#dubious medical accuracy
count-doodoo · 2 years
y'know as i finish writing this i realize that this might've been much funnier in my head.
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tj-crochets · 1 month
Hey y'all! Slightly weird question for you, but trying to google it is mostly getting me weird health blogs of dubious accuracy: Do you know of any foods or drinks that are natural diuretics*? I was reminded (again lol) last night that asparagus is one, and if one exists I am sure there must be more than one for me to either avoid or take extra salt pills when eating**. This is kind of like when I tried searching for high-salt foods and couldn't get useful results until I searched for "foods to avoid if you need to lower sodium for heart health", but I am not sure what conditions would make people want a diuretic so idk how to word the inverse google search, you know? *I think most people probably wouldn't get much a noticeable effect from foods with diuretic properties, humans are (for the most part) pretty good at maintaining homeostasis, but I'm looking for the ones that (like salt) work on the outliers **I have POTS and salt wasting syndrome, and take a medication specifically to help me retain water that's pretty much the opposite of a diuretic. I can manage eating natural diuretics if I know what they are so I can add extra salt and eat in moderation, I just don't know what they are
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kermit-coded · 4 days
and miles to go before i sleep (15719 words) by kermit_coded Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: X-Men (Comicverse), Marvel (Comics), X-Force (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Julio Richter/Shatterstar, Julio Richter & Tabitha Smith, Sam Guthrie & Julio Richter, James Proudstar & Julio Richter, Nathan Summers & Julio Richter, Theresa Cassidy & Shatterstar, Sam Guthrie/Tabitha Smith, Nathan Summers/Neena Thurman, Theresa Cassidy/James Proudstar, Neena Thurman & Julio Richter, Roberto da Costa & Julio Richter Characters: Julio Richter, Shatterstar (Marvel), Neena Thurman, Sam Guthrie, Nathan Summers, Tabitha Smith, Stryfe (Marvel), Roberto da Costa, James Proudstar, Theresa Cassidy, Danielle Moonstar Additional Tags: Internalized Homophobia, Team as Family, Hurt/Comfort, Rape/Non-con Elements, Mind Rape, Aftermath of Torture, telepathic torture, Panic Attacks, Whump, Suicide Attempt, i blame duckie and brakeneck for enabling me, Hallucinations, Older Sibling Sam Guthrie, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Multiple, Mental Instability, Major Character Injury, Established Relationship, Emetophobia, Arguing, Underage Drinking, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Friendship, Autistic Shatterstar (Marvel), idk if this is dead dove but it's definitely bordering on that, Open to Interpretation, you'll see what that means, Hopeful Ending, Suicidal Ideation, Day At The Beach, somehow this ended up being the xforce beach episode, a somewhat dubious attempt at medical accuracy, implied one-sided samberto - Freeform, the mortifying ordeal of all your friends wanting what's best for you Summary: The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep,  And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep . . . Or, Rictor is tortured by Stryfe for a week.
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th3sp4rr0w · 1 year
Day Seven
A03 Link <- Starts at Chapter/Day One for those just joining us :))
Prompts For Day Seven Flatline/Restrained/CPR
Alt. Prompt For Day Seven Disowned From Family
Prompts Used for Day Seven All
Tw's; Blood, Severe Injury, Lots of Medical Talk, Dubious Medical Accuracy, Implied Drugging, Mentioned Child Murder/Death, Parental Child Abuse
Chapter Seven under the cut :)
The worst moments of any parent’s life are when you realize your kid is in trouble and you can’t drop everything right away to go save them.  
For most parents, this moment comes when their kid’s sick and they can’t get out of work to go pick them up, or they go to a friend’s house for the night, and they come home with horror stories and the “I didn’t want to wake you up” line. When you and your kid are vigilantes on a mission in a foreign country, however, that feeling doubles.  
He hadn’t wanted Robin near the action tonight and sent him out on his own. He had watched him leave from the shadows. He almost called him back and told him to stick with him tonight. He regretted everything now, of course, but regret doesn’t change our actions. Guilt doesn’t right our wrongs.  
Batman got the emergency signal while he was in the middle of a fight. The Joker may not have shown up as promised, but these were definitely his men, and they were out for blood. Batman couldn’t leave the victims there, so he had stepped in and immediately regretted it.  
He finished up as quick as he could, then sped off. He didn’t have his regular bat mobile here, never seeing the need for one, but he did have a car that was adjacent to it in terms of speed and self-drivability. He followed the signal to a warehouse on the edge of the city, far enough away that anything could’ve happened, and it’d likely go unmonitored. He saw the corpse of a young man when he pulled in, and selfish as it was, he prayed he wasn’t too late for Robin.  
He saw Robin when he got the door opened and fell to the ground. His eyes caught the tools in the doorknob. He saw his boy for just a moment before everything fell apart.  
The blast shook the ground and nearly made him lose his footing. He watched his boy, his funny, sweet boy get swallowed by the plume, burning bits of his flesh and ricocheting debris off his already beaten little body.  
If there was anyone else in that building, they were already dead. He couldn’t think about how if Jason hadn’t opened the door when he did, he’d likely be dead; Batman could see where metal beams being stored in the warehouse had fallen where Jason should’ve been standing. Batman racked his eyes across the wreckage, looking for anything out of the ordinary to make sure they were safe. There was part of an arm somewhere to the left of them he refused to think about.  
He pulled him away from the wreckage and checked him over. Miraculously, he was still breathing. Several broken bones stood out to him; his rib cage was misshapen and his wrist looked like it was at the wrong angle. The worst of his injuries were several large gashes across his body, including one on his back, and several large burns spread across his arms and legs. The damage to his cheek and the blood in his hair indicated a severe concussion; they’d have to monitor him for brain bleeds...  
He stopped breathing. Batman pressed two fingers against the boy’s neck. Nothing. Shit, shit, shit-  
He got into position on Jason’s left side, pressing his hands above where his heart should be. He tried not to think about him as the boy that called him papa that week, the one who’d gushed about Jane Austen and had the most wicked sense of humor and-  
Batman plugged the boy’s nose, tipping his head back gently. He took a deep breath and blew it into his lungs, making sure his chest rose when he did. He immediately started CPR again.  
He couldn’t afford to think right now. He wasn’t Bruce. This wasn’t Jason and this wasn’t Robin. This was a little boy who was hurt and who had to live, dammit-  
As a parent, he always thought the worst moments of his life were going to be when his kids did something stupid, and he couldn’t get to them right away. He was quickly learning that the worst moments of a parent’s life were the moments when they weren’t sure if they were going to come home alone after a trip with their child.  
He stopped to check for a heartbeat. A slow, but steady ‘thunk... thunk... thunk...’ greeted him. He could see the shallow breaths he took.   
Batman made sure to cradle as much of the body as he could as he scooped him up. He kept his neck as stable as he could as he ran towards the car and opened the back seat, carefully sliding in.  
“Computer,” he said gruffly, “Take me to the air vac.”  
The car started. He hated using the self-driving modes on these things, but this time he didn’t have a choice.  
The first thing Batman did was strap him into a neck brace. He ripped the boy’s clothes off, being as careful as he could manage not to jostle him in the case of a spine injury. He’d done so to both get a better look at the injuries and prevent them from sealing in any heat that would cause more damage.  
The whole area of the boy’s torso was a solid mass of black and blue. There had been a tear in his suit that allowed his skin to burn there a little bit as well, though the majority of the burns were on his legs and hands. His wrists and upper-forearms were shiny and pink, the rest being relatively clear. He didn’t think there was any smoke inhalation.  
His legs and hands were a different story. He wasn’t sure if the boy would be able to keep his legs; they were a solid mass of deep red and black. His boots had protected his feet and ankles for the most part, but that meant very little if the legs themselves were too damaged. His hands were only slightly better. Batman focused on those first, grabbing a clean saline solution and flushing the areas of any soot or debris as well as cooling down the area, preventing it from burning itself more.  
His suit had protected him from the worst of it, but there was still a significant amount of damage. He’d estimate about 40 percent of his body had been hit, so...  
Jason just hit 90 pounds at his physical last week. Though, he did a lot of exercise, so he needed more fluid in a day than a normal child did.  
Once they got in the plane, he would set him up with two large I.V. lines to deliver 4,500 mL of fluid to start with, all within 8 hours. He’d have to monitor his urine output and would probably have to adjust it accordingly, but...  
He was just thankful his airway was secured. He didn’t have the medical supplies in the car to do it himself. He’d still have to put him on oxygen once they got to the plane, but at least he was breathing. It was a start.  
As the car rolled to a stop, Batman wasted no time in scooping the unconscious teen up in his arms and running towards the plane. His boys thought he was paranoid for including all the medical equipment, but this is why he does so. Jason... wouldn’t make the flight home otherwise, and nearly all the clinics and hospitals in the area weren’t equipped to deal with Jason’s injuries. He pushed the thought out of his mind before it could form.  
He got him on the plane. He set him down on the cot before fluttering around, checking he had what he needed.  
He pressed his com unit, “Agent A, are you there?”  
“Yes, sir,” Alfred replied immediately. “I saw the signal from the cave, is everything alright?”  
The pit in his stomach grew larger. “No. We’re preparing for an emergency flight home,” he said as he ripped off his gloves, changing the kevlar and metal for a sterile medical grade latex.  
“Oh dear,” Alfred replied. “What do you need me to do?”  
“Call Lesli, have her meet us at the cave” he replied. He usually saved this tone for the worst of Arkham’s breakouts, where he needed his kids to listen to him the most. He almost felt bad using it on Alfred.  
“I need the cave’s medical area to be completely sterile. I’m prepping him for two large I.V.’s, wide open to administer 4,500 mL of fluids within the next 8 hours.” Batman wiped the child’s arm with alcohol pads before removing the needle cap on the I.V. line. “He has burns on about 40 percent of his body, as well as several blunt force trauma wounds, weapon unknown,” he carefully stuck the needle into his arm, securing it with medical tape. He started the process on the other side.  
“I want a head C.T. to check for any bleeds or hemorrhaging. He also has several deep cuts on the majority of his body, most will likely require stitches. He also needs to be checked for carbon monoxide poisoning, and I’d prefer a full blood work-up before we administer any medications to make sure he wasn’t poisoned or drugged.”  
“My word...”  
“I’ve gotten his I.V.’s in,” he updated. “He’s being started on fluids as we speak,” he hung up the bags on the pole. “I’m going to get him on oxygen,” he said, grabbing the tank and mask, “Then inserting the catheter. We’ll be on our way shortly.”  
“Very well, sir. I will contact Dr. Thompson. Would you like me to contact Nightwing as well?”  
Batman cursed. He’d nearly forgotten Dick was on a mission.  
“No. I’ll do that as soon as I get Robin-” his chest squeezed painfully; this couldn’t be happening- “Situated. Nightwing will want all the details. He’ll want to lash out at whoever tells him. He’ll never forgive himself if that’s you- He'll be alright in the end if he screams at me for a while.”  
He heard the man make some sort of noise before clearing his throat. “Alright. I’ll go prep the med bay now. Make it back safe. Take care of him.”  
“Will do. Thank you, Agent A.”  
He muted the com. He made sure the oxygen mask was working- the rise and fall of his boy’s chest became much more steady- and he worked to prep the catheter. After that was all said and done, he’d have to put the plane on autopilot he hated doing that, but he had no choice and monitor him the entire ride home.  
He debated placing a nasogastric tube; it was a long flight home, and he was unresponsive, but he didn’t have the mask that works with the tubing, and with the lack of a proper ventilator on the plane he was wary of giving him medications anyway-  
He looked at the spot where they should’ve been, sporting an empty drawer. He would definitely look into that later, he always took methodical care of his medical stock and for it to be empty was shocking, but for now he had his decision made for him. He covered him with a shock blanket and walked away for a minute.  
He started the plane. Now that he had stuck everything he had on hand into the boy to keep him alive, he could get him home.  
He launched the plane himself, double checking known airline flight paths and government areas and setting his course with the computer.  
He’d have to monitor the small boy himself. Make sure his heart was beating and he was breathing. He looked so much younger with the blanket and tubing and the mask. He was still breathing; he checked his heart rate.  
Batman grabbed his emergency coms unit from his belt. He took off the cowl to put it in his ear and pressed the button.  
While waiting for an answer, he grabbed his burn kit and got to work. He flushed them with more cold water first,  just to double-check that they were flushed well and weren’t still hot. When he was done with one area, he put the blanket back over to prevent him from developing hypothermia.  
“Batman?” he heard his eldest’s voice in his ear. “What’s wrong?”  
“Nightwing,” he started as he worked, “Report.”  
