#doctor mac is my favorite
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sturniqlo · 3 months
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summary: y/n and chris find out their expecting a baby
cw: bit angst, fluff, young parent pregnancy, panic attack, crying
an: she's a short one so she's a blurb
masterlist | positive masterlist
It's been about a week since Y/n started to feel sick. First, she woke up one day and had the urge to throw up so she ran to the bathroom and threw up everything she had the night prior. She thought nothing of it, maybe the food she had eaten sat the wrong way. Then, certain smells she used to once love made her gag, and yet again run to the bathroom.
Her favorite perfume Chris has gifted her for her twentieth birthday made her nauseous. She couldn't bare the smell on her, so she ran to the bathroom, threw up, took a shower and tossed her perfumed clothes in the washer. During this time, Chris was away in Boston visiting his parents and he had no idea any of this was happening until he facetimed her and saw her pale face.
"Hey ba- woah, you're pale. You feeling okay?" Chris said when he saw his girlfriend's pale face and under eye bags. She shook her head. "No, I've had this stomach bug for the past four days. I can't keep down anything I eat besides water and fruit." She pouts. "Was it what we had for dinner before I left?" He asks, shifting in his bed, worrying for his girlfriend's wellbeing. "I think so, it's messed me up pretty bad."
When Chris returned the following week, she was the same, only a bit better. She was able to keep down more foods like a ham and cheese sandwich, cereal, mac and cheese, and smoothies. The day after Chris had came back, he stayed at Y/n's place and made eggs in the morning. She woke to the smell and threw up in the bathroom. For the next hour, all windows were open to air out the smell. That's when Chris started to get suspicious.
Week three, it had been three weeks that Y/n has been with this mysterious sickness. Chris couldn't help but ask. "Are you sure you're okay? Do we have to go to the doctor?" He asked one day that week. "I'm okay, it's probably just my period, it should be coming any day now." She brought her knees up to her chest. Chris came close to her and wrapped his arms around her. She inhaled the scent of his cologne loving it, which is why she bought it for him on a random day. However, this time when she inhaled his scent, she became nauseous. Y/n pushed him off and ran to her bathroom.
"Hey, you're okay." Chris grabbed her hair and formed it into a makeshift ponytail with the hair tie he had on his wrist as she emptied everything she had in her into the toilet. "You want some water, baby?" He asked her as she flushed the toilet and sat against the shower door. "Please." She said, throwing her head back. Chris went to her kitchen, and opened the fridge grabbing his a cold water. As he closed the fridge, she caught eye of her calendar on the fridge door. blood bath begins :( is marked for the 13th of the month. He quickly pulled out his phone and checked the date.
It was the 22nd. He gasped. He quickly realized he was taking too long so he went back to Y/n. "Here you go." Chris opened the water for her and handed it to her. She had moved to the wall across the sink so he sat down on the floor next to her. "Babe, I don't want to scare you or anything but, are you sure you're not pregnant?" Y/n chokes on her water. "What? No, I'm about to get my period around the thirteenth." She looks at him. "Y/n, it's the twenty second." Her face falls. "No- no it's not." She pats on her pockets for her phone but she doesn't feel it. "Look at the date." Chris pulls his phone out from his pocket. Quickly, she grabs his phone and turns it on looking straight up at the date.
It's the twenty second. She has the same reaction as Chris and gasps. "Chris, how- how did I not notice. Oh my god." She puts her head in her hands. "Hey, hey, hey, it's going to be okay. I'll run to the store down the street and buy a couple of tests okay? Whatever the result is you have the final decision okay? And we'll get through it together." Chris brings her to his chest. "Okay." She manages to squeak out.
Chris run his hands through his hair as he power walks to the Walgreens that is luckily down the street from Y/n apartment complex. Back home, Y/n struggles to walk to the couch. Her mind runs through every possible situation that can happen. It can be positive and Chris can leave her and want nothing to do with her or the bab- No! She stopped herself from that thought. He said they'll get through this together. Her breathing get more uneven as she reaches the couch. She struggles to breathe as the tears stream down her face. She tries her hardest to take deep breaths, in 1,2,3, out 1,2,3. That doesn't help. She looks around her living room and tries to spot five things she can see and say out loud.
"Pic- picture of me and Chris on our one year anniversary. Chris' hoodie on the arm- arm rest. My green rug Chris bought me. Tulips I picked out last week." It starts working, her breathing is finally back to normal and she wipe her sweaty hands on her sweats. She takes a couple of minutes to herself before getting up to distract herself while Chris comes back.
What seemed like hours, only ten minutes had passed, Chris finally walked through the front door with a bag in his hand. "Did you get them?" Y/n run to him. "Yeah, I got multiple." She grabs the bag from him and goes into the bathroom. After peeing on all four sticks, she opens the bathroom door and is met with Chris standing right in front. "Now we wait." She lets him in. She automatically wraps her arms around his middle and her his wrap around her neck. Bending his head down to kiss the top of it. "Chris, promise you won't leave me if it's a positive." She lifts her head off of his chest.
"Baby, I promise with all my heart, I will never, okay? Like I said we're in this together." He reassured her. During the next five minutes, Chris tries to distract her, talking about random things. Telling her random facts about animals Matt had told him the other day. "I think it's time, Chris." They unwrap their arms from one another. "Okay." They both grab two and Chris counts down. "We flip them at one okay?" She nods "3, 2, 1." They flip them.
||, Pregnant, +
"Holy shit, I'm pregnant." Y/n places the sticks back down on the sink and begins to well up with tears. "Come here." Chris places the two he had down and opens his arms up for her. "Chris, what are we going to do. We only just- just turned twenty." She cried. "We'll figure it out, alright." He spoke into her hair. "Do you want to keep it?" He asks. "I- Yes, I want to." She looks up at him and slightly smiles and he smiles too. "We're having a baby." He says.
"We're having a baby." She confirms.
do we want a mini series on this??
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
What about yandere prince over his favorite knight? Male reader ofc :)
I am done I deserve mac n cheese and almonds
Hope this was okay.
Yandere Prince x male reader
tw: yandere themes and being held against will
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You were assigned to prince Charlie since you were little, so naturally you were very protective of him.
You two shared a very special bond of course, two best friends since childhood.
But for prince Charlie, it was oh, so much more. At first he didn’t understand it, you were there more often than not.
