#dubble works
xan-izme · 2 months
Dubble Life 12 (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
A/n: Just a chapter full of fluff for now(Or is it 🤡)
Part 11
You stared at the therapist with a blank expression. Irritation was clear in your eyes. Your defining silence and small glare did not affect the therapist.
"I was told by your father, that this isn't your first session with a therapist." The therapist, Mrs. Dean spoke with a firm yet soft tone. She very beautiful. Maybe in her early to mid 30's. Her hair up in a neat bun, but some curls managed to poke out in a graceful way.
". . . yeah." You gave a short response.
"Well, you already know the drill. So, I'll dive right in. You originally lived in New York. How are you adjusting to Gotham." Mrs. Dean crossed one leg over the other while waiting for your response.
"It's okay." Your eyes seemed to be more interested in looking around the office.
Mrs. Dean nods and intertwined her fingers while letting her hands lay on her lap. "And school? I've heard your practically a genius."
"I guess." You spot a hand drawn picture on Mrs. Deans desk along with a little teddy bear. There was a small corner that looked like it was for kids. It had dolls. Other types of toys. A small table for kids.
Mrs. Dean noticed you looking at her little kid corner. "I work with a lot of kids that your age and younger. It helps the younger kids feel more comfortable."
You nod and let out a small thoughtful hum and focused your eyes back on Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Dean gives you a small smile. "Back to you."
Bruce had put you into therapy. Which you were not happy about of course. You didn't need therapy. It made you feel weak, and it's not like you can tell your therapist everything. Most of your trauma was due to your life as Spiderwoman.
You got back from your session. Walking into the manor your hit with the smell of fresh baked sweets. You get curious and walked into the kitchen where you see Alfred baking and Damian doing his homework on the counter.
"Hmm. Smells good." You spoke as you walked into the kitchen.
"Sister!" Damian spoke up. His tone with slight excitement. You walked over and ruffled Damians head. "Hey cupcake." You mumbled with a small soft smile. Damian turned his head up to you as you wrapped your arm around the youngers shoulder.
"Ah, Ms. Y/n. How was your therapy session?" Alfred spoke as he pulled out the first batch of cookies from the oven.
"Oh, it was great. Had a wonderful time." Your tone was clear with sarcasm.
"Seriously?" Damian piped up, seemingly not taking your sarcasm into note. You chuckled as you smiled down at Damian. "Your funny cupcake." You ruffled his head once more and smuggled him with a hug and kisses.
"Ugh- stop!" Damian struggled to push you away. You were surprisingly strong. (He wasn't actually even trying)
Alfred watched the sweet scene in front of him with s fond smile upon his face.
Jason walked in. Looking like he just woke up with messy hair while wearing boxers.
"Where's my kisses?" Jason spoke up while staring at you and Damian. You and Damian frown at the sight of Jason.
"I can punch you." You gave the older man a "sweet" smile as you held Damian close to you.
Jason flipped you off while Alfred had his backed turned. Which you and Damian returned by flipping him off together.
You and Damian were watching a drama show while eating popcorn. It was fairly silent. Damian had his head on your shoulder while you had your head on his.
". . .Sister." Damian spoke up in a quite tone while you two kept your eyes on the tv. You let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"Do you hate it here?"
Damians question made you pause. You lean your head away from his to look at him. Your brows furrowed. "Why would you think that cupcake?''
Damian stared up at you, his expression a little sad but mainly conflicted. Wondering if he should tell you what was on his mind. Worried if he does say what was on his mind, whatever you respond with might confirm with what he asked. "Well. . . I overheard the argument you and father had."
You let out a sigh while turning your head away, clenching your jaw. "Right. That."
Damian frowns and held his head down. You turn your head back to stare down at Damian with small frown. ". . . Hey. Look at me."
Damian slowly looks up at you. Expecting some sort of deep frown or a sad look on your face. But he's greeted with your usual soft smile.
"What I said to Bruce was. . . wrong. I didn't mean it. But most importantly. I don't want you thinking I hate being here. I got you here with me, what's to hate?" You pinched his nose and hugged him. Damian hugs back while letting out a small sigh of relief.
While hugging Damian, you glanced down and see a bruise underneath back of his shirt. You frown and lean away from the hug to tug on the shirt and get a better look at the bruise.
"What is this?" Your tone turned protective. Damian was quick to pull away.
"Nothing! . . . I bumped into a bookshelf pretty hard in the library yesterday."
"Oh. . . Okay." You still had a small doubtful look on your face. A still a little worried.
A week goes by and your back in Ms. Deans office.
"So, do you have any friends?" Mrs. Deans asked with a small smile.
You were seated across from Mrs. Dean. "Yeah."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You don't talk much about them."
"They don't live here in Gotham. But we keep in contact." You were referring to your friends in the Society. It was a lie about keeping in contact part. Of course, you knew you were the problem for that.
"I see. Have you tried to make friends here in Gotham? In school or outside of school?"
You shook your head with a small bitter smile. "A lot of people already know I'm Bruce's daughter. Hard to make friends who, actually want to be friends. You know?"
Mrs. Dean nods in understanding before asking another question. "I'm sure there are a lot of pros to being Bruce Wayne's daughter."
You let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I got a little brother. A dad. Money. I was broke as hell."
Mrs. Dean chuckled at the last part.
"Anything I want I could ask for. I can get it. . . But sometimes I want go to the past."
Mrs. Dean's brow raised at your words. "Now why is that."
You paused for a moment. You had a faraway look on your face as you spoke. "Everything before. . ." You sighed as your mind wondered back to her.
"Never mind." You mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Mrs. Dean seems to already know what you were about to say. But she doesn't press you about it. Not yet at least.
"You mentioned your brother?" Mrs. Dean thankfully changed the subject. She watches your uneasy expression turn into a fond smile. "Damian. Yeah. He's a tough one. He acts so tough and mature, but in truth he's just a little baby. We weren't close at first. . . he actually hated me."
You chuckled to yourself as you thought back to your first encounter with Damian.
"What changed?" Mrs. Dean tilted her head.
You seem to think deeply about her question. ". . . I guess I kind of saw myself in him."
Mrs. Dean became more interested by your words.
"I used to do that too when I was younger. I acted like an adult. Thought if I did that people on the streets would take me more seriously. No one would mess with me if I acted tough." You had that faraway look on your face again. Thinking back to the past.
"I never really got to act like a kid. Felt like that was the only way to be taken seriously by others. To be trusted to do things on your own. I saw that In Damian. But that's not how a kid should act or worry about." You held your head high and gave Mrs. Dean a confident look.
"I don't want him to worry about stuff a 12 your old shouldn't even worry about. I know I probably can't give him what he already has. But I got my love. And that should be enough. . . right?"
Mrs. Dean smiled. "Yes. I'm sure your love is enough."
"Ugh, why the hell is this level so hard." You grumbled as you set down the controller. Getting frustrated over a game and a certain level you couldn't pass.
Tim chucked as he watched you stress over it. Jason right behind him reading a book. "How long have you been stuck on this level?"
"A week." You mumbled as you turn to look at Tim. Catching Jason make an amused face at your frustration.
"Shut up Jason." You glared at the older.
"Wha- I didn't even say anything!" Jason looked offended.
"Your stupid face did." You huffed in annoyance. Tim laughed and hopped over the couch and sat next to you. "Can I help?"
Your eyes lit up with hope. "Oh my gosh really?" Tim gave you a smile and nods. "Yes! please help."
Since Tim already played this game and finished it. He showed you multiple ways to beat this level. You had fun with Tim. You and Jason would argue here and there. But overall, it was fun.
As it got dark. Tim and Jason suddenly got an Alert on their phones. "Sorry Y/n. Me and Jason have to go. But I'll play with you next week."
You were a little sad. And confused at the sudden rush, but you understood. "Oh, okay. Bye."
Jason ruffled your head as he followed behind Tim. "Hey!"
Jason quickly ran out the room as you threw a pillow towards him.
"Do you ever feel left out?" Mrs. Dean asked as she watched you play with a small ball you picked out from the kids corner.
"Left out? No not really." You tossed the ball up in the air and caught it.
"How about I sum out the question. Do you feel left out in your family? With the Waynes I mean."
You hum as you thought about it. "Sometimes, I guess. Everyone treats me good. But I kind of feel like, an outsider sometimes."
"Do you think it's because of the way you were raised that you assume that. Suddenly living one life then now to this." Mrs. Dean watched as you let her words sink in.
"Yeah. I guess so. They knew each other longer and stuff. So that's probably why I feel that way. . . but. It kind of feels like something more."
Mrs. Dean's Brow raised "Why do you think that?"
You shrugged as you fumbled with the small ball in your hands. "It's like they all have this, thing. Like a bond with each other that I probably won't understand. . ." You seemed to think about it before shrugging "Maybe because they are all guys? I heard fathers have deeper connections with their sons."
Mrs. Dean hums and leans back into her chair. "Well, that can be some cases. Do you think Mr. Wayne doesn't pay much attention to you than your brothers?"
You shook your head. "No, he gives me attention. He's. . . a good man. He wouldn't neglect any of his kids. He's also a busy guy. So, if he's not around much I don't hold it against him."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You seem to be a very open-minded person."
It was late in the night when you had awoken from a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep. But your mind betrayed you. Keeping you up and refusing you sleep for what felt like hours.
So, you wondered downstairs. In hopes of getting something that could make you fall asleep. You slowly enter the kitchen that was engulfed in darkness. Before you could reach for the light switch. The light was turned on by another.
"Ms. Y/n."
It was Alfred.
"Hey Alfred. Sorry I just came for something to drink." You mumbled as you approached the fridge.