“Mission has been successful so far. We are on schedule to depart on time. There was a minor snag involving Starfire, however we are passed it. In full honesty, I did not understand a single thing that was happening, and I don’t think I want to, if that’s okay. I’m sure she’ll be typing her report soon if you’re interested. There are no injuries or serious damages to report- what?... No, I’m not counting you stubbing your toe five minutes ago- shut up, KF, no-”  
“Nightwing,” he growled out. “Are you able to get to a secluded area?”  
“Yes,” he replied immediately. He heard shuffling, as well as several whining teens before a door shut with a click. “Okay, what’s up, B? What happened? Is this about Joker?”  
Batman took a deep breath. “It’s Robin.”  
“What happened?” his tone was urgent and he could just imagine the look on his eldest’s face-  
“About an hour and a half ago, I got an emergency signal from Robin. I was across the city dealing with a situation of my own and was not able to provide assistance for about 45 minutes. When I got to Robin’s location, he had just managed to pick the lock and get out of a warehouse he’d been held captive in.”  
“How is he?” Dick asked immediately.  
“He was beaten with a blunt object. I don’t know the extent of those injuries as of yet because I’ve been treating him for severe burning across 40 percent of his body.”  
“What? Where’d the burns come from?”  
Batman took a deep breath. “The warehouse exploded. There’s been at least one casualty.”  
He made a wounded noise. Batman steeled himself; he hated hearing his kids upset. He busied himself with dressing the wounds.  
“Oh my god,” he heard the boy mutter. “I- oh my god. What was he doing? What was he thinking?! How’d he get captured?”  
“I don’t know yet,” he growled out. “It was the Joker. That’s all I know.”  
“How do you know?” he demanded.  
Batman looked at the J on Jason’s cheek. He’d been avoiding looking at it but it looked even more glaring than it had moments before.  
“Just trust me,” he said after a few moments. He heard his son curse under his breath and start walking.  
“I’m coming home,” he said, all business. He heard several shouts in the background.  
“Don’t ‘Nightwing’ me,” he hissed, “You let my little brother take on the Joker by himself-”  
“I sent him away from where the fight was supposed to be!” he barked.  
“That’s even worse!” he shouted back. He could hear him grabbing things as questions from the rest of the teens piled in. “What were you going to do by yourself? Huh? You were so focused on bringing down that mass murderer by yourself because-” he pitched his voice down low, doing a shoddy impression of the patented bat growl, “I work alone- except you don’t!”  
His voice was back to being his son’s. Not Nightwing’s, not Robin’s. It was all Dick Grayson, voice cracks and all.  
“You lost the right to work alone when you took me in and dressed me up to punch mentally ill criminals and you don’t get to take that back! You don’t get to just take on the Joker by your fucking self and look where it’s gotten you! My baby brother blew up in a fucking warehouse, Bru- Batman, I’m going home.”  
"Nightwing. Your team needs you,” he said softly. The emotions that had been begging to be let out sat at the base of his throat, allowing him to gently coax his son into listening to him.  
“The team would be fine,” he sniffled.  
“I know they would. I also know you’ve likely scared them to death. I know you’re scared, sweetheart, I’m scared too,” he admitted. “But he’s breathing. I’ve got him. We’re going to do whatever it takes,” he promised. “Finish your mission, chum. I promise Jason will still be here when you get back.”  
“I’ll finish my mission,” his breath hitched, “But I’m coming straight home after. And you’d better give me every shred of information you get I swear to god-”  
“I will,” he promised, and he meant it. “Go. I’ve got Robin. You go fill in your team.”  
“Dad?” he heard him ask.  
His chest squeezed tighter.  
“Yes, lad?”  
The other end was quiet for a moment.  
“Do you really think he’s gonna be okay?”  
His voice was smaller than Bruce had heard it be in years. It was more vulnerable than it should be, begging for reassurance. He hadn’t heard Dick adopt this sort of tone with him since he was about fifteen himself.  
“I hope so, chum,” he muttered, looking down at Jason. “I hope so.”  
When the call ended, Bruce walked over to the trash can. He sat heavy on his aching knees and emptied his guts at the image of his boy, his baby laying in a heap, burnt and broken in front of the warehouse. It was all he could see when he closed his eyes.  
When he was done, he wiped his mouth with the back of his gloved hand. He changed gloves before he went back to treating Jason’s wounds. He went around the burns, applying dressings and checking the bleeding of any cuts. Most of them had already clotted, and those that hadn’t yet got fresh gauze pressed against them until they did. He didn’t dare close any of his wounds; infection was highly likely and he wasn’t sure if Leslie would want to keep them open so they could drain easier or not.  
He checked the boy’s urine output halfway through the flight. He upped the fluids. He made sure he was breathing, that his heart rate was okay, that the dressings were moist. By the time they made it to the bat cave, he was exhausted.  
He was immediately greeted by Leslie, who was prepared for the worst. She and Alfred checked over Bruce’s work, double checking I.V.’s, hooking him up to a monitor that showed his heart rate and blood pressure. After some evaluation, they decided to give him a blood transfusion.   
Whatever he’d gone through before he’d been rescued resulted in a lot of blood loss. They prepared 5 units and had more on stand-by just in case. The initial 5 units was planned to be administered over about 4 hours, and they were already switching to warmed I.V. fluids to help prevent him from developing hypothermia.  
They inserted a nasogastric tube, switching the oxygen mask for one that could accommodate it. After some quick blood work, they got him on some medication for the pain he was certainly in.  
Normally, Bruce would be at the forefront of something massive like this. Asking questions, giving suggestions; not today. No, today he sat at his son’s bedside, stroking his forehead and whispering reassurances.  
Leslie and Alfred ended up agreeing that the risk of infection, as well as the swelling was too high to risk stitching up the majority of Jason’s cuts, unless they had gone too deep into the dermis layer and beyond. They stitched up a couple of areas on his thighs and arms but left most of the cuts to heal.  
Jason’s cheek did not get stitched. They wanted the swelling from his broken cheekbone to go down before they worked on it. Leslie said that, although she’d do her best, she wasn’t sure if it’d come down in time to stitch it.  
They set his bones. They cleared his spine. Eventually, all there was left to do was scans and tests.  
Alfred shoo’d him off to eat, shower, and nap. Standing alone for the first time, Bruce sunk to his knees.  
Several minutes passed before a familiar voice called his name.  
“What is it, Clark?” his voice sounded hallow. He didn’t bother looking up. He felt something soft bump his hands.  
He opened his eyes to find his best friend holding his son’s zebra. The same one he’d just gotten for him.  
“Alfred called me and told me what happened. He told me your hotel information and I got your things; I wasn’t sure what to do with this guy because he seemed important being on the bed and-”  
There’s a sound parents make when their babies are in distress, and they can do nothing about it. A high keening thing that sets everyone around them on edge. It’s the noise of an animal at their breaking point. One of the worst parts about having the hearing Clark does is that hearing these sounds, these private moments, is unavoidable. Every cry and scream a parent makes when their baby is hurt, or worse.  
Bruce took the zebra. He held it tight to his chest and wept.  
Clark wasn’t sure what to do. There was no fixing this, no taking the pain away. He sat on the floor next to the other man, carefully dragging him into his lap the way ma does for him whenever he’s upset about something.  
He knew it wasn’t enough. It could never be enough.  
Clark had a feeling the zebra wouldn’t be leaving Bruce’s side for a while yet.  
It’d been two weeks since Danny had been back in school.  
The popular kids avoided their group like the plague, including Star. She apologized in private. Danny got it. They still chatted about their books and how much fun they were having reading them on the side. He still hadn’t told the rest of the group that, while he couldn’t say they were friends, they were definitely headed in that direction.  
They wouldn’t be happy she wasn’t his friend in public. Normally, he would agree, but he’d come to learn that she desperately needed a friend. Other than him and Kip, she really had nobody in her corner. The rest of the A-listers expected her to be some empty blonde, and while she could be very independent, overall, Paulina had final say over most of her life. They’d been friends since they were babies; she wasn’t ready to throw that away. So, empty-headed blonde bitch she was. She had her moments where she could stand up, but overall, it was like she was another casualty of the popular kids.  
Ghost attacks had gradually decreased, leading to uneventful patrols and time to relax. Danny actually finished his homework and still had time to read before going to bed. He’d spent his Saturdays going back to the library with Jazz, having a short conversation with Kip before meeting up with Star to read silently. It was nice.  
Red had texted the group chat. They explained some things. Both groups ended up apologizing. She healed up pretty well and was already back on patrol. Her first patrol back, they had a little banner with a cartoon ghost saying “Welcome to The Phan-Team!”  
She called them losers. She had a wide grin on her face, and they’d laughed after. They did agree they needed a better name than “Team Phantom”, but until they figured one out, it stuck. They even had ‘team meetings’ (read; lunch) at Nasty Burger on Saturdays... and most days after school.  
Sam had a big allowance she was willing to spend on her friends and they had a fast-food addiction. Sue them.  
They’d had meetings after school at Nasty Burger for forever, but having Valerie there was a nice addition. She’d taken to the news better than they’d expected, and Danny was only sometimes looking over his shoulder to make sure she wasn’t plotting her revenge in secret. Sam even got her way, with Danny at least; she’d asked him if he’d ever consider going vegetarian at least a while back, and he promised that if NB ever came out with a decent veggie burger, he’d do it.  
Sam was exceedingly smug when the restaurant debuted the burger, and looked like the cat that had gotten the cream when Danny conceded that it was good. Just like that, they had two vegetarians in the group.  
During last Monday’s meeting, Sam had told them that Bruce Wayne’s kid had landed himself in the hospital. Although they were being really secretive about which one for privacy reasons, some details had slipped into public knowledge.  
It’d been all over the news. By this point, everybody knew that Jason Todd-Wayne had been severely injured after getting kidnapped by the Joker during one of Bruce’s business trips. There weren’t too many details, including how he’d gotten kidnapped or what his injuries looked like, but it had somehow gotten out that his biological mother passed in the incident.   
The gala had, of course, been cancelled, and people had been camping outside of the Wayne mansion to try and get a glimpse of the family. Apparently, the older Wayne kid had come back a week after the announcement, which was a big deal. Sam had shared the sparse details during lunch, in spite of him and Tucker asking her not to.  
Over this past weekend, Jazz and Danny had the place to themselves. Their parents had left them alone so they could go to a ghost convention happening in the town over; it ran from stupid early to stupid late, and they hadn’t wanted to miss a second of it, so instead of making the drive they requested one of the rooms the event rented out for their attendee's. The whole thing sounded shady to Danny, but hey, at least they didn’t drag him and Jazz along for the ride.  
The weirdest thing about it, honestly, was that Tucker couldn’t find anything about it online. It was freaky; his parents had sent several pictures showcasing thousands of people, and there was not one word about it anywhere on any major social media platform Tucker could find.  
They’d tried to investigate further, but the website itself for the event had some pretty aggressive firewalls up and Tucker hadn’t had the time lately to tear them down. He’d tried tearing down as many as he could, walking away, and coming back, but he’d just ended up with more than he’d started with.  
It was odd. Normally, Tucker could hack just about everything. They’d kept their guard up and warned Val to do the same, filling her in. Though he had to be a bit more subtle about it with Star, he had warned her he thought his parents were cooking up another scheme to get the whole town killed. She’d sent a laughing emoji and told him she’d keep an eye out.  
Having the house to themselves for two days was amazing. They’d left Friday morning to get there early. The convention started that afternoon, went into Saturday, and ended Sunday afternoon, so the kids had plenty of time to do heinous acts, like keep food in the fridge without it reanimating and trying to eat them and use the door whenever they needed to leave the house at night.  
Danny was almost disappointed as he sat in the quiet living room that Sunday evening. Val said she’d cover his patrol if he did her English homework, and he took her up on it to enjoy the empty house. His parents would be home soon, and he wasn’t ready for the cacophony of noise they’d bring with them. He’d bask in the silence and the peace it brought for a while longer.  
He’d almost fallen asleep on the couch when loud voices penetrated his brain, loud clangs and laughs nearly starling him off the side.  
“Oh, Danny!” his mom said cheerily. “I’m so glad you’re still awake, look what we got!”  
Danny looked up blearily at her. He saw several inventions he’d never seen before. One looked like a new weapon.  
“What is it?” he asked, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt.  
“This is a new kind of ectogun! It’s even more powerful than ours, look-”  
He would definitely be telling Valerie about this one. He wasn’t keen on anybody getting shot with that thing, especially since it blasted a hole right through their floor and into the basement, which had enforced steal surrounding every inch of it.  
They went through the list of different weapons and traps. Each one left Danny dreading the next time his parents went out of their way to act like one of his rogues just a little more.  