He remembers how often you clinged to him when you two were younger. You were supposed to be the one protecting him, he didn’t mind that.
As you two grew older, you got braver and stronger. You even spend less time with him. He noticed something was wrong with him.
An unknown feeling blossomed in his chest.
And you made it so much stronger.
It’s not really like you did anything special, you just,
He started to appreciate your existence more. How when you smiled your cheeks were dusted by pinkish colour and your eyes twinkled with such a happy flame.
How you wielded your sword and how brave you were.
He watched you, heart longing for you. For your little touches, your laughs.
Oh how he wishes you two were kids again, he would protect you from danger and you would cling to him and never let go.
You were so far away but at the same time so close. After a while, just watching wasn’t enough, he needed you back and he would do everything to make it happen.
You noticed a slight change in your environment.
It started small, maids, servants and other knights started to ignore you. They shook when they saw you and ran away.
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You weren’t a violent person, so you didn’t understand what was wrong.
It hurt slightly, but you can’t just go around crying. You were a royal knight after all.
Then Prince Charlie requested you must be near him at all times, you expected that since you were his personal knight,
no more strolls through the castle and gardens. No more training. You can’t leave him, not even to eat or sleep.
You feared the last one. You feared you might grow weak, but you can’t let your prince that so you stayed silent.
You didn’t dare to eat, drink or sleep in his presence, much to his dismay. You thought it was disrespectful to even do these things in his presence, EVEN if you two knew each other all your lives.
After some time your body could in fact, not take it anymore so you fainted.
You woke up not long after, laying on the comfiest bed you had ever felt. Stripped from your armour and chained to the bed. Your first thought was that someone broke in and hurt your prince, naturally, you began to struggle. Your body was weak due to the lack of food or sleep.
You didn’t notice your Prince walking cheerfully through the door.
“Oh you are up, how wonderful”
He chirped happily. Your tired eyes followed his figure.
“Your.. highness? What is the meaning of this?”
You asked, voice raspy. Swallowing hurt so much.
“Oh you had fainted my dear knight”
he hummed as he placed something on the table. You tried to move your arms, you felt weak. Chains only rattled quietly because of your movement, it caught Charlies attention.
“Don’t you dare to move y/n”
“Just, just take me to the doctor I will be fine in few days and-“
His pale face turned cherry red in anger.
“No! You are only allowed to see me, only me! I AM taking care of you now!”
His voice boomed loudly in your ears. You winced.
He turned away from you, trying to calm down, then took something from the table, a plate. Charlie walked to the bed, and placed the plate on a nightstand, so he could uncuff your hands.
Your body felt weak, you let him sit you up.
“Now, let me feed you yeah? You must be oh so hungry, and then we can spend some time together.”
he smiled, you were too weak to argue so he took your silence as an agreement. You prayed silently that this was just a dream.
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icarusredwings · 21 days
i *live* for your agere wade omg 😢🙏🏻 i also age regress there's just something about your favorite character being like you that makes me smile :) your writing is absolutely wonderful as well!! :3
Hi hon, Im so proud of you for doing what's good for you, and I am so happy that you've found something to enjoy that makes you feel good about yourself.
Thank you so much for the support. I've seen more people mention how excited they were to find cute, mild, and nonnsexual regressions for Wade, so I've decided to put it on A03 for more people to enjoy.
I actually was nervous about posting them in general because of the stigma around it but seeing how supportive you all have been (I dont know why im even shocked) it's made me a little more confident in my writing. I was abused quite a bit as a child, and while I don't regress, I do have a special attachment to my stuffed animals and find comfort in kids' shows. Annnddd, as someone who was working towards becoming a geneticist? It's comforting to know that some very intelligent and successful people also do.
While you're waiting for me to write more or upload to A03, have some HCs:
Depending on what's going on, he fluctuates between 5-8.
Wade has 3 caregivers, Al, Vanessa, and Logan. He loves them all so much but certian care givers are for certain things. Al (Mama) is he goes too for booboos, Ness (Mommy) is who takes him out the most, to the park and doctors (If things get too out of hand, she can pull the "He's my disabled son you bastard" card, and Logan (Kitty) is general. The one youll find when wade is casually colouring or playing tea party with.
He'll take "sippies" but hes a bit too old for them because he chews the tops off.
Cereal, mac and cheese, pizza, bassically anything he already eats as an adult, including spicy tacos.
He doesn't have a lot of toys (and if he does, they're from a give away or a dumpster) so is very possesive of them and will instantly get upset if you try to take them away or "hurt" them.
Wade is the type to just chill with you on the couch and eat snacks if you don't have the energy to play or take him to the park. Even as a child, he was very emotionally intelligent, and it shows.
Most kids would have tantrums, but he seems to either be understanding or go cry in silence while isolated (its what hes used too)
As much as people say he's a potty mouth, I don't see it. Not yet anyway. Sure he'll say "bad words" sometimes but as someone whos used to being screamed at to shut up all the time, I believe he talks so much as an adult BECAUSE he wasn't allowed as a kid so he's more of an observer unless you are unfortunately his favorite and then hes going to tell you random facts.
Oftentimes, the "perfect child" are ones that are independent, quiet, and who monitor their emotions/ actions around other kids and adults. This means being forced to act older than you actually are, walking on eggshells around adults and trying to do things by himself.
He likes to wear clothes that are too big for him rather then tight. (Bonus points if they're a hoodie or a sweater)
He likes baths and sometimes will tell you that his "Skin hurts" when really it's just itchy/peeling/ needs lotion.
He's not big on babytalk but "puppy" "mama" "mommy" "park?" "Kitty scratch bad guys" "I watch tv?" "Go home?" "Play horses?" Are common. Its either small unfinished sentneces or endless rambling with full sentences that repeat themself. Logan has once heard "Did you know-?" 30 times once all in 10 minutes
He has a stuffy of a Wolverine named Fluffy from Kitty, a unicorn named Buttercream from Mommy, and a bear shaped dog toy from Mama. In her defense she didn't know it was a dog toy (because shes blind and cant read duh) but Wade loves it more that it squeaks.
Because kidWade (He is "NOT little", he's a "Big boy") is bigger than them, he has issues playing a little... rough... with other kids. He has infact shoved a kid into the sand while playing tag.
