#dont ask me why that makes me so upset okay
misc-obeyme · 1 day
my favorite theory re: why does barbatos hate solomon he would not be that mad about the list (at most a little passive aggressive about it next time he saw him) is that past!solomon knows nightbringer (or is nightbringer????) (has a pact with nightbringer if they're a demon????????) and used his pact to make barbatos take mc back to the past. i think future!solomon has had his memory erased of all this, possibly in relation to his reconciliation with barbatos. past!barbatos might feel taken betrayed which could also sorta explain why he used the list as an excuse in that he doesn't feel respected or acknowledged. more to the point though, this would also mean past!solomon had made barbatos break his promise with diavolo to not use his powers over time, which i feel would definitely be reason enough for him to be as angry as he is, especially if past!solomon had also prevented him from just talking to future!solomon about it
idk i might have explained this badly. i am behind in the storyline for nb so i might be missing stuff but i just don't think he'd be that genuinely angry for that long over something that petty. unless he had been cursed. which could also be an interesting subplot!
i dont think either of these will actually happen but its what makes sense to me and i think it could be interesting. idk idk lmao
Well hello there friend!!
OKAY BUT YES I also really like the idea that the reason Barb is angry at Solomon is that it is past!Solomon who forced Barb to do something he didn't want to do, such as sending MC back to the past!
I have a whole theory about past!Solomon, but basically it's just suspicious to me that we never run into him. And I really felt like that part where Solomon summons Barbatos in the labyrinth was meant to show us that Solomon can force Barb to do things he doesn't want to do. Why show us that otherwise? And when Solomon did that, Barbatos was pissed. Like even more pissed than he usually is.
I didn't even realize this would also mean Barb would have broken his promise to Diavolo, but you're right and that feels like an actual in character reason for him to be upset!
And future!Solomon clearly has no idea what's going on, which is why everything doesn't make sense to him.
And possibly Barbatos is aware of what's happening with the different Solomons, but he can't say it to him directly, so he makes up something about the list on the spot because MC asked about it.
You didn't explain it badly at all, I am right there with you!! I think there's something else going on and although I haven't talked about two Solomons theory in a while, I still think that could be part of the issue! We got past!Solomon causing trouble while potentially being under the command of Nightbringer and we have future!Solomon being completely confused because he doesn't even remember what's happening.
It would be interesting if it came down to a curse, too, though. Who put the curse on Barb? Why? How?? etc!
I just can't get behind the list being the real reason. If they never talk about it again, I'm just gonna go with my own ideas and forget about canon because that's what I do when I don't like what happens lol.
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Every time someone casts a Dominate/Hold person on someone, my heart breaks coz I remember Riz had Dominate Monster cast on him and I want to scream into the void
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toastsnaffler · 6 days
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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softshuji · 6 months
y'know it's a night when hal sits and eats cereal in the dark room at 1.30am.
