#drarry headcanon writing
frm9pm · 1 year
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Sometimes I remember they lived through the 90’s which also means boybands
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blackcathjp · 8 months
ppl seem to like the idea of harry courting draco or harry doing big public displays of affection to ask him out (think promposals). but i feel like he'd be so awkward at dating. he doesn't quite know what to do with or show physical and emotional affection, the weasleys give him bad advice on romance, he's also oblivious when ppl are interested in him.
what he does have is earnestness and determination - he makes the first move on accident, just bursts out his feelings, brave and embarrassed.
draco knows all about courting and respects tradition, but he's not the type to make the first move (not anymore at least, not like when he was a kid, where running to his parents for safety and comfort was a luxurious option). he's calculating and weighs his options - what if he confesses but harry doesn't like him? what if he confesses and harry DOES like him? what if harry likes him, but doesn't like dating him? he's more hesitant and guarded with his feelings, but is more likely to show his affection towards loved ones.
harry asks him out in the middle of a conversation, just because he loves watching how passionate draco gets about something he loves. even after weeks of dating, draco insists on courting him the "proper way", showering him with gifts, writing letters that make harry blush, leaving loving post-its all over harry's home and work desk, delivering anonymous flowers, publicly asking if he can escort harry home (they're both embarrassed). he's touchy feely too, which harry isn't used to, but physical contact becomes easy and second nature now with draco. harry doesn't quite get the courting, yet still loves it.
harry: you already have me, draco 😊😆
draco: i still want to woo you though 🥹😤
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liliaouroswrites · 6 months
late night drarry thoughts…
this is not what this blog was made for but i need somewhere to put this. and what THIS is, is the idea that harry is a genuine slytherin.
let me explain.
we need to remember that his literal first interaction with the sorting hat was to ASK IT TO PUT HIM ANYWHERE BUT SLYTHERIN. why? because slytherin had a bad reputation and he did not want to be associated with it. it wasn’t even to be in the same house as the one person who was friendly to him (ron) because all he asked for was NOT slytherin. that was a purely self-serving request.
(and i’m saying this as a slytherin who first got sorted into gryffindor. and i did that by picking the answers that would get me there. plus, i only wanted to be in there because that’s where harry went — i was a kid, don’t judge me).
next, we need to remember that people are sorted based on what they value and not their personalities. harry was brave but he did not value bravery. it wasn’t something he strove for. i feel he was brave out of necessity mainly, but that’s a discussion for another day.
that leads me to my next point — all harry’s acts of heroism had nothing to do with wanting to be brave, proving himself or even the greater good. all of them were driven by a need to protect the people he loved. and what are slytherins if not loyal to their own. even until the end, his true driving force was not a need to ‘do the right thing’ or ‘save the world’, it was to protect the people he cared about.
i do admit that he does lack self-preservation, but i also believe that stems from trauma and his inherent belief that he is not worth much (he needs therapy so bad).
anyway, that’s all i have for this thesis on slytherin!harry. sorry for the lack of quotes or evidence, i literally just thought this up in the shower.
i would love to know your takes though!
ps. can you imagine if fics were written with this in mind. i truly do believe harry would do anything for his loved ones and that makes for such lovely fodder.
okay goodnight 💙
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starlitsilvereyes · 1 year
Older Drarry makes me so emo because neither of them probably thought they’d live past seventeen. Hell, even after the war, Harry couldn’t shake off the feeling of death looming over him, like nothing came out of life more than death and death and death because it was all he had ever known of.
And after nearly three years in Azkaban, the stench of death and the trace of lost souls lingered with Draco, accompanying him on his daily walks through the Manor's withering rose gardens.
However, the older versions of Harry and Draco get to spend their days in Spain basking in the sun, and their wrinkled skin is covered with more than just scars. On Harry's hands, freckles sprawled like constellations, and a dragon tattoo roars to life on Draco's torso.
Draco's hair is more silver than blond, whereas Harry's hair and beard are all salt and pepper. Nightmares are long-forgotten memories replaced by dreams of having five seven children coming to fruition. They were stay-at-home dads for a while (which is perhaps the only time Harry has ever felt grateful rather than embarrassed about his astounding fortune). Until the children have grown up and moved on with their lives.
