mehanizem · 11 months
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Matic Pantar in Sara Škarica: Dolenjka
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knihovnachrastany · 8 months
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Forest Library, the first one in Slovenia, near Škocjan, Dolenjska region. Handmade by some enthusiasts, run by local community. Opened 24/7.
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snowyavis · 1 year
Pride, slovenska verzija 🏳️‍🌈🇸🇮
(Pride, but all characters are wearing Slovenian folk clothes)
Rainbow flag - Gorenjska (Upper Carniola)
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Bi - Koroška (Carinthia)
Pan - Dolenjska (Lower Carniola)
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Trans guy - Vzhodna Štajerska (Eastern Styria)
Trans girl - Zahodna Štajerska / Savinjska dolina (Western Styria / Savinja valley)
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Lesbian - Istra
Genderfluid - Notranjska (Inner Carniola)
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Genderqueer - Beneška Slovenija ((Slavia Friulana)
Non-binary - central Slovenia
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Ace - Prekmurje
Aro - Bela Krajina (White Carniola)
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And last but not least... 🏳️‍🌈 Pride Korant 🏳️‍🌈
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citroenbilten · 3 years
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Dolenjske toplice most beautiful car #citroenbilten #dolenjska #spa #dolenjsketoplice #citröen2cv #citroen #beauty #2cvculture #2cvfan #2cv #2cvcitroen #dopust https://www.instagram.com/p/CVp7m9Eo3Iq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slovenia-europe · 3 years
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Grad Soteska, 22.02.22
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storicismo · 6 years
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andrej-food · 4 years
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Do you want that 🍔😜 #burgersokec #burgersmuk #burgerancelj #semic #belakrajina #dolenjska #gostilnapezdirc #metlika #crnomelj #crnfest #vizir #pivovarnavizir #homemadefood #localmeat (at Gostilna Pezdirc v Beli krajini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMWtxWSsrxX/?igshid=1rl95q65l2z8z
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alacqua · 5 years
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Another great photo from @sergejk87 . His photos are incredible!!! - Castle Žužemberk, in the past also known as Seisenburg, is one of the most picturesque castles in Slovenia. It is located on a hill overlooking the town and the Krka River. The engraved year 1000 can be seen in one of the towers and the castle is believed to have been constructed in that year, but first written documents about the castle date back to the 13th century only. In the 16th century it was converted into a fortress with 7 defensive towers. From 1538 until World War II, the Auerspergs were its owners. --------------------------------------------------------------------- #schönesplätzchen #gradzuzemberk #igslovenia #zuzemberk #zuzemberkcastle #visitdolenjska #castlesofslovenia #manor_n_castle #monumental_world #topsloveniaphoto #medievalworld #slovenialovers #visitslovenia #ifeelslovenia #dolenjska #burgenundschlösser #total_medieval #castles_oftheworld #castellidelmondo @world_of_castles_ #flowerpics #zamkoholik #castlephotography #medievalcastle #medievaltimes #castletowers #summervibes #canonslovenija #natgeobalkan #weekendvibes✌️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3juXaipOEN/?igshid=fvhezxn8s98c
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kristjankotar · 6 years
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👹 #hudicevturn #dolenjska #dolenjskaregion #blackandwhite (at Soteska) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnt4MtsD8l7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c9e4vii2jzef
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ask-slotalia · 5 years
who does the dumb things, who joins in on the dumb things, who records the dumb things, and who tries to stop them from doing the dumb things?
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Carinthia: I bring you a useful meme
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intelintel · 7 years
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1st May! 😊🌠🔥 #night #Slovenija #igslovenija #bonfire #bonfirenight #may #spring #liveauthentic #livefolk #fire #stars #people #friends #tbt #onair #nature #dolenjska #nebesa #nebesanadšentrupertom #lifestyle #instalife (at Nebesa nad Šentrupertom)
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snowyavis · 2 years
『Moje najmilije』
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It is my boyfriend, Lešij, and me. Lešij is wearing clothes from Dolenjska (Slovenia) because he is my cute Dolenjec, I am wearing clothes from Kninska krajina.
The title of the painting is a reference to the song with the same name by Crvena Jabuka, which means "My dearest".
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protoindoeuropean · 2 years
živjo. bi mi znal razložit, kako je bilo zgodovinsko s črko oziroma glasom “(dolgi) jat” v slovenščini? in kateri glas je to sploh bil. hvala :)
Jat je glas, ki se ga ponavadi identificira z nizkim/širokim sprednjim samoglasnikom [æ] (v standardni slovenščini ga ni, obstaja pa v določenih narečjih, pomagaš pa si lahko z razliko med ang. bet, v katerem je široki [ɛ], proti ang. bat z [æ] – torej glas med širokim e in a), pred katerim je morda stal šibek glas [j]: [⁽ʲ⁾æ]
V praslovanščini so bili nekateri samoglasniki inherentno dolgi, nekateri pa inherentno kratki, ne glede na to ali so stali pod naglasom ali ne. Kratki so bili e, o, ь, ъ (zelo kratka in ošibljena i in u) dolgi pa i, y (t. i. „trdi i“, kot v rus. рыба), u, ę, ǫ (nosna e in o), a in seveda ě.