Wade is very erm... possesive.. over his caregivers and will act out if he believes Kitty is ignoring him. Because of their history, hes even more prone to acting out with Ness and has gone as far as telling someone they looked like a burnt quesodilla that "had a baby with a wrinkled cucumber" before (and will do it again)
Flappy hands. Giggles. Screeches. That is all that needs to be said.
Wade likes music, arts, and crafts. Physical exercise is nice too but naps are needed afterwards.
Naps must be willing. If you tell him to go take a nap he'll just stomp his feet and cry that hes "being good" so "doesn't need one" bassically, naps are punishment.
Tw for sensitive topics such as mental and physical health
The worst part about having Wade isn't that he is a "brat" or "bad", no infact wade barley ever is a brat. He's very people pleasing because he just wants as much affection as possible. it's the fact that you can't trick him or keep him from doing something. He's too smart.
"Come on baby, we're going to the park"
"Yay!!- wait.... Mommy... Mommy the park is that way...Mommy this is how you go to the mean doctors! They're gonna rip my teeth out!"
It's even HARDER to care for a kid who can escape literally anything and can run all the way home if you upset him too badly. The only thing really you can do is call a different cg and double up on the reassurance. (And maybe a bribe)
Another thing is that just because he's in this headspace doesn't mean his issues are gone. Between the nightmares, the flashbacks, the scary hallucinations that he can't understand, intrusive thoughts about harming a person, impusive thoughts, and just straight up having to deal with cancer on top of it all, etc.
Do you know how hard it is to explain to a child that they're nauseous and exhausted because the cells inside of him are eating the other cells, dying, and healing all at the same time?
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starlit-roman · 2 months
What your favorite sanders sides ship says about you in my opinion
I got this idea from @sandersontheside
Logince: Your favorite episode is why do we get out of bed in the morning and you question that too. You’re a fan of those red and blue haired character anime ships, and let’s not mention how much you love enemies to lovers. I feel like you like spaghetti with a shit ton of Parmesan, and sprite or Pepsi.
Logicality: You like sweet, wholesome ships the most and have probably either written a fan fiction about, read a fan fiction, or have thought about them baking cookies together. Also for some reason I feel like you like John Mulaney
Analogical: You like angst, not a crazy amount but you like to dip your ankles in it. Speaking of dip you probably either really like ranch or bbq sauce. And your favorite squishmallow is the bat one.
Loceit: You’re either the most chaotic person I will ever meet or you’re scarily chill about everything. You like it when all sense of right and wrong leave the room and just pure chaos despite how chaotically chill Logan and Janus are. You’ve definitely committed arson, and you’re a fan of tin cans and rainbows.
Intrulogical: You’re special, with love. I bet you watch doctor who while deepthroating packets of fun dip, sweet tarts, and/or hot tamales, I don’t have much else to say (I like this ship btw)
Royality: Opposites attract isn’t a thing that even registers in your brain, and despite what I want to think you’re probably the friend who corrupts the brains of your innocent friends and tells them about god knows what. If that’s not the case though you are the innocent friend who has surrounded themselves with not very innocent people. You like pasta with cumin. You also really like blueberries, soy sauce, and bluey.
Prinxiety: You’re correct. You prefer Ryan Gosling over Ryan Reynolds and you hate honeydew. You also probably have social anxiety.
Roceit: You like longer slow burn fanfictions and not just one shots, that along with enemies to lovers and a lot of tension. You’re definitely a maximalist when it comes to your room and you love rupauls drag race.
Moxiety: You’re a really sweet introvert and you like romance movies with happy endings. You probably like Mac Demarco and Arctic Monkeys and you like the scent of vanilla.
Moceit: (Kiss me) You really like stuffed animals and just fuzzy things in general. You’re a dog person but you like more cuddly cat-like dogs. You also like tomato soup.
Intruality: You’re super chaotic but super sweet, probably an Enfp or Entp. You like pickles and skunks and peanut butter cookies and cars 2.
Anxceit: You’re favorite social media is tumblr and you miss MySpace. You love hoodies and sweaters, your favorite season is winter, and you really like old artwork. You’re also really good at makeup, especially eye makeup
Dukexiety: You’re probably super all over the place and your rooms a mess but you know where everything is. You also really like snake plants and spiders
Dukeceit: You love the whole “He’s an idiot, but that’s my idiot” thing about this ship. If you have a roku it’s not set to the default theme and you probably like 90s-00s hiphop and you despise when your bed has crumbs in it.
Remrom: …
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some-weebs-posts · 11 months
Ok, so I've been obsessed with Monster High since it came out, and my favorite character has always been Jackson Jekyll. And you know what? Not only is he an underrated character, but like, they made his background super detailed and complicated for like no reason. I couldn't tell you how many times I've gone on long rants trying to explain it all.
Think of this like a combination of different wikis. This is based on Generation 1, the movies from Boo York Boo York and previous, the diaries, the webisodes, and some of the books. I have not watched anything from Gen 2 or 3, which really doesn't matter because Jackson isn't in any of the reboots.
Basic Information
Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde are two people in the same body. They have different memories and different personalities.
Jackson Jekyll is 16 years old. His favorite color is yellow, his favorite food is mac & cheese, and his birthday is May 30th.
Holt Hyde is 16 years old. His favorite color is orange, his favorite food is hot wings, and his birthday is May 30th.
They both have a pet chameleon named Crossfade.
Jackson is a bit of a nerdy type. He enjoys wearing bow ties and sweater vests. He likes to play video games. He's crazy smart, and his favorite subject is Mad Science.
Holt has a rocker style with his everyday outfit being a red leather jacket and purple pants. He also shows more of their fire elemental side than Jackson, so he incorporates flames in all his outfits as well. He loves music, so he always wears headphones (not to mention that later becomes his trigger), and music theory is his favorite subject. He has a hot temper and can become angry very easily.
Jackson Jekyll is their default character. However, he transforms into Holt due to different triggers. His original trigger was it being either day or night where he was Jackson during the day and Holt at night. Later, his trigger changed to music with a 4/4 time signature, which is most music. In the diaries, Jackson states that his doctor believes the trigger will change at least one more time, and he is deathly afraid it will be something important that he can't avoid like taking a shower.
Jackson and Holt did not know of each other's existences until they were 16. Since their memories were different, they thought they had consistent black outs. Holt considered it just a way of life and how it was, but in the books, Jackson (thanks to the suggestion of Melody Carver) thought is was due to his extreme anxiety.
