#do you think. do you think he went home and immediately ordered this game.
larsnicklas · 8 months
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petey vs. buzzer game (0-17 head to head)
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secrets (Spencer Reid x fem!reader)
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Summary: Spencer has a girlfriend and the team doesn't know, but they have their suspicions.
Spencer has never been happier. He has a beautiful girlfriend who he is head over heels in love with. He keeps it a secret from the team because he wants to keep her safe and to himself, also because he doesn't want to hear any of their teasing and jokes. She is a social media influencer and keeps their relationship under wraps as well, her fans do not know who he is but they know she has a boyfriend.
Spencer: I love you so much and I miss you baby, I should be home soon!
Y/n: I love you and miss you too, I'll order in tonight for dinner!
As Spencer moves to respond to the message he feels someone walk up behind him and immediately shuts off his phone.
"Oooh who you texting pretty boy?" Morgan says with a huge smile on his face
"No one, I'm going home" Spencer says and leaves no room for argument as he practically runs out the doors and to the elevator
"What's going on with him lately?" JJ asks with a very confused look on her face
"I know that look on his face, he's found himself a pretty girl!" Derek responds 
Emily, Derek, and JJ all talk more about Spencer and their suspicions about how he has been acting.
"Let's all go to Garcia's office and have her do a little digging on this mystery girl." Morgan states and JJ and Emily agree with excitement
"Baby girl! I need you to do some digging, we think Spencer has found himself a girlfriendddd" Morgan sings
This immediately gets Penelope's attention and she starts digging and in less than 2 minutes she finds the girl on Instagram.
"Oh my goddddd she is so pretty! And she's an influencer! And look!!! Spencer is in some of these posts!" Garcia squeals
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Liked by spencer.reid and 102,312 others
Y/n: I never want to leave
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Liked by spencer.reid and 91,254 others
Y/n: Dates with my boy🩷 (please never go back to work)
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Liked by spencer.reid and 117,342 others
Y/n: I love you forever💞
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Liked by spencer.reid and 112,342 others
Y/n: Little getaway to Italy <3 (isn't he the best photographer?!)
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Liked by spencer.reid and 223,451 others
Y/n: I said my feet hurt and he carried me 2 miles back to the car🥹 
"He's got game!!" Morgan exclaimed
"So that's why he took a week off so suddenly last month! He went to Italy with her!" Emily gushes
"She's so pretty! And he is so cute with her! Carrying her for 2 miles does not sound like him at all, he is so in love" JJ says proudly
"We need to meet her!!!!" Garcia exclaims and everyone agrees
The same day at Spencer's apartment he walks in and is greeted with the lovely sight of his breathtaking girlfriend on his couch, in his clothes.
He walks over to her and pulls her into a kiss and a hug. "God I missed you so much baby" he says once they pull away.
"I missed you too angel" she replies 
Spencer stares at her lovingly and her cheeks turn red from the attention. 
"Stopppp" she says
"You are so perfect my love. What did I ever do to deserve you?" Spencer asks
"What did I do to deserve you?" She retaliates
"I am so in love with you Y/n." Spencer states as tears well up in his eyes
"I'm so in love with you Spence" she responds and pulls him on top of her and into another kiss.
They make-out for a bit with his hands traveling everywhere. Her waist. Her hair. Her hips. Her face.
He travels down her neck and leaves soft kisses all over her as she sighs in content.
Once they pull away they decide to head to bed as they both have an early morning. They get ready for bed, Y/n obviously stealing one of his sweatshirts to wear.
They fall asleep in each other's arms wishing to stay there forever.
The next day the team is so caught up with paperwork that they do not have time to ask Spencer about his girlfriend. 
Once it's time for their lunch break Spencer rushes out and yells a quick "see you later" to the team!
"We are following him." Morgan declares and everyone nods in agreement and follow him out the doors.
They are quiet and Reid does not notice the team following him to the cute little cafe he is meeting his precious girlfriend at.
Spencer spots her on the sidewalk waiting outside the cafe and runs up to her and engulfs her in a hug
"Hi baby" he whispers into her ear and kisses her head
"Hi Spence" she replies and looks at him with heart eyes
He leans in and kisses her passionately,  unbeknownst to him, his coworkers are watching from across the street in shock
"Ok who is that and what has he done with Spencer?" Derek jokes
Penelope can't help herself and sprints across the street to the lovey dovey couple in their own world.
"Spencer!!! When were you going to tell us you have a girlfriend?!!" Garcia yells
Spencer pulls away from his girl in shock and spits out "what are you doing here?!"
Derek, JJ, and Emily cross the street and explain to Spencer all that happened the day before and leading up to them following him to the cafe.
Y/n laughs and finds the whole story very funny. She introduces herself to them and they do as well.
"It's so great to finally meet you! I have heard a lot about you all!" Y/n says to them
"I wish we could say the same but pretty ricky has kept you all to himself!" Morgan teases
Spencer blushes and wraps his arm around her waist. "I just want to keep her safe." He states.
His coworkers look at him and are so shocked but so happy for him for finding love, he has never been like this.
They all decide to eat together at the cafe and talk.
"So you're the one that keeps Spencer on his phone at all times and makes him blush just from a text!" JJ exclaims
"I have seen your posts all over my explore page! I am obsessed with you!" Garcia says
Y/n blushes from all the attention and thanks Penelope.
Spencer grabs her hand from under the table and squeezes it while placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
"So how long have you two been together?" Emily asks
"9 months 12 days 7 hours and 12 minutes"
Spencer answers with a smile
"Well we can tell that you are amazing for Spencer, we have never seen him like this before." Morgan states seriously
"He's perfect for me. I love him so much, I don't know what I would do without him." Y/n says as she looks at Spencer.
He blushes and says "I love you"
They want to continue the conversation but sadly, their lunch break is coming to an end. 
The team says goodbye to Y/n, and Penelope exchanges numbers with her.
Spencer walks up to her and tucks her hair behind her ear, admiring her. She leans in for a kiss and he reciprocates immediately. The kiss goes on for a bit until Morgan whoops and they pull away quickly.
"I have to go, I love you sweetheart, I'll see you tonight" Spencer says 
"I love you too baby, see you later" Y/n replies and gives him one last hug before he walks away with the team.
"Pretty boy! I didn't know you had game! She is hot!" Derek exclaims
Spencer rolls his eyes and says "She's my girlfriend don't say that."
"Ok ok, I'm happy for you though! I'm glad to see you this happy, I can tell you really love her" Morgan finally says seriously
"Yeah I really do." Spencer responds.
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Tim had forgotten, in his one man (and the admittedly liberal usage of hired guns) crusade at everything that had hurt his family, that he was technically a child. A time traveling 21 year old Tim Drake in his younger body, sure, but he’s still a nine year old child.
Tim was violently, unpleasantly reminded of this as he opened his front door to… Gotham Primary’s truancy officer.
Oh shit. He still had to go to school. Tim scrambled for an excuse.
“Hello, Timothy. Are your parents home?”
“Uh- no, sir. Only my nanny. I’ve been really,” think, Timothy, think! Are you Red Robin for nothing? “really sick. She went out for some medicine.”
Tim knew what the officer saw as he looked down at him, a pale, drawn little boy who looked like a sickly Victorian child. He has no idea that Tim had the beginnings of lean muscles and strong grip strength underneath his baggy clothes.
“I see. I’ll have to talk to your nanny, then. We need to be informed of when you’re ill, Timothy.”
“Oh. She-” shit, shit, shit! “Doesn’t speak English.” Was that racist? That felt racist. Gods, he probably sounds like a snobby classist elite. “I’ll let my mom know to email you, sir?”
The truancy officer sighed. By Tim’s lucky stars, he agreed. The man pulled out a singular paper from his plastic folder, clearly used to this kind of thing, especially from the elites of Gotham, and said, “Email the school. And have her sign this note, please.”
Tim nodded seriously. Like hell he would.
When the officer was gone, Tim closed the gate immediately. He had forgotten to close it after getting back home from stalking the Bats last night. Well, Bat, singular, because Jason was still benched.
Tim sighed, grabbing a pen to fluidly forge Janet Drake’s signature on his paper about truancy and proper procedures and what not. Then, he moved to the computer, easily stealing his mother’s credentials, emailing the school about his sick leave, and their decision to have him home schooled.
He’d miss Ives, but honestly, Tim needed the free time. Plus, maybe this way, he’ll graduate high school this time around. He drafted another email to the counselor, asking them what kind of curriculum and tests he needed to pass to obtain future degrees and what not.
He gets an email back, with all of the testing required and the steps “Young Timothy” should take in order to succeed in the rest of his academic career. Tim would like to point out he’s nine, and that this was pretentious. Helpful, sure, but pretentious all the same.
“That’s what people don’t mention about time traveling. It’s all fun and games until you get hit with the mundane and tedious things.” Tim muttered, setting up his appointments for testing. He’ll have to find someone to drive him to the tests…
His mind turned to his neighbors… hm. That’s a possibility.
Tim wiped all traces of his activities from his mother’s email, doing a quick and hidden bit of rerouting to get any educational emails regarding him sent to his own inbox.
Tim swigged a mouthful of coffee and continued on his merry way.
His new goal?
Find Cassandra Cain.
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alchemistc · 1 month
i present my latest offering of an au first meeting: the poker game.
Big Blind
Tommy's been on plenty of bad dates in his time, but this one might actually take the cake for worst first date he's ever had. They're just -- not right for one another, and it's clear they can both feel it, but for some reason Jeff just -- keeps talking. About his border collie rescue, and his sixth fourteener (this year), and the his upcoming promotion and the Cybertruck he's thinking about getting wrapped in matte black --
"Jeff," Tommy cuts in, when he starts in on Tesla stock talk. "I'm gonna pay the check and head out. It's been..." he gestures. Considers calling Stout right here at the dinner table to tell him no more blind dates with his stock broker brother-in-laws friends, no matter how gay they are.
He's gonna get shit from Stout's wife the next time she stops by with a casserole, but honestly a half-hour tirade on politeness from Heather Alexandra Stout sounds better than learning how much of an Elon Musk fanboy Jeff really is. Jeff looks like he might be offended by the implication that he wouldn't have paid, but Tommy's already waving down his server and gesturing to the bar by the time Jeff even thinks to reach for his wallet.
"You have a good night."
Andrea slides his check under his elbow with a raised brow and doesn't say a word when he hands her his card immediately, but he can tell she's judging him. Third date in a month he's barely contained his disdain for long enough to pay up, although this is the first he's outright ditched before the bill was even paid.
Gary slides a beer across the bar to him and refuses the cash Tommy tries to give him for it. "Do I look that pathetic, Gary?"
Man of few words, Gary just taps his nose and tips his chin to his date, who is doing a terrible job of trying to sneak out the door.
"You're too good for him, anyway," says Andrea, back already with his card. He tucks an extra twenty into her folder and downs the beer in silence while they watch through the window as Jeff seems to get into an argument with the Uber pulling up in front of the restaurant.
"Maybe it's me," Tommy says, and Gary hums in commiseration. Or maybe he just has gas. "Maybe I'm the problem."
It's been a string of bad dates, and before that a relationship that'd gone up in metaphorical but nearly literal flames. Tommy's spent a lot of introspective time wishing he could kill Gerrard with lasers so that he doesn't have to blame himself for staying in the closet so long that blind dates and Grindr meetups were his real introduction to the dating scene.
"Someday, Tommy, you'll meet someone who can't get enough of your morbid humor and your pessimism and your obsession with haunted cars."
"One car," Tommy argues, although that's beside the point. "I think maybe I should give the search for love a break, Gary."
Gary hums, again.
Tommy drinks the rest of his beer in companionable silence and pulls up his phone to order an Uber himself. Jeff is, thankfully, long gone, and Tommy's halfway through confirming his home address when he remembers the invite he'd received last week that he'd hesitated scheduling a date around. He shoots off a text instead, and updates the address before he slides from the bar stool.
Gary shoots him a look. "Headed home?"
Tommy shifts on his feet. Shoots a look behind the bar. "Nah. Gonna try to hit up a work thing. Pour me a shot of Tullamore for the road?"
Gary accepts the twenty this time and doesn't make a comment about the way Tommy downs a sipping whiskey, which Tommy appreciates.
He's halfway to his destination, enjoying the chat with his driver, when the text comes in from Lucy.
Had to bail, but you should go if the date went that badly. Williams will enjoy slowly ruining the remainder of your night.
Tommy taps his phone once, twice, three times before he makes up his mind not to be the asshole who changes his destination halfway through the ride. Worst comes to worst, he'll tap out early and Venmo Mehta the rest of his stake.
Better than moping at home with the pint of freezer-burned Ben and Jerry's.
He's fairly rushed down the stairs once he's in, because apparently Williams is on some sort of time crunch, or something, and he's fairly certain the drinks are catching up to him as he takes in the table. Mehta and Wilson are regulars, and he's seen Rosen around, but there are two new guys settling in across the table and Tommy has to take a long, long moment to remind himself this is technically a professional setting before he can look too closely at either one of them.
Yeah. Shit, he'd definitely drank most of that second pitcher by himself, listening to Jeff talk.
"Kinard. We weren't expecting you." Rosen's eyes glimmer with amusement. He'd caught maybe six months of her probationary year, but every time she sees him she likes to remind him of the first time she'd seen him post-transfer, at a gay bar in WeHo, and introduced him to the first guy he'd dated seriously in his entire life. Tommy returns the favor by reminding her exactly how terribly that had ended for all parties. "Poker night dress code usually includes more buttons than date night," she jabs, finger circling the olives in her martini glass, and Tommy contemplates tossing one of Mehta's chips at her. Her grin goes wide.
With the momentary distraction, Tommy feels a little more prepared to face the two men now eyeing him curiously.
"Tommy," he says, leaning over the table, hand out to shake. Turtleneck raises a curious eyebrow when Mr. Red Velvet Smoking jacket practically leaps across his lap to shake back. "I'm over at 217."
"This is Eddie," Red Velvet introduces, and Tommy's gaze dances between them, curious. "I'm Evan. We're with the -- wait, 217 -- Chimney's Tommy?"
Tommy's brows dance up the same time as Eddie's do. He is still shaking hands with Evan. Or - holding is more accurate, he supposes, but for the sake of his sanity and the possible date Evan and Eddie are on, if he's reading the introduction or any of the vibes right (they're both stunning and Tommy is smarting from another shitty date, so who knows), Tommy keeps it to shake in his mind. "Well I don't think Howie can claim ownership of my person, but -."
"Sorry, no, I just meant..." Evan's gaze drops to their clasped hands, still now over the felt of the poker table. He gives one more firm pump and drops Tommy's hand. "We're both at the 118. Pretty sure you helped save this guy's ass once." He tips a thumb sideways to indicate the man he'd introduced as Eddie.
Tommy's eyes drift. He's had a few drinks, and up until about halfway through the date he'd been expecting a very different outcome for his night, so he's maybe not keeping a lid on things the way he normally would in a work setting. He's guessing the ass he's purported to have saved would look great, if it weren't firmly planted in his chair and out of view. The rest of the view ain't bad, either.
Williams is giving him a look, which means he's not being even a little subtle. "The gas main explosion," Tommy finally gathers from the cobwebs of his brain, and wouldn't it be his luck to transfer out of the 118 just in time for two annoyingly attractive men who may possibly be boning each other to take his place.
Evan grins. Beams, more like, and Tommy slides firmly into his own chair and tries not to be blinded by it. Or entranced by it. God he needs to get laid. Get this - whatever this is - out of his system.
Tommy's cool. Tommy's calm and collected and he hadn't even had that much to drink, actually, so why is he having such a hard time behaving like he's had forty years of experience dealing with attractive men?
Tommy sorts through the memories.
Eddie he can pinpoint fairly easily -- he'd shot off a message to Chim the moment they'd learned one of the 118 had been shot, and had been happy to break the news of his recovery to an anxious Harbor station in the tense days after it had all gone down. Evan, though - he doesn't have a clue who that could be. He's still got a few buddies from B Shift he talks to on occasion, but he doesn't remember any stories about an Evan from them, and Howie hasn't mentioned one, either.
Of course, it's not like either one of them does a great job of keeping in touch.
The mystery is solved a moment later when Williams tips her head at him. "Feels like we're being overrun by the 118 tonight," she says with a grin, but her gaze slides to Evan, rather than Tommy. "And we've got an honest-to-goodness legend tonight."
"You know I still can't believe you survived that, Buckley," Mehta says, and the puzzle piece slots itself into place. "Uh, although we're all glad that you did."
Buckley. Tommy shifts. Reassesses. Eyes the glance between Diaz and Buckley like he's gonna figure out their deal while he's already four and a half drinks deep into the night and hasn't already heard the larger than life tales of this duo from half-a-dozen gossipy paramedics. According to some, there's a secret torrid love affair going on behind the scenes of their codependent friendship. According to others, the ones he more or less trusts not to stretch the truth too far, they're friends -- closer than most, and maybe a little weird about each other, but friends all the same.
