#doodles in the whole pad
driftingballoons · 16 days
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Day 1: First Meeting
First impressions are everything. Unfortunately, waking up on a beach means the sand might be a more pressing issue
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drawthething · 4 months
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They would soooooo bitch about each other's handwritings
Happy Valentine's y'all ❤
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thewoundedfallenangel · 7 months
knowing how to draw means you can make any of your ideas come to life!
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any... ideas... 😳😳🥵🥵
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incantation - @wolfstarmicrofic - 241
"So," James whispered, standing next to Sirius as they both waved their wands just how Flitwick had shown them, "when are you gonna tell Moony?"
"Tell Moony what?" Sirius responded, trying not to look too suspicious as he practiced the incantation in his head.
"That you're gone for him," James answered casually, smirking as he began to mumble Expecto Patronum, only to achieve white smoke.
"Wh-what?" Sirius stuttered, turning to James, who looked smug.
"You were staring at him the whole lecture. You doodle moons in your notes. Your Amortentia smells like chocolate, for fuck's sake," James chided, furrowing his eyebrows as he only conjured smoke again. "It's bloody obvious to everyone except Moony himself, Pads."
"You're barking," Sirius denied, rolling his eyes. But it was Remus who he was picturing as he focused himself on the spell. Remus, whose eyes were the perfect shade of brown. Remus, whose smile always made Sirius feel so safe, and a bit floaty. "Expecto Patronum," he murmured, his heart leaping when a corporeal animal jumped from the tip of his wand.
But James let out of a shout of laughter when they saw what it was: a giant, silvery wolf, short snout and tufted tail making him distinct in every way. "Yeah, Pads? Wanna tell me again what you said a second ago?"
And, blushing crimson, Sirius stared at Patronus-Moony, unable to deny his feelings, knowing that his own spell had sold him out.
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emelinstriker · 6 months
Soundwave & Shockwave ♡ Be More Expressive
Second X Reader one-shot to be dropped. And guess who's just been told that her wisdom teeth need to be extracted. Fuck. :D
[TL;DR] You have stickers and art supplies. And two lovely victims.
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"There is nothing logical about what you are doing."
"Shush'up, Shocky- I'll have you know I'm great at drawing!" You sassily stated as you continued working on a little doodle on his shoulder pad. You drew it right in your science lover's field of view so he would also remember you were there. However, your body was in front of the drawing to make it a bit of a surprise. So for the last few minutes Shockwave was only able to stare at your butt. Not bad of a sight in his point of view (literally), but he was still curious.
"That's not what I was referring to."
"I know, I know... But then you'll have something that reminds you of our relationship! No worries, it's easy to wash off if you don't like the drawing in the end." The cyclops ex-vented, deeming your response as logical enough to please him.
"And... tadaaa! What do you think?" You moved aside so Shockwave could have a proper look at what you did to his shoulder pad.
You drew an adorable little piece of his and Soundwave's helms, as well as your head surrounded by a heart. Shockwave actually felt a little flattered by your artwork, and yet he decided to play off what he actually felt.
"It looks logical", he commented. You pouted at his response. Again, he found your human way of expressing yourself interesting.
"Be more expressive, damn'it!" Suddenly your gaze locked onto your little bag filled with your art supplies... including stickers and sticky notes. You had a grin on your face as you pulled out a package of stickers and took out a few. Once you had a few sticking to your hand, you turned to give your Conjunx a bright smile before leaning down and lightly slapping random colorful stickers all over his chassis. If Shockwave had a faceplate instead of one optic, he probably would've given you a confused pokerface mixed with internal screaming. But here he was, simply observing your actions out of curiosity.
"What are you doing?"
"Sticking sticky stickers, duh. Here," you started as you grabbed a sticky note and wrote something on it before aggressively sticking the note just above his optic. "You deserve a DUM sticker for that question, mister!" You pouted at him before slapping his frame with more stickers. You finally decided to stop when you emptied one whole sticker package, finishing by putting a little unicorn sticker on your own cheek for a little partner look. Leaning back to have a better overview of your newest masterpiece, you hummed in satisfaction. The scientist was covered in stickers that looked definitely odd on him, accompanied by a DUM sticker over his optic. Good thing the note was so much smaller than his optic because otherwise giving him a little kiss on it would've made it a bit harder. "I love you."
After giving him the little kiss as appreciation for his tolerance, a certain Intelligence Officer came into the lab, much to Shockwave's relief and your happiness. You frantically waved one arm around up high, leaning back against Shockwave's helm. "Hiya, Sounders!"
As he walked over to the two of you, his visor held the image of a smile until he was standing in front of you and the bigger mech. The ex-gladiator raised his servo up next to you and gently rubbed your cheek with a digit. A pixel heart appeared on his visor as he did so. You giggled at his affection, leaning into his digit's touch. "Aw, I love you too."
You glanced at Shockwave's sticker-covered frame and smirked mischivously, turning back to face your other Conjunx' visor. The heart instantly faded and got replace with a raised eyebrow emoticon. He didn't like that look on your face and decided to leave while he still could. So, he slowly pulled his digit away from you and took one step backwards.
"Hey Shocky," you started as you pulled out another package of stickers. "Wanna see me make Sounders suffer as well?" His ear fins perked up in delight. He was definitely amused by your suggestion.
"Equality only seems logical, sweetspark."
Shockwave approached the shorter mech, already armed with you in his servo. You were smirking, menacingly. The scientist held you out towards the TIC's chassis. And before said mech could escape by moving further back, there was already a unicorn sticker slapped onto him. Surprised by your swiftness, he looked down at his chassis. You caught him off-guard once more when he saw you had already drawn a little red heart on Laserbeak's left wing.
That's when he heard rather evil giggling coming from his right.
Oh scrap. You were now on his shoulder pad, doodling away with a line of stickers already trailing up from his chassis to the side of his helm.
You and Shockwave weren't exactly the sneakiest duo, so this greatly surprised him. Then again, he must've been in some form of trance in that moment. However, there wasn't much he could do to stop you now that you already marked him with your stickers and drawings. Well, more like he didn't have the spark to stop you. You have managed to basically capture him and he was being a good sport about it.
The scientist had already resumed working on the project you had interrupted earlier, calm relief visible in his posture. His sticker-covered frame turned to you one last time. "They are your artistic problem now, Soundwave. Do not bring them back until all their stickers and art supplies are gone from their possession." His right ear fin flicked upwards by a little, as if he was smirking at your other lover.
You laughed at his words while the masked mech showed a smiley on his visor as he nodded. Then he decided to walk out of the room with you still present on his shoulder, having your fun with your supplies.
Shockwave approached Megatron's location, ready to report his progress, when the warlord suddenly let out a chuckle. He couldn't even look the cyclops properly in the optic. The DUM sticker was too much of a funny distraction.
"I see. Soundwave wasn't the only victim affected by this... sticky situation."