Now, Draco is a poet and Harry is an artist, both under pseudonyms. Without the rest of the world knowing, they are each other's muse. They have died and lived for each other in secret and their love is the most sacred thing they have ever held in the palm of their hands.
Harry no longer regrets coming back from the dead and Draco no longer resents himself for spending all those years hating Harry rather than loving him.
Draco, however, still scolds Harry for making his tea not scalding enough, to which Harry only rolls his eyes at. Harry still cuts his sandwiches into triangles because it makes ‘more bread’, which doesn’t make sense to Draco and probably never will.
Older Draco and Harry get to live the life they deserve and so much more. They get to watch a hundred more sunrises and a thousand more sunsets and the stars in the sky have woven into newer and more complex constellations just for them.
The road to all is well was a long one, but neither Draco nor Harry would change a thing.
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
Angst- Drarry.
That's it- it's the title.
For people who love to read traumatized Harry!!
And for people who don't.... well? Sorry??
Good luck <333
Harry stood abruptly from his seat in the Great Hall.
He had managed to make it so far.
He made it through the fucking train ride. He made it through sitting in that same car he met Remus Lupin in. The same car he had met Ron and Hermione and Neville in.
He managed walking through the gates, watching as now everyone around him could see the thestrals only himself and Luna could see just last year.
He managed the sorting, the fact that there was less than twenty first year students total, each looking even more nervous than the last.
He made it through Slytherins not clapping at all, some looking as terrified as the kids who were put into their house.
He made it through the names, oh Merlin the names, the names of families he now recognized, each sending a jolt through him like lightning.
He made it through McGonagall being the one to stand up and give the speech, through her apologetic smile, scanning over the gaps in tables where students no longer sat.
Through the first half hour of conversations.
Through all of the new faces at the staff table.
Through Hermione checking in on him every few minutes.
Through Ron barely touching his food.
He made it.
But then he made the mistake of looking up.
It was an old habit, he had no idea why he even felt the need to do so now. It was a habit he picked up eight years ago, when he constantly felt the need to check whether the Slytherin was doing anything nefarious.
And there he was.
Blond hair unstyled, half hanging in front of his eyes. His face held a large scar across his cheek now, his hands shaking as they brought the goblet to his lips with difficulty. His wand sat in front of him, close by, something Harry needed to do as well.
Harry stood abruptly, shocking his friends out of their quiet reveries.
"I have to go." He mumbled to nobody in particular, stepping over the bench and making his way to the door.
He had made it so far before he snapped.
And of course it would be those haunted gray eyes that would do it for him.
"Potter." A voice called as he practically tore down the corridor, needing to get away from it all.
He froze.
That voice.
Familiar yet so, so different. Resigned but worried, a hint of fear.
Harry turned on the spot,
"Malfoy." He breathed back.
Merlin what had he done. He couldn't handle this conversation. Couldn't handle the look on Malfoy's face, the way his hands lifted up slowly to show he wasn't actively armed.
Harry knew the action meant little, both of their wands lay upright in the pocket of their robes, both prepared to draw it at moments notice, at a flicker of a shadow.
"Are you alright?" Malfoy asked carefully.
"No." Harry replied. He'd given up lying about it a long time ago. He'd been asked a million times. Nobody ever believed him anyways, they could see it, there wasn't a point in pretending.
The honesty shocked Malfoy, he reeled in surprise for a moment before composing himself, "Is there something you need right now? Something I can help you with?"
He'd heard those words a million times too. Yet somehow...
"Yes." Harry whispered, his resolve hanging by a thread.
His quick answers bubbled to the surface. I need to be alone. I'm fine. I'll be alright. No, I just need time.
None of them came out, Harry's shaking breath was the only sound to break into the tense silence.
"Okay." Malfoy continued his slow approach, his hands still out and visible, "What do you need?"
"Out." The word was a quiet plead, tearing through him before he could stop it.
He wasn't sure it made any sense to Malfoy, hell, it barely made since to himself.
Malfoy seemed to understand.
"Come on." He closed the distance and took Harry's hand, disapparating on the spot.