Buckley's a shark. Or, if Williams is to be believed, a bit of a cheat.
As the game goes on, and the conversation drifts from the morbid details of Buckley's three-minutes-seventeen-seconds of lifelessness, past the special skills near death experiences are rumored to cause, past the time out where they'd all admired the pictures of Buckley's Lichtenburg scars ("They faded pretty quickly," Evan says, with a soft little frown like he's a bit disappointed not to have any physical proof beyond a few shots of his naked brick shithouse of a chest.) Tommy can't help but admire the shift from bashful to smirking and smug as Evan keeps racking up monumentally improbable hands. He's a bit of a brat, actually, and Tommy can feel Rosen's eyes burning into the side of his head every time he ups the ante just to watch the flicker of triumph aimed in his direction every time Evan wins a hand Tommy raised.
Tommy's no slob with cards, on a normal day, but he's too busy trying not to read anything into the way Evan's eyes keep drifting to the v of the shirt he hadn't buttoned back up just to spite Rosen, or the way he keeps licking his fucking lips every time Tommy takes a sip of the whiskey at his elbow to really care as his chips dwindle to nothing. Tommy can't be entirely sure, but it seems like maybe Evan pouts, a little, when Tommy pushes back from the table to join the rest of the losers crowded around to watch Williams, Mehta and Buckley battle it out.
He's trying to think of a subtle way to ask Howie if Evan Buckley is just like that with all the men in his life when Eddie slides in beside him with a refill on his whiskey. Tommy grimaces. "I shouldn't."
"Thought you were trying to drink away a bad date?"
Tommy shoots Rosen a glare over Eddie's shoulder, but she's too busy chasing her straw with her tongue to notice.
"He was a Tesla fanboy," Tommy intones, and the braces himself for the reaction. He's used to it, now -- the constant cycle of coming out and waiting to see which new acquaintances bow out of getting to know each other any better. This is... earlier, than he usually drops it, but he hasn't been in the mood to lie about it in years, and Eddie had asked. He gets a raised brow and a grimace.
"Don't tell me you didn't know ahead of time," Eddie says, and Tommy loosens the grip on his glass.
"Hazards of blind dating."
Eddie's look is commiserating. He tips his beer bottle against Tommy's rocks glass. "Yeah, my tia keeps finding reasons for me to run into the eligible daughters and granddaughters of all her friends." Which Tommy supposes is answer to half of the question that's been plaguing him since he sat down.
Buckley gets cocky a few times, but it's clear the night is going his way even before Jeshan Mehta's pot gets swept up in Evan's arms. Williams holds out as long as she can.
"Beginner's luck!" Buckley crows, when Williams' last chip is added to his pile. Eddie's been supplying him with a steady flow of drinks for the past thirty minutes, and his smile is crooked as he tilts backwards in his chair for a fist bump. His eyes flick to Tommy's once he's received his congratulations from Eddie, and Tommy pretends he's not a little bit fascinated by the pull of his jacket over his arms, or the way his closed hand lingers near Tommy's even after Tommy has smacked his knuckles against his as well.
Evan Buckley is frustratingly adorable. Tommy's had too many drinks for any kind of decent decision making. He bows out while Evan and Eddie are collecting his winnings.
Tommy's eyes flick to the readout on his phone. He doesn't recognize the number, but it's a local area code, so he picks up on the forth ring. "Go for Kinard."
"Uh - hey, hi. Hey Tommy." The voice is familiar, sweet and low. "It's Buck - Evan. Evan Buckley. I uh -- I got your number from Chim, I hope that's alright?"
Tommy's got a solid fifteen minutes before he has to leave for work, a raging headache that has thus far refused to accept electrolytes or Advil as tribute to his overindulgence the previous evening, and a full understanding that he's going to spend his shift listening to Donato swear up and down she's the better option for finding him a man, but the voice on the other end of his phone might at least give the headache a run for it's money.
"Evan. Hi."
"Hey. So -- you dipped before I could ask -- which is fine, obviously, I'm not -- uh..." He pauses. Tommy can practically picture the way he wets his lower lip while he searches for the right words. "Anyway I was wondering -- would you maybe wanna grab a beer, sometime?"
Tommy spends about fifteen seconds rearranging his entire schedule in his mind. Says, cool, calm, collected: "Sure. When are you free?"
Evan's voice goes distant for a second -- he's putting Tommy on speaker. "I, uh -- I didn't expect you to say yes so quickly. Actually I didn't expect you to answer -- who answers unknown numbers, anymore?"
"Who calls expecting to get sent to voicemail?"
The brat rises up immediately. "Uh, literally everyone. The missed call is just an excuse to text. It's basic phone etiquette, Tommy."
Tommy likes the way he says his name. Soft, sweet and slow, rolling over his tongue like molasses. This feels incredibly like flirting, but he can't get a fucking read on this kid. "Clearly I've missed out on an important cultural shift. I can hang up and we can do this the right way, if you want."
"No!" It's sharp -- louder, like he's raising the phone back towards his mouth. Tommy can't hide the grin leaking across his face. "Uh -- no, it's fine. Too late, anyway, I already know you don't know phone rules."
"Hopefully that doesn't change your opinion of me too much."
"I could be convinced to ignore it, with the right incentive."
"I'll buy first round," Tommy says, and wonders if he's got any other shirts he can play off as fitting better with three buttons undone. The flirting should be enough, but -- Tommy's still not sure drinks isn't just drinks.
"Wednesday night," Evan says, voice further away again. Tommy has a sudden, desperate urge to see what his Google calendar looks like. For all that he'd cut loose at the poker game, Tommy bets it's color coded by type of activity. "If that works. Or Saturday, any time, really. I'm uh -- I'm free then."
If Tommy bows out of trivia on classic car week Cynthia will have a whole ass bitch fit. And it makes him seem a little less eager, to boot. "Saturday. I've got a shift early Sunday, though, so maybe something in the afternoon?"
"Yeah -- yes, th-that works." The stammering isn't something Tommy can get a read off of. He'd done it just as much with Eddie as he'd done with everyone else. "There's a new brewery just off Pico and Prosser -- Chim said you were a fan of craft beer?"
Sounding more date like by the minute, but -- some guys toe the line. Could be Evan Buckley just wants to know more about flight operations, for all Tommy knows. "Text me the details. Look, Evan, I'd love to stay on this rule-breaking phone call and chat but I've got to head in for a shift. Just -- let me know the plan." He's got five minutes to brush his teeth and rue the moment he'd asked Gary for his first whiskey of the night. He's also rolling back his last few sentences and cringing at how abrupt he'd been. "And yeah -- good to know Chim hasn't forgotten the three facts I ever told him about me."
Evan laughs, just a soft little huff but Tommy already knows the grin behind that sound is all sorts of knee-meltingly sweet. "Cool. So. Yeah, I'll text you."
"I'll talk to you later, Evan."
"Yep. Talk to you -- talk to you soon."
Tommy waits a moment in silence. The call doesn't end. "Goodbye, Evan."
Evan huffs out another awkward laugh. "Yeah. Bye, Tommy."
The call disconnects just in time for Tommy to press his forehead into the cool tile beside his bathroom mirror. He might be monumentally screwed if this isn't a date. He hasn't been this fucking charmed by a man since -- well, it's been a while.
Tommy's phone buzzes in his hand. It's a pinned address from a number he doesn't have saved. Tommy swipes into the contact and updates it before the next text makes it through. Saturday 3PM?
Tommy brushes his teeth, downs the rest of his preworkout in the hopes that it'll ease some of the nastier parts of his stupid decision to keep drinking liquor past midnight, and stares at the text all the way out to his truck.
See you then, Tommy sends back, and he has to toss his phone into his passenger seat when he gets a series of incomprehensible emoji's almost immediately in response.
He holds up a hand to Donato the moment she catches his gaze, halfway across the parking lot. The brow goes up, the hand slots to her hip, and she rolls her tongue over her teeth, clearly ready for her speech about how Stout doesn't have a clue how to find Tommy a proper date. Tommy has other problems.
"You worked with Evan Buckley, for a while, didn't you?"
Her head tilt rights itself. The second brow dances up to meet the first. Whatever she'd meant to say disperses behind her eyelids as she seems to work through something in her mind. "Oh, this is compelling," she says, and practically skips forward to loop her arm in his.
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dekariosclan · 1 month
Attention Galemancers: Gale thinks you are wonderful
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In celebration of Galemancer week, this post is dedicated to all my fellow wizard-lovers 💜
We’ve talked plenty about how much we love Gale—but in this post I want to talk about how Gale Dekarios loves us, too. Very, very much.
From Astarion-to-Gale pipeliners, to the gamers who played BG3 not intending to romance anyone, to players who thought they’d just play the game casually and mayyybe smooch the hunky Druid elf guy or hot fiery lady, we all played BG3 thinking we had a pretty clear idea of how it was going to go—only to find ourselves rizzed by the wizard.
But we didn’t just choose Gale—Gale chose us.
Remember, Tav does not initiate the romance; Gale has to choose to start the weave scene. So if you’re reading this and you’re a Galemancer, it’s because Gale wanted you to be one.
That’s right Galemancers: Your Pixel Husband©️ took one look at you/your Tav, liked you immediately, and told the other romanceable companions, ‘I beg your pardon, this one is mine.’ The rest is history.
Gale loves us just as much as we love him—and this goes for ALL GALEMANCERS, no matter how your romance went:
Did you go into the game already liking Gale and actively wanting your Tav to romance him? Then Gale applauds your excellent taste. It’s one of the many reasons he chose you! To like so many things about him, and right from the start…he thinks your generosity is quite wonderful.
Did your Tav choose another companion first, and only romance Gale later on/during a second play through? No matter. He knew that you would come to your senses eventually! (just like he’s sure Minthara will appreciate him at some point…) He just had to be patient. It’s fine; you were worth the wait, after all.
Did you get Sneaky God Gale and have to re-do your run/start a new one to get your human proposal ending? Gale knew from the start that you were special—and that you would love him enough to replay the game and fix any bad outcomes. He knew you would do whatever was necessary to correct his path so he could marry you! Seeing you do all that for him…well…it only makes him want you more.
Did you encourage Gale to become a God & have him ascend your Tav, too? Then GodGale is beyond thrilled he chose you. Like he says in the human epilogue: ‘I could spend an eternity in your company.’ Now he can finally do that! (One small request—please keep his ambition in check, but do allow him to continue to troll Raphael as often as he likes.)
Did you romance Gale, but have your Tav go to Avernus with Karlach to help her? Gale always knew you had a heart of gold, and that’s one of the reasons he chose you. A little distance & time won’t hurt a bond like yours—and he’ll have his hearth & home waiting for your return.
Did you read online guides to do Gale’s & Tav’s romance correctly and get the ending you wanted from the start? What divine calculus plucked you from the heavens and thrust you into Gale’s arms? He knew you were studious and detail-oriented from the moment he met you, which is why he chose you! To know you studied so hard in order to get a good ending for him…none have loved him so purely before.
— — —
In short: Gale Dekarios doesn’t toss the ‘L’ word around lightly. He only picks someone to be a Galemancer if he truly thinks they are wonderful—and that’s not just anyone.
In conclusion: Galemancers, you are wonderful!
Now go enjoy the rest of this week with your well-earned and well-deserved pixel wizard—who chose you 💜
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Friends to lovers with hotch. Bau!Reader has been pining forever but is deciding to move in after seeing Aaron and Beth be with each other. New guy also happens to be a single dad with a boy in jacks grade. Jack is not happy about another boy stealing his mom figure yk? Father son duo working together to get the girl.
Tbh idc what you write coz its always good. And im a sucker for jealous hotch ALWAYS
okay can i just say that when i saw this ask i got obsessed with the concept immediately!!! like that’s so cute???? also while writing this i was thinking “jack is such a little sweetie he wouldn’t have an attitude” but then i thought of this tiktok and remembered he can actually be salty af <33 LMFAOO
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Buddy, what’s wrong?”
Jack hadn’t spoken a word the entire ride from school. Aaron was used to his bubbly sweet voice filling the car, telling him all about his day; so the silence was deafening.
“Nothing,” he replied, dropping his small bag on the floor and running to his room.
The truth was, Jack had been pretty moody lately and it was all because of you. Well, it wasn’t your fault of course, but it was your absence that had Jack throwing tantrums in a way he never used to before.
As Aaron’s best friend, your presence in his house, in his home, was a constant. Movies, dinners, board game nights…Jack had grown used to you. And he absolutely adored you.
When Beth came into Aaron’s life, though, things started to change. You were pulling away from him, from them. At first, Aaron thought that maybe you were jealous; and if that was true, he would drop Beth in a heartbeat and run into your arms. After all, she was only a distraction to him in order to get over you.
All those dreams of him were shuttered one day, when he had called to ask you if you’d join him and Jack for a movie night, only to be told you had a date: a date with the dad of one of Jack’s classmates. You told him the two of you met when you went to pick up Jack from school one day, and Aaron cursed the moment he had asked for your help. If he knew the dads there would be all over you, he wouldn’t have let you set foot into that damned school in the first place.
“Jack?” Aaron said, knocking on his door.
“Go away!”
“Jack, please talk to me. I want to help.”
There was a long pause before Jack finally opened the door and let his dad in.
“What did you do to her?” he asked with tears in his eyes.
“Buddy, what are you talking about?”
“Y/N. Why isn’t she your friend anymore?” Jack looked incredibly sad and it broke Aaron’s heart.
“We’re still friends,” he answered, softly. “What makes you think we’re not?”
“She’s never here anymore.”
“I know,” Aaron said. “But that doesn’t mean she’s not our friend anymore. We’ve just both been busier than usual.” He wasn’t technically lying, but he still felt bad.
“Why couldn’t you get together like they do in the movies?” Jack raised his voice. “Now she’s with Charlie’s dad. And she packs Charlie lunch and makes him sandwiches that look like dinosaurs like she used to do with me! It’s not fair, she was ours first!”
Well, that explained why he was so mad after school today.
Aaron couldn’t find any words to say, and how could he when he was just as jealous as his son? Jack was right; you were theirs first. And they’d win you back.
“And dad told me we’ll go get ice cream later with Y/N!” Charlie exclaimed, but Jack did not share his enthusiasm.
“Okay,” Jack answered, rolling his eyes.
“And maybe we’ll go to the movies after. She said she loves watching cartoons! She doesn’t think they’re boring like all grown ups,” the kid continued, not realizing he was making Jack upset.
“I know, we watch cartoons all the time together,” he replied.
Right next to them, their fathers had a separate conversation, but very much similar to theirs.
“The kid loves her already,” Charlie’s dad, Nick, said, watching you from afar. They were all waiting for you to finish your little chat with that teacher friend of yours, so they’d finally leave the school building.
“And how can he not, I mean she’s so great,” he added.
“She is,” Aaron agreed, though gritted teeth.
“I’ll take them for ice cream now so they can bond a little more. This girl loves ice cream.”
“Yeah, I know.” Who did that guy think he was? Thinking that any detail about you would be news to Aaron. Of course he knew you loved ice cream. He knew you better than anyone. Anyone.
“Sorry!” you said, walking fast towards their little group. “I hadn’t seen my friend in a while.”
“That’s alright.”
“It’s okay.”
Aaron and Nick talked at the same time, which ended in them sending annoyed glances to each other.
“Well, we better get going then,” you said with a smile.
As all of you walked out of the building, Aaron heard you telling something to Nick and Charlie. “Can you wait for me in the car? I’ll be back in a minute!”
To Aaron’s surprise you approached his car with one eyebrow raised. Oh no, you were mad.
“Y/N,” he said, but you cut him off.
“Why are the two of you being mean to Nick and his son?”
“We’re not mean to them,” Aaron said, but Jack’s voice was louder. “Because we hate them!” he said.
“What? It’s true. You said that Mr. Nick is ugly and a jerk!”
“Jack, language!” his dad scolded him.
You turned your gaze to Aaron. “Is this true?”
He sighed, in defeat. “Jack, can you please get in the car? I want to speak with Y/N.”
“Fine,” he said, and followed his dad’s request.
“So?” you said when you were finally alone.
“So…I may have said some things about Nick.”
“Why?” your soft voice asked.
“Because, I can’t stand the thought of him with you. God, Y/N, I can’t do this anymore. I want you. I want you to be mine. I wanna be the one who takes you for ice cream and the one who brags about you to the other dads.”
“I understand if you don’t feel the same way-”
“Of course, I feel the same way, you idiot,” you said. “But then Beth showed up and I thought it was one sided!”
“Beth’s in the past.”
“She is?”
“Yes. She didn’t mean anything to me. It’s always been you,” Aaron admitted.
“Wow…” you said, placing your palm on your forehead.
“Well, I have two people waiting for me in the car right now. And I don’t want to just  blow them off.”
“I understand.”