"A nightmare?" Alfreds question caused you to pause. "How did you-"
"I know the look of a child who has come out from a bad dream Ms. Y/n." Alfred shooed you to sit at the counter as he made you a warm drink.
You just sat in silence as Alfred spoke.
"Do you usually get nightmares?" Alfred still has his back turned to you as he made your drink. ". . . Sometimes. Nothing too bad. Just need to lay off the horror films I guess." You let out a small chuckle.
"I see. Your father had a lot of nightmares as well when he was around master Dameon's age." Alfred slides the cup to you. You take the warm cup into your cold hands. The warmth sending a sort of satiation through you.
"Bruce?" You took a sip from the warm drink as you eyed the Butler. Alfred nods as he turns to clean up. "Especially after Master Bruce's parents passed."
Your expression dropped slightly. Both parents at such a young age.
"Must have been hard." You mumbled as you thought to yourself.
Alfred glanced to your slight glum expression.
"Yes. Same for Master Dick, and Master Tim. Along with Master Jason. All boys lost their parents at young ages. Master Damians mother left him with Bruce after the death of his grandfather. It took him awhile to move on after that."
You stayed silent as Alfred spoke.
". . . Why are you telling me this." You were lean back against your chair as you stared up at Alfred with slight confusion.
Alfred turned back around and handed you a treat.
"Everyone here has lost someone. Your brothers and Master Bruce will understand your pain. You don't need to hide it."
And with that the butler walked off back to where he had come from. Leaving you to let his words sink in.
"You have trust issues."
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Mrs. Dean's words. "Whoa, I just got here. And I'm very trusting. I'm here talking to you. I tell you my feelings and thoughts."
"Yes. But you don't tell me the full truth. Which I don't expect you to. But having trust issues doesn't mean you don't trust someone when it comes to talking about your feelings and thoughts. Trusting someone with yourself is different with trusting yourself with another. You, Y/n don't trust yourself."
"What are you going on about." You lean back into the chair as you gave Mrs. Dean a look of confusion.
"You don't trust that you would do the right thing. You don't trust yourself when it comes to situations that involve you being needed. You make yourself look bad, but not too bad to the point where others don't trust you." Mrs. Dean flips a page from her clip bored.
"You always talked about others in a good honest light. I ask a question about you, and you would either answer in short answers or divert the conversation about another."
"Come on now. It's not like that." You chuckled a little with a lazy smile. Mrs. Dean narrows at how nonchalant you're acting. You're acting. You're a good actor. And she sees it.
And you know she knows.
You are acting smug about it. But why. Why are you playing around like this-
Mrs. Dean catches you glancing to the teddy bear on her desk with a knowing look.
You smirked as you see realization creep upon Mrs. Dean.
There was a nanny-cam in that toy bear. You spotted it on day one. Yet you didn't say anything. You spoke about your thoughts and feelings to her. Most of it was true as well. You were yourself in the sessions you had with her.
You did all that while knowing of the nanny-cam.
"How did you. . ." Mrs. Dean spoke in a low tone. Almost like a whisper as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You simply smiled. "Like you said. I'm practically a genius."
@huening-ly, @mariadvorak @superherosdystopiafreak @chelluv, @houseissofine, @esposadomd, @greyeyedmockingbird, @1-800-daisy, @c0c0-puffsxxx @arthurswife @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @josiepapen @natashanice165 @amber-content @mahbeanz @azurewisteria @seraph101 @skepvids @lara20aral @iwasveronica @jackrabbitem @nickey-diano @idonthaveanameforthisacc @sekidekiboombeki @masters-blog
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psychic-pigeons · 5 months
hey if you write a pattern for the chilchuck amigurumi I will buy it instantly
ive gotten multiple asks about this, so ill just answer them all here in one go.
i wrote down everything while i was working on it, but i theres some stuff that i would do diffrently and i also didnt take a lot of process pics so it wont be a full proper pattern for those reasons, but ill add all that i have under the cut!
i dont want any compensation, but if you wanna do me a favor you can donate to esims for gaza, unrwa, any of these gefundme's, or another trusted charity of your choice.
now to the pattern! i would love to see the results of anyone making a squeakychuck, feel free to tag or dm me :)
the dimensions of this depend on the size of ur squeaker and yarn, i had a 4ish cm squeaker and somewhat thick 4/8 cotton yarn (kinda 6/8ish thickness). depending on ur yarn and squeaker u might need to follow a different pattern for the body.
if youre using a different body base pattern, the tunic and blouse pattern are pretty easily adjustable. ill add some notes for that at those sections of the pattern. ill also link some videos i used at relevant sections.
if theres an Action store near where u live, see pic below for the yarn i used for the skin, reddish brown, black and light brown. i got 3 of these but 2 packs was enough. the dark brown and creme were from my stash. i also got the squeaker from a donut dog toy from Action.
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abreviations list (all in us terms):
mr = magic ring
sc = single crochet
hdc = half dubble crochet
slst = slipstitch
ch = chain
bobble = 5 double crochet in one stitch
4inc = 4 sc in one
4 inc = increase in the next four stitches
BLO = back loop only
FLO = front loop only
what you need:
-skin color of choice yarn
-creme/white yarn (normal for body, thin for blouse)
-greyish creme (for boot flaps)
-black yarn
-dark brown yarn
-light brown yarn
-reddish brown yarn
-green yarn
-4 tiny buttons (for arm joints)
-cardboard (for shoe sole
-3.5mm hook
-needlefelt needle
-stitchmarker (optional, i always mark the first stitch of the round)
once again disclaimer, this is not a propper pattern, this is just what i wrote down while i was crochetting. it may not nessecarily be the best way to do it. i wanted most clothes to be removable, but you have to partially disassemble the doll if you want to remove them. if you dont like how something looks or works ur free to do whatever you want. big fan of fucking around and finding out personally.
if you have any questions feel free to dm me, might take me a while to reply though.
head (skin)
r1: sc 6 in mr
r2: (inc) x6
r3: (sc 1, inc) x6
r4: (sc 2, inc) x6
r5: (sc3, inc) x6
r6: (sc4, inc) x6
r7: (sc 5, inc) x6
r8-15 : sc 42
r16: (sc 5, dec) x6
r17: (sc 4, dec) x6
r18: (sc3, dec) x6
r19: (sc2, dec) x6
r20: (sc 1, dec) x6
r21: sc 12
slst, fasten off
ears x2 (skin)
r1: sc6 in mc
r2: (inc) x6
r3: (sc, inc) x6
r4-6: sc 18
r7: dec 9. slst fatsen off.
Body - leg up (skin, black, thick creme)
start with skin
r1: ch 6, inc in 2nd from hook, sc 3, 4inc, sc 3, inc
r2: inc 2, sc 3, inc 4, sc 3, inc 2
r3: inc 3, sc 5, inc 6, sc 5, inc 3
r4: BLO sc in all
r5: sc 3, dec 2, sc 3, dec 2, sc 6, dec 2, sc 3, dec 2, sc 3
r6: sc 1, dec, sc 4, dec 6, sc 4, dec, sc 1.
r7: sc 6, dec 3, sc 6
-r8 dec, sc in all
change color to black [color change video]
r9-23: sc in all
1st leg: fasten off
2nd leg [joining legs video]:
r24: sc7, ch 1, sc join in 1st leg after last sc, sc13, sc1 in visible v loop of ch1, sc 7
r25: sc7, sc 1 in remaining v loop of ch1, sc21
r26-31: sc 28
r32: sc 7, change color to creme/white, slst 1, sc 20
r33-35: sc 29
r36: (sc 8, dec) x3
r37: (sc7, dec) x3
r38: (sc6, dec)x3
add squeaker
r39: sc21
r40: (sc 5, dec) x3
r41-42: sc18
r43: (sc 1, dec) x6
fasten off
Arms (skin, dark brown)
i made the arms movable with button joints, but after looking at some videos i discovered that what i did is not called a button joint and i dont have a video explaining it, so i hope this drawing helps.
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the red bits are the buttons inside of the arms and body, and the thread (blue for clarity, i matched it w the skin) should be pulled tight and finished off with a double or tripple knot inside the body.
or you could just sew on the arms that also works. but wait with doing that until youve finished the blouse as the hands dont fit through the sleeves. i have a seperate section on assembly at the end of the pattern.
start with skin
r1:sc6 in mc
r2: inc x6
r3(sc, inc)x6
r4 : sc 18
change color to brown
r5: sc 18
1st arm r6: sc 3, bobble, sc 14.
2nd arm r6.2: sc 14, boble, sc 3
[i matched the top loop to the bobble color but i think it would look better if u didnt]
r7: sc 18
r8: (sc 4, dec)x3
r9: (sc 3, dec)x3
r10 sc12
color switch to skin (you might want to do this a round earlier, i didnt initially plan on making the gloves flared, and this color change part can sometimes be seen and look kinda weird)
r11-14: sc 12
r15: (sc4, dec)x2
r16-19 : sc 10
r20: (sc3, dec)x2
r21: sc8
insert button joint
r28: (sc2, dec)x2
slst, sew shut
glove flare (dark brown)
r1: ch 15, slst join LONG TAIL
r2: (sc4, inc)x3
r3: sc4, inc, sc8, inc, sc 4
r4: sc 2, slst fasten off
sew 2 rows below thumb bobble
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boots (light brown, dark brown, greyish creme) [video]
these are removable but they dont go on easily, so you gotta patiently massage the feet in there.
start with light brown
ch 7, start in 2nd from hook:
r1: sc 5, 3inc, sc 4, inc
r2: inc, sc 4, inc 3, sc 4, inc 2
r3: inc, sc 5, hdc inc 7, sc 5, inc 2
r4: slst fasten off. sew in holes/tails, fray ends for flat gluejob. trace onto cardboard for sole.
switch color to dark brown
r1: BLO join slst, BLO sc in all
r2-3: sc in all
glue in sole
r4: sc 8, dec 5, sc 12
r5: sc 7, dec 4, sc 10
r6: sc7, dec2, sc 10
r7-10: sc in all
switch color to greyish creme
r11-12: sc in all
r13: slst, FLO sc in all
r14-16: sc all
slst fasten off
flip the greyish creme flap over.
blouse (thinner creme)
this is a standard raglan pattern, if you need the whole thing bigger/smaller you need to have more/less chains at the beginning. this change also carries over to the collar. the increases are evenly spaced for me, and unless your doll has a very broad chest this shouldnt have to change.
if the arms need more space you need to either add more rows to the r3-7 part and/or add more chains in r8 (this part should fit pretty sugg around the body)
i was experimenting a bit w using BLO to minimize the gap where the sleeve and body seperate (r8). it worked p good but you can ignore it if you dont understand it and just sc in all.
