#dont wanna put her thru knowing what i am
lonelyplanetfag · 1 month
how do u make urself stop feeling ljke a guy
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ohhh niklaus, how he enamors me!!
i DO love a good morally grey Antagonist, not just a grand villain, but another person, with such a rich life and history and power that we dont even know where to start fathoming yet.
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spaciebabie · 3 months
shoutout 2 this person in my class who i can tell wants 2 talk 2 me really bad but instead of doing that whenever she has the chance she'll talk 2 whoever else is around and ignore me entirely unless im mentioned by name
#bruh lmao#so awkward. say something you dingus lol#ik you wanna talk 2 me so bite the bullet already#gyatt#spacie spoinks#literally. she was having a conversation with my partner for the project im doing. and like#heres the thing#if im not invited into conversation i usually dont participate#im like a vampire like that#and so like. after they're done conversating she'll just kind of. stand there. this has happened twice now#like dude sdkfjshlkdfj#im not upset by this behavior i have very awful social patterns as well and have been thru this (i am autistic)#am i gonna hafta say something. lol#probably#''hey bro whats up with you. i dont mean like how are you doing. i mean like. whats wrong with you.''#cant say that its not funny when you say it irl only when the ppl you're talking with know you're not being mean 😭#also like. this person has been staring at me lol#which like. makes me flustered so whenever she's around i panic and my face fucking turns red its god awful#for awhile it made uhh. my paranoia get really bad im ngl!!#its already bad when it comes 2 being around strangers but this like made it REALLY bad for a few weeks#im more calm now tho. rational brain won over and im chillin#i gotta work up the courage 2 say something b4 the semester is over or this is gonna bother me for the rest of my life sfkjsdhflkjs#i dont wanna put her on the spot#the only time i see her is when im in class#and . doing that interaction in front of ppl. i dont wanna embarrass her ksjfskjd
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geckoomoria · 1 month
friends to lovers trope w jj, but its the type of love where they both dont know that theyre both in love with eachother and they just casually flirt w eachother, but their friends r always like 👀 whenever they flirt or when jj like helps her or whatever, also everytime jj does something for reader, she always blushes but tries to hide it (going thru this shit rn 😃😅)
I love u for asking this omg.
i wanna add that they both deny it a lot and they just wont admit it to themselves.
this ones a bit long…
i hope this lives up to ur standards 😪
Just friends - Jj Maybank x reader
Saturday August 17th
YOU HAD JUST ARRIVED at a local beach party , looking around to find anyone you recognized.
yelling out an occasional “sorry!!” or “excuse me!” as you pushed past the main entrance of the beach house to get to the living room.
the house was so crowded you barley knew if you were headed in the right direction. As you backed up to let someone pass by you, you bumped into someone from behind.
“i am so sorr- oh Jj.” is what you said as you turned to apologize to the person that happened to be Jj maybank.
The scowl on the blondes face quickly reverted as he realized you were the one who bumped into him , a grin and opened eyes had appeared instead.
“ah so if its me you wont say sorry” he said while looking you up and down taking in your appearance. black denim shorts , long black thin socks that stopped mid thigh and a fitted dark red short sleeve top that had a sweetheart neckline.
to put it in short terms , you looked hot as fuck.
you find the corners of your lips turning as he spoke , it wasn’t uncommon for you and Jj to shamelessly flirt like this. Everyone could see you had a thing for each-other but both denied and claimed to be “just good friends”.
“well Maybank , i guess that says something about you” you responded still looking at the grinning boy.
“you wound me sweetheart” he said while dramatically placing a hand over his heart and acted as if he was in pain. You could feel the blush creeping onto your face.
“i try as much as i can darling” the words rolled off your lips as you kept up with his flirty game
The two of you stand still amongst the crowd of partiers as you stare into each others eyes, the sudden silent tension engulfing you two.
Abruptly it was broken as a pair of thin arms threw themselves over your neck , it was Kiara. “Y/n! i was looking all over for you, pope thought you weren’t coming” she claimed as she rolled her eyes at another mutual friend of yours , Pope.
“i didn’t say she wasn’t coming , i said i dont think she was coming on TIME.” Pope corrected back quite sassily as he gave you a side hug himself.
Jjs eyes had been kept on you the entire time, he didn’t even want to look away for a second.
“yeah yeah but still you doubted her and it wouldn’t be a party without Y/n ,right jj? kiara stated as the two pogues looked at their blonde headed friend. He was silent , still staring at you. His attention was only brought back when your eyes met his again.
“y-yeah wouldn’t be a party without ya” He said finally looking away for a second and looking back. The other two didn’t miss his reaction. You all walked over to where the drinks were kept and needless to say everyone was DRUNK. You all decided to sit outside on the steps.
15 minutes later
“hey wheres John B?” you question about the missing pogue from the friend group , “said he had to work for ward tonight but we all know what that means” Kiara answers before taking a sip of her beer.
You raise an eyebrow letting them know that you in fact didn’t know what it meant. “means he’s getting it on with the Kook queen , Babe ” Jj replies.
Pope and Kiara groan in disgust as your eyes widen at his words. “Wait what?! he actually has a thing going on with Sarah Cameron? Sarah Cameron who you hate” you say pointing at Kiara, “and who’s brother hates you?!” you say pointing at Jj.
“Damn straight” Kiara spits out, “Yes Ma’am” Jj replies before taking a chug of his drink, its clear none of them really liked the idea of him being with a Kook, Sarah Cameron of all people.
“God i told him to-“ Kiara’s rambling was cut off in your head as Jjs legs brushed against yours , feeling his body heat. It should have felt like nothing , friends are okay with being touchy right?
But you couldn’t ignore it as neither one of you moved your legs, what was this weird feeling inside of you?
You glance at his face only for him to be looking at you first , a stare across both your faces. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Pope who’s sitting on the steps above you two.
“Uh Kie im gonna grab another drink , you coming?” He cuts off her rambling about John B and Sarah in hopes of leaving you and Jj together.
Shes too drunk to notice whats going on so she mindlessly agrees and gets up to grab another bottle, leaving you and Jj alone on the steps.
Silence is the only thing between you two right now , absolutely no space. Arm to arm , leg to leg and shoulder to shoulder.
minutes goes by before Jj starts to laugh a bit, “whats so funny?” you ask curiously.