“I’ll talk to Nick tonight. I promise,” you said, touching his hand. “Okay?”
“Okay.” Aaron smiled.
“She touched your hand,” Jack said with a smirk when his dad got back in the car.
Aaron stared at him through the rearview mirror with furrowed eyebrows, but Jack could read him very easily. So he just giggled.
“Ew!” Jack yelled, his face forming a disgusted expression at the sight of you and Aaron kissing.
“Hey, you got your wish!” Aaron told him. “You should be grateful.”
“You know what I think?” you asked.
“That our little Jack is jealous because he’s not getting any kisses.”
“No!” he giggled, as you and Aaron chased him, ready to cover his chubby cheeks with sweet kisses.
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anonymousbardd · 7 months
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Character Headcanons
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: How You Met
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are: Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Gongseob Ji.
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ Gun isn't typically a lady's man, he prefers to get stronger and earn more money than ever, he'd do anything just for money, that's why he agreed to join forces in the first place.
Though when chairman Choi suggested marrying the young daughter of the alliance company, he wasn't exactly too thrilled.
When he first met (F/n), they didn't exactly get along, both had different views of the world and both had different priorities.
(F/n)'s priority was to give and to help, while Gun's were to kill just to get.
After some time, both alliances tried to set multiple dates for the two, though they weren't of consent, (F/n) and Gun were civil and handled it maturely.
Eventually, they grew quite fond of eachother, though they don't admit it.
(F/n) would constantly look out for Gun, she would treat his wounds and scold him for smoking and what not, Gun on the other hand brushed her off.
After all, their engagement were just of convenience, there was no point in trying to get attached.
Although, the changes in Gun was slightly noticeable, when confronted about it, he denies all accusations and gets frustrated.
So what if he doesn't smoke as often as he used to? Everybody knows that smoking is a bad habit.
So what if he starts to take care of himself? He needs to do so in order to fight better.
So what if he bought himself a small keychain that reminded him of his Fiancé? It was just a reminder of the contract he has to respect.
And so what if he found himself thinking about the young woman every night before he goes to bed? Though their soon to be marriage is only of convenience, it doesn't mean that he should treat her less.
After all, (F/n) is his wife to be.
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ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ Much like Gun, he prefers money over women, he also has a bit of a habit of spending a shit tone when he's upset, he doesn't care, he's got more money than he could count.
In a spectacular day, he found himself roaming around in an anime convention, he only had one goal, and that is to get as much Katanas he could.
He looked around and enjoyed himself, taking pictures with a few cosplayers, getting a bit of keychains and what not.
The moment he laid eyes on a man cosplaying one of his favourite characters, he immediately went by to say hi, the man was handsome looking, pale skin, sharp eyes and tall.
He was surprised to learn that it was actually a woman.
Goo couldn't believe his eyes that a woman is able to pull such a masculine cosplay, when the cosplayer asked him about the huge Katana haul, he excitedly explained that it was one of his favourite weapons.
The two talked for a bit and took a picture together, the cosplayer left Goo a small custom keychain and headed off.
A few days later, Goo found himself saving a young woman who was dresses up as a video game character from a group of perverts.
He was surprised when the cosplayer recognised him, and he was even more surprised when he found out that it was the same cosplayer he met a few days ago.
The cosplayer wanted to thank Goo so she ended up showing him her collections of swords, katanas and other weapons, Goo was over the moon and kept on drooling over the displays.
The cosplayer was kind enough to give Goo two weapons.
Goo never forget about it and has those two weapons displayed in his home, he also kept in contact with the cosplayer and goes out for coffee whenever he's free.
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ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ It was a long night, Samuel's original plan was to drink the night away, he wasn't at all expecting to meet a talented woman.
He met (F/n) at a bar, she was singing a song, she was a stage performer.
After her performance, she tumbled upon Samuel, they noticed each other's presence but didn't speak.
What lead to them was the bartender, both of them had ordered the same drink and when the bartender placed down the fixated alcohol, Samuel and (F/n) reached out to grab it.
(F/n) was first to apologize, she claimed that she didn't know it was his, Samuel was already a bit tipsy by that point and thought about having a bit of fun.
The two of them ended up sharing the drink, they ordered a couple more as they continued to speak to each other.
It was the typical "fuck I fell in love in a one night stand".
Now Samuel bothers (F/n) in any chance he could.
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ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ Sinu tried to set up his dear Jake and his dear sister in law, Jake was of course not ideally please with the idea.
Although, he did end up agreeing due to Sinu's persistent PESTERING.
They ended up talking in a café, it went smoothly, it was a slow burn trope for the two, it took them a year and a half to actually admit they had feelings for eachother. — (Speaking from soon to be experience hehe).
Sinu was proud of himself being the source of the newly blossomed relationship.
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ʚɞ ┊: Gongseob Ji
↳ (F/n) was unfortunate enough to found herself in a club with Gongseob Ji, she was only there because of her friends, Gongseob was there to pickup girls.
And sadly, (F/n) was the one he took interest in the most.
Once he found out that the two of them went to the same highschool, he began to attend school just to see her everyday.
Gongseob didn't really want anything else other than a sweet relief, but as he continued to appear any place (F/n) was, his friends started to tease him.
That's when he slowly questioned his feelings, and that's when he found out he actually liked her.
He wasn't discreet about it, he told her as soon as he found out.
It took a while but he was able to take her out to dinner after saving her from a group of delinquents.
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daydreamingleclerc · 1 year
gorgeous; lewis hamilton
y/n's boyfriend is arguably one of the worst men on the planet, so, she decides to hook up with a pretty boy she meets in a club.
includes; smut, oral (m, f), fingering, degradation, teasing, spanking, hair pulling, face fucking, sir!kink, dom!lewis, sub!reader, infidelity, unprotected sex, squirting. this hasn't been proofread.
this is part of my taylor swift masterlist which you can find here. thank you to @sainzcaleruega and @landopeaches for always hyping up my writing even when i think it sucks <33
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he was arguably one of the most attractive people she'd ever seen. that was a fact. his skin glowed under the harsh lighting, somehow making him look ethereal in a sea of sweaty, aggressively lit men and women, and whenever he looked over in her direction her skin buzzed with a sense of anticipation she didn't find anywhere else. a sense of excitement she hadn't felt for what felt like a lifetime.
as stubborn as he was in these situations, he had to admit - she too, was one of the prettiest women he'd ever laid eyes upon. the way she looked so effortlessly, shamelessly gorgeous in a room full of women who'd tried a little too hard to impress drew him to her like a moth to a flame. she didn't have to try, not for him, anyway.
"can i buy you a drink?"
the line was cheesy, and half-expected when she waltzed up to the bar. he watched her every move, as she weaved her way in and out of the crowd with ease, as if it was a habit. her lips curled up into a half smile and she pondered on the origin of his accent.
"i've got a boyfriend," her eyes raked across the selection of flavoured liquor standing on the shelf, and she waited for his reaction to come. he waivered, only slightly. "but if you want to take me home with you i suggest you try a lot harder than buying me a drink."
the man smirked and stood in closer, only by a few millimeters. his hand draped over the small of her back, and in that moment she noticed his scent. he smelled divine, the scent of richness and old money that she'd scoured so hard to find; he smelt like a man who was familiar with the ins and outs of what he was doing and that was almost enough for her to cave.
"what are you drinking?" he questioned. his voice was soft yet firm, and even under the boom of heavy music, she could hear him crystal clear.
"surely you should be able to tell," she glanced over at him for the first time since he struck up a conversation, but soon faced the liquors again, "a man with your intelligence, expertise. you know what a woman wants, so figure it out."
he admired her nonchalant nature, and so he went ahead and ordered for her, "a whiskey on ice and a tequila sunrise," his eyes flickered over to her as he spoke and immediately flickered back to the barman.
"anything else?"
"two orgasms," the barman almost walked away until she spoke, he nodded, and she glanced over at the pretty man beside her, "i'd ask for a couple more, but that's just being selfish."
he leaned in closer again, his fingers brushing her hipbones and marking his territory to those around him. "it's rude to have no manners," his finger's ran up the side of her dress, feeling out the zip just underneath the armpit so he could toggle on it later, "but then again, you'll be using them later."
"you seem oddly confident," she rose to his game fiercely and feistily, her eyes still avoiding him, "it's almost a pity."
her cockiness was arousing to him. he loved it when women fell at his feet, but this game was so much more entertaining for him to play. he couldn't help but hide a smirk. "we'll see who's going to be pitied when you're desperate enough to beg."
the drinks were brought to the pair of them quickly, and he watched as she knocked back both orgasms without a singular hitch in her face - oh, if only she knew how the orgasms he provided would leave her reeling.
"aren't you going to ask me about my boyfriend, about why i'm here in a crowded club all alone?"
it was clear to him she'd played this game multiple times before, but now she'd just confirmed it. "no," he simply smiled, and when she startled, his face grew wider, "judging by the fact you're out, talking to me, allowing me to buy you drinks, means you don't want to talk about him," his finger circled the rim of his whiskey glass, "but it also tells me you've come here to do this before, time and time again, desperate for somebody to show you a good time. am i right?"
her mouth suddenly went dry.
she sucked the cocktail through the small straw, and he waited patiently for her response.
"you could say that's correct," it pissed her off to admit he was right; she didn't like doing that, "do you think you're up to the task?" her eyes looked right into his, and for the first time that night, she allowed herself to get lost in them, "because i don't think you've got what it takes."
their lips were so close in that moment, she could feel his breath fanning at her skin and it ignited a fire inside of her stomach. the tension could be sliced with a knife, and when he placed his finger on her lips to halt her movements, it drove her crazy.
"you couldn't be more wrong, sweetheart."
"prove it to me, then."
her lips puckered slightly so she could kiss the pad of his finger, but in his haste he allowed himself to divulge in the taste of her tongue. sparks flew inside of her stomach at the prospect of what was inevitably going to happen, and when his tongue slid along her bottom lip, she fought it. Y/N wasn't one for giving in that easily.
"i don't even know your name," the man muttered against her lips, pulling away for a short breath of air in the midst of all his hormones, "and i'd, at the very least, like to tell you mine so you know what name to type into your phone next time you go looking for a man to make you feel good."
"you're so cocky," she hummed, pulling away from him snappishly to fumble on the counter for her drink. she admired the lipstick stain smeared across his chin. "it's almost humbling."
"you're so eager," he retorted, allowing himself a moment of composure. her body language was buzzing, and her eagerness to allow him to have his way with her was radiating off of her skin and bouncing among the pair of them like energy. "you might as well just bend over and let me fuck you in here."
he watched as the glimmer in her eyes shone, and cottoned onto the notion that she loved the thought of that. she knew that he could sense it, too, and she cursed herself for allowing her eyes to be so distinctively emotional.
"your eyes say everything you don't, darling," he paused and leaned closer, and when she went in for another kiss, he laughed. "see, i'm already starting to pity you."
he watched as she knocked back her drink, and as much as he wanted to tease her some more and hang back in the club for an hour or so, this was his forte.
"i hope your boyfriends not expecting you back anytime soon," he grabbed at her hand as he pulled her through the crowd, the manner brash and needy, nothing like the way she waltzed through it last time. "my name's lewis, by the way. you're gonna need to remember that."
his hotel room wasn't that far of a journey, and Y/N thanked her lucky stars when her initial thoughts were right - he was rich, and she was going to make sure to be calling him again.
"you still haven't told me your name," he said, handing her a small glass filled with tequila soda.
she took a sip, "is that a bad thing?"
"i'd at least like to know your name before i fuck you, yeah," he took a sip of his and perched on the edge of the armchair opposite her. her legs looked deliciously long and slender from this angle, and the light bounced off of them and caused a sleek shine. "is that a bad thing?"
"i suppose not," she hummed, and leaned forward to place her drink on the table. her cleavage squeezed between her arms as she moved and lewis struggled to keep himself composed. "Y/N."
he felt at peace knowing he had a name to put to the face, and it was just as beautiful as he imagined. she leaned back in her chair and her eyes gazed over him, and he was in awe of how she did everything so effortlessly. he leaned over the coffee table and hovered over her, his hands resting on the arm of her chair.
now that they could see one another clearer, and the atmosphere was less intrusive, there was a self consciousness surrounding them, as if they didn't want to get it wrong or overstep their mark; even though they both knew what they were here to do.
when lewis leaned down to kiss her, she melted into him almost immediately, and any traces of the feisty, fiery lady she once was at the bar had subsided. she was his, ultimately and indefinitely his, for this night.
lewis' hands trailed down her arms and along the stitching of the dress in an attempt to find the zipper from earlier. "may i...?" he asked, although when she'd started to nod, he was already pulling it down.
the dress completely unzipped and when lewis sunk to his knees and helped her to shimmy out of it, she didn't stop him. his lips caressed her thighs, kissing at the hot, slightly sweaty skin just to tease her as his thumbs and forefingers massaged at her calves.
her impatience had begun to seep through and it was clear to him she was beginning to become desperate when he noticed the material of her lace underwear changing colour due to the damp patch. he couldn't help but smirk.
his lips trailed across her pubic bone, that was partially hidden by the flimsy excuse for underwear, and as he kissed along the hot skin, she jolted and shimmied in anticipation.
"waiting for something?"
Y/N bucked her hips, but lewis' hands flew to her thighs and stopped her before she could gain any friction from the contact. "i said," he repeated, "are you waiting for something?"
she grumbled, "if you're not gonna fucking do it, then i'll find someone else who will."
lewis' eyes darkened, and she soon realised she was probably going to regret saying those words. he yanked at the material of her underwear and pulled it off in one swift motion, tossing it over his shoulder. "legs up," he motioned for her to swing her legs onto the arms of the chair, and she obliged, swinging them up onto the arms despite the ache it brought to her thighs. "good girl, you do know how to listen."
he savored the moment, allowing his fingers to slide within her folds and touch her delicately, swirling the pad of his middle finger around her clit and pressing softly into her opening. she was mewling, soft little whimpers and hardly-there noise that screamed out so much.
lewis' tongue swirled around her clit and immediately her hands flew to his dreadlocks. his hands splayed across her thighs as he worked his tongue around her, his facial hair only adding to her sensations.
"you taste so fucking good," he pulled away for a minute, and she looked up to watch him conjuring up spit. "i could stay here all fucking night."
she moaned, tipping her head back and getting lost in the feeling of him. she'd never experienced head like this before, and she couldn't quite contain herself. his hands moved from her thighs down to her bum, where one massaged the flesh and the other trailed up to where she needed attention the most.
"are you sure you can handle this? hm?" he cooed, pulling his lips away from her clit and causing her to cry out, "i don't know if you're ready."
"i am," she pouted, "please, lewis."
he smirked, and with that he pressed two fingers inside of her, and immediately she began to clench. "see, i told you i'd have you begging."
his fingers inside of her felt surreal, the way they hit every ridge and curve so well and slid through her wetness. she was dripping down his hand, she knew it, and she showed no shame. his fingertips curled and when they tickled her g-spot she flinched, her legs shooting outwards with a mind of their own.
"god, fucking hell if you keep on doing that i'm gonna cum."
lewis kissed at the inside of her thigh as he continued to fuck her with his fingers, "what did i tell you earlier about your manners, darling? they really are atrocious."
"i-i'm sorry," she mumbled, "please can i...?"
"please can you what, Y/N?"
she frowned for a second but she was whipped into shape quickly when he slapped her thigh. "please can i cum?"
"see," lewis kissed her clit and made her jolt, "that really wasn't so hard, was it baby?"
she shook her head, and when lewis' movements sped up, she saw it as her sign to cum. her legs trembled and her back arched off of the armchair, and she came hard and fast all over his fingers. he looked up at her with hooded eyes as she came down from her orgasm, her arms were over her head tugging at the armchair cushion and her back was still arched. she looked fucked out already, and her heavy breathing made him hard as a rock.
he knew he needed her now, no more waiting. he had to be inside of her, he wanted to make everyone in the rooms surrounding him know he could pleasure a woman right.
she felt a buzz in her stomach at the manhandling. lewis had picked her up from her state on the armchair and pushed her onto all fours on the adjoining sofa.
"do you still believe that i don't have what it takes, sweetheart?"
she turned her face round to look at him, and when he pulled his shirt off to reveal a body full of tattoos, she almost died on the spot. he knew she was checking him out, and he couldn't help but flex a little as he weaved his belt out of his trousers, and when she shook her head with a smirk on her face, she knew she was in trouble.
"well i think you're a fucking liar." he grabbed at her neck and squeezed the flesh softly until she made an audible choking sound, and then he released her. she continued to admire him through hazy eyes, and when he stood completely naked behind her she almost felt her knees give way.
he lined himself up with her and pushed in all the way, leaving her almost screaming at the fullness. he left her no time to properly adjust to his size before he pulled out and slid back inside her again with ease.