(edit: if this confuses you, understandable. I answered an ask abt it here but feel free to ask if its still unclear)
r1: ch24, slst join.
r2: (sc 5, inc) x4
r3-7: inc in first of previous inc. last row should have 10 sc between increases.
r8: sc5, blo sc 1, ch 5, blo sc join in 1st of next inc, sc 11, blo sc1, ch5, blo sc join in 1st st of next inc, sc 5
r9: sc6, blo sc 1, sc 5, blo sc1, sc11, blo sc 1, sc 5, blo sc 1, sc 6
r10-13: sc in all (36)
r14: (sc8, inc)x4
r15: sc in all (40)
slst finish off
r1: join mid armpit, slst ,sc2, sc in the leftover bits from the BLO stitches, sc 11, sc in leftover BLO bits, sc2
r2-6: sc in all
join left-middle front, sc 7, inc, sc8, inc, sc 7. turn
r2: sc7, inc, sc 10, inc, sc 7. turn
r3: sc8, inc, sc 10, inc, sc 8. turn
r1: join mid body-facing side, FLO sc 20
r2-4: sc 20, slst fatsen off
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Tunic (red brown) [tunesian entrelac crochet]
if you want to make this bigger i recommend keeping the same square layout, but making the squares bigger. its a bit of measuring and math to figure it out.
the tunic is made in tunesian crochet and i dont really know what written patterns for that look like so i hope this makes sense.
for a single square:
r1: ch4, start in 2nd back bump from hook. pull up a loop from ever back bump. you should have 4 loops on your hook total. simplestitch in all
r2-4: simplestitch in all.
r5: slst in all. fasten off
for the slanted parts i did the decrease by pulling through the middle 2 loops in one go on the back pass
this is how the full thing should look, its worked from bottom left to top right.
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sew together the shoulders together, then sew in all of the ends
:) good luck
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tunesian crochet has a tendancy to curl, so if you used cotton i def recommend blocking it
i defined the grid a little bit with a dark brown pencil.
cowl (green)
BLO sc 7, repeat till desired lenght, then BLO slst join the last row to the first.
scalp undercut bit (dark brown)
r1: sc 6 in mr
r2: (inc) x6
r3: (sc 1, inc) x6
r4: (sc 2, inc) x6
r5: (sc3, inc) x6
r6: (sc 4, inc)x6
r7: sc36
sew on back of the head (recommend doing this before the ears and face, see end for more detailed assembly instructions)
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hair (reddish brown) [hair video]
disclaimer, this is kind of a mess. the lenghts didnt line up the way i intended so i improvised by adding loose strands and spent a lot of time pinning every strand in place before glueing them down.
i used bison kit contact glue since its sturdy, transparant, flexible and waterproof. you can use hot glue as well, i just personally dont like it because its bulky.
r1: sc 21 in mc. join BLO slst
r2: ch 12, sc in 2nd from hook, gdc10, BLO slst join
r3: ch 12, sc in 2nd from hook, gdc10, BLO slst join
r4: ch13, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 11, BLO slst join
r5: ch13, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 11, BLO slst join
r6: ch 14, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 12, BLO slst join
r7: ch16, sc in 2nd form hook, hdc 14, BLO slst join
r8: ch 18, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 16, BLO slst join
r9: ch 18, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 16, BLO slst join
r10: ch 14, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 12, BLO slst join
r11: ch 12, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 10, BLO slst join
r12: ch 10, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 8, BLO slst join
from now on, join in the FLO's of previous round
r13: ch10, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 8, FLO slst join
r14: ch10, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 8 , FLO slst join
r15: ch12, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 10 , FLO slst join
r16: ch12, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 10 , FLO slst join
r17: ch14, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 12 , FLO slst join
r18: ch16, sc in 2nd form hook, hdc 14, FLO slst join
r19: ch 18, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 16, FLO slst join
r20: ch16, sc in 2nd form hook, hdc 14, FLO slst join
r21: ch14, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 12 , FLO slst join
1x ch 6, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 4
2x ch8, sc in 2nd from hook, hdc 6
2x ch 10, sc in 2nd from chain, hdc 8, slst in same, fasten off.
2x ch 12, sc in 2nd from chain, hdc 10, slst in same, fasten off.
3x ch14
pin all in place until it looks good, tie +glue loose strands first. then glue back pieces, crown, and lastly bangs/ top back layer. some of the lose strands go behind the ears, one is the left sideburn, and the rest is to cover up the crown. these pics are the best i can do as a guide, this was my first time doing this so i was struggling lol.
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i didnt fully glue down the bangs and the top back layer bc i thought it would be fun if u could ruffle his hair, but my friend who i gave the plush to has significantly abused him (its been 2 days) and his hair is a mess so im gonna have to glue it down again lol. might as well do it all the first time if u plan on throwing him down the stairs or something.
for eyes + eyebrows, embroider outline with dark brown, then needle felt [video] the inner parts w unraveled dark brown fluff. the dark brown i used was probably acrylic. cotton doesnt really work well for this.
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Belt and pouch (dark brown)
the belt is a 3 strand basic friendship bracelet! [video]
sew together the ends and hide it with by sewing the pouch on top.
i didnt write down the pattern for the pouch, but from the top of my head its the same start as the squares for the tunic
r1-9: simple stitch in all
r10: simple stitch 1, decrease by putting your hook through 2 vertical bars when pulling up a loop, simple stitch edge 1.
r11: slst in all, finish with a long tail
use tail to sew together the sides, and sew the pouch onto the belt. use some yellow thread to make a button.
put on the blouse, put the arms in their place and finish the button joints.
put on the tunic, lace the sides with dark brown yarn, finish with a knot and hide the tails underneath the chest part of the tunic.
slide on the belt and boots.
sew the scalp undercut bit to the head
sew the ears to the head
tie + glue the loose hair strands behind the ears
glue the back of the hair
glue the back of the hair
glue the middle circle part of the hair
glue the top back layer and bangs
sew the head to the body
put on the cowl
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i hope this is somewhat clear, feel free to dm me is you have questions.
enjoy your squeakychuck :D
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kapitein-oranghien-29 · 4 months
I usually don't share personal things, but I am quite upset at my work situation rn. Some might know I work as a mailman, and you work your assigned districts. I went from working overtime that was nearly dubble my contract base shift ( 175%!!!) , and now they tell me they can't place me on Tuesday. I say, then give me the day off, but they won't do that either?!?! They also gave the route I usually have to someone who did it before, who went away for a year, that's back now, and wants his old one back. So I get to learn about 3 new routes per week, that's about 500 dresses PER ROUTE and he gets the one I worked on so hard to put in the system right! I feel so f-ed over. It makes me stress so much, and I feel like just not making art anymore (´。��� ^ •。`)
Anyway, that was my rant, I'll probably be better tomorrow and back to art in no time. Like usual...
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therandomfandomme · 11 months
Biking is accessible movement
Biking is a very accessible mode of transportation and way to exercise, however I think a lot of people don't know that, since there are a lot of countries, who don't have the right infrastructure (which is sad). So, this post is me showing y'all how biking is very accessible.
I am writing this from the perspective of someone with mild chronic pain, so I don't know the ins and outs, I have just seen all these bikes around on the streets, because here in the Netherlands they are very prevelant. I do want to say that biking is far easier on my joints than walking, except the knees, even with my unmodified bike.
An accessability feature that is not the bike itself, but often seen in traffic are the signs for hard of hearing people, which can be attached to the back of the bike to let others know that the person won't respond to audible traffic cues and to be careful.
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1. Not having the muscle mass or lung capacity for intense exercise
Electrical bikes used to be mostly associated with senior citizens, however in recent years it has become more popular with high schoolers, who have to bike long distances to school or adults, who don't want to arrive sweaty at work. They can either assist you or do the biking for you. Normal electric bikes can go up to 30 km/h, but the recently popular fatbike can go up to 60 km/h (which is a hazard and should be regulated, but I digress). Every bike type that follows after can be an eletric bike.
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2. Needing back support
Of course not everyone can sit on a bike, whose seating gives no support and for those there are lying bikes. Though being able to get up and down from a pretty low seat, which is less.
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3. Not having the balance for biking
One big thing with bikes is balancing, which is something I struggle with (shout out to physical therapy for helping with that). Once I'm on the bike it is easier for me, but I struggled a lot with getting on and off the bike for a while as well as balancing in general, so I had training wheels for a lot longer than most of my peers.
Luckily, there are a lot of options for people who have bad balance or for whom getting on and off a bike would be more of a struggle. A fatbike already makes for easier balance, however for more aid you have tricycles for adults, which are pretty common. And an extra wheel can also be put on a lying bike.
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4. Mental disabilities that limit safe independence in traffic
Not everyone can be in traffic unsupervised due to mental disabilities or brain damage, so not everyone can bike on their own. However, there are many ways to bike while having someone there for safety.