With a whoosh of air and a dizziness Harry wasn't sure he'd ever get used to, he found himself in a large field.
"What-" Harry started, looking around.
"It's a new safety protocol. All of the prefects were given permission to disapparate to this specific field in case of emergency. This is the only place you can do it to and from Hogwarts and it's incredibly secured."
Harry looked around, he noticed the shimmer then, high above them like a force field, protecting the area from people coming in from the outside.
"That's ridiculous they never added this before." Harry thought out loud. A safety evacuation spot only prefects and teachers can reach? It was perfect.
"It was my idea." Malfoy told him quietly, he shrugged, "Kids shouldn't be forced to either fight or wait to die. There should be a safe zone to bring them to in case something like that ever happened again."
"It's brilliant." Harry turned to look at him, realising with an odd flutter that their hands were still clasped tightly together.
He didn't let go.
Neither did Malfoy.
"Do you need to sit down?" He asked. Harry shook his head,
"No, fresh air is enough. Thank you." He whispered.
They stood in odd silence for a while, their hands held tight, their eyes focused on a random point in the distance, careful not to look at each other.
"Do you think they can see us?" Harry asked quietly. He didn't know why, he'd never wanted to talk about it before, always triggered easily by the mention of them. Draco didn't need to ask who,
"Maybe." He replied thoughtfully, looking up to the sky.
If the conversation bothered him he didn't show it. Harry was surprised he was so calm himself.
He told himself it was just the fresh air and not the steadying pressure of their laced fingers.
"I saw them all when I held the resurrection stone. Everyone I'd lost." He cleared his throat, "I know it sounds stupid but it... it seemed so real."
"It could have been real." Malfoy looked at him now, turning his gaze away from the clouds, "I don't know of anybody who's used the stone before and stuck around to talk about it, maybe you really did see them."
Harry looked up too, "Maybe." He muttered.
He wondered what his parents would think of him now, what they would see in the half life he wandered through. He wondered if they'd have still been proud had they watched the lives it took to keep his safe.
He wondered if they met the others, if Fred had told them what Harry had cost the world.
He hadn't realised he started shaking again until he felt a gentle tug at his arm, Malfoy pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close.
He relaxed, the pressure making his heartbeat slow and his thoughts focus in on the moment.
"I'm sorry." Malfoy murmured, "I should have asked first... this is what Pansy does sometimes. It-" He hesitated, "It helps me feel like I won't fall apart. Like she's holding me together in a way."
Harry couldn't speak. He nodded numbly, letting the truth of Malfoy's words wash over him.
Malfoy was holding him together.
He didn't break the way he thought he did when they locked eyes. It was an explosion of a dam. It was release.
It was tension he wasn't allowed to acknowledge, emotions he wasn't allowed to feel. Grief he hadn't had time for and respect he shouldn't give.
Malfoy didn't have that look in his eyes, terrified of him breaking down. Malfoy looked at him like he was waiting for it, expecting it, hoping for it. And he looked like he was sure he would be there to pick him up again.
Malfoy held him together, and suddenly Harry was crying. His heart finally letting go of all the pain it carried around. His tears flowed, his hands clutched at the back of Malfoy's robes, grateful to have something secure to hold on to.
And Malfoy let him. He didn't try to reassure him, he didn't tell him to calm down. He let him cry. He let him grieve and grieve and grieve until he was empty.
And the pain was gone.
"It's gonna be okay." Malfoy told him after he'd been silent for a few minutes, "It took me a while too, to get to the point where I let myself feel. But you'll feel better soon, you just can't hold it in all the time."
Harry nodded, letting his comforting words wash over him. His strong hands and kind voice. Malfoy was there to piece him together as many times as he needed to break.
And, oddly enough, it felt right that it was him.
"Thank you." Harry whispered after the silence had stretched again.
"Don't worry about it. I'm here however many times it takes until you're alive again." He cleared his throat, leaning back a little so they met eyes,
"It's never going to be the same, Potter. That's life, that's war. We'll never be the people that we once were, so don't expect yourself to be. You're allowed to have scars now, you're allowed to be a little broken, but you can't mend anything if you won't acknowledge the cracks are even there. I won't judge you for anything that happened when we were younger, or for anything you needed to do to survive. You're here now, that's what matters." He took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm glad you're here, Potter."