“And look at these!” Maddie gushed, “These are goggles! They...”  
She had put them on before she trailed off. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts.  
“Sorry, sweetie, I must be more tired than I thought. They protect your eyes better than our old ones against ectoplasm!” she finished. Danny nodded.  
“Well,” she said quickly, “We have some stuff to put away and you have school tomorrow. You should go to bed so we can do that.”  
“Okay, mom,” he yawned, “I love you.”  
Jack smiled jovially and pulled him into a hug. “We love you too, son,” he said warmly.  
He changed out of his jeans and into some sweats. He got comfortable in his nest, not bothering to turn on any lights. He was asleep within minutes.  
He’d had a weird dream again. He dreamt that he was Robin, like, the mythical vigilante sidekick in New Jersey. If that wasn’t weird enough, he had visions of meetings in secret, and of something hunting him. He didn’t know what to make of it.  
He woke up in a cold sweat and nearly cursed when he saw his parents hovering over his bed.  
“Wha’s goin’ on,” he slurred in his sleep-idled glory.  
“What are you,” Maddie hissed.  
“Now, Maddie, calm down,” his dad said, picking the boy up easily, “Let’s not jump to conclusions. We’ve got tests to conduct if we want to know for sure.”  
Maddie scowled where she sat, looking pissed. “Fine, Jack. Let’s do the tests.”  
Danny woke up a little as his parents brought him down the stairs and into the basement. He still felt sluggish.  
“Stop it,” she hissed.  
Jack sat him down, putting his hand in his hair for a moment before strapping him to the chair.  
He made a small questioning noise. Jack looked at him with his signature smile.  
“I’m sorry, champ,” he started, “But your mom wants to test something. I’m going to humor her, and then when they’re done, you can go back to bed,” he promised.  
“I’m not wrong, Jack,” Maddie’s voice was serious, more so than Danny had ever heard it be before.  
Danny tried tugging at his restraints. He’d normally be able to bust through these easily, even in human form, but something was wrong. He couldn’t think clearly.  
He’d feared his parents before, but it was never like this.  
They pricked his finger. They pricked their fingers. There was a loud beeping a few seconds later.  
“See, Maddie, he’s...” Jack’s voice trailed off.  
Maddie made an enraged noise. She grabbed the gun she’d shown him earlier, changing the setting.  
“Mom?” he asked, “What’s going on?”  
“Shut up,” the false calm of the voice sent cold shivers down his very being.  
“I’ve known for a long time that you weren’t my little boy,” she started, “But I was so desperate to have another child that I accepted it. I didn’t know who’s you were, but I swore I’d love you like my own, and this,” she sounded disgusted with him, and he was so confused, “Is how you repay me.”  
“What are you-”  
She shot him in the chest. He screamed.  
It was like he was in the portal getting electrocuted all over again. His eyes teared up involuntarily. Through the pain and the tears, he could see the familiar white rings that indicated he was going ghost.  
Jack paled. Danny himself felt like he’d been sapped of everything that made him human. What the fuck had they’d just hit him with? Did it have anything to do with why he felt like he couldn’t think?  
He didn’t know where to look. Jack was beginning to make these keening sobs and all Danny wanted was for it to stop. It was one thing to hear your parents cry like that; it was another entirely to know that it was your fault, even if you didn’t do it on purpose.  
He wanted to go back in time and change whatever he’d done to make his dad cry like that.  
“I knew,” Maddie eventually continued. “I knew when I got back that night that you were different. You cried differently. Your smell was too sweet. My Danny had the most adorable little giggle that you just didn’t. I knew. ”  
She got in his face. “I hoped that I was wrong. I was willing to pretend I was. I loved you for fifteen years. I was willing to accept that you replaced my baby boy, but you killed him. You ended his life to take his place. Why?”  
“What are you talking-”  
“Don’t lie to me!” she shouted. “Tell me the truth. Why did you kill my baby?!”  
Old grief bubbled up in her like a stream. “He was already sick! Why’d you have to take away what precious time we had left with him?! Why couldn’t you just let him rest in peace?”  
Soon, all of them were crying. Maddie and Jack in grief, old and new, and Danny from fear and confusion.  
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he sobbed. “Mom, what’s-”  
She grabbed him by the throat. “You don’t get to call me that!” she hissed.  
“Shut up!”  
“Dad!” he wailed. “What’s she talking about!”  
All Jack could do was sob harder.  
“Haven’t you done enough damage?!” she yelled.  
“I don’t-”  
She slapped him. It was the most pain she’d ever caused him.  
Jack gasped, trying to speak through his tears. “Mads. Mads, why can’t we-”  
“Why can’t we what , Jack?”  
His breath hitched on another sob. “Our sons already gone. We’ve raised this boy for 15 years already and he hasn’t done any damage.”  
“What’s your point, Jack?” Her voice was dangerous.  
“Why can’t we just keep pretending,” he asked. His voice was the most fragile Danny had ever seen his dad be.  
Her entire body twitched. She grabbed a knife from one of the new boxes they must’ve brought down before-  
“Mads? Mads!” Jack yelled. “Maddie, please, he was going to die anyway-”  
“That doesn’t give this thing the right to take his place!” she screamed. “I’m going to have fun dissecting it!”  
Jack threw himself between Danny and Maddie. “Whether he is ours or not,” his voice rasped, “He is the boy we raised.”  
“Jack. It killed our son. Look at it! It’s the one that’s been acting like a hero, interfering with our work!”  
Jack looked at him squarely for the first time. He took in all his features. Danny tried to make himself look as pathetic as possible, not that it was hard with the tears that still streamed down his face.  
The door opened. “Mom? Dad? What’s-…"  
“Go back to bed, sweetie,” Maddie said sweetly through the tears. She still held the knife. “I’m just talking with your father.”  
“Danny,” Jazz breathed. “Danny!”  
“It’s not your brother,” Maddie reassured as Jazz ran down the stairs. She rushed towards Jazz, preventing her from touching him.  
“Danny’s gone.”  
Jack turned towards Maddie and Jazz. He slowly turned towards where they kept the Fenton Bat™.  
“Dad?” he asked softly.  
Jack raised the bat.  
Danny could only watch as his own father brought the bat down and onto his head, hitting him hard enough to tip the whole chair.   
Maddie spun around at the noise, “Jack. Not in front of Jazz.” Her voice was stone cold.  
“Don’t ‘not in front of Jazz’ me!” he yelled. “You said it yourself; that thing killed our little boy!”  
“I know!” she yelled back. “I’ve known-”  
“You’ve known?! Since when?!”  
This would normally be the point where Jazz intervened. Two grieving people can take things too far quickly, and Jazz was all for early intervention. She stood there in horror as her parents started fighting before coming to her senses, dropping down and undoing Danny’s restraints.  
As she did so, Danny could do nothing but cry. How did everything go so wrong so quickly?  
She carried him up the stairs as fast as she could. Their parents didn’t realize what she had done until she slammed the door shut, propping it closed with a chair and racing upstairs.  
“Okay,” she muttered, “Okay,” she said, more assured. She went into Danny’s room, closing the door and propping that shut too.  
She grabbed his bag and started shoving clothes in it. Danny got the memo and grabbed his phone and water bottle from his stand. He grabbed his charger as well.  
They worked together to pack a go bag as they listened to them break down the basement door downstairs. The flimsy bedroom door would not hold up as well.  
Jazz put his library books on top of his other stuff. She had somehow managed to grab her copy of Pride and Prejudice to shove in as well. Danny looked at her.  
She cupped his cheek. “I love you,” she whispered. “Now go, now.”  
He nodded and hugged her one last time. He flew out of the room just as their parents busted the door.  
As he flew away, invisible, he noticed several vans around the front. He went for the back, dodging between two of the vans.  
He flew as fast as he could, deciding to visit Val on patrol before he left. He spotted her quickly, grabbing her wrist and pulling her gently out of sight line of the street before becoming visible again.  
“Phantom,” she started, “I told you to... why do you have a bag? What happened to your head?!”  
He took a deep breath. “They found out. I have to leave.”  
“Shit,” she replied immediately. “Oh my god,” she continued. “Did they do that to you?!”  
He nodded. She got quiet. “Come here,” she demanded, forcing him to get on her board. He held onto her waist, having a feeling he knew what was coming. “Make us invisible.”  
Danny did as she said. They flew through the air, noticing more white vans as they went. Occasionally there’d be alarms that she shot with a marksman’s aim. They’d often be stopped before they even had a chance to start.  
They ended up at Sam’s, who was still awake. Danny got the memo, turning intangible as they approached. When they got into the room, he dropped his powers. Sam startled as Val hopped off her board, gesturing for Danny to do the same. He followed.  
“What’s- Danny? What happened?!”  
Val filled her in, taking off her helmet. She pulled out her phone to text Tucker to come over.  
He let Sam fuss over him, though- “Guys? I have to go.”  
“We’re doing something before you leave,” Val snapped.  
He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”  
Her face was the most malicious he’d ever seen it. “These fucking acts need to go. The media eats up a good story.”  
Sam caught on immediately. “Oh, shit,” she muttered. She turned to him. “Give me your bag.”  
He’d long since learned not to question them when they got an idea. He allowed them to take his bag, emptying the contents.  
His cheek still stung, his temple throbbing. He hoped they knew what they were doing.  
Tucker was tapping at the window a second later, Val going to open it after looking back at Sam for a second.  
“Guys?” he asked, climbing in carefully. “What’s going on? Why’d you- oh shit,” he cut himself off when he saw Danny’s bag, looking back at his best friend. He winced sympathetically.  
“Okay,” Val started. “Tucker, you brought the goods?”  
He nodded, unzipping his bag and pulling its contents out.  
Sam and Val both had that look on their faces that spelled out trouble for anybody that had ever dared to cross them. They both turned to him in unison, “Transform back into human form.”  
He knew better than to question them. He did so without complaint.  
“Am I allowed to know what this is about?” he asked warily.  
“The GIW wants an enemy,” Sam started easily.  
“So we’re giving them one,” Val finished. “We can’t just post this all overnight, that wouldn’t gain much traction,” she muttered mostly to herself, “We need to stir the pot, nice and good, and then drop these when the media’s hot.”  
“We’ll need someone who has a following to help,” Sam mentioned.  
It finally clicked. “Star,” he said immediately.  
They turned to him. “Since when are you friends with Star?” Tucker asked, fiddling with his camera settings.  
Danny smiled slightly. “Long story,” he said.  
“Then we don’t have time,” Val cut them off. “Okay, Tucker, you ready?”  
“Then let’s get shooting,” she grinned.  
They updated Jazz after their spotlight session, telling her about their plan. Danny texted Star, planting the seeds.  
By the time Danny left Sam’s house, he had more money than he knew what to do with, some dry snacks in his bag, a new phone that Sam and Tucker had developed, and a plan.  
He was headed to New Jersey. Ancients above, he hoped this worked.  
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ninjago-fic-fest · 2 months
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low tide
By @tirednapentity
At least they’re prepared for this. Jay’s sitting on a bench in the workshop he normally reserves for Zane, first-aid kit propped open next to him. The proper kit, not the box of band-aids and paracetamol they keep in the kitchen. Both see plenty of use, so they’re always well stocked. Jay still feels himself eyeing the supplies with no small amount of dread. Mostly the clean, white towel, the sutures, the needle Zane’s currently working on getting ready, fingers working with his usual precision. Jay has gotten stitches before. Perils of the job and all that. He still hates every bit of it.
Or: For the first time in a long time, Zane is the one to patch Jay up and not the other way around.
🩹 Jay | Zane | rated G | 1.2k | incomplete
🏷️ hurt/comfort | dubious medical accuracy | stitches | pining
Read it here!