"oh, fuck, lewis," she cried out, her head throwing back. he grabbed ahold of her hips and squeezed at the flesh of her bum, slapping and kneading it between his hands. "you're so fucking big."
he left a slap to her bum once more. he enjoyed the ego boost.
"so fucking tight," he grunted as he continued to thrust, each time getting deeper and deeper, "your boyfriend really doesn't fuck you right, does he baby? hm?"
"no," she whined, a yelp of pain drawn from her lips when he wrapped his hand around her hair and used it as leverage, too. "only you, lewis."
he slapped her bum again. "that's the right fucking answer, only i can fuck you this good," his hips were slamming against her bum now, and lewis watched the constant loop of recoils that took place in front of him. "isn't that right, baby? hm? you're never gonna go to anybody else, that pussy's all mine, isn't it?"
"n-no, sir," she choked out, and lewis audibly growled, "nobody else. yours."
he laughed at her garbled nonsense. "good girl, you sound so pretty now that there's not a thought left in that pretty little head."
Y/N knew she wasn't going to last much longer, and lewis could tell because of the wet sounds her pussy was making as he fucked her, and the way she clenched him like a vice every time he pulled back out.
"gonna cum for me, Y/N?" he left a slap to her bum and pulled her right up against his chest by her hair, until he managed to wrap an arm around her torso and lock her in with his strength. her arms wrapped around his neck and she tugged at his dreads. "come on, baby. i know you can."
his free hand reached around and strummed at her clit, leaving her no wiggling room. the overstimulation became too much, and as lewis' lips bit down on her earlobe, she squirted all around him, her pussy clenching and convulsing uncontrollably as she screamed and rode out her high.
it took everything in lewis not to cum inside of her then and there, but he knew he needed restraint. he needed to be careful.
he pulled out of her and she fell limp, but lewis manhandled her once again, "don't think you're finished yet, baby," he pushed the strands of sweaty hair from her face over to the side of her neck, "i wanna see my dick in your pretty mouth first."
she hummed, and took as much of him in her mouth as she could, and lewis couldn't help but thrust his hips. the contractions of her throat gagging around him made his groan, and he had to suck in deep breaths every time he pushed back into her mouth.
spit trickled down Y/N's chin and pooled at her knees on the floor as she sucked at him sloppily. the movements of her tongue combined with his thrusts down her throat meant he wasn't going to last long.
"hold still," lewis said, bunching her hair up into a ponytail with his hand and fucking her face, the noises falling from her mouth at the sensation enough to make him groan. "fu-uck, that's it. good girl."
one hand fell to her cheek and she looked up at him as his dick slipped in and out of her mouth, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. he pressed the base of his dick flush against her tongue, and admired her pretty face as beads of cum landed on her tongue, nose and cheeks.
she gathered it all up on her tongue and he watched as she let it drool from the tip and trickle down onto her chest, merging with her spit and sweat. he'd never been more ready for another round in his life.
Y/N sat back on her heels and when lewis held out a hand for her to get up, her legs wobbled and she had to wait several moments before they regained usage.
"thank you," she smiled, wiping her chin, "i've not had sex that good in a long time."
"ditto," lewis smiled. the pair of them sat back on the sofa in silence, enjoying the company of the other person. "if you want to stay, you can."
"thank you," she smiled again, a sincere, almost apologetic smile. "i'd love that, but i think i need to shower before i make my mind up."
he nodded, and rose to his feet with an outstretched arm, "come with me, i'll help you clean yourself up."
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
pls do the “who did this to you” i just imagine and college!bucky x reader and they cant stand each other but share an apartment. reader comes back hurt, bucky sees it and becomes protective.
I think I wrote this before any other request, I loved it so much! Hopefully you do too 💕
"Who did this to you?" (Bingo Game)
College!Roommate!BuckyBarnes x Reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: mentions of abuse, grumpy Bucky, angsty, sassy reader, fluff
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You tried to blink the tears away as you roamed through your purse. There was really no need to cry at this moment, but you couldn’t help it. You were fucking shaken from what had just happened. 
A curse rolled over your lips when your shaky hands missed the lock on your apartment door a second time. Stupid hands. And the dumb tears in your eyes didn't help you see what you were doing either. You just wanted to get inside, hide away in your room and avoid all of humanity for a solid week. And you wanted it to happen fast. Because you knew the conversation pending about two doors from this one and you dreaded it. 
It was shameful enough you came home crying from a date at this hour, you didn’t need a lecture on top of it. But Bucky had told you. He had told you that all men were dicks and that nothing good could come out of a drunken number jot down at a sports bar at 2 am. But you didn’t listen. You never listened to Bucky. Hell, you tolerated him on a good day, so you most certainly wouldn’t take advice from him. 
And that’s why you went out with that idiot poser boy John, really just to prove Bucky wrong. But, shit, it bruised your ego to admit he had been right this time. Not that you planned on telling him that. 
Fuck, no. 
Because all your roommate would do is give you an ‘I told you so’ when you really needed a good hug and a tequila girls' night. But that wouldn’t happen. He would never let you live down the worst date in history. 
First, that dickhead had tried to order you a salad and then he pretended to have forgotten his wallet and then, after you had brought him home, he had really thought the date had gone good enough to expect more than a fucking smack in the face. And after you had politely tried to tell him to fuck off, that asshole really tried to force himself on you. Luckily, his roommate had put an end to it before anything more could have happened, but it was enough to shake you to your core. 
An annoyed groan echoed through the door before it unlocked and revealed a shirtless Bucky beyond the threshold. He was staring at you broodily as you scrambled to get your key back into your purse and push past him but his disheveled hair and gray sweats made you halt for a second. 
“What happened?” If you weren’t so scattered, you would have never thought to see his eyes slightly soften at the sight of you. Bucky would never, though. It was just your shocked mind playing tricks on you. 
“Sorry for waking you,” you grumbled as you pushed past him, but Bucky blocked your way immediately. 
“What’s your problem?” You snapped as you stared up at him. But he didn’t say a thing. “That’s what I thought,” you whispered to yourself when you pushed at his chest to clear the way.
But Bucky was fast to snatch your wrist. A painful scream escaped your lips as you yanked your arm back, holding it securely to your chest while trying to fight the tears brimming again.
Fucking tears. You didn’t want to cry. 
His eyes quintet smaller before he closed the front door with a thud, while simultaneously reaching out to pull your hand back towards him - gentler this time. He pushed up your sleeve to reveal a swollen wrist beneath the cotton. Fuck, that looked worse than it felt. You hissed when his gaze caught yours again. 
“What happened?” His voice was less angry suddenly - insistent and calm, somehow.
You pulled your hand back a second time. “Just forget it, okay?” Not the lecture. Not now. 
But Bucky was fucking persistent. God, he was annoying. “Y/N. Who did this to you?”
You wanted to just leave but the tone of his voice let a shiver run down your spine. He was staring at you with those damn eyes again and now you really couldn’t stop the tears from falling anymore. It was too much. Too frustrating, too embarrassing.
“You were right okay?!” It broke out of you, your arm flailing in the air. “Are you happy? John Walker is a fucking asshole just like you said. Now leave me alone.”
You turned to the hallway, your sleeve wiping at your eyes while you heard Bucky follow you through the darkened room. “Not happening.”
“What?” You turned back angrily. You were so ready to just punch him right about now. Why couldn’t he just leave you be? It was bad enough as it was. 
“I’ll get you some ice.”
“No. Just shut up for once and let me at least try to apologize for my species.” He grumbled and you snorted in disbelief. What was wrong with him? 
Bucky just stared at you again, and you couldn’t shake the feeling he was waiting for your permission. As if he had ever wanted permission for doing anything. But when he didn’t move for another second you got serious again. “Sorry.”
With a silent nod, he disappears into the kitchen and you went about your bedtime routine. When you entered your room, freshly showered and in your pajamas, Bucky looked up at you. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel, and he was wearing a shirt now too.
Shame, you thought, and immediately scolded yourself for it.
The shower had helped calm you down a little, but now that he was gently pushing the ice back to your wrist, your heart began to race again. The night had been fucking traumatic so far. And having your annoying wouldn’t-touch-you-with-a-six-foot-pole roommate be nice to you for once was terrifying. But at the same time, you felt as though you got to see a side of Bucky today he rarely showed to anyone. And, as much as you hated to admit it, it was nice to not fight with or ignore him for once. 
Another then minutes passed of you just sitting in silence, your mind racing with memories of the night and Bucky staring against the wall for the majority of it. You didn’t want to think about what would have happened had Lemar not intervened his dickhead roommate’s plan. But you couldn’t stop. It was all that occupied your mind and it made a whole new wave of anxiety wash over you. 
You were so deep in your nightmares, you hadn’t even noticed Bucky get up.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked with his hand on the doorframe. 
You just spared him a quick glance and mumbled a hasty ‘I’ll be fine’ before you moved to lay down and roll on your side, facing your back to the door and Bucky. 
“Are you sure?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t want to tell him the truth. That you were terrified of being alone right now. That you would sleep way better if John Walker had gotten a knee in his balls and a restraining order. But you somehow couldn’t bring yourself to lie to him either. So you just stayed silent, your arms hugging your body as a slow tear ran down to your pillow. 
For a while, it was quiet, and you really needed to control your breathing, your muscles tense as you lay there. Hoping - wishing - for this to be over soon. But then you heard Bucky shuffle a few feet away from you and soon, your mattress dipped. 
A small but relieved smile snuck on your lips when you felt him carefully inch closer to you. You just lifted your blanket in response until Bucky was snugly pressed against you. His arm wrapped around you and you could feel him relax when your hand covered his. 
It was unusual but it felt so nice to be held.
Your breathing evened out with every second and after some time, a steady rhythm had settled within you. You actually relaxed against Bucky’s chest, his face resting in the crook of your neck - you were drifting off to sleep slowly, calmly.
But before you entirely tapped out, Bucky whispered into the darkness, a gruff annoyance in his tone. “If he ever tries something again, you tell me. I’ll make sure he’ll stay the fuck away from you.”
But it warmed you all the more. You wouldn’t take his kindness for granted, though. It meant a lot to you. “Thank you,” you sleepily mumbled as your head buried deeper in your pillow.
You saw Bucky’s frown before your eyes when his face pressed back into your skin. Funny how relationships shifted sometimes.
as always, reblogs and comments are so so so appreciated 🥰 check here for a morning after drabble
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drvscarlett · 17 days
About You Pt 15
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
A/N: I have made the decision to extend this to a few more chapters so were about 5 chapters away from the real ending. This scene was inspired by that one scene in the Little Woman so brace yourself. Enjoy reading
About You Series
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2013, Interlagos
The amber glow of the candle-lit dinner and a live pianist has given a romantic ambiance for dinner night. People have their tables far apart from the other patrons so they could each have their privacy. This restaurant was a hot spot for those people who wanted an evening with their partner. In another lifetime, Sebastian would have been here toasting the night away with Y/N. They share their fun stories as the dinner progress, and they go home with smiles on their faces.
However, in this reality, Sebastian is sitting alone. He kept himself busy scanning the menu but his mind was elsewhere. Despite winning the championship, he was still looking uneasy. It shows in his posture just how tense he was.
Well, who could fault him anyways? Who wouldn’t be tense if they knew that Sebastian was waiting for a scorning from hell. He knew how this conversation can end up in and any scenario that he thinks of,it ends terribly. He wished he knew how to start the conversation but he finds himself at a total loss for words. There was no game plan. Even with all the communication officers or a ghostwriter to help him, his words will never be enough to warrant forgiveness.
The glass of water that was recently refilled mere moments ago is empty again but there is still a bitter taste in his mouth. He signaled for the waiter to fill his glass again. Then his focus goes back to watching his clock, watching how Y/N was running quite late from their agreed meeting time.
“Sorry sorry” A figure appeared behind Sebastian. Y/N obviously hurried to get there because of her heavy breathing and the sweat that glistened her skin.
Sebastian reached out to help Y/N with her chair. A pang of hurt seems to jolt down Sebastian when Y/N avoided his help and even his touch. He already anticipated that she would be distant but the reality still hurts. He quietly sat down as Y/N settled across him.
“Where you waiting for a long time?”Y/N asked
“It’s okay, I understand” Sebastian assured.
His eyes noticed the dark bags under her eyes and how her cheeks seem to thin out a little. It was quite concerning because they only stopped talking a few races ago so why did she deteriorate a lot already “Do you want to eat something? I can order you any food”
“Thank you but I actually don’t have an appetite to eat”Y/N politely declines, eyes still avoiding his.
“You look like it, you’re losing weight”Sebastian couldn’t help but point it out. “Please eat something even oranges”
Y/N’s eyes skimmed the menu and it made her raise an eyebrow. The menu were boasting of some soup of the day, a main course that she cannot pronounce, and some French dessert. No mentions of the favorite fruit that they both like.
“I don’t think they have it here”she replied.
“I can ask for it”Sebastian offered “Do you want me to get-“
“Seb, I didn’t come here for us to dine”
It was the first time that Y/N had the courage to look at Sebastian’s eyes. There was an immediate communication of the feelings that they have been keeping up within their sleeves. Y/N was filled with confusion, betrayal, and hurt. Sebastian’s eyes were of desperation, shame, and sadness. The tension between them is so thick that it drones out the soft pianos of the night.
Sebastian reached out to hold her hand. He may have practiced this a lot before he went here, and he had so many scenarios that he wanted to play out in his mind but now he just decided to give Y/N the raw explanation.
No sugarcoating, no lying. Just the plain basic truth.
“I cheated on you Y/N when I was drunk. I was so upset and I drank beyond my limits then the next thing I know something happened between me and Hanna. It was a mistake. I never did that again, you have to believe me”Sebastian explained.
Before going to the restaurant, Y/N promised herself to not cry about it. She knows the truth already so it shouldn’t hurt her anymore. Tears were prickling her eyes and she was doing her best to maintain a straight face.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” her voice cracked. It betrayed her true feelings and Sebastian noticed that as his hands started to shake.
The way Sebastian buried his head in shame makes the answer clear as day. He was scared. She had to admit that she understood why Sebastian was scared but throughout the years that he had known her, didn’t it cross his mind to trust her with the truth? Didn’t he understand that it was better to be honest than to hide it?
“Why did you have to hide it and blindside me?”
“I didn’t mean to blindside you”Sebastian was quick to answer “I was going to tell you but I never got a good chance to tell you”
Y/N wanted to remove Sebastian’s hands away from her but then she felt his tears falling down their joint hands. For a moment, Y/N forgot everything that was happening and he just wanted Sebastian to stop crying. It was breaking her heart to see him so devastated.
“Listen, I was selfish and I hid the truth from you because I thought I still have more time. We’re just starting with our relationship and I didn’t want to mess this up because this is the best thing that happened to me. With everything going on, I lost a lot of people and I act like I don’t care about it but truth is I care. Its just that I’m okay to lose them but important people like you, I’m scared to lose”
Without a shadow of a doubt, everything being said was genuine. Y/N wish it could be just as simple as forgiving him but things are different now.
“It was all a mistake and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to prove to you that I am sorry”Sebastian begged.
“Seb, this isn’t that easy anymore” Y/N sighs. She knows that she needs to tell Sebastian the whole truth since he wouldn’t speak to Hanna. It was a cruel joke from the universe that she has to be the one to break it to him.
“We can work this out, please don’t give up on me”Sebastian contested.
“You’re going to have a kid Sebastian”
As soon as the words escaped her mouth, Sebastian’s hold on her hands loosen up. It was like someone dumped a cold water to the German driver. The gears seem to be turning up inside his head and Y/N knows that Sebastian understands why things can’t work as they hope for.
“Hanna is pregnant?” Sebastian slumped in his seat in disbelief.
Y/N nods, “I saw her in Abu Dhabi. She’s around 7 months pregnant right now and she needs you Sebastian”
Then she proceeds to take out the ultrasound photos and slide it across Sebastian. She knew Sebastian well that he is very fond of children and the evidence that there is a growing child that was his would sway him. A flicker of awe graced his face as he looks through the photos.
“That kid is yours Sebastian and you have a responsibility with Hanna to raise that child”Y/N reminded.
Her job here was done. She could text Hanna later that she no longer has to worry because Sebastian will take responsibility towards the kid. Y/N removes the ring, it was Sebastian’s after all. She gets up from the table and walks away before her heart shatters again.
It didn’t take long for Sebastian to follow her out to the streets.
“Where are you going? We haven’t fixed us yet?” Sebastian asked.
“Sebastian what you need to fix is your family. Hanna needs you right now. She is in a difficult position and you have a responsibility towards her. You have to be with her”Y/N repeated.
She wondered if she repeated it several times then maybe it won’t hurt anymore. However, the way Sebastian immediately held both of her hands and kissed it, is making it difficult to do such forgetting.
“But Y/N I don’t love her”
There it was. Those one-liners that Sebastian says crumbles every resolve that Y/N has. She might be a brave woman, but Sebastian knows just the right thing to say and she is defenseless.
