#hypersexualization of black women
thisismisogynoir · 3 months
It's about time someone spoke the truth!
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agnesandhilda · 4 months
drake responding to allegations that he's a misogynist who sexually abuses women and girls by releasing a verse about how he's only "bbl drizzy" in the sense that he's convinced so many women to get bbls to sleep with him sure is a choice
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ayphyx · 7 months
Guys imma be real with you
This whole anti-criticism “don’t like don’t read”* culture is kinda making it unsafe for poc to call out racism in fandom spaces without being called “pro-censorship”, “antis”, “or puritans/puriteens”
*i don’t necessarily disagree with this take btw, i’ve just seen this phrase be used to deflect any form of criticism and its getting pretty annoying
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cocainegf · 10 months
You literally cannot be a black woman discussing how utterly misogynistic the average black man is without ppl virtue signaling @ you hard as fuck. Like sorry I really don't give a fuck about any black male masculinity 'crisis' or whatever at all. I care about racism and I care about police brutality but neither of these issues are specific to black men. I'll care when they stop being such virulent misogynists within (and outside!!) their own communities. Anyways racism bad
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the-everqueen · 2 years
wailing over how ppl in fandoms will bend over backwards to erase characters of color, esp. if they're women. yeah let's just make this bipoc woman a hype person for your white mlm ship. no you see it's progressive because she actually never experiences romantic or sexual attraction. oh no we can't let her be in an interracial relationship, that would be unfair to her. yeah she's a lesbian now. yas queen. werk.
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robotpussy · 2 years
like i think some ppl just think being a bimbo is a cute thing because of how to an extent, there is infantilisation involved (the fact that a bimbo doesn't know much) and obvs cause its mainly white women that are called bimbos. i never understood why ppl have fought so hard to 'reclaim' bimbo.... why cant you lot call the style you associate with it something else 😭 or just say u like pink slutty 2000s clothes and end it there we don't need to take that term and turn it into an aesthetic words have meanings
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thecanadianweeb · 10 months
today was wild…
first off, spotify wrapped is out and because of that I became so excited, I got in trouble in class.
anyways here are some stats:
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After school, I went to night school for lgbt youth. I took an uber with some other girls who were going to the one for black and POC people.
luckily i saw my friends there, but it was extremely chaotic. like a classroom of 20+ chaotic queer people sitting on the floor because there was a lack of desks. Some were even getting freaky with each other.
apparently it was because there was a supply teacher, and even though he was nice and well versed in the subjects, there wasn’t a course outline, so we didn’t know what to do.
i had a meltdown and went to the quiet room with a few others.
but i didn’t even take the taxi back home because i felt so embarrassed and weird.
will go back next week tho because today was just the first day and y’all know how I feel about first days.
(conservatives please don’t dox us we’re innocent!)
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starlooove · 10 months
The problem with a lot of y’all is that u sure do listen but you don’t comprehend or understand and it makes u make the same mistakes in the opposite direction
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 years
So many shows from my childhood that I never appreciated!
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thisismisogynoir · 11 months
TW/ Slavery,misogynoir, and white ppl being white
Someone on tiktok make a video and we both agree in the comments how weird is to see any royalty women (especially yt) be considered feminist or "girlboss" such a Catherine of Aragon or (Catalina de Aragon), just because she had power,stood up to Henry VIII a few times and commanded strategies and went to war (or idk) being pregnants, like cool but that doesn't erase the fact that she owned slaves?? Hello? Her parents,were the ones that sponsored Christopher Columbus when he went to america?? And this influenced on latam countries to get colonized by Spain (Peru?,Mexico and others)
And someone replies this
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""""enslaving ppl isn't antifeminist"""
HELLO? Spain slaved black women and indegeanous women back them???...that isn't very feminist.. and it doesn't take to be a genius to know how slavery was fucked up and disgusting it was.