Jackson Jekyll is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Jekyll.
Holt Hyde is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyde.
Jackson was born half normie (mom) and half monster (dad). The thing is, his dad is not the Jekyll/Hyde. That's his mom. His mom is the normie half of the Jekyll and Hyde combo. His dad is a fire elemental.
Holt is a full monster. His mother is the Hyde, and his father is a fire elemental.
This makes Jackson and Holt half-brothers. They have different moms but the same dad.
They know they have different moms or at least more than one mom. They call her Moms in the books and diaries. Their mom (in both versions of Jekyll and Hyde as far as I can tell) is named Sydney, who is a science teacher at Merston High and likes to go by Mrs. J.
That adds on another layer because that means his dad took his mom's last name, AND his dad's last name changes depending on who his wife is because he married both the Jekyll and the Hyde. So does that mean every time he is asked his name, the dad has to be like, "I don't know. Let me call my wife,"? Like, does he just change his name every day or is he just Dr. Jekyll by default and then changes his name if he gets a call from his wife? And he's not Dr. Hyde but Mr. Hyde, so does he loses his doctorate when his wife goes crazy?
Anyway, Jackson and Holt are cousins with Heath and Harmony Burns. Harmony is Heath's older sister. Their mother is Jackson and Holt's dad's sister aka their aunt.
Jackson's best friend is Deuce Gorgon.
Jackson first met Deuce in the diaries where they played some pick-up casketball. Then, they met-met and actually started to hang out after the webisode Fear Pressure. In the episode, Jackson had started to attend Monster High but was being bullied for being a normie (or at least appearing as one), so Deuce decided to take pity on him and let him sit at his and Heath's lunch table. Later on, Deuce introduced him to others like Gil.
When they first moved to their neighborhood, which made them change schools and start attending Monster High, Jackson only became Holt during the night, so Jackson was the first one to meet their neighbors. One time, Draculaura made him a welcome-to-the-neighborhood cake, and when he returned the tin, he met Dracula of which he was not afraid and actually made a joke about stakes. This was considered weird because both normies and monsters were afraid of Dracula, for in the diaries, he was described as being like a creepy, no-nonsense Nosferatu. Later, Draculaura invited him to Clawdeen's Boo-B-Que where he met The Wolfs.
During the night, Holt would come out and walk around. There, he studied his neighbor's houses and saw them very occasionally.
Holt actually went and became a DJ with the nickname DJ Hyde. While working a party, he met Draculaura. She was dancing the Transylvania Trance. He thought she was attractive and approached her by calling her Ula D, but she became confused because they had never met before.
That adds on another thing. Apparently, they can share some memories.
Jackson and Holt had many romances.
In the books, Jackson went to Merston High. There, he met a siren named Melody Carver. They started to date, but Melody met Cleo, because Cleo also went to this school for some reason, and they hated each other. So to get Melody jealous, Cleo ended up kissing Jackson. But he felt nothing for her. Then Melody started a band and revealed Holt, which started a love triangle except Jackson didn't know about Holt, so he didn't know what she was upset about. They ended up breaking up where she then got with a gargoyle named Granite who was also into music, but unfortunately their relationship never went anywhere, and Melody and Granite never became official.
Then there was Draculaura. Jackson and Holt both liked her, but she only ever tried to date Jackson. She said in one of her diaries that they ended up "breaking up", even though they were never officially dating, because he never went to their evening dates and could never remember exactly why he didn't the next morning. Little did they know it was because of Holt.
Then there was Frankie. She slowly fell in love with him over the course of Volume II of the webisodes in episodes such as Miss Information, Hyde Your Heart, and Hyde and Shriek. She originally liked Jackson because he was the new kid, and she was fairly new too and remembered how hard it was. She even stood up against his bully, Manny Taur. But then she met Holt and became conflicted because she thought she liked both of them and had to choose between them. After she found out they were the same person, she introduced them to each other, which is how they found out about each other in the first place. She then would record them talking on her phone so that they could talk to each other, but that got old fast, so she gave them separate phones specifically for texting each other. She decided they couldn't date until they got over their differences.
There was Operetta. In the diaries, Holt said that he liked that she liked music, so they went on a date at a concert. But then Holt got angry at someone, and due to his anger issues, he got into a fight. He and Operetta were kicked out. Her dad did not like that, and they weren't allowed to date anymore.
Then there was Clair. Clair is my personal favorite and is my OTP. In the movie Ghouls Rule, Holt got arrested while he and other monsters were vandalizing the normie school of New Salem High. He transformed back into Jackson while in jail, so they let him go thinking that Holt somehow kidnapped Jackson and swapped places with him. He became a fugitive, so Jackson hid by attending New Salem High. There, he met Clair. She stood up to bullies for him and even later defended him against the police after they captured him and tried to behead him (and no, I'm not joking). They had a discussion at the end where Holt commented that while Jackson and him don't agree on much, at least they can agree on women. He tried to kiss her, but she swapped him to Jackson first and then kissed him because, well, she didn't know him that well yet. She's an anti-police, anti-racism/speciesism, goth baddie, and I love her for that.
Side Notes
Despite being a huge nerd, Jackson is actually really good at sports. Jackson and Deuce only initially became friends because of a game of casketball. In Deuce's diary, he went to the court to play, but only saw "a lame human kid" aka Jackson. He was initially going to ignore him, but then Jackson asked to play. Then it turned out that Jackson could play very well. Quote, "I was gonna slide out of there, but he asked if I wanted to play some one on one. I figured it wouldn't take long to make him look like a statue out there, but I was wrong. He had a scary good jump shot and even crossed me over a couple times. I had just started to play really hard when my glasses got knocked off and broke. Now I have to figure out a way to get home without stoning someone, but dude just took off his shades and handed them over to me. He said to keep them until I got home and he'd get them later. Told me his name is Jackson Jekyll. He said he wants a rematch. I told him any time, any place. Not a bad guy...for a human." Also, in Friday Night Frights, Jackson attempted to join the roller maze team before he was stopped by Manny Taur. Edit: I just remembered he also plays volleyball in the Gloom Beach line.