“i was just thinkin”
he takes a sigh before answering “remember that time we didn’t talk for three whole days cause of the spider?”. You don’t remember at first but eventually the memory sparks back. “Oh Sally.” you say bitterly.
“you gave it a name???”
“uhm SHE lived with me for a week i think SHE deserved a name!” you sternly say emphasizing the she in your sentence.
you could feel the atmosphere’s tensions rising as you started to argue in a petty manner.
“you got so mad at me when i accidentally stepped on her”
“you killed my roommate Maybank , what was i supposed to do!”
you two had pointless arguments for no reason all the time to go along with all the flirting.
you huff as tick marks appear on your forehead and the same happened with Jj. The silence once again appeared after your loud voices went quiet.
“didn’t even pay for her funeral asshole” you mutter under your breath as you take another sip of your drink. You look at Jj and the two of you shared a silent look that lasted for a second.
You both burst out laughing, unable to catch your breaths, eventually after a few moments it dies down , “you’re something else princess” He says , chuckles still underlying his voice.
Him calling you suggestive nicknames was normal but lately its been feeling more than just a silly nickname.
“yeah well only you would know” you reply resting your chin under your palm and turning your head to face him. “thats right , papa j knows ya best” Jj says with some sense of pride puffing his chest.
“ugh y’know everytime you call yourself that , a little piece of me dies on the inside” you groan and roll your eyes at the stupid nickname Jj set for himself.
He starts laughing again at your words , you gave him a sense of comfort he’s never been familiar with.
He found himself constantly yearning for your presence and in moments of joy , he knew the only thing to make it better was if you were there.
Jjs tried convincing himself that it was normal to think of friends constantly and that its just his impulsive thoughts that thought of you in that way.
but the more he denied it to both others and himself , the more he craved you.
At the same time you felt similar things , thinking you were weird for even viewing your close friend like that. That he was just like that to everyone and that it was your head just spinning the truth.
But every-time you denied and brushed off the dating rumours , deep down you felt a twinge at the heart when you remembered they weren’t true.
Unconsciously shifting closer, your faces are inches from each-other. His eyes glued to your lips , the two of you reek of alcohol and the tensions never been higher.
Your heart beats rapidly as he moves in to attempt to kiss you but thats all it remained.
An attempt.
The moment was unexpectedly stopped as Pope burst through the door from above, stopping the two of you from what was about to happen.
“Guys Kie is like out of her mind drunk and she tried beating up her own reflection in the mirror so i think its time to go home” he says with a drunk Kiara slung over his shoulder not even realizing what he interrupted.
The blush on your face is replaced with a similar tone of red out of embarrassment, you get up not even looking at Jj to help Pope with Kiara.
“God that did not just happen” you think repeatedly
The car ride was just awkward silence as Pope who was the most sober at the moment drove to John Bs place since no one could scold your intoxicated selves there.
You avoid Jj like the plague when breaking in entering John Bs house , placing Kiara on the spare bed , Pope on the couch , you sleeping beside Kiara and Jj on a old recliner chair.
After voicing a Goodnight to Pope , you can’t find the courage to say anything to Jj as he sits there deep in thought. You wanted to say something, anything to change the weird feeling between you two but nothing would come out of your mouth.
You just lay beside Kiara’s sleeping figure in the dark, unable to sleep after tonight.
To be continued…
if u liked this pls lemme know so i can start on part 2.
i love gaining mutuals guys cmon 😓
hes so hot omfg
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onlycrystal · 1 year
hiii could u pls do a bratty fm reader x tsukishima kei who puts her in her place during sex??
cw: brat! sub reader, dom! tsukishima (brat-tamer), semi-public sex (they’re in a bathroom in a house at a party), tsukis a lil mean ( but he always is lets be fr) degradation, overstimulation, dacryphilia, etc
authors note: I AM SOOO SORRY I HAD SUHC BAD WRITERS BLOCK FOR THIS ONE, low-key gets rushed at the end sorryyy this is also not read thru sorry for errors pls keep up the submissions everyone I enjoy having stuff to guide my writing!
you looked around the room, seeing people play pool, beer pong, and red plastic cups galore. rap music blared in your ears, causing you to wince from the intense sound waves. you knew nobody here, and you felt super uncomfortable.
every friday, your boyfriend, tsukishima, would go out to parties. even though you went to the same college, it was never really your... setting. a bunch of people drunk off their asses doing stupid shit? yeah it wasn't really your scene. but, you loved spending time with tsuki, and one day you decided to go to one with him.
which led you to now, stuck on some sofa between 2 guys who you didn't know looking at you like candy, unwrapping you in their eyes. you adjusted in your spot uncomfortably, pulling your skirt down since it kept riding up. "I've never seen you at these parties, you should come more often" the nameless raven haired boy purred. "im kuroo and hes bokuto" you just smiled awkwardly at him and the silver haired one who wouldn't even talk, just stare.
you were bored, you just wanted to spend time with your boyfriend :( you got up and walked around the house, scanning for the tall lanky boy everywhere. suddenly, you catch sight of him. he seemed to be talking to those same boys you just left. are they following me or smth? you thought to yourself.
you walked up to him shyly, seeing him excuse himself from the boys, who would not stop staring at you!
"hey babe, you enjoying the party?" he asked, patting your head cutely and snickering a bit when he ruffled your hair. you pouted back at him, and he stopped. he could tell something was wrong but he didn't know what. "tsuki..." you brought yourself closer to him and pressed your jutted-out chest against his abs (due to height difference). he looked down at you with warning. you didn't realize what was wrong until now. a heat formed between your legs and you rubbed your thighs together, only a little bit so people wouldn't notice. "tsuki, i wanna go back home..."
he looked a little pissed off. "y/n, we are in public" his eyebrows furrowed at the word "public" but you didnt care. you looked up at him with big eyes "want you to fuck me baby" you were nearly whining at this point, and you smirked slightly as you felt him harden up down there. but boy was he mad! and it did not help that kuroo and bokuto were watching this whole thing play out. tsukishima, who basically had steam coming off his head, looked down at you with rage and lust, putting his arm around your waist "bathroom, now"
you followed him, tripping over yourself slightly as he practically pushed you into the bathroom, harshly slamming the door behind him and locking it aggressively. the music sounded much quieter from in here, and the dead silence made chills run up your back as your stared at your very angry boyfriend.