#i was thinking abt it earlier#but i've been crying so much lately like so much. almost every second day if not every day and i dont know why#actually i do kinda know why.#i think im hitting my limit with a lot of things and one of them is my parent dumping their problems on me#earlier today my mom told me again abt the whole debacle with my dad cheating on her multiple times and everyone knows i find this subject#too much for me i dont tlike to think about it or anything and im so tired of hearing it and especially when i lived through it trust me i#was literally there the whole cheating subject is very raw to me for many reasons and im just tired of being the emotional dump so often#especially because she always comes to me for everything all the time and im so sos tire d#everyone always tells me i should consider my own needs as a person and its okay to have them and yk in theory i agree with this but i just#cant. i grew up not having any needs met so how can i let myself have them now it makes me feel absolutely awful with myself to even#consider having to ask for something off someone and yet i know how wrong this is iknow needa and desires and wants are natural#but mine have always been on the back burner for everyone else. so its' no surprise ive let myself think im something to be used for other#peoples sake. whether that be physically or emotionally and especially the latter. because thats how i see myself someitmes. something#something to make people feel betetr about themselves that has no use outside of how i make them feel - just something to use until they#move onto the next best thing. something more entertaining and better value whatever that might mean something with less feelings less#sensitive. it feels like sometimes thats what i am. the indestructible never breaking hal that somehow has a solution to everything and can#always be there to fix every issue and is there to make people feel better but needs nothing in response#and god it really does feel like my problems dont mean anything to anyone#it does feel like no one thinks theyre worth anything#not worth listening to not worth thr same attention etcetc and yknow what i hate hate hate asking for attention and yet i get upset when i#feel like im not actually being heard or listened to#and i find it happens so often. sometimes i wanna hear it just once for once i wanna hear 'hey its okay to be upset i wish i could hug you'#or something like that god i dont want to be strong and nursing my wounds in private anymore#god i want a hug so bad and someone to just let me cry on them just once i want to be held and told someones got me instead of me doing it#for everyone else all the time#is thisselfish? it feels selfish to say#this is why it affects me so deeply whenever anyone does validate me or tells me its ok to want things or that im loved or anything nice#god i cant handle niceness at all it feels like it knocks me so bad it takes me ages to recover#and yet somehow all i can tell myself is that theyre only saying nice things because theyre being obligated to and not becayuse they feel#like they actually like me
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blye-flower · 8 months
#my thing is always gonna be this#how are you upset with me because im trying to have a boundary???#how are you upset with ME that YOURE ALWAYS OVERSTEPPING MY BOUNDARIES#like yes i babysitter im a babysitter but you cant expect me to babysit just cause you need a babysitter!?? like what??!#“oh we needed to go to another church and the kids didnt wanna go” okay?? so you just dropped them off without saying anything to me??!#you didnt even ask if i could you just assumed i would cause im home??? like i dont deserve a moment???#like im not a parent#i dont have any kids and i definitely dont fucking plan on it so why tf do i feel like a single mother in my day to day??#why do i never have any free time to myself why is my free time volunteered to making sure children are supervised??!#“well since you decided this im just gonna come get the kids” yeah im within my fucking right so why are you phrasing it like im wrong#god ive never been this frustrated that im fucking crying like can i have some fuckinf breathing space AWAY from other ppls kids#blymi rants#update:: my sister did in fact come and get them#and told the kids “yall cant stay home cause auntie doesnt feel like watching yall”#definitely feels like shes putting the blame on me cool cool cool#just peachy.#love that for me lets make it MY fault whatever#god i really cannot catch a fucking break#and trust and believe im gonna have to hear some stupid ass better than thou speech about how i need to help out my sister#“because shes a student a mother AND working” as if any of those choices are my fucking concern yep wonderful#especially for a sister. that while i love her. feels entitled to peoples help because shes “going through so much”#and now i cant even fucking relax or draw or write because im so fucking pissed#which is why i wanted the afternoon to myself ANYWAYS so no matter what the fucking days a goddamn bust for me regardless
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biolums · 2 years
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scoreplings · 2 years
also helpful for remembering that my ex is a shithead im better off not having in my life is the fact that whenever i tell anyone how our relationship ended theyre horrified by the way he acted.