Dodaten vir za jat po praslovanskem obdobju je metateza likvid, v okviru katere je iz prvotnih zaporedij TerT, TelT v zgodnji južni slovanščini nastalo TrěT, TlěT (melko > mlěko).
V zgodnji slovenščini se je nato zgodila sprememba v sistemu dolžine in naglasa samoglasnikov, ki ju je privedla skupaj: kar je bilo pod naglasom je bilo (načeloma) dolgo (nekateri kratki samoglasniki so se torej podaljšali), kar je bilo nenaglašeno je bilo kratko (nekateri dolgi samoglasniki so se torej skrajšali). Tako dobimo dolgi in kratki jat.
Obenem je za razvoj jata pomemben tudi razvoj nosnih ę in ǫ: na območjih, kjer sta se ę in ǫ zgodaj denazalizirala, sta postala široka [ɛ] in [ɔ], sočasno pa se je jat zožal v [e]. Kjer sta ostala nazalna, je tudi jat ostal širok. V SZ slovenščini, vzhodni južni slovanščini (bolgarščina, makedonščina) in severni zahodni slovanščini (oz. lehitski zahodni slovanščini: poljščina, kašubščina, pomorjanščina) do denazalizacije ali ni prišlo ali pa se je zgodila pozno.
Zdaj torej govorimo o razliki med razvojem jata v SZ slovenščini (koroška, obsoško-idrijska in beneško-kraška narečja), kjer je ostal širok, napram JV slovenščini (gorenjska, dolenjska, severno- in južnoštajerska ter panonska narečja), kjer se je zožal.
Pod naglasom, kjer je bil dolg (*z izjemo starega akuta, kjer je ostal kratek), se je jat nato diftongiral – postal je dvoglasnik: na SZ i͜e, na JV ei̯ (li͜es proti lei̯s za standardno les) – to gre z roko v roki s spremembo dolgega o v SZ u͜o in JV ou̯ (nu͜oč proti nou̯č za standardno noč). V gorenjščini sta se nazaj monoftongizirala v ozki e in o, od koder današnje stanje v knjižnem jeziku. (Lahko bi rekli torej, da je SZ slovenščina íjekavska, JV pa ejkavska lol – knjižni jezik pa ekavski)
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homeosloven · 4 years
people from celje and dolenjska are straight up ✨insane✨
isn't everyone in slovenia a little insane?
but dolenjska and their cviček are definitely their own level of insanity 🤔
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Regions of Slovenia
I’ve talked before about how Slovenia doesn’t have official regions (yet), meaning that the only form of local government are municipalities – 212 of them.
Which results in subdivisions maps like this:
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with Slovenia clearly sticking out.
In fact, most maps with subdivisions use non-administrative subdivisions instead, usually statistical regions or – for the purposes of EU statistics – the NUTS regions. These groupings, however, are nothing more than representations of data collected on municipal level, arranged into larger units that are easier to handle.
The only larger administrative division is the division by administrative offices, which there are 58 (in use also by Google Maps, for example):
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Most regionalizations in use by the various offices/administrations/institutes/etc. use administrative offices as their base, but ... 16 (and more) different offices/ administrations/institutes/etc. – 16 (and more) different regionalizations:
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(note that Wikipedia still uses the pre-2015 division, which conforms to the administrative offices division completely, unlike the post-2015 one) —
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{the colours are tied (loosely) to regional centres: light green – Nova Gorica, blue – Koper, light pink – Postojna, yellow – Kranj, light blue – Ljubljana, dark blue – Kočevje, grey – Velenje, red – Trbovlje, brown – Slovenj Gradec, green – Celje, violet – Novo mesto, light violet – Krško, orange – Maribor, cream – Ptuj, greyish blue – Murska Sobota}
All of those are roughly based on the traditional regions (and their subregions), which, however, don’t necessarily conform to municipal borders:
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{light blue – Primorska/Littoral; red – Kranjska/Carniola, divided into Gorenjska/Upper Carniola, Dolenjska/Lower Carniola and Notranjska/Inner Carniola; yellow – Koroška/Carinthia, green – Štajerska/Styria, dark blue – Prekmurje}
People mostly identify with the traditional regions and further regions within those – see this post.
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andrej-food · 4 years
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Kako pa imate vi radi? How do you like it? Komentarji 👇👇 Comments below ⬇️⬇️ #gostilna #semic #belakrajina #gostilnaslovenia #gostilnapezdirc #dolenjska #gostilna (at Gostilna Pezdirc v Beli krajini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCPB9hXhAET/?igshid=1acao3tx3yh8r
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