"jesus fucking christ, y/n. dont you know when to quit?" he brought his hand to his face, his long fingers massaging between his eyebrows to relax him before he lost his temper with you. you didnt falter, instead removing the hand from his face and guiding his long skinny fingers into your mouth to suck on. "want your long fingers in my pussy, daddy~" you whimpered sounding extremely desperate, which made his erection grow further. "wanna rub my pussy all over you" you pouted and he took his fingers out of your mouth, and put his hand on your throat. he pushed you up against the wall of the bathroom, slightly choking you. "you're such a fucking brat." he basically spat the words in your face. "then fuck me like one." you replied, and before you could think, he crashed his lips onto yours.
he made out with you in fury, of course this was pleasureful for him too, but he wasn't going to tell you that. his kisses were aggressive, causing whines and moans to slip from your lips. his lips traveled across your neck, biting you, leaving dark hickies that definitely wouldn't fade for awhile. you whined and scratched at his back as he continued to trail his hickies down over your chest. "oh I’ll fuck you like one, you little slut." he turned you around so that your face was pressed up against the cold wall. his hold was aggressive and strong. his finger hooked at your panties and brought them down, leaving your skirt on. his finger teased at your heat, as he brought it up revealing the slick on his finger "being a whore in front of my friends turns you on that much?" you opened your mouth to make a snarky remark back, but suddenly he jammed the same fingers into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself. "you're gonna shut the fuck up while I give you what you want, mkay?" he shoved his fingers into your pussy, with a quick pace jamming them in and out. you whimpered in response, and arched your back a little to get him to go faster. he slapped your cunt "needy little baby, aren't ya?" you whined and teared up a little, looking at him. "p-please tsuki! 'm s-sorry!" you were now a whining and crying mess. he chuckled and stared down at you "its a little late for that sweetheart." he continued to finger you aggressively, occasionally rubbing your clit. as your mascara began to run down your face a little, you lost composure and had trouble standing "'m gonna- ah~ gonna cum" he smirked and didnt slow down "on my fingers." you released on his fingers, coating them completely. he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them as he looked at you. "taste so good, so sweet, babe" you blushed against the wall and didnt look him in the eyes.
"quiet now aren't we? well that'll change." you blushed harder as you heard him undo his pants. a moan slipped from your lips as he pressed the tip of his cock against your pussy. he grinned, and without hesitation, slammed right into you. you moaned loud, tears forming at your eyes cuz " 'ts too much! tsuki - hic - cant take it...~" you cried a little, but he didnt falter. instead he continued ramming in and out of you harshly. "fuck, squeezing me so hard" he moaned as he threw his head back slightly. "tsuki 'm sorry!~" you moaned as he continued to pummel into you. "are you now, babe?~ how bout you show me how sorry you are." you whined as he hit your gspot, and felt his breath on the side of your neck. his mouth next to your ear "cum, babe" you cum all over his dick, grabbing at the wall as you do it. you hear him whine as he cums inside you. you pant, trying to recover from the extremely rough sex your boyfriend had put you through. he turned you around, and looked down at you, as you stared intently at the ground quietly.
"have you learned your lesson babe?" he grabbed your chin and made you look at him. staring up at him with big eyes, a pout on ur lips, lipstick smeared, and mascara running down your face, you whine "y-yes, tsuki! im so s- hic - sorry" even though he brought you in here since he was mad in the first place, he could never deny an apology from his good little girl. he wiped your tears and kissed you. " 's okay, baby, now how bout we go home so you can rub your pussy all over me?" he snickered at the embarrassment on your face, you punched his stomach lightly. you loved spending time with your boyfriend.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
I am so curious as to what you'd think about Nina and Hoodie as a duo. They've been two of my absolute favorites (even if Brian technically isn't even a creepypasta) since I was younger and I've always loved them as a sort of big brother/little sister pairing. They are so siblings to me I adore them. What are your thoughts on the sillies..
OHHH this is actually super interesting... but also im worried i do not have a lot to say because they won't mesh very well/very much. but i will try. not super realistic headcanons i think but what do i know... <3
brian isnt very present in my story, partially bc ik some mh fans dont like the crossover very much. and by time ninas in the story, i want him+tim to kinda separate from slenderman as toby and kate take over. he's still involved and coming around since he gets horrible slender sickness(but its from the operator) if he's away too long, but he doesn't live near or befriend most of the main cast..
nina is very present in my story because i love her and she is such a good and fun representation of the fandom yk. but brian is much more realistic and late 30s man, while nina is a very cartoonish early 20s girl. theyre on very different fields character and life wise...
BUUUUUUUUUT they would still meet of course.
she'd be bubbling around the entire cast, meeting people through jeff. people initially think she's in the same vein as jeff, natalie, and toby, with a LONG list of blood on their hands influenced by the operator, so they just don't think much about it. theyre mostly surprised by how cheery she is, but the proxies are the first to find out she's just... obsessed with jeff..... so thats very off putting. brian isn't fond of it.
nina would develop some light slender sickness(again, from the operator) just by being around jeff all the time, but the operator never infected her because he didn't see her as a worthy vessel. so, she would have to come to the proxies about it. if toby isnt in the mood or busy, she'd just have to hope brian/tim are around with some pills that'll soothe the pain
brian is more likely to help. with nina, he'd be quick to take on a more protective role, trying to console her as she cries on the couch holding her head whining about static.
initial convos would go smth along the lines of "do you want some coffee ? or uh kids like hot chocolate huh... maybe tea" "i'm literally in my 20s please tell me toby has weed somewhere" "that does not help with this pain i promise" "how would you know" "haha. water it is."
brian was a major stoner back in his early 20s and nina thinks its fucking hilarious. . . she'll try to get him to smoke with her but he's rlly not interested LOLLLL.... hes like 15 yrs older than her he thinks its weird .
again, he's not around a lot, but she's always happy to bump into him. she'd be squealing n shit 'HIII BRIANNNN how r u :3' and he'd just be like :) hey nina. and then never answer the 'how r u' bc he doesnt actually wanna sit and talk .
its a good change of pace. he's been through hell and back for well over a decade by this point, everyone around him is a sad sack of shit, and he spent a long time just. fighting to be an optimistic, cool guy to hang around . . but .... like.... um..... its hard to be that kind of person after all he's been thru. something about nina just forces that sort of like..... glee out of him . its not a huge difference where he's suddenly bouncing and giggling and whatever, he's still just Some Guy. but he'll be like :) lol .
mayhaps he'd catch her trying on toby's goggles and he'd offer to let her try on his mask. but nina would fake gag and be like 'no i dont want that dirty musty nasty sack on my head' and he'd be like ?????. then he'd say she can wash it and then try it on. which.. as an older sibling.... is the type of shit i'd do just to get my sister to do smth for me that i dont wanna do LMFAOOO. she might fall for it just cuz my dear nina is the ultimate fangirl
i dunno i kinda struggled with this one just cuz in my au, they wouldnt be all that close and the Type of characters they are don't mesh very well, but i am super fond of the concept and would love to try expanding on it more
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dullahandyke · 2 months
yippee yippee yippee yippee eimear con haul!!!!
