartment.
"Finally! What the fuck took you so long?!", your friend Eric yells at you, trying to overcome the loud bass of the club speakers. "Your complaints to your friend over there, he was the one who took twenty minutes to get ready", you roll your eyes pointing to Juyeon, who was greeting Hyunjae and Kevin, your other friends. "Yooo, Juyeon, what's up with the collar, bro?", Eric amusingly points out. "It's a choker, you tasteless twat. But what would you know of fashion, since you only know how to wear t-shirts and ripped jeans?", Kevin comments and Juyeon mouths a 'thank you' to him. "Simple is the best, my dear friend. Besides, I've been getting all the girls, unlike you and your snake print jacket", Eric retaliates. "Excuse you, this jacket is a fashion statement!", Kevin bites back, feeling insulted. "Not gonna lie though, it does look like a collar. Will you put him on a leash too, Y/N?", Hyunjae comments in a snarky way, making Eric cringe in disgust. "Hyunjae, please go get some drinks, for God's sake", you reply with a dismissive manner. "Yes ma'am", he rolls his eyes and goes to the bartender.
You turn to Juyeon, who was extremely stiff after Hyunjae's comment. "You okay, baby?", you nudge him softly and he's brought back to reality. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, no worries", Juyeon replies, praying that the loud bass could cover his shaky voice. "Don't listen to Eric and Hyunjae, they have zero fashion sense, bro. I would wear that choker too, looks hella good on you", Kevin adds while pointing to the choker and Juyeon's smile is back on his face, "Thanks, bro, I really appreciate it", he replies with a chirpy tone.
The music suddenly changes into a slower jam and Juyeon smirks devilishly, as he winks at you and walks towards the dance floor. You watched as he starts swaying his hips and shoulders in the most smooth way possible, his half-lidded eyes never leaving yours. Eric and Kevin were whistling and cheering on Juyeon, all while Hyunjae was snorting at their antiques. You were simply lost in the image of your boyfriend dancing like there was no tomorrow. He wasn't just following the rhythm, he was riding it - and boy, was he good at doing so.
In fact, he was so good that he gained the attention of many people in the club. And you were lowkey proud, because that man was yours. However, a certain girl wasn't aware of that - hence why she approached Juyeon and started dancing with him. You were a bit jealous, not gonna lie, but the next moment made your blood fucking boil.
He had the fucking audacity to put his hands on her waist and dance with her - all while looking to you over her shoulder with the most smug expression on his face. That fucker, you mentally curse. This was definitely payback for everything you said before you left the house. You just knew it. You weren't even the jealous or possessive type of girlfriend to begin with.
But you'd be damned if you were to let a random bitch run her hands over your boyfriend.
Hyunjae catches up to your motions and he grabs you by your wrist. "Hyunjae, what the f-" "Shut up and listen to me. Going there and creating a scene will not end up well for you and you will give Juyeon exactly what he wants", he states and his words hit home faster that you expected. "Since when did you become so perceptive?", you raise an eyebrow and he chuckles, "I have my moments too, Y/N". "So, since your brain decided to actually function tonight, do you have any idea?" you ask in defeat and Hyunjae starts pulling you to the dance floor by your hand, leaving Eric and Kevin completely baffled. He then pulls you into his chest and leans in your ear to whisper
"Just dance, Y/N".
A Cheshire cat-like grin spreads on your lips, as you catch up to his ulterior motive and you start dancing with Hyunjae, hoping that Juyeon will notice the two of you. "Don't think too much about it, it will happen naturally", he adds, "You're too stiff, Y/N, just relax and enjoy dancing".
His words actually succeed in making you relax and you sway your hips more comfortably, actually enjoying the slow jams echoing through the club speakers. Under the dim lights, you lock eyes momentarily with Juyeon, who was licking his lips and his gaze was a mix of lust and death glares, the last one directed to Hyunjae. "Told you it would work", he comments, "You owe me this one". "Shut the fuck up, Hyunjae", you spit back and he laughs.
However, his laughter is cut short by a very jealous Juyeon, who has grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Next time I see you dance with Y/N, I'll break your fucking kneecaps", he growls and Hyunjae takes a step back, "She's all yours, bro", he raises his hands in defense and returns to the table. Juyeon then turns to you, his blood still boiling with jealousy, as you watch him with a proud smirk.
"You find this funny, huh? Dancing shamelessly with my friend?", he clenches his jaw. You then thread a finger through his choker and pull him close to your face, making Juyeon gasp. "Funny? No honey, I'm fucking fuming right now, because you decided to act like a brat and put your hands on the first bitch that threw herself on you", you retaliate, your chill facade slipping away. A sickly sweet smile adorns Juyeon's face as he watches every single movement of yours. He lowers his head, his lips hanging mere centimeters over yours and he slyly pokes out his tongue to lick your lips, hissing at the wet feeling.
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad, baby".
That was the last straw.
"Get your stuff, we're going home", you announce and he flashes a toothy grin. "Yes ma'am", he replies almost immediately and you return to your friends' table. "Guys, we'll be leaving now, hope you enjoy the rest of the night!" you announce and Eric looks between Juyeon and you. "Do I want to know what's going on?", he questions and Kevin pats him on the back while shaking his head as in 'no'. You both bid farewell to your friends and you walk out of the club, jogging towards your car. Juyeon whips out the cars keys and he opens the door for you, his gentleman-like gesture a complete contrast to his previous bratty behaviour.
The ride back home feels like it lasted for hours, when in reality, it lasted only ten minutes - maybe it's your sheer desire to fuck your handsome boyfriend to oblivion. By the time you entered your shared apartment, your lips were on Juyeon's neck, your hands roaming his toned body and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"You love acting like a bratty slut, don't you?", you sneer at him and he releases a breathy chuckle. "Yeah, and so do you", he whispers and he trails kisses upon your neck and behind your ear, nibbling your earlobe. "Are you going to punish me for being a bratty slut?".
You thought you came right there and then, 'cause fuck, he is so hot like this.
"Is that what you want? Fine then, you'll get the punishment you deserve, slut", you hiss while gripping Juyeon's jaw, your manicured nails raking his porcelain skin, "Don't say I didn't warn you", you whisper into his ear and he releases one of the lewdest sounds you've ever heard in your life. "God, you're a desperate little bitch, aren't you, Lee Juyeon?", you ask while removing the detachable strap of your bag and clasp it on his choker, creating a make-shift leash. "Only for you, baby", he replies with a sultry voice and half-lidded eyes.
You pull him by the make-shift leash, and you push him onto the couch, where you settle yourself on his lap, his hard cock straining his already tight pants. You remove his shirt, exposing his chiseled body. Wasting no time, you attack his collarbones with your lips, trailing red and purple blotches on his soft skin. You bite the juncture of his neck teasingly and he releases breathy moans, making you chuckle. You grind your clothed core on his bulge, and the sweet friction makes Juyeon mewl again. He tries to reach for your crotch with his hand, but you stop him by pulling the leash, making him gasp.
"No sweetheart, no touching tonight", you chastise him, as you pull back to remove your clothes and his pants, leaving the both of you only in your underwear. Juyeon's bulge is even more evident now, the thin material of his boxers having a wet spot, due to his cock leaking pre-cum. The sight in front of you makes your own wetness pool in your panties - your boyfriend on a leash, his perfectly styled hair now disheveled, his upper torso covered in love bites, his muscular thighs fully spread and his cock straining against his boxers.
"Baby, fuck, please do something", he pleads with bleary eyes. "Lie down for me", you order and he's laid flat on his back with one swift motion, his desperation showing. You remove your underwear and place your naked pussy right in front of his face. He reaches for your thighs with his arms, but you slap them away. "I said, no touching", you say sternly, "But-", "You should have thought twice before touching that bitch with your hands. Now, be a good boy and use your pretty mouth", you demand.
Juyeon pushes his wet tongue into your heat without second thought and he's lapping up your juices like a starved man. You can't help but moan with satisfaction, having him under your control like that gave you a huge adrenaline rush. You raked your nails from his torso to the hem of his boxers, the sensation making him moan and momentarily halt his actions. You slap his left thigh to alert him and his cock twitches, the vibrations of his moans coursing through your body as well. Juyeon now flattens his tongue against your folds with a faster tempo.
"You like it when I spank you, huh? Naughty boy", you smirk and land another slap, this time on his right thigh. Juyeon retaliates by sucking on your clit harshly, making you yelp from pleasure and you feel him smirk against your pussy. You find the leash and tug it, pulling Juyeon's face even closer to your core. "Behave, or you'll sleep without cumming tonight", you warn him and he whines, but resumes his efforts nonetheless. "Good boy, k-keep it u-up", you stutter as you feel your high approach with each passing second. His tongue is alternating between circling your clit and pumping in and out of your hole, the squelching sounds creating a pornographic scene.
You scream as you cum on Juyeon's face, your whole body shaking, as he helps you ride out your orgasm with kitten licks. You pull yourself together and turn around to face him, as he nastily licks his lips to taste your essence. "Sweet like fucking candy", he comments, "Want a taste, baby?". You pull him by the leash and crash your lips on his, tasting yourself, as your tongues dance crazily in a battle of dominance. "You're still acting like a brat, but since you did as I said, maybe you deserve to cum after all", you state and bend down to remove his boxers and free his painfully hard erection.
"Y/N, stop fucking teasing already!", Juyeon whines again and you slap his thigh again, "Where did your manners go, baby?".
"Please, Y/N..."
"Please what?"
"Please use my cock to cum"
"Fuck, such a good boy", you moan and spear yourself onto his hard cock, the sudden stretch tipping between pain and pleasure. You give yourself almost no time to adjust and you start riding Juyeon like a mad woman. He pistons his hips in unison, pounding into you with a speed neither of your brains are able to register. You put your hands on his broad chest for support and he holds your hips with his hands so tight you might get bruises the next day. Neither of you are able to contain your obscene moans nor form coherent sentences, way too lost in pleasure and lust.
"Fuck, Juyeon, you're such a good boy, so good for me", "Only for you Y/N, shit- only yours", he groans and his hips start to falter, signaling his upcoming orgasm. "I-I'm close again, nngh..", you mewl as you feel your insides clench around his cock like a vice. "M-Me too, Y/N please let me cum, let me f-fill you up baby", "Oh God, yes, fill me with your cum, babe", you moan loudly.
Juyeon moans with you as he stills himself, his cock twitching uncontrollably and flooding your cunt with his hot cum, painting your insides white. You collapse on top of him, panting heavily, the both of you sweating and spent, laughing breathlessly. You muster all the strength you have left in you to remove the choker from Juyeon's neck.
"Oof, thank you baby", he nods, rubbing his neck softly. You swipe a few dark strands of his forehead. You notice the marks on his neck the choker left and you can't help but feel a little regretful. "Did I hurt you?", you ask sheepishly and Juyeon smiles softly and presses a kiss on your nose. "No baby, you were perfect. We should do this more often, actually. You look hella sexy when you take control", he teases and you playfully smack his chest.
"So you intend to dance with random girls in clubs?", you ask and Juyeon smirks,
"No, but I intend to be not such a good boy for you".
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
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This is so utterly stupid but I have a few HC’s about Muslim Dabi(again obv this isn’t canon I just think it’s funny)
-Dabi would def be the type of Muslim dude who claims to be super religious cuz he never eats pork and “goes to the mosque to pray”(which is actually just code for hitting a blunt in the back of the parking lot w Hawks and Shigaraki💀), but yet smokes^^ and still has hella sex with like every other girl who bats her lashes at him from across the dining hall
-he also is a big cat lover, he claims since the Prophet Muhammad had cats of his own it’s sunnah to keep one
-on Eid namaz he’s the most dripped out one at the session, I’m talking black kurta dress, nice ass watch, slicked back hair...but funny enough, no one has actually seen him in line for the prayers themselves
-if he were back at home with the rest of the Todoroki’s, he’d most definitely be THE MOST spoiled one. Fuyumi would get on his ass for not cleaning the dishes, but he’d wave her off and tell her it’s training for her to be a better housewife for her future husband(cue a soapy sponge thrown at his head)
-Snitches.Constantly. Bro like this dude catches Shoto on his phone when he’s supposed to be doing a dua? Boom, instant callout followed by a long ass lecture about how he’s straying away from his religion and how he’s going to hell just because he spent one measly moment on his device instead of praising da lord
-Hes also always telling fuyumi to cover up her sleeves that come just a bittt before her wrists, claiming that she’s showing too much skin(especially when Hawks is over, that fucker’s got his eyes on every single one of his family members). But she’s quick to point out his secret tattoos, piercings, and hair dyes. He just scoffs and pulls the “women were created lesser than men so it’s okay for me to act a fool but not for you” card🙄stg I can’t stand him
-Since he’s the closest to Natsu, he’s always giving Eid money to him the most. The dude will slouch against his favorite brothers’ door, watching him play 2K. “What do you want?” Natsu asks with no real malice, not taking his eyes off the changing screen, furiously clicking away on his controller. “Mom says you gotta iron your clothes, Fuyumi’s doing her own so she can’t do yours as well. Oh, and Eid Mubarak by the way.” Natsu pauses him game and stands to stretch his arms above his head, groaning at the tendons popping in place on his back. “Yeah man, you too-what’s that?” He points to a fat parcel in Touya’s hand. The white-haired boy grins and chucks the bulging package at him, which Natsu catches easily. His eyes widen when he tears open the cream-colored paper envelope and reveals dozens of bills exceeding the usual 5-10$ family limit. “Yo, what-how-thanks Touya!” He sputters, throwing the package on his bed and throwing an arm around his brothers’ back in a man-hug. Touya rolls his eyes and barely suppresses a smile at Natsu’s excitement,(something he’s always wanting to be the source of) pounding his back to let go before he asphyxiates. He lets go and Touya smirks before heading towards the door, calling out over his shoulder, “Oh, and I’d thank Sho-turd as well while you’re singing my praise.” Natsu stops in his tracks and looks suspiciously at the withdrawing slender figure. “Why?”. Touya’s voice is distant as he moves to close and lock his door. “‘Cuz it’s his money after all.”
-The two brothers are always waking up at Sehri the earliest in Ramadhan, just so they can scarf down a majority of the food in the fridge and go to sleep without having to interact with the rest of their family at sunrise. And in the case that their family DOES wake up in time to see them chomping down food made for a WHOLE FAMILY and not just two boys, Touya is quick to grab his keys and jacket and cackle that him and Natsu are going to iHop to eat some more. Natsu ofc is quick to follow pursuit, throwing an apologetic grin towards his parents and other siblings.
-When they’re at the mosque and Enji has somehow bullied him enough to sit the hell down and actually ATTEND the lectures for once, Touya still has one up his sleeve. Planned out strategically, he always simpers to Rei that he wants to donate to the mosque, causing her eyes to water and a handful of cash thrown his way, her voice wobbly as she praises her son for actually taking the foundations of his religion seriously. Unbeknownst to her however, this just means that he’ll take a little bit more than he gives. Hawks will be standing at the front of the hall, bowing his head and using his silver tongue to graciously thank the many men and women who come forth to drop their allowance into the money basket. When he sees his best man approaching, he has to stop the smug grin from reaching his ears, instead slanting his brows and holding the basket out to the now black-haired thief. “Glad to see you’re taking eternal damnation seriously, for once,” Keigo flashes his perky whites and Dabi drops Rei’s money into the donation basket, dipping his hand a little lower for a second. “Glad to see you’re still standing here like some busboy peasant, as usual,” he fires back, the two boys catching each other’s eyes and stifling their cackles as the patched hand withdraws, a copious amount of bills in his hand, more than what he put in.
-100% steals shoes. Usually you hear about older men doing this, but age aint nothin’ but a number to Dabi, baby. “Nice kicks,” he nods to a boy Natsu’s age, noting the blue and black minimalist patterns adorning the shoes. The boy recognizes Dabi as one of the most revered figures at the mosque (and the most featured by adults. Who’d want their kid hanging out with the eldest Todoroki as an influence?) and bobs his head excitedly, spewing out the manufacture and release dates of the shoes. Dabi looks at the fanboy amusedly, continuing to lean against the shoe rack as more people crowd around and start to push the boy inside. “See you later Dabi!” The eccentric kid calls out as he’s pushed into the hall by grumbling uncles. The ravenette snickers fo himself, “Yeah, but you won’t be seeing these shoes anytime soon.”
-A notorious playboy in the community. Uncles glare at him, unable to scold him outright for his shenanigans due to his father’s close presence, and aunties steer their children away from him at dinner parties. Speaking of, Dabi’s at a dinner right now. He’s lighting up a joint in amongst 3 mesmerized girls sitting on the floor in front of him and 2 jealous dudes his age in a locked room, away from all the screaming little kids. “Wow Dabi, doesn’t it burn?” The youngest of the three girls asks him with imploring eyes. He smiles a charming smile down at her and he thinks he sees the other two swoon. “Nah, sweetheart, you get used to it after a little while. Don’t be like me though, keep yourself pure and clean,” he shoots a wink at them and they giggle, faces turning red. The other two boys sitting at the far end of the bed scowl at his successful flirting, but Dabi doesn’t care for any of them, honestly, they’re just target practice. Right as he inhaled the fumes of another puff, a little body throws itself at the door, banging its fists on the wood. “It’s time for food!” They all jump at the intrusion and chuckle as the intruder runs away, containing to scream about food being served. The group gets up to leave and exits through the door, but Dabi takes his time. He wasn’t done with his joint, and he has to waft the smell away anyways when he leaves. He’s opening a window to let out some air when he heads a soft shuffle from behind him. “Shows over guys, go eat-“ but when he turns around, the oldest girl of the three stands before him, fiddling with her hands and looking at the floor. “Um, Dabi? I know you said not to try it out by ourselves so...I was wondering if you could-if you could teach me how...?” She looks at the half-used roll in his hand, and he looks from the blunt to her face. He looks behind her. A closed door. Perfect. Taking a step forwards, he relishes in how she takes a hesitant step back, the breath in her throat catching but she still doesn’t back down. She looks to him like he’s a god, and he feels like one right now. And so he steps closer until she’s backed against the wall, his lids lowered to her wide ones, and he placed a hand next to her head. “Didnt your mom ever tell you not to take things from strangers?” He ghosts by the shell of her ear, and she shivers. “She never told me the strangers would be this hot,” and he has to laugh a bit at her tenacity. He pulls away and flops back on the bed, signaling for her to join him. “Well come one then, I’m hungry, better hurry up before I change my mind.” And 5 shotguns later, Dabi barely wipes off her bright pink lipstick from his face and straightens his kurta along with his hair before bounding down the steps, eager for food. At his command, she comes down a minute after him as to not cause any suspicion, but it doesn’t stop Rei from shooting him a knowing glare from the living room as he piles his plate with food. He shoves a veggie roll in his mouth as he turns to join the boys in the dining area, but his path is blocked by a large woman. “I know you’re up to no good. The children told me what funny smell was coming from the room upstairs, and I know you’re to blame, Touya Todoroki. I respect your mother a lot so I won’t make a scene here-“ he interrupts her, mouth half full with a roll, “-I mean, you already kinda are,-“ but she continues her tirade. “-I don’t think you’re a good influence on these kids, especially your siblings. What self respecting family would be okay with their son acting like a hooligan, having piercings, smelling like weed?” He smirks and swallows before swerving around her. “I don’t know Aunty, why don’t you ask your daughter? She didn’t seem to mind my, ah, influence.”