A tandem might seem like a gimmick to some, but it can allow someone to bike without needing to take into account all the moving traffic. And the dubble bike, which is more often used as a fun thing for tourist to explore a city while being able to chat, can provide the same for those with bad balance. If the person in question is smaller than the person supervising, such as a child or little person, than there is also a bike attachment for any bike with a luggage carrier.
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5. Using a mobility aid
A lot of people think that you can't bike when using a mobility aid, however biking is not the same as walking, so should your body allow it, biking is possible.
If a person uses a cane or crutches there are ways to hold them in place. A walker can also be attached to the back if it is foldable. If a person is in a wheelchair (depending on what kind) then a hand bike is an option, which allows for higher speeds than moving regularly, while not taking more energy. A person with a wheelchair can also be transported with a bike, if they are not able to move through traffic independently (i have been informed that this is for kids, so thank you for that addition).
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6. Lifestyle makes it more difficult to bike
Some people can ride a bike, but aren't able of biking, because they have kids, pets or need to move more stuff. However, there are ways to still use a bike in those circumstances. Popular among people in busy cities with more than one kid is a cargo bike. A cargo bike is also avaible with three wheels for extra balance and both can be electric. For pet owners the trailer is more popular, since a pet cannot jump out of it, though I've also seen plenty of babies and toddlers in them. Both these options can naturally also hold stuff.
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Of course I totally understand that not everyone is able to bike and that not everywhere there is the infrastructure necessary. I am just passionate about it and I think that a lot of people might not realize that biking can be more accessible than it is often portrayed. I might have missed something, so feel free to add if you find anything and I would love to hear thoughts or just reactions :D
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glitchcat808 · 2 years
*crawls out of hiding hole* idk if requests are open but can u do the main eddsworld guys with a s/o that likes to embarrass them (affectionately🥺) in front of others?? Like calling them cute nicknames in front of the guys or just attacking them with affection 💕
(ignore this if ur not doing requests rn-)
*Hummh* excuse me but you give me a HEART ATTACK O_O
Anyways, of course i can! (don't do that again please TwT)
Eddsworld Main 4 with a s/o who likes to embarrass them (in a good way)
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He will get confused and sad, why you doing that :[ ?
But then he understands that you are playing so, two can play one game!
If you embarrass him saying things like "you are the pwetiest little babwy :3" he would DOUBLE the embarrassment like "you are my little wubby dubbly little kitty, yes you are, who is a good kitty kitty kitty-" and more lol
The boys don't care, especially Matt, but Tom hates it. Is annoying like he says
But at the end of the day, we all know you love eachother, and is all that matters!
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He will be flustered, stoop please ;-;
But he doens't mind at all, he thinks is cute!
If you pinch his cheek and say sweet nothings he will be a red to-matt-to! (get it? because tomato and i changed it to-)
When you guys go shopping and you say thinks like "you are so handsome" or "i am so lucky to have you :]" he will stop working and just- gets on the ground and covers his face, STOOOOP 😭
He stills loves you anyways smh
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He thinks is annoying, you are no baby here >:(
"Hey can you stop that, i don't like it" "But babe, you are my little meow meow :(" "Stop."
He will let you flirt with him, but not to much lol
He gets red when you flirt or embarrass him in front of his friends, they tease him about it but he don't care anyways
When he is on the mood he will flirt back, but 20x worst lol
And there we look at, two lovers flirting with eachother all red on the wild
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Ohh no, you don't embarrass the red leader, the red leader embarrass you >:]!
He gets pink cheecks when you do compliment him, but they don't last long
He will get touchy and flirt with you when he wants to, and you can't escape!
Paul and Patrick will be like "Ayoo 🤨??" but they just let you guys be smh
And also, he plans to make you his wife/husband/married partner, so he tells you how his dreams will be and you get like "WJWOSVQJSKKSBSOSBSLD"
Well there we go!
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fantasygalaxycrystal · 8 months
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poppy ver 2 - working at playtime co.
just imagine her as another poppy doll, just another dress and bangs X'D and not me not dubble checking that the sketch is right before finishing lineart. i just gave her a dress in my style.
art (c) Hardsara
Poppy (c) Poppy Playtime / Mob Entertainment
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dreamerkitty · 5 months
are there any intresting diffrences between offical yokai watch localization? From what I've seen it's definitely decently done but I wouldn't be suprised if there were any "jelly filled donut" moments or just things that are hard to translate (be it culturally or just things like wordplay)
Im not the best person to ask about this cause duh, I don't know Japanese well enough but I'll try.
A lot of food items have their artwork changed in western release. This includes all of the drinks to remove Japanese text or remove possible copyright issues (eg. Y-Cola) and some stuff like the fruit drops can. This also goes for the personality books too
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The Yokai Circle in blasters 'Lost in translation' is what is says on the tin, all the Yokai in Japanese had the honorific -san and of course this doesn't work in the translation so in English they're just like 'wow this group is weird huh! Sorry lol! :) '
A few npcs had to be edited because they were sadly possible racist caricatures (im sorry, I dont want to include them here). This includes the Chinese Food shop keeper and the school janitor.
Rollen's (and Dubbles) original art has the onomatopoeia 'goron' (in Japanese, the sound of him rolling about) which is removed for localisation. They're the only Yokai with artwork changed for the west from what I remember.
BBQ and Springdale are just straight up America and Japan in the original version but they removed this perhaps so that Springdale can feel more like anywhere in the world and BBQ is just far away somewhere. Japan also uses dollars and yen for BBQ and Springdale respectively while the localised version uses BBQ Bucks and dollars.
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If anyone has anything else, please feel free to add! ^^
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Explain time.
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Alright. @starsinthenight
But excuse my awful spelling I'm dyslexic and my brain refuses to understand the English language.
All text in pictures is written below.
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For the sake of time I'm going to assume you already whatever you're planning on layering. Start by cutting it out with an exacto blade.
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After cutting and cleaning up your image. It's time to think about layering and the interest of your image.
Or : how the HECK do I cut this paper so I can bend it without it ripping or falling apart!?!???
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Let's break this down by asking two questions-
1- what is everything Infront of?
2- what is everything behind?
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1- the right arm it's behind everything. Leo's head scarf and shell.
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2- the left arm,it's in front of everything. The base of the body, and it's also in the fore ground.
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From thair you can go through assigning height to each part of your drawing. If this is your first time try to be less specific and work your way up to more complicated disigns.
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Wright it out of you want, or don't. Lists overwhelm me so I usually just do this in my head. -back- robo arm,back of legs,mid back,top of pants, shell both sides, head/arm joint?, scarf, hand elbow -frunt-
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Time to start *cutting!* This is the mostly intuition of when you need to stop cutting. And about the look that you want. Ex: Do you fully cut some thing off or leave it partially attached?
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Cutting it off makes things POP out a bit more. I'd just advise that you'd only cut off things if they have a full outline.
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Other wise it will look something like this. Which can look cool. It's really up to you.
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I just really like using partial cuts.
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Last thing before I set you free-adhesives.
I use three main types 1-dubble sided adhesive foam cubes 2- double sided tape that you need to peel 3-glue dots. All of with you can find at craft stores or Amazon.
Below is a video of all the stuff I talked about above In action.
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This is what the final looks like.
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From the back and sides you can see how many adhesives I used. :D
Let me know if you have any questions, and if you make something please send me pictures.
Also I have no clue what this thing is called. Please tell me so I can put it on my resume...
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Larissa weems x reader
Name: first date
Warning: smut, indecent language and 18+ content.
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You and larissa has been dating each other for 4 months now. But to be honest, The both of you never had a decent date. You both were always at work or busy doing something that was work related.
Tonight was the first night that you both actually had time to sit down, at a fancy restaurant and have a conversation that is not work related.
You put on a very short yet tight red dress that couldn't even reach your knees, and it also had a opening in the back. You wanted to tease larissa tonight, after all her favorite color was red.
You put your coat on and your heels before grabbing you phone and purse then left the house . When you got outside you saw larissa leaned against her car smoking. She caught your gaze as she saw you coming down the steps.
She immediately threw the cigarette on the ground before curshing it. She slowly walked towards you, smirking she couldn't keep her eyes off you and you found it rather sexy. The way she looked at you was deadly.
Giving her a small smile you looked at how amazing she looked. Now standing in front of you she gently garbed your hips bringing you dangerously closer to her.
Sinking her face into your neck she whispers "you smell like roses darling"
She hand placement on your body sent shivers down your spine. "Also I love how this dress brings out your every curve" she whispered softly in your ear. she planted a soft kiss on your ear before pulling away.
Hand never leaving your hips she looks at you with lustful eyes. God she was making you wet. Bitting your lips you leaned in and kissed her on her lips. You felt as if the entire world has stopped.
She kissed back passionately, cupping your face. She tried to force her tongue through your lips but you wanted to get her hyped up. Pulling away you smirk at her before fixing your lipstick. She looked down at you,craving you more and more each second.
She soon realized what game you were playingand decided to play along . " shall we?" You asked not breaking her gaze. She sighed heavily before letting go of your hips. She turned to the car before opening the door for you.
You smiled and entered. She got in and started the car. Giving you one last look to make sure you were comfortable she proceeded to drive.
For the entire ride her hand was on her thigh, tapping to the music that was playing on the radio.
When you guys arrived at the restaurant she looked for a park in the parking lot and parked. She got out the ran over to your side. It was very cute. She opened your door. You gaved her a slight smile before stepping out of the car.
She held on to your hand and helped you out. After you had come out of the car, she closed the door and locked the car. Her hand snaked around your waist,pulling you slightly closer to her.