Hi. It was my birthday recently and I'm bad to shop for so instead of gifts I got money to spend at Kaizokucon. So here's a haul. Under the cut bcos I couldnt fit it nicely in one picture and I wanna ramble
ok we're gonna take it one picture at a time ^_^ the ID in the alt text explains what everything is if u just wanna see what i got without the rambling sure to come with it. links in rambling r to the artists of the fan stuff where i can find em ^_^ only one of them is a direct link to the product tho bcos some ppls shops r down and some ppl dont have all their stuff online. lemons_arent_green youre a real one
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Ok the flat stuff!!! black rock shooter poster bcos i already have a figure but i liek her... badass anime girl ily.... was so so sure i saw a reigen keychain but when i went to go get one there weren't any so i got this sticker sheet instead :3 SPEAKING OF KEYCHAINS!!! yippee yippee kaguya i love you youre my special little tiempsy. yue you are a gay anime boy with a cool design. tomoyo ive always felt a kinship with you and its because im a desperate dyke. monokuma is here ig 🙄 i put him on my carabiner and hes fun to stim with. i am not immune to the sdr2 fanboying. also full disclosure ive not watched naruto (its in the spreadsheet) i just thought funko pop sasuke keychain was really really funny. my son who stares into my soul. comparatively i dont have as much to say on the badges!! luka luka fever for real girlie ily. the bandori ones were blind bags and i got himari on my first try <3<3<3<3<3<3 sorry eve i kind of dont care. 🙁 the dr girlies i kinda picked at random based on who i've been vibing w lately.
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THE POKEMON DIORAMA!!!! its soooo cool, staff were setting up the trade hall so i was in there all day friday and this shop was one of the first to set up their stands and i was literally staring at it all day... so fucking awesome. the rings n the necklace r from the same shop look at them... im fucking obsessed w the catgirl necklace. literally look at her. i dont thiiink shes supposed to be a specific character but she might be. oh well. cat girl ily. aaaand the arisa stand is actually a little clip for papers n stuff!! she was also a blind box but specifically for popipa so i was gonna b happy w whoever <3
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MIIIIKUUUUUU MY PRINCESS MY EVERYTHING!!!!! she was calling to me she beckoned..... shes actually rlly big irl shes the biggest figure i have, replacing my kokoro one... shes the one where i audibly said 'it was my birthday i can buy things' bcos figures spencey... she wasnt too bad actually i just like bitching. 6 euro axel for scale
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BOOKS 💥💥💥 i was reading nana a while back and i dropped it but i gotta pick it up again... rlly pretty and awesome... aaaand the summer hikaru died!!! kay if youre seeing this then know you posting abt it convinced me <3 i originally got it bcos i was on door duty in a quiet area and didnt wanna spend my time draining battery life on my phone but after i bought it i realised that that was literally a terrible idea so <3 we'll get around to them soon
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FINALLLYYYYYY TSHIRTS!!! the top yellow one was my staff t-shirt, it has 'staff' on the back i was wearing it all weekend and yippee i love it.... emotional bond.... and if this is a safe space can i just say. if kaito was a woman? would. next up FAYE FUCKIN VALENTINEEEE!!! do u remember that post i made going thru all the sellers that were gonna b at the con that started like 'i hate shounen fans. name a woman'? well this is the seller i was talking about but all was forgiven in the name of FAYE ! GODDAMN ! VALENTINE ! ugh i love you girlie. and the last t-shirt was given out free to staff after the closing ceremony!! it was the tenth anniversary of kaizokucon so we got this awesomes design yay.... wore it to classes today hoping somebody would comment on it and nobody did 😌and in the middle i got CLOW CARRRDS BITCHES!!!!!! i saw them and immediately all thought left my fucking brain. i needed them. so important. the seller also recognised the axel in my fanny pack yippee!!!! a few people recognised him over the weekend actually and i was always like yes!! the him
anyway. yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! con con con con con :)
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pekodayz · 8 months
aini and oso whatever thing i made at 3am (rubbing my temples and sobbing)
this was just me typing on my phone straight thru, no looking back so it's gonna sound not profresh duhhh . ok don't whateves dont look at me i like odd platonic odd relationships
I feel like aini looks at oso as someone she holds near and dear to her. Yeah she doesn’t wanna pursue a relationship with him but the feeling of being around him makes her feel a bit better about herself, way better even. She has always seen her peers get some sort of love and affection as in like flirtatious comments being thrown at them and such. But aini has never..been asked out or even approached at the idea. She brushed it off as petty human nonsense. but deep down, she’s hurting a bit. She doesn’t care for relationships, but the mere thought of not being wanted or just even the slightest bit of fascination…makes her question herself. Am I deem-able? I shouldn’t care for this…but, I really wish someone would at least tell me how they feel about me. Yes she’s annoying and obnoxious, but she does that to cover up her true feelings….the feelings that shape her to be like this. Though I did say “true feelings”, Aini’s out-spoken part of her is real, I mean she’s not faking it. She doesn’t have a preferred liking to a gender, honestly she’s ace. She’s just starved of a specific type of attention. While she does get called cute by others, she just wants to have some sort of feeling of “huh, wow…we treat each other like absolute animals, but they care about me…” (we know who she’s referring to, right) Okay well aini does get the love and attention from molly and Usiuii. But yknow, that’s bff stuff, ofc ! They love each other so so so much!!! Aini has seen the compliments get thrown at her other 2 friends. She wonders in a way like hm…am I having internal conflict? No, that’s ridiculous…feeble minded words. It’s confusing for aini because she feels guilt for thinking like this. The human race is nothing but…she stops herself there…this chuni brain gets put on hold as she begins to question her own self. I wish I was held by someone..just for a mere moment would be nice. Disgusting, an arm around me…stupid. Aini doesn’t want to be clingy to her dearest friends, so she just does her little tsun act and just shove them off like ough get away from ME. Though she has her weak moments and hopes that they’ll notice (they do) and react accordingly.