His ear fins drooped at his master's discovery, unamused by the joke. That's when he looked behind the grey mech and noticed Soundwave completely covered in stickers and lovely drawings. He had more stickers on him than Shockwave, and yet still held a pixel heart on his visor as he used one digit to pat their shared organic Conjunx, who was still on his shoulder pad, on the head.
[ Masterlist ]
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Hobie Brown x Artistic/DIY Reader
I love him 💙
pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
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Warnings: maybe spoilers for ATSV, IDK. Reader's in the punk scene and from Hobie's universe. Whole lotta projection. Canon-typical injuries
Features info dumping and personal Hobie HCs I guess. It's long ASF. And just self indulgent
Please RB, likes alone don't do anything for the algorithm!
DIY/punk Hobie Brown
If you're in the scene, you know the basics
Usually with dental floss for durability/cost efficiency
And originally painted with white-out for the same reasons
Spikes or studs?
Cheap, bulk buy, screw em on yourself
Or just make em out of cans
Hobie's fit looks like it fits the bill
Old leather or denim jacket with the sleeves cut off
FN/SM painted on the back
Shirt's kinda tattered iirc
Spiked collars are easy
Same with the wristbands
When he meets you?
Whoo boy
It was one of his shows he was putting on
New songs, new faces in the crowd
He spots you from a distance at first
Little sketchbook in hand
You stay through his whole performance
When he's chatting up the crowd afterwards, though?
You're already gone
(Bitch writes a song about the pretty thing watching from afar, bc ofc he does)
He next sees you during one of President Osborne's speeches
Standing in the front row of a gathered crowd, shaking your head at the screen
He drops down after a few minutes, hanging upside down and blocking the less-than-pleasant view
He takes a few moments between questions from others
Little explanations
A promise to do what he can
Takes just a glimpse to look you over
You have a similar touch to the rest of the crowd
Worn out boots, tattered clothes, hand-sewn and painted patches
And your sketchbook still in hand
It's a little peculiar for the crowd
But he doesn't question it
What he does question is where you've gone after he turns to look at you
He only took a second for more reassurances
But when he goes to see you again
You're gone, just like the first time you caught his eye
He realizes then
That he's intrigued
He doesn't know what it is about you
Until he keeps seeing you pop up again
His immaterial object of interest
He finally starts actually talking to you the third or fourth time he sees you
At another of Osborne's liefests
An ambassador on a stage, surrounded by punks
Speaking of the President's virtues
Spider-Punk shows up pretty quickly to run him off
And gets to chatting with you
When he first approaches, you ask for his opinion on a patch idea
And turn your sketchbook to show him the page
His spider symbol backpiece
But instead of FN/SM, it simply states
"Down With President Osborne"
He takes your pen and signs as a seal of approval before swinging away
Sure, it was a short interaction
But it led to even more meaningful ones
Like, say..
Him practically dropping out of the sky into a park
You were just minding your business, sketching the scenery
When he almost fell on top of you.
Covered in injuries
He laughs when he looks up and sees that it's you
Because of course it's you
Tries to resist when you start futzing over him
If you're the parent friend like me?
Patch him up
Even if you can't see him back together
Bandaids and gauze pads
And maybe some candy
Bc suckers help with creativity
Or it's just my neurodivergence? Idk
Just. Offer him one in case he needs to bite on something while you're putting alcohol on his injuries
When you're done he looks them over
Promptly winces when he twists his arm 🙄
But then thanks you for your help and swings off
These kinds of interactions become common
He'll find you hanging around the city
Either doodling or just vibing
And drops down to talk for a bit
Or get patched up
Loves when you offer to fix his costume
Bc it looks just as nice & homemade as the rest of your/his fits
Grins under his mask when he sees a new patch or two
And starts snickering if you deny their application
He really appreciates everything you do for him
And figures he should prove it
Sure, he's saved you
But he's saved a lot of people..
He wants this to be special
And he thinks he knows how to do that..
Click for next part
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bloodandoranges · 8 months
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Through Your Eyes
Astarion x Reader/Tav / short / soft and sweet / Tav draws Astarion, he gushes
Thank you for all the love on my first post! I’m working on some Karlach stuff right now because I noticed that she’s really lacking in fics so obviously that needs to be rectified.
Astarion tapped his foot, leaning back against his hands as he waited…he liked to think he was a patient man, but…he was not.
“Darling, how much longer will this take?” He complained, tilting his head from side to side as if his muscles were aching.
Tav glance over her sketch pad, a soft laugh escaping her. “… Astarion, I’ve been drawing for ten minutes," she spoke, gazing intently at him for a moment… before getting back to work.
He gave a bit of a huff; though it clearly wasn’t genuine annoyance. He actually really appreciated it. She was a wonderful artist. He’d caught her doodling their companions and seeing how well she caught their likeness? He was eager to see himself from her eyes… and well, eager to see himself in general.
Cazador may have been more than happy to splurge on portraits of himself, but his spawn? He wouldn’t even dream of it. He frowned a little at the thought, and Tav gave a soft laugh.
“Stop frowning… I want to draw that beautiful smile.” Of course, she wasn’t to know what was on his mind. Astarion blinked, eyes widening a bit…clearly? He hadn’t noticed he was outwardly expressing his frustration.
He gave a little huff, readjusting and giving her a sly smile. “…You know that’s not what I mean," she spoke, lowering the sketch pad…He caught the slightest glimpse of himself and beamed. “That one!” she laughed, eagerly fumbling to adjust the sketch.
“Oh come now, you’ve got to be done, surely!” he sighed frantically as he crawled over, arms winding around her waist as he nuzzled into her shoulder, gazing over the sketch… His face softened immediately at the sight.
There he was, basking in the sun and settled in front of his tent, an adoring smile on his face. His hair was coiffed, somehow curled around his face perfectly despite the whole no mirror thing… He looked ethereal. There were a couple more sketches on the page too, showcasing his face up close, wrinkles and blemishes and all.
Of course, he knew he was gorgeous; he’d had zero doubts about that. But to see what he truly looked like? Drawn by someone who treasured him so dearly? It almost bought a tear to his eye. Almost.
“Darling, these are simply divine…” he whispered, taking the sketch pad from her to admire them. “We should get them framed.”
“Wh- they’re not /that/ good!” she cried, eyes wide at the suggestion.
“Nonsense! They’re everything to me…” he cooed, setting the sketch pad down to cup her face, gazing at her with so much love.
Tav flushed, hands slowly moving to settle over his. She really didn’t feel like a couple sketches warranted framing, but it was clearly important to him. “…Okay, Astarion. I’ll get them framed,” Tav cooed, kissing lazily at his palms… Which turned into lazy kisses, which turned into Gale loudly scolding the pair from across the camp.
They looked at each other, laughing loudly as they untangled themselves to stand… And just like that, they were off to the city.
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
10 things...
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Gender Neutral Reader
- reposted since tumblr queue thing messed this up
Tags; FLUFF, tiny bit suggestive but not really, petnames(beloved, lover), a whole lot of kisses and I love yous, fluff fluff fluff
10 paper rings he made with otherwise discarded paper. He teasingly places the crafted jewel to your ring finger as he asks for your hand, all before placing lingering kisses to each pad of your fingers.