#am i embarrassed i put up with that as long as i did? yea#does it make me soooo happy im not putting up with it anymore? also yea <3#helllppp a coworker asked me about it the other day so i explained it to him#and like a half hour later he put down the dishes he was washing and was like. dude what the FUCK i cant stop thinking about how messed up#that is#LOL yea dude i know.#n i wanna say hes evil but hes not really no one is. he just refuses to be accountable for what he does and makes selfish decisions.#he did not wake up and say ‘today i will make Aj soooo so sad and hurt him’#he woke up and said ‘i want to date this guy but dont want to stop fucking this other guy. i will simply keep the boyfriend a secret from#the guy im fucking because i know they wouldn’t be okay with it. its a good thing im doing because they’d be sad if they knew!’#or something along those lines.#dwelling on it is not good i think i am abt to go to sleep instead#makes me sad tho. good part of me hopes he pulls his head out of his ass and realizes he should treat the people who care about him better#selfish part of me hopes he ruins every relationship he has for the rest of his life and dies alone. (<- i dont actuslly want this id be so#sad. i am just mad because i am angry)#dwelling for 1 more second actually LOL he didnt even just keep the boyfriend a secret he lied to my face about it and spent six months#telling me he didnt even like the guy and wouldn’t date because he’d never want a relationship to get in the way of what we had. teehee#and that even if he did like the guy he’d never date him because he didnt want to hurt me like that. and he loved me. LOL.#after he told me he ghosted me for a week and when i finally got him to talk he said he regretted nothing and couldnt understand why i was#upset. hahaaha. and that i should keep it to myself and be happy for him. and that he was just with the guy because he was ‘more available’#than i was.#teehee. sorry. i am dwelling again i just cannot get over how fucked it all is#and the boyfriend was my other best friend. teehee. and they are still together even though i explained what my ex did. <3#i cannot wait to move oh my god i need to not see this mf every day at work or im gonna never stop thinking abt it.#whateverrr. i kiss my bf in two days 💚
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shownusfool · 9 hours
parents overstepping boundaries!! we love to see it!! im gonna cry!! im so frustrated!! im so mad!! i don’t want to do this anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!
#my mom called a functional medicine place and made an appointment for me#whats funny is that she told me about this place on monday#got made at me for not calling them and making an appointment on wednesday#and has never even shared their phone number or website with me!#and today i was like oh ive got to call them mom can you give me their phone number#and two hours later she talks to me an apologetic mess saying that shes sorry but she just had to call them and that#she made an appointment for me without me asking and shes asking if i can take off work on monday so i can go to this office#that i dont even know where it is#bc she never sent me the address!!!#and i was like no. im not going why would you make an appointment for me. i cant even attend that#not even because i have work but because i have client visits scheduled and i have things to do#and shes like oh just call them and reschedule call them and reschedule and im just pissed off im pissed off im so frustrated#always on my case about my freaking physical health but never once stopping to think about my feelings#and i know she felt guilty bc she ignored me!!!!#and shes like im sorry i overstepped and i dont even wanna accept that bc you knew it was wrong the entire time and still!!!!!! did it!!!!!#like you could have just called them to talk about them and then go okay thank you#and then call or answer me and go hey daughter this place is legit here is their phone number like u asked here is their website#like you asked#and now call them and make an appointment#ITS THAT EASY#TO BE CONSIDERATE OF PEOPLES FEELINGS#BUT NOOOOOOO#GO AHEAD AND ACCUSE ME OF BEING A TERRIBLE#AFULT THAT DOESNT CARE ABOUT MYSELF THAT CANT MAKE APPOINTMENT THAT CANT DO SHIT#she was like i know you wouldnt have done it if i didnt ask and im like NO I WAS ABOUT TO DO IT I JUST DIDNT HAVE THE TOOLS TOO AND IT#CLEARLY WASNT ON THE TOP OF MY LIST FOR THINGS TO DO#im just upset IM UPSETTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LIKE REALLY THIS MAKES ME FEEL LIKE IM TERRIBLE
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lunarsapphism · 2 months
if there's one more instance where one of my parents eats/drinks something of mine while im making it or just opened it without asking first im going to fucking lose it
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piplupod · 4 months
[whispering nervously] hey i feel like this is the equivalent of throwing a beehive at a bear, but i genuinely do not understand what is going on with the latest queer label discourse,,, why is calling urself a mspec gay/bi lesbian/etc such an issue ?