As you entered the restaurant, you smelled the delicious food. She went to the table that she had bought for the both of you. "Is this V.I.P rissa?" You asked. She nodded slightly before taking off your coat.
The table was very hidden and private. Your seat was very close to a wooden wall that make your feel safe. You took a seat and took out your phone. "When ever your ready to order, love just tell me" she said giving you a slight smile.
You placed your phone onto the table and looked at the menu. Everything sounds so delicious, you thought to yourself. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear you closed the menu turning to larissa.
"I'll have the burger and fries with barbecue chicken wings and extra garlic sauce " you said. She smiled and then called the waiter. Soon The waiter came. "I'll have 1 "French barbecue" and 1 "island girl salad" with dubble margaritas please" she said.
The waiter took down the orders in her book and soon went away. You took up you phone and proceeded to text your boss about the presentation you'll be doing on Monday. Larissa was secretly side eyeing you.
"You promised that you wouldn't be on your phone darling " she whispered in your ear, leaving sloppy kisses on your earlobe. you shivered in response.Her tone of voice sending shivers down your spine. You turn to look at her. "I know but I just need to clarify this with Mr. Thinburn" you said typing faster.
"I'm sure it can wait baby" she said. Her hand slowly made it's way down onto your thigh drawing circles. Your body Jerks alittle to her touch. Her cold hand on you thighs. Her fingernails gently digging into your skin, making sure to leave marks for later . You quickly turn off your phone And placed it back into you bag.
You loved how protective she was of you especially when it came to men or other women. She wanted to be the only person to ruin you. You looked around and that's when you realized why larissa choose the vip room.
It was very dark with red led lights but there was other people in the room but everyone had their own secret space. This place was screaming romantic lust.
Larissa hand pushed you dress up above your hips. She spread your legs apart and gently rubs your inter thighs. She wrapped her arm around you to keep you in place. You had no idea what madness she was up to but you were in for it . Her hand reached down into your underwear.
She teased you a little bit to see how wet you were by, rubbing your clit up and down through the fabric of the underwear. You bit down on your bottom lip trying your best not to make it, obvious to the other 6 people that were in the room that you were being fucked.
"Can you be quiet for mommy?" She asked in a seraphic tone of voice.
She slowly pushed your panties to the side and without warning she pushed 2 fingers in you at once. You gasped out loud. You moan softly as she began slow thrust. Your eyes rolled to back of the back of your head as you felt her long fingers curl in you.
You moan out loud. The expression on larissa's face was priceless. She Covered your mouth with her hand as you tilt back your head. People was probably looking at you but you didn't care. Larissa was pounding into you hard and fast. She places one of your legs on hers to get more access to fuck into you deeper. You were close and she knew it, so she picked up her pace.
"Fuck baby I can't take it" you muffled in her ear between moans. "Sure you can sweetheart, don't you wanna cum on mommies fingers and make her proud?" She asked. Your head was spinning in circles. You couldnt focus, All you could focus on, was how good she was making you feel. You whimpered as she went deeper in your pussy hitting your g-spot.
"Shhh be a good girl for mommy and be quiet my love" she said going faster. Her words along was making you come closer on edge.
You could hear how wet you were, her fingers were gushing as she fucked you hard. You felt something building up. You couldn't hold it in anymore. "Please...Can I cum mommy" you asked shutting your eyes hard. "Yes you may my love " she said.
Soon you cumed hard on her fingers, she kept fucking you through your orgasm for a while before slowly pulling out. As she did so you moaned a little. you felt so empty without her. She licked your juices clean off her fingers before kissing you. You tasted yourself on her lips. You moan softly, smiling against your lips she pulled away. "Just wait till you get home.... I want you on all fours" she whispered.
Then soon the waiter came with the food and you ate.
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rotworld · 2 years
27: Strictly Business
what do hitmen get up to when they aren't on the job? you know. you wish you didn't.
->explicit. contains noncon, organized crime, gore, implied murder, graphic descriptions of corpses, workplace harassment, emotional sadism.
“BODY IN SUITCASE IDENTIFIED AS POLICE INFORMANT,” screams the biggest, boldest font on the Tuesday front page spread. The photo is quietly unnerving, an artsy still life shot of waterlogged, conspicuously stained softside luggage sitting on a pier, sunset sparkling on the metal zippers. Hazel’s fingers are blocking the juiciest bit of the story as she ignores it entirely to scoff at the opinion column, her gray hair twisted into a bun and her flour-dusted apron crumpled on her lap. You drift by with a washrag to tidy up the crumb and spilled pop remnants of an eight year old’s birthday party. The evening news plays at an inaudible level above the bar. 
“It’s nothing to worry about, hon,” she says. She’s been watching you scrub at the same spotless corner of the table for a minute straight. There’s a reporter on TV gesturing at a dock blocked off with yellow tape, and a blue-striped police boat cruising through the harbor.
“That’s close to here,” you say. 
“Anything worth talking about happens close to here. The Waterfront District’s a busy place.” 
“Busy,” you scoff. Busy is standstill traffic and half-hour restaurant waits, not corpses that have to be fished out of a lake or blood and brain matter on public restroom mirrors. You wipe down the bar counter in front of her, glancing at the newspaper with a tight frown. “I don’t know how that stuff doesn’t scare you.” 
“If I got scared by every old thing, I would’ve died of heart failure by now,” she says. She folds the paper so you stop looking at it, fishing another candy-wrapped wad of gum from her pocket. She’s trying to quit smoking, gradually replacing the ashy tobacco scent of her clothes with Dubble Bubble. “You a narc?” 
“What? No,” you sputter. 
“Then don’t worry so much.”
Easy for her to say. She grew up here. Her face is smiling in the faded photographs along the back wall with the original waitstaff from the 70s. You just got here a couple years ago for school and it feels like somebody’s getting killed in new, gruesome ways every time you look up. Things go in cycles. It’ll be uneventful for months at a time and then it’s like the city gets restless, churning out half a dozen bodies in just a few days. Last month, your biggest concern was finals, and now four bodies have turned up in the Waterfront District in a little under a week. 
“It’s business, I’ll bet,” Hazel says absently, glancing at the TV. “That’s why it always picks up around the same time of year. Their version of downsizing or something.” Her response isn’t all that unusual. Most people are either completely numb to it or relishing in it like the shock jocks on the local radio shows. A few weeks ago, it turned out that some abandoned shack on the north side had been converted into a torture chamber, complete with drawerfuls of surgical equipment, chains and shackles affixed to the walls, and something so unspeakably bad in the bathroom that even the crime scene photodumps that ended up online came pre-censored. 
You came into work a little jumpy and sleep-deprived Hazel had been sitting at the bar with her pile of empty gum wrappers, glancing over the story in the paper with no more perturbation than someone who’d smelled something mildly unpleasant. 
“Customers,” Hazel tells you. She calls it five whole seconds before the bells over the door jingle. 
You smooth out your apron and march to the front with your best customer service smile, happy to have a distraction. “Welcome to the Goldilocks Tavern! Are we dining in toni—?” Your voice catches behind a lump in your throat that refuses to budge. 
The man is a regular. He looks absurd standing in a family restaurant wearing a tailored designer suit that belongs in a board meeting, slipping off his sunglasses and glancing at the TV in the corner. Mid-length wavy hair tickles the base of his neck, slightly tousled from the wind outside. He smiles at you and that blinding enthusiasm, the cheerful little wink, makes your stomach twist. “Evening,” he says. “Table for three, please.” 
It’s Valerio fucking Burke and he brought friends. 
“Mr. Burke! Where’ve you been lately?” Hazel calls. She sees you floundering and swoops in to the rescue, ambling over to make conversation as you collect yourself. You collect three menus with numb, shaking hands, completely on autopilot. You’re not ready for Valerio on a good day, let alone a day when the news cycle has been nothing but mob atrocities. The problem isn’t that he’s a bad customer, because he’s not. He’s perfect. He’s patient, he’s polite, he tips great, he’s all smiles the whole night, and it bothers the fuck out of you because you know. You know and you have to pretend you don’t.
“Oh, you know. Always a little hectic this time of year,” Valerio says mildly. “You’d be surprised how cutthroat it gets. Hard to find company loyalty these days. Lots of employee overturn, lots of new hires. I’ve been putting in a lot of overtime.”
Yeah, you fucking bet he has.
Hazel keeps him talking while you fumble for the silverware and napkin sets, and you sneak a few glances. You’ve never seen the other two before. The guy on his left is massive, taller, wider, eyeing the tavern with a nasty scowl like the place owes him money, dark hair tied in a low ponytail. The guy on his right is shorter and the only one dressed remotely appropriately in sneakers and a striped jacket and pants from mismatched tracksuits. Sandy bangs hang in his face and there are freckles on his cheek and across the bridge of his nose. He’s got a round, boyish face, admiring the kitschy tavern decor with a small smile. 
You’re completely unprepared for his gaze to flick to yours with magnetic speed, like he knew you were staring all along. He stares blankly for a minute, sizing you up. His eyes move down and back up again, a smirk slowly creeping across his face. 
Hazel’s stalled as long as she can and she’s jabbing her elbow into your side as subtly as possible. “Right this way,” you tell the men. Valerio smiles. The big guy looks at you with something you can’t quite call a glare, but it’s intense and uncomfortable and makes you feel threatened. The other one flashes you a grin. The same instinct that would warn you not to turn your back on a snarling wolf kicks in hard but you make yourself walk, leading them to a quiet table in the back. You’d love to get through this as quickly as possible without a lot of chit chat, but when you get to the table, Valerio’s got that look that tells you it’s not going to work that way.