Additionally, Jackson and Holt have facial piercings and tattoos. This is very rare and somewhat strange given they are only 16 and would at least need parent's permission for the tattoos. The only other G1 characters that have tattoos, that I know of, are Operetta and Wisp from 13 Wishes. The only other characters with facial piercings, not counting ear piercings, are Clair, Cleo, and Manny Taur as Cleo has the gem under her eye, Clair has a classic lip piercing, and Manny has a septum piercing. Jackson has one tattoo of a Ying & Yang symbol on his back, and he has an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow. Holt has two tattoos with the same Yin & Yang tattoo and an additional face tattoo around his eye. He also has a left eyebrow piercing.
The tattoos admittedly confuse me because the fact that Jackson doesn't have one of Holt's tattoos may imply that they got the tattoos separately, so they both just so happened to pick the same tattoo and then Holt got one extra. Also, their parents had to sign off on allowing their 16 year old son to be allowed to have a face tattoo.
Edit: Some people have mentioned that Holt's face tattoo may actually be a birthmark due it being mentioned in one of the diaries. However, this doesn't make sense to me because Jackson does not have a birthmark. So like many, I believe this mention of it being a birthmark was only added after they made the design as an excuse, and it should be left up for interpretation.
That's alI can think of for now. Info may change later, but that's the story of The Strange Case of Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde.
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kisbunzies · 1 year
Incredibly specific tf2 headcanons.
1.medic wanted to become an a a labor and delivery doctor before he decided to take people out of this world before bringing them in. Thinks babies and small.animals are adorable. The reason he has so many doves is because one of them layed eggs right after he got them and he got two attached to give them away.
2.heavy would love the dark academia aesthetic , study vlogs and booktok. I am correct so i will not elaborate.
3.scouts american italian catholic. Again i am correct so i will not be illaborating.
4. Snipers doesn't like people , loves animals though. Would throw someone into an active valcano for yelling in a walmart. thinks that they should have kept harambe alive because its was the kids fault (he is also right everything has gone to shit since that gorilla died)
5.demomans a desendent of the black people in nova scotia who invented hockey.
6.demoman sleep in the most zebra print pink elastic band statin-y hair bonnet you can imagine. I am black and correct so i will not be elaborating.
7. Engineers back hurts comical amounts. Part of reason he replaced his hand was because he got arthuritis in it. He was an inch taller before he gave himself scoliosis . bros bones are screaming for help.
8. Pyro is creachure , eyes glow in the dark . waits infront of the door for the other mercs to get home , presses their snout to things and sniffs, rolls around in whatever spot their gonna lay in to get comfy. Animal like habits .(i am.projecting because i get told at least twice a week i walk like a deer) oh and their favorite songs mambo .5
9.soldier is the silliest goober , got the biggest dorkiest smile on his face by default . end up in the top of trees whenever people dont look at him. Eats whole jars of peanut butter with his hand. Makes a big mwah noise before he kisses demo on the lips goober stuff.
10. Soldier has the strongest trans-dar know to man . "get out of my way tall women" to a preteen whose gonna have some realizations in the 90's. He knows your trans before you know that trans people exist. Is so stereotypically american masculine that time and gender warps around him.
10. Spies biggest secret is that he loves american fast food , the more sodium the better . loves instant ramen noodles and seasoned fries and burgers , the bigger the burger the better honestly. The mercs will get mcdonalds or something and bring him some back and at first he'll act like its beneath him right ? But then he goes to "throw it out" quote unquote and consumes whatever it is like a ravenous animal , big mac sauce end up in his hair and its gone in seconds. He the rearranges himself and acts like he's just done a line of coke but doesn't want anyone to find out
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 2 months
a continuation of things that i think happen in my favorite fucked up silly little city (gotham)
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• In hosptials in Gotham there’s another wing dedicated to super villain attacks Like how theres the ED, NICU, L&D, ICU, etc., theres another branch called Excessive Villain Attack Department (for) Emergencies. Also known as EVADE for short. it’s a brag to say you work in EVADE for doctors/nurses because A. the pay is ridiculously good, and B. how much extra stuff you had to learn to work there. People who work in EVADE have to go through weekly psych evaluations as well as physical testing to make sure they are still fit for duty.
• there are EVADE pop ups all around gotham so it’s citizens ares never more than 5 minutes away from medical attention. You have to work at a pop up before you’re allowed to work in EVADE in a real hosptial. People say working the pop ups is a lot harder and a lot nore stressfull, because people can come to you in really any condition out there.
• Similar to how kids in some areas cant wear certain colors like red or blue to school because of gang affiliation, gothamite students cannot wear anything superhero, vigilante or villain adjacent. No birds, bats, clowns, etc. Its a way for schools to try and stop kids from being targetted by their peers/ crazy adults who will attack them for supporting a specific person or party. Hero or otherwise.
• A lot of mom and pop diners/townie bars have foods named after vigilantes and specialty drinks named after villains. Some examples are:
Red Hoods Hot Chicken and Mac: bufallo mac and chicken with house hot sauce, so hot and tasty it will bring tears to your eyes! (this is true. jason tried it and he literally couldn’t feel his face. He couldn’t tell if he was blinking or not. Dick swears up and down he wasn’t.)
Nightwings: boneless chicken wings with a honey barbecue dry rub, with bleu cheese dipping sauce and chips and a blue corn dip. Dick can and will order 4 and eat them all by himself in one sitting.
Robins Eggs Breakfast combo: 2 sunny side up eggs, strawberry french toast, vegetarian sausage, house salad and an OJ. They tried to make it vegan but no one in Gotham wants breakfast without eggs. Robin said he appreciates the thought anyway. He is very smug and protective of his meal and the restaurant that made it. When he has the day shft he stops by there for breakfast, which isn’t often but still.
Signal soup: a classic squash soup, house focaccia and a garden salad. Its a seasonal meal that comes around every fall, and sells out almost every day for the entire season.
The Scarecrow: literally a long island iced tea with black liqueur in a martini glass with 3 olives. It tastes fucking horrible but will get you beyond hammered
Poison Ivy: shot of pochteca lime liqueur and pink whitney. Very tasty.