9 sweet nothings amongst the heat of the moment. His lips are swollen from feverish kisses, and yet he can't stop himself from kissing you more. His hands are greedy, tugging and pulling your skin, blemished from the slight nibbling of his teeth coaxing muffled mewls as he swallowed you into another kiss. He only pulls away to whisper against your ear, his hot breath pricking your skin and sending goosebumps down your arms. He couldn't stop himself from spilling those sweet words that arose a velvet blush to your cheeks. His mouth was running like a faucet- he wouldn't stop until you know just how much you mean to him, but even words feel feeble in comparison to the feelings he holds.
8 sticky notes on the kitchen counter or bedroom table. Quick little doodles and sweet messages covered the little papers as your lover went on with his day. He despises that he can not spend his morning with you at all times, cuddled up in the comforts of your shared bed, his arms would be wrapped around your waist knowing you were safe. But for now, silly little drawing and messages will suffice as he reminds you to: take care of yourself, to not forget your supplies for the day, to eat and to drink water and of course, his personal favorite; don't forget I love you <3 ٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶
7 hesitant confessions. Every attempt didn't feel right, perfect - just like you deserved. Before each moment, his face grew uncomfortably hot, the words getting caught in his throat before sputtering a poor excuse and running off, leaving you confused. Note confessions resulted in crumbled papers piling in his trash bin, the sentences not conveying the right things. Asking you on a simple date left him tongue tied, and he ended up asking you for a pencil instead. And he didn't want to get a mutual friend to do it either; he had to be the one to tell you. It will take almost half a dozen attempts until he finally confessed those three simple yet terrifying words; 'I like you'
6 blushing faces as the mere sight of his beloved is enough to make him weak in the knees. He truly finds you to be the most beautiful thing in the world, your smile infectious and filling his chest with warmth and desire to be the best partner he can for you. He finds you mesmerizing in anything you wear; a bland article of clothing instantly has life when on your figure. But he easily buckles to his knees when you dress up pretty/handsome for him for special dates and occasions - you'll have to forgive him. He wouldn't be able to keep his hands to himself. You look so heavenly.
5 more minutes in bed, he would grumble against the crook of your neck. His lips were slightly brushing against the bare skin;even as you shivered and squrim, it only encouraged him to stay longer. His grip was one impossible to escape from, only tightening at the slightest sign of movement, his lips spilling a false promise of 'just one more minute'. A pleasant smile was forming on his features as he drew you closer to him, your back firmly pressed against his. He couldn't ask for a better start of the day, having you engulfed in his loving embrace as he lingered in that spot for a 'couple' of minutes longer.
4 I love yous before he leaves. He was running horribly late by the time he even thought about leaving. Your absence left a void and the time ticked painfully slow till it be filled again. And so he slowly draws himself from you, calling upon any excuse to just linger a second longer. ' I love you' He would mumble against your lips, finally disconnecting his hands from your own. 'I love you' He would say before brushing your hair from your face to get a better look- his heel slightly turning to leave. 'I love you' He would call out as he rushed off to do his work, his voice echoing off the corridors before becoming distant. A couple seconds pass before you feel your phone notification system click off; 1 message -> 'I love you'
3 dozen kisses when you weakly sob into the crook of his shoulder, his hands rubbing comforting circles against the fabrics of your shirt. His lips carry sweet nothings as sorrow drowns out into tranquility. A couple more dozen kisses to your face simply because he feels like it, grasping your chin with care, chuckling softly against your lips as butterflies dance on the surface of his chest. He is addicted to your saccharin lips, his own becoming swollen and painted magenta as he draws himself closer for another round of vehement kisses.
2 squeezes to the palm on your hand, which was interlaced firmly within his own, his thumb drawing lazy circles at the curve of your fingers and knuckles. It was mundane yet so intimate at the same time. A simple thing to do in the gaze of prying eyes as you both stroll in the park, the sun's warm rays, or the moon's cool gaze bathing you in fluorescent hues. Yet it didn't compare to the sensation pulling at his heart when he feels those two gentle squeeze to his hand, a silent agreed upon codeword; 'I love you'
1 diamond ring amongst the eve of the horizon. Yellow streaks paint the sky in an alluring glow, making the moment perfect. His palm is becoming sweaty by the passing moment, and his breath hitches as he props himself down to one knee. The ten paper rings failed at preparing him for this moment as he brought all his courage to ask that one last question, and despite the growing hue on his cheeks, his eyes remained on yours. His lips slightly quivered as he took a deep breath, 'Marry me?'
Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Childe(?), ACE TRAPPOLA, Riddle Rosehearts, Jamil Viper, Silver, ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA, Noé Archviste, Roland Fortis, Osamu Dazai(?), Tetchō Suehiro, Chūya Nakahara
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matthyeu · 1 year
sticky note ― sqr.
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pairing ⇢ shen quanrui (ricky) x gn!reader 
genre ⇢ fluff, college!au
warnings ⇢ none
word count ⇢ 595
synopsis ⇢ amongst the sticky notes of feedback, there's always a small doodle of you from an unknown person.
notes ⇢ i’m going to work on requests after this!! i just got this really cute idea from what one of my classmates did, and i wanted to write something like it!
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you never thought one of the biggest mysteries in your life would be the artist behind the wall of sticky notes you had, the ones you had collected from a whole semester’s worth of feedback from one of your classes. 
it certainly wasn’t the expected outcome your professor envisioned when she introduced the idea as she was going over the syllabus, an anonymous way of sending feedback to people after their presentations. it was a procedure where the presenter would step out of the classroom, waiting in the halls, as the rest of the classmates covered their desk with positive notes. 
whenever you did your presentations, you often looked forward to seeing a messy sketch amongst the sea of praise. the sketch in place of positive feedback was more than you could ever ask for. it made you happier than any words ever could. 
to know someone was able to concentrate on your presentation and make an accurate rough sketch of you in pen within the eight minutes you were speaking was impressive. they must have been an artist, but you couldn’t guess who it could be. 
you asked the people around you about them, but none of them received sketches like yours. all of theirs were simple little notes. while they teased that you must have been special to the artist, they didn’t dare to tell you who it was, wanting to keep the purpose of anonymity your professor preached about. 
you had no choice but to continue to wonder as you continued to look back on the sticky notes from that semester, the ones you had taped to your window because they were so special to you. someone had taken time to draw them, so why throw them out? though, your roommate often complained about how you wouldn’t stick them anywhere else since everyone always asked about them when they first arrived in your dorm. 
it was true. everyone did have questions about the wall of sticky note drawings, but you never expected the one ricky asked when he came in to work on a project with you. usually, people only asked why you even had it in the first place. 
“you kept those drawings?” 
ricky was in the class where you had received them, so it was fair that he knew about your situation. he was even one of the people who refused to expose the artist.