Harry smiled weakly at him. The words felt so nice to hear, comforting in their sureness. It wasn't empty promises and vague advice. It was facts. He was never going to be whole again, but that was okay. He could live with okay.
He could allow himself to break, as long as he knew it was Malfoy going to be there to help him pick up the pieces.
"I'm glad you're here too, Malfoy." He whispered.
And he meant it, more than he'd ever meant anything in his life.
In this meadow, in Draco Malfoy's arms, for the first time in his life, he was at peace.
He was home.
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the-green-quaffle · 1 year
Do you like some ice cream? 🍦🍦
Harry and Draco were standing in line at an ice cream shop. Harry was trying to decide what flavor to get, but Draco was being unhelpful.
"Just get chocolate," Draco said. "It's the only flavor you're capable of understanding."
"I'm not incapable of understanding other flavors," Harry said. "I just don't like them."
"Whatever," Draco said. "Just get chocolate and let's go."
Harry sighed and finally decided on chocolate ice cream. He ordered it and they took their ice cream to a table.
"This is delicious," Harry said.
"I told you," Draco said. "Now shut up and eat your ice cream."
Harry rolled his eyes and took a bite of his ice cream. It was delicious, just like Draco had said. However, the one Draco was eating looked interesting.
"What flavor is that?" Harry asked.
"It's Mont Blanc," Draco said. "It's a Japanese flavor. It's made with chestnuts and cream."
"It looks good," Harry said.
"It is," Draco said. "You should try it."
Harry hesitated, looking at Draco's face many times.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked.
"Of course," Draco said, irritatingly but offered, "as much as you want."
So Harry leaned in and kissed Draco fully on the lips, sweeping all the Mont Blanc flavor away.
Draco was surprised at first, but then he kissed Harry back. They kissed for a long time, until they were both breathless.
When they finally pulled away, Harry smiled at Draco.
"It is fantastic," Harry said.
"Yes, it is," Draco said, smiling back.
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spireasalix · 8 months
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First of all, I would like to introduce myself: I'm Spirea, I'm in my thirties and I have been reading fanfics for many years.
I've been away from the fandom for some time, but now I'm back!
I mostly write original stories, but for a long time I wanted to return to fanfics and my OTPs.
So, now a few things about me:
My OTPs are: Harco/Drarry, Spirk and Wangxian. (This blog will be mostly about Harry/Draco, probably 😅).
I love HP, but I don't support JFK or people who thinks like her.
I write in spanish, but I will try to translate my fics whenever I can. (If someone want to help I would be incredibly grateful).
I write smut. Like indecent amounts of that.
In my stories my ships are versatile. (But in some fics it could happen that one of the characters is TOP almost always and only occasionally BOTTOM).
I absolutely love fanarts, so you will see a lot of them here.
This blog is definitely 18+🔞, so keep that in mind.
And that's it!
Now that you know more about me, I hope we get along well. 🥰💜
I understand spanish and english, so don't be afraid of ask me!
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souptastical · 3 months
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Sneak peak of the rewrite to my 43 chaptered & finished fic “Stepping Stones”
“ Suddenly, the door flung open and Arthur Weasley stepped out onto the stone steps in his pajamas with a sharp and angry glare at his son.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?! Do you not remember the-”
“Dad…” Ron interjected, stopping Arthur in the midst of his words.
He looked to the side for a moment then diagonally so he wasn’t meeting Arthur’s eyes and with a final intake of breath, let out the words that had danced on his lips for years right out into the cold July morning.