-When they were all younger, there was a time where End*avor wanted the boys the toughen up a bit and stop messing around so much. He brought the family up to the mountains in a nice cabin, purposefully choosing an area with farms nearby. It was around the time of Eid-e-Adha, so naturally goats and sheep’s were going to be sacrificed for the family feast. Touya already knew what was going on, so Enji left it up to him, a scrawny preteen boy to take over the initiation. Fuyumi wanted to come to the farm too, but Touya glared at her and told her to stay home because “girls are too emotional for this.”(he really did think that, but above all he held a secret soft spot for his only younger sister). Natsu and Touya both started heading down to the field to pick out a goat, and ofc little Shoto wanted to come along to. He begged and begged for his older brothers to bring him along and to not leave him at home for once, and with a sly glance to Natsu, Touya relented. He leaned down to Shoto’s eye-level and asked with serious eyes, “You sure?”. Shoto nodded eagerly, standing straight up as to look more solemn and mature. Natsu held back a snicker and grabbed Shoto by the collar as they dragged him out to the pasture. Oh, the little boy was in heaven among the bleating sheep and fluffy coats. “Go ahead, pick one out!” Touya said eagerly, nodding to the clueless toddler to choose a sacrificial sheep. And so the heterochromatic child pointed to one, looking to his big brothers for assurance, to which they gave an excited nod. Shoto yelped with glee and spent the rest of the afternoon frolicking with the soon-to-be-mutton chops, completely oblivious to its grim fate and creating a bond with the animal. So when it was finally sunset and the time came to start preparing for the feast, Touya walked over leisurely to Shoto, pushed the grubby hand away from the animal’s collar, and started pulling the creature towards the chopping block. “W-what’re you doing?” Shoto asked uncertainty. “Well, we gotta eat, right? Thanks for picking out such a fat sheep, ‘wonder how it’s gonna taste,”. The eldest grinned with malice at his youngest brother, who started to sniffle and ball his fists. “You’re lying! Leave it alone!” He cried out. “Nope, m’not lying, ask Natsu.” Natsu turns to Shoto and shrugs his shoulders without any real regret. “You’re the one who wanted to come along, right? Think of how proud dad will be of his favorite-he finally sacrificed his first sheep!”
-the first time he was ever asked to lead the namaz, Keigo and Tomura kept kicking the back of his legs so he would fall over while trying to recite the prayers, and in turn he’d immediately whip around in the middle of the whole damn hall and shoot fire at the two howling boys. Needless to say, he was never asked to read again
(one would think since Dabi knows sooo much about being a gOoD mUsLim and how to follow the rules he’d take some of that advice HIMSELF)
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Out Of Time ~ 136
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,000ish
Summary: The pregnancy continues. Y/N spends time with Steve. (Read the note at the end of the chapter.)
Warning: car accident
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Week 22 was full of compliments from Tony about how Y/N had never looked more beautiful. Her stomach began to get dry and irritated. This led to Tony spending a lot of time rubbing lotion on the baby bump while talking to Morgan.
Week 23 came with worsening symptoms: leg cramps, pregnancy brain, backaches, constipation, and headaches. Y/N was very grateful that Tony was a constant and so very caring. She honestly didn’t know what she would have done without him.
Weeks 24 and 25: Y/N’s sex drive had died, which disappointed the both of them. Tony knew and respected Y/N to know not to push. Her hands also began tingling, which apparently was normal.
Week 26: sleep was definitely not Y/N’s friend. Leg cramps, frequent urination, anxiety, and Morgan’s kicking made it nearly impossible. Tony felt awful, unable to find anyway for Y/N to get rest. A few times, late night drives worked or Tony taking to the bump, but that was few and far between. This left Y/N exhausted and crabby.
Week 27 began with an exhausted Y/N and an intensely worried Tony. They were in the city for Tony to go to a few Stark Industry meetings and so that Y/N could spend some time with Steve.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay down here alone until Rogers comes and picks you up?” Tony was worrying over Y/N. But he was also worried that, if he was any later to the meeting, Pepper would literally murder him.
“I’ll be fine,” Y/N replied, swatting away Tony from the chair she was in. “I love you. Now go.”
Tony pecked her lips. “Love you girls too.” He started hurrying away. “Make sure to take it easy! Let me know if you need anything!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N muttered, waving at Tony.
As Y/N tried to find a comfortable position in the chair, she could feel something was off. Looking around, no one appeared off. She checked around a few more times before just chalking it up to that half the world had disappeared. Steve arrived lot long later and went inside to meet her.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he greeted with a smile. “Wow.” He checked her over. “That baby’s really growing.”
“She is,” Y/N responded, smiling softly as she rubbed her belly. “Somedays I can’t believe it and others I just want her out.”
Steve reached his hands out to help his sister out of the chair. She put her hands in his. “My favorite niece giving my sister trouble?”
“Your favorite niece doesn’t let me sleep.” Steve pulled her up, keeping a hold of her while she tried to balance. “It’s kind of getting on my nerves.”
“Maybe her uncle can talk some sense into her today.”
“Please, she’s stopped listening to her father.”
Steve led her out and helped her into the car. Getting in himself, he began the drive to Brooklyn.
“So, I was thinking that we could eat lunch at this diner that’s opened back up in Brooklyn,” Steve suggested. “Then maybe visit the cemetery, visit the parents and AJ?”
“That all sounds wonderful, Stevie,” Y/N responded. “Morgan makes me hungry all the time, so sorry if I spend all your money.”
“Whatever makes my niece, and my sister, happy.”
Y/N was so picky yet ordered most of the menu. Steve ordered one small thing, thinking to himself that he’d finish up whatever Y/N didn’t. As they waited for their food, Y/N couldn’t help  but feel something was off again. She looked around again. Y/N could tell that the other people in there were trying not to stare at the former Avengers, trying not to glare. Studying her surroundings like she was taught, her fingers were anxiously tapping against the table.
“Hey,” Steve called out to her. “You okay?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine,” Y/N said, swallowing. “It’s just… People hate us. And I don’t blame them. We didn’t protect them like we always sworn to do.”
“Y/N,” Steve reached across and grabbed her hand. “We can’t control them and their thoughts and actions. Only our own.”
“And if they don’t move on?”
Steve sighed. “Then we don’t either.”
“So, how’s wedding planning coming?” Steve asked once the food arrived.
“Currently, it’s not moving much,” Y/N answered. “I just am exhausted all the time and I can’t even think about trying on a dress right now. I’ve mainly just created several Pinterest boards and such.”
“Well, you two are not in any rush, especially since you’re waiting for little Mo to come.”
“Little Mo?” Y/N giggled. “Is that what you’re going to call her?”
“I figured that, as the uncle, I needed a nickname for my niece.”
“You and Tony can’t just wait for her to come?”
“But it’s still too long of a wait. Like, how many more weeks?”
“I’m week 27 currently, so… I think I technically have 15 more weeks. Ugh, that’s too long! Don’t get me wrong, I have loved growing my daughter inside of me, but I’m tired of it and just want her here.”
“She’ll be here so enough and causing all sorts of problems then too.”
“I guess you’re right… She’s not going to let me sleep for years.”
“Good thing you won’t be doing this alone. You have Tony, Happy, Rhodey, Nat, Pepper, and, like always, you’ll have me.”
“Thanks Stevie. Means a lot.”
“I bought some flowers, they’re at my place,” Steve stated as they drove away from the diner. “Can we stop there and I can run in and grab them?”
“Of course, Stevie,” Y/N answered. “You mind if I just stay in the car? I’m getting tired.”
“It’s no problem. I’ll be quick.”
“It’s too bad though. I’ve never seen your new place.”
“And I haven’t seen yours.”
“I’ll convince Tony and we’ll have you over soon. Or I’ll convince him to leave and sneak you over. That probably won’t happen until Morgan’s here though. He barely let me do this.”
“He’s just scared and he cares. It’s who Tony is.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s one of the reasons why I love him.”
“I am happy for you. Even after all that’s happened.”
“Thanks, Stevie. I hope that one day you can find something that makes you happy as well.”
Steve shot a tight-lipped smile at his sister before pulling off to the side and parking. He rolled down the windows a bit, pulled out his keys, and opened his door.
“I won’t be long,” he said, heading out the door.
“And I’ll just me here,” Y/N responded.
She sighed, leaning back the seat. Taking off her seatbelt, Y/N closed her eyes and rubbed her baby bump. She was so tired and just wanted to rest, though nothing was allowing her to. Then again, Y/N felt like something was off. Her eyes opened and she began to scan the area. Something was not right, and hadn’t been all day. Sitting up straighter, as much as she could, her breath started quickening. Not able to see anything in front of her, Y/N checked the review mirror. She gasped just before a black suv came barreling into Steve’s car. 
Y/N was thrown into the dashboard, causing her to cry out. Steve’s car crashed into the car in front of it. The black suv backed up slightly before ramming into Steve’s car again. This time Y/N’s head it the windshield, cracking it. She screamed.
“P-Pl-Please!” She screamed. “My baby!”
As the black suv backed up again, another one barreled in from the side. This crashed Steve’s car into a lamppost. The window next to Y/N shattered all over her. Her vision was fuzzy from her head’s impact with the windshield and she could tell she had begun bleeding in placed because of the shattered windows.
“Because of you, my family is gone!” She heard someone shout from outside the car. “Because of you have the world is gone!”
“Please! Stop!” Y/N screamed. “Please! I’m pregnant!”
“I’m sure others were as well when they turned to ash!”
Tears were soaking Y/N’s cheeks as she tired to get out of the car. But her door was crushed into the lamppost. Her heart and head were pounding as both cars came at her again. She screamed in agony as something impaled her leg. 
“More of you should have died after failing to protect us!” The voice outside the car continued.
The black suv to her side rammed into Steve’s car again, effectively knocking her out cold.
Steve was whistling as he hurried down the stairs with the flowers. There were two boutiques, one for his parents and one for his nephew. As he exited his building, he froze. His car was totaled and two black suv’s were speeding away.
“Y/N,” he gasped. “Y/N!”
He ran to the car. Y/N was clearly unconscious, leaning against her crushed door. Steve quickly looked over her. She was bleeding, everywhere. Which was terrifying him. Looking for a way to get his sister out, he realized her door was crushed shut and stuck because of the lamppost.
“Y/N, Y/N,” Steve called. “Please answer me. Wake up and answer me.”
When he didn’t get a response, he began to tear things off the car. He needed to get to Y/N, needed to get her out of there before it was too late.
“Mr. Rogers!” An old woman came rushing out of no where. “I’ve called 911! They’re on their way.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” He ripped away the back door, finally.
“They said to wait for them to get her out.”
“Can’t do that. She’s my sister and she’s pregnant.” The sirens were then heard coming towards them.
“Please, Mr. Rogers, they’re almost here. You don’t know what damage you can cause.”
Huffing Steve reached through the shattered window to touch Y/N’s skin. “Stay with me, Y/N. Stay with me.”
“Where is Y/N?! WHERE IS SHE?!” Steve was sure that Tony’s panic could be heard throughout the whole city. Steve was sitting in the waiting room, head in his hands, as Tony, Happy, and Pepper came running in. “Rogers! Where is Y/N?”
Steve looked up, revealing his puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. “She’s—Y/N’s in surgery,” he replied, voice breaking.
“What?! How is she? How’s the baby?”
“She’s— they— I’m so sorry, Tony…”
“Rogers,” Tony growled. “Tell me what—“
“Mr. Stark,” a man called, coming out in scrubs. “I was told you’d arrived. I’m one of the doctors on your fiancé’s case.”
“How is she?” Tony turned to the doctor. “How’s the baby?”
“I’m afraid Miss Rogers was brought in with serious injuries. She was bleeding, quite a lot, and had a serious head injury. The baby was also in clear distress.”
“Clear distress?”
“We had to do an emergency c-section to deliver your baby. She’s currently in surgery as well.” Tony stumbled back, Happy steadying him. “They’re both in critical condition and still have quite a few hours of surgery ahead of us. I’ll keep you updated.”
“Thank you,” Pepper said, as the doctor left.
“Tony, let’s sit you down,” Happy said, guiding Tony down into a seat across from Steve.
“What… happened…?” Tony panted. “I thought you were with her?”
“I needed to grab something, Tony,” Steve responded, clearly feeling all the guilt. “I didn’t think that it would be an issue… I came down from my apartment to see my car completely wrecked against the car in front of it and the lamppost beside it… two black suv’s were speeding away. I didn’t get a good look at them.”
“I can’t— I can’t lose them…”
“I know.”
“If I do… I’m blaming you.”
“Don’t worry, Tony. I’m already blaming myself.”
next chapter >
I leave for Disney World this week. It is the last big family vacation that I will be on for a while. Because of that, I will not be on tumblr March 19th through March 24th. I will actually be deleting the app so that it’s not a distraction.
Most likely, nothing will be posted during that time. If something is, it will have been queued up. Things that are posted while I’m out of town will not have tag lists attached. I will put this note in all the fic posts until then.
So do not come at me for spending time with my family instead of including the tag list. (I say that knowing that people won’t care and still come at me…. be respectful and get over yourself.)
Check out the 2 ending chapter titles and possible banners here.
Also, I will be taking all of April off for job hunting and such. Please be kind and understanding. This is important to me.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Epilogue 3: A Love So Tender
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A/N:  Well, here it is, folks...the last epilogue of The President Wears Prada series.  It’s been a blast.  Like with Alone, Together and The Storm Before the Calm, we’ve created a little community on this blog, except this time we joined together during quarantine and a global pandemic!  I posted the prologue to this April 27th (so right in the thick of it lol) and I’ve been so happy giving you guys something to look forward to every Monday these past eight months!  Keep asking your Willberdeen canon questions forever and ever!
Be on the lookout for the post date of my Brock Boeser mini-series “Peaceful Easy Feeling” -- I’ll announce it and put it on my Masterlist.  Then, I’ll start my next big series!
As always, happy reading :)
March 2034
“Mooooommmmmyyyyyy!  Mommy look!” six-year-old Saoirse Nylander ran through the house to the kitchen where she knew her mom was ready with breakfast.  “Look!  Daddy let me do my own hair!”
Aberdeen looked down at her daughter to see her blonde hair fixed in to a half ponytail…well, a six-year-old’s version of a half ponytail.  Aberdeen smiled down at her daughter.  “Looks good!” she smiled.  “Can I fix it a little bit before we go to Andy and Maia’s house?”
“Can I eat first?” Saoirse asked as Aberdeen heard more footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Of course!  Your oatmeal is right over there,” she nodded her head towards the bowl already set up for her daughter.  As Saoirse moved and climbed into the counter stool to eat, Aberdeen looked to her left to see William enter the room, holding their three-year-old son in his arms.  “My two Williams,” she smiled.
“Mowning mama,” William Jr. said as Willy placed him down in his own stool, his own bowl of oatmeal also ready to go.  
William walked around the island and gave Aberdeen a kiss on the cheek before placing his hand on her stomach tenderly.  “Morning, minskatt,” he said before pouring himself some coffee.  He looked back at his kids, eating their oatmeal.  “Are you excited to see Maia, Saoirse?”
“Mhm,” she smiled.  “Can I bring my colouring book so Maia and I can colour?”
“Of course you can!” William smiled.  “You know how much Maia loves to colour with you.”
“When you and mommy get home, I’m gonna have a beeeeeeautiful picture,” Saoirse exclaimed before spooning some more oatmeal into her mouth.
Both Aberdeen and William looked at their fridge, adorned with ripped out pages from colouring books that Saoirse and William Jr. did for them.  “We can’t wait,” Aberdeen smiled.
“Mr. and Mrs. Nylander, I know that we’ve confirmed your pregnancy,” Dr. Collinson spoke to the happy couple.  
“We needed the tie-breaker,” William joked.
“Indeed,” he chuckled.  “But I must ask you both…have you gone through any fertility treatments that I’m not aware of?  IVF, artificial insemination?”
William and Aberdeen looked at each other before looking back at their doctor – the same doctor who had been there and helped birth Saoirse and William Jr.  “No…” William shook his head.  “We figured we were okay…I mean, with Saoirse’s and William’s pregnancies being pretty easy with no major complications, and the fact that we didn’t have to try for very long before Aberdeen got pregnant…” he trailed off.
Dr. Collinson nodded his head.  “That’s good to know.  Because I do have some further news for you.”
“What’s that?” Aberdeen asked.
“You’re having twins.”
The words hung in the air for an excruciatingly long period of time.  “Excuse me?” Aberdeen asked.
“Twins.  You’re having twins, Mrs. Nylander.”
Aberdeen looked over at William.  “I’m going to cut your penis off.”
“TWINS!!!!!” Bee exclaimed, jumping up and down as she hugged Aberdeen.  “Twins, Aberdeen!  Oh my goodness!”
“More Nylanders?” Morgan piped in.  “Christ almighty.”
“TWINS?!” Aleida was shocked when Aberdeen told her the news over the phone.  “Twins!”
“Who’s having twins?” Aberdeen could hear Fred’s voice in the background.
“Aberdeen and Will!”
There was a pause.  “More Nylanders?  Good God.”
“Twins, William?  You knocked her up with twins?” Jason deadpanned into the phone.
“We’ll have four, just like you,” William said.
“More Nylanders…Jesus Christ.”
“Oh!  What fantastic news!” Svea beamed over the FaceTime call.  Elias was smiling beside her.  “You must be so excited, guys.”
“We are.  We joked that we were only supposed to have one tie-breaker though,” Aberdeen said, looking at William beside her briefly.  “Now we’re getting two.”
“Do you know the sexes?”
“Not yet.  In a few weeks they’ll tell us if they’re identical or fraternal, and I think that will be very informational,” William said.
“More Nylanders…” Elias shook his head.  “God help us all.”
“This is fantastic news, Aberdeen.  You’re such a great mom already,” Brendan said from across the table, his smile stretching from ear to ear.  “Saoirse and Will Jr – I mean they’re just delights.”