Aini gets the cartoonish jealously when she sees others get that stupid human affection…then she pouts about it for a while. Gross…she thinks. Ok now for when she does have her moments with O. She sees him as a rival of some sorts..though she knows she has the one-up. (A job, surprisingly better personality…) Though, I suppose their bickering and arguing does end up with them just sitting there. Why are we yelling so much…couldn’t we just get to know each other more? No? Aini ponders that thought a little, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try and get to know him more. He does look like he cares. They’re both hard to read as to the weird repress thing aini does and oso’s not-showing-what the hell-is wrong with him mentality.
She..cares about him, idiotic disgusting low-life of a human..someone she cares for. Unbelievable. People like him should be ignored. But that would be a tad bit rude now wouldnt it. (Look they’ve been hanging out for a while now) The company that aini has dealt with..more so just going to up him or him going up to her, starting something between them. That strengthened whatever kind of friendship this is between them.
Aini wonders if oso cares about her too. (Though she hasnt shown and prob will extremely seldomly show those emotions as well) He does ofc, but for someone as annoying as her, and for someone as idiotic as him…he’s not gonna admit that either. I dunno. Aini would never beat the living shit out of Usiuii and molly even though molly has to put aini and Usiuii in their places from time to time. (aini and usiuii also fight..but not to extreme lengths, just aggressive playful <3) So seeing osomatsu and how he is towards her makes things a lot more reasonable as to beat the shit out of him (and vice versa for him) Aini doesn’t see a relationship in her future, but having a platonic whatever-this-is with osomatsu would be nice. umm marriage scares her and the thought of a relationship is crazy too. Bound for eternity (is what she thinks) is frightening. Even tho he’s osomatsu, she wouldn’t mind dealing with him forever. Like she would prob be super happy knowing someone is more annoying than her, telling him that out loud is the norm. but her true feelings would just make her embarrassed to admit.
Gagging at these thoughts but aini puts a little too much thought in herself, seeing how she’s like super boisterous and loud when she wants to be. It gets to the point where she overthinks the stupid things and ends up riled up, but ends up calming down. Okay gagging fr fr but as much as she wants to avoid something like this, aini really wants someone to just like uhhhhhh yknow .hold her. A pathetic sub-human man. Platonic cuddling exists, yeah????? Like they both get super embarrassed but yknow it’s nice to have someone there..
I stated this a long time ago (i gotta find it and rb it) but aini has a thing where she just gets incredibly clingy when she gets sleepy. I suppose after her and oso have their stupid dumb arguments, they’re like walking together. Aini glancing over at him multiple times and he’s just yknow .yeah.. So they gradually step closer and closer to each other, and oso let’s her cling onto his arm or smth (ew ) cuddling up on him and shit. DISGUSTING 😭 they’re both sweating, blushing and freaking out btw. bc like that’s so foreign for the both of them..idkkkk smth as intimate as this (i am aware that cuddling isn’t like sex but yeah it still sets off the same vibe to me LEVA EME ALONE) is so woaughhhh.. hey it’s 331 am.
Ok ok I need to rb like the stuff abt aini bc this is just her inner dwellings. (SHES STILL CHUNI ONE TOOTH POUTY GUN OKAYY) Someone she only opens up to a select few. Unfortunately, osomatsu is one of them. She knows he wouldn’t tell anyone ..so I suppose ITS FINE. like yeah he’s fucking oughhh but he would share such vulnerable moments between them like wtf..
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jazzydizzlefoshizzle · 3 months
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Meeee! Its me! :3 look here I am!
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i dont have locs anymore :'3 I actually belly flopped off a diving board SO HARD the little lockage i had came undone! Like the weezer song! >B] anywhoz
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My interests!!! (^∧^)
I LUV SAPPHICS!!! AND QUEER.. ANYTHING! >///< im sapphos apprentice fr
my favorite shows r animes that will ruin ur life and childhood cartoons!! ^_^ like madoka magica, death note, erased, adventure time, my little pony friendship is magic, chowder, fish hooks etc etc! >;3
My favorite artists are hastune miku!!! And nicki minaj and System of a Down! :3 and tyler the creator and lemon demon and tally hall and jack stauber and spellcasting <3
I don't like labels :P)) I like writing scripts, songs, drawing and singing and theater and film - i don't have an act in specific. I just do what makes me happy
I draw and make comics and cartoons! I love art and animation so very much! My dream is to be a well-known cartoonist for many different projects ^_^ I adore indie animation, too!! Bugbo and the amazing digital circus and big top burger are my inspirations currently >:3c
My dni
Basic dni info don't be racist don't be a terf no pro contact/anti contact zoos or maps no mspec lesbians yadda yadda all the normal stuff and if u consider urself one of those "I hate everyone equally" centrist dickheads then gtfo my traphouse, disrespectfully <3
ALSO im very much cringe coded so if u embrace "cringe culture" or are against furrys or gacha kids or just people being themselves and being happy without hurting anyone (keyword: WITHOUT) you can also gtfo my traphouse NO BULLIES ALLOWED! /srs
Also, pro shipping is a sensitive subject for me. If your ships are harmful or downright disgusting, dni. I know it can be a coping skill for trauma, but my acc isn't the best place for that sorry bud :/
I'm autistic!!! :3 self diagnosed for now trying to get a medical diagnosis soon! So tone tags are very much appreciated! /srs
Hey! Im a minor!! Im 16!! Keep that in mind if ur an nsfw acc or centered around adult topics!! <33
I go by fae/faer prns mostly!!! She/her is ok too but i prefer fae/faer!! ^_^ I have some xenos like doggie/doggiez as well!