#i am afraid that i do not understand why ppl are so against it#sexuality is weird and gender is like... such a vague concept#a person can have a very strong knowledge of their own gender ofc yes#but why are we saying NO YOU CAN'T BE ATTRACTED TO XYZ IF YOU'RE XYZ LABEL#like. okay. but. consider. maybe a lesbian falls in love w someone who identifies as a guy sometimes#and maybe that lesbian IDs as a lesbian in a gender way along w their sexuality#so i think bisexual lesbian actually makes sense but idk man#also. i dont rly understand why it matters so much. yes words have meaning but. idk. it just. doesnt seem like a big deal to me?#does anyone have insight bc i am so confused seeing ppl be so militantly against it and putting it in DNI banners on posts and stuff#is this one of those things where some queer ppl get upset bc other queer ppl are queer in a not easily labelled way?#or is this like. an actual issue.....#i personally am not a lesbian nor a gay man. though Kam is a lesbian and Lake is a gay man but those two don't front v often#so i as a part don't get a say maybe. but Kam and Lake both shrugged at me when i asked them why ppl get so angry abt this#so . i think perhaps . we are all lost on why ppl are upset abt this LMFAO#TURNING RBS OFF SO DM ME/REPLY/INBOX if u want to engage LOL i dont want to get harassed because i am asking a question 👍#being called a sq*aw and a cracker within the same week was funny to have happen once. not rly funny more than that though lmao#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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star-mum · 4 months
hey fellas, am i the asshole to purposely watch a show, that you already made serious plans to watch with your best friend, with your boyfriend literally the night before you were meant to watch it with said best friend ?
#asking for a friend#cause I dont think shes taking this seriously as I think she should ?#like it genuinely really upset me and her main answer is “ur right. my bad”#????? is not about the show ????#is about the betrayal#dramatic ??? MAYBE SO.#but i mean... you made a choice ... knowingly to break a commitment YOU MADE#and you didn't even acknowledge it at first ???? just “hey actually I watched the beginning of with (bf) and we didn't like it 🫠”#???? HUUUUH ???? YOU MAKE ME WAIT ALL AFTERNOON TODAY ???? FOR THAT ?????#literally felt like get stood up in mY OWN HOUSE !!!!!#i already don't like your fucking boyfriend (like as a person... even before you started dating) THIS ISN'T HELPING HIS CASE !!!#you told him we made plans to watch it with me and he kept pushing ????#and instead of idk have a fucking spine you just said “okay but only the first 3 eps”#THATS NOT A COMPRISE TO BE MADE !!!! SPECIALLY WHEN YOU LEAVE ME ALL AFTERNOON PLANTED WAITING FOR YOUR TEXT#like is it silly to be crying over this ???? i always feel like im second (if not third) to her bf always#YOU SAID WE'RE BEST FRIEND !!!! YOU CALL ME “TWINNY” LIKE EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!!#why do I have to claw nail and tooth for a smidge of your attention#YOU COULDN'T EVEN SEND ME IDK AN AUDIO ???? (we talk through audio messages all the time)#OR IDK TAKE LIKE 5 MINS WRITING A LONGER MESSAGE#NOPE !! just a couple of 2 lines texts and call it a day#i was upset about it and spent literally over an hour churning in my head if i should even bring it up or not#AND NOW IM DOUBLE SAD AND ANGRY !!!!#(also cause ik she's at her boyfriends house) (and thats prolly why shes not answering properly)#(before anyone says anything valentine's day isn't a big deal in br)#(we have “couples day” in june/july) (i forget which month)#ALSO !!!! she promised we'd watch it together !!!!#and YEAH maybe it is a little about the show!!! it's a special one to me and I was excited to share it with her#“i dont like watching shows on call” oh. like the thing we've done countless time in the past 3 years ?#or you mean the thing we do when we “fanfic shit” which you asked me when we're doing LAST WEEK !!!!#maybe if you had told me you'd prefer to watch it together in the same room we could've done that
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
I hate them
Why do they feel its ok to cross a boundary uve asked them not to?
Why to they get mad at me when I get hurt by that?
Why can't they just understand that's how I'm communicating with them? They feel like I'm "humiliating them" by not letting they take a piece if my food? It makes me feel bad okay? And its not like its a surprise. Ive already told them. Over and over again. And now, this time, I snap and get mad at them, they ask me what's wrong and I say "well i am mad at you for getting my food without permission" and they have the gut to blame me for that! They've cross a boundary I've already set before and enforced a hundred thousand times!
You are actively disrespecting me and each time you do that you're just telling me that I don't deserve to set boundaries.