“Thank you, Brendan.  There will be two more to add to the MLSE family room during games.  Not to mention more Nylanders occupying the city of Toronto.”
“More Nylanders…wow.”
September 2034
The Toronto Maple Leafs and the entire MLSE organization would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to William Nylander and his wife Aberdeen Bloom on the birth of their twins, Jonas Alexander and Astrid Elina.  Jonas and Astrid join big siblings Saoirse and William Jr.  
November 2035
BREAKING: Aberdeen Bloom, the youngest person ever to win the Booker Prize for Fiction, has just won the prize for a second time for her latest novel, A Love So Fond.  Bloom becomes the third woman (after Hilary Mantel and Margaret Atwood) to win the Booker Prize twice, but the first woman under forty to accomplish the feat.  
The First Monday in May, 2036
William looked at Aberdeen lovingly as she touched up her lipstick in the mirror of their hotel room.  She was wearing a beautiful dress, styled to perfection.  He was wearing a suit, tailored to equal perfection.  “You look beautiful, minskatt,” he said, hoping it would calm her down a bit.  He knew she was nervous.
She looked over at him as she clicked shut the lipstick tube.  “We’re going to the Met Gala, Willy,” she said as if it was the first time he’d heard the news.  He’d heard.  He’d heard for months now.  Anna Wintour invited them to the event.  Aberdeen screamed bloody murder when she got the invite.  “We’re going to the Met Gala.”
He giggled slightly.  “I know.  Who would have thought all those years ago two kids who hooked up the night of a graduation would make their way to the Met Gala.”
Aberdeen smiled.  “Who would have thought an aspiring writer and a hockey player would accomplish so much that we’d even get invited to the Met Gala.”
“I had nothing to do with this,” William shook his head, smiling.  “You did all of this.  I’m just in the background, remember?”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but smile.  The man in front of her supported her dreams without question.  There was nothing she thought of that William didn’t think she’d be able to accomplish.  Her two Booker Prizes were evidence of that.  Her Governor General’s Awards and Giller Prizes were evidence of that.  Her numerous other awards were evidence of that.  “You’re not in the background, Willy,” she told him once more.  It was something she told him time and time again, even though she knew he was joking.  To think he still used a joke he made when she was twenty-two years old…she couldn’t help but laugh.  “You’re the reason I’m able to do this.”
Their conversation was cut short by Aberdeen’s phone ringing.  When she dug it out of her purse, she saw Orla requesting a FaceTime call.  “It’s the kids again,” she said, holding up the phone and turning around so that when she answered it, whoever was calling would see both their parents.  When she accepted, she saw Saoirse’s face first.  “Hi baby,” Aberdeen cooed.  “Did you forget to tell us something?”
“Maia wants to know if she can come over this weekend to play.  Is that okay?” she asked.
“Of course,” William answered.  “I’ll talk to Uncle Morgan about it when we get home tomorrow night.”
“Let me see!” William Jr.’s voice was heard off camera.  Soon, Saoirse had turned the camera around so he could see his parents.  “Hi mom and dad.”
“Hi baby,” Aberdeen cooed again.  “Do you have a question too?”
“No,” he said.  “You look pretty, mama.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but swoon.  “Thank you, baby.  Are you having a good time at grandma and grandpa’s house?”
He nodded his head enthusiastically.  “Grandma just made popcorn!”
“Wooooo!  Movie night!” William exclaimed from behind her.  “Be good!  Go to bed on time.”
“I will,” William Junior nodded his head.  “Bye daddy.  Bye minskatt.”
Aberdeen furrowed her brows but couldn’t help but laugh at her son.  She could hear William chuckle from behind her too.  “William!  Why’d you call me that?!”
Williiam Junior didn’t know what the big deal was.  He knew he was named after his dad; it was only fitting that he test his limits and call his mom by her first name too.  “Daddy’s name is William, and my name is William, and your name is minskatt!  Daddy always calls you that!  Hi minskatt, bye minskatt, I love you minskatt.  Minskatt is your name!” he argued like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  
William thought back to so, so many years ago.  To Aberdeen asking him why he called her minskatt and him telling her why.  A tear escaped his eye and he brought his hand up quickly to cover it.  Aberdeen noticed.  She looked back at William Jr.  “Okay William.  We’ll talk more when we get home, okay?  You better be good for grandma and grandpa.”
Aberdeen ended the call with a couple of more air kisses.  When she was finished, she placed her phone down and saw that William kept wiping his cheeks with his thumb.  “Hey…hey come here,” she said gently, walking over to him because she knew he wouldn’t move.  “Was it Junior?” she asked.
William nodded his head.  “You remember what I told you, like, fifteen years ago?  About why I call you minskatt?”
Aberdeen nodded her head automatically.  She’d never forgotten.  “Of course,” she said softly, bringing her hands up to wipe some of his tears away with her own thumbs.  “It was always your dream, wasn’t it?”
William nodded.  He leaned down slightly to kiss her, even though he knew he’d get lipstick on him and that Aberdeen would have to reapply it for the fourth time before they even left the hotel.  “I know you’ve accomplished so much with your writing and I’ve accomplished so much with hockey but my best accomplishment is you.  Us.  Our family.  The love I have for you.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  She understood.  She knew.  “Mine too.”
“It’s been fifteen years.  Fifteen years and four kids, Aberdeen.  And still.  Still.  I think about you when I’m not even thinking.”
Aberdeen smiled.  She kissed him once more.  “Jag tänker på dig när jag inte ens tanker.”
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Stiles/Male!Reader; they need to study but all reader wants to do is cuddle/be the little spoon
Stiles had invited you over to work on an english project he had; you’d already finished so you knew you’d just be a sounding board for him. Despite having been dating for almost two months you were still nervous when you opened the door; his dad seemed to love you; even if you had been convinced that he was going to hate Stiles for being into guys and you for ‘turning him’ instead he seemed to overcompensate; relieved Stiles finally had someone he liked. Going overboard; as Stiles had warned was awkwardly giving you both the sex and drug talk before offering to buy pizza and then leave to work a night shift.
Still you had grown to love him and you don’t mind his odd behaviour when Stiles drags you upstairs.
“You dad said he had pizza!”
“I brought it up already.” Stiles grins kissing you; you try to deepen it but he pulls back offering a slice of pizza as he pulls over the outline he’d done in class.
“Oh we’re actually working?”
“Yeah this is due in a week and I have nothing typed up.”
“You have everything done in the outline; you literally just have to type it up.”
“I know which is why you’re here.”
“To make you type up your report?”
“No to be my reward for typing it.” Stiles turns his computer on and you lose him to the glow of the screen as you eat half of the pizza.
“Do you think Batman and Robin have like regular dad and kid stuff?”
“I’m just saying; like imagine Dick is getting bullied in school; i mean his name is dick; and he can’t just be like ‘fuck all y’all I’m Batmans kid’ cause superhero identities so like does Bruce Wayne have to show up and be like “listen there’s only so much funding i can put into parenting centers and hospitals and anti bullying campaigns and free therapists; but if any of those kids upset my son i will call batman. And then the kids freak out cause ‘omg dick i can’t believe your dad knows Batman’; and then that create an entirely new problem and-”
“Y/N; stop; I can feel you getting closer; you’re like a furnace; and while i love you, and cuddling we have school work to do; you can’t distract me with batman.”
“What if I let you be the big spoon.”
“I’m always the big spoon.” Stiles narrows his eyes and back himself up to the headboard of his bed.
“I know; because you like it so much, besides I’m cold.” You pout and Stiles glares over the top of his computer.
“No I have like three more paragraphs; seriously can you just wait that- oh my god you’re worse than a cat…” You grin where you’d carefully pulled the computer away from him. You save the document he’s working on and then grab at him arms tangling him into a hug.
“Y/N; Jesus; i have like three paragraphs that’ll take like fifteen minutes.”
“After a break; you’ve been working too hard; and; you never answered my question!”
“About Batman and Robin?”
“Well uhh I mean I feel like most of the kids would know if Dick was at there school that Bruce Wayne was his dad; and since Bruce Wayne is filthy rich there’s no way he wouldn’t know batman…” Stiles shifts allowing you to press your face into his shoulder before you kiss his cheek and his arms drape around your waist.
“So going by that logic; i mean they’d be excited but since most people know Bruce Wayne i think the kids wouldn’t like bombard him right away; maybe they’d actually befriend Dick and then like one day Batman shows up to Timmy’s birthday party because wow Dick forgot to get a present; you know things like that. Do you think Bruce Wayne would-” Stiles pauses and you take the opportunity to kiss him; he returns the kiss; deepening it slightly before you both lie back on the bed and relax.
“I was supposed to be doing something.”
“Me.” You grin at him and he huffs shaking his head.
“No before you; that was reward for- MY ESSAY” He grins at himself and you whine as he untangles your arms and pulls the computer over; you shove yourself between him and his laptop once more and he sighs reaching over you to type.
“Okay now I have two paragraphs left; and then I’ll do you.”
“Don’t you mean we’ll do whatever i want?’ You grin and he shakes his head.
“No, I finished my essay so I got to pick; and I want you.”
“But I sat and let you finish; I barely interrupted.” You nod to him and he gives you an unimpressed look at where you rest between him and the computer.
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mindswriters · 4 years
Next Morning - jj maybank × reader
Summary: y/n and jj are friends with benefits for a couple months ago, in secret of course, but after a night where the blonde could not control himself, you guys have to chase after a next morning pill.
Pairing: jj maybank × reader
Warnings: a tiny bit of smut, unprotected sex [no glove no love my friends], swearing, pregnancy scare, probably typos.
Word count: 3.1K
A/N: this is "low" key inspired by otis and ruby from sex education, i thought they were cute.
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gif by @toesure :)
"Oh fuck Y/n, you're doing so good" JJ grunts as you speed your pace bouncing your hips against his shaft, riding him like your life depends on it.
Tonight was being just another boring Thursday night at the outer banks, at least until your best friend, JJ Maybank, calls you saying that he was alone at the chateau, and asked you to come over. A few months ago you guys updated your friendship with some benefits, and since then a day without your other Pogue friends means a huge opportunity to enjoy yourselves together, so why not.
"You fill me up so nice J" you moaned tugging his blonde locks while you sank yourself on his cock one more time.
Incredible as it sounds, this is the first time you're riding JJ's cock. After lots of tries, he finally left out his dominant side and let you take control of him, but obviously at some point he would buck his hips and meet your thrusts, making it feel even better. Honestly, he wasn't expecting it to be this good. He loves the way your breasts are pressed against his chest while you move your hips roughly, this position basically gives him a free pass to cover your neck with bites and hickies. And all of this plus your moans filling up the room are driving him insane.
"Fuck, I can't" he breathed out under your ear but you kept with your pace, looking for your high, and you could say it wasn't so far "Y/n, I think I'm gonna- oh fuck"
"What the actual fuck JJ?" you cursed panting when you felt the stick liquid scratching your inside walls and reached your high too.
At the beginning of this 'thing' you were still two good kids who always protected yourselves, but as deep as you dived in each others lusts, you discovered that neither you nor JJ were the biggest fans of condoms, so you made a deal, you can do it without them, as long as he don't release inside of you. And by the looks of it, he just broke the deal.
"Did you just came inside me?" you just aren't freaking out because you're still dizzy from your orgasm
"Shit I think I did" he said by passing his hands through his messy hair and heavy breathing.
"This is not a joke, JJ. Didn't you felt it coming?" you asked in a hard tone while reaching for his shirt to clean yourself up
"It was impossible not to feel it" the blonde answered with a smirk
"Then why don't you warned me, pulled off or whatever?" you now have a worried tone in your voice
"I tried! but come on Y/n, I'm mild high and you were having no mercy with me!" he exclaimed throwing his hands on the air
"Don't put this all on me" you ran your hands through your face and trying to stay calm, realizing the big problem you had just created.
"Hey, I'm sorry okay, even though you were riding me like a goddess, it was my dick who painted you so..." he said getting close to you and wrapping your naked body with his arms.
You softly giggled relaxing a bit with his touch, you know he's worried too, his brain is only a little slower than yours to process information, but you're sure that once he remember that one of the consequences of this "slide" could be an unexpected pregnancy and you becoming parents with 17 years, he'll freak out.
"So what do we do now?" he asked caressing your hair
"Since we're on the cut, without the twinkie and there's none 24-hour drug store in here, we'll go to sleep and wait until tomorrow morning to go buy a next morning pill." you explained what seemed to be the best option now.
"It means you're staying over?" he asked and you nodded smirking "Sounds good to me then"
After that, you guys took a quick shower just to free your bodies from the sweat and other things even more disgusting, and didn't even bothered in putting back your clothes, you just cuddled and fell asleep naked under a thin blanket, because above all, his body's heat still makes you feel safe.
You can't say that you slept like an angel this night, you were too worried for it. So as soon as you saw the bright light from outside trespass the room, you carefully reached your phone on the nightstand and checked the time, it was almost 8 in the morning. Considering you don't want to be naked with your best friend in the spare room when John B arrives, and that the sooner you take the pill the better, you decided it was time to get up. You slowly pulled JJ's arm away from your waist and stood up without waking him up. You picked your underwear from the floor and put them on, along with your jeans shorts from the day before and lent one of JJ's shirts, the one with a Kildare Marina print. The boy only woke up when you got back from the bathroom, and opened the curtains, basically torturing him.
"Oh come on, what time is it?" he grunted scratching his eyes with the back of his hands.
"Time to fix the previous night, sweetheart" you answered picking up some clothes that were still on the floor.
"Can't we just wait a little more?" he yawned.
"No, we can't, unless you want to increase the chances of me having a mini you on my uterus" you stared him cocking your eyebrows.
"Okay, right, I'm up" he stood up quickly, but he wasn't 100% awake yet.
"Uh, try to put some clothes on, I'll be in the kitchen" you faked a disgusted face pointing to his not too little exposed friend.
While JJ was doing his morning routine, you started looking for something you could eat, but the old pizza slices, mold breads and cereal wastes didn't seem at all attractive to you and your lack of hunger. At that moment the feelings that consume you most are those of concern and guilt, concern because you know that the next morning pill isn't 100% effective, and you definitely can't handle having a baby now, you are too irresponsible for this, and that's why you also feel guilty, because if you wouldn't had accepted that goddamn "no condom" deal, nothing of this will be happening. But suddenly you were dragged away from your thoughts by the sound of the Chateau's front door opening, you could say that John B was trying to be quiet, but it didn't work very well, since the doors of the house are old and creak with any movement.
"Shit!" the brunette whisper-shouted placing a hand on his chest when he entered the kitchen "Wow Y/n, you scared the shit out of me, what are you doing?"
"Uh.... breakfast?" you quirked your eyebrows showing him the cereal box in your hands
"Yeah I can see you're doing your breakfast, 'what are you doing here?' is what I meant" he said placing his keys on the counter.
"I'm waiting for JJ, we have some important things to do" you said staring your cereal bowl, avoiding to meet eyes with your friend.
"JJ? Doing important things this early in the morning?" you pursed your lips in a suggestive smile and nodded your head "And why are you wearing his shirt?"
You almost chocked with milk at the question, stuttering to find a plausible answer "Because... I- spilled toothpaste on mine?" it definitely sounded more like a question.
John B was about to question you again but thank God JJ finally joined you, now wearing his classic boots and cargo shorts, and some random shirt.
"Oh hi Jombie" he said scratching his eyes with the back of his hand.
Before your friend could even answer, you stood up and made your way towards JJ "Finally sleeping beauty, can we go now?" you said linking your arms.
"I was actually craving for some breakfast first" he pointed to the table, where John B was putting some cereal for himself.
"You know what might happen if we get late, don't you?" you whispered quirking your eyebrows and giving the blonde a serious look and heading to the front porch.
"Ok, breakfast can wait, see you later JB, oh and we're taking the twinkie" he grabbed the keys John B had previously dropped on the counter and hushed to meet you outside.
"See ya weirdos" John B shook his head and rolled his eyes seeing the antics of his two best friends.
The drive to the drugstore was silent, but not an awkward silent, more like a reflexing silence. The more you tried to stay calm and shrug off all the "what ifs" in your head, the more the anxiety took hold of you. For JJ, you were going to take the pill and everything would work out, but you know it's not like that, these emergency methods don't always work, and if it doesn't work this time, you have no idea how to deal with a possible pregnancy at 17. What your friends will think when you come clean and tell them about your escapades and that they resulted in your pregnancy? How would you explain this to your parents? How would they react? How JJ's father would react? All this thoughts were zoning out in your brain when a gentle touch stopped you from freaking out. You moved your gaze from the window to JJ's hand rubbing your tight, and then you looked at his face to see a reassuring smile, like saying "it's going to be ok" but without words. You smiled back, feeling the anxious feeling leave your body and mind. It didn't take long for you guys to be parking the van a few meters from the drugstore.
You were about to enter the store when something clicked on your mind "Wait!" you said grabbing JJ's arm, making him stumble on his feet.
"What's wrong?" he frowned staring at you.
"JJ we live on an island. What if someone sees me buying next morning pills? I don't want the whole obx gossiping about me and my sexual slides" you said crossing your arms and looking away from him.
"Okay, I'll do it then" he said and you immediately stared at him, surprised and trying to figure out if he was being serious, just when you were about to complain, he gently squeezed your shoulders "Wait here, I'll be right back"
And just like that you were left alone in front the small store, you looked around, thankfully the street was pretty empty, so you decided to sit down on the curb and wait for him to come back. Which was faster than you expected. As soon as you heard the bell, you got up and waited for him to give you the box that he had in his hands.
"These are just bubble gums" he shrugged rolling his eyes.
"Bubble gums? What the hell JJ?" you laughed in disbelief.
"She said she couldn't sell it for me because I don't have a fucking vagina" JJ protested trying to not be so loud.
You sighed licking your lips. But is better to deal with buying the pill in person, to deal with having a baby. You opened your purse, looking for your sunglasses and when you found them you tapped JJ's shoulder "stay at the door, you'll be my look out"
"At your disposal, boss" he said holding the door while you two entered the store, you put on your glasses trying to disguise a little smirk in your lips.
You slowly walked between the hallways, pretending to be some random costumer, not that you weren't, you just don't want to seem so desperate. When you finally reached the cash counter, you looked over your shoulder to see JJ nodding and giving you tumbs up.
"Hey, can I have a next morning pill?" you mumbled twitching your nose.
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you" the woman on the cashier said.
"A next morning pill, please" this time you were clearer, masking the awkwardness with an even more awkward smirk.
"When did you last have sex?" the cashier asked.