Regulator: its a blue margarita with coconut milk in it. Its a little sweet but its yummy. It’s common to black out on these because you cant taste the alch and by the time it hits you its too late and its the next morning and your naked in a strangers bed. Darn those regulators for a night you wont remember! at least the guy is handsome…
• See also the Condiment King challenge: A pint size glass of equal parts ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, mayonnaise, hot sauce, soy sauce, honey mustard, sweet and sour, bbq, salsa, fish sauce, vinegar, ranch, and wasabi. Hell in a cup! If you can drink it within 10 minutes without throwing up, you eat free at the dinner for a month and you get a t shirt that says “I completed the Condiment King challenge at Jimbo’s Dinner!” With a poorly drawn picture of condiment king on it. There has only been one winner: Timothy Drake. Jason dared him to try it after he hadnt slept in 3 days. Tim didnt puke, but Jason did. There were threats of violence if Tim ever told anyone that. Tim didn’t believe him, told Dick and magically ended up with a broken finger. “No AlfredI have NOOOOOO idea how it happened! Must’ve had a bad fall on patrol :3”
• taxes in gotham are shit-your-pants-when-you-see-it-the-first-time high. Gotham has to be able to pay for all the damages somehow, despite Bruce Wayne paying for about 15% of those damages out of pocket, its still not enough to stop prices from skyrocketing. To try and combat this, there is a Gala held anually for the top 10% of Gotham to fundraise for emergency city repairs. It helps a lot but doesn’t solve the problem.
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aster-spiral-30 · 7 months
Some silly Hazbin Hotel fake dialogue I wrote 😬
CHARLIE: “You’re so much happier lately, Dad.”
LUCIFER, pulling two ducks out of his suit jacket: “The ducks at the park are free. You can take them home.”
DOCTOR: “You’re annoyed that your clown employee quit? Go see Pagliacci tonight. He’s pretty funny.”
MAMMON: “…but, doctor, Pagliacci sucks!”
VAGGIE: “Adam is a hypocrite, a womanizer, a mediocre guitar player, and a narcissist.”
ADAM, genuinely offended: “Did you just call me a mediocre guitar player?!”
VOX: “Asexual? Is that another term for people who get no bitches & stack no paper?”
ALASTOR: “At least I never tried to fuck a VCR!”
LUTE: “My favorite movie is The End of Evangelion.”
ADAM: “I never saw that. What’s it about?”
LUTE: “It’s the movie ending of a TV show in which angels are pissed off at Earth, so a few annoying teenagers fight them in big robots. The angels scare the shit out of ‘em. It fuckin rules! Then at the end of the movie, the remnants of humanity turns into orange juice.”
ADAM: “…I’m sorry, what?”
ADAM, eating chimichangas out of a garbage bag : “I am cultivating mass!”
LUTE, annoyed: “Then start harvesting it!”
That last one is from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, because Adam reminds me of Mac, but more villainous.
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joesheistyy · 2 years
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The summer was your favorite time of year. The tans, swimming, drinks, all of it.
You and Joe had just had your pool and porch space renovated. So much time had been spent out there between the two of you. In the renovation, you made sure to have a ledge for those cool white pool chairs that are partially in the water. You also made sure to get one of those large round seats for summertime cuddles. A fire pit was also put on the porch to help keep the mosquitoes away.
You loved a good shirtless Joe moment, and the new pool really provided plenty of those moments. You also loved to spend your time floating or reading on the fun chairs while you tanned. And Joe certainly loved to watch from close up or afar.
"How about grilling out tonight?" Joe questioned as he swam up from the deep end to you reading.
"That sounds good baby, do we have all the stuff we need?" you asked, trying to mentally picture the fridge and pantry.
"I think so, I'll check here when I get out," Joe said, moving to sit in a chair next to you. You set your book aside, closing your eyes for a little bit and enjoying the early evening sun.
Joe got out after 10 minuets of sitting in silence, heading into the house to check the fridge and surprise you with an early evening drink. He picked out a hard seltzer for you, bringing it out in your favorite coozie.
"Oh thank you Joey," you said, surprised, smiling at him. You grabbed your towel to dry off and head toward the porch. Joe loved to tag team dinner especially when grilling out. He'd tackle the main course while you worked on the sides.
Joe fired up the grill as you continued to air dry. You admired him in his swim trunks. He caught you staring and walked over to pull you up and into a hug before walking inside.
You followed him in, ready to get started on the sides. You wanted watermelon, but that was a cutting job for Joe. You always joked that you lacked the muscled for it.
After Joe cut the watermelon, he began to work on doctoring up the steaks. Getting them prepped for the grill.
You continued working on the sides, mac and cheese and roasted asparagus. Joe was going back and forth between the grill outside and the kitchen.
After dinner had been set out, you two constructed your plates and headed out to the screened in porch to munch. Joe turned on the TV out there and chose Tom and Jerry to watch. You two sat close, but not too close. You continued to eat in peace as Joe watched TV and you looked around outside, watching the sunset.
“Watchu lookin at?” Joe asked while tapping your leg.
“Just lookin at the sunset,” you replied, leaning down to put your empty plate on the table. Joe followed your actions, then opened his arms for you to snuggle in.
“Cmon babe, let’s go to the egg chair so we can watch the sunset,” Joe suggested, grabbing your hand as you grabbed your drink.
The two of you walked toward the egg chair, Joe picking out a blanket from the basket of the screened in porch.
When getting to the chair, you set your drink aside and followed behind Joe as he snuggled into the chair. You nuzzled into his chest, settling in a way that you could look up at the sky.
“This was a good idea Joey,” you mumbled, looking up at the sky.
“I think so too, y/n,” he replied, kissing your head.
You two laid in silence, watching the stars shine in the sky. You tried not to fall asleep, but the cool summer breeze and the pattering of Joe’s heart lulled you to a peaceful slumber. Later, Joe followed.
This isn’t my best work, I’m sorry y’all 🥲
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allfryam · 9 months
sub shop final part
The holiday season came to a close and the second semester was quickly approaching. Zach moved back into his dorm and prepared for his new classes. He got his job back at the original sub shop and he had ordered an XXL shirt that he was now wearing comfortably. He was determined to lose all of the extra weight he gained during Christmas break, and he got back in the gym. His tight gym clothes didn’t even cover his belly anymore, and his shorts were straining against his growing ass.
after only about 15 minutes of working out, Zach couldn’t stop himself from driving to McDonald’s and getting a large Big Mac meal. He was officially addicted to food and he hated it. How could he ever lose weight if he couldn’t stop himself from eating? Going to work later that night, Zach ordered his footlong Italian sub with everything on it, and he quickly scarfed it down. About an hour later, his manager asked him if he wanted a mess up sub that they were going to throw away. Zach hated to waste food, and it looked really good. He accepted the offer and tore through the second footlong. Zach left work stuffed, but he still had to attend a frat party that evening. There, he chugged beer like it was water, and gobbled up slice after slice of greasy pizza. When he eventually got back to his dorm, he took off his tight shirt and laid on his bed. He rubbed his stuffed belly and moaned a bit. His roommate Thomas took note of this and thought it was equally hilarious and sexy.