“well yeah, i thought they were cute. the person who drew them probably worked hard, so i want to appreciate them. i think whoever did it was very talented.” 
somehow you missed the small smile he had on his lips as he continued to listen to you talk about your sticky note wall. you were far too busy admiring it for the twentieth time of the day to even see the little signs ricky gave. 
“you know, i want to know who did it. i want to ask if they could draw me a formal portrait. i’d even pay them to do it too since i’ve always wanted to do that kind of thing.” 
as you turned around, you found ricky had already made himself comfortable on your dorm floor, taking supplies out of his backpack. however, these weren’t the materials you needed for your project. 
“huh? ricky what are you doing?” you asked as he brought out a large pad of paper. 
“well, you said you wanted the sticky note artist to draw you a portrait, so here i am. don’t worry. it’s free of charge since i’ve always found enjoyment in drawing you.”
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moneymartin · 2 months
🦌-lottie with skater!gf hcs
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k this has been sitting in my inbox for like a week im sorry zzz also pulling stuff out of my ass cuz im so sleepyt
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rich girl yes, she def buys you your gear and shit
if you ask her for a new deck she will literally get it for you no hesitation even if she already got you one
even the clothes and shoes like okayyyy (all brand name clothes for skating r so expensive too omfg)
offering her some help cause she wants to learn just for you
one day before she asked for it though she came home with scratches and a few bruises here and there cause she was trying to learn while you were out of the house :(
cannot balance thats why it happened
when you do end up teaching her though she is gripping onto you so tight it feels like your shirt is gonna rip 😭 she’s terrified of falling in front of you it is literally her biggest fear
teaching her tricks is a whole new level like she cannot pop up the tail properly and always holds on to you cause she sux!
you probably get her the skate trainers so she can do them when you’re gone ☹️
idk if ppl are gonna know what i’m talking abt but having her stand on the board while you hold her hands and she jumps so you can make the board underneath spin
please tell me you guys know what i’m talking abt or i’m gonna sound fucking crazy…
when she gets what she considers good she always calls you out so you can see her do a silly lil pop shuv or a strawberry milkshake 😭
when you sucked at skating you would get hurt ALL THE TIME!!!
lots of blood thats for sure.. lottie tending to your wounds and calling you ‘stupid’ for not wearing a helmet
you tell her “it looks dumb on me” and she ends up smacking you in the area where it hurts just so you know not to do it again and wear the damn helmet no matter how dumb it looks 😒
makes up for that tho fs! kisses your little scratches and bruises while you sleep so they magically feel better in the morning
definitely gives you massages too like she is such an angel oh my god
i think if you broke her arm or leg she’d FREAK!!!
she sees your hand twisted in that weird way but you’re just sitting on the floor holding up your wrist while she’s literally sobbing and calling an ambulance 🤧
same thing with the leg me thinks… your ankle twisted or something like that
when you get your arm casted up she helps you do everything like dress and cook and all that shebang
also she writes all over the cast like she makes it hard for the other yjs to sign it cause all there is on there is her name a bunch of times and a million hearts and doodles
one space on there where the yjs have their names cramped up while lottie’s is everywhere 😕
when it heals and you start to skate again lottie makes you wear a big ass sweater with a shit ton of padding underneath
probably makes you wear big old pants too so she can pad them up as well
gets you a big dumb helmet too so you don’t get hurt
but in reality she just cares about you too much and hates seeing you in pain 🙁🙁🙁
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ghostytoad · 7 months
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Mikey
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff || Words: 1.8k
Raph | Donnie | Leo | Bonus!!
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this boy will not hesitate to call dibs on being y/n's best friend the moment they meet; not only are they super cool and confident, they're pretty funny too!
he genuinely admires everything about y/n, from their charismatic and funny nature to the way they seem to keep their cool under pressure
mikey likes to refer to them as the "color bomb of our family portrait" (whatever that means) and will insist they are the splash of color the group's been missing this whole time
nicknames!! he will literally call y/n everything under the sun as a show of affection; some of his favorites include "leo 2.0" and "rainbow"
mikey will take every chance he gets to cling onto y/n like a koala bear or use them as his personal lap pillow; he is the most physically affectionate of the brothers, so expect lots of tackle hugs and cuddles too
insists that it's completely platonic though! cuddling doesn't always have to be romantic or just for couples or anything! if he's not holding onto y/n's hand, he's at the very least hovering in their space at all times
he just happens to enjoy how warm y/n is and they don't seem too bothered by the touching so it just makes sense that y/n is the first one mikey calls when he's in major need of hugs
y/n has a big ego, but mikey doesn't exactly help that fact with his endless praise and compliments; it's like he has stars in his eyes every time he sees them do anything mildly exciting. if anything, y/n is TOO HUMBLE in his eyes
he constantly brags to his brothers about how great y/n is (and how lame the boys are compared to them) to the point where it's painfully obvious to evevryone how lovestruck he is; every conversation somehow loops back to y/n and if no one's around for him to gush about them to? he'll just channel that affection into his art!
every time he invents a new dish, y/n is the first person to taste test his new creation. and if they say they like it? he will make it his new specialty dish for the next few weeks. y/n gets to name it too! a special privilege for only the greatest of greats in his eyes
every time y/n comes over to the lair, he immediately stops whatever he's doing to greet them and show them around like it's their first time ever being in the lair. it's basically a tradition at this point.
no joke, he will literally take them on a tour of the place like it's a new bachelor pad or something
"welcome to our humble little abode~ please feel free to relax on any of our luxury beanbags or "sacco" as the italians call it! to our left, we have the most advanced in genius technology, created by our very own donatello hamato!" "mikey, this is the third time this week they've been here. please for the love of plato, get out of my lab and let me work."
it's also just a fun little way for him to show off his new art without looking too braggy and he can't pass up a chance to pester his brothers; truly a silly little menace
if he's drawing, he usually has y/n pose for his practice sketches; they're just so photogenic and fun to draw, the perfect muse! and they don't complain as much as leo does when he has to model for mikey
he also keeps a special sketchbook meant just for y/n and him; they hand off the sketchbook back and forth every other week to fill with sketches and doodles of anything and everything. mikey thinks it's the purest form of bonding and gives every one of his doodles some meaning that ties back to y/n
the one-liners aren't exactly his style, but he still finds y/n to be incredibly funny, especially when it comes to their pranks. he will not hesitate to join in on their latest scheme (he's terrible at keeping secrets tho so they don't always work out)
is genuinely considering starting an improv troupe or a comedy duo with y/n; he thinks they could make it big if they just had the right venue! or maybe they could start their own cooking vlog together?