"Last night" you stated, isn't it obvious? you thought to yourself.
"Did you use contraception?" the question made you stomach turn. Why did you have to be so irresponsible? Stupid deal.
"No" your whisper could barely be heard by you, let alone the woman behind the counter.
"Miss, did you use contraception?" she repeated the question after your lack of response.
"No, we didn't" your eyes widened when you heard JJ's voice coming from a few meters away.
Both you and the cashier stared at him, who immediately regretted the previous words "Sorry, I'm just the look out" he scratched the back of his neck.
Returning the attention just between you and the mild-age woman, she made a few more questions and after finishing to fill up your form, she finally gave you the little box with all the prescriptions to take the pill. You also asked for two Pepsi cans for you and JJ, you were about to pay the woman when you felt an around your waist.
"What do you think you're doing, lady?" JJ asked taking your wallet from your hands.
"Well, if you please give my wallet back, I was going to pay for those things" you stared at him trying to reach his other hand behind his back.
"No way, I'll pay for it" he returned the wallet for you and grabbed his own one on his pocket.
"J, you don't have to, it takes two to tango remember?" you protested biting your inner lip and giving him non-intentional puppy eyes.
"Then we should at least split it" he definitely has a point now.
"Okay, fine, you win" you rolled your eyes giving up and earning a grin from your best friend.
After you and JJ have paid for the pill and your sodas, he said he wanted to go somewhere else, so he drove the twinkie to the old forts on Battery Jasper, some kind of cliff or mountain where we could almost see the entire Outer Banks. You guys sat on some old big rocks and while you struggled against the wind to try to read the pill bull, JJ decided to break the silence.
"Do you think we should break the deal?" he hesitantly asked.
"You mean the 'condom free' deal or all the friends with benefits deal?" you chuckled looking at the paper in your hands.
"Do you want to stop what we've been doing? 'Cause if you do I'm not stopping you, it's just- I really enjoy spending time with you and..." he started rumbling but you soon interupted him.
"Hey! chill out blondie!" you giggled cupping his face with your right hand "We don't need to stop it, even because I like messing around with you too, a lot. We just need to be more careful" you explained.
"Okay..." he relaxed with your touch and you two shared a smile and stared at each other for a few seconds.
You cleared your throat when you remembered that you were the one hurrying him up and now you almost forgot that you have a pill to take asap. You opened your Pepsi and medicine, putting the pill on your tongue and taking a sip of the drink to help you swallow. JJ watched you and while you were drinking again you heard little laughter coming from him.
"What?" you gave him a suspicious look.
"Nothing" he giggled making you narrow your eyes at him "I just imagined us being arrested for killing a poor little baby"
"So would you prefer waking up at 3am to changing diapers?" you laughed arching you eyebrows.
"Ew, no" you both erupted in laughter, you love the way you and JJ never feel awkward, not even in scary moments like these.
When you recovered from your crisis of laughter, you took a deep breath and felt a grip on your tight, you looked up to see JJ staring at the horizon, and you could say that he was thinking about something.
"You know, I would like to have a baby with you" he said with a shy grin.
"Oh come on J, give it a rest" you shook your head chuckling and taking another sip of your drink.
"No, I meant it! Of course not right now, but if we reach our thirties without meeting our perfect pairs, we could marry each other and just maybe have a little bit of kids" he said nonchantly.
"A little bit of kids?" you smiled and stared at him, trying to figure if he was being serious or not "I can't believe you're real Maybank" you giggled.
"What? Have you never heard that people are happier when they marry their best friends?" he suggested.
"Maybe" you shrugged looking away.
"So what? Do we have a deal?" he bit his lip quirking his eyebrows in your direction.
"I'm not making anymore deals with you, blondie" you said, immediately seeing his happy face fall to a sad one "But maybe, just maybe, I liked your idea" you smirked turning your face to look at him.
"I knew it!" he cheered with a kiss on your cheek and clicking your cans he said "To our future possible marriage"
"Cheers" you gave a little laugh, which was interrupted by your phone ringing.
As soon as you unlocked your screens, you were surprised with dozens of notifications on your twitter, and also 2 messages from John B, you opened them first.
Jombie 🏄‍♂‍: so is that the "important things" you guys had to do? am i missing something?
Jombie 🏄‍♂‍: 📷 Photo
When you downloaded the file, you came across a screenshot, it was from Topper's last tweet: a picture taken from outside the drugstore, through the glass wall, you and JJ standing in front of the cash counter, his arm on your waist, and thanks god, only the two Pepsi cans could be seen on the counter. Your eyes widened even more when you read the caption "Looks like Maybank and Y/l/n finally assumed their shit! What would those lovebirds be doing on a drugstore this early in the morning?"
"What happened?" JJ asked seeing how your expression went blank looking at your phone.
"Weren't you supposed to be the look out?" you said turning your phone to him and pointing to the screen blowing with notifications, but still showing the picture on Topper's tweet.
They have some things to explain now, or maybe some good excuses to came up with.
taglist: @blueflame2778 @outerbongs @maybebanks @k-k0129 @dani-c20 @jjsmaybcnk @wicked-laugh @wallflowercal @obx-pouges @alwaysasadaesthetic @marvel-ousnesss
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baepsaesbae · 4 years
Heal Me, Kill Me Ch.3
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader
Genre— Vampire! Tae x Vampire Hunter! y/n, ANGST, Smut +18, fluff
Warnings— Oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, being tied up, Dom!Taehyung, ass eating
Word Count— 6.6k
Summary— You’re one of the best vampire hunters in the world. That’s to be expected when your parents are the best of the best. Your life had solely revolved around ruthlessly killing vampires. You were essentially a cold blooded machine. However, things take a turn once you meet Kim Taehyung, your latest target.
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“When will I see you next, dear?” Taehyung asked as he walked you back to your car.
“When would you wanna see me?” you replied.
“Honestly, I’d never want you to leave. I’d selfishly keep you all to myself,” Taehyung lightly pinned you against your car door. 
“Maybe one day you could,” you say, wrapping your arms around him.
Taehyung planted soft kisses on both of your cheeks. You pulled him in for a deep kiss right as he began to step away. One hand cupped his cheek while the other got lost in the tresses of his long dark hair. Taehyung reciprocated your neediness as he roughly grabbed your ass. 
“I still need to repay you for the other day,” he seductively whispered.
“I’ll remember that for the next time,” you winked, “Meet at the flower shop tomorrow?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Taehyung gave you a final goodbye kiss.
The drive back was awful. You were torn. Torn between duty and passion. It was your duty to kill Taehyung, but your newfound empathy kept you from doing so. Even when Taehyung was on the brink of death, you couldn’t commit to your plan. 
Telling yourself that you needed to know the truth behind your parents’ death was just an excuse. Of course you want to know the details of what happened, but that’s not what stopped you from killing Taehyung. 
You just...couldn’t. You didn’t want to. Maybe there could be a way to fake his death? It could create the perfect cover to run away together. Maybe he could live with you in secret. Well, he probably wouldn’t appreciate the fact that you kill his brethren for a living. 
You have a month before Yoongi contacts you again. He’d know something is up by then. You’ve never taken longer than a month on a mission. Thinking about all this gave you a headache. 
You decide to do the responsible thing. You’re going to enjoy the month you have with Taehyung and worry about all of your problems when you can no longer run from them. Aside from the moral dilemma of having to exterminate your boyfriend, you actually felt happy. It felt nice having someone by your side. 
You fantasized about seeing the world with Taehyung. You wanted him to teach you more about plants, cook for you, and maybe most importantly, love you. The concept of love had been completely foreign to you. However, being with Taehyung sparked something you’ve never quite felt before. Was it simply the mortifying ordeal of being truly known by someone else? Or was it the acceptance and appreciation for the real you? Maybe it was a combination of both.
You hopped into the shower before your thoughts became too philosophical. You set your phone’s speaker on full volume and sang along to your favorite songs. TWICE had the best songs to sing and dance to in the shower (dancing in the shower can be dangerous, but you like living life on the edge). 
Being emotionally exhausted allowed you to fall asleep quickly. You woke up the next day feeling refreshed after a much needed good night’s sleep. Pairing a black maxi dress with a knitted cardigan, you felt cute and comfy. 
Biking to the shop was a simplicity that you enjoyed. It was relaxing, the scenery was gorgeous, and the simple act of biking to work made you feel like a normal person. There was a new shipment of flowers that arrived, along with a fresh set of bouquet orders. 
‘To keep you busy while your target takes his time, thanks flower girl :)’ was scribbled on a note atop the orders.
You rolled your eyes, silently cursing Yoongi. Thank god Taehyung was coming today, you could put him to work. You began to fill up multiple vases with water and plant food, humming as you worked. 
“Good morning ___,” a deep voice sang out as soon as the door opened.
“Morning dear! You’re in a good mood today,” you spun around to greet him.
“Of course, because I get to see you! I see you’re prepping vases. Do we have more orders to fill?” he asked excitedly.
“Indeed we do! I’m glad you’re excited about it,” you handed him the stack of orders. 
You admire Taehyung’s sharp yet delicate features as he glossed through the orders. His mouth moved silently as he read the order descriptions to himself.
“Do you only take orders for funerals?” he asked when he finished.
“Huh?” you were taken by surprise.
“It just seems like all of the bouquet orders contain flowers that symbolize sympathy in some way. Lilies, carnations, and especially chrysanthemums. In most European cultures, chrysanthemums are only used for funerals,” he explained. 
“I have no idea what these bouquets are for. I, well I guess we, merely fulfill the orders,” you shift uncomfortably. 
Taehyung was remarkably sharp. You remembered that Yoongi said these flowers are for the families who have been victimized by vampires. 
“Ah, okay. I was just curious. Let’s get to work, love. Can you bring me pink carnations and lilies please?” he asked.
The day was filled with nonstop preparations. You tied decadent bows around the vases that were finished as Taehyung arranged the most beautiful bouquets you’ve ever seen. He shyly explained that he loved art in all forms, and bouquet making was its own special artform.
“I used to paint a lot as a hobby,” Taehyung admitted.
“Why’d you stop?” you asked.
“I had no more inspiration. No muse, I guess you could say,” he said sadly.
“Do you still have your paintings? I’d like to see them.”
“They’re hidden away somewhere in my house, but I’ll dig them back up for you. It might make me a little sad though. I miss painting.”
“Why don’t you pick it back up? It doesn’t matter if you have a muse or not, just paint whatever comes to mind,” you shrugged.
Taehyung looks at you, visibly amused, “What do you think I should paint?”
“A dick,” you deadpanned. 
“A what?” Taehyung was shocked.
“A penis,” you cracked a smile.
“___! You’re so vulgar,” Taehyung blushed.
“I’m just kidding! But just for the record, I think your dick is pretty enough to paint,” you smirked.
“You think so?” Taehyung’s voice lowered.
He reached over to cup your cheek before leaning in to give you a quick kiss. Feeling playful, you lightly bit his bottom lip as he pulls away. Taehyung’s eyes darkened as soon as you did that.
“Someone is feeling bold,” Taehyung tsked before pulling you into him.
Grabbing you by the ass, he hoists you up and sets you on the counter. He harshly kissed you as you wrapped your legs around his waist, begging him to get closer. Taehyung kissed up and down your neck, before harshly sucking on it. The sudden pain caused you to cry out and squirm, but Taehyung’s firm grip prevented your escape. Taehyung chuckled at your response.
“Don’t think you can get away with being cheeky with me, darling,” he cooed in your ear.
His hand slipped between your thighs, his cold fingers lightly inching closer to your core. 
“Taehyung…” your voice trailed off.
“Yes, darling? What do you need?” he teased.
“I need you to--”
The front door chimed, interrupting you. Taehyung dragged you off of the counter with inhuman speed, spinning you back to your spot with the bows. The quick force made you dizzy, but you were grateful for it. It would have been embarrassing for a customer to catch you in such a compromising position.
“Hello again dear,” a familiar voice called out to you. 
You turn to see elderly couple smiling at you from the front of the shop. The elderly woman was waving at you.
“Good morning! How are you two? Here for your roses again?” you politely welcomed them in.
Taehyung is smirking to himself as the conversation continued. You wanted to hit him for being so brazen. The elderly couple updated you on their bakery, saying that next time they’ll bring you fresh goods. You laughed and told them you would gladly trade flowers for their baked goods. 
“Who is that handsome boy over there? Is that your lover?” the elderly woman whispered to you. 
“Oh, I uh, I guess you could say that. That’s my boyfriend,” you blushed, suddenly becoming shy.
“Wow you hit the jackpot, girl,” the elderly man remarked, “That boy might very well be the most handsome young man I’ve ever seen in my life. Besides myself of course.”
The couple laughed and you couldn’t help but join in. Taehyung shyly looked over and respectfully bowed. You could tell he reverted back to his timid and stoic state. You had forgotten how standoffish he was around new people. 
The elderly couple happily left with their regular bouquet of roses. Taehyung’s tension melted away as soon as they left the store. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself, they seemed sweet,” Taehyung apologized.
“Don’t worry about it. They’re the only customers I’ve ever had here. I guess the shop makes its money from all of these orders,” you resumed tying bows.
Taehyung’s smirk crept back onto his face as he snuck a glance at you.
“What?” you asked with annoyance. 
“That’s me.”
“What are you smirking at?” you asked.
“Maybe you should look in a mirror,” he suggested. 
Horrified, you whipped out your phone. At first, you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. There was nothing weird on your face. But then you saw it. A huge hickey was showcased in the middle of your neck. It was impossibly dark and its sheer size had you in awe. At first you were impressed, but then the dismay set in when you realized that the elderly couple must have seen it. No matter how blind they were, there was no way they could miss that. 
“Taehyung, you asshole!” you scolded him.
“Did you not enjoy receiving that?” he questioned.
“I did, but I didn’t want to show it off to my only customers!” you cried out.
“I’m sure they had their fair share of fooling around when they were younger,” Taehyung teased as he took your hand and pulled you closer, “Should we resume where we left off?”
“Can you remind me where we were?” you nipped at his ear. 
“Certainly,” he growled, hoisting you back onto the counter.
Planting kisses across your jawline, his hands spread your legs apart. Again his fingers flitter a trail in your inner thigh. Your neediness caused you to roughly press your lips against his while weaving your fingers in his hair.
His fingers grazed your clothed pussy, causing you to shudder. He lightly teased you, slowly rubbing your clit in a circular motion. 
“Faster,” you begged.
Taehyung obliged, picking up his speed. He applied more pressure, bringing you closer to the edge. Pulling aside your panties, his long fingers ran between your folds. You threw your head back in pure bliss.
He slowly inserted a finger into you, relishing your moans as he got deeper. You were so wet that he easily added a second finger. He took his time entering your pussy.
“You’re so warm, darling. And so wet. Is this all for me?” he gazed into your eyes.
“Yes, Taehyung. Oh mm,” was all you could say before trailing off into a moan when his pace picked up.
His fingers curled to hit your g spot with each pump. It was getting too intense, and your breaths became quick and shallow. You were right on the edge when Taehyung removed his fingers entirely. Your pussy clenched around nothing, and you whined at the sudden emptiness.
“Can I taste you, dear?” Taehyung asked.
You quickly nodded, desperate to get to your high. If Taehyung reduced you to this much of a mess with just his fingers, you could only imagine what his mouth could do. 
Taehyung buried himself under your dress, draping the fabric around his head. At first you couldn’t help but giggle. It looked a little silly, like he was hiding under your dress. Your giggle was replaced by a gasp when his tongue made contact.
He began lightly licking stripes through your folds, flicking your clit with his tongue each time. His tongue took its time exploring your intimate area, flattening out in order to gain the most coverage. 
His attention was then focused solely on your clit. He circled it with his tongue before gently sucking on it. The new sensation made you cry out even louder, but your voice hitched when he plunged two fingers back into you. 
The knot in your abdomen returned as your grip on Tae’s hair tightened. His free hand kept your legs spread open as you began to thrash around when your climax got closer. Taehyung was now moving his fingers at an inhuman pace, and his tongue was getting rougher on your clit. 
You let out a final cry as you release all over Taehyung, the intensity hitting you like a truck. You’ve never had an orgasm like this before. You were panting hard to catch your breath while Taehyung appeared from under your dress.
His face was glistening with your juices. He shot you a smug smile before wiping his face with the back of his hand. He seductively licked your essence off of his own hand. If you weren’t so spent, you would have immediately jumped on his dick after seeing that. 
“Did I satisfy you, ___?” Taehyung questioned.
“I believe so,” you exhale, “The evidence is all over your face. Wait, I think it’s on your forehead?” 
“Probably. I’m pretty sure you squirted. The inside of your dress is a mess,” Taehyung shrugged.
You hopped off the counter and sure enough, there was a puddle on the counter. Your dress was also a wet mess. A random passerby would have thought you wet yourself. You were flustered by the thought.
“I made quite the mess, huh,” you sighed.
“That’s my fault. Should I never repeat that mistake?” Taehyung playfully jabbed.
“I never said that,” you replied defensively, “But now I have to clean that up.”
“Can I help?” he offered.
“You can help by finishing the rest of the orders. I can take a few days off when all the orders have been fulfilled,” you suggested.
“A few days? Would you be free to spend those days with me?”
“What else would I do?”
Taehyung got back to work quickly. You chuckled at his diligence. To your surprise, Taehyung managed to complete the orders by the end of the day. He loaded up the cart by himself and hauled it over to the post office in record time. No doubt the postal workers were in awe at his sheer strength when they saw him single handedly bring drag the full cart. 
“So, are you free tomorrow?” Taehyung asked shyly when he returned.
“I think my schedule just cleared up. Why do you ask?” you played along.
“Would you like to come over and have a day on the lake with me? I can fish while you nap alongside me,” he suggested.
“Lemme think about it,” you pretended to mull it over, “I guess you convinced me. I’ll come over around 10? Or is that too early?”
“It’s never too early for you, darling. The best fishing happens around dawn anyway,” Taehyung replied.
“You want me to come around dawn?” your eyes widened.
“That would probably be too early huh? We can do something else instead then. Wanna be lazy and watch Netflix?”
“I thought you didn’t like technology,” you teased.
“I don’t. But I enjoy lounging around with you. And you got me hooked on Marco Polo.”
“Hell yeah I did. Just wait till you see Peaky Blinders!” you beamed enthusiastically.
“Can’t wait. I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked as you both stood outside the shop.
“Yes sir. It’s a date,” you nodded.
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You found yourself waking up early the next morning, the excitement of seeing Taehyung made you restless. Was his hold over you that powerful? Or perhaps it was something else that had him never leaving your mind? Those questions swam in the back of your head as you picked out your outfit for the day. 