However, someone put them in their place,but the user8478524493735,double down
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user3588257660364 is so done with their bullshit, as they should,and literally it shouldn't be difficult to get that most of the misogyny black women face has racism in it?? Like the word misogynoir exists for a reason??
I'm too stunned to speak but i'm not surprised? but it truly does surprised me how they are so confident on shit like "slaving ppl isn't antifeminist".
Wow...it's like they've never heard of intersectional feminism before. Do they know that Black women were also raped by white masters during slavery to give birth to mixed-race children that would become house slaves? That the modern ideas of Black women as loud, angry, obsessed with sex/more sexual and less pure than white women, and less feminine than white women as well, ALL STEM from slavery and the stereotypes that white men created about us(and white women helped promote)??? It is absolutely the intersection of racism and misogyny. Not denying that Black men and boys also suffered, but the suffering that Black women and girls endured during slavery was absolutely misogynistic as well as racist...I mean raping a woman and forcing her to have your kids while treating her as property and then saying that she asked for it because of her insatiable sexual appetite is quite literally the MOST ANTI-FEMINIST ACTION a person can commit. Honestly it sounds like they just don't view Black women as women.
As for Catherine of Aragon, I feel like people are saying this because of Six: The Musical, where she is absolutely portrayed as a feminist icon, and is typically portrayed by a Black woman, to boot(although it's worth mentioning that some people have pointed out the problems with the racial casting trends of Six, so there's that). Especially if they're British, they probably don't know much about Tudor history beyond what the musical has showed them or some stuff they looked up/heard other fans say about the Queens. Which I don't blame them for, but still, do your research before you praise white historical figures. And responding to that with "well it wasn't just Black women so it doesn't count" is just absurd, ahistorical, and racist. Typical white feminist drivel lol.
Thanks for the insight, btw, I'm glad you showed this to me(and included a tw), and have a nice day!
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paperw0rmz · 4 months
unpopular opinion, i miss nymphet. coquette is just hyper fem marie antoinette when nympet was dirty girls who struggle with poverty and trying to be like the "cool" girls. its mad strange how we gentrified nymphette.
"oh but it was problematic :( " you act like no aesthetic is. Yes obviously some made it sexual, but it truly was not that fucking bad as someone who was chronically on tumblr during that era. It wasnt hypersexual like yall think it was.
It was genuinely just poor girls who finally felt like they had a voice of being gross and living in shitty public housing not being able to take a shower most days and bathing in a creek. It was getting your big brothers hand-me-down shoes and painting them pink and adding ribbons. It was a reclamation of being a girl in a society that sexualizes you. You know. Like the title. Of that one book. That was about sexualizing a young girl. It was ownership of the word and tearing down masculinity to accommodate feminine desire.
But of course people misunderstood it and assumed nymphet was sexual in nature and therefore began to shit on it because they didnt bother to ask what the story behind it was.
Again YES there was SOME of it, but goth culture gets it was more than nymphette ever fucking did and yet you know why nymphette was shitted on? Because it revolved around women. It was made by girls for girls.
Coquette is just "preppy" now. Girls are buying 400 dollar Hilary Clinton outfits and just pairing it with shien sunglasses. Thats not coquette if you actually just want to rename nymphet. Go to good will, get jeans a size too big, get a ribbon or scarf to use as a belt, color in your shoe laces to be pink, get cheap shitty sunglasses from the gas station and use nail polish to make it cute.
NOT TO MENTION racism has gotten worse when it was rebranded to coquette. Like Yes it has happened before, but people now who are coquette are so bold to say black people cant be it EVEN THO they fit into it more than any rich white girl can.
TLDR: nymphet wasnt bad, it was the men and people who didnt like it that was bad and tore it down not understanding that low income girls needed a space too.