"c'mon, just one open mic nite! i promise it'll be fun and you're gonna kill it on stage! and i'll be front row cheering you on!"
y/n has their own little spot in the projector room right by mikey for movie nights; complete with a secret snack stash he's hidden in their beanbag for the two of them to share (he will eat most of it tho if y/n doesn't stop him)
he's not too keen on the idea of dragging them along on dangerous missions, but he will not hesitate to take them for a trip to the hidden city. after all, what better way to introduce y/n to yokai/mutant culture and the untamed world of mysticism than by exploring the mystic metropolis itself?
takes y/n to all of his favorite restaurants and parks when they're out, he enjoys being able to share his safe space(s) with someone special to him! and of course, he wants y/n to have fun too so he won't say no to visiting some of their favorite places!
unlike donnie and leo, mikey's pretty good at keeping y/n's more impulsive nature in check; he might be the wild card, but he's also very aware of the fact that Y/N is a human and as such, should be handled with care! (ironically, he gets upset when raph does the same to him)
don't get him wrong, he doesn't baby y/n, no no. he is simply trying to be a caring, considerate, and responsible friend. he's sure y/n can handle themselves, but the yokai world is new to them! mikey just wants to take it slow is all!
it's not until papa splinter decides to bring up the dreaded topic of grandchildren that mikey is confronted with his own feelings
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"All I know is that you boys are only getting older and with each passing day, my hope for grandchildren is getting smaller and smaller."
"DAD, WE AREN'T EVEN ADULTS YET! At least give us a chance to vote for the first time before you start yapping on about kids!"
"It is not the timing I am worried about. It is the sheer lack of game you three seem to have with the ladies. You have to BE a player to start the game." Splinter muttered the last part as if he were talking to himself. A bewildered trio of turtles sat before him in their usual "begging circle" before his favorite chair, unsure of how this conversation went so wrong. All they wanted to do was borrow their dad's iconic Lou Jitsu suit. And he was lecturing them about romance and grandchildren?!
Y/N and Mikey had no idea just what they were walking into when they sauntered into the projector room together, bags of snacks in hand for another movie marathon. Splinter let out a fond chuckle as Y/N greeted the rat with a bright smile and a wave.
"You see, I do not worry about Orange. Clearly he is the only one to receive my dashing looks and irresistable charm! How else would he have caught Y/N's sleek eye?" The old man threw a wink Mikey's way as the turtle stopped in his tracks to glance back and forth between his brothers and father.
"What… did I just walk in on?" his confusion translated into a sharp grimace, the corner of his frown quivering.
"Dad here's bugging us about dating." Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Wha- I thought he was gettin' on our case about grandkids or somethin'?"
"No, no. He was clearly implying that we have no social, relationship, or emotional skills to speak of and therefore have no chance at prospective mates with which we might eventually settle down with and have offspring of our own." Donnie's pout was apparent as he recapped the conversation, unsure if what his father said was a positive or negative sentiment.
Mikey and Y/N exchanged equally horrified glances, dropping the bags of goodies.
"WH-WHAT?!" they cried out in unison.
Y/N could barely get a breath in between their screeching tirade of 'NO NO NO' and Michelangelo's "STOP STOP STOP", both of them making a show of flailing about in humiliation and shaking their heads. Y/N and Mikey? Settling down?! KIDS??!!
"I feel as though I may have missed something…" Splinter watched the spectacle of shame with a quirked brow, stroking his greying beard and shrugging to himself.
The young mutant stopped his panic long enough grab Y/N by the shoulders and sharply turn them to face Splinter, pointing his finger into their cheek as if he were presenting them.
"DAD, WE are FRIENDS. FRIENDS! FFFRIEEEENDSS!" he hissed between clenched teeth, motioning between himself and the human that stood beside him. Behind him, his brothers quietly chuckled and snorted amongst themselves, but he chose to ignore them as he continued.
"WE are NOT getting married any time soon!" he gave Y/N a gentle pat on the shoulder and shot them a soft smile, "No offense."
"N-No, none taken!" Y/N nodded, eyes still wide with shock.
"WE are NOT having kids ANYTIME SOON!" With each word, Mikey's face loomed closer to his father, the man's amused grin unwavering.
"And if anything, I sincerely doubt someone as amazing, sweet, and funny as Y/N would ever wanna have kids with someone like me considering THIS whole situation!"
His hands waved over his body frantically to refer to his mutant form, oblivious to the now-offended scoff Y/N gave.
"Y/N and I were just here to-"
"You don't think I'd be with someone like you just because you're a mutant?" Y/N couldn't keep their irritation from seething off of them as their arms crossed tightly on their chest and their foot tapped impatiently against the cold floor. They were not happy. Mikey shrunk in on himself at the display and waited for them to continue, the entire room now listening intently.
"I'm sorry, is it just me or did you drink a big ol' mug of DENSE juice?" Their finger aggressively poked against the young turtle's plastron, "I happen to LIKE everything about your 'whole situation' and I happen to think YOU are just as amazing and funny, Michelangelo Hamato!" Despite the sincerity of their words, each syllable was spat from their downturned lips as their glare became fatal with angst. Neither of them paid any mind to the others, mouths gaping and eyes rounded with surprise. The box turtle's green cheeks burned a dark red at their words, his heart pounding wildly against his chest and his muscles tense with excitement.
"Does… does this mean I can hold your hand now? Like romantically...?" he squeaked, barely able to contain his glee. Y/N sheepishly nodded as they took his hand in theirs and pulled him into a gentle embrace. From behind him, a chorus of groans and sighs sounded from his brothers. All he could think of now was that Y/N liked him back. Maybe even loved him. Not even his brothers could ruin a perfect moment like this.
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kangals · 1 month
what does the grooming process look like for stellina and kep?
my 'process" for grooming is very much what i would call 'poor man's dog training':
get a silicone lick-mat
apply peanut butter very generously
slap that bad boy onto the front of the fridge/kitchen appliances at dog eye-level
groom while they're distracted
i start this process day 1 as puppies and continue it through their whole lives. should i actually be putting in the effort to actually train them to stand still and quietly for grooming without the need for food distraction? yes. do i? no i'm lazy.
or if you're asking about like, what grooming i'm actually doing:
hair: i do an all-over brush at least once a week (should do twice but again, lazy and not needed). takes like 20-30 mins. my 'schedule' for brushing is basically this:
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red areas (behind ears, arm/legpits) are high-friction and very prone to matting. these you have to brush out at least once a week, no exceptions, or you will get mats. this is also very sensitive skin so it's good to desensitize them to brushing as much as you can.
yellow areas should be brushed at least once weekly to comb out any tangles and debris, but are less prone to matting.
and then the rest of them i'll brush through but that's about it, that part pretty much never tangles.
i normally just use a pin brush and slicker brush, and a metal comb for the yellow/red areas. sometimes an undercoat rake if they're very sheddy.
collies are 'dry' dogs - they don't really drool, and they don't have the oily waterproof coat that breeds like a lab or hound does, so they're naturally low-odor without much of a 'doggy' smell. i'll bathe every 4-8 weeks depending on what the weather's like and if their skin seems like it's getting cruddy. 2-3 times a year i'll take them to a groomer to have them do a 'deshed' treatment where they really blow out the undercoat, because this makes a huge difference in keeping them comfortable in the heat, and in how much hair i have to vacuum.