I'm down with the sickness /ref
... by that I mean I got a lot going on in my life :p living situation and mental illnesses, I'll just be posting whenever I wanna, no strict schedule
I'm super silly and still figuring myself out! So come along with me like the adventure time song n Diddy and watch me grow thru my shenanigans on this totally valid real and not social simulation of an app/website >:D
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kasperbunny · 3 months
3 for all your ships!! Aand 6,9 13 and 14 for anyone you want :)
oh god hi hello. putting this under a read more bc it got long
What would their song to each other be?
i dont have an answer for ALL my ships but, heres just a few. and these are more like...songs that describe their dynamic or make me think of them if that makes sense!
danse/art - put your head on my shoulder by paul anka. this song isnt necessarily fitting to their dynamic, but...i always come back to this song bc it makes me think of the soft, more calm and sweet moments between these two. i can picture them listening to it and slow dancing clumsily together, whether theyre a lil drunk or completely sober i dont know, but it always puts that image in my head and makes me happy.
shane/elfie - froot by marina. listen. this song is just straight up longing/horny from elfie's pov and i love it. this song is just fun and i like thinking about how BADLY she wants this dumb lil guy. thats her man and shes gonna TAKE him. also this song slaps.
shane/me - loser by charlie puth. UGH THIS SONG. THIS SONG. i feel so self indulgent when i listen to this song. thinking about shane longing for me and wanting me when im with my other f/os. his jealousy and anger and self loathing is just in hyper drive when he sees me with danse or arthur or whoever. i love torturing my husband <3
What small quirks do they love about each other?
i'll do this for shane/elfie. hmm...shane likes how emotive elfie is sometimes. she plays with her hair when shes nervous, she talks with her hands, she wiggles/wags her tail when shes excited or curious.
i...am blanking on any little quirks shane has im so sorry.
How did they know they were right for each other?
can i answer this for danse/me!!!! because like. god. i remember before i played fo4 i would watch my bf play it and he had danse as his companion a lot and. i just started watching him play more and more bc i started to feel IMMEDIATELY safe and protected by danse. my crush on him was instant. i started thinking about danse more and more. i barely even knew him yet but i felt so infatuated and longed for him. it just felt good right away, and i knew he was right for me. my love for him is unconditional and i hope he feels safe around me too. im sure thats how he knows im right too, he doesnt have to be or do anything different, he can just be himself and i'll love him regardless. even if hes a shit head sometimes <3
How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?
answering for danse/art. neither of them are very good with words. danse is a very "acts of service" type of person. if art has a piece of equipment or something that needs fixing, danse already has it jotted down in his head to fix it later. art doesnt even have to ask, danse is already on it and tinkering with art's gun or armor or whatever.
meanwhile, art is very touchy if hes close with someone. he used to be better with expressing his feelings thru words, but it got hard after everything he went thru. so he sometimes just touches danse on his shoulder, his arm, his back, or holds his hand when he needs attention. danse had to get used to being touched all the time, but now he picks up on when art needs something or is trying to express something because he'll just give danse little touches or stand/sit close enough that theyre touching in some way.
Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
this screams shane/elfie. elfie calls shane at 3 am asking if he wants to come over. hes like elfie, its 3 am, why. she says she misses him and she wants to see him. he absolutely cannot say no to her so hes throwing on his sweats and jacket and booking it to her farm. i think theyd just chill together, so not really...much of an adventure. but i can also see her calling him up being like "wanna go explore that cave on my farm? :)" and hes like. what the fuck, but okay.
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wanderrlust0 · 10 months
idk why he says nothings wrong when i ask him, when clearly something is wrong. ik how he is & when somethings up but he still denied it. i understand if he doesnt wanna get into it rn or he just wants to let it go but like in this case, i pretty much know exactly what its about that could be bothering him & the only way to put him at ease is to talk about it….again! this one specific thing triggered his mood last night & i didnt even think it would. i noticed a red scratch mark on my chest and sent him a pic saying how i think his cat made the scratch. his reply was soo serious, like i could actually feel him doubting me thru the phone. i knew he was questioning if it was really the cat bc he said how he was close to my chest the other day and didnt see anything so that is odd that theres a scratch. !! i immediately knew where his mind went & that thought didnt even occur to me when i sent that pic..like if i knew that would cause him to think of this crazy scenario then i wouldnt have sent that snap in the first place tbh bc right after that, his tone & the way he texted just shifted. hes not the best at masking his feelings like me so i can tell when the energy feels different. i also posted some pics from the hangout on my ig story & he saw it later that night. i have a feeling that added to his misery and all of today it was so prevalent, even if he denies it. idc if he says nothings wrong bc its not convincing and its not just in my head. he went from msging me all cutesy & happy to immediately being more neutral & uninterested. we always send a snap to say good morning (unless we get busy but we still send a snap with whatever we’re doing). he didnt open the app, as well as reply to my snap, until 7:15pm.. around 4 was when i asked him whats wrong (bc i already knew he was ignoring me). his response was that nothing really is wrong and how he went straight to work and his boss switched his assignment. usually id let that go but not when its already past 7 and hes firsttt opening snapchat to answer me ? and i see that hes been on instagram. also.. hes always talking to me when hes either at work already, still at home, or driving to work. the only time he goes mia like that is when something is definitely upsetting him. also!.. when that happens, he will text me after a couple hrs to let me know how hes feeling & why he was silent. he didnt always do that but i told him to bc its not fair to me by feeling like ive done something or just the feeling of purposely being ignored by my own boyfriend. but yeah.. he didnt do any of that this time BC its this whole situation again. i really dont know what more i could do to reassure him about it. i feel like ive done and am doing all that i can rn. its mostly up to him now to let himself figure it out and honestly, just trust me. like just saying.. im not gonna be making that mistake that you (both) did and be stupid with it.. and neither will snow. theyre not a “friend” its actually becoming really genuine and sweet and i wont let it get ruined bc of him doubting me. i also wont let the friendship ruin me and him. i really cant help but compare it to what he did with his friend, especially since i just found out like a month ago. i also have this suspicion that it happened earlier that yr (when we were still together) than what he told me, but i dont even wanna think about that for any longer. i was told by her Husband! that it happened when they were still in school together. that means a year before. idk if i believe that. she mightve lied, but my suspicion’s still there. like i asked him if he remembered what month and he couldnt. all he knew was that it was during our break..-.- the what.…like 1 1/2 month long break. you dont remember which month..? i sound so salty rn omg i dont mean to. im just trying to understand. ill see how he is with me tm bc we barely talked today. kind of glad i worked most of the day so i was able to keep busy and not hyper focus on him ignoring me.