With your laptop bag in tow, you hopped into your car. It was around 8am by now. It was by no means the crack of dawn, however it was early enough for you to lull back to sleep if Taehyung really wanted to go fishing.
The sun was blocked by a thick wall of dark clouds, which was the normal weather in this area for some reason. Even without the sun shining down on you, a faint warmth hugged your body as you approached Taehyung’s house (and no, it wasn’t humidity). This feeling was new, and you couldn’t quite place it. It was as if the sheer buzz from your romantic feelings kept your cheeks warm 24/7. 
The front door swung open immediately after your first knock.
“___! Good morning, my darling. You’re here early,” Taehyung greeted you.
“I woke up early and decided it wouldn’t hurt to show up a bit earlier. Do you still wanna go fishing?” you asked.
“We can certainly try, if you’d like. We can have fish for lunch if I catch anything,” Taehyung pondered.
“I can potentially try more of your cooking? In that case, I definitely want to try,” you piped up.
Taehyung nodded in agreement. He helped you put your stuff away before disappearing to gather fishing supplies. In his absence, you blankly stared at the table where you tried to poison him just a few days prior. Was it a mistake to change your mind? If it was wrong to let him live, why did it feel so right to be with him?
“I got everything! Did you want to fish too? I only have one rod, but we can share,” Taehyung called out, snapping you away from your thoughts. 
“I’m fine with sharing. I’ll take a nap if I get bored,” you smiled at him.
You carried the fishing rod to the lake alongside Taehyung, much to his chagrin. He argued that he was more than capable of carrying everything by himself, but you claimed that you would feel useless if you didn’t help him. He let you carry the lightest item as a compromise. 
 Taehyung easily guided the little boat to the middle of the river. The shores were barely visible in all directions. It would be incredibly easy for either of you to dispose of the other. His back was turned to you as he cast off his line. A simple flick of your wrist and Taehyung’s head would be lost in the lake. Your body tensed up at the thought.
“Isn’t this scene so serene?” Taehyung broke the silence.
Your gaze moved from his back to the calm waters. It was indeed beautiful. Fog rolled along the surface of the lake, making it even harder to see the shoreline. Normally this would be perceived as eerie, but it was oddly romantic to you. 
Your body relaxed as you rest your head against Taehyung’s firm back. This predicament you were in was silly. Maybe if you came clean to Yoongi he’d support you. Afterall, he wanted you to have a normal life. Being with Taehyung for the last few weeks has made you feel like that kind of life was possible. 
“It’s beautiful, Taehyung. Like you,” you responded, hugging him from behind. 
“You think I’m beautiful?” he was amused.
“Of course I do. But so would anyone who’s ever seen you.”
“Your opinion is the only one that matters to me, ___. Thank you. You are the most stunning creature I have ever laid my eyes upon,” Taehyung happily hummed. 
“You’re too sweet. I feel so at peace right now. I think I’m gonna fall asleep,” you yawned.
“Go ahead, darling. This may take awhile,” Taehyung chuckled. 
You succumb to slumber almost instantly. It was an enjoyable nap until your dreams turned odd. You were enveloped in darkness, shivering. You gasped for air but to no avail as you struggled to breathe. 
“I wish I didn’t have to do this,” you heard a faint voice say.
“Tae? Taehyung are you there?” you cried out.
You abruptly woke up with a gasp, your sudden movement rocked the tiny boat.
“___? Are you okay?” Taehyung turned around to comfort you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I had a bad dream,” you replied.
“What did you dream about?”
“I’m not sure. It was weird. I couldn’t see anything, but I was extremely cold. And there was this voice. It kind of sounded like yours but I can’t really remember,” you shivered.
“Well, you’re okay now, darling. I’ll make sure no one can ever hurt you,” Taehyung reassured you, “Good news, I managed to catch 3 fish! They’re a pretty good size.”
Taehyung triumphantly showed you his catches. He was right. The fish were pretty sizable. You couldn’t wait to eat whatever he cooks up with them. 
You tried to shake off the uneasiness from your dream. Luckily, Taehyung distracted you on the way back. He started humming a tune, which soon turned into a song.
“I still wonder, wonder, beautiful story,” Taehyung sang aloud.
  His voice was captivating. You’ve never heard a voice so angelic before. His song calmed your nerves almost instantly. 
“I didn’t know you could sing. What can’t you do?” you asked in awe as you entered his home. 
“I just dabble in it. I have many hobbies. Like painting, as I mentioned before,” Taehyung admitted.
“You say you like to paint, but as soon as we have a painting date, you’re gonna reveal that you’re the next Monet or some shit,” you shook your head.
“I’m happy you hold me in such high regard, darling. I’ll admit that I’m a better cook than I am an artist,” he chuckled as he began prepping the kitchen.
“Oooh I can’t wait! Do you need any help?” you asked.
“No, I think I can handle it on my own darling. You just relax and keep me company, okay?” he made eye contact with you.
You smiled and complied with his request. You never grew tired of conversing with him. Before you knew it, the dish was complete. The fish were filleted in the most ornate manner, with a skill level on par with Gordon Ramsay. The taste was even more exquisite than the appearance. You’ve never foodgasmed before, but this dish just did you in. Taehyung gave you a boxy smile when you praised his food. 
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The remainder of the month was filled with days similar to this one. As promised, you helped Taehyung tend to his garden as he gave you advice on how to not be a plant killer. One day, you surprised him with a painting date. You brought over small canvases and paints, only to find out that Taehyung has his own studio set up in one of the many rooms in his humble abode. Nonetheless, he was delighted by the surprise (turns out he also really was the next Monet, his paintings were incredible). 
You also began to spend the night at his place. You made it a habit to bring an extra set of clothes to leave in your car just in case. Taehyung even got you your own toothbrush to leave at his place (how romantic). 
Tonight marked the two month anniversary of you two meeting each other. Taehyung wanted to commemorate this day instead of the day you guys actually started dating. You thought it was odd, but you didn’t argue against it. 
He surprised you with an extravagant bouquet that he arranged himself. Dressed up in a suit and treated you to dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town. You dressed up too, the clothing was reminiscent of how you dressed on previous missions. 
You honestly forgot that you were on a job. You were too busy living out the life of your dreams. A normal one with the bonus of being in love with a gorgeous man who happened to love you back. The thought that your month of peace was nearly over crept up on you while you were getting ready. You pushed the thought away immediately. You still had time to live out your fantasy, even if it was fleeting. 
Your red velvet dress dipped scandalously low on your chest, and it hugged your curves promiscuously. Taehyung’s jaw dropped and transformed into a smirk as soon as he picked you up. 
The meal at the restaurant was good, but you both knew that Taehyung could cook a better one. But it was nice to go out for a change. You could feel eyes on you during the entire evening, but you weren’t sure if people were staring at you or your date. After all, your date’s appearance rivaled that of the gods.
“Did you enjoy your meal, darling?” Taehyung asked as the waitress took away the plates. You noticed that she took every opportunity she could to interact with him, such as filling up his water every time he would take a sip. You were going to say something, but decided against it since you couldn’t really blame her. 
“I did! I’m stuffed,” you huffed.
“Not yet.”
“You’re not stuffed yet,” Taehyung repeated himself, then continued to lower his voice, “You look ravishing tonight. You’re always stunning, but tonight I don’t think I can control myself.”
“Who said I want you to?” you teased, leaning over to further expose your cleavage.
“Where the fuck is the check? We need to go immediately,” Taehyung flagged down the waitress.
Taehyung sped all the way back to his mansion. Every bump in the road caused you to squeeze your legs together, increasing your horniness. You tried to get Taehyung to put his hand on your thigh, but he refused. He claimed that if he touched you now, he’d have to take you then and there.
You couldn’t wait to get to your destination. You and Taehyung shared some sexual encounters, but he insisted on taking things slow. He did not want you to feel pressured to have sex with him (even though you made it clear that you truly wanted it). However, tonight was different. Taehyung would finally have his way with you, just like you’ve been wanting since you laid eyes on him.
He carried you bridal style all the way up to his room. He roughly threw you onto the bed, causing you to giggle.
“Get your giggles out now, love. I promise you, you won’t be laughing for the rest of the night,” Taehyung growled with a tone you haven’t heard before. 
You pulled him into bed with you, your lips locking into a passionate kiss. Hands began to wander as the kiss deepened. As tongues delved into foreign mouths, articles of clothing were being stripped off. You tossed off Taehyung’s suit jacket and began to unbutton his shirt. Taehyung grew impatient and ripped your dress in half. You whined in protest since you actually liked that dress, to which Taehyung laughed and promised to get you another. 
Now both in your underwear, Taehyung stopped to gaze at your nearly naked body. Your matching black lingerie made you look sinful, and Taehyung was ready to indulge. Your hand lightly grasped his bulge before it was swatted away. 
“Nuh uh, babygirl. You obey me. You are only to do what you’re told. Understand?” Taehyung scolded as he tied your wrists together with a rope you didn’t realize he had nearby. 
“Yes sir,” you responded. His dominance made you wet before he even touched you there.
“Good girl. Flip over,” he demanded. 
You followed his order, rolling over to lay on your arms and knees. You propped your ass out for him, wiggling it around playfully. A harsh slap stung your bottom, causing you to yelp out in pain.
Taehyung pulled down your panties, running a finger through your slick folds. He teased your clit, rubbing it in circles agonizingly slowly. Before you could complain, he licked a long and flat stripe along your pussy. His tongue swirled and flicked at a euphoric pace that had you seeing stars. He inserted two fingers into your soaked pussy as his tongue traveled to your ass.
You gasped at the new sensation, you’ve never had your ass eaten before. You tingled in new places as his tongue explored the intimate region. His fingers curled in you as he pumped them into you. You felt your climax build up as your pussy began to clench.
“Cum for me, babygirl,” Taehyung ordered, increasing his pace. 
The control he had over your body was incredible. You had an intense orgasm as soon as he uttered those words. Your body shook under him as you released the knot that formed in your lower abdomen. 
Taehyung flipped you onto your back with ease. Your chest was heaving and you tried to catch your breath.
“I think you’re wet enough for me now,” Taehyung smiled as he finally tugged off his underwear. 
You eagerly spread your legs open for him, signaling that you were ready. Taehyung relished the sight. He rubbed his cock along the folds of your pussy, hitting your clit with every stroke. You were oversensitive from your orgasm, which made you cry out each time he played with your clit.
“Are you ready, baby?” Taehyung teased your entrance with his tip.
“Please fuck me already. I can’t take your teasing any longer,” you begged.
Taehyung happily obliged. He took his time entering you, enjoying your drawn out moans. He let out a low groan when he finally bottomed out. He filled you up perfectly. He lingered in that position for a little too long. You had the silly idea of being cheeky.
“I guess you could say that I’m stuffed now,” you smirked.
“You haven’t felt anything yet,” Taehyung scoffed as he finally began to move.
His thrusts were powerful, allowing his dick to hit you in all the right places each time. Your moans were getting louder with every second. Your tied hands reached between your thighs, but Taehyung harshly grabbed your wrists.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” Taehyung admonished. 
As punishment, he pinned your tied up hands above your head as he began to pound into you mercilessly. You were lost in pure bliss when he did what you were trying to do earlier. He applied the perfect amount of pressure to your clit to make you go wild. Your body began to quiver again under him.
“Let’s finish together,” Taehyung panted. He was close. 
“Taehyung, I love you,” you made eye contact with him.
That sent him over the edge. The sincerity mixed with lust in your eyes was the final straw. He released his hot load into you as you also surrendered to your pleasure. 
“Now I would say that you’re stuffed,” Taehyung joked as he leaned over to kiss your forehead, “I love you too, ___. So much. More than you could ever fathom. In a way, you saved my life.”
“I did?” you were still out of it from your two intense orgasms.
“You did. But we can talk about that another day. I’ll get something to clean you up,” he chuckled. 
You were already asleep by the time he returned with a towel. He smiled to himself, wondering how you can go from sinfully seductive one second to downright adorable to the next. Taehyung happily cuddled up next to you and soon followed suit in slumber.
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You had to return back to your house the next day. You stupidly forgot your laptop charger and Taehyung was whining because he wanted to watch Peaky Blinders. Taehyung dropped you off and waved cutely as you left the car. You promised that you’d watch the show with him the next day. 
The moment you stepped foot into your cottage you noticed something was off. The door gave way too easily, and the aura had changed. The once peaceful atmosphere of your safe haven had been replaced by an eerie stillness. It was akin to the silence before a major storm. 
You silently surveyed the immediate surroundings as you closed the door behind you. You knew you weren’t alone. Acting as if nothing was wrong, you casually walked to the bedroom. The intruder was watching you intently. 
You stretched nonchalantly, in hopes of luring the intruder out. It worked. A rustle of movement was heard behind you, allowing you to easily evade the attack. In a motion almost unseen to the human eye, you had your attacker pinned to the ground with a knife at their throat (it’s good practice to always keep a weapon on you in this profession). 
“I really thought I had you that time,” your attacker sighed.
“Jungkook? What the fuck are you doing here?” you angrily questioned, tilting his chin up with your blade. 
“I could ask the same thing,” he retorted, unfazed by the knife at his throat, “What the fuck have you been doing here for the past two months, ___?”
“I’m on a mission. Is that a problem?” you masked your alarm.
“It is if you refuse to kill your target. I’ve been tailing you for the past week. You’ve had so many chances to finish that thing off, yet here we are,” he replied smugly.
“Did Yoongi send you?”
“Who else?”
“Go back and tell him that I’m working on it.”
“You want me to lie?” Jungkook dramatically dropped his jaw.
That angered you, causing you to apply just enough pressure with the knife to break his skin. A line of blood trickled down the blade.
“Why did you choose to reveal yourself now?” you snarled.
“I got bored. Tracking you is boring. Watching you pretend to be in love with that thing is boring. I came to give you an ultimatum. Either you kill it, or I will. That thing killed your parents, ___. You have to remember that it’s a monster,” Jungook challenged you, “Guess little Miss Number One is finally slipping.”
“Fuck you. All those years of chasing after my ass finally getting to you? Second best isn’t such a bad thing.” you mocked.
“Fuck me? If you insist,” Jungkook winked, “You know, this position is kinda hot. You into knife play?”
“Shut up, Jungkook,” you say in disgust, finally releasing your hold on him.
You sit on the bed, watching Jungkook as he paced around your room. Processing his ultimatum had you in a trance. By now, you had no chance of killing Taehyung. You foolishly fell in love with him. 
However, you didn’t think Jungkook would be able to win in a fight against Taehyung. Jungkook is too brash, and Taehyung is too powerful despite his atypical behavior. Even if Taehyung killed Jungkook, that would only cause more problems. The VEC would be even more eager to exterminate him, and will probably send multiple teams in to do the job. Maybe you could convince Yoongi to call it off. Maybe, by some miracle, he would listen to you.
“___? ___? Yoohoo. If you’re gonna ignore me, you should at least stop staring at my dick,” Jungkook stood before you.
“Huh?” you were pulled out of your daze and looked up at him , “Oh. Don’t flatter yourself, Jungkook. I wouldn’t stare at your shrimp dick even if my life was on the line.”
“My Jungcock is the size of a jumbo shrimp, thanks for noticing,” Jungkook grinned.
“God, you’re so disgusting,” you rolled your eyes.
“And yet the vamp ladies can’t get enough of me. They’re willing to die for this dick,” Jungkook nodded.
“I don’t think they’re exactly willing, but sure. Do me a favor, go back to Yoongi and tell him that the job is done,” you say quietly.
“Oh? You’re gonna kill your lover boy?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow. 
“Duh. It’s my job. It’s just been hard to find an opening--”
“Bullshit. I told you, you’ve had numerous openings. You just refuse to take any of them for some reason. Don’t tell me that you’ve actually gotten attached to your target,” Jungkook said in disbelief.
You remained quiet, avoiding eye contact. There was no use in lying, Jungkook would see right through you.
“Holy shit, ___. You dumb bitch,” Jungkook laughed.
“I told you that I would handle it. Just go tell Yoongi that the job is done,” you pleaded.
“And get chewed out in your place? No thank you,” Jungkook sat beside you, “So, what happened?”
You tell him everything. Despite him being a dick, Jungkook was probably the closest thing you had to a friend. He was orphaned due to a vampire attack, so the VEC took him in. You’ve been rivals since you were kids. 
“Sounds like you might actually have real feelings for this thing,” Jungkook said after hearing you out.
“He’s not a thing, his name is Taehyung,” you admonished, “But yes, I think I actually am in love. I fucked up big time, Jungkook,” you exhaled in exasperation. 
“Feels bad man,” Jungkook shook his head, “Major F.”
“Ok thanks for your sympathy,” you huffed.
“You still have to kill him. You know that right?”
“I know. It’s just going to be really hard,” you fought back tears.
Jungkook watched you struggle to hold everything in. He pulled you in for a hug. You suddenly let it all out, crying into his chest. Everything came crashing down. You have to fulfill your mission. Even if you failed, the VEC would pursue Taehyung relentlessly. You owe it to him to give him a peaceful death. 
Your special poison. That’s how you’ll do it. Once he’s immobile, you’ll be able to behead him in one quick motion, making it virtually painless for him. But god, it’s gonna hurt like hell for you.
“Do it the next time you meet him. If you don’t, I’ll kill him myself,” Jungkook said after you finished crying. He said it in a tone that let you know that it’s not a threat, but rather a promise that he’ll back you up. 
You cried yourself to sleep that night. You tried to convince yourself that Taehyung was just a monster that charmed you to bend to his will. You tried to believe that he doesn’t actually love you. You tried to believe that everything was a lie. 
But you just couldn’t. 
You didn’t want to think about how tomorrow will be the last day you’d ever see him. It would be the last time he would ever hold you in his arms, the last time he’d gaze at you with his beautiful eyes, and the last time he would ever say that he loves you.
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You drove to Taehyung’s house the next day, as promised. Taehyung waited for you in his usual spot on the fountain’s edge. His lips curled into a smile as soon as you drove in. God, you’d miss that smile.
He bounded over to you as you parked the car.
“Hello darling! Oh, are you alright?” Taehyung asked with a concerned look when he saw your puffy eyes, “Have you been crying?”
“I got emotional last night. It was stupid. Don’t worry about it,” you faked a smile. 
“It’s not stupid if you cried over it. What upset you?”
“The thought of losing you,” you answered honestly.
“Aw, that’s sweet. Don’t worry, my darling. You won’t be rid of me any time soon,” Taehyung pulls you into a tight embrace to reassure you.
“I hope not,” you quietly replied.
Published October 16, 2020. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2020 Baepsaesbae.