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sapphicsvibes · 2 months
my last post was also about the discussions of transmisogyny centering cis female athletes who are women of color. there is a wider conversation being had about transmisogyny in athletics, and that is that, trans women aren't even allowed to compete. before we start discussing how transmisogyny impacts not trans fems, we need to actually center the discussion around the heavily, transmisogynstic shit that is already happening.
and when we talk about how cis woc athletes being overly masculinized and decide to call it transmisogyny instead of what it actually is, racism, it sets us back. there is this understood idea that people can be indirectly impacted by transmisogyny, but unless the subjects of those conversations are transfeminine people, then the focus shouldn't be transmisogyny.
it should be racism. it should be the fact that the white, western gender binary and idea of femininty/womanhood is so fucked up that cis girls of color from a young age are viewed as more masculine, dangerous and larger than white women. we should be focusing on the complexities of misogynoir that black girls go through from childhood to adult hood where we are both masculinized and also hypersexualized and exposed to harmful race science that gets us preyed upon by older men. we should focus on how these conversations of masculinizing women of color comes to play in how white women and white afabs (yes, i know i said i dont like using afabs but i am starting ot use it when discussing the lived experience of white afab people and how that negatively impacts people of color in queer spaces) can utilize their privilege, tears, femininity, etc., to turn society against cis girls of color and how we are automatically seen as a threat to them
we need to talk about racialized misogyny when dicussing imane khelif, and how white women like jk rowling, who has a history of transmigoyny yes, but also anti-arab/MENA racism and islamaphobia, and is prominent in alt right groups, is using her platform to attack a possible muslim, MENA woman. and that's a big thing that hardly anyone talks about - Rowling is heavily islamphobia and anti-arab. when you se guys see her attacking a MENA woman, and decide to focus solely on transmisogyny, you are quite literally erasing a huge chunk of her bigotry.
yes, indirect transmisogyny comes to play, but when you are talking about racialized misogyny, you NEED to make sure that is the main focus - racism and misogyny, because if you don't you make it hard if not impossible for us to have any type of productive conversation. you guys being too afraid to call out racism and misogyny makes it seem like you are shielding white women/afabs and white society from the pain they have put women of color through for decades.
the same goes for misogynoir??? like when we are talking about misogynoir and them completely ignore it and lump it under transmisogyny, who does that help? not only does the black community have an issue with transmisogyny in general, but it also erases a term that we've come up with to help better discuss our oppression.
also, this isn't to say that trans woc don't face racialized misogyny and misogynoir (black transfems!) because they do. but it should be understood that while THEY face these things, transmisogyny is something that should also center them. and while we, as non trans fem women do face racialized misogyny/misogynoir - yeah, sometimes we can draw comparisons between transmisogyny, but we shouldn't be the ones taking the lead or taking platforms.
and last but not least, the way you guys who are claiming what is happening to cis female athletes is transmisogynistic. Do you know how many trans people, who aren't trans fem, that i've seen saying
"see, this is why we need to talk about transmisogyny affecting non transfems! xyz athlete was actually born a woman, she's not a man, she is afab! she has a vagina!" do you realize how that language is terfy, do you realize how you guys will try to hijack convos of transmisogyny while also reinforcing transmisogynistic requirements of what makes a woman a woman?
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daybringersol · 5 months
also, i think some people have the idea in their head that being aroallo places us closer to amatonormativity, because of our allosexuality? and like, no, not at all. in my experience, people assume you are hypersexual and/or predatory, just for being the way you are. and it’s even worse if you’re someone who’s identity make it so they’re already hypersexualised (bisexuals, black people, latinas, women (especially trans women), sex workers, ect.) or viewed as predatory (men, people with npd, bpd or skizo-spec, gay men, masc lesbians, trans people as a whole, black men, fat people, ect.)
like im not saying aroaces and alloaces don’t get shit, y’all get the other side of the coin, the infantilization treatement, but no, we are not more palatable to amatonormativity in the slightest.