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 4 months
The Calm and The Storm
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55746742
by Inkztripes
Sniper's always been the calm of the team, but one day, when typical sounds of Scout are absent, he finds himself yearning
Words: 535, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: RED Team (Team Fortress 2), RED Scout (Team Fortress 2), RED Sniper (Team Fortress 2), RED Spy (Team Fortress 2), RED Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: i wrote this in the car, Accents, dubious medical accuracy, tally counter mention
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55746742
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wtffundiefamilies · 1 year
When the topic of abortion came up during the first Republican primary presidential debate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shared a perplexing anecdote about a woman he met who he said had survived the procedure. "I know a lady in Florida named Penny," DeSantis said. "She survived multiple abortion attempts. She was left discarded in a pan. Fortunately, her grandmother saved her and brought her to a different hospital." Some accused the governor of fabricating the story. "Let me see if I understand this correctly. Doctors tried to abort ‘Penny’ multiple times and discarded her in a pan, and then her grandmother took her to another hospital? DeSantis lies like a toddler," one person posted on X, formerly Twitter. Our research found that a woman named Penny, who tells an unusual birth story about an attempted abortion, does exist. We asked DeSantis’ campaign for evidence or more information. The campaign replied via email, sending only a link to a Daily Signal article that identified "Penny" by her full name and recounted her story.  The woman DeSantis referred to is Miriam "Penny" Hopper, an anti-abortion activist who said she survived an abortion attempt in Florida in 1955. Her claim, which is uncorroborated, has been featured online by Protect Life Michigan, an anti-abortion advocacy group.  In a video and in interviews, Hopper said she had been delivered around 23 weeks gestation after her mother went to a hospital in Wauchula, Florida, while experiencing bleeding. In a 2013 interview with radio station WFSU, Hopper said she believes an abortion had been attempted at home before her parents went to the hospital, which also could be why DeSantis referenced "multiple" abortion attempts.  Hopper said the doctor at the hospital induced labor, and she was born at 1 pound, 11 ounces and was left in a bedpan. She told WFSU her grandmother found her alive the next day and was enraged about her being abandoned. Then a nurse volunteered to transport Hopper to what was then Morell Memorial Hospital in Lakeland, Florida, now the site of Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center. That’s about 40 miles north of the hospital where Hopper says she was born.  Her story has been used to support "born alive" bills in state legislatures, which aim to protect infants that survive an abortion, even though there are federal laws for that purpose.  We were unable to gauge the accuracy of Hopper’s account. We couldn’t find records, such as news reports, dating to the 1950s, and people who could corroborate the story, such as her grandmother, are no longer living. Hopper did not respond to requests for comment.  Medically speaking, the scenario is dubious.  From the 1950s through 1980, "newborn death was virtually ensured" for infants born at or before 24 weeks of gestation, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology says on its website.  Recent studies have shown wide variation in modern-day survival rates for infants born around 23 weeks, partly because of improved hospital practices for resuscitation and active treatment. A 2022 University of Rochester Medical Center study found that babies born at 23 weeks — who were "actively treated" at academic medical centers in the National Institutes of Health-funded Neonatal Research Network —  had a 55% chance of survival. This is considerably higher than the 23-week survival rate at many other institutions, as well as a previous study conducted from 2008 to 2012 in the same network, which put the rate at 32%. (Lifesaving care for babies born at 22 and 23 weeks varies by hospital policy and physician opinion, according to a New York Times story.)  Before the 1970s, most babies born before 28 weeks gestation died because they lacked the ability to breathe on their own for more than a short time, and reliable mechanical ventilators for these infants did not yet exist. That also makes it improbable that Hopper could have survived overnight without medical intervention when born at 23 weeks in the 1950s.  PolitiFact researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report.
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egipci · 9 months
session number 14 (1106 words) by Sectionladvivi Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage Relationships: Dean Winchester/John Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, John Winchester Additional Tags: Incest, Parent/Child Incest, Flashbacks, Self-Hatred, Self-Blaming Dean Winchester, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Dubious Consent, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Vaguely implied therapeutic or medical setting, Not Beta Read Series: Part 1 of tumult Summary: Everything in you comes from him. The way you shave, the shape of the face in the mirror, the way you handle the car. You want him to be proud of you, after all, not about this but about the whole world of you in it, you having his same cold and capable eyes, unwavering trigger finger, deadly accuracy, a straight figure standing upright in the bloody sun of the horrible day. A sundial.
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fithumarabharat1 · 6 months
Navigating the Maze: Finding Reliable Health Related Information in India
In today's digital age, access to health-related information has become both effortless and overwhelming. With a plethora of sources available at our fingertips, discerning reliable information from misinformation is paramount, particularly in a country as diverse and populous as India. In a landscape where misinformation can have dire consequences, understanding where to find credible health-related information is essential for individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being.
The internet, undoubtedly, is a double-edged sword when it comes to health information. While it offers unprecedented access to a wealth of resources, it also serves as a breeding ground for myths, half-truths, and dubious claims. In India, where cultural beliefs and traditional practices often intersect with modern medicine, the challenge is even greater.
One of the most Reliable Health Related Information in India is government-run health portals and websites. Institutions like the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on a wide range of health issues, including guidelines, policies, and initiatives. These platforms often collaborate with reputable medical institutions and experts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information they disseminate.
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Similarly, websites of reputed hospitals, medical colleges, and research institutions can be trusted sources of health-related information. These institutions usually employ healthcare professionals and researchers who contribute to the creation of content based on scientific evidence and clinical expertise. Patients can find articles, fact sheets, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) on various health topics, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health.
In addition to official sources, online platforms curated by healthcare professionals are valuable resources for reliable health information. Medical professionals often maintain blogs, podcasts, and social media accounts where they share evidence-based insights and answer queries from the public. These platforms bridge the gap between medical expertise and the general population, fostering health literacy and promoting informed decision-making.
However, despite the abundance of reliable sources, misinformation continues to proliferate, especially on social media and messaging platforms. In India, where internet penetration is rapidly increasing, misinformation about health issues can spread like wildfire, leading to panic and confusion among the public. To combat this, media literacy and critical thinking skills are essential. Individuals should scrutinize the sources of information, verify claims with multiple reputable sources, and consult healthcare professionals when in doubt.
Furthermore, initiatives by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and healthcare advocacy groups play a crucial role in promoting health literacy and combating misinformation in India. These organizations often conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and community outreach programs to educate the public about health-related issues and empower them to access reliable information. By fostering partnerships with local communities and leveraging technology, they contribute to building a more informed and healthier society.
For More Info :-
Tulsi plant leaves boost immunity system
5 Best Yoga Poses to reduce Belly Fat
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legacypiner · 2 years
Flexify movie
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Turmeric – It a plant that’s directly related to the ginger plant.The Arthritis Foundation describes the research which found this substance very effective in treating arthritis symptoms. This can lessen the pain and swelling of arthritis. Its role is to protect the joints from future damage, as rebuild cartilage that has already been harmed. Chondroitin Sulfate – It’s a chemical which resides in the joint connective tissue.According to the Mayo Clinic, “People use glucosamine sulfate orally to treat a painful condition caused by the inflammation, breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage (osteoarthritis).” It’s able to rebuild the cartilage and prevent future damage. It has powerful anti-inflammatory benefits which can reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. Glucosamine – This is a natural component of the cartilage, which is in the liquid around the joints.These are some of the substances included: This supplement consists of few main active ingredients, all of which are organic. What Are the Ingredients Used in Flexify? Research has shown the benefits of anti-oxidants for knee arthritis. These can speed up and improve the efficiency of healing in the body. The supplement is also packed with healthy, immunity-building anti-oxidants. The Arthritis Foundation says it has ‘anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors.’ We invite you to contact us regarding any inaccuracies, information that is out of date, or any otherwise dubious content that you find on our sites via our feedback form. and its Editors do not ensure that unforeseen side effects will not occur even at the proper dosages, and thereby does not assume liability for any side effects from supplements or practices hosted under the domain of. Joint Health Magazine does not assume liability for any actions undertaken after visiting these pages and does not assume liability if one misuses supplements.
Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options. Medical Disclaimer: This product/supplement review is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. You can click on the numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, etc.) and check out those references. Our articles are resourced from reputable online pages, with research drawn from academic institutions and peer-reviewed studies. We follow a strict editorial policy, especially related to the sources we use. This Joint Health Magazine content has been reviewed, as well as checked for facts, so as to guarantee the best possible accuracy. All editorial content is written without prejudice or bias, regardless of sponsor or affiliate associations. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.
In full compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume that any and all links on the table are affiliate links, and we may receive compensation if you click one of these and make a purchase. The table below does not include all companies or all available products in the market but those that we promote as their affiliates. By contributing your product facts helps to better serve our readers and the accuracy of the content. If something is factually inaccurate please contact us and let us know. All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. The provided information includes product information, overviews, buying guides, and product specifications. The content that appears on this page is presented as an overview vs.
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Ahhhhh... I have a fix it for the serai takai fight scene. They ask Robby, Miguel and Hawk who of them will represent the combined dojo, but they say they agreed already that Demetri will represent them. Demetri is like who, me? and they all nod.
Reasoning: Miguel is still not fully recovered, its been weeks from All Valley max. Robby does not want to fight Kenny seriously, not again. (I guess those were also motivations in canon). Hawk had his place to shine already, and honestly he has never truly been MiyagiDo before, he did it for Demetri. Ok, so maybe now he is MiyagiDo, but still, he spent so much time as a Cobra. Meanwhile Demetri could really use having a time to shine, he did that a bit later in s5, but that would be more meaningful. He was MiyagiDo from the beginning, he knows what he is doing. It would be also super validating (hard work pays off) and by it being boys suggesting it, we get over Demetri being ignored as a fighter in s4 All Valley - he got dismissed and forgotten then by adults, doesn't have the confidence, now is his time to shine. Then again if he loses, as he narratively needs to, it would be embarrassing. Still, if he gave a super good fight...
Honestly at this point it’s been long enough since 2x10 that I can understand Miguel repping Miyagi-Do/Fang. Remember, his injury in 4x10 was stated to be a muscle spasm (the accuracy of which is dubious, but hey, in-universe it was said by an actual medic), and he doesn’t show much trouble in fighting this season, so I’d say he’s fine.
Also…Demetri in general hasn’t really had time to shine as a fighter period. Seeing his fighting during the kids’ keep-away fight in the finale would’ve been fantastic. Also it would help show how far he’s come and show how he’s qualified to step up as one of the Sekai Taikai fighters.
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th3sp4rr0w · 11 months
Chapter Sixteen
A03 Link <- Starts at Chapter/Day One for those just joining us :))
Prompts For Day Sixteen Amputation/Chronic Pain/Hospital
Alt. Prompt For Day Sixteen Lab Rat
Prompts Used for Day Sixteen Amputation, Hospitals
Tw's; Medical Experimentation, Amputation, Dubious Medical Accuracy, Dissociation, Vomit *Note; The amputation happens on screen. If you cannot handle that sort of content right now, please don't read.
(If you saw this post before the edit no you didn't)
Chapter Sixteen under the cut :)
Becoming Robin had been a dream. It hadn’t been something entirely positive at first, and he’d struggled. Some days felt harder than others. But having the chance to change what it meant to be the Boy Wonder? That had been the dream.
Being from the alley had meant a lot for kids like him, especially after his mom died. It meant that most adults weren’t to be trusted. It meant cold nights and shoplifting food and medicine when he needed it. It meant stealing tires until he was old enough to be trusted to do other things.
It especially meant avoiding any ‘hero’ types that thought dropping kids off in the foster system was helping. It wasn’t helping. It was taking them from everything they’d ever known, leaving behind siblings and family members for no good reason and going somewhere that, no matter how they tried to paint it, was worse than living on the streets. Most of the foster families he’d ever had were just power-hungry adults that thought that every foster kid they had should be kissing their heals just because they decided they knew better.
He changed that. Batman and Nightwing knew that the kids Jason interacted with couldn’t be touched, not without him losing his mind. They’d only tried once, when he was shiny and new. After weeks of tantrums and yelling and sneaking around, he’d tracked every kid down to make sure they were alright and broke the ones that didn’t want to be there out. Alfred made them have a talk after that stunt. He chewed out Dick and Bruce, to his surprise, and they compromised. The alleys were Jason’s, for the most part. Bruce would help any kid that wanted out, and vetted the foster homes they went to himself, with Jason helping.
The people of the alley loved him. He knew them, he breathed them- he'd been marked in a way that was irreversible and he wore it with pride. It’d been a dream come true to protect them, to serve them; that was the part he’d loved the most.
He’d never once wondered if it was worth it. Questioned if he was making a mistake. He never thought he’d be wondering that because of a situation he was in; he always thought he’d be wondering that one day because of a casualty or something.
Sitting here, curled on a cot with a twin he’d never known existed until a few weeks ago and hadn’t met until... a day ago? Several days ago?
Time was so weird here. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew it was a technique in torture to deny your victim access to time. He’d always thought that was stupid. Surely it couldn’t have been that bad. He’d never known how disorientating it would feel.
He looked over to Phantom, who was still asleep. It’s been... at least a day, he thinks, since they were given the tablets and Phantom got muzzled. They’ve healed nearly completely; even the bruise on Phantom’s head he’d come in with that had remained stubborn had dissipated. His hand healed, which was a little freaky but he’d take it. The only thing that they’d done is have Agent J come in periodically to take photos and leave.
