#drug addiction mention
redacted-coiner · 8 months
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[PT: Arissodrugaddict]
Arissodrugaddict, an arissodiction(link) subterm connected to thinking one has a drug addiction and makes the person, whether it be because of delusional or IRL attachments, being an alter that has a drug addiction but the body doesn't, psychosis, etc., feel disconnected from their external addictions. This is not for "fun" or voluntary "I wanna be this ✨️", this also doesn't override the external addictions the person has. This term is not for "transitioning" of any kind either and is not radqueer or transid friendly and not comparable to transgender.
As well they don't support the fetishization, romanticization, misinformation, etc. of drug addictions. (Because these terms also understand you can't change these things or changing these things would be harmful to the user)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @acetrappolaswife and @arissodic-archive
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wolfhowlwitch · 8 months
I turn 26 in one month (and 3 days).
25 was a long, strange, beautiful, heartbreaking year.
I committed to my health in many ways. I got the right dosage of my medication. I decided to pursue what I thought was an impossible dream, one I’ve had since I was a child. I fell out of love. I also finally got to call myself married to the love of my life. I finally stopped all drugs, and stopped trying to convince myself that I, a recovering addict, could healthily smoke weed. I also stopped abusing prescription and OTC meds. I became more honest with myself, and more honest with my friends. I learned I don’t have to like everybody. I learned that not liking someone is not a fault of mine, and is instead a normal part of the human experience, no matter how angry it makes that person. I learned how to make bread. I stopped trying to hate the world so much. I honored the memory of my grandfather by taking my cooking seriously again. I fell back in love with music. I dyed my hair back to my natural color and decided to try to embrace it. I stopped biting my nails. I found some new boundaries the very hard way, and enforced them in every way I could.
in a much bigger look at the year, I fully re-committed myself to my religion. stopped turning my back on it. did more magic in the last year than I’ve done in a long time. got three tarot decks, devoted each of them, and took my readings seriously! fully became and respected the hippie I’ve always been, and dedicated myself to finding natural ways to do everyday tasks. worshipped every day, even when I didn’t have the energy to do a ritual or offering. got comfortable with prayer again and prayed all the time. built beautiful relationships with all the gods I worship- made two new, extremely deep connections with gods- opened myself up to all gods that may come my way or show themself in my life, rather than restricting myself to the two I’m most comfortable with. really got out of my comfort zone.
25 was a whirlwind, a rollercoaster that went fast and then slow and then hurtled through time and then found a comfortable pace right at the end. I don’t have any predictions for 26 (lest the red ball of prophecy be hurled in my direction), but I’m thankful for 25. no one is lying when they say your mid twenties are fucking insane, but I’m doing my best to take it in stride.
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dwarvendiaries · 2 years
More Cataclysm DDA
I play the final delivery, and finish delivering FOOD(TM) for FOODPLACE. I drive to a nearby farm and rest up all is good.
I start hallucinating. Turns out that my character is a actually a severe methaddict. I chug painkillers and search the nearby rural houses. They have no drugs.
Desperate, I crawl down a forest track in hope of finding a car with the good stuff in it. I see zombies, police officers, some guy called Urist McPreston, Lovecraftian horrors, a cat, interdimensional dogs, dolphins, zeriatrics swimming in and out of my vision. Then there's a giant dragonfly. I walk ahead; I'm probably just seeing things.
It's first time I've seen clearly in an hour.
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@thetrapdoorbeast PENNED:
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? What do you have in your pockets? What is your best memory? What is your most treasured possession? What is your favorite food?
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
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" I have no allergies, nor diseases, but I do have slight...dependency on opium. It does not affect my life in the day-to-day, however. "
What do you have in your pockets?
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" A variety of things: a pocket watch, bank notes, a coin purse, a handkerchief, keys, and...a catgut and dagger. "
What is your best memory?
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" ...WHEN I was a child, at times, I could hear the music from the church organ on Sunday mornings from my window. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard, and from then on, I sat at the window every Sunday without fail in order to hear it. The music took me away from all the pain and suffering I faced, and transported me somewhere new, if only for a brief moment. It made me fall in love with music. "
What is your most treasured possession?
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" THOUGH I would not consider her a possession, my cat Ayesha is the most precious thing I own. "
What is your favorite food?
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" I deeply love Persian food, and khoresht-e fesenjan is one of my favorite dishes. "
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emotionaleating · 29 days
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genderqueerdykes · 11 days
i know this won't be available everywhere, but especially if you live in a larger city where a lot of folks are affected by opioid use/addiction, it's a really good idea to ask local pharmacies, and even food banks if they are giving out free narcan (naloxone). this can also be found at certain behavioral health offices as well, my case manager is able to get them for me for free. narcan is a life saving medication that can temporarily halt an opioid (oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin, fentanyl, codeine, morphine, etc.) overdose while you wait for emergency medical services to arrive.
opioid overdose is distress of the respiratory system, meaning that the person overdosing likely is struggling to, or can't breathe at all. it's very important to watch to see if the person is dealing with labored or shallow breathing.
here the official use guide:
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[Image ID start: Two screenshots from the FDA's Narcan (Naloxone HCl) Quick Start Guide infographic. It reads:
"Narcan (Naloxone HCl) Nasal spray quick start guide. Opioid Overdose Response Instructions.