“I need to tell you something.” ”
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oflights · 1 year
Drarry headcanons: sleeping arrangements??
yessss, love this, thank you! i don't think i've indulged in writing enough of this tbh. the curse of my addiction to getting together fics
starting positions (which never last, i promise you) are: harry as the big spoon aka the backpack (he's shorter), draco as the little spoon. they will both tout these as preferences and genuinely do intend to sleep this way.
however, as i said, this rarely lasts. first of all because draco is a bed hog. he's used to giant, expansive beds (he complained endlessly at hogwarts; they def have a big one as adults) but that preference means sprawling out in the center of the bed and taking up as much room as humanly possible.
harry, for sad reasons we all know, often sleeps curled up in a ball (which is why he likes to start out curled around draco 🥹) and usually winds up using draco as a body pillow in this scenario.
harry gets hot in his sleep, draco gets cold and likes to essentially be swaddled like a mummy, so they do eventually get two duvets for kicking off purposes.
they're both light sleepers, though draco wasn't always one. he's not as good as harry is at falling right back to sleep. he'll lie awake with harry tucked into his side, unable to go anywhere because to get all unbundled would mean dislodging harry. eventually listening to harry's breathing is what helps draco quiet his brain down and finally drift off again. 😴
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my-ff-drafts · 2 years
Imagine if a dude...was singing boy bi. and dude really thought he was alone. and let’s pretend it’s this dude’s bedroom or his flat or something.
IMAGINE...his friend who has had a crush on him walks in at the part right after “Like boy bi, Girl hi.”
Imagine...dude turns around to sing “New guy, I’m bi?” straight to the guy’s face.
fast-forward 10 years, they’re married, they’re happy, they bought all of mad tsai’s music, and every anniversary, they sing “boy bi” like an anthem
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blackcathjp · 8 months
draco constantly complains and makes fun of harry's hair. one day, harry snaps and gets a haircut. he comes home and draco just stares. slack jawed. shocked. speechless. harry snaps, "what? isn't this what you wanted?"
draco, with sad eyes, whispers, "love of my life, what did you do?" and bursts into tears.
draco is inconsolable. devastated. heartbroken. yes, he jokes about harry's messy hair, it is most definitely a rat's nest, but seeing him LIKE THIS... that is NOT his harry 😭
meanwhile, harry is still reeling from this revelation. "i'm the love of your life?"
draco pauses, realization setting in, his face turning redder. his voice wobbles out, "y-yes, isn't that obvious?"
harry softens, steps closer. "i love you too."
draco's heart skips. harry loves him back! but all of his teasing, mean-spirited jokes drove harry to cut his hair off and make such a drastic change. his heart aches thinking that he must have caused so much sadness and anger in harry, and oh no, the tears start again.
"oh, my love, i didn't mean it, i loved - love - your hair as it was. it's just so... YOU. and it's still you but it's also not and i'm sorry if i made you think you should change-"
harry kisses him, amused. "i was a little mad about that last joke you made, but i was due for a haircut anyway."
"still," draco sniffles. he pats harry's hair. it was much too short, he couldn't ruffle it anymore like he used to. he didn't realize until now how much he did that everyday. a gentle hand on the back of harry's head, softly petting his hair while he read. an unconscious habitual gesture that was comforting and domestic. he didn't realize how much he liked it until he couldn't do it anymore :(
over the next few days, draco feels bittersweet. he stares often at harry's head. he kisses his temple a lot, a bit as an apology, and mostly because he wants to. if he sheds a tear in private about the loss of harry's glorious hair, then that's his business.
a week later, after his quiet moping and harry worshipping (lots of kisses, lots of cuddling, lots of touching) his magic manifests a miracle (it was just tired of his dramatic melancholy and longing):
harry's head of full of hair, restored to perfection.
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hihimissamericanbi · 8 months
Ever since I got that lovely anon asking for the best smut I've ever read, it got me thinking about some of my favorite smut creators in general.
So here is a very non-exhaustive list of fan-fucking-tastic smut writers and artists I've come across in the HP fandom that weren't mentioned (shamefully) in my last batch. Feel free to add to the list! We must keep the people fed.
xoxo go take a sip of cold water girl
Lord Espooky came into this fandom guns a-blazing with their kink headcanon a day for Wolfstar and it has spiraled from there. They GET IT. He has a super well-organized masterlist pinned to his tumblr ft tons of different kinks, fic lengths, scenes, etc. Go. Now.
The definition of IYKYK. Daddy kink isn't super my thing, but Five makes me enjoy it. If you vibe with age gap daddy Remus and pretty boy Sirius, their Adore series is a must-read. They also have a stellar A/B/O Wolfstar fic plus podfic and write some Marvel too!