for stellina i've also been getting an outline trim (shortening up the yellow areas on the pic with long feathering) in spring and fall, it just keeps things cleaner and it makes a huge difference in the amount of time i have to spend brushing.
feet: i dremel nails every week, same PB-mat method as with brushing. every week is probably overkill but i think it's good desensitization and also i hate long nails on dogs so i'm a bit anal about it. collies tend to get long hair on the feet/between the pads, some people like the 'grinch feet' look but personally i fucking hate it so every 4-6 weeks i just take round-tip scissors and clean them up.
other: the rest i do as needed, e.g. if i see any wax/debris in the ears i'll do a clean with OTC ear cleaner and a cotton ball. one of stellina's eyes tends to be teary, so about once a week i take a warm washcloth and wipe them down to prevent tear stains. and then i vacuum my house weekly, sometimes every 2 weeks if it's not too bad.
honestly i'm writing a lot but what i've listed here is way less than 1 hour a week on average, collies IMO are not particularly high-grooming needs dogs (compared to, say, a doodle or OES that needs daily brushing and regular professional grooming). i find the grooming and hair totally manageable. i honestly prefer dealing with long hair because it tends to clump together on the ground, rather than short hairs that fly and scatter into everything. people tend to see roughs and go 'oh no way too much hair' but like, it is super manageable as long as you've got half an hour at some point each week to brush your dog. i'm very obsessive about my pets being 'neat' and i do fine.
sorry for the incredibly overly-long answer to your very simple ask lmao
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iamnotshazam · 5 months
i saw the LotR films before ever reading the books and i love both. i turn now more to the books than the movies for enjoyment.
but i also feel like the three movies just. fucken. cracked it out of the park with some important things and i had NO idea how good i had it as a little nerd delving into the extended edition dvd extras. if i were a fan in the gritty-obsessed 90's hearing rumors of these movies, i would have expected at best stuff like: B-list acting that occasionally broke through with honest emotions. some skilled costuming and weaponry popping up in important scenes but mostly just knock-off viking opera aesthetic. homebrew DND imagery that made it painfully obvious by contrast which scenes they actually spent money on the set design and dressing.
and WETA and New Line and everyone on this!!! they did NOT accept lower standards cause it was fantasy! everyone else would have. This was genre filmmaking, this would have been perceived at the time as more like How the Grinch Stole Christmas than a Cecil B Demille-level epic movie. And the costuming department, composer, propsmaster and set designer all said "NO" and put their whole pussies behind it!
Jesus Christ the quality in those movies! Ian McKellan has undershirts like Gandalf the White might have! Bernard Hill has realistic quilted padding underlayers all made in the style a Rohirrim tailor and armorer would have made! Minas Tirith has a rat catcher because someone took a doodle and decided that would make sense in the lived reality of a massive city! Movie makers do not usually do this. It is NEVER about what isnt seen or necessary for the shot. You are judged professionally not by if you can cut corners in order to help production and still seem good, but by HOW MUCH.
I cannot blame anyone who worked on the Amazon series in the hands-on creative roles because the results are what they have been trained to do. Blame executives. Blame executives! Of course chainmail is going to be, i dunno, plastic or sewn into the edges of costumes if you dont have the money or time for real chain mail! And because it cannot be overstated how unusual the LotR trilogy filmmaking process must have been. It's like being given an average lower middle class family grocery budget and told to make a fancy Christmas dinner for 20 all by yourself with no help versus having a trained staff, a blank check, and Martha Stewart on retainer. That's not an exaggeration. That's the rhetorical gulf that someone (Valar BLESS them) in the bureaucracy had to wade across to convince execs to buy into the details. The Lord of the Rings movies are WEIRD.
And it shows. Bookfans bitch about the story changes, the balrog wings, the characterization differences. (Denethor was a reasonable person and even outsider Pippin could see he was very admirable to the people of Gondor, which made it sooooo much creepier when he suddenly snapped but i digress) but NEVER about the music. the filming locations. the set designs. the costumes. the props. the things that i really think count the most to help invest people in a different world!
No one ever complains about taking out the scene where Rohan is summoned to Gondor's aid with the Red Arrow, because yeah they could have made it work, they made the importance of other props like Andúril and, oh yeah, the One Ring very clear, but they had a better idea.
The beacons.
The beacons were not in the book.
Not in the same way, really, because while incredible to think about the narrative style was close third person, and you cannot follow beacons to rhapsodize about them when you're a tired hobbit getting saddle sore crossing national borders with a grumpy old wizard. Pippin sees the Beacons of Gondor at a distance when he's falling asleep and Gandalf tells him they're a mustering signal within Gondor. Which makes sense, really, they require some upkeep and would be awkward for two nations to negotiate how to handle - nevermind. That's it. That's all the beacons are in the text.
Someone adapting the script saw a moment that was ho-hum in the book but realized ! 💡⚡️That would look really great on camera! And it is now routinely listed as one of the most important cinematic moments of anything, ever.
There are so many things I still want to ask Peter Jackson, "Why???" but the original trilogy movies overall? Work. They work and they do more than work, they helped elevate an entire artform that I don't honestly know that much about and oh god i usually dont ramble about them like this im embarassed is this already acknowledged in tumblr tolkien circles? or are we just split into different little fandoms in order to keep the peace?
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐄𝐃 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ James doesn't realize he's doing anything wrong.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 james potter being james potter 𖦹 hurt/comfort (i think this is normal hurt/comfort. idk tho) 𖦹 shitty writing. like genuinely shitty writing. do not expect much. 𖦹 a sprinkle of remus lupin being hot bc im me 𖦹 hurt/comfort 𖦹 shitty ending 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 1.1k 
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In every sense of the word, James Potter was mesmerized by you.
He loved how your eyes would brighten when you talked about your passions and how your bows would furrow when you took notes. And your smile. Your smile was his favorite.
You were his favorite.
You, of course, knew of James Potter—the whole school did. That didn't mean people knew him. You were one of those people. You weren't even sure he knew your name until he said it. You melted.
He had come sauntering up to you., holding himself high as he silently sat next to you.
"I'm James," He smiled—that toothy grin you adored.
As you began saying your name, he cut you off.
"I know," He smirked, "How could I not know who you are? A pretty face like yours," He tapped his forehead, "Sticks in the noggins of people like me."
Your face got hot at his words, and you looked down with a smile. James fucking Potter knew who you were.
"People like you?" You tried to sound like your heart wasn't pounding so hard that you felt it in your head.
"Lovesick fools," He offered. His words were casual, like he hadn't just said he was lovesick because of you.
The rest of the class went by fast. You giggled at everything James said—which he immensely enjoyed. He would pass you stupid notes with bad drawings of him. He would always label himself in the picture to show that, under his clothes, he had a six-pack. You easily believed that part. What you didn't believe were the "facts" he would write himself saying.
For example, he talked about possums being allergic to citrus fruit.
This went on for weeks, but only in Transfiguration. In your other shared classes, he pretended you didn't exist. Your friends warned you, saying, "He'll break your heart."