He thinks, vaguely, somewhere in him he should be grateful that nothing had happened since then. He was relieved, somewhere deep down, but mostly he was suspicious and terrified. It felt like they were constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Every time they picked up the jingle of keys was like hearing something growling in the bushes during a camping trip. Would this be the time? Is this how it ends? Would he ever get to say goodbye to his loved ones?
He held Phantom’s hand tight. He’d been trying to reach Ellie, but he hadn’t even gotten a message back yet. He was beginning to worry about her. Hell, Jason had never met the little girl and he was worried about her.
He heard the jingle. He quickly shook Phantom awake as the doorknob started to move.
Phantom had already gotten better at bolting up and pretending he wasn’t rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Jason would probably feel bad about that if it wasn’t such a valuable resource.
Agent J walked in with Agent V in tow. They looked at the boys, their hands linked, bodies tensed.
“We are moving you,” they stated coldly. “You’ve been cleared for further testing.”
Agent V walked over, holding two chains. She clipped them to their collars, holding them both in one hand. She began walking.
They had no choice but to follow.
“Same,” he thought to himself. Didn’t Phantom say simple words could travel through this link?
He got an idea. He concentrated hard.
He could feel Phantom shaking with restrained laughter. Jason didn’t dare look over at him, attempting to control himself.
The agents led them through what Jason suspected was designed to be an intentionally confusing winding path of hallways. Every step brought more dread pooling into his gut, even despite his attempt at humor. He had a sneaking suspicion Danny felt similar. It was never a good sign to have two heroes getting the same bad feeling.
When they got to the room the agents were leading them to, they saw two different cots. He recognized several medical machines, like EKG’s and heart monitors and I.V. bag infusers ready and set up. There were gauze and suture kits lined up on the table. They had a covered cart of unknown medical supplies at the ready. They had a crash cart sitting to one side.
He really didn’t have a good feeling about this.
 “You’ve healed enough that we feel it wise to start testing your more human sides,” Agent J was saying. “Subject F, over here,” they patted the cot to the left, “Subject T is over here,” they pointed to the right.
They looked at each other. Phantom shrugged and went over to the left cot. Jason went over to the right.
The chain yanked uncomfortably until Agent J removed it with a huff. “Honestly, Agent V, how many times do I need to remind you? You need to be anticipating what I want and displays of negligence to your post like this are unbecoming, especially for an agent of your standing.”
Agent V noticeably twitched. “Yes, boss. My apologies,” they grit out.
Jason took a deep breath, looking over to Phantom. They didn’t know what to expect out of this.
Agent J started digging into the cart, audibly shifting things around. When they popped back up, Agent V had a tape recorder out and ready.
They smiled. “See! Was that so hard, Agent V? That’s all I ask; for you to anticipate instead of sitting there looking, well... as pretty as you can.”
Jason took a deep breath. That was a low blow. How did these guys treat actual people if this was how they were treating each other?
Agent V apparently felt similar because she growled a bit under her breath as Agent J snatched the ancient device out of her hand. Didn’t Dick have one of those when he was a kid? Gross.
“Log 39 on subjects F and T,” they stated, “This is Agent J speaking, here with Agent V. We’ve gotten the green light for several experiments we’ve been wanting to run. We will be doing several small-scale experiments today, results pending. The results of those experiments will influence the total number of experiments and the intensity. We have agents L through P on standby in case there are any more incidents, as these two seem to be prone to when under duress.
“The first experiment today will be using sanguis surrexerunt, commonly known as ‘blood blossoms’. The flower is rare but has been used throughout history to ward off ghosts. Previous testing has proven that the rumored effects are true, having caused several subjects to destabilize in the past. What we are looking for today is what effects, if any, they have on the hybrids and whether they are able to withstand the effects of the flower or not.”
Jason looked at Phantom as the agent kept talking. He was near hyperventilating, eyes wide and glassy.
He wondered what that was about as he watched Agent V out of the corner of his eye. She took the sealed container Agent J was holding and opened it.
His eyes started to water. Phantom looked like he was having flashbacks, his eyes wide. He was rocking back and forth on the cot.
“Subjects seem to be in no physical duress,” Agent J muttered. “I will continue recording when the experiment is over. I will be giving an oral report, however my findings will be marked down as they happen, as per standard protocol.”
Agent V brought a table over to put between them, setting the container down.
“Alright, Agent V, you go get the next experiment prepped. I will sit here and continue monitoring the subjects.”
Jason frowned. Calm-Safe-Reassurance
He fought the urge to look back over to Phantom, training his gaze on the agents. Maybe if he could unnerve them...
Agent J sat in the chair, making observations. The flower had been a minor annoyance, but so far had not caused any adverse effects on him.
He heard a whimper from Phantom and caved. He looked towards the other boy, curious.
He was rocking back and forth, distressed. He looked like he was going to start crying at any second.
The agent did not react.
“Phantom?” He finally asked. “Are you okay?’
Phantom shook his head frantically. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the agent rise.
They grabbed his hair as he whined pitifully. They shined a light in his eyes. They wrenched his mouth open, shining it down his throat. They hummed.
“You’re fine. Stop faking a more severe reaction, you’re skewing my results.”
Jason scoffed quietly. He reached out-
“Stop that,” they smacked his hand away. “We can’t have you two attached at the hip. If you don’t stop it, we’ll have no choice but to separate you,” they said sternly. “No matter what the department head thinks about it,” they muttered under their breath.
Jason fought the urge to yell. Calm-Reassurance-Protective
About five minutes passed. Danny hadn’t really calmed down, but he was doing a remarkable job pretending he had. It was like everything had turned off. He looked like Dick did the day he showed up at the manor at 4 in the morning after his first outing with a student he’d trained. He’d had the same look in his eyes; Dick didn’t react to anything for hours. It had been terrifying then and it wasn’t any better now.
The agent looked down at their watch and marked something down. “Alright,” they mumbled, “It’s time to move on to round two.”
They grabbed two of the flowers.
The deep red of the middle reminded him of blood. He supposed that was how it got its name. The dark center faded into a deep, beautiful purple color that morphed into black at the edges of the petals. It was vaguely shaped like a rose.
It was beautiful. He supposed he could see why people would like it; it smelled vaguely like honey and something sickly sweet. He bet it would be delicious.
The agent placed a flower in front of each boy. Something in him made his breath hitch.
It felt like he was being stared down by a predator. He figured Phantom’s constant stream of DANGER-DANGER-DANGER was warranted based on his own primal instinct.
It was only through rigorous training by Batman that he managed to control his breathing. He forced himself to breathe normally; he could tell his airways were still clear, but snot was starting to run out of his nose. He could still feel his eyes water; he wished he had his cape to wipe his eyes with. He settled for his glove.
The agent watched him and took notes. The longer they spent there the more he felt like an animal in a cage. Sometimes he felt like they were a rare species of ape at the zoo being ogled at; other times he felt akin to a lab rat, being poked and prodded. He was vaguely scared he was going to wake up to a clone one of these days.
He swallowed. If these people figured out clones were a thing they’d likely have a big, big problem on their hands. He hoped they never did.
Hope had never gotten him very far in life. He could only pray it worked this time.
It was boring, sitting there. He tried to think of something entertaining. He thought of the fic he had started writing way before he got sick; he wondered what his followers would think of this update. He wondered what the baby bird was doing. He was certain Dick wasn’t going to be happy with him.
His only comfort was knowing that this (Maybe? Probably?) would’ve happened anyways. Even if he wouldn’t have gotten captured if he hadn’t gone out, Danny probably would’ve. Regardless of what happened to them, he was glad he was here with him. That they were together. He could’ve lived his whole life without this.
The thought made something in his chest pang. He... wasn’t sure how to say it, but he loved his brothers. He couldn’t imagine his future without either of them being there. Having attachments had always been terrifying to him when he was younger, especially after his mom, but some things are just... natural. People get attached. Attachment was to be a person.
Danny sat on the bed, staring at the blossom. He looked at it like it was something much, much worse than a flower. Jason wouldn’t doubt it if that were true.
Once again, the agent looked down at their watch and wrote something down. “Pick up the flowers,” they ordered.
Jason watched Danny- no, Phantom, as he reached out a shaking hand. Once he was certain the other boy was following the direction, he followed it himself. He got the sense that he was purposely touching an electric fence or trying to pet an aggressive tiger.
He looked over to Phantom, who had the blossom in between two fingers. He held it as far away from the rest of him as he could, arm resting on his knee. Jason had the vague sense he should’ve been smarter than cupping it in one hand, bringing it closer to inspect it.
He looked down at the center of the flower, spotting the dark seeds within. They looked more like poppy seeds than that of a rose bush. He vaguely expected his hand to start tingling.
His cheek itched. His legs and hands followed suit. It was like he was being tickled everywhere all at once; he fought the urge to scratch. He squirmed.
He finally caved, scratching his right leg first. He saw Phantom out of the corner of his eye doing the same, starting with his chest.
The agent started writing faster, gaining a small grin. It was like they enjoyed this. They probably did.
He tried to wipe his nose and scratch his scars at the same time. He nearly dropped the blood blossom as he did so.
“Keep a hold of that, subject T,” the agent barked.
He adjusted his grip. He got the feeling he shouldn’t crush the flower unless he wanted everything to get worse; he kept it cupped in his hand, squirming against the rough cot, trying to get relief.
The agent was suddenly in front of them, grabbing the blossoms. “The next step was supposed to be ingestion,” they said out loud, “However, based on these results, I will omit that. For now,” they said under their breath. “We have more tests to conduct today, so we will be moving on to those.”
Jason tried to bury the flash of fear. If this was only one of the tests...
Agent J scribbled in their notepad for a moment before producing a razor from their pocket. They grabbed Jason’s wrist first. He tried not to flinch as they cut through the scar tissue sitting there, creating a cut about an inch long.
They cleaned off the razor as blood dripped down his arm. They did the same to Phantom.
They took a blood blossom and started pulling it apart into several bowls. The itching had been going down, but as they tore into the blossom, Jason could feel it begin to itch once more. He figured he was right to not crush the flower while he was holding it; he’s not sure what would’ve happened, but if it was this bad across the room from him, he didn’t want to know what it would be like up close.
They sorted through the petals, lining two rows in a gradient, from the very edge of the flower to the inside. They placed two seeds at the end of each row.
They grabbed a gauze pad and cut it into four pieces. They grabbed the medical tape.
They placed the petal on the bottom layer, then a piece of gauze, then a piece of medical tape on top. They prepared another before placing one on top of each boy’s cut.
It burned. It made him squirm and, looking at Danny, he could see that he felt the same way. He actively dug his hand into his thigh to prevent himself from scratching at it; he had a feeling he was in for a punishment if he removed it. Danny did something similar, sinking his teeth into his arm to distract himself.
He had begun to whimper again. The agent ignored them, simply observing their distress once again and writing down their observations. He took a deep breath.
A long, pitiful whine took over his throat. The instinctual urge to scratch himself raw began to consume him; it felt like he needed this thing off now-
He looked down. He could see his skin begin to turn black around the gauze. The agent noticed as well, going over and peeling off the tape holding it there.
The wound had gotten worse. It looked like....
His eyes widened. Where the petal had been had begun to rot his skin; he could see the decaying flesh.
The agent cursed and grabbed Danny’s arm, ripping his gauze off. His arm also had a rotted mark on it where the cut used to reside.
They went back over to the cart, grabbing medical instruments and going over to the door, opening it and popping their head out. “Someone get me Agent V!” they called before turning back.
They sat in front of Phantom, grabbing his arm and scraping roughly at the rotted skin. His hand began to twitch and tense.
“Stop that,” they hissed.
Danny breathed harshly for a few seconds before saying, “I can-can't help-”
“If you don’t stop it, I will cut it off.”
He whimpered, visibly trying to get his hand under control. Agent V walked in at that moment.
“Agent J, you needed me?”
“Yes,” they grit out, “Experiment went slightly awry. Scrape out his wound, if we leave it like this it may spread,” they said and pointed to the tools they haphazardly spilled on the table between the cots.
She didn’t say a word before going over to Jason’s cot. He scrambled to cross his legs before they got there. They sat down and grabbed some of the tools, starting to harshly scrape at his wound.
He tried not to flinch. Every scrape of her blade felt like it was directly on a nerve. He refused to cry or cry out; it didn’t work very well. It was getting trapped under his masks; he had a suspicion that they already knew his civilian identity, but he didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. He didn’t want to give them any more information than he absolutely had to, not that it was much beyond the things they’d personally witnessed. These idiots somehow hadn’t realized they could just, you know, ask them for certain information... not that Jason knew much to begin with.
Oh well. Probably best they didn’t start interrogating Danny for information. He hadn’t known the other boy long, but he had the feeling he was a terrible liar.