Thomas invited Zach out to dinner at his favorite restaurant and Zach thought it sounded great. He almost never got to hang out with his roommate, so this would be nice to catch up. At the restaurant, Thomas ordered a burger with some fries, and a coke. Zach ordered some fish, a personal pizza, some sliders, nachos, Mac and cheese, a buffalo chicken wrap, and a large cheesesteak. He washed it down with three large chocolate shakes, and a doctor pepper. Thomas was astonished. So was the waiter. When the food eventually arrived, Zach dug in. He gorged on the plates one by one, his shirt growing tighter with each bite. Thomas just munched on his burger and watched in amazement as he tried to cover up his boner. Zach finished before Thomas and leaned back in his chair. His shirt rode up to reveal his distended gut that had taken over his lap. As Zach rubbed his gut, he had a bit of a revelation. This belly wasn’t so bad. If he was able to pack away all that food with ease, why put that talent to waste.
a few months later, the semester was finally coming to a close. Thomas and Zach had been dating for three months now, and things were going great. Thomas loved to feed Zach and watch him grow, and Zach loved to eat. Thomas would make it an effort to get Zach full, but it always seemed like he could eat forever. Multiple doctors feared for Zach’s health but he was done caring. All he wanted to do was eat. The last time he had weighed himself, he was 328 pounds. That was almost a month ago however. He might be close to 350 now.
this has been my favorite story so far, as I took a lot of it from real life events. Let me know if I should ever revisit this story or updates if Zach in real life gets bigger.
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i3utterflyeffect · 5 months
*tiptoes into ask box*
I'm almost afraid to ask, but what exactly is Rhythm Doctor?
OKAY SO. be not afraid :) come here this is a completely normal hospital
basically rhythm doctor is a game where you must defibrillate patients in time with the rhythm! it's not quite as hard as rhythm heaven or anything at least IMO, but it's really addictive and i love the characters a lot!!! there's a lot of cool gimmicks and stuff but all you need is one button so you don't have to grapple with remembering controls along with reaction time!!! you can also have accessibility modes like very easy and unmissable which i appreciate a lot as a particularly shitty gamer
you are working with an overworked skeleton crew comprised of the computer nerd ian, the doctor who mainly does in-person check-ups-- Ada Paige-- and their boss who sits and stares at a clipboard while judging you at every turn, Dr. Edega! you are meanwhile a remote intern who's job is to press the button in time with the music.
there are multiple jokes about the fact that you are only ever seen as a hand. people just start assuming you are only a hand.
the rhythm doctor program means that you are canonically using the game's mechanics to defibrillate all the patients and yes their heartbeats are just like that. they sync up music to the erratic heartbeats in order to soothe arrhythmia and get people back on their feet!
the characters interact with each other in a way that genuinely makes the hospital feel alive and it's just so nice to watch them interact together, especially when the one-off characters just stick their heads into the conversation randomly. my favorite is absolutely samurai.
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look at this guy. look at him. he's great. he parties at clubs and plays baseball. why is he dressing up in this in modern day? why does he never take the armor off? who knows but he's silly
you're also facing off with a virus named Connectifa Abortus that uses advantage of your remote connection, and jams your signals because it can do that. it just can. also it is possibly sentient and very malicious
that's the spoiler free synopsis but you should..... buy it on steam................................... now. :)
it's only 16 bucks and works on windows, mac, and linux!!! it also is early access so chances are by getting it early you're getting it for a cheaper price!!!!!!
PLUS if you've ever heard of A Dance Of Ice And Fire it's the same ppl. 7th beat games. it's so good. play it.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Larissa Weems Headcanons
Some Larissa Weems x Reader. Just a series of little things that I think about for Larissa. Most are just little things, not big enough for stories.
Send me your own personal headcanons for her or feel free to argue with the ones I've listed.
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As a little girl, she always said she wanted to be a doctor. This changed quickly when she began at Nevermore and began taking outcast centered classes. That's when she knew she wanted to teach those subjects.
She has always had a desire to be a leader. It was her mentor at Nevermore who pushed her to get her principals license and apply for the position of headmistress when it opened up.
The scar above her lip is from her first year teaching. She was taking a student to the lycanthropy cages and they turned before she got them inside.
She had a critical mother and father. This led her to be hyper independent and over critical of herself. She attributes most of her success in life to this, but she is aware of how negatively it impacts herself.
She struggles to open up emotionally with most people.
She loves to go out with the other teaching staff for a drink or two at the end of the week.
Most of her life revolves around work, so most of her relationships are acquaintanceships or distant friendships.
While she spends a lot of time working, most of it is her going above and beyond. She plans and works more than she needs to in the first place.
She doesn't find herself unattractive, but she certainly doesn't think she is as attractive as you might tell her she is.
She sometimes snores but she will vehemently deny that she does
She takes forever to get ready in the morning, but she doesn't see it as a burden. She loves every second of it.
She wouldn't notice if someone had a crush on her, nor would she recognize most types of flirting. Typically, she just sees people as being friendly.
She gets flustered easily when you first start dating.
She tries not to tell people about her abilities. She worries people won't trust her or will ask her to shapeshift if they find out.
While she does have many bitter emotions towards Morticia, she misses her quite often. They were a wonderful duo that complimented each other well.
Larissa is not a fan of PDA, but won't hesitate to tell people you are both together. She loves to talk about you as she is very proud to be with you.
She loves TEA (sometimes coffee), but simply getting her to drink water is a challenge. Often she will say, "There is water in my tea/coffee. I don't need to drink water."
Because you are with her, you both attend many official dinners or conferences together. Due to this, you have developed a bit of a secret language with one another. Certain looks, glances, or pinches on the arm are different methods of silent communication.
She is a wonderful person, but she does enjoy people watching and occasionally poking fun at others. Her snide comments are only for you to hear though.
She understands technology to a certain extent. Loves games like Candy Crush or Solitaire, but will sit and listen to you explain social media to her. She refuses to download the apps no matter how many times you ask.
She is a frequent patron of the arts. Loves having art around her home, enjoys theater, and never is without a new novel in her purse.