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taegularities · 6 months
HII RID 🦆🥨 so…. i have a confession to make!! i have been traveling around so i havent been able to leave any kind of message for cmi11 — and thank GOD i havenT 🤣🤣 bc the first feedback i wanna give u was “omg that wasnt 30+k words?!! it was so fast?!” lmao… since i read this on an airplane i copy pasted it into my notes to ensure the link wont close etc 🥹✌️
so color me surprised (lmao get it) when i keep on reading ur response to other asks & feedbacks about the ending… and im like??? the ending was like whatever? lmao (u know what i mean, it was a cliffhanger and really nothing to write home ab bc we dont know what it is— the “holy shit” line after going into the room) but i still didnt register that there was a SECOND PART to cmi11 bc i missed ur notes at the bottom 💀💀💀 im a clown truly LMFAO but I READ IT LAST NIGHT I FOUGHT THRU THE JETLAG 🤡🤡 and goodnesssss meeeeeweeeeee
just to start…… i love that theres so many scenes!!!!! i get so giddy when i know u can end the chapter on a particular scene and u didnt (HAHA i would scroll a little just to see if i have more to read 🙃)
the meeting w jk’s mom 🥹🥹 how is she that precious (what are u even saying munchhhkinnn — lives literally rent free in my head!!!! idk why munchkin can make me blush even more than angel does but if theres anyone who can do it, its certainly u & jk 💓) and i love their playfulness throughout the whole chapter, i really miss this ab them 😢😢 the past few i think oc has been too sad, or timid and also just blushing at jk’s advances ☹️☹️ WHEN his mom caught him looking at her?!!! when he unconsciously plays w the ends of her hair?? damn kill me now idk ahhhhh i alr re-read that scene like 4 times
regarding the l word scene, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA mfer saying he cant put his feelings to word and did better than shakespeare 😡😢
AH HELLO YOUUU!! it's so cute that you read this on the plane like fkjhsdkfa i'm glad you found something to kill the time!! also 30k+ passing fast is always the biggest compliment ever 😭 NOT YOU MISSING THE REST OF THE CHAPTER LMAOOOO oh my god i can imagine the confusion upon reading the asks, bc the "holy shit" truly was not the ✨ magnificent ending ✨ everyone spoke of 🤣
yes, i think this wasn't just the longest chapter wc wise, but had the most scenes, too!! like legit 10+, idk what i was on :') where am i ending the chapter.. always an unpredictable affair 😂 hope you liked how it ended after all!! yes his mom is… literally now we know where he got his all his kindness and his good heart from!! i'm so happy you liked the scene (and the nickname, bc munchkin is ABSOLUTELY growing on me :')) you're so right. they were so sad the past few chapters that i couldn't quite capture their bicker and their playful personalities, but that's what they are – dorky and sweet and enthusiastic about everything 🥺
thank you so much for reading and mentioning all the key scenesssss! you might not know, but messages like these leave me feeling so giddy and warm <3
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solarwoniii · 1 year
ive never posted crush content bcs idk but stuff is HAPPENING and i need to talk to someone and my friends are not trustworthy (my other crush ((yes i have two shut up)) now knows i like her and is avoiding me) and i just need to get this off of my chest
im getting so many mixed signals from this man like he stares at me from across the campus and whenever we're together with our friends he always laughs at my jokes n does that cute thing where his knee accidentally touches mine whenever we sit together shit and then he proceeds to just be dry and awkward as hell thru text LIKE WHAT
its not even like that just how he texts or anything BC IVE SEEN HIM GOING FERAL WITH HIS FRIENDS IN GROUPCHATS BEFORE HE IS ANYTHING BUT A DRY TEXTER but our dms omg our dms look EMBARRASSING and im always the one leading our conversations like 🙄🙄🙄 how many times am i gonna have to ask him ice breaker questions i find on google before he realises i like him
i put my instagram on my discord status the other day yk bc i didnt wanna give it to him directly bc idk thats kinda weird like 'omg hey [redacted] heres my insta'
n e ways im rly emo bc i kinda really really like him and i feel like he likes this other girl thats his friend and i dont even know her but apparently shes rly mean n shit LIKE I CAN DO SM BETTER ! LIKE ME INSTEAD but like if hes happy im happy ig 😔😔 he also called me annoying the other day LIKE IT WAS AS A JOKE BUT DAMN . . . idk whats wrong with me this crush has literally ruined me i cant take jokes anymore bc why was i laying in my bed the night it happened wondering if he hated me or if i was just being dumb and stupid and silly and sensitive (i was ((i am)))
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
man i hope this isnt weird and i know its a little weird but ive followed you for a while and feel a deep kindred spirit with you. i know its only parasocial and we arent mutuals so its all good but like some of the things you post resonate with me so deeply and you articulate things abt yourself that i also feel abt my self but you articulate them better than i ever could. also we have very similar hair but i usually weird mine buzzed but when it grows out it looks a lot like yours and you rock it in ways i never feel confident enough to do. idk i just saw your post abt being a bad person but not in the ways ppl think you are and thats like something i think to myself all the time like i wish ppl who think im good knew i was bad and ppl who think im bad knew how wrong they were abt the ways im bad. and things youve posted abt being a stupid person and having ppl be like "youre not" resonate too bcuz its like im painfully PAINfully aware of my own stupidity and bumbling thru like but my loved ones dont want me to think that way or acknowledge it but i think there is something truly liberating in knowing i am inherently dumb in a lot of ways and to a lot of things and i have to work harder to live a good life bcuz of it. idk. im doing a bad job of explaining myself here. but anyways. i just wanna say thanks for putting your thoughts on this website for me to follow and keep doing you, bcuz youre doing it great.
Well I hope it's not weird for me to post this, I suppose it is anonymous after all; it feels kind of private to me but also I am also having a freakishly difficult couple of weeks and it was meaningful to hear someone say "I know what you're talking about." (I think you are speaking very clearly btw) I feel like a lot of the rhetoric society uses to address people who have depression is devised by people who don't suffer from it, like there's a lot of language about how "you're not alone" and a lot of idealizing talk about how great the self-denigrating sufferer appears to others, and that's nice and all but it kind of dismisses the individual's own personal experience of themselves. A person is more complex than their need for extra hugs or attention or something, and a person's perception of themselves/experience of having to be with themselves is not contingent on the perceptions of others even if the external impressions are positive. I don't know, I hate to shit on supportive behaviors but a lot of them are basically dismissive of a person's status as the de facto expert on themselves; I don't really think it's ultimately helpful to make people feel like they don't know what they're talking about, about their own selves. It can be maddening actually, and idealizing talk in particular has a way of suggesting that things have to be great for them to be at all acceptable. Which is really oppressive to tell the truth.