“That’s it!” the agent shouted, throwing down the tool.
Jason looked over to Danny, whose hand was shaking uncontrollably. He had tears streaming down his cheeks; he was whimpering.
“What’s it whining about?” the agent in front of Jason asked. She yanked on his arm, pulling him closer and scraping harder the more agitated she became.
He eventually took the tool from her, “I’ll do it,” he hissed.
She looked at him and shrugged.
He... almost couldn’t believe that worked. He started scraping the wound himself.
He glanced up at the agents every now and again, who were talking to themselves. When Jason was done clearing his throbbing wound, he looked over to Danny. The boy had his arm pressed close to his chest, curled around it. He could vaguely see his hand still twitching; he could see his scars faintly glowing.
He looked over to the agents. He carefully got off of the cot and climbed onto Danny’s, grabbing a new tool. He gently pulled his arm over to him, beginning to continue scraping it out. The heaving sobs made it more difficult than it otherwise would’ve been, but it was getting done. He had just finished when he was grabbed by the collar and lifted up.
“Hey-!” he protested. “I’m almost done-"
“We didn’t give you permission, ghostie,” Agent V hissed in his ear. “I outta-”
“The blood blossoms are off the table,” Agent J said immediately. They were holding what looked to be a machete.
Jason really hoped that wasn’t for what he thought it was for.
“How else am I supposed to punish it?” Agent V asked, bored.
Agent J raised an eyebrow. “How about you come over here? I will deal with Subject T.”
Agent V’s face lit up. “Really?”
They rolled their eyes. “Now, agent,” they commanded.
She practically ran over, taking Danny’s arm in her hand.
Agent J looked at Jason for a moment before grabbing some sort of cuff. They wrapped one around his wrist and the other to the bed as they watched Agent V look at the weapon in her hand like she was a small child holding a new toy.
“You’d better watch,” they hissed. “Unless you want the same punishment.”
He had a horrible feeling about this.
He watched in sickening realization as the agent brought the weapon down on the joint of Danny’s hand and wrist. He cried out as it started spurting blood.
“This,” Agent V said cruely, “Is what happens when you don’t listen to us! You were told to stop moving your hand,” she stopped to grab him by his hair as he tried to back away, “But you did it anyways, didn’t you?! Answer me!"
“Yes!” he wailed. Jason watched in wide-eyed horror as she grabbed the weapon and bore it down again, hitting the same place as before.
“You see, subject T,” the agent whispered in his ear, “This is what happens when you don’t listen. You get punished.”
The sick bubbled up in Jason until he couldn’t hold it anymore. His stomach emptied out onto the floor in front of him. He felt a hand in his hair, forcing him to look up.
“Watch,” they hissed. “You will be cleaning that later,” they added.
Jason nodded as he watched in horror.
Something in his brain went fuzzy. He was watching; he could see when the hand was severed, hanging on by little bits of flesh and not-quite severed tendon. He watched as Agent V cut the remaining bits with medical scissors and cauterized the wound. His whole head felt like it was underwater; he couldn’t hear anybody clearly.
He was pushed onto the floor, paper towels and cleaners shoved at him. He stared at the vomit before robotically cleaning it up, tossing the used towels away. 
Wipe, toss. Wipe, toss. Spray, wipe, toss. Spray, wipe, toss.
He thought of Alfred’s roses, how he helped Alfred tend to them and, occasionally, replant some of the bushes in other areas. Besides being in the kitchen, it was their favorite bonding activity.
He didn’t think he liked it so much anymore.
Someone else came in. He could vaguely hear them beginning to fight with the other agents as he cleaned.
“… Weren’t supposed to do that! This wasn’t approved-”
“We were going to have to test it eventually, anyways! Besides, it misbehaved-”
“He was in pain! You were using blood blossoms; you don’t think those hurt-”
“Please, it’s a plant, how much damage-"
“It destabilizes the core! You don’t think that causes some pain-"
He finished cleaning and vaguely looked around. He forced himself back into his body; his hearing was still weird, but he ignored it.
His hearing hadn’t been quite right since Ethiopia, anyways.
He spotted Danny, cradling his stump on the cot. He crawled up onto the small thing with him, pulling him into his arms.
He pressed his face into Jason’s middle, crying. Jason ran fingers through his hair, untangling it. They were both getting quite greasy and dirty; he wanted a shower so bad. He wasn’t about to ask if they could get in.
He looked down at their shoes. Danny’s black sneakers were worn down with use, the sole nearly fallen off. In comparison with his nearly pristine Robin boots Bruce makes sure to have replaced at least once a year according to Dick...
And Phantom’s parents had been scientists. That didn’t sit right with him; from the little snippets he’d heard about them, they should be able to afford their kid a decent pair of sneakers.
Phantom had been training his collar to not go off when he used his powers. He’d made some decent progress; they’ve concluded it is ectoplasm in the collars reacting to their powers. He got up to two fingers intangible yesterday.
Jason had been trying to do something similar, but because he never had control of his powers to begin with, he’d just ended up shocked twice. Danny forbade him from trying again. Their plan for escape looked more solid by the day. But this?
Jason wasn’t sure what this meant, but he knew that they couldn’t just ignore it. He wasn’t sure if Phantom’s hand would even regrow. He was the only one out of the two of them that could use their powers. Their escape plan was looking less likely.
The agents stopped talking. Jason looked up from tending to his brother when he caught movement in the corner of his eye.
A woman with blonde hair sat in front of them. She had smile lines and her hair was in a low ponytail. She smiled pleasantly at him.
Agent A reached a hand out to his shoulder. He fought not to throw it off.
“Hi, Robin,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry they did this. Why don’t you give him to me and we can get you two back in your room, yeah?”
Jason wordlessly held up Danny’s stump. He saw her face twitch.
“They didn’t bandage it up?!” she hissed. She visibly composed herself. “I’ll dress that for him. Do you have the mark on your arm, hon?"
He nodded. He slid Danny off of his lap and onto the cot, as much as it pained him to do so. Danny looked up at him. He whimpered.
“Hey, honey, no,” she soothed. “It’s okay, he needs to get a bandage on that, like I need to get gauze on this, yeah?”
She brushed her fingertips against his forearm. He whimpered again, obviously out of it.
Jason forced himself to look away; the faster he got this done, the faster he could go back and soothe his brother.
He ripped open a gauze pad package with his teeth, pulling it out quickly and folding it to pack the deep wound on his arm. He pressed it down as best as he could while he grabbed the medical tape in his hand. He caught it on his finger to pull a good size piece off the roll, leaning down and biting it off. He used his middle finger to hold the gauze in place while his thumb and pointer caught the tape on the edge of his skin; he rubbed it to activate the glue before he maneuvered his hand to get the rest of it on.
He rubbed at it while he went over to the cot, climbing by Danny’s good side. He took his remaining hand in his and rubbed circles into the skin.
“You get that good enough, honey?” Agent A asked. Jason wordlessly held up his arm with the bandage on it.
She nodded. “I’m so sorry, boys,” she said lowly. “I should’ve gotten here earlier when I heard they were doing experiments.”
Jason sat there, wordless. It was like everything he’d ever been, everything he’d ever be was sapped from his body. There were no words left in him to say.
She sighed and finished packing his wound. She wrapped it in medical tape.
“I’ll put these away before we leave,” she said, gesturing to the blood blossoms.
Jason nodded.
He watched as she changed her gloves. She made sure the new pair were on securely and had no holes before she cleaned up the flowers. She handled them with care as she put them back into the container and sealed them back up.
He stroked down Danny’s back as the last of the sobs wracked his body. He comforted the other boy as easily as he did breathing; it wasn’t something he had to think about.
Soon, Danny was passed out in his arms. When Agent A was done cleaning up, she pulled the gloves off and washed her hands thoroughly. She attempted to pick Danny up.
“I’ve got him,” was the only thing Jason could say.
“Hon, he’s your size. You can’t carry him to your room comfortably,” she tried to reason with him.
Jason shook his head, gathering Danny up anyways. He rested the other boy’s head on his shoulder and put him on his lap, making sure he had him in his grip before hopping down himself. “I got him,” he repeated softly.
She looked at him sadly. “I know you have every reason not to trust me, especially considering what happened today,” she said, voice quiet, “But just so you know, you can ask me for help. I’m not like the others; I won’t hurt you for no good reason.”
Jason nodded mutely. He followed the agent out as she led him back down the labyrinth of halls; the twists and turns they took felt like he’d made them centuries ago instead of... a few hours, max.
When they got to their room, she helped Jason get Danny safely laid down on the cot.
Before she left, she pulled something out of her bag. “These are for you,” she said quietly. “I believe you two are still human, and you must be feeling some big feelings. I’m giving these to you.”
She pressed two notebooks, one red and one blue, into his hand. “These are blank journals. You can hide them in the cupboard under the cabinets. I have a couple pens with me, here-”
She pulled out two of the clickable sharpie pens. Jason looked at them a moment before taking them. “Thank you,” he said softly.
She cupped his cheek. “I was going to give them to you two today when I got in; I’m sorry it had to be under these circumstances. I have to go now,” she started towards the door, “But I hope you use them. Oh!”
She faced him fully, standing by the door. “I was cleaning in here a bit earlier and noticed the empty water bottles. I filled them up for you guys; they’re in the cupboard. I also got a few snacks for you.”
With that, she left. He looked at the journals.
He walked over to the counter, setting them down along with the pens. He crouched down.
She had cleared out the bits and bobs that had been shoved into the cabinet and had their water bottles full of water, as promised. She’d also put a case of water in there, something she hadn’t mentioned. She had a variety of different fruit jerkies, cliff bars and such in with them.
He decided to hide some of the food in his belt. He knew what it was like to be given something and have it taken away; some of the foster families he’d been stuck with before Bruce hadn’t exactly been kind.
He felt vaguely... bad, for not trusting her. Then again, she’d never given them a reason to trust her.
He could talk to Danny about the journals later; about what they’d use them for, if anything, and the like. He looked up.
He’d spent a great deal of time staring at the ceiling. There wasn’t much else to do; there weren’t exactly board games stuffed in every corner. He’d noticed the tile didn’t look too secure; it looked kind of like a public school’s, with the crumbly kind of long tile that breaks if a rubber ball hits it at the right angle.
He climbed onto the counter, holding onto the cupboards above for balance as he checked the tiles. It wasn’t valuable in terms of escape routes, but it was valuable in terms of a hiding spot. He could easily slip the journals in and out when he wanted to; they just had to be careful about not getting caught.
He slid the journals, pens fit snugly in the spirals, in the cubby hole before taking all the food out of his belt. They were sealed, so he didn’t mind sticking it into the space. He hopped down.
He didn’t dare risk putting the water bottles in the same spot; they would be way too heavy for the tiles to support. He opened the cupboard, grabbing some pineapple jerky and a water bottle before closing it.
He decided to keep most of the food in the cabinet. Agent A might not think much of it if a small amount goes missing at once, but she’ll definitely notice if all of it is gone the next time she checks the cabinet.
The only good part about this place was that the agents had started taking them to the bathroom periodically after the first... accident, after they transformed into their human forms. Most of them still hadn’t stopped to wonder what ‘waste’ they had to expel, but hey, progress.
He opened the jerky and bottle of water. He still didn’t have much in terms of an appetite but after days of living off cliff bars and dealing with his blood sugar lows, he knew he needed something else before he got sick.
He pulled down his mask and ate quickly, draining the water bottle in seconds. He kept vigil by Danny’s side, like a guard dog with something to prove. He put the bottle and the wrapper in the back of the cabinet before taking his post again.
He went over the information in his head. He was going to let Danny pick which journal he wanted first, but he couldn’t wait to write all his ideas down.
His fingers ghosted the pouch he’d stuck the small gun in. He’d fiddled with it a few times, but he still wasn’t sure how to tell Danny about it-
He exhaled. He used to be so good about not calling civilian names in the field, even in his head. Batman had always expressed so much emphasis on the importance of secret identities and the like, and here he was, messing all of that up. He truly had become a different person.
In a way he was glad they didn’t have a mirror. Sure, he was certain his hair was a mess and it’d be nice to wash his face, but beyond that he wasn’t sure he wanted to look at himself.
The longer they were here, the more he could pick out the ways he’d changed. He used to be able to keep his civilian life and night life separate; he used to think better on his feet; he used to be full of scathing comments, the kind that made the person question whether they’d even been insulted or not.
He used to-
He paused. He hadn’t exercised once since they got here. The idea hit him like a wall of bricks.
Who was he anymore? His own bile mixed with the pineapple jerky in the back of his throat, making a rancid combination.