“I don’t think you’ve met my coworkers,” he says as he slides into his seat. He’s graceful like a trained dancer, dextrous fingers quickly unrolling the napkin and arranging his silverware in a few blurred movements. “This is Ezra Doroshenko. We’ve been in the same department for—has it been a decade now?”
“A long, long decade,” Ezra mutters. He’s still almost-glaring as he studies the menu. He cracks his neck so loud that it makes you flinch. He lets out an amused huff while skimming the specials. “Could never get Miguel in here. He’d have an aneurysm over the pizza.”
“Miguel can suck a dick, they’ve got Neapolitan on every fucking corner around here,” the other guy snaps. He flashes a smile that is, admittedly, disarmingly cute and rests his chin against the back of his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he says, his eyes flicking down to your nametag. He purrs your name in a way that makes your face feel as hot as the sun. “Val’s been holding out on us. I woulda been here months ago if I knew the waiters were cute.” 
“Brooks Macbride,” Valerio introduces him with fond exasperation. “He’s new. Apologies in advance, he’s mouthy.” 
“Shut the fuck up, I am not.” 
You inch away from the table just slightly and freeze like a deer in headlights when all three of them pin you in place with their eyes. “How’ve you been?” Valerio asks smoothly. “How’s school? You’re almost done now, aren’t you?” 
“Oh, uh.” You glance from him to Ezra, who seems to be making an active effort to ignore you, and Brooks, who’s way too interested and watching your every move. You’d rather they know as little about you as possible. “Um…well, it’s going alright…”
“Hazel, can you turn it up?” Ezra calls across the restaurant. You’re surprised to see her at the bar still. Normally, she’d be in the kitchen already, but she’s fussing with the counter that you just cleaned, watching you with muted worry. Your heart skips a beat. You’re not in danger, are you? Valerio’s never done anything particularly threatening, but you don’t know the other two from a hole in the wall. Hazel nods and grabs the remote from under the bar, cranking up the TV volume until you can hear the matter-of-fact tone of the newsroom anchors. 
“…statement this afternoon said that while this is unquestionably a homicide investigation, they believe that the murder is ‘unlikely’ to be connected to organized crime. This is the second body to be recovered from Lake Michigan and the fifth found in the Waterfront District…”
“Unlikely,” Ezra snorts.
“Well, Chief Davis said there’d be fewer mob murders on his watch,” Valerio muses. “Wouldn’t look great if that wasn’t the case, now would it?”
Brooks groans. “You guys need fucking hobbies. Can we not talk shop over dinner?” 
They’re distracted. You try to make your escape as casually as possible, but you’re speedwalking by the time you get to the bar. “They’re talking about it,” you tell Hazel in a hissed whisper, “right in front of me!” 
She pours three glasses of water and pushes them across the counter. “Ignore it,” she says.
There’s no time to strategize. Valerio’s waving you back over with a sickly sweet, “Excuse me!” and Hazel frowns tightly but sends you back to their table with the water. “You’ve got to try Hazel’s onion rings,” he’s telling the others when you get there. “Could we get a large to split, please?” You scramble for your notepad and pen. “Are you alright? You seem a bit frazzled.” 
“Yeah!” you say quickly. “Yeah, I’m good. Right, onions rings. Anything else to get you started?”
Say no, you plead silently.
The news has shifted to an interview with a terse police detective begrudgingly giving up a few details on the recent murders, and all you can hear is an unentused murmur of, “…broken bones, partial flaying, trauma to the groin area, and we know the victim was alive for the majority of the time…”
Valerio lets out a long, thoughtful hum, perusing the menu way too long for someone who has it memorized front to back, and finally, finally says, “That’s all for now, thank you.” 
You give Hazel the order and hide in the bathroom. You just need a minute. You take deep breaths until your pulse is back to normal and slump against the sinks. He’s toying with you, he has to be. There’s no way he can’t tell how uncomfortable you are. In all your time at the Goldilocks Tavern, Valerio’s never threatened you, pushed you around or even made thinly-veiled threats. But he loves seeing you squirm. He pushes for conversation more on nights where you’re already stressed and run ragged, and you’d assume he was trying to make you feel better if you hadn’t dealt with him so many times. He knows he isn’t helping. He doesn’t care. 
“You okay, cutie?” 
You nearly jump out of your skin. You didn’t hear anybody come in, but Brooks is standing right behind you, impish smile reflected in the mirror. You lunge for the bathroom door but he’s faster, yanking you back by the wrist. If Valerio’s a dancer, Brooks is a fucking assassin. He has you shoved up against the sink, the hard counter digging into your back, and a pocket knife right up against your throat faster than you can scream. He presses his index finger to his lips and you take that as your one and only warning to keep your mouth shut. 
“Pants off,” he orders. You swallow hard. His smile is absolutely frigid as he moves the knife right under your jaw. Trembling, you do as he says, holding his smoldering gaze as you lift one leg out, and then the other. The fabric puddles around your ankles. Brooks turns you around, shirt and apron still on, and bends you over the sink. You let out a whimper when you hear a zipper descending and the knife comes back against the side of your neck.
“Valerio gets off on it, y’know,” he murmurs. “When you look all scared and shit, he fucking loves that. But he’s not gonna touch you. He’s gotta keep up his reputation or whatever.” Brooks chuckles, grabbing your ass and squeezing so hard you’re sure it’ll bruise. “I sure as fuck don’t, though.” 
He blankets himself against your back and knocks your legs apart, grunting as he wraps his fist around his soft cock. You can’t do anything but sit there and listen to him pant and moan as he strokes himself, the knife hovering dangerously close to your flesh. You try to keep your gaze down—on the sink, on nothing, but Brooks stops jacking off just to grab your hair with his precum-slicked fingers and force you to look in the mirror. 
“Uh-uh. You’ve gotta watch,” he says, laughing at the tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He likes that, you can tell, because he starts fucking your thighs with his half-hard cock from the sight alone. “You and your big fuckin’ doe eyes. You can’t go around looking like a prime cut of meat like that! Somebody’s gonna come along and take a bite.” Inevitably, he ends up grinding against your sex and you’re hyperaware of the twitching veins along his length, how they feel rubbing on your sensitive flesh. A miserable noise that’s almost a moan slips out and you hear a cackle before he sets the knife down on the counter.
“Yeah?” he coos. “You like that? You want it in you?” He grabs your hips with both hands and you start squirming when he lines himself up. That earns you another harsh, scalp-burning tug on your hair. “I’m going easy on you,” he says. He strokes the knife handle with his index finger. “Okay? So calm down. If I did what I really wanted to do, you wouldn’t be walking out of here. But I’m gonna be nice, because Val said I have to be. I think he liiiiiikes you.” 
He sees the desperation flicker across your eyes in your reflection and the knife is in his hand again before a cry for help can slip out. You don’t doubt that he’ll stab you and leave you here to bleed out, no matter what Valerio said. Brooks seems satisfied by your soft, stifled sobs, tears gathering on the counter under your cheeks. He doesn’t prepare you. He holds you at knifepoint while he shoves his cock into your clenched entrance, forcing past your resistance with hard, violent thrusts. The slap of skin echoes in the bathroom and your nails scrape over the counter, desperate for something to hold onto and get you through the pain. 
“Fuuuuuck, you feel good,” Brooks moans. He brings his free hand down across your ass, the slap as sharp and startling as the sudden, stinging pain. It’s humiliating to see your tear-streaked face in the mirror, gasping and flinching in time with Brooks’ punishing thrusts. He’s utterly shameless, a crooked smile on his face as he pumps his hips and squeezes your ass, digging his nails into your flesh. “When Val finally works up the balls to fuck you, be sure and tell him I broke you in first. Goddamn you’re tight.” 
His pace is breakneck and absolutely merciless, no buildup, no slow easing, and he keeps changing it up without warning. Just as you start getting used to the constant pounding, he suddenly surges forward and keeps you pinned and still against the counter, his thrusts slow and deep. You can’t hold your voice back anymore but he doesn’t seem to care. The knife is just part of the experience, prodding and scraping dangerously against your throat. He stops and you’re shivering, gasping, trying to catch your breath, as he runs his hand down your back in a mock-soothing gesture. 
“Fuck yourself on my cock,” he murmurs. You don’t want to. You lie there shivering, crying silently against the counter. Brooks drapes himself against your back again, his lips hovering beside your ear. “Wasn’t me, y’know,” he says. He thrusts shallowly, making you whine. “The suitcase? Not my gig. See, ‘cuz I’m not—how the fuck does Val say it? I’m not in their department.” He snickers. 
His hand slithers between your legs and he touches you for the first time. He’s mean about it, too hard, too rough to really feel good, but a jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine all the same. You see yourself, your watery, miserable eyes, and Brooks hovering right beside you, smirking. “I work the warehouse,” he says, and your blood runs cold. He watches the expression you make through the mirror, his smirk widening. “Yeah. You get what I’m saying. So when I tell you to do something, I think you should suck it up and fucking do it. You don’t want something bad to happen to you, do you?” 
You shake your head frantically. Brooks coos and kisses your cheek. 
“You’re so fucking sexy when you’re scared,” he says huskily. “So…fuck yourself on my cock. Don’t make me ask again.”
It’s a struggle. Your body is timid, unwilling to go further than light, fleeting passes that just barely kiss his tip. Brooks makes an unimpressed sound in his throat and taps your cheek with the knife. 
“Like you mean it,” he says. Your hopes that he’s just bluffing, that he won’t risk leaving a mark, are dashed when the blade digs into your skin and blood bubbles to the surface, dribbling in thick beads down your chin. “C’mon, cutie. You’re not gonna make me do something messy, are you?” 