An absolute legend in this fandom. Wolfstar, Jeggy, Rosekiller. Gritty, chewy, embodied sex.
Emery writes sex the way some people breathe. Like it's just part of the narrative. It's SO punchy. And also she is the queen of Crack Smut.
Patron saint of Wolfstar hatefucks. mic drop.
We snagged MK over to Wolfstar from the clutches of Dramione. Her series "mk's kink exposé" could also be called "celine's kink exposé." I'll just leave that there.
Everything they create is magic, but they are especially known for rare pairs and Dronarry.
The queen of Lesbian Wolfstar. Both art and fic. Also queen of humiliation and pain kink and Walburga psychological trauma. ye be warned.
@upthehillnsfw / @upthehillart
I am afraid no one is ready for this art. Truly. Tons of different ships, positions, acts. I gasp every time. And their Pansmione fic is epic (which I have talked about before).
I highly recommend getting on Indi's Patreon so you can enjoy their NSFW drawings, mostly Wolfstar and Jegulus, occasional Rosekiller. Too many iconic moments to count.
The officially-sponsored artist of Five's Adore series. Look, their work is nothing short of indulgent. Shhhh don't worry about the physics just let it happen. And by It I mean Remus' big dick hands.
By beloved. The one. The only. Bosh's drawings are so ALIVE. They leap off the screen. Her Drarry is nothing less than iconic. She also dabbles in other characters/ships like Wolfstar and Blackcest. Siriusly, you can't go wrong.
OKAY, Drarry people. There are so so many excellent Drarry smut writers it is impossible to name them all. Here are but a tiny handful I have pulled from my bookmarks. I'm happy to rec specific fics if asked :)
@cavendishbutterfly, @bixgirl1, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @shiftylinguini, @kbrick, @fluxweeed, @academicdisasterfic
I'm tagging those other creators from older asks because I can't put this list out there without them on it <3
@crushofdoves @we-are-swearwolves @tenthousandyearsx @theresthesnitch @lqtraintracks Quietlemonhush @cuddlebugsirius
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mauveberries · 6 months
my chronically annoyed ass comes across one of those "canon characters react to fanon ships" and one of them was tomarry and in the post, harry's like, "UM EW WTF.. blah blah" and i just got So pissed, like, just because the ship that you like is canon doesn't make you morally superior! obviously canon harry wouldn't want to get fucked by voldemort! but you do realise that talented people who make this pairing plausible with their amazing writing skills and headcanons exist, right?
and another post that was like, "i can't believe millenials get these amazing ships like jily, remadora, hinny, (continues stating het canon pairings) but gen z decided these were trash because they were fxm... and decided drarry, tomarry.. (continues stating gay pairings) etc. were better," and, like,
NO???? you just stated the most bland, boring pairings in the whole series?? it's not our fault your reading comprehension is so abysmal that you think jily, a white heterosexual couple that got married straight out of highschool is more interesting than the hot mess that is drarry/tomarry???
like, i'm not bashing you for liking canon pairings, but it is factually untrue that fanon pairings are automatically less interesting than canon pairings! that's a you problem! your statement reads like you think heterosexual pairings are better than homosexual pairings and i hope you realise that just sounds homophobic.
and also! grindeldore doesn't count! there is no canon evidence for it. jkr did say it was canon, but it... it literally wasn't in the books.
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nigesakis · 5 months
In light of the Graham Gore book (The Ministry of Time) coming out on May 7th and a show adaption already greenlit, I think it's important to talk about the fact its about the historical Gore, not the AMC character. As far as I know, the author first was a Terror fan and then picked interest by seeing historical Gore's portrait, and then got into the historical information (and you probably couldn't write a whole book about the AMC character anyway, considering the little screentime). So, it's not a Terror fanfiction, but a book involving RP fanfiction.
Anyway, what I wanna talk about is that The Terror fandom, me included, has a problem with mixing the historical and fictional sides. The Terror is a work of fiction, the characters' personalities and their actions are fictional.
Especially Fitzjames, who is as fictional as Hickey is. He's mostly based on Battersby's "research", which we now know includes a lot of bullshit (the Barrow scandal apparently did not happen, for example). @jamesfitzjamesdotcom can probably tell you more about that than I can.