He was acting like he’d already given up. He... he wasn’t Robin anymore. He could never go back to being Robin when he got back.
He couldn’t be Jason Todd. Jason Todd couldn’t deal with this situation. But what to call himself?
Sparrow? No, that didn’t sound like a good fit. Swallow? Nope, his brother’s name was Dick, he’d never hear the end of it from Barbara.
How did Dick pick his names again?... That’s right. His parents had called him Robin, and Superman had told him a Kryptonian tale about Nightwing and... Flamebird? He thinks? When he was looking to move out of the role. He briefly considered it before remembering Flamebird was Nightwing’s romantic partner.
He thought about it for a few more minutes. Bruce got his name because he was afraid of bats. Dick got his... honoring his parents. He paused for a moment.
The only reason Bruce got in the game was because his parents were gunned down in front of him. Dick went in trying to avenge his parent’s death. They both did this in their memory.
Willis and Sheila were never his parents, not in the way that mattered. His papa, Bruce, was still alive. He thought about Catherine, the old tales she used to tell him.
Her favorite author had been Jane Austen. She didn’t have many actual favorites in life; she felt in extremes, either loving something or hating it. The few times she actually had a favorite of something and stuck with it, Jason listened.
Her favorite bird had always been a cardinal.
He thought about it for a minute. He did look good in red.
If he didn’t like it later, he could change it. He wasn’t sure why he had a chance at this life; everything suggested he shouldn’t be sitting here, still somewhat alive right now. He was getting out of here, and he was doing it for his mom.
Cardinal thought back to when he first started training with the bats. Batman and Alf had him doing basic exercises daily.
He started out with squats, pushing his muscles and seeing where he was.
He wasn’t going to sit around hoping someone would come along. He wasn’t a baby robin that had been pushed out of the nest.
He and Phantom were going to get out of here.
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silentfcknhill · 4 years
Well, we’re back for another installment of this tagged meme, this time for TV shows! I also stole this from/was indirectly tagged by @jcmorrigan. My taste in shows also differs a bit from my taste in movies, as I tend to like a lot of comedy shows with not as many horror ones. I’m not into shows as much as movies overall, but there are some that I am very passionate about so I picked twenty again. So, here we go for part 2, in order:
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1. Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend Of Korra (2005-2014)
I'm including these as one show since they take place in the same universe and tell a continuation of the same overall plot. Altogether this is probably the best piece of media to ever exist, including movies. It has so many great characters and villains especially and some of the most epic sequences, charming humor and heartwarming moments ever. I've never met a person who didn't like these shows, even people who normally don't like cartoons. My dad, who is biased against animation? He loved it. My mother? She loved it, watched it with her multiple times. My grandmother? Loved it. My ex-boyfriend? Loved it. My best friend? Loved it. I dare anyone not to, and I'm so glad it's making a resurgence since it's on Netflix for a new generation to enjoy.
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2. Black Butler (2008-2014)
I never was big into anime growing up and only really started watching anime when I was like 16 and above, but this is one of the exceptions because holy shit is it ever dark and epic. I'm not sure I'd really recommend it for kids, it's more of a teens and young adults kind of anime and that's probably why it's so good, because it isn't afraid to explore dark and mature topics and do it with all of the intensity and gravitas required to do said topics justice. It has lots of great characters, and the story of demons who make deals with children who have a dark side is fun to watch play out.
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3. Seinfeld (1989-1998)
My dad was a huge fan of this show so I watched it growing up since I was a toddler and it became a classic for me. I've watched thw hole show through at least 8 times, and I'll never stop because it never gets old or boring. It's also my only comfort show when I'm having a panic attack because of one time a few years ago when I was having a drug-induced psychosis episode and watching it calmed me down, so now it's like the opposite of a trigger and whenever I'm having an episode or something I watch it to bring me back to reality. For that reason it's more than a show to me, it's a medical treatment and I'm forever grateful to it.
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4. The Good Place (2016-2020)
The big four shows made my Michael Schur all made it on this post (The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Office and Parks And Recreation), either in the main list of the honorable mentions, but this is my personal favorite of the four. It's so funny, quirky, relatable and basically tailor-made to suit my interests. Not only is it an entertaining and wholesome show, but I think watching it helped me come to terms with a lot of things like mortality, ethics, philosophy, religion and my relationships with other people. It gets  alot of different viewpoints across and if you're a very analytical and philosophical person like me you'll probably enjoy seeing it all play out. Not to mention, every single character is 'favorite character' material. It's rare you find a show with no filler characters in the main cast, but I genuinely can't choose who is best.
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5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-?)
Another of Michael Schur's shows, this one is just barely under The Good Place and to be honest it was tough to pick my favorite between the two because they're both equally funny. I know it's kind of controversial right now because of the whole law enforcement thing, but I actually think they do a good job of handling social issues in the show and remaining respectful of real-life systemic problems. As for the characters, this is another one of those shows where every single character is gold and I think that tends to be a trend among Schur's shows in general. He produces damn good comedy, and damn good characters. I can't wait to see what they bring next.
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6. Rick And Morty (2013-?)
This is unfortunately one of those cases of 'great show, horrible fandom' and for that reason I don't get involved in the fandom even though I love the show. It's a shame because it really is a great show, so funny and, again, such good characters. I think it's a lot more accessible than the fandom likes to claim, so I'm hoping more people will give it a chance and not get put off by the intellectual elitism of the fandom because it does have some of the most entertaining and batshit crazy episodes ever, poking fun of some of the staples of science fiction in media while also poking fun of itself the whole time. Unlike the fandom, the show doesn't take itself seriously and that's enjoyable nowadays.
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7. Orange Is The New Black (2013-2019)
While this show is a comedy, it is also a lot of other things and it's probably made me ugly-cry just as many times as it's made me laugh. Well, maybe not as often, but those few scenes (if you've watched the show then you know the ones I'm talking about) made me hysterically sob hard enough to be worth like fifty minor sads. But I didn't even mind because the show is just that good, and it makes you /feel/ something in a real way. Probably because of just how real it gets in terms of telling stories that happen all the time in the real world, sometimes with inevitably tragic endings. But these things do happen every day, and it's important to shine a light on that. It's not just representation for LGBTQ+ but also for POC, the neurodiverse, the poor, and many more. Give it a watch to broaden your perspective!
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8. Big Mouth (2017-?)
This is probably the grossest show I've ever seen but by god is it ever funny. Maybe it's because I have an immature sense of humor or something, but I love this show. It definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea and I don't recommend you watch this show with anyone else around because it will get awkward. I think part of its appeal to me is that everyone I talk to who likes it considers it so relatable to their lives growing up but for someone like me who grew up on the autism and asexual spectrum and who was physically an early-bloomer by years, nothing about this show is relatable to me in any way so it makes it all the more crazy and bizarre watching how the people around me must have experienced things. Did y'all really have these experiences with puberty in middle school???
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9. Dexter (2006-2013)
I recently heard that this show is coming back for a reboot soon and I'm so excited because this is my absolute favorite drama/thriller show, as evidenced by the fact that it's the highest one on the list so far that isn't a comedy. I love the idea of having a protagonist who is sort of a villain (or at least morally dubious), and the idea of a serial killer who only kills bad people is particularly satisfying for some reason. Maybe because he's the vigilante we all deserve and want in this unjust and evil world of modern times? Idk but the very premise of this show set it up for big things and aside from the ending I think it delivered consistently.
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10. Once Upon A Time (2011-2018)
This show took us on some journeys, and you can't deny that. Sure, maybe it didn't always finish what it started and didn't always end in the most satisfying way, but part of its charm is that you didn't care because the experience was just so much fun. They took characters and stories that have been told to death and somehow managed to put a unique and unexpected twist on them, and that alone is admirable. Good twists, good villains, and pretty much every cliffhanger known to man will keep you hooked on binge-watching every episode.
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11. RuPaul's Drag Race (2009-?)
A bit different than the other entries on my list in that it's not fiction but a reality competition show, but I couldn't leave Drag Race out because it's just so fucking iconic and perfect. Even when you disagree with the judges or can't stand a certain contestant you'll still be having a good time. It's got the personalities you love to love, the ones you love to hate, and the comedy that's completely meme-able. I mean just how much has this show contributed to pop culture and the internet? More than most of us, henny. I've watched every single season, even the international ones and all of the spinoffs. This show will probably be on for another thirty years when Ru is throwing shade from a hospital bed and I'll still be watching.
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12. House (2004-2012)
Some people hate on this show, and I don't get it. I love House. Yes, he's an ass. That's the point. He's supposed to be unlikeable, and that's why I like him. Maybe because I always love the rude, sarcastic, misanthropic jerkass-genius characters for some reason. And I also love procedural shows, so it's a win-win. I also work in the healthcare field so it appeals to me for that reason too, because obviously the whole premise is outlandish which is what makes it funny. Of course it's not realistic for a hospital, so just enjoy the absurdity and don't get too hung up on the details of medical accuracy and professional ethics and you'll be fine.
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13. The Office (2005-2013)
The third of Michael Schur's show and the last one that made the main list (sorry Parks And Rec, I love you too but there was just so many good shows to choose from and I saw you last so the nostalgia isn't as strong!) I don't think I need to hype this show up any, it's already a classic and you can't even turn around online without getting hit in the face by a dozen Office memes. You'll have to pry this show and it's relatable characters (especially Michael Scott) from my cold, dead hands.
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14. All Hail King Julien/The Penguins Of Madagascar (2008-2017)
Like Avatar/Korra, I also consider this as one show for the sake of this list because it also takes place in the same universe (Madagascar, specifically) and I just couldn't choose one over the other because they're both so perfect. They're funny and I love all the characters (it cut out the weaker links of the Madagascar film series and just focuses on expanding the standout side-characters like King Julien and the penguins). It also delved into some lore, particularly the first show, and even though I didn't also agree with the directions it took (you may have seen me get salty about the ending because I cared too much), I can't deny how much I love it.
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15. Bones (2005-2017)
One of the other scarce non-comedy shows on this list, it still has it's funny moments. It's also, like House, another procedural show that involves some medical stuff, but this time on a more scientific and forensic level which is even more interesting. It's nice to see a lead female with Asperger's, too. There's a lot of cop/law enforcement shows where they try to solve crimes, but this one is the best, and I'm saying that as a fan of CSI as well. Don't fight me on this, I'm right. Oh yes, it's corny, it's campy, it's cheesy, but I love every minute of it. Don't watch if you have a weak stomach though.
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16. The Simpsons (1989-?)
We all grew up with this show, don't lie. It's been around longer than most people on tumblr have even been alive. Should it have ended seasons ago? Hell yes. But that doesn't take away what the first like 20 or so seasons gave us (there's a lot of argument about when the show jumped the shark, for me it wasn't until much later than the popular consensus). The characters are amazing, but the secret to the show's longevity is that they always return to status quo and there's comfort and nostalgia in that. Bart will still be in 4th grade when you're out there pushing 90. This show is persistent. This show is eternal. This show will outlive us all.
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17. Ash Vs. Evil Dead (2015-2018)
Sorely underrated. This show is hilarious, gruesome and campy as hell and I love it. I don't think you necessarily have to watch the Evil Dead movies beforehand in order to get the plot of the show, although it would probably help. In my opinion this show ended way too soon and I'm hoping someday we'll get a comeback because Ash is the reluctant, self-absorbed hero we all need and it's 2020 so at this point there really might actually be a demon-zombie apocalypse and who's gonna save us then if not for the impulsive womanizer with a chainsaw for a hand?
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18. Malcolm In The Middle (2000-2006)
Another show I grew up with, I don't think it gets as much credit as it deserves. It has some damn funny episodes and great characters, and it did a lot of the popular sitcom tropes before they were 'cool'. Some other great sitcoms, The Middle in particular, took a lot of influence from this show and it helped pave the way for the future of sitcoms at a time when they were about to make a comeback. If you want a good show about the real experiences of growing up, this is a much more accurate representation of the highs and lows of being an awkward tween from a dysfunctional home.
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19. A Series Of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
Unlike most people I actually liked the movie version from the early 2000's, and I read the books growing up so I was excited when I saw there was a live action television adaptation of it on Netflix because I felt like they cancelled the movie franchise too soon. I was interested to see how new actors would handle the roles, and I was not disappointed. I wouldn't say I liked either portrayal of the characters better or worse, they both added their own twist to it and this show is a great and loyal adaptation to the books, probably because the author was so heavily involved. He knew just when to stick to the books and when to improve upon what he had done with the benefit of hindsight. This show is basically the books, but remastered.
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20. Winx Club (2004-?)