“I don’t love her Y/N, I only love you” Sebastian restated “I will take responsibility for the kid but it doesn’t mean that I have to stop loving you”
Y/N didn’t know if Sebastian was just plain stupid or he was just a failed romantic. She let out a laugh as tears finally fall down her cheeks. She doesn’t care if passerbys might think of her as stupid but she cannot hold her emotions any longer.
“Sebastian, I will not allow myself to be the other woman that is the reason to have a destroyed family. I cannot do that to your child. Can’t you understand that?”Y/N frustratedly screams “I want you and I love you but I cannot be selfish because there is a child involved”
That was the thing about Y/N, she was always so selfless to the point that what she wants is irrelevant. Right now, all she cares about is that kid, that Hanna is carrying, gets a father. If she has to break up with Sebastian then so be it.
For the second time that night, she walks away from Sebastian.
“Don’t go” and Sebastian was not done chasing her. His hands were wrapped around her waist and she was trapped in a back hug. She could feel his face buried around her shoulders as he cries.
“We can work it out. I can be the father of the kid and I won’t run away from that responsibility. I’ll love that kid and I’ll support whatever he or she wants to become. I’ll coparent with Hanna” Sebastian reasons out “But my heart, its all yours. You are all I want and all I need”
Y/N closes her eyes as Sebastian turns her around. She fears that the moment she opens her eyes and look at Sebastian then it was game over. She would blindly agree to what Sebastian is suggesting. Knowing how stubborn and convincing Seb is, Y/N would be swayed. And of course, for the most damning reason, Y/N is truly and madly deeply in love with Sebastian.
“Please let’s just work things out. I will be a good father to the kid, and I will be a loyal partner to you. I will do my best, just give me a chance” Sebastian begged.
“Seb please, I can’t do this”
“I can give you time”Sebastian refuses to give up “If you can’t forgive me right now then I understand. I will work hard to earn your forgiveness. I will do my best to show you that I am still the man that you fell for. Please Y/N let me prove myself again to-“
“You need to listen to me Seb”
Their foreheads touching and they could only hear the sounds of car passing and their sniffling. Both of them were trying their best not to cry but it was really hard especially when they both think that this whole relationship is nearing its end.
“I love you Sebastian and I may be stupid because after everything I still love you”Y/N admits. There was a sliver of hope in Sebastian’s eyes. “And I love you enough that I will not let you be forced to choose. You have an upcoming kid and that kid needs your time and your love Seb. You may not love Hanna but that kid needs you. I need to let you go so you can be a good father to that kid.”
How did they end up this way? That’s all that was running in their minds. They would have been talking rings and building a family just months ago but now everything is all complicated. Both of them resigning their fact that they have to let go.
“If I had things figured out, would you still give me a chance?” and it was without any doubt, Y/N nodded in silence.
Sebastian’s warm hands slipped the cold ring back to her hand. It confused the woman why Sebastian had to give it back to her when the ring was from Sebastian’s mother to begin with. She believes that she doesn’t own that.
“Take the ring” Sebastian insisted “I want that ring to be a reminder that I’m going to figure out myself so that I can return as a better man to you. You deserve that ring because I made up my mind that you are the one that I love and you are the only one I want to marry in the future”
There were no people in sight except the two of them but the night sky and its twinkling stars served as their witness for that night. It was just the two of them with their prayers to the heaven or some higher being hoping that they could work things out.
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Do you write poly marauders? if so could you write one where they all live in a cute little apartment together, but the boys have gone away for week (or however long) and reader (preferably fem) kind of loses herself. like she starts eating less or at irregular times, kinda lets apartment get messy, wears same clothes everyday and is over all sad. the boys come home and find what's happening and comfort/help her. Mega fluff?!
hope this is enough inspo!
love your writing!!!
thank you :))
I LOVE THIS! I’ve been wanting to write poly!marauders forever and now I have an excuse. A kiss for you, anon.
(I might edit to add more details to the ending later!!)
“It’s just a week. We will be back soon, okay, Angel?” James coos to you, kissing you softly.
The boys are all heading out, bags in hand, saying their goodbyes.
“It’s actually 6 days, Jamie, not a week.” Sirius says, pointedly.
“Excuse me…” James says sarcastically to Sirius, then, turning to you, “6 days, then, Princess. Think you can make it without us that long?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” You say, giggling at James’ almost-overly-sensitive tone. He’s always babied you the most.
Remus says, exasperatedly, “I wouldn’t even be going to this Quidditch game if it wasn’t to make sure these idiots don’t fall off the stands, gorgeous girl, you know that, right?”
You giggle even harder at that, “Yes, I know. Now, go and have fun.”
You usher them out the door and into the hallway of your apartment. Luxurious, ceiling-high windows, a kitchen all of you could judge James’ latest experimental dish in, and a living room couch (made of clouds) facing the most expensive TV screen Sirius could afford.
What was originally Sirius’ apartment became Sirius and James’ apartment. Soon after, Remus moved in. Lastly, they asked you to move in once your relationship became more serious.
You walk around the suddenly too-quiet apartment. The cool floor feels more evident on your feet than before and a chill runs down your spine. You climb onto the couch, pull a blanket to your chin, and turn on a show for background noise. You fall asleep almost immediately.
The next morning, you wake up expecting the boys’ arms around you. Sirius snoring loudly, James spread out, pushing Remus off the bed- this was your normal morning routine. Waking up on the couch was never an option before. If you fell asleep on the couch, one of the boys, usually Sirius, would carry you to bed.
With nobody around to do that this morning (and no snoring to be heard from anywhere) you start to feel an empty, lonely feeling. Usually you or James or Remus would make breakfast but you didn’t feel like eating. You make yourself a cup of coffee and relax for the rest of the day. For dinner, you order a pizza and eat the whole thing. It was the only thing you had ate that day and told yourself tomorrow would be better.
That night, you fall asleep fitfully.
The days after are no better, in actuality, they were worse. One night you couldn’t sleep at all and at 3am you give up. You go to the living room, stare out the window at the city below and watch the cars light up the street. Even at 3am, cars are still going. You think too much about who’s in those cars and what they’re doing. Why are they driving at 3am? Some of them could be driving to the hospital right now. Some of them are just now getting off work. Some of them are teenagers who want to get away from their parents to smoke weed at the abandoned house on 7th Street.
You think about how out of all the people in the world, Remus, Sirius, and James chose you.
Suddenly, a thought hits you- there on the couch at damn near 4 in the morning. “They left me, they went on a trip to see someone else… They never chose me after all…”
You believe its true. You believe it so bad you go to sleep, crying, right there on the couch.
Hours (or was it days?) later you wake up to keys jingling outside the door. Panic hits you at first. You look around the living room and kitchen. Pizza boxes, McDonald's cheeseburger wrappers, and an old, door-dashed Starbucks drink, definitely growing mold by now, lay around you. And that’s not even counting the bedroom.
They walk in, bags in hand. Smiling at first, then immediately frowning when they see the state of the apartment; the state of you. Shame hits you like a brick. You think about the scene in Home Alone when the robber gets a iron smashed into his face. You think that might feel better.
James is the first to drop everything and coddle you, as usual. He rushes to you, thrusting himself in your arms. You immediately feel better.
“Are you okay? You look so sad, puppy.” He strokes your hair and you smile as the familiar James scent reaches you.
Remus and Sirius are hugging you moments after.
You cry but laugh. You feel silly for ever thinking they were visiting another person.
“What’s going on? You missed us?” Sirius says, pouting.
“Yes, I missed you!” you cry-laugh and throw a pillow from the couch at him.
Remus giggles when you miss.
You explain the situation to them and how you got a little insecure in their departure.
Sirius carries you to bed and Remus holds you while James makes you a proper dinner.
After, Remus runs you a bath, just how you like it. Sirius brushes and braids your hair.
While you were taking a bath, it seemed like the trash disappeared magically. You figured Remus had cleaned it.
Nobody mentions the mess, the boys are all just glad you're feeling better.
You fall asleep with all the boys cradled around you in your big bed. You only start to fall into a deep sleep when you hear Sirius snoring softly.
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rhiaarrow · 7 months
Honestly I think Bad and the Late Night Trio is my favorite dynamic that's come out of the QSMP.
And I'm not just talking about qBad, Dapper, Pomme and Richas I'm also talking about ccBad, Dappmin, Pommin and Ricardão.
It's just the little things they do, because they're just so used to each other by now and the adms have become such good friends because of the amount of time they spend together on and off the server.
There's just so many examples that stick in my head because they're just so sweet when you realize that none of this people knew each other this time last year.
Like the time when Richas just showed up in front of Bad randomly one day after the reset (the day that Dapper set up the magnet mining machine) and just went;
"Dapper told me through the magic of discord to come see the cool stuff you've been doing, what am I here to see tio?"
Or when Bad and Dapper were out investigating and Dapper puts down a sign saying;
"Richas won't stop telepathically asking if he can come visit."
To which Bad just offhandedly replies
"If he can Dragon Magic his way here then sure, but I am not walking all the way home already."
And sure enough, a few minutes later we hear Richas' horn sound out as he appears out of the blue, having finally been given permission by Dappmin to join their exploration
Not to mention the amount of times we've arrived and been told by Bad; "So heres what [Richas or Pomme or Dapper or any combination of those 3] and I did off stream. "
Or "No Richas I'm not leaving I'm just sending the Ghosties off."
Or when Bad was attempting to figure out how to bribe Richas into keeping his armour on in Lucky Ducks by figuring out what he loved the most before going
"If you don't put your armour on I'll take away fofoca time."
And then explained to the chat that 'fofoca time' is what Richas calls it when he and Bad hang out after stream and that got Richas to put his armour on immediately.
Or even today when Bad threatened to end stream in order to make Richas use a heart container.
Not to mention the night Pommin and Ricardão spent with ccBad training him in battleship before that day in Purgatory 2 or the night they spent modifying the egg signs together.
My favorite example of how close they are even outside of their characters will still forever be the night when Bad, Richas and Pomme were collecting ice together to cover the favela ocean and Ricardão and Pommin were very obviously sat in a vc together while the mined.
They spent a while teaching Bad and the other how to pronounce certain sounds in their native languages.
Then Richarlyson asked Bad about a sound he struggled with in English so Bad taught Ricardão how to make the 'th' sound in the English language correctly while Pommin judged the noise they were making because Bad obviously couldn't hear.
Then later Bad asks Pomme where Richas went since he wasn't visible on the map and she just stands there before telling him that she knows the location and taking him to the exact coordinates.
And they do that a couple times until Bad finally decides to sneak up on Richas and scares Ricardão so bad that he stops moving completely in game for a solid minute and Pommin is just keyboard smashing on signs because she's laughing too hard at how loudly they screamed.
And then Ricardão had to go afk for a couple minutes later on because someone had come to check on them since they'd screamed so loud so early in the morning and they had to tell them that they were, in fact, fine.
Sure right now the way they interact with each other definitely slightly breaks Bad's rp of not knowing each other, especially with Richas.
But at the end of the day when they hang out together it's not just qBad and Richarlyson, it's also Ricardão & ccBad who have spent a frankly ridiculous amount of hours playing together in the less than a year they've known each other (not counting the time Ricardão admitted to being a fan of BBH for).
In fact Ricardão confirmed to Foolish today that since the reset they're the player with the second highest playtime, after Bad, but only by a little bit, and I just think that's very fitting.
Long story short, I LOVE the late night trio and Bad's dynamic because they're just such a chaotic mess who are all willing to do anything and everything that one of them wants to do, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
It's soooooooo hard to believe they've not even known each other for a year yet because they just all click so fucking well that it's insane.
People from 4 different nationalities, 3 of them playing speechless eggs, and they've become so close thanks to this server. I just think it's beautiful :')
(It is also 3am so I may just be rambling nonsense, so if this makes no sense forgive me xD)
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Do you see the differences between the game and the novel Twisted Wonderland? I didn't notice much until I searched on Youtube, Novel Ace was ready to apologize to Yuu ( in this case Yuuya) for insulting, Malleus isn't our little sweet dragon boy but literally choking Yuuya ?!
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Yes, I do keep up with the differences between all official adaptations of TWST! This includes the light novel, which in my opinion has the most frequent and significant deviations from the game. It’s been very interesting to compare the two.
I don’t immediately comment on every change (of which there are many) I see unless specifically asked about it or I notice something pretty major. Some examples of the latter would be the like novels elaborating on Leona’s motives or Riddle’s flashback and the consequences of his actions.
I think this is facilitated by two factors: 1) the light novel format allowing for more space to expand on ideas and concepts, and 2) Yuuya is the most different Yuu we’re gotten. The game Yuu is very much a blank slate for players to project onto in order to easily immerse them in the story. Meanwhile, the manga Yuus tend to be the “helpful” types that move the story along in their own way. This is because the manga has limited space in the magazines they run in, so they need to keep things snappy and follow the main story pretty strictly. The light novel is able to stop and have the POV character reflect, doubt themselves, and refuse involvement because a medium that is inherently mostly words forces you to slow down and take in everything on the page. There’s no limit or demands of a book, so the events have much more time to “marinate”.
Personally, I really love a lot of the minor changes in the light novel. I feel they really flesh out the relationships between characters, particularly Yuuya and his friendship with Ace and Deuce. Ace actually has the guts to realize he was the one who fucked up and apologizes for being an ass. It’s so in line with the brutal honesty he dishes out it to others. Deuce stays up late into the night talking to Yuuya and makes them feel welcome because when was the last time he had done anything like this? Yuuya was always the loner back home, ignored by his classmates and feeling invisible. Now he has loyal friends who got his back and actively tell off mob students who sneer at his enrollment. Moments like this make me really care about their bond and make it more believable that they would trek halfway across Twisted Wonderland to come to Yuuya’s aid in the eventual book 4 of the novelization.
dbksbejwjwwhei The one thing that caught me off guard about your ask was the “Malleus chokes Yuuya” part, which I do not recall ever happening 😅 I went back into the light novel to cross reference just in case I had forgotten! I believe you’re referring to when Yuuya and Malleus first meet in book 2? In which case, I think there was reader misinterpretation involved.
What happens is that Malleus begins to introduce himself, then stops and says he permits Yuuya to pick a name for him. But Yuuya, feeling uncomfortable with the idea of nicknaming someone he just met, so he asks for Malleus’s actual name (something which game Yuu does not do). This incurs Malleus’s anger—“I have said no. Did you not hear me?” It is then that we get a few paragraphs describing how Yuuya goes “stiff”, a “briar-like tension seizes his body, making it impossible to move”, “fear [making his] heart race”, he “[forgets] to breathe” etc. (Fan translation by Yuurei!)
To me, that… doesn’t read as Malleus choking Yuuya, let alone laying a finger on him. It’s more like Yuuya is so consumed by fear that he finds himself entirely paralyzed and unable to argue back, so instead he submits and lets the subject drop. There’s no mention of Malleus “letting go” or anything either, just the fairy lights brightening again once his mood clears and he realizes Yuuya isn’t looking to defy him. It’s also important to note that, previously, the night in this scene was described as tranquil and pleasant—the emphasis is on how Malleus’s mood shifts the atmosphere and the “feeling” of the night.
So!! The “seizing” mentioned is NOT literal; a feeling could “seize” you too, coming in suddenly and with great power. This is a literary device known as personification, or giving a non-human object or action human-like qualities or skills. When used to describe the briar-like feeling, it’s also a simile, which is when you use “like” or “as” to compare two things.
… Besides, imagine Yuuya being choked out by someone during your first meeting and then no description of him freaking out?? And then still building a whole friendship based on this weird encounter??? Even though Yuuya has a history of catastrophizing and even thinks about Leona explicitly tearing his throat out just because of Leona’s powerful presence???? That just does not make sense. It also doesn’t make sense for Malleus’s character. Yes, he can lash out at people, but here it feels like he’s telegraphing his displeasure (via the atmosphere, similar to how his mood disrupts the weather) rather than resorting to a physical attack (or using magic to bind someone in place).
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fluffysucker · 1 year
Miss Americana & The heartbreak Prince
Bucky Barnes x Reader (AU)
In no world were you meant to be together, but in every universe, you were meant for each other.
A/N: I present you grumpy sunshine wrapped in enemies(ish) to lovers with Beefy Boxer/Biker Bucky.
Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female. Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated.
Also, I tried to be as inclusive as possible. But my delusion couldn't be controlled I'm sorry.
Ngl this is for me more than anything.
Also, I'm thinking about making this its own universe and maybe write more of it. Tell me what you think
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You hated Bucky Barnes, and he hated you.
The two of you should have never crossed paths. Your worlds should have never met. But the wall separating you could only hold for so long.
The infamous boxer was a phenomenon in his field. Unbeatable and astute, Bucky Barnes held his reputation with pride. He was stronger than all and the smartest the game had. His jab was as numbing as the winter. His techniques were as calculated as a soldier's. Bucky Barnes was as hard as nails. A legend.