So you do it, burning with humiliation. You move your hips and take his cock the best you can, clumsy, shaking, spearing yourself on his length. Brooks is finally satisfied and you’re rewarded with a sensual caress up and down your side before he’s touching your sex again. This time is better. He’s actually trying to make it good and you’re ashamed that he’s succeeding, working you with his fingers in time with your movements. You’re not going to cum, but he is, and that’s all that matters. You just want it to be over. 
Brooks takes over when you start losing pace, your exhausted body drooping against the counter. “Guess I picked on you enough today,” he says. He drops the knife and suddenly he’s gripping both of your arms, tugging them behind your back. You’re dragged upright and straight into his unforgiving, jackhammering pace. You hear your bodies meeting, the rhythmic slap of his hips against you filling the bathroom. You look like a wreck and Brooks is utterly blissed out, eyes half-lidded as he bites his bottom lip to stifle a moan. He pounds you into the counter and you know there’ll be bruises all over your thighs and stomach when this is over, maybe even your ass with how hard he’s thrusting into you. 
You don’t get much of a warning when he cums. His thrusts get uneven and then he’s groaning, yanking you back against him hard and holding you there, squirming and gasping, while he fills you. You end up with your face against the counter, shoved forward with such hard, punishing movements that you’re driven onto your toes. He doesn’t stop until he’s spent everything he has, and then he staggers back, softening cock slipping out of you with a trickling ooze of cum. 
You can’t move. You can’t really think, either, except that it’s over. It’s over, and the counter is smooth and cool against your sweaty skin, and you lived through that somehow. Brooks snatches his knife and you don’t look at him, don’t want to know what the fuck he’s doing. He zips his pants up, washes his hands, and then leans against the counter. He doesn’t leave. 
“Soooooo,” he says, hands in his pockets. “What nights do you work?” 
He’s out of his goddamned mind if he thinks you’re going to tell him that. You might fucking quit. 
“Fiiiiiine, whatever,” he sighs, like you’re the one being an unreasonable brat. He unlocks the bathroom door and you hear him mutter, “Bet Val knows,” as he leaves.
You’re dressed and vaguely presentable in seconds, rushing back to the table to catch him before Valerio says a fucking words. But you’re too late. You know it just by looking. Ezra looks vaguely amused while Brooks and Valerio are bickering, louder and more aggressively than you’ve ever heard either of them speak. Brooks catches your gaze and winks. Valerio turns and you expect—you don’t know, maybe his usual cool, calm demeanor, a little self-satisfied smirk, maybe feigned concern.
You don’t see any of that. His lips are parted. His pupils are blown. He looks hungry. It takes him a second to collect himself and smooth his expression over with something more approachable, but there’s a sharp edge to his smile that wasn’t there before. 
“I think we know what we’d like for dinner,” he says, his voice noticeably lower than earlier.
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hotgirlinprogress · 1 year
Trusting Myself:
it's very disappointing to make a goal for yourself and not actually go through with it. something I know painfully well. So, as a remedy for that I have set a realistic system for myself.
Setting realistic goals: Keep in mind your previous setbacks and major responsibilities. For example, I have problems with perfection and time management. Should I miss one day of working out I give up one the entire day. I also need to remember how long one task takes so I don't spend all my time on one thing and not getting other things done.
Set a time frame for when you complete those goals. Set a 30-day timeframe for habits. This gives you motivation seeing how far you're going along.
Account for low and high energy days. Energy and mood fluctuate so it in order to give yourself a chance at achieving your goals account for the times when you're not 100%. For example: If you want to work out every day if your high energy you can do a hit workout or do some strength training. When you are low energy, you can do platies or yoga instead.
Don't allow complete failure. If you missed a goal or was too busy to do it. don't beat yourself up over it. There is nothing you can do but make tomorrow better. Also don't try and "Dubble up" the next day because you missed your goal one missed day will not affect for progress.
Be specific. Being broad with your goals is over whelming. If your goal is to eat healthy. Then make a list of recipes you want to make and get through it in two months.
Break large goals into smaller habits. As I said before large goals are intimating. So, breaking it up to be more manageable. Using the example above, if you want to eat healthy, make a habit of eating two healthy meals a week. and build up from there.
Helpful Vides:
I know the video below is talking about morning routines, but her tips are just soooo good you can apply it to anything.
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xan-izme · 9 months
Dubble Life 5 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: Family time was a need at the moment. And it was time reader meet one more member of the family. But the meeting of the two wasn't really friendly.
(A/N: Hey, sorry. Imma keep this short. So, the reason I couldn't post was cuz me n a friend was playing around too much, and my laptop broke cuz she decided to go all WWE on my ass, and I forgot the password for this acc. But it's fixed now. So, this chapter will be a late X-mas gift from me)
Part 4, Part 6
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Damian was getting rather attached to you.
You were nothing like him. To Damian, you were weak, silly and peaceful. You just seemed so peaceful. And satisfied with just the littlest things.
The air around you just seemed inviting. Safe even.
Damian must admit he didn't like you at first, you just always seemed off to him. The lying you were doing, the fake and empty words. He didn't trust you.
But that day Joker attacked. The He saw so much of you. The real you. He saw you sad at the album store, just for a moment. But it was long enough to see. And your laughter. Your laugh and smile before were very annoying to Damian. Only because you only would smirk and snicker at him out of mockery.
But the movie made you laugh. Really laugh, really smile. At him mostly- but it was real!
Damian, he won't admit it, but he liked it when you were being yourself. And there are times he has seen you far away. Like your body was present, but your mind and soul seemed to be elsewhere. Even if you were engaging into a conversation. It was like someone completely different was speaking. Not you.
So, to bring out the real you. Damian would come with excuse of being board and having nothing better to do, and watch movies with you. Just to see you laugh, sad, angry. Just to see you.
You stared at the box on your nightstand. What was it exactly? You wanted to open it. But what if it's something you won't like. Something that will upset you more than needed.
"What is that?" Damian spoke. The boy practically came out of nowhere. But your used to it at this point. The boy is like a ninja, always sneaking up on you.
You sighed and turned your chair to start your school work.
"A box. . ." Even with your back turned from the boy. You had the urge to remind Damian not to touch it. "A box that you will not open." You turned your head to see you were correct. You had a box cutter in his hand, ready to open the box up. How or where did he get that box cutter from? You don't know, nor do you want to know.
Damian plopped down on your bed and started to examine the box. "Who was it from?" Damian saw no name to whom had sent the box.
". . . an old college of mine." You answered nice and short. Already feeling angry at the thought of Jess even knocking on your uncle and aunt's door to give the box to them.
Damian hummed and set the box down. He got up and started to go through the crates of albums you had near your bookshelf. He picked one and walked over to the vinyl player that was close to the window, near you, and started to let it play.
You smiled to yourself as Damian walked back to your bed.
Damian was trying to know what was in the box. Shaking it, knowing the wight and try to think of something that was the same size and wight that could be in the box.
It wasn't long before he fell asleep.
You took a glance to check why Damian was so quiet.
You let out a sigh when you saw him passed out. You stood up and walked over to the bed and use a blanket to cover him. You took the box away and sit back down at your desk.
It was time you had to open it. You used your super strength to open the box with ease. Once you saw what was in the box. You let out a tired sigh and leaned back in your chair.
It was a watch. The one the society uses. You see a note besides the watch. You shook your head and opened up the note what was addressed to you.
Call if you need help.
You crumbled the note and threw it away. And cursed to the man.
"Hijo de puta. Vete al diablo."
Unknown to you. Damian was still awake. He watched you get angry at whatever that note said. And the boy isn't that fluent in Spanish, but he does know whoever it was, you're not fond of them. On top of that.
You're hiding something. And Damian wants to get down it.
The next day, you skipped happily to the kitchen to get your fourth cup of coffee. "Another cup I see, not sleeping well Lady Y/n?" Alfred spoke. You giggled and held the warm cup close to you.
"Just need a boost. Hey, Damian said something about a dinner with everyone. Is there a special occasion?" You asked.
"Ah, yes. There is someone you weren't able to meet. Master Jason. He is available for tonight's dinner to finally meet you."
"Oh, I see. Oh, Alfred can you tell Bruce that I'm going to be out with a friend. Do you think that's okay. I leave in half an hour." You gave him a sheepish smile.
Alfred gave you a soft smile and nods "I'll inform him."
You got to your room and dressed up. You put the watch on and tapped the screen. And information of an anomaly that has been causing trouble showed up.
You walked to your bathroom and opened the cabinet. You cracked open the stash you had behind the meds and other items. That was where you hid your suit.
Just looking at it. The patterns, colors, the memories. You quickly stuffed the suit back into the stash.
"I can't do this. I can't do this." You shut your eyes tight, gripping hard on the sink. You tried to focus on your breathing to try and calm yourself, but the more you focused on your breathing, the more you noticed how fast your breathing was, which caused you to panic.
"Please. . . No, no, no. Please!" Your felt tears well up. Causing you to panic more. You began gasping for air. Trying to breath. Trying to calm yourself. But the moment you exhaled. You began sobbing. Your sobbing caused you to be frustrated at yourself. Your frustration made you cry more. You threw the bag that had your suit against the wall.
Unknown to you, a Polaroid picture of your mother slipped out.
As you were having your moment in the bathroom. Bruce had entered your room. He knocked and called out for you. But you didn't respond. So, he entered your room and didn't see you in your room.
He was confused, because Alfred had told him you were in your room. Before Bruce left to check to check if you were elsewhere. He heard something from your bathroom.
it didn't take long for him to instantly hurry to your bathroom and enter.
And there, he saw you on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably with your hands covering your face. Worry took over him as he slowly approached you.
"Y/n?" He spoke softly. But a little too soft, you couldn't hear him due to your crying and desperate attempts to breath normally.
He took another slow step closer. And something on the ground caught his eye. At first, it was the bag, then, his eyes slowly made its way to the Polaroid picture of your mother. He picked it up. He stared at it, then stared at you.