Sort of an odd one out on this list, but I really love this show even as an adult and it may surprise you to learn it is still going on and the most recent season came out last year. They take big breaks sometimes in between seasons, but it's still going strong and in multiple countries. The only thing I don't like about watching this show is all the different and inconsistent dubs since the original show is Italian and each dub only goes for a couple seasons so by the time you get used to one set of voices/names for the characters oyu have to abruptly switch to another, but it's still worth it for the beautiful animation and cool characters (especially the villains!)
Honorable Mentions: 
13 Reasons Why, America's Next Top Model, American Horror Story, Arrested Development, Bates Motel, Battlestar Galactica, Black Mirror, Care Bears, Chernobyl, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Criminal, CSI, Duck Dodgers, Goosebumps, Kenny Vs. Spenny, Kim Possible, Kingdom Hospital, Lazytown, Lost, Making A Murderer, Mayday, Mindhunter, Modern Family, Monster High, Obsession: Dark Desires, Parks And Recreation, Prison Break, Project Runway, Queer As Folk, Queer Eye, Salem, Schitt's Creek, SCTV, Spongebob Squarepants, The Emperor's New School, The Good Doctor, The Haunting Of Hill House/Bly Manor, The Middle, The Pretender, The Walking Dead, The X-Files, Through The Wormhole, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Unsolved Mysteries, Yugioh
Tagging: @bullet-farmer​ and anyone else who wants to!
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Okay but is the tetanus thing true??? Did Dean die of tetanus???? Say sike rn
TECHNICALLY no, as he died like, 7 mins after fucking impaling himself on a nail/stake/hook/thing which seems to me a TAD fast acting for tetanus even by this show’s dubious standards of medical accuracy. but frankly, he might as well have.
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normalboyfriend · 3 years
Title: Tomophobia
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
Pairing: Glitchtrap/Reader, Original Character(s)/Reader
Summary: A video game should not have been able to affect you this much.
Word Count: 6089
Tags/Warnings: chronic reproductive illness, hospitals, nonconsensual surgery, drugging, EXTREMELY dubious medical accuracy, nightmares, hallucinations, anxiety, unreality, blood, vomiting, manipulation, horror, AFAB reader-insert, not romantic, not canon compliant, author is American (sorry)
Snippet: "Oh hell, you know this all sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit, right?" you asked, smiling easily. Josh looked so animated. You think he actually enjoys this craziness.
"Yeah, I know," and he has the decency to look bashful. "But hey, I've got it on good authority that what you're gonna work on has enough of its own creepy shit to keep you up at night."
"Doubtful," you say as you take another sip of coffee. Josh's mug is still full. You're convinced; he does enjoy the crazy.
"No, really. I actually got ambushed by some chick from the previous company developing this game. She said a lot of stuff I wasn't buying, but she seemed adamant that there was something weird going on. Like, she mentioned a lawsuit after one of her coworkers died, but seriously? I looked through everything, and there is no lawsuit. Anywhere. There's not even any record of employment for this so-called dead guy. Never worked there. I think she's just miffed because Fazbear bought them out when they started bleeding money over the game."
You perked up at that. "Wait, they were bought out because they went over budget? Is that normal?"
"Maybe not. But maybe so if someone is trying to discredit you. Spread lies, defamation, you know. The studio probably sold to Fazbear to save face if she was throwing around serious accusations. She wanted to tell me more but I had to shut her down." He finally took a sip of his coffee.
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mapledeath09-blog · 4 years
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Simply 3 minutes at -110 ° C aids to reset the whole body and also you emerge really feeling both unwinded and also promoted. Benefits to B12 shots include having a lot more power, psychological alertness and also endurance for day-to-day jobs, plus a much healthier body immune system. Currently you can remove a drooping behind, including shape and also quantity as well as obtain great outcomes without any threat or expense of surgical treatment. It is one of the most reliable method to sculpt the contours of your base as well as improve it together with removing cellulite utilizing the most recent non-surgical breakthrough in body contouring. RF produces the appearance of an eyebrow lift, firm of the forehead, firm of skin under eyes as well as likewise help with dark circles.
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Seldom there is capacity for surface nerve damage, depending upon the location of the treated lesion. This may create a short-lived sensation of feeling numb or prickling in the area which may last for a couple of months. If a dealt with lesion does not heal as anticipated, or there is pain or redness after a few days, after that you ought to get in touch with the professional once more as these might be indications of an infection. Not to be utilized in Anybody who is or else healthy and balanced can easily undergo a CryoPen therapy. There is likewise a X+ upgrade readily available with attributes 2 extra, longer applicator heads for treating condyloma.
specialist Skin clinic.
Therapy will certainly not be suggested for expecting females or nursing mothers, as the risks are unknown, and you will certainly be suggested to wait up until after this time period prior to having therapy. The length of time you require to use the therapy prior to seeing outcomes frequently depends upon the size and nature of the lesion. Nonetheless, for a regular, superficial, benign sore, it just takes 2 to 10 seconds to finish the therapy procedure in one session. Results are typically observable within 1 to 6 weeks of treatment.
benefits Of Cryopen innovation.
It is essential that you make an appropriate diagnosis before beginning treatment since we do not deal with any kind of malignant lesions as they are kept an eye on by the NHS. If a modification is thought of skin cancer cells, it is suggested that you consult your GP and supply your condition and that the area can be treated with Cryopen. As a result of the danger of damage to delicate locations, therapies are prevented near vital body frameworks such as the eye. Therapy may happen on the face, scalp or body relying on the type of skin sore. It is feasible to treat numerous locations in one session, yet it is not recommended for more than 5 areas of therapy at once. Cryotherapy has long been established as well as the risk of issues is less than for numerous various other therapies. Throughout the procedure, you might really feel minor pain comparable to the pressure of the ball pen on the skin, although the pain may be a lot more extreme when a much longer freezing time is utilized in the larger locations of the therapy.
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The MonaLisa Touch laser ranges between $600-$1,000 per session, but the results can last a year or longer.
Throughout the therapy the practitioner will execute 2 freeze cycles on the targeted location making use of a high-pressure jet of nitrous oxide. As an outcome of the inbuilt accuracy of the Cryopen, there is no damage to bordering healthy and balanced cells. Cryopen supplies a secure and pain-free remedy for the majority of benign skin lesions and also we assume that's something worth celebrating!. The treated sores must totally heal within 1 to 4 weeks as well as scabs formed around the lesion will lose after a week to 10 days. Some people might establish a momentary modification in skin colour or slight scarring in the cured area-- pigment adjustment is extra common in darker skin types as well as may not be short-lived. Hair follicles can be damaged by cryotherapy so if the lesion is within a location of hair, such as on the scalp, then a percentage of hair loss might take place.
This 2nd therapy needs to be done within 1 to 4 weeks of the initial. Cryosurgery is broadly defined as the regulated devastation of unwanted cells by the accurate application of severe cold throughout clinical procedures. It is a well shown method effectively a destruction of living tissue, since regular and also infected mobile elements will certainly not make it through after going through freezing to minus (-) 27 ° C. Simply put, how to properly and also effectively bring down https://templeadvice48.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/11/08/175132 without civilian casualties. Usual lesions dealt with are viral protuberances, skin tags, keloids and also actinic keratosis; the latter which will be researched by us. Additionally, it is needed to obtain an outcome with the least damage to the bordering skin. In various other circumstances, a deep sore may take a number of aggressive treatments to get results.
When the skin changes near the superficial nerve, treatment might happen nerve damages. In more delicate places a much shorter freeze time with repeat procedures may be required to obtain a result with the least damage to the bordering skin. In various other instances a deep lesion might take several aggressive treatments to get final results. Specifically, blemishes that don't have pre-treatment may take several ices up.
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It diminishes big pores, raising giggling lines, jowls and also drooping around the jaw line, along with wrinkling along the neck and also décolleté. Our cryolipolysis, additionally called 'Fat Freezing' equipment is one of the most sophisticated, non-invasive device on the marketplace as well as includes advanced innovation. We use cookies to make sure that we provide you the most effective experience on our internet site. If you remain to use this website we will certainly presume that you enjoy with it.
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A light analgesic lotion can be related to soothe the sensation. Many benign sores are treated with CryoPen for just ₤ 50, also if there are multiple, small sores. If you have more than one comparable sore which is to be dealt with, then you may be charged an added ₤ 25+, depending on the number and dimension of all the sores as well as the therapy time required. CryoPen therapy is a medical treatment that involves the application of laughing gas gas expelled under high stress on to the skin. The gas is really chilly which assists to ice up and also destroy any kind of benign lesions. Hereafter https://donaldclerk63.bravejournal.net/post/2020/11/08/Fat-Freezing , a flushing occurs and the location will certainly turn red and also a weal will certainly form.
In some cases, one treatment will be sufficient and no follow-up is needed for tiny, basic sores. Nevertheless, if the lesion is also persistent and also doesn't go away following the preliminary treatment, a 2nd treatment can be done.
After 2-4 weeks, a browse through is suggested to examine the area to be treated and possible resuming. For bigger areas more than one browse through will certainly be called for, and also one treatment is usually required in tiny locations. Within a few days after surgery, scabs are typically established, and the sore may be somewhat red as well as a little puffy. This is a natural sensation in reaction to damage to unhealthy tissue. CryoPen is a clinical treatment involving the use of very high levels of nitrous oxide on the skin, where unwanted adjustments are iced up and also destroyed. The coagulative impact is the development of a thermal shock in the tissue, which results in fast reduction in temperature.
After 2-24 hours after being iced up the weal might become a blister which might take several days to liquify, nevertheless this is really unusual. A crust will develop over the lesion, which usually, after concerning 10 to 14 days, will certainly fall off and the skin will then be recovered. The skin may show up lighter in colour or pink, which after that returns to its regular colour over a period of a couple of weeks. Sores dealt with on the legs typically take a little more time to recover.
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It is important to have an instrument that can be adapt to variable dosing of power. Several superficial skin lesions can be treated with cryotherapy including viral warts, seborrhoeic keratosis, actinic keratosis as well as other benign lesions. It is important that a correct medical diagnosis is made prior to treatment as we do not deal with any cancerous sores as these are more suitably taken care of and acted on the NHS. If a sore looks dubious of skin cancer, you will certainly be encouraged to seek advice from your Family doctor. The Cryopen ™ has millimetre precision and also is a mild, yet very reliable, treatment for the removal of benign skin spots on the surface area of the skin. This freezes any kind of undesirable skin lesions and afterwards sets off the skin's natural recovery devices. The system provides cooling without the requirement for any cryogenic gases, fluids or anaesthetics - making the treatment fast, effective, basically painless, and risk-free enough to utilize on youngsters.
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With treatments normally only taking between 5 as well as 25 secs per lesion, the CryoPen is an excellent service for the removal of many skin imperfections and sores. At the clinic, the representative utilized for cryosurgery is N 20, a gas which has been embraced as an alternative to liquid nitrogen. Cryosurgery is a secure, non-invasive treatment for undesirable skin growths and also imperfections. Quickly during and after the treatment, you might really feel a stinging experience as the cells is frozen and also defrosted. https://womenwarm46.werite.net/post/2020/11/07/the-Best-Cryotherapy-In-London. might only see this throughout the treatment, for various other this experience may stick around for a couple of hrs after, specifically if several sores were have actually been dealt with in the very same location.
After the procedure, you may really feel a minor burning feeling that may last for numerous mins. After the procedure, the skin lesions are reddened, blisters may appear, and also occasionally scabs may show up. Cryotherapy is considered a low threat procedure, but after therapy, a pigmented sore may be observed in the treated area. Pigment changes will certainly enhance in a few months, although occasionally they may be irreversible.
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Cryotherapy has actually been utilized in medication for many years as well as provides the most effective, secure, trustworthy and also efficient treatment for several patients with less likely to establish marks or reoccurrences than other therapies. The treatment can be executed after initial appointment and also takes just a couple of minutes. Typically there is no demand for more than one therapy to eliminate skin sores. Several skin lesions can be dealt with by Cryotherapy, consisting of viral blemishes, seborrhoeic keratosis, keratoconjunctivitis, and also various other benign sores.
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Harper's EXCHANGE participates in various associate advertising and marketing programs, which suggests we might get paid compensations on editorially chosen products bought with our web links to merchant websites. These fortified 'ice' contain night primrose oil, azealic acid and also red algae to boost dampness as well as brighten dull skin. This basic yet effective kit consists of 4 sachets of skin-calming natural herbs, which can be steeped like tea right into water, after that icy inside the multiple-use applicator. When iced up, the icy organic mix jobs to lighten up, tighten up and also relieve weary skin. From facialist Georgia Louise, these smooth steel rollers are optimal for rubbing and de-puffing the under-eye area.
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