To keep up with the notoriety, it was rumoured that Barnes and his team were also a biker gang. It was never confirmed, but the black leather jacket he always had on, the long hair touching his shoulder or tidied in a low bun, the motorbike barked in front of the gym, and the intimidating sense lingering around him. It was never denied, either.
In the mornings, Bucky Barnes ran a successful gym with his two bestfriends, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. Both played occasionally, but only Bucky was the professional, so they were more his trainers. They also trained other players and armatures. They tried to gain other normal customers, but it didn't always work. With a reputation like theirs, attracting customers wasn't easy.
It was usually the same for nights, unless they had matches. Most of their fights were held on Stark's property. He ran an empire, and boxing was the dominant centre, led by the biggest champion. And Stark lets Bucky have it his way, just like he likes. As long as Bucky keeps on bringing these huge numbers into their pockets, both are happy and content.
So it was out of the nature for Bucky to have zero interest in the new restaurant that opened up right next door to the gym. They had their regularly frequented places. The bar run by Romanoff and Belova, a couple of blocks away from Stark's property, was more than enough. He didn't even bother to throw a glance at it. Even after he knew that the owner had come by and given out menus and promised them discounts if they stopped by, there was still nothing.
Until one night. Bucky got carried away in training. He had an important match coming up. He knew his opponent barely stood a chance, but Bucky enjoyed the thriller of the game. The sweat and blood that go into it He didn't remember a time when he didn't want to do this. It was like it was programmed so deeply in his brain. He was made for this.
Everyone left, one by one. Until then, it was only him. After so many hours, he finally got tired. He threw his gloves aside and went to take a shower to remove the evidence of his hard work before going back home. As he was locking the gym's door, he heard his stomach growl, reminding him that he needed food. He was starving. Before deciding to wait and order food once he got home, the big sign caught his eye. They did indeed have a restaurant right next door. He admitted he was too tired to cook or wait for delivery. He needed food, then crashed into his bed. So maybe the closest restaurant would be useful.
Once he stepped in, he felt out of place immediately. His dark clothes and huge frame made him look like a stranger compared to the light-coloured painted walls. Some had flowers, and others had stars drawn on them. There were fairy lights in some corners. The aromatic scent was everywhere. Bucky almost winced at how bright and colourful everything felt. This was an alternative universe that he didn't belong in.
"Hi, how can I help you?" An even sweeter voice rang and caught Bucky's attention, breaking him from his trance of observing the place.
He turned around to find the prettiest girl he had ever seen standing behind the counter. Your beauty caught him off guard. He never believed someone could be so beautiful before. But here you were, standing. Taking his breath away.
He recovered very quickly and moved to stand in front of the counter. With the most loving smile, you handed him the menu. He took a look at the menu and wanted to laugh out loud. Dish names were just as cheerful as the atmosphere.
Out of habit, you started explaining and recommending stuff for him. He interrupted you, putting in his order. You didn't give it much thought but took his order happily.
You apologised for the lack of waiters, as it was almost closing time and it was only you. No answer. With his blank stare, you told him he could sit wherever he wanted. Only then did he notice the empty restaurant. It was just you and him. It was that late. So he took a seat at the nearest table.
Not taking much, you returned with his order. You placed it in front of him with a big smile on your face. You knew right away who that was the minute he walked in. James Barnes. The famous boxer who trains next door You have been praying after your small visit to them that they would be regular customers. The business was doing great. But the more, the merer. Always. Lots of people warned you about the men next door. But you didn't feel like they were as bad as people made them out to be. You were always so trusting, unless shown otherwise. So you were happy that, finally, one of them stopped by.
You moved away, letting him enjoy his food. Unable to fight your nature, you started talking to him as you continued cleaning the remaining parts of the place. No answer again. He didn't even bother to look at you. Okay. Maybe he had a rough day. Not all people are used to chatting.
Bucky was one of these people. His eyes widened as you started talking to him. People were never that friendly to him. People avoided him. Nobody tried to open up a conversation with him. He didn't know how to react. And he was too tired to try. So he practiced his other specialty. Silence. But even if he wouldn't admit it, Bucky found your voice calming. So he let you talk instead of just shutting you up.
You reduced your talking to a minimum. Only little remarks there and then to avoid complete silence. The second time, you heard his voice since he walked in and asked for the check. You brought the paper to the table he occupied, keeping your smile up and telling him that he got the 'neighbour discount' as you called it. You almost heard his scoff as you left him.
You had your back to the door, so you only turned around when you heard the door close. You didn't hear his footsteps, and most definitely, you didn't hear his goodbye, goodnight, or even thank you. Now that's rude.
You returned to the table to collect the check. But you found the review note you attached to every check empty. Not a single penmark. And that was more rude. You made sure that filling out the note only took seconds. You genuinely cared to hear people's opinions so you could be better and have the restaurant grow more.
So he didn't speak to you for more than two sentences. Didn't say thank you or goodbye. Didn't fill in the note. Okay, maybe you didn't want them as customers if they were all that rude.
It turns out they weren't that rude. However, Bucky was more rude than you thought.
A couple of days after Bucky's visit, you were surprised to see Bucky with another two men. You guessed they were Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. The trio was all well-known. You doubted if Bucky was the one to recommend the restaurant. You weren't sure if he even liked the food. And you were right. He would be caught dead if he brought up the fairy world you called a restaurant. Even when it served the tastiest food he had ever had,
It was a slow day. No intense training or excessive fight preparation The three men didn't have much to do that day. So when Steve suggested trying out the restaurant, Bucky neither objected nor showed excitement.
So when they walked in, you couldn't help the feeling of surprise along with the tiny bit of happiness, hoping it would be a nicer visit this time. After preparing their orders and sending them out, you waited for a bit before you left the kitchen to greet them. Not before making sure you looked presentable.
With the small space and their loud voices, it wasn't hard to locate them. You approached them with a big smile and positive attitude.
"I wanted to make sure you were having a good time." You followed up after introducing yourself.
"The food is amazing. This burger is to die for." Steve was the first to compliment you, with Sam nodding and agreeing.
"You have one good chef." Sam added as he took another french fry into his mouth. "Send my regards to them."
"Actually, I'm also the chef." The statement caused a shocked expression to fill in their faces. They asked for details, and you briefly told them how you were the core of the small business as the owner and main chef.
The two men were polite, and they didn't seem annoyed by your chatty personality. In fact, they interacted with you and asked questions to learn more. And all they had to say were nice compliments. Except one.
"So tell me, sweetheart, what was the inspiration for the place? Was it a fairy garden or Disney's latest cartoon?" None of you were ready for the sarcastic comment Bucky threw at you.
You didn't let your smile break in the face of his sarcasm. Nor did you give much thought to the pet name. You put on a bigger smile now, looking at him.
"A bit of both." That's one thing about you: you refused to let the world change about you. You never reciprocate rudeness with rudeness.
"I can tell." Bucky was taken back by your response. He expected you to get offended, but you didn't.
"Thank you. It was my vision all along." You replied, your smile never leaving your face.
And that started your hate relationship with Bucky Barnes.
After that day, the men became regular customers. And it wasn't just the three men. Little by little, it was most of the team. First, it was just to try the good food. Then it was because they wanted to. They wouldn't admit it, but your place was like a breath of fresh air. Something so different from what they are used to. From what they are known for. From what people expected from them. And you never judged them, treated them differently, or asked about the rumours that followed them. So it was a calm change, but much needed.
But their favourite thing was yours and Bucky's constant bickering. Or more Bucky's. Nobody understood why Bucky was doing this. You never partook in his constant attempts to make fun of you. You always had a sweet response to fire back. You truly were the living embodiment of killing them with kindness.
However, he never stopped. Every time he stepped foot in the place, you claimed it was your biggest achievement. He had something rude to say. Something to annoy you with. Something to bother you. Sarcasm and jokes spilling out of him with no end whatsoever.
The number of times you wanted to punch him or snap at him right back was increasing. But you refused to give in. To let him win. He wouldn't be the one to change you. So you kept engaging with him only with gracious things to say.
Besides, you chose to think that everyone had their own battles and demons. And for sure, Bucky looked like he had lots of them. He looked rougher than most. His job made him appear invincible, but he wasn't. Nobody was. So he may drive you mad, but he deserves the gentle treatment you offered all.
Bucky had no idea why he was doing it. Why every time he saw you, he felt the urge to tease you. It wasn't like him. But he didn't fight it back.
"How are you, Tinkerbell?"
"You should buy green carpets. It will finish off the garden aesthetic."
"Here is the princess who got lost."
"The pasta was great, Barbie."
Stuff like this flew from him all the time. And not once did you get back at him. You stayed nice and polite. Your sweet self never crumbling.
There was something in you that drove him insane. Your warm eyes. Your bright smile. Your cheerful voice. Your positive mindset. Your kind heart. Your friendly nature. Your hard work. Your delicious food. Your colourful wardrobe of dresses, skirts, tops, and cardigans. He couldn't pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was all of it.
The deepest part of him knew why he was doing this. He liked you. He liked you so much. From the moment he entered your restaurant alone, the first time And the more he knew you, the more he liked you. You were special. And you were everything he wasn't. He thought if he got closer, he would be tinting you. He would bring darkness to your shine. A moral thing preventing him from speaking his truth. even thinking about it.
So he acted like a teenager. He made fun of you. In hopes of making you hate him. He convinced himself and the others that he didn't like your sunshine personality.
Until one day
It started off like any normal day. Bucky had a match coming up. So they all had something to do. The day was going fine. Up before Peter Parker, who was usually on reception duties, ran in and said there was fire in your place,
For a second, blood ran cold in Bucky's body. He heard ringing in his ears. Were you okay? He collected himself quickly, wanting to check for himself.
He threw the gloves away, almost pushing everybody out of the way to get out. And he was the first to see the chaos in the street. A firetruck was parked, and firemen were going in and out of your restaurant along with some policemen. His eyes were searching for you frantically until he spotted you.
You had some dust on your face and your white clothes. You were checking that everyone was okay and out safely. But you couldn't hide the quivering of your lips or your shaking body.
He couldn't help himself as he ran towards you. You turned as you felt someone approaching you. Without your control, your face softened, and tears blurred your sight once you noticed who it was.
"Bucky." You whispered as a way to ground yourself from all the mess that happened and is still happening.
Following his first instincts, Bucky pulled you into his chest, wrapping your trembling form in his arms and holding you so close to him. And the dam broke.
Sobs fled from you. Tears mixed with his sweat. Your fists gripped his white tank top. Your face hidden away in his chest.
You didn't know how it happened. You had been holding up well enough during it all. You had been managing the situation the best you could. However, when Bucky got here, your mind stopped working. Your mind gave up on you, letting your emotions hit you with full force, breaking down your bastion with no guarantee you would be caught.
But you were. You were braced by strong amrs, rubbing your back, laying small kisses on your hair, and whispering words of comfort in your ears. "I'm here. I'm right here." "You're okay. You're fine."
Your sobs ceased, but your body still shook against Bucky's. Tears remained to fall freely on your face. Bucky's hold was still firm but secure around you.
You only moved away from him when a policeman approached you, informing you that you were needed at the police station.
"I'm coming with you." Bucky's stern voice left no room for negotiation. It wasn't up to debate. He wasn't leaving you.
"I'll grab my stuff in a second." He turned to the policeman standing in front of you, making sure it was okay that he joined. And he got a nod of approval in return.
He left your side, walking towards the gym. He paid no attention to his friends standing by, who were puzzled by the encounter. And true to his words, he came back in seconds, his black leather jacket on, phone in hand, and wallet in hand.
He got to you, letting his hand wrap around your shoulder. The gesture was welcomed by you as you rested your head on his chest. Something about having Bucky spread calmness in you
At the police station, Bucky found out what really happened. It wasn't just fire. It was a robbery. A bunch of armed men attacked your restaurant, demanding money from you and all the people inside. As you are trying to handle the situation without panicking more, it was discovered that one of the customers was a cop, which sent the robbers into an unexpected turn. So they took all they could from the cash register and your own things before setting the kitchen on fire to run away without being caught.
Between talking with the insurance company, the bank, and watching security footage from your restaurants and the street, you spent the rest of the day in the station.
And Bucky didn't leave your side for a second of it.
He didn't leave you until you both got out of the cap in front of your apartment. And he didn't leave until he made sure you got inside safely.
Something about you being hurt sent Bucky into a spiral. Who was heartless enough to hurt such a sweet soul as you? To look at you and not want to give you everything? Bucky would never know. All he knew was that he never wanted to see you so afraid and shaken like today. To not see your smile lighting up your face. So he would do whatever it took to make sure you were always fine.
Which was why you found him by your building the first thing in the morning.
"You have lots of places to go today. Said I would join you."
And up until you were handed the keys to your restaurant brand new after the insurance company had finished the repairs, Bucky didn't leave you. He was always there. Helping you finish papers, going to the police station to identify the robbers, and buying new stuff for the restaurants. Everything. He was there for everything.
And you had to admit. It was lovely to have him. A helping hand you needed. Physically and emotionally. Someone to share this unfortunate journey with. And Bucky didn't bother it for a bit. And you appreciated having him.
So, it only felt right for him to be your first order after the reopening.
The truth was, you never hated Bucky, no matter how much you tried. His huge form, his steel blue eyes, his signature stare, his playful smirk. They all made you feel something. He made you feel something you couldn't quite understand. But it was a pleasant something. He annoyed you so much, but you never took it too seriously. Maybe he hated you, but you didn't.
Now, you didn't need him. You were ready to carry on with your life. He didn't know how to get back to normal. He couldn't. He couldn't pretend you didn't make his heart beat faster. You made his days better. But he was so unworthy of you. And he knew you could never look at him. Maybe you hated him, but he didn't.
He tried to get back to his life. Only training and matches. Only visiting your place with the others who quickly figured out what was happening. He needed to get you out of his mind. That lasted for two days.
When Bucky was closing the gym, he heard something coming from your restaurant. With a frown, he moved to see you still inside. He looked at his watch to check the time again. It was indeed late.
"What are you doing?" He didn't bother with greetings as he entered.
"Hi, Bucky." Your cheerful voice rang through the empty place.
"What are you doing?" He repeated his question, looking at the paper in front of you.
"I'm sending out advertisements and deal offerings to different places." You answered him with a smile.
"Sweetheart, do you know what time it's?" Bucky signed as he looked at you, looking clueless.
"C'mon, let's get you home." He moved towards you, taking the papers out of your hand and putting them down without messing them.
"But I have a lot to do." You tried to protest as he gathered your stuff and helped you out.
"It will still be here in the morning." And he was having none of it.
"I need to get the business going." You added.
"You can do that in the morning, too." Bucky led you out of the restaurant in spite of your complaining.
He took the key from your hand and handed it back to you after he closed up. You expected him to move away, but he didn't.
"How are you going to get home?" He hoped you wouldn't give him the answer he had in mind.
"It's not very far. I was going to walk." And it was it.
Do you not care about your safety, or do you think you are James Bond?
Bucky had to bite his tongue and not scold you right on the spot. He knew you were stressed about the business, so he didn't want to add more.
"Great. I was going somewhere there, too. Let me walk."
"You were?" You questioned him, not believing him, but he nodded quickly.
As a matter of fact, Bucky didn't have anywhere to go other than collapsing on his bed. But over his dead body were you going to walk back home alone in this hour
"Lead the way, princess." The return of the name, but a smile on your face. He may mean it as an insult. You didn't care. It sounded good coming from him.
And the two of you walked.
And somehow, without planning, it became a routine.
Bucky would finish at the gym and come straight to the restaurant. It didn't matter whether it was late or not. He would get in and wait till you were done with the day. Then he would walk you home. Sometimes, he would help with stuff, but most times, you would make him sit down and bring him tonnes of food you prepared just for him.
"You train so hard. Don't want to burn these muscles. Eat and rest."
You weren't stupid. You knew he had nothing to do with where you were living. Yet he still chose to go out of his way, walk you home, and wait until you got in. He was taking care of you. So you wanted to take care of him too.
It felt strange to Bucky. Nobody made sure if he was eating well enough, drinking enough water, and resting enough. Nobody ever did. Everybody treated him like he was a machine. Like he He needed nothing.
Then there you were. Feeding him with delicious food. Letting him relax. Laughing at his jokes. Your hands grazing softly. It was all foreign to him, but very welcome. And he was getting attached. He knew it. How could he not?
He had the sweetest and most loving person on the planet, showing him attention and care.
Bucky counted the minutes until he could be with you. Until he could walk you home, it would be just the two of you. You did most of the talking, telling him about your day or an interesting story you heard. He would tell you briefly about his day.
He loved listening to you. Every detail you shared with him. You were the first in his life to be carefree around him other than his family. You didn't let his stiff demeanour affect your friendly one.
The extra time he spent back to his place from yours didn't bother him in the slightest. He found it reassuring that he knew for sure you were safe at home. It was all worth it.