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phykios · 3 years
i meant to have this up on friday but i didn’t bc i’m lame anyway, this is dedicated to my dearest dearest peyton 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 one year ago last friday i had the distinct pleasure of sliding into her dms on discord, several fics and 72 separate aus later, here we are. so, for our friendiversary, have a sexy origin story for percabeth 😁
Say So, for @darkmagyk​ [read on ao3] rated E for sexual content (spicy!!! pls be advised!!!) cw: recreational drug use, experimental bondage, and an accidental hit during intercourse
“I don’t think it’s working,” Annabeth says.
“Just give it a minute.” Sofia sounds gone already, hazy and dreamy.
She gives it a minute.
“Am I supposed to feel something?”
“Well I’m not.”
“You gotta be patient,” says Jordan. Throaty and full, her already deep voice is even deeper, almost vibrating in the air.
Annabeth blinks. “Maybe they gave you actual grass. Or maybe I’m too much of a square for it to affect me.” Sofia snorts. “I’m serious. You know at my summer camp they started giving me counselor responsibilities when I was twelve? Percy always said I wouldn’t know what fun was if it hit me in the face. And it’s not like he was wrong, like I spent most of my childhood reading ancient Greek or learning how to use a knife but there were some pretty ridiculous extenuating circumstances and I really wanted this older boy at camp to like me, and why am I talking so fast?”
Masako giggles. “You’re stoned.”
“I am?”
“Stoned,” she confirms.
“High,” says Sofia.
“Intoxicated!” sings Jordan.
“Oh, wow.” She can feel every blade of grass beneath her, tickling along her bare legs, the wind caressing her face, the sounds of Berkeley--frat boys playing Ultimate, rush-hour traffic, a thousand different conversations about nothing and everything--muffled behind a glass wall. “I’m high.”
Sofia laughs. “How does it feel?”
“It feels…” She licks her lips. They taste like avocado fries and sunshine. “It feels like…” Slow. The turn of the earth so soft and gentle, like the tides in the lake when Percy is in a good mood. Like the liminal space between sleepfulness and wakefulness, when you’ve taken a nap and can’t remember what year it is. Like wading through a magical time spell, but warm. “You know what I mean?”
“Annabeth,” says Masako. “You didn’t say anything.”
“What?” She raises her head, looking over at her friend. Her eyes are closed, her hands running along the grass of the quad. “I didn’t?”
Annabeth lets her head fall back, thumping the earth. “Oh, theoi, I’m high.”
Overcome, Jordan starts laughing, curling onto her side. The rest aren’t far behind. 
Soon they’re not laughing at her anymore, they’re just laughing to laugh. Laughter is fun, she realizes, her breath and blood whooshing through her body, every muscle and bone in her body united in one single pursuit of joy. Her eyes are squeezed shut, cheeks aching from the force of her smile, her body curled in on itself, wracked with euphoria.
Sofia giggles so hard she snorts, setting them all off again.
Wading through an onslaught of laughter, high and squeaky, Annabeth gasps out, “Why am I laughing so much?”
“Because you’re high, girl!” Jordan crows. She has turned herself over on her front, her face pressed against the grass. “Have you really never gotten high before?”
“Don’t tease her,” says Sofia, awkwardly patting Annabeth’s knee. “You know she hasn’t done anything.”
She has done stuff, she almost says--before she shuts her mouth with an audible clack.
“Not even at your camp?” Jordan asks, befuddled. Befuddled is a funny word. “No one ever snuck in some alcohol or whatever?”
Thoughts running at a snail’s pace, she has to seriously rack her brain to think if one of the Hermes’ kids ever brought in any illicit substances. Soda, minor monsters, the most powerful weapon ever created--but not any alcohol or marijuana. She thinks. “Our camp director was really strict about alcohol.”
“Lame,” says Masako.
“I mean, he was in recovery,” says Annabeth, her go-to story about Mr. D, just in case anyone ever asks. “It was a whole thing. He couldn’t have it, so we couldn’t have it.” 
“Not lame,” she amends.
“Okay, I think,” she says, a memory appearing out of the fog, after Gaea, after all that nonsense, “I think my co-counselor Katie made some joints out of bay leaves once.” 
The younger kids had gone to bed, sent off with a healthy dose of Clovis’ dream magic to ward away any nightmares, but the older campers had stayed up, huddled around the central brazier into the wee hours of the morning. Still so exhausted she could barely see straight, falling asleep on top of Percy, he had hauled her away to bed, but not before he had declined something for the both of them, something small and white and made to be smoked.
“You can get high off of bay leaves?” Sofia asks. 
Annabeth nods. “That’s how the… the fucking…” the word was on the tip of her tongue. The thing that Rachel did. But long ago. Oracle! “The Oracle, she got high, in ancient Greece. With bay leaves. She’d smoke them and receive prophecy.”
Jordan lifts her head. “Cool. You got ancient Greek high.”
Annabeth nearly says something about Olympus, or maybe Blackjack, an amazing joke about being high and Greek just on the tip of her tongue, but she has just enough self control not to. “No, I was tired. Percy and I went to bed.” 
“Laaaaaaaaame,” says Masako.
It’s just good-natured ribbing. And they’re all high as kites. But Annabeth still frowns. “I’m not lame.”
“You’re amazing, don’t get me wrong,” Masako says, “but you are so lame. You’ve never gotten high before, you’re probably going to marry your first boyfriend… you are so vanilla.”
“And we love that about you!” Sofia jumps in.
Annabeth can’t feel bad right now, but she can feel a little lost. “But I love Percy,” she says. “Why wouldn’t I marry him?”
Percy is perfect. He’s handsome and kind and powerful and funny and brave and handsome. He’s more than anyone could hope for. And he loves her. 
“You’re really going to marry him?” Jordan asks. “Like, for real?”
She shrugs. “Yeah, but he says he can’t propose before he finds the perfect ring. He promised he wouldn’t make me wait too long. I don’t want to have Chase on my diploma.” 
“Oh my god,” Masako giggles, “you’re even more vanilla than I thought.” 
“The dick can’t be that good,” Jordan muses, examining a particularly long blade of grass. 
It is, but they don’t need to know that. 
Sofia snorts. “It is?”
Oh, fuck. Annabeth giggles. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”
“Tell us!” Masako sits bolt upright, eyes wide. “Tell us everything!”
She slams her hands over her face. “Noooo,” she laughs, curling in on herself further. “I can’t.”
All at once, they scream, like the three Erinyes swooping down onto an unsuspecting prey. Or the Cabin Ten campers when someone gets too close with any stray ketchup.
“Spill!” they shriek. “Spill!”
No one has ever demanded to know the details of her sex life before. Even at camp, she and Percy are given a wide berth. Something about walking through Tartartus with your partner apparently takes your sex life from giggle-worthy to kind of intimidating. That’s the biggest difference between her demigod friends and her mortal friends, Annabeth is finding. Other than that, they’re pretty much exactly the same. “What do you want to know?” she asks, naively.
The floodgates open.
“When did you guys first do it?”
“How was it?”
“What does he like?”
“His abs though--”
“Is he good at head?”
“Favorite position!”
“His dick is big, I just know it--”
Over and over, overlapping, a whirlwind of questions, she can’t process them nearly as fast as they are coming--all she can do is laugh, breathless and airy, until they all dissolve into giggles once again.
She’s getting a little tired of this constant laughing.
Even that thought makes her start all over again.
“Okay,” she gasps, “okay, I can’t--I can’t answer all of those.”
Jordan waves her arms. “Me first! First time!”
Annabeth shrugs. “Um, it was… the weekend of Thanksgiving, a few months after we started dating. His parents were at a mixer for their writing group, and I was staying with them during my school break.” What else is she supposed to say? That they’d been talking about it for weeks? That Annabeth had been so excited she’d forgotten to even ask him about condoms? That Percy had been so concerned with making sure he got her off and didn’t hurt her that he’d spent almost an hour fingering her? 
They squeal in unison. “His parents’ house!” Sofia gasps, hands on her face. “So scandalous! How was it?”
Annabeth blushes. “Amazing.” 
And it had been, as amazing as a first time can be. Any person could only ever dream of having a partner as attentive and respectful as Percy for their first time.
“If he’s the only one you’ve ever had, how do you know it was that good?” Jordan asks. “I thought my first boyfriend was good, too, right up until I started dating Julie.” 
“I think three consecutive orgasms counts as being good,” Annabeth drawls.
Once again, the screaming.
“Three?” shrieks Masako.
“Your first time?!”
“He was really really really concerned I wouldn’t get off!” 
Sofia collapses on top of her, hands scrabbling for her shoulders, and always, always giggling. “You marry that boy--you marry him right now!”
“I’m trying!”
“And it’s still good?” Masako’s eyes are as wide as saucers.
Normally, she might be a little reluctant to share--even with Piper. The eighth of this edible, though, is certainly helping grease the wheels of conversation. “It’s always good.”
Jordan groans, throwing a handful of grass in her face. “Bullshit.”
She frowns, really thinking about it, trying to remember a time it was bad. It’s surprisingly really hard. “Sometimes we don’t have time for three orgasms.” 
“How often do you fake it?”
“What do you mean?” Annabeth asks Masako.
“You know… fake it.”
“Why would I fake it? If I fake it, he won’t know I haven’t come yet.” She laughs, more than a giggle but less than a guffaw. It’s so silly. Whoever thought of faking an orgasm?  “How would I even do that?” 
“You’ve never faked it?” Sofia is incredulous, her jaw hanging open. 
Annabeth sits up, flailing a little, reaching forward to touch her toes. Just because. “Of course not. Do people actually do that?”
“Sure,” says Masako. “Sometimes.”
“I hate you,” Jordan moans, “I hate you so much, you and your stupid sex god boyfriend who makes love to you every night like you’re in some trashy period drama with the…” Her hands come up, weakly making a wavy shape in the air. “The things. You know.”
Masako tilts her head. “Hoop skirts?”
Sofia pitches forward, hands coming flat on the grass. “Okay, Annabeth. Prove to us you’re not vanilla. Craziest place you’ve ever done it.”
All three girls lean in, now, expectant, hungry.
Annabeth frowns.
Where was the craziest place they had done it?
They’d done it a lot in the last few years. His apartment in the city, Cabin Three, her boarding school room… 
Oh. Right.
She flushes.
They lean in even closer.
Well, she can’t tell them about the time they had sex in the temple of Neptune in New Rome, but she can tell them about--“One time, at camp,” she mumbles, playing with a shoelace, “we… Percy is in charge of the boathouse, because--because he’s so good at sailing, you know? So, one day, we both passed our chores off to a couple other counselors, then he took out one of the canoes, rowed us out into the middle of the lake, and…” She glances up, bashful.
Cue the screaming. 
Annabeth covers her face with her arms, falling back down onto the quad.
“At your summer camp!” Masako cries, gleeful. 
“My word!” Playfully kicking her ankle, Jordan pretends to fan herself, like Hazel still does sometimes when she’s startled by something really risque. “Imagine if the children had seen you!”
The children hadn’t seen them, but the naiads definitely had--and had tried to capsize them for their trouble. She hadn’t been able to do any lake-related activities for a week without getting soaked by a stray wave which, coincidentally, managed to avoid hitting everyone else.
“What else?” Sofia asks, practically vibrating. “Craziest kink!”
“Um…” She frowns, screwing up her face so she thinks extra hard. Have they… done anything kinky? They have sex a lot, yeah, and not always in their bedrooms, but other than that… “I… don’t… know…”
Sex with Percy is always amazing--that’s not a lie. But, maybe it’s gotten a little… same-y.
“Well, well, well.” Sofia slow-claps it out, her rings clinking together. “I think she’s ready for the big leagues, don’t you, girls?” 
Through her fingers, Annabeth glances at her. “What do you mean?”
“Bondage?” She blinks. “Like, tying each other up?”
Annabeth doesn’t think she’s ever been tied up before. Well, except for the time she wanted to hear the Sirens, but Percy had left her with her knife, so that didn’t really count. 
“Last time I met up with Skylar, we went back to his, and he has this old-timey bed frame, with the slats, right? So I took the belt from my dress, and--”
“Okay, okay,” Annabeth cuts in, covering her face again. “I get the point.”
Maybe her friends have a point. Maybe she is a little vanilla.
Sofia pats her knee. “Next time you guys have sex--”
“So, in like, three hours,” Jordan snorts.
“--take a scarf or a tie or whatever and tie his hands to the headboard. Trust me, he will flip. Out.”
Annabeth nods, taking mental notes. “Hands to the headboard. Got it.” She’s not sure if he even has any ties, but she’s resourceful. She can cobble something together. “And… then what?”
Sofia shrugs. “Kiss him. Do a striptease. Leave him there. I dunno. Whatever you want.”
Masako scrambles to her feet, windmilling to keep her balance. “The Bon Me truck just pulled up,” she gasps, “and I am starving.”
And thus, that particular conversation is over, thanks to the munchies.
Truth be told, she kind of forgets it pretty much entirely. Most of that day is gone, the finer details swallowed up in a haze of heat waves and peanut sauce.
That is, until New Rome’s annual pre-Saturnalia mixer: dress code, lighter side of formal. Whatever that means. 
“Hey, babe?” Percy pokes his head in the bathroom, button-down half undone. “I need your eye for a second.”
She grunts around the bobby pin held between her teeth, sliding another one through some hitherto-unknown dimension to hold a curl in place. 
“What do you think, this tie with this jacket?” He holds the two of them together, the black and white Greek key pattern contrasting nicely against the navy blue fabric. “Or will that cause an incident?”
“Probably an incident,” she says, slowly, slipping the bobby pin from her mouth. Then, a thought poking at the back of her skull. “How long have you had that?”
He glances at it. “The tie? Paul gave it to me for graduation.”
“That was nice of him.”
“I’m pretty sure he got it from the Met gift shop, but yeah.” All smiles, he slides the jacket on, tie crumpled in his balled fist. “You’re right, no tie.”
She grunts, noncommittal, gaze sliding away as she tries to remember… something.
“You good?”
“...Yeah,” she says, eventually. “Just spaced out for a second.”
“Alright. You about ready to go?”
She glances at her hair in the mirror, the makeup on the counter. “Give me twenty.”
“Sure thing.” Then he goes out, a few moments of silence passing before she hears the sink turn on as he takes care of the dishes. 
How in Hades did she end up with the perfect man? Truly.
Percy continues to exude perfection at the party, despite the fact that he is clearly less than comfortable, not that she can blame him. Some of the older citizens of New Rome are a little less reserved with their opinions of the Greeks, Percy’s hand clenching around his glass of sparkling grape juice every time someone badmouths camp, their home, but they both relax as soon as they finish making the rounds of NRU’s board of trustees and other college officials, peeling away to find Frank and Reyna and the rest of their friends. 
Still, Annabeth can’t quite focus. 
“Hey.” Percy leans in, his hand against the small of her back, murmuring into her ear. “Are you okay?”
“Hm?” Gods, his hand is so big and warm. All that time in the gym is paying off, too, the weedy, skinny teenager she fell in love with blossoming into a young man, broad shoulders and firm chest like a Phidian sculpture.
“You’re just kind of quiet tonight. Did you sleep okay?”
She blinks at him, thoughts coming back into focus. “Uh--yeah, I’m good. Just--”
“Spaced out for a second?” Making a face, he grins back at her, unrepentant. “You wanna ditch the party?”
“Do you?”
He looks around, eyeing Hylla Ramirez-Arellano as she loudly boasts about being Jeff Bezos’ findom. “A little.”
Well, Annabeth is happy to be his excuse. 
Citing a (completely fake) headache, they make their graceful exit, walking back to their apartment in the cool California night, hand in hand, Percy carrying her heels as she walks barefoot down the sidewalks. 
It’s a quiet night. Percy squeezes her hand every few steps, and she squeezes back, lifting her face to the clear night sky, thoughts she can’t catch slipping through the cracks like wisps of clouds across the moon. But that’s okay. She’s pretty sure they’re good thoughts.
“You sure you’re alright?” Percy asks as they get home, closing the door behind them. “You've been kind of out of it all night.”
Kissing him on the cheek, she shrugs out of her nice coat, slipping it up on their makeshift coat rack, fashioned from a piece of driftwood that had nearly conked Percy on the head the first time they ever went down to the beach. “I’m fine, Percy, promise. Just kind of a bleh day, you know? Nothing a few cuddles and a movie won’t fix.”
At that, he beams, dropping Annabeth’s shoes on the floor. “I’ll get the popcorn!”
"Let me shower first," Annabeth says. Hopefully a shower will clear her head a little.
It doesn't.
Changing into her pajamas, she ruffles her curls with her microfiber towel, frowning as she comes out of the bathroom. Percy's good habits are rubbing off on her; she's left a lot of crap lying around that needs picking up. Collecting stray bobby pins from the vanity, a curling iron from the top of the dresser, and an alternate dress option from where she had left it on the bed, she putters about the room, tidying as she goes, when she stops. Percy's tie lays crumbled at the head of the bed where he had tossed it earlier.
She picks it up, running it between her fingers. It's not exactly silk, but it's still a decently strong weave, machine-made for mass production, inoffensively soft. Annabeth wraps it around her finger, pulling tight, and a flash of heat rushes through her, like a wave off the lava climbing wall. 
“So there’s this guy on Youtube who makes popcorn with Lao Gan Ma spicy chili crisp, and it sounded absolutely amazing,” says Percy, walking into their room, popcorn bowl in hand. Annabeth whips around, the tie crumpled in her fist. “I tried to keep the spice level down, but let me know if it’s too much and I can make another one.”
Annabeth blinks, momentarily uncomprehending. “Uh--sure! Sounds good.”
“Did you pick a movie while you were in the shower?”
“Um…” Was she supposed to? “Your choice.”
“The Sopranos okay?” he asks, climbing onto their bed, twisting around to grab his laptop from the side table. His shirt rides up a little, a sliver of waist and hip peeking out at her.
“Sure.” She likes The Sopranos. It’s a little soapy, but usually she has no problem following along. 
Keyword being usually.
She’s tucked herself into Percy’s side the way she usually does, her head against his, his arm around her shoulders, his thumb ghost along the bare skin of her bicep. He smells really good today, sea salt and cinnamon and chili oil, a testament to his busy day in the kitchen. He’s so warm, always, six feet of dense, packed muscle practically radiating heat. Annabeth could fall asleep right there. She often does. 
Shifting for the sixth time in what must be five minutes, she snuggles into his chest, curling and uncurling her toes. There’s no denying it--she can feel herself getting hotter, a flame in her center, soft and pulsing, reaching every part of her.
How she wishes she could blame it on The Sopranos.