Use NARCAN Nasal Spray (naloxone hydrochloride) for known or suspected opioid overdose in adults and children.
Important: For use in the nose only.
Do not remove or test the NARCAN Nasal Spray until ready to use.
1.) Identify Opioid Overdose and Check for Response Ask the person if they are okay and shout name.
Shake shoulders firmly and rub the middle of their chest.
Check for signs of Opioid Overdose:
Will not wake up or respond to your voice or touch
Breathing is very slow, irregular, or has stopped
Center part of their eye is very small, sometimes called "pinpoint pupils".
Lay the person on their back to receive a dose of NARCAN nasal spray.
2.) Give NARCAN nasal spray
Remove NARCAN nasal spray from the box. Peel back the tab with the circle to open the NARCAN nasal spray.
Hold the NARCAN nasal spray with your thumb at the bottom of the plunger and your first and middle fingers on either side of the nozzle.
Gently insert the tip of the nozzle into either nostril.
Tilt the person's head back and provide support under the neck with your hand. Gently insert the tip of the nozzel into one nostril, until your fingers on either side of the nozzle are against the bottom of the person's nose.
Press the plunger firmly to give the dose of NARCAN nasal spray.
Remove the NARCAN Nasal Spray from the nostril after giving the dose.
3.) Call for emergency medical help, Evaluate, and Support
Get emergency medical help right away.
Move the person on their side (recovery position) after giving NARCAN Nasal Spray
Watch the person closely.
If the person does not respond by waking up, to voice or touch, or breathing normally another dose may be given. NARCAN Nasal Spray may be dosed every 2 - 3 minutes, if available.
Repeat Step 2 using a new NARCAN Nasal Spray to give another dose in the other nostril. If additional NARCAN Nasal Sprays are available, repeat step 2 every 2 to 3 minutes until he person responds or emergency medical help is received.
For more information about NARCAN Nasal Spray go to www.narcannasalspray.com, or call 1-844-4NARCAN (1-844-462-7226)."
End image ID.]
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organovore · 3 months
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doomed to always be a slave to his vices
murphy was on his road to recovery after a debilitating drug addiction, until him and his broodmates were all killed and embraced…. and it felt like he hopped from one vice to another. except this one forced him to hurt even more people who got in his way
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danneroni · 3 months
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the end is death
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gee i wonder if the issue could be at all related to the fact that the current treatment plan for his chronic pain consists solely of FUCKING IBUPROFEN
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whumperofworlds · 2 months
Whumpee who recently got off of some addiction (drugs, caffeine, something like that), but during captivity, Whumper forces them to take the addiction back.
(Was thinking of that one story @kabie-whump wrote with Ventis. 👀)
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leclercari · 1 year
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“Alex wonders how such rich genetics conspired to make Bea and Henry both so interesting to look at, all mischievous smiles and swooping cheekbones, but punted so hard on Philip. He looks like a stock photo.”
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
genuinely so many of you want to be leftist and "punk" and countercultural soooooo bad but you refuse to become comfortable with the concept of people taking drugs for fun because they like it and not because they were somehow tricked or forced into it without knowing what they were getting themselves into
you'll be like "addiction is a disease!!" but think you're better than those degenerate stoners because you only drink energy drinks and white claws and would never touch "illegal drugs"
many if not most drugs CAN be consumed completely safely with almost 0 risk to the user and even if that werent true and all drugs were extremely dangerous you still wouldn't be better than those of us who love doing drugs recreationally
lighten up and grow up. get offline, talk to real adults, and stop being shocked to discover that they enjoy doing stuff that adults do like have sex and do drugs and even listen to rock and roll
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emotionaleating · 13 days
pls don’t flirt with me i want to be nonchalant so bad but i unfortunately crave connection so intensely that i will give you my entire soul and forgive you over and over until i’ve lost myself completely and feel like i’m drowning
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f4t-tr4nny · 2 months
give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs give me drugs
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gaysexdungon · 4 months
Tip for shoplifters or people looking to stash drugs:
Get a teddy bear or other plushie, a medium or larger one is best. Cut a hole in the back, just straight down the back in the middle. Get it a little shirt to cover the hole. Carry it with you. Doubles as comforting and a tool.
For stealing: People find this endearing or odd. This will distract them from the fact that you are stealing. If they find it endearing they will view you as too innocent to steal. If they find it odd they will be too focused on that to notice things. At least in my experience. Don’t be a dick, only steal from corporations who do more harm than good.
For stashing: Good stash place too. If you are using it as a stash place it good because if you carry it with you 24/7 you are less likely to lose it and people will not mess with it out of fear of upsetting you if you are worried about someone searching your stuff. Helpful if you sleep with it too.
It is also just nice to have a plushie friend, I’d carry one anyways. Sending luck.
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