You should have listened.
One day he walked into Transfiguration, strode right past you, and sat next to another girl. 
Your heart plummeted with your smile, and you felt sick. Your mind was clouded with the sight of it. Her touching his arm, him smiling that stupid smile of his—it was all too much.
And he did this day after day, and you felt your heart deteriorate.
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"Y/n! Wait up!" You heard someone call from behind you. It was James, of course. 
Your body, against your own volition, halted.
You turned to look at him.
"Hi," His white teeth beamed at you while his eyes twinkled in the sunlight.
And as much as you wanted to hate him—to curse him out—you couldn't bring yourself to do it, "Hi, James."
"So," James hooked his arm around your shoulders, "How've you been?"
"I've been—" You hesitated, "I'm good."
"Great!" He beamed.
You made light conversation until you reached Potions. He sat next to someone else, and your heart broke.
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Soon holiday break rolled around. You loved your family, but you didn't love your mother trying to cram eighty activities into one day, so you stayed at Hogwarts.
You were doodling the snowflakes falling from the Great Hall's ceiling when you heard laughter. 
You, of course, knew this laugh. It was hearty and deep. It was warm, just like he was.
You tensed as you felt him sit beside you, and two boys quickly sat across from you. They were eager.
"James," You greeted, looking up from your paper.
He was looking at you with those pretty eyes and that lopsided grin. 
Your heart smiled.
"Whatcha drawing?" He drawled, peering at the paper.
"Snowflakes," You gave. He took the pad of paper and held his hand out. "Pencil?"
You handed him your pencil, smiling as you did it.
Sirius shot a look to Remus, then mouthed: "idiots in love."
Remus kicked him, "Look who's talking," He muttered. Sirius pouted.
"James, what are you drawing?" You whined, leaning over in an attempt to see.
"No looking yet," He swatted you away, then huddled around the pad, hiding the drawing.
You waited in silence. 
You watched as he concentrated, "Done!" 
He had drawn a smiley face. Underneath, he wrote: 'Go to Hogsmeade with me?' With two boxes beneath, both marked with a yes.
Your eyes went wide as you read it. You swiftly stood up, grabbed your pencil, and left. 
James was feeling particularly discouraged.
"Maybe she's going to her dorm? To... get ready?" Remus said with a sheepish smile, trying to make James feel better.
"Thanks, Remus," James slouched, "I highly doubt that."
He sighed, "What did I do wrong? I've been flirting with her for months."
"I'm not sure, mate," Sirius shrugged, "Just go talk to her."
"No," He frowned as his heart did.
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You were eating breakfast, lamenting. Yes, you would have loved to go on a date with James, but then again—
"Excuse me!" Your thoughts were interrupted by a rather loud Sirius, "You have a lot of nerve showing your face here!"
You stared at him, "You mean at my school? Where I'm staying for the holidays?"
"Yeah!" Sirius nodded.
"And why is that?"
"James is heartbroken in our dorm right now!"
Sirius scoffs, "Why? Why she asks!" He threw his arms up, "Because you rejected him! Honestly, woman!"
"I never rejected him!" You shot back, "I'm just confused!" 
Sirius halted, "Why are you confused?"
"'Cos James is constantly flirting with other girls. Like, all the time," You pouted, "How am I supposed to know if he actually likes me?"
"Well, I'm sorry for yelling at you," Sirius crossed his arms, "I'm going to go yell at him now."
You giggled as Sirius stormed off; Remus sat across from you.
He took a bite of his eggs before speaking, "You know, he probably didn't even realize he was flirting. James is quite dense."
You laughed a little "You're funny, you know?"
He held his fork up in agreement, "Hm, I guess I am quite funny."
"Don't let it get to your head."
"Oh, but darling, it already has," He took another bite of eggs.
Soon, Sirius returned; James was dragging his feet behind the boy.
"James," You greeted.
“Sorry, y/n,” He mumbled
It made you smile a bit, his head was hung, and he was staring at his feet, glasses sliding down his nose.
"Did Sirius yell at you?"
He solemnly nodded his head.
"Okay," You started, hiding a smile, "well, I forgive you." You smiled, "As long as you don't continue to do it."
He nodded again.
"So, my answer to your question is yes."
His head shot up, and his big goofy grin was slapped on his face, "Really?!"
"Yes, really."
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here's a gold star for putting up with my shitty writing🌟
Mutuals ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚ @sw34terw34ther @forourmoons @evergreenlover @nyxxxxxxxx @ell0ra-br3kk3r @puppy-coded @innerloverpainter @cremexcoffee @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @maddipoof @mad-elia @lgwifey @youre-so-lovely @masivechaos @lucasnclair @woahlifehitsyahuh
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justcallmesakira · 5 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o pt. 3!
Sypnosis: How the people who are somewhat sane deal with you and your goofy goobers
Warnings: eyebrow less, wereballs, mentions of gaslight ING, mentions of turning into a gacha life demon form 2019,stealing glittery not pads, omori building reference, etc.
Genre: lowkey fluff, crack
A/N: bro this series is blowing up for real- Anyways heres part 2 andddd part 1!
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No guys hes not like you-😭
Sometimes he wonders if you were better suited with dazai then him (it's giving a certain emo Victorian kid kinnie)
But hey hey! Don't worry he will try to calm you down because he DOES NOT WANT YOU to follow dazai's steps! 😋😋
Dw atsushi! Reader is perfectly sane!!
He once came back to the agency from a mission only to see you see you eyebrow less
"Y/N! I am ba-AAAAAAAAAH-" "What, jinko, finally grew some wereballs"
Turns out you were cosplaying akutagawa and the eyebrowless thing was just a prank <3
Jizz man, give my pookie tiger
He's more scared of you then akutagawa 😨😨😨
You sometimes feel silly so you gave him cat food for lunch beacuse dazai convinced you with some skittles (he probably stole them from ranpo)
"umm, y/N.. WHY are you giving me cat food?" "because I felt silly lol"
Kyouka had to stop him-
I am pretty sure you two speak in kaomojis like--
But he enjoys your presence, it's nice to know that at least your happy,Perhaps he can protect you and your happiness if he tries....
Sometimes he wonders how you have so much energy to break into his home with hello kitty pins just to wake him up
And go to an amusement park..
There goes atsuhis wallet! 😄💸
I think atsushi genuinely likes your antics.. Sometimes
But he would definitely keeps you away from dazai so you two don't pour Elmer's glue into kunikidas hair :3
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Uh oh... Gin can you really handle reader-
OF COURSE YOU Can!! You can do anything hahaha... (please help I am being hold at gunshot by rea-)
Since she's really shy and all you speak for her though you jumble the words sometimes
"she asked for no pickles ya dumb yard😡🤬😈👿" *turns into a gacha life 2019 demon*
Although she can't keep up with your energy you always understand what she says in a notepad
You even stole bought her a glittered kuromi notepad for you twos personal talking!