And to him, he understood. He understood all too well.
"Y/n. you're okay. You're okay." He gently put his hand on your shoulder. You flinched away, when you look up to see Bruce, you were confused. But all he did was smile at you softly and sat right next toy on the bathroom floor.
"Just breath. Okay, breath." You kept eye contact with him as he said these words. He rubbed circles on your back as he began to have you follow his breathing.
And to your surprise, and relief, it was working. You felt so, venerable. Usually, you hated feeling that way. But with your father, you felt. . . safe, to be venerable.
No words were spoken for a long moment between you two. Until you whispered
"I'm sorry." You were apologizing for this situation you had caused. But all your father did was rub your back.
"I understand," Was all he said.
"I understand"
That small moment had brought you and Bruce closer. A somewhat mutual understanding. It honestly felt like an invisible vail had been lifted between you to.
It took you an hour or so to get it back together. You left to deal with the anomaly. Just without your suit. You had an all-black disguise on, Gotham was dark and gloomy, so it was easy to blend in.
Now you're in an abandoned school, fighting off a green goblin anomaly. He was small, and nasty. Got on your damn nerves that's for sure. Once you defeated the green goblin. You open the portal and just threw the anomaly in and closed the portal.
You let out a loud, exhausted sigh.
"I swear. I have bones of a 60-year-old- ack! Jusus. . ." You had stretched and it hurt badly. Mainly your bad and knee hurt.
Suddenly. Your Spidey senses spiked up. You quickly jumped to your left and glared into the dark corridor.
"That was interesting to Watch." A voice spoke from the dark corridor. A figure emerges from the dark.
Revealing a tall man with a very noticeable red helmet that looked more like a mask.
You frown underneath your own mask.
"And you are?" You spoke up.
The masteries man spoke again, more aggressively. But this time. You hear a clicking sound. A gun. Pointed right at you.
"This is my city. And I wanna know why your here, Spider-woman."
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Omg yess I finally found a person that dose everything I know
Can I request a yandere glamrock FNAF Freddy, Monty, bonny ( any bonny is fine o love all the bonnys) moon and sundrop and Roxy x pregnant single mom reader
They reader is a new night guard and helps them a lot but is very poor so she has to work dubble shifts and she also a target for vanny! But they won't let anyone hurt there moon and stars cuz they loved them please and thank you
Hi there, darling! I'm afraid I won't be able to do this request, I don't write with any sort of pregnancy, my apologies! I can write a different request for you if you wish, though :D
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classpectpokerap · 1 year
"And once he returns from Hebra, that'll make it the third regional phenomenon that our Knight has visited," finished Purah.
She sighed, then placed her fan on her forehead in deep thought. "Really, I appreciate the help, it's just…"
"Are you sure you're not related to Link and Zelda?"
Rose curled a lock of blonde hair behind her ear.
"I'm sure," she said.
"But you've got a Knight," said Purah.
"That I do."
"And he has a sword prophesized to defeat an ancient evil."
"We've been over this, it's a different anci--"
"A different ancient evil! I know, Ms. Seer!"
"I'd really appreciate if you called me Rose."
"I'd appreciate you not coming in here with your weird round ears and messing up the hard work all of us Hylians have been doing--"
There was a knock on the door.
Purah glared at Rose, and walked over to open it.
A hero, clad in red.
"'Sup," said Dave.
"We were just talking about how I'm not Princess Zelda in disguise," said Rose.
"Honestly, dude, the more I learn about her, the less I'm sure about that," said Dave. "Like, you're a Light guy, right? And she's a Light guy."
"I think she's meant to be a Time guy, actually," said Rose.
"Same difference."
"HEY!!!" shouted Purah.
Dave and Rose stopped bickering, and looked towards the Sheikah researcher.
"Did you find anything useful up in Hebra?"
"Got a tear of the kingdom," said Dave. "Dunno what to do with it but I kinda just whacked an ice bug with my Welsh sword and the whole fucking thing exploded. Rito Village is safe now, bee tee dubble-you."
"Oh, good," said Rose. "Worth a visit?"
Dave shrugged.
Purah sighed.
"It'd be really nice if they could track down Link for me," she muttered. "But no! What do I get? The craziest pair of god-kids to be born this side of the Calamity."
"I can hear you," pointed out Rose.
"I don't care," sighed Purah. "I just don't care."
so ive been playing totk recently LOL
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little0pastel0peach · 2 years
Griffin was laying across his girlfriend, Holly's lap on his couch. Griffin loved these moments with Holly. Working at the local hospital meant a lot of long hours and over time. He missed her on his long shifts, so their time together was always a little extra special to him. Even though he'd never admit it.
It was nearing the holidays which ment sugary desserts and lunch donations for the staff were coming in left and right. Poor Griffin could never turn down a doughnut shaped like a snowman or a Santa sugar cookie. And that morning when his shift ended was no different. As he drove home with the plate of decorated sweets he mindless late them one by one and washed them all down with a 2 liter of Sprite. It was only until he got home that he realized he had eaten the whole plate of cookies. His stomach let out a low angry growl as to let him know that he messed up big time. But Griffin could handle this, right?
Holly quickly began to take notice of Griffins demeanor. His head was tilted to the side and was watching the TV while she played with his hair. He was unusually quiet with both his hands protectively holding his stomach with his left hand fidgeting with the button on his pants. Holly decided to investigate.
" We should grab a bite to eat, I don't know about you Griff but I'm starving. "
It was silent for a second, Holly watched the color drain from his face until Griffin mumbled something about not being hungry. He then turned back over to stare at the TV. Something was definitely up.
Holly sighed as she sat and thought. Her and Griffin have only been together 5 months. She's never really seen him sick or unwell. Maybe he's just exhausted. Maybe he -
Griffins stomach decided to chime in and break the silence. A series of long angry growls emmited from his stomach. Griffin couldn't hold back a groan as he sat up, practically dubbled over.
" Griffin baby! What's going on? Hun what's wrong? "
Griffin could only moan in pain as his stomach roared angrily. Holly jumped off the couch and sat in front of Griffin. He was dubbled over on the couch. Holly could tell that he was in immense pain. She cupped his face with her hands.
" Baby you know you can talk to me about anything. I want to help you but you have to tell me what's going on. "
There was another long pause before Griffin finally picked his head up so he was facing Holly. Griffin nervously bit his lip "M-my s-stomach hurts so bad. "
That was all holly needed to hear before she pulled Griffins scrub pants down so they rested on his hips, his stomach gurgled and explored its new found space. Griffin let out a sigh of relief as Holly helped him take his shirt off. Holly felt her face get hot at the sight of his bloated belly.
Holly was in heaven. She had always had a secret thing for bellies, especially loud gurgling over stuffed bellies. She kneaded her palms into Griffins taunt gut and was loving every second of it.
Now Griffin generally took good care of his health. Regularly working out and being on his feet as a nurse provided him with an athletic build with a toned stomach. But at the moment his stomach looked more like a beach ball. Holly bit her bottom lip as she listened to all the angry growls comming from his mid section. Her hands looked so small against his enormous gut, and not becausehe was almost a foot taller than her. Red marks dug into Griffins skin from how tight his scrubs were. Holly could feel the gas bubbles traveling through his stomach underneath her palm. She met Griffins gase who's eyes were struggling to stay open but when he noticed her peering up at him. His face grew a deep shade of red. He still wasn't sure how he felt about this, about being so vulnerable around her. What if she saw him as a pig? A cramp began to twist in his intestines and brought him out of his thought. Although Holly was helping he couldn't relax his body feeling like this.
Holly took notice and frowned " I wish there was more I could do. I bet if my hands were bigger I could soothe your tummy better. " she huffed while looking down at her hands.
This gave Griffin an idea and before he even really thought about it or relayed his idea to Holly he sat up so he could pick Holly up. Although caught off guard she quickly understood what he was up too and she laid on top of him. Griffin wanted her to apply all the pressure she could. What better way than having her lay on him to apply pressure.
Holly allowed her body to melt on top of Griffins. She could feel every gurgle and bubble underneath her. Griffin couldn't help but let out a little moan as he felt hid muscles relax. The cramps slowly started to disappear and he once again felt his eyes feeling heavy. The poor boy was exhausted, it felt as if his body just went through a 24 hour shift.
Griffin put a fist up to his mouth and stifled a burp, which made Holly giggle. She couldn't hide that seeing her muscular boyfriend who wasn't even afraid of the creepy clowns at the county fair be so out of sorts and cradling his sick tummy.
Griffin cheeks flushed when he heard Holly giggling. He felt guilty for taking up so much of her time. What is wrong with me? Ugh. She's probably giggling becaus she thinks I'm a pig. What if she -
Holly's soft voice broke his train of thought
" I've really enjoyed taking care of you today love. You are always taking care of me Griffin. It felt good taking care of you for a change " Holly gave him a kiss on the cheek which only made Griffin blush deeper shades of red. His heart felt so full and love he wrapped his arms around Holly and embraced her in a hug.
" I hope you know how much I appreciate you Holls. I can't- "
A loud growl interrupted the conversation. Although it didn't come from Griffin this time. Holly buried her head into Griffins chest as she felt a symphony of gurgles and growls flow from her empty stomach.
" I think I'm getting a little hungry Griff " she mentioned in a sweet voice.
A smile arose across Griffins face. " Well let's go fix that. "
*** Hey pastel peach here, it's nice to meet you! I love constructive criticism, and I'd love to take you're requests***
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lazyboikat · 1 year
Bro writing on Ao3 is a nightmare lol. Like it deletes my work when I leave the page to dubble check my sources, so I end up having to rewrite whole paragraphs/chapter ;___;.
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