Why are adults like that? I don't do that to you, because I respect you. You keep saying I don't but I do! I always avoid crossing nay boundary of yours because I know how it'd suck if/when someone does the same! Why can't you understand? Why do you keep comparing yourself to me? Yes I know you wish you had a father like the one you are to me but every time I'm sad with you you just refuse to hear me. You never listen! That's why I didn't want to talk! Because everytime its just you talking and you never listen to me!
I've already told you all the reasons why I'm upset. I've already told you many times and many different simple ways to avoid that in the future.
But you keep going!
It hurts okay? So, yea, maybe I'll snap at you this time. Because you keep getting on my nerves, and I always try not to care a lot and just talk things through because I knew it'd end like this. And I didn't even do anything! I got mad, expressed my feelings to you and then went on calming myself! I just proceeded to eat and read my stuff! And then you thought it was utter disrespect because I'm mad at something you did!
I hate you! I hate them I hate them I hate them so much
Why do they never listen?
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jvzebel-x · 9 months
How do you leave people behind?
this will sound so corny, but i find when i'm at a place where i'm considering cutting someone out of my life, i do a "pros/cons" list specifically about what they offer ME. good memories, bad memories, anything in between-- what does this person (who has somehow managed to make me feel so badly that i might want them out of my life permanently) actually bring to my life? what HAVE they brought to my life thus far, good bad or middle? when you go through your memories in a linear fashion, you'll get answers quickly, even answers to questions you might not fully understand (when did this feeling start? why did this feeling start? ect.ect.). &by the end, it will be very obvious what your answer is; i don't think i've ever gone through this process&not come out on the other end with, not just answers, but the closest thing to closure i actually believe in.
#when i cut my exbest friend out of my life a few years back this process left me so jawdroppingly ashamed of how much i put up w#that when i found out she was trying to get back into my life a year or so later i laughed so hard i started crying.#shes lucky i didnt just record a video of that&send her that as a response lmao.#the thing is when you go thru this sort of process you also see pretty quickly how these ppl saw YOU. what they clearly believed about YOU.#like one of the memories that stuck out most was when she found out she was pregnant&when i tried to talk to her about it#she immediately jumped to thinking i was upset bc i cant have kids. i was upset bc i thought i might never get to meet her kid.#bc i was. you know. dying&homeless at the time lmao. that one memory told me everything i really needed to know about what she thought#of my character in regards to selfishness. &her messages asking me to 'rethink letting her into my life bc she missed the energy i brought#her&the headspace i put her in' on the other end of things let me know exactly what i was to her-- something to bring value to HER#&someone who would be totally okay w that arrangement bc im so desperate for company that ill take her shit presence over nothing lmao.#like every single memory i have of us together is bullshit. every single one is tainted by her inherent selfishness&abhorrent behavior.#not one makes me think 'yeah i should try this again it wont be a waste of my time&energy that only she benefits from like our LAST#arrangement' lmao. &thats the case w literally every person i have cut out of my life.#no matter when how or why they come back i didnt only cut them off i cauterized the wound before even letting them know i was done w them#lmao. we dont go back-- only forward. 🌹🥂💋#💌
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
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mystellenia · 1 month
ellie with a clumsy gf ୨ৎ
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summary: how ellie cares for her clumsy girlfriend
content: nothing thats nsfw!! just ellie being a cutie concerned gf
notes: answer to this req!! SHES SO PUPU BABYGIRL IN THAT PIC I WANNA BITE HER JFWIBFJWKRJR. she's actually so beautiful i can't. entirely unrelated: idk how i feel about this... but i’m trying not to be like EW I HATE THIS FUCK THIS ITS SO BAD. like i dont even feel like that but we already know how i feel about this formatting. its growing on me tho
(wc 0.39k) so short i know guys i gotta dip my feet
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constantly laughing but also concerned at how you manage to trip and bump and bruise yourself up on literal air
in apocalypse au, she's always been very aware of her surroundings bc of patrol and combat and stuff so she tries to keep you out of the way of things that she knows you'll bump into
always has an ice pack chilled and ready to go in the freezer in case you bump yourself real hard and it's sore because ice helps bumps not bruise right when you get them (looking at you guys clumsy ladies write that one down)
always warns you about things right as they're happening since you get into things SO FAST
like just as you're bumping into something or dropping an item she's blurting out, "wait! there's- a shirt on the floor"/"remember- that the washing machine door is open"/"baby, you're gonna drop that- just... like you did just now. you okay?"