Every single one of Bucky's friends knew what was happening from the moment he asked to postpone a match to go somewhere with you when you're repairing the restaurant. And it became so clear when he stopped hanging out at Natasha's bar after matches, claiming he was tired. But, in truth, he only wanted to be with you. And the days he knew he couldn't turn it down, especially after a grand victory, he would be glued to his phone until you texted him that you were home. Then he may start celebrating.
Bucky almost punched Steve in the face when he brought up inviting you to one of the matches, or at least to hang out with the whole team at Natasha's bar. Bucky wanted you nowhere near this world. He couldn't imagine you watching him while he was fighting. You would never look at him again. Yes, you were kind, but in the ring, he was a beast. You didn't deserve to see how bad he could be.
That's why he never acted on his feelings for you. He knew he was falling for you. He knew from the start. But you deserved better. So much better.
Your radiant nature had no place near him.
He even tried to stop seeing you, feeling guilty for ever getting close to you. But he failed miserably. You gave him something nobody did. A light in the darkness.
So he bottled it and felt grateful that you even let him be your friend. Or whatever you were.
Before a fact came crushing. You were single.
The days following matches were usually very slow. So he left earlier than usual just to come and wait for you. As long as you wanted. He had a bandage on his forehead and a compression bandage around his hand.
Sometimes you forget what his job was. Until he shows up bruised and bandaged like this. You knew he was strong enough to handle himself. He was the best in the game. But you couldn't help the twinge of your heart at the thought of him hurt.
So you prepared extra food and drinks for him. Once it was evening, you kept your best table for him. You even brought the air freshener with the scent; he commented once that he liked it. Everything to help him relax.
You kept telling yourself you were only doing this because he liked to help everyone. But you knew it was very different. He was very different.
So when he stepped in, your big smile got bigger.
You tried to come and talk with him whenever you could, but it was a busy day. He had no problem. He enjoyed watching you work. You were so dedicated and smart. He wanted you to be the most successful chef and owner in the world.
But maybe he shouldn't have been watching. He should have paid attention to anything else. So he wouldn't have seen the man who had been flirting with you since he walked in.
It was taking everything in Bucky to not get up and throw the guy away. But he heard it. Your answer to his question "Yes, I'm single." And he was reminded of the cruelty of the world. You weren't his. He shouldn't be jealous. He shouldn't have been biting the inside of his mouth when the guy tried to touch your hand as you handed him his bill.
And he most definitely shouldn't be feeling like crying and burning down the world when the guy asked you out and left his number.
Wasn't that what he wanted? For you to have better than him. To have someone who wasn't surrounded by blood and pain. Someone who wouldn't defile your glimmer That guy looked decent enough. Maybe that was your chance to find love.
However, he wanted to tear that paper to pieces. He wanted to punch the guy for asking his girl. But you weren't his girl.
Bucky was conflicted by his emotions. He didn't know what to feel or how to think. So he did the thing he was the best at. He stayed silent.
You noticed right away the change in his mood. He wasn't the most talkative person, but this silence was different. He looked like he was somewhere else. Somewhere, that wasn't so nice.
"Are you sure that you are fine?" You asked as you came to a stop in front of your building.
You only got a nod as an answer.
"You know you can tell me anything. I'm always going to be here."
Your words finally made him look at you after you left the restaurant.
"You are?" His hesitant tone made you frown.
"Of course." You answered very quickly.
"Are you going to go out with this guy?" It was quiet; you almost missed it, but you didn't.
Bucky didn't know what happened. He promised himself he wouldn't bring it up. It had nothing to do with him. But he couldn't. It fell from him.
"Do you want me to?" Your reply was something he didn't expect at all.
You couldn't say you weren't disappointed when Bucky did nothing when the guy started flirting with you. You didn't know what you wanted him to do. But you wanted him to do something.
Instinctively, Bucky moved closer to you, standing right in front of you.
"No, I don't want to."
"Tell me why I shouldn't go out with him."
The space between the two of you was almost nonexistent. You were so close to each other. His blue eyes piercing into yours. His eyes were filled with something so warm that you couldn't quite figure it out.
Bucky didn't know how to answer your question. Why didn't he want you to go out with the guy? Well, he didn't want you to go out with any guy. So he threw caution to the wind and followed his heart.
You almost tripped, but his hands on your waist steadied you. The feeling of his lips on yours was something out of the world. His lips were a bit bruised, but they were soft. It was all so good that your mind stopped working.
Bucky was about to pull away and apologise profoundly when you didn't kiss him back. As he was about to move, your hands wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer to you and kissing him.
The kiss was gentle, and it was filled with emotions. Loving ones. It sent electricity through your bodies. It spread warmth all over you.
Your need for oxygen made you break the kiss, hands still around each other, eyes only looking at each other.
"I thought you hated me."
"Never did. Not for a second, princess."
Bucky's lips smashed against yours once again. And it was like every piece was falling into its place. The puzzle was completed. The rainbow after the rain
You were the shining star in Bucky's dark sky. He may not deserve you, but he was going to do everything in his power to get you to shine more.
Because you were made for each other.
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dirtyvulture · 7 months
Dear Diary
*Set in the Darkest Knight AU*
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Mutant!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 4459
Summary: Natasha embraces her new life as an X-Men.
AN: I'm back with a little one shot. :) Enjoy!
December 6, 2023
Dear Diary,
Is that an appropriate way to start one of these? I’ve never kept a diary or a journal before. But Marie gave me this cute little notebook and said writing stuff down helps clear her mind, so I don’t think there’s any harm in giving it a shot. They would never let us have something like this in the Red Room. Too much evidence lying around for someone to stumble upon. Should I put a lock on this? Y/N wouldn’t snoop around to read this, would she? Well, I guess if she is–leave my diary alone, you big dummy!
The professor said the Red Room soldiers and Widows are coming tomorrow. This is all my fault. I’ve put these good people and innocent children in danger. Earlier, we went to help the kids pack their bags and board the buses. I’m not sure if Y/N has any kids of her own (or ever did at all), but I can tell she really cares about them. Although she was not happy with some of the excessive luggage some of them were bringing. No one would tell me where they’re sending the kids, but I overheard Ororo mention something about a private resort they had to buy out.
I still don’t quite understand why these people are willing to sacrifice so much for me. I’m basically a stranger to them. I have nothing to give them in return if they ask. Maybe they’ll finally throw me out when they realize how worthless I am. That’s what I really deserve. Not these warm clothes, the home-cooked meals, and this roof over my head. And I definitely don’t deserve the kindness and care Y/N has shown me. I really like her, but I’m afraid she’ll leave me when she realizes how boring and inexperienced I am. 
Oh, I think she’s coming out of the shower now. I’ll continue this later.
December 15, 2023
Dear Diary,
It’s weird how life goes back to normal so fast here. The Red Room soldiers and Widows were here not even a week ago, tearing down doors and blasting out windows, and everything is already repaired and the students are back at it like nothing happened.
A lot of them are excited to go back to their homes and families for the holiday. But a lot of them will also be staying at the mansion, because their families won’t accept them or they just don’t have any home to go back to. The professor asked Y/N to help plan some holiday games so the kids staying don’t get too bored or lonely. She’s acting like it’s the dumbest assignment he’s ever given her, but I’ve seen her spending all her free time ordering presents and decorations (with the professor’s credit card, of course), so I know she takes it very seriously and the kids are going to love whatever she comes up with.
I’m really glad I get to spend Christmas here. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been able to celebrate it with people I love. I feel so welcomed here and no one looks at me like I’m any different, when I come from a past where there’s red all over my ledger. Sometimes I’m surprised anyone even lets me be around these kids alone, but some of them have powers that even make Y/N nervous, and I think they know they can trust me.
It’ll take some more time before I can be fully comfortable here, but it’s really starting to grow on me and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
December 25, 2023
Natasha wakes up alone. She looks around the bedroom, in case you might be on the floor doing push-ups or in the bathroom showering, but the room is completely empty. Her heartbeat picks up as she jumps out of bed, afraid that you’ve left her, when she notices a note on the desk.
Downstairs making breakfast. Come join when you’re up - Y/N
She relaxes immediately, touched how you made sure to let her know in advance where you would be. She quickly washes up and puts on a robe, then hurries downstairs to a chaotic mess of torn gift wrapping, screaming children, and flashing new toys. She steps into the kitchen, where you are wearing a flowered apron and are threatening Marie with a spatula.
“Stop, those aren’t ready–Marie!” You swat at her hands as she swipes for a pancake.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Nat!” Marie says, moving your attention away from her as your girlfriend appears.
“Merry Christmas, Marie.” Natasha gives the girl a hug, not missing the folded pancake in her hand. 
“Merry Christmas, darling,” you say next, waiting for her to come over. “I made a special plate for you. It’s over here so the kids don’t get into it.” You point to a foil-covered plate off to the side of the stove. Natasha goes to investigate, peeling back the foil to find the plate fully-loaded with two different types of pancakes, one next to a little container of jam and honey, and the other still steaming and garnished with flecks of green onion. There’s even a bowl of grainy buckwheat porridge. Her heart soars at the sight of her favorite native breakfast. With a delighted squeal, she throws herself into your arms.
“Thankyou thankyou thankyou,” she choruses, squeezing you tightly as you rub her back.
“You’re welcome, darling.” 
At this point, you shoo everyone out of the kitchen to finish the preparations. Natasha joins Marie in the dining hall, helping set up the plates and silverware. She watches with great curiosity as Kitty tries getting Peter to step under the mistletoe she hung above the doorway, and then is distracted when Jean and Scott come down for breakfast.
“Y/N cooks Christmas breakfast for us every year,” Jean explains to Natasha. “The kids always look forward to it.”
“Hey, Y/N!” Scott yells into the kitchen. “Keep the walnuts away from my food, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Natasha hears you dismissively respond.
“Scott’s allergic,” Jean whispers to her. “Now there’s no proof how, but he ended up with a plateful of them last year and I almost had to take him to the hospital. Needless to say, it was an eventful Christmas.”
Natasha giggles to herself, already having a feeling she knows exactly how those walnuts got on Scott’s plate.
Everyone finds a seat at the table, the empty one next to Natasha reserved for you. You finally emerge from the kitchen, no longer in the flowered apron but one of your classic checkerboard flannels. You’re carrying an impressive tower of pancakes in one hand and a pan filled half and half with bacon and sausage in the other. The students break out in appreciation and applause as Bobby scoots aside some dishes to make room for the last trays.
“Don’t take more than you can finish,” you remind the kids, going around the table to sit next to Natasha and presenting her with her special plate. “And uh, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all that other stuff.” You raise your apple cider in a toast and everyone follows your lead.
“Thanks for breakfast, Y/N,” Ororo says, clinking her glass to yours. The students erupt with more thanks before they start reaching for the food, passing around the mountainous plate of pancakes, scooping whole fried eggs onto each other’s plates.
“Thanks again, babe,” Natasha says, putting her hand on your thigh as she leans over to kiss you on the cheek.
“You should try it first before thanking me,” you tease, still not used to all the praise. You were just trying to be a good partner, and it was somewhat of a Christmas tradition for you to cook breakfast for all the students who stayed at the mansion over break. You didn’t mind it at all, in fact you really did enjoy spending time in the kitchen and it made you feel good to take care of others.
Natasha leaves her hand on your knee as she eats, and eventually you put your hand on top of hers comfortingly. Neither of you engage much in conversation as you eat and listen, happy with the company. Once all of the food has been finished, Ororo rounds up the students to help clean everything before they can continue opening presents. 
Kitty gets you a Johnny Cash vinyl record. Marie and Bobby got you a variety pack of exotic flavors of jerky, including alligator, ostrich, and buffalo. Storm gives you and Natasha tickets to a weekend getaway at a Canadian resort. Jean and Scott also throw in a joint gift of a new set of winter bedsheets. You are very thankful for the presents and pile them neatly by your feet, when Natasha pulls out a box and puts it on your lap. Inside is a familiar-looking flannel shirt.
“It’s a brand new one,” Natasha says. “To replace all the ones I steal from your closet,” Natasha says.
“Thanks,” you say, putting your arm around her to pull her closer so you can kiss her cheek. “This one is from me.” You hand her a very small box.
Natasha opens it delicately and gasps when she sees what you’ve given her. It’s a wooden ring, carved a little roughly around the edges  with little turquoise-colored gems pressed into the outside.
“Did you make this?” Natasha asks, running her finger over the gems.
“Uh, yeah.” You’re suddenly nervous that she doesn’t like it. Woodworking was not your finest hobby, despite your decades to fine-tune the skill, but you preferred to build vast structures and furniture. Tiny little pieces of jewelry were extremely difficult to handle, but hopefully it was worth the numerous cuts and splinters you gave yourself. 
Natasha slips it on her right ring finger–a perfect fit. Maybe you needed to give yourself more credit for your handiwork.
“It’s beautiful,” she says, holding her hand up to admire the ring. “I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” 
Natasha snuggles closer to you and rests her head on your shoulder while you sit back and watch everyone else finish opening their gifts.
The rest of the day is busy but productive. Natasha has never felt happier watching the students competitively decorate gingerbread houses, then go outside and play in the snow. You don’t join in anymore, preferring to watch from the side. You’re already wearing the flannel Natasha got for you and Natasha gazes at you adoringly from afar. Despite the differences the two of you had from time to time, she hasn’t loved another person the way she loves you. But sometimes she worries that you don’t feel the same way. 
You still don’t talk very much, hardly opening up about your past the way Natasha has spilled about hers. Although you seem mostly content at the mansion, Natasha can tell you’re still adjusting to being around so many people. The life of solitude in the cabin in the woods had clearly been more your style, and she feels guilty for dragging you away from that. But as much as she would love to spend all day with you cozied up in a cabin you built with your own hands, it wasn’t a realistic option. Not with all the threats and dangers that could come her way.
Which is why it was so important to Natasha that the Red Room be dealt with, as soon as possible.
She didn’t like how dismissive you got every time she brought it up, but she understood why. You had found your domestic bliss and didn’t want to let it go anytime soon. She wasn’t going to blame you. But she wished you would actually listen to her instead of shutting her down all the time. She would figure out how to broach the topic with you eventually, but today was not that day.
After a quiet dinner, which is basically just warmed up leftovers from breakfast, Natasha finds you sitting by yourself on the couch in front of a dying fire. Most of the students had retired to their rooms, exhausted by the day’s festivities. Natasha sits next to you, leaning her shoulder against yours.
“Hey,” she whispers.
“Hi.” You offer her your hand and she clasps onto it, threading her fingers with yours. You smile when you see the wooden ring on her finger. It looks perfect on her. “Did you have fun today?” you ask. 
“It was the best Christmas I ever had,” she replies. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Of course.”
Natasha is tired, but there’s still one more thing she wants to do with you. She rests her hand on your thigh, subtly at first, then she slowly starts to stroke your leg, her fingers barely perceptible through your jeans. You ignore her and her movements become bolder, creeping towards the inside of your thigh now and squeezing it lightly.
“Can I help you with something?” you finally ask. Natasha has always been a little more shy when it comes to asking for intimacy with you. But you were patient with her and never pressured her, and that encouraged her to have the confidence to ask if you were in the mood–even if she didn’t always do it with words. 
“Do you want to go upstairs?” she says, leaning forward until her lips almost touch yours. “I still have one more present to give you.”
“Oh, do you now?” you ask, trying to kiss her but she pulls away.
“You have to come upstairs,” she repeats, offering you her hand as she stands up.
“All right, all right.” Your knees creak as you push off the couch, taking Natasha’s hand and following her upstairs. You can hear her heartbeat pounding with excitement or maybe that’s…yours? You hope everyone else has gone to sleep by now, otherwise they wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon.
Back in the privacy of the bedroom, you let Natasha lead you to the bed and you sit down on the edge with her climbing onto your lap. 
“Is this okay?” she asks, her hands locking around the back of your neck.
“Of course,” you whisper, leaning in until your foreheads touch. Your arms circle her waist to hold her securely in place. Her breath fans over your face and her heartbeat pumps at an almost alarmingly quick rate. 
“I want you,” she says, rocking her hips against your thighs. “I want you to take me.”
“How do you want me?” you ask, before she presses her lips roughly to yours, her fingers digging into your neck. Her arousal spikes and so does yours. You open your mouth when she licks your lips to deepen the kiss. She tastes like vanilla and cookies and you instinctively pull her closer to you, wanting to devour her until the morning.
Natasha grabs the collar of your flannel, pulling apart the top buttons and running her hands down your chest and abs. Your skin burns where she touches you and you nip lightly on her bottom lip when she rests her hands on the buckle of your belt.
“I want to taste you,” you pant, hoping your request doesn’t come across as too greedy. Natasha has to fight down her thrill of excitement at your suggestion, wondering how you knew exactly what she wanted. She doesn’t even take the time to agree with you, instead hurriedly stripping off her clothes to show you how eager she is. You take off the flannel, setting it aside with reverence, then removing your undershirt and jeans. Natasha tackles you back on the bed, your thigh fitting between her legs and you feel the heat from her center rubbing against you.
“You’re so wet for me,” you say, holding her hips again and guiding her up until she’s hovering over your chest. “My good girl.”
“Your good girl,” Natasha reiterates, grabbing onto the headboard for support before she positions herself over your face. The scent of her arousal is almost overwhelming to you, and you waste no time bringing your arms over her thighs to pull her down. Natasha whines when your mouth makes contact with her slick center, your tongue slipping into her and coating with her juices. 
Natasha moans, grinding down so you can enter her deeper. Your arms tighten to prevent her from moving too much; you want to do things at your own pace. Her taste is so intoxicating and addictive, you could lie here forever eating her out. Natasha grips the headboard tighter, struggling to rock against your face for more friction, but you won’t let her. She whines in desperation, the noises music to your ears. Your tongue dips into her again before tracing up to her clit, flicking against it and Natasha grinds down harder on your chin, gasping and moaning. 
“Y/N,” she begs. “Y/N, please.”
You stop, pulling away from her far enough to say, “What do you want, baby?”
“I want you,” she repeats, her voice breaking. “I need you.”
“I know, baby. I got you.” As much as you love teasing her, this is not the time. You knew Natasha could sometimes be insecure about your relationship with her. But you had no regrets in choosing to be with her and loved her so much. You would never miss an opportunity to show her, either.
You loosen your arms around her so she has some freedom to move and Natasha quickly adjusts herself until she’s comfortable. When she settles back down on your face again, you find her clit and wrap your lips around it, rewarded with a long, drawn-out moan. Natasha rolls her hips to help you find a good rhythm. You feel her thighs tremble and more of her slick spills onto your tongue. 
“Oh, god. Oh fuck, Y/N,” she whimpers, the headboard flexing dangerously from how hard she’s holding onto it. 
Your stomach practically burns from how aroused you are with Natasha riding your face, and you’re hoping she’ll help you relieve some of the tension once you make her finish. You’ve held out as long as you could, and you can tell Natasha is ready to fall over the edge. Your tongue rests on her clit again, swiping upwards in a straight line, then dragging down at a diagonal angle, then going back up.
Your tongue moves in an inverted V next, drawing an imaginary bar between them.
You lick down her clit once more, then swipe perpendicular.
Natasha is panting and shaking, completely unaware that you’re trying to spell her name on her with your tongue. One of her hands has left the headboard and is holding tightly onto your hair in an attempt to guide you, but your own plan is already in action.
She doesn’t make it the next A, her back arching and thighs clamping around your head as she finally cums. You don’t let a drop of it go to waste, lapping at her sensitive folds until she’s whimpering and trying to pull your head away. Natasha lifts herself off your face with a contented sigh, turning herself away from the headboard now, but you’re not quite done with her yet.
You pull her back down on your face and she falls forward with her hands on your chest. 
“Did I say you could go anywhere?” you grumble playfully. 
“Y/N,” Natasha giggles. 
“Can I have one more, darling?” you ask, and she responds by sitting back on your face. But now Natasha is the one with other ideas, as she eyes the veins on your flexing abdomen that disappear behind the band of your underwear. You feel her hands run across your stomach and your breath hitches when she tugs down your underwear.
“Nat, what are you–oh, shit.” Now it’s your turn to gasp and moan when Natasha leans over and places her mouth on your dripping center. You completely lose focus of what you were doing, instinctively spreading your legs open further to give her better access. “Fuck baby, oh fuck,” you whine, your head dropping back on the pillow.
“Did I say you could stop?” Natasha teases, turning your own words back against you. It takes a monumental effort, but you calm yourself enough to put your mouth to work again. Natasha almost soaks herself when she realizes how turned on you’ve gotten just from eating her out. Now she has only one mission in mind: make you cum before she does a second time. But you’re refusing to make it easy for her, and Natasha is already dangerously close despite having finished mere minutes ago. She knows she has to hurry, but judging from the tremble in your thighs, you’re closer than you’re letting on.
Natasha’s tongue circles your clit and she can feel you panting against her, your own efforts faltering in their rhythm. She pushes back against your face to remind you of what you promised her. Your fingers dig into the curve of her ass and you feel her breasts rubbing against your abs. Her mouth is so hot and wet and perfect on you, making you lose your breath every time her tongue touches you.
“Fuck, Nat,” you whimper, feeling like you’re losing control of yourself. You’re not even sure if what you’re doing to her anymore is working because all you can think about is the throbbing in your lower stomach that begs to be released. Your back arches off the bed when her tongue lashes at your clit and she struggles and fails to push down on your thighs to keep you grounded. “Nat, I can’t,” you warn, a little embarrassed at how fast you’re ready to release. 
“It’s okay,” you hear Natasha say, “Cum for me, baby.” 
White floods your vision and all the muscles in your body tighten as you spill into her mouth, a moan catching in your throat. Your head spins in a rush of endorphins and you’re practically convulsing underneath Natasha when you finally come down from your high. She purrs in delight at her success, gently squeezing at your thighs. And as much as you want to flip her around and press her head against your chest, you still do owe her.
Natasha’s second orgasm is a little more subdued but just as pleasurable. She bites the inside of your thigh to quiet the noise of her moan and you almost cum again. But once she finds the strength to move, Natasha crawls back up to you, nuzzling the side of your head and kissing you. Normally, you could go several rounds without even stopping for a break, but you’re unusually exhausted today. Maybe it was from waking up at four o’clock to work on breakfast for everyone or making sure that the Christmas activities throughout the day ran smoothly. 
Natasha rests her head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat and you rub her shoulder, tilting your head down to breathe in the faded scent of her shampoo. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” she whispers.
“Merry Christmas, darling.”
January 2, 2024
Dear Diary,
Professor Xavier called me personally to his office today. I was really nervous that I was in trouble for something. I’m still not sure how I feel about his mind-reading thing. I try to keep my thoughts in check when he’s around, but I think that makes it seem like I’m hiding something. But other than that, he’s only ever been polite and respectful to me, and I can tell Y/N really looks up to him as a mentor and father figure.
He told me he has a lead on where the Red Room could be and asked if I still want to pursue them. Of course I do, but I know Y/N isn’t happy about it. I thought she would understand more. I know she’s got her own past that she hasn’t told me the entirety of yet (not that she’s required to), but she’s told a few stories so I know her situation is similar enough to mine. I wish she was more supportive instead of trying to talk me out of it, but I know she’s worried too. She doesn’t want me rushing back into danger and I totally get that. But I just…I can’t stay here and be cared for and protected and loved when there are so many of my sisters still being held against their will and forced into doing horrible things.
Luckily, the professor seems more understanding of things. But I don’t want him or anyone else here risking their lives for me. If I have to go alone, I will. I don’t know if I can do it alone, though. I’m sure Y/N will insist on tagging along no matter what. I just hope she doesn’t get too grumpy about the whole thing.
January 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I still haven’t told Y/N what the professor told me 2 days ago (assuming she hasn’t already gone through my diary and read about it here). I tried to mention it after dinner, but I could tell as soon as I let the “R” word slip she was not paying attention to the conversation anymore. I don’t want my frustration to build up, so I’ll probably have to be straightforward about it, which isn’t easy.
I know the professor can hear all of my thoughts, so I wonder if he’s going to get tired of them and just talk to Y/N himself. But probably not. This is my problem to handle. I’ll find the courage somehow to deal with it. 
I just hope it doesn’t cause Y/N to look down on me for this. I’m already nervous that I’m constantly annoying her, and if she gets fed up enough and kicks me out I will literally have nowhere to go and at that point, I’d welcome back the Red Room with open arms. That probably seems a little dramatic, but I really don’t want to risk losing the best person that ever came into my life. I have Y/N to thank for everything I have here, and I think most people in my position would call me crazy for trying to make any changes to my situation. 
But I’m not like most people. And I have to do what I think is right, even if others try to stop me. 
I’ll bring it up to Y/N later again. Maybe if I catch her in a good mood she’ll be more receptive to the idea. Wishing luck to my future self.
AN: Please leave likes, comments, and reblog! Follow for more content. 🥰
Multipart sequel in the works!
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saltofmercury · 2 years
Pairing: König x reader
A/N: jesus what is up with you guys and angst? Can König and the reader just live in peace and love and fluff!?
Summary: You act on your "situationship" with König.
He was a tall kid, a big baby. Attention surrounded him. He remembers the first form of attention was going into kindergarten being confused for a 2nd grader.
“No sweetheart, this is for the younger levels, I think you’re lost” teachers would say.
“But…” he said, “I’m only 5.” 
The teachers couldn’t believe it. What were they feeding this kid?
He still remembers how awful the kids were at his school. Kids who were clearly smaller than him, intimidated by his height. 
Making friends was something truly difficult. Lunch time was not his favorite because nobody would sit with him. He would sit on the end of the table chewing slowly so that when it was time for playtime, he would have the excuse of "I'm still eating.” When other kids had birthday parties in class, he struggled to wish them happy birthday because of how big the crowd was surrounding the birthday kid. When it was any other event, kids would hover away from him, forget his valentine, his goody bag. It seemed so daunting trying to make a friend, until a little girl helped him out in class one day.
She was the only person with enough kindness and patience for him. When the teacher called on him in class to answer the question she would quietly whisper to him the answer because he was too busy fixating on how he could make a friend today, then realizing it was his name that was called, then turning red, realizing his face was probably super red, then fumbling about how to respond to the teacher. 
“Four-teen” she said quietly so only he could hear. 
He struggled with his thoughts connecting to his tongue in order for him to say the word aloud.
“F….fourteen” he responded.
“Thank you” The teacher smiled back.
So when it came down to him giving her the card he had worked so hard for and the mini handmade chocolate teddy bear he had worked on, he wasn’t so nervous. His grandma had praised him thousands of times. 
“She’ll like it! — no, she’s going to love it. It's a thoughtful gesture.”
He approached her before school had even started. He remembers the cold morning and how many times he rehearsed in his head. “Thank you for being my friend.” He clumsily gave her the card and dropped the chocolate bear wrapped in parchment paper. 
“Here..” he said quietly. Shoving the small presents into her hand so nobody could see. “Thank you for being my friend.”
The little girl beamed. She could hug him, but nobody else hugged him at school. 
They entered the classroom and immediately one of the kids snickered.
“So the giant has a girlfriend huh?” All the kids proceeded to laugh.
König felt sick. This wasn’t a proclamation of love, this was him attempting to be a friend. 
“I bet you she has to stand on a bench to kiss him” all the kids proceeded to laugh again and this time towards the girl.
The girl, sitting at her desk now, was mortified. On the verge of tears. She quietly stood up, walked to the trash bin, and dropped the card there. She returned to her desk wiping away tears.
König was humiliated. “She’s not my girlfriend, she was just my friend...” he repeated mentally to himself.
“Maybe not even that.” He thought to himself.
The rest of the day he remained quiet. When the teacher called in him he simply put his head down. He didn’t want to speak to anyone.
He didn’t want to be here.
He walked home replaying the events that happened. He had a friend, he lost a friend. He had one friend, now he had none. Valentine’s Day was a stupid holiday.
Valentine’s Day was approaching and you quietly pondered what to do. Valentine’s Day was the one holiday where all couples lovey dovey went crazy for one another.
What position were you in now? You and König had some sort of “relationship.”
You couldn’t really call it a relationship because for one, you’ve never seen his face completely. He was always hiding under turtlenecks or face masks.You could’ve sworn you saw his face once but that was a dream.
Secondly, you couldn’t remember if you ever you never got around to really feeling his skin, other than in a sort of platonic way. The man wore long sleeves and gloves around you. You got around to holding his covered hands, bursting with some sort of affection and physical touch, but that’s where he drew a boundary. Just hands.
Third and lastly, you’ve never kissed in person. How are you supposed to approach kissing anyone when there isn’t a form of body language for you to read in order to make the first move? There were times that he had caught you staring so deeply into him and seeing you suck on your bottom lip scooting closer to him. He had shifted a little further down the couch he already took so much part of. 
He was a quiet, secluded, and private man.
This wasn’t to say he hadn’t tried with you. The first few months of your “relationship” (more so friendship) you guys texted for hours. It took a while for him to open up to you but you guys could talk about anything and everything. 
But sometimes that wasn’t enough for you.
You remember calling your board game night a “date” and him quickly dismissing that idea saying he wanted to be your friend first and foremost. 
It stung. 
You sheepishly smiled at him and said “yes, you are my friend.” You saw the crinkles on the corner of his eyes when you called him your friend. But friends don't do what you two do.
After a while though, there was clearly more happening than just a friendship.
The subtle way he would grab your hand during a movie and rub his thumb over it.
How he had stocked up on your favorite brand of coffee and creamer whenever you came over at night for your talks and board games. 
How he ordered a little extra of the favorite take out you liked just so you can have some for lunch the next day. 
Sometimes he would even play with the ends of your hair and rub your back when you fell asleep on him after a movie. 
And of course, you guys shared a bed together, you guys slept together, kissed and made love in the dark, but vulnerability was left in the dark.
What was the subtle way of saying hey I clearly like you, you might like me, let’s just make it official?
At the store, you look at cards. None of them said that. You picked up the card with the puzzle piece heart on it missing a piece that read “you complete me”. Too cheesy.
The next one you pick up, a pizza shaped card with an arrow in the middle. Phrases like “you can’t be topped!” And “you’re the big cheese” surrounding it. You open the card inside that reads “any way you slice it, you’re awesome! Happy Valentine’s Day.” Too friendly.
You settle on one card that’s covered in little candy hearts labeled “xoxo” “cutie” “hugs” and “be mine” inside of the card was blank. You decided the best way to describe what you’re feeling was to write it out.
You get home and start to write out how you’ve been feeling. If there was one way you were going to tell him, it would be through a letter.
You read your feelings over and over again in the card, and decided to just go for it.
The day before Valentine’s day you came to his house, ready for another night of board games you two endlessly went through. König bought dinner and you brought the games.
As he opened the door, he stared at you. “Schatz….” his voice was full of longing. It had been almost a week of not seeing each other. Butterflies always bloomed in your stomach.
“Hi babe.” you responded and he moved aside to let you in. Once settled, he picked you up and embraced you. He was always one for hugs.
After about the 4th round in Sorry!, you called it quits. König laughed. 
“This is a child’s game, why didn’t you bring Monopoly again?”
You threw a pillow at him. “Because, you’ve never played it and it seemed pretty good to teach you this game, but of course, your competitive spirit.” You shook your head in disbelief. König was good and picked up the rules of any stupid game quickly.
He stretched, put the game aside, and laid back on the end of the couch. 
“Come” he extended his hand towards you.
You climbed up on him, laid on his chest.
He whispered in your ear, “i’m sorry you’re a sore loser”
“König!” you look up at him.
“Okay okay,” he says softly, then smirks, “I might have shuffled in my favor, but this is a kids game.”
“I thought I was playing with a kid.” you say, still on his chest. It earns you a playful smack on your bottom. He continues laying there with you, rubbing your back and hair. 
“I have something for you.” You lift yourself off of him. You reach in your bag for the card. Gosh, a wind of nerves picks up inside your stomach and you’re ready to just forget the whole thing. You should’ve waited to give it to him when you left.
You peek back at him. He’s turned back looking at you, motioning with his hand to “give it.”
You put the red card in his hand.
“A letter?” He says in a sarcastic shock, but smiles through his face mask.
He tears open the envelope, and eyes widen when he sees the front of the card. The colorful hearts surrounding it. He seems uneasy, but you’re anxious.
“Is there something wrong?” you ask. You swear you can feel your heartbeat in your ears. This is embarrassing. A long silence between you two.
“No,” he finally speaks. He puts the card back into the envelope. “Maybe I can read this later.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You start cursing yourself out mentally. This was a stupid idea. There’s heat surrounding your face, you can feel the embarrassment closing in. You could be anywhere right now and not here.
“Maybe I’ll just go home then.” you say.
“No schatz, come on wait.”
But it’s kind of too late. You’re already drowning in embarrassment. You pick up your bag, and head towards the door.
“It’s not like that, come on, don’t be embarrassed.” he pulls at one of your arms.
It’s with those words that you’re set on really leaving. Don't be embarrassed?
You turn to him,
“Don't be embarrassed? You opened my card and then suggested reading it later. I read the whole thing on your face.” you spit out. You’re not embarrassed anymore, you’re humiliated and hurt.
He cocks his head to the side, “I just meant for - I’m not going to fight with you now, come please.”
“Just let me go home, I’ve suffered enough embarrassment for the both of us.”
You just need space. You need anything so that you’re not holding onto your tears anymore.
Friends. Friends. Friends. Is all that plays in your head.
He sighs, “this is childish and you’re being childish.” He steps aside and opens the door for you. If there’s one thing König can do is give you space.
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