So, the thing is, if you wanted to write a book about Fitzjames, about Francis, Fitzier, Goodsir or basically any other character with screentime, and then say it's about the historical persons, you could not do it if your interest and knowledge is majorly based on or fueled by The Terror.
You couldn't mix AMC James and historical James together, because they are two different people. If you write about Fitzier with their characterisations from the show, you couldn't call it historical Fitzier; it'd be like writing Destiel and then saying it's Drarry. Or some other ship that has barely any canon content, because if you look at historical Fitzier, there's no Fitzier. Like writing about Bungo Stray Dogs and then saying its about historical Ozamu Dazai just 'cause they use his name and some character traits.
It's one thing to take historical lore and use it for The Terror fanfiction or headcanons. But you can't look at historical Fitzjames or other crew members and extend their AMC/Simmons counterparts onto them.
The Terror is an amazing show in itself, but it's not a biopic or historical show like HBO War is, for example. It's not a show that tries to represent the real people as they were, the expedition as it was, it's a work of fiction inspired by real events, subjectively interpreted and then fictionalised. So if you're interested in the real events, you can't just watch or read The Terror, because it doesn't represent them. It doesn't represent the people.
This fandom, again me included, needs to be more conscious of that when talking about the historical people and events.
Especially now, because the Gore book will most likely attract more people to watch/read The Terror and get into the Franklin Expedition. So it's important that when they get here, there's a clear, or at least clearer, cut between The Terror and the real history.
For example, not tagging historical FE content with "The Terror/The Terror AMC/terrorposting" (since the historical Terror would be HMS Terror it'd be a difference) is a start. Tagging the show/book content clearly with "Simmons/AMC/2018" somewhere, and not with "Franklin Expedition", is another way.
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souptastical · 1 month
okay but does anyone ever get the wild thought of what would happen if you were to post your fic/chap before editing it 3x over??
the h o r r o r
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oflights · 1 year
Drarry fashion sense head canons?
ohhh this is such a good one, let me think!!
okay disclaimer is that i think i struggle with describing clothes/often have to go back and add descriptions of them in when i write, but i do like to think about what they'd like to wear!!
i feel like the books vs movies vs shitty word-building makes this both complicated but also like less constrictive. canon is so spotty about magical vs muggle dressing conventions (why are weasley jumpers such a thing if wizards/witches wear robes all the time?? i've assumed it's a generational thing but like, molly knits the jumpers so ?? whatever) so i've tried to sort this out in my head a bit: adult magical folks in adult society generally wear robes out and about; harry's generation is less stringent about it/generally more knowledgable about muggle clothes, but it's still the most popular fashion.
so i pretty much always headcanon draco in robes unless he has a specific reason to be in the muggle world, and then he'll change. he'll wear simple clothes not really meant to be shown off under the robes, unless it's cold and he layers. my brain likes to dress draco in blue a lot, and i tend to picture/describe him as a cool winter, which gives a broad blue spectrum to pick from, plus a lot of jewel tones and bright, cool colors.
his clothes usually have a lot of distinctive, fussy details: fine buttons, embroidery, quality tailoring, belts, a set of winter outerwear that matches, etc. they're the kinds of details that normally go right over harry's head except when it's draco 😌
because harry is definitely more basic when it comes to fashion. he does really like buying his own clothes, relishing getting to choose what to wear about years of castoffs, but never being allowed to choose things means he never really developed taste, so sometimes he gets overwhelmed by choices. he also doesn't like to follow fashion conventions; robes still sometimes feel like a costume to him and he definitely tends towards mugglewear by default, but will wear robes in deference to draco. sometimes he'll wear robes open over muggle clothes as a compromise.
his color palette (clear winter, as i tend to describe him, with warm skin tone, bright eyes, black hair and high contrast between features) is actually similar to draco's, which i imagine draco having a lot of fun with. jewel tones are good on him, too, plus icy colors. draco loves dressing harry way more than harry loves dressing himself, and harry feels so loved and cared for whenever he wears something draco picked out for him.
send me drarry tropes and i’ll respond with five related headcanons!!
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