(btw hypersexuality is not bad, im just saying you’re not treated well in society if you’re seen that way)
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ninelivesastrology · 5 months
People get so hateful over Syd and Carmy and it's because they don't want to see a Black woman being loved or desired romantically even if it's fictional. I read this whole thing about a woman emailing a Black romance author and saying something to the effect of "Wow, you fall in love just like we do!" Huh? She kind of outed herself, I guess she picked up the book because she thought it would be jungle fever porn or whatever the fuck—This type of voyeurism is VERY common, I could write essays. Also, the hate towards the Romeo and Juliet casting.
I learned that when people look at Black women and girls, they see sexual objects and it's a direct byproduct of the sex trafficking that occurred during slavery. I don't like phrasing this as "hypersexualization," because i think it's on a different level. There's this wild mythology that Black people's bodies, especially females, are only valuable for labor and sex and anything outside of that is unacceptable and wrong.
Even if Syd and Carmy do get together, people will just hurl stereotypes of her fucking her boss to get ahead or being a gold digger when the first season and second season showed that she is Carmy's peer.
Women can't see themselves in Sydney because she's a dark skinned Black girl. Even though Sydney is kind, smart, drop dead gorgeous, hardworking and talented, people don't think of Black women having those qualities. They project fake and conniving, ugly, dumb, lazy and grifting on Black women.
They direct their hate at the ship because they don't think Carmy is capable of being attracted to Sydney or falling in love with her because Sydney is a Black woman, but not a one dimensional Black woman and Carmy is a white man. Black women being loved by white men is not just condemned in fictional spaces, but in real life, even in 2024.
You could be someone's match in every way like Sydney and Carmy, but if you're a Black woman, you're hated, ostracized and people try to break you up just because your partner's skin color is different and especially because you're not a walking stereotype, reinforcing their racial superiority.
They hate being reminded that you're human and that people can see the human in you.
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seleneee12 · 5 months
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Lilith square ascendant girlies🖤🥀 
The sensual woman or the selfless woman? 
When black moon Lilith forms a square to your ascendant it becomes a harsh aspect between your appearance and your dark feminine sexual power. The friction of the aspect can lead these women to not know how to control their female sexual magnetism. When they want to express it, they may hypersexualize themselves. They also have the tendency to suppress their immense sex appeal by feeling repulsed by themselves, not knowing how to take compliments or not feeling as beautiful or as sexy as they truly are. They themselves don’t see why they attract all the attention they do, because inside they’re shameful. These women have the tendency to have bad self esteem issues at a young age. When they’re younger they over give and people please. They can be taken advantage or even abused by family members, friends, SO,  etc. 
When they mature and grow into their femininity. These women can become the most empowered feminine figures, and teach other women about empowerment. If they become mothers, they will be over protective. Especially towards their daughters, because of the sexualization they suffered from younger ages. 
Lilith square ascendant women have
A lot of models have this aspect
The Harsh aspect gives these women a sexy body
Sultry eyes
Ethereal features
A mixture of a soft and sharp facial structure
Immense sex appeal 
They look their best in long/big wild hair
Upturned almond shaped eyes 
They give off Siren energy 
These actresses take female empowerment roles but don’t shy away from the sexiness either.
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aroace-confessions · 4 months
as an ace black woman i feel so alone cuz when i come out to my black friends they're like "that's some white people shit" but every ace space online and in real life are whiter than a mayo sandwich and crawling with racists. i tried to go to an ace activism group meeting and i got kicked out and threatened with having the cops called on me for being "loud and aggressive" cuz i got into it with this white girl after saying we should use funds to put informational flyers and brochures in black neighborhoods to spread awareness, and she said that wasn't as important as fighting the stereotype that aces don't have sex. i was like maybe for you dainty white bitches but nobody believes when black women don't want sex cuz we're hypersexualized and stereotyped as sexually aggressive! then of course she started crying and saying i was invalidating her and why was i trying to start infighting when we should be working together blah blah blah. i'm not even gonna go into the racism of online ace spaces cuz then this ask would be a whole book. but let's just say i'd rather put up with the judgement and eye rolling of other black people than the undercover leftist racism and antiblackness in ace spaces
Submitted 20/05/24
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