Interlude: In grade school my best friend's class had to do this exercise where they made acronyms of of their first names using various personal qualities, and the teachers gave her shit because for the letter A she used Adequate, and they thought this was, like...bad and had to be corrected.
Anyway I have always written very obsessively and I think it's related to wanting to be understood. Which is not the same thing as wanting to be appreciated, or wanting to feel not-alone. I think I just want someone to say they know what I'm talking about, instead of telling flattering lies or suggesting that something is wrong to say or dismissable just because it seems negative or painful. As if discomfort is automatically invalidating. Someone asked me recently if I journal and I laughed because I've done it all my life, and also because I actually have a SACK of journals under my bed, one regular one, one for dreams, one that's about my dysfunctional relationship with money and materials, etc. And then there's my various blogs of course. I have a couple of semi-pro writing projects going too that I hope I get to announce soon. But it's really all about just the fantasy of articulating something so carefully, preferably in ink (or "ink"), that no one can possibly pretend that they don't know what I'm talking about ever again.
It's funny that we wear our hair the same. I used to wear it half-shaved but my hair grows so fast, it gave me a lot of anxiety. But on that note I must say that whatever pictures of me you see are like 1/1000, I find it very hard to take a picture I'm satisfied with and I often just wind up feeling embarrassed, but ultimately I think I'm just trying to fix some positive mental image of myself even though I know we're all different people at different hours of each day. I dunno. Actually it becomes problematic because a couple of people are always telling me how "photogenic" I am and then I'm like WHY DID IT TAKE ME THREE HOURS TO GET THIS ONE SHOT THEN, and they refuse to believe me when I explain how many pictures I throw out. They think they're doing me a big favor by pretending everything is effortless for me. I have especial problems with my hair, probably every picture you see of me was anxiously snapped at some exact moment when it was behaving! So don't worry, I'm having a really hard time with my appearance basically always. Pictures other people take of me are mortifying, and I'm always like FUCK, that's what they think is a good, representative photo of me? Uh oh. Pictures I take of myself are usually taken in an emergency in fleeting, ephemeral moments where I suddenly look ok to myself.
This morning I went to the church where I've been going since February, a beautiful place full of eccentric older people I have fallen a little in love with. Sometimes I'm tempted to actually convert to Catholicism, like maybe that would be the gothest thing I could do, but I know that I will always believe in abortion and the right to suicide and I'm not too sure about hell or the historical Jesus or papal authority. I just really like it in this specific church. This morning one of the oldest ladies who goes on the weekdays like me introduced herself, she was very sweet and she was wearing hoops that were styled like chains, I don't think she realized they were bad bitch earrings, they just looked nice on her. She said it was nice to see "young people" getting involved with the church, and I wanted to tell her I turned 42 last week, but I might still be the youngest person there! When I met some of the other folks last month they told my husband that he looked like Geraldo Rivera, and then remarked that they thought we were too young to be aware of Geraldo. I told them we're old enough, we're just packed in our own oil. Anyway this is my big excuse to post selfies I was struggling with, I feel more conflicted about them these days, but I guess I'm still compelled. Thanks so much for your understanding, and have a good night!
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sailermoon · 1 year
my greatest shame is that when I went to Mexico as a kid my aunt let me borrow her video recorder except for some reason she gave us the tape had her big birthday celebration on it?? I guess to save tape idk and we have somewhat of a vague idea of how the camera works. so being dumb kids we record dumb things as one does (mostly us just goofing around)
so im 11 at the time and my older brother is 14 and being a “too cool” older brother he doesnt wanna put up with us little siblings. one day im trying to get him to say hi to the camera and instead he says “fuck you” with a dead serious expression and im not to hung up on it cause he’s just like that. the horror only comes cause remember how i said my aunt gave us her birthday tape? well i had accidentally recorded OVER the tape so now halfway thru the cake cutting it cuts to a clip of my brother saying “fuck you” and then back to the rest of the party like normal
and im 11 and losing my mind because what am i gonna do!! so i just. dont tell anyone. the trip to mexico ends, we go home, give my aunt her camera and i never speak of what i did. this is my greatest shame and also biggest secret no one in my family knows this and i live in fear of the day my aunt rewatches that tape
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
DAMN BRO TOMMY IS COLD AF "you just a bastard" i could FEEL the hurt coming thru the screen when i read that, and then tommy just INSTANTLY regrets it, and dang Bee you really did us like that, just jokes tho i loved the chapter and am so looking forward to the next one! i think this is one of my fav AU's even with how many times i yell in my head at how much of a dumbass wil's being and how they all need to grow up, i can already tell this has a special place in my heart. your writing is just *chef's kiss* and i feel the characters pain. who knew block men and a bee could do me like that. THE FUCKING CLIFFHANGER THO, 10 bucks on Jack doin his signuture "Oi, you alright" as wilby storms off. I personally think Niki is on Florisium (that may not be spelled right tho) because of that flashback scene where thats where she said she would wanna go, possibly plottin some revenge:( i have mixed feelings about niki getting betrayed, on one hand DONT DO MY GIRL LIKE THAT and on the other ik that tommy and wilbur couldnt get her out, i just wish they had thought to tell the guards to open the cell and put in the PIN using their Voices. I love what u came up with for Phil's and Techno's baskstory and it makes so much sense. One of my fav little scenes was where wilburs drunk as a skunk and Big Q is just like "please techno get this man out of my room, he keeps trauma-dumping on meeeee" and found that to be practically the funniest shit ever. anways, i love what youve done with stars so far, and am so excited to see future progress!
aw thank you!! there's so much pain and emotional complexity with the characters in this fic so it just makes me so happy to know it's pulling people in in a way that feels like the characters pain is their own
i'll confirm right now niki is not on floslium. I just didn't want to come up with another planet name but I wanted her to reference a specific planet in that flashback lol. if she was on floslium aimsey would've heard about it because aimsey and niki also became friends when aimsey was on eldingvegr, and if aimsey knew niki was on floslium they'd tell niki that wilbur and tommy are on zephys iv and they would also tell wilbur where niki is. so yeah, niki's not there sorry to say. good theory though!
oh I've seen people point that out, but that wouldn't have worked even if they'd try to use their Voices to get the guards to unlock the cell. the guards there didn't know the cell passcode. that was specifically because they were dealing with a siren, so they knew that if anything in the silencing barrier malfunctioned niki would've been able to make them let her out.
lmao the quackity scene was so fun to write he was so tired of being wilbur's therapist
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