Annabeth presses her nose into his neck, breathing him in, laying a kiss under his ear. Then another on his jaw. And another at the corner of his lips. And one on his mouth, tilting him towards her for better access. He goes, easily, without resistance. 
At some point, the popcorn bowl is moved. 
Then, Percy shuts his laptop closed during Livia’s wake. 
“Hey,” Annabeth murmurs into his mouth, draped over him like some kind of blanket. “I wanna try something.”
He hums, kissing her again. “Okay?”
She reaches behind him, beneath the pillow. She’s not sure why she had stashed it there, rather than hanging it back up in the closet, but she pulls out the tie, holding Percy’s gaze without breaking. “I thought,” she breathes, pressing her chest against him, incentivizing, “you know... if you want to."
His eyes darken, even as his face tries to give nothing away. "You wanna tie me up?"
Lip between her teeth, she nods.
Slowly, controlled, he blows his breath out, bringing a hand up to cup her cheek. "You sure?" he asks, desire rumbling in his chest.
She frowns. "Yeah." Does he not want to?
"Okay," he says, twisting a curl around his finger. "Just want to make sure we’re on the same page here.”
Or maybe worse, does he think she can’t? “Okay.”
Straightening up, she straddles him. He lifts his arms obediently, never breaking eye contact, bracing them against their headboard. It’s not really conducive for this sort of thing, but she threads the tie through the wooden slats easily enough, tying his wrists together, leaning in closer than she needs to so that her chest pushes up against his face.
There. All tied up and ready to go.
She leans back on her knees, taking in the whole pretty picture.
Rhythmically, subconsciously, Percy tests the strength of the bonds, flexing the muscles in his arms. His mouth hangs open, his hips shifting beneath her as he tries to get comfortable, cock hard through his sweatpants.
Annabeth scrambles off him, and he tries to follow, chest jerking as the tie holds him back. He grunts, surprised, shoulders straining, before he falls back, defeated, huffing angrily, a low growl which connects to the pit of her stomach. “Nice try, Percy,” she smirks, sauntering around to the foot of the bed, keenly aware of his gaze as it tracks her, hands on her hips. “It’s my show tonight.”
“Your show, huh?” He settles back against the headboard, wine-dark gaze boring into her. “By all means, then. Give me a show.”
She glares, grinding her teeth. Doesn’t he know she’s calling the shots right now? 
Well, fine. If he wants a show, he’ll get a show. 
Annabeth is… not a particularly graceful person normally, but on the battlefield, she knows she shines. Give her a knife and an enemy, and she can put the greatest dancers to shame. Well, in this case, Percy is the enemy, and… her clothes… are the knife. Or something like that. It makes more sense in her head.
Slowly, she grasps the hem of her sleep shirt, peeling it up over her chest, the fabric blocking her vision for a brief moment as she slips it over her head. When Percy comes back into view, his eyes have darkened just that much more, almost straining with the effort not to stare at her chest, even as it’s presented for his explicit viewing pleasure.
Annabeth does not have much in the way of breasts--never has. It doesn’t seem to bother him, which is nice. Besides, Percy is more of a leg man, as he has expressed several times. So, legs next. 
Her sleep shorts aren’t very sexy, old, threadbare things which had once been yoga pants. When she started gaining a little more weight, and the pants could no longer reach her ankles, she had cut them in a fit of impulsivity, stretching the fabric and sewing herself a new hem, giving her skin more room to breathe. And giving Percy more space to slip his fingers up, the horny bastard. 
She turns around, lamenting the loss, as she so wanted to see his face as she bends over, sticking out her ass, slowly slipping the waistband down. From behind, she hears a faint pickup in breathing. 
Over her ass, down her thighs and her knees. She thinks she hears a groan, muffled behind a bitten lip. She lifts up one foot, then the other, leaving the shorts in a puddle by her feet. Clad only in her panties now--black, lacy, but not due to any pre-planning on her part, unless you count the laundry just about overflowing in the closet hamper--she straightens back up, her hands going to her hair, running her fingers through it in some kind of approximation of sexy.
She turns around, and is greeted with his look of naked longing, his throat working as he swallows, full lower lip firmly in his teeth. His fists are clenched, the muscles of his forearms big and bulging, his heels pushing into the mattress.
She takes a step forward, her fingers teasing the edge of her panties. She won’t take them off, not yet, just torment him a little, lifting the fabric and letting it slap back down to her skin, then she’ll climb back on top of him, hump him through his sweatpants until he’s begging--
Annabeth catches her foot on the fabric puddle. Tripping, she throws out her hands, aiming to catch herself on the decorative chest they keep at the foot of their bed, her weak ankle buckling as it tries to keep her steady--then she jams her toe into the metal strut. Hard.
“Mother fucker!”
She goes down.
Through the white hot haze of pain, she can barely see, but she can certainly feel it as a pair of strong arms picks her up from the floor, laying her on the bed, a big hand taking her weaker foot, fingers delicately prodding the offending toe, skimming over the sensitive skin. “Percy?” she moans, seeing stars. “What--”
“Nothing feels sprained,” he murmurs, kissing her ankle. “Looks like you just slammed it. Let me get some ice.” And he leaves her for a moment.
Wasn’t he tied up a minute ago?
The bed dips beside her as Percy takes her foot again, carefully laying one of their smaller ice packs across the throbbing flesh. Her vision clears, blink by blink, and as his concerned but fond face slowly comes into focus, she also spies something trailing from his wrist--a strip of black and white fabric. 
His tie. Snapped in half. Still attached to him. “Did you…?” she trails off.
He flicks his eyes down to his wrist, and flushes, lightly. “Oh. I, uh, guess I did. I didn’t even notice.”
Annabeth’s body grows hot in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with shame. 
“Anyway,” he coughs, dry and useless. “Um, maybe we should call it a night?”
Hiding her face in her arms, she nods. 
They try again the next week.
While dictating her notes via speech-to-text, Annabeth had spent the last couple of days occupied with making her own rope, stronger and softer than the ones she had seen in her Incognito Mode searches while doing her business in the bathroom. BDSM rope is surprisingly really expensive, especially the less abrasive stuff, but more than that, she feels kind of… well, it’s weird, the idea of spending money on bondage shit when they’d only tried it once, and not very successfully at that. Like, how about they make sure they actually like it first, says the little Percy in her head who occasionally keeps her from making too many impulse purchases, and then they can upgrade their gear? 
Also, she’s confident her stuff is on par with the really expensive gear anyway. Plus, it’s blue!
And when she dangles it in front of his face, straddling him once again as she slides her wet pussy over his briefs, practically soaking them, he lifts his arms again, a quiet acquiescence, even as his jaw clenches in the barest hint of displeasure. 
Every day Percy does something new to make her fall in love with him. That he trusts her so much to let her tie him up, immobilize him, take away his control like this, even though he’s so clearly hesitant about the whole thing, that’s just today’s thing. She kisses him, soft and sweet, over and over, and he responds in kind, straining his neck to meet her. “You good?” she asks, a whisper into the space between them, and he nods. “It’s not too tight?”
“It’s fine.” She feels more than sees as he flexes his arms again, testing the strength of her rope. 
“Good.” She kisses his nose. No way he’ll be able to break these. 
The second time is already going better than the first. Having divested herself of her clothes beforehand, there’s no danger of her tripping and injuring herself as she lines herself up and sinks down on him, shuddering at the angle as she slides him inside of her. She just sits there for a moment, rocking back and forth on his lap, enjoying the way he fills her nooks and crannies, brushing up against the sensitive skin, closing her eyes against the sensation as she lifts herself up, sliding back down, up and down and up and down and up and down. 
“Fuck, Annabeth,” he moans. “Oh, fuck.”
It’s good. As always. It’s so good. 
But… something is missing.
She squeezes around him, and he hisses, bucking beneath her.
Why isn’t he touching her?
He groans, frustrated, his head making a muffled thump as it drops on the pillow.
Oh. Right.
Usually right about now he’ll go for her tits, his big hands covering them completely, deft fingers pinching and twisting her nipples in the most perfect way, so she decides to show him what he’s missing, bringing her own hands up to her chest, rolling her thumbs over her nipples, smiling as he practically growls. Unfortunately for her, for whatever sick reason, she’s not nearly as good at this as he is, her touches not really doing enough for her. And after a few minutes or so, Percy takes notice.
“Oh gods, Annabeth,” he pants, pulling his legs up behind her, the force almost tilting her forward, and she throws out her hands to catch herself, his abs tensing beneath her as she lands on them, her chest right up against his face. Quick as anything, he lifts his head up, mouth headed for her left nipple before she manages to pull herself back.
She narrows her eyes, falling back on his lap even more heavily, pushing a grunt out of him. “Nice try.”
He only grins back, shark-like, eyes dancing. “Had to give it a shot.”
Of course he did. Percy treats rules like [clever metaphor], easily broken and discarded. And now Annabeth has to punish him. 
What are you supposed to do for punishment again? 
Her mind draws a blank.
Percy stares up at her, waiting, brow raised in challenge.
To stall for time, she squeezes around him.
She’d watched a handful of pornos for research, and in a lot of them, the dominant would strike their partner. Percy’s tough, a bit of an adrenaline junkie, and he likes his rough-housing with Clarisse and Frank and the war kids, so he’d probably like that, too, right? If someone did that to her, Annabeth would probably like it.
So she raises her hand, and she brings it down on his soft, untensed, unprepared tummy. Hard.
He jumps so high that he actually manages to buck her off. “OW!”
“Percy!” she cries, scrambling back over to him. “Oh my gods, I’m so sorry!”
“The hell was that for!” he gasps, curling in on himself as best he can with his arms still tied above his head.
“Sorry, sorry,” she gentles, almost frantic, hands hovering over his body. His belly is rapidly turning pink, the outline of her hand stark on his skin, practically radiating heat. “I just--I mean I thought--fuck, I am so sorry!”
He groans in response, eyes squeezed shut. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck--”Let--let me get you some ice, or--” she stammers, sliding off the bed.
“Can you at least untie me first?” Percy wheezes. 
“Oh my gods, yeah, hold on.” Despite her shaking fingers, the knot comes undone easily, practically falling apart, and Percy curls himself into a ball, forehead touching his knees.
Returning with an ice pack wrapped in a dish towel, she kisses his shoulder in apology, slipping it between the taut, tight bends of his body. 
He is in real, actual pain. Fuck. “I am so, so sorry,” she says again, her voice wobbling.
Squinting up at her, he tries for a reassuring smile, but falls far, far short, a pained grimace painted across his face. “It’s okay,” he rasps. 
It’s really not, but saying that isn’t going to be so helpful right now. 
Instead, she lies down next to him, resting her hand on his arm, gently stroking back and forth in hopes that it might distract him a little. She knows that whenever her ankle or her shoulder act up, all she wants is Percy’s hands on her, repetitive and soothing. Hopefully she can give back a little of the comfort that he gives her.
After a while, he starts to uncurl. “Goddamn,” he moans, still clutching the ice pack to his stomach. “Remind me never to badmouth the Yankees again.”
She forces out a chuckle for his sake, ducking her head against his. “How is it? One to ten.”
Hissing, he straightens out a little more. “Probably a four,” he says, “but a really spicy four.”
“Percy, I am so--”
“It’s okay.” He knocks his head against her chin. “Maybe just warn me next time?”
“Yeah,” she says, uneasy. Next time is not looking so likely. “Here.” 
Slowly, she helps him into a sitting position, applying extra pressure on his stomach, her hand on top of his. They breathe together, letting the sting fade away until Percy drops his head on hers. 
“Hey,” he says.
“How are you?”
“How--” she snorts, a little wet. “I’m fine, Percy.”
“I’m sorry about hitting you,” she says. She can’t help but look down at his stomach, pinkness peeking above the ice pack, at his dick, well and truly flaccid. “That was… not my best idea.”
“Can I ask you something?” Tearing her gaze away, she turns back to Percy. “Why are you pushing for this so hard?”
She blinks, taken aback. “What do you mean?”
“Just, you’ve never really expressed an interest in kinky stuff before.” He takes her hand, cold from the ice pack, rubbing his thumb against hers, sweet and intimate. 
“Yeah, well,” she cuddles into Percy a little harder, curving her body around his shoulder. “Some of the girls at Berklee were teasing me about being a little vanilla.” None of it was mean-spirited or anything, but it had stayed with her for a while after it had resurfaced that night. Annabeth Chase, despite having run away from home at the age of seven, was a square, a teetotaler, unadventurous, the kind of woman who spent her Friday nights playing board games with a woman who typified 1930s values. Annabeth Chase, after her short, entirely too eventful life, was going to settle down, and marry the first boy she ever kissed.
It had struck a nerve.
“Being vanilla isn’t a bad thing,” he says, something like concern lacing his voice. “But, are you… not satisfied? With the physical stuff?” The unspoken ‘with me’ hangs between them, and Annabeth pulls back, looking him in the eye.
Reaching up, she kisses him. “Of course not. I could never not be satisfied.”
Something in him eases, almost imperceptible if she didn’t know him as well as she does. “So…”
Shrugging, she lays her head back down on his shoulder. “I dunno. It’s just--like, I’m pretty sure you’re going to be the only person I ever sleep with--”
“Pretty sure?”
She nudges him with her foot, and he laughs, hissing a little as it jostles his stomach. “You know what I mean. I just don’t want to miss out on anything, is all.”
“Like what?”
“Like--” she gestures to the rope, lying forgotten, tangled up in the sheets. “Stuff like that. Kinky stuff.”
“Okay,” he says, slowly. At least he doesn’t think she’s crazy. That’s always nice. “I guess I’m just wondering if you’re actually into bondage and stuff or if we’re just… you know, trying it out.”
Draping a leg over him, knees pressed together, she shrugs. “It sounded pretty fun,” she mumbles into his arm. “You know. Tying you up.”
She feels him swallow, jaw working as he chooses his next words carefully. “Tying me up,” he asks, “or tying you up?”
That… gives her pause. 
“Maybe…” He turns his face towards her, nose in her hair. “We could swap?”
She frowns. “Swap?”
“If you want, I mean,” he says, quickly. “If you’re not--I would never make you do something you didn’t want to, obviously, but, I mean… if you wanted to try?”
Annabeth, for lack of anything to say, rubs her toes against his calf, comforting and grounding.
Does she want to be tied up?
Her first instinct is to refuse, obviously. She’s a warrior. Immobilization is death. And what if a monster attacks? She has to be ready for anything. That was the promise of Athena’s progeny, that they were eternally poised and ready to respond to any problem or threat.
And yet… 
The summer she turned thirteen, she had decided that she was strong enough to hear the siren’s song in the sea of monsters. At her request, Percy had tied her to the mast so she wouldn’t be able to jump in and swim to her death. He had forgotten to take her knife, and when she had, inevitably, fallen prey to their song and cannonballed right into danger, he had jumped in after her, holding her back until she had been able to pull herself out of the magic spell. 
It had been humiliating, and humbling. She hadn’t even begun to realize that she liked Percy as more than a friend at that point. But, years later, the clearest memory she has of that day is not how her pride had reared its ugly head, but instead just how safe she had felt in Percy’s arms, at the bottom of the ocean.
Here, in New Rome, in their apartment, with Percy… Well, what’s the worst that could happen? “Sure,” she says, perhaps a little more confident than she actually feels. 
“Sure. Why not?” Looking up at him, she searches his gaze for any hesitation or fear, and finds none, and that, more than anything else, settles her. “I’m game.”
He looks for the same in her, and he seems to like what he finds, because he cracks a grin, laying a soft kiss on her lips.
Gingerly, still mindful of his stomach, he reaches over to grab the discarded rope. Taking her hands in his free one, he loops it around her wrists, tucking the ends into itself, tight but not constricting. Comfortable. 
Her breath catches in her throat. 
“You good?”
Nodding, she flexes her wrists outward, just to feel the tension--and she sighs, a breathy moan slipping out of her without her permission.
They freeze.
Annabeth slams her eyes shut, praying he didn’t hear her.
“...Okay then,” says Percy. 
Gods, his shit-eating grin is practically audible. “Shut up.”
“Excuse me?” He leans in, kissing her ear. “Did you just try to tell me what to do?”
She shivers beneath his warm breath. “I…” She is suddenly full of apologies and excuses bubbling up out of nowhere.
Percy hums. “You what?” Slowly, agonizingly, he slides his hand down the length of her body, ending on her tight, just above her knee. He squeezes, featherlight, and she shivers.
“Um,” she says, watching his hand creep higher, his fingers dipping between her legs. “I…”
Then he stops. He stops, that big hand still wedged halfway to her vagina.
“Are--” she stutters, almost yelping as he kisses the sensitive spot beneath her jaw, teeth scraping over the skin. “Are you going to finish?”
“Dunno. Was thinking about it. But maybe I won’t. Maybe,” he chuckles, directly into her ear, his nose pressing against her cheek. His other arm comes around, slipping beneath her bicep, fingers finding her nipple like it’s a damn beacon, and he pinches it, smiling into her skin as she jumps, grunts, and flushes. She wants to touch him so badly, but the angle of her arms is so weird and she’s kind of on top of him, and she can’t reach his cock or his hair or--“Maybe I’ll just get you worked up, and then I’ll go to sleep.”
What--but--he can’t--“I--you--”
“Say you’re sorry,” he teases, pressing his cheek to her head, “and maybe I’ll reconsider.”
Sorry for what?! She almost snaps. Percy’s hand between her legs plays just at the edge of her sensitive spots, teasing with soft touches, driving her crazy. “I’m--I’m sorry, Percy,” she pants, squirming. Maybe if she shimmies down, his hand will move up--
But he won’t be moved. “Sorry for what?”
“For--” he digs a nail into her thigh, a sharp, sweet bite of sensation, like a campfire ember accidentally landing on your skin, bright and pulsing. Fuck, what is she apologizing for? “For hurting you earlier.”
Shaking his head, he chuckles again, moving his hand further away. No! “Close,” he mumbles, “but no cigar--”
Oh! “For telling you what to do!” she blurts. “I’m sorry for telling you what to do!”
He bites her earlobe. His fingers slide up to her pussy, stroking her labia as they open up to him. “There we go.”
And as he jerks her off, bringing her to the finish with the kind of efficiency and skill that only comes after ten thousand hours, he kisses her, wet and hot, mouth insistent, taking her lip between his teeth, and he mumbles: “Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl.”
She breaks, crying into his mouth. 
After a while, he slides his fingers out, giving her one final pass on her clit, and she shudders, whining. “Sorry,” he mumbles, warm. “You good?”
Her tongue heavy in her mouth, all she can do is nod, panting. 
But when he slides his other arm out, making to untie her--”Don’t,” she mumbles, pulling back. 