Sometimes she sees silly doodles on the corners of the pages
Gin thinks its honestly cute
However if akutagawa founds out about your silly antics around his sister he's gonna give you a death stare
Gin haded to reasure him countless times that you won't eat her whole
I would😋😋😋
After she calmed her brother you always greeted him with "yo bro wassup >:3"
Bad idea😨
It's true your the person talking for her and all but she's gonna go full assassin mode if someone even tries to hurt you
THAT'S MY Girl!!!!! 😍🤩🥰😝 *verlaine bcs he canonically trained gin I think
Anyways you and her share a cute Lil dynamic
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T-that gif if him before finding out you were trying to eat the casino coins
"Y/N YOU CAN NOT EAT CASINO COINS" "why :(" "It's NOT FOR EATING" "why :(" "Well you ca-" ":c" "Why the sad face...wait did I shout too loud oh my god y/N I am so sorry.. You know what fine I will take you to the casinos play ground today" ":3"
Sigma.. That face is the face of someone who always gets what they want-😦
Also he sometimes questions how and why you speak in emojis like ":3" or ":("
Teach me your ways bestay😏
But please he's so insecure don't do that to my pookie😭🙏
He sometimes question if he has met your type before.. *flashbacks of Nikolai and dazai*
He's gonna go OUT of his way to keep you away from Nikolai bro
Sigma does not want to have a Nikolai dupe as his s/o
But still he might get a bit protective like "y/N be safe" "y/N don't go there" "y/N make sure to wear kneecaps before skating in the hallways of the casi- WAIT"
"don't worry I will be fine!" famous last words
*inserts omori reference here*
He's so tired bro but anything to keep you happy...
You somehow sometimes save him from Nikolai prank
But even so he tries protecting you...afterall no one wants to lose their only home.......
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A/N: hope you enjoyed it! Sigmas one was my favorite :33 anyways I think I will do hunting dogs ver. If you guys want!
Divider creds: @junkyukim on pinterest
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accio-sriracha · 6 months
Wolfstar and Markers.
Sirius likes to draw on his friends.
It's just something he does when he's bored in class.
He writes Property of Sirius on each of them. Sometimes abreviating it to P.O.S. for the double meaning.
He draws little cupcakes and pieces of cheese on Peter's hand.
He loves to draw golden snitches and broomsitcks across James' thigh during the summer, charming them to fly around.
But, rather ironically, it was Remus who usually sat next to him.
It was an exceptionally boring day in history of magic class, they were all waiting for the lesson to end as Professor Binns droned on about the Great Goblin War.
Sirius pulled the marker out of his bag, grabbing Remus' arm without waiting for permission.
Despite pretending to be annoyed each time, Remus stayed carefully still.
A little too still.
He literally spent a good portion of the time Sirius was drawing on him not breathing.
It was secretly his favorite part of the day.
He loved the feeling of Sirius' fingers skating across his skin.
He loved watching his concentrated expression from the corner of his eyes.
He loved the way Sirius took his time, careful not to mess it up.
How Sirius always told him he wasn't allowed to wash it off.
He never did, keeping it until the end of the day.
He pretended to hate it but each time he felt himself falling a little deeper in love with his best friend.
Sirius moved on from drawing moons and stars to drawing hearts at some point during their fifth year.
It was literally all he would ever draw on Remus now.
He kept the same drawings on the others, quidditch themed for Prongs and various snacks for Wormy.
But always hearts on Remus.
Remus couldn't figure out why, but the tiny detail made his own heart flutter faster every time.
He wondered what caused the switch, wondered if it was as significant as he was making it out to be in his head.
One day, while Sirius was doodling on Remus' hand, James asked him,
"Why the hearts, mate?"
It was pure bored curiosity, there wasn't any real interest in his eyes when he said it.
But Sirius looked up, and his answer made Remus' entire brain malfunction.
"I'm waiting for Remus to ask me to be his boyfriend. This is about as obvious as I can get before I decide to ask him myself."
And then he just-
Went back to his doodling.
As if nothing even happened.
As if that wasn't the single most earthshattering thing Remus had ever heard in his life.
As if that wasn't something Remus had been dreaming of doing for years.
Remus could feel the shock on his face.
He could tell he wasn't doing a very good job of hiding any of the emotions swirling through him.
Did Sirius know then? This whole time had he secretly known how much Remus enjoyed their little moments together?
"Moons?" Sirius whispered.
Remus hadn't realised how long it had been since they stopped talking.
Sirius was staring at him, a small flicker of uncertainty passed over him, like he was realising there was a possibility he was wrong,
"You okay?" He asked.
"Can you hand me that marker?" Remus replied instead.
Sirius' eyes went wide for a fraction of a second before he nodded, passing it to Remus.
Remus reached out for Sirius' hand, Sirius gave it to him without hesitation.
He drew a single shaky heart, adrenaline pumping through him.
"Yes." He whispered, "I do want to be your boyfriend."
And that was it.
They've been together ever since.
Sirius loves to tell people the story of how they fell in love.
He always pays specific attention to the part where Remus sat shocked into stillness for fifteen minutes before Sirius finally asked if he was okay.
Remus proposed around Christmas, they were gathered at the Potter's home, watching baby Harry stumble around as he tried to walk.
Sirius and Remus were sitting on the sofa, Peter sat on the ground, holding his arms out for Harry, and Lily and James stood by the kitchen, watching them all with a smile.
Remus had told the others his plan already and they thought it was amazing.
"Hey Pads?" He whispered, kissing the top of his head.
Sirius hummed and leaned in closer to him.
"Can you go grab me a marker? I think I saw one on the counter earlier."
Sirius paused and leaned away, giving him a curious look, "A marker?" He repeated. Remus nodded,
"Yeah, I think it was in the kitchen."
Sirius shrugged and stood up, walking over to the counter to find the black sharpie Remus had placed there earlier.
He sat back down, passing it over, "What's this for?"
"Give me your hand." Remus whispered.
The others went silent, watching them quietly.
Remus could feel adrenaline shooting through him, just like the last time he'd done this.
He carefully drew a heart on Sirius' hand, big enough to reach from one side to the other.
Sirius smiled, "I didn't think you still remembered. It's been years since I've talked about that."
Remus nodded quietly, lifting his hand up so Sirius couldn't see what he was writing.
Sirius watched him, impatiently waiting until Remus let him see.
Inside the heart was now four words, written in Remus' neat cursive,
"Will you marry me?"
Sirius looked up so suddenly it caught Remus by surprise.
He threw his arms around him, burying his face into his shoulder,
"Yes." He breathed, "Of course I want to marry you, Moons."
They kissed, teary eyed and holding each other close.
The others ran to them immediatley, pulling them into hugs and shouting congratulations.
Sirius told that story for an even longer amount of time.
If you look carefully enough, you'll still find a black marker in every room of their home.
Every note they leave for each other are always signed by these, and always with a small heart at the bottom in place of a signature.
Sirius still draws little hearts on him when he's bored sometimes.
And it's still Remus' favorite part of his day.
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