always asks what you did to get a new bruise. she'll notice a new one and joke, "oh, what did you do this time?" and you'll respond, "i may have walked into the dishwasher while the door was down... but this one doesn't hurt that bad 😁" it's become like a little game
she's become sooo desensitized to any bump or bang sound in the house bc she knows its just you. not to say she doesn't care about you getting hurt--she immediately throws out a "you good?!" or "you need me?"--she just knows you know what to do: ice pack or heat compress. it's routine now.
read that low vitamin c levels make you bruise easily, so always has vitamin c rich snacks stocked up. oranges and strawberries and other fruits, always ready!
she's so stupid in love that she'll cut the fruits up into hearts or try nd make the most simple little animals with them from some mother of 3's tutorial on instagram reels and genuinely gets upset when she can't recreate them.
^ like you notice her absolutely maiming some apples and ask, "ummm why are you slicing and dicing that poor apple?" and she'll mumble, "it's supposed to be a stupid crab."
and for my ladies with darker skin where bruises aren't as visible or even just pale skin that just doesn't bruise easily, she's still just as concerned. and since there is no visible warning of a sore spot, she's hurriedly apologizing after pressing on a sore spot or laying on a tender patch.
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@abbysbug @picklesarenice69
hello to my clitter critters. soooooooo erm sorry about going like basically inactive for like 2 weeks i got into the fight of a lifetime with my mother 😊 we still beefing 😊 dw tho when she's old and wrinkly i’ll have power of attorney and trust the cord WILL be plugged.
like i’m joking but as of now that bitch is an opp fr
but anywhoooo i’m back. and my dinosaur of a laptop had a health scare and i thought i was gonna have to plan a funeral for her but she went to the doctor (apple store) and she's all better. idk how it still works so well now bc my mom got this when obama was still president 😆 don't y'all worry tho this motherboard does nothing but purr we chillin (the fan turns on whenever there are too many graphics moving)
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princessbrunette · 2 months
bsf!jj my beloved <3 wanna get mad at him when im drunk at a party and catch him chatting with another girl, like full blown tantrum till he throws me over his shoulder to bring me somewhere more secluded and ask me why im acting like that because he doesn’t realize i wanna be more than friends !!
i love tantrums. this is a safe space for girls who throw tantrums. more tantrum content <3
꒰ა 🐾 ‘’ 🐈‍⬛ ໒꒱
but being a little too tipsy and seeing that and just having a full on rage attack, dragging him aside and yelling incoherently and crying and banging your fists on his chest until he catches them and clutches your face and tells you to breathe. so you do.
“in n’out, c’mon — with me, mama. not talkin’ to you ‘til you breathe.”
you suck in a long one, shuddering and whining because you’re just upset and you want him to take you seriously!
“aaalright, so. you’re tellin’ me i’m not allowed to talk to other girls? and —”
“no jj you’re not hearing me you—” you go to wail over him but he places a thumb over your lips, shushing you.
“shhh, shh, shh. can it — look i know you’re pro’lly fucked up right now which is why you’re saying all this but like… c’mon man why are you acting like this? you know how hard it makes things? for me? to just like — act like nothing happened and that we’re just friends? you do this shit everytime.” he rambles in exasperation and you let out a sad little cry which makes him sigh. “dont cry, please. i’m…” he sighs. “m’not tryna upset you. i’m just tryna figure out why.”
“‘cos i don’t want you with anyone else.” is all you can say, lip trembling, eyes glossed over, cheeks wet. he presses his lips together with a nod, sighing out his nose and bringing you into him with a hand on the back of your head.
“well that’s all you had to say, okay? now relaaaax.” he soothes, knowing he’s not gonna be able to get much out of you tonight. he’ll brave the conversation in the morning if he can bear the possible rejection.
꒰ა 🐾 ‘’ 🐈‍⬛ ໒꒱
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