He starts. “Don’t?”
“Don’t.” Turning into him, she snuggles against him as deeply as she could, her bound hands only making it a little bit awkward, though they do come to rest on his stomach, about the perfect distance for her to reach down and take care of him. “Your turn?”
But he just shakes his head, slinging a leg over hers. “Still a little sore,” he admits, not quite meeting her gaze.
She drops her head onto his chest, relishing in the warm, steady heartbeat beneath her ear. “Sorry.”
“You can make it up to me later,” he says, taking her hands in his, thumb tracing along the edge of the rope. “I’m sure I’ll think of something.”
20 notes · View notes
i’m an idiot. i screw everything up.
Titans 3.03
still here, still doing this. these reviews take a fair bit of time that i cobble together across days (like, ten minute chunks during breaks, etc) and i tend to struggle to keep up with episodes as they come out. this means that by the time i’m done with one, most of my stuff is jossed (or geoffed in this case? idk) or outdated and the post sinks like a stone into oblivion. so! i’m going to change things up a bit with this one and write as i see the episode rather than collecting my thoughts later. in my experience with spn, that was a faster way to get them done. 
anyway. let’s see how it goes! *shadowboxes*
1. an auspicious start with some grave-digging!
digging up a grave and breaking open a coffin is some serious, back-breaking work--that dick did it on his own, likely straight after that fight with red hood, is a testament to the sheer intensity, stamina and discipline that he’s capable of. like, we like to joke about dick cooking cauliflower crust pizzas and making gar and rachel spar and memorise sun tzu--and despair at the obvious consequences of some of bruce’s parenting skills--but imagine crime-fighting almost daily without any superpowers, performing some of the most intense parkour in bulky, uncomfortable armour, doing detective work, pushing through every last barrier of exhaustion and then getting up to repeat it all over again the next day. dick probably thought he was going extra-easy on rachel and gar.
1.5. then again, dick probably had a hundred different easier ways to confirm whether jason was still buried or not, from using equipment to merely asking connor to have a quick look with his x-ray vision. but, no, he’s too caught up in confusion and terror, not really having come to terms with jason’s death in the first place, leave alone the possibility that he could be alive after all. he can’t possibly let the others know until he’s confirmed it himself, even if it means digging all through the night until his arms are jelly, thinking over and over again about jason’s eyes, jason’s voice, from behind that red mask. 
... besides, dick has good reason to believe that he could’ve been hallucinating. wouldn’t be his first psychotic episode, after all.
that just imbues this sweaty, desperate, fingers-scrabbling-in-gravedirt scene with that much more poignancy, and a fair bit of bone-chilling terror. dick is horrified to realise that jason’s grave is empty, but a part of him is also probably relieved.
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1.75 (... also it’s curious that we’re never shown any of the team asking to see jason’s grave after they come to wayne manor. i guess it’s because the writers--and the audience--know that jason is actually alive, but these people don’t know that. i don’t know if it’s sad or infuriating or both that they’re barely shown mourning him.)
2. oh GOD the sheer TENSION in kory saying, “i don’t want to say it, but--” and dick quickly interrupting, “it was jason. i saw him,” and hank giving him this loaded sidelong glance. i love how dick’s precarious mental health from last season is still this big elephant in the room but at least nobody’s blowing up in his face and questioning his every decision yet
2.25. i love the relative matter-of-factness with which they’re discussing a possible resurrection. and, of course, ra’s al ghul is brought up and quickly dismissed
(still wouldn’t put it past this show to bring him up at the very last second as the real real mastermind)
2.5. “maybe they can bring donna back” OH KORY
2.75. didn’t they have this same conversation about killing/not killing rose last season? man, the og titans make me tired.
and i don’t know if it’s just hank, but there’s a definite in-group/out-group vibe going on with the og titans, where they’re not only ready to consider killing anybody who threatens the group but makes it difficult for new people to fit in. donna and kory got along well with each other, but the dynamics between hank/donna/dawn and gar/rachel/rose were somewhat strained, and with jason, they were really fucking terrible. it makes sense when you think about how the titans started and how they broke up the first time--both were fairly disruptive events, i’d imagine, in that they probably got together to break away from their mentors and strike out on their own, and when they split up, it was the first time they felt directly responsible for the loss of an innocent life.
but the titans that dick is leading now is explicitly about mentoring a young generation of heroes, about second chances and found family. dick definitely wants to reach out to him first, and i have a feeling he’s going to be forced to make some sort of terrible Choice later on in this episode. 
2.8. (honestly tho, this also seems like hank struggling with his own guilt re: jason; if red hood is not the kid that he failed, it’d be easier to fight him.)
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4. honestly this season is already ticking off so many things on my wishlist, but i really wish dick would sit down with the newer members of his team and trust them with important information the same time that he’s telling them to the other members. gar searching for help and reassurance from a man who just dumped all of his responsibilities on his son overnight and went AWOL is a sad sight
4.25. has it only been just 48 hours????? wow! jason’s definitely been planning the red hood gig for a long time now...
5. ezekiel, my man! shady looking guy gets into your cab without a destination in mind... no problem, get right in! said guy gets a call to go to the observatory when he’s barely even looked out of the window so far at gotham... yep, a damn tourist! i want more ezekiel in this show.
5.25. (of course jason has upturned table lamps all along the floor... we have to *gritted teeth* balance the TEAL with the ORANGE don’t we?)
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5.5. “dick’s a fucking psycho--he could be following you right now.” hank... has no objection to that lol
5.25. hank, hank... this is bad-decision-palooza. i can’t imagine that hank actually thought that jason was reaching out to him for help, given that the last time hank and jason had any substantial interaction hank had been one of the people accusing jason of sabotaging the team. but for him to go seek out jason and go along with his demands without any backup, weapons or equipment? not the best idea he’s ever come up with.
(add to that getting into the swimming pool of a condemned gym... oh yuck.)
((yes, i have enough self-restraint to not cap his ass.))
(((cap his ass! HA!)))
5.5. do you think jason has bugs/monitoring equipment planted in wayne manor to monitor the titans, or remote access to the cave’s systems? wouldn’t put it past him.
6. oh man, hank came back before dick and the others could meet ezekiel! this is TRAGIC
6.25. i mean, it’s plot-convenient that connor was able to give so much information about the bomb from just looking at it once, but i also like to think it’s the luthor-side of him coming to the fore. it also reminds me of that (in)famous scene from the new52 run of Nightwing comics, where a bomb was attached to nightwing’s heart and luthor disabled it by killing nightwing (temporarily). it’s a neat little callback. 
6.55. “where i come from, you go after family? there’s no mercy.” BUT THAT’S THE PROBLEM ISN’T IT
6.75. i mean, dick’s making sense: this is a game, and they need to get it off playing out on jason’s terms. but having a member of his team in his face, doubting his reasoning and every decision? a very familiar sight. 
6.8. krypto with an a+ sense of humour? also a very familiar sight.
7. wayne enterprises... providing the military with... bombs that can be implanted in humans? a BIIIIG yikes. i guess it’s not too many steps above developing clandestine intra-dermal trackers and implanting them in your own sons, and bruce probably thought they could be used as part of negotiation tactics, but still... YIKES.
7.5. on the other hand, conner being asked to build a deactivation advice seems part of a growth arc that started from last season... he knows so much, but part of growing is learning, and part of learning is using what you know to create something new.
8. oh man, my heart broke at hank going “i’m an idiot... i screw everything up.” like. for him to go like this, after being brought down to such a low last season? struggling with pain and addiction and his relationship with the love of his life? it’s so sad.
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9. oh, oh, oh! ronnie from schitt’s creek! i love her!
9.5. “one of jason’s minions” took his body out of the morgue... how deliciously morbid that he planned out his own death like this!
honestly, tho, i’m quite impressed with dick here. trying to think beyond just the most alarming part of the crisis at hand, keeping his cool, delegating tasks, frequently touching base with different members of his team... well done. 
10.25.... whoops, spoke too soon. i’m genuinely confused here, tho. where did the van full of gold bars come from? why did they stop there and get out? how did dawn even know about this?
on the other hand, it’s cool to know dove has bulletproof feathers!
10.5. eh... curran walters isn’t really selling red hood’s menace to me so far. but then again, if titans version of red hood is vulnerable-kid-with-father-issues-trying-to-overcompensate, then yeah! yeah, it makes sense. 
11. “when bats have sex, they gotta have something to hang from” OH GOD HANK
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... because i want smiley!gar on my blog :)
11.5. awww. i feel sorry for hank but NONE of these fuckers deserve gar except maybe kory
12. ohhh FUCK! look at jason being exactly one step ahead of the titans at every turn. nice.
no really, i love the building stakes and the building mystery - i feel like the deathstroke arc from last season should’ve been more like this. the flashbacks about jericho and rose came too late and after too much build up, which resulted in a very underwhelming and confusing season throughline.
“you’re doing your best by me. always have.” WAILING HERE
it also kills me to think that hank thinks that his imminent death is because of his failure to keep the team together (when he was clearly struggling with his own issues and was spiralling towards rock-bottom) and his fear that he will once again be the cause of the team falling apart. 
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14. “i grew up... you can, too. you just have to face your fear.”
yep, got scarecrow’s grubby little fingerprints aaaaalllll over this. 
14.25. nightwing’s got specialised batarangs! yay! (somehow i can’t see this universe’s dick calling them “wingdings”)
oh man, that was devastating. well done, show. fuck, well done, jason.
this is going to bring up all sorts of “if onlys” for the team. i can’t wait for some fucking aftermath. 
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amyscascadingtabs · 4 years
expecto patronum
Post-The Fugitive. Jake and Amy talk Harry Potter, patronuses, and love.
✨read on ao3  ✨ 
“Hey, babe, I’m home!”
The door makes a distinctive clicking noise behind Jake as he locks it. It’s only one of the many sounds he’s getting used to; his new home is full of them, and they’ve become much more noticeable now that he’s here every day. He’s known his way around this apartment for a long time, but living there, permanently, is different. It’s a good kind of different, though. 
“In here!” Amy shouts from her – from their – bedroom, and Jake hurries to hang up his jacket and bag before going to greet his girlfriend. 
    He’s coming home late tonight. A questioning at work dragged over after a surprise confession, and as exciting as those are, Jake’s bitter over missing dinner and Property Brothers with Amy. He half hadn't expected her to be awake still, but once he was finally free to text her that he was on his way home, she replied straight away to tell him she'd be waiting. Rosa had teased him about how wide he’d been smiling, but Jake hadn’t found it in him to care. 
Amy’s laying on her stomach in bed with a thick book leaned against the pillow, resting her chin against one hand as she reads and holding up the cover with her other. Jake recognizes the book; it’s Prisoner of Azkaban, the third book in the Harry Potter series. He was reading it himself a few weeks ago.
“Ah, Harry Potter. Good choice.”
Amy closes the book against her index finger and looks up at him. “Yeah, you inspired me. How was work?”
“We got a confession,” he grins. “It was dope. Guy just started rambling, pretty much told us his whole life story for some reason, and now we have him. I even got to call the victim’s mom, tell her the news.”
“Sounds like a good day, then.”
“Yeah. Missed seeing you, though.”
“You see me all the time, babe. We live and work together.”
“I know, so it makes me feel even weirder when I don't!”
Amy laughs, letting out that adorable chortling sound he only ever hears when they're alone. Then she looks back to her book, scooching closer to her preferred side of the bed, and Jake takes that as an instruction to change into pajamas so he can join her. 
Any regular night, he would probably have taken time to shower and brush his teeth first, but it's been a long day. He simply undresses instead, smirking as he notices Amy’s subtle side glance when he takes off his shirt. This, these small moments of appreciation between them, is yet another one of the parts he loves most about sharing a life with her – it’s nearly midnight, he’s exhausted and he remembers Amy mentioning starting her period, so sex is almost guaranteed to be off the table – but she still makes him feel attractive, makes him feel confident and wanted. He never realized how much that being an equal exchange meant to him before their relationship.
   “So,” he asks her, “where are you up to in the book, then?”
“Almost finished the whole thing,” she says, looking very proud of herself. “I’m at the time-turner chapter. Harry thinks he saw his dad cast a patronus from the other side of the lake, but then he realizes just saw himself.” 
“Man, that part was so sad.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah!” Jake huffs, crawling underneath the covers. “I just… felt for him, you know? He wishes he could meet his parents, just once, even if he knows it's impossible. He wants this family he never had.”
“It makes you realize how in the end, he's just a kid. A brave kid, but a kid.”
“A kid in desperate need of therapy.”
“Amen,” says Amy, flipping a page. “Hogwarts mental health services do seem to be severely lacking. Did you know the dementors were inspired by the author’s own experiences with depression, by the way?”
“Yeah. Dark creatures with the power to bring out all the worst memories in your head, making you feel like you’ll never be happy again. Like you can’t even remember what it’s like. And the only way to defeat them is to hold onto the very happiest moments of your life and create a shield out of them.”
“Kind of deep for a kid's book,” Jake reflects, and Amy nods. 
“Maybe. But it's not pushed on them, either. It's a way for them to understand, without knowing that they're understanding. I always loved that about the Harry Potter books,” she says, a sudden dreamy look in her eyes. “They're just… intelligent.”
   Jake means to agree with her, but then his body remembers he's been at work for the entire day, and out comes an embarrassingly big yawn that makes Amy laugh. 
“Long day? I can read to you if you want.”
“Dreamgirl,” he mumbles. Amy rolls her eyes, but then she reaches out to pull him closer, her left hand running through his hair as she holds the book with her right, and he can see her smiling.
   Jake's not sure how long she's reading for. He loses track of time, but frankly, he doesn’t mind. Amy's reading voice is low, peaceful enough to relax him but varied enough to entice him at the same time. Her fingers keep brushing through his curls as she reads, tracing soft circles on his scalp. He listens to her read the part where Harry and Hermione fly on Buckbeak to rescue Sirius, and it doesn't matter that he read the book himself just a few weeks ago, because he could listen to her voice forever.
   He gets to do that now, he realizes, because they live together now. It may only have been a week, and not completely without its challenges, but it already feels like one of the best decisions of his life. Even though they were spending almost every night together before as well, there’s something special about coming home and Amy already being there. Not because they’ve made specific plans for her to be, but because that’s the norm, because home is the same place for the two of them now. There’s something intimate about getting to share a routine with her, working out a system for who gets the bathroom when in the morning, adding stuff onto the same grocery list. Even seeing his t-shirts next to hers in the dresser puts a smile on his face in the morning. It feels grown-up, and it feels stable, and it feels right. 
    He wonders sometimes if he could have imagined this the night she knocked on his door to tell him screw light and breezy. Honestly, he probably could have, even if he was too proud to admit it to himself in the beginning. But after a year and a half of dating, of which six excruciating months were spent apart (and hopefully no more will ever be, he thinks), Jake couldn’t care less about pride. He loves Amy Santiago, and he wants to spend all the time he can with her, give her everything and share his life with her for as long as she’ll let him. That, if anything, makes him proud. In any case, it’s like he said that first night undercover as Johnny and Dora – there’s really no one else’s opinion he cares about more than hers. 
    Amy finishes the chapter, reaching for a bookmark before putting the book on her nightstand.
“There,” she laughs. “That’s your goodnight story.”
“Mm, one more chapter.”
“Mm, no. It’s late, babe.”
“I have a question,” he says then, knowing it’ll garner her attention and give him some more treasured quality time before they really have to go to sleep. Amy raises an eyebrow and shakes her head lovingly at him, but then she nods. “Harry’s patronus is a stag, right? Like his dad’s animagus form. And in the fifth book, Hermione has an otter, and Ron some kind of dog.”
“A Jack Russell terrier. Yeah, why?”
“How is your patronus determined? Like… how does it know?”
“It’s supposed to reflect your innermost personality,” she answers, not missing a beat. “It represents something about you that makes you who you are. Something that gives you strength, I would say. So for Harry, that would be the thought of his parents fighting for him.”
“I like that,” Jake says. “A lot of things in that universe are just grossly poetic though, aren't they?”
This makes Amy chuckle. “Very true.”
“What do you think yours would be?”
“Oh. Hmm.” She presses her lips together. “I don't know. What do you think?”
“We could find out,” He grins, reaching for his phone. “I’m sure there's a BuzzFeed quiz.”
      He's right – and although Amy rolls her eyes at him at first, they end up having a laugh at the quiz, picking the options they think best suit the other one and shrugging when the results suggest Amy’s would be a horse, and Jake’s a stag.
“The descriptions are pretty accurate, though,” Amy says, reading from Jake’s phone. “Brave and fearless, and your greatest asset is your ability to love. Sometimes you get a bit hot-headed and impatient –” Jake fake-gasps. “– but your friends are your source of peace, getting you through the good and bad.”
“I still think it should be a ninja turtle,” he mutters. “But yours is true, too. Loyal, smart, underrated badass.”
“It just gave us the same patronuses as Harry and Ginny.” Amy smiles. “They do get together later, so I guess that works.”
“Spoilers! I haven’t gotten to that part yet!”
“Oh, come on, it’s really obvious.” She kisses the pouting grimace off of his face. “Different question. What memory would you use to cast your patronus?”
“I have thought about that,” he confesses, blushing. “It’s a three-way tie. The first time you told me you loved me. That evening when you stood outside my door and told me you wanted to be with me, for reals. Maybe even our first date, after the bet. All of those, together… I think they’d make a damn good patronus.”
“Wow.” Amy almost looks taken aback, like she wasn’t expecting that moment of sincerity. “I’m surprised you didn’t just say the first time we had sex or something.”
“Would you have wanted me to say that? Wait, is that yours? Santiago –”
“Oh my god, obviously not –”
“Obviously? Wow, hurtful, much –”
“Just let me finish!”
“Title of –”
“Stop!” Amy’s shaking with laughter, holding her hand on top of his mouth just for a second. “Stop, stop. What I meant to say was that it’s the same for me. That’s what I’d think of, too.”
“Even the bet? Even though you lost?”
“Yes, babe. Even though I lost.”
“So it wouldn’t be the first time we had sex, then.”
She smirks. “We’ve had better since.”
Then she leans over him, and her lips are on his, insistent but soft at once. His heartbeat’s speeding by the time she pulls away, and it satisfies him to see that her face is a little flushed, too. 
“For the record,” Jake mumbles as she rests her head on his chest after, “this, right here – would also work for a damn good patronus.”
“Oh, yeah. No dementor would stand a chance.”
“Mm. You’re a nerd, but I love you.”
“I love you, too. Goodnight, babe.”
“Goodnight,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around her and allowing himself a brief moment to revel in the feeling that’s started growing in him recently.
Forever, this could be forever.
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