She loves ABBA, Madonna, and Fleetwood Mac. Her favorite ABBA album is Voulez-Vouz
She has a tradition to watch every mamma mia movie at least once a year. Regardless if you like it, you will have to watch it with her. There will be singing along, the occasional quoting of the movie, but never interruptions that involve criticism of this 'timeless masterpiece' - Larissa's words
She is argumentative as hell. You have never been right and never will be right.
She is stubborn and competitive. She wants to be the winner of everything (even if it's not a competition).
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azulserszzp · 5 months
zuko - cherry coke or vanilla coke (or a cinnamon soda)
sokka - pepsi/diet pepsi or root beer
toph - grape fanta or sprite
katara - ginger ale or 7-up
aang - big peach or pear soda
suki - butterscotch soda
this is from my notes app i have a whole bunch of little random things that i thought of and i'll give a little explanation of why i chose each soda
i don't know if i'm projecting but i feel like zuko would drink soft sweet sodas i feel like he would drink my personal favorite cherry because i don't know zuko just seems very cherry or he would drink cinnamon soda's or the spice 
for some reason i have no good explanation why but sokka seems very diet pepsi he would be like those girls who eat a whole bunch of like unhealthy crap and then they want a soda so they're like oh I'll have a diet pepsi to make up for all of that it's like good for you he claims it canceled it out but if he's ever not eating something like absolutely horrendous like 17 big macs he'll drink a regular pepsi 
toph would drink either really hard to find rare sodas or sodas that people typically think are gross like grape soda i also think she would just like it like she's built different and she's green so i feel like she would like sprite she probably likes lemon lime things and if they don't have rare soda or grape she gets sprite because she likes lemon lime or tangy things (she also steals a drink of zuko sweet sodas because she loves sweet foods/drinks)
i feel like katara would drink what's considered the more healthy sodas like ginger ale or 7-Up but i also think that she just likes the way that they taste and then the modern au i feel like she would be some sort of like doctor or something and they tend to be healthier so she'd be like i know how bad all the stuff is for you to drink so she wouldn't drink that much soda and when she would she would get ones that are less bad for you she drinks soda mostly when she's sick like a stomach ache aid and as a treat
aang LOVES big peach or pear sodas if you guys have ever heard of the big red soda it's literally that but it's peach flavored he loves peach and pear flavored sodas like he's definitely a fruity type of soda person would eat a peach tart with a big peach (the soda) on the side wearing like a peach hat eating a peach
suki drinks butterscotch soda and honestly i have no clue why i felt like she would drink butterscotch soda but i feel like it's something that she would drink that or just like a classic coke
if anyone has like a better recommendation i will take it for anyone because i feel like so many of these were just o saw the soda flavor and thought that it kind of reminded me of them
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i wrote this weeks ago for fun but since fleetwood mac garcia got approval i'll send the whole thing (also totally agree that eliwood WOULD love the eagles. he’d play hotel california so much during road trips and roy hates him for it)
(playable) GBA FE Axe Dads Classified By The Type of Dad Music They'd Listen To:
Barte: Blue Öyster Cult. Barte is peak axe dad but there's no way in hell he'd actually like good music. (I say as I listen to ‘don't fear the reaper’)
Douglas: Not really dad music anymore but Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller. He'd say he likes jazz then listen to the most white boy jazz of all time. Also Micheal Bublé or Kenny G.
Hector: Hector is such a mess. He wouldn't even listen to music on purpose. If he did listen to music seriously he’d like Queen or maybe Spin Doctors? He’d like dad rock but not sure what brand.
Hawkeye: Steely Dan. He’s not a stoner but he is so clearly depressed and probably knows that Athos is a lying POS. His favorite Dan album would probably be Aja. caaaaall me deacon blues… [note or sth: can you tell what my favorite band is? lmao. /silly]
Garcia: Fleetwood Mac. ‘Dreams’ makes him cry. Ross would make fun of him for crying at the most dadcore band of all time and Garcia would sit him down and take thirty minutes telling Ross his entire life story (again) and how much the song resonates with him. Then Ross would feel really bad :]
Dozla: Weird Al and/or They Might Be Giants. Maybe Crash Test Dummies too? He seems like he’d sing ‘Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm’ under his breath subconsciously and it'd annoy the shit out of Rennac.
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theo-files · 4 months
hi im new to ur blog and love b99, so obviously i have questions :3
fav character? fav couple/duo? fav scene/s? fav season? fav episode? how do u feel abt s8 (not mentioning the finale, bcuz it was amazing, but like the rest of the season)? oh, and do u quote any specific scenes on a daily basis (bcuz i do. a lot.)? that's all lol
hello!!! firstly i LOVE your pfp (don't ask me abt clancy tho i haven't listened to it yet 😭)
okay so i have a whole post of jake peralta images so...yeah my fave is jake!! love that silly guy with my whole heart. fave duo has to be jake and holt and tbh i don't really care for much of the couples lol. they're all cute though, don't get me wrong (i mean, have you seen jake and amy? kevin and holt??).
OKAY favorite scene is 100% in s5e14 the box when jake storms into the interrogation room and starts to monologue (im about to monologue, son) to the murderer/dentist guy and purposefully downplaying the murder so the dentist gets angry and confesses (bc he realized the dentist guy wanted people to that he's smart like how he wants holt to know that he's smart)
favorite season is either season four featuring jake's frosted tips and kiss with holt (it's 2016, man) or season five with jake and rosa in jail. favorite episode however is s2e01 undercover with mafia jake!! he actually looks so good in that episode im losing it.
season eight was AMAZING. starting off with the good ones where they actually talk about police brutality and rosa becoming a PI. jake being forced to realize how police brutality affects BIPOC and understanding why rosa left the nine-nine. then the lake house with the dramatic kevin and holt kiss lol. balancing is really funny tbh with jake and amy getting lice and trying to take care of mac. im also p sure that's the episode where they almost hire a criminal as a babysitter. PB & J is also amazing and so is the game of boyle's.
beside cool (x3) i also somehow quote "the doctor said all my bleeding is internal! that's where the blood's supposed to be!" a lot. we've also got "head first, eyes closed, can't lose." and "i don't just think it will, i KNOW it might!" now ignore that those are all jake peralta quotes.
thank you for letting me geek out abt b99!